1 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
    2 A rocky outcropping.
    5 You see exits leading 
    6 north, northeast, and southwest
    7 .
   10 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
   13 A pile of rusted armour and weapons.
   17 ------------------
   18  v33571 
   19 -------------------
   20                       | /                    
   21                      [ ]                     
   22                       | \                    
   23                      [ ] [ ]                 
   24                           |                  
   25                          [ ]                 
   26                         /                    
   27                      [ ]                     
   28                     /                        
   29                  [ ]-[ ]                     
   30                   | x |                      
   31              [ ] [ ] [+]                     
   32               | /                            
   33              [ ]                             
   44 ------------------ 
   45 0:-4:0
   46  -------------------
   48 You see exits leading 
   49 north and northwest
   50 .
   54 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
   55 Combat begins now!
   56 You are fighting: Dargillaen.
   58 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
   59 Combat begins now!
   60 You are fighting: Meed.
   62 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
   63 637/637h 470/480m 64e 
   64 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
   66 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
   68 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
   69 st Meed
   70 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
   71 Your target is now meed.
   73 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
   74 combat focus Meed
   75 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
   76 You will now focus on the actions of Meed, ignoring anything that does not concern you.
   79 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
   81 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
   82 wipe dirk
   83 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
   84 There are no toxins on that item at present.
   86 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
   87 order loyals kill Meed
   88 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
   89 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
   91 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
   92 You order a small black cobra to attack Meed.
   94 A small black cobra obeys your command.
   96 You order a demonic lamia to attack Meed.
   98 A demonic lamia obeys your command.
  101 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  103 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  104 inr all
  105 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  106 You have nothing that can be stored in the Rift.
  108 [ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Herbalist' Achievement! You have earned 100 Lessons.
  110 [ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Herb Hoarder' Achievement! You have earned 50 Lessons.
  113 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  115 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  116 smoke pipe with linseed
  117 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  118 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
  121 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  123 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  124 trueassess Dargillaen
  125 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  126 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
  128 637/637h 470/480m 64e 
  129 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  130 autocuring queue clear
  131 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  132 You have cleared the automatic curing queue.
  135 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  137 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  138 unally Dargillaen
  139 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  140 You have no allies.
  142 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  143 enemy Dargillaen
  144 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  145 Dargillaen is now one of your enemies.
  147 637/637h 470/480m 64e 
  148 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  149 autocuring toadstool 70
  150 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  151 Toadstool curing threshold set to 70%.
  152 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  153 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  154 queue eqbal wyrm blacken spear
  155 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  156 Wyrm blacken spear added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
  157 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  158 wyrm blacken spear
  159 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  160 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
  161 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
  162 You hold a Spear of the Hunter in front of an immense cyanine icewyrm, which groans and gurgles befo
  163 re coating the spear in oily, black bile.
  164 637/637h 464/480m 64e 
  165 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  166 config prompt custom H:*h(%h%) M:*m(%m%) XP:&g*x &n(&r*B&n) &n(&mE:*s&n) &n<*b*I> &n[&YH&n] F:*o(%o)
  167  &c*T
  168 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  169 You will now receive the provided custom prompt.
  170 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  171 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  172 ss
  173 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  174  Health   : 606/543      Reserves : 500/445     
  175  Mana     : 598/606      Reserves : 390/500     
  177  Str: 14/11  Int: 17/14  Dex: 16/13  Con: 15/12 
  179 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  180 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  181 combat focus off
  182 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  183 You will no longer focus on the actions of anyone.
  184 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  185 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  186 parry torso
  187 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  188 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
  189 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  190 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  191 parry torso
  192 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  193 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
  194 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  195 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  196 nstat
  197 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  198 News summary for Dargillaen:
  200 Public:           Read 3639/3639 articles.      
  201 Comments:         Read 0/173 articles.          
  202 Announce:         Read 4058/4058 articles.      
  203 Meets:            Read 503/503 articles.        
  204 Poetry:           Read 992/992 articles.        
  205 Events:           Read 324/324 articles.        
  206 Logs:             Read 89/89 articles.          
  208 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  209 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  210 parry torso
  211 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  212 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
  213 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  214 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  215 parry torso
  216 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  217 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
  218 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  219 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  220 smoke pipe with linseed
  221 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  222 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
  223 637/637h 464/480m 64e 
  224 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  225 parry torso
  226 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  227 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
  228 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  229 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  230 parry torso
  231 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  232 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
  233 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  234 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  235 parry torso
  236 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  237 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
  238 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  239 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  240 parry torso
  241 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  242 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
  243 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  244 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  245 parry torso
  246 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  247 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
  248 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:13 
  249 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  250 queue reset eqbal
  251 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  252 EQBAL queue cleared.
  253 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  254 queue eqbal stalk undead
  255 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  256 Stalk undead added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
  257 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  258 stalk undead
  259 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  260 You search for any sign of your quarry in the surrounding area, but find nothing.
  261 637/637h 464/480m 64e 
  262 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  263 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
  264 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:15 
  265 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  266 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
  267 637/637h 464/480m 64e 
  268 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  269 es COLISEUM
  270 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  271 Current event: Free combat
  272 Name                Health/Mana           Location
  273 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  274 H:606(111%) M:598(98%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:16 
  275 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  276 queue eqbal wyrm icecoat spear
  277 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  278 Wyrm icecoat spear added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
  279 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  280 wyrm icecoat spear
  281 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  282 You hold a Spear of the Hunter in front of an immense cyanine icewyrm, which curls its snout and coa
  283 ts the spear in thick, jagged ice.
  284 637/637h 458/480m 64e 
  285 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  286 map
  287 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  288 ------------------ v33570 -------------------
  289                           | /                
  290                          [ ]                 
  291                           | \                
  292                          [ ] [ ]             
  293                               |              
  294                              [ ]             
  295                             /                
  296                          [ ]                 
  297                         /                    
  298                      [ ]-[ ]                 
  299                       | x |                  
  300                  [ ] [+] [ ]                 
  301                   | /                        
  302                  [ ]                         
  312 --- A rocky outcropping --------- -1:-4:0 ---
  313 637/637h 448/480m 64e 
  314 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  315 n
  316 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  317 You sprint north.
  318 A pile of rusted armour and weapons.
  319 ------------------ v33577 -------------------
  320                       | \ | \                
  321                      [ ]-[ ]-[ ]             
  322                       | /                    
  323                      [ ]                     
  324                       | \                    
  325                      [ ] [ ]                 
  326                           |                  
  327                          [ ]                 
  328                         /                    
  329                      [ ]                     
  330                     /                        
  331                  [ ]-[+]                     
  332                   | x |                      
  333              [ ] [ ] [ ]                     
  334               | /                            
  335              [ ]                             
  343 ------------------ 0:-3:0 -------------------
  344 You see exits leading south, southwest, and west.
  345 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  346 You sense Dargillaen entering the location northeast from you.
  347 637/637h 448/480m 64e 
  348 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  349 H:606(111%) M:589(97%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:18 
  350 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  351 w
  352 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  353 You sprint west.
  354 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
  355 ------------------ v33567 -------------------
  356                           | \ | \            
  357                          [ ]-[ ]-[ ]         
  358                           | /                
  359                          [ ]                 
  360                           | \                
  361                          [ ] [ ]             
  362                               |              
  363                              [ ]             
  364                             /                
  365                          [ ]                 
  366                         /                    
  367                      [+]-[ ]                 
  368                       | x |                  
  369                  [ ] [ ] [ ]                 
  370                   | /                        
  371                  [ ]                         
  379 ------------------ -1:-3:0 ------------------
  380 You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, and south.
  381 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  382 You sense Dargillaen entering the location north from you.
  383 637/637h 448/480m 64e 
  384 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  385 H:606(111%) M:589(97%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:18 You feel an aura of rebounding s
  386 urround you.
  387 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
  388 H:606(111%) M:589(97%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:19 
  389 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  390 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
  391 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
  392 637/637h 448/480m 64e 
  393 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  394 sw
  395 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  396 There is no exit in that direction.
  397 H:606(111%) M:589(97%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:19 
  398 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  399 s
  400 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  401 You sprint south.
  402 A rocky outcropping.
  403 ------------------ v33570 -------------------
  404                           | /                
  405                          [ ]                 
  406                           | \                
  407                          [ ] [ ]             
  408                               |              
  409                              [ ]             
  410                             /                
  411                          [ ]                 
  412                         /                    
  413                      [ ]-[ ]                 
  414                       | x |                  
  415                  [ ] [+] [ ]                 
  416                   | /                        
  417                  [ ]                         
  427 --- A rocky outcropping --------- -1:-4:0 ---
  428 Meed is here, hidden. 
  429 You see exits leading north, northeast, and southwest.
  430 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  431 Your senses flare as a luminous green image drifts in from the north, its appearance sharpening to r
  432 eveal a ghostly apparition.
  433 He is followed by a demonic lamia and a small black cobra.
  434 You sense Dargillaen has entered your location.
  435 637/637h 448/480m 64e 
  436 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  437 H:606(111%) M:589(97%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:20 
  438 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  439 A small black cobra opens its mouth wide and strikes you in the leg.
  440 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  441 A small black cobra opens its mouth wide and strikes Meed in the leg.
  442 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
  443 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  444 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
  445 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
  446 637/637h 448/480m 64e 
  447 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  448 H:606(111%) M:589(97%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:20 
  449 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  450 focus
  451 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  452 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
  453 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  454 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Meed.
  455 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  456 You no longer will inspire disloyalty among friends.
  457 You have cured disloyalty.
  458 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  459 purge blood
  460 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  461 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
  462 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  463 Meed concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
  464 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  465 You find your body already clear of harmful substance.
  466 637/637h 427/480m 64e 
  467 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  468 H:606(111%) M:589(97%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:21 
  469 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  470 queue eqbal order loyals passive
  471 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  472 Order loyals passive added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
  473 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  474 order loyals passive
  475 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  476 You order an immense cyanine icewyrm to assume a passive stance.
  477 With seeming reluctance, an immense cyanine icewyrm obeys your command.
  478 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  479 Meed whispers something to an immense cyanine icewyrm.
  480 An immense cyanine icewyrm seems to settle down.
  481 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  482 You order a cunning coyote to assume a passive stance.
  483 With seeming reluctance, a cunning coyote obeys your command.
  484 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  485 Meed whispers something to a cunning coyote.
  486 A cunning coyote seems to settle down.
  487 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  488 You order a brooding vulture to assume a passive stance.
  489 With seeming reluctance, a brooding vulture obeys your command.
  490 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  491 Meed whispers something to a brooding vulture.
  492 A brooding vulture seems to settle down.
  493 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  494 You order an ebony raven to assume a passive stance.
  495 With seeming reluctance, an ebony raven obeys your command.
  496 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  497 Meed whispers something to an ebony raven.
  498 An ebony raven seems to settle down.
  499 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  500 You order a thorny lizard to assume a passive stance.
  501 With seeming reluctance, a thorny lizard obeys your command.
  502 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  503 Meed whispers something to a thorny lizard.
  504 A thorny lizard seems to settle down.
  505 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  506 You order a tiny cactus wren to assume a passive stance.
  507 With seeming reluctance, a tiny cactus wren obeys your command.
  508 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  509 Meed whispers something to a tiny cactus wren.
  510 A tiny cactus wren seems to settle down.
  511 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  512 You order a grey wolf to assume a passive stance.
  513 With seeming reluctance, a grey wolf obeys your command.
  514 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  515 Meed whispers something to a grey wolf.
  516 A grey wolf seems to settle down.
  517 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  518 637/637h 427/480m 64e 
  519 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  520 H:606(111%) M:589(97%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:21 
  521 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  522 queue reset all
  523 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  524 BALANCE queue cleared.
  525 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
  526 EQBAL queue cleared.
  527 H:606(111%) M:589(97%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <eb db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:22 
  528 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  529 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::block ne::enemy Meed::::worm attach volca
  530 no::worm engulf Meed::hypnotise Meed
  531 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  532 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::block ne::enemy Meed::::worm attach volcano::worm engulf 
  533 Meed::hypnotise Meed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
  534 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  535 stand
  536 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  537 You are already standing.
  538 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  539 quickdraw dirk shield right left
  540 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  541 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a Shadowfang dirk into your right hand, 
  542 with a lunar shield flowing into your left hand.
  543 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  544 Dargillaen secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a Shadowfang dirk into his right
  545  hand, with a lunar shield flowing into the left.
  546 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  547 block ne
  548 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  549 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
  550 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  551 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
  552 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  553 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
  554 You move over to block the northeastward exit.
  555 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  556 Dargillaen moves over to block the northeastward exit.
  557 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  558 You have gained the blocking defence.
  560 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  561 enemy Meed
  562 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  563 Meed is now one of your enemies.
  564 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  565 worm attach volcano
  566 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  567 Multicolored fragments fly out of your wormhole as its connection shatters.
  568 You close your eyes and focus your mind on forming a connection with your dimensional wormhole. Frow
  569 ning in concentration, you direct its loose end through space, attaching it firmly to the volcano.
  570 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  571 Dargillaen closes his eyes and frowns, deep in concentration. A multi-colored vortex swirls briefly 
  572 around his head, before attaching firmly to a distant location.
  573 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  574 You swiftly attach the wormhole.
  575 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  576 worm engulf Meed
  577 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  578 Temperature rises noticeably as you force your wormhole to open and start spewing fire towards Meed.
  579 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  580 Temperature rises noticeably as a swirling vortex above Dargillaen's head starts spewing fire direct
  581 ly at you.
  582 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  583 Searing fire spews out at Meed from your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
  584 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  585 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
  586 You have lost the fenugreek defence.
  587 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
  588 The flames strip your waxy coating and aura of rebounding.
  589 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  590 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
  591 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  592 hypnotise Meed
  593 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  594 You must regain your equilibrium first.
  595 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  596 637/637h 427/480m 64e 
  597 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  598 H:606(111%) M:553(91%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:22 
  599 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  600 smoke pipe with linseed
  601 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  602 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
  603 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  604 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
  605 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  606 637/637h 417/480m 64e 
  607 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  608 H:606(111%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:22 
  609 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  610 smoke pipe with linseed
  611 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  612 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
  613 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  614 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
  615 637/637h 417/480m 64e 
  616 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  617 H:606(111%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:22 
  618 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  619 order loyals attack Dargillaen
  620 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  621 You cannot order an immense cyanine icewyrm to do that.
  622 You order a cunning coyote to attack Dargillaen.
  623 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  624 Meed barks at a cunning coyote, ordering it to attack you.
  625 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  626 A cunning coyote obeys your command.
  627 You order a brooding vulture to attack Dargillaen.
  628 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  629 Meed barks at a brooding vulture, ordering it to attack you.
  630 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  631 A brooding vulture obeys your command.
  632 You order an ebony raven to attack Dargillaen.
  633 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  634 Meed barks at an ebony raven, ordering it to attack you.
  635 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  636 An ebony raven obeys your command.
  637 You order a thorny lizard to attack Dargillaen.
  638 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  639 Meed barks at a thorny lizard, ordering it to attack you.
  640 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  641 A thorny lizard obeys your command.
  642 You order a tiny cactus wren to attack Dargillaen.
  643 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  644 Meed barks at a tiny cactus wren, ordering it to attack you.
  645 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  646 A tiny cactus wren obeys your command.
  647 You order a grey wolf to attack Dargillaen.
  648 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  649 Meed barks at a grey wolf, ordering it to attack you.
  650 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  651 A grey wolf obeys your command.
  652 637/637h 441/480m 64e 
  653 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  654 H:606(111%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:22 
  655 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  656 IFEQBAL wyrm intercept Dargillaenwyrm intercept Dargillaen
  657 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  658 You order your wyrm to hinder Dargillaen's chances of escape.
  659 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  660 Meed orders his wyrm to hinder your chances of escape.
  661 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  662 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
  663 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  664 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  665 H:606(111%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:22 
  666 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  667 queue eqbal quickdraw 380197 380113
  668 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  669 Quickdraw 380197 380113 added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
  670 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  671 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  672 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
  673 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  674 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  675 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  676 apply fenugreek
  677 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  678 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1999.
  679 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
  680 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  681 Meed applies a fenugreek berry to himself.
  682 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  683 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  684 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  685 H:606(111%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:22 A cunning coyote snarls and lung
  686 es at you, biting you viciously.
  687 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  688 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
  689 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  690 Damage Taken: 8 blunt (raw damage: 20)
  691 An ebony raven pecks at you painfully.
  692 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  693 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
  694 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  695 Damage Taken: 14 cutting (raw damage: 30)
  696 Meed shivers as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at him.
  697 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  698 You shiver as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at you.
  699 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
  700 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  701 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  702 H:583(107%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:22 
  703 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  704 queue reset all
  705 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  706 BALANCE queue cleared.
  707 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
  708 EQBAL queue cleared.
  709 H:583(107%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:22 
  710 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  711 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
  712 ry::hypnotise Meed
  713 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  714 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::hypnotise Me
  715 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
  716 H:583(107%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:22 
  717 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  718 apply caloric
  719 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  720 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
  721 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  722 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
  723 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  724 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
  725 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
  726 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  727 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  728 H:583(107%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:22 
  729 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  730 queue reset all
  731 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  732 BALANCE queue cleared.
  733 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
  734 EQBAL queue cleared.
  735 H:583(107%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:23 
  736 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  737 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
  738 ry::hypnotise Meed
  739 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  740 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::hypnotise Me
  741 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
  742 H:583(107%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:23 
  743 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  744 queue reset all
  745 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  746 BALANCE queue cleared.
  747 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
  748 EQBAL queue cleared.
  749 H:583(107%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:23 
  750 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  751 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
  752 ry::hypnotise Meed
  753 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  754 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::hypnotise Me
  755 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
  756 H:583(107%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:23 Moving close to you a thorny liz
  757 ard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
  758 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  759 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
  760 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  761 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  762 H:583(107%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:23 
  763 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  764 You may apply another salve.
  765 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  766 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  767 queue reset all
  768 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  769 BALANCE queue cleared.
  770 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
  771 EQBAL queue cleared.
  772 H:583(107%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:24 
  773 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  774 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
  775 ry::hypnotise Meed
  776 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  777 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::hypnotise Me
  778 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
  779 H:583(107%) M:582(96%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:24 
  780 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  781 queue eqbal quickdraw 380197 380113
  782 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  783 Quickdraw 380197 380113 added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
  784 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  785 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  786 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
  787 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  788 637/637h 435/480m 64e You may eat another herb or plant.
  789 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  790 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  791 With a guttural growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
  792 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  793 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
  794 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  795 Damage Taken: 9 cutting (raw damage: 23)
  796 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
  797 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  798 stand
  799 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  800 You are already standing.
  801 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  802 quickdraw dirk shield right left
  803 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  804 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
  805 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  806 enemy Meed
  807 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  808 Meed is already an enemy.
  809 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  810 dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury
  811 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  812 You rub some ciguatoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
  813 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
  814 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  815 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
  816 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  817 Your ciguatoxin toxin has affected Meed.
  818 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  819 Terror takes hold, as a numb sensation overcomes your body.
  820 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  821 Meed appears terrified as his muscles seem to become difficult to control.
  822 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  823 You are afflicted with numbness.
  825 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  826 You rub some mercury on a Shadowfang dirk.
  827 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
  828 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  829 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
  830 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  831 Your mercury toxin has affected Meed.
  832 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  833 Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe.
  834 You are afflicted with asthma.
  836 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  837 Balance Taken: 2.22s
  838 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  839 hypnotise Meed
  840 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  841 You fix Meed with an entrancing stare, and smile in satisfaction as you realise that his mind is you
  842 rs.
  843 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  844 You sense that Dargillaen is attempting to manipulate your subconscious mind!
  845 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  846 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
  847 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  848 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  849 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  850 H:574(105%) M:579(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:24 
  851 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  852 eat kelp
  853 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  854 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1999.
  855 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
  856 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  857 Meed quickly eats a piece of kelp.
  858 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  859 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
  860 You have cured asthma.
  861 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  862 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  863 H:574(105%) M:579(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:24 
  864 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  865 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
  866 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  867 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  868 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
  869 H:574(105%) M:579(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:24 
  870 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  871 queue eqbal quickdraw 380197 380113
  872 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  873 Quickdraw 380197 380113 added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
  874 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  875 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  876 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
  877 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  878 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  879 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  880 queue eqbal quickdraw 380197 380113
  881 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  882 Quickdraw 380197 380113 added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
  883 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  884 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  885 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
  886 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  887 637/637h 435/480m 64e Your mind is able to focus once again.
  889 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  890 queue reset all
  891 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  892 BALANCE queue cleared.
  893 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
  894 EQBAL queue cleared.
  895 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  896 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  897 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  898 H:574(105%) M:579(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:25 
  899 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  900 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
  901 suggest Meed impatience
  902 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  903 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::suggest Meed imp
  904 atience added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
  905 H:574(105%) M:579(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:25 
  906 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  907 queue eqbal quickdraw 380197 380113
  908 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  909 Quickdraw 380197 380113 added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
  910 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  911 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  912 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
  913 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  914 637/637h 435/480m 64e You have regained your mental equilibrium.
  915 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  916 quickdraw 380197 380113
  917 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  918 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a Spear of the Hunter into your left han
  919 d, with a lunar shield flowing into your right hand.
  920 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  921 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
  922 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
  923 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  924 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 3 health.
  925 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  926 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  927 H:571(105%) M:579(95%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:25 
  928 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  929 queue eqbal quickdraw 380197 380113
  930 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  931 Quickdraw 380197 380113 added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
  932 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  933 quickdraw 380197 380113
  934 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  935 You are already wielding a Spear of the Hunter and a lunar shield.
  936 637/637h 435/480m 64e 
  937 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  938 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
  939 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  940 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
  941 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  942 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
  943 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  944 You rub some butisol on a Spear of the Hunter.
  945 You give a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into Dargillaen's body.
  946 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  947 Meed gives a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into your body.
  948 Damage Taken: 70 cutting, physical (raw damage: 203)
  949 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  950 The icy coating on your spear leaches into Dargillaen's wound, chilling him.
  951 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  952 The icy coating on Meed's spear leaches into your wound, chilling you.
  953 Damage Taken: 26 cold (raw damage: 55)
  954 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
  955 The cold air strips the protection of your caloric salve.
  956 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  957 The cold air strips the protection of Dargillaen's caloric salve.
  958 Your butisol toxin has affected Dargillaen.
  959 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  960 You begin sweating heavily, your skin heating to unnatural temperatures.
  961 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  962 Dargillaen appears flushed, his skin sweating heavily.
  963 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  964 You are afflicted with butisol.
  966 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  967 Balance Taken: 3.11s
  968 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
  969 surge bite
  970 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  971 You select a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from your stash and toss it to a cunning coyote. At
  972  the first sniff of the pheromones, the coyote is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
  973 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  974 Meed selects a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from his stash and tosses it to a cunning coyote.
  975  At the first sniff of the pheromones, the coyote is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
  976 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  977 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
  978 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
  979 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  980 H:474(87%) M:579(95%) XP:0.00 (16) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:25 
  981 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  982 apply caloric
  983 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  984 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
  985 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  986 Dargillaen rubs some salve on his skin.
  987 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  988 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
  989 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
  991 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  992 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
  993 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  994 H:474(87%) M:579(95%) XP:0.00 (16) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:25 A brooding vulture shrieks at yo
  995 u, making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
  996 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
  997 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
  998 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
  999 You are afflicted with nausea.
 1001 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1002 eat wormwood
 1003 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1004 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1999.
 1005 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
 1006 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1007 Dargillaen quickly eats a wormwood root.
 1008 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1009 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
 1010 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1011 Dargillaen's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
 1012 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1013 You have cured butisol.
 1014 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1015 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1016 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1017 H:474(87%) M:579(95%) XP:0.00 (16) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:25 
 1018 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1019 queue eqbal quickdraw 380197 380113
 1020 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1021 Quickdraw 380197 380113 added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 1022 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1023 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1024 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
 1025 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1026 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1027 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1028 purge blood
 1029 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1030 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
 1031 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1032 Dargillaen concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
 1033 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1034 Your stomach becalms itself.
 1035 You have cured nausea.
 1036 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1037 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1038 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1039 H:474(87%) M:573(94%) XP:0.00 (16) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:25 
 1040 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1041 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
 1042 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1043 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1044 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1045 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
 1046 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1047 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 1048 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1049 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1050 queue eqbal kipup|kill Dargillaen
 1051 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1052 Kipup|kill Dargillaen added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 1053 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1054 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1055 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen chiltran|surge lacerate
 1056 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1057 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1058 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1059 clot
 1060 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1061 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 1062 H:474(87%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:26 
 1063 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1064 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge lacerate
 1065 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1066 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1067 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1068 queue reset all
 1069 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1070 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1071 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1072 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1073 H:474(87%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:26 
 1074 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1075 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 1076 suggest Meed impatience
 1077 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1078 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::suggest Meed imp
 1079 atience added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1080 H:474(87%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:26 
 1081 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1082 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge lacerate
 1083 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1084 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1085 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1086 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 1087 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1088 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 1089 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 1090 You may eat another herb or plant.
 1091 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1092 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1093 H:474(87%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:26 
 1094 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1095 eat maidenhair
 1096 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1097 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1999.
 1098 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 1099 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1100 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 1101 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1102 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
 1103 You have cured numbness.
 1104 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1105 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1106 H:474(87%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:26 
 1107 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1108 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge lacerate
 1109 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1110 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1111 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1112 You have recovered balance.
 1113 H:474(87%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:26 Searing fire spews out at Meed f
 1114 rom your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 1115 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1116 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 1117 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1118 apply mending to torso
 1119 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1120 You quickly rub some mending salve on your torso.
 1121 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1122 Meed rubs some salve on his torso.
 1123 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1124 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 1126 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1127 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 1129 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1130 You have cured ablaze.
 1132 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1133 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1135 H:474(87%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:26 
 1137 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1138 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge lacerate
 1139 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1140 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1141 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1142 queue reset all
 1143 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1144 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1146 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1148 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1151 H:474(87%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:27 
 1153 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1156 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1157 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 1158 ry::suggest Meed impatience
 1159 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1160 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::suggest Meed
 1161  impatience added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1163 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1164 stand
 1165 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1166 You are already standing.
 1168 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1169 quickdraw dirk shield right left
 1170 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1171 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 1173 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1175 enemy Meed
 1176 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1177 Meed is already an enemy.
 1179 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1181 dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury
 1182 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1183 You rub some ciguatoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
 1185 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 1187 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1188 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 1190 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1191 Your ciguatoxin toxin has affected Meed.
 1193 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1194 Terror takes hold, as a numb sensation overcomes your body.
 1196 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1197 Meed appears terrified as his muscles seem to become difficult to control.
 1199 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1200 You are afflicted with numbness.
 1201 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1202 You rub some mercury on a Shadowfang dirk.
 1204 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 1206 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1207 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 1209 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1210 Your mercury toxin has affected Meed.
 1212 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1213 Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe.
 1215 You are afflicted with asthma.
 1216 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1217 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 1219 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1220 suggest Meed impatience
 1221 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1222 You issue the suggestion of impatience, concealing it deep within Meed's mind.
 1224 Equilibrium Taken: 1.73s
 1226 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1227 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1228 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1230 H:474(87%) M:553(91%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:27 
 1232 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1233 outr maidenhair
 1234 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1235 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1998.
 1237 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1238 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1239 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge lacerate
 1240 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1241 637/637h 429/480m 64e 
 1242 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1243 queue reset all
 1244 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1245 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1247 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1249 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1252 H:474(87%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:27 
 1254 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1255 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor:
 1256 :worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 1257 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1258 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor::worm shadowplan
 1259 t Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1260 H:474(87%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:27 
 1261 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1262 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge lacerate
 1263 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1264 637/637h 419/480m 64e You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1265 637/637h 419/480m 64e 
 1266 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1267 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite Meed.
 1268 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1269 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
 1270 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1271 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
 1272 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1273 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
 1274 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
 1275 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1276 You may eat another herb or plant.
 1278 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1279 637/637h 419/480m 64e 
 1280 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1281 H:474(87%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:27 
 1282 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1283 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge lacerate
 1284 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1285 637/637h 419/480m 64e 
 1286 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1287 queue reset all
 1288 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1289 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1290 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1291 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1292 H:474(87%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:27 
 1293 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1294 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor:
 1295 :worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 1296 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1297 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor::worm shadowplan
 1298 t Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1299 H:474(87%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:27 
 1300 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1301 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge lacerate
 1302 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1303 637/637h 419/480m 64e The fenugreek berry juice hardens into a supple, waxy coating.
 1304 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1305 A waxy shell of berry juice has dried to Meed's skin.
 1306 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1307 You have gained the fenugreek defence.
 1308 637/637h 419/480m 64e 
 1309 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1310 H:474(87%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1311 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1312 focus
 1313 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1314 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 1315 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1316 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Meed.
 1317 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1318 You can now face the world boldly, shy no more.
 1319 You have cured shyness.
 1320 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1321 purge blood
 1322 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1323 You have not regained the ability to purge your body of toxins.
 1324 637/637h 404/480m 64e 
 1325 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1326 H:474(87%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1327 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1328 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge lacerate
 1329 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1330 637/637h 404/480m 64e You may apply another salve.
 1331 637/637h 404/480m 64e 
 1332 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1333 queue reset all
 1334 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1335 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1336 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1337 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1338 H:474(87%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1339 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1340 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor:
 1341 :worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 1342 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1343 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor::worm shadowplan
 1344 t Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1347 H:474(87%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1349 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1350 sip mana
 1351 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1352 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
 1354 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1355 Meed takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 1357 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1358 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
 1360 637/637h 480/480m 64e 
 1361 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1363 H:474(87%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1365 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1366 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 1368 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1369 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Meed.
 1371 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1372 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 1373 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1374 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 1376 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1377 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
 1379 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1380 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 1381 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1382 trueassess Meed
 1383 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1384 Meed's condition stands at 637/637 health and 480/480 mana.
 1386 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1387 637/637h 480/480m 64e 
 1388 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1390 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1392 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1393 queue reset all
 1394 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1395 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1397 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1399 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1402 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1404 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1405 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge lacerate
 1406 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1407 637/637h 480/480m 64e 
 1408 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1409 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 1410 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 1411 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1412 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::worm shadowplant
 1413  Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1416 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1418 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1419 queue reset all
 1420 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1421 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1423 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1425 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1428 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1430 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1431 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 1432 plant Meed kelp
 1433 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1434 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 1435 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1438 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1440 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1441 queue reset all
 1442 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1443 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1445 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1447 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1450 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1452 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1453 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 1454 plant Meed kelp
 1455 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1456 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 1457 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1460 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1462 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1463 You have recovered balance.
 1466 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1467 quickdraw 380197 380113
 1468 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1469 You are already wielding a Spear of the Hunter and a lunar shield.
 1471 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1472 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge lacerate
 1473 target nothing
 1474 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1475 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 1477 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1478 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 1479 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1480 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 1482 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1483 Meed's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 1485 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1486 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 1487 You rub some butisol on a Spear of the Hunter.
 1489 You give a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into Dargillaen's body.
 1491 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1492 Meed gives a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into your body.
 1494 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1495 The attack rebounds back onto you!
 1497 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1498 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
 1500 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1501 The icy coating on your spear leaches into yourself's wound, chilling you.
 1503 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1504 The icy coating on Meed's spear leaches into himself's wound, chilling him.
 1506 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1507 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
 1508 The cold air strips the protection of your caloric salve.
 1510 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1511 The cold air strips the protection of Meed's caloric salve.
 1513 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1514 You begin sweating heavily, your skin heating to unnatural temperatures.
 1516 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1517 Meed appears flushed, his skin sweating heavily.
 1519 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1520 You are afflicted with butisol.
 1521 Balance Taken: 3.11s
 1523 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1524 surge lacerate
 1525 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1526 You select a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from your stash and toss it to a grey wolf. At the 
 1527 first sniff of the pheromones, the wolf is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 1529 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1530 Meed selects a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from his stash and tosses it to a grey wolf. At t
 1531 he first sniff of the pheromones, the wolf is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 1533 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1534 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
 1536 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1537 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1539 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1541 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1542 queue reset all
 1543 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1544 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1546 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1548 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1551 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1553 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1554 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 1555 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 1556 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1557 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::worm shadowplant
 1558  Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1561 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1563 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1564 apply caloric
 1565 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1566 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
 1568 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1569 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
 1571 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1572 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
 1574 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
 1575 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1576 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1578 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1580 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1581 You may eat another herb or plant.
 1582 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1583 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1584 You may apply another salve.
 1586 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1588 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1591 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1592 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 1593 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1594 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1595 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1597 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <e- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1599 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1600 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 1601 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1602 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1603 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1604 eat kelp
 1605 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1606 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1998.
 1607 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 1608 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1609 Meed quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 1610 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1611 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
 1612 You have cured asthma.
 1613 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1614 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1615 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <e- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:28 
 1616 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1617 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 1618 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1619 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1620 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1621 queue reset all
 1622 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1623 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1624 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1625 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1626 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <e- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1627 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1628 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 1629 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 1630 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1631 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::worm shadowplant
 1632  Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1633 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <e- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1634 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1635 smoke pipe with linseed
 1636 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1637 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 1638 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1639 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 1640 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1641 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1642 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1643 H:474(87%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <e- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1644 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1645 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
 1646 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1647 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 1648 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1649 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1650 queue eqbal kipup|kill Dargillaen
 1651 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1652 Kipup|kill Dargillaen added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 1653 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1654 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1655 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge transfix
 1656 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1657 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1658 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1659 You have recovered balance.
 1660 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1661 stand
 1662 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1663 You are already standing.
 1664 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1665 quickdraw dirk shield right left
 1666 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1667 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 1668 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1669 enemy Meed
 1670 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1671 Meed is already an enemy.
 1672 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1673 dstab Meed mercury noctec
 1674 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1675 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 1676 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1677 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 1678 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1679 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 1680 You rub some mercury on a Shadowfang dirk.
 1681 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 1682 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1683 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 1684 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1685 Your mercury toxin has affected Meed.
 1686 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1687 Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe.
 1688 You are afflicted with asthma.
 1690 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1691 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 1692 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 1693 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1694 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 1695 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1696 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 1697 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1698 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 1699 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1700 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 1701 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1702 You are afflicted with slow balance.
 1704 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1705 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 1706 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1707 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 1708 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1709 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of it a
 1710 nd lands in Meed's hands.
 1711 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1712 A shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lands
 1713  in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 1714 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1715 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 1716 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1717 507/637h 474/480m 64e 
 1718 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1719 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1720 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1721 queue reset all
 1722 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1723 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1724 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1725 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1726 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1727 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1728 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 1729 ry::worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 1730 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1731 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::worm shadowp
 1732 lant Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1733 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1734 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1735 queue reset all
 1736 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1737 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1738 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1739 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1740 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1741 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1742 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 1743 ry::worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 1744 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1745 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::worm shadowp
 1746 lant Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1747 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1748 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1749 clot
 1750 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1751 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 1752 507/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1753 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1754 smoke pipe with linseed
 1755 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1756 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 1757 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1758 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 1759 507/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1760 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1761 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1762 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1763 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge transfix
 1764 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1765 507/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1766 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1767 A cunning coyote sinks its teeth into your leg, seeping poison into your bloodstream.
 1768 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1769 A cunning coyote sinks its teeth into Dargillaen's leg, seeping poison into his bloodstream.
 1770 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1771 You are afflicted with butisol.
 1773 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1774 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge transfix
 1775 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1776 507/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1777 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1778 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1779 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1780 eat wormwood
 1781 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1782 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1998.
 1783 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
 1784 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1785 Dargillaen quickly eats a wormwood root.
 1786 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1787 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
 1788 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1789 Dargillaen's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
 1790 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1791 You have cured butisol.
