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Announce News Post #3540

Raiding Updates

Written by: Dec
Date: Sunday, February 19th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

I've made the following changes to guards during raids:

* New command CITY GUARD RAID <guard> <vnum> - This will tell <guard> to try to get to <vnum> at the beginning of a raid. All guards will move quickly to their assigned location at the beginning of the raid. Setting this during a raid does nothing until the next raid.
* City guards that survive a raid will try to walk back to the spot they were at before the raid.
* Both of these are *try*. If something blocks the guard they will not move.
* Guard scattering will respect locked doors and will not go into sewers.
* Guards may get teleported to the city council room if they get stuck.
* Patrols and squads do not work during a raid. The guards will go back to their assigned squads after the raid.
* Scattering now gives preference to who stays to guards manning seige engines and guards assigned to rooms with the GUARD RAID command. Even these guards will scatter if there are more than 10 guards in the room.
* Guards should not scatter into houses or guildhalls, but large clots trapped in these may teleport to the city council room.
* CALL FOR HELP will not result in a loop of guards coming and then scattering.

In addition, the movement timer for the raid objective will now reset if the direction it's being pulled changes. You should only be able to attempt to move the objective if no one else currently is.

- Dec

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Tenebrae, in the year 128 AM.

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