1 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
    2 A sandy pit.
    3 ------ v37840 -------
    4               |      
    5          [ ]-[ ]     
    6               | \   /
    7      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
    8         \   / | /   \
    9          [+]-[ ]     
   10         /     | \    
   11      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
   12                 \   /
   13                  [ ] 
   15 ------ -2:2:0 -------
   16 You see exits leading northeast, east, southwest, and northwest.
   17 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
   18 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
   19 You see a single exit leading northwest.
   20 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
   21 Combat begins now!
   22 You are fighting: Dwenthall.
   23 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
   24 Combat begins now!
   25 You are fighting: Reyvenyr.
   26 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
   27 H:700 M:510 <e- dbt; 
   28 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
   29 H:669 M:662 eb db 
   30 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
   31 You have recovered balance.
   32 H:700 M:510 <eb dbt; 
   33 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
   34 locate dwenthall
   35 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
   36 You sense that Reyvenyr is seeking your location.
   37 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
   38 You seek out the presence of Dwenthall and find her at Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
   39 You also discern that this is how you can get there: e, ne, se, s, se, se, se.
   40 Balance Taken: 1.10s
   41 H:700 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
   42 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
   43 H:669 M:662 eb db 
   44 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
   45 Mana Gain: 1
   46 You have recovered balance.
   47 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
   48 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
   49 go
   50 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
   51 You start speedwalking.
   52 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has d
   53 ecreased to 90%.
   54 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; A sandy pit.
   55 ------ v37836 -------
   56           |          
   57      [ ]-[ ]     [ ] 
   58           | \   /    
   59  [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ]     
   60     \   / | /   \   /
   61      [ ]-[+]     [ ] 
   62     /     | \     |  
   63  [ ]     [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
   64             \   / | \
   65              [ ] [ ]-
   67 ------ -1:2:0 -------
   68 You see exits leading north, northeast, southeast, south, and west.
   69 6 more steps to your destination.
   70 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; In a trench surrounded by grassland.
   71 ------ v37841 -------
   73      [ ]             
   74       |              
   75  [ ]-[ ]     [ ] [ ]-
   76       | \   /     |  
   77  [ ]-[ ] [+]     [ ]-
   78 \   / | /   \   /   \
   79  [ ]-[ ]     [ ]     
   80 /     | \     |      
   81      [ ]-[ ] [ ]     
   82         \   / | \    
   83 ------- 0:3:0 -------
   84 You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
   85 5 more steps to your destination.
   86 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; A rocky outcropping.
   87 ------ v37834 -------
   88   |                  
   89 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
   90   | \   /     |      
   91 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
   92 / | /   \   /   \ |  
   93 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
   94   | \     |          
   95  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
   96     \   / | \        
   97      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
   98                 \ |  
   99 ------- 1:2:0 -------
  100 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
  101 4 more steps to your destination.
  102 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
  103 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; A rocky outcropping.
  104 ------ v37831 -------
  105   | \   /     |      
  106 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
  107 / | /   \   /   \ |  
  108 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
  109   | \     |          
  110  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
  111     \   / | \        
  112      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
  113                 \ |  
  114              [ ]-[ ] 
  115                     \
  116 ------- 1:1:0 -------
  117 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
  118 3 more steps to your destination.
  119 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; In a trench surrounded by grassland.
  120 ------ v37837 -------
  121     \   /   \ |      
  122      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
  123 \     |              
  124 -[ ] [ ]             
  125 \   / | \            
  126  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
  127             \ |      
  128          [ ]-[ ]     
  129                 \    
  130                  [ ] 
  132 ------- 2:0:0 -------
  133 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
  134 2 more steps to your destination.
  135 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; By a pile of bodies.
  136 ------ v37842 -------
  137   |                  
  138  [ ]                 
  139 / | \                
  140  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
  141         \ |          
  142      [ ]-[+]         
  143             \        
  144              [ ]     
  148 ------ 3:-1:0 -------
  149 You see exits leading north, southeast, west, and northwest.
  150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  151 You sense Reyvenyr entering the location northwest from you.
  152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  153 1 more step to your destination.
  154 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  156 H:669 M:681 eb db 
  157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  158 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
  159 ------ v37851 -------
  160 \                    
  161 -[ ] [ ]             
  162     \ |              
  163  [ ]-[ ]             
  164         \            
  165          [+]         
  171 ------ 4:-2:0 -------
  172 Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone. 
  173 You see a single exit leading northwest.
  174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  175 Your senses flare as a luminous green image drifts in from the northwest, its appearance sharpening 
  176 to reveal Reyvenyr.
  177 You sense Reyvenyr has entered your location.
  178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  179 You have reached your destination.
  180 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  182 H:669 M:681 eb db 
  183 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  184 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
  185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  186 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
  187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  188 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
  189 .
  190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  191 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
  192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  193 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
  194 r veins.
  195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  196 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
  197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  198 evoke tornado
  199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  200 Mana Lost: 30
  201 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
  202  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
  203 ng in air.
  204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  205 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
  206 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
  207  sucking in air.
  208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  209 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
  210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  211 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
  212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  213 The tornado swirls rapidly.
  214 Balance Taken: 3.80s
  215 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  216 naturebind curse dwenthall
  217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  218 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
  219 root shreds it viciously.
  220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  221 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
  222 root shreds it viciously.
  223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  224 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
  225 H:700 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
  226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  227 H:669 M:681 eb db 
  228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  229 rt Tornado Up!!
  230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  231 You are not the member of any ring.
  232 H:700 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
  233 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  234 eat kelp
  235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  236 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1999.
  237 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
  238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  239 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
  240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  241 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
  242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  243 H:700 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
  244 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  245 H:669 M:681 eb db 
  246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  247 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
  248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  249 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
  250 H:700 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
  251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  252 You may eat another herb or plant.
  253 H:669 M:681 eb db 
  254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  255 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
  256 H:700 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
  257 H:700 M:480 &lt;e- dbt; 
  258 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  259 say goodluck to you
  260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  261 You say, "Goodluck to you."
  262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  263 Reyvenyr says, "Goodluck to you."
  264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  265 H:700 M:480 &lt;e- dbt; 
  266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  267 H:669 M:662 eb db 
  268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  269 You have recovered balance.
  270 H:700 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
  271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  272 l
  273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  274 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
  275 ------ v37851 -------
  276 \                    
  277 -[ ] [ ]             
  278     \ |              
  279  [ ]-[ ]             
  280         \            
  281          [+]         
  287 ------ 4:-2:0 -------
  288 Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone. 
  289 You see a single exit leading northwest.
  290 H:700 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
  291 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  292 er
  293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  294 Mana Lost: 9
  295 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
  296 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
  297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  298 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
  299 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
  300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  301 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
  302 Balance Taken: 3.80s
  303 H:700 M:471 &lt;e- dbt; 
  304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  305 H:669 M:662 eb db 
  306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  307 Mana Gain: 32
  308 H:700 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
  309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  310 bl nw
  311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  312 You must regain balance first.
  313 H:700 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
  314 H:700 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
  315 H:700 M:503 &lt;eb dbt; 
  316 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  317 say ready?
  318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  319 You say, "Ready?"
  320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  321 Reyvenyr says, "Ready?"
  322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  323 H:700 M:503 &lt;eb dbt; 
  324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  325 H:669 M:671 eb db The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
  326 H:669 M:671 eb db 
  327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  328 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
  329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  330 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
  331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  332 The tornado swirls rapidly.
  333 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  334 eat kelp
  335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  336 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1998.
  337 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
  338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  339 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
  340 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  341 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
  342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  343 H:700 M:503 &lt;eb dbt; 
  344 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  345 H:669 M:671 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
  346 H:669 M:671 eb db 
  347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  348 Mana Lost: 1
  349 H:700 M:502 &lt;eb dbt; 
  350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  351 l
  352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  353 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
  354 ------ v37851 -------
  355 \                    
  356 -[ ] [ ]             
  357     \ |              
  358  [ ]-[ ]             
  359         \            
  360          [+]         
  366 ------ 4:-2:0 -------
  367 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone.
  369 You see a single exit leading northwest.
  370 H:700 M:502 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Gain: 9
  371 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
  372 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  373 poke dwe
  374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  375 Reyvenyr pokes at you.
  376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  377 You poke at Dwenthall.
  378 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
  379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  380 H:669 M:679 eb db 
  381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  382 Mana Lost: 1
  383 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has d
  384 ecreased to 90%.
  385 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
  386 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  387 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  388 unally dwenthall
  389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  390 You have no allies.
  391 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  393 reject dwenthall
  394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  395 Why would you reject that person?
  396 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  397 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  398 enemy dwenthall
  399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  400 Dwenthall is already an enemy.
  401 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  403 Midnight tolls and a new day comes to the land.
  404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  405 Midnight tolls and a new day comes to the land.
  406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  407 It is the 1st day of Halitus, in the year 207 AM.
  409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  410 It is the 1st day of Halitus, in the year 207 AM.
  411 Slowly, the shimmering light surrounding you dims as the Moon's Aura fades away.
  412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  413 Slowly, the shimmering light surrounding Reyvenyr dims as the Moon's Aura fades.
  414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  415 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  417 H:669 M:660 eb db 
  418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  419 Mana Lost: 1
  420 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
  421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  422 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
  423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  424 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
  425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  426 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
  427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  428 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
  429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  430 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
  431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  432 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
  433 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  434 evoke wisp glowing me
  435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  436 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
  437 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  438 evoke toxicrain strychnine
  439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  440 Mana Lost: 12
  441 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
  442 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
  443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  444 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
  445 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
  446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  447 Mana Lost: 12
  448 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
  449 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
  450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  451 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
  452  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
  453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  454 Balance Taken: 2.00s
  455 H:700 M:486 &lt;e- dbt; 
  456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  457 H:669 M:641 eb db 
  458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  459 You have recovered balance.
  460 H:700 M:486 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Gain: 25
  461 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
  462 ne.
  463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  464 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
  465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  466 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
  467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  468 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
  469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  470 The tornado swirls rapidly.
  471 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
  472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  473 H:669 M:669 eb b 
  474 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  475 eat juniper
  476 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  477 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1998.
  478 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
  479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  480 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
  481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  482 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
  483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  484 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
  485 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  486 H:669 M:669 eb db 
  487 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  488 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
  489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  490 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
  491 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You feel your density return to normal.
  492 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  493 A great weight seems to have been lifted from Reyvenyr.
  494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  495 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
  496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  497 H:669 M:669 eb db 
  498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  499 apply mass
  500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  501 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
  502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  503 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
  504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  505 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
  506 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
  507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  508 H:669 M:669 eb db 
  509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  510 er
  511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  512 Mana Lost: 9
  513 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
  514 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
  515 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  516 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
  517 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
  518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  519 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
  520 Balance Taken: 3.80s
  521 H:700 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
  522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  523 H:669 M:669 eb db 
  524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  525 Mana Lost: 1
  526 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
  527 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  528 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  529 You may eat another herb or plant.
  530 H:669 M:650 eb db 
  531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  532 er
  533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  534 You must regain balance first.
  535 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; You may apply another salve.
  536 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  537 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  538 er
  539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  540 You must regain balance first.
  541 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  542 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  543 er
  544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  545 You must regain balance first.
  546 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  548 er
  549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  550 You must regain balance first.
  551 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  552 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  553 er
  554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  555 You must regain balance first.
  556 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  557 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  558 er
  559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  560 You must regain balance first.
  561 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  562 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  563 er
  564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  565 You must regain balance first.
  566 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  567 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  568 er
  569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  570 You must regain balance first.
  571 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  573 er
  574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  575 You must regain balance first.
  576 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  577 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  578 er
  579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  580 You must regain balance first.
  581 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  582 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  583 er
  584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  585 You must regain balance first.
  586 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  587 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  588 er
  589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  590 You must regain balance first.
  591 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  593 er
  594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  595 You must regain balance first.
  596 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  598 er
  599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  600 You must regain balance first.
  601 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  602 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  603 er
  604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  605 You must regain balance first.
  606 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
  607 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  608 er
  609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  610 You must regain balance first.
  611 H:700 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
  612 H:700 M:502 &lt;eb dbt; 
  613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  614 er
  615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  616 Mana Lost: 9
  617 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
  618 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
  619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  620 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
  621 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
  622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  623 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
  624 Balance Taken: 3.80s
  625 H:700 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; 
  626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  627 H:669 M:650 eb db 
  628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  629 er
  630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  631 You must regain balance first.
  632 H:700 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; 
  633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  634 er
  635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  636 You must regain balance first.
  637 H:700 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
  638 H:700 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; 
  639 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  640 bl nw
  641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  642 You must regain balance first.
  643 H:700 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; 
  644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  645 bl nw
  646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  647 You must regain balance first.
  648 H:700 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; 
  649 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  650 bl nw
  651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  652 You must regain balance first.
  653 H:700 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
  654 H:700 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Gain: 19
  655 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
  656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  657 bl nw
  658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  659 You move over to block the northwestward exit.
  660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  661 Reyvenyr moves over to block the northwestward exit.
  662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  663 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
  664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  665 H:669 M:659 eb db 
  666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  667 bl nw
  668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  669 You move over to block the northwestward exit.
  670 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  671 Reyvenyr moves over to block the northwestward exit.
  672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  673 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
  674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  675 H:669 M:659 eb db 
  676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  677 bl nw
  678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  679 You move over to block the northwestward exit.
  680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  681 Reyvenyr moves over to block the northwestward exit.
  682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  683 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
  684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  685 H:669 M:659 eb db 
  686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  687 Mana Lost: 1
  688 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
  689 ne.
  690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  691 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
  692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  693 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
  694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  695 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
  696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  697 The tornado swirls rapidly.
  698 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  700 H:669 M:639 eb b 
  701 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  702 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
  703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  704 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
  705 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  706 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  707 eat juniper
  708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  709 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1997.
  710 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
  711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  712 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
  713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  714 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
  715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  716 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  718 H:669 M:639 eb db 
  719 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  720 say tell me when
  721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  722 You say, "Tell me when."
  723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  724 Reyvenyr says, "Tell me when."
  725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  726 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  728 H:669 M:639 eb db 
  729 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  730 touch shield
  731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  732 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
  733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  734 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
  735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  736 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
  737 H:700 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
  738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  739 H:669 M:639 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
  740 H:669 M:639 eb db 
  741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  742 reboo
  743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  744 Automatic rebounding handling disabled.
  745 H:700 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
  746 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  747 nod
  748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  749 Dwenthall nods her head.
  750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  751 You nod your head.
  752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  753 H:700 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
  754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  755 H:669 M:639 eb db 
  756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  757 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
  758 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
  759 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
  760 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  761 say go
  762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  763 You say, "Go."
  764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  765 Dwenthall says, "Go."
  766 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
  767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  768 H:669 M:620 eb db 
  769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  770 ko
  771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  772 Your input, "ko", is not a valid command.
  773 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
  774 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  775 probe crystal
  776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  777 What do you wish to examine?
  778 H:669 M:620 eb db 
  779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  780 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
  781 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
  782 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
  783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  784 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
  785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  786 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
  787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  788 The shimmering translucent shield around Reyvenyr fades away.
  789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  790 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
  791 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
  792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  793 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
  794  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
  795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  796 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
  797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  798 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
  799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  800 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
  801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  802 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
  803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  804 Balance Taken: 2.00s
  805 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  806 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
  807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  808 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
  809 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
  810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  811 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
  812 you.
  813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  814 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
  815 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  816 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
  817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  818 You must regain your equilibrium first.
  819 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  820 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
  821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  822 You must regain your equilibrium first.
  823 H:700 M:510 &lt;-- dbt; 
  824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  825 H:669 M:620 eb db 
  826 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  827 ac on
  828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  829 Autocuring activated.
  830 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  831 order loyals kill dwenthall
  832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  833 You must regain balance first.
  834 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  835 TEAR MAP
  836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  837 Syntax: TEAR MAP
  838 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  839 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
  840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  841 You must regain balance first.
  842 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  843 evoke empower rockfall
  844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  845 You must regain balance first.
  846 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  847 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
  848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  849 You must regain balance first.
  850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  851 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
  852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  853 You must regain balance first.
  854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  855 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
  856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  857 You must regain balance first.
  858 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  859 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
  860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  861 You must regain your equilibrium first.
  862 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  863 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
  864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  865 You must regain your equilibrium first.
  866 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  867 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
  868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  869 You must regain your equilibrium first.
  870 H:700 M:510 &lt;-- dbt; 
  871 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  872 smoke pipe with linseed
  873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  874 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
  875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  876 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
  877 H:700 M:510 &lt;-- dbt; 
  878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  879 H:669 M:620 eb db 
  880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  881 order golem passive
  882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  883 You must regain balance first.
  884 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  885 order loyals kill dwenthall
  886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  887 You must regain balance first.
  888 H:700 M:510 &lt;-- dbt; 
  889 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  890 ---------delayed wisp
  891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  892 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
  893 H:700 M:510 &lt;-- dbt; 
  894 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  895 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
  896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  897 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
  898 mmand.
  899 H:700 M:510 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 1
  900 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
  901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  902 You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
  903 H:669 M:648 eb db 
  904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  905 You have recovered balance.
  906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  907 l
  908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  909 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
  910 ------ v37851 -------
  911 \                    
  912 -[ ] [ ]             
  913     \ |              
  914  [ ]-[ ]             
  915         \            
  916          [+]         
  922 ------ 4:-2:0 -------
  923 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone.
  925 You see a single exit leading northwest.
  926 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Lost: 1
  927 H:700 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
  928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  929 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
  930 H:669 M:629 eb db 
  931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  932 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
  933 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  934 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  935 conjure crystal
  936 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  937 You concentrate deeply and focus your magickal powers intently on the gathered commodities. The air 
  938 around you distorts momentarily and the materials start shifting, transforming into a shimmering cry
  939 stal.
  940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  941 Dwenthall concentrates deeply and focuses her magickal powers intently. The air around Dwenthall dis
  942 torts momentarily and the commodities that she has gathered start shifting, transforming into a shim
  943 mering crystal.
  944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  945 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
  946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  947 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
  948 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  949 H:669 M:608 -b db 
  950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  951 ac on
  952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  953 Autocuring activated.
  954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  955 order loyals kill dwenthall
  956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  957 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
  958 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
  959 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
  960 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  961 TEAR MAP
  962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  963 Syntax: TEAR MAP
  964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  965 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
  966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  967 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
  968 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  969 evoke empower rockfall
  970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  971 Mana Lost: 6
  972 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
  973 wer of Earth infuses it.
  974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  975 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
  976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  977 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
  978 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  979 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
  980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  981 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
  982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  983 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
  984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  985 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
  986 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
  987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  988 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
  989 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
  990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  991 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
  992 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
  993 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
  994 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
  995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
  996 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
  997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
  998 Balance Taken: 3.01s
  999 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1000 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
 1001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1002 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
 1003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1004 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
 1005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1006 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
 1007 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
 1008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1009 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
 1010 d you.
 1011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1012 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 1013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1014 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
 1015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1016 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1018 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1020 H:552 M:608 -b b 
 1021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1022 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
 1024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1025 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
 1027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1028 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 1030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1031 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
 1033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1034 The tornado swirls rapidly.
 1036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1037 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 1038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1039 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 1041 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1043 H:552 M:608 -b b 
 1044 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1045 eat maidenhair
 1046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1047 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1999.
 1049 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 1051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1052 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 1054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1055 The stinging feeling fades.
 1057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1058 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1060 H:552 M:608 -b b 
 1061 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1062 sip health
 1063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1064 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 1066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1067 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 1069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1070 The elixir heals your body.
 1072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1073 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1075 H:669 M:608 -b b 
 1076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1077 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 1078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1079 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 1081 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1082 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 1084 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1086 You may eat another herb or plant.
 1087 H:669 M:608 -b b 
 1088 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 1090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1091 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 1093 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1095 H:669 M:608 -b b 
 1096 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1097 eat juniper
 1098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1099 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1996.
 1101 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 1103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1104 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 1106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1107 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 1109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1110 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1112 H:669 M:608 -b db 
 1113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1114 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1117 H:700 M:505 &lt;e- dbt; 
 1118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1119 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1122 H:669 M:608 eb db 
 1123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1124 You have recovered balance.
 1127 H:700 M:505 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1128 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1129 spin crystal
 1130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1131 You take a shimmering crystal and with a flick of your hand send it spinning into the air.
 1133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1134 Dwenthall takes a shimmering crystal and with a flick of her hand sends it spinning into the air.
 1136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1137 Balance Taken: 3.20s
 1139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1140 H:700 M:505 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1142 H:669 M:608 e- db 
 1143 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1144 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
 1145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1146 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 1147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1148 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 1149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1150 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
 1151 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
 1152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1153 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 1154  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
 1155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1156 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
 1157 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1158 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 1159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1160 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 1161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1162 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 1163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1164 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 1165 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1166 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
 1167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1168 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
 1169 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1170 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
 1171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1172 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
 1173 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1174 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
 1175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1176 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
 1177 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
 1178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1179 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
 1180 .
 1181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1182 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 1183 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1185 H:628 M:608 e- db 
 1186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1187 ac on
 1188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1189 Autocuring activated.
 1190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1191 order loyals kill dwenthall
 1192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1193 You must regain balance first.
 1194 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1195 TEAR MAP
 1196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1197 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 1198 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1199 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
 1200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1201 You must regain balance first.
 1202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1203 evoke empower rockfall
 1204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1205 You must regain balance first.
 1206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1207 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 1208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1209 You must regain balance first.
 1210 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1211 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 1212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1213 You must regain balance first.
 1214 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1215 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 1216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1217 You must regain balance first.
 1218 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1219 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
 1220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1221 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1222 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1223 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
 1224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1225 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1227 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
 1228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1229 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1230 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1231 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1232 smoke pipe with linseed
 1233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1234 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 1235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1236 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 1237 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1239 H:628 M:608 e- db 
 1240 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1241 ---------delayed wisp
 1242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1243 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
 1244 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1246 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
 1247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1248 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
 1249 mmand.
 1250 H:700 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 1251 H:700 M:504 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1253 You may eat another herb or plant.
 1254 H:628 M:589 e- db You may drink another healing elixir.
 1255 H:628 M:589 e- db 
 1256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1257 You have recovered balance.
 1258 H:700 M:504 &lt;-b dbt; 
 1259 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1260 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 1261 H:628 M:589 e- db 
 1262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1263 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1264 H:700 M:504 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1265 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1266 You have recovered balance.
 1267 H:628 M:589 eb db 
 1268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1269 Mana Gain: 7
 1270 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1272 ac on
 1273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1274 Autocuring activated.
 1275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1276 evoke imbue
 1277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1278 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
 1279 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1280 evoke empower rockfall
 1281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1282 Mana Lost: 6
 1283 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 1284 wer of Earth infuses it.
 1285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1286 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 1287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1288 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 1289 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1290 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 1291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1292 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 1293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1294 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
 1295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1296 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 1297 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 1298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1299 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 1300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1301 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
 1302 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 1303 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1304 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 1305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1306 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
 1307 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 1308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1309 naturebinding choke dwenthall
 1310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1311 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
 1312 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
 1313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1314 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
 1315 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
 1316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1317 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 1318 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1319 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
 1320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1321 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1323 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
 1324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1325 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1326 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1327 ta dwenthall
 1328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1329 Dwenthall's condition stands at 533/669 health and 537/700 mana.
 1330 Mana Lost: 12
 1331 H:700 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1333 H:533 M:631 eb b 
 1334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1335 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 1336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1337 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 1338 H:700 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1339 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1340 writhe root
 1341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1342 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
 1343 H:533 M:631 eb b 
 1344 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1345 sip health
 1346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1347 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 1348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1349 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 1350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1351 The elixir heals your body.
 1352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1353 H:700 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1355 H:669 M:631 eb b 
 1356 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1357 eat toadstool
 1358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1359 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1999.
 1360 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 1361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1362 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 1363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1364 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 1365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1366 H:700 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1368 H:669 M:700 eb b 
 1369 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1370 st tar reyv
 1371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1372 Target tar is now reyv.
 1373 H:669 M:700 eb b 
 1374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1375 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 1376 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1377 eat juniper
 1378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1379 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1995.
 1380 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 1381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1382 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 1383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1384 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 1385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1386 H:700 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1388 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 1389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1390 Mana Lost: 1
 1391 H:700 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1393 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 1394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1395 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 1396 H:700 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1398 H:669 M:681 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
 1399 H:669 M:681 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
 1400 H:669 M:681 eb db 
 1401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1402 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1403 H:700 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 1404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1405 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
 1406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1407 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
 1408 r.
 1409 H:700 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1411 H:620 M:681 eb db 
 1412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1413 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
 1414 The tornado swirls rapidly.
 1415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1416 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
 1417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1418 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 1419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1420 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 1421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1422 H:700 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1424 H:620 M:681 eb b 
 1425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1426 trueassess dwenthall
 1427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1428 Dwenthall's condition stands at 620/669 health and 681/700 mana.
 1429 Mana Lost: 12
 1430 H:700 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1431 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1432 eat juniper
 1433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1434 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1994.
 1435 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 1436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1437 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 1438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1439 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 1440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1441 H:700 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1443 H:620 M:681 eb db 
 1444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1445 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 1446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1447 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 1448 H:700 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1450 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
 1451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1452 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 1453 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1454 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 1455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1456 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
 1457  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
 1458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1459 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
 1460 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
 1461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1462 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
 1463 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1464 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 1465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1466 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 1467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1468 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
 1469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1470 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 1471 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1472 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 1473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1474 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 1475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1476 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 1477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1478 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 1479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1480 naturebinding shred dwenthall
 1481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1482 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
 1483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1484 ta dwenthall
 1485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1486 Dwenthall's condition stands at 580/669 health and 579/700 mana.
 1487 Mana Lost: 12
 1488 H:700 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
 1489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1490 H:580 M:681 eb db 
 1491 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1492 smoke pipe with linseed
 1493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1494 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 1495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1496 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 1497 H:700 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
 1498 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1499 H:580 M:681 eb db 
 1500 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1501 ac on
 1502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1503 Autocuring activated.
 1504 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1505 order golem kill dwenthall
 1506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1507 You must regain balance first.
 1508 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1509 evoke empower rockfall
 1510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1511 You must regain balance first.
 1512 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1513 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 1514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1515 You must regain balance first.
 1516 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1517 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 1518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1519 You must regain balance first.
 1520 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1521 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
 1522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1523 You must regain balance first.
 1524 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1525 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
 1526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1527 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
 1528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1529 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
 1530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1531 Dwenthall is already being choked.
 1532 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1533 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
 1534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1535 Dwenthall is already being choked.
 1536 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1537 naturebind shred dwenthall
 1538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1539 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
 1540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1541 ta dwenthall
 1542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1543 Dwenthall's condition stands at 563/669 health and 681/700 mana.
 1544 Mana Lost: 12
 1545 H:700 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
 1546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1547 ---------delayed wisp
 1548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1549 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
 1550 H:700 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
 1551 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1552 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
 1553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1554 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
 1555 mmand.
 1556 H:700 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
 1557 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1558 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
 1559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1560 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
 1561 H:700 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
 1562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1563 H:580 M:681 eb db 
 1564 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1565 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
 1566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1567 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
 1568 ing her skin mercilessly.
 1569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1570 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
 1571 ng your skin mercilessly.
 1572 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 1573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1574 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 1575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1576 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
 1577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1578 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1579 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1581 H:528 M:681 eb b 
 1582 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1583 cast erode at rev
 1584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1585 You do not see that individual here.
 1586 H:528 M:681 eb b 
 1587 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1588 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
 1589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1590 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1591 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1592 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
 1593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1594 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1595 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1596 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1597 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
 1598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1599 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1600 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1601 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
 1602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1603 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1604 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1606 You may drink another healing elixir.
 1607 H:528 M:681 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
 1608 H:528 M:681 eb b 
 1609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1610 You have recovered balance.
 1611 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1612 eat juniper
 1613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1614 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1993.
 1615 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 1616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1617 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 1618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1619 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 1620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1621 H:700 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
 1622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1623 H:528 M:681 eb db 
 1624 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1625 sip health
 1626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1627 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 1628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1629 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 1630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1631 The elixir heals your body.
 1632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1633 H:700 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
 1634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1635 H:669 M:681 eb db 
 1636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1637 Mana Lost: 1
 1638 H:700 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
 1639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1640 You may eat another mushroom.
 1641 H:669 M:662 eb db 
 1642 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1643 cast erode at rev
 1644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1645 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
 1646 H:669 M:662 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
 1647 H:669 M:662 eb db 
 1648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1649 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1651 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
 1652 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 1654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1655 H:700 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1657 H:669 M:690 eb db 
 1658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1659 ac on
 1660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1661 Autocuring activated.
 1662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1663 evoke empower rockfall
 1664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1665 Mana Lost: 6
 1666 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 1667 wer of Earth infuses it.
 1668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1669 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
 1670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1671 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 1672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1673 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 1674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1675 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 1676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1677 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 1678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1679 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 1680 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 1681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1682 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 1683 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
 1684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1685 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
 1686 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
 1687 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 1688 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 1689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1690 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 1691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1692 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 1693 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1694 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
 1695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1696 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
 1697  her skin mercilessly.
 1698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1699 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
 1700 your skin mercilessly.
 1701 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
 1702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1703 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 1704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1705 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
 1706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1707 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1708 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1709 ta dwenthall
 1710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1711 Dwenthall's condition stands at 470/669 health and 690/700 mana.
 1712 Mana Lost: 12
 1713 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1715 H:500 M:690 eb b 
 1716 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1717 purge blood
 1718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1719 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
 1720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1721 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
 1722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1723 The stinging feeling fades.
 1724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1725 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1727 H:500 M:684 eb b 
 1728 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1729 eat toadstool
 1730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1731 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1998.
 1732 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 1733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1734 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 1735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1736 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 1737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1738 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1740 H:567 M:700 eb b 
 1741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1742 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 1743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1744 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 1745 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1747 You may eat another herb or plant.
 1748 H:567 M:700 eb b 
 1749 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1750 eat juniper
 1751 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1752 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1992.
 1754 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 1756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1757 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 1759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1760 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 1762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1763 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1765 H:567 M:700 eb db 
 1766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1767 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 1769 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1770 Mana Gain: 32
 1772 H:700 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1773 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1774 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 1776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1777 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 1779 H:700 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1781 H:634 M:700 eb db 
 1782 You may eat another herb or plant.
 1783 H:634 M:700 eb db 
 1784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1785 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1788 H:700 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
 1789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1790 You may drink another healing elixir.
 1791 H:634 M:700 eb db 
 1792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1793 You have recovered balance.
 1796 H:700 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1797 Mana Lost: 1
 1799 H:700 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
 1800 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1801 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 1802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1803 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
 1805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1806 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
 1807 ods your veins.
 1809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1810 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 1812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1813 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 1815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1816 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 1818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1819 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 1821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1822 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
 1824 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1825 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 1826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1827 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 1829 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1830 evoke lightning dwenthall
 1831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1832 Mana Lost: 12
 1834 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
 1835  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
 1836 g her charred and drained.
 1838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1839 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
 1840 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
 1841 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
 1843 Your grounding defence nullifies the brunt of the assault.
 1845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1846 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
 1848 Balance Taken: 3.80s
 1850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1851 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 1852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1853 You must regain balance first.
 1855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1856 naturebind choke dwenthall
 1857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1858 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
 1860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1861 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
 1862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1863 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
 1864 ing her skin mercilessly.
 1866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1867 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
 1868 ng your skin mercilessly.
 1870 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 1872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1873 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 1875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1876 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
 1877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1878 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1880 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1882 H:500 M:681 eb b 
 1883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1884 ac on
 1885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1886 Autocuring activated.
 1888 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1889 evoke empower knockout
 1890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1891 You must regain balance first.
 1892 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1893 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
 1894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1895 You must regain balance first.
 1896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1897 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
 1898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1899 You must regain balance first.
 1900 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1901 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
 1902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1903 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1904 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1905 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
 1906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1907 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 1908 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1909 ta dwenthall
 1910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1911 Dwenthall's condition stands at 500/669 health and 694/700 mana.
 1912 Mana Lost: 12
 1913 H:700 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1914 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1915 eat juniper
 1916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1917 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1991.
 1918 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 1919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1920 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 1921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1922 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 1923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1924 H:700 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1926 H:500 M:681 eb db 
 1927 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1928 sip health
 1929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1930 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 1931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1932 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 1933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1934 The elixir heals your body.
 1935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1936 H:700 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1937 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1938 H:647 M:681 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 1939 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
 1940 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1941 cast erode at rey
 1942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1943 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 1944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1945 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 1946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1947 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 1948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1949 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 1950 Your fitness defence is eroded away.
 1951 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1952 His fitness defence is eroded away.
 1953 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 1954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1955 H:700 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1957 H:643 M:677 -b db The grass around you rustles slightly as the night breeze caresses you.
 1958 H:643 M:677 -b db 
 1959 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1960 smoke pipe with linseed
 1961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1962 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 1963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1964 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 1965 H:700 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 1966 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1967 H:643 M:677 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
 1968 H:643 M:677 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
 1969 H:643 M:677 -b db 
 1970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1971 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1972 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 1973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1974 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 1975 H:643 M:677 eb db 
 1976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1977 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
 1978 The tornado swirls rapidly.
 1979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1980 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
 1981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1982 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 1983 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1984 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 1986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 1987 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 1988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1989 H:643 M:677 eb b 
 1990 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 1991 H:643 M:677 eb b 
 1992 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1993 eat juniper
 1994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 1995 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1990.
 1997 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 1999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2000 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 2002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2003 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 2005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2006 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 2007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2008 H:643 M:677 eb db 
 2009 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2010 st tar rey
 2011 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2012 Target tar is now rey.
 2014 H:643 M:677 eb db 
 2015 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2016 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 2017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2018 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 2020 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 2021 You have recovered balance.
 2024 Mana Lost: 1
 2026 H:700 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
 2027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2028 ac on
 2029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2030 Autocuring activated.
 2032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2033 evoke empower rockfall
 2034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2035 Mana Lost: 6
 2037 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 2038 wer of Earth infuses it.
 2040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2041 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
 2042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2043 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 2045 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2046 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 2047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2048 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 2050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2051 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 2052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2053 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2055 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2058 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2061 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
 2063 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 2065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2066 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 2068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2069 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
 2071 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 2073 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2074 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
 2075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2076 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
 2077  her skin mercilessly.