 1793 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1794 507/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1795 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1797 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1799 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1800 queue reset all
 1801 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1802 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1804 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1806 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1809 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1811 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1812 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mazan
 1813 or::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 1814 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1815 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mazanor::worm shadowp
 1816 lant Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1819 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:29 
 1821 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1822 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge transfix
 1823 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1824 507/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1825 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1826 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge transfix
 1827 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1828 507/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1829 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 1831 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1832 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge transfix
 1833 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1834 507/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1835 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1836 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge transfix
 1837 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1838 507/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1839 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1840 queue reset all
 1841 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1842 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1844 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1846 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1849 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:30 
 1851 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1852 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mazan
 1853 or::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 1854 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1855 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mazanor::worm shadowp
 1856 lant Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1859 H:474(87%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:30 
 1861 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1862 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1865 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1866 An ebony raven pecks at you painfully.
 1868 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1869 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
 1871 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1872 Damage Taken: 14 cutting (raw damage: 30)
 1874 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
 1876 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1877 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
 1879 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 1881 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1882 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 1884 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1885 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 1886 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1887 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge transfix
 1888 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1889 507/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1890 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1892 H:459(84%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:30 
 1894 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 1896 Your wounds cause you to bleed 7 health.
 1898 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1899 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 7 health.
 1901 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 1903 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
 1905 502/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1906 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1908 H:452(83%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:30 
 1910 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1911 You may eat another herb or plant.
 1912 502/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1913 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1914 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge transfix
 1915 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1916 502/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1917 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1918 eat kelp
 1919 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1920 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1997.
 1921 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 1922 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1923 Meed quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 1924 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1925 As you attempt to swallow the plant, it suddenly disappears with no effect.
 1926 The plant burns your body.
 1927 502/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1928 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1929 H:452(83%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 You are again able to clot your 
 1930 wounds properly.
 1931 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1932 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge transfix
 1933 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1934 502/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1935 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1936 H:452(83%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 
 1937 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1938 clot
 1939 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1940 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 1941 H:452(83%) M:514(84%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 You have recovered balance.
 1942 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1943 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge transfix
 1944 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1945 502/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1946 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1947 H:452(83%) M:514(84%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 
 1948 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1949 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 1950 502/637h 465/480m 64e 
 1951 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1952 queue reset all
 1953 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1954 BALANCE queue cleared.
 1955 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 1956 EQBAL queue cleared.
 1957 H:452(83%) M:514(84%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 
 1958 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1959 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin nocte
 1960 c::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 1961 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1962 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec::worm shadowpl
 1963 ant Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 1964 H:452(83%) M:514(84%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 
 1965 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1966 You have recovered balance.
 1967 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 1968 quickdraw 380197 380113
 1969 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1970 You are already wielding a Spear of the Hunter and a lunar shield.
 1971 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1972 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1973 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1974 stand
 1975 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1976 You are already standing.
 1977 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1978 quickdraw dirk shield right left
 1979 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1980 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 1981 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1982 enemy Meed
 1983 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1984 Meed is already an enemy.
 1985 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1986 dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec
 1987 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1988 You rub some ciguatoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
 1989 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 1990 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1991 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 1992 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1993 Your ciguatoxin toxin has affected Meed.
 1994 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 1995 Terror takes hold, as a numb sensation overcomes your body.
 1996 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 1997 Meed appears terrified as his muscles seem to become difficult to control.
 1998 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 1999 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 2000 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2001 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 2002 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2003 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 2004 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2005 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 2006 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2007 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 2008 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 2009 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2010 worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 2011 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2012 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of it
 2013  and lands in Meed's hands.
 2014 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2015 A shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lan
 2016 ds in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 2017 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2018 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 2019 You may eat another herb or plant.
 2021 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2022 502/637h 465/480m 64e 
 2023 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2024 H:452(83%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 A grey wolf drags its wicked claw
 2025 s down your legs, leaving them horribly lacerated.
 2026 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2027 A grey wolf drags its wicked claws down Dargillaen's legs, leaving them horribly lacerated.
 2028 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2029 Damage Taken: 28 cutting (raw damage: 61)
 2030 You are afflicted with haemophilia.
 2032 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2033 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge transfixtarget nothing
 2034 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2035 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 2036 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2037 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 2038 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2039 You rub some butisol on a Spear of the Hunter.
 2040 You give a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into Dargillaen's body.
 2041 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2042 Meed gives a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into your body.
 2043 Damage Taken: 70 cutting, physical (raw damage: 203)
 2044 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2045 The icy coating on your spear leaches into Dargillaen's wound, chilling him.
 2046 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2047 The icy coating on Meed's spear leaches into your wound, chilling you.
 2048 Damage Taken: 26 cold (raw damage: 55)
 2049 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
 2050 The cold air strips the protection of your caloric salve.
 2051 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2052 The cold air strips the protection of Dargillaen's caloric salve.
 2053 Your butisol toxin has affected Dargillaen.
 2054 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2055 You begin sweating heavily, your skin heating to unnatural temperatures.
 2056 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2057 Dargillaen appears flushed, his skin sweating heavily.
 2058 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2059 You are afflicted with butisol.
 2061 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2062 Balance Taken: 4.91s
 2063 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2064 surge transfix
 2065 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2066 You select a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from your stash and toss it to a tiny cactus wren. 
 2067 At the first sniff of the pheromones, the wren is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 2068 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2069 Meed selects a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from his stash and tosses it to a tiny cactus wre
 2070 n. At the first sniff of the pheromones, the wren is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 2071 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2072 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
 2073 502/637h 459/480m 64e 
 2074 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2075 H:326(60%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 You have recovered your breath a
 2076 nd can smoke once more.
 2077 H:326(60%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 
 2078 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2079 apply caloric
 2080 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2081 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
 2082 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2083 Dargillaen rubs some salve on his skin.
 2084 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2085 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
 2086 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
 2088 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2089 502/637h 459/480m 64e 
 2090 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2091 H:326(60%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 
 2092 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2093 sip health
 2094 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2095 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 2096 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2097 Dargillaen takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 2098 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2099 Health Gain: 108
 2100 The elixir heals your body.
 2101 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2102 502/637h 459/480m 64e 
 2103 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2105 H:434(79%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 
 2107 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2108 eat toadstool
 2109 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2110 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1999.
 2112 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 2114 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2115 Dargillaen quickly eats a toadstool.
 2117 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2118 Health Gain: 54
 2120 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 2122 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2123 502/637h 459/480m 64e 
 2124 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2126 H:488(89%) M:569(93%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 
 2128 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2129 apply caloric
 2130 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2131 The salve dissolves and is wasted.
 2134 H:488(89%) M:569(93%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:31 
 2136 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2137 You may apply another salve.
 2138 502/637h 459/480m 64e 
 2139 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2140 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge transfix
 2141 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2142 502/637h 459/480m 64e 
 2143 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2144 Searing fire spews out at Meed from your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 2146 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2147 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 2149 You have lost the fenugreek defence.
 2150 The flames strip your waxy coating.
 2152 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2153 eat wormwood
 2154 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2155 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1997.
 2157 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
 2159 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2160 Dargillaen quickly eats a wormwood root.
 2162 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2163 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
 2165 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2166 Dargillaen's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
 2168 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2169 You have cured butisol.
 2171 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2172 502/637h 459/480m 64e 
 2173 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2175 H:488(89%) M:569(93%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:32 
 2177 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2178 apply mending to torso
 2179 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2180 You quickly rub some mending salve on your torso.
 2182 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2183 Meed rubs some salve on his torso.
 2185 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2186 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 2188 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2189 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 2191 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2192 You have cured ablaze.
 2194 502/637h 459/480m 64e 
 2195 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2197 H:488(89%) M:569(93%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:32 
 2199 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2200 Your mind is able to focus once again.
 2201 502/637h 459/480m 64e 
 2202 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2203 queue reset all
 2204 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2205 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2207 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2209 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2212 H:488(89%) M:569(93%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:32 
 2214 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2215 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mazanor iodine::
 2216 worm confound Meed
 2217 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2218 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mazanor iodine::worm confound Me
 2219 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2222 H:488(89%) M:569(93%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:32 
 2224 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2225 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge transfix
 2226 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2227 502/637h 459/480m 64e 
 2228 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2229 touch tree
 2230 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2231 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
 2232 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2233 Dargillaen touches a tree of life tattoo.
 2234 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2235 Your blood regains its ability to clot.
 2236 You have cured haemophilia.
 2237 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2238 502/637h 449/480m 64e 
 2239 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2240 H:488(89%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:32 
 2241 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2242 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
 2243 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2244 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 2245 502/637h 449/480m 64e 
 2246 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2247 queue eqbal kipup|kill Dargillaen
 2248 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2249 Kipup|kill Dargillaen added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 2250 502/637h 449/480m 64e 
 2251 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2252 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen chiltran|surge bite
 2253 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2254 502/637h 449/480m 64e 
 2255 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2256 clot
 2257 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2258 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 2259 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 2260 H:488(89%) M:537(88%) XP:0.00 (24) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:32 
 2261 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2262 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
 2263 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2264 502/637h 449/480m 64e 
 2265 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2266 queue reset all
 2267 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2268 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2269 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2270 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2271 H:488(89%) M:537(88%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:32 
 2272 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2273 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mazanor iodine::
 2274 worm confound Meed
 2275 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2276 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mazanor iodine::worm confound Me
 2277 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2278 H:488(89%) M:537(88%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:32 
 2279 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2280 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 2281 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2282 Health Gain: 54
 2283 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2284 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2285 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2286 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2287 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2288 H:543(100%) M:574(94%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:32 
 2289 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2290 You may drink another healing elixir.
 2291 534/637h 473/480m 64e You may eat another herb or plant.
 2292 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2293 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2294 eat kelp
 2295 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2296 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 2297 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2298 Meed quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 2299 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2300 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
 2301 You have cured asthma.
 2302 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2303 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2304 H:543(100%) M:574(94%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:33 
 2305 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2306 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2307 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2308 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2309 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2310 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2311 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2312 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2313 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2314 smoke pipe with lovage
 2315 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2316 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
 2317 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2318 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
 2320 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2321 You are able to focus your senses once more.
 2323 You have cured slow balance.
 2325 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2326 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2328 H:543(100%) M:574(94%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:33 
 2330 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2331 queue reset all
 2332 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2333 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2335 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2337 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2340 H:543(100%) M:574(94%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:33 
 2342 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2343 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 2344 worm confound Meed
 2345 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2346 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::worm confound Me
 2347 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2350 H:543(100%) M:574(94%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:33 
 2352 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2353 queue reset all
 2354 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2355 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2357 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2359 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2362 H:543(100%) M:574(94%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:33 
 2364 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2365 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 2366 worm confound Meed
 2367 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2368 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::worm confound Me
 2369 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2372 H:543(100%) M:574(94%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:33 
 2374 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2375 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2376 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2377 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2378 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2379 queue reset all
 2380 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2381 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2383 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2385 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2388 H:543(100%) M:574(94%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:33 
 2390 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2391 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 2392 worm confound Meed
 2393 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2394 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::worm confound Me
 2395 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2398 H:543(100%) M:574(94%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:33 
 2400 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2401 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2402 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2403 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2404 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2407 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2408 You have recovered balance.
 2411 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2412 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2413 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2414 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2415 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2417 H:543(100%) M:574(94%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:34 
 2419 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2420 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2421 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2422 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2423 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2424 You may eat another herb or plant.
 2426 H:543(100%) M:574(94%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:34 
 2428 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2431 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2432 stand
 2433 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2434 You are already standing.
 2436 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2437 quickdraw dirk shield right left
 2438 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2439 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 2441 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2443 enemy Meed
 2444 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2445 Meed is already an enemy.
 2446 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2447 dstab Meed mercury noctec
 2448 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2449 You rub some mercury on a Shadowfang dirk.
 2450 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 2451 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2452 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 2453 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2454 Your mercury toxin has affected Meed.
 2455 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2456 Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe.
 2457 You are afflicted with asthma.
 2459 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2460 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 2461 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 2462 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2463 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 2464 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2465 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 2466 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2467 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 2468 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2469 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 2470 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2471 You are afflicted with slow balance.
 2473 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2474 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 2475 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2476 worm confound Meed
 2477 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2478 You let your wormhole circulate around your head, creating a spectacle that fascinates and confounds
 2479  Meed.
 2480 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2481 Your attention is grabbed by a fascinating spectacle of colors hovering around Dargillaen's head, an
 2482 d you find it difficult to focus on tasks.
 2483 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2484 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 2485 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2486 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2487 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2488 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:34 
 2489 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2490 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2491 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2492 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2493 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2494 queue reset all
 2495 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2496 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2497 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2498 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2499 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:34 
 2500 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2501 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mazanor iodine::
 2502 suggest Meed whisper
 2503 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2504 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mazanor iodine::suggest Meed whi
 2505 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2506 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:34 
 2507 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2508 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2509 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2510 534/637h 473/480m 64e You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
 2511 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2512 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2513 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2514 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2515 534/637h 473/480m 64e You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 2516 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2517 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2518 A brooding vulture shrieks at you, making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
 2519 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2520 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
 2521 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2522 You are afflicted with nausea.
 2523 A small black cobra opens its mouth wide and strikes Meed in the leg.
 2524 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2525 A small black cobra opens its mouth wide and strikes you in the leg.
 2526 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2527 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
 2528 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2529 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
 2530 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2531 Meed appears hungry.
 2532 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2533 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
 2534 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2535 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 2536 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2537 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 2538 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 2540 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2541 eat nightshade
 2542 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2543 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1999.
 2544 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
 2545 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2546 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
 2547 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2548 Your stomach becalms itself.
 2549 You have cured nausea.
 2550 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2551 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2552 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2553 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:34 
 2554 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2555 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2556 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2557 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2558 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2559 queue reset all
 2560 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2561 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2562 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2563 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2564 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:34 
 2565 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2566 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mazanor iodine::
 2567 suggest Meed whisper
 2568 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2569 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mazanor iodine::suggest Meed whi
 2570 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2571 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:34 
 2572 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2573 You may eat another herb or plant.
 2574 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2575 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2576 You may apply another salve.
 2577 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2578 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2579 eat kelp
 2580 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2581 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1996.
 2582 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 2583 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2584 Meed quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 2585 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2586 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
 2587 You have cured asthma.
 2588 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2589 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2590 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2591 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2592 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2593 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2594 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2595 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2596 queue reset all
 2597 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2598 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2599 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2600 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2601 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2602 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2603 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Mee
 2604 d whisper
 2605 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2606 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Meed whisper added 
 2607 to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2608 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2609 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2610 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 2611 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2612 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Meed.
 2613 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2614 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 2616 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2617 You are again able to conjure the shadowplant of a piece of kelp.
 2618 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2619 You may apply another salve.
 2620 534/637h 473/480m 64e 
 2621 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2622 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2623 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2624 focus
 2625 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2626 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 2627 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2628 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Meed.
 2629 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2630 purge blood
 2631 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2632 You have not regained the ability to purge your body of toxins.
 2633 534/637h 458/480m 64e 
 2634 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2635 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2636 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2637 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2638 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2639 534/637h 458/480m 64e 
 2640 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2641 smoke pipe with lovage
 2642 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2643 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
 2644 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2645 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
 2646 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2647 You are able to focus your senses once more.
 2648 You have cured slow balance.
 2649 534/637h 458/480m 64e 
 2650 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2651 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2652 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2653 queue reset all
 2654 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2655 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2656 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2657 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2658 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2659 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2660 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 2661 plant Meed kelp
 2662 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2663 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 2664 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2665 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 You feel an aura of rebounding 
 2666 surround you.
 2667 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2668 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
 2669 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2670 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 2672 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2673 queue reset all
 2674 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2675 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2676 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2677 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2678 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2679 534/637h 458/480m 64e 
 2680 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2681 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2682 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2683 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 2684 plant Meed kelp
 2685 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2686 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 2687 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2688 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2689 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2690 queue reset all
 2691 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2692 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2693 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2694 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2695 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2696 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2697 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 2698 plant Meed kelp
 2699 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2700 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 2701 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2702 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2703 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2704 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2705 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2706 534/637h 458/480m 64e 
 2707 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2708 apply mending to torso
 2709 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2710 You quickly rub some mending salve on your torso.
 2711 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2712 Meed rubs some salve on his torso.
 2713 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2714 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 2715 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2716 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 2717 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2718 You have cured ablaze.
 2719 534/637h 458/480m 64e 
 2720 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2721 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2722 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2723 queue reset all
 2724 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2725 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2726 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2727 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2728 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2729 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2730 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 2731 plant Meed kelp
 2732 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2733 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 2734 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2735 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:35 
 2736 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2737 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2738 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2739 534/637h 458/480m 64e 
 2740 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2741 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2742 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2743 534/637h 458/480m 64e 
 2744 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2745 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2746 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2747 534/637h 458/480m 64e You have regained the ability to purge your body.
 2749 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2750 purge blood
 2751 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2752 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
 2753 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2754 Meed concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
 2755 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2756 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
 2757 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2758 Meed's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
 2759 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2760 You have cured butisol.
 2761 534/637h 452/480m 64e 
 2762 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2763 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 
 2764 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2765 queue reset all
 2766 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2767 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2768 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2769 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2770 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 
 2771 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2772 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 2773 plant Meed kelp
 2774 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2775 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 2776 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2777 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 
 2778 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2779 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2780 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2781 534/637h 452/480m 64e 
 2782 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2783 You have recovered balance.
 2784 H:543(100%) M:568(93%) XP:0.00 (18) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 You are again able to clot your
 2785  wounds properly.
 2786 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2787 clot
 2788 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2789 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 2790 H:543(100%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (12) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 
 2791 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2792 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2793 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2794 534/637h 452/480m 64e 
 2795 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2796 queue reset all
 2797 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2798 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2799 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2800 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2801 H:543(100%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (12) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 
 2802 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2803 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 2804 plant Meed kelp
 2805 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2806 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 2807 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2808 H:543(100%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (12) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 You have regained your mental e
 2809 quilibrium.
 2810 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2811 stand
 2812 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2813 You are already standing.
 2814 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2815 quickdraw whip shield right left
 2816 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2817 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a whip of taming into your right hand, w
 2818 ith a lunar shield flowing into your left hand.
 2819 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2820 Dargillaen secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a whip of taming into his right 
 2821 hand, with a lunar shield flowing into the left.
 2822 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2823 enemy Meed
 2824 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2825 Meed is already an enemy.
 2826 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2827 flay Meed aura
 2828 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2829 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 2830 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2831 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 2832 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2833 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 2835 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2836 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 2838 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2839 You raze Meed's aura of rebounding with a whip of taming.
 2840 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2841 Dargillaen razes your aura of rebounding with a whip of taming.
 2842 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2843 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 2844 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2845 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 2846 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2847 The shadowplant disappears without a trace.
 2848 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2849 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of it a
 2850 nd lands in Meed's hands.
 2851 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2852 A shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lands
 2853  in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 2854 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2855 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 2856 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 2857 Your wounds cause you to bleed 7 health.
 2858 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2859 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 7 health.
 2860 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2861 You may drink another healing elixir.
 2863 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2864 534/637h 452/480m 64e 
 2865 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2866 H:536(98%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (9) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 
 2867 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2868 smoke pipe with linseed
 2869 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2870 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 2871 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2872 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 2873 534/637h 452/480m 64e 
 2874 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2875 H:536(98%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (9) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 
 2876 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2877 You have recovered balance.
 2878 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2879 quickdraw 380197 380113
 2880 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2881 You are already wielding a Spear of the Hunter and a lunar shield.
 2882 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2883 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bitetarget nothing
 2884 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2885 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 2886 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2887 spear smash Dargillaen
 2888 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2889 You bring the flat of a Spear of the Hunter down on Dargillaen's head, rattling him.
 2890 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2891 Meed brings the flat of a Spear of the Hunter down on your head, rattling you.
 2892 You are afflicted with lethargy.
 2893 You are afflicted with clumsiness.
 2894 Damage Taken: 26 blunt, physical (raw damage: 68)
 2895 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2896 Balance Taken: 2.79s
 2897 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2898 surge bite
 2899 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2900 You select a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from your stash and toss it to a cunning coyote. At
 2901  the first sniff of the pheromones, the coyote is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 2902 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2903 Meed selects a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from his stash and tosses it to a cunning coyote.
 2904  At the first sniff of the pheromones, the coyote is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 2905 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2906 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
 2907 534/637h 446/480m 64e 
 2908 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2909 H:510(93%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (9) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 
 2910 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2911 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 2912 534/637h 446/480m 64e 
 2913 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2914 A cunning coyote sinks its teeth into your leg, seeping poison into your bloodstream.
 2915 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2916 A cunning coyote sinks its teeth into Dargillaen's leg, seeping poison into his bloodstream.
 2917 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2918 You are afflicted with butisol.
 2919 You may eat another herb or plant.
 2921 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2922 534/637h 446/480m 64e 
 2923 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2924 H:510(93%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (9) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 
 2925 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2926 eat nightshade
 2927 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2928 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1998.
 2929 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
 2930 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2931 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
 2932 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2933 The lethargy evaporates, leaving you full of energy.
 2934 You have cured lethargy.
 2935 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2936 534/637h 446/480m 64e 
 2937 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2938 H:510(93%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (9) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 
 2939 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2940 smoke pipe with linseed
 2941 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2942 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 2943 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2944 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 2945 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2946 534/637h 446/480m 64e 
 2947 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2948 H:510(93%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (9) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:36 
 2949 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2950 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2951 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2952 534/637h 446/480m 64e 
 2953 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2954 Searing fire spews out at Meed from your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 2955 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2956 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 2957 534/637h 446/480m 64e 
 2958 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2959 H:510(93%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (9) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:37 
 2960 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2961 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge bite
 2962 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2963 534/637h 446/480m 64e 
 2964 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2965 queue reset all
 2966 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2967 BALANCE queue cleared.
 2968 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 2969 EQBAL queue cleared.
 2970 H:510(93%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (9) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:37 
 2971 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2972 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 2973 suggest Meed whisper
 2974 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2975 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::suggest Meed whi
 2976 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 2977 H:510(93%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (9) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:37 You are again prepared to swiftly
 2978  attach a wormhole.
 2979 H:510(93%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (9) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:37 
 2980 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2981 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 2982 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2983 534/637h 436/480m 64e The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 2984 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 2985 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 2986 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 2987 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2988 534/637h 436/480m 64e Having been numb for too long, you feel your muscles lock up in paralysis.
 2989 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2990 Meed's muscles lock up in paralysis.
 2991 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 2992 You are afflicted with paralysis.
 2993 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
 2994 You have cured numbness.
 2995 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 2996 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 2997 H:510(93%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:37 You are again able to conjure the
 2998  shadowplant of a maidenhair leaf.
 2999 H:510(93%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:37 Moving close to you a thorny liza
 3000 rd scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
 3001 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3002 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
 3003 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3004 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 3005 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3006 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3007 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3008 H:510(93%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:37 You may eat another mushroom.
 3009 H:510(93%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:37 
 3010 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3011 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 3012 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3013 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3014 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3015 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 3016 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3017 534/637h 436/480m 64e You may eat another herb or plant.
 3018 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3019 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3020 eat maidenhair
 3021 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3022 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 3023 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3024 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 3025 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3026 Your paralysis fades and you can move once more.
 3027 You have cured paralysis.
 3028 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3029 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3030 H:510(93%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:38 
 3031 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3032 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 3033 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3034 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3035 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3036 You have recovered balance.
 3037 H:510(93%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:38 
 3038 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3039 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 3040 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3041 534/637h 436/480m 64e You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 3042 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3043 An ebony raven pecks at you painfully.
 3044 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3045 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
 3046 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3047 Damage Taken: 14 cutting (raw damage: 30)
 3048 With a guttural growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
 3049 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3050 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
 3051 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3052 Damage Taken: 9 cutting (raw damage: 23)
 3053 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 3054 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3055 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 3056 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 3057 You may apply another salve.
 3058 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3059 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3060 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:38 You may eat another herb or plan
 3061 t.
 3062 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:38 
 3063 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3064 outr maidenhair
 3065 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3066 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1997.
 3067 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3068 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3069 eat kelp
 3070 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3071 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1999.
 3072 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 3073 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3074 Dargillaen quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 3075 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3076 You feel coordinated once more.
 3077 You have cured clumsiness.
 3078 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3079 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3080 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3081 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:38 
 3082 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3083 apply mending to torso
 3084 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3085 You quickly rub some mending salve on your torso.
 3086 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3087 Meed rubs some salve on his torso.
 3088 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3089 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 3090 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3091 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 3092 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3093 You have cured ablaze.
 3094 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3095 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3096 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:38 You have regained your mental eq
 3097 uilibrium.
 3098 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3099 stand
 3100 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3101 You are already standing.
 3102 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3103 quickdraw dirk shield right left
 3104 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3105 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a Shadowfang dirk into your right hand, 
 3106 with a lunar shield flowing into your left hand.
 3107 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3108 Dargillaen secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a Shadowfang dirk into his right
 3109  hand, with a lunar shield flowing into the left.
 3110 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3111 enemy Meed
 3112 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3113 Meed is already an enemy.
 3114 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3115 dstab Meed mercury noctec
 3116 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3117 You rub some mercury on a Shadowfang dirk.
 3118 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 3119 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3120 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 3121 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3122 Your mercury toxin has affected Meed.
 3123 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3124 Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe.
 3125 You are afflicted with asthma.
 3127 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3128 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 3129 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 3130 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3131 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 3132 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3133 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 3134 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3135 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 3136 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3137 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 3138 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3139 You are afflicted with slow balance.
 3141 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3142 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 3143 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3144 suggest Meed whisper
 3145 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3146 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
 3147 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3148 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
 3149 You are gripped with fear - you cannot leave the ground.
 3150 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3151 Meed stumbles suddenly, unable to catch his balance.
 3152 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3153 You are afflicted with vertigo.
 3155 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3156 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 3157 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 3159 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3160 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3161 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3162 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:38 
 3163 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3164 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 3165 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3166 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3167 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3168 queue reset all
 3169 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3170 BALANCE queue cleared.
 3172 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 3174 EQBAL queue cleared.
 3177 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:39 
 3179 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3180 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 3181 ry::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 3182 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3183 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::worm shadowp
 3184 lant Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 3187 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:39 
 3189 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3190 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 3191 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3192 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3193 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3194 queue reset all
 3195 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3196 BALANCE queue cleared.
 3198 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 3200 EQBAL queue cleared.
 3203 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:39 
 3205 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3206 touch tree
 3207 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3208 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
 3210 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3211 Meed touches a tree of life tattoo.
 3213 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3214 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
 3216 You have cured asthma.
 3218 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3219 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3221 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:39 
 3223 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3224 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 3225 ry::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 3226 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3227 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::worm shadowp
 3228 lant Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 3231 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:39 
 3233 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3234 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 3235 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3236 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3237 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 3238 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3239 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3240 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3241 smoke pipe with lovage
 3242 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3243 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
 3245 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3246 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
 3248 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3249 You are able to focus your senses once more.
 3251 You have cured slow balance.
 3253 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3254 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3256 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:39 
 3258 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3259 You have recovered balance.
 3262 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3263 quickdraw 380197 380113
 3264 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3265 You are already wielding a Spear of the Hunter and a lunar shield.
 3267 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3268 queue reset all
 3269 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3270 BALANCE queue cleared.
 3272 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 3274 EQBAL queue cleared.
 3276 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3277 534/637h 436/480m 64e 
 3278 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3280 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:39 
 3282 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3283 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 3284 ry::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 3285 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3286 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::worm shadowp
 3287 lant Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 3290 H:486(89%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:39 
 3292 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3293 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 3294 target nothing
 3295 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3296 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 3298 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3299 spear smash Dargillaen
 3300 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3301 You bring the flat of a Spear of the Hunter down on Dargillaen's head, rattling him.
 3302 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3303 Meed brings the flat of a Spear of the Hunter down on your head, rattling you.
 3304 You are afflicted with lethargy.
 3305 You are afflicted with clumsiness.
 3306 Damage Taken: 26 blunt, physical (raw damage: 68)
 3307 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3308 Balance Taken: 2.79s
 3309 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3310 surge lacerate
 3311 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3312 You select a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from your stash and toss it to a grey wolf. At the 
 3313 first sniff of the pheromones, the wolf is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 3314 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3315 Meed selects a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from his stash and tosses it to a grey wolf. At t
 3316 he first sniff of the pheromones, the wolf is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 3317 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3318 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
 3319 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3320 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3321 H:460(84%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:39 
 3322 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3323 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 3324 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3325 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3326 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3327 You are afflicted with stupidity.
 3328 You are afflicted with dizziness.
 3329 Flying in front of your face and around your head, a tiny cactus wren bedazzles and confounds you.
 3330 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3331 Flying in front of Dargillaen's face and around his head, a tiny cactus wren bedazzles and confounds
 3332  him.
 3333 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3334 focus
 3335 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3336 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 3337 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3338 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dargillaen.
 3339 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3340 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
 3341 You have cured dizziness.
 3342 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3343 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3344 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3345 H:460(84%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:40 
 3346 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3347 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 3348 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3349 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3350 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3351 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Ravana Hills.
 3353 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3354 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Ravana Hills.
 3355 You may apply another salve.
 3356 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3357 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3358 H:460(84%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:40 
 3359 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3360 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3361 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3362 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3363 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3364 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear smash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3365 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3366 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3367 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3368 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3369 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3370 534/637h 430/480m 64e You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 3371 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3372 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3373 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3374 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3375 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3376 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3377 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
 3378 You may eat another herb or plant.
 3379 H:460(84%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:40 
 3380 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3381 eat nightshade
 3382 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3383 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 3384 ly instead.
 3385 H:460(84%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:41 You have recovered balance.
 3386 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3387 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3388 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3389 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3390 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3391 H:460(84%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:41 
 3392 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3393 eat nightshade
 3394 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3395 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1997.
 3396 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
 3397 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3398 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
 3399 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3400 The lethargy evaporates, leaving you full of energy.
 3401 You have cured lethargy.
 3402 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3403 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3404 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3405 H:460(84%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:41 
 3406 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3407 Your mind is able to focus once again.
 3409 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3410 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 3411 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3412 stand
 3413 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3414 You are already standing.
 3415 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3416 quickdraw dirk shield right left
 3417 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3418 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 3419 ly instead.
 3420 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3421 enemy Meed
 3422 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3423 Meed is already an enemy.
 3424 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3425 dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury
 3426 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3427 You rub some ciguatoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
 3428 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 3429 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3430 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 3431 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3432 Your ciguatoxin toxin has affected Meed.
 3433 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3434 Terror takes hold, as a numb sensation overcomes your body.
 3435 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3436 Meed appears terrified as his muscles seem to become difficult to control.
 3437 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3438 You are afflicted with numbness.
 3440 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3441 You rub some mercury on a Shadowfang dirk.
 3442 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 3443 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3444 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 3445 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3446 Your mercury toxin has affected Meed.
 3447 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3448 Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe.
 3449 You are afflicted with asthma.
 3451 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3452 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 3453 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3454 worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 3455 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3456 The shadowplant disappears without a trace.
 3457 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3458 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of it
 3459  and lands in Meed's hands.
 3460 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3461 A shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lan
 3462 ds in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 3463 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3464 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 3465 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3466 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3467 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3468 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3469 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3470 H:460(84%) M:520(85%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:41 You are again able to clot your 
 3471 wounds properly.
 3472 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3473 purge blood
 3474 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3475 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
 3476 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3477 Dargillaen concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
 3478 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3479 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
 3480 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3481 Dargillaen's expression no longer looks so vacant.
 3482 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3483 You have cured stupidity.
 3484 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3485 534/637h 430/480m 64e 
 3486 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3487 H:460(84%) M:514(84%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:41 
 3489 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3490 focus
 3491 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3492 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 3494 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3495 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Meed.
 3497 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3498 You can control your fear of heights.
 3500 You have cured vertigo.
 3502 534/637h 415/480m 64e 
 3503 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3505 H:460(84%) M:514(84%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:41 
 3507 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3508 queue reset all
 3509 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3510 BALANCE queue cleared.
 3512 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 3514 EQBAL queue cleared.
 3517 H:460(84%) M:514(84%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:41 
 3519 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3520 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor:
 3521 :suggest Meed whisper
 3522 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3523 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor::suggest Meed wh
 3524 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 3527 H:460(84%) M:514(84%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:41 
 3529 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3530 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3531 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3532 534/637h 415/480m 64e 
 3533 You may eat another herb or plant.
 3534 534/637h 415/480m 64e 
 3535 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 3538 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3539 clot
 3540 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3541 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 3543 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3544 534/637h 415/480m 64e 
 3545 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3547 H:460(84%) M:502(82%) XP:0.00 (8) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:41 
 3549 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3550 eat kelp
 3551 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3552 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1995.
 3554 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 3556 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3557 Meed quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 3559 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3560 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
 3562 You have cured asthma.
 3564 534/637h 415/480m 64e 
 3565 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3567 H:460(84%) M:502(82%) XP:0.00 (8) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:41 
 3569 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3570 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3571 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3572 534/637h 415/480m 64e 
 3573 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3574 A small black cobra opens its mouth wide and strikes Meed in the leg.
 3576 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3577 A small black cobra opens its mouth wide and strikes you in the leg.
 3579 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3580 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
 3582 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3583 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
 3585 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
 3587 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3588 queue reset all
 3589 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3590 BALANCE queue cleared.
 3592 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 3594 EQBAL queue cleared.
 3596 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3597 534/637h 415/480m 64e 
 3598 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3600 H:460(84%) M:502(82%) XP:0.00 (8) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 
 3602 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3603 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 3604 suggest Meed whisper
 3605 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3606 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::suggest Meed whi
 3607 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 3610 H:460(84%) M:502(82%) XP:0.00 (8) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 
 3612 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3613 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3614 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3615 534/637h 415/480m 64e 
 3616 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3617 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3618 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3619 534/637h 415/480m 64e 
 3620 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3621 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 3622 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
 3623 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3624 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 4 health.
 3625 534/637h 415/480m 64e 
 3626 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3627 H:456(83%) M:502(82%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 Searing fire spews out at Meed fr
 3628 om your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 3629 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3630 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 3631 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3632 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3633 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3634 534/637h 415/480m 64e 
 3635 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3636 H:456(83%) M:502(82%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 
 3637 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3638 You have recovered balance.
 3639 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3640 quickdraw 380197 380113
 3641 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3642 You are already wielding a Spear of the Hunter and a lunar shield.
 3643 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 3644 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3645 sip mana
 3646 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3647 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
 3648 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3649 Meed takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 3650 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3651 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
 3652 534/637h 480/480m 64e 
 3653 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3654 H:456(83%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 You are again able to conjure the
 3655  shadowplant of a piece of kelp.
 3656 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3657 focus
 3658 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3659 You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
 3660 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3661 purge blood
 3662 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3663 You have not regained the ability to purge your body of toxins.
 3664 534/637h 480/480m 64e 
 3665 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3666 H:456(83%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 
 3667 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3668 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfixtarget nothing
 3669 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3670 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 3671 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3672 spear batter Dargillaen
 3673 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3674 With two quick flicks of your wrist, you slap Dargillaen on each side of his face with a Spear of th
 3675 e Hunter. Following the strikes with an effortless spin on your heel, you drive the butt of your spe
 3676 ar into his forehead.
 3677 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3678 With two quick flicks of his wrist, Meed slaps you on each side of your face with a Spear of the Hun
 3679 ter. Following the strikes with an effortless spin on his heel, he drives the butt of his spear into
 3680  your forehead.
 3681 You are afflicted with impatience.
 3682 You are afflicted with stupidity.
 3683 Damage Taken: 26 blunt, physical (raw damage: 68)
 3684 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3685 Balance Taken: 2.79s
 3686 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3687 surge transfix
 3688 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3689 You select a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from your stash and toss it to a tiny cactus wren. 
