10.11.5 Towne Shops
Shopowner Commands ---------------------- TOWNE SHOP INFO <shop name> - See specific info about a shop TOWNE PAY SHOP TAXES - Pay your shop taxes - The money will be deposited into an account under the towne's name in a bank in a towne or council. See also: HELP SHOPKEEPING Aide commands ----------------- TOWNE SHOPS - List the shops in your towne. TOWNE FORGIVE SHOP TAXES <shop name> [amount] - Reduce the taxes owed on a shop. TOWNE TITLE SHOP|STOCKROOM <shop/stockroom name> <new title> - Change the title of a shop or stockroom TOWNE EDIT SHOP|STOCKROOM <shop/stockroom name> - Change the description of a shop or stockroom. Governor only commands -------------------------- TOWNE PLACE SHOP <direction> [STOCKROOM <direction>] - Build a shop. The default stockroom direction from the shop is down. - Building a shop costs 100,000 gold. The gold will come from any bank accounts your towne has. - A towne may only have one shop. TOWNE DEMOLISH SHOP <dir> - Demolish a towne's shop. This will wipe all items in the shop. TOWNE ASSESS <shop name> <value> - Set the taxed value of a shop. TOWNE TAXRATE SHOPS <rate> - Set the rate at which shops will be taxed. TOWNE CLOSE SHOP <shop> - Close down a shop so that nothing can be sold from it. TOWNE OPEN SHOP <shop> - Open a shop. TOWNE OWNER SHOP <shop name> <owner> - Changes the owner of a shop.