8 Guilds
8.1 Guild What is a guild? 8.2 Guildsystem The Imperian system of Guilds. 8.3 Guildmaster The position of Guildmaster. 8.4 Secretary The position of Secretary. 8.5 Guild News The purpose of guild-specific news sections. 8.6 Guild Favour Rewarding and punishing your fellow guild members. 8.7 Membership How to see the membership of your guild. 8.8 Guildtell Speak to your guild members who are on-line. 8.9 Probation Guild probation and its effects. 8.10 Changing Guilds Switching guilds. 8.11 Guildlogs A record of all important guild activity. 8.12 Guildhalls The home of the guild. 8.13 Guild Health Keep your guild strong and healthy. 8.14 Guild Structure The guild structure. 8.15 Guild Privileges The list of guild-related privileges. 8.16 Guild Mergers When two become one.