 3690 At the first sniff of the pheromones, the wren is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 3691 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3692 Meed selects a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from his stash and tosses it to a tiny cactus wre
 3693 n. At the first sniff of the pheromones, the wren is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 3694 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3695 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
 3696 534/637h 474/480m 64e 
 3697 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3698 H:429(79%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 
 3699 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3700 trueassess Meed
 3701 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3702 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 3703 ly instead.
 3704 H:429(79%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 
 3705 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3706 queue reset all
 3707 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3708 BALANCE queue cleared.
 3709 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 3711 EQBAL queue cleared.
 3714 H:429(79%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 
 3716 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3717 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 3718 suggest Meed whisper
 3719 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3720 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::suggest Meed whi
 3721 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 3724 H:429(79%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 
 3726 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 3728 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3729 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
 3731 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3732 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 3733 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3734 534/637h 474/480m 64e 
 3735 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3737 H:429(79%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 
 3739 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3740 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3741 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3742 534/637h 474/480m 64e 
 3743 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3744 sip health
 3745 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3746 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 3748 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3749 Dargillaen takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 3751 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3752 Health Gain: 102
 3754 The elixir heals your body.
 3756 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3757 534/637h 474/480m 64e 
 3758 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3760 H:532(97%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 
 3762 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3763 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 3765 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3766 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Meed.
 3768 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3769 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 3770 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3771 Meed shivers as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at him.
 3773 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3774 You shiver as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at you.
 3776 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
 3777 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3778 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge transfix
 3779 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3780 534/637h 474/480m 64e 
 3781 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3783 H:532(97%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:42 
 3785 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3786 apply caloric
 3787 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3788 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
 3790 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3791 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
 3793 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3794 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
 3796 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
 3797 534/637h 474/480m 64e 
 3798 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3800 H:532(97%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3802 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3803 queue reset all
 3804 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3805 BALANCE queue cleared.
 3807 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 3809 EQBAL queue cleared.
 3812 H:532(97%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3814 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3815 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 3816 plant Meed kelp
 3817 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3818 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 3819 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 3822 H:532(97%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3824 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3825 queue reset all
 3826 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3827 BALANCE queue cleared.
 3829 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 3831 EQBAL queue cleared.
 3834 H:532(97%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3836 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3837 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 3838 plant Meed kelp
 3839 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3840 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 3841 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 3844 H:532(97%) M:494(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3846 Health Gain: 11
 3849 H:543(100%) M:531(87%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3851 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3852 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 3853 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3854 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 3855 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3856 queue reset all
 3857 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3858 BALANCE queue cleared.
 3860 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 3862 EQBAL queue cleared.
 3865 H:543(100%) M:531(87%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3867 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3868 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 3869 plant Meed kelp
 3870 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3871 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 3872 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 3875 H:543(100%) M:531(87%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3877 You may eat another herb or plant.
 3879 H:543(100%) M:531(87%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3881 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3882 eat kelp
 3883 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3884 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 3885 ly instead.
 3888 H:543(100%) M:531(87%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3890 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3891 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 3892 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3893 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 3894 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3895 eat kelp
 3896 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3897 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1998.
 3899 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 3901 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3902 Dargillaen quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 3904 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3905 You feel coordinated once more.
 3907 You have cured clumsiness.
 3909 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3910 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 3911 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3913 H:543(100%) M:531(87%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3915 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3916 queue reset all
 3917 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3918 BALANCE queue cleared.
 3920 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 3922 EQBAL queue cleared.
 3925 H:543(100%) M:531(87%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3927 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3928 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 3929 plant Meed kelp
 3930 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3931 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 3932 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 3935 H:543(100%) M:531(87%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3937 You have recovered balance.
 3940 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3941 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 3942 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3943 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 3944 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3946 H:543(100%) M:531(87%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 
 3948 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 3951 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3952 stand
 3953 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3954 You are already standing.
 3956 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3957 quickdraw whip shield right left
 3958 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3959 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 3960 ly instead.
 3962 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3964 enemy Meed
 3965 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3966 Meed is already an enemy.
 3967 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3968 flay Meed aura
 3969 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3970 You must be wielding a whip in order to flay someone.
 3971 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3972 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 3973 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3974 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 3975 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3976 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 3977 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3978 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 3980 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3981 The shadowplant disappears without a trace.
 3982 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3983 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of it a
 3984 nd lands in Meed's hands.
 3985 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3986 A shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lands
 3987  in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 3988 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3989 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 3990 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 3991 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 3992 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3993 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 3994 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 3995 H:543(100%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:43 A cunning coyote snarls and lung
 3996 es at you, biting you viciously.
 3997 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 3998 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
 3999 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4000 Damage Taken: 6 cutting (raw damage: 16)
 4001 A brooding vulture shrieks at you, making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
 4002 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4003 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
 4004 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4005 You are afflicted with nausea.
 4006 Your mind is able to focus once again.
 4008 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4009 smoke pipe with linseed
 4010 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4011 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 4012 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4013 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 4014 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 4015 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4016 H:537(98%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:44 
 4017 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4018 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 4019 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4020 566/637h 480/480m 64e You may apply another salve.
 4021 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 4022 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4023 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 4024 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4025 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 4026 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4027 queue reset all
 4028 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4029 BALANCE queue cleared.
 4030 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 4031 EQBAL queue cleared.
 4032 H:537(98%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:44 
 4033 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4034 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Mee
 4035 d whisper
 4036 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4037 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Meed whisper added 
 4038 to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 4039 H:537(98%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:44 
 4040 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4041 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 4042 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4043 566/637h 480/480m 64e You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4044 566/637h 480/480m 64e The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 4045 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4046 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
 4047 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4048 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
 4049 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4050 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 4051 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4052 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 4053 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4054 H:537(98%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4055 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4056 You may eat another herb or plant.
 4057 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 4058 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4059 eat maidenhair
 4060 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4061 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 4062 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4063 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 4064 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4065 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
 4066 You have cured numbness.
 4067 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 4068 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4069 H:537(98%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4070 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4071 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 4072 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4073 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 4074 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4075 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 4076 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4077 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 4078 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4079 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 4080 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4081 566/637h 480/480m 64e You have recovered balance.
 4082 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4083 quickdraw scepter shield
 4084 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4085 What are you trying to draw?
 4086 Syntax: QUICKDRAW <item1> [item2]
 4087 566/637h 480/480m 64e 
 4088 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4089 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bitetarget nothing
 4090 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4091 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 4092 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4093 spear batter Dargillaen
 4094 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4095 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 4096 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4097 Meed's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 4098 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4099 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 4100 With two quick flicks of your wrist, you slap Dargillaen on each side of his face with a Spear of th
 4101 e Hunter. Following the strikes with an effortless spin on your heel, you drive the butt of your spe
 4102 ar into his forehead.
 4103 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4104 With two quick flicks of his wrist, Meed slaps you on each side of your face with a Spear of the Hun
 4105 ter. Following the strikes with an effortless spin on his heel, he drives the butt of his spear into
 4106  your forehead.
 4107 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
 4108 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4109 Balance Taken: 2.79s
 4110 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4111 surge bite
 4112 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4113 You select a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from your stash and toss it to a cunning coyote. At
 4114  the first sniff of the pheromones, the coyote is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 4115 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4116 Meed selects a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from his stash and tosses it to a cunning coyote.
 4117  At the first sniff of the pheromones, the coyote is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 4118 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4119 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
 4120 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4121 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4122 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 You may eat another herb or pl
 4123 ant.
 4124 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4125 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4126 eat wormwood
 4127 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4128 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1996.
 4129 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
 4130 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4131 Dargillaen quickly eats a wormwood root.
 4132 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4133 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
 4134 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4135 Dargillaen's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
 4136 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4137 You have cured butisol.
 4138 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4139 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4140 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4141 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4142 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4143 smoke pipe with linseed
 4144 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4145 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 4146 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4147 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 4148 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4149 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4150 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4151 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4152 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4153 touch amnesia
 4154 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4155 You have no amnesia.
 4156 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4157 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4158 queue reset all
 4159 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4160 BALANCE queue cleared.
 4161 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 4162 EQBAL queue cleared.
 4163 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4164 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4165 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 4166 ry::suggest Meed whisper
 4167 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4168 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::suggest Meed
 4169  whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 4170 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4171 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4172 queue reset all
 4173 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4174 BALANCE queue cleared.
 4175 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 4176 EQBAL queue cleared.
 4177 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4178 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4179 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 4180 ry::suggest Meed whisper
 4181 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4182 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::suggest Meed
 4183  whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 4184 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4185 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4186 queue reset all
 4187 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4188 BALANCE queue cleared.
 4189 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 4190 EQBAL queue cleared.
 4191 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4192 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4193 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 4194 ry::suggest Meed whisper
 4195 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4196 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::suggest Meed
 4197  whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 4198 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (14) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:45 
 4199 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4200 outr maidenhair
 4201 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4202 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1996.
 4203 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4204 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4205 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 4206 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4207 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4208 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4209 A grey wolf drags its wicked claws down your legs, leaving them horribly lacerated.
 4210 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4211 A grey wolf drags its wicked claws down Dargillaen's legs, leaving them horribly lacerated.
 4212 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4213 You are afflicted with haemophilia.
 4215 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4216 queue reset all
 4217 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4218 BALANCE queue cleared.
 4219 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 4220 EQBAL queue cleared.
 4221 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4222 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4223 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4224 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (24) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:46 
 4225 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4226 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 4227 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4228 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4229 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4230 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 4231 ry::suggest Meed whisper
 4232 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4233 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::suggest Meed
 4234  whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 4235 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (24) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:46 
 4236 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4237 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge bite
 4238 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4239 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4240 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4241 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4242 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4243 stand
 4244 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4245 You are already standing.
 4246 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4247 quickdraw dirk shield right left
 4248 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4249 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 4250 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4251 enemy Meed
 4252 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4253 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 4254 ly instead.
 4255 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4256 dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury
 4257 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4258 You rub some ciguatoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
 4259 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 4260 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4261 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 4262 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4263 Your ciguatoxin toxin has affected Meed.
 4264 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4265 Terror takes hold, as a numb sensation overcomes your body.
 4266 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4267 Meed appears terrified as his muscles seem to become difficult to control.
 4268 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4269 You are afflicted with numbness.
 4271 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4272 You rub some mercury on a Shadowfang dirk.
 4273 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 4274 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4275 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 4276 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4277 Your mercury toxin has affected Meed.
 4278 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4279 Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe.
 4280 You are afflicted with asthma.
 4282 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4283 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 4284 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4285 suggest Meed whisper
 4286 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4287 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
 4288 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4289 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
 4290 The thought of food revolts you all of a sudden.
 4291 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4292 Meed suddenly looks nauseous.
 4293 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4294 You are afflicted with anorexia.
 4296 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4297 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 4298 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4299 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4300 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4301 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (24) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:46 
 4302 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4303 apply epidermal
 4304 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4305 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
 4306 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4307 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
 4308 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4309 Food is no longer repulsive to you.
 4310 You have cured anorexia.
 4311 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4312 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4313 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (24) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:46 You have recovered your breath
 4314  and can smoke once more.
 4315 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (24) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:46 
 4316 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4317 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4318 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4319 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4320 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4321 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
 4322 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (24) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:46 
 4323 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4324 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4325 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4326 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4327 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4328 queue reset all
 4329 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4330 BALANCE queue cleared.
 4331 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 4332 EQBAL queue cleared.
 4333 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (24) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:46 
 4334 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4335 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4336 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4337 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4338 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4339 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor:
 4340 :suggest Meed whisper
 4341 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4342 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor::suggest Meed wh
 4343 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 4344 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (24) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:46 An ebony raven pecks at you pa
 4345 infully.
 4346 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4347 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
 4348 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 4349 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4350 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 4351 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4352 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 4354 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4355 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4356 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4357 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4358 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4359 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:47 Searing fire spews out at Meed
 4360  from your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 4361 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4362 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 4363 You may drink another healing elixir.
 4364 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4365 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4366 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:47 
 4367 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4368 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4369 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4370 566/637h 474/480m 64e 
 4371 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4372 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
 4373 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:47 You are again able to conjure 
 4374 the shadowplant of a maidenhair leaf.
 4375 You may drink another healing elixir.
 4376 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:47 
 4377 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4378 Your mind is able to focus once again.
 4380 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4381 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4382 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4383 566/637h 464/480m 64e You may apply another salve.
 4384 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4385 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4386 touch tree
 4387 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4388 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
 4389 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4390 Dargillaen touches a tree of life tattoo.
 4391 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4392 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
 4393 You have cured recklessness.
 4394 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4395 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4396 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4397 H:467(86%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:47 
 4398 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4399 apply mending to torso
 4400 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4401 You quickly rub some mending salve on your torso.
 4402 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4403 Meed rubs some salve on his torso.
 4404 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4405 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 4406 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4407 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 4408 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4409 You have cured ablaze.
 4410 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4411 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4412 H:467(86%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:47 You may eat another herb or plan
 4413 t.
 4414 H:467(86%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:47 
 4415 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4416 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4417 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4418 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4419 queue reset all
 4420 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4421 BALANCE queue cleared.
 4422 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 4423 EQBAL queue cleared.
 4424 H:467(86%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:47 
 4425 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4426 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor:
 4427 :worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 4428 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4429 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor::worm shadowplan
 4430 t Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 4431 H:467(86%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:47 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3
 4432 0 health.
 4433 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4434 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 30 health.
 4435 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4436 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4437 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4438 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4439 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4440 H:437(80%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:47 
 4441 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4442 eat mandrake
 4443 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4444 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1999.
 4445 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
 4446 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4447 Dargillaen quickly eats a mandrake root.
 4448 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4449 You are patient once again.
 4450 You have cured impatience.
 4451 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4452 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4453 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4454 H:437(80%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:47 
 4455 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4456 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 4457 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4458 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4459 You are afflicted with dizziness.
 4460 Flying in front of your face and around your head, a tiny cactus wren bedazzles and confounds you.
 4461 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4462 Flying in front of Dargillaen's face and around his head, a tiny cactus wren bedazzles and confounds
 4463  him.
 4464 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4465 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4466 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4467 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4468 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4469 H:437(80%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 
 4470 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4471 focus
 4472 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4473 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 4474 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4475 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dargillaen.
 4476 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4477 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
 4478 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4479 Dargillaen's expression no longer looks so vacant.
 4480 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4481 You have cured stupidity.
 4482 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4483 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4484 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4485 H:437(80%) M:501(82%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 
 4486 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4487 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4488 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4489 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4490 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4491 queue reset all
 4492 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4493 BALANCE queue cleared.
 4494 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 4495 EQBAL queue cleared.
 4496 H:437(80%) M:501(82%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 
 4497 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4498 You may eat another herb or plant.
 4499 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4500 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4501 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor:
 4502 :worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 4503 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4504 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor::worm shadowplan
 4505 t Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 4506 H:437(80%) M:501(82%) XP:0.00 (29) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 
 4507 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4508 You have recovered balance.
 4509 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4510 kipup
 4511 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4512 You are not on the ground.
 4513 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4514 kill Dargillaen
 4515 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4516 You give a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into Dargillaen's body.
 4517 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4518 Meed gives a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into your body.
 4519 Damage Taken: 70 cutting, physical (raw damage: 203)
 4520 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4521 The icy coating on your spear leaches into Dargillaen's wound, chilling him.
 4522 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4523 The icy coating on Meed's spear leaches into your wound, chilling you.
 4524 Damage Taken: 26 cold (raw damage: 55)
 4525 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
 4526 The cold air strips the protection of your caloric salve.
 4527 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4528 The cold air strips the protection of Dargillaen's caloric salve.
 4529 Balance Taken: 3.11s
 4530 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4531 eat kelp
 4532 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4533 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1994.
 4534 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 4535 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4536 Meed quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 4537 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4538 As you attempt to swallow the plant, it suddenly disappears with no effect.
 4539 The plant burns your body.
 4540 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 4541 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4542 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4543 H:340(62%) M:501(82%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 
 4544 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4545 apply caloric
 4546 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4547 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
 4548 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4549 Dargillaen rubs some salve on his skin.
 4550 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4551 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
 4552 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
 4554 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4555 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4556 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4557 H:340(62%) M:501(82%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 
 4558 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4559 sip health
 4560 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4561 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 4562 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4563 Dargillaen takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 4564 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4565 Health Gain: 127
 4566 The elixir heals your body.
 4567 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4568 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4569 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4570 H:467(86%) M:501(82%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 
 4571 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4572 eat toadstool
 4573 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4574 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1998.
 4575 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 4576 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4577 Dargillaen quickly eats a toadstool.
 4578 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4579 Health Gain: 54
 4580 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 4581 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4582 566/637h 464/480m 64e 
 4583 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4584 H:521(95%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 You have recovered balance.
 4585 H:521(95%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 
 4586 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4587 apply caloric
 4588 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4589 The salve dissolves and is wasted.
 4590 H:521(95%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 
 4591 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4592 trueassess Dargillaen
 4593 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4594 Dargillaen's condition stands at 521/543 health and 562/606 mana.
 4595 566/637h 452/480m 64e 
 4596 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4597 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4598 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4599 566/637h 452/480m 64e 
 4600 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4601 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4602 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4603 stand
 4604 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4605 You are already standing.
 4606 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4607 quickdraw dirk shield right left
 4608 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4609 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 4610 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4611 enemy Meed
 4612 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4613 Meed is already an enemy.
 4614 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4615 dstab Meed butisol mazanor
 4616 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4617 You rub some butisol on a Shadowfang dirk.
 4618 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 4619 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4620 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 4621 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4622 Your butisol toxin has affected Meed.
 4623 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4624 You begin sweating heavily, your skin heating to unnatural temperatures.
 4625 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4626 Meed appears flushed, his skin sweating heavily.
 4627 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4628 You are afflicted with butisol.
 4630 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4631 You rub some mazanor on a Shadowfang dirk.
 4632 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 4633 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4634 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 4635 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4636 Your mazanor toxin has affected Meed.
 4637 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4638 A faintness takes you as your stomach begins to grumble ceaselessly.
 4639 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4640 Meed appears hungry.
 4641 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4642 You are afflicted with slow herbs.
 4644 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4645 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 4646 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4647 worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 4648 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4649 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of it
 4650  and lands in Meed's hands.
 4651 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4652 A shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lan
 4653 ds in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 4654 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4655 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 4656 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4657 566/637h 452/480m 64e 
 4658 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4659 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 
 4660 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4661 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4662 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4663 566/637h 452/480m 64e You may apply another salve.
 4664 566/637h 452/480m 64e 
 4665 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4666 apply epidermal
 4667 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4668 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
 4669 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4670 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
 4671 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4672 Your stomach ceases grumbling.
 4673 You have cured slow herbs.
 4674 566/637h 452/480m 64e 
 4675 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4676 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:48 A small black cobra's hood flare
 4677 s as it darts forward to bite Meed.
 4678 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4679 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
 4680 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4681 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
 4682 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4683 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
 4684 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4685 Meed grimaces, gripping at his throat.
 4686 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4687 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
 4688 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4689 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
 4690 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4691 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 4692 566/637h 452/480m 64e 
 4693 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4694 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:49 
 4695 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4696 queue eqbal kipup|kill Dargillaen
 4697 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4698 Kipup|kill Dargillaen added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 4699 566/637h 452/480m 64e 
 4700 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4701 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4702 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4703 566/637h 452/480m 64e 
 4704 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4705 queue reset all
 4706 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4707 BALANCE queue cleared.
 4708 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 4709 EQBAL queue cleared.
 4710 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:49 
 4711 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4712 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 4713 suggest Meed whisper
 4714 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4715 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::suggest Meed whi
 4716 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 4717 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:49 
 4718 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4719 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear batter Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4720 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4721 566/637h 452/480m 64e 
 4722 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4723 focus
 4724 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4725 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 4726 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4727 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Meed.
 4728 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4729 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
 4730 You have cured dizziness.
 4731 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4732 purge blood
 4733 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4734 You have not regained the ability to purge your body of toxins.
 4735 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4736 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4737 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:49 You may apply another salve.
 4738 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:49 
 4739 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4740 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 4741 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4742 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4743 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4744 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4745 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4746 You are again able to conjure the shadowplant of a piece of kelp.
 4747 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:49 You may eat another herb or plan
 4748 t.
 4749 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:49 
 4750 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4751 eat nightshade
 4752 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4753 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1996.
 4754 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
 4755 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4756 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
 4757 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4758 Your stomach becalms itself.
 4759 You have cured nausea.
 4760 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4761 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4762 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4763 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:49 
 4764 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4765 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4766 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4767 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4768 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4769 queue reset all
 4770 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4771 BALANCE queue cleared.
 4772 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 4773 EQBAL queue cleared.
 4774 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:50 
 4776 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 4778 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4779 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
 4781 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4782 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 4783 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4784 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 4785 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 4786 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4787 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::worm shadowplant
 4788  Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 4790 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4791 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4792 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4794 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:50 
 4796 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4797 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4798 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4799 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4800 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4801 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4802 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4803 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4804 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4805 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4806 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4807 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4808 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4809 You have recovered balance.
 4812 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4813 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4814 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4815 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4816 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4818 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:50 
 4820 A cunning coyote sinks its teeth into your leg, seeping poison into your bloodstream.
 4822 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4823 A cunning coyote sinks its teeth into Dargillaen's leg, seeping poison into his bloodstream.
 4825 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4826 You are afflicted with butisol.
 4827 Meed shivers as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at him.
 4829 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4830 You shiver as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at you.
 4832 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
 4833 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4834 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4836 H:521(95%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 4838 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4841 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4842 stand
 4843 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4844 You are already standing.
 4846 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4847 quickdraw dirk shield right left
 4848 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4849 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 4851 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4853 enemy Meed
 4854 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4855 Meed is already an enemy.
 4857 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4859 dstab Meed mercury noctec
 4860 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4861 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 4863 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4864 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 4866 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4867 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 4868 You rub some mercury on a Shadowfang dirk.
 4870 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 4872 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4873 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 4875 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4876 Your mercury toxin has affected Meed.
 4878 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4879 Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe.
 4881 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4882 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 4884 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 4886 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4887 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 4889 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4890 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 4892 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4893 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 4895 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4896 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 4898 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4899 You are afflicted with slow balance.
 4900 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4901 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 4903 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4904 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 4905 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4906 The shadowplant disappears without a trace.
 4907 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4908 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of it a
 4909 nd lands in Meed's hands.
 4910 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4911 A shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lands
 4912  in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 4913 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4914 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 4915 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4916 queue reset all
 4917 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4918 BALANCE queue cleared.
 4919 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 4920 EQBAL queue cleared.
 4921 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4922 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4923 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4924 H:521(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 4925 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4926 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 4927 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 4928 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4929 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::worm shadowplant
 4930  Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 4931 H:521(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 4932 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4933 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4934 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4935 566/637h 437/480m 64e You have regained the ability to purge your body.
 4936 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4937 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4938 smoke pipe with linseed
 4939 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4940 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 4941 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4942 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 4943 566/637h 437/480m 64e 
 4944 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4945 H:521(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 4946 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4947 purge blood
 4948 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4949 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
 4950 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4951 Meed concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
 4952 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4953 You are able to focus your senses once more.
 4954 You have cured slow balance.
 4955 566/637h 431/480m 64e 
 4956 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4957 H:521(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (43) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 4958 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4959 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 4960 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4961 566/637h 431/480m 64e You have recovered balance.
 4962 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4963 quickdraw scepter shield
 4964 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4965 What are you trying to draw?
 4966 Syntax: QUICKDRAW <item1> [item2]
 4967 566/637h 431/480m 64e 
 4968 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4969 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge laceratetarget nothing
 4970 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4971 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 4972 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4973 spear longslash Dargillaen
 4974 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4975 You plunge a Spear of the Hunter deep into Dargillaen's thigh and pull its blade up the length of hi
 4976 s body with a forceful lever motion, leaving a long trail of split flesh.
 4977 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4978 Meed plunges a Spear of the Hunter deep into your thigh and pulls its blade up the length of your bo
 4979 dy with a forceful lever motion, leaving a long trail of split flesh.
 4980 Damage Taken: 116 cutting, physical (raw damage: 333)
 4981 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
 4982 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
 4983 You cease to wield a lunar shield.
 4984 You are afflicted with addiction.
 4986 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4987 Balance Taken: 3.44s
 4988 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 4989 surge lacerate
 4990 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4991 You select a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from your stash and toss it to a grey wolf. At the 
 4992 first sniff of the pheromones, the wolf is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 4993 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 4994 Meed selects a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from his stash and tosses it to a grey wolf. At t
 4995 he first sniff of the pheromones, the wolf is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 4996 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 4997 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
 4998 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 4999 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5000 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (74) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 5001 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5002 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 5003 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5004 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Meed.
 5005 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5006 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 5007 You may eat another herb or plant.
 5008 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 5009 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5010 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (74) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 5011 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5012 queue reset eqbal
 5013 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5014 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5015 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (74) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 5016 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5017 queue eqbal top diag me unified
 5018 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5019 Diag me unified added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5020 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (74) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 5021 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5022 ss
 5023 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5024  Health   : 405/543      Reserves : 500/445     
 5025  Mana     : 550/606      Reserves : 390/500     
 5027  Str: 14/11  Int: 17/14  Dex: 16/13  Con: 15/12 
 5029 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (74) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 5030 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5031 touch amnesia
 5032 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5033 You have no amnesia.
 5034 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (74) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 5035 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5036 eat kelp
 5037 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5038 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 5039 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5040 Meed quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 5041 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5042 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
 5043 You have cured asthma.
 5044 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 5045 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5046 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (74) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 5047 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5048 queue reset all
 5049 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5050 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5051 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5052 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5053 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (74) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 5054 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5055 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Mee
 5056 d whisper
 5057 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5058 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Meed whisper added 
 5059 to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5060 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (74) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 5061 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5062 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 5063 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5064 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 5065 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5066 You may eat another herb or plant.
 5067 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (74) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 5068 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5069 eat wormwood
 5070 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5071 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1995.
 5072 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
 5073 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5074 Dargillaen quickly eats a wormwood root.
 5075 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5076 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
 5077 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5078 Dargillaen's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
 5079 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5080 You have cured butisol.
 5081 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5082 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 5083 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5084 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (74) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:51 
 5085 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5086 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge lacerate
 5087 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5088 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 5089 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5090 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
 5091 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5092 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
 5093 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 5094 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 5095 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5096 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 Your mind is able to focus once 
 5097 again.
 5099 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5100 You may apply another salve.
 5101 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 5102 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5103 H:405(74%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5104 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5105 focus
 5106 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5107 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 5108 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5109 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dargillaen.
 5110 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5111 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
 5112 You have cured addiction.
 5113 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5114 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 5115 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5116 H:405(74%) M:535(88%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5117 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5118 apply caloric
 5119 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5120 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
 5121 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5122 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
 5123 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5124 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
 5125 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
 5126 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 5127 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5128 H:405(74%) M:535(88%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5129 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5130 Having been numb for too long, you feel your muscles lock up in paralysis.
 5131 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5132 Meed's muscles lock up in paralysis.
 5133 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5134 You are afflicted with paralysis.
 5135 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
 5136 You have cured numbness.
 5137 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 5138 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5139 H:405(74%) M:535(88%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5140 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5141 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5142 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5143 566/637h 425/480m 64e 
 5144 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5145 Searing fire spews out at Meed from your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 5146 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5147 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 5148 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 5149 The flames strip your aura of rebounding.
 5150 566/637h 415/480m 64e 
 5151 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5152 H:405(74%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5153 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5154 queue reset all
 5155 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5156 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5157 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5158 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5159 H:405(74%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5160 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5161 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Mee
 5162 d whisper
 5163 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5164 Stand::quickdraw whip shield right left::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Meed whisper added 
 5165 to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5166 H:405(74%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5167 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5168 smoke pipe with linseed
 5169 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5170 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 5171 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5172 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 5173 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5174 566/637h 415/480m 64e 
 5175 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5176 H:405(74%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5177 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5178 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5179 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5180 566/637h 415/480m 64e 
 5181 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5182 queue reset all
 5183 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5184 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5185 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5186 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5187 H:405(74%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5188 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5189 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 5190 suggest Meed whisper
 5191 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5192 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::suggest Meed whi
 5193 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5194 H:405(74%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5195 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5196 queue reset all
 5197 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5198 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5199 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5200 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5201 H:405(74%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5202 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5203 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 5204 suggest Meed whisper
 5205 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5206 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::suggest Meed whi
 5207 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5208 H:405(74%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5209 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5210 queue reset all
 5211 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5212 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5213 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5214 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5215 H:405(74%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5216 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5217 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 5218 suggest Meed whisper
 5219 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5220 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield right left::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::suggest Meed whi
 5221 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5222 H:405(74%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (79) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:52 
 5223 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5224 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5225 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5226 566/637h 415/480m 64e 
 5227 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5228 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5229 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5230 566/637h 415/480m 64e 
 5231 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5232 A brooding vulture shrieks at you, making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
 5233 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5234 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
 5235 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5236 You are afflicted with nausea.
 5237 A grey wolf drags its wicked claws down your legs, leaving them horribly lacerated.
 5238 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5239 A grey wolf drags its wicked claws down Dargillaen's legs, leaving them horribly lacerated.
 5240 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5241 Damage Taken: 30 cutting (raw damage: 61)
 5242 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5243 566/637h 415/480m 64e 
 5244 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5245 H:374(68%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 You may drink another healing el
 5246 ixir.
 5247 H:374(68%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 
 5248 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5249 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5250 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5251 566/637h 415/480m 64e 
 5252 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5253 sip health
 5254 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5255 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 5256 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5257 Dargillaen takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 5258 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5259 Health Gain: 128
 5260 The elixir heals your body.
 5261 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5262 566/637h 415/480m 64e 
 5263 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5264 H:503(92%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 You have recovered balance.
 5265 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5266 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5267 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5268 566/637h 415/480m 64e 
 5269 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5270 H:503(92%) M:526(86%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 Health Gain: 40
 5271 Your wounds cause you to bleed 89 health.
 5272 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5273 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 89 health.
 5274 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5275 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 5276 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5277 stand
 5278 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5279 You are already standing.
 5280 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5281 quickdraw dirk shield right left
 5282 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5283 You cannot do that while your left arm is crippled.
 5284 You are afflicted with crippled left arm.
 5285 You secure your previously wielded item and instantly draw a Shadowfang dirk into your right hand.
 5286 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5287 Dargillaen secures his previously wielded item and instantly draws a Shadowfang dirk into his right 
 5288 hand.
 5289 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5290 enemy Meed
 5291 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5292 Meed is already an enemy.
 5293 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5294 dstab Meed mercury noctec
 5295 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5296 You rub some mercury on a Shadowfang dirk.
 5297 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 5298 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5299 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 5300 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5301 Your mercury toxin has affected Meed.
 5302 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5303 Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe.
 5304 You are afflicted with asthma.
 5306 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5307 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 5308 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 5309 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5310 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 5311 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5312 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 5313 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5314 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 5315 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5316 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 5317 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5318 You are afflicted with slow balance.
 5320 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5321 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 5322 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5323 suggest Meed whisper
 5324 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5325 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
 5326 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5327 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
 5328 The thought of speech seems difficult all of a sudden.
 5329 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5330 Meed makes an oddly stuttered sound.
 5331 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5332 You are afflicted with stuttering.
 5334 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5335 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 5336 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5337 598/637h 439/480m 64e 
 5338 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5339 H:454(83%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 
 5340 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5341 apply mending to arms
 5342 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5343 You quickly rub some mending salve on your arms.
 5344 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5345 Dargillaen rubs some salve on his arms.
 5346 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5347 Your left arm becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
 5348 You have cured crippled left arm.
 5349 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5350 598/637h 439/480m 64e 
 5351 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5352 H:454(83%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 You have recovered your breath a
 5353 nd can smoke once more.
 5354 H:454(83%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 
 5355 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5356 kipup
 5357 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5358 You are not on the ground.
 5359 H:454(83%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 
 5360 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5361 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5362 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5363 598/637h 439/480m 64e You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 5364 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5365 queue reset all
 5366 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5367 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5368 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5369 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5370 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5371 598/637h 439/480m 64e 
 5372 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5373 H:454(83%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 
 5374 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5375 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mazanor iodine::
 5376 suggest Meed whisper
 5377 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5378 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mazanor iodine::suggest Meed whi
 5379 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5380 H:454(83%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 
 5381 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5382 You may eat another herb or plant.
 5383 598/637h 439/480m 64e 
 5384 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5385 eat maidenhair
 5386 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5387 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 5388 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5389 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 5390 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5391 Your paralysis fades and you can move once more.
 5392 You have cured paralysis.
 5393 598/637h 439/480m 64e 
 5394 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5395 H:454(83%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 
 5396 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5397 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5398 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5399 598/637h 439/480m 64e 
 5400 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5401 You may eat another herb or plant.
 5402 H:454(83%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:53 
 5403 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5404 eat nightshade
 5405 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5406 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1995.
 5407 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
 5408 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5409 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
 5410 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5411 Your blood regains its ability to clot.
 5412 You have cured haemophilia.
 5413 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5414 598/637h 439/480m 64e 
 5415 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5416 H:454(83%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (89) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:54 
 5417 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5418 trueassess Dargillaen
 5419 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5420 Dargillaen's condition stands at 454/543 health and 564/606 mana.
 5421 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5422 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5423 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5424 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5425 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5426 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5427 clot
 5428 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5429 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 5430 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5431 clot
 5432 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5433 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 5434 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 5435 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5436 clot
 5437 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5438 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 5439 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 5440 H:454(83%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (73) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:54 
 5441 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5442 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
 5443 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5444 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5445 touch tree
 5446 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5447 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
 5448 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5449 Meed touches a tree of life tattoo.
 5450 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5451 You are able to focus your senses once more.
 5452 You have cured slow balance.
 5453 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5454 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5455 H:454(83%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (73) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:54 
 5456 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5457 outr maidenhair
 5458 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5459 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1995.
 5460 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5461 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5462 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5463 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5464 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5465 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5466 queue reset all
 5467 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5468 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5469 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5470 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5471 H:454(83%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (73) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:54 
 5472 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5473 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::
 5474 suggest Meed whisper
 5475 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5476 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::suggest Meed whi
 5477 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5478 H:454(83%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (73) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:54 You may eat another mushroom.
 5479 H:454(83%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (73) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:54 
 5480 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5481 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5482 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5483 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5484 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5485 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5486 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5487 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5488 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5489 You are again able to conjure the shadowplant of a maidenhair leaf.
 5490 H:454(83%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (73) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:54 You may apply another salve.
 5491 H:454(83%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (73) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:54 
 5492 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5493 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 5494 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5495 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5496 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5497 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5498 598/637h 427/480m 64e You have recovered balance.
 5499 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5500 kipup
 5501 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5502 You are not on the ground.
 5503 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5504 kill Dargillaen
 5505 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5506 You give a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into Dargillaen's body.
 5507 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5508 Meed gives a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into your body.
 5509 Damage Taken: 82 cutting, physical (raw damage: 203)
 5510 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5511 The icy coating on your spear leaches into Dargillaen's wound, chilling him.
 5512 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5513 The icy coating on Meed's spear leaches into your wound, chilling you.
 5514 Damage Taken: 26 cold (raw damage: 55)
 5515 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
 5516 The cold air strips the protection of your caloric salve.
 5517 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5518 The cold air strips the protection of Dargillaen's caloric salve.
 5519 Balance Taken: 3.11s
 5520 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5521 An ebony raven pecks at you painfully.
 5522 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5523 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
 5524 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5525 Damage Taken: 15 cutting (raw damage: 30)
 5526 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 5527 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5528 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 5529 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5530 apply caloric
 5531 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5532 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
 5533 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5534 Dargillaen rubs some salve on his skin.
 5535 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5536 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
 5537 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
 5539 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5540 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5541 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5542 H:329(60%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:55 
 5543 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5544 eat toadstool
 5545 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5546 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1997.