 2079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2080 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
 2081 your skin mercilessly.
 2083 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
 2085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2086 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 2088 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2089 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
 2090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2091 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 2093 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2094 ta dwenthall
 2095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2096 Dwenthall's condition stands at 504/669 health and 561/700 mana.
 2098 Mana Lost: 12
 2100 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2102 H:504 M:660 eb b 
 2103 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2104 touch tree
 2105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2106 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
 2108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2109 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
 2111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2112 The stinging feeling fades.
 2114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2115 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2117 H:504 M:660 eb b 
 2118 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2119 eat toadstool
 2120 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2121 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1997.
 2122 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 2123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2124 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 2125 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2126 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
 2127 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
 2128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2129 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2131 H:504 M:660 eb b 
 2132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2133 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 2134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2135 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 2136 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2138 You may drink another healing elixir.
 2139 H:504 M:660 eb b 
 2140 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2141 sip health
 2142 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2143 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 2144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2145 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 2146 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2147 The elixir heals your body.
 2148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2149 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2151 H:631 M:660 eb b 
 2152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2153 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 2154 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2156 You may eat another herb or plant.
 2157 H:631 M:660 eb b 
 2158 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2159 eat juniper
 2160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2161 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1989.
 2162 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 2163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2164 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 2165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2166 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 2167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2168 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2169 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2170 H:631 M:660 eb db 
 2171 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2172 cast erode at rey
 2173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2174 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 2175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2176 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 2177 Your naturebinding regen defence is eroded away.
 2178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2179 His naturebinding regen defence is eroded away.
 2180 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 2181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2182 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2184 H:631 M:656 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
 2185 H:657 M:684 -b db 
 2186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2187 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2188 H:700 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
 2189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2190 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 2191 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
 2192 H:654 M:684 -b db 
 2193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2194 You have recovered balance.
 2195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2196 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 2197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2198 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 2199 H:700 M:427 &lt;eb dbt; 
 2200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2201 H:654 M:684 -b db 
 2202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2203 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
 2204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2205 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
 2206  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
 2207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2208 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
 2209 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
 2210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2211 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
 2212 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2213 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 2214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2215 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 2216 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2217 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
 2218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2219 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 2220 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2221 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 2222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2223 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2225 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2227 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 2228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2229 naturebinding shred dwenthall
 2230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2231 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
 2232 ing her skin mercilessly.
 2233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2234 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
 2235 ng your skin mercilessly.
 2236 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 2237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2238 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 2239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2240 ta dwenthall
 2241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2242 Dwenthall's condition stands at 554/669 health and 623/700 mana.
 2243 Mana Lost: 12
 2244 H:700 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2246 H:602 M:684 -b b 
 2247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2248 ac on
 2249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2250 Autocuring activated.
 2251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2252 order golem kill dwenthall
 2253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2254 You must regain balance first.
 2255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2256 evoke empower rockfall
 2257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2258 You must regain balance first.
 2259 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2260 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 2261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2262 You must regain balance first.
 2263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2264 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 2265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2266 You must regain balance first.
 2267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2268 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
 2269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2270 You must regain balance first.
 2271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2272 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
 2273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2274 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 2275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2276 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
 2277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2278 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 2279 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2280 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
 2281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2282 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 2283 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2284 naturebind shred dwenthall
 2285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2286 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 2287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2288 ta dwenthall
 2289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2290 Dwenthall's condition stands at 530/669 health and 630/700 mana.
 2291 Mana Lost: 12
 2292 H:700 M:402 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2294 ---------delayed wisp
 2295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2296 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
 2297 H:700 M:402 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2298 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2299 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
 2300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2301 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
 2302 mmand.
 2303 H:700 M:402 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2304 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2305 smoke pipe with linseed
 2306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2307 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 2308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2309 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 2310 H:700 M:402 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2312 H:602 M:684 -b b 
 2313 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2314 eat toadstool
 2315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2316 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1998.
 2317 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 2318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2319 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
 2320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2321 Mana Gain: 51
 2322 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 2324 H:700 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2325 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2326 H:602 M:684 -b b 
 2327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2328 Mana Gain: 32
 2330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2331 You may eat another herb or plant.
 2332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2333 H:700 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2335 H:669 M:700 -b b 
 2336 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2337 eat juniper
 2338 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2339 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1988.
 2341 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 2343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2344 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 2346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2347 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 2349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2350 H:700 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2352 H:669 M:700 -b db 
 2353 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2356 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2357 clot
 2358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2359 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
 2361 H:669 M:686 eb db 
 2362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2363 Mana Lost: 1
 2365 H:700 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2366 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2367 cast erode at rey
 2368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2369 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 2371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2372 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 2374 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
 2376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2377 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
 2379 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 2381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2382 H:700 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2384 H:669 M:665 -b db 
 2385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2386 sip speed
 2387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2388 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
 2390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2391 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 2393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2394 H:700 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2396 H:669 M:665 -b db 
 2397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2398 You have recovered balance.
 2401 H:700 M:485 &lt;-b dbt; 
 2402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2403 You may drink another healing elixir.
 2404 H:669 M:665 -b db 
 2405 You may eat another mushroom.
 2407 You may eat another herb or plant.
 2408 H:669 M:665 -b db 
 2409 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 2410 H:669 M:665 -b db 
 2411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2412 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2416 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
 2417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2418 H:700 M:485 &lt;eb dbt; 
 2419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2420 H:669 M:665 -b db 
 2421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2422 ac on
 2423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2424 Autocuring activated.
 2426 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2427 evoke imbue
 2428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2429 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
 2431 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2432 evoke empower rockfall
 2433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2434 Mana Lost: 6
 2436 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 2437 wer of Earth infuses it.
 2439 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2440 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 2441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2442 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 2444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2445 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 2446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2447 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 2449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2450 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
 2451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2452 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2453 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2455 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2456 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
 2457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2458 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
 2459 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
 2460 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2461 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 2462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2463 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 2464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2465 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 2466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2467 naturebinding choke dwenthall
 2468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2469 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
 2470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2471 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
 2472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2473 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
 2474 dding her skin mercilessly.
 2475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2476 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
 2477 ding your skin mercilessly.
 2478 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
 2479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2480 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 2481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2482 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
 2483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2484 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 2485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2486 ta dwenthall
 2487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2488 Dwenthall's condition stands at 500/669 health and 646/700 mana.
 2489 Mana Lost: 12
 2490 H:700 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2492 H:500 M:665 -b b 
 2493 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2494 eat maidenhair
 2495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2496 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1998.
 2497 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
 2498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2499 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
 2500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2501 The stinging feeling fades.
 2502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2503 H:700 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2505 H:500 M:665 -b b 
 2506 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2507 sip health
 2508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2509 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 2510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2511 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 2512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2513 The elixir heals your body.
 2514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2515 H:700 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2517 H:659 M:665 -b b 
 2518 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2519 eat toadstool
 2520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2521 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1996.
 2522 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 2523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2524 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 2525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2526 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 2527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2528 H:700 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2530 H:669 M:700 -b b 
 2531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2532 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 2533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2534 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 2535 H:700 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2536 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2537 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2538 H:669 M:700 eb b 
 2539 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2540 cast erode at rey
 2541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2542 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 2543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2544 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 2545 Your resistance defence is eroded away.
 2546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2547 His resistance defence is eroded away.
 2548 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 2549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2550 H:700 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2552 H:669 M:696 -b b 
 2553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2554 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 2556 H:700 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2557 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2558 You may eat another herb or plant.
 2559 H:669 M:696 -b b 
 2560 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2561 eat juniper
 2562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2563 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1987.
 2565 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 2567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2568 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 2570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2571 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 2573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2574 H:700 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2576 H:669 M:696 -b db 
 2577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2578 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
 2580 The tornado swirls rapidly.
 2582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2583 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
 2585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2586 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 2588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2589 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 2591 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 2593 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
 2595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2596 H:700 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2597 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2598 H:665 M:696 -b b 
 2599 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
 2601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2602 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2605 H:700 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
 2606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2607 H:665 M:696 -b b 
 2608 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2609 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 2610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2611 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 2613 H:700 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
 2614 You have recovered balance.
 2617 H:700 M:467 &lt;eb dbt; 
 2618 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2619 ac on
 2620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2621 Autocuring activated.
 2623 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2624 evoke empower rockfall
 2625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2626 Mana Lost: 6
 2628 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 2629 wer of Earth infuses it.
 2631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2632 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
 2633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2634 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
 2636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2637 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
 2638 ods your veins.
 2640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2641 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
 2642 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
 2644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2645 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 2646  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
 2648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2649 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
 2651 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2652 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 2653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2654 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 2656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2657 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 2658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2659 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2661 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2664 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2667 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
 2669 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 2671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2672 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
 2674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2675 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
 2677 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 2679 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2680 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
 2681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2682 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
 2683  her skin mercilessly.
 2685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2686 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
 2687 your skin mercilessly.
 2689 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
 2691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2692 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 2694 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2695 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
 2696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2697 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 2698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2699 ta dwenthall
 2700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2701 Dwenthall's condition stands at 534/669 health and 779/700 mana.
 2702 Mana Lost: 12
 2703 H:700 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2705 H:509 M:696 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 2706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2707 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 2708 You may eat another mushroom.
 2709 H:700 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2711 H:509 M:696 -b b 
 2712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2713 Mana Lost: 1
 2714 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2715 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2716 purge blood
 2717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2718 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
 2719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2720 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
 2721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2722 The stinging feeling fades.
 2723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2724 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2726 H:509 M:673 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2727 H:509 M:673 eb b 
 2728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2729 ---------delayed wisp
 2730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2731 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
 2732 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2733 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2734 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 2735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2736 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 2737 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2738 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2739 cast erode at rey
 2740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2741 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 2742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2743 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 2744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2745 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 2746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2747 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 2748 Your vitality defence is eroded away.
 2749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2750 His vitality defence is eroded away.
 2751 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 2752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2753 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2755 H:509 M:669 -b b 
 2756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2757 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
 2758 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2759 smoke pipe with linseed
 2760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2761 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 2762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2763 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 2764 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2766 H:509 M:669 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
 2767 H:509 M:669 -b b 
 2768 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2769 eat juniper
 2770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2771 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1986.
 2772 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 2773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2774 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 2775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2776 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 2777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2778 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2780 H:509 M:669 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
 2781 H:509 M:669 -b db 
 2782 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2783 sip health
 2784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2785 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 2786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2787 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 2788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2789 The elixir heals your body.
 2790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2791 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2793 H:624 M:669 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
 2794 H:651 M:697 -b db 
 2795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2796 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2797 H:700 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
 2798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2799 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2800 You may eat another mushroom.
 2801 H:651 M:697 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 2802 H:651 M:697 eb db 
 2803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2804 You have recovered balance.
 2805 H:700 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
 2806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2807 You may eat another herb or plant.
 2808 H:651 M:697 eb db 
 2809 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2810 cast erode at rey
 2811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2812 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 2813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2814 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 2815 Your cloak defence is eroded away.
 2816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2817 His cloak defence is eroded away.
 2818 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 2819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2820 H:700 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
 2821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2822 H:651 M:693 -b db 
 2823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2824 ac on
 2825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2826 Autocuring activated.
 2827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2828 order golem kill dwenthall
 2829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2830 You detect nothing here by that name.
 2831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2832 evoke empower rockfall
 2833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2834 Mana Lost: 6
 2835 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 2836 wer of Earth infuses it.
 2837 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2838 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 2839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2840 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 2841 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2842 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 2843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2844 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 2845 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2846 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
 2847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2848 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2849 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2850 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2851 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2852 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
 2853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2854 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
 2855 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
 2856 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 2857 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 2858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2859 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 2860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2861 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 2862 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2863 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
 2864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2865 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
 2866 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2867 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
 2868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2869 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
 2870 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
 2871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2872 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
 2873 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
 2874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2875 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 2876 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2877 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
 2878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2879 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 2880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2881 naturebind shred dwenthall
 2882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2883 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 2884 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2885 ta dwenthall
 2886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2887 Dwenthall's condition stands at 486/669 health and 680/700 mana.
 2888 Mana Lost: 12
 2889 H:700 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2891 H:486 M:693 -b b 
 2892 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2893 writhe root
 2894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2895 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
 2896 H:486 M:693 -b b 
 2897 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2898 eat toadstool
 2899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2900 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1995.
 2901 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 2902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2903 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 2904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2905 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
 2906 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
 2907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2908 H:700 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2910 H:486 M:693 -b b 
 2911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2912 Mana Gain: 32
 2913 H:700 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2914 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2915 eat juniper
 2916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2917 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1985.
 2918 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 2919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2920 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 2921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2922 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 2923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2924 H:700 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2926 H:553 M:700 -b db 
 2927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2928 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 2929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2930 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 2931 H:700 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 2932 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 2933 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2935 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
 2936 H:553 M:683 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2937 H:553 M:683 eb db 
 2938 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2939 cast erode at rey
 2940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2941 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 2942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2943 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 2944 Your density defence is eroded away.
 2945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2946 His density defence is eroded away.
 2947 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 2948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2949 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2951 H:553 M:679 -b db 
 2952 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2953 apply mass
 2954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2955 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
 2956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2957 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
 2958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2959 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
 2960 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2962 H:553 M:679 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
 2963 H:553 M:679 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
 2964 H:553 M:679 -b db 
 2965 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2966 sip health
 2967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2968 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 2969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2970 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 2971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2972 The elixir heals your body.
 2973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2974 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 2975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2976 H:669 M:679 -b db 
 2977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2978 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 2979 H:700 M:462 &lt;e- dbt; 
 2980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2981 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 2982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2983 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 2985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2986 You may eat another herb or plant.
 2987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2988 H:700 M:462 &lt;e- dbt; 
 2989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 2990 H:669 M:679 -b db 
 2991 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
 2993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 2994 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
 2995 her.
 2997 You have recovered balance.
 3000 H:700 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3002 H:620 M:679 -b db 
 3003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3004 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
 3005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3006 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 3008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3009 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 3011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3012 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
 3013  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
 3015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3016 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
 3017 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
 3019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3020 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
 3022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3023 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 3024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3025 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 3027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3028 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
 3029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3030 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 3032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3033 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 3034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3035 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 3037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3038 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 3040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3041 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 3043 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3044 naturebinding shred dwenthall
 3045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3046 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
 3047 ing her skin mercilessly.
 3049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3050 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
 3051 ng your skin mercilessly.
 3053 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 3055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3056 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 3058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3059 ta dwenthall
 3060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3061 Dwenthall's condition stands at 528/669 health and 740/700 mana.
 3063 Mana Lost: 12
 3065 H:700 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3067 H:528 M:679 -b b 
 3068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3069 You may apply another salve.
 3070 H:700 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3072 ac on
 3073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3074 Autocuring activated.
 3076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3077 evoke imbue
 3078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3079 You must regain balance first.
 3081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3082 TEAR MAP
 3083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3084 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 3086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3087 evoke empower jolt
 3088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3089 You must regain balance first.
 3091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3092 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 3093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3094 You must regain balance first.
 3096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3097 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 3098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3099 You must regain balance first.
 3101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3102 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
 3103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3104 You must regain balance first.
 3106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3107 naturebind choke dwenthall
 3108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3109 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 3111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3112 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
 3113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3114 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 3116 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3117 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
 3118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3119 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 3120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3121 ta dwenthall
 3122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3123 Dwenthall's condition stands at 486/669 health and 706/700 mana.
 3124 Mana Lost: 12
 3125 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3126 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3127 smoke pipe with linseed
 3128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3129 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 3130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3131 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 3132 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3134 H:528 M:679 -b b 
 3135 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3136 ---------delayed wisp
 3137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3138 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
 3139 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3141 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
 3142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3143 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
 3144 mmand.
 3145 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3146 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3147 eat juniper
 3148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3149 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1984.
 3150 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 3151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3152 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 3153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3154 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 3155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3156 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3158 H:528 M:679 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
 3159 H:528 M:679 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 3160 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
 3161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3162 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
 3163 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3165 H:528 M:679 eb db 
 3166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3167 You have recovered balance.
 3168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3169 You may eat another herb or plant.
 3171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3172 H:700 M:438 &lt;-b dbt; 
 3173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3174 H:528 M:679 eb db 
 3175 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3176 cast erode at rey
 3177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3178 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 3179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3180 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 3181 Your temperance defence is eroded away.
 3182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3183 His temperance defence is eroded away.
 3184 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 3185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3186 H:700 M:438 &lt;-b dbt; 
 3187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3188 H:528 M:675 -b db 
 3189 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3190 sip frost
 3191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3192 You take a drink of an elixir of frost from an onyx vial.
 3193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3194 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 3195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3196 A chill runs over your icy skin.
 3197 H:700 M:438 &lt;-b dbt; 
 3198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3199 H:528 M:675 -b db 
 3200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3201 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 3202 Mana Lost: 1
 3203 H:700 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
 3204 ne.
 3205 The tornado swirls rapidly.
 3206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3207 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
 3208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3209 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 3210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3211 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 3212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3213 H:700 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3215 H:528 M:659 -b b You may eat another mushroom.
 3216 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3217 eat juniper
 3218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3219 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1983.
 3220 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 3221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3222 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 3223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3224 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 3225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3226 H:700 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3227 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3228 H:528 M:659 -b db 
 3229 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3230 eat toadstool
 3231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3232 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1994.
 3233 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 3234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3235 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 3236 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3237 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 3238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3239 H:700 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3241 H:595 M:700 -b db 
 3242 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3243 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
 3244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3245 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 3246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3247 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
 3248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3249 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 3250 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3251 evoke drain dwenthall
 3252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3253 Mana Lost: 9
 3254 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
 3255 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
 3256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3257 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
 3258 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
 3259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3260 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
 3261 Balance Taken: 2.90s
 3262 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3263 naturebind drain dwenthall
 3264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3265 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
 3266  contort in a visage of pain.
 3267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3268 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
 3269 tabbing pain in your head.
 3270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3271 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 3272 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3273 ta dwenthall
 3274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3275 Dwenthall's condition stands at 530/669 health and 545/700 mana.
 3276 Mana Lost: 12
 3277 H:700 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3279 H:595 M:579 -b db 
 3280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3281 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 3282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3283 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 3284 H:700 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3286 contemplate dwenthall
 3287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3288 You must regain balance first.
 3289 H:700 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3291 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 3292 H:595 M:579 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
 3293 H:595 M:579 -b db 
 3294 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3295 sip mana
 3296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3297 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
 3298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3299 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 3300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3301 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
 3302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3303 H:700 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3305 H:595 M:700 -b db 
 3306 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3307 l
 3308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3309 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
 3310 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. A shimmering crystal is on the ground, refle
 3311 cting light. Reyvenyr is here, camouflaged. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his le
 3312 ft hand and a lunar shield in his right. 
 3313 You see a single exit leading 
 3314 northwest
 3315 .
 3318 H:595 M:700 -b db 
 3319 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 3322 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
 3324 H:595 M:700 eb db 
 3325 You may eat another herb or plant.
 3326 H:595 M:700 eb db 
 3327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3328 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 3330 H:700 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3332 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
 3334 H:621 M:700 eb db 
 3335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3336 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 3339 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
 3340 You have recovered balance.
 3343 H:700 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3344 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3345 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 3347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3348 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 3350 H:700 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3352 H:621 M:700 eb db 
 3353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3354 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
 3355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3356 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
 3358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3359 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
 3360 ods your veins.
 3362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3363 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 3365 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3366 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 3368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3369 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
 3371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3372 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
 3373  weakening.
 3375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3376 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
 3378 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3379 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
 3380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3381 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 3383 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3384 evoke drain dwenthall
 3385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3386 Mana Lost: 9
 3388 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
 3389 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
 3391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3392 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
 3393 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
 3395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3396 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
 3398 Balance Taken: 2.90s
 3400 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3402 naturebind drain dwenthall
 3403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3404 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
 3405  contort in a visage of pain.
 3407 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3408 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
 3409 tabbing pain in your head.
 3411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3412 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 3414 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3415 ta dwenthall
 3416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3417 Dwenthall's condition stands at 553/669 health and 484/700 mana.
 3419 Mana Lost: 12
 3421 H:700 M:395 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3423 H:621 M:509 eb db 
 3424 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3425 ffnw
 3426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3427 Reyvenyr stops you from moving that way.
 3429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3430 Dwenthall tries to leave, but you block her from moving that way.
 3432 H:700 M:395 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3434 H:621 M:509 eb db 
 3435 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3436 eat toadstool
 3437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3438 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1997.
 3440 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 3442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3443 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
 3445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3446 Mana Gain: 51
 3448 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 3450 H:700 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3452 H:621 M:509 eb db 
 3453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3454 contemplate dwenthall
 3455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3456 You must regain balance first.
 3457 H:700 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
 3458 H:700 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 3459 H:700 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3461 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
 3462 H:669 M:534 eb db 
 3463 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3464 cfl
 3465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3466 Dwenthall is quickly carried up into the skies.
 3468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3469 A ring of flying carries you up into the skies.
 3470 Flying above Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
 3471 You see a single exit leading northwest.
 3472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3473 An animated beech root ceases circling, its target gone.
 3474 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3475 Balance Taken: 2.20s
 3476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3477 H:700 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
 3478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3479 H:669 M:534 e- fdb You may eat another mushroom.
 3480 You may drink another healing elixir.
 3481 H:669 M:534 e- fdb 
 3482 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3483 sip mana
 3484 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3485 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
 3486 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
 3487 H:669 M:690 e- fdb 
 3488 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3489 eat toadstool
 3490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3491 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1993.
 3492 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 3493 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
 3494 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
 3495 H:669 M:690 e- fdb 
 3496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3497 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 3498 H:700 M:477 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 3499 H:700 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3500 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3501 nw
 3502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3503 You must regain balance first.
 3504 H:669 M:690 e- fdb You have recovered balance.
 3505 H:669 M:690 eb fdb 
 3506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3507 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
 3508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3509 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 3510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3511 evoke tornado
 3512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3513 A tornado is already raging here.
 3514 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3515 naturebind curse dwenthall
 3516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3517 You detect nothing here by that name.
 3518 H:700 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3519 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3520 nw
 3521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3522 Flying above By a pile of bodies.
 3523 You see exits leading north, southeast, west, and northwest.
 3524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3525 Through your bond with an animated hawthorn root, you sense that Dwenthall has left Beside a trickli
 3526 ng stream on a battlefield.
 3527 H:700 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3528 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3529 H:669 M:690 eb fdb 
 3530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3531 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
 3532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3533 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 3534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3535 evoke tornado
 3536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3537 A tornado is already raging here.
 3538 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3539 naturebind curse dwenthall
 3540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3541 You do not see that individual here.
 3542 H:700 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3543 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3544 nw
 3545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3546 Flying above In a trench surrounded by grassland.
 3547 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
 3548 H:669 M:690 eb fdb 
 3549 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3550 nw
 3551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3552 Flying above A rocky outcropping.
 3553 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
 3554 H:669 M:690 eb fdb 
 3555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3556 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
 3557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3558 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 3559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3560 evoke tornado
 3561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3562 A tornado is already raging here.
 3563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3564 naturebind curse dwenthall
 3565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3566 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
 3567 H:700 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3568 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3569 nw
 3570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3571 There is no exit in that direction.
 3572 H:669 M:690 eb fdb 
 3573 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3574 nw
 3575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3576 There is no exit in that direction.
 3577 H:669 M:690 eb fdb 
 3578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3579 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 3580 H:700 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3581 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3582 order loyals kill dwenthall
 3583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3584 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 3585 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 3586 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 3587 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3588 evoke empower rockfall
 3589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3590 Mana Lost: 6
 3591 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 3592 wer of Earth infuses it.
 3593 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3594 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 3595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3596 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
 3597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3598 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
 3599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3600 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
 3601 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3602 evoke lightning dwenthall
 3603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3604 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
 3605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3606 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 3607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3608 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
 3609 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3610 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
 3611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3612 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 3613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3614 ta dwenthall
 3615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3616 You detect nothing here by that name.
 3617 H:700 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
 3618 Mana Lost: 1
 3619 H:700 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3620 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3621 n
 3622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3623 Flying above A rocky outcropping.
 3624 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
 3625 H:669 M:673 eb fdb 
 3626 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3627 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
 3628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3629 You detect nothing here by that name.
 3631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3632 evoke wisp glowing me
 3633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3634 You do not see that individual here.
 3636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3637 evoke toxicrain strychnine
 3638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3639 Mana Lost: 12
 3641 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
 3642 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
 3644 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
 3646 Mana Lost: 12
 3648 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
 3649 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
 3651 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
 3653 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 3655 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
 3656 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
 3658 The tornado swirls rapidly.
 3660 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
 3661 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3662 land
 3663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3664 You begin to descend, the wind whistling past you as the earth draws ever closer. You land easily, b
 3665 ack on the ground again.
 3667 A rocky outcropping.
 3670 You see exits leading 
 3671 northeast, south, and northwest
 3672 .
 3675 H:669 M:673 eb db 
 3676 You may drink another healing elixir.
 3677 H:669 M:673 eb db 
 3678 You may eat another mushroom.
 3680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3681 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
 3682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3683 You must regain balance first.
 3685 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3686 evoke wisp glowing me
 3687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3688 You must regain balance first.
 3690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3691 evoke toxicrain strychnine
 3692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3693 You must regain balance first.
 3695 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
 3696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3697 H:669 M:673 eb db 
 3698 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3699 ts
 3700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3701 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
 3703 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 3705 H:669 M:673 -b db 
 3706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3707 You have recovered balance.
 3710 H:700 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3712 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
 3713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3714 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
 3716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3717 evoke wisp glowing me
 3718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3719 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
 3721 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3722 evoke toxicrain strychnine
 3723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3724 Mana Lost: 12
 3726 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
 3727 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
 3729 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
 3731 Mana Lost: 12
 3733 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
 3734 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
 3736 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
 3738 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 3740 H:700 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
 3741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3742 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
 3743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3744 You must regain balance first.
 3746 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3747 evoke wisp glowing me
 3748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3749 You must regain balance first.
 3751 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3752 evoke toxicrain strychnine
 3753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3754 You must regain balance first.
 3756 H:700 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
 3757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3758 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
 3760 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3761 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
 3762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3763 You must regain balance first.
 3765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3766 evoke wisp glowing me
 3767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3768 You must regain balance first.
 3770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3771 evoke toxicrain strychnine
 3772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3773 You must regain balance first.
 3774 H:700 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
 3775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3776 H:669 M:700 -b db 
 3777 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3778 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
 3779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3780 You must regain balance first.
 3781 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3782 evoke wisp glowing me
 3783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3784 You must regain balance first.
 3785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3786 evoke toxicrain strychnine
 3787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3788 You must regain balance first.
 3789 H:700 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 3790 H:700 M:422 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3792 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
 3793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3794 You detect nothing here by that name.
 3795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3796 evoke wisp glowing me
 3797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3798 You detect nothing here by that name.
 3799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3800 evoke toxicrain strychnine
 3801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3802 Mana Lost: 12
 3803 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
 3804 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
 3805 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
 3806 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of strychnine to empower the tornado.
 3807 H:700 M:410 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 3808 H:700 M:409 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3810 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 3811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3812 Mana Gain: 32
 3813 H:700 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3815 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 3816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3817 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
 3818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3819 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
 3820 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3821 evoke wisp glowing me
 3822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3823 You detect nothing here by that name.
 3824 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3825 evoke toxicrain strychnine
 3826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3827 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
 3828 H:700 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3829 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3830 wst
 3831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3832 You are unable to affect the weather from here.
 3833 H:700 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3834 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3835 probe crystal
 3836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3837 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
 3838 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
 3839 It weighs 6 ounces.
 3840 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
 3841 The crystal can support 5 spells.
 3842 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 3843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3844 empty strychnine
 3845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3846 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
 3847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3848 empty strychnine
 3849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3850 I don't see that in your inventory.
 3851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3852 vbelt tap empty strychine
 3853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3854 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
 3855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3856 vbelt tap empty strychnine
 3857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3858 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
 3859  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
 3860  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
 3861 H:700 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3862 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3863 wst
 3864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3865 You are unable to affect the weather from here.
 3866 H:700 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3867 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3868 sqs
 3869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3870 A rocky outcropping.
 3872 By a pile of bodies.
 3874 You can see no further.
 3875 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 3876 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3877 l
 3878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3879 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
 3880 ------ v37851 -------
 3881 \                    
 3882 -[ ] [ ]             
 3883     \ |              
 3884  [ ]-[ ]             
 3885         \            
 3886          [+]         
 3892 ------ 4:-2:0 -------
 3893 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. You see a single exit leading northwest.
 3894 H:700 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3896 evoke toxicrain aconite
 3897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3898 Mana Lost: 12
 3899 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
 3900 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
 3901 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
 3902 Mana Lost: 12
 3903 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of aconi
 3904 te rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
 3905 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 3906 H:700 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; 
 3907 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3908 sqne
 3909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3910 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
 3912 You can see no further.
 3913 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 3914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3915 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards a kobold settlement.
 3916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3917 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards a kobold settlement.
 3918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3919 Mana Lost: 1
 3920 H:700 M:417 &lt;e- dbt; 
 3921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3922 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 3923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3924 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of aconite.
 3925 The tornado swirls rapidly.
 3926 H:700 M:417 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 3927 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3928 s
 3929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3930 A rocky outcropping.
 3931 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
 3932 Your movement causes your translucent shield to dissipate.
 3933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3934 H:700 M:417 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3936 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 3937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3938 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
 3939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3940 Mana Lost: 12
 3941 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
 3942 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
 3943 Mana Lost: 12
 3944 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of benze
 3945 drine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
 3946 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 3947 H:700 M:393 &lt;e- dbt; 
 3948 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3949 eat toadstool
 3950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3951 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1996.
 3952 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 3953 Mana Gain: 51
 3954 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 3955 H:700 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; 
 3956 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3957 sqse
 3958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3959 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
 3961 By a pile of bodies.
 3963 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
 3964 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. Reyvenyr is here, camouflaged. He wields a h
 3965 ardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. 
 3966 You can see no further.
 3967 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 3968 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3969 l
 3970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3971 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
 3972 ------ v37851 -------
 3973 \                    
 3974 -[ ] [ ]             
 3975     \ |              
 3976  [ ]-[ ]             
 3977         \            
 3978          [+]         
 3984 ------ 4:-2:0 -------
 3985 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. You see a single exit leading northwest.
 3986 H:700 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 3987 H:700 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 3988 H:700 M:443 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3989 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3990 se
 3991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 3992 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
 3993 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
 3994 H:669 M:695 eb db 
 3995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3996 Mana Gain: 32
 3997 H:700 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
 3998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 3999 l
 4000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4001 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
 4002 ------ v37851 -------
 4003 \                    
 4004 -[ ] [ ]             
 4005     \ |              
 4006  [ ]-[ ]             
 4007         \            
 4008          [+]         
 4014 ------ 4:-2:0 -------
 4015 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. You see a single exit leading northwest.
 4016 H:700 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4017 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4018 se
 4019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4020 By a pile of bodies.
 4021 You see exits leading north, southeast, west, and northwest.
 4022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4023 You sense Dwenthall entering the location northwest from you.
 4024 H:700 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4026 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 4027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4028 locate dwenthall
 4029 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4030 You sense that Reyvenyr is seeking your location.
 4031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4032 You seek out the presence of Dwenthall and find her at By a pile of bodies.
 4033 You also discern that this is how you can get there: nw.
 4034 Balance Taken: 1.10s
 4035 H:700 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4037 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 4038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4039 You have recovered balance.
 4040 H:700 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
 4041 H:700 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4042 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4043 ts
 4044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4045 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
 4046 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 4047 H:669 M:700 -b db 
 4048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4049 dr nw
 4050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4051 Your input, "shard disrupt nw", is not a valid command.
 4052 H:700 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 4053 H:700 M:475 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4054 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4055 l
 4056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4057 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
 4060 ------
 4061  v37851 
 4062 -------
 4063 \                    
 4064 -[ ] [ ]             
 4065     \ |              
 4066  [ ]-[ ]             
 4067         \            
 4068          [+]         
 4075 ------ 
 4076 4:-2:0
 4077  -------
 4078 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. 
 4079 You see a single exit leading 
 4080 northwest
 4081 .
 4084 H:700 M:475 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4085 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4086 w
 4087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4088 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 4090 H:669 M:683 -b db 
 4091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4092 l
 4093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4094 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
 4097 ------
 4098  v37851 
 4099 -------
 4100 \                    
 4101 -[ ] [ ]             
 4102     \ |              
 4103  [ ]-[ ]             
 4104         \            
 4105          [+]         
 4112 ------ 
 4113 4:-2:0
 4114  -------
 4115 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. 
 4116 You see a single exit leading 
 4117 northwest
 4118 .
 4121 H:700 M:475 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4122 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4123 w
 4124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4125 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 4127 H:669 M:683 -b db 
 4128 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4131 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4132 w
 4133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4134 A pile of rusted armour and weapons.
 4137 You see a single exit leading 
 4138 east
 4139 .
 4142 Your movement causes your translucent shield to dissipate.
 4144 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 4145 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4146 leap nw
 4147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4148 You bunch your powerful muscles and launch yourself in a majestic leap northwestwards.
 4150 By a pile of bodies.
 4153 ------
 4154  v37842 
 4155 -------
 4156   |                  
 4157  [ ]                 
 4158 / | \                
 4159  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
 4160         \ |          
 4161      [ ]-[+]         
 4162             \        
 4163              [ ]     
 4168 ------ 
 4169 3:-1:0
 4170  -------
 4171 You see exits leading 
 4172 north, southeast, west, and northwest
 4173 .
 4176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4177 You sense Reyvenyr entering the location east from you.
 4179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4180 Balance Taken: 1.10s
 4182 H:700 M:475 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4184 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 4185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4186 You have recovered balance.
 4189 H:700 M:475 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4191 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
 4192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4193 You do not see that individual here.
 4195 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4196 evoke tornado
 4197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4198 Mana Lost: 30
 4200 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
 4201  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
 4202 ng in air.
 4204 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
 4206 The tornado swirls rapidly.
 4208 Balance Taken: 3.80s
 4210 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4211 naturebind curse dwenthall
 4212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4213 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 4214 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4215 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4216 e
 4217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4218 By a pile of bodies.
 4219 Reyvenyr is here, camouflaged. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a
 4220  lunar shield in his right. 
