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21.2 Basic clan commands
Clan commands for all members. If you are using the commands for a bloodline, substitute the CLAN verb with BLOODLINE. Commands --------------- CLAN INVITATIONS Lists what pending clan invitations you have. CLAN ACCEPT <short clan name> Accepts a pending clan invitation, joining that clan. CLAN LIST Lists the clans you are in and what positions in those clans you hold. This will also list your "current" clan. Nearly all of the commands will work automatically on your current clan. CLAN SWITCH <clan number or clan alias> When you list your clans, you will see that each is given a number. Because nearly all of the below commands will work automatically on your current clan, and because you can belong to multiple clans, there must be a way to switch which clan the commands work on. This is it. ** important hint** You do not have to use the clan switch command to use most of the clan commands on a clan different from your current clan. Instead, you may simply make the second word of the command the clan alias or clan number. For instance, say your current clan is clan #1, and you wish to see what clan members are in clan #2. You could either do: CLAN SWITCH 2 CLAN MEMBERS or CLAN 2 MEMBERS (ie see the clan members for clan #2) CLAN WHO / CLWHO/ CLANWHO Shows what clan members are online. In a secret clan, only the clan head may use this. CLAN MEMBERS Shows all active clan members. Does not work in secret clans except for the clan head. CLAN MEMBERS DORMANT Shows all dormant clan members. Does not work in secret clans except for the clan head. CLANTELL / CLTELL / CLT Clan tell. In a secret clan, unless you are the clan head, you will just see "someone" instead of the person doing the clantell's name. You can also do CLT<clannumber> to speak on a specific clan # in your clan list. For example, CLT5 Hi guys. CLTON / CLTOFF Turn clan channel on or off. CLANTELLS Check the last 20 messages sent to this clan's channel. CLANTELLS # Check the full text for a specific message. Clan news: Each clan will have a newsboard. NSTAT will list it using the clan alias. In a secret clan, the postings will be anonymous. QUIT <clan name or alias> Quits your clan. CLAN PAY DUES Pay your clan dues. Must have money in hand. CLAN AUTOPAY DUES Sets you up to auto-pay your dues to your clan every new year. Will search through your bank accounts and transfer the money from the first one it finds to your clan account. CLAN SWAP <clan 1> <clan 2> This will swap the display order of the two clans in the CLAN LIST command. Clan-related commands for everyone ---------------------------------- DEPOSIT <x> <clan name or alias> Deposits <x> amount of money in the clan bank account at that bank. HELP CLANLIST List all non-private and non-secret clans, as well as the clan head. CLANHELP <clan name or alias> Get information on a clan. How much information you get will depend on a number of factors, such as whether the clan is private, whether the clan is secret, and whether you are a clan member.