 5547 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 5548 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5549 Dargillaen quickly eats a toadstool.
 5550 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5551 Health Gain: 54
 5552 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 5553 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5554 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5555 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5556 H:384(70%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:55 
 5557 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5558 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5559 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5560 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5561 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5562 apply caloric
 5563 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5564 The salve dissolves and is wasted.
 5565 H:384(70%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:55 
 5566 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5567 queue reset all
 5568 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5569 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5570 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5571 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5572 H:384(70%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:55 
 5573 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5574 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 5575 ry::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 5576 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5577 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::worm shadowp
 5578 lant Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5579 H:384(70%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:55 
 5580 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5581 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5582 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5583 598/637h 427/480m 64e You may apply another salve.
 5584 598/637h 427/480m 64e Your mind is able to focus once again.
 5586 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5587 apply mending to torso
 5588 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5589 You quickly rub some mending salve on your torso.
 5590 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5591 Meed rubs some salve on his torso.
 5592 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5593 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 5594 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5595 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 5596 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5597 You have cured ablaze.
 5598 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5599 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5600 H:384(70%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:55 
 5601 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5602 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
 5603 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5604 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 5605 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5606 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5607 queue eqbal kipup|kill Dargillaen
 5608 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5609 Kipup|kill Dargillaen added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 5610 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5611 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5612 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5613 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5614 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5615 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5616 You have recovered balance.
 5617 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5618 queue reset all
 5619 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5620 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5621 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5622 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5623 H:384(70%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:55 
 5624 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5625 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercu
 5626 ry::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 5627 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5628 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury::worm shadowp
 5629 lant Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5630 H:384(70%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:55 
 5631 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5632 You may eat another herb or plant.
 5633 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5634 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5635 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5636 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5637 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5638 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5639 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 5640 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5641 stand
 5642 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5643 You are already standing.
 5644 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5645 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 5646 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5647 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a Shadowfang dirk into your left hand, w
 5648 ith a lunar shield flowing into your right hand.
 5649 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5650 Dargillaen secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a Shadowfang dirk into his left 
 5651 hand, with a lunar shield flowing into the right.
 5652 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5653 enemy Meed
 5654 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5655 Meed is already an enemy.
 5656 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5657 dstab Meed ciguatoxin mercury
 5658 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5659 You rub some ciguatoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
 5660 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 5661 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5662 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 5663 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5664 Your ciguatoxin toxin has affected Meed.
 5665 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5666 Terror takes hold, as a numb sensation overcomes your body.
 5667 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5668 Meed appears terrified as his muscles seem to become difficult to control.
 5669 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5670 You are afflicted with numbness.
 5672 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5673 You rub some mercury on a Shadowfang dirk.
 5674 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 5675 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5676 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 5677 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5678 Your mercury toxin has affected Meed.
 5679 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5680 Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe.
 5681 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5682 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 5683 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5684 worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 5685 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5686 The shadowplant disappears without a trace.
 5687 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5688 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of it
 5689  and lands in Meed's hands.
 5690 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5691 A shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lan
 5692 ds in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 5693 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5694 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 5695 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5696 eat kelp
 5697 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5698 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1993.
 5699 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 5700 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5701 Meed quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 5702 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5703 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
 5704 You have cured asthma.
 5705 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5706 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5707 H:384(70%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:55 You may eat another herb or plan
 5708 t.
 5709 H:384(70%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:56 
 5710 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5711 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5712 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5713 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5714 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5715 A small black cobra opens its mouth wide and strikes Meed in the leg.
 5716 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5717 A small black cobra opens its mouth wide and strikes you in the leg.
 5718 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5719 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
 5720 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5721 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
 5722 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5723 Meed's skin suddenly turns pale and he begins sweating profusely.
 5724 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5725 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
 5726 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5727 eat nightshade
 5728 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5729 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1994.
 5730 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
 5731 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5732 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
 5733 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5734 Your stomach becalms itself.
 5735 You have cured nausea.
 5736 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5737 598/637h 427/480m 64e 
 5738 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5739 H:384(70%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:56 
 5740 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5741 focus
 5742 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5743 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 5744 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5745 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Meed.
 5746 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5747 Your tongue will finally obey your commands properly.
 5748 You have cured stuttering.
 5749 598/637h 412/480m 64e 
 5750 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5751 H:384(70%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:56 Your mind is able to focus once 
 5752 again.
 5753 H:384(70%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:56 
 5754 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5755 queue reset all
 5756 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5757 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5758 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5759 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5760 H:384(70%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:56 
 5761 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5762 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 5763 suggest Meed whisper
 5764 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5765 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::suggest Meed whi
 5766 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5767 H:384(70%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:56 
 5768 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5769 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5770 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5771 598/637h 412/480m 64e 
 5772 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5773 You may apply another salve.
 5774 H:384(70%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:56 
 5775 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5776 focus
 5777 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5778 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 5779 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5780 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dargillaen.
 5781 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5782 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
 5783 You have cured dizziness.
 5784 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5785 598/637h 412/480m 64e 
 5786 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5787 H:384(70%) M:543(89%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:56 
 5788 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5789 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5790 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5791 598/637h 412/480m 64e 
 5792 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5793 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
 5795 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5796 focus
 5797 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5798 You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
 5799 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5800 purge blood
 5801 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5802 You have not regained the ability to purge your body of toxins.
 5803 598/637h 412/480m 64e 
 5804 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5805 H:384(70%) M:543(89%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:56 
 5806 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5807 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5808 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5809 598/637h 412/480m 64e The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 5810 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5811 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5812 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5813 598/637h 412/480m 64e 
 5814 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5815 You are again able to conjure the shadowplant of a piece of kelp.
 5816 H:384(70%) M:543(89%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 You feel an aura of rebounding s
 5817 urround you.
 5818 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5819 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
 5820 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5821 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 5823 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5824 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5825 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5826 598/637h 412/480m 64e 
 5827 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5828 H:384(70%) M:543(89%) XP:0.00 (91) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 
 5829 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5830 clot
 5831 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5832 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 5833 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 5834 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5835 clot
 5836 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5837 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 5838 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 5839 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5840 clot
 5841 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5842 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 5843 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 5844 H:384(70%) M:470(77%) XP:0.00 (75) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 Searing fire spews out at Meed f
 5845 rom your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 5846 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5847 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 5848 598/637h 402/480m 64e 
 5849 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5850 H:384(70%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (75) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 
 5851 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5852 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5853 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5854 598/637h 402/480m 64e 
 5855 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5856 sip mana
 5857 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5858 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
 5859 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5860 Meed takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 5861 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5862 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
 5863 598/637h 480/480m 64e 
 5864 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5865 H:384(70%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (75) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 
 5866 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5867 trueassess Meed
 5868 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5869 Meed's condition stands at 598/637 health and 480/480 mana.
 5870 H:384(70%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (75) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 
 5871 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5872 queue reset all
 5873 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5874 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5875 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5876 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5877 H:384(70%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (75) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 
 5878 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5879 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 5880 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 5881 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5882 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::worm shadowplant
 5883  Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5884 H:384(70%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (75) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 
 5885 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5886 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5887 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5888 598/637h 480/480m 64e 
 5889 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5890 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5891 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5892 598/637h 480/480m 64e 
 5893 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5894 queue reset all
 5895 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5896 BALANCE queue cleared.
 5897 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 5898 EQBAL queue cleared.
 5899 H:384(70%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 
 5900 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5901 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 5902 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 5903 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5904 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::worm shadowplant
 5905  Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 5906 H:384(70%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 
 5907 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5908 You may eat another herb or plant.
 5909 598/637h 480/480m 64e 
 5910 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5911 eat maidenhair
 5912 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5913 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 5914 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5915 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 5916 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5917 As you attempt to swallow the plant, it suddenly disappears with no effect.
 5918 The plant burns your body.
 5919 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 5920 598/637h 480/480m 64e 
 5921 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5922 H:384(70%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 You may drink another healing el
 5923 ixir.
 5924 H:384(70%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:57 
 5925 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5926 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
 5927 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5928 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at you, biting you viciously.
 5929 Damage Taken: 9 blunt (raw damage: 23)
 5930 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5931 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge transfix
 5932 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5933 598/637h 480/480m 64e 
 5934 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5935 H:374(68%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 You have recovered balance.
 5936 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5937 You have recovered balance.
 5938 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5939 quickdraw scepter shield
 5940 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5941 What are you trying to draw?
 5942 Syntax: QUICKDRAW <item1> [item2]
 5943 598/637h 480/480m 64e 
 5944 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5945 H:374(68%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 You may eat another herb or plan
 5946 t.
 5947 H:374(68%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 5948 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5949 sip health
 5950 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5951 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 5952 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5953 Dargillaen takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 5954 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5955 Health Gain: 135
 5956 The elixir heals your body.
 5957 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5958 598/637h 480/480m 64e 
 5959 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5960 H:510(93%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 5961 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5962 quench skin
 5963 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5964 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 5965 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5966 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 5967 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5968 You have cured ablaze.
 5969 598/637h 468/480m 64e 
 5970 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5971 H:510(93%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 5972 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5973 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge transfixspear pierce Dargillaen
 5974 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5975 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 5977 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5978 You drive a Spear of the Hunter through Dargillaen's aura of rebounding, destroying it.
 5979 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5980 Meed drives a Spear of the Hunter through your aura of rebounding, destroying it.
 5981 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5982 The icy coating on your spear leaches into Dargillaen's wound, chilling him.
 5983 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5984 The icy coating on Meed's spear leaches into your wound, chilling you.
 5985 Damage Taken: 26 cold (raw damage: 55)
 5986 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
 5987 The cold air strips the protection of your caloric salve.
 5988 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5989 The cold air strips the protection of Dargillaen's caloric salve.
 5990 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 5991 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 5992 surge transfix
 5993 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 5994 You select a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from your stash and toss it to a tiny cactus wren. 
 5995 At the first sniff of the pheromones, the wren is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 5996 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 5997 Meed selects a small, compound-soaked bit of cloth from his stash and tosses it to a tiny cactus wre
 5998 n. At the first sniff of the pheromones, the wren is caught in a surge of hormonal power.
 5999 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6000 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
 6001 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6002 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6003 H:483(88%) M:450(74%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 You have regained your mental eq
 6004 uilibrium.
 6005 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6006 stand
 6007 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6008 You are already standing.
 6009 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6010 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 6011 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6012 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 6013 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6014 enemy Meed
 6015 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6016 Meed is already an enemy.
 6017 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6018 dstab Meed mercury noctec
 6019 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6020 You rub some mercury on a Shadowfang dirk.
 6021 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 6022 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6023 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 6024 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6025 Your mercury toxin has affected Meed.
 6026 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6027 Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe.
 6028 You are afflicted with asthma.
 6030 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6031 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 6032 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 6033 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6034 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 6035 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6036 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 6037 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6038 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 6039 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6040 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 6041 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6042 You are afflicted with slow balance.
 6044 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6045 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 6046 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6047 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 6048 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6049 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of it a
 6050 nd lands in Meed's hands.
 6051 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6052 A shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lands
 6053  in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 6054 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6055 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 6056 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6057 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6058 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6059 H:483(88%) M:444(73%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 6060 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6061 queue reset all
 6062 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6063 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6065 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6067 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6070 H:483(88%) M:444(73%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 6072 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6073 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::
 6074 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 6075 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6076 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury noctec::worm shadowplant
 6077  Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6080 H:483(88%) M:444(73%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 6082 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6083 apply caloric
 6084 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6085 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
 6087 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6088 Dargillaen rubs some salve on his skin.
 6090 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6091 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
 6093 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
 6094 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6095 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6096 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6098 H:483(88%) M:444(73%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 6100 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6101 smoke pipe with linseed
 6102 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6103 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 6105 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6106 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 6108 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6109 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6111 H:483(88%) M:444(73%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 6113 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6114 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 6116 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6117 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Meed.
 6119 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6120 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 6121 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6122 queue reset all
 6123 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6124 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6126 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6128 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6130 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6131 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6132 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6134 H:483(88%) M:444(73%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 6136 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6137 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadow
 6138 plant Meed kelp
 6139 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6140 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm shadowplant Meed kelp 
 6141 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6144 H:483(88%) M:444(73%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 6146 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6147 outr maidenhair
 6148 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6149 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1994.
 6151 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6152 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6153 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge transfix
 6154 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6155 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6156 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6157 queue reset all
 6158 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6159 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6161 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6163 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6166 H:483(88%) M:444(73%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 6168 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6169 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm confou
 6170 nd Meed
 6171 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6172 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm confound Meed added to
 6173  the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6176 H:483(88%) M:444(73%) XP:0.00 (69) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:58 
 6178 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6179 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge transfix
 6180 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6181 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6182 You may apply another salve.
 6183 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6184 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6185 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6186 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6187 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6188 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6189 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6190 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6191 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6192 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6193 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 6194 Your wounds cause you to bleed 35 health.
 6195 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6196 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 35 health.
 6197 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6198 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
 6199 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
 6200 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6201 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
 6202 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6203 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 6204 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6205 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 6206 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 6208 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6209 clot
 6210 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6211 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 6212 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6213 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6214 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6215 H:448(82%) M:432(71%) XP:0.00 (65) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:59 
 6216 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6217 clot
 6218 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6219 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 6220 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 6221 H:448(82%) M:407(67%) XP:0.00 (60) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:59 
 6222 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6223 apply mending to torso
 6224 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6225 You quickly rub some mending salve on your torso.
 6226 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6227 Meed rubs some salve on his torso.
 6228 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6229 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 6230 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6231 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 6232 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6233 You have cured ablaze.
 6234 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6235 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6236 H:448(82%) M:407(67%) XP:0.00 (60) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:59 
 6237 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6238 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6239 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6240 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6241 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6242 queue reset all
 6243 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6244 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6245 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6246 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6247 H:448(82%) M:407(67%) XP:0.00 (60) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:59 
 6248 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6249 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm confou
 6250 nd Meed
 6251 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6252 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm confound Meed added to
 6253  the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6254 H:448(82%) M:407(67%) XP:0.00 (60) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:59 
 6255 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6256 queue reset all
 6257 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6258 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6259 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6260 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6261 H:448(82%) M:407(67%) XP:0.00 (60) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:59 
 6262 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6263 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm confou
 6264 nd Meed
 6265 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6266 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm confound Meed added to
 6267  the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6268 H:448(82%) M:407(67%) XP:0.00 (60) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:59 
 6269 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6270 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 6271 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6272 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6273 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6274 598/637h 462/480m 64e 
 6275 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6276 trueassess Dargillaen
 6277 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6278 Dargillaen's condition stands at 448/543 health and 407/606 mana.
 6279 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6280 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6281 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6282 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6283 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6284 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6285 You may apply another salve.
 6286 H:448(82%) M:407(67%) XP:0.00 (60) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:05:59 
 6287 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6288 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6289 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6290 598/637h 450/480m 64e You may eat another herb or plant.
 6291 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6292 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6293 queue reset all
 6294 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6295 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6296 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6297 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6298 H:448(82%) M:407(67%) XP:0.00 (60) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6299 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6300 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm confou
 6301 nd Meed
 6302 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6303 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm confound Meed added to
 6304  the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6305 H:448(82%) M:407(67%) XP:0.00 (60) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6306 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6307 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6308 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6309 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6310 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6311 With a guttural growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
 6312 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6313 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
 6314 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6315 Damage Taken: 12 blunt (raw damage: 32)
 6316 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6317 eat kelp
 6318 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6319 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1992.
 6320 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 6321 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6322 Meed quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 6323 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6324 As you attempt to swallow the plant, it suddenly disappears with no effect.
 6325 The plant burns your body.
 6326 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 6327 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6328 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6329 H:435(80%) M:407(67%) XP:0.00 (61) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6330 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6331 You have recovered balance.
 6332 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6333 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6334 clot
 6335 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6336 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 6337 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 6338 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6339 clot
 6340 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6341 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 6342 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 6343 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6344 clot
 6345 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6346 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 6347 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 6348 H:435(80%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (44) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6349 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6350 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6351 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6352 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6353 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6354 Your mind is able to focus once again.
 6356 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6357 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6358 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6359 kipup
 6360 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6361 You are not on the ground.
 6362 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6363 kill Dargillaen
 6364 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6365 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 6366 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6367 Meed's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 6368 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6369 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 6370 You give a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into Dargillaen's body.
 6371 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6372 Meed gives a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into your body.
 6373 Damage Taken: 70 cutting, physical (raw damage: 203)
 6374 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6375 The icy coating on your spear leaches into Dargillaen's wound, chilling him.
 6376 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6377 The icy coating on Meed's spear leaches into your wound, chilling you.
 6378 Damage Taken: 26 cold (raw damage: 55)
 6379 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
 6380 The cold air strips the protection of your caloric salve.
 6381 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6382 The cold air strips the protection of Dargillaen's caloric salve.
 6383 Balance Taken: 4.91s
 6384 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6385 apply caloric
 6386 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6387 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
 6388 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6389 Dargillaen rubs some salve on his skin.
 6390 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6391 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
 6392 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
 6394 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6395 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6396 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6397 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6398 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6399 apply caloric
 6400 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6401 The salve dissolves and is wasted.
 6402 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6403 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6404 queue reset all
 6405 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6406 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6407 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6408 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6409 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6410 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6411 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::
 6412 worm confound Meed
 6413 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6414 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::worm confound Me
 6415 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6416 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 You have recovered balance.
 6417 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6418 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6419 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6420 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6421 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6422 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6423 queue reset all
 6424 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6425 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6426 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6427 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6428 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6429 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6430 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::
 6431 worm confound Meed
 6432 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6433 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::worm confound Me
 6434 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6435 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6436 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6437 queue reset all
 6438 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6439 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6440 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6441 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6442 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6443 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6444 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::
 6445 worm confound Meed
 6446 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6447 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::worm confound Me
 6448 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6449 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6450 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6451 queue reset all
 6452 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6453 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6454 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6455 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6456 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6458 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6459 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::
 6460 worm confound Meed
 6461 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6462 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::worm confound Me
 6463 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6466 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6468 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6469 queue reset all
 6470 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6471 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6473 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6475 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6478 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6480 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6481 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::
 6482 worm confound Meed
 6483 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6484 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::worm confound Me
 6485 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6488 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6490 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6491 queue reset all
 6492 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6493 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6495 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6497 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6500 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6502 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6503 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::
 6504 worm confound Meed
 6505 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6506 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::worm confound Me
 6507 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6510 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6512 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6513 queue reset all
 6514 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6515 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6517 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6519 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6522 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6524 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6525 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::
 6526 worm confound Meed
 6527 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6528 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::worm confound Me
 6529 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6532 H:338(62%) M:335(55%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6534 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6537 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6538 stand
 6539 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6540 You are already standing.
 6542 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6543 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 6544 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6545 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 6547 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6549 enemy Meed
 6550 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6551 Meed is already an enemy.
 6553 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6555 dstab Meed noctec mazanor
 6556 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6557 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 6559 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 6561 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6562 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 6564 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6565 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 6567 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6568 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 6570 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6571 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 6573 You rub some mazanor on a Shadowfang dirk.
 6575 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 6577 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6578 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 6580 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6581 Your mazanor toxin has affected Meed.
 6583 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6584 A faintness takes you as your stomach begins to grumble ceaselessly.
 6586 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6587 Meed appears hungry.
 6589 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6590 You are afflicted with slow herbs.
 6591 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6592 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 6594 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6595 worm confound Meed
 6596 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6597 You let your wormhole circulate around your head, creating a spectacle that fascinates and confounds
 6598  Meed.
 6599 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6600 Your attention is grabbed by a fascinating spectacle of colors hovering around Dargillaen's head, an
 6601 d you find it difficult to focus on tasks.
 6602 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6603 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 6604 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 6606 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6607 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6608 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6609 H:338(62%) M:329(54%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6610 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6611 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6612 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6613 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6614 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6615 queue reset all
 6616 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6617 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6618 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6619 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6620 H:338(62%) M:329(54%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6621 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6622 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6623 ggest Meed whisper
 6624 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6625 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6626 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6627 H:338(62%) M:329(54%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:00 
 6628 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6629 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
 6630 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6631 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 6632 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6633 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6634 queue eqbal kipup|kill Dargillaen
 6635 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6636 Kipup|kill Dargillaen added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
 6637 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6638 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6639 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6640 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6641 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6642 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6643 You may eat another mushroom.
 6644 H:338(62%) M:329(54%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6645 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6646 eat toadstool
 6647 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6648 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1996.
 6649 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 6650 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6651 Dargillaen quickly eats a toadstool.
 6652 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6653 Health Gain: 54
 6654 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 6655 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6656 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6657 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6658 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6659 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6660 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6661 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6662 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6663 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6664 queue reset all
 6665 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6666 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6667 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6668 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6669 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6670 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6671 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6672 ggest Meed whisper
 6673 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6674 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6675 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6676 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6677 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6678 queue reset all
 6679 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6680 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6681 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6682 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6683 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6684 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6685 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6686 ggest Meed whisper
 6687 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6688 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6689 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6690 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6691 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6692 queue reset all
 6693 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6694 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6695 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6696 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6697 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6698 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6699 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6700 ggest Meed whisper
 6701 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6702 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6703 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6704 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6705 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6706 queue reset all
 6707 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6708 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6709 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6710 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6711 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6712 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6713 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6714 ggest Meed whisper
 6715 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6716 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6717 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6718 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6719 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6720 queue reset all
 6721 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6722 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6723 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6724 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6725 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6726 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6727 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6728 ggest Meed whisper
 6729 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6730 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6731 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6732 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6733 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6734 queue reset all
 6735 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6736 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6737 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6738 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6739 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6740 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6741 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6742 ggest Meed whisper
 6743 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6744 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6745 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6746 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6747 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6748 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6749 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6750 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6751 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6752 queue reset all
 6753 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6754 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6755 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6756 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6757 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6758 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6759 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6760 ggest Meed whisper
 6761 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6762 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6763 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6764 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6765 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6766 queue reset all
 6767 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6768 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6769 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6770 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6771 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6772 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6773 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6774 ggest Meed whisper
 6775 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6776 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6777 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6778 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6779 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6780 queue reset all
 6781 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6782 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6783 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6784 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6785 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6786 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6787 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6788 ggest Meed whisper
 6789 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6790 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6791 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6792 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6793 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6794 queue reset all
 6795 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6796 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6797 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6798 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6799 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6800 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6801 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6802 ggest Meed whisper
 6803 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6804 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6805 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6806 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 You may apply another salve.
 6807 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6808 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6809 queue reset all
 6810 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6811 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6812 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6813 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6814 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6815 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6816 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6817 ggest Meed whisper
 6818 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6819 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6820 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6821 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6822 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6823 queue reset all
 6824 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6825 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6826 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6827 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6828 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6829 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6830 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::su
 6831 ggest Meed whisper
 6832 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6833 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::suggest Meed whisp
 6834 er added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6835 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:01 
 6836 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6837 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6838 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6839 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6840 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6841 You are again able to conjure the shadowplant of a maidenhair leaf.
 6842 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6843 Having been numb for too long, you feel your muscles lock up in paralysis.
 6844 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6845 Meed's muscles lock up in paralysis.
 6846 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6847 You are afflicted with paralysis.
 6848 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
 6849 You have cured numbness.
 6850 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6851 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6852 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:02 A brooding vulture shrieks at yo
 6853 u, making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
 6854 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6855 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
 6856 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6857 You are afflicted with nausea.
 6859 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6860 Your mind is able to focus once again.
 6862 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6863 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6864 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6865 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6866 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6867 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:02 
 6868 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6869 You may eat another herb or plant.
 6870 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6871 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6872 eat nightshade
 6873 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6874 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1993.
 6875 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
 6876 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6877 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
 6878 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6879 Your stomach becalms itself.
 6880 You have cured nausea.
 6881 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6882 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6883 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6884 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:02 
 6885 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6886 eat maidenhair
 6887 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6888 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 6889 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6890 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 6891 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6892 You feel a maidenhair leaf absorbed into your body with no effect.
 6893 You are afflicted with calotropis.
 6894 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6895 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6896 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:02 
 6897 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6898 You have regained the ability to quench your skin.
 6899 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6900 queue reset all
 6901 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6902 BALANCE queue cleared.
 6903 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 6904 EQBAL queue cleared.
 6905 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6906 598/637h 450/480m 64e 
 6907 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6908 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:02 
 6909 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6910 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::wo
 6911 rm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 6912 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6913 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine ether::worm shadowplant M
 6914 eed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 6915 H:392(72%) M:389(64%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:02 Searing fire spews out at Meed f
 6916 rom your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 6917 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6918 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 6919 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 6920 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6921 H:392(72%) M:381(62%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:02 
 6922 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6923 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6924 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6925 598/637h 440/480m 64e You may apply another salve.
 6926 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 6927 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6928 apply epidermal
 6929 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6930 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
 6931 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6932 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
 6933 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6934 Your stomach ceases grumbling.
 6935 You have cured slow herbs.
 6936 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 6937 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6938 H:392(72%) M:381(62%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:02 Your tree tattoo can be used aga
 6939 in.
 6941 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6942 outr maidenhair
 6943 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6944 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1993.
 6945 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 6946 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6947 H:392(72%) M:381(62%) XP:0.00 (58) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:02 
 6948 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6949 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6950 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6951 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 6952 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6953 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6954 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6955 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 6956 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6957 You may drink another healing elixir.
 6958 H:392(72%) M:381(62%) XP:0.00 (52) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:02 
 6959 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6960 sip health
 6961 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6962 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 6963 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6964 Dargillaen takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 6965 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6966 Health Gain: 120
 6967 The elixir heals your body.
 6968 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6969 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 6970 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6971 H:512(94%) M:381(62%) XP:0.00 (52) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:02 You have recovered balance.
 6972 H:512(94%) M:381(62%) XP:0.00 (52) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:03 
 6973 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 6974 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 6975 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6976 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 6977 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6978 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6979 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6980 stand
 6981 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6982 You are already standing.
 6983 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6984 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 6985 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6986 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 6987 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6988 enemy Meed
 6989 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6990 Meed is already an enemy.
 6991 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6992 dstab Meed iodine ether
 6993 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6994 You rub some iodine on a Shadowfang dirk.
 6995 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 6996 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 6997 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 6998 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 6999 Your iodine toxin has affected Meed.
 7000 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7001 A strange smelling substance begins to leak from your pores.
 7002 You are afflicted with slickness.
 7004 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7005 You rub some ether on a Shadowfang dirk.
 7006 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 7007 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7008 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 7009 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7010 Your ether toxin has affected Meed.
 7011 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7012 You stumble and it becomes very difficult to concentrate on your coordination.
 7013 You are afflicted with clumsiness.
 7015 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7016 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 7017 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7018 worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 7019 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7020 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of it
 7021  and lands in Meed's hands.
 7022 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7023 A shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lan
 7024 ds in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 7025 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7026 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 7027 An ebony raven pecks at you painfully.
 7028 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7029 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
 7030 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7031 Damage Taken: 14 cutting (raw damage: 30)
 7032 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite Meed.
 7033 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7034 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
 7035 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7036 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
 7037 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7038 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
 7039 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7040 Meed appears confused.
 7041 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7042 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
 7043 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7044 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 7045 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7046 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 7047 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 7048 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7049 H:498(91%) M:375(61%) XP:0.00 (57) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:03 
 7050 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7051 queue reset all
 7052 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7053 BALANCE queue cleared.
 7054 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 7055 EQBAL queue cleared.
 7056 H:498(91%) M:375(61%) XP:0.00 (57) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:03 
 7057 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7058 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mazan
 7059 or::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 7060 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7061 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin mazanor::worm shadowp
 7062 lant Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 7063 H:498(91%) M:375(61%) XP:0.00 (57) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:03 
 7064 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7065 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 7066 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7067 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 7068 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7069 clot
 7070 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7071 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 7072 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 7073 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7074 clot
 7075 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7076 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 7077 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 7078 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7079 clot
 7080 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7081 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 7082 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 7083 H:498(91%) M:303(50%) XP:0.00 (41) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:03 
 7084 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7085 commit 390 mana
 7086 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7087 You close your eyes and are bolstered with power as you feel your mind refreshed.
 7088 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7089 Dargillaen closes his eyes for a moment.
 7090 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 7091 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7092 H:498(91%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (41) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:03 
 7093 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7094 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 7095 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7096 598/637h 440/480m 64e 
 7097 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7098 Health Gain: 45
 7099 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7100 focus
 7101 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7102 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 7103 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7104 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Meed.
 7105 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7106 purge blood
 7107 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7108 You have not regained the ability to purge your body of toxins.
 7109 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7110 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7111 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (41) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:03 
 7112 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7113 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 7114 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7115 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7116 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7117 queue reset all
 7118 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7119 BALANCE queue cleared.
 7120 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 7121 EQBAL queue cleared.
 7122 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (41) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:03 
 7123 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7124 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin ciguat
 7125 oxin::suggest Meed whisper
 7126 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7127 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin ciguatoxin::suggest Me
 7128 ed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 7129 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (41) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:03 
 7130 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7131 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 7132 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7133 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7134 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 7136 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7137 You may eat another herb or plant.
 7138 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7139 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7140 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7142 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (41) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:04 
 7144 You are afflicted with stupidity.
 7145 You are afflicted with dizziness.
 7146 Flying in front of your face and around your head, a tiny cactus wren bedazzles and confounds you.
 7148 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7149 Flying in front of Dargillaen's face and around his head, a tiny cactus wren bedazzles and confounds
 7150  him.
 7152 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7153 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 7154 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7155 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7156 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7158 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (41) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:04 
 7160 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7161 eat orphine
 7162 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7163 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1999.
 7165 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
 7167 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7168 Dargillaen quickly eats an orphine seed.
 7170 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7171 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
 7173 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7174 Dargillaen's expression no longer looks so vacant.
 7176 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7177 You have cured stupidity.
 7179 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7180 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7181 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7183 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (41) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:04 
 7185 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
 7188 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (41) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:04 
 7190 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7191 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 7192 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7193 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7194 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7195 You are again able to conjure the shadowplant of a piece of kelp.
 7197 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 7199 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7200 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
 7202 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7203 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 7204 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7205 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7206 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7208 H:543(100%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (41) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:04 
 7210 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7211 focus
 7212 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7213 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 7215 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7216 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dargillaen.
 7218 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7219 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
 7221 You have cured dizziness.
 7223 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7224 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7225 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7227 H:543(100%) M:591(97%) XP:0.00 (41) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:04 
 7229 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7230 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bite
 7231 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7232 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7233 You may drink another healing elixir.
 7234 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7235 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7236 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 7238 Your wounds cause you to bleed 20 health.
 7240 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7241 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 20 health.
 7243 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7244 clot
 7245 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7246 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 7248 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7249 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7250 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7252 H:523(96%) M:579(95%) XP:0.00 (33) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:04 
 7254 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7255 clot
 7256 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7257 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 7259 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 7262 H:523(96%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:04 
 7264 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7265 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge bite
 7266 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7267 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7268 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7269 queue reset all
 7270 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7271 BALANCE queue cleared.
 7273 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 7275 EQBAL queue cleared.
 7278 H:523(96%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:05 
 7280 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7281 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin nocte
 7282 c::worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 7283 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7284 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec::worm shadowpl
 7285 ant Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 7288 H:523(96%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:05 
 7290 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7291 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge bite
 7292 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7293 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7294 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7295 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at you, biting you viciously.
 7297 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7298 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
 7300 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7301 Damage Taken: 7 blunt (raw damage: 19)
 7303 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7304 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7305 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7307 H:515(94%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:05 
 7309 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7310 You have recovered balance.
 7313 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7314 quickdraw scepter shield
 7315 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7316 What are you trying to draw?
 7318 Syntax: QUICKDRAW <item1> [item2]
 7320 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7321 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge bite
 7322 spear pierce Dargillaen
 7323 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7324 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 7326 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7327 surge bite
 7328 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7329 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 7331 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7332 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7333 You have recovered balance.
 7337 H:515(94%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:05 
 7339 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7340 You may eat another herb or plant.
 7341 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7342 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7343 eat maidenhair
 7344 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7345 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 7347 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7348 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 7350 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7351 As you attempt to swallow the plant, it suddenly disappears with no effect.
 7353 The plant burns your body.
 7355 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7356 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7358 H:515(94%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:05 
 7360 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7363 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7364 stand
 7365 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7366 You are already standing.
 7368 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7369 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 7370 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7371 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 7373 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7375 enemy Meed
 7376 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7377 Meed is already an enemy.
 7379 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7381 dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec
 7382 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7383 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 7385 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7386 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 7388 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7389 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 7390 You rub some ciguatoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
 7392 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 7394 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7395 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 7397 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7398 Your ciguatoxin toxin has affected Meed.
 7400 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7401 Terror takes hold, as a numb sensation overcomes your body.
 7403 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7404 Meed appears terrified as his muscles seem to become difficult to control.
 7406 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7407 The numbness fails to take effect, as your muscles are already locked in paralysis.
 7409 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7410 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 7412 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 7414 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7415 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 7417 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7418 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 7420 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7421 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 7423 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7424 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 7426 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 7428 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7429 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 7430 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7431 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of it a
 7432 nd lands in Meed's hands.
 7434 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7435 A shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lands
 7436  in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 7438 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7439 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 7441 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7442 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge bite
 7443 spear pierce Dargillaen
 7444 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7445 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 7447 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7448 surge bite
 7449 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7450 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 7452 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7453 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7455 H:515(94%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:05 
 7457 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7458 You may apply another salve.
 7459 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7460 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7461 smoke pipe with linseed
 7462 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7463 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 7465 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7466 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 7468 630/637h 449/480m 64e 
 7469 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7471 H:515(94%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:05 
 7473 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7474 quench skin
 7475 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7476 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 7478 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7479 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 7481 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7482 You have cured ablaze.
 7484 630/637h 437/480m 64e 
 7485 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7487 H:515(94%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:05 
 7489 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7490 kipup
 7491 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7492 You are not on the ground.
 7494 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7495 kill Dargillaen
 7496 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7497 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 7499 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7500 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge bite
 7501 spear pierce Dargillaen
 7502 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7503 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 7505 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7506 surge bite
 7507 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7508 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 7510 630/637h 437/480m 64e 
 7511 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7512 queue reset all
 7513 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7514 BALANCE queue cleared.
 7515 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 7516 EQBAL queue cleared.
 7517 H:515(94%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:05 
 7518 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7519 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin mazano
 7520 r::suggest Meed whisper
 7521 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7522 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin mazanor::suggest Meed 
 7523 whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 7524 H:515(94%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:05 
 7525 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7526 outr maidenhair
 7527 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7528 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1992.
 7529 630/637h 437/480m 64e 
 7530 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7531 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge bitespear pierce Dargillaen
 7532 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7533 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 7534 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7535 surge bite
 7536 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7537 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 7538 630/637h 437/480m 64e You have regained the ability to purge your body.
 7540 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7541 You may eat another herb or plant.
 7543 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7544 630/637h 437/480m 64e 
 7545 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7546 H:515(94%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:06 
 7547 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7548 purge blood
 7549 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7550 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
 7551 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7552 Meed concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
 7553 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7554 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
 7555 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7556 Meed's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
 7557 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7558 You have cured butisol.
 7559 630/637h 431/480m 64e 
 7560 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7561 H:515(94%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:06 
 7562 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7563 quickdraw scepter shield
 7564 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7565 What are you trying to draw?
 7566 Syntax: QUICKDRAW <item1> [item2]
 7567 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7568 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
 7569 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7570 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
 7571 630/637h 431/480m 64e 
 7572 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7573 H:515(94%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (32) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:06 
 7574 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7575 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear longslash Dargillaen|surge bitetarget nothing
 7576 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7577 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 7578 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7579 spear longslash Dargillaen
 7580 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7581 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 7582 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7583 surge bite
 7584 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7585 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 7586 630/637h 431/480m 64e 
 7587 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7588 clot
 7589 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7590 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 7591 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 7592 H:515(94%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:06 
 7593 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7594 queue reset all
 7595 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7596 BALANCE queue cleared.