 4221 You see exits leading north, southeast, west, and northwest.
 4222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4223 Dwenthall arrives from the west.
 4224 Through your bond with an animated hawthorn root, you sense that Dwenthall has entered By a pile of 
 4225 bodies.
 4226 You sense Dwenthall has entered your location.
 4227 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4229 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 4230 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4231 rt Tornado Up!!
 4232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4233 You are not the member of any ring.
 4234 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4235 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4236 nw
 4237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4238 Dwenthall leaves to the northwest.
 4240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4241 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
 4242 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
 4243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4244 Through your bond with an animated hawthorn root, you sense that Dwenthall has left By a pile of bod
 4245 ies.
 4246 You sense Dwenthall entering the location northwest from you.
 4247 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4248 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4249 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 4250 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4251 order loyals kill dwenthall
 4252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4253 You must regain balance first.
 4254 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4255 evoke empower rockfall
 4256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4257 You must regain balance first.
 4258 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4259 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 4260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4261 You must regain balance first.
 4262 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4263 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
 4264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4265 You must regain balance first.
 4266 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4267 evoke lightning dwenthall
 4268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4269 You must regain balance first.
 4270 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4271 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 4272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4273 You must regain balance first.
 4274 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4275 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
 4276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4277 You detect nothing here by that name.
 4278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4279 ta dwenthall
 4280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4281 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 4282 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 4283 H:700 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4284 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4285 ts
 4286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4287 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
 4288 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 4289 H:669 M:667 -b db 
 4290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4291 Mana Gain: 32
 4292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4293 nw
 4294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4295 You must regain balance first.
 4296 H:700 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4298 nw
 4299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4300 You must regain balance first.
 4301 H:700 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4302 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4303 nw
 4304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4305 You must regain balance first.
 4306 H:700 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 4307 H:700 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4309 nw
 4310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4311 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
 4312 ------ v37837 -------
 4313     \   /   \ |      
 4314      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
 4315 \     |              
 4316 -[ ] [ ]             
 4317 \   / | \            
 4318  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
 4319             \ |      
 4320          [ ]-[ ]     
 4321                 \    
 4322                  [ ] 
 4324 ------- 2:0:0 -------
 4325 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
 4326 . 
 4327 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
 4328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4329 Your senses flare as a luminous green image drifts in from the southeast, its appearance sharpening 
 4330 to reveal Reyvenyr.
 4331 You sense Reyvenyr has entered your location.
 4332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4333 H:700 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4335 H:669 M:700 -b db 
 4336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4337 order loyals kill dwenthall
 4338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4339 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 4340 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 4341 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 4342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4343 evoke empower rockfall
 4344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4345 Mana Lost: 6
 4346 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 4347 wer of Earth infuses it.
 4348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4349 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 4350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4351 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 4352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4353 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 4354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4355 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies into Dwenthall's shield, stripping it.
 4356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4357 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies into your shield, stripping it.
 4358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4359 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
 4360 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4361 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
 4362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4363 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
 4364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4365 evoke lightning dwenthall
 4366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4367 Mana Lost: 12
 4368 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
 4369  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
 4370 g her charred and drained.
 4371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4372 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
 4373 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
 4374 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
 4375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4376 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
 4377 Balance Taken: 3.80s
 4378 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4379 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 4380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4381 You must regain balance first.
 4382 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4383 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
 4384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4385 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
 4386 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
 4387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4388 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
 4389 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
 4390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4391 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 4392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4393 ta dwenthall
 4394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4395 Dwenthall's condition stands at 506/669 health and 700/700 mana.
 4396 Mana Lost: 12
 4397 H:700 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4399 H:595 M:700 -b db 
 4400 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4401 sip health
 4402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4403 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 4404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4405 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 4406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4407 The elixir heals your body.
 4408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4409 H:700 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4411 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4414 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 4415 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4416 quarterstaff stab dwenthall
 4417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4418 You must regain balance first.
 4420 H:700 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4422 l
 4423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4424 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
 4427 ------
 4428  v37837 
 4429 -------
 4430     \   /   \ |      
 4431      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
 4432 \     |              
 4433 -[ ] [ ]             
 4434 \   / | \            
 4435  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
 4436             \ |      
 4437          [ ]-[ ]     
 4438                 \    
 4439                  [ ] 
 4442 ------- 
 4443 2:0:0
 4444  -------
 4445 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
 4446 Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone. 
 4449 You see exits leading 
 4450 southeast, west, and northwest
 4451 .
 4454 H:700 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4455 Mana Lost: 1
 4457 H:700 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4458 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4461 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4463 er
 4464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4465 You must regain balance first.
 4467 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4468 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4469 er
 4470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4471 You must regain balance first.
 4473 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4474 You have recovered balance.
 4477 H:700 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4479 er
 4480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4481 Mana Lost: 9
 4483 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
 4484 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
 4486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4487 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
 4488 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
 4490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4491 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
 4493 Balance Taken: 3.80s
 4495 H:700 M:436 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4497 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 4498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4499 er
 4500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4501 You must regain balance first.
 4503 H:700 M:436 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4504 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 4506 H:700 M:436 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4508 You may drink another healing elixir.
 4509 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 4510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4511 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
 4512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4513 You must regain balance first.
 4515 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4516 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 4517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4518 You must regain balance first.
 4520 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4521 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
 4522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4523 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
 4524 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
 4526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4527 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
 4528 you.
 4530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4531 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 4533 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4534 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
 4535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4536 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 4538 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4539 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
 4540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4541 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 4543 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4545 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 4546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4547 ac on
 4548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4549 Autocuring activated.
 4551 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4552 order loyals kill dwenthall
 4553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4554 You must regain balance first.
 4556 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4557 TEAR MAP
 4558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4559 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 4561 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4562 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
 4563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4564 You must regain balance first.
 4566 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4567 evoke empower rockfall
 4568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4569 You must regain balance first.
 4571 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4572 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 4573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4574 You must regain balance first.
 4576 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4577 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 4578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4579 You must regain balance first.
 4581 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4582 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 4583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4584 You must regain balance first.
 4586 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4587 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
 4588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4589 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 4591 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4592 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
 4593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4594 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 4596 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4597 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
 4598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4599 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 4601 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4602 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4603 cast sludge at reyv
 4604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4605 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 4607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4608 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 4610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4611 You call upon your earthen power to cover Reyvenyr in sticky sludge, preventing him from moving away
 4612 .
 4614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4615 Dwenthall calls upon her earthen power and sticky sludge covers you, preventing you from moving away
 4616 .
 4618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4619 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 4621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4622 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4624 H:669 M:665 -b db 
 4625 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4626 smoke pipe with linseed
 4627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4628 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 4630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4631 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 4633 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4635 H:669 M:665 -b db 
 4636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4637 Stars fill the firmament, illuminating the evening sky with a pale light.
 4639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4640 Stars fill the firmament, illuminating the evening sky with a pale light.
 4642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4643 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4645 H:669 M:665 -b db 
 4646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4647 Mana Lost: 1
 4649 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4650 You have recovered balance.
 4653 H:700 M:435 &lt;-b dbt; 
 4654 Mana Gain: 32
 4656 H:700 M:468 &lt;-b dbt; 
 4657 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4660 H:700 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4661 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4662 evoke empower rockfall
 4663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4664 Mana Lost: 6
 4666 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 4667 wer of Earth infuses it.
 4669 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4670 evoke wisp hypnotic dwenthall
 4671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4672 You quickly summon a hypnotic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 4674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4675 Reyvenyr quickly summons a hypnotic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 4677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4678 Your hypnotic wisp flies rapidly around Dwenthall's head, whose eyes widen in terror.
 4680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4681 Reyvenyr's hypnotic wisp flies rapidly around your head, and your vision is suddenly flooded with te
 4682 rrifying visions.
 4684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4685 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
 4686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4687 You rub some oxalis on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 4688 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 4689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4690 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 4691 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
 4692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4693 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
 4694 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
 4695 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 4696 Your oxalis toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 4697 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4698 Your vision is suddenly restored.
 4699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4700 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 4701 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4702 naturebind blackthorn strip dwenthall
 4703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4704 Upon your command, an animated blackthorn root whips the air in front of Dwenthall.
 4705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4706 Upon Reyvenyr's command, an animated blackthorn root whips the air in front of you.
 4707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4708 The root strips Dwenthall's stoneskin defence.
 4709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4710 The root strips your stoneskin defence.
 4711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4712 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
 4713 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4714 naturebind hawthorn strip dwenthall
 4715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4716 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 4717 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4718 naturebind beech strip dwenthall
 4719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4720 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 4721 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4723 H:552 M:690 -b d You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 4724 H:552 M:690 -b d 
 4725 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4726 eat kelp
 4727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4728 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1997.
 4729 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
 4730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4731 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
 4732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4733 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
 4734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4735 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4737 H:552 M:690 -b d 
 4738 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4739 sip health
 4740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4741 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 4742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4743 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 4744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4745 The elixir heals your body.
 4746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4747 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4749 H:669 M:690 -b d You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4750 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4751 spam afflicted Dwenthall asthma
 4752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4753 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall asthma", is not a valid command.
 4754 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4756 H:669 M:700 eb d 
 4757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4758 spam afflicted Dwenthall oxalis
 4759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4760 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall oxalis", is not a valid command.
 4761 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4762 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4763 cast erode at reyv
 4764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4765 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 4766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4767 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 4768 Your levitating defence is eroded away.
 4769 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4770 His levitating defence is eroded away.
 4771 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 4772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4773 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4775 H:669 M:696 -b d 
 4776 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4777 sip levitation
 4778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4779 You take a drink of an elixir of levitation from an onyx vial.
 4780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4781 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 4782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4783 Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
 4784 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4786 H:669 M:696 -b d You may eat another herb or plant.
 4787 H:669 M:696 -b d 
 4788 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4789 eat hyssop
 4790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4791 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1998.
 4792 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
 4793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4794 Dwenthall quickly eats some hyssop stem.
 4795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4796 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
 4797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4798 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4800 H:669 M:696 -b db 
 4801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4802 You have recovered balance.
 4803 H:700 M:462 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4804 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4805 ac on
 4806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4807 Autocuring activated.
 4808 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4809 order loyals kill dwenthall
 4810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4811 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 4812 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 4813 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 4814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4815 TEAR MAP
 4816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4817 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 4818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4819 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
 4820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4821 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
 4822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4823 evoke empower rockfall
 4824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4825 Mana Lost: 6
 4826 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 4827 wer of Earth infuses it.
 4828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4829 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 4830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4831 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 4832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4833 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 4834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4835 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 4836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4837 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 4838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4839 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 4840 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 4841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4842 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 4843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4844 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
 4845 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 4846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4847 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 4848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4849 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
 4850 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 4851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4852 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
 4853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4854 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
 4855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4856 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
 4857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4858 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
 4859 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
 4860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4861 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
 4862 d you.
 4863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4864 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 4865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4866 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
 4867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4868 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 4869 H:700 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4871 H:544 M:696 -b b 
 4872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4873 H:700 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4875 H:544 M:696 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 4876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4877 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 4878 Mana Lost: 1
 4879 H:700 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4880 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4881 H:544 M:679 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4882 H:544 M:679 eb b 
 4883 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4884 eat toadstool
 4885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4886 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1992.
 4887 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 4888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4889 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 4890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4891 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 4892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4893 H:700 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4895 H:611 M:700 eb b 
 4896 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4897 cast erode at reyv
 4898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4899 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 4900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4901 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 4902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4903 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 4904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4905 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 4906 Your temperance defence is eroded away.
 4907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4908 His temperance defence is eroded away.
 4909 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 4910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4911 H:700 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4913 H:611 M:696 -b b 
 4914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4915 sip frost
 4916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4917 You take a drink of an elixir of frost from an onyx vial.
 4918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4919 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 4920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4921 A chill runs over your icy skin.
 4922 H:700 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4924 H:611 M:696 -b b 
 4925 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4926 smoke pipe with linseed
 4927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4928 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 4929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4930 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 4931 H:700 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4932 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4933 H:611 M:696 -b b 
 4934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4935 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 4936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4937 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 4938 H:700 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4940 You may drink another healing elixir.
 4941 H:611 M:696 -b b 
 4942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4943 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 4944 H:700 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4946 You may eat another herb or plant.
 4947 H:611 M:696 -b b 
 4948 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4949 eat juniper
 4950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4951 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1982.
 4952 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 4953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4954 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 4955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4956 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 4957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4958 H:700 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
 4959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4960 H:611 M:696 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4961 H:611 M:696 eb db 
 4962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4963 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 4964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4965 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 4967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4968 H:700 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; 
 4969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4970 H:611 M:696 eb db 
 4971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4972 You have recovered balance.
 4973 H:700 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4974 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4975 cast erode at reyv
 4976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4977 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 4978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4979 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 4980 Your curseward defence is eroded away.
 4981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4982 His curseward defence is eroded away.
 4983 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 4984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4985 H:700 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
 4986 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 4987 H:611 M:692 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
 4988 H:611 M:692 -b db 
 4989 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4990 ac on
 4991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4992 Autocuring activated.
 4993 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4994 order loyals kill dwenthall
 4995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 4996 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 4997 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 4998 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 4999 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5000 TEAR MAP
 5001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5002 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 5003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5004 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
 5005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5006 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
 5007 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5008 evoke empower rockfall
 5009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5010 Mana Lost: 6
 5011 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 5012 wer of Earth infuses it.
 5013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5014 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 5015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5016 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 5017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5018 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 5019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5020 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 5021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5022 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 5023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5024 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
 5025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5026 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 5027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5028 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 5029 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5030 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 5031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5032 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 5033 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 5034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5035 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 5036 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
 5037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5038 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
 5039 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
 5040 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 5041 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 5042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5043 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 5044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5045 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 5046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5047 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
 5048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5049 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
 5050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5051 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
 5052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5053 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
 5054 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5055 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
 5056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5057 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
 5058 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
 5059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5060 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
 5061 .
 5062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5063 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 5064 H:700 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5066 H:363 M:692 -b b 
 5067 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5068 eat juniper
 5069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5070 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1981.
 5071 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 5072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5073 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 5074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5075 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 5076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5077 H:700 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5079 H:363 M:692 -b db 
 5080 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5081 sip health
 5082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5083 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 5084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5085 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 5086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5087 The elixir heals your body.
 5088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5089 H:700 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5091 H:504 M:692 -b db 
 5092 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5093 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 5094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5095 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 5096 H:700 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 5097 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5099 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 5100 H:504 M:675 eb db 
 5101 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5102 cast erode at reyv
 5103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5104 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 5105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5106 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 5107 Your weathering defence is eroded away.
 5108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5109 His weathering defence is eroded away.
 5110 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 5111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5112 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5114 H:504 M:671 -b db 
 5115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5116 Mana Gain: 32
 5117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5118 You may eat another herb or plant.
 5120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5121 H:700 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5123 H:571 M:700 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
 5124 H:571 M:700 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 5125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5126 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 5127 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 5128 H:700 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
 5129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5130 H:571 M:700 -b db 
 5131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5132 You have recovered balance.
 5133 H:700 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5134 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5135 order loyals kill dwenthall
 5136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5137 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 5138 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 5139 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 5140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5141 evoke empower rockfall
 5142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5143 Mana Lost: 6
 5144 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 5145 wer of Earth infuses it.
 5146 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5147 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 5148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5149 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 5150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5151 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
 5152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5153 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
 5154 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5155 evoke lightning dwenthall
 5156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5157 Mana Lost: 12
 5158 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
 5159  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
 5160 g her charred and drained.
 5161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5162 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
 5163 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
 5164 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
 5165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5166 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
 5167 Balance Taken: 3.80s
 5168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5169 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 5170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5171 You must regain balance first.
 5172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5173 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
 5174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5175 An animated hawthorn root is already attempting to entrap Dwenthall.
 5176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5177 ta dwenthall
 5178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5179 Dwenthall's condition stands at 556/669 health and 805/700 mana.
 5181 Mana Lost: 12
 5183 H:700 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; 
 5184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5185 H:497 M:700 -b db 
 5186 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5187 eat toadstool
 5188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5189 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1991.
 5191 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 5193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5194 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 5196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5197 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 5199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5200 H:700 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; 
 5201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5202 H:564 M:700 -b db 
 5203 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 5206 H:564 M:700 eb db 
 5207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5208 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 5210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5211 You may drink another healing elixir.
 5212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5213 H:700 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; 
 5214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5215 H:590 M:700 eb db 
 5216 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5217 n
 5218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5219 There is no exit in that direction.
 5221 H:590 M:700 eb db 
 5222 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5223 sip health
 5224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5225 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 5227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5228 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 5230 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5231 The elixir heals your body.
 5233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5234 H:700 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; 
 5235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5236 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 5237 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5238 ne
 5239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5240 There is no exit in that direction.
 5242 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 5243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5244 Mana Lost: 1
 5246 H:700 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
 5247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5248 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
 5249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5250 You must regain balance first.
 5252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5253 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 5254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5255 You must regain balance first.
 5257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5258 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
 5259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5260 You must regain balance first.
 5262 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5263 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 5264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5265 You must regain balance first.
 5267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5268 naturebinding shred dwenthall
 5269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5270 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
 5271 ing her skin mercilessly.
 5273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5274 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
 5275 ng your skin mercilessly.
 5277 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 5279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5280 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 5282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5283 ta dwenthall
 5284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5285 Dwenthall's condition stands at 594/669 health and 677/700 mana.
 5287 Mana Lost: 12
 5289 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5291 H:594 M:683 eb b 
 5292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5293 ac on
 5294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5295 Autocuring activated.
 5297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5298 order golem kill dwenthall
 5299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5300 You must regain balance first.
 5302 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5303 evoke empower rockfall
 5304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5305 You must regain balance first.
 5307 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5308 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 5309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5310 You must regain balance first.
 5311 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5312 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 5313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5314 You must regain balance first.
 5315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5316 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
 5317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5318 You must regain balance first.
 5319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5320 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
 5321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5322 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5323 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5324 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
 5325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5326 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5328 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
 5329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5330 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5331 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5332 naturebind shred dwenthall
 5333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5334 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5336 ta dwenthall
 5337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5338 Dwenthall's condition stands at 594/669 health and 622/700 mana.
 5339 Mana Lost: 12
 5340 H:700 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5341 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5342 eat juniper
 5343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5344 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1980.
 5345 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 5346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5347 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 5348 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5349 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 5350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5351 H:700 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5353 H:594 M:683 eb db 
 5354 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5355 l
 5356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5357 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
 5358 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the wa
 5359 y southeast. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way west. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking
 5360  the way northwest. Reyvenyr is here, camouflaged. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in
 5361  his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. 
 5362 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
 5363 H:594 M:683 eb db 
 5364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5365 You have recovered balance.
 5366 H:700 M:426 &lt;-b dbt; 
 5367 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5368 nw
 5369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5370 You begin to slowly clamber over a pile of rubble that blocks your way.
 5371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5372 Dwenthall begins to slowly clamber over a pile of rubble that blocks her way.
 5373 H:700 M:426 &lt;-b dbt; 
 5374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5375 H:594 M:683 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
 5376 H:594 M:683 eb db 
 5377 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5378 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
 5379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5380 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5381 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5382 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 5383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5384 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5386 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
 5387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5388 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5389 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5390 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 5391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5392 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5393 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5394 naturebinding shred dwenthall
 5395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5396 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5397 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5398 ta dwenthall
 5399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5400 Dwenthall's condition stands at 653/669 health and 683/700 mana.
 5402 Mana Lost: 12
 5404 H:700 M:414 &lt;-b dbt; 
 5405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5406 ac on
 5407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5408 Autocuring activated.
 5410 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5411 evoke empower rockfall
 5412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5413 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5415 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5416 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
 5417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5418 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5420 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5421 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 5422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5423 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5426 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 5427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5428 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5430 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5431 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
 5432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5433 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5435 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5436 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
 5437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5438 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5441 ta dwenthall
 5442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5443 Dwenthall's condition stands at 594/669 health and 622/700 mana.
 5445 Mana Lost: 12
 5447 H:700 M:401 &lt;-b dbt; 
 5448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5449 You may eat another mushroom.
 5451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5452 You are once again able to form a curseward.
 5454 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 5457 H:700 M:401 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5459 H:594 M:683 eb db 
 5460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5461 curseward
 5462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5463 Mana Lost: 21
 5465 You concentrate briefly and a shimmering curseward appears around you.
 5467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5468 A shimmering curseward appears around Reyvenyr.
 5470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5471 H:700 M:380 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5473 H:594 M:683 eb db 
 5474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5475 eat toadstool
 5476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5477 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1995.
 5479 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 5481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5482 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
 5484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5485 Mana Gain: 51
 5487 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 5489 H:700 M:431 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5491 H:594 M:683 eb db 
 5492 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5493 ffnw
 5494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5495 You stop your movement attempt.
 5497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5498 Somehow Dwenthall flips away to the northwest.
 5499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5500 You flip away to the northwest, landing flat on your back.
 5502 A rocky outcropping.
 5505 You see exits leading 
 5506 north, southeast, south, and southwest
 5507 .
 5510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5511 Through your bond with an animated hawthorn root, you sense that Dwenthall has left In a trench surr
 5512 ounded by grassland.
 5514 You sense Dwenthall entering the location northwest from you.
 5516 An animated beech root ceases circling, its target gone.
 5518 An animated hawthorn root ceases circling, its target gone.
 5520 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
 5522 An animated blackthorn root ceases circling, its target gone.
 5524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5525 Balance Taken: 3.20s
 5527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5528 H:700 M:431 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5530 H:594 M:683 e- pdb 
 5531 You may drink another healing elixir.
 5532 H:594 M:683 e- pdb 
 5533 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5534 kipup
 5535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5536 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
 5538 H:594 M:683 e- db 
 5539 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5540 sip health
 5541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5542 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 5544 The elixir heals your body.
 5546 H:669 M:683 e- db 
 5547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5548 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
 5549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5550 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
 5552 H:700 M:431 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5553 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5554 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
 5555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5556 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
 5558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5559 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 5560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5561 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
 5563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5564 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
 5565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5566 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
 5568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5569 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 5570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5571 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
 5573 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5574 naturebinding shred dwenthall
 5575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5576 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 5578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5579 ta dwenthall
 5580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5581 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
 5583 H:700 M:431 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5584 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5585 ac on
 5586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5587 Autocuring activated.
 5589 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5590 evoke empower rockfall
 5591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5592 Mana Lost: 6
 5594 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 5595 wer of Earth infuses it.
 5597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5598 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
 5599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5600 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 5602 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5603 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 5604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5605 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
 5607 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5608 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 5609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5610 You detect nothing here by that name.
 5612 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5613 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
 5614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5615 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 5617 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5618 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
 5619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5620 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
 5622 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5623 ta dwenthall
 5624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5625 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 5627 H:700 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5628 Mana Lost: 1
 5630 H:700 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5632 nw
 5633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5634 You begin to slowly clamber over a pile of rubble that blocks your way.
 5636 H:700 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5638 order loyals kill dwenthall
 5639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5640 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 5642 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 5644 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 5646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5647 evoke empower rockfall
 5648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5649 Mana Lost: 6
 5651 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 5652 wer of Earth infuses it.
 5654 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5655 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 5656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5657 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 5659 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5660 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
 5661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5662 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
 5664 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5665 evoke lightning dwenthall
 5666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5667 You do not see that individual here.
 5668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5669 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 5670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5671 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
 5672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5673 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
 5674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5675 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 5676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5677 ta dwenthall
 5678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5679 You do not see that individual here.
 5680 H:700 M:419 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Gain: 32
 5681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5682 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
 5683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5684 H:700 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5686 H:669 M:700 e- db 
 5687 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5688 leap nw
 5689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5690 The sticky sludge clings to you, preventing you from moving anywhere.
 5691 Balance Taken: 1.20s
 5692 H:700 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; 
 5693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5694 You have recovered balance.
 5695 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 5696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5697 order loyals kill dwenthall
 5698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5699 You must regain balance first.
 5700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5701 evoke empower rockfall
 5702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5703 You must regain balance first.
 5704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5705 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 5706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5707 You must regain balance first.
 5708 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5709 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
 5710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5711 You must regain balance first.
 5712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5713 evoke lightning dwenthall
 5714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5715 You must regain balance first.
 5716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5717 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 5718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5719 You must regain balance first.
 5720 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5721 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
 5722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5723 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
 5724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5725 ta dwenthall
 5726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5727 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 5728 H:700 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; 
 5729 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5730 dag
 5731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5732 You are:
 5733 blind.
 5734 deaf.
 5735 an insomniac.
 5736 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
 5737 H:669 M:700 -b db 
 5738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5739 You have recovered balance.
 5740 A rocky outcropping.
 5741 ------ v37831 -------
 5742   | \   /     |      
 5743 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
 5744 / | /   \   /   \ |  
 5745 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
 5746   | \     |          
 5747  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
 5748     \   / | \        
 5749      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
 5750                 \ |  
 5751              [ ]-[ ] 
 5752                     \
 5753 ------- 1:1:0 -------
 5754 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
 5755 . 
 5756 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
 5757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5758 Your senses flare as a luminous green image drifts in from the southeast, its appearance sharpening 
 5759 to reveal Reyvenyr.
 5760 You sense Reyvenyr has entered your location.
 5761 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 5762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5763 H:700 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5765 H:669 M:700 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
 5766 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 5767 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5768 leap nw
 5769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5770 There is no exit in that direction.
 5771 H:700 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5772 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5773 order loyals kill dwenthall
 5774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5775 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 5776 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 5777 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 5778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5779 evoke empower rockfall
 5780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5781 Mana Lost: 6
 5782 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 5783 wer of Earth infuses it.
 5784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5785 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 5786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5787 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 5788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5789 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 5790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5791 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 5792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5793 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 5794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5795 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
 5796 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5797 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
 5798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5799 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
 5800 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5801 evoke lightning dwenthall
 5802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5803 Mana Lost: 12
 5804 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
 5805  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
 5806 g her charred and drained.
 5807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5808 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
 5809 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
 5810 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
 5811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5812 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
 5813 Balance Taken: 3.80s
 5814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5815 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 5816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5817 You must regain balance first.
 5818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5819 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
 5820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5821 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
 5822 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
 5823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5824 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
 5825 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
 5826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5827 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 5828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5829 ta dwenthall
 5830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5831 Dwenthall's condition stands at 472/669 health and 700/700 mana.
 5832 Mana Lost: 12
 5833 H:700 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5835 H:513 M:700 eb db 
 5836 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5837 sip health
 5838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5839 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 5840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5841 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 5842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5843 The elixir heals your body.
 5844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5845 H:700 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5847 H:633 M:700 eb db 
 5848 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5849 eat toadstool
 5850 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5851 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1990.
 5852 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 5853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5854 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 5855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5856 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 5857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5858 H:700 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5860 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 5861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5862 You may eat another mushroom.
 5863 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5864 life
 5865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5866 Your input, "life", is not a valid command.
 5867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5868 H:700 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5870 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 5871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5872 Mana Lost: 1
 5873 H:700 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5874 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5875 l
 5876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5877 A rocky outcropping.
 5878 ------ v37831 -------
 5879   | \   /     |      
 5880 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
 5881 / | /   \   /   \ |  
 5882 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
 5883   | \     |          
 5884  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
 5885     \   / | \        
 5886      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
 5887                 \ |  
 5888              [ ]-[ ] 
 5889                     \
 5890 ------- 1:1:0 -------
 5891 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
 5892 . 
 5893 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
 5894 H:700 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5895 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5896 dag
 5897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5898 You are:
 5899 blind.
 5900 deaf.
 5901 an insomniac.
 5902 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
 5903 H:669 M:683 -b db 
 5904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5905 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 5906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5907 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 5908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5909 H:700 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
 5910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5911 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 5912 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5913 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
 5914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5915 You must regain balance first.
 5916 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5917 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 5918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5919 You must regain balance first.
 5920 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5921 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
 5922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5923 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
 5924 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
 5925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5926 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
 5927 you.
 5928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5929 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 5930 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5931 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
 5932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5933 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5935 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
 5936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5937 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5938 H:700 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
 5939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5940 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 5941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5942 ac on
 5943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5944 Autocuring activated.
 5945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5946 order loyals kill dwenthall
 5947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5948 You must regain balance first.
 5949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5950 TEAR MAP
 5951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5952 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 5953 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5954 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
 5955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5956 You must regain balance first.
 5957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5958 evoke empower rockfall
 5959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5960 You must regain balance first.
 5961 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5962 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 5963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5964 You must regain balance first.
 5965 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5966 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 5967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5968 You must regain balance first.
 5969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5970 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 5971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5972 You must regain balance first.
 5973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5974 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
 5975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5976 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5978 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
 5979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5980 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5982 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
 5983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5984 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 5985 H:700 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 5986 H:700 M:420 &lt;-b dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 5987 H:700 M:420 &lt;-b dbt; 
 5988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5989 You may drink another healing elixir.
 5990 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 5991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 5992 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 5993 H:700 M:420 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 5994 H:700 M:419 &lt;eb dbt; 
 5995 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5996 cast erode at reyv
 5997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 5998 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 5999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6000 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 6001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6002 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 6003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6004 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 6005 Your deaf defence is eroded away.
 6006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6007 His deaf defence is eroded away.
 6008 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 6009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6010 H:700 M:419 &lt;eb bt; 
 6011 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6012 H:669 M:663 -b db 
 6013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6014 eat juniper
 6015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6016 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1998.
 6017 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 6018 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6019 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
 6020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6021 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 6022 H:700 M:419 &lt;eb dbt; 
 6023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6024 H:669 M:663 -b db 
 6025 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6026 smoke pipe with linseed
 6027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6028 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 6029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6030 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 6031 H:700 M:419 &lt;eb dbt; 
 6032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6033 H:669 M:663 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
 6034 H:669 M:663 -b db 
 6035 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6036 ac on
 6037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6038 Autocuring activated.
 6039 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6040 order loyals kill dwenthall
 6041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6042 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 6043 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 6044 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 6045 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6046 TEAR MAP
 6047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6048 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 6049 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6050 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
 6051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6052 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
 6053 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6054 evoke empower rockfall
 6055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6056 Mana Lost: 6
 6057 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 6058 wer of Earth infuses it.
 6059 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6060 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 6061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6062 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 6063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6064 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 6065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6066 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 6067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6068 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 6069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6070 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
 6071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6072 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 6073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6074 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 6075 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6076 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 6077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6078 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6079 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6081 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6083 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
 6084 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 6085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6086 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 6087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6088 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
 6089 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 6090 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6091 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
 6092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6093 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
 6094 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6095 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
 6096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6097 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
 6098 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
 6099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6100 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
 6101 d you.
 6102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6103 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 6104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6105 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
 6106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6107 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 6108 H:700 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6110 H:463 M:663 -b b 
 6111 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6112 eat juniper
 6113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6114 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1979.
 6115 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 6116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6117 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 6118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6119 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 6120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6121 H:700 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6123 H:463 M:663 -b db 
 6124 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6125 sip health
 6126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6127 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 6128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6129 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 6130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6131 The elixir heals your body.
 6132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6133 H:700 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6135 H:589 M:663 -b db 
 6136 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6137 eat toadstool
 6138 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6139 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1989.
 6140 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 6141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6142 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 6143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6144 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 6145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6146 H:700 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6148 H:656 M:700 -b db 
 6149 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6150 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 6151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6152 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 6153 H:700 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
 6154 H:700 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
 6155 H:700 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6157 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6158 H:669 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 6159 H:669 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
 6160 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 6161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6162 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6163 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
 6164 You have recovered balance.
 6167 H:700 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
 6168 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6169 cast erode at reyv
 6170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6171 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 6173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6174 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 6176 Your density defence is eroded away.
 6178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6179 His density defence is eroded away.
 6181 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 6183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6184 H:700 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
 6185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6186 H:669 M:696 -b db 
 6187 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6188 ac on
 6189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6190 Autocuring activated.
 6192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6193 order golem kill dwenthall
 6194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6195 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
 6197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6198 evoke empower rockfall
 6199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6200 Mana Lost: 6
 6202 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 6203 wer of Earth infuses it.
 6205 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6206 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 6207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6208 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 6210 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6211 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 6212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6213 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 6215 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6216 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
 6217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6218 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6220 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6223 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6225 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
 6227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6228 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
 6230 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
 6232 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6234 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 6236 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6237 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 6239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6240 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 6242 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6243 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
 6244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6245 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
 6246 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
 6248 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6249 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
 6250 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
 6252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6253 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 6255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6256 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
 6257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6258 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 6260 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6261 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
 6262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6263 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 6265 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6266 naturebind shred dwenthall
 6267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6268 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 6270 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6271 ta dwenthall
 6272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6273 Dwenthall's condition stands at 418/669 health and 779/700 mana.
 6275 Mana Lost: 12
 6277 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6279 H:454 M:696 -b b 
 6280 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6281 writhe root
 6282 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6283 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
 6285 H:454 M:696 -b b 
 6286 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6287 apply mass
 6288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6289 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
 6291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6292 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
 6294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6295 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
 6297 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6299 H:454 M:696 -b b 
 6300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6301 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 6302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6303 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 6304 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6305 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6306 eat juniper
 6307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6308 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1978.
 6309 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 6310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6311 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 6312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6313 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 6314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6315 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6316 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6317 H:454 M:696 -b db 
 6318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6319 Mana Lost: 1
 6320 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
 6321 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6323 You may drink another healing elixir.
 6324 H:454 M:679 -b db 
 6325 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6326 sip health
 6327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6328 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 6329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6330 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 6331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6332 The elixir heals your body.
 6333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6334 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6336 H:573 M:679 -b db 
 6337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6338 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 6339 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6340 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6341 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
 6342 H:600 M:700 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 6343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6344 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 6345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6346 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6347 You may eat another herb or plant.
 6349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6350 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6352 H:600 M:700 eb db 
 6353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6354 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6355 H:700 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
 6356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6357 You may eat another mushroom.
 6358 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
 6359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6360 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
 6361 r.
 6362 You have recovered balance.
 6363 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6364 cast erode at reyv
 6365 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6366 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 6367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6368 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 6369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6370 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 6371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6372 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 6373 Your blind defence is eroded away.
 6374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6375 His blind defence is eroded away.
 6376 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 6377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6378 H:700 M:427 &lt;eb dt; 
 6379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6380 H:552 M:696 -b db 
 6381 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6382 trueassess dwenthall
 6383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6384 Dwenthall's condition stands at 497/669 health and 676/700 mana.
