Game Help Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play. Help: [Return to Help Index]19 Other Miscellaneous19.1 Registering Why we ask you to register. 19.2 Passwords Changing and recovering your password. 19.3 Timeout Ensure that you do not stay online by accident. 19.4 Achievements Track your accomplishments in Imperian. 19.5 Autocuring Imperian's built in healing system. 19.6 Bugs How to report bugs, ideas, or typos. 19.6.1 Bugexample Submitting a bug report. 19.6.2 Helpedit Submit revisions to the help scrolls. 19.6.3 Typos Submit typos you find. 19.7 Character deletion Deleting your character. 19.8 Reminders Login reminders for those things you mustn't forget. 19.9 Clients About clients and why you need a good one. 19.9.1 GMCP More info about GMCP. 19.9.2 MXP The MUD eXtension Protocol mapper. 19.10 GMT Understanding GMT dates and time. 19.10.1 Timezones Configure your local timezone. 19.11 Website About Imperian's website. 19.12 Banners Forum Banners. 19.13 Media Official forums, Discord server, Facebook page 19.14 Toolbar Information about the Firefox toolbar for Imperian. 19.15 Lag Nobody's friend. 19.16 System The hardware and software that Imperian uses. 19.17 Admins Administrative characters there to help you. 19.19 Referrals Earn free credits by referring your friends. 19.20 Colours Colour up your life! 19.21 Separators Command separators.