 7597 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 7598 EQBAL queue cleared.
 7599 H:515(94%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:06 
 7600 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7601 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor:
 7602 :suggest Meed whisper
 7603 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7604 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor::suggest Meed wh
 7605 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 7606 H:515(94%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:06 
 7607 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7608 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
 7609 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7610 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 7611 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7612 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 7613 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7614 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 7615 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7616 surge bite
 7617 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7618 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 7619 630/637h 431/480m 64e 
 7620 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7621 queue reset all
 7622 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7623 BALANCE queue cleared.
 7624 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 7625 EQBAL queue cleared.
 7626 H:515(94%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:06 
 7627 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7628 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor:
 7629 :suggest Meed whisper
 7630 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7631 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor::suggest Meed wh
 7632 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 7633 H:515(94%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:06 
 7634 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7635 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 7636 630/637h 431/480m 64e 
 7637 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7638 kipup
 7639 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7640 You are not on the ground.
 7641 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7642 kill Dargillaen
 7643 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7644 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 7645 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7646 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
 7647 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7648 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 7649 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7650 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 7651 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7652 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 7653 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7654 surge bite
 7655 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7656 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 7657 630/637h 431/480m 64e 
 7658 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7659 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
 7660 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7661 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 7662 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7663 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 7664 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7665 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 7666 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7667 surge bite
 7668 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7669 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 7670 630/637h 431/480m 64e 
 7671 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7672 You may eat another mushroom.
 7673 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7674 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
 7675 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7676 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 7677 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7678 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 7679 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7680 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 7681 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7682 surge bite
 7683 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7684 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 7685 630/637h 431/480m 64e 
 7686 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7687 H:515(94%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:07 With a guttural growl, a wolf le
 7688 aps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
 7689 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7690 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
 7691 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7692 Damage Taken: 12 blunt (raw damage: 30)
 7693 Meed shivers as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at him.
 7694 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7695 You shiver as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at you.
 7696 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
 7698 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7699 quickdraw scepter shield
 7700 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7701 What are you trying to draw?
 7702 Syntax: QUICKDRAW <item1> [item2]
 7703 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7704 queue reset all
 7705 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7706 BALANCE queue cleared.
 7707 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 7708 EQBAL queue cleared.
 7709 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7710 630/637h 431/480m 64e 
 7711 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7712 H:503(92%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:07 
 7713 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7714 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor:
 7715 :suggest Meed whisper
 7716 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7717 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed butisol mazanor::suggest Meed wh
 7718 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 7719 H:503(92%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:07 Searing fire spews out at Meed f
 7720 rom your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 7721 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7722 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 7723 630/637h 421/480m 64e 
 7724 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7725 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:07 
 7726 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7727 You may eat another herb or plant.
 7728 630/637h 421/480m 64e 
 7729 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7730 eat maidenhair
 7731 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7732 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 7733 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7734 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 7735 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7736 You feel a maidenhair leaf absorbed into your body with no effect.
 7737 630/637h 421/480m 64e 
 7738 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7739 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (27) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:07 
 7740 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7741 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
 7742 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7743 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 7744 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7745 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 7746 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7747 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 7748 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7749 surge bite
 7750 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7751 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 7752 630/637h 421/480m 64e 
 7753 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7754 You may drink another healing elixir.
 7755 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (21) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:07 
 7756 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7757 kipup
 7758 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7759 You are not on the ground.
 7760 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7761 kill Dargillaen
 7762 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7763 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 7764 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7765 You have recovered balance.
 7766 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7767 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
 7768 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7769 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 7770 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7771 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 7772 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7773 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 7774 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7775 surge bite
 7776 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7777 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 7778 630/637h 421/480m 64e 
 7779 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7780 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (21) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:07 You have regained your mental eq
 7781 uilibrium.
 7782 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7783 stand
 7784 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7785 You are already standing.
 7786 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7787 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 7788 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7789 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 7790 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7791 enemy Meed
 7792 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7793 Meed is already an enemy.
 7794 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7795 dstab Meed butisol mazanor
 7796 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7797 You rub some butisol on a Shadowfang dirk.
 7798 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 7799 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7800 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 7801 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7802 Your butisol toxin has affected Meed.
 7803 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7804 You begin sweating heavily, your skin heating to unnatural temperatures.
 7805 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7806 Meed appears flushed, his skin sweating heavily.
 7807 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7808 You are afflicted with butisol.
 7810 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7811 You rub some mazanor on a Shadowfang dirk.
 7812 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 7813 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7814 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 7815 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7816 Your mazanor toxin has affected Meed.
 7817 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7818 A faintness takes you as your stomach begins to grumble ceaselessly.
 7819 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7820 Meed appears hungry.
 7821 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7822 You are afflicted with slow herbs.
 7824 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7825 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 7826 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7827 suggest Meed whisper
 7828 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7829 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
 7830 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7831 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
 7832 Terror descends upon you and your head swims - you must find shelter!
 7833 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7834 Meed is gripped with fear, staring out with terrified eyes.
 7835 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7836 You are afflicted with agoraphobia.
 7838 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7839 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 7840 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7841 outr maidenhair
 7842 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7843 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1991.
 7844 630/637h 421/480m 64e 
 7845 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7846 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (21) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:08 You have recovered your breath a
 7847 nd can smoke once more.
 7848 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (21) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:08 
 7849 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7850 queue reset all
 7851 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7852 BALANCE queue cleared.
 7853 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 7854 EQBAL queue cleared.
 7855 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (21) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:08 
 7856 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7857 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin noctec
 7858 ::suggest Meed whisper
 7859 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7860 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin noctec::suggest Meed w
 7861 hisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 7862 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (21) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:08 Your mind is able to focus once 
 7863 again.
 7864 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (21) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:08 
 7865 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7866 queue reset all
 7867 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7868 BALANCE queue cleared.
 7869 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 7870 EQBAL queue cleared.
 7871 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (21) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:08 
 7872 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7873 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin noctec
 7874 ::suggest Meed whisper
 7875 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7876 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin noctec::suggest Meed w
 7877 hisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 7878 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (21) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:08 You are again able to conjure th
 7879 e shadowplant of a maidenhair leaf.
 7880 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7881 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
 7882 Terror descends upon you and your head swims - you must find shelter!
 7883 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7884 Meed is gripped with fear, staring out with terrified eyes.
 7885 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7886 630/637h 421/480m 64e 
 7887 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7888 H:503(92%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (21) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:09 
 7889 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7890 clot
 7891 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7892 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 7893 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
 7894 H:503(92%) M:492(81%) XP:0.00 (15) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:09 
 7895 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7896 You may eat another herb or plant.
 7897 630/637h 421/480m 64e 
 7898 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7899 queue reset all
 7900 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7901 BALANCE queue cleared.
 7902 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 7903 EQBAL queue cleared.
 7904 H:503(92%) M:492(81%) XP:0.00 (15) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:09 
 7905 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7906 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin noctec
 7907 ::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 7908 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7909 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin noctec::worm shadowpla
 7910 nt Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 7911 H:503(92%) M:492(81%) XP:0.00 (15) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:09 
 7912 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7913 eat maidenhair
 7914 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7915 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 7916 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7917 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 7918 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7919 You feel a maidenhair leaf absorbed into your body with no effect.
 7920 630/637h 421/480m 64e 
 7921 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7922 H:503(92%) M:492(81%) XP:0.00 (15) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:09 
 7923 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7924 queue eqbal top diag
 7925 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7926 Diag added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 7927 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7928 diag
 7929 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7930 You are:
 7931 afflicted by horrible asthma.
 7932 extremely oily.
 7933 unable to digest herbs properly.
 7934 unable to regain balance quickly.
 7935 afflicted with poor salve absorption.
 7936 unable to process healing elixirs efficiently.
 7937 afflicted with slow herb digestion.
 7938 afflicted with clumsiness.
 7939 paralysed.
 7940 unable to regain equilibrium quickly.
 7941 agoraphobic.
 7942 blind.
 7943 deaf.
 7944 an insomniac.
 7945 has confounded senses.
 7946 [ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Feeling Sick' achievement! You have earned 25 lessons.
 7947 [ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Really Bad Day' Achievement! You have earned 25 Lessons.
 7948 Equilibrium Taken: 2.62s
 7949 630/637h 421/480m 64e 
 7950 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7951 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
 7952 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7953 You have regained the ability to quench your skin.
 7954 Your mind is able to focus once again.
 7955 630/637h 421/480m 64e 
 7956 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7957 H:503(92%) M:492(81%) XP:0.00 (15) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:09 
 7958 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7959 clot
 7960 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7961 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 7962 H:503(92%) M:480(79%) XP:0.00 (10) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:10 
 7963 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7964 focus
 7965 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7966 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
 7967 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7968 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Meed.
 7969 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7970 You can handle the idea of open spaces again.
 7971 You have cured agoraphobia.
 7972 630/637h 406/480m 64e 
 7973 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7974 H:503(92%) M:480(79%) XP:0.00 (10) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:10 
 7975 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7976 sip mana
 7977 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7978 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
 7979 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7980 Meed takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 7981 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7982 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
 7983 630/637h 480/480m 64e 
 7984 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7985 H:503(92%) M:480(79%) XP:0.00 (10) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:10 
 7986 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 7987 outr maidenhair
 7988 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 7989 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1990.
 7990 630/637h 480/480m 64e 
 7991 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7992 trueassess Meed
 7993 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7994 Meed's condition stands at 630/637 health and 480/480 mana.
 7995 H:503(92%) M:468(77%) XP:0.00 (10) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:10 
 7996 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7997 queue reset all
 7998 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 7999 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8000 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8001 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8002 H:503(92%) M:468(77%) XP:0.00 (10) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:10 
 8003 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8004 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::w
 8005 orm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 8006 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8007 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::worm shadowplant 
 8008 Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8009 H:503(92%) M:468(77%) XP:0.00 (10) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:10 You have recovered balance.
 8010 H:503(92%) M:468(77%) XP:0.00 (10) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:10 
 8011 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8012 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
 8013 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8014 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite Meed.
 8015 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
 8016 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8017 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
 8018 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
 8019 630/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8020 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8021 H:503(92%) M:468(77%) XP:0.00 (10) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:10 You have regained your mental eq
 8022 uilibrium.
 8023 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8024 stand
 8025 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8026 You are already standing.
 8027 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8028 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 8029 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8030 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 8031 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8032 enemy Meed
 8033 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8034 Meed is already an enemy.
 8035 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8036 dstab Meed noctec iodine
 8037 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8038 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 8039 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 8040 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8041 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 8042 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8043 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 8044 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8045 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 8046 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8047 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 8048 You rub some iodine on a Shadowfang dirk.
 8049 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 8050 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8051 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 8052 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8053 Your iodine toxin has affected Meed.
 8054 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8055 A strange smelling substance begins to leak from your pores.
 8056 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8057 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 8058 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8059 worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 8060 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8061 The shadowplant disappears without a trace.
 8062 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8063 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of it
 8064  and lands in Meed's hands.
 8065 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8066 A shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lan
 8067 ds in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 8068 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8069 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 8070 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8071 queue reset all
 8072 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8073 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8074 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8075 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8076 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8077 630/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8078 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8079 H:503(92%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (10) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:10 
 8080 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8081 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::w
 8082 orm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 8083 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8084 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::worm shadowplant 
 8085 Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8086 H:503(92%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (10) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:10 Your bandages staunch a good por
 8087 tion of your bleeding.
 8088 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
 8089 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8090 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 5 health.
 8091 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8092 touch tree
 8093 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8094 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 8095 630/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8096 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8097 H:498(91%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (8) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:10 
 8098 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8099 queue reset all
 8100 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8101 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8102 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8103 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8104 H:498(91%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (8) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:11 
 8105 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8106 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin calotr
 8107 opis::suggest Meed whisper
 8108 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8109 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin calotropis::suggest Me
 8110 ed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8111 H:498(91%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (8) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:11 A brooding vulture shrieks at you
 8112 , making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
 8113 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8114 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
 8115 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8116 You are afflicted with nausea.
 8117 An ebony raven pecks at you painfully.
 8118 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8119 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
 8120 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8121 Damage Taken: 14 cutting (raw damage: 30)
 8122 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8123 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 8124 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8125 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 8126 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8127 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 8128 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 8129 630/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8130 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8131 H:483(88%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (13) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:11 
 8132 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8133 eat nightshade
 8134 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8135 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1992.
 8136 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
 8137 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8138 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
 8139 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8140 Your stomach becalms itself.
 8141 You have cured nausea.
 8142 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8143 630/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8144 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8145 H:483(88%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (13) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:11 You are again able to conjure th
 8146 e shadowplant of a piece of kelp.
 8147 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 8148 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8149 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
 8150 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8151 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 8153 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8154 queue reset all
 8155 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8156 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8157 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8158 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8159 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8160 630/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8161 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8162 H:483(88%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (13) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:11 
 8163 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8164 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin calotr
 8165 opis::suggest Meed whisper
 8166 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8167 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin calotropis::suggest Me
 8168 ed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8169 H:483(88%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (13) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:11 
 8170 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8171 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 8172 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8173 quench skin
 8174 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8175 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 8176 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8177 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 8178 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8179 You have cured ablaze.
 8180 630/637h 468/480m 64e 
 8181 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8182 H:483(88%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (13) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:12 Searing fire spews out at Meed f
 8183 rom your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 8184 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8185 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 8186 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8187 queue reset all
 8188 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8189 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8190 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8191 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8192 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8193 630/637h 468/480m 64e 
 8194 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8195 H:483(88%) M:462(76%) XP:0.00 (13) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:12 
 8196 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8197 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin calotr
 8198 opis::worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 8199 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8200 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin calotropis::worm shado
 8201 wplant Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8202 H:483(88%) M:453(74%) XP:0.00 (13) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:12 
 8203 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8204 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
 8205 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8206 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at you, biting you viciously.
 8207 Damage Taken: 7 blunt (raw damage: 19)
 8208 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8209 sip mana
 8210 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8211 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
 8212 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8213 Dargillaen takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 8214 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8215 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
 8216 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8217 630/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8218 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8219 H:476(87%) M:591(97%) XP:0.00 (13) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:12 You have recovered balance.
 8220 H:476(87%) M:591(97%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:12 
 8221 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8222 You may eat another herb or plant.
 8223 630/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8224 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8225 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 8226 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8227 stand
 8228 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8229 You are already standing.
 8230 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8231 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 8232 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8233 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 8234 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8235 enemy Meed
 8236 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8237 Meed is already an enemy.
 8238 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8239 dstab Meed hemotoxin calotropis
 8240 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8241 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 8242 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8243 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 8244 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8245 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 8246 You rub some hemotoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
 8247 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 8248 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8249 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 8250 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8251 Your hemotoxin toxin has affected Meed.
 8252 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8253 An attack on your immune system causes your body to feel weak.
 8254 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8255 Meed pales suddenly and slumps perceptibly.
 8256 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8257 You are afflicted with hemotoxin.
 8259 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8260 You rub some calotropis on a Shadowfang dirk.
 8261 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 8262 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8263 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 8264 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8265 Your calotropis toxin has affected Meed.
 8266 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8267 A cold sweat overtakes you, your skin suddenly turning pale and clammy.
 8268 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8269 Meed's skin suddenly turns pale and he begins sweating profusely.
 8270 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 8271 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8272 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 8273 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8274 The shadowplant disappears without a trace.
 8275 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8276 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of it a
 8277 nd lands in Meed's hands.
 8278 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8279 A shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lands
 8280  in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 8281 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8282 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 8283 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8284 queue reset all
 8285 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8286 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8287 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8288 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8289 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8290 630/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8291 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8292 H:476(87%) M:585(96%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:12 
 8293 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8294 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin calotr
 8295 opis::worm shadowplant Meed kelp
 8296 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8297 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed hemotoxin calotropis::worm shado
 8298 wplant Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8299 H:476(87%) M:585(96%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:12 
 8300 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8301 eat maidenhair
 8302 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8303 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 8304 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8305 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 8306 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8307 You feel a maidenhair leaf absorbed into your body with no effect.
 8308 630/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8309 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8310 H:476(87%) M:585(96%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:13 
 8311 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8312 smoke pipe with linseed
 8313 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8314 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 8315 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8316 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 8317 630/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8318 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8319 H:476(87%) M:585(96%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:13 
 8321 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8322 outr maidenhair
 8323 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8324 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1989.
 8326 630/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8327 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8328 queue reset all
 8329 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8330 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8332 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8334 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8337 H:476(87%) M:585(96%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:13 
 8339 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8340 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach circular::worm 
 8341 enthrall Meed::puncture Meed with noctec::seal Meed 1
 8342 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8343 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach circular::worm enthrall Meed::p
 8344 uncture Meed with noctec::seal Meed 1 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8347 H:476(87%) M:585(96%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:13 
 8349 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
 8351 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8352 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
 8354 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8355 You may eat another herb or plant.
 8356 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8357 630/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8358 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8360 H:476(87%) M:585(96%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:13 
 8362 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8363 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 8365 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8366 eat moonwort
 8367 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8368 What is it you wish to eat?
 8370 630/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8371 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8372 Health Gain: 54
 8375 H:530(97%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:14 
 8377 With a guttural growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
 8379 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8380 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
 8382 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8383 Damage Taken: 10 cutting (raw damage: 27)
 8385 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8386 637/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8387 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8389 H:519(95%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (13) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:14 
 8391 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8392 queue reset all
 8393 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8394 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8396 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8398 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8401 H:519(95%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (13) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:14 
 8403 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8404 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach circular::worm 
 8405 enthrall Meed::puncture Meed with noctec::seal Meed 1
 8406 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8407 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach circular::worm enthrall Meed::p
 8408 uncture Meed with noctec::seal Meed 1 added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8411 H:519(95%) M:606(100%) XP:0.00 (13) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:14 
 8413 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
 8415 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8416 clot
 8417 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8418 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 8421 H:519(95%) M:594(98%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:15 
 8423 You have recovered balance.
 8427 H:519(95%) M:594(98%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:15 
 8429 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 8432 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8433 stand
 8434 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8435 You are already standing.
 8437 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8438 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 8439 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8440 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 8442 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8444 enemy Meed
 8445 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8446 Meed is already an enemy.
 8448 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8449 worm attach circular
 8450 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8451 Multicolored fragments fly out of your wormhole as its connection shatters.
 8452 You close your eyes and focus your mind on forming a connection with your dimensional wormhole. Frow
 8453 ning in concentration, you direct its loose end through space, attaching it firmly to itself.
 8454 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8455 Dargillaen closes his eyes and frowns, deep in concentration. A multi-colored vortex swirls briefly 
 8456 around his head, before attaching firmly to a distant location.
 8457 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8458 You swiftly attach the wormhole.
 8459 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8460 worm enthrall Meed
 8461 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8462 You cause your wormhole to spin rapidly, captivating and enthralling Meed and causing one of the dee
 8463 ply concealed suggestions to surface.
 8464 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8465 A vortex of colors above Dargillaen's head captivates and enthralls you with its rapid spinning, cau
 8466 sing a disturbance in your mind.
 8467 You shuffle your feet noisily, suddenly bored.
 8468 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8469 Meed shuffles his feet in boredom.
 8470 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8471 You are afflicted with impatience.
 8473 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8474 Equilibrium Taken: 1.73s
 8475 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8476 puncture Meed with noctec
 8477 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8478 You prick Meed, exposing his veins to your deadly toxins.
 8479 Noctec flows into his open wound.
 8480 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8481 Dargillaen slashes into your skin, exposing your lifeblood to his toxic poisons.
 8482 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8483 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 8484 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 8485 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8486 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 8487 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8488 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 8489 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8490 seal Meed 1
 8491 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8492 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8493 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8494 637/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8495 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8496 H:519(95%) M:576(95%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:15 You have recovered your breath an
 8497 d can smoke once more.
 8498 H:519(95%) M:576(95%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:15 
 8499 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8500 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
 8501 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8502 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 8503 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8504 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 8505 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8506 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 8507 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8508 surge bite
 8509 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8510 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 8511 637/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8512 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8513 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 8514 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8515 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 8516 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 8518 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8519 queue reset all
 8520 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8521 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8522 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8523 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8524 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8525 637/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8526 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8527 H:519(95%) M:576(95%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:15 
 8528 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8529 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine metrazol
 8530 ::suggest Meed whisper
 8531 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8532 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine metrazol::suggest Meed w
 8533 hisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8534 H:519(95%) M:576(95%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:15 
 8535 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8536 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
 8537 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8538 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 8539 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8540 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 8541 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8542 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 8543 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8544 surge bite
 8545 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8546 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 8547 637/637h 480/480m 64e Your mind is able to focus once again.
 8548 637/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8549 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8550 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 8551 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
 8552 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8553 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 4 health.
 8554 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 8555 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
 8556 634/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8557 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8558 H:515(94%) M:576(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:16 
 8559 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8560 You may eat another herb or plant.
 8561 634/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8562 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8563 eat maidenhair
 8564 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8565 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 8566 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8567 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 8568 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8569 Your pores cease secreting the oily substance.
 8570 You have cured slickness.
 8571 634/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8572 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8573 H:515(94%) M:576(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:16 
 8574 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8575 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
 8576 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8577 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 8578 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8579 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 8580 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8581 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 8582 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8583 surge bite
 8584 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8585 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
 8586 634/637h 480/480m 64e You have regained the ability to quench your skin.
 8587 Unable to bear the company of others, you depart in terror.
 8588 You are afflicted with shyness.
 8589 634/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8590 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8591 You are again able to conjure the shadowplant of a maidenhair leaf.
 8592 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8593 apply caloric
 8594 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8595 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
 8596 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8597 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
 8598 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8599 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
 8600 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
 8601 634/637h 480/480m 64e 
 8602 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8603 H:515(94%) M:576(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:16 
 8604 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8605 outr maidenhair
 8606 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8607 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1988.
 8608 634/637h 480/480m 64e Flames lick around you - you are on fire!
 8609 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8610 Flames leap around Meed, melting hair and charring his flesh.
 8611 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8612 quench skin
 8613 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8614 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 8615 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8616 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 8617 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8618 You have cured ablaze.
 8619 626/637h 468/480m 64e 
 8620 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8621 H:515(94%) M:576(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:16 
 8622 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8623 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
 8624 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8625 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
 8626 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8627 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
 8628 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8629 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 8630 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8631 surge bite
 8632 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8633 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
 8634 626/637h 468/480m 64e 
 8635 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8636 queue reset all
 8637 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8638 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8639 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8640 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8641 H:515(94%) M:576(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:16 
 8642 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8643 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::
 8644 worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 8645 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8646 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec mazanor::worm shadowplant
 8647  Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8648 H:515(94%) M:576(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:16 You have regained your mental equ
 8649 ilibrium.
 8650 H:515(94%) M:576(95%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <e- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:17 
 8651 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8652 You may drink another healing elixir.
 8653 626/637h 468/480m 64e 
 8654 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8655 You have recovered balance.
 8656 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8657 stand
 8658 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8659 You are already standing.
 8660 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8661 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 8662 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8663 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 8664 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8665 enemy Meed
 8666 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8667 Meed is already an enemy.
 8668 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8669 dstab Meed noctec mazanor
 8670 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8671 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 8672 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 8673 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8674 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 8675 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8676 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 8677 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8678 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 8679 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8680 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 8681 You rub some mazanor on a Shadowfang dirk.
 8682 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 8683 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8684 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 8685 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8686 Your mazanor toxin has affected Meed.
 8687 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8688 A faintness takes you as your stomach begins to grumble ceaselessly.
 8689 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8690 Meed appears hungry.
 8691 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 8692 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8693 worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
 8694 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8695 The shadowplant disappears without a trace.
 8696 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8697 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of it
 8698  and lands in Meed's hands.
 8699 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8700 A shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lan
 8701 ds in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
 8702 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8703 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 8704 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8705 626/637h 468/480m 64e 
 8706 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8707 H:515(94%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:17 You may drink another healing eli
 8708 xir.
 8709 H:515(94%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:17 Your wormhole ceases spewing flam
 8710 es.
 8711 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8712 Flames cease spewing through the swirling vortex circling around Dargillaen's head.
 8713 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8714 Searing fire spews out at Meed from your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 8715 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8716 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 8717 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8718 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8719 H:515(94%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:17 
 8720 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8721 queue reset all
 8722 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8723 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8724 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8725 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8726 H:515(94%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:17 
 8727 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8728 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine metrazol:
 8729 :suggest Meed whisper
 8730 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8731 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine metrazol::suggest Meed wh
 8732 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8733 H:515(94%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:17 
 8734 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8735 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
 8736 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8737 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite Meed.
 8738 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
 8739 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8740 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
 8741 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
 8742 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8743 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8744 H:515(94%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:17 
 8745 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8746 queue eqbal top diag
 8747 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8748 Diag added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8749 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8750 diag
 8751 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8752 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 8753 ly instead.
 8754 You are afflicted with stupidity.
 8755 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8756 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8757 queue reset all
 8758 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8759 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8760 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8761 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8762 H:515(94%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:18 
 8763 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8764 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine metrazol:
 8765 :suggest Meed whisper
 8766 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8767 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine metrazol::suggest Meed wh
 8768 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8769 H:515(94%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:18 
 8770 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8771 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
 8772 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8773 touch tree
 8774 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8775 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 8776 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8777 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8778 You are again able to conjure the shadowplant of a piece of kelp.
 8779 H:515(94%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:19 You feel an aura of rebounding su
 8780 rround you.
 8781 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8782 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
 8783 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8784 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 8786 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8787 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8788 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8789 H:515(94%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:19 You have recovered balance.
 8790 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8791 You may eat another herb or plant.
 8792 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8793 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8794 H:515(94%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:19 A cunning coyote snarls and lunge
 8795 s at you, biting you viciously.
 8796 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8797 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
 8798 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8799 Damage Taken: 6 cutting (raw damage: 15)
 8800 An ebony raven pecks at you painfully.
 8801 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8802 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
 8803 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8804 Damage Taken: 14 cutting (raw damage: 30)
 8805 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 8806 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8807 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 8808 You are afflicted with ablaze.
 8810 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8811 eat maidenhair
 8812 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8813 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 8814 ly instead.
 8815 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8816 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8817 H:495(91%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:19 You have regained your mental equ
 8818 ilibrium.
 8819 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8820 stand
 8821 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8822 You are already standing.
 8823 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8824 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 8825 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8826 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 8827 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8828 enemy Meed
 8829 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8830 Meed is already an enemy.
 8831 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8832 dstab Meed iodine metrazol
 8833 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8834 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 8835 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8836 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 8837 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8838 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 8839 You rub some iodine on a Shadowfang dirk.
 8840 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 8841 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8842 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 8843 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8844 Your iodine toxin has affected Meed.
 8845 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8846 A strange smelling substance begins to leak from your pores.
 8847 You are afflicted with slickness.
 8849 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8850 You rub some metrazol on a Shadowfang dirk.
 8851 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 8852 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8853 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 8854 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8855 Your metrazol toxin has affected Meed.
 8856 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8857 A numbness seizes you, and your left arm and left leg go limp.
 8858 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8859 Meed's left arm and left leg suddenly go limp.
 8860 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8861 You are afflicted with metrazol.
 8863 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8864 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 8865 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8866 suggest Meed whisper
 8867 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8868 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
 8869 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8870 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
 8871 Your mind feels suddenly confused and jumbled.
 8872 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8873 Meed's eyes grow vacant and his jaw hangs open.
 8874 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8875 You are afflicted with confusion.
 8877 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8878 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 8879 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8880 queue reset all
 8881 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8882 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8883 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8884 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8885 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8886 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8887 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8888 H:495(91%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:19 
 8889 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8890 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine metrazol:
 8891 :suggest Meed whisper
 8892 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8893 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine metrazol::suggest Meed wh
 8894 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8895 H:495(91%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:19 
 8896 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8897 queue eqbal top diag
 8898 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8899 Diag added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8900 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8901 diag
 8902 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8903 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 8904 ly instead.
 8905 626/637h 458/480m 64e You may apply another salve.
 8906 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8907 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8908 smoke pipe with linseed
 8909 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8910 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 8911 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8912 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 8913 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8914 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8915 H:495(91%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:19 
 8916 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8917 eat maidenhair
 8918 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8919 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 8920 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8921 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 8922 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8923 As you attempt to swallow the plant, it suddenly disappears with no effect.
 8924 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8925 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8926 H:495(91%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:19 
 8927 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8928 queue eqbal top diag
 8929 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8930 Diag added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8931 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8932 diag
 8933 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8934 You are:
 8935 afflicted by horrible asthma.
 8936 unnaturally stupid.
 8937 unable to digest herbs properly.
 8938 unable to regain balance quickly.
 8939 afflicted with poor salve absorption.
 8940 unable to process healing elixirs efficiently.
 8941 afflicted with slow herb digestion.
 8942 afflicted with clumsiness.
 8943 paralysed.
 8944 unable to regain equilibrium quickly.
 8945 afflicted by unbearable shyness.
 8946 plagued with a weakened immune system.
 8947 impatient.
 8948 ablaze.
 8949 extremely oily.
 8950 has a paralysed left arm and left leg.
 8951 confused.
 8952 blind.
 8953 deaf.
 8954 an insomniac.
 8955 [ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Still Alive?' Achievement! You have earned 50 Lessons.
 8956 Equilibrium Taken: 3.83s
 8957 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8958 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8959 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
 8960 H:495(91%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:20 
 8961 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 8962 outr maidenhair
 8963 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8964 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1987.
 8965 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 8966 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8967 queue reset all
 8968 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8969 BALANCE queue cleared.
 8970 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 8971 EQBAL queue cleared.
 8972 H:495(91%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:20 
 8973 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8974 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine metrazol
 8975 ::suggest Meed whisper
 8976 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8977 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine metrazol::suggest Meed w
 8978 hisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 8979 H:495(91%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:20 A brooding vulture shrieks at you
 8980 , making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
 8981 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8982 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
 8983 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8984 You are afflicted with nausea.
 8985 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
 8986 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8987 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
 8988 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8989 eat nightshade
 8990 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8991 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1991.
 8992 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
 8993 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8994 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
 8995 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 8996 Your stomach becalms itself.
 8997 You have cured nausea.
 8998 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 8999 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 9000 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9001 H:495(91%) M:561(92%) XP:0.00 (10) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:20 
 9002 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9003 You have regained the ability to quench your skin.
 9004 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9005 clot
 9006 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9007 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 9008 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9009 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 9010 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9011 H:495(91%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:20 
 9012 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9013 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
 9014 626/637h 458/480m 64e 
 9015 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9016 With a guttural growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
 9017 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9018 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
 9019 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9020 Damage Taken: 10 cutting (raw damage: 26)
 9021 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9022 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 9023 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9024 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 9025 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
 9026 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9027 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 3 health.
 9028 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9029 You have recovered balance.
 9030 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9031 625/637h 458/480m 64e 
 9032 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9033 H:481(88%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:22 You have regained your mental equ
 9034 ilibrium.
 9035 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9036 stand
 9037 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9038 You are already standing.
 9039 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9040 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 9041 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9042 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 9043 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9044 enemy Meed
 9045 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9046 Meed is already an enemy.
 9047 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9048 dstab Meed bromine metrazol
 9049 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9050 You rub some bromine on a Shadowfang dirk.
 9051 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 9052 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9053 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 9054 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9055 Your bromine toxin has affected Meed.
 9056 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9057 The idea of eating or drinking is repulsive to you.
 9058 You are afflicted with anorexia.
 9060 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9061 You rub some metrazol on a Shadowfang dirk.
 9062 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 9063 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9064 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 9065 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9066 Your metrazol toxin has affected Meed.
 9067 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9068 You feel a brief numbness in your limbs, but it quickly fades.
 9069 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9070 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 9071 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9072 suggest Meed whisper
 9073 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9074 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
 9075 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9076 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
 9077 A sense of deep inner calm descends on you.
 9078 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9079 Meed smiles, a look of radiant peace spread across his features.
 9080 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9081 You are afflicted with peace.
 9083 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9084 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 9085 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9086 625/637h 458/480m 64e 
 9087 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9088 H:481(88%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:22 You have recovered your breath an
 9089 d can smoke once more.
 9090 H:481(88%) M:549(90%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:22 
 9091 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9092 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
 9093 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9094 625/637h 458/480m 64e Unable to bear the company of others, you depart in terror.
 9095 625/637h 448/480m 64e 
 9096 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9097 Searing fire spews out at Meed from your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 9098 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9099 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 9100 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9101 queue reset all
 9102 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9103 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9104 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9105 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9106 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9107 625/637h 448/480m 64e 
 9108 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9109 H:481(88%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:22 
 9110 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9111 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed cyanide aconite:
 9112 :suggest Meed whisper
 9113 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9114 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed cyanide aconite::suggest Meed wh
 9115 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9116 H:481(88%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:22 
 9117 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9118 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
 9119 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9120 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 9121 ly instead.
 9122 625/637h 448/480m 64e 
 9123 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9124 You may eat another herb or plant.
 9125 H:481(88%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:22 
 9126 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9127 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
 9128 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9129 625/637h 448/480m 64e You may eat another herb or plant.
 9130 625/637h 448/480m 64e 
 9131 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9132 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
 9133 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9134 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 9135 ly instead.
 9136 625/637h 448/480m 64e 
 9137 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9138 You are again able to conjure the shadowplant of a maidenhair leaf.
 9139 H:481(88%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:23 
 9140 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9141 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
 9142 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9143 625/637h 448/480m 64e 
 9144 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9145 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
 9146 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9147 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
 9148 625/637h 448/480m 64e 
 9149 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9150 H:481(88%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:23 
 9151 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9152 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9153 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9154 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
 9155 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9156 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 9157 ly instead.
 9158 625/637h 448/480m 64e 
 9159 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9160 quench skin
 9161 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9162 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
 9163 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9164 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
 9165 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9166 You have cured ablaze.
 9167 625/637h 436/480m 64e 
 9168 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9169 H:481(88%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:24 
 9170 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9171 queue reset all
 9172 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9173 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9174 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9175 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9176 H:481(88%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:24 
 9177 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9178 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed cyanide aconite:
 9179 :suggest Meed whisper
 9180 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9181 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed cyanide aconite::suggest Meed wh
 9182 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9183 H:481(88%) M:541(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:24 
 9184 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9185 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
 9186 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9187 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 9188 ly instead.
 9189 625/637h 436/480m 64e 
 9190 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9191 Health Gain: 54
 9192 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:24 You have recovered balance.
 9193 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:24 You have regained your mental equ
 9194 ilibrium.
 9195 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9196 stand
 9197 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9198 You are already standing.
 9199 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9200 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 9201 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9202 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 9203 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9204 enemy Meed
 9205 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9206 Meed is already an enemy.
 9207 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9208 dstab Meed cyanide aconite
 9209 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9210 You rub some cyanide on a Shadowfang dirk.
 9211 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 9212 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9213 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 9214 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9215 Your cyanide toxin has affected Meed.
 9216 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9217 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
 9218 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9219 You rub some aconite on a Shadowfang dirk.
 9220 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 9221 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9222 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 9223 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9224 Your aconite toxin has affected Meed.
 9225 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9226 Your thoughts become jumbled and you have trouble thinking.
 9227 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9228 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 9229 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9230 suggest Meed whisper
 9231 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9232 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
 9233 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9234 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
 9235 Your mind feels somewhat slower and more plodding.
 9236 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9237 A glazed look descends over the features of Meed.
 9238 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 9239 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite Meed.