 6385 Mana Lost: 12
 6386 H:700 M:415 &lt;eb dt; 
 6387 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6388 smoke pipe with linseed
 6389 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6390 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 6391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6392 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 6393 H:700 M:415 &lt;eb dt; 
 6394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6395 H:552 M:696 -b db 
 6396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6397 eat hyssop
 6398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6399 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1998.
 6400 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
 6401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6402 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
 6403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6404 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
 6405 H:700 M:415 &lt;eb dbt; 
 6406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6407 H:552 M:696 -b db 
 6408 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6409 ac on
 6410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6411 Autocuring activated.
 6412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6413 evoke imbue
 6414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6415 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
 6416 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6417 evoke empower shock
 6418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6419 Mana Lost: 6
 6420 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 6421 wer of Earth infuses it.
 6422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6423 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 6424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6425 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 6426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6427 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 6428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6429 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 6430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6431 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 6432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6433 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
 6434 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6435 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 6436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6437 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 6438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6439 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
 6440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6441 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6442 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6444 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6445 A brief shock tuns through your body and your muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
 6446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6447 Dwenthall's muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
 6448 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
 6449 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6450 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 6451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6452 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 6453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6454 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 6455 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6456 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
 6457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6458 You concentrate on your bond with Nature and prepare to overwhelm Dwenthall with its raw power.
 6459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6460 A look of utmost concentration appears on Reyvenyr's face, followed by a menacing look in your direc
 6461 tion.
 6462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6463 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 6464 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6465 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
 6466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6467 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 6468 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6469 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
 6470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6471 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 6472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6473 ta dwenthall
 6474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6475 Dwenthall's condition stands at 346/669 health and 696/700 mana.
 6476 Mana Lost: 12
 6477 H:700 M:397 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6479 H:346 M:696 -b b You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
 6480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6481 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
 6482 H:700 M:397 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6483 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6484 H:346 M:696 -b b 
 6485 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6486 eat juniper
 6487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6488 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1977.
 6489 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 6490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6491 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 6492 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6493 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 6494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6495 H:700 M:397 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6497 H:346 M:696 -b db 
 6498 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6499 eat toadstool
 6500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6501 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1988.
 6503 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 6505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6506 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 6508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6509 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 6511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6512 H:700 M:397 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6513 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6514 H:413 M:700 -b db 
 6515 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6516 eat toadstool
 6517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6518 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1994.
 6520 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 6522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6523 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
 6525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6526 Mana Gain: 51
 6528 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 6530 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6532 H:413 M:700 -b db 
 6533 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6534 ---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!
 6535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6536 Your input, "---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!"
 6537 , is not a valid command.
 6539 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6541 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 6542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6543 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 6545 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6547 -------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!
 6548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6549 Your input, "-------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
 6551 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6552 You may eat another herb or plant.
 6553 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6555 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6558 H:413 M:700 eb db 
 6559 You may eat another herb or plant.
 6560 H:413 M:700 eb db 
 6561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6562 Mana Lost: 1
 6564 H:700 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6565 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6569 You may drink another healing elixir.
 6570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6571 H:700 M:447 &lt;e- dbt; 
 6572 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6573 H:413 M:683 eb db 
 6574 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6575 sip health
 6576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6577 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 6579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6580 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 6582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6583 The elixir heals your body.
 6585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6586 H:700 M:447 &lt;e- dbt; 
 6587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6588 H:568 M:683 eb db 
 6589 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 6590 H:568 M:683 eb db 
 6591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6592 You have recovered balance.
 6595 H:700 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; 
 6596 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6597 ac on
 6598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6599 Autocuring activated.
 6601 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6602 evoke imbue
 6603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6604 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
 6606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6607 TEAR MAP
 6608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6609 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 6611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6612 evoke empower jolt
 6613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6614 Mana Lost: 6
 6616 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 6617 wer of Earth infuses it.
 6619 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6620 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 6621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6622 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 6624 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6625 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 6626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6627 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 6629 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6630 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
 6631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6632 I do not recognize that toxin.
 6633 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6635 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6636 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
 6637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6638 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
 6639 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
 6640 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6641 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 6642 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6643 naturebind choke dwenthall
 6644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6645 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
 6646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6647 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
 6648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6649 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
 6650  her skin mercilessly.
 6651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6652 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
 6653 your skin mercilessly.
 6654 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 6655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6656 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
 6657 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6658 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
 6659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6660 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 6661 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6662 ta dwenthall
 6663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6664 Dwenthall's condition stands at 249/669 health and 683/700 mana.
 6665 Mana Lost: 12
 6666 H:700 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6668 H:292 M:683 eb b 
 6669 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6670 ts
 6671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6672 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
 6673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6674 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
 6675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6676 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 6677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6678 H:700 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6680 H:292 M:683 -b b 
 6681 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6682 eat juniper
 6683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6684 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1976.
 6685 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 6686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6687 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 6688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6689 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 6690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6691 H:700 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6692 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6693 H:292 M:683 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
 6694 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
 6695 H:289 M:683 -b db 
 6696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6697 naturebind breach dwenthall
 6698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6699 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 6700 H:700 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
 6701 H:700 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6702 H:700 M:462 &lt;e- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 6703 H:700 M:462 &lt;e- dbt; 
 6704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6705 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 6706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6707 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 6708 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6709 l
 6710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6711 A rocky outcropping.
 6712 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Reyvenyr is here, camouflaged. He wields a 
 6713 hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. 
 6714 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
 6715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6716 H:700 M:462 &lt;e- dbt; 
 6717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6718 H:356 M:700 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
 6719 H:356 M:700 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
 6721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6722 You may eat another mushroom.
 6724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6725 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6729 H:700 M:462 &lt;e- dbt; 
 6730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6731 H:356 M:700 eb db 
 6732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6733 You have recovered balance.
 6736 H:700 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
 6737 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6738 eat toadstool
 6739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6740 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1987.
 6742 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 6744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6745 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 6747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6748 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 6750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6751 H:700 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
 6752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6753 H:422 M:700 eb db 
 6754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6755 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
 6756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6757 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
 6758  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
 6760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6761 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
 6762 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
 6764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6765 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
 6767 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6768 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 6769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6770 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 6772 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6773 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
 6774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6775 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 6777 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6778 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
 6779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6780 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6782 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6783 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 6785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6786 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 6788 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6789 naturebinding shred dwenthall
 6790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6791 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
 6793 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6794 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
 6796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6797 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
 6799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6800 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
 6802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6803 ta dwenthall
 6804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6805 Dwenthall's condition stands at 442/669 health and 595/700 mana.
 6807 Mana Lost: 12
 6809 H:700 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6811 H:442 M:700 eb db 
 6812 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6813 ac on
 6814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6815 Autocuring activated.
 6817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6818 evoke imbue
 6819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6820 You must regain balance first.
 6822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6823 TEAR MAP
 6824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6825 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 6827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6828 evoke empower jolt
 6829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6830 You must regain balance first.
 6832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6833 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
 6834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6835 You must regain balance first.
 6837 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6838 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
 6839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6840 You must regain balance first.
 6842 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6843 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
 6844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6845 You must regain balance first.
 6847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6848 naturebind choke dwenthall
 6849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6850 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 6852 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6853 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
 6854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6855 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 6856 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6857 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
 6858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6859 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 6860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6861 ta dwenthall
 6862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6863 Dwenthall's condition stands at 442/669 health and 721/700 mana.
 6864 Mana Lost: 12
 6865 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6866 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6867 ---------delayed wisp
 6868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6869 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
 6870 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6872 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
 6873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6874 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
 6875 mmand.
 6876 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6877 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6878 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
 6879 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
 6880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6881 What do you wish to break?
 6882 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6884 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
 6885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6886 What do you wish to break?
 6887 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6888 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6889 smoke pipe with linseed
 6890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6891 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 6892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6893 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 6894 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6896 H:442 M:700 eb db 
 6897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6898 Mana Lost: 1
 6899 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6900 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6901 ffn
 6902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6903 Somehow Dwenthall flips away to the north.
 6905 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6906 You flip away to the north, landing flat on your back.
 6907 A rocky outcropping.
 6908 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
 6909 Your movement causes your translucent shield to dissipate.
 6910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6911 Through your bond with an animated hawthorn root, you sense that Dwenthall has left A rocky outcropp
 6912 ing.
 6913 You sense Dwenthall entering the location north from you.
 6914 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
 6915 An animated blackthorn root ceases circling, its target gone.
 6916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6917 Balance Taken: 3.20s
 6918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6919 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 6920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6921 H:442 M:683 e- pdb You may drink another healing elixir.
 6922 H:442 M:683 e- pdb 
 6923 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6924 kipup
 6925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6926 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
 6927 H:442 M:683 e- db 
 6928 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6929 sip health
 6930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6931 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 6932 The elixir heals your body.
 6933 H:600 M:683 e- db 
 6934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6935 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
 6936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6937 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
 6938 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 6939 H:700 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 6940 H:700 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
 6941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6942 n
 6943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6944 The sticky sludge clings to you, preventing you from moving anywhere.
 6945 Balance Taken: 1.20s
 6946 H:700 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
 6947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6948 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 6949 H:600 M:683 e- db 
 6950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6951 You have recovered balance.
 6952 H:700 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
 6953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6954 You have recovered balance.
 6955 H:627 M:700 eb db 
 6956 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6957 leap n
 6958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6959 You bunch your powerful muscles and launch yourself in a majestic leap northwards.
 6960 A rocky outcropping.
 6961 ------ v37834 -------
 6962   |                  
 6963 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
 6964   | \   /     |      
 6965 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
 6966 / | /   \   /   \ |  
 6967 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
 6968   | \     |          
 6969  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
 6970     \   / | \        
 6971      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
 6972                 \ |  
 6973 ------- 1:2:0 -------
 6974 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
 6975 . 
 6976 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
 6977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6978 Your senses flare as a luminous green image drifts in from the south, its appearance sharpening to r
 6979 eveal Reyvenyr.
 6980 You sense Reyvenyr has entered your location.
 6981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6982 Balance Taken: 1.10s
 6983 H:700 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
 6984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6985 H:627 M:700 eb db 
 6986 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6987 ts
 6988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6989 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
 6990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6991 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
 6992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6993 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 6994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6995 H:700 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
 6996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 6997 H:627 M:700 -b db 
 6998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 6999 yt
 7000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7001 Your input, "yt", is not a valid command.
 7002 H:700 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7004 naturebind breach dwenthall
 7005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7006 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
 7007 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
 7008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7009 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
 7010 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
 7011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7012 Equilibrium Taken: 1.26s
 7013 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7015 H:627 M:700 -b db 
 7016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7017 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 7018 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7019 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7020 yt
 7021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7022 Your input, "yt", is not a valid command.
 7023 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7025 You may drink another healing elixir.
 7026 H:627 M:700 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
 7027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7028 Mana Lost: 1
 7029 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7031 H:627 M:683 -b db 
 7032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7033 You have recovered balance.
 7034 H:700 M:436 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7035 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7036 l
 7037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7038 A rocky outcropping.
 7039 ------ v37834 -------
 7040   |                  
 7041 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
 7042   | \   /     |      
 7043 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
 7044 / | /   \   /   \ |  
 7045 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
 7046   | \     |          
 7047  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
 7048     \   / | \        
 7049      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
 7050                 \ |  
 7051 ------- 1:2:0
 7052  -------
 7053 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
 7054 Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone. 
 7057 You see exits leading 
 7058 northeast, south, and northwest
 7059 .
 7062 H:700 M:436 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7064 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 7066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7067 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 7069 H:700 M:436 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7071 H:627 M:683 -b db 
 7072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7073 rt Target:
 7074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7075 You are not the member of any ring.
 7077 H:700 M:436 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7079 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7082 H:627 M:683 eb db 
 7083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7084 Mana Gain: 32
 7086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7087 rtr
 7088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7089 Your input, "rtr", is not a valid command.
 7091 H:700 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7092 Mana Lost: 1
 7094 H:700 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7096 rt Target: dwen
 7097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7098 You are not the member of any ring.
 7100 H:700 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7102 order loyals kill dwen
 7103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7104 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 7106 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 7108 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 7110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7111 evoke empower rockfall
 7112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7113 Mana Lost: 6
 7115 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 7116 wer of Earth infuses it.
 7118 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7119 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 7120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7121 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
 7123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7124 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
 7125 ods your veins.
 7127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7128 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 7130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7131 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 7133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7134 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 7136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7137 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 7139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7140 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
 7142 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7143 evoke wisp dwen metallic
 7144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7145 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
 7147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7148 evoke lightning dwen
 7149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7150 Mana Lost: 12
 7152 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
 7153  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
 7154 g her charred and drained.
 7156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7157 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
 7158 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
 7159 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
 7161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7162 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
 7164 Balance Taken: 3.80s
 7166 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7167 quarterstaff raze dwen
 7168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7169 You must regain balance first.
 7171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7172 naturebinding entrap dwen
 7173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7174 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
 7175 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
 7177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7178 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
 7179 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
 7181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7182 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
 7184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7185 ta dwen
 7186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7187 Dwenthall's condition stands at 503/669 health and 622/700 mana.
 7189 Mana Lost: 12
 7191 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7193 H:513 M:683 eb db 
 7194 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7195 sip health
 7196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7197 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 7198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7199 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 7200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7201 The elixir heals your body.
 7202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7203 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7205 H:665 M:683 eb db 
 7206 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7207 eat toadstool
 7208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7209 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1986.
 7210 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 7211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7212 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 7213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7214 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
 7215 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
 7216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7217 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7219 H:665 M:683 eb db 
 7220 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7221 l
 7222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7223 A rocky outcropping.
 7224 ------ v37834 -------
 7225   |                  
 7226 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
 7227   | \   /     |      
 7228 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
 7229 / | /   \   /   \ |  
 7230 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
 7231   | \     |          
 7232  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
 7233     \   / | \        
 7234      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
 7235                 \ |  
 7236 ------- 1:2:0 -------
 7237 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
 7238 . 
 7239 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
 7240 H:700 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7241 H:700 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7242 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7243 er
 7244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7245 You must regain balance first.
 7246 H:700 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7248 er
 7249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7250 You must regain balance first.
 7251 H:700 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7253 er
 7254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7255 You must regain balance first.
 7256 H:700 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7258 er
 7259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7260 You must regain balance first.
 7261 H:700 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7262 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7263 er
 7264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7265 You must regain balance first.
 7266 H:700 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 7267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7268 er
 7269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7270 Mana Lost: 9
 7271 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
 7272 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
 7273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7274 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
 7275 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
 7276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7277 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
 7278 Balance Taken: 3.80s
 7279 H:700 M:428 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7281 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 7282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7283 You cease attempting to overwhelm Dwenthall through the power of Nature.
 7284 H:700 M:428 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7286 er
 7287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7288 You must regain balance first.
 7289 H:700 M:428 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7290 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7291 er
 7292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7293 You must regain balance first.
 7294 H:700 M:428 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7295 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7298 Your input, "OVERWHELM IS DOWN!!!!!", is not a valid command.
 7299 H:700 M:428 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 7300 H:700 M:428 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7302 You may drink another healing elixir.
 7303 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 7304 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7305 cast erode at reyv
 7306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7307 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 7308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7309 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 7310 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7311 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 7312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7313 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 7314 Your deathsight defence is eroded away.
 7315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7316 His deathsight defence is eroded away.
 7317 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 7318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7319 H:700 M:428 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7321 H:669 M:679 -b db 
 7322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7323 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
 7324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7325 You must regain balance first.
 7326 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7327 quarterstaff raze dwen
 7328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7329 You must regain balance first.
 7330 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7331 naturebind hawthorn circle dwen
 7332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7333 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
 7334 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
 7335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7336 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
 7337 you.
 7338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7339 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 7340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7341 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
 7342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7343 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7345 naturebind beech circle dwen
 7346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7347 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7348 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7350 H:669 M:679 -b db 
 7351 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7352 ac on
 7353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7354 Autocuring activated.
 7355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7356 order loyals kill dwen
 7357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7358 You must regain balance first.
 7359 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7360 TEAR MAP
 7361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7362 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 7363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7364 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
 7365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7366 You must regain balance first.
 7367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7368 evoke empower rockfall
 7369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7370 You must regain balance first.
 7371 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7372 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 7373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7374 You must regain balance first.
 7375 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7376 evoke wisp metallic dwen
 7377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7378 You must regain balance first.
 7379 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7380 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
 7381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7382 You must regain balance first.
 7383 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7384 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
 7385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7386 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7387 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7388 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
 7389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7390 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7392 naturebind beech circle dwen
 7393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7394 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7395 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 7396 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7397 smoke pipe with linseed
 7398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7399 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 7400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7401 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 7402 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7404 H:669 M:679 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
 7405 H:669 M:679 -b db 
 7406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7407 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7408 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7409 H:669 M:679 -b db 
 7410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7411 Mana Gain: 32
 7412 H:700 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7414 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7415 H:669 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 7416 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 7417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7418 You have recovered balance.
 7419 H:700 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7420 H:700 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7421 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7422 cast erode at reyv
 7423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7424 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 7425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7426 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 7427 Your owl defence is eroded away.
 7428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7429 His owl defence is eroded away.
 7430 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 7431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7432 H:700 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7434 H:669 M:696 -b db 
 7435 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7436 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
 7437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7438 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
 7439 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
 7440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7441 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 7442  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
 7443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7444 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
 7445 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7446 quarterstaff raze dwen
 7447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7448 You whip a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of Dwenthall, to no effect.
 7449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7450 Reyvenyr whips a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of you, to no effect.
 7451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7452 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 7453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7454 naturebind hawthorn circle dwen
 7455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7456 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
 7457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7458 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
 7459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7460 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
 7461 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
 7462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7463 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
 7464 d you.
 7465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7466 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 7467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7468 naturebind beech circle dwen
 7469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7470 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7471 H:700 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7473 H:669 M:696 -b db 
 7474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7475 ac on
 7476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7477 Autocuring activated.
 7478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7479 order loyals kill dwen
 7480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7481 You must regain balance first.
 7482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7483 TEAR MAP
 7484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7485 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 7486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7487 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
 7488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7489 You must regain balance first.
 7490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7491 evoke empower rockfall
 7492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7493 You must regain balance first.
 7494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7495 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 7496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7497 You must regain balance first.
 7498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7499 evoke wisp metallic dwen
 7500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7501 You must regain balance first.
 7502 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7503 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
 7504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7505 You must regain balance first.
 7506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7507 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
 7508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7509 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7511 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
 7512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7513 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7514 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7515 naturebind beech circle dwen
 7516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7517 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7518 H:700 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7520 ---------delayed wisp
 7521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7522 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
 7523 H:700 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 7524 H:700 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7526 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7527 H:669 M:679 eb db 
 7528 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7529 cast erode at reyv
 7530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7531 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 7532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7533 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 7534 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
 7535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7536 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
 7537 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 7538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7539 H:700 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7541 H:669 M:675 -b db 
 7542 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7543 apply caloric
 7544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7545 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
 7546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7547 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
 7548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7549 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
 7550 H:700 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7552 H:669 M:675 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 7553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7554 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 7555 H:700 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7557 H:669 M:675 -b db 
 7558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7559 You have recovered balance.
 7560 H:700 M:459 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7561 You may apply another salve.
 7562 H:700 M:459 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7564 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
 7565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7566 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 7567 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7568 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 7569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7570 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 7571 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7572 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
 7573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7574 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 7575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7576 quarterstaff raze dwen
 7577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7578 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 7579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7580 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 7581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7582 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 7583 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7584 naturebinding shred dwen
 7585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7586 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
 7587 ing her skin mercilessly.
 7588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7589 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
 7590 ng your skin mercilessly.
 7591 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 7592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7593 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 7594 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7595 ta dwen
 7596 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7597 Dwenthall's condition stands at 589/669 health and 675/700 mana.
 7598 Mana Lost: 12
 7599 H:700 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7601 H:594 M:675 -b b 
 7602 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7603 ac on
 7604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7605 Autocuring activated.
 7606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7607 order golem kill dwen
 7608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7609 You must regain balance first.
 7610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7611 evoke empower rockfall
 7612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7613 You must regain balance first.
 7614 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7615 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 7616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7617 You must regain balance first.
 7618 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7619 evoke wisp metallic dwen
 7620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7621 You must regain balance first.
 7622 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7623 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
 7624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7625 You must regain balance first.
 7626 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7627 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
 7628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7629 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7630 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7631 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
 7632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7633 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7634 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7635 naturebind beech choke dwen
 7636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7637 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7638 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7639 naturebind shred dwen
 7640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7641 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7642 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7643 ta dwen
 7644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7645 Dwenthall's condition stands at 653/669 health and 642/700 mana.
 7646 Mana Lost: 12
 7647 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7648 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7649 smoke pipe with linseed
 7650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7651 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 7652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7653 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 7654 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7656 H:594 M:675 -b b 
 7657 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7658 sip health
 7659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7660 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 7661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7662 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 7663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7664 The elixir heals your body.
 7665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7666 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7668 H:669 M:675 -b b 
 7669 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7670 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
 7671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7672 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
 7673 mmand.
 7674 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7675 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7676 eat juniper
 7677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7678 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1975.
 7679 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 7680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7681 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 7682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7683 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 7684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7685 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7687 H:669 M:675 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7688 H:669 M:675 eb db 
 7689 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7690 cast erode at reyv
 7691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7692 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 7693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7694 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 7695 Your quince defence is eroded away.
 7696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7697 His quince defence is eroded away.
 7698 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 7699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7700 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7702 H:669 M:671 -b db 
 7703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7704 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 7705 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7707 eat quince
 7708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7709 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1999.
 7710 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
 7711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7712 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
 7713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7714 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
 7715 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7717 H:669 M:671 -b db 
 7718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7719 You have recovered balance.
 7720 Mana Lost: 1
 7721 H:700 M:434 &lt;-b dbt; 
 7722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7723 You may eat another herb or plant.
 7724 H:669 M:683 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 7725 H:669 M:683 -b db 
 7726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7727 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7728 H:700 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7729 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7730 ac on
 7731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7732 Autocuring activated.
 7733 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7734 order golem kill dwen
 7735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7736 You do not see that individual here.
 7737 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7738 evoke empower rockfall
 7739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7740 Mana Lost: 6
 7741 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 7742 wer of Earth infuses it.
 7743 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7744 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 7745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7746 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 7747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7748 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 7749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7750 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 7751 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7752 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 7753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7754 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 7755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7756 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 7757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7758 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
 7759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7760 evoke wisp metallic dwen
 7761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7762 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 7763 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7764 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
 7765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7766 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 7767 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 7768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7769 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 7770 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
 7771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7772 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
 7773 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
 7774 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 7775 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 7776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7777 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 7778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7779 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 7780 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7781 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
 7782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7783 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
 7784 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
 7785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7786 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
 7787 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
 7788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7789 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 7790 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7791 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
 7792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7793 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7794 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7795 naturebind beech choke dwen
 7796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7797 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7799 naturebind shred dwen
 7800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7801 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 7802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7803 ta dwen
 7804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7805 Dwenthall's condition stands at 320/669 health and 663/700 mana.
 7806 Mana Lost: 12
 7807 H:700 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7809 H:289 M:683 -b b 
 7810 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7811 writhe root
 7812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7813 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
 7814 H:289 M:683 -b b 
 7815 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7816 eat toadstool
 7817 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7818 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1985.
 7819 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 7820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7821 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 7822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7823 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 7824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7825 H:700 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7827 H:356 M:700 -b b 
 7828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7829 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 7830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7831 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 7832 H:700 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7833 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7834 eat juniper
 7835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7836 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1974.
 7837 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 7838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7839 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 7840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7841 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 7842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7843 H:700 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7845 H:356 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7846 H:356 M:700 eb db 
 7847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7848 Mana Gain: 32
 7849 H:700 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7850 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7851 You may drink another healing elixir.
 7852 H:423 M:700 eb db 
 7853 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7854 sip health
 7855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7856 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 7857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7858 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 7859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7860 The elixir heals your body.
 7861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7862 H:700 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
 7863 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7864 H:547 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
 7865 H:547 M:700 eb db 
 7866 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7867 ffs
 7868 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7869 You cannot move while being choked by an animated root.
 7870 H:547 M:700 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
 7871 H:547 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
 7872 H:547 M:700 eb db 
 7873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7874 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 7875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7876 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 7877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7878 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 7879 H:700 M:449 &lt;e- dbt; 
 7880 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7881 H:547 M:700 eb db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
 7882 e out of you.
 7884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7885 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
 7886 r.
 7888 You have recovered balance.
 7891 H:700 M:449 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7893 H:499 M:700 eb db 
 7894 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7895 trueassess dwen
 7896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7897 Dwenthall's condition stands at 499/669 health and 700/700 mana.
 7899 Mana Lost: 12
 7901 H:700 M:436 &lt;eb dbt; 
 7902 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7903 l
 7904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7905 A rocky outcropping.
 7908 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
 7909 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northeast. 
 7910 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way south. 
 7911 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. 
 7912 Reyvenyr is here, camouflaged. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a
 7913  lunar shield in his right. 
 7916 You see exits leading 
 7917 northeast, south, and northwest
 7918 .
 7921 H:499 M:700 eb db 
 7922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7923 ac on
 7924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7925 Autocuring activated.
 7927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7928 evoke imbue
 7929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7930 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
 7932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7933 TEAR MAP
 7934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7935 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 7937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7938 evoke empower jolt
 7939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7940 Mana Lost: 6
 7942 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 7943 wer of Earth infuses it.
 7945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7946 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 7947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7948 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 7950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7951 evoke wisp metallic dwen
 7952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7953 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 7955 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7956 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
 7957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7958 I do not recognize that toxin.
 7960 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 7962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7963 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 7965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7966 The attack rebounds back onto you!
 7968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7969 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
 7971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7972 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
 7974 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
 7976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 7977 A small jolt of lightning zaps Reyvenyr.
 7979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7980 Damage Taken: 26 electricity, mental (raw damage: 41)
 7982 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
 7984 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 7986 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 7988 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7989 naturebind choke dwen
 7990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7991 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
 7993 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7994 naturebind beech shred dwen
 7995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 7996 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
 7997  her skin mercilessly.
 7999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8000 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
 8001 your skin mercilessly.
 8003 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 8005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8006 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 8008 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8009 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
 8010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8011 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8014 ta dwen
 8015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8016 Dwenthall's condition stands at 424/669 health and 749/700 mana.
 8018 Mana Lost: 12
 8020 H:608 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8022 H:424 M:700 eb b 
 8023 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8024 eat juniper
 8025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8026 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1973.
 8027 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 8028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8029 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 8030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8031 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 8032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8033 H:608 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8035 H:424 M:700 eb db 
 8036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8037 Mana Lost: 1
 8038 H:608 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8039 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8040 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
 8041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8042 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8043 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8044 naturebind blackthorn shred dwen
 8045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8046 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8047 H:608 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8048 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8049 ts
 8050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8051 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
 8052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8053 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
 8054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8055 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 8056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8057 H:608 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8059 H:424 M:683 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
 8060 H:424 M:683 -b db 
 8061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8062 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 8063 H:608 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; H:608 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8064 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8065 H:424 M:683 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
 8066 H:424 M:683 -b db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
 8067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8068 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
 8069 H:608 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8071 H:424 M:683 -b db 
 8072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8073 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 8074 H:608 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8075 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8076 You may eat another mushroom.
 8077 H:424 M:683 -b db 
 8078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8079 You have recovered balance.
 8080 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8081 eat toadstool
 8082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8083 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1984.
 8084 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 8085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8086 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 8087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8088 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 8089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8090 H:608 M:418 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8092 H:491 M:700 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
 8093 H:491 M:700 -b db 
 8094 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8095 sip health
 8096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8097 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 8098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8099 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 8100 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8101 The elixir heals your body.
 8102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8103 H:608 M:418 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8105 H:649 M:700 -b db 
 8106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8107 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
 8108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8109 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
 8110  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
 8111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8112 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
 8113 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
 8114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8115 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
 8116 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8117 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 8118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8119 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 8120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8121 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
 8122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8123 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 8124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8125 quarterstaff raze dwen
 8126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8127 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 8128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8129 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 8130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8131 Balance Taken: 2.00s
 8132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8133 naturebinding shred dwen
 8134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8135 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
 8136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8137 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
 8138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8139 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
 8140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8141 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
 8142 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8143 ta dwen
 8144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8145 Dwenthall's condition stands at 669/669 health and 763/700 mana.
 8146 Mana Lost: 12
 8147 H:608 M:406 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8149 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 8150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8151 ac on
 8152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8153 Autocuring activated.
 8154 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8155 evoke imbue
 8156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8157 You must regain balance first.
 8158 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8159 TEAR MAP
 8160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8161 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 8162 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8163 evoke empower jolt
 8164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8165 You must regain balance first.
 8166 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8167 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 8168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8169 You must regain balance first.
 8170 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8171 evoke wisp metallic dwen
 8172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8173 You must regain balance first.
 8174 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8175 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
 8176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8177 You must regain balance first.
 8178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8179 naturebind choke dwen
 8180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8181 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8182 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8183 naturebind beech shred dwen
 8184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8185 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8187 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
 8188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8189 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8191 ta dwen
 8192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8193 Dwenthall's condition stands at 695/669 health and 756/700 mana.
 8194 Mana Lost: 12
 8195 H:608 M:393 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8197 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8198 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8199 smoke pipe with linseed
 8200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8201 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 8202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8203 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 8204 H:608 M:393 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8206 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8207 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8208 eat toadstool
 8209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8210 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1993.
 8211 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 8212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8213 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
 8214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8215 Health Gain: 60
 8216 Mana Gain: 51
 8217 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 8218 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8220 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8222 ---------delayed wisp
 8223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8224 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
 8225 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8227 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
 8228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8229 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
 8230 mmand.
 8231 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8232 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8233 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
 8234 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
 8235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8236 What do you wish to break?
 8237 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8239 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
 8240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8241 What do you wish to break?
 8242 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8243 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8244 human
 8245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8246 You are already in Sylayan form.
 8247 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8248 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8249 unwield bow
 8250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8251 You aren't wielding anything.
 8252 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8253 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8254 unwield bow
 8255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8256 You aren't wielding anything.
 8257 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8258 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8259 wield shield116306
 8260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8261 You have no shield116306.
 8262 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8263 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8264 wield shield116306
 8265 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8266 You have no shield116306.
 8267 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8268 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8269 autocuring on
 8270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8271 Autocuring activated.
 8272 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8273 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8274 autocuring rebounding on
 8275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8276 Automatic rebounding handling activated.
 8277 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8278 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8279 ffs
 8280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8281 Somehow Dwenthall flips away to the south.
 8283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8284 You flip away to the south, landing flat on your back.
 8285 A rocky outcropping.
 8286 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
 8287 Your movement causes your translucent shield to dissipate.
 8288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8289 Through your bond with an animated hawthorn root, you sense that Dwenthall has left A rocky outcropp
 8290 ing.
 8291 You sense Dwenthall entering the location south from you.
 8292 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
 8293 An animated blackthorn root ceases circling, its target gone.
 8294 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8295 Balance Taken: 3.20s
 8296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8297 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8299 H:669 M:700 e- pdb 
 8300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8301 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
 8302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8303 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
 8304 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 8305 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8306 kipup
 8307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8308 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
 8309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8310 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8312 H:669 M:700 e- db 
 8313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8314 Mana Lost: 1
 8315 H:669 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8316 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8317 naturebind breach dwen
 8318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8319 You detect nothing here by that name.
 8320 H:669 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 8321 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8323 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
 8324 H:669 M:683 e- db 
 8325 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8326 naturebind breach dwen
 8327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8328 You do not see that individual here.
 8329 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8331 Your muscles finally stop twitching.
 8332 H:669 M:683 e- db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 8333 H:669 M:683 e- db 
 8334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8335 s
 8336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8337 You begin to slowly clamber over a pile of rubble that blocks your way.
 8338 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8340 order loyals kill dwen
 8341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8342 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 8343 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 8344 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 8345 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8346 evoke empower rockfall
 8347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8348 Mana Lost: 6
 8349 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 8350 wer of Earth infuses it.
 8351 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8352 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 8353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8354 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 8355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8356 evoke wisp dwen metallic
 8357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8358 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
 8359 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8360 evoke lightning dwen
 8361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8362 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 8363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8364 quarterstaff raze dwen
 8365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8366 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
 8367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8368 naturebinding entrap dwen
 8369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8370 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 8371 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8372 ta dwen
 8373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8374 You detect nothing here by that name.
 8375 H:669 M:438 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8376 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8377 leap s
 8378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8379 The sticky sludge clings to you, preventing you from moving anywhere.
 8380 Balance Taken: 1.20s
 8381 H:669 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8383 You may drink another healing elixir.
 8384 H:669 M:700 e- db 
 8385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8386 Mana Gain: 32
 8387 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8389 You have recovered balance.
 8390 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8392 leap s
 8393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8394 You must regain balance first.
 8395 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 8396 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; You are again able to overwhelm someone through the power of Nature.
 8397 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8399 OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!
 8400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8401 Your input, "OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
 8402 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 8403 H:669 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8405 You may eat another mushroom.
 8406 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8408 A rocky outcropping.
 8409 ------ v37831 -------
 8410   | \   /     |      
 8411 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
 8412 / | /   \   /   \ |  
 8413 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
 8414   | \     |          
 8415  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
 8416     \   / | \        
 8417      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
 8418                 \ |  
 8419              [ ]-[ ] 
 8420                     \
 8421 ------- 1:1:0 -------
 8422 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
 8423 . 
 8424 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
 8425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8426 Your senses flare as a luminous green image drifts in from the north, its appearance sharpening to r
 8427 eveal Reyvenyr.
 8428 You sense Reyvenyr has entered your location.
 8429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8430 H:669 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8431 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8432 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8433 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8434 leap s
 8435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8436 The sticky sludge clings to you, preventing you from moving anywhere.
 8437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8438 Sticky sludge clings to Reyvenyr, preventing him from moving anywhere.
 8439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8440 Balance Taken: 1.20s
 8441 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8443 H:669 M:700 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 8444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8445 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 8446 You may eat another mushroom.
 8447 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8449 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8451 order loyals kill dwen
 8452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8453 You must regain balance first.
 8454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8455 evoke empower rockfall
 8456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8457 You must regain balance first.
