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Announce News Post #4151

There Will Be Bugs

Written by: Skuf
Date: Friday, July 28th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello, Imperian!

Stavenn has risen from its ruins. First, many thanks to the wonderful
volunteers who helped make this event possible. Special thanks also go to
Leslee for helping us with some Stavenn/Thanatos fact checking, and testing
things as we were working through re-opening Stavenn.

With that said, to get straight to the point: There are going to be bugs,
that's a guarantee. There's a lot that goes into having a city, so reviving one
back from the dead is never easy. If you encounter issues with Stavenn, please
submit a BUG, and prefix it with 'Stavenn'. We'll do our best to fix things.

As far as Stavenn the organization, it will require a fair amount of work from
its future new government and population. Here's some important tidbits:

- The politics had to be rebuilt from scratch, and were copied from Kinsarmar's
politics settings, in line with positions mentioned in CHELP CITY MINISTRIES.

- There were no equivalent position for Registrar, so currently it's a
powerless position.

- The newsboards and CHELP have been recovered to how they were last.

- The arena (the Imperial Spire) is also back, and we have cleared its -2
million gold debt, and added 25,000 as a headstart.

- Guards which were still around had to be wiped.

- City gold and credit funds are empty. We will NOT be providing the city
credits. However, we will be putting 1 million gold in its coffers, to get
started with. We expect that if players wish to see Stavenn strive, they will
pitch in as well.

- The initial government will have to be handled through the usual election
system. However, the new changes to JOIN <city> will not be adding a cooldown
if the target city is Stavenn. This will be re-enabled in a week or so. The
only other help we will provide in this is to remove rank restrictions for now.

- Player shops and houses have been set to not allow mortals for now. Contact
me once a Chancellor and Development minister have been assigned. The main
issue is that it seems the city lost all its locks, so that'll need to be

- Townes most likely don't work yet, although the comms shop still has whatever
was in there. We'll be fixing them in the next couple of days or so.

- We do intend to recover one guild for Stavenn. That will also take some more

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Halitus, in the year 315 AM.

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