 9240 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9241 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
 9242 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9243 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
 9244 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9245 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
 9246 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9247 queue reset all
 9248 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9249 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9250 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9251 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9252 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9253 637/637h 460/480m 64e 
 9254 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9255 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:24 
 9256 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9257 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed cyanide aconite:
 9258 :suggest Meed whisper
 9259 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9260 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed cyanide aconite::suggest Meed wh
 9261 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9262 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:24 
 9263 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9264 touch tree
 9265 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9266 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
 9267 637/637h 460/480m 64e 
 9268 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9269 queue reset all
 9270 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9271 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9272 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9273 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9274 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:25 
 9275 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9276 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip dirk left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed benzene benzene::s
 9277 uggest Meed whisper
 9278 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9279 Stand::quickdraw whip dirk left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed benzene benzene::suggest Meed whis
 9280 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9281 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:25 You feel an aura of rebounding su
 9282 rround you.
 9283 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9284 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
 9285 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9286 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 9288 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9289 637/637h 460/480m 64e 
 9290 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9291 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:25 
 9292 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9293 fitness
 9294 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9295 You purge yourself of the affliction of constriction.
 9296 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9297 Meed inhales deeply, then slowly exhales.
 9298 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9299 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
 9300 You have cured asthma.
 9301 Balance Taken: 4.70s
 9302 637/637h 460/480m 64e 
 9303 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9304 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:26 
 9305 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9306 smoke pipe with lovage
 9307 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9308 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
 9309 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9310 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
 9311 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9312 Your pores cease secreting the oily substance.
 9313 You have cured slickness.
 9314 637/637h 460/480m 64e 
 9315 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9316 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:26 You are again able to clot your w
 9317 ounds properly.
 9318 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9319 queue reset all
 9320 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9321 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9322 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9323 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9324 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:26 
 9325 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9326 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed benzene benzene:
 9327 :suggest Meed whisper
 9328 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9329 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed benzene benzene::suggest Meed wh
 9330 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9331 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:26 
 9332 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9333 queue reset all
 9334 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9335 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9336 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9337 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9338 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:26 
 9339 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9340 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed benzene benzene:
 9341 :suggest Meed whisper
 9342 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9343 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed benzene benzene::suggest Meed wh
 9344 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9345 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:26 
 9346 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9347 apply epidermal
 9348 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9349 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
 9350 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9351 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
 9352 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9353 Food is no longer repulsive to you.
 9354 You have cured anorexia.
 9355 637/637h 460/480m 64e 
 9356 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9357 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:26 
 9358 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9359 eat maidenhair
 9360 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9361 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 9362 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9363 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 9364 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9365 You feel a tingling sensation run through your limbs as the paralysis fades.
 9366 You have cured metrazol.
 9367 637/637h 460/480m 64e 
 9368 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9369 H:536(98%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:26 
 9370 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9371 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
 9372 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9373 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at you, biting you viciously.
 9374 Damage Taken: 7 cutting (raw damage: 19)
 9375 You have recovered balance.
 9376 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9377 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9378 stand
 9379 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9380 You are already standing.
 9381 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9382 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 9383 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9384 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 9385 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9386 enemy Meed
 9387 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9388 Meed is already an enemy.
 9389 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9390 dstab Meed benzene benzene
 9391 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9392 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 9393 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9394 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 9395 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9396 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
 9397 You rub some benzene on a Shadowfang dirk.
 9398 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 9399 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9400 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 9401 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9402 Your benzene toxin has affected Meed.
 9403 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9404 You watch with your mouth gaping in horror as your left arm shrivels up and becomes useless.
 9405 You are afflicted with crippled left arm.
 9407 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9408 You rub some benzene on a Shadowfang dirk.
 9409 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 9410 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9411 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 9412 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9413 Your benzene toxin has affected Meed.
 9414 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9415 You watch with your mouth gaping in horror as your right arm shrivels up and becomes useless.
 9416 You are afflicted with crippled right arm.
 9418 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9419 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 9420 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9421 suggest Meed whisper
 9422 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9423 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
 9424 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9425 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
 9426 A strange fog descends upon your mind.
 9427 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9428 Meed looks about with a dazed expression on his face.
 9429 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9430 You are afflicted with deadening.
 9432 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9433 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 9434 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9435 outr maidenhair
 9436 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9437 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
 9438 637/637h 460/480m 64e 
 9439 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9440 H:528(97%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 
 9441 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9442 smoke pipe with linseed
 9443 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9444 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 9445 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9446 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 9447 637/637h 460/480m 64e 
 9448 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9449 H:528(97%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 Your bandages staunch all of your
 9450  bleeding.
 9451 H:528(97%) M:578(95%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 Searing fire spews out at Meed fr
 9452 om your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 9453 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9454 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 9455 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 9456 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9457 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9458 H:528(97%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 
 9459 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9460 queue reset all
 9461 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9462 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9463 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9464 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9465 H:528(97%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 
 9466 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9467 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::s
 9468 uggest Meed whisper
 9469 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9470 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::suggest Meed whis
 9471 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9472 H:528(97%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 
 9473 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9474 smoke pipe with lovage
 9475 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9476 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
 9477 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9478 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
 9479 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9480 You are able to focus your senses once more.
 9481 You have cured slow balance.
 9482 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9483 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9484 H:528(97%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 
 9485 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9486 queue reset all
 9487 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9488 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9489 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9490 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9491 H:528(97%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 
 9492 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9493 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::s
 9494 uggest Meed whisper
 9495 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9496 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::suggest Meed whis
 9497 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9498 H:528(97%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 
 9499 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9500 queue reset all
 9501 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9502 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9503 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9504 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9505 H:528(97%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 
 9506 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9507 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::s
 9508 uggest Meed whisper
 9509 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9510 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::suggest Meed whis
 9511 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9512 H:528(97%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 An ebony raven pecks at you painf
 9513 ully.
 9514 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9515 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
 9516 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9517 Damage Taken: 14 cutting (raw damage: 30)
 9518 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
 9519 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9520 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
 9521 You shiver as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at you.
 9522 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9523 Meed shivers as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at him.
 9524 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9525 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
 9527 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9528 clot
 9529 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9530 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 9531 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9532 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9533 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9534 H:514(94%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:27 
 9535 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9536 You have regained the ability to quench your skin.
 9537 637/637h 450/480m 64e Unable to bear the company of others, you depart in terror.
 9538 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9539 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9540 fitness
 9541 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9542 You must regain balance first.
 9543 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9544 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9545 With a guttural growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
 9546 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9547 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
 9548 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9549 Damage Taken: 8 cutting (raw damage: 21)
 9550 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9551 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 9552 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9553 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9554 H:505(93%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:28 
 9555 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9556 smoke pipe with laurel
 9557 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9558 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 9559 ly instead.
 9560 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9561 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9562 You have recovered balance.
 9563 H:505(93%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:29 
 9564 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9565 smoke pipe with laurel
 9566 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9567 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 9568 ly instead.
 9569 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9570 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9571 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9572 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9573 stand
 9574 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9575 You are already standing.
 9576 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9577 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 9578 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9579 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 9580 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9581 enemy Meed
 9582 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9583 Meed is already an enemy.
 9584 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9585 dstab Meed noctec iodine
 9586 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9587 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
 9588 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
 9589 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9590 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
 9591 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9592 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
 9593 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9594 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
 9595 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9596 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
 9597 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9598 You are afflicted with slow balance.
 9600 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9601 You rub some iodine on a Shadowfang dirk.
 9602 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
 9603 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9604 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
 9605 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9606 Your iodine toxin has affected Meed.
 9607 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9608 A strange smelling substance begins to leak from your pores.
 9609 You are afflicted with slickness.
 9611 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9612 Balance Taken: 2.22s
 9613 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9614 suggest Meed whisper
 9615 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9616 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
 9617 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9618 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
 9619 You are afflicted with amnesia.
 9621 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9622 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 9623 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 9625 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9626 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9627 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9628 H:505(93%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:29 
 9629 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9630 You may apply another salve.
 9631 637/637h 450/480m 64e You begin feeling slightly flushed.
 9632 You are afflicted with cyanide.
 9634 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9635 sip immunity
 9636 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9637 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9638 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9639 queue reset all
 9640 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9641 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9642 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9643 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9644 H:505(93%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:29 
 9645 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9646 fitness
 9647 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9648 You must regain balance first.
 9649 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9650 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9651 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine mazanor:
 9652 :suggest Meed whisper
 9653 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9654 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine mazanor::suggest Meed wh
 9655 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9656 H:505(93%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:29 
 9657 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9658 You may eat another herb or plant.
 9659 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9660 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9661 A brooding vulture shrieks at you, making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
 9662 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9663 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
 9664 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9665 You are afflicted with nausea.
 9667 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9668 eat maidenhair
 9669 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9670 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 9671 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9672 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 9673 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9674 You feel a maidenhair leaf absorbed into your body with no effect.
 9675 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9676 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9677 H:505(93%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:29 
 9678 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9679 eat nightshade
 9680 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9681 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1990.
 9682 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
 9683 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9684 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
 9685 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9686 Your stomach becalms itself.
 9687 You have cured nausea.
 9688 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9689 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9690 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9691 H:505(93%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:29 
 9692 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9693 sip immunity
 9694 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9695 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 9696 ly instead.
 9697 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9698 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9699 outr maidenhair
 9700 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9701 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
 9702 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9703 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9704 You are again prepared to swiftly attach a wormhole.
 9705 H:505(93%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:30 
 9706 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9707 sip immunity
 9708 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9709 You take a drink of an elixir of immunity from an onyx vial.
 9710 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9711 Meed takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 9712 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9713 The venom burns through your veins, destroying the deadly poisons that are killing you.
 9714 You feel relieved as the deadly poisons leave your veins.
 9715 You have cured cyanide.
 9716 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9717 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9718 H:505(93%) M:558(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:30 
 9719 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9720 trueassess Meed
 9721 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9722 Meed's condition stands at 637/637 health and 450/480 mana.
 9723 H:505(93%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:30 
 9724 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9725 queue reset all
 9726 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9727 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9728 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9729 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9730 H:505(93%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:30 
 9731 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9732 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach volcano::worm e
 9733 ngulf Meed::suggest Meed whisper
 9734 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9735 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach volcano::worm engulf Meed::sugg
 9736 est Meed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9737 H:505(93%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:30 
 9738 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9739 smoke pipe with lovage
 9740 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9741 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 9742 ly instead.
 9743 637/637h 450/480m 64e You have recovered balance.
 9744 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9745 smoke pipe with lovage
 9746 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9747 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
 9748 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9749 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
 9750 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9751 You are able to focus your senses once more.
 9752 You have cured slow balance.
 9753 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9754 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9755 H:505(93%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:30 
 9756 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9757 queue reset all
 9758 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9759 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9760 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9761 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9762 H:505(93%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:31 
 9763 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9764 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach volcano::worm e
 9765 ngulf Meed::suggest Meed whisper
 9766 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9767 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach volcano::worm engulf Meed::sugg
 9768 est Meed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9769 H:505(93%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:31 
 9770 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9771 fitness
 9772 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9773 You inhale deeply, allowing the air to fill your mighty lungs.
 9774 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9775 Meed inhales deeply, then slowly exhales.
 9776 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9777 You have gained the fitness defence.
 9778 Balance Taken: 2.90s
 9779 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9780 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9781 H:505(93%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:31 
 9782 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9783 queue reset all
 9784 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9785 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9786 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9787 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9788 H:505(93%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:31 
 9789 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9790 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach volcano::worm e
 9791 ngulf Meed::suggest Meed whisper
 9792 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9793 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach volcano::worm engulf Meed::sugg
 9794 est Meed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9795 H:505(93%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:31 You have recovered balance.
 9796 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9797 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9798 stand
 9799 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9800 You are already standing.
 9801 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9802 quickdraw dirk shield left right
 9803 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9804 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
 9805 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9806 enemy Meed
 9807 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9808 Meed is already an enemy.
 9809 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9810 worm attach volcano
 9811 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9812 Multicolored fragments fly out of your wormhole as its connection shatters.
 9813 You close your eyes and focus your mind on forming a connection with your dimensional wormhole. Frow
 9814 ning in concentration, you direct its loose end through space, attaching it firmly to the volcano.
 9815 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9816 Dargillaen closes his eyes and frowns, deep in concentration. A multi-colored vortex swirls briefly 
 9817 around his head, before attaching firmly to a distant location.
 9818 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9819 You swiftly attach the wormhole.
 9820 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9821 worm engulf Meed
 9822 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9823 Meed is already surrounded by flames.
 9824 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9825 suggest Meed whisper
 9826 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9827 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
 9828 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9829 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
 9830 The thought of speech seems difficult all of a sudden.
 9831 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9832 Meed makes an oddly stuttered sound.
 9833 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9834 You are afflicted with stuttering.
 9836 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9837 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
 9838 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9839 queue reset all
 9840 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9841 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9842 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9843 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9844 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9845 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9846 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9847 H:505(93%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:31 
 9848 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9849 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach volcano::worm e
 9850 ngulf Meed::suggest Meed whisper
 9851 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9852 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach volcano::worm engulf Meed::sugg
 9853 est Meed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9854 H:505(93%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:31 You may eat another herb or plant
 9855 .
 9856 H:505(93%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:31 
 9857 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9858 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
 9859 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9860 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite Meed.
 9861 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
 9862 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9863 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
 9864 You have lost the blind defence.
 9865 You shiver as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at you.
 9866 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9867 Meed shivers as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at him.
 9868 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9869 You are afflicted with shivering.
 9870 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9871 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9872 H:505(93%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:32 
 9873 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9874 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 9875 637/637h 450/480m 64e 
 9876 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9877 smoke pipe with lovage
 9878 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9879 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
 9880 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9881 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
 9882 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9883 Your pores cease secreting the oily substance.
 9884 You have cured slickness.
 9885 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
 9886 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9887 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:32 Searing fire spews out at Meed fr
 9888 om your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
 9889 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9890 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
 9891 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9892 queue reset all
 9893 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9894 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9895 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9896 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9897 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9898 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
 9899 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9900 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:32 
 9901 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9902 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::s
 9903 uggest Meed whisper
 9904 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9905 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::suggest Meed whis
 9906 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9907 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:32 
 9908 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9909 queue reset all
 9910 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9911 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9912 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9913 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9914 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:32 
 9915 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9916 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::s
 9917 uggest Meed whisper
 9918 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9919 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::suggest Meed whis
 9920 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9921 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:32 
 9922 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9923 queue reset all
 9924 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9925 BALANCE queue cleared.
 9926 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
 9927 EQBAL queue cleared.
 9928 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:32 
 9929 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9930 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::s
 9931 uggest Meed whisper
 9932 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9933 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::suggest Meed whis
 9934 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
 9935 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:32 You are again able to clot your w
 9936 ounds properly.
 9937 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:33 
 9938 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9939 apply caloric
 9940 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9941 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 9942 ly instead.
 9943 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
 9944 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9945 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 9946 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9947 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
 9948 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9949 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
 9951 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9952 You may eat another herb or plant.
 9953 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
 9954 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9955 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:33 
 9956 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9957 eat maidenhair
 9958 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9959 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 9960 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9961 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 9962 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9963 You feel a maidenhair leaf absorbed into your body with no effect.
 9964 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
 9965 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9966 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:33 
 9967 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9968 apply caloric
 9969 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9970 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
 9971 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9972 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
 9973 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9974 Your body warms up and you stop shivering.
 9975 You have cured shivering.
 9976 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
 9977 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9978 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:33 
 9979 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9980 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 9981 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
 9982 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9983 smoke pipe with laurel
 9984 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9985 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with laurel smoke.
 9986 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9987 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, musty smoke.
 9988 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9989 You are able to focus your senses once more.
 9990 You have cured slow equilibrium.
 9991 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
 9992 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
 9993 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:33 
 9994 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
 9995 outr maidenhair
 9996 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
 9997 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
 9998 ly instead.
 9999 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
10000 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10001 queue reset all
10002 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10003 BALANCE queue cleared.
10004 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10005 EQBAL queue cleared.
10006 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:33 
10007 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10008 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin nocte
10009 c::suggest Meed whisper
10010 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10011 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec::suggest Meed 
10012 whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10013 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:33 
10014 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10015 queue reset all
10016 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10017 BALANCE queue cleared.
10018 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10019 EQBAL queue cleared.
10020 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:34 
10021 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10022 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin nocte
10023 c::suggest Meed whisper
10024 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10025 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec::suggest Meed 
10026 whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10027 H:505(93%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:34 
10028 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10029 You have recovered balance.
10030 637/637h 440/480m 64e A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
10031 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10032 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at you, biting you viciously.
10033 Damage Taken: 7 cutting (raw damage: 19)
10034 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10035 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
10036 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10037 H:498(91%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:34 You have regained your mental equ
10038 ilibrium.
10039 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10040 stand
10041 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10042 You are already standing.
10043 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10044 quickdraw dirk shield left right
10045 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10046 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
10047 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10048 enemy Meed
10049 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10050 Meed is already an enemy.
10051 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10052 dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec
10053 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10054 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
10055 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10056 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
10057 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10058 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
10059 You rub some ciguatoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
10060 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
10061 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10062 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
10063 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10064 Your ciguatoxin toxin has affected Meed.
10065 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10066 Terror takes hold, as a numb sensation overcomes your body.
10067 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10068 Meed appears terrified as his muscles seem to become difficult to control.
10069 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10070 The numbness fails to take effect, as your muscles are already locked in paralysis.
10071 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10072 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
10073 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
10074 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10075 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
10076 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10077 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
10078 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10079 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
10081 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10082 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
10084 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10085 You are afflicted with slow balance.
10086 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10087 Balance Taken: 2.22s
10089 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10090 suggest Meed whisper
10091 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10092 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
10094 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10095 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
10097 An urge to fall asleep overcomes you.
10099 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10100 Meed's eyes grow heavy and start to close.
10102 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10103 You are afflicted with hypersomnia.
10104 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10105 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
10107 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10108 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
10109 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10111 H:498(91%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:34 
10113 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10114 Unable to bear the company of others, you depart in terror.
10116 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
10117 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10118 smoke pipe with linseed
10119 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10120 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
10122 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10123 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
10125 637/637h 440/480m 64e 
10126 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10128 H:498(91%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:34 
10130 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10131 queue reset all
10132 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10133 BALANCE queue cleared.
10135 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10137 EQBAL queue cleared.
10140 H:498(91%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:34 
10142 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10143 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin nocte
10144 c::suggest Meed whisper
10145 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10146 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec::suggest Meed 
10147 whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10150 H:498(91%) M:525(86%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:34 
10152 Health Gain: 45
10155 H:543(100%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:34 
10157 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10158 fitness
10159 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10160 You inhale deeply, allowing the air to fill your mighty lungs.
10162 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10163 Meed inhales deeply, then slowly exhales.
10165 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10166 You have gained the fitness defence.
10167 Balance Taken: 4.70s
10169 637/637h 464/480m 64e 
10170 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10172 H:543(100%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:34 
10174 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10175 queue reset all
10176 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10177 BALANCE queue cleared.
10179 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10181 EQBAL queue cleared.
10184 H:543(100%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:34 
10186 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10187 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed metrazol mercury
10188 ::suggest Meed whisper
10189 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10190 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed metrazol mercury::suggest Meed w
10191 hisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10194 H:543(100%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:34 
10196 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10197 queue reset all
10198 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10199 BALANCE queue cleared.
10201 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10203 EQBAL queue cleared.
10206 H:543(100%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:35 
10208 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10209 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed metrazol mercury
10210 ::suggest Meed whisper
10211 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10212 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed metrazol mercury::suggest Meed w
10213 hisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10216 H:543(100%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:35 
10218 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
10220 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10221 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
10223 637/637h 464/480m 64e 
10224 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10226 H:543(100%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:35 
10228 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10229 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
10230 637/637h 464/480m 64e 
10231 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10232 smoke pipe with lovage
10233 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10234 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
10236 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10237 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
10239 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10240 You are able to focus your senses once more.
10242 You have cured slow balance.
10244 637/637h 464/480m 64e 
10245 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10247 H:543(100%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:35 
10249 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10250 queue reset all
10251 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10252 BALANCE queue cleared.
10254 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10256 EQBAL queue cleared.
10259 H:543(100%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:36 
10261 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10262 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::
10263 suggest Meed whisper
10264 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10265 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::suggest Meed whi
10266 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10269 H:543(100%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:36 
10271 An ebony raven pecks at you painfully.
10273 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10274 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
10276 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10277 Damage Taken: 14 cutting (raw damage: 30)
10279 With a guttural growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
10281 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10282 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
10284 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10285 Damage Taken: 10 cutting (raw damage: 25)
10287 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10288 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
10290 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10291 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
10293 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10294 You are afflicted with ablaze.
10295 637/637h 464/480m 64e 
10296 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10298 H:519(95%) M:562(92%) XP:0.00 (11) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:36 
10300 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10301 clot
10302 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10303 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
10306 H:519(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:36 
10308 You have recovered balance.
10311 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10312 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10313 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10314 637/637h 464/480m 64e 
10315 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10317 H:519(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:36 
10319 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10322 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10323 stand
10324 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10325 You are already standing.
10327 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10328 quickdraw dirk shield left right
10329 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10330 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
10332 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10334 enemy Meed
10335 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10336 Meed is already an enemy.
10338 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10339 dstab Meed iodine mazanor
10340 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10341 You rub some iodine on a Shadowfang dirk.
10342 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
10343 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10344 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
10345 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10346 Your iodine toxin has affected Meed.
10347 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10348 A strange smelling substance begins to leak from your pores.
10349 You are afflicted with slickness.
10351 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10352 You rub some mazanor on a Shadowfang dirk.
10353 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
10354 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10355 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
10356 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10357 Your mazanor toxin has affected Meed.
10358 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10359 A faintness takes you as your stomach begins to grumble ceaselessly.
10360 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10361 Meed appears hungry.
10362 Balance Taken: 2.22s
10363 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10364 suggest Meed whisper
10365 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10366 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
10367 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10368 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
10369 Your vision blurs for a moment.
10370 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10371 Meed squints strangely at you.
10372 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10373 You are afflicted with hallucinations.
10375 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10376 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
10377 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10378 Flames lick around you - you are on fire!
10379 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10380 Flames leap around Meed, melting hair and charring his flesh.
10381 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10382 You may eat another herb or plant.
10383 626/637h 464/480m 64e 
10384 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10385 H:519(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:36 You have recovered your breath an
10386 d can smoke once more.
10387 H:519(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:36 
10388 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10389 eat maidenhair
10390 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10391 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
10392 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10393 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
10394 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10395 Your pores cease secreting the oily substance.
10396 You have cured slickness.
10397 626/637h 464/480m 64e 
10398 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10399 H:519(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:36 
10400 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10401 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10402 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10403 626/637h 464/480m 64e You may apply another salve.
10404 626/637h 464/480m 64e 
10405 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10406 queue reset all
10407 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10408 BALANCE queue cleared.
10409 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10410 EQBAL queue cleared.
10411 H:519(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:36 
10412 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10413 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::s
10414 uggest Meed whisper
10415 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10416 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::suggest Meed whis
10417 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10418 H:519(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:36 
10419 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10420 apply caloric
10421 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10422 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
10423 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10424 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
10425 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10426 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
10427 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
10428 626/637h 464/480m 64e 
10429 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10430 H:519(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:37 
10432 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10433 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10434 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10435 626/637h 464/480m 64e 
10436 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
10437 626/637h 464/480m 64e 
10438 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10439 smoke pipe with linseed
10440 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10441 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10442 ly instead.
10444 626/637h 464/480m 64e 
10445 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10446 outr maidenhair
10447 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10448 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
10450 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10451 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10452 Searing fire spews out at Meed from your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
10454 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10455 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
10457 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10458 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10460 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:37 
10462 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10463 smoke pipe with linseed
10464 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10465 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
10467 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10468 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
10470 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10471 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10472 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10474 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:37 
10476 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10477 queue reset all
10478 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10479 BALANCE queue cleared.
10481 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10483 EQBAL queue cleared.
10486 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:37 
10488 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10489 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::s
10490 uggest Meed whisper
10491 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10492 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::suggest Meed whis
10493 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10496 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:37 
10498 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10499 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10500 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10501 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10502 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10503 queue reset all
10504 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10505 BALANCE queue cleared.
10507 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10509 EQBAL queue cleared.
10512 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:37 
10514 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10515 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::s
10516 uggest Meed whisper
10517 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10518 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::suggest Meed whis
10519 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10522 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:37 
10524 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10525 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10526 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10527 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10528 ly instead.
10530 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10531 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10532 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10533 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10534 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10535 ly instead.
10537 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10538 You are stunned by a vision of the Creator.
10540 You are afflicted with stun.
10541 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10542 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10543 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10544 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10545 You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
10547 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10548 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10549 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10550 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10551 You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
10553 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10554 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10555 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
10557 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10558 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10559 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10560 You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
10562 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10563 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10565 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:38 
10567 You have recovered balance.
10571 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:38 
10573 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10576 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10577 stand
10578 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10579 You are already standing.
10581 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10582 quickdraw dirk shield left right
10583 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10584 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
10586 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10588 enemy Meed
10589 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10590 Meed is already an enemy.
10592 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10594 dstab Meed noctec iodine
10595 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10596 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
10598 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
10600 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10601 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
10603 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10604 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
10606 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10607 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
10609 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10610 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
10612 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10613 You are afflicted with slow balance.
10614 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10615 You rub some iodine on a Shadowfang dirk.
10617 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
10619 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10620 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
10622 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10623 Your iodine toxin has affected Meed.
10625 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10626 A strange smelling substance begins to leak from your pores.
10628 You are afflicted with slickness.
10629 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10630 Balance Taken: 2.22s
10632 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10633 suggest Meed whisper
10634 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10635 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
10637 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10638 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
10640 You feel your energy robbed from you as lethargy overtakes you.
10642 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10643 Meed suddenly slumps down wearily.
10645 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10646 You are afflicted with lethargy.
10647 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10648 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
10650 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10651 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10652 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10653 You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
10655 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10656 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10658 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:39 
10660 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10661 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10662 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10663 You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
10665 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10666 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10667 A brooding vulture shrieks at you, making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
10669 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10670 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
10672 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10673 You are afflicted with nausea.
10674 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite Meed.
10676 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10677 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
10679 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10680 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
10682 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10683 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
10685 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
10687 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10688 Meed gasps and stumbles about weakly.
10690 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10691 eat nightshade
10692 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10693 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1989.
10694 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
10695 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10696 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
10697 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10698 Your stomach becalms itself.
10699 You have cured nausea.
10700 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10701 626/637h 454/480m 64e 
10702 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10703 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:39 
10704 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10705 queue reset all
10706 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10707 BALANCE queue cleared.
10708 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10709 EQBAL queue cleared.
10710 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:39 
10711 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10712 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine mazanor:
10713 :suggest Meed whisper
10714 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10715 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine mazanor::suggest Meed wh
10716 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10717 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:39 
10718 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10719 You have recovered balance.
10720 You are no longer stunned.
10721 You have cured stun.
10722 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10723 quench skin
10724 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10725 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
10726 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10727 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
10728 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10729 You have cured ablaze.
10730 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10731 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10732 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:39 
10733 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10734 queue reset all
10735 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10736 BALANCE queue cleared.
10737 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10738 EQBAL queue cleared.
10739 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:39 
10740 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10741 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine mazanor:
10742 :suggest Meed whisper
10743 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10744 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine mazanor::suggest Meed wh
10745 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10746 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:39 
10747 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10748 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
10749 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10750 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10751 ly instead.
10752 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10753 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
10754 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10755 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
10756 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10757 surge bite
10758 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10759 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
10760 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10761 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10762 touch tree
10763 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10764 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10765 ly instead.
10766 626/637h 442/480m 64e You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
10767 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10768 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10769 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10770 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10771 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10772 ly instead.
10773 626/637h 442/480m 64e You may eat another herb or plant.
10774 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10775 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10776 smoke pipe with lovage
10777 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10778 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
10779 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10780 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
10781 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10782 Your pores cease secreting the oily substance.
10784 You have cured slickness.
10786 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10787 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10789 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:40 
10791 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10792 queue reset all
10793 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10794 BALANCE queue cleared.
10796 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
10798 EQBAL queue cleared.
10801 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:40 
10803 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10804 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine mazanor:
10805 :suggest Meed whisper
10806 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10807 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed bromine mazanor::suggest Meed wh
10808 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
10811 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:40 
10813 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10814 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
10815 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10816 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
10818 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10819 quickdraw scepter shield
10820 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10821 What are you trying to draw?
10823 Syntax: QUICKDRAW <item1> [item2]
10825 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10826 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10827 queue eqbal kipup|kill Dargillaen
10828 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10829 Kipup|kill Dargillaen added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
10831 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10832 kipup
10833 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10834 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10835 ly instead.
10837 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10838 kill Dargillaen
10839 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10840 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
10842 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10843 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10844 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10845 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10846 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10847 ly instead.
10849 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10850 You may apply another salve.
10851 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10852 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10853 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
10855 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10856 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
10858 You are afflicted with ablaze.
10859 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10860 apply mending to arms
10861 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10862 You quickly rub some mending salve on your arms.
10864 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10865 Meed rubs some salve on his arms.
10867 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10868 Your right arm becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
10870 You have cured crippled right arm.
10872 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10873 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10875 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:40 
10877 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10878 Unable to bear the company of others, you depart in terror.
10880 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10881 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
10883 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10884 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
10886 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10887 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
10888 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10889 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10890 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10892 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:40 
10894 The Wickerman bellows out its challenge from the Demon Stone.
10895 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10896 The Wickerman bellows out its challenge from the Demon Stone.
10897 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10898 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10900 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:40 
10902 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10903 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bite
10904 target nothing
10905 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10906 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
10908 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10909 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
10910 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10911 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10912 ly instead.
10913 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10914 surge bite
10915 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10916 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
10917 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10918 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10919 eat maidenhair
10920 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10921 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1986.
10922 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
10923 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10924 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
10925 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10926 You feel a maidenhair leaf absorbed into your body with no effect.
10927 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10928 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10929 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:40 
10930 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10931 IFEQBAL target nothing|spear stab Dargillaen butisol|surge bitetarget nothing
10932 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10933 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
10934 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10935 spear stab Dargillaen butisol
10936 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10937 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
10938 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10939 surge bite
10940 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10941 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10942 ly instead.
10943 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10944 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10945 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge bitespear pierce Dargillaen
10946 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10947 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
10948 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10949 surge bite
10950 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10951 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
10952 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10953 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10954 outr maidenhair
10955 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10956 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1985.
10957 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10958 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10959 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge bitespear pierce Dargillaen
10960 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10961 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
10962 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10963 surge bite
10964 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10965 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10966 ly instead.
10967 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10968 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10969 You have recovered balance.
10970 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
10971 You may eat another herb or plant.
10972 H:519(95%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:41 A cunning coyote snarls and lunge
10973 s at you, biting you viciously.
10974 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10975 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
10976 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10977 Damage Taken: 7 cutting (raw damage: 19)
10978 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10979 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
10980 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10981 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10982 H:511(94%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:41 
10983 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10984 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge bitespear pierce Dargillaen
10985 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10986 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
10987 ly instead.
10988 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
10989 surge bite
10990 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
10991 Your muscles are paralysed and hence you cannot do that.
10992 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
10993 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10994 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10995 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10996 stand
10997 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
10998 You are already standing.
10999 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11000 quickdraw dirk shield left right
11001 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11002 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
11003 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11004 enemy Meed
11005 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11006 Meed is already an enemy.
11007 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11008 dstab Meed bromine mazanor
11009 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11010 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
11011 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11012 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
11013 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11014 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
11015 You rub some bromine on a Shadowfang dirk.
11016 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
11017 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11018 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
11019 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11020 Your bromine toxin has affected Meed.
11021 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11022 The idea of eating or drinking is repulsive to you.
11023 You are afflicted with anorexia.
11025 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11026 You rub some mazanor on a Shadowfang dirk.
11027 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
11028 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11029 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
11030 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11031 Your mazanor toxin has affected Meed.
11032 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11033 A faintness takes you as your stomach begins to grumble ceaselessly.
11034 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11035 Meed appears hungry.
11036 Balance Taken: 2.22s
11037 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11038 suggest Meed whisper
11039 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11040 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
11041 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11042 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
11043 You glance nervously around the room.
11044 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11045 Meed glances nervously around the room.
11046 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11047 You are afflicted with loneliness.
11049 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11050 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
11051 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11052 smoke pipe with linseed
11053 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11054 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
11055 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11056 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
11057 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
11058 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11059 H:511(94%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:41 
11060 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11061 smoke pipe with lovage
11062 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11063 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
11064 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11065 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
11066 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11067 You are able to focus your senses once more.
11068 You have cured slow balance.
11069 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
11070 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11071 H:511(94%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:41 
11072 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11073 IFEQBAL spear pierce Dargillaen|surge bite
11074 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11075 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
11076 ly instead.
11077 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
11078 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11079 queue reset all
11080 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11081 BALANCE queue cleared.
11082 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11083 EQBAL queue cleared.
11084 H:511(94%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:41 
11085 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11086 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::s
11087 uggest Meed whisper
11088 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11089 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::suggest Meed whis
11090 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11091 H:511(94%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:41 Moving close to you a thorny liza
11092 rd scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
11093 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11094 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
11095 626/637h 442/480m 64e 
11096 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11097 H:511(94%) M:542(89%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:42 Searing fire spews out at Meed fr
11098 om your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
11099 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11100 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
11101 626/637h 432/480m 64e 
11102 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11103 H:511(94%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:42 
11104 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11105 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
11106 626/637h 432/480m 64e 
11107 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11108 With a guttural growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
11109 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11110 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
11111 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11112 Damage Taken: 9 blunt (raw damage: 24)
11113 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11114 626/637h 432/480m 64e 
11115 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11116 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:43 
11117 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11118 queue reset all
11119 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11120 BALANCE queue cleared.
11121 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11122 EQBAL queue cleared.
11123 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:43 
11124 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11125 You feel your endurance fade under your laboured breathing.
11126 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11127 Meed appears pale and is having trouble breathing.
11128 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11129 You are afflicted with laboured breathing.
11131 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11132 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Mee
11133 d whisper
11134 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11135 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Meed whisper added 
11136 to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11137 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11138 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11139 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11140 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:43 
11141 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11142 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
11143 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11144 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Meed.
11145 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11146 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
11147 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11148 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11149 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:43 
11150 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11151 You may apply another salve.
11152 626/637h 432/480m 61e You have regained the ability to quench your skin.
11153 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11154 queue reset all
11155 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11156 BALANCE queue cleared.
11157 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11158 EQBAL queue cleared.
11159 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11160 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11161 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11162 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:43 
11163 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11164 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Mee
11165 d whisper
11166 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11167 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Meed whisper added 
11168 to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11169 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:43 You have recovered balance.
11170 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11171 queue reset all
11172 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11173 BALANCE queue cleared.
11174 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11175 EQBAL queue cleared.
11176 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:43 
11177 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11178 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Mee
11179 d whisper
11180 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11181 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Meed whisper added 
11182 to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11183 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:43 
11184 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11185 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11186 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11187 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11188 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11189 quickdraw scepter shield
11190 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11191 What are you trying to draw?
11192 Syntax: QUICKDRAW <item1> [item2]
11193 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11194 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11195 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11196 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11197 Kipup|kill cobra added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11198 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11199 kipup
11200 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11201 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
11202 ly instead.
11203 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11204 kill cobra
11205 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11206 Your muscles cry out in agony as you try to call them to action.
11207 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11208 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11209 apply epidermal
11210 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11211 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
11212 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11213 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
11214 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11215 Food is no longer repulsive to you.
11216 You have cured anorexia.
11217 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11218 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11219 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:43 You have recovered your breath an
11220 d can smoke once more.
11221 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:43 
11222 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11223 You may eat another herb or plant.
11224 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11225 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11226 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11227 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11228 stand
11229 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11230 You are already standing.
11231 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11232 quickdraw whip shield left right
11233 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11234 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a whip of taming into your left hand, wi
11235 th a lunar shield flowing into your right hand.