 8458 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8459 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 8460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8461 You must regain balance first.
 8462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8463 evoke wisp dwen metallic
 8464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8465 You must regain balance first.
 8466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8467 evoke lightning dwen
 8468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8469 You must regain balance first.
 8470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8471 quarterstaff raze dwen
 8472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8473 You must regain balance first.
 8474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8475 naturebinding entrap dwen
 8476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8477 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
 8478 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
 8479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8480 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
 8481 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
 8482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8483 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 8484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8485 ta dwen
 8486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8487 Dwenthall's condition stands at 762/669 health and 665/700 mana.
 8488 Mana Lost: 12
 8489 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8491 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8493 Mana Lost: 1
 8494 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 8495 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
 8496 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8497 l
 8498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8499 A rocky outcropping.
 8500 ------ v37831 -------
 8501   | \   /     |      
 8502 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
 8503 / | /   \   /   \ |  
 8504 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
 8505   | \     |          
 8506  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
 8507     \   / | \        
 8508      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
 8509                 \ |  
 8510              [ ]-[ ] 
 8511                     \
 8512 ------- 1:1:0 -------
 8513 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
 8514 . 
 8515 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
 8516 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
 8517 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8518 wield shield
 8519 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8520 You are now holding a lunar shield in your left hand.
 8521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8522 Dwenthall takes up a lunar shield in her left hand.
 8523 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
 8524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8525 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 8526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8527 er
 8528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8529 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8530 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
 8531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8532 er
 8533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8534 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8535 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
 8536 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8537 er
 8538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8539 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8540 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
 8541 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8542 er
 8543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8544 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8545 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
 8546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8547 er
 8548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8549 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8550 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 8551 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8552 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8553 er
 8554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8555 Mana Lost: 9
 8556 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
 8557 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
 8558 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8559 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
 8560 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
 8561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8562 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
 8563 Balance Taken: 3.80s
 8564 H:669 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8565 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8566 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 8567 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8568 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
 8569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8570 You must regain balance first.
 8571 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8572 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
 8573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8574 You must regain balance first.
 8575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8576 evoke drain dwen
 8577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8578 You must regain balance first.
 8579 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8580 naturebind drain dwen
 8581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8582 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
 8583  contort in a visage of pain.
 8584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8585 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
 8586 tabbing pain in your head.
 8587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8588 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 8589 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8590 ta dwen
 8591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8592 Dwenthall's condition stands at 643/669 health and 632/700 mana.
 8593 Mana Lost: 12
 8594 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8596 H:669 M:632 eb db 
 8597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8598 contemplate dwen
 8599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8600 You must regain balance first.
 8601 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8602 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8603 cast erode at ruga
 8604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8605 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 8606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8607 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 8608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8609 You detect nothing here by that name.
 8610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8611 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8613 H:669 M:632 eb db 
 8614 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8615 smoke pipe with linseed
 8616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8617 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 8618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8619 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 8620 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8621 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8622 H:669 M:632 eb db 
 8623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8624 Mana Lost: 1
 8625 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 8626 H:669 M:436 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8627 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8628 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
 8629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8630 You must regain balance first.
 8631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8632 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
 8633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8634 You must regain balance first.
 8635 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8636 evoke drain dwen
 8637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8638 You must regain balance first.
 8639 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8640 naturebind drain dwen
 8641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8642 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
 8643  contort in a visage of pain.
 8644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8645 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
 8646 tabbing pain in your head.
 8647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8648 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 8649 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8650 ta dwen
 8651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8652 Dwenthall's condition stands at 643/669 health and 564/700 mana.
 8653 Mana Lost: 12
 8654 H:669 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8656 H:669 M:564 eb db 
 8657 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8658 You have recovered balance.
 8659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8660 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 8662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8663 H:669 M:423 &lt;-b dbt; 
 8664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8665 H:669 M:564 eb db 
 8666 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8667 sip mana
 8668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8669 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
 8670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8671 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 8672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8673 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
 8674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8675 H:669 M:423 &lt;-b dbt; 
 8676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8677 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8678 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8679 eat toadstool
 8680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8681 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1983.
 8682 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 8683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8684 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 8685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8686 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 8687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8688 H:669 M:423 &lt;-b dbt; 
 8689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8690 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8691 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8692 contemplate dwen
 8693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8694 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 8695 H:669 M:423 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Gain: 32
 8696 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 8697 H:669 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8698 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8699 cast erode at rev
 8700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8701 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 8702 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 8703 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8704 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
 8705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8706 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
 8707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8708 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
 8709 ods your veins.
 8710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8711 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 8712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8713 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 8714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8715 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
 8716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8717 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
 8718  weakening.
 8719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8720 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
 8721 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8722 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
 8723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8724 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 8725 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8726 evoke drain dwen
 8727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8728 Mana Lost: 9
 8729 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
 8730 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
 8731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8732 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
 8733 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
 8734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8735 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
 8736 Balance Taken: 2.90s
 8737 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8738 naturebind drain dwen
 8739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8740 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
 8741  contort in a visage of pain.
 8742 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8743 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
 8744 tabbing pain in your head.
 8745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8746 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 8747 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8748 ta dwen
 8749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8750 Dwenthall's condition stands at 649/669 health and 514/700 mana.
 8751 Mana Lost: 12
 8752 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8754 H:669 M:509 eb db 
 8755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8756 contemplate dwen
 8757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8758 You must regain balance first.
 8759 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 8760 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8762 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 8763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8764 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 8765 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8767 H:669 M:492 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
 8768 H:669 M:492 eb db 
 8769 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8770 sip mana
 8771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8772 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
 8773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8774 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 8775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8776 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
 8777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8778 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8780 H:669 M:642 eb db 
 8781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8782 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 8783 H:669 M:434 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8785 You may eat another mushroom.
 8786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8787 You have recovered balance.
 8788 H:669 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8790 H:669 M:642 eb db 
 8791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8792 lp
 8793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8794 You quickly light your pipes, surrounding yourself with a cloud of smoke.
 8795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8796 reb
 8797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8798 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 8799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8800 Reyvenyr takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 8801 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8802 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
 8803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8804 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 8805 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8806 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
 8807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8808 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 8809 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8810 ac off
 8811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8812 Autocuring disabled.
 8813 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8814 evoke reclaim dwen
 8815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8816 Dwenthall is still too strong to be reclaimed.
 8817 H:669 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8819 H:669 M:642 eb db 
 8820 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8821 ac on
 8822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8823 Autocuring activated.
 8824 H:669 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8826 ----------------------------------------------------RECLAIM FAILED!!!
 8827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8828 Your input, "----------------------------------------------------RECLAIM FAILED!!!", is not a valid 
 8829 command.
 8830 H:669 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 8831 Mana Lost: 1
 8832 H:669 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 8833 H:669 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8834 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8835 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
 8836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8837 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 8838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8839 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 8840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8841 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
 8842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8843 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
 8844  weakening.
 8845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8846 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
 8847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8848 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
 8849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8850 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 8851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8852 evoke drain dwen
 8853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8854 Mana Lost: 9
 8855 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
 8856 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
 8857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8858 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
 8859 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
 8860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8861 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
 8862 Balance Taken: 2.90s
 8863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8864 naturebind drain dwen
 8865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8866 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
 8867  contort in a visage of pain.
 8868 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8869 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
 8870 tabbing pain in your head.
 8871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8872 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 8873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8874 ta dwen
 8875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8876 Dwenthall's condition stands at 735/669 health and 400/700 mana.
 8877 Mana Lost: 12
 8878 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8880 H:669 M:434 eb db 
 8881 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8882 cast erode a rey
 8883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8884 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 8885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8886 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 8887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8888 You do not see that individual here.
 8889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8890 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8891 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8892 H:669 M:434 eb db 
 8893 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8894 smoke pipe with linseed
 8895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8896 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 8897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8898 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 8899 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8901 H:669 M:434 eb db 
 8902 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8903 eat toadstool
 8904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8905 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1982.
 8906 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 8907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8908 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 8909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8910 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
 8911 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
 8912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8913 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8915 H:669 M:434 eb db 
 8916 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8917 contemplate dwen
 8918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8919 You must regain balance first.
 8921 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8922 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8923 You may drink another healing elixir.
 8924 H:669 M:434 eb db 
 8925 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8926 sip mana
 8927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8928 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
 8930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8931 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 8933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8934 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
 8936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8937 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
 8938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8939 H:669 M:609 eb db 
 8940 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 8941 H:669 M:609 eb db 
 8942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8943 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 8946 H:669 M:412 &lt;e- dbt; 
 8947 You have recovered balance.
 8950 H:669 M:412 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8951 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8952 lp
 8953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8954 You quickly light your pipes, surrounding yourself with a cloud of smoke.
 8956 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8957 reb
 8958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8959 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 8961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8962 Reyvenyr takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 8964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8965 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
 8966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8967 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 8969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8970 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
 8971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8972 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 8974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8975 ac off
 8976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8977 Autocuring disabled.
 8979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8980 evoke reclaim dwen
 8981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8982 Dwenthall is still too strong to be reclaimed.
 8984 H:669 M:412 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 8986 H:669 M:609 eb db 
 8987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8988 Mana Gain: 32
 8990 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8991 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8992 ac on
 8993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8994 Autocuring activated.
 8996 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
 8997 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 8998 ----------------------------------------------------RECLAIM FAILED!!!
 8999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9000 Your input, "----------------------------------------------------RECLAIM FAILED!!!", is not a valid 
 9001 command.
 9003 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
 9004 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9005 dag
 9006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9007 You are:
 9009 blind.
 9011 deaf.
 9013 an insomniac.
 9015 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
 9017 H:669 M:651 -b db 
 9018 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9019 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
 9020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9021 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 9023 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9024 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
 9025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9026 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 9028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9029 evoke drain dwen
 9030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9031 Mana Lost: 9
 9033 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
 9034 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
 9036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9037 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
 9038 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
 9040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9041 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
 9043 Balance Taken: 2.90s
 9045 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9047 naturebind drain dwen
 9048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9049 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
 9050  contort in a visage of pain.
 9052 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9053 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
 9054 tabbing pain in your head.
 9056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9057 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 9059 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9060 ta dwen
 9061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9062 Dwenthall's condition stands at 689/669 health and 591/700 mana.
 9064 Mana Lost: 12
 9066 H:669 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9068 H:669 M:558 -b db 
 9069 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9072 H:669 M:558 eb db 
 9073 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9074 contemplate dwen
 9075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9076 You must regain balance first.
 9078 H:669 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9079 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9080 ffn
 9081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9082 Somehow Dwenthall flips away to the north.
 9083 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9084 You flip away to the north, landing flat on your back.
 9086 A rocky outcropping.
 9089 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northeast. 
 9090 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way south. 
 9091 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. 
 9092 You see exits leading 
 9093 northeast, south, and northwest
 9094 .
 9097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9098 Through your bond with an animated hawthorn root, you sense that Dwenthall has left A rocky outcropp
 9099 ing.
 9101 You sense Dwenthall entering the location north from you.
 9103 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
 9105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9106 Balance Taken: 3.20s
 9108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9109 H:669 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9111 H:669 M:558 e- pdb 
 9112 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9113 kipup
 9114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9115 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
 9117 H:669 M:558 e- db 
 9118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9119 Mana Lost: 1
 9121 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9122 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 9124 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9126 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
 9127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9128 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
 9130 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9131 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 9132 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9134 You may drink another healing elixir.
 9135 H:669 M:541 e- db 
 9136 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 9138 You may eat another mushroom.
 9140 H:669 M:541 e- db 
 9141 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9142 sip mana
 9143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9144 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
 9146 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
 9148 H:669 M:700 e- db 
 9149 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9150 eat toadstool
 9151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9152 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1981.
 9154 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 9156 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 9158 H:669 M:700 e- db 
 9159 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9160 n
 9161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9162 You must regain balance first.
 9164 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9165 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9168 H:669 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9169 You have recovered balance.
 9172 H:669 M:422 &lt;eb dbt; 
 9173 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9174 ac on
 9175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9176 Autocuring activated.
 9178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9179 evoke empower rockfall
 9180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9181 Mana Lost: 6
 9182 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 9183 wer of Earth infuses it.
 9184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9185 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
 9186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9187 You do not see that individual here.
 9188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9189 evoke wisp metallic dwen
 9190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9191 You detect nothing here by that name.
 9192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9193 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
 9194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9195 You do not see that individual here.
 9196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9197 naturebinding beech shred dwen
 9198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9199 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 9200 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9201 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
 9202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9203 You detect nothing here by that name.
 9204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9205 ta dwen
 9206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9207 I do not recognize anything called that here.
 9208 H:669 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; H:669 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; 
 9209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9210 H:669 M:700 e- db You have recovered balance.
 9211 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 9212 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9213 leap n
 9214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9215 The sticky sludge clings to you, preventing you from moving anywhere.
 9216 Balance Taken: 1.20s
 9217 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; The sticky sludge falls off from your body.
 9218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9219 You sense that the sludge has fallen off from Reyvenyr's body.
 9220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9221 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9223 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 9224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9225 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 9226 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9228 yt
 9229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9230 Your input, "yt", is not a valid command.
 9231 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9232 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9233 cast erode at rey
 9234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9235 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 9236 You detect nothing here by that name.
 9237 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 9238 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9239 smoke pipe with linseed
 9240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9241 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 9242 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 9243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9244 Mana Lost: 1
 9245 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 9246 H:669 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; 
 9247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9248 leap n
 9249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9250 You bunch your powerful muscles and launch yourself in a majestic leap northwards.
 9251 A rocky outcropping.
 9252 ------ v37834 -------
 9253   |                  
 9254 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
 9255   | \   /     |      
 9256 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
 9257 / | /   \   /   \ |  
 9258 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
 9259   | \     |          
 9260  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
 9261     \   / | \        
 9262      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
 9263                 \ |  
 9264 ------- 1:2:0 -------
 9265 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northeast. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way
 9266  south. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. A shimmering crystal is on the groun
 9267 d, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in h
 9268 er left hand. 
 9269 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
 9270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9271 Your senses flare as a luminous green image drifts in from the south, its appearance sharpening to r
 9272 eveal Reyvenyr.
 9273 You sense Reyvenyr has entered your location.
 9274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9275 Balance Taken: 1.10s
 9276 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9278 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 9279 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9280 yt
 9281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9282 Your input, "yt", is not a valid command.
 9283 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9285 You may drink another healing elixir.
 9286 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 9287 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9288 cast erode at rey
 9289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9290 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 9291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9292 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 9293 Your curseward defence is eroded away.
 9294 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9295 His curseward defence is eroded away.
 9296 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 9297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9298 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9299 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9300 H:669 M:679 -b db 
 9301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9302 You have recovered balance.
 9303 H:669 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; 
 9304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9305 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 9306 H:669 M:679 -b db 
 9307 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9308 order loyals kill dwen
 9309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9310 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 9311 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 9312 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 9313 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9314 evoke empower rockfall
 9315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9316 Mana Lost: 6
 9317 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 9318 wer of Earth infuses it.
 9319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9320 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 9321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9322 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 9323 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9324 Reyvenyr's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 9325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9326 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 9327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9328 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 9329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9330 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 9331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9332 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 9333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9334 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
 9335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9336 evoke wisp dwen metallic
 9337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9338 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
 9339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9340 evoke lightning dwen
 9341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9342 Mana Lost: 12
 9343 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
 9344  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
 9345 g her charred and drained.
 9346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9347 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
 9348 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
 9349 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
 9350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9351 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
 9352 Balance Taken: 3.80s
 9353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9354 quarterstaff raze dwen
 9355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9356 You must regain balance first.
 9357 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9358 naturebinding entrap dwen
 9359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9360 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
 9361 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
 9362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9363 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
 9364 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
 9365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9366 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 9367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9368 ta dwen
 9369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9370 Dwenthall's condition stands at 584/669 health and 618/700 mana.
 9371 Mana Lost: 12
 9372 H:669 M:386 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9374 H:513 M:679 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
 9375 H:513 M:679 -b db 
 9376 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9377 sip health
 9378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9379 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 9380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9381 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 9382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9383 The elixir heals your body.
 9384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9385 H:669 M:386 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9386 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9387 H:658 M:679 -b db 
 9388 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9389 eat toadstool
 9390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9391 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1980.
 9392 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 9393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9394 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 9395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9396 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 9397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9398 H:669 M:386 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9399 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9400 H:669 M:700 -b db 
 9401 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9402 eat toadstool
 9403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9404 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1992.
 9405 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 9406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9407 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
 9408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9409 Mana Gain: 51
 9410 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 9411 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9413 H:669 M:700 -b db 
 9414 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9415 l
 9416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9417 A rocky outcropping.
 9418 ------ v37834 -------
 9419   |                  
 9420 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
 9421   | \   /     |      
 9422 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
 9423 / | /   \   /   \ |  
 9424 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
 9425   | \     |          
 9426  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
 9427     \   / | \        
 9428      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
 9429                 \ |  
 9430 ------- 1:2:0 -------
 9431 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northeast. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way
 9432  south. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. A shimmering crystal is on the groun
 9433 d, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in h
 9434 er left hand. 
 9435 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
 9436 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
 9437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9438 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9440 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9442 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 9443 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9444 cast erode at rey
 9445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9446 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 9447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9448 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 9449 Your quince defence is eroded away.
 9450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9451 His quince defence is eroded away.
 9452 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 9453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9454 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9456 H:669 M:696 -b db 
 9457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9458 Mana Lost: 1
 9459 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9461 eat quince
 9462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9463 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1998.
 9464 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
 9465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9466 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
 9467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9468 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
 9469 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9471 H:669 M:683 -b db 
 9472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9473 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9474 H:669 M:468 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9476 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 9477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9478 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 9480 H:669 M:468 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9482 H:669 M:683 -b db 
 9483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9484 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
 9485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9486 You must regain balance first.
 9488 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9489 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
 9490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9491 You must regain balance first.
 9493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9494 evoke drain dwen
 9495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9496 You must regain balance first.
 9498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9500 naturebind drain dwen
 9501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9502 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
 9503  contort in a visage of pain.
 9505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9506 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
 9507 tabbing pain in your head.
 9509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9510 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 9512 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9513 ta dwen
 9514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9515 Dwenthall's condition stands at 669/669 health and 695/700 mana.
 9517 Mana Lost: 12
 9519 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9521 H:669 M:632 -b db 
 9522 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9523 contemplate dwen
 9524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9525 You must regain balance first.
 9527 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9528 You have recovered balance.
 9531 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
 9532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9533 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9536 H:669 M:632 eb db 
 9537 You may drink another healing elixir.
 9538 H:669 M:632 eb db 
 9539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9540 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 9542 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
 9543 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9544 cast erode at rey
 9545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9546 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 9548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9549 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 9551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9552 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 9554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9555 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 9557 Your barkskin defence is eroded away.
 9559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9560 His barkskin defence is eroded away.
 9562 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 9564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9565 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
 9566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9567 H:669 M:628 -b db 
 9568 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9569 smoke pipe with linseed
 9570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9571 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 9573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9574 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
 9576 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
 9577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9578 H:669 M:628 -b db 
 9579 You may eat another mushroom.
 9581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9582 You may eat another mushroom.
 9584 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9587 H:669 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
 9588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9589 H:669 M:628 -b db 
 9590 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9591 ac on
 9592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9593 Autocuring activated.
 9595 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9596 order loyals kill dwen
 9597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9598 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
 9600 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
 9602 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
 9604 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9605 TEAR MAP
 9606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9607 Syntax: TEAR MAP
 9609 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9610 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
 9611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9612 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
 9613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9614 evoke empower rockfall
 9615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9616 Mana Lost: 6
 9617 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
 9618 wer of Earth infuses it.
 9619 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9620 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
 9621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9622 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
 9623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9624 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
 9625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9626 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
 9627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9628 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
 9629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9630 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
 9631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9632 evoke wisp metallic dwen
 9633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9634 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
 9635 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9636 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
 9637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9638 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 9639 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 9640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9641 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 9642 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
 9643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9644 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
 9645 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
 9646 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
 9647 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
 9648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9649 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
 9650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9651 Balance Taken: 3.01s
 9652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9653 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
 9654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9655 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
 9656 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
 9657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9658 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
 9659 you.
 9660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9661 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 9662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9663 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
 9664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9665 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9667 naturebind beech circle dwen
 9668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9669 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9670 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9672 H:448 M:628 -b b 
 9673 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9674 eat juniper
 9675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9676 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1972.
 9677 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
 9678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9679 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
 9680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9681 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
 9682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9683 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9685 H:448 M:628 -b db 
 9686 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9687 sip health
 9688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9689 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
 9690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9691 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
 9692 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9693 The elixir heals your body.
 9694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9695 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9697 H:571 M:628 -b db 
 9698 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9699 eat toadstool
 9700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9701 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1979.
 9702 You quickly eat a toadstool.
 9703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9704 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
 9705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9706 You feel your health and mana replenished.
 9707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9708 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9710 H:638 M:698 -b db 
 9711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9712 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
 9713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9714 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
 9715 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
 9716 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9718 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9719 H:638 M:681 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
 9720 H:638 M:681 eb db 
 9721 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9722 bs
 9723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9724 You must regain balance first.
 9725 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9726 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9727 bs
 9728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9729 You must regain balance first.
 9730 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9731 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9732 cast erode at rey
 9733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9734 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
 9735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9736 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
 9737 Your mindseye defence is eroded away.
 9738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9739 His mindseye defence is eroded away.
 9740 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
 9741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9742 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9744 H:638 M:677 -b db 
 9745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9746 bs
 9747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9748 You must regain balance first.
 9749 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9751 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Paran Mountains.
 9753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9754 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Paran Mountains.
 9755 You are once again able to form a curseward.
 9756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9757 You may eat another herb or plant.
 9759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9760 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9762 H:638 M:677 -b db 
 9763 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9764 bs
 9765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9766 You must regain balance first.
 9767 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9768 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9769 bs
 9770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9771 You must regain balance first.
 9772 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9774 bs
 9775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9776 You must regain balance first.
 9777 H:669 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9779 bs
 9780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9781 You must regain balance first.
 9782 H:669 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9784 bs
 9785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9786 You must regain balance first.
 9787 H:669 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
 9788 H:669 M:450 &lt;eb dbt; 
 9789 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9790 curseward
 9791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9792 Mana Lost: 21
 9793 You concentrate briefly and a shimmering curseward appears around you.
 9794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9795 A shimmering curseward appears around Reyvenyr.
 9796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9797 H:669 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
 9798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9799 H:638 M:677 -b db 
 9800 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9801 bs
 9802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9803 Mana Lost: 9
 9804 You hold a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds firmly and concentrate. Your skin gradually hardens an
 9805 d toughens like the bark of a tree.
 9806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9807 Reyvenyr holds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds firmly and concentrates. His skin gradually hard
 9808 ens and toughens like the bark of a tree.
 9809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9810 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
 9811 Balance Taken: 3.80s
 9813 H:669 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9815 H:638 M:677 -b db 
 9816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9817 bs
 9818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9819 You must regain balance first.
 9821 H:669 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9823 bs
 9824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9825 You must regain balance first.
 9827 H:669 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9829 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
 9832 H:638 M:677 eb db 
 9833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9834 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
 9836 Mana Gain: 32
 9838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9839 You may drink another healing elixir.
 9840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9841 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
 9842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9843 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 9844 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
 9846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9847 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
 9849 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9850 evoke empower rockfall
 9851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9852 You must regain balance first.
 9854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9855 evoke wisp hypnotic dwen
 9856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9857 You must regain balance first.
 9859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9860 quarterstaff stab dwen oxalis
 9861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9862 You must regain balance first.
 9864 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9865 naturebind blackthorn strip dwen
 9866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9867 Upon your command, an animated blackthorn root whips the air in front of Dwenthall.
 9869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9870 Upon Reyvenyr's command, an animated blackthorn root whips the air in front of you.
 9872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9873 The root strips Dwenthall's third eye defence.
 9875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9876 The root strips your third eye defence.
 9878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9879 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
 9881 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9882 naturebind hawthorn strip dwen
 9883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9884 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9887 naturebind beech strip dwen
 9888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9889 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9891 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9893 H:669 M:700 eb db 
 9894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9895 Mana Lost: 1
 9897 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
 9898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9899 You may eat another mushroom.
 9901 H:669 M:683 eb db 
 9902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9903 You have recovered balance.
 9906 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
 9907 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9908 evoke empower rockfall
 9909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9910 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9912 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9913 evoke wisp hypnotic dwen
 9914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9915 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9917 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9918 quarterstaff stab dwen oxalis
 9919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9920 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9923 naturebind blackthorn strip dwen
 9924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9925 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9928 naturebind hawthorn strip dwen
 9929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9930 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9933 naturebind beech strip dwen
 9934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9935 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9937 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
 9938 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9939 cast sludge at rey
 9940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9941 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 9943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9944 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
 9946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9947 You call upon your earthen power to cover Reyvenyr in sticky sludge, preventing him from moving away
 9948 .
 9950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9951 Dwenthall calls upon her earthen power and sticky sludge covers you, preventing you from moving away
 9952 .
 9954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9955 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
 9957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9958 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
 9959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9960 H:669 M:682 -b db 
 9961 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9962 evoke empower rockfall
 9963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9964 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9967 evoke wisp hypnotic dwen
 9968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9969 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9971 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9972 quarterstaff stab dwen oxalis
 9973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9974 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9976 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9977 naturebind blackthorn strip dwen
 9978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9979 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9982 naturebind hawthorn strip dwen
 9983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9984 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9987 naturebind beech strip dwen
 9988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9989 You must regain your equilibrium first.
 9991 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
 9992 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9993 smoke pipe with linseed
 9994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
 9995 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
 9997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
 9998 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
10000 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
10001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10002 H:669 M:682 -b db 
10003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10004 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10007 H:669 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
10008 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10009 evoke empower rockfall
10010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10011 Mana Lost: 6
10013 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
10014 wer of Earth infuses it.
10016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10017 evoke wisp hypnotic dwen
10018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10019 You quickly summon a hypnotic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
10021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10022 Reyvenyr quickly summons a hypnotic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
10024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10025 Your hypnotic wisp flies rapidly around Dwenthall's head, whose eyes widen in terror.
10027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10028 Reyvenyr's hypnotic wisp flies rapidly around your head, and your vision is suddenly flooded with te
10029 rrifying visions.
10031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10032 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
10034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10035 quarterstaff stab dwen oxalis
10036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10037 You rub some oxalis on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10039 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10042 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10044 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
10046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10047 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
10049 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
10051 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10053 Your oxalis toxin has affected Dwenthall.
10055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10056 Your vision is suddenly restored.
10058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10059 Balance Taken: 3.01s
10061 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10062 naturebind blackthorn strip dwen
10063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10064 Upon your command, an animated blackthorn root whips the air in front of Dwenthall.
10066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10067 Upon Reyvenyr's command, an animated blackthorn root whips the air in front of you.
10069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10070 The root strips Dwenthall's owl defence.
10072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10073 The root strips your owl defence.
10075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10076 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
10078 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10079 naturebind hawthorn strip dwen
10080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10081 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10082 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10083 naturebind beech strip dwen
10084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10085 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10086 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
10087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10088 H:529 M:682 -b d 
10089 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10090 eat kelp
10091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10092 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1996.
10093 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
10094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10095 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
10096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10097 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
10098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10099 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
10100 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10101 H:529 M:682 -b d 
10102 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10103 sip health
10104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10105 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
10106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10107 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
10108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10109 The elixir heals your body.
10110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10111 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
10112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10113 H:669 M:682 -b d 
10114 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10115 eat toadstool
10116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10117 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1978.
10118 You quickly eat a toadstool.
10119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10120 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
10121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10122 You feel your health and mana replenished.
10123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10124 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
10125 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10126 H:669 M:700 -b d 
10127 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10128 spam afflicted Dwenthall asthma
10129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10130 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall asthma", is not a valid command.
10131 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
10132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10133 spam afflicted Dwenthall oxalis
10134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10135 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall oxalis", is not a valid command.
10136 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
10137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10138 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
10139 H:669 M:700 -b d 
10140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10141 Mana Lost: 1
10142 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
10143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10144 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10145 H:669 M:683 eb d You may eat another herb or plant.
10146 H:669 M:683 eb d 
10147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10148 evoke empower rockfall
10149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10150 You must regain balance first.
10151 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10152 evoke wisp hypnotic dwen
10153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10154 You must regain balance first.
10155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10156 quarterstaff stab dwen oxalis
10157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10158 You must regain balance first.
10159 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10160 naturebind blackthorn strip dwen
10161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10162 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10164 naturebind hawthorn strip dwen
10165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10166 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10168 naturebind beech strip dwen
10169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10170 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10171 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
10172 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10173 eat hyssop
10174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10175 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1997.
10176 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
10177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10178 Dwenthall quickly eats some hyssop stem.
10179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10180 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
10181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10182 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
10183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10184 H:669 M:683 eb db 
10185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10186 The ominous rhythmic beat of many drums carries down from the mountain peaks.
10187 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
10188 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10189 cast erode at rey
10190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10191 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
10192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10193 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
10194 Your density defence is eroded away.
10195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10196 His density defence is eroded away.
10197 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
10198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10199 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
10200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10201 H:669 M:679 -b db 
10202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10203 apply mass
10204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10205 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
10206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10207 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
10208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10209 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
10210 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
10211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10212 H:669 M:679 -b db 
10213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10214 You have recovered balance.
10215 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10216 evoke empower rockfall
10217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10218 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10219 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10220 evoke wisp hypnotic dwen
10221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10222 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10223 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10224 quarterstaff stab dwen oxalis
10225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10226 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10228 naturebind blackthorn strip dwen
10229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10230 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10232 naturebind hawthorn strip dwen
10233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10234 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10236 naturebind beech strip dwen
10237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10238 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10239 H:669 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10240 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
10241 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10242 evoke empower rockfall
10243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10244 Mana Lost: 6
10245 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
10246 wer of Earth infuses it.
10247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10248 evoke wisp hypnotic dwen
10249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10250 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
10251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10252 quarterstaff stab dwen oxalis
10253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10254 You rub some oxalis on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10255 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10257 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10259 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
10260 Your oxalis toxin has affected Dwenthall.
10261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10262 Your vision is suddenly restored.
10263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10264 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
10265 Balance Taken: 3.01s
10266 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10267 naturebind blackthorn strip dwen
10268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10269 Upon your command, an animated blackthorn root whips the air in front of Dwenthall.
10270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10271 Upon Reyvenyr's command, an animated blackthorn root whips the air in front of you.
10272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10273 The root strips Dwenthall's fenugreek defence.
10274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10275 The root strips your fenugreek defence.
10276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10277 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
10278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10279 naturebind hawthorn strip dwen
10280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10281 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10283 naturebind beech strip dwen
10284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10285 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10286 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
10287 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10288 H:565 M:679 -b d 
10289 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10290 spam afflicted Dwenthall oxalis
10291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10292 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall oxalis", is not a valid command.
10293 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
10294 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
10295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10296 You may eat another herb or plant.
10297 H:565 M:679 -b d 
10298 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10299 eat hyssop
10300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10301 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1996.
10302 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
10303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10304 Dwenthall quickly eats some hyssop stem.
10305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10306 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
10307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10308 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
10309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10310 H:565 M:679 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10312 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
10313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10314 You may drink another healing elixir.
10316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10317 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
10318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10319 H:565 M:679 eb db 
10320 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10321 sip health
10322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10323 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
10324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10325 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
10326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10327 The elixir heals your body.
10328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10329 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
10330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10331 H:669 M:679 eb db 
10332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10333 evoke empower rockfall
10334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10335 You must regain balance first.
10336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10337 evoke wisp hypnotic dwen
10338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10339 You must regain balance first.
10340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10341 quarterstaff stab dwen oxalis
10342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10343 You must regain balance first.
10344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10345 naturebind blackthorn strip dwen
10346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10347 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10349 naturebind hawthorn strip dwen
10350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10351 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10353 naturebind beech strip dwen
10354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10355 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10356 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
10357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10358 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
10359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10360 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
10361 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10362 cast erode at rey
10363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10364 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
10365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10366 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
10367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10368 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
10369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10370 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
10371 Your density defence is eroded away.
10372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10373 His density defence is eroded away.
10374 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
10375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10376 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
10377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10378 H:669 M:675 -b db 
10379 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10380 apply mass
10381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10382 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
10383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10384 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
10385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10386 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
10387 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
10388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10389 H:669 M:675 -b db 
10390 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10391 smoke pipe with linseed
10392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10393 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
10394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10395 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
10396 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
10397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10398 H:669 M:675 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
10399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10400 Mana Gain: 32
10401 H:669 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; 
10402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10403 H:669 M:700 -b db 
10404 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10405 evoke empower rockfall
10406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10407 You must regain balance first.
10408 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10409 evoke wisp hypnotic dwen
10410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10411 You must regain balance first.
10412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10413 quarterstaff stab dwen oxalis
10414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10415 You must regain balance first.
10416 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10417 naturebind blackthorn strip dwen
10418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10419 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10420 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10421 naturebind hawthorn strip dwen
10422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10423 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10424 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10425 naturebind beech strip dwen
10426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10427 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10428 H:669 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
10429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10430 You may eat another herb or plant.
10432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10433 H:669 M:471 &lt;-b dbt; 
10434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10435 H:669 M:700 -b db 
10436 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10437 apply fenugreek
10438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10439 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1999.
10440 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
10441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10442 Dwenthall applies a fenugreek berry to herself.
10443 H:669 M:471 &lt;-b dbt; 
10444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10445 H:669 M:700 -b db 
10446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10447 evoke empower rockfall
10448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10449 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10451 evoke wisp hypnotic dwen
10452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10453 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10455 quarterstaff stab dwen oxalis
10456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10457 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10458 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10459 naturebind blackthorn strip dwen
10460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10461 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10463 naturebind hawthorn strip dwen
10464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10465 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10467 naturebind beech strip dwen
10468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10469 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10470 H:669 M:471 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Lost: 1
10471 H:669 M:470 &lt;-b dbt; You may apply another salve.
10472 H:669 M:470 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10473 H:669 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
10474 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10475 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10476 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10477 evoke empower rockfall
10478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10479 Mana Lost: 6
10480 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
10481 wer of Earth infuses it.
