Game Help Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play. Help: [Return to Help Index]16.9 History of the Races of ImperianThe history of the non-ancestral races of Imperian is diverse and complex. 16.9.1 Akrabi History 16.9.2 Dwarf History 16.9.3 Kohdon History 16.9.4 Lamira History 16.9.5 Lycaean History 16.9.6 Muamrite History 16.9.7 Norrjin History 16.9.8 Sidhe History 16.9.9 Ssylsin History 16.9.10 Sylayan History 16.9.11 Tanari History 16.9.12 Xiur History