11236 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11237 Dargillaen secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a whip of taming into his left h
11238 and, with a lunar shield flowing into the right.
11239 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11240 enemy Meed
11241 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11242 Meed is already an enemy.
11243 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11244 flay Meed aura
11245 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11246 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
11248 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11249 You raze Meed's aura of rebounding with a whip of taming.
11250 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11251 Dargillaen razes your aura of rebounding with a whip of taming.
11252 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11253 Balance Taken: 2.00s
11254 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11255 suggest Meed whisper
11256 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11257 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
11258 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11259 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
11260 A sense of deep inner calm descends on you.
11261 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11262 Meed smiles, a look of radiant peace spread across his features.
11263 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
11264 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11265 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11266 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11267 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:43 
11268 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11269 eat maidenhair
11270 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11271 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
11272 ly instead.
11273 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11274 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11275 eat maidenhair
11276 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11277 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
11278 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11279 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
11280 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11281 Your paralysis fades and you can move once more.
11282 You have cured paralysis.
11283 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11284 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11285 H:501(92%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:44 An ebony raven pecks at you painf
11286 ully.
11287 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11288 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
11289 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11290 Damage Taken: 14 cutting (raw damage: 30)
11291 Meed shivers as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at him.
11292 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11293 You shiver as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at you.
11294 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
11296 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11297 queue reset all
11298 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11299 BALANCE queue cleared.
11300 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11301 EQBAL queue cleared.
11302 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11303 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11304 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11305 H:487(89%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:44 Your bandages staunch a good port
11306 ion of your bleeding.
11307 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
11308 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11309 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 3 health.
11310 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11311 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin metra
11312 zol::suggest Meed whisper
11313 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11314 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin metrazol::suggest Mee
11315 d whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11316 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11317 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11318 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11319 H:484(89%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:44 
11320 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11321 touch tree
11322 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11323 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
11324 ly instead.
11325 626/637h 432/480m 61e 
11326 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11327 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11328 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11329 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11330 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11331 quickdraw scepter shield
11332 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11333 What are you trying to draw?
11334 Syntax: QUICKDRAW <item1> [item2]
11335 626/637h 432/480m 62e 
11336 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11337 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11338 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11339 Kipup|kill cobra added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11340 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11341 kipup
11342 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11343 You are not on the ground.
11344 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11345 kill cobra
11346 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11347 You give a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into a small black cobr
11348 a's body.
11349 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11350 Meed gives a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into a small black co
11351 bra's body.
11352 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11353 Damage dealt: 153 (some resisted) Remaining: 71.86%
11354 Balance Taken: 3.69s
11355 626/637h 432/480m 62e 
11356 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11357 H:484(89%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:44 
11358 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11359 outr maidenhair
11360 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11361 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1984.
11362 626/637h 432/480m 62e 
11363 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11364 touch tree
11365 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11366 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
11367 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11368 Meed touches a tree of life tattoo.
11369 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11370 You are patient once again.
11371 You have cured impatience.
11372 626/637h 432/480m 62e 
11373 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11374 H:484(89%) M:533(87%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:44 Health Gain: 54
11375 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11376 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11377 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11378 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11379 637/637h 456/480m 62e 
11380 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11381 H:539(99%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:44 
11382 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11383 queue eqbal kipup|kill Dargillaen
11384 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11385 Kipup|kill Dargillaen added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11386 637/637h 456/480m 62e 
11387 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11388 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11389 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11390 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11391 637/637h 456/480m 62e 
11392 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11393 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11394 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11395 Kipup|kill cobra added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11396 637/637h 456/480m 62e 
11397 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11398 focus
11399 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11400 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
11401 ly instead.
11402 637/637h 456/480m 62e 
11403 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11404 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11405 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11406 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11407 637/637h 456/480m 62e 
11408 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11409 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11410 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11411 Kipup|kill cobra added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11412 637/637h 456/480m 62e 
11413 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11414 focus
11415 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11416 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
11417 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11418 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Meed.
11419 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11420 You can now face the world boldly, shy no more.
11421 You have cured shyness.
11422 637/637h 441/480m 62e 
11423 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11424 H:539(99%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:45 
11425 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11426 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11427 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11428 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11429 637/637h 441/480m 62e 
11430 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11431 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11432 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11433 Kipup|kill cobra added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11434 637/637h 441/480m 62e 
11435 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11436 smoke pipe with lovage
11437 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11438 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
11439 ly instead.
11440 637/637h 441/480m 62e 
11441 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11442 queue reset all
11443 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11444 BALANCE queue cleared.
11445 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11446 EQBAL queue cleared.
11447 H:539(99%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:45 
11448 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11449 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin metra
11450 zol::worm shadowplant Meed kelp
11451 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11452 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin metrazol::worm shadow
11453 plant Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11454 H:539(99%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:45 
11455 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11456 smoke pipe with lovage
11457 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11458 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
11459 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11460 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
11461 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11462 You no longer suffer from laboured breathing.
11463 You have cured laboured breathing.
11464 637/637h 441/480m 63e 
11465 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11466 H:539(99%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:45 You have recovered balance.
11467 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11468 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11469 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11470 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11471 637/637h 441/480m 63e 
11472 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11473 H:539(99%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:45 
11474 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11475 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11476 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11477 Kipup|kill cobra added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11478 637/637h 441/480m 63e 
11479 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11480 queue reset all
11481 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11482 BALANCE queue cleared.
11483 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11484 EQBAL queue cleared.
11485 H:539(99%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:45 
11486 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11487 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin nocte
11488 c::worm shadowplant Meed kelp
11489 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11490 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec::worm shadowpl
11491 ant Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11492 H:539(99%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:45 
11493 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11494 queue reset all
11495 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11496 BALANCE queue cleared.
11497 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11498 EQBAL queue cleared.
11499 H:539(99%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:45 
11500 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11501 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin nocte
11502 c::worm shadowplant Meed kelp
11503 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11504 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec::worm shadowpl
11505 ant Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11506 H:539(99%) M:570(94%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:45 
11507 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11508 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11509 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11510 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11511 637/637h 441/480m 63e Ooh look! A lovely lake. Perhaps you'll dive in!
11512 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11513 dive
11514 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11515 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
11516 ly instead.
11517 637/637h 441/480m 63e 
11518 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11519 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11520 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11521 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11522 637/637h 441/480m 63e 
11523 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11524 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11525 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11526 stand
11527 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11528 You are already standing.
11529 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11530 quickdraw dirk shield left right
11531 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11532 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a Shadowfang dirk into your left hand, w
11533 ith a lunar shield flowing into your right hand.
11534 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11535 Dargillaen secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a Shadowfang dirk into his left 
11536 hand, with a lunar shield flowing into the right.
11537 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11538 enemy Meed
11539 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11540 Meed is already an enemy.
11541 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11542 dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec
11543 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11544 You rub some ciguatoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
11545 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
11546 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11547 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
11548 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11549 Your ciguatoxin toxin has affected Meed.
11550 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11551 Terror takes hold, as a numb sensation overcomes your body.
11552 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11553 Meed appears terrified as his muscles seem to become difficult to control.
11554 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11555 You are afflicted with numbness.
11557 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11558 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
11559 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
11560 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11561 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
11562 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11563 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
11564 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11565 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
11566 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11567 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
11568 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11569 You are afflicted with slow balance.
11571 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11572 Balance Taken: 2.22s
11573 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11574 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
11575 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11576 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of it a
11577 nd lands in Meed's hands.
11578 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11579 A shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lands
11580  in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
11581 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11582 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
11583 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11584 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11585 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11586 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11587 637/637h 441/480m 63e 
11588 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11589 H:539(99%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:46 A small black cobra's hood flares
11590  as it darts forward to bite Meed.
11591 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11592 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
11593 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11594 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
11595 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11596 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
11597 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
11598 637/637h 441/480m 63e 
11599 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11600 H:539(99%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:46 
11601 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11602 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11603 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11604 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11605 637/637h 441/480m 63e 
11606 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11607 queue reset all
11608 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11609 BALANCE queue cleared.
11610 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11611 EQBAL queue cleared.
11612 H:539(99%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:46 
11613 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11614 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::
11615 worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
11616 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11617 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::worm shadowplant
11618  Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11619 H:539(99%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:46 
11620 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11621 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11622 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11623 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11624 637/637h 441/480m 64e 
11625 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11626 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11627 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11628 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11629 637/637h 441/480m 64e Flames lick around you - you are on fire!
11630 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11631 Flames leap around Meed, melting hair and charring his flesh.
11632 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11633 630/637h 441/480m 64e 
11634 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11635 H:539(99%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:46 
11636 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11637 focus
11638 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11639 You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
11640 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11641 purge blood
11642 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11643 Your immune system is not strong enough for you to purge your body of any toxins.
11644 630/637h 441/480m 64e 
11645 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11646 You are again prepared to swiftly attach a wormhole.
11647 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11648 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11649 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11650 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11651 630/637h 441/480m 64e 
11652 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11653 H:539(99%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:46 
11654 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11655 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11656 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11657 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11658 630/637h 441/480m 64e You may apply another salve.
11659 630/637h 441/480m 64e 
11660 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11661 apply caloric
11662 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11663 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
11664 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11665 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
11666 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11667 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
11668 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
11669 630/637h 441/480m 64e 
11670 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11671 H:539(99%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:47 
11672 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11673 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
11674 630/637h 441/480m 64e The shadowplant has fully materialised.
11675 630/637h 441/480m 64e 
11676 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11677 smoke pipe with lovage
11678 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11679 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
11680 ly instead.
11681 630/637h 441/480m 64e 
11682 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11683 queue reset all
11684 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11685 BALANCE queue cleared.
11686 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11687 EQBAL queue cleared.
11688 H:539(99%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:47 
11689 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11690 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::
11691 worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
11692 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11693 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::worm shadowplant
11694  Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11695 H:539(99%) M:564(93%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:47 You feel an aura of rebounding su
11696 rround you.
11697 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11698 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
11699 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11700 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
11702 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11703 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11704 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11705 H:539(99%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:47 
11706 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11707 You may eat another herb or plant.
11708 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11709 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11710 Searing fire spews out at Meed from your wormhole, twirling chaotically around his body.
11711 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11712 Searing fire spews out at you from Dargillaen's wormhole, twirling chaotically around your body.
11713 The Nephilim bellows out its challenge from the Kalaya Woods.
11715 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11716 The Nephilim bellows out its challenge from the Kalaya Woods.
11718 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11719 eat maidenhair
11720 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11721 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
11722 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11723 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
11724 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11725 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
11726 You have cured numbness.
11727 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11728 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11729 H:539(99%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:47 
11730 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11731 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11732 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11733 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11734 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11735 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11736 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11737 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11738 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11739 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11740 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11741 smoke pipe with lovage
11742 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11743 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
11744 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11745 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
11746 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11747 You are able to focus your senses once more.
11748 You have cured slow balance.
11749 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11750 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11751 H:539(99%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:47 
11752 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11753 queue reset all
11754 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11755 BALANCE queue cleared.
11756 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11757 EQBAL queue cleared.
11758 H:539(99%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:47 
11759 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11760 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin iodin
11761 e::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
11762 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11763 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin iodine::worm shadowpl
11764 ant Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11765 H:539(99%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:47 
11766 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11767 outr maidenhair
11768 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11769 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1983.
11770 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11771 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11772 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11773 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11774 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11775 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11776 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11777 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11778 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11779 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11780 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11781 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11782 queue reset all
11783 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11784 BALANCE queue cleared.
11785 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11786 EQBAL queue cleared.
11787 H:539(99%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:48 
11788 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11789 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin nocte
11790 c::worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
11791 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11792 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec::worm shadowpl
11793 ant Meed maidenhair added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11794 H:539(99%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:48 
11795 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11796 You have recovered balance.
11797 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11798 quickdraw scepter shield
11799 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11800 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
11801 ly instead.
11802 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11803 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11804 quench skin
11805 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11806 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
11807 ly instead.
11808 630/637h 430/480m 64e A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
11809 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11810 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at you, biting you viciously.
11811 Damage Taken: 9 blunt (raw damage: 23)
11812 A brooding vulture shrieks at you, making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
11813 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11814 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
11815 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11816 You are afflicted with nausea.
11818 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11819 You shiver as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at you.
11820 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11821 Meed shivers as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at him.
11822 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11823 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
11825 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11826 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11827 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11828 Quickdraw scepter shield added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11829 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11830 kipup
11831 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11832 You are not on the ground.
11833 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11834 kill Dargillaen
11835 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11836 You give a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into Dargillaen's body.
11837 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11838 Meed gives a Spear of the Hunter a quick flourish before driving it forcefully into your body.
11839 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11840 You lash out clumsily, and miss.
11841 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11842 Meed lashes out clumsily, and misses.
11843 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11844 Balance Taken: 3.69s
11845 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11846 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11847 H:529(97%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:48 
11848 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11849 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11850 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11851 Kipup|kill cobra added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
11852 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11853 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11854 You have recovered balance.
11855 H:529(97%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:48 
11856 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11857 eat nightshade
11858 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11859 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1988.
11860 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
11861 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11862 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
11863 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11864 Your stomach becalms itself.
11865 You have cured nausea.
11866 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11867 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11868 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11869 H:529(97%) M:556(91%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:48 You have regained your mental equ
11870 ilibrium.
11871 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11872 stand
11873 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11874 You are already standing.
11875 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11876 quickdraw dirk shield left right
11877 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11878 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
11879 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11880 enemy Meed
11881 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11882 Meed is already an enemy.
11883 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11884 dstab Meed ciguatoxin noctec
11885 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11886 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
11887 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11888 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
11889 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11890 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
11891 You rub some ciguatoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
11892 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
11893 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11894 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
11895 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11896 Your ciguatoxin toxin has affected Meed.
11897 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11898 Terror takes hold, as a numb sensation overcomes your body.
11899 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11900 Meed appears terrified as his muscles seem to become difficult to control.
11901 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11902 You are afflicted with numbness.
11904 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11905 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
11906 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
11907 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11908 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
11909 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11910 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
11911 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11912 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
11913 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11914 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
11915 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11916 You are afflicted with slow balance.
11918 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11919 Balance Taken: 2.22s
11920 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11921 worm shadowplant Meed maidenhair
11922 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11923 The shadowplant disappears without a trace.
11924 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11925 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of it
11926  and lands in Meed's hands.
11927 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11928 A shadowy replica of a maidenhair leaf pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lan
11929 ds in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
11930 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11931 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
11932 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11933 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11934 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11935 H:529(97%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:48 
11936 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11937 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11938 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11939 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11940 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11941 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11942 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11943 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11944 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11945 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11946 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11947 smoke pipe with linseed
11948 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11949 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
11950 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11951 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
11952 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11953 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11954 H:529(97%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:48 
11955 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11956 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11957 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11958 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11959 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11960 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11961 queue eqbal kipup|kill Dargillaen
11962 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11963 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11964 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11965 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11966 queue reset all
11967 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11968 BALANCE queue cleared.
11969 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
11970 EQBAL queue cleared.
11971 H:529(97%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:49 
11972 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11973 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::
11974 worm confound Meed
11975 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
11976 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::worm confound Me
11977 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
11978 H:529(97%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:49 
11979 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11980 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
11981 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11982 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11983 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
11984 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11985 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11986 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11987 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11988 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
11989 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11990 Your EQBAL queue is full.
11991 630/637h 430/480m 64e Your mind is able to focus once again.
11993 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
11994 focus
11995 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
11996 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
11997 ly instead.
11998 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
11999 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12000 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
12001 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12002 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
12003 630/637h 430/480m 64e 
12004 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12005 H:529(97%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:49 
12006 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12007 focus
12008 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12009 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
12010 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12011 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Meed.
12012 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12013 You feel a bit more alert and awake.
12014 You have cured hypersomnia.
12015 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12016 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12017 H:529(97%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:49 
12018 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12019 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
12020 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12021 Your EQBAL queue is full.
12022 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12023 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12024 queue reset all
12025 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12026 BALANCE queue cleared.
12027 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12028 EQBAL queue cleared.
12029 H:529(97%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:49 
12030 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12031 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
12032 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12033 Your EQBAL queue is full.
12034 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12035 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12036 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::
12037 worm confound Meed
12038 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12039 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::worm confound Me
12040 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12041 H:529(97%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:49 
12042 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12043 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
12044 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12045 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12046 smoke pipe with lovage
12047 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12048 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
12049 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12050 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
12051 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12052 You are able to focus your senses once more.
12053 You have cured slow balance.
12054 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12055 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12056 H:529(97%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:49 
12057 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12058 queue reset all
12059 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12060 BALANCE queue cleared.
12061 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12062 EQBAL queue cleared.
12063 H:529(97%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:49 Your bandages staunch a good port
12064 ion of your bleeding.
12065 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
12066 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12067 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 3 health.
12068 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12069 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::
12070 worm confound Meed
12071 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12072 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed iodine mazanor::worm confound Me
12073 ed added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12074 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12075 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12076 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12077 H:526(96%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:49 
12078 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12079 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
12080 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12081 Your EQBAL queue is full.
12082 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12083 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12084 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
12085 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12086 Your EQBAL queue is full.
12087 630/637h 415/480m 64e You may apply another salve.
12088 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12089 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12090 apply caloric
12091 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12092 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
12093 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12094 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
12095 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12096 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
12097 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
12098 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12099 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12100 H:526(96%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:50 With a guttural growl, a wolf lea
12101 ps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
12102 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12103 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
12104 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12105 Damage Taken: 9 cutting (raw damage: 23)
12106 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12107 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12108 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12109 H:517(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:50 
12110 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12111 queue reset all
12112 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12113 BALANCE queue cleared.
12114 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12115 EQBAL queue cleared.
12116 H:517(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:50 
12117 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12118 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::w
12119 orm confound Meed
12120 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12121 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::worm confound Mee
12122 d added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12123 H:517(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:50 
12124 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12125 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
12126 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12127 Your EQBAL queue is full.
12128 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12129 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12130 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
12131 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12132 Your EQBAL queue is full.
12133 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12134 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12135 You may eat another herb or plant.
12136 H:517(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:50 
12137 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12138 You may eat another herb or plant.
12139 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12140 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12141 You have recovered balance.
12142 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12143 eat maidenhair
12144 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12145 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
12146 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12147 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
12148 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12149 As you attempt to swallow the plant, it suddenly disappears with no effect.
12150 The plant burns your body.
12151 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12152 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12153 H:517(95%) M:550(90%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:50 You have regained your mental equ
12154 ilibrium.
12155 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12156 stand
12157 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12158 You are already standing.
12159 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12160 quickdraw dirk shield left right
12161 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12162 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
12163 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12164 enemy Meed
12165 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12166 Meed is already an enemy.
12167 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12168 dstab Meed noctec iodine
12169 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12170 You rub some noctec on a Shadowfang dirk.
12171 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
12172 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12173 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
12174 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12175 Your noctec toxin has affected Meed.
12176 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12177 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
12178 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12179 Meed stumbles and appears off balance.
12180 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12181 You are afflicted with slow balance.
12183 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12184 You rub some iodine on a Shadowfang dirk.
12185 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
12186 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12187 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
12188 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12189 Your iodine toxin has affected Meed.
12190 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12191 A strange smelling substance begins to leak from your pores.
12192 You are afflicted with slickness.
12194 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12195 Balance Taken: 2.22s
12196 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12197 worm confound Meed
12198 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12199 You let your wormhole circulate around your head, creating a spectacle that fascinates and confounds
12200  Meed.
12201 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12202 Your attention is grabbed by a fascinating spectacle of colors hovering around Dargillaen's head, an
12203 d you find it difficult to focus on tasks.
12204 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12205 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
12206 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12207 queue eqbal quickdraw scepter shield
12208 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12209 Your EQBAL queue is full.
12210 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12211 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12212 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:51 
12213 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12214 queue eqbal kipup|kill cobra
12215 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12216 Your EQBAL queue is full.
12217 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12218 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12219 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
12220 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:51 
12221 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12222 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
12223 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12224 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12225 outr maidenhair
12226 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12227 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1982.
12228 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12229 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12230 queue reset all
12231 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12232 BALANCE queue cleared.
12233 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12234 EQBAL queue cleared.
12235 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:51 
12236 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12237 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ether mazanor::s
12238 uggest Meed whisper
12239 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12240 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ether mazanor::suggest Meed whis
12241 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12242 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:51 
12243 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12244 smoke pipe with lovage
12245 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12246 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
12247 ly instead.
12248 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12249 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12250 smoke pipe with lovage
12251 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12252 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
12253 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12254 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
12255 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12256 You are able to focus your senses once more.
12257 You have cured slow balance.
12258 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12259 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12260 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:51 
12261 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12262 queue reset all
12263 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12264 BALANCE queue cleared.
12265 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12266 EQBAL queue cleared.
12267 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:51 
12268 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12269 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ether mazanor::s
12270 uggest Meed whisper
12271 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12272 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ether mazanor::suggest Meed whis
12273 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12274 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:51 
12275 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12276 You have recovered balance.
12277 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12278 quickdraw scepter shield
12279 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12280 What are you trying to draw?
12281 Syntax: QUICKDRAW <item1> [item2]
12282 630/637h 415/480m 64e 
12283 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12284 quench skin
12285 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12286 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
12287 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12288 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
12289 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12290 You have cured ablaze.
12291 630/637h 403/480m 64e 
12292 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12293 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:52 
12294 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12295 sip mana
12296 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12297 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
12298 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12299 Meed takes a drink from an onyx vial.
12300 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12301 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
12302 630/637h 480/480m 64e 
12303 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12304 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:52 You are again able to conjure the
12305  shadowplant of a piece of kelp.
12306 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:52 
12307 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12308 queue reset all
12309 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12310 BALANCE queue cleared.
12311 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12312 EQBAL queue cleared.
12313 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:52 
12314 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12315 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ether mazanor::s
12316 uggest Meed whisper
12317 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12318 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ether mazanor::suggest Meed whis
12319 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12320 H:517(95%) M:544(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:52 
12321 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12322 trueassess Meed
12323 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12324 Meed's condition stands at 630/637 health and 480/480 mana.
12325 H:517(95%) M:532(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:52 
12326 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12327 queue reset all
12328 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12329 BALANCE queue cleared.
12330 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12331 EQBAL queue cleared.
12332 H:517(95%) M:532(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:52 
12333 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12334 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ether mazanor::s
12335 uggest Meed whisper
12336 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12337 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ether mazanor::suggest Meed whis
12338 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12339 H:517(95%) M:532(87%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:52 
12340 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12341 Unable to bear the company of others, you depart in terror.
12342 You are afflicted with shyness.
12344 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12345 The image of Meed, riding an immense cyanine icewyrm, blurs, fading to a green nebula as he vanishes
12346  to the north.
12348 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12349 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
12350 You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, and south.
12351 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12352 You sense Meed entering the location north from you.
12353 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12354 Your wyrm backs off, relaxing its eagerness to intercept.
12355 630/637h 470/480m 64e 
12356 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12357 H:517(95%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:52 
12358 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12359 kipup
12360 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12361 You are not on the ground.
12362 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12363 kill cobra
12364 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12365 I do not recognize anything called that here.
12366 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12367 queue reset all
12368 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12369 BALANCE queue cleared.
12370 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12371 EQBAL queue cleared.
12372 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12373 630/637h 470/480m 64e 
12374 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12375 H:517(95%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:52 
12376 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12377 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::north::dstab Meed ether mazan
12378 or::worm shadowplant Meed kelp
12379 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12380 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::north::dstab Meed ether mazanor::worm shadowp
12381 lant Meed kelp added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12382 H:517(95%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:52 
12383 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12384 Tongues of fire cease swirling around your body.
12385 630/637h 470/480m 64e 
12386 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12387 queue reset eqbal
12388 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12389 EQBAL queue cleared.
12390 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12391 queue eqbal stalk undead
12392 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12393 Stalk undead added to the bottom of your EQBAL queue.
12394 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12395 stalk undead
12396 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12397 You search for any sign of your quarry in the surrounding area, but find nothing.
12398 630/637h 470/480m 64e You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
12399 630/637h 470/480m 64e 
12400 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12401 smoke pipe with lovage
12402 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12403 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
12404 Your pores cease secreting the oily substance.
12405 You have cured slickness.
12406 630/637h 470/480m 64e 
12407 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12408 You have recovered balance.
12409 H:517(95%) M:524(86%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:53 You have regained your mental equ
12410 ilibrium.
12411 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12412 stand
12413 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12414 You are already standing.
12415 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12416 quickdraw dirk shield left right
12417 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12418 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
12419 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12420 enemy Meed
12421 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12422 Meed is already an enemy.
12423 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12424 north
12425 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12426 You cease your attempts to block movement.
12427 You have lost the blocking defence.
12428 You sprint north.
12429 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
12430 ------------------ v33567 -------------------
12431                           | \ | \            
12432                          [ ]-[ ]-[ ]         
12433                           | /                
12434                          [ ]                 
12435                           | \                
12436                          [ ] [ ]             
12437                               |              
12438                              [ ]             
12439                             /                
12440                          [ ]                 
12441                         /                    
12442                      [+]-[ ]                 
12443                       | x |                  
12444                  [ ] [ ] [ ]                 
12445                   | /                        
12446                  [ ]                         
12454 ------------------ -1:-3:0 ------------------
12455 Meed is here, hidden. 
12456 You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, and south.
12457 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12458 Your senses flare as a luminous green image drifts in from the south, its appearance sharpening to r
12459 eveal a ghostly apparition.
12460 He is followed by a demonic lamia and a small black cobra.
12461 You sense Dargillaen has entered your location.
12462 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12463 dstab Meed ether mazanor
12464 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12465 You rub some ether on a Shadowfang dirk.
12466 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
12467 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12468 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
12469 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12470 Your ether toxin has affected Meed.
12471 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12472 You stumble and it becomes very difficult to concentrate on your coordination.
12473 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12474 You rub some mazanor on a Shadowfang dirk.
12475 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
12476 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12477 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
12478 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12479 Your mazanor toxin has affected Meed.
12480 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12481 A faintness takes you as your stomach begins to grumble ceaselessly.
12482 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12483 Meed appears hungry.
12484 Balance Taken: 2.22s
12485 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12486 worm shadowplant Meed kelp
12487 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12488 You force a small opening in your wormhole and a shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of it a
12489 nd lands in Meed's hands.
12490 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12491 A shadowy replica of a piece of kelp pops out of a vortex swirling above Dargillaen's head and lands
12492  in your hands. Almost invisible at first, it quickly gains shape and proper colors.
12493 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12494 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
12495 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite Meed.
12496 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12497 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
12498 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12499 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
12500 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12501 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
12502 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
12503 630/637h 470/480m 64e 
12504 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12505 H:517(95%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:53 
12506 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12507 Your mind is able to focus once again.
12508 You may apply another salve.
12509 630/637h 470/480m 64e 
12510 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12511 queue reset all
12512 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12513 BALANCE queue cleared.
12514 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12515 EQBAL queue cleared.
12516 H:517(95%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:53 
12517 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12518 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::block e::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed benzene
12519  benzene::suggest Meed whisper
12520 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12521 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::block e::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed benzene benzene::sugges
12522 t Meed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12523 H:517(95%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:53 
12524 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12525 focus
12526 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12527 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
12528 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12529 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Meed.
12530 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12531 The unnatural feeling of peace leaves you.
12532 You have cured peace.
12533 630/637h 455/480m 64e 
12534 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12535 H:517(95%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:53 
12536 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12537 focus
12538 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12539 You concentrate, but your mind is too tired to focus.
12540 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12541 purge blood
12542 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12543 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
12544 ly instead.
12545 630/637h 455/480m 64e 
12546 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12547 apply mending to arms
12548 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12549 You quickly rub some mending salve on your arms.
12550 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12551 Meed rubs some salve on his arms.
12552 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12553 Your left arm becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
12554 You have cured crippled left arm.
12555 630/637h 455/480m 64e 
12556 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12557 H:517(95%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:54 
12558 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12559 queue reset eqbal
12560 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12561 EQBAL queue cleared.
12562 630/637h 455/480m 64e You may eat another herb or plant.
12563 630/637h 455/480m 64e You are stunned by the sight of a massive pink bunny hopping by.
12564 You are afflicted with stun.
12565 630/637h 455/480m 64e 
12566 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12567 queue reset all
12568 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12569 BALANCE queue cleared.
12570 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12571 EQBAL queue cleared.
12572 H:517(95%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:54 
12573 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12574 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::block e::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed benzene
12575  benzene::suggest Meed whisper
12576 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12577 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::block e::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed benzene benzene::sugges
12578 t Meed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12579 H:517(95%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:54 
12580 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12581 The shadowplant has fully materialised.
12582 630/637h 455/480m 64e You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
12583 630/637h 455/480m 64e Having been numb for too long, you feel your muscles lock up in paralysis.
12584 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12585 Meed's muscles lock up in paralysis.
12586 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12587 You are afflicted with paralysis.
12588 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
12589 You have cured numbness.
12590 630/637h 455/480m 64e 
12591 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12592 H:517(95%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:54 You are again able to conjure the
12593  shadowplant of a maidenhair leaf.
12594 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
12595 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12596 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
12597 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12598 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
12600 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12601 630/637h 455/480m 64e 
12602 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12603 H:517(95%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:55 Health Gain: 26
12604 H:543(100%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:55 
12605 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12606 You are no longer stunned.
12607 You have cured stun.
12608 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12609 eat maidenhair
12610 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12611 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
12612 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12613 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
12614 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12615 Your paralysis fades and you can move once more.
12616 You have cured paralysis.
12617 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12618 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12619 H:543(100%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:55 
12620 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12621 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
12622 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12623 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at you, biting you viciously.
12624 Damage Taken: 6 cutting (raw damage: 16)
12625 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12626 kill cobra
12627 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12628 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
12629 ly instead.
12630 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12631 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12632 H:537(98%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:55 You have recovered balance.
12633 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12634 smoke pipe with linseed
12635 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12636 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
12637 ly instead.
12638 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12639 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12640 H:537(98%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:55 You have regained your mental equ
12641 ilibrium.
12642 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12643 stand
12644 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12645 You are already standing.
12646 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12647 quickdraw dirk shield left right
12648 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12649 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
12650 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12651 block e
12652 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12653 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
12654 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12655 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
12656 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12657 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
12658 You move over to block the eastward exit.
12659 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12660 Dargillaen moves over to block the eastward exit.
12661 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12662 You have gained the blocking defence.
12664 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12665 enemy Meed
12666 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12667 Meed is already an enemy.
12668 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12669 dstab Meed benzene benzene
12670 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12671 You rub some benzene on a Shadowfang dirk.
12672 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
12673 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12674 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
12675 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12676 Your benzene toxin has affected Meed.
12677 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12678 You watch with your mouth gaping in horror as your left arm shrivels up and becomes useless.
12679 You are afflicted with crippled left arm.
12681 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12682 You rub some benzene on a Shadowfang dirk.
12683 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
12684 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12685 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
12686 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12687 Your benzene toxin has affected Meed.
12688 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12689 You watch with your mouth gaping in horror as your right arm shrivels up and becomes useless.
12690 You are afflicted with crippled right arm.
12692 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12693 Balance Taken: 2.22s
12694 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12695 suggest Meed whisper
12696 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12697 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
12698 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12699 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
12700 You shuffle your feet noisily, suddenly bored.
12701 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12702 Meed shuffles his feet in boredom.
12703 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12704 You are afflicted with impatience.
12706 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12707 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
12708 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12709 outr maidenhair
12710 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12711 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
12712 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12713 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12714 H:537(98%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:55 
12715 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12716 smoke pipe with linseed
12717 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12718 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
12719 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12720 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
12721 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12722 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12723 H:537(98%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:56 
12724 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12725 smoke pipe with linseed
12726 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12727 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
12728 ly instead.
12729 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12730 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12731 smoke pipe with linseed
12732 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12733 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
12734 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12735 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
12736 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12737 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12738 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12739 H:537(98%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:56 
12740 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12741 You have regained the ability to quench your skin.
12742 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12743 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12744 kill cobra
12745 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12746 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
12747 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12748 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12749 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
12750 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12751 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
12752 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12753 Meed shivers as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at him.
12754 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12755 You shiver as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at you.
12756 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
12757 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12758 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12759 H:537(98%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:56 
12760 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12761 kill cobra
12762 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12763 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
12764 ly instead.
12766 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12767 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12768 kill cobra
12769 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12770 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
12772 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12773 You may apply another salve.
12774 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12775 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12776 apply caloric
12777 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12778 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
12780 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12781 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
12783 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12784 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
12786 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
12787 637/637h 479/480m 64e 
12788 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12790 H:537(98%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:57 
12792 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12793 queue reset all
12794 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12795 BALANCE queue cleared.
12797 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12799 EQBAL queue cleared.
12802 H:537(98%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:57 
12804 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12805 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach tundra::worm bl
12806 izzard::suggest Meed whisper
12807 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12808 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach tundra::worm blizzard::suggest 
12809 Meed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12812 H:537(98%) M:555(91%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:57 
12814 A brooding vulture shrieks at you, making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
12816 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12817 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
12819 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12820 You are afflicted with nausea.
12821 With a guttural growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
12823 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12824 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
12826 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12827 Damage Taken: 8 cutting (raw damage: 21)
12829 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12830 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12831 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12833 H:528(97%) M:546(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:57 
12835 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12836 eat nightshade
12837 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12838 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1987.
12840 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
12842 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12843 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
12845 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12846 Your stomach becalms itself.
12848 You have cured nausea.
12850 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12851 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12852 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12854 H:528(97%) M:546(90%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:57 
12856 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12857 kill cobra
12858 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12859 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
12861 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12862 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12863 kill cobra
12864 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12865 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
12867 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12868 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12869 You have recovered balance.
12873 H:528(97%) M:546(90%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:58 
12875 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
12878 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12879 stand
12880 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12881 You are already standing.
12883 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12884 quickdraw dirk shield left right
12885 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12886 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
12888 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12890 enemy Meed
12891 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12892 Meed is already an enemy.
12893 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12894 worm attach tundra
12895 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12896 Multicolored fragments fly out of your wormhole as its connection shatters.
12897 You close your eyes and focus your mind on forming a connection with your dimensional wormhole. Frow
12898 ning in concentration, you direct its loose end through space, attaching it firmly to the frozen tun
12899 dra.
12900 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12901 Dargillaen closes his eyes and frowns, deep in concentration. A multi-colored vortex swirls briefly 
12902 around his head, before attaching firmly to a distant location.
12903 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12904 You swiftly attach the wormhole.
12905 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12906 worm blizzard
12907 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12908 You focus your mind on your wormhole, forcing it to open wide. Freezing blizzard starts pouring in f
12909 rom the swirling vortex, covering everything with impenetrable whiteness.
12910 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12911 Dargillaen closes his eyes and concentrates intently. Freezing blizzard starts pouring in from the s
12912 wirling vortex circling around his head, covering everything with impenetrable whiteness.
12913 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12914 Equilibrium Taken: 2.58s
12915 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12916 suggest Meed whisper
12917 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12918 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12919 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
12921 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12922 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12923 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12924 H:528(97%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:58 
12925 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12926 kill cobra
12927 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12928 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
12929 ly instead.
12930 637/637h 469/480m 64e Unable to bear the company of others, you depart in terror.
12931 You fumble around, hopelessly lost in the freezing blizzard.
12932 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12933 Meed fumbles around, hopelessly lost in the freezing blizzard.
12934 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12935 Balance Taken: 1.20s
12936 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12937 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12938 H:528(97%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:58 
12939 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12940 The shadowplant disappears without a trace.
12941 637/637h 469/480m 64e You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
12942 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12943 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12944 kill cobra
12945 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12946 You must regain balance first.
12947 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12948 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12949 queue reset all
12950 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12951 BALANCE queue cleared.