10482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10483 evoke wisp hypnotic dwen
10484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10485 You quickly summon a hypnotic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
10486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10487 Reyvenyr quickly summons a hypnotic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
10488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10489 Your hypnotic wisp flies rapidly around Dwenthall's head, whose eyes widen in terror.
10490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10491 Reyvenyr's hypnotic wisp flies rapidly around your head, and your vision is suddenly flooded with te
10492 rrifying visions.
10493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10494 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
10495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10496 quarterstaff stab dwen oxalis
10497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10498 You rub some oxalis on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10499 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10501 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10502 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
10503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10504 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
10505 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
10506 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10507 Your oxalis toxin has affected Dwenthall.
10508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10509 Your vision is suddenly restored.
10510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10511 Balance Taken: 3.01s
10512 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10513 naturebind blackthorn strip dwen
10514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10515 Upon your command, an animated blackthorn root whips the air in front of Dwenthall.
10516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10517 Upon Reyvenyr's command, an animated blackthorn root whips the air in front of you.
10518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10519 The root strips Dwenthall's alertness defence.
10520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10521 The root strips your alertness defence.
10522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10523 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
10524 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10525 naturebind hawthorn strip dwen
10526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10527 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10529 naturebind beech strip dwen
10530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10531 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10532 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
10533 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10534 H:529 M:683 eb d 
10535 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10536 st tar root
10537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10538 Target tar is now root.
10539 H:529 M:683 eb d 
10540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10541 spam afflicted Dwenthall asthma
10542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10543 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall asthma", is not a valid command.
10544 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
10545 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10546 purge blood
10547 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10548 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
10549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10550 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
10551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10552 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
10553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10554 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
10555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10556 H:529 M:677 eb d 
10557 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10558 eat toadstool
10559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10560 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1977.
10561 You quickly eat a toadstool.
10562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10563 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
10564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10565 You feel your health and mana replenished.
10566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10567 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
10568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10569 H:596 M:700 eb d 
10570 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10571 spam afflicted Dwenthall oxalis
10572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10573 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall oxalis", is not a valid command.
10574 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
10575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10576 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
10577 H:596 M:700 eb d 
10578 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10579 bb
10580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10581 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Qu
10582 ickcast effect.
10583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10584 The crystal floating around Dwenthall pulses aggressively, illuminating its surroundings with a fier
10585 y light.
10586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10587 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
10588 You raise your hand and an animated beech root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly reddens an
10589 d his blood boils in his veins.
10590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10591 Dwenthall raises her hand and an animated beech root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly redd
10592 ens and his blood boils in his veins.
10593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10594 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated beech ro
10595 ot and battering him painfully.
10596 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10597 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated be
10598 ech root and battering him painfully.
10599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10600 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
10601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10602 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
10603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10604 H:596 M:694 -b d You may eat another herb or plant.
10605 H:596 M:694 -b d 
10606 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10607 eat hyssop
10608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10609 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1995.
10610 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
10611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10612 Dwenthall quickly eats some hyssop stem.
10613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10614 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
10615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10616 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
10617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10618 H:596 M:694 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
10619 H:623 M:700 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
10620 H:623 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10621 H:623 M:700 eb db 
10622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10623 You have recovered balance.
10624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10625 You may eat another herb or plant.
10627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10628 H:669 M:464 &lt;-b dbt; 
10629 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10630 H:623 M:700 eb db 
10631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10632 ac on
10633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10634 Autocuring activated.
10635 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10636 order loyals kill dwen
10637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10638 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10639 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10640 TEAR MAP
10641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10642 Syntax: TEAR MAP
10643 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10644 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
10645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10646 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10647 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10648 evoke empower rockfall
10649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10650 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10651 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10652 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
10653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10654 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10655 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10656 evoke wisp metallic dwen
10657 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10658 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10659 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10660 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
10661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10662 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10663 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10664 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
10665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10666 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10667 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10668 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
10669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10670 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10672 naturebind beech circle dwen
10673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10674 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10675 H:669 M:464 &lt;-b dbt; 
10676 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10677 bb
10678 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10679 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Qu
10680 ickcast effect.
10681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10682 The crystal floating around Dwenthall pulses aggressively, illuminating its surroundings with a fier
10683 y light.
10684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10685 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
10686 You raise your hand and an animated beech root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly reddens an
10687 d his blood boils in his veins.
10688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10689 Dwenthall raises her hand and an animated beech root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly redd
10690 ens and his blood boils in his veins.
10691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10692 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated beech ro
10693 ot and battering him painfully.
10694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10695 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated be
10696 ech root and battering him painfully.
10697 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10698 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
10699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10700 H:669 M:464 &lt;-b dbt; 
10701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10702 H:623 M:694 -b db 
10703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10704 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10705 H:669 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
10706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10707 ac on
10708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10709 Autocuring activated.
10710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10711 order loyals kill dwen
10712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10713 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
10714 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
10715 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
10716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10717 TEAR MAP
10718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10719 Syntax: TEAR MAP
10720 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10721 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
10722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10723 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
10724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10725 evoke empower rockfall
10726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10727 Mana Lost: 6
10728 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
10729 wer of Earth infuses it.
10730 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10731 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
10732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10733 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
10734 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10735 evoke wisp metallic dwen
10736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10737 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
10738 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10739 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
10740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10741 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10742 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10744 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
10745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10746 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
10747 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
10748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10749 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
10750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10751 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
10752 Balance Taken: 3.01s
10753 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10754 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
10755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10756 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
10757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10758 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
10759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10760 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
10761 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
10762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10763 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
10764 d you.
10765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10766 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
10767 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10768 naturebind beech circle dwen
10769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10770 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10771 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
10772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10773 H:519 M:694 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
10774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10775 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
10776 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
10777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10778 H:519 M:694 -b b 
10779 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10780 eat juniper
10781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10782 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1971.
10784 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
10786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10787 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
10789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10790 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
10792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10793 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
10794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10795 H:519 M:694 -b db 
10796 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10797 sip health
10798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10799 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
10801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10802 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
10804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10805 The elixir heals your body.
10807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10808 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
10809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10810 H:642 M:694 -b db 
10811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10812 Mana Lost: 1
10814 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
10815 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10816 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
10817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10818 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
10820 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
10821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10822 The fenugreek berry juice hardens into a supple, waxy coating.
10824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10825 A waxy shell of berry juice has dried to Dwenthall's skin.
10827 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
10828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10829 H:642 M:678 -b db 
10830 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10831 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
10832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10833 You must regain balance first.
10835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10836 evoke tornado
10837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10838 You must regain balance first.
10840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10841 naturebind curse dwen
10842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10843 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10845 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
10846 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
10848 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
10849 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10850 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
10851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10852 You must regain balance first.
10854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10855 evoke tornado
10856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10857 You must regain balance first.
10859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10860 naturebind curse dwen
10861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10862 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10864 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
10865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10866 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10869 H:642 M:678 eb db 
10870 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10871 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
10872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10873 You must regain balance first.
10875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10876 evoke tornado
10877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10878 You must regain balance first.
10880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10881 naturebind curse dwen
10882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10883 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10885 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
10886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10887 You may eat another herb or plant.
10888 H:642 M:678 eb db 
10889 You may eat another mushroom.
10891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10892 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
10893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10894 You must regain balance first.
10896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10897 evoke tornado
10898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10899 You must regain balance first.
10901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10902 naturebind curse dwen
10903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10904 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10905 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
10906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10907 H:642 M:678 eb db 
10908 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10909 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
10910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10911 You must regain balance first.
10912 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10913 evoke tornado
10914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10915 You must regain balance first.
10916 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10917 naturebind curse dwen
10918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10919 You must regain your equilibrium first.
10920 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
10921 H:669 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
10922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10923 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
10924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10925 You must regain balance first.
10926 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10927 evoke tornado
10928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10929 You must regain balance first.
10930 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10931 naturebind curse dwen
10932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10933 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
10934 root shreds it viciously.
10935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10936 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
10937 root shreds it viciously.
10938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10939 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
10940 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
10941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10942 H:642 M:678 eb db 
10943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10944 You have recovered balance.
10945 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10946 ac
10947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10948 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
10949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10950 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
10951 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10952 You raise your hand and an animated beech root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly reddens an
10953 d his blood boils in his veins.
10954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10955 Dwenthall raises her hand and an animated beech root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly redd
10956 ens and his blood boils in his veins.
10957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10958 The final blow is too much, you have slain an animated beech root.
10960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10961 The final blow is too much, an animated beech root has been slain by Dwenthall.
10962 An animated beech root, your loyal companion, has been slain by Dwenthall.
10963 You just received message #1 from (imperian).
10964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10965 You pick up the corpse.
10967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10968 Dwenthall picks up the corpse.
10970 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10971 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated hawthorn
10972  root and battering him painfully.
10973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10974 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated ha
10975 wthorn root and battering him painfully.
10976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10977 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
10978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10979 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
10980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10981 H:642 M:672 -b db 
10982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10983 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
10984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10985 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
10986 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
10987 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10988 smoke pipe with linseed
10989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10990 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
10991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10992 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
10993 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
10994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
10995 H:642 M:672 -b db 
10996 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10997 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
10998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
10999 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11000 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11001 evoke tornado
11002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11003 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11004 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11005 naturebind curse dwen
11006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11007 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11008 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Gain: 32
11009 H:669 M:489 &lt;-b dbt; 
11010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11011 You may drink another healing elixir.
11012 H:669 M:700 -b db 
11013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11014 Mana Lost: 1
11015 H:669 M:489 &lt;-b dbt; 
11016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11017 banish root honeysuckle
11018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11019 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11020 H:669 M:489 &lt;-b dbt; 
11021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11022 banish root elder
11023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11024 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11025 H:669 M:489 &lt;-b dbt; 
11026 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11027 summon root hawthorn
11028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11029 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11030 H:669 M:489 &lt;-b dbt; 
11031 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11032 summon root blackthorn
11033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11034 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11035 H:669 M:489 &lt;-b dbt; 
11036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11037 summon root beech
11038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11039 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11040 H:669 M:489 &lt;-b dbt; 
11041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11042 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
11043 H:669 M:684 -b db 
11044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11045 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11046 H:669 M:489 &lt;eb dbt; 
11047 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11048 banish root honeysuckle
11049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11050 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
11051 H:669 M:489 &lt;eb dbt; 
11052 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11053 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11054 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11055 banish root elder
11056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11057 You have not summoned the elder root.
11058 H:669 M:489 &lt;eb dbt; 
11059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11060 H:669 M:684 eb db 
11061 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11062 summon root hawthorn
11063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11064 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
11065 H:669 M:489 &lt;eb dbt; 
11066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11067 summon root blackthorn
11068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11069 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
11070 H:669 M:489 &lt;eb dbt; 
11071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11072 summon root beech
11073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11074 Mana Lost: 12
11075 Focusing on your mental bond with the great tree, you issue a silent call to the Nature and a vibran
11076 t green aura flickers around you briefly, as you bid the tree to come to your aid.
11077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11078 Reyvenyr closes his eyes and a vibrant green aura envelops him briefly.
11079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11080 H:669 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
11081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11082 H:669 M:684 eb db 
11083 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11084 ac
11085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11086 You raise your hand and an animated hawthorn root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly reddens
11087  and his blood boils in his veins.
11088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11089 Dwenthall raises her hand and an animated hawthorn root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly r
11090 eddens and his blood boils in his veins.
11091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11092 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated hawthorn
11093  root and battering him painfully.
11094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11095 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated ha
11096 wthorn root and battering him painfully.
11097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11098 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
11099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11100 H:669 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
11101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11102 H:669 M:678 -b db 
11103 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11104 banish root honeysuckle
11105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11106 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
11107 H:669 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
11108 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11109 banish root elder
11110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11111 You have not summoned the elder root.
11112 H:669 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
11113 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11114 summon root hawthorn
11115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11116 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
11117 H:669 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
11118 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11119 summon root blackthorn
11120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11121 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
11122 H:669 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
11123 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11124 summon root beech
11125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11126 But you already are summoning a root.
11127 H:669 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
11128 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11129 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
11130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11131 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
11132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11133 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
11134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11135 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
11136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11137 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
11138  weakening.
11139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11140 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
11141 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11142 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
11143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11144 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
11145 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11146 evoke drain dwen
11147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11148 Mana Lost: 9
11149 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
11150 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
11151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11152 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
11153 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
11154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11155 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
11156 Balance Taken: 2.90s
11157 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11158 naturebind drain dwen
11159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11160 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
11161  contort in a visage of pain.
11162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11163 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
11164 tabbing pain in your head.
11165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11166 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
11167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11168 ta dwen
11169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11170 Dwenthall's condition stands at 629/669 health and 560/700 mana.
11171 Mana Lost: 12
11172 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
11173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11174 H:669 M:487 -b db 
11175 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11176 sip mana
11177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11178 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
11179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11180 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
11181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11182 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
11183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11184 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
11185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11186 H:669 M:639 -b db 
11187 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11188 eat toadstool
11189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11190 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1976.
11191 You quickly eat a toadstool.
11192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11193 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
11194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11195 You feel your health and mana replenished.
11196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11197 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
11198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11199 H:669 M:700 -b db 
11200 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11201 contemplate dwen
11202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11203 You must regain balance first.
11204 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
11205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11206 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
11207 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11208 H:669 M:700 eb db 
11209 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11210 ac
11211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11212 You raise your hand and an animated hawthorn root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly reddens
11213  and his blood boils in his veins.
11214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11215 Dwenthall raises her hand and an animated hawthorn root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly r
11216 eddens and his blood boils in his veins.
11217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11218 The final blow is too much, you have slain an animated hawthorn root.
11220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11221 The final blow is too much, an animated hawthorn root has been slain by Dwenthall.
11222 An animated hawthorn root, your loyal companion, has been slain by Dwenthall.
11223 You just received message #2 from (imperian).
11224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11225 You pick up the corpse.
11227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11228 Dwenthall picks up the corpse.
11230 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11231 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated blacktho
11232 rn root and battering him painfully.
11233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11234 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated bl
11235 ackthorn root and battering him painfully.
11236 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11237 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
11238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11239 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
11240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11241 H:669 M:694 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
11242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11243 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
11244 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
11245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11246 H:669 M:694 -b db 
11247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11248 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11249 H:669 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; The ground around you splits momentarily and an animated beech root bursts i
11250 nto the room, swaying menacingly.
11251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11252 The ground around Reyvenyr splits momentarily and an animated beech root bursts into the room, swayi
11253 ng menacingly.
11254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11255 H:669 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; 
11256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11257 H:669 M:694 -b db 
11258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11259 You have recovered balance.
11260 Mana Lost: 1
11261 H:669 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
11262 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11263 ac on
11264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11265 Autocuring activated.
11266 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11267 order golem kill dwen
11268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11269 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
11270 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11271 evoke empower rockfall
11272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11273 Mana Lost: 6
11274 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
11275 wer of Earth infuses it.
11276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11277 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
11278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11279 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
11280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11281 evoke wisp metallic dwen
11282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11283 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
11284 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11285 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
11286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11287 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
11288 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
11289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11290 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
11291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11292 The attack rebounds back onto you!
11293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11294 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
11295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11296 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
11297 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
11298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11299 Several tiny rocks materialise above Reyvenyr and fall down, battering his body.
11300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11301 Damage Taken: 24 blunt, mental (raw damage: 50)
11302 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
11303 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
11304 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
11305 Balance Taken: 3.01s
11306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11307 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
11308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11309 You haven't summoned the hawthorn root.
11310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11311 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
11312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11313 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
11314 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
11315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11316 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
11317 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
11318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11319 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
11320 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11321 naturebind beech choke dwen
11322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11323 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11325 naturebind shred dwen
11326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11327 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11328 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11329 ta dwen
11330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11331 Dwenthall's condition stands at 534/669 health and 678/700 mana.
11332 Mana Lost: 12
11333 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- bt; 
11334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11335 H:620 M:678 -b db 
11336 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11337 writhe root
11338 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11339 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
11340 H:620 M:678 -b db 
11341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11342 eat juniper
11343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11344 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1997.
11345 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
11346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11347 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
11348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11349 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
11350 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11352 H:620 M:678 -b db You have regained the ability to purge your body.
11353 H:620 M:678 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11354 H:620 M:678 eb db 
11355 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11356 ac
11357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11358 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
11359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11360 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
11361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11362 You raise your hand and an animated blackthorn root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly redde
11363 ns and his blood boils in his veins.
11364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11365 Dwenthall raises her hand and an animated blackthorn root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly
11366  reddens and his blood boils in his veins.
11367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11368 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated blacktho
11369 rn root and battering him painfully.
11370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11371 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated bl
11372 ackthorn root and battering him painfully.
11373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11374 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
11375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11376 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11378 H:620 M:672 -b db 
11379 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11380 smoke pipe with linseed
11381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11382 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
11383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11384 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
11385 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11386 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11387 H:620 M:672 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
11388 H:620 M:672 -b db 
11389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11390 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
11391 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11393 banish root honeysuckle
11394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11395 You must regain balance first.
11396 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11397 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11398 banish root elder
11399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11400 You must regain balance first.
11401 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11402 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11403 summon root hawthorn
11404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11405 You must regain balance first.
11406 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11408 summon root blackthorn
11409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11410 You must regain balance first.
11411 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11413 summon root beech
11414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11415 You must regain balance first.
11416 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11418 An animated blackthorn root settles down in a corner to sleep.
11419 H:620 M:672 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
11420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11421 You may eat another herb or plant.
11422 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11424 H:620 M:672 -b db 
11425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11426 banish root honeysuckle
11427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11428 You must regain balance first.
11429 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11430 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11431 banish root elder
11432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11433 You must regain balance first.
11434 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11435 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11436 summon root hawthorn
11437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11438 You must regain balance first.
11439 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11441 summon root blackthorn
11442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11443 You must regain balance first.
11444 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11445 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11446 summon root beech
11447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11448 You must regain balance first.
11449 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11451 banish root honeysuckle
11452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11453 You must regain balance first.
11454 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11455 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11456 banish root elder
11457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11458 You must regain balance first.
11459 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11461 summon root hawthorn
11462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11463 You must regain balance first.
11464 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11465 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11466 summon root blackthorn
11467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11468 You must regain balance first.
11469 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11471 summon root beech
11472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11473 You must regain balance first.
11474 H:579 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
11475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11476 You may eat another mushroom.
11477 H:620 M:672 -b db 
11478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11479 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11480 H:579 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
11481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11482 banish root honeysuckle
11483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11484 You must regain balance first.
11485 H:579 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
11486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11487 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards Nysara Lake.
11488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11489 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards Nysara Lake.
11490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11491 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
11492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11493 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
11494 her.
11495 You have recovered balance.
11496 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11497 sip health
11498 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11499 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
11500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11501 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
11502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11503 The elixir heals your body.
11504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11505 H:579 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
11506 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11507 H:669 M:672 -b db 
11508 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11509 banish root elder
11510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11511 You have not summoned the elder root.
11512 H:579 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
11513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11514 summon root hawthorn
11515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11516 Mana Lost: 12
11517 Focusing on your mental bond with the great tree, you issue a silent call to the Nature and a vibran
11518 t green aura flickers around you briefly, as you bid the tree to come to your aid.
11519 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11520 Reyvenyr closes his eyes and a vibrant green aura envelops him briefly.
11521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11522 H:579 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
11523 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11524 H:669 M:672 -b db 
11525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11526 summon root blackthorn
11527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11528 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
11529 H:579 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
11530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11531 summon root beech
11532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11533 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
11534 H:579 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
11535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11536 banish root honeysuckle
11537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11538 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
11539 H:579 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
11540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11541 banish root elder
11542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11543 You have not summoned the elder root.
11544 H:579 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
11545 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11546 summon root hawthorn
11547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11548 But you already are summoning a root.
11549 H:579 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
11550 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11551 summon root blackthorn
11552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11553 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
11554 H:579 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
11555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11556 summon root beech
11557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11558 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
11559 H:579 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
11560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11561 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
11562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11563 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
11564 H:579 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
11565 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11566 H:669 M:672 -b db 
11567 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11568 ac
11569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11570 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11571 H:669 M:672 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11572 H:669 M:672 eb db 
11573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11574 Health Gain: 66
11575 Mana Gain: 32
11576 H:646 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
11577 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11578 ac
11579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11580 You raise your hand and an animated blackthorn root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly redde
11581 ns and his blood boils in his veins.
11582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11583 Dwenthall raises her hand and an animated blackthorn root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly
11584  reddens and his blood boils in his veins.
11585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11586 The final blow is too much, you have slain an animated blackthorn root.
11588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11589 The final blow is too much, an animated blackthorn root has been slain by Dwenthall.
11590 An animated blackthorn root, your loyal companion, has been slain by Dwenthall.
11591 You just received message #3 from (imperian).
11592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11593 You pick up the corpse.
11595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11596 Dwenthall picks up the corpse.
11598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11599 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated beech ro
11600 ot and battering him painfully.
11601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11602 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated be
11603 ech root and battering him painfully.
11604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11605 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
11606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11607 H:646 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
11608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11609 H:669 M:694 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
11610 H:669 M:694 -b db 
11611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11612 Mana Lost: 1
11613 H:646 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
11614 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11615 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
11616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11617 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
11618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11619 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
11620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11621 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
11622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11623 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
11624  weakening.
11625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11626 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
11627 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11628 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
11629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11630 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
11631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11632 evoke drain dwen
11633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11634 Mana Lost: 9
11635 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
11636 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
11637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11638 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
11639 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
11640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11641 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
11642 Balance Taken: 2.90s
11643 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11644 naturebind drain dwen
11645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11646 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated beech root passes by her, her features co
11647 ntort in a visage of pain.
11648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11649 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated beech root passes by you, you feel a stab
11650 bing pain in your head.
11651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11652 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
11653 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11654 ta dwen
11655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11656 Dwenthall's condition stands at 669/669 health and 487/700 mana.
11657 Mana Lost: 12
11658 H:646 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
11659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11660 H:669 M:487 -b db 
11661 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11662 eat toadstool
11663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11664 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1975.
11665 You quickly eat a toadstool.
11666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11667 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
11668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11669 You feel your health and mana replenished.
11670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11671 H:646 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
11672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11673 H:669 M:557 -b db 
11674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11675 contemplate dwen
11676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11677 You must regain balance first.
11678 H:646 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; The ground around you splits momentarily and an animated hawthorn root burst
11679 s into the room, swaying menacingly.
11680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11681 The ground around Reyvenyr splits momentarily and an animated hawthorn root bursts into the room, sw
11682 aying menacingly.
11683 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11684 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
11685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11686 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
11687 H:646 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
11688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11689 H:669 M:557 eb db 
11690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11691 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11692 H:646 M:435 &lt;e- dbt; 
11693 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11694 ac
11695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11696 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
11697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11698 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
11699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11700 You raise your hand and an animated beech root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly reddens an
11701 d his blood boils in his veins.
11702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11703 Dwenthall raises her hand and an animated beech root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly redd
11704 ens and his blood boils in his veins.
11705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11706 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated beech ro
11707 ot and battering him painfully.
11708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11709 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated be
11710 ech root and battering him painfully.
11711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11712 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
11713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11714 H:646 M:435 &lt;e- dbt; 
11715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11716 H:669 M:551 -b db 
11717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11718 You have recovered balance.
11719 H:646 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; 
11720 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11721 smoke pipe with linseed
11722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11723 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
11724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11725 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
11726 H:646 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; 
11727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11728 H:669 M:551 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
11729 H:669 M:551 -b db 
11730 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11731 sip mana
11732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11733 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
11734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11735 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
11736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11737 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
11738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11739 H:646 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; 
11740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11741 H:669 M:700 -b db 
11742 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11743 lp
11744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11745 You quickly light your pipes, surrounding yourself with a cloud of smoke.
11746 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11747 reb
11748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11749 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
11750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11751 Reyvenyr takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
11752 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11753 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
11754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11755 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
11756 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11757 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
11758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11759 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
11760 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11761 ac off
11762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11763 Autocuring disabled.
11764 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11765 evoke reclaim dwen
11766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11767 Dwenthall is still too strong to be reclaimed.
11768 H:646 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; 
11769 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11770 H:669 M:700 -b db 
11771 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11772 ac on
11773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11774 Autocuring activated.
11775 H:646 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; 
11776 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11777 ----------------------------------------------------RECLAIM FAILED!!!
11778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11779 Your input, "----------------------------------------------------RECLAIM FAILED!!!", is not a valid 
11780 command.
11781 H:646 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
11782 H:646 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
11783 H:646 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; 
11784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11785 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
11786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11787 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
11788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11789 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
11790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11791 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
11792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11793 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
11794  weakening.
11795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11796 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
11797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11798 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
11799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11800 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
11801 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11802 evoke drain dwen
11803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11804 Mana Lost: 9
11805 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
11806 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
11807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11808 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
11809 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
11810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11811 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
11812 Balance Taken: 2.90s
11813 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11814 naturebind drain dwen
11815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11816 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated beech root passes by her, her features co
11817 ntort in a visage of pain.
11818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11819 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated beech root passes by you, you feel a stab
11820 bing pain in your head.
11821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11822 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
11823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11824 ta dwen
11825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11826 Dwenthall's condition stands at 669/669 health and 493/700 mana.
11827 Mana Lost: 12
11828 H:646 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
11829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11830 H:669 M:493 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
11831 H:669 M:493 -b db 
11832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11833 contemplate dwen
11834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11835 You must regain balance first.
11836 H:646 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
11837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11838 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11839 H:669 M:493 eb db 
11840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11841 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
11842 H:646 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
11843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11844 You may eat another mushroom.
11845 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11846 eat toadstool
11847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11848 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1974.
11849 You quickly eat a toadstool.
11850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11851 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
11852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11853 You feel your health and mana replenished.
11854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11855 H:646 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
11856 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11857 H:669 M:563 eb db 
11858 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11859 cast stoneskin
11860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11861 Calling the powers of the elemental earth to you, you coat yourself in magically-supple granite.
11862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11863 Supple granite suddenly covers Dwenthall's entire body.
11864 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11865 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
11866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11867 H:646 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
11868 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11869 H:669 M:557 -b db 
11870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11871 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11872 H:646 M:413 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
11873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11874 You may drink another healing elixir.
11876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11877 H:646 M:413 &lt;eb dbt; 
11878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11879 H:669 M:557 -b db 
11880 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11881 sip mana
11882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11883 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
11884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11885 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
11886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11887 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
11888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11889 H:646 M:413 &lt;eb dbt; 
11890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11891 H:669 M:699 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
11892 H:669 M:699 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
11893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11894 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
11895 H:646 M:413 &lt;eb dbt; 
11896 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11897 H:669 M:699 eb db 
11898 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11899 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
11900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11901 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
11902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11903 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
11904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11905 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
11906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11907 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
11908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11909 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
11910 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11911 quarterstaff raze dwen
11912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11913 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
11914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11915 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
11916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11917 Balance Taken: 2.00s
11918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11919 naturebinding shred dwen
11920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11921 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
11922  her skin mercilessly.
11923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11924 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
11925 your skin mercilessly.
11926 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
11927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11928 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
11929 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11930 ta dwen
11931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11932 Dwenthall's condition stands at 667/669 health and 637/700 mana.
11933 Mana Lost: 12
11934 H:646 M:401 &lt;-- dbt; 
11935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11936 H:624 M:699 eb b 
11937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11938 ac on
11939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11940 Autocuring activated.
11941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11942 evoke imbue
11943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11944 You must regain balance first.
11945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11946 TEAR MAP
11947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11948 Syntax: TEAR MAP
11949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11950 evoke empower jolt
11951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11952 You must regain balance first.
11953 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11954 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
11955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11956 You must regain balance first.
11957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11958 evoke wisp metallic dwen
11959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11960 You must regain balance first.
11961 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11962 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
11963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11964 You must regain balance first.
11965 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11966 naturebind choke dwen
11967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11968 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11970 naturebind beech shred dwen
11971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11972 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11974 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
11975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11976 You must regain your equilibrium first.
11977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11978 ta dwen
11979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11980 Dwenthall's condition stands at 624/669 health and 623/700 mana.
11981 Mana Lost: 12
11982 H:646 M:389 &lt;-- dbt; 
11983 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11984 smoke pipe with linseed
11985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11986 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
11987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11988 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
11989 H:646 M:389 &lt;-- dbt; 
11990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11991 H:624 M:699 eb b 
11992 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11993 eat toadstool
11994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
11995 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1991.
11996 You quickly eat a toadstool.
11997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
11998 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
11999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12000 Health Gain: 22
12001 Mana Gain: 51
12002 You feel your health and mana replenished.
12003 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
12004 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12005 H:624 M:699 eb b 
12006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12007 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
12008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12009 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
12010 mmand.
12011 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
12012 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12013 eat juniper
12014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12015 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1970.
12016 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
12017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12018 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
12019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12020 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
12021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12022 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
12023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12024 H:624 M:699 eb db 
12025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12026 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
12027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12028 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Reyvenyr.
12029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12030 Mana Gain: 32
12031 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
12032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12033 H:657 M:700 eb db 
12034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12035 Mana Lost: 1
12037 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
12038 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
12040 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
12041 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12042 cast stoneskin
12043 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12044 Your skin is already covered in a protective, amazingly supple, granite coating.
12046 H:657 M:684 eb db 
12047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12048 You have recovered balance.
12051 H:669 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
12052 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12053 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
12054 H:657 M:684 eb db 
12055 You may eat another herb or plant.
12056 H:657 M:684 eb db 
12057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12058 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
12061 H:669 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
12062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12063 You may eat another mushroom.
12065 H:657 M:684 eb db 
12066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12067 ac on
12068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12069 Autocuring activated.
12071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12072 evoke imbue
12073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12074 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
12076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12077 Reyvenyr's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
12079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12080 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
12082 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12083 TEAR MAP
12084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12085 Syntax: TEAR MAP
12087 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12088 evoke empower jolt
12089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12090 Mana Lost: 6
12092 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
12093 wer of Earth infuses it.
12095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12096 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
12097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12098 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
12100 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12101 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
12103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12104 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
12106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12107 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
12109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12110 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
12112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12113 evoke wisp metallic dwen
12114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12115 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
12117 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12118 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
12119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12120 I do not recognize that toxin.
12122 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
12124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12125 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
12127 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
12129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12130 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
12132 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
12134 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
12136 Balance Taken: 3.01s
12138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12139 naturebind choke dwen
12140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12141 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
12143 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12144 naturebind beech shred dwen
12145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12146 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
12147  her skin mercilessly.
12149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12150 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
12151 your skin mercilessly.
12153 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
12155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12156 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
12158 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12159 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
12160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12161 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12164 ta dwen
12165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12166 Dwenthall's condition stands at 424/669 health and 616/700 mana.
12168 Mana Lost: 12
12170 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
12171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12172 H:424 M:684 eb b 
12173 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12174 eat juniper
12175 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12176 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1969.
12177 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
12178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12179 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
12180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12181 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
12182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12183 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
12184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12185 H:424 M:684 eb db 
12186 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12187 eat toadstool
12188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12189 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1973.
12190 You quickly eat a toadstool.
12191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12192 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
12193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12194 You feel your health and mana replenished.
12195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12196 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
12197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12198 H:491 M:700 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
12199 H:491 M:700 eb db 
12200 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12201 ac
12202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12203 You raise your hand and an animated beech root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly reddens an
12204 d his blood boils in his veins.
12205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12206 Dwenthall raises her hand and an animated beech root screams in pain as his whole body suddenly redd
12207 ens and his blood boils in his veins.
12208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12209 The final blow is too much, you have slain an animated beech root.
12211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12212 The final blow is too much, an animated beech root has been slain by Dwenthall.
12213 An animated beech root, your loyal companion, has been slain by Dwenthall.
12214 You just received message #4 from (imperian).
12215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12216 You pick up the corpse.
12218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12219 Dwenthall picks up the corpse.
12221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12222 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated hawthorn
12223  root and battering him painfully.
12224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12225 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards an animated ha
12226 wthorn root and battering him painfully.
12227 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12228 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
12229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12230 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
12231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12232 H:491 M:694 -b db 
12233 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12234 sip health
12235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12236 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
12237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12238 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
12239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12240 The elixir heals your body.
12241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12242 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
12243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12244 H:637 M:694 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
12245 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
12246 H:634 M:694 -b db 
12247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12248 Mana Lost: 1
12249 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
12250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12251 You may eat another herb or plant.
12252 H:634 M:678 -b db 
12253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12254 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
12255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12256 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
12257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12258 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
12259 H:669 M:453 &lt;e- dbt; 
12260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12261 H:660 M:700 -b db 
12262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12263 You may eat another mushroom.
12264 H:669 M:453 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
12265 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
12266 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12267 banish root honeysuckle
12268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12269 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
12270 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
12271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12272 banish root elder
12273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12274 You have not summoned the elder root.
12275 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
12276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12277 summon root hawthorn
12278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12279 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
12280 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
12281 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12282 summon root blackthorn
12283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12284 Mana Lost: 12
12285 Focusing on your mental bond with the great tree, you issue a silent call to the Nature and a vibran
12286 t green aura flickers around you briefly, as you bid the tree to come to your aid.
12287 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12288 Reyvenyr closes his eyes and a vibrant green aura envelops him briefly.
12289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12290 H:669 M:441 &lt;eb dbt; 
12291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12292 H:660 M:700 -b db 
12293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12294 summon root beech
12295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12296 But you already are summoning a root.
12297 H:669 M:441 &lt;eb dbt; 
12298 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12299 ac on
12300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12301 Autocuring activated.
12302 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12303 evoke imbue
12304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12305 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
12306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12307 TEAR MAP
12308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12309 Syntax: TEAR MAP
12310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12311 evoke empower jolt
12312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12313 Mana Lost: 6
12314 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
12315 wer of Earth infuses it.
12316 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12317 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
12318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12319 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
12320 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12321 evoke wisp metallic dwen
12322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12323 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
12324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12325 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
12326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12327 I do not recognize that toxin.
12328 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
12329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12330 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
12331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12332 The attack rebounds back onto you!
12333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12334 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
12335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12336 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
12337 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
12338 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12339 A small jolt of lightning zaps Reyvenyr.
12340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12341 Damage Taken: 28 electricity, mental (raw damage: 43)
12342 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
12343 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
12344 Balance Taken: 3.01s
12345 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12346 naturebind choke dwen
12347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12348 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
12349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12350 naturebind beech shred dwen
12351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12352 You haven't summoned the beech root.
