19.6.1 Submitting a Bug Report

This help file contains what you will be shown and, if possible, the infomation you need to provide when you submit a bug report.

If you use Nexus, Mudlet or any other mud client that supports the feature, this will be displayed in a separate editor where you can answer the questions.

If you do not have a client that supports the editor feature, you will have to manually edit the file. The *help command, once the editor is open, provides a list of commands you can use within it.

Bug Report Questions

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in each section on the following line.

Severity [1-5, 5 highest]:

Category [cities, cults, mobs, etc]:

Numbers of involved items or mobs:

Room numbers involved [use "here" for current room]: ==

Other Players Affected [you can use "me" or "everyone" as appropriate]: == 

Steps to Reproduce [use the commands that you type in game]: ==

Description of Problem:
 ** This will be automatically filled in with the infomation you entered with the BUG command.


Severity: This is how severe a bug is. Note that the admin use their own priority system for bugs, but will take your severity into consideration. In general:
 1) Trivial - little to no effect on gameplay.
 2) Minor bug - some effect on gameplay, but occurs rarely.
 3) Major - Some effect on gameplay, occurs often.
 4) Critical - Has a significant effect on gameplay, such as a quest not
    working or a skill not behaving as intended.
 5) Gamebreaking - These bugs are bugs that have a sigificant effect on the
    entire playerbase, or can be abused in some way, such as to generate gold
    and/or experience.

Category: What the bug is about in general. Examples include, but are not limited to, area, room, skill, city, clan, cult, item, quest, etc.

Numbers of involved items or mobs: This is only relevant if the bug involves an item or mobile. You can find this via INFO HERE or INFO INV.

Room numbers involved: This is what room the bug occurs in. Mostly relevant for bugs related to area or room, or the environment within a room.

Other players affected: Does it affect other players? Can they replicate the bug?

Steps to reproduce: What commands did you use that lead up to you noticing the bug.

Description of the problem: This section is prefilled with the <short description> you entered with the bug command. You can continue to add more infomation at this point.