12952 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
12953 EQBAL queue cleared.
12954 H:528(97%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:58 
12955 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12956 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed metrazol mercury
12957 ::suggest Meed whisper
12958 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12959 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed metrazol mercury::suggest Meed w
12960 hisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
12961 H:528(97%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:58 
12962 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12963 You may eat another herb or plant.
12964 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12965 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12966 eat kelp
12967 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12968 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
12969 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12970 Meed quickly eats a piece of kelp.
12971 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12972 You feel coordinated once more.
12973 You have cured clumsiness.
12974 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12975 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12976 H:528(97%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:58 
12977 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12978 kill cobra
12979 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12980 You must regain balance first.
12981 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12982 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12983 kill cobra
12984 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12985 You must regain balance first.
12986 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12987 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
12988 kill cobra
12989 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12990 You must regain balance first.
12991 637/637h 469/480m 64e You may drink another healing elixir.
12992 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
12993 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
12994 You may eat another herb or plant.
12995 H:528(97%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:59 You are again able to conjure the
12996  shadowplant of a piece of kelp.
12997 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
12998 You have recovered balance.
12999 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13000 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13001 H:528(97%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:06:59 
13002 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13003 Your mind is able to focus once again.
13004 637/637h 469/480m 64e Your tree tattoo can be used again.
13006 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13007 kill cobra
13008 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13009 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13010 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13011 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13012 kill cobra
13013 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13014 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13015 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13016 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13017 kill cobra
13018 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13019 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13020 637/637h 469/480m 64e You may apply another salve.
13021 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13022 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13023 An ebony raven pecks at you painfully.
13024 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13025 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
13026 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13027 Damage Taken: 14 cutting (raw damage: 30)
13028 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite Meed.
13029 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13030 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
13031 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13032 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
13033 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13034 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
13035 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
13036 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13037 Meed shivers as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at him.
13038 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13039 You shiver as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at you.
13040 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
13042 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13043 queue reset all
13044 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13045 BALANCE queue cleared.
13046 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13047 EQBAL queue cleared.
13048 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13049 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13050 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13051 H:514(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:00 
13052 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13053 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ether metrazol::
13054 suggest Meed whisper
13055 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13056 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ether metrazol::suggest Meed whi
13057 sper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13058 H:514(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:00 
13059 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13060 apply caloric
13061 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13062 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
13063 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13064 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
13065 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13066 The salve cannot absorb into your slimy skin.
13067 You are afflicted with slickness.
13068 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13069 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13070 H:514(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:00 
13071 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13072 kill cobra
13073 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13074 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13075 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13076 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13077 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
13078 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13079 stand
13080 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13081 You are already standing.
13082 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13083 quickdraw dirk shield left right
13084 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13085 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
13086 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13087 enemy Meed
13088 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13089 Meed is already an enemy.
13090 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13091 dstab Meed ether metrazol
13092 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13093 You rub some ether on a Shadowfang dirk.
13094 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
13095 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13096 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
13097 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13098 Your ether toxin has affected Meed.
13099 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13100 You stumble and it becomes very difficult to concentrate on your coordination.
13101 You are afflicted with clumsiness.
13103 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13104 You rub some metrazol on a Shadowfang dirk.
13105 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
13106 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13107 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
13108 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13109 Your metrazol toxin has affected Meed.
13110 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13111 A numbness seizes you, and your left arm and left leg go limp.
13112 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13113 Meed's left arm and left leg suddenly go limp.
13114 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13115 You are afflicted with metrazol.
13117 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13118 Balance Taken: 2.22s
13119 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13120 suggest Meed whisper
13121 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13122 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
13123 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13124 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
13125 An odd sensation descends upon you.
13126 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13127 An odd expression flits quickly upon Meed's face.
13128 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13129 You are afflicted with masochism.
13131 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13132 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
13133 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13134 smoke pipe with lovage
13135 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13136 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
13137 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13138 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
13139 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13140 Your pores cease secreting the oily substance.
13141 You have cured slickness.
13142 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13143 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13144 H:514(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:01 Your bandages staunch a good port
13145 ion of your bleeding.
13146 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
13147 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13148 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 3 health.
13149 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13150 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13151 H:511(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:01 
13152 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13153 kill cobra
13154 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13155 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13156 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13157 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13158 apply caloric
13159 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13160 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
13161 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13162 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
13163 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13164 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
13165 You have gained the caloric salve defence.
13166 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13167 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13168 H:511(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:01 
13169 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13170 touch tree
13171 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13172 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13173 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13174 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13175 kill cobra
13176 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13177 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
13178 ly instead.
13179 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13180 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13181 queue reset all
13182 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13183 BALANCE queue cleared.
13184 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13185 EQBAL queue cleared.
13186 H:511(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:01 
13187 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13188 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::w
13189 orm instill Meed slickness
13190 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13191 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::worm instill Meed
13192  slickness added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13193 H:511(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:01 
13194 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13195 kill cobra
13196 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13197 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13198 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13199 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13200 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
13201 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13202 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
13203 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13204 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
13206 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13207 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13208 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13209 H:511(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:02 
13210 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13211 kill cobra
13212 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13213 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13214 637/637h 469/480m 64e You may eat another herb or plant.
13215 637/637h 469/480m 64e Spiders are erupting from your mouth and nose!
13216 You are afflicted with fear.
13217 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13218 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13219 A freezing blizzard continues pouring in from the open wormhole.
13220 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13221 A freezing blizzard continues pouring in from the open wormhole.
13222 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13223 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13224 H:511(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:02 
13225 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13226 queue reset all
13227 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13228 BALANCE queue cleared.
13229 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13230 EQBAL queue cleared.
13231 H:511(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:02 
13232 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13233 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::w
13234 orm instill Meed slickness
13235 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13236 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::worm instill Meed
13237  slickness added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13238 H:511(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:02 
13239 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13240 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
13241 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13242 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Meed.
13243 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13244 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
13245 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13246 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13247 H:511(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:02 
13248 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13249 kill cobra
13250 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13251 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13252 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13253 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13254 queue reset all
13255 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13256 BALANCE queue cleared.
13257 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13258 EQBAL queue cleared.
13259 H:511(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:02 
13260 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13261 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm instil
13262 l Meed slickness
13263 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13264 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm instill Meed slickness
13265  added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13268 H:511(94%) M:516(85%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:02 
13270 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13271 eat maidenhair
13272 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13273 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
13274 ly instead.
13276 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13277 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
13278 637/637h 469/480m 64e 
13279 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13280 queue reset all
13281 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13282 BALANCE queue cleared.
13284 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13286 EQBAL queue cleared.
13289 H:511(94%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:02 
13291 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13292 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm instil
13293 l Meed slickness
13294 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13295 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::worm instill Meed slickness
13296  added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13299 H:511(94%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (2) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:02 
13301 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13302 kill cobra
13303 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13304 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13306 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13307 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13308 eat maidenhair
13309 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13310 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
13311 ly instead.
13313 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13314 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13315 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at you, biting you viciously.
13317 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13318 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
13320 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13321 Damage Taken: 6 cutting (raw damage: 15)
13323 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13324 kill cobra
13325 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13326 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13328 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13329 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13331 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:02 
13333 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13334 eat maidenhair
13335 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13336 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
13338 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13339 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
13341 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13342 You feel a maidenhair leaf absorbed into your body with no effect.
13344 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13345 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13347 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (3) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:02 
13349 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13350 kill cobra
13351 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13352 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13354 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13355 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13356 You have recovered balance.
13360 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:03 
13362 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13363 compose
13364 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13365 There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
13367 You no longer feel fear.
13369 You have cured fear.
13371 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13372 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13373 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
13376 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13377 stand
13378 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13379 You are already standing.
13381 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13382 quickdraw whip shield left right
13383 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13384 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a whip of taming into your left hand, wi
13385 th a lunar shield flowing into your right hand.
13387 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13388 Dargillaen secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a whip of taming into his left h
13389 and, with a lunar shield flowing into the right.
13391 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13392 enemy Meed
13393 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13394 Meed is already an enemy.
13395 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13396 flay Meed aura
13397 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13398 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
13399 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13400 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
13401 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13402 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
13404 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13405 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
13407 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13408 You raze Meed's aura of rebounding with a whip of taming.
13409 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13410 Dargillaen razes your aura of rebounding with a whip of taming.
13411 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13412 Balance Taken: 2.00s
13413 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13414 worm instill Meed slickness
13415 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13416 You attempt to instill the effect, but find out that Meed is not afflicted with slickness.
13417 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
13418 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13419 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13420 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13421 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:03 
13422 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13423 outr maidenhair
13424 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13425 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13426 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13427 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13428 smoke pipe with linseed
13429 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13430 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
13431 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13432 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
13433 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13434 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13435 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:03 
13436 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13437 smoke pipe with linseed
13438 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13439 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
13440 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13441 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
13442 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13443 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13444 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13445 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:03 
13446 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13447 kill cobra
13448 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13449 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13450 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13451 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13452 queue reset all
13453 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13454 BALANCE queue cleared.
13455 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13456 EQBAL queue cleared.
13457 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:03 
13458 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13459 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::s
13460 uggest Meed whisper
13461 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13462 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::suggest Meed whis
13463 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13464 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:03 Moving close to you a thorny liza
13465 rd scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
13466 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13467 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
13468 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13469 kill cobra
13470 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13471 As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.
13472 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13473 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13474 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:03 
13475 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13476 Unable to bear the company of others, you depart in terror.
13477 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13478 The image of Meed, riding an immense cyanine icewyrm, blurs, fading to a green nebula as he vanishes
13479  to the southeast.
13481 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13482 A pile of rusted armour and weapons.
13483 You see exits leading north and northwest.
13484 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13485 You sense Meed entering the location southeast from you.
13486 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13487 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13488 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13489 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:04 
13490 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13491 queue reset all
13492 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13493 BALANCE queue cleared.
13494 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13495 EQBAL queue cleared.
13496 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:04 
13497 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13498 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::southeast::worm attach tundra
13499 ::worm blizzard::suggest Meed whisper
13500 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13501 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::southeast::worm attach tundra::worm blizzard:
13502 :suggest Meed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13503 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:04 
13504 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13505 You may apply another salve.
13506 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13507 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13508 apply mending to arms
13509 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13510 You quickly rub some mending salve on your arms.
13511 Your right arm becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
13512 You have cured crippled right arm.
13513 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13514 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13515 touch tree
13516 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13517 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
13518 Your stomach ceases grumbling.
13519 You have cured slow herbs.
13520 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13521 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13522 You have recovered balance.
13523 H:505(93%) M:508(83%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:05 
13524 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13525 fitness
13526 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13527 You inhale deeply, allowing the air to fill your mighty lungs.
13528 You have gained the fitness defence.
13529 Balance Taken: 3.44s
13530 637/637h 459/480m 64e 
13531 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13532 Health Gain: 38
13533 H:543(100%) M:545(89%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:05 You have regained your mental eq
13534 uilibrium.
13535 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13536 stand
13537 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13538 You are already standing.
13539 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13540 quickdraw dirk shield left right
13541 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13542 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a Shadowfang dirk into your left hand, w
13543 ith a lunar shield flowing into your right hand.
13544 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13545 enemy Meed
13546 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13547 Meed is already an enemy.
13548 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13549 southeast
13550 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13551 You cease your attempts to block movement.
13552 You have lost the blocking defence.
13553 You sprint southeast.
13554 A pile of rusted armour and weapons.
13555 ------------------ v33571 -------------------
13556                       | /                    
13557                      [ ]                     
13558                       | \                    
13559                      [ ] [ ]                 
13560                           |                  
13561                          [ ]                 
13562                         /                    
13563                      [ ]                     
13564                     /                        
13565                  [ ]-[ ]                     
13566                   | x |                      
13567              [ ] [ ] [+]                     
13568               | /                            
13569              [ ]                             
13579 ------------------ 0:-4:0 -------------------
13580 Meed is here, hidden. 
13581 You see exits leading north and northwest.
13582 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13583 Your senses flare as a luminous green image drifts in from the northwest, its appearance sharpening 
13584 to reveal a ghostly apparition.
13585 He is followed by a demonic lamia and a small black cobra.
13586 You sense Dargillaen has entered your location.
13587 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13588 Blizzard ceases pouring in through your wormhole.
13589 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13590 worm attach tundra
13591 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13592 Your wormhole is already attached to the frozen tundra.
13593 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13594 worm blizzard
13595 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13596 You focus your mind on your wormhole, forcing it to open wide. Freezing blizzard starts pouring in f
13597 rom the swirling vortex, covering everything with impenetrable whiteness.
13598 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13599 Dargillaen closes his eyes and concentrates intently. Freezing blizzard starts pouring in from the s
13600 wirling vortex circling around his head, covering everything with impenetrable whiteness.
13601 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13602 Equilibrium Taken: 2.58s
13603 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13604 suggest Meed whisper
13605 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13606 You must regain your equilibrium first.
13607 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
13609 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13610 637/637h 480/480m 64e 
13611 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13612 H:543(100%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:05 
13613 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13614 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
13615 637/637h 480/480m 64e 
13616 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13617 queue reset all
13618 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13619 BALANCE queue cleared.
13620 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13621 EQBAL queue cleared.
13622 H:543(100%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:05 
13623 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13624 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::southeast::worm attach tundra
13625 ::worm blizzard::suggest Meed whisper
13626 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13627 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::southeast::worm attach tundra::worm blizzard:
13628 :suggest Meed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13629 H:543(100%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:05 
13630 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13631 You use your right foot to stomp on your left as hard as possible.
13632 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13633 Meed uses his right foot to stomp on his left as hard as possible.
13634 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13635 616/637h 480/480m 64e 
13636 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13637 H:543(100%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:05 
13638 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13639 You may eat another herb or plant.
13640 616/637h 480/480m 64e 
13641 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13642 eat maidenhair
13643 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13644 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1981.
13645 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
13646 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13647 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
13648 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13649 You feel a maidenhair leaf absorbed into your body with no effect.
13650 616/637h 480/480m 64e 
13651 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13652 H:543(100%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:06 
13653 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13654 queue reset all
13655 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13656 BALANCE queue cleared.
13657 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13658 EQBAL queue cleared.
13659 H:543(100%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:06 
13660 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13661 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::block nw::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguat
13662 oxin metrazol::suggest Meed whisper
13663 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13664 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::block nw::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin metrazol::s
13665 uggest Meed whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13666 H:543(100%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (4) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:06 
13667 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13668 outr maidenhair
13669 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13670 You remove 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1980.
13671 616/637h 480/480m 64e 
13672 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13673 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
13674 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
13675 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13676 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 2 health.
13677 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13678 A brooding vulture shrieks at you, making you feel light-headed and nauseated.
13679 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13680 A brooding vulture shrieks at Dargillaen, making him feel light-headed and nauseated.
13681 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13682 You are afflicted with nausea.
13684 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13685 eat nightshade
13686 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13687 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1986.
13688 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
13689 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13690 Dargillaen quickly eats a nightshade root.
13691 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13692 Your stomach becalms itself.
13693 You have cured nausea.
13694 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13695 616/637h 480/480m 64e 
13696 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13697 H:541(99%) M:527(86%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:06 A small black cobra's hood flares
13698  as it darts forward to bite Meed.
13699 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13700 A small black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite you.
13701 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13702 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
13703 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13704 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
13705 You are afflicted with an unknown affliction.
13706 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13707 Meed gasps and stumbles about weakly.
13708 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13709 ql
13710 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13711 A pile of rusted armour and weapons.
13712 A blizzard pours in from an open vortex of swirling colors, blurring the world into a slate of unifo
13713 rm white. A small black cobra is flaring its hood here. A serpentine demonic lamia is hissing here. 
13714 Dargillaen is here, hidden. He wields a Shadowfang dirk in his left hand and is holding a lunar shie
13715 ld in his right hand. 
13716 You see exits leading north and northwest.
13717 616/637h 470/480m 64e 
13718 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13719 H:541(99%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:07 
13720 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13721 You may apply another salve.
13722 616/637h 470/480m 64e 
13723 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13724 focus
13725 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13726 You're unable to focus your mind.
13727 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13728 purge blood
13729 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13730 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
13731 ly instead.
13732 616/637h 470/480m 64e 
13733 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13734 apply mending to arms
13735 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13736 You quickly rub some mending salve on your arms.
13737 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13738 Meed rubs some salve on his arms.
13739 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13740 Your left arm becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
13741 You have cured crippled left arm.
13742 616/637h 470/480m 64e 
13743 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13744 H:541(99%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:08 
13745 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13746 queue eqbal top analyse Meed afflictions unified
13747 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13748 Analyse Meed afflictions unified added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13749 H:541(99%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:08 
13750 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13751 You may eat another herb or plant.
13752 616/637h 470/480m 64e 
13753 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13754 eat maidenhair
13755 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13756 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
13757 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13758 Meed quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
13759 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13760 You feel a tingling sensation run through your limbs as the paralysis fades.
13761 You have cured metrazol.
13762 616/637h 470/480m 64e 
13763 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13764 H:541(99%) M:518(85%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:08 You have regained your mental equ
13765 ilibrium.
13766 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13767 analyse Meed afflictions unified
13768 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13769 Meed suffers from these afflictions:
13770 afflicted with stupidity.
13771 afflicted with calotropis.
13772 afflicted with stuttering.
13773 afflicted with butisol.
13774 afflicted with slow elixirs.
13775 afflicted with laboured breathing.
13776 afflicted with crippled left leg.
13777 afflicted with impatience.
13778 afflicted with hemotoxin.
13779 afflicted with shyness.
13780 afflicted with clumsiness.
13781 afflicted with deadening.
13782 afflicted with confusion.
13783 afflicted with loneliness.
13784 afflicted with masochism.
13785 afflicted with hallucinations.
13786 afflicted with lethargy.
13787 deaf.
13788 an insomniac.
13789 has confounded senses.
13790 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
13791 H:541(99%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (1) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:08 An ebony raven pecks at you painf
13792 ully.
13793 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13794 An ebony raven pecks at Dargillaen painfully.
13795 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13796 Damage Taken: 14 cutting (raw damage: 30)
13797 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13798 A demonic lamia gazes at you and your body suddenly erupts into flames.
13799 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13800 A demonic lamia gazes at Meed, whose body suddenly erupts into flames.
13801 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13802 You are afflicted with ablaze.
13804 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13805 You may eat another herb or plant.
13807 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13808 616/637h 470/480m 64e 
13809 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13810 H:527(97%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:08 
13811 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13812 outr maidenhair
13813 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13814 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
13815 ly instead.
13816 616/637h 470/480m 64e You have recovered balance.
13817 616/637h 470/480m 64e 
13818 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13819 quench skin
13820 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13821 The raging fire about your skin is put out.
13822 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13823 The raging fire about Meed's skin is put out.
13824 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13825 You have cured ablaze.
13826 616/637h 458/480m 64e 
13827 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13828 H:527(97%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:09 
13829 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13830 map
13831 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13832 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
13833 ly instead.
13834 616/637h 458/480m 64e 
13835 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13836 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
13837 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13838 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dargillaen.
13839 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13840 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
13842 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13843 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
13844 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13845 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Meed.
13846 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13847 You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
13849 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13850 queue reset all
13851 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13852 BALANCE queue cleared.
13853 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13854 EQBAL queue cleared.
13855 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13856 616/637h 458/480m 64e 
13857 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13858 H:527(97%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:09 
13859 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13860 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::block nw::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::s
13861 uggest Meed whisper
13862 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13863 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::block nw::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Meed whis
13864 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13865 H:527(97%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:09 
13866 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13867 queue reset all
13868 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13869 BALANCE queue cleared.
13870 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13871 EQBAL queue cleared.
13872 H:527(97%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:09 
13873 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13874 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::block nw::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::s
13875 uggest Meed whisper
13876 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13877 Stand::quickdraw whip shield left right::::block nw::enemy Meed::::flay Meed aura::suggest Meed whis
13878 per added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13879 H:527(97%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:09 
13880 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13881 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at Dargillaen, biting him viciously.
13882 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13883 A cunning coyote snarls and lunges at you, biting you viciously.
13884 Damage Taken: 7 cutting (raw damage: 19)
13885 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13886 616/637h 458/480m 64e 
13887 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13888 H:519(95%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:10 
13889 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13890 You are stunned by a vision of the Creator.
13891 You are afflicted with stun.
13892 616/637h 458/480m 64e A freezing blizzard continues pouring in from the open wormhole.
13893 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13894 A freezing blizzard continues pouring in from the open wormhole.
13895 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13896 616/637h 458/480m 64e 
13897 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13898 H:519(95%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:10 You have regained your mental equ
13899 ilibrium.
13900 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13901 stand
13902 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13903 You are already standing.
13904 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13905 quickdraw whip shield left right
13906 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13907 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a whip of taming into your left hand, wi
13908 th a lunar shield flowing into your right hand.
13909 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13910 Dargillaen secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a whip of taming into his left h
13911 and, with a lunar shield flowing into the right.
13912 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13913 block nw
13914 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13915 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
13916 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13917 Dargillaen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
13918 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13919 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
13920 You move over to block the northwestward exit.
13921 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13922 Dargillaen moves over to block the northwestward exit.
13923 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13924 You have gained the blocking defence.
13926 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13927 enemy Meed
13928 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13929 Meed is already an enemy.
13930 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13931 flay Meed aura
13932 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13933 You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
13935 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13936 You raze Meed's aura of rebounding with a whip of taming.
13937 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13938 Dargillaen razes your aura of rebounding with a whip of taming.
13939 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13940 Balance Taken: 2.00s
13941 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13942 suggest Meed whisper
13943 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13944 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
13945 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13946 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
13947 A strange feeling overtakes you.
13948 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13949 Meed shakes his head dizzily.
13950 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
13951 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13952 You may eat another herb or plant.
13953 616/637h 458/480m 64e 
13954 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13955 H:519(95%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:10 
13956 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13957 smoke pipe with linseed
13958 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13959 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
13960 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13961 Dargillaen takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
13962 616/637h 458/480m 64e 
13963 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13964 H:519(95%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:10 
13965 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13966 Unable to bear the company of others, you depart in terror.
13967 616/637h 458/480m 64e 
13968 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13969 Moving close to you a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes against you, causing severe bleeding.
13970 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13971 Moving close to Dargillaen, a thorny lizard scrapes his spikes again him, causing severe bleeding.
13972 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13973 queue reset all
13974 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13975 BALANCE queue cleared.
13976 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
13977 EQBAL queue cleared.
13978 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13979 616/637h 458/480m 64e 
13980 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13981 H:519(95%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (12) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:10 
13982 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13983 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin metra
13984 zol::suggest Meed whisper
13985 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13986 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin metrazol::suggest Mee
13987 d whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
13988 H:519(95%) M:515(84%) XP:0.00 (12) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:10 
13989 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13990 clot
13991 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
13992 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
13993 H:519(95%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:10 
13994 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
13995 map
13996 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
13997 You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
13998 616/637h 458/480m 64e You drive a clenched fist into your gut.
13999 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14000 Meed drives a clenched fist into his gut.
14001 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14002 595/637h 458/480m 64e 
14003 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14004 H:519(95%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (6) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:11 
14005 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14006 You may apply another salve.
14007 595/637h 458/480m 64e You are no longer stunned.
14008 You have cured stun.
14009 595/637h 458/480m 64e 
14010 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14011 eat orphine
14012 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14013 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
14014 ly instead.
14015 595/637h 458/480m 64e 
14016 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14017 With a guttural growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into you.
14018 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14019 With a growl, a wolf leaps forward and sinks his teeth into Dargillaen.
14020 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14021 Damage Taken: 9 cutting (raw damage: 22)
14022 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14023 eat orphine
14024 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14025 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1999.
14026 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
14027 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14028 Meed quickly eats an orphine seed.
14029 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14030 You feel an orphine seed absorbed into your body with no effect.
14031 595/637h 458/480m 64e 
14032 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14033 H:510(93%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:11 
14034 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14035 You feel your endurance fade under your laboured breathing.
14036 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14037 Meed appears pale and is having trouble breathing.
14038 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14039 You are afflicted with laboured breathing.
14041 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14042 map
14043 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14044 ------------------ v33571 -------------------
14045                       | /                    
14046                      [ ]                     
14047                       | \                    
14048                      [ ] [ ]                 
14049                           |                  
14050                          [ ]                 
14051                         /                    
14052                      [ ]                     
14053                     /                        
14054                  [ ]-[ ]                     
14055                   | x |                      
14056              [ ] [ ] [+]                     
14057               | /                            
14058              [ ]                             
14068 ------------------ 0:-4:0 -------------------
14069 595/637h 458/480m 62e 
14070 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14071 H:510(93%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:12 
14072 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14073 apply epidermal
14074 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14075 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
14076 ly instead.
14077 595/637h 458/480m 62e 
14078 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14079 You have recovered balance.
14080 H:510(93%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:12 
14081 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14082 map
14083 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14084 ------------------ v33571 -------------------
14085                       | /                    
14086                      [ ]                     
14087                       | \                    
14088                      [ ] [ ]                 
14089                           |                  
14090                          [ ]                 
14091                         /                    
14092                      [ ]                     
14093                     /                        
14094                  [ ]-[ ]                     
14095                   | x |                      
14096              [ ] [ ] [+]                     
14097               | /                            
14098              [ ]                             
14108 ------------------ 0:-4:0 -------------------
14109 595/637h 458/480m 62e 
14110 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14111 queue reset all
14112 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14113 BALANCE queue cleared.
14114 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
14115 EQBAL queue cleared.
14116 H:510(93%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:12 
14117 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14118 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin metra
14119 zol::suggest Meed whisper
14120 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14121 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed ciguatoxin metrazol::suggest Mee
14122 d whisper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
14123 H:510(93%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (7) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:12 Your bandages staunch a good port
14124 ion of your bleeding.
14125 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
14126 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14127 Your icewyrm informs you that Dargillaen has bled 4 health.
14128 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14129 apply epidermal
14130 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14131 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
14132 ly instead.
14133 595/637h 458/480m 62e 
14134 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14135 H:506(93%) M:503(83%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:12 
14136 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14137 map
14138 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14139 ------------------ v33571 -------------------
14140                       | /                    
14141                      [ ]                     
14142                       | \                    
14143                      [ ] [ ]                 
14144                           |                  
14145                          [ ]                 
14146                         /                    
14147                      [ ]                     
14148                     /                        
14149                  [ ]-[ ]                     
14150                   | x |                      
14151              [ ] [ ] [+]                     
14152               | /                            
14153              [ ]                             
14163 ------------------ 0:-4:0 -------------------
14164 595/637h 448/480m 62e 
14165 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14166 apply epidermal
14167 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14168 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
14169 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14170 Meed rubs some salve on his skin.
14171 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14172 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
14173 You have cured slow elixirs.
14174 595/637h 448/480m 62e 
14175 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14176 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-b db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:12 You have regained your mental equ
14177 ilibrium.
14178 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14179 stand
14180 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14181 You are already standing.
14182 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14183 quickdraw dirk shield left right
14184 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14185 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a Shadowfang dirk into your left hand, w
14186 ith a lunar shield flowing into your right hand.
14187 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14188 Dargillaen secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a Shadowfang dirk into his left 
14189 hand, with a lunar shield flowing into the right.
14190 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14191 enemy Meed
14192 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14193 Meed is already an enemy.
14194 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14195 dstab Meed ciguatoxin metrazol
14196 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14197 You rub some ciguatoxin on a Shadowfang dirk.
14198 You prick Meed quickly with your dirk.
14199 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14200 Dargillaen pricks you quickly with his dirk.
14201 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14202 Your ciguatoxin toxin has affected Meed.
14203 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14204 Terror takes hold, as a numb sensation overcomes your body.
14205 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14206 Meed appears terrified as his muscles seem to become difficult to control.
14207 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14208 You are afflicted with numbness.
14210 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14211 You rub some metrazol on a Shadowfang dirk.
14212 Maintaining your balance, you deftly prick Meed again.
14213 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14214 Maintaining his balance, Dargillaen deftly pricks you again.
14215 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14216 Your metrazol toxin has affected Meed.
14217 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14218 A numbness seizes you, and your left arm and left leg go limp.
14219 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14220 Meed's left arm and left leg suddenly go limp.
14221 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14222 You are afflicted with metrazol.
14224 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14225 Balance Taken: 2.22s
14226 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14227 suggest Meed whisper
14228 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14229 You whisper a few urgent words to Meed.
14230 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14231 Dargillaen whispers something urgently to you.
14232 The thought of food revolts you all of a sudden.
14233 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14234 Meed suddenly looks nauseous.
14235 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14236 You are afflicted with anorexia.
14238 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14239 Equilibrium Taken: 2.41s
14240 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
14242 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14243 595/637h 448/480m 62e 
14244 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14245 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:12 Meed shivers as a demonic lamia s
14246 tares contemptuously at him.
14247 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14248 You shiver as a demonic lamia stares contemptuously at you.
14249 You have lost the caloric salve defence.
14250 595/637h 448/480m 62e 
14251 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14252 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:12 
14253 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14254 smoke pipe with lovage
14255 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14256 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
14257 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14258 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
14259 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14260 You no longer suffer from laboured breathing.
14261 You have cured laboured breathing.
14262 595/637h 448/480m 62e 
14263 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14264 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (5) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:12 
14265 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14266 You have regained the ability to quench your skin.
14267 595/637h 448/480m 62e 
14268 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14269 queue reset all
14270 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14271 BALANCE queue cleared.
14272 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
14273 EQBAL queue cleared.
14274 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:13 
14275 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14276 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury arsenic:
14277 :suggest Meed whisper
14278 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14279 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed mercury arsenic::suggest Meed wh
14280 isper added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
14281 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:13 
14282 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14283 queue reset all
14284 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14285 BALANCE queue cleared.
14286 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
14287 EQBAL queue cleared.
14288 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:13 
14289 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14290 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::w
14291 orm instill Meed slickness
14292 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14293 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::worm instill Meed
14294  slickness added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
14295 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:13 
14296 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14297 queue reset all
14298 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14299 BALANCE queue cleared.
14300 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
14301 EQBAL queue cleared.
14302 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:13 
14303 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14304 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::w
14305 orm instill Meed slickness
14306 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14307 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::dstab Meed noctec iodine::worm instill Meed
14308  slickness added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
14309 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:13 You are again prepared to swiftly
14310  attach a wormhole.
14311 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:13 
14312 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14313 IFEQBAL nn
14314 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14315 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
14316 ly instead.
14317 595/637h 448/480m 63e 
14318 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14319 queue reset all
14320 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14321 BALANCE queue cleared.
14322 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
14323 EQBAL queue cleared.
14324 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:13 
14325 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14326 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach circular::worm 
14327 annihilate Meed::worm instill Meed slickness
14328 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14329 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach circular::worm annihilate Meed:
14330 :worm instill Meed slickness added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
14331 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:13 
14332 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14333 You may eat another herb or plant.
14334 595/637h 448/480m 63e 
14335 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14336 IFEQBAL n
14337 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14338 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
14339 ly instead.
14340 595/637h 448/480m 63e 
14341 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14342 apply fenugreek
14343 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14344 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1998.
14345 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
14346 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14347 Meed applies a fenugreek berry to himself.
14348 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14349 595/637h 448/480m 63e 
14350 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14351 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:13 
14352 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14353 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
14354 595/637h 448/480m 64e 
14355 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14356 IFEQBAL nn
14357 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14358 You fumble around, hopelessly lost in the freezing blizzard.
14359 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14360 Meed fumbles around, hopelessly lost in the freezing blizzard.
14361 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14362 Balance Taken: 1.20s
14363 595/637h 448/480m 64e 
14364 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14365 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:14 
14366 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14367 smoke pipe with linseed
14368 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14369 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
14370 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14371 Meed takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
14372 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14373 595/637h 448/480m 64e 
14374 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14375 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:14 
14376 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14377 IFEQBAL n
14378 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14379 595/637h 448/480m 64e 
14380 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14381 queue reset all
14382 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14383 BALANCE queue cleared.
14384 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
14385 EQBAL queue cleared.
14386 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:14 
14387 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14388 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach circular::worm 
14389 annihilate Meed::worm instill Meed slickness
14390 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14391 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach circular::worm annihilate Meed:
14392 :worm instill Meed slickness added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
14393 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:14 
14394 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14395 queue reset all
14396 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14397 BALANCE queue cleared.
14398 EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
14399 EQBAL queue cleared.
14400 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:14 
14401 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14402 queue eqbal top stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach circular::worm 
14403 annihilate Meed::worm instill Meed slickness
14404 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14405 Stand::quickdraw dirk shield left right::::enemy Meed::::worm attach circular::worm annihilate Meed:
14406 :worm instill Meed slickness added to the top of your EQBAL queue.
14407 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:14 
14408 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14409 A small black cobra opens its mouth wide and strikes you in the leg.
14410 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14411 A small black cobra opens its mouth wide and strikes Meed in the leg.
14412 Your formaldehyde toxin has affected Meed.
14413 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14414 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
14415 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14416 Meed appears flushed, his skin sweating heavily.
14417 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14418 595/637h 448/480m 64e 
14419 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14420 H:506(93%) M:495(81%) XP:0.00 (0) (E:0) <-- db> [H] F:0(0) 1:07:14 
14421 {<<<<Meed(Ageranu)}
14422 IFEQBAL n
14423 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14424 595/637h 448/480m 64e 
14425 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14426 You have recovered balance.
14427 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
14428 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14429 stand
14430 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14431 You are already standing.
14432 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14433 quickdraw dirk shield left right
14434 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14435 You are already wielding a Shadowfang dirk and a lunar shield.
14436 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14437 enemy Meed
14438 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14439 Meed is already an enemy.
14440 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14441 worm attach circular
14442 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14443 Visibility improves as the freezing blizzard ceases pouring in from the wormhole.
14444 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14445 Visibility improves as the freezing blizzard ceases pouring in from the wormhole.
14446 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14447 Multicolored fragments fly out of your wormhole as its connection shatters.
14448 You close your eyes and focus your mind on forming a connection with your dimensional wormhole. Frow
14449 ning in concentration, you direct its loose end through space, attaching it firmly to itself.
14450 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14451 Dargillaen closes his eyes and frowns, deep in concentration. A multi-colored vortex swirls briefly 
14452 around his head, before attaching firmly to a distant location.
14453 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14454 You swiftly attach the wormhole.
14455 {<<<<Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14456 worm annihilate Meed
14457 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14458 You force your wormhole to begin swirling in a circular motion, illuminating your surroundings with 
14459 a maelstrom of colors. With a single thought, you send the vortex of colors flying rapidly towards M
14460 eed and watch as it connects with his forehead. Meed's troubled mind proves too weak to withstand th
14461 e onslaught, his eyes become unfocused and vacant and after a short while, he collapses to the groun
14462 d without a sound.
14463 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14464 Dargillaen forces a vortex of colors to begin swirling in a circular motion, illuminating the surrou
14465 ndings with a maelstrom of colors. The vortex suddenly shoots forwards and connects with your forehe
14466 ad, and as your troubled mind proves too weak to withstand the onslaught, your surroundings distort 
14467 and an overwhelming dizziness floods your senses as your mind ceases to function properly. Unable to
14468  form any coherent thoughts, you remain passive for a moment, until darkness envelops you and your l
14469 ifeless body collapses to the ground.
14471 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14472 [ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Murderer' Achievement! You have earned 100 Lessons.
14474 You have slain Meed.
14476 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14477 You have been slain by Dargillaen.
14479 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14480 Your attempted hypnosis against Meed is broken.
14482 An immense cyanine icewyrm slinks off without a sound.
14484 {>>>>Meed(Ageranu)}
14485 An immense cyanine icewyrm slinks off without a sound.
14487 You are no longer mounted on an immense cyanine icewyrm.
14489 You have lost the insomnia defence.
14490 You have lost the deaf defence.
14491 {>>>>Dargillaen(Mathiaus)}
14492 You cease your attempts to block movement.
14494 You have lost the blocking defence.
14495 In a flash of green, you feel yourself moved to another plane of existance.