12353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12354 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
12355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12356 You haven't summoned the blackthorn root.
12357 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12358 ta dwen
12359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12360 Dwenthall's condition stands at 660/669 health and 651/700 mana.
12361 Mana Lost: 12
12362 H:575 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
12363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12364 H:660 M:700 -b db 
12365 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12366 copse
12367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12368 Your input, "copse", is not a valid command.
12369 H:660 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
12370 H:660 M:700 eb db 
12371 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12372 dag
12373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12374 You are:
12375 blind.
12376 deaf.
12377 an insomniac.
12378 cursed by Nature.
12379 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
12380 H:660 M:700 -b db 
12381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12382 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
12383 H:575 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
12384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12385 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
12386 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12387 banish root honeysuckle
12388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12389 You must regain balance first.
12390 H:575 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
12391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12392 H:660 M:700 eb db 
12393 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12394 banish root elder
12395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12396 You must regain balance first.
12397 H:575 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
12398 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12399 cnc
12400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12401 You already possess mental equilibrium.
12402 H:660 M:700 eb db 
12403 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12404 summon root hawthorn
12405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12406 You must regain balance first.
12407 H:575 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
12408 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12409 pa
12410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12411 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
12412 H:660 M:700 eb db 
12413 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12414 summon root blackthorn
12415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12416 You must regain balance first.
12417 H:575 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
12418 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12419 abn
12420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12421 Your wounds are already bandaged.
12422 H:660 M:700 eb db 
12423 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12424 summon root beech
12425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12426 You must regain balance first.
12427 H:575 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
12428 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12429 overtune
12430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12431 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
12432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12433 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
12434 H:575 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
12435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12436 H:660 M:682 eb db 
12437 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12438 clot
12439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12440 You do not bleed my friend.
12441 H:660 M:682 eb db 
12442 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12443 cast firewreathe icebolt heat at &tar
12444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12445 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
12446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12447 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
12448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12449 That Crystalbinding effect can only be used against players.
12450 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards an animated hawthorn root. As it reaches him,
12451  his nerves begin twitching slightly under the cold.
12452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12453 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards an animated hawthorn root. As it reac
12454 hes him, his nerves begin twitching slightly under the cold.
12455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12456 You do not see that individual here.
12457 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
12458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12459 H:575 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
12460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12461 H:660 M:664 -b db 
12462 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12463 ta
12464 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12465 I do not recognize anything called that here.
12466 H:660 M:664 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
12467 H:660 M:664 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
12468 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12469 smoke pipe with linseed
12470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12471 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
12472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12473 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
12474 H:575 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
12475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12476 H:660 M:664 -b db 
12477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12478 You have recovered balance.
12479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12480 banish root honeysuckle
12481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12482 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
12483 H:575 M:423 &lt;eb dbt; 
12484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12485 banish root elder
12486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12487 You have not summoned the elder root.
12488 H:575 M:423 &lt;eb dbt; 
12489 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12490 summon root hawthorn
12491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12492 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
12493 H:575 M:423 &lt;eb dbt; 
12494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12495 summon root blackthorn
12496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12497 But you already are summoning a root.
12498 H:575 M:423 &lt;eb dbt; 
12499 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12500 summon root beech
12501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12502 But you already are summoning a root.
12503 H:575 M:423 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
12504 H:575 M:422 &lt;eb dbt; Health Gain: 66
12505 Mana Gain: 32
12506 H:642 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; The ground around you splits momentarily and an animated blackthorn root bur
12507 sts into the room, swaying menacingly.
12508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12509 The ground around Reyvenyr splits momentarily and an animated blackthorn root bursts into the room, 
12510 swaying menacingly.
12511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12512 H:642 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
12513 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12514 H:669 M:675 -b db 
12515 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12516 banish root honeysuckle
12517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12518 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
12519 H:642 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
12520 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12521 banish root elder
12522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12523 You have not summoned the elder root.
12524 H:642 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
12525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12526 summon root hawthorn
12527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12528 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
12529 H:642 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
12530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12531 summon root blackthorn
12532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12533 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
12534 H:642 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
12535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12536 summon root beech
12537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12538 Mana Lost: 12
12539 Focusing on your mental bond with the great tree, you issue a silent call to the Nature and a vibran
12540 t green aura flickers around you briefly, as you bid the tree to come to your aid.
12541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12542 Reyvenyr closes his eyes and a vibrant green aura envelops him briefly.
12543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12544 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12546 H:669 M:675 -b db 
12547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12548 banish root honeysuckle
12549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12550 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
12551 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12553 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
12554 H:669 M:675 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
12555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12556 banish root elder
12557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12558 You have not summoned the elder root.
12559 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12561 H:669 M:675 eb db 
12562 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12563 summon root hawthorn
12564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12565 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
12566 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12567 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12568 summon root blackthorn
12569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12570 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
12571 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12573 summon root beech
12574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12575 But you already are summoning a root.
12576 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12577 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12578 banish root honeysuckle
12579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12580 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
12581 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12582 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12583 banish root elder
12584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12585 You have not summoned the elder root.
12586 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12587 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12588 summon root hawthorn
12589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12590 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
12591 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12593 summon root blackthorn
12594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12595 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
12596 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12598 summon root beech
12599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12600 But you already are summoning a root.
12601 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12602 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12603 st tr rey
12604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12605 Target tr is now rey.
12606 H:669 M:675 eb db 
12607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12608 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Khandava forest.
12610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12611 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Khandava forest.
12613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12614 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12616 H:669 M:675 eb db 
12617 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12618 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
12619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12620 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
12621 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12622 quarterstaff raze dwen
12623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12624 You whip a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of Dwenthall, to no effect.
12625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12626 Reyvenyr whips a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of you, to no effect.
12627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12628 Balance Taken: 2.00s
12629 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12630 naturebind hawthorn circle dwen
12631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12632 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
12633 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
12634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12635 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
12636 you.
12637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12638 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
12639 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12640 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
12641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12642 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12643 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12644 naturebind beech circle dwen
12645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12646 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12647 H:642 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
12648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12649 H:669 M:675 eb db 
12650 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12651 ac on
12652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12653 Autocuring activated.
12654 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12655 order loyals kill dwen
12656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12657 You must regain balance first.
12658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12659 TEAR MAP
12660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12661 Syntax: TEAR MAP
12662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12663 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
12664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12665 You must regain balance first.
12666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12667 evoke empower rockfall
12668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12669 You must regain balance first.
12670 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12671 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
12672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12673 You must regain balance first.
12674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12675 evoke wisp metallic dwen
12676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12677 You must regain balance first.
12678 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12679 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
12680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12681 You must regain balance first.
12682 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12683 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
12684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12685 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12687 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
12688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12689 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12691 naturebind beech circle dwen
12692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12693 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12694 H:642 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
12695 H:642 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
12696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12697 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
12698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12699 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
12700 The ground around you splits momentarily and an animated beech root bursts into the room, swaying me
12701 nacingly.
12702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12703 The ground around Reyvenyr splits momentarily and an animated beech root bursts into the room, swayi
12704 ng menacingly.
12705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12706 H:642 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
12707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12708 H:669 M:659 eb db 
12709 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12710 st tar rey
12711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12712 Target tar is now rey.
12713 H:669 M:659 eb db 
12714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12715 You have recovered balance.
12716 H:642 M:442 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
12717 H:642 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
12718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12719 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
12720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12721 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
12722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12723 quarterstaff raze dwen
12724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12725 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
12726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12727 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
12728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12729 Balance Taken: 2.00s
12730 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12731 naturebind hawthorn circle dwen
12732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12733 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
12734 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12735 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
12736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12737 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
12738 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
12739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12740 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
12741 d you.
12742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12743 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
12744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12745 naturebind beech circle dwen
12746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12747 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12748 H:642 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
12749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12750 H:669 M:659 eb db 
12751 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12752 ac on
12753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12754 Autocuring activated.
12755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12756 order loyals kill dwen
12757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12758 You must regain balance first.
12759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12760 TEAR MAP
12761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12762 Syntax: TEAR MAP
12763 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12764 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
12765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12766 You must regain balance first.
12767 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12768 evoke empower rockfall
12769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12770 You must regain balance first.
12771 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12772 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
12773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12774 You must regain balance first.
12775 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12776 evoke wisp metallic dwen
12777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12778 You must regain balance first.
12779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12780 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
12781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12782 You must regain balance first.
12783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12784 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
12785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12786 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12787 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12788 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
12789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12790 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12792 naturebind beech circle dwen
12793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12794 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12795 H:642 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
12796 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12797 smoke pipe with linseed
12798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12799 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
12800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12801 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
12802 H:642 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
12803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12804 H:669 M:687 eb db 
12805 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12806 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
12807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12808 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
12809 mmand.
12810 H:642 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
12811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12812 Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
12813 H:669 M:687 eb db 
12814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12815 You have recovered balance.
12816 H:642 M:442 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Lost: 1
12817 H:642 M:441 &lt;-b dbt; 
12818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12819 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
12820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12821 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12823 evoke tornado
12824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12825 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12826 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12827 naturebind curse dwen
12828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12829 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12830 H:642 M:441 &lt;-b dbt; 
12831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12832 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
12833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12834 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12836 evoke tornado
12837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12838 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12839 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12840 naturebind curse dwen
12841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12842 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12843 H:642 M:441 &lt;-b dbt; 
12844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12845 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
12846 H:669 M:671 eb db 
12847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12848 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
12849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12850 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12852 evoke tornado
12853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12854 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12856 naturebind curse dwen
12857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12858 You must regain your equilibrium first.
12859 H:642 M:441 &lt;-b dbt; Health Gain: 26
12860 Mana Gain: 32
12861 H:669 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
12862 H:669 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
12863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12864 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
12865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12866 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
12867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12868 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
12869 .
12870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12871 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
12872 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12873 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
12874 r veins.
12875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12876 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
12878 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12879 evoke tornado
12880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12881 Mana Lost: 30
12883 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
12884  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
12885 ng in air.
12887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12888 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
12889 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
12890  sucking in air.
12892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12893 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
12895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12896 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
12898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12899 The tornado swirls rapidly.
12901 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
12903 Balance Taken: 3.80s
12905 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12906 naturebind curse dwen
12907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12908 Dwenthall is already suffering from the Nature's curse.
12910 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
12911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12912 H:669 M:699 eb db 
12913 You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
12915 H:669 M:699 eb db 
12916 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12917 rt Tornado Up!!
12918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12919 You are not the member of any ring.
12921 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
12922 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12923 eat kelp
12924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12925 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1995.
12927 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
12929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12930 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
12932 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12933 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
12935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12936 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
12937 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12938 H:669 M:699 eb db 
12939 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12940 cast flamepillar
12941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12942 You concentrate and slowly raise your hand upwards. Your index finger traces a fiery line in the air
12943 , which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
12945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12946 Dwenthall concentrates and slowly raises her hand upwards. Her index finger traces a fiery line in t
12947 he air, which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
12949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12950 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
12952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12953 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
12954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12955 H:669 M:675 -b db 
12956 An animated hawthorn root settles down in a corner to sleep.
12958 H:669 M:675 -b db 
12959 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12960 l
12961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12962 A rocky outcropping.
12965 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northeast. 
12966 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way south. 
12967 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way northwest. 
12968 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
12969 An animated hawthorn root is here, sleeping soundly. 
12970 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
12971 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
12972 Reyvenyr is here, camouflaged. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a
12973  lunar shield in his right. 
12974 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
12977 You see exits leading 
12978 northeast, south, and northwest
12979 .
12982 H:669 M:675 -b db 
12983 You may eat another herb or plant.
12984 H:669 M:675 -b db 
12985 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
12987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12988 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
12990 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12991 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
12992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12993 You must regain balance first.
12995 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
12996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
12997 H:669 M:675 -b db 
12998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
12999 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
13000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13001 You must regain balance first.
13003 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
13004 Mana Lost: 1
13006 H:669 M:442 &lt;e- dbt; 
13007 You have recovered balance.
13010 H:669 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
13011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13012 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
13013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13014 Mana Lost: 12
13015 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
13016 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
13017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13018 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
13019 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
13020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13021 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
13022 Mana Lost: 12
13023 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of benze
13024 drine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
13025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13026 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
13027  benzedrine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
13028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13029 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
13030 Balance Taken: 2.00s
13031 H:669 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; 
13032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13033 H:669 M:659 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
13034 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13035 cnc
13036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13037 You already possess mental equilibrium.
13038 H:669 M:659 eb db 
13039 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13040 pa
13041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13042 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
13043 H:669 M:659 eb db 
13044 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13045 abn
13046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13047 Your wounds are already bandaged.
13048 H:669 M:659 eb db 
13049 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13050 overtune
13051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13052 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
13053 H:669 M:659 eb db 
13054 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13055 clot
13056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13057 You do not bleed my friend.
13058 H:669 M:659 eb db 
13059 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13060 cast firewreathe icebolt heat at &tar
13061 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13062 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
13063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13064 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
13065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13066 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
13067 rewreathe effect.
13068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13069 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
13070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13071 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
13072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13073 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the fire element.
13074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13075 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
13076 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
13077  twitching slightly under the cold.
13078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13079 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
13080 range burning sensation in your nerves.
13081 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
13082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13083 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
13084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13085 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
13086 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
13087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13088 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
13089 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
13090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13091 H:564 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; 
13092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13093 H:669 M:641 -b db 
13094 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13095 ta
13096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13097 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 418/512 mana.
13098 H:669 M:629 -b db 
13099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13100 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
13101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13102 You must regain balance first.
13103 H:564 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; 
13104 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13105 smoke pipe with linseed
13106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13107 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
13108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13109 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
13110 H:564 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; 
13111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13112 H:669 M:629 -b db 
13113 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13114 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
13115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13116 You must regain balance first.
13117 H:564 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
13118 H:564 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; 
13119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13120 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
13121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13122 You must regain balance first.
13123 H:564 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; 
13124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13125 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
13126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13127 You must regain balance first.
13128 H:564 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
13129 H:564 M:418 &lt;eb dbt; 
13130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13131 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
13132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13133 Mana Lost: 12
13134 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
13135 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
13136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13137 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
13138 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
13139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13140 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
13141 Mana Lost: 12
13142 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of benze
13143 drine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
13144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13145 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
13146  benzedrine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
13147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13148 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
13149 Balance Taken: 2.00s
13150 H:564 M:394 &lt;e- dbt; 
13151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13152 H:669 M:629 -b db 
13153 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13154 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
13155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13156 You must regain balance first.
13157 H:564 M:394 &lt;e- dbt; 
13158 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13159 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
13160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13161 You must regain balance first.
13162 H:564 M:394 &lt;e- dbt; 
13163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13164 eat toadstool
13165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13166 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1990.
13167 You quickly eat a toadstool.
13168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13169 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
13170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13171 Health Gain: 66
13172 Mana Gain: 51
13173 You feel your health and mana replenished.
13174 H:631 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
13175 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13176 H:669 M:629 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
13177 H:669 M:629 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
13178 H:669 M:629 eb db 
13179 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13180 banish root honeysuckle
13181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13182 You must regain balance first.
13183 H:631 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
13184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13185 banish root elder
13186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13187 You must regain balance first.
13188 H:631 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
13189 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13190 summon root hawthorn
13191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13192 You must regain balance first.
13193 H:631 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
13194 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13195 summon root blackthorn
13196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13197 You must regain balance first.
13198 H:631 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
13199 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13200 summon root beech
13201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13202 You must regain balance first.
13203 H:631 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
13204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13205 banish root honeysuckle
13206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13207 You must regain balance first.
13208 H:631 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
13209 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13210 banish root elder
13211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13212 You must regain balance first.
13213 H:631 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
13214 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13215 summon root hawthorn
13216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13217 You must regain balance first.
13219 H:631 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
13220 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13221 summon root blackthorn
13222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13223 You must regain balance first.
13225 H:631 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
13226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13227 summon root beech
13228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13229 You must regain balance first.
13231 H:631 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
13232 You have recovered balance.
13235 H:631 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
13236 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13237 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
13239 H:669 M:657 eb db 
13240 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13241 cnc
13242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13243 You already possess mental equilibrium.
13245 H:669 M:657 eb db 
13246 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13247 pa
13248 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13249 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
13251 H:669 M:657 eb db 
13252 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13253 ta
13254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13255 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 631/669 health and 445/512 mana.
13257 H:669 M:645 eb db 
13258 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13259 ovt
13260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13261 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
13263 H:669 M:645 eb db 
13264 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13265 anor
13266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13267 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
13268 rewreathe effect.
13270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13271 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
13273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13274 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
13276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13277 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
13279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13280 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
13282 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
13283 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
13285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13286 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
13287 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
13288 your head.
13290 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
13292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13293 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
13295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13296 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
13298 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
13300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13301 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
13303 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
13305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13306 H:536 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
13307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13308 H:669 M:634 -b db 
13309 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13310 ta
13311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13312 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 536/669 health and 445/512 mana.
13314 H:669 M:622 -b db 
13315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13316 eat kelp
13317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13318 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1999.
13320 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
13322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13323 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
13325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13326 You feel coordinated once more.
13328 H:536 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
13329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13330 H:669 M:622 -b db 
13331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13332 Mana Lost: 1
13334 H:536 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
13335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13336 bs
13337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13338 Your skin is already tough as bark.
13340 H:536 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
13341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13342 bs
13343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13344 Your skin is already tough as bark.
13346 H:536 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
13347 Health Gain: 66
13349 Mana Gain: 32
13351 H:603 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13353 bs
13354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13355 Your skin is already tough as bark.
13356 H:603 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13357 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13358 bs
13359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13360 Your skin is already tough as bark.
13361 H:603 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13363 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
13364 H:669 M:647 -b db 
13365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13366 You may eat another herb or plant.
13367 H:603 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13369 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
13370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13371 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
13372 H:603 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13374 H:669 M:647 -b db 
13375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13376 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedrine.
13377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13378 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
13379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13380 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
13381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13382 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
13383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13384 The tornado swirls rapidly.
13385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13386 coir
13387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13388 Your input, "coir", is not a valid command.
13389 H:603 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13391 H:669 M:647 -b db 
13392 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13393 apply mending to legs
13394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13395 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
13396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13397 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
13398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13399 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
13400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13401 H:603 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13403 H:669 M:647 -b db 
13404 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13405 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
13406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13407 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
13408 H:603 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13410 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
13411 H:669 M:647 eb db 
13412 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13413 cnc
13414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13415 You already possess mental equilibrium.
13416 H:669 M:647 eb db 
13417 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13418 pa
13419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13420 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
13421 H:669 M:647 eb db 
13422 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13423 ovt
13424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13425 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
13426 H:669 M:647 eb db 
13427 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13428 cast shock scorch suffuse at &tar
13429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13430 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
13431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13432 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
13433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13434 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
13435 ock effect.
13436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13437 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
13438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13439 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
13440 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
13441  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
13442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13443 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
13444 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
13445 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
13446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13447 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, causing him to look quite nauseous.
13448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13449 You feel nauseous as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you.
13450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13451 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
13452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13453 H:523 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13455 H:669 M:623 -b db 
13456 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13457 ta
13458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13459 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 523/669 health and 477/512 mana.
13461 H:669 M:611 -b db 
13462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13463 eat nightshade
13464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13465 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1999.
13467 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
13469 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13470 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
13472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13473 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
13475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13476 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
13478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13479 H:523 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13481 H:669 M:611 -b db 
13482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13483 sip health
13484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13485 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
13487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13488 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
13490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13491 Health Gain: 126
13493 The elixir heals your body.
13495 H:649 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13497 H:669 M:611 -b db 
13498 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13499 smoke pipe with linseed
13500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13501 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
13503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13504 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
13506 H:649 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
13507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13508 H:669 M:611 -b db 
13509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13510 ac on
13511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13512 Autocuring activated.
13514 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13515 order loyals kill dwen
13516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13517 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
13519 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
13521 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
13523 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13524 TEAR MAP
13525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13526 Syntax: TEAR MAP
13528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13529 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
13530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13531 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
13533 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13534 evoke empower rockfall
13535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13536 Mana Lost: 6
13538 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
13539 wer of Earth infuses it.
13541 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13542 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
13543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13544 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
13546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13547 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
13549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13550 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
13552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13553 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
13555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13556 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
13558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13559 evoke wisp metallic dwen
13560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13561 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
13563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13564 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
13565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13566 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
13568 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
13570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13571 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
13573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13574 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
13576 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
13578 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13579 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
13581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13582 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
13584 Balance Taken: 3.01s
13586 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13587 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
13588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13589 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
13591 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13592 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
13593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13594 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
13595 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13596 naturebind beech circle dwen
13597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13598 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
13599 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
13600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13601 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
13602 .
13603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13604 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
13605 H:649 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; 
13606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13607 H:515 M:611 -b b 
13608 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13609 eat juniper
13610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13611 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1968.
13612 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
13613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13614 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
13615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13616 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
13617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13618 H:649 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; 
13619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13620 H:515 M:611 -b db 
13621 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13622 sip health
13623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13624 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
13625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13626 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
13627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13628 The elixir heals your body.
13629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13630 H:649 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; 
13631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13632 H:669 M:611 -b db 
13633 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13634 eat toadstool
13635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13636 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1972.
13637 You quickly eat a toadstool.
13638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13639 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
13640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13641 You feel your health and mana replenished.
13642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13643 H:649 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; 
13644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13645 H:669 M:681 -b db 
13646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13647 purge blood
13648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13649 Mana Lost: 6
13650 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
13651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13652 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
13653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13654 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
13655 H:649 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
13656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13657 H:669 M:681 -b db You may apply another salve.
13658 H:669 M:681 -b db 
13659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13660 You may eat another mushroom.
13661 H:649 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
13662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13663 touch tree
13664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13665 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
13666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13667 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
13668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13669 Your stomach becalms itself.
13670 H:649 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
13671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13672 H:669 M:681 -b db 
13673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13674 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
13675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13676 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
13677 H:649 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
13678 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13679 apply mass
13680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13681 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
13682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13683 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
13684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13685 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
13686 H:649 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
13687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13688 H:669 M:681 -b db 
13689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13690 banish root honeysuckle
13691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13692 You must regain balance first.
13693 H:649 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
13694 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
13695 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
13696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13697 banish root elder
13698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13699 You must regain balance first.
13700 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
13701 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13702 summon root hawthorn
13703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13704 You must regain balance first.
13705 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
13706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13707 summon root blackthorn
13708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13709 You must regain balance first.
13710 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
13711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13712 summon root beech
13713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13714 You must regain balance first.
13715 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
13716 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
13717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13718 You may eat another herb or plant.
13719 H:669 M:665 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
13720 H:669 M:665 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
13721 H:669 M:665 eb db 
13722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13723 banish root honeysuckle
13724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13725 You must regain balance first.
13726 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
13727 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13728 banish root elder
13729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13730 You must regain balance first.
13731 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
13732 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13733 summon root hawthorn
13734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13735 You must regain balance first.
13736 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
13737 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13738 summon root blackthorn
13739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13740 You must regain balance first.
13741 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
13742 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13743 summon root beech
13744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13745 You must regain balance first.
13746 H:649 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
13747 H:649 M:464 &lt;e- dbt; 
13748 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13749 banish root honeysuckle
13750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13751 You must regain balance first.
13752 H:649 M:464 &lt;e- dbt; 
13753 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13754 cnc
13755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13756 You already possess mental equilibrium.
13757 H:669 M:665 eb db 
13758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13759 You have recovered balance.
13760 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13761 banish root elder
13762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13763 You have not summoned the elder root.
13764 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13765 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13766 pa
13767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13768 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
13769 H:669 M:665 eb db 
13770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13771 summon root hawthorn
13772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13773 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
13774 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13775 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13776 overtune
13777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13778 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
13779 H:669 M:665 eb db 
13780 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13781 summon root blackthorn
13782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13783 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
13784 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13785 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13786 abn
13787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13788 Your wounds are already bandaged.
13789 H:669 M:665 eb db 
13790 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13791 summon root beech
13792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13793 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
13794 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13795 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13796 cast quickcast scourge heat at &tar
13797 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13798 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Qu
13799 ickcast effect.
13800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13801 The crystal floating around Dwenthall pulses aggressively, illuminating its surroundings with a fier
13802 y light.
13803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13804 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
13805 You snap your fingers and flames burst out around Reyvenyr, negating his attempts to protect himself
13806  from fire.
13807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13808 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and flames burst out around you, negating your attempts to protect yours
13809 elf from fire.
13810 You are no longer attuned to the fire element.
13811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13812 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the fire element.
13813 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
13814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13815 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
13816 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the fire element.
13817 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13818 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
13819 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
13820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13821 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13823 H:669 M:641 -b db 
13824 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13825 banish root honeysuckle
13826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13827 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
13828 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13829 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13830 ta
13831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13832 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 649/669 health and 464/512 mana.
13833 H:669 M:629 -b db 
13834 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13835 banish root elder
13836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13837 You have not summoned the elder root.
13838 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13839 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13840 summon root hawthorn
13841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13842 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
13843 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13844 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13845 summon root blackthorn
13846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13847 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
13848 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13849 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13850 summon root beech
13851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13852 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
13853 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13855 banish root honeysuckle
13856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13857 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
13858 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13860 banish root elder
13861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13862 You have not summoned the elder root.
13863 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13864 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13865 summon root hawthorn
13866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13867 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
13868 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13870 summon root blackthorn
13871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13872 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
13873 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13874 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13875 summon root beech
13876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13877 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
13878 H:649 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
13879 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13880 ac on
13881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13882 Autocuring activated.
13883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13884 order golem kill dwen
13885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13886 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
13887 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13888 evoke empower rockfall
13889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13890 Mana Lost: 6
13891 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
13892 wer of Earth infuses it.
13893 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13894 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
13895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13896 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
13897 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13898 evoke wisp metallic dwen
13899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13900 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
13901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13902 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
13903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13904 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
13905 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
13906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13907 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
13908 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
13909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13910 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
13911 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
13912 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
13913 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
13914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13915 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
13916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13917 Balance Taken: 3.01s
13918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13919 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
13920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13921 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
13922 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
13923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13924 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
13925 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
13926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13927 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
13928 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13929 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
13930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13931 You must regain your equilibrium first.
13932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13933 naturebind beech choke dwen
13934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13935 You must regain your equilibrium first.
13936 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13937 naturebind shred dwen
13938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13939 You must regain your equilibrium first.
13940 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13941 ta dwen
13942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13943 Dwenthall's condition stands at 487/669 health and 691/700 mana.
13944 Mana Lost: 12
13945 H:649 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
13946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13947 H:523 M:629 -b b 
13948 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13949 writhe root
13950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13951 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
13952 H:523 M:629 -b b 
13953 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13954 eat juniper
13955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13956 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1967.
13957 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
13958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13959 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
13960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13961 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
13962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13963 H:649 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
13964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13965 H:523 M:629 -b db 
13966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13967 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
13968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13969 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
13970 H:649 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
13971 H:649 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
13972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13973 You may drink another healing elixir.
13974 H:523 M:629 -b db 
13975 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13976 sip health
13977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13978 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
13979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13980 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
13981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13982 The elixir heals your body.
13983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13984 H:649 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
13985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13986 H:651 M:629 -b db 
13987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13988 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
13989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13990 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
13991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13992 H:649 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
13993 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
13994 H:651 M:629 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
13995 H:651 M:629 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
13996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
13997 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
13998 H:649 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
13999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14000 H:651 M:629 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
14001 H:651 M:629 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
14002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14003 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
14004 H:649 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
14005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14006 H:651 M:629 eb db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
14007 e out of you.
14008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14009 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
14010 r.
14011 You have recovered balance.
14012 Mana Lost: 1
14013 H:649 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
14014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14015 H:602 M:613 eb db 
14016 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14017 cnc
14018 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14019 You already possess mental equilibrium.
14020 H:602 M:613 eb db 
14021 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14022 pa
14023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14024 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
14025 H:602 M:613 eb db 
14026 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14027 abn
14028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14029 Your wounds are already bandaged.
14030 H:602 M:613 eb db 
14031 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14032 overtune
14033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14034 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
14035 H:602 M:613 eb db 
14036 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14037 clot
14038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14039 You do not bleed my friend.
14040 H:602 M:613 eb db 
14041 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14042 cast firewreathe icebolt heat at &tar
14043 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14044 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
14045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14046 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
14047 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14048 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
14049 rewreathe effect.
14050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14051 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
14052 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14053 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
14054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14055 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
14056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14057 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
14058 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
14059  twitching slightly under the cold.
14060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14061 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
14062 range burning sensation in your nerves.
14063 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
14064 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14065 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
14066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14067 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
14068 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
14069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14070 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
14071 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
14072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14073 H:545 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
14074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14075 H:602 M:595 -b db 
14076 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14077 ta
14078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14079 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 545/669 health and 445/512 mana.
14080 H:602 M:583 -b db 
14081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14082 trueassess dwen
14083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14084 Dwenthall's condition stands at 626/669 health and 525/700 mana.
14085 Mana Lost: 12
14086 H:545 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
14087 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14088 smoke pipe with linseed
14089 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14090 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
14092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14093 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
14095 H:545 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
14096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14097 H:602 M:583 -b db 
14098 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14099 ac on
14100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14101 Autocuring activated.
14103 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14104 evoke empower rockfall
14105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14106 Mana Lost: 6
14108 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
14109 wer of Earth infuses it.
14111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14112 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
14113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14114 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
14115 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
14117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14118 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
14119  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
14121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14122 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
14124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14125 evoke wisp metallic dwen
14126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14127 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
14129 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14130 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
14131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14132 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
14134 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
14136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14137 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
14139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14140 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
14142 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
14144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14145 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
14147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14148 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
14150 Balance Taken: 3.01s
14152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14153 naturebinding beech shred dwen
14154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14155 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
14156  her skin mercilessly.
14158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14159 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
14160 your skin mercilessly.
14162 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
14164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14165 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
14167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14168 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
14169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14170 You must regain your equilibrium first.
14172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14173 ta dwen
14174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14175 Dwenthall's condition stands at 485/669 health and 543/700 mana.
14177 Mana Lost: 12
14179 H:545 M:415 &lt;-- dbt; 
14180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14181 H:485 M:583 -b b 
14182 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14183 eat maidenhair
14184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14185 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1997.
14187 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
14189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14190 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
14192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14193 The stinging feeling fades.
14195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14196 H:545 M:415 &lt;-- dbt; 
14197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14198 H:485 M:583 -b b 
14199 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14200 eat toadstool
14201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14202 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1971.
14204 You quickly eat a toadstool.
14206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14207 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
14209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14210 You feel your health and mana replenished.
14212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14213 H:545 M:415 &lt;-- dbt; 
14214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14215 H:552 M:653 -b b 
14216 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14217 ---------delayed wisp
14218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14219 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
14221 H:545 M:415 &lt;-- dbt; 
14222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14223 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
14225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14226 Health Gain: 66
14228 Mana Gain: 32
14230 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14231 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
14232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14233 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
14234 H:612 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
14235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14236 H:646 M:700 -b b You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
14237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14238 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
14239 H:612 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
14240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14241 H:646 M:700 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
14242 H:646 M:700 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
14243 H:646 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
14244 H:646 M:700 eb b 
14245 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14246 eat juniper
14247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14248 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1966.
14249 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
14250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14251 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
14252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14253 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
14254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14255 H:612 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
14256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14257 H:646 M:700 eb db 
14258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14259 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
14260 You have recovered balance.
14261 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14262 cnc
14263 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14264 You already possess mental equilibrium.
14265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14266 H:612 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; 
14267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14268 H:646 M:700 eb db 
14269 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14270 pa
14271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14272 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
14273 H:646 M:700 eb db 
14274 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14275 ta
14276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14277 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 612/669 health and 447/512 mana.
14278 H:646 M:688 eb db 
14279 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14280 ovt
14281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14282 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
14283 H:646 M:688 eb db 
14284 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14285 anor
14286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14287 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
14288 rewreathe effect.
14289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14290 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
14291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14292 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
14293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14294 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
14295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14296 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
14297 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
14298 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
14299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14300 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
14301 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
14302 your head.
14303 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
14304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14305 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
14306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14307 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
14308 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
14309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14310 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
14311 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
14312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14313 H:517 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; 
14314 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14315 H:646 M:677 -b db 
14316 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14317 ta
14318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14319 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 517/669 health and 447/512 mana.
14320 H:646 M:665 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
14321 H:646 M:665 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
14322 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
14323 H:642 M:665 -b db 
14324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14325 eat kelp
14326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14327 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1998.
14329 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
14331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14332 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
14334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14335 You feel coordinated once more.
14337 H:517 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; 
14338 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14339 H:642 M:665 -b db 
14340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14341 sip health
14342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14343 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
14345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14346 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
14348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14349 Health Gain: 152
14351 The elixir heals your body.
14353 H:669 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; 
14354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14355 H:642 M:665 -b db 
14356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14357 eat toadstool
14358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14359 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1989.
14361 You quickly eat a toadstool.
14363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14364 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
14366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14367 Mana Gain: 51
14369 You feel your health and mana replenished.
14371 H:669 M:498 &lt;eb dbt; 
14372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14373 H:642 M:665 -b db 
14374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14375 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedrine.
14377 The tornado swirls rapidly.
14379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14380 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
14382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14383 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
14385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14386 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
14388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14389 H:669 M:498 &lt;eb dbt; 
14390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14391 H:642 M:665 -b db 
14392 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14393 apply mending to legs
14394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14395 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
14397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14398 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
14400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14401 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
14403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14404 H:669 M:498 &lt;eb dbt; 
14405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14406 H:642 M:665 -b db 
14407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14408 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
14409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14410 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
14412 H:669 M:498 &lt;eb dbt; 
14413 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14414 evoke wisp rainbow dwen reinforced
14415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14416 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
14418 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14419 evoke wisp rainbow dwen
14420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14421 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
14423 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14424 evoke drain dwen
14425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14426 Mana Lost: 9
14428 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
14429 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
14431 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14432 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
14433 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
14435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14436 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
14438 Balance Taken: 2.90s
14440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14442 naturebind drain dwen
14443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14444 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
14445  contort in a visage of pain.
14447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14448 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
14449 tabbing pain in your head.
14451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14452 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
14454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14455 ta dwen
14456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14457 Dwenthall's condition stands at 642/669 health and 544/700 mana.
