2021 and Beyond

Hello Imperian! Another year passes! A few months from now will mark my second year on Aetherius. Time sure flies! However, the vast majority of this wouldn’t happen without our wonderful team of volunteers. Kiandre and Valethar have been with me since last year, and are instrumental with the work they have done for the…

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Onward to 2021

Hi folks! This year has been a challenge on many of us, and I can only hope the next year goes by more smoothly. Having said that, we have reached the end of 2020, woo! This was my first not-quite-a-year on Imperian, and it has been a whole learning experience. It has been a bit…

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Goodbye to Tokens

Tokens of the Creator have been (mostly) removed from Imperian. There are a few outstanding tasks that we haven’t finished yet, which I’ll mention at the bottom of the post. All the token wares minus the ones that are extra slots and the packs (which already have a credit version) are now for sale on the…

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July 5th BugDay

July 5th is the next scheduled BugDay for Imperian. The event begins at 12:00PM PDT (3:00 PM EDT). Please take note of the time, as it’s later than normal. We will work on fixing your favorite bugs, typos, and other issues. Feel free to come and ask questions about other parts of the game.

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Bug-Day a Cometh!

Imperian’s next BugDay is upon us. We will be chatting with players on Monday, May 21st starting at 10 AM. Coders and producers will spend time answering questions and fixing any bugs. If you have a bug that has been bothering you, please swing by and chat. This includes everything from quests to emotes. If…

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Fireworks, Papercrafting, and Apothecary

We’ve just loaded Imperians long-promised tradeskills: Fireworks, Papercrafting, and Apothecary. Papercrafting Papercrafting is the art of making paper, letters, and journals. Initially, the crafter can only create paper. Paper is used in the creation of the other Papercrafting products. A transcendent crafter may create scrolls, letters, journals, books, and tomes. We have finally moved this…

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May Fun!

Imperian will be hosting several weekend events for the month of May. Read below for the schedule. Great Hunt This Great Hunt will be old school. There are no summoning commands, no easy street. If you want to kill something for points, find it and kill it. Eight separate rounds that are three hours each.…

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Wheel of Fortune Update

We have changed up the Wheel of Fortune for March. Free spins will continue and are unchanged. We have removed website spins. We have changed how paid spins may be purchased in the game with credits. We have increased the average payout per spin and increased the base cost to 30 credits each. The more…

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