14459 Mana Lost: 12
14461 H:669 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
14462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14463 H:642 M:544 -b db 
14464 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14465 sip mana
14466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14467 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
14469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14470 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
14472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14473 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
14475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14476 H:669 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
14477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14478 H:642 M:689 -b db 
14479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14480 contemplate dwen
14481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14482 You must regain balance first.
14484 H:669 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
14485 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14486 You may eat another herb or plant.
14487 H:642 M:689 -b db 
14488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14489 Mana Lost: 1
14491 H:669 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
14492 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14493 You may apply another salve.
14494 H:642 M:673 -b db 
14495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14496 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
14498 H:669 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
14499 You may eat another herb or plant.
14500 H:669 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
14501 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14502 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
14504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14505 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
14507 H:669 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
14508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14509 H:642 M:673 -b db 
14510 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
14513 H:642 M:673 eb db 
14514 You may eat another mushroom.
14516 H:642 M:673 eb db 
14517 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14518 cnc
14519 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14520 You already possess mental equilibrium.
14522 H:642 M:673 eb db 
14523 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14524 abn
14525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14526 Your wounds are already bandaged.
14528 H:642 M:673 eb db 
14529 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14530 pa
14531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14532 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
14534 H:642 M:673 eb db 
14535 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14536 pa
14537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14538 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
14540 H:642 M:673 eb db 
14541 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14542 ovt
14543 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14544 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
14546 H:642 M:673 eb db 
14547 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14548 cast masochism firecircle heat at &tar
14549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14550 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
14552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14553 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
14555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14556 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
14557 sochism effect.
14559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14560 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
14562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14563 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
14565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14566 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
14568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14569 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
14571 You make a circular motion with your index finger and a circle of fire slowly forms around Reyvenyr.
14573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14574 Dwenthall makes a circular motion with her index finger and a circle of fire slowly forms around you
14575 .
14577 Damage Taken: 92 fire, mental (raw damage: 102)
14579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14580 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
14582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14583 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
14585 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
14587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14588 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
14590 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
14592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14593 H:576 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
14594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14595 H:642 M:655 -b db 
14596 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14597 cast masochism firecircle heat at &tar
14598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14599 You must regain your equilibrium first.
14600 H:642 M:655 -b db 
14601 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14602 ta
14603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14604 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 576/669 health and 477/512 mana.
14605 H:642 M:643 -b db 
14606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14607 eat orphine
14608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14609 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1999.
14610 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
14611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14612 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
14613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14614 You no longer enjoy pain.
14615 H:576 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
14616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14617 H:642 M:643 -b db 
14618 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14619 smoke pipe with linseed
14620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14621 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
14622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14623 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
14624 H:576 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
14625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14626 H:642 M:643 -b db 
14627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14628 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
14629 H:576 M:477 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
14630 H:576 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
14631 H:576 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; Your tree tattoo can be used again.
14632 You may drink another healing elixir.
14633 H:576 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
14634 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14635 ac on
14636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14637 Autocuring activated.
14638 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14639 evoke imbue
14640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14641 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
14642 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14643 TEAR MAP
14644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14645 Syntax: TEAR MAP
14646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14647 evoke empower jolt
14648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14649 Mana Lost: 6
14650 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
14651 wer of Earth infuses it.
14652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14653 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
14654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14655 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
14656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14657 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
14658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14659 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
14660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14661 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
14662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14663 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
14664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14665 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
14666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14667 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
14668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14669 evoke wisp metallic dwen
14670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14671 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
14672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14673 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
14674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14675 I do not recognize that toxin.
14676 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
14677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14678 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
14679 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
14680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14681 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
14682 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
14683 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
14684 Balance Taken: 3.01s
14685 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14686 naturebind choke dwen
14687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14688 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
14689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14690 naturebind beech shred dwen
14691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14692 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
14693  her skin mercilessly.
14694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14695 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
14696 your skin mercilessly.
14697 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
14698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14699 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
14700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14701 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
14702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14703 You must regain your equilibrium first.
14704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14705 ta dwen
14706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14707 Dwenthall's condition stands at 365/669 health and 631/700 mana.
14708 Mana Lost: 12
14709 H:576 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
14710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14711 H:365 M:643 -b b 
14712 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14713 eat juniper
14714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14715 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1965.
14716 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
14717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14718 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
14719 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14720 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
14721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14722 H:576 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
14723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14724 H:365 M:643 -b db 
14725 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14726 eat toadstool
14727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14728 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1970.
14729 You quickly eat a toadstool.
14730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14731 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
14732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14733 You feel your health and mana replenished.
14734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14735 H:576 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
14736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14737 H:432 M:700 -b db 
14738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14739 You may eat another herb or plant.
14740 H:576 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
14741 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14742 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
14743 H:432 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
14744 You may drink another healing elixir.
14745 H:432 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
14746 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
14747 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14748 sip health
14749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14750 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
14751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14752 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
14753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14754 The elixir heals your body.
14755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14756 H:576 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
14757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14758 H:558 M:700 eb db 
14759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14760 You may eat another mushroom.
14761 H:576 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
14762 H:576 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
14763 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14764 cnc
14765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14766 You already possess mental equilibrium.
14767 H:558 M:684 eb db 
14768 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14769 pa
14770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14771 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
14772 H:558 M:684 eb db 
14773 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14774 ta
14775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14776 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 576/669 health and 458/512 mana.
14777 H:558 M:672 eb db 
14778 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14779 ovt
14780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14781 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
14782 H:558 M:672 eb db 
14783 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14784 anor
14785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14786 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
14787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14788 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
14789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14790 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
14791 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
14792 rewreathe effect.
14793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14794 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
14795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14796 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
14797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14798 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
14799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14800 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
14801 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
14802 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
14803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14804 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
14805 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
14806 your head.
14807 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
14808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14809 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
14810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14811 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
14812 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
14813 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14814 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
14815 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
14816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14817 H:481 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
14818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14819 H:551 M:642 -b db 
14820 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14821 ta
14822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14823 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 481/669 health and 458/512 mana.
14824 H:551 M:630 -b db 
14825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14826 eat kelp
14827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14828 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1997.
14829 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
14830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14831 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
14832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14833 You feel coordinated once more.
14834 H:481 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
14835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14836 H:551 M:630 -b db 
14837 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14838 sip health
14839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14840 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
14841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14842 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
14843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14844 Health Gain: 166
14845 The elixir heals your body.
14846 H:647 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
14847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14848 H:551 M:630 -b db 
14849 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14850 eat toadstool
14851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14852 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1988.
14853 You quickly eat a toadstool.
14854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14855 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
14856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14857 Health Gain: 21
14858 Mana Gain: 51
14859 You feel your health and mana replenished.
14860 H:669 M:509 &lt;-- dbt; 
14861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14862 H:551 M:630 -b db 
14863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14864 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
14865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14866 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
14867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14868 You are now heavily attuned to the fire element.
14869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14870 Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
14871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14872 Damage Taken: 43 fire (raw damage: 71)
14873 H:625 M:509 &lt;-- dbt; 
14874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14875 H:551 M:630 -b db 
14876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14877 Health Gain: 43
14878 Mana Gain: 2
14879 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
14880 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14881 You may eat another herb or plant.
14882 H:618 M:672 -b db 
14883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14884 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
14885 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
14886 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
14887 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14888 ac on
14889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14890 Autocuring activated.
14891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14892 evoke imbue
14893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14894 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
14895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14896 evoke empower shock
14897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14898 Mana Lost: 6
14899 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
14900 wer of Earth infuses it.
14901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14902 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
14903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14904 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
14905 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14906 evoke wisp metallic dwen
14907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14908 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
14909 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14910 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
14911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14912 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
14913 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
14914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14915 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
14916 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
14917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14918 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
14919 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
14920 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
14921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14922 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
14923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14924 Balance Taken: 3.01s
14925 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14926 naturebind overwhelm dwen
14927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14928 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
14929 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14930 naturebind beech shred dwen
14931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14932 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
14933  her skin mercilessly.
14934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14935 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
14936 your skin mercilessly.
14937 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
14938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14939 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
14940 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14941 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwen
14942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14943 You must regain your equilibrium first.
14944 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14945 ta dwen
14946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14947 Dwenthall's condition stands at 566/669 health and 672/700 mana.
14948 Mana Lost: 12
14949 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
14950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14951 H:501 M:672 -b b 
14952 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14953 eat maidenhair
14954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14955 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1996.
14956 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
14957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14958 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
14959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14960 The stinging feeling fades.
14961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14962 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
14963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14964 H:501 M:672 -b b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
14965 H:528 M:700 -b b 
14966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14967 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
14968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14969 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
14970 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
14971 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
14972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14973 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
14974 H:528 M:700 eb b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
14975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
14976 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
14977 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
14978 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
14979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14980 H:528 M:700 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
14981 H:528 M:700 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
14982 H:528 M:700 eb b 
14983 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14984 cnc
14985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14986 You already possess mental equilibrium.
14987 H:528 M:700 eb b 
14988 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14989 pa
14990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14991 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
14992 H:528 M:700 eb b 
14993 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14994 ovt
14995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14996 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
14997 H:528 M:700 eb b 
14998 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
14999 slin
15000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15001 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
15002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15003 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
15004 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
15005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15006 H:528 M:700 eb b 
15007 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15008 cast masochism knockout batter at &tar
15009 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15010 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
15011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15012 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
15013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15014 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
15015 sochism effect.
15016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15017 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
15018 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15019 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
15020 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
15021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15022 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
15023 Damage Taken: 109 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
15024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15025 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards Reyvenyr and batteri
15026 ng him painfully.
15027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15028 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards you and batter
15029 ing you painfully.
15030 Damage Taken: 47 magickal, mental (raw damage: 42)
15031 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15032 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
15033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15034 H:512 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
15035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15036 H:528 M:689 -b b 
15037 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15038 ta
15039 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15040 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 512/669 health and 494/512 mana.
15041 H:528 M:677 -b b 
15042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15043 eat orphine
15044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15045 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
15046 ly instead.
15047 H:512 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
15048 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15049 eat juniper
15050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15051 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1964.
15052 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
15053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15054 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
15055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15056 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
15057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15058 H:512 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
15059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15060 H:528 M:677 -b db 
15061 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15062 sip health
15063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15064 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
15065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15066 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
15067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15068 The elixir heals your body.
15069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15070 H:512 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
15071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15072 H:669 M:677 -b db 
15073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15074 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
15075 Mana Lost: 1
15076 H:512 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; 
15077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15078 You may eat another mushroom.
15079 H:669 M:661 -b db 
15080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15081 You have recovered balance.
15082 H:512 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
15083 H:512 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
15084 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15085 eat orphine
15086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15087 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1998.
15088 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
15089 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15090 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
15091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15092 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
15093 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15094 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
15095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15096 H:512 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
15097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15098 H:669 M:661 -b db 
15099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15100 sip health
15101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15102 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
15103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15104 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
15105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15106 Health Gain: 157
15107 The elixir heals your body.
15108 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
15109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15110 H:669 M:661 -b db 
15111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15112 ac on
15113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15114 Autocuring activated.
15115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15116 order golem kill dwen
15117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15118 You do not see that individual here.
15119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15120 evoke empower rockfall
15121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15122 Mana Lost: 6
15123 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
15124 wer of Earth infuses it.
15125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15126 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
15127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15128 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
15129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15130 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
15131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15132 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
15133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15134 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
15135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15136 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
15137 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15138 evoke wisp metallic dwen
15139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15140 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
15141 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15142 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
15143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15144 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
15145 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
15146 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15147 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
15148 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
15149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15150 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
15151 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
15152 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
15153 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
15154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15155 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
15156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15157 Balance Taken: 3.01s
15158 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15159 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
15160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15161 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
15162 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15163 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
15164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15165 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
15166 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
15167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15168 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
15169 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
15170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15171 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
15172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15173 naturebind beech choke dwen
15174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15175 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15177 naturebind shred dwen
15178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15179 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15180 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15181 ta dwen
15182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15183 Dwenthall's condition stands at 507/669 health and 667/700 mana.
15184 Mana Lost: 12
15185 H:669 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
15186 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15187 H:441 M:661 -b b 
15188 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15189 writhe root
15190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15191 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
15192 H:441 M:661 -b b 
15193 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15194 eat toadstool
15195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15196 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1969.
15198 You quickly eat a toadstool.
15200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15201 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
15203 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15204 You feel your health and mana replenished.
15206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15207 H:669 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
15208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15209 H:508 M:700 -b b 
15210 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15211 focus
15212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15213 Mana Lost: 15
15215 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
15217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15218 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
15220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15221 You no longer enjoy pain.
15223 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
15224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15225 H:508 M:700 -b b 
15226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15227 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
15228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15229 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
15231 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
15232 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedrine.
15234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15235 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
15237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15238 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
15240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15241 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
15243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15244 The tornado swirls rapidly.
15246 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
15248 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15249 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
15251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15252 You are now significantly attuned to the fire element.
15254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15255 Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
15257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15258 Damage Taken: 47 fire (raw damage: 78)
15260 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15261 apply mending to legs
15262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15263 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
15265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15266 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
15268 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15269 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
15271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15272 H:621 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
15273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15274 H:508 M:700 -b b 
15275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15276 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
15277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15278 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
15280 H:621 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
15281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15282 The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
15284 H:508 M:700 -b b 
15285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15286 You may eat another mushroom.
15288 H:621 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
15289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15290 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
15291 H:508 M:700 -b b 
15292 You may eat another herb or plant.
15293 H:508 M:700 -b b 
15294 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15295 eat juniper
15296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15297 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1963.
15299 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
15301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15302 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
15304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15305 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
15307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15308 H:621 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
15309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15310 H:508 M:700 -b db 
15311 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
15313 H:508 M:700 -b db 
15314 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
15317 H:508 M:700 eb db 
15318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15319 You may eat another herb or plant.
15320 H:621 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
15321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15322 You may apply another salve.
15323 H:508 M:700 eb db 
15324 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
15326 H:508 M:700 eb db 
15327 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15328 cnc
15329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15330 You already possess mental equilibrium.
15331 H:508 M:700 eb db 
15332 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15333 pa
15334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15335 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
15336 H:508 M:700 eb db 
15337 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15338 ovt
15339 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15340 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
15341 H:508 M:700 eb db 
15342 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15343 slin
15344 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15345 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
15346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15347 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
15348 H:621 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
15349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15350 H:508 M:700 eb db 
15351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15352 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
15353 H:621 M:460 &lt;e- dbt; 
15354 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15355 cast masochism knockout batter at &tar
15356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15357 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
15358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15359 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
15360 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15361 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
15362 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
15363 sochism effect.
15364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15365 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
15366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15367 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
15368 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
15369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15370 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
15371 Damage Taken: 109 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
15372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15373 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards Reyvenyr and batteri
15374 ng him painfully.
15375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15376 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards you and batter
15377 ing you painfully.
15378 Damage Taken: 47 magickal, mental (raw damage: 42)
15379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15380 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
15381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15382 H:464 M:460 &lt;e- dbt; 
15383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15384 H:502 M:670 -b db 
15385 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15386 ta
15387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15388 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 464/669 health and 460/512 mana.
15389 H:502 M:658 -b db 
15390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15391 eat orphine
15392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15393 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1997.
15394 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
15395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15396 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
15397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15398 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
15399 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15400 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
15401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15402 H:464 M:460 &lt;e- dbt; 
15403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15404 H:502 M:658 -b db 
15405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15406 eat toadstool
15407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15408 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1987.
15409 You quickly eat a toadstool.
15410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15411 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
15412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15413 Health Gain: 66
15414 Mana Gain: 51
15415 You feel your health and mana replenished.
15416 H:531 M:511 &lt;e- dbt; 
15417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15418 H:502 M:658 -b db An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the l
15419 ife out of you.
15420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15421 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
15422 her.
15423 You have recovered balance.
15424 H:531 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
15425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15426 H:453 M:658 -b db 
15427 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15428 touch tree
15429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15430 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
15431 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15432 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
15433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15434 You no longer enjoy pain.
15435 H:531 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
15436 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15437 H:453 M:658 -b db 
15438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15439 ac on
15440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15441 Autocuring activated.
15442 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15443 evoke imbue
15444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15445 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
15446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15447 TEAR MAP
15448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15449 Syntax: TEAR MAP
15450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15451 evoke empower jolt
15452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15453 Mana Lost: 6
15454 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
15455 wer of Earth infuses it.
15456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15457 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
15458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15459 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
15460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15461 evoke wisp metallic dwen
15462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15463 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
15464 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15465 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
15466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15467 I do not recognize that toxin.
15468 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
15469 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15470 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
15471 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
15472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15473 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
15474 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
15475 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
15476 Balance Taken: 3.01s
15477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15478 naturebind choke dwen
15479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15480 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
15481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15482 naturebind beech shred dwen
15483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15484 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
15485  her skin mercilessly.
15486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15487 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
15488 your skin mercilessly.
15489 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
15490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15491 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
15492 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15493 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
15494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15495 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15496 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15497 ta dwen
15498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15499 Dwenthall's condition stands at 275/669 health and 677/700 mana.
15500 Mana Lost: 12
15501 H:531 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
15502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15503 H:295 M:658 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
15504 H:295 M:658 -b b You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
15505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15506 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
15507 H:531 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
15508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15509 H:295 M:658 -b b 
15510 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15511 eat juniper
15512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15513 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1962.
15514 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
15515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15516 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
15517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15518 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
15519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15520 H:531 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
15521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15522 H:295 M:658 -b db 
15523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15524 Your mind is able to focus once again.
15525 H:531 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
15526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15527 You may drink another healing elixir.
15528 H:295 M:658 -b db 
15529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15530 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
15531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15532 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
15533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15534 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
15535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15536 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
15537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15538 Damage Taken: 52 fire (raw damage: 85)
15539 H:479 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
15540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15541 H:295 M:658 -b db 
15542 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15543 sip health
15544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15545 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
15546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15547 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
15548 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15549 The elixir heals your body.
15550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15551 H:479 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
15552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15553 H:442 M:658 -b db 
15554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15555 Mana Lost: 1
15556 H:479 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
15557 H:479 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
15558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15559 sip health
15560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15561 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
15562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15563 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
15564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15565 Health Gain: 142
15566 The elixir heals your body.
15567 H:621 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
15568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15569 H:442 M:642 -b db 
15570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15571 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
15572 H:621 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
15573 H:621 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
15574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15575 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
15576 H:442 M:642 eb db 
15577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15578 Health Gain: 47
15579 Mana Gain: 19
15580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15581 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
15583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15584 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
15585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15586 H:509 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
15587 H:509 M:684 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
15588 H:509 M:684 eb db 
15589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15590 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
15591 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
15592 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15593 eat toadstool
15594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15595 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1968.
15596 You quickly eat a toadstool.
15597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15598 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
15599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15600 You feel your health and mana replenished.
15601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15602 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
15603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15604 H:575 M:700 eb db 
15605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15606 ac on
15607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15608 Autocuring activated.
15609 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15610 evoke imbue
15611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15612 You must regain balance first.
15613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15614 evoke empower shock
15615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15616 You must regain balance first.
15617 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15618 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
15619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15620 You must regain balance first.
15621 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15622 evoke wisp metallic dwen
15623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15624 You must regain balance first.
15625 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15626 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
15627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15628 You must regain balance first.
15629 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15630 naturebind overwhelm dwen
15631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15632 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
15633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15634 naturebind beech shred dwen
15635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15636 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
15637  her skin mercilessly.
15638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15639 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
15640 your skin mercilessly.
15641 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
15642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15643 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
15644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15645 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwen
15646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15647 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15649 ta dwen
15650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15651 Dwenthall's condition stands at 484/669 health and 791/700 mana.
15652 Mana Lost: 12
15653 H:669 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
15654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15655 H:531 M:700 eb b 
15656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15657 You have recovered balance.
15658 H:669 M:500 &lt;-b dbt; 
15659 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15660 ffs
15661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15662 You flip away to the south, landing flat on your back.
15663 A rocky outcropping.
15664 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way south. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way sou
15665 thwest. You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
15666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15667 You sense Dwenthall entering the location south from you.
15668 An animated beech root ceases circling, its target gone.
15669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15670 Balance Taken: 3.20s
15671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15672 H:669 M:500 &lt;-b dbt; 
15673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15674 H:531 M:700 e- pb 
15675 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15676 kipup
15677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15678 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
15679 H:531 M:700 e- b 
15680 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15681 eat juniper
15682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15683 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1961.
15684 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
15685 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
15686 H:531 M:700 e- db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
15687 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
15688 H:527 M:700 e- db The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
15689 H:527 M:700 e- db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
15690 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
15691 H:554 M:700 e- db 
15692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15693 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
15694 You are now lightly attuned to the fire element.
15695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15696 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
15697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15698 Damage Taken: 56 fire (raw damage: 93)
15699 H:612 M:500 &lt;-b dbt; 
15700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15701 H:554 M:700 e- db You may eat another herb or plant.
15702 H:554 M:700 e- db 
15703 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15704 s
15705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15706 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15707 H:612 M:500 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
15708 H:612 M:500 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
15709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15710 You may drink another healing elixir.
15712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15713 H:612 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
15714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15715 H:554 M:700 e- db 
15716 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15717 sip health
15718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15719 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
15720 The elixir heals your body.
15721 H:669 M:700 e- db 
15722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15723 You may drink another healing elixir.
15724 H:612 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
15725 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15726 order loyals kill dwen
15727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15728 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
15729 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
15730 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
15731 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15732 evoke empower rockfall
15733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15734 Mana Lost: 6
15735 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
15736 wer of Earth infuses it.
15737 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15738 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
15739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15740 I do not recognize anything called that here.
15741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15742 evoke wisp dwen metallic
15743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15744 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
15745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15746 evoke lightning dwen
15747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15748 You detect nothing here by that name.
15749 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15750 quarterstaff raze dwen
15751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15752 I do not recognize anything called that here.
15753 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15754 naturebinding entrap dwen
15755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15756 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
15757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15758 ta dwen
15759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15760 I do not recognize anything called that here.
15761 H:612 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
15762 H:612 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
15763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15764 You have recovered balance.
15765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15766 The flames around you dissipate.
15767 H:612 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
15768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15769 H:669 M:684 eb db 
15770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15771 The sticky sludge falls off from your body.
15772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15773 You sense that the sludge has fallen off from Reyvenyr's body.
15774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15775 H:612 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
15776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15777 H:669 M:684 eb db 
15778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15779 leap s
15780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15781 You bunch your powerful muscles and launch yourself in a majestic leap southwards.
15782 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
15783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15784 Your senses flare as a luminous green image drifts in from the north, its appearance sharpening to r
15785 eveal Reyvenyr.
15786 He is followed by an animated beech root, an animated blackthorn root, and an animated hawthorn root
15787 .
15788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15789 Balance Taken: 1.10s
15790 H:612 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; 
15791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15792 H:669 M:684 eb db 
15793 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15794 dag
15795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15796 You are:
15797 blind.
15798 deaf.
15799 an insomniac.
15800 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
15801 H:669 M:684 -b db 
15802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15803 order loyals kill dwen
15804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15805 You must regain balance first.
15806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15807 evoke empower rockfall
15808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15809 You must regain balance first.
15810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15811 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
15812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15813 You must regain balance first.
15814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15815 evoke wisp dwen metallic
15816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15817 You must regain balance first.
15818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15819 evoke lightning dwen
15820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15821 You must regain balance first.
15822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15823 quarterstaff raze dwen
15824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15825 You must regain balance first.
15826 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15827 naturebinding entrap dwen
15828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15829 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
15830 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
15831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15832 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
15833 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
15834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15835 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
15836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15837 ta dwen
15838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15839 Dwenthall's condition stands at 735/669 health and 684/700 mana.
15840 Mana Lost: 12
15841 H:612 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
15842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15843 H:669 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
15844 H:669 M:684 eb db 
15845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15846 You have recovered balance.
15847 H:612 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15848 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15849 dg
15850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15851 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15852 H:612 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
15853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15854 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
15855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15856 You are no longer attuned to the fire element.
15857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15858 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the fire element.
15859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15860 Damage Taken: 54 fire (raw damage: 100)
15861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15862 You may eat another mushroom.
15863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15864 H:558 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15866 H:669 M:684 eb db 
15867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15868 dg
15869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15870 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15871 H:558 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15872 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15873 dg
15874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15875 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15876 H:558 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15878 An animated hawthorn root settles down in a corner to sleep.
15879 H:669 M:684 eb db 
15880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15881 dg
15882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15883 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15884 H:558 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15885 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15886 cnc
15887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15888 You already possess mental equilibrium.
15889 H:669 M:684 eb db 
15890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15891 dg
15892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15893 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15894 H:558 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15895 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15896 pa
15897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15898 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
15899 H:669 M:684 eb db 
15900 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15901 dg
15902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15903 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15904 H:558 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15905 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15906 ta
15907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15908 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 558/669 health and 481/512 mana.
15909 H:669 M:672 eb db 
15910 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15911 ovt
15912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15913 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
15914 H:669 M:672 eb db 
15915 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15916 anor
15917 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15918 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
15919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15920 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
15921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15922 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
15923 rewreathe effect.
15924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15925 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
15926 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15927 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
15928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15929 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the fire element.
15930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15931 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
15932 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
15933 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
15934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15935 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
15936 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
15937 your head.
15938 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
15939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15940 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
15941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15942 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
15943 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
15944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15945 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
15946 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
15947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15948 H:463 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15950 H:669 M:661 -b db 
15951 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15952 ta
15953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15954 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 463/669 health and 481/512 mana.
15955 H:669 M:649 -b db 
15956 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15957 dg
15958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15959 You must regain your equilibrium first.
15960 H:463 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15961 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15962 smoke pipe with linseed
15963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15964 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
15965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15966 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
15967 H:463 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15969 H:669 M:649 -b db 
15970 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15971 eat kelp
15972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15973 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1996.
15974 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
15975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15976 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
15977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15978 You feel coordinated once more.
15979 H:463 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15981 H:669 M:649 -b db 
15982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15983 sip health
15984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15985 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
15986 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15987 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
15988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15989 Health Gain: 167
15990 The elixir heals your body.
15991 H:630 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
15992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
15993 H:669 M:649 -b db 
15994 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15995 eat toadstool
15996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
15997 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1986.
15998 You quickly eat a toadstool.
15999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16000 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
16001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16002 Health Gain: 38
16003 Mana Gain: 30
16004 You feel your health and mana replenished.
16005 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16007 H:669 M:649 -b db 
16008 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16009 dg
16010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16011 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16012 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
16013 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
16014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16015 You may drink another healing elixir.
16016 H:669 M:649 -b db 
16017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16018 dg
16019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16020 You are:
16021 blind.
16023 deaf.
16025 an insomniac.
16027 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
16029 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16030 Mana Lost: 1
16032 H:669 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16033 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16034 dg
16035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16036 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16038 H:669 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16039 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
16042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16043 ac on
16044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16045 Autocuring activated.
16047 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16048 order loyals kill dwen
16049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16050 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
16052 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
16054 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
16056 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16057 TEAR MAP
16058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16059 Syntax: TEAR MAP
16061 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16062 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
16063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16064 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
16066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16067 evoke empower rockfall
16068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16069 Mana Lost: 6
16071 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
16072 wer of Earth infuses it.
16074 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16075 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
16076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16077 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
16079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16080 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
16082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16083 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
16085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16086 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
16088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16089 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
16091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16092 evoke wisp metallic dwen
16093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16094 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
16096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16097 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
16098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16099 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
16101 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
16103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16104 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
16106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16107 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
16109 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
16111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16112 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
16114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16115 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
16117 Balance Taken: 3.01s
16119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16120 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
16121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16122 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
16123 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
16125 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16126 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
16127 you.
16129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16130 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
16132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16133 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
16134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16135 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16137 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16138 naturebind beech circle dwen
16139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16140 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16142 H:669 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
16143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16144 H:515 M:633 -b b 
16145 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16146 eat juniper
16147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16148 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1960.
16150 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
16152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16153 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
16155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16156 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
16158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16159 H:669 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
16160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16161 H:515 M:633 -b db 
16162 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16163 sip health
16164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16165 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
16166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16167 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
16168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16169 The elixir heals your body.
16170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16171 H:669 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
16172 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16173 H:633 M:633 -b db 
16174 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16175 eat toadstool
16176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16177 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1967.
16178 You quickly eat a toadstool.
16179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16180 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
16181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16182 You feel your health and mana replenished.
16183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16184 H:669 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
16185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16186 H:669 M:700 -b db 
16187 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16188 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
16189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16190 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
16191 H:669 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
16192 H:669 M:505 &lt;-- dbt; 
16193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16194 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
16195 H:669 M:700 -b db 
16196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16197 Mana Gain: 6
16198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16199 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
16200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16201 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
16202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16203 H:669 M:700 eb db 
16204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16205 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
16206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16207 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
16208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16209 You are now lightly attuned to the fire element.
16210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16211 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
16212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16213 Damage Taken: 58 fire (raw damage: 107)
16214 H:610 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
16215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16216 H:669 M:700 eb db 
16217 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16218 cnc
16219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16220 You already possess mental equilibrium.
16221 H:669 M:700 eb db 
16222 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16223 pa
16224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16225 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
16226 H:669 M:700 eb db 
16227 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16228 ovt
16229 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16230 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
16231 H:669 M:700 eb db 
16232 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16233 slin
16234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16235 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
16236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16237 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
16238 H:610 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
16239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16240 H:669 M:700 eb db 
16241 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16242 cast masochism knockout batter at &tar
16243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16244 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
16245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16246 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
16247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16248 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
16249 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
16250 sochism effect.
16251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16252 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
16253 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16254 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
16255 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
16256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16257 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
16258 Damage Taken: 109 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
16259 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16260 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards Reyvenyr and batteri
16261 ng him painfully.
16262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16263 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards you and batter
16264 ing you painfully.
16265 Damage Taken: 47 magickal, mental (raw damage: 42)
16266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16267 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
16268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16269 H:453 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
16270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16271 H:662 M:670 -b db 
16272 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16273 ta
16274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16275 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 453/669 health and 512/512 mana.
16276 H:662 M:658 -b db 
16277 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16278 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
16279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16280 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
16281 ly instead.
16282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16283 evoke tornado
16284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16285 You must regain balance first.
16286 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16287 naturebind curse dwen
16288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16289 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16290 H:453 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
16291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16292 You may eat another herb or plant.
16293 H:662 M:658 -b db 
16294 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16295 eat orphine
16296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16297 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1996.
16298 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
16299 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16300 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
16301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16302 You no longer enjoy pain.
16303 H:453 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
16304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16305 H:662 M:658 -b db 
16306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16307 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
16308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16309 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
16310 ly instead.
16311 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16312 evoke tornado
16313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16314 You must regain balance first.
16315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16316 naturebind curse dwen
16317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16318 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16319 H:453 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
16320 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16321 focus
16322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16323 Mana Lost: 15
16324 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
16325 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16326 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
16327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16328 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
16329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16330 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
16331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16332 H:453 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
16333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16334 H:662 M:658 -b db 
16335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16336 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
16337 H:453 M:497 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
16338 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
16339 You may drink another healing elixir.
16340 H:453 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
16341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16342 sip health
16343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16344 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
16345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16346 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
16347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16348 Health Gain: 132
16349 The elixir heals your body.
16350 H:585 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
16351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16352 H:662 M:658 -b db 
16353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16354 You may eat another herb or plant.
16355 H:585 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
16356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16357 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
16358 H:662 M:658 -b db 
16359 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16360 touch mindseye
16361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16362 Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
16363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16364 Reyvenyr touches a mindseye tattoo.
16365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16366 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
16367 H:585 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
16368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16369 H:662 M:658 -b db 
16370 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16371 touch mindseye
16372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16373 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16374 H:585 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Lost: 1
16375 H:585 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
16376 H:585 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
16377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16378 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
16379 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16380 touch mindseye
16381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16382 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16383 H:585 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
16384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16385 H:662 M:642 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
16386 H:669 M:670 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
16387 H:669 M:670 eb db 
16388 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16389 cnc
16390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16391 You already possess mental equilibrium.
16392 H:669 M:670 eb db 
16393 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16394 pa
16395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16396 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
16397 H:669 M:670 eb db 
16398 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16399 ta
16400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16401 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 585/669 health and 496/512 mana.
16402 H:669 M:658 eb db 
16403 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16404 ovt
16405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16406 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
16407 H:669 M:658 eb db 
16408 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16409 anor
16410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16411 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
16412 rewreathe effect.
16413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16414 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
16415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16416 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
16417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16418 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
16419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16420 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
16421 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
16422 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
16423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16424 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
16425 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
16426 your head.
16427 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
16428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16429 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
16430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16431 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
16432 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
16433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16434 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
16435 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
16436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16437 H:490 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
16438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16439 H:669 M:647 -b db 
16440 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16441 ta
16442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16443 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 490/669 health and 496/512 mana.
16444 H:669 M:635 -b db 
16445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16446 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
16447 H:490 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
16448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16449 eat kelp
16450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16451 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1995.
16452 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
16453 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16454 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
16455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16456 You feel coordinated once more.
16457 H:490 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
16458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16459 H:669 M:635 -b db 
16460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16461 eat toadstool
16462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16463 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1985.
16464 You quickly eat a toadstool.
16465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16466 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
16467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16468 Health Gain: 66
16469 Mana Gain: 15
16470 You feel your health and mana replenished.
16471 H:557 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16473 H:669 M:635 -b db 
16474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16475 dg
16476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16477 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16478 H:557 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16480 dg
16481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16482 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16483 H:557 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16485 dg
16486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16487 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16488 H:557 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16489 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16490 dg
16491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16492 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16493 H:557 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
16494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16495 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
16496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16497 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
16498 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16499 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
16500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16501 Damage Taken: 62 fire (raw damage: 114)
16502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16503 You may eat another mushroom.
16504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16505 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16506 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16507 H:669 M:635 -b db 
16508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16509 Your mind is able to focus once again.
16510 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16512 bs
16513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16514 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16515 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16516 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16517 bs
16518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16519 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16520 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16522 bs
16523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16524 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16525 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
16526 You may eat another herb or plant.
16527 H:495 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
16528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16529 bs
16530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16531 Your skin is already tough as bark.
16532 H:495 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
16533 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16534 touch shield
16535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16536 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
16537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16538 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
16539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16540 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
16541 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16542 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16543 H:669 M:635 -b db The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
16544 H:669 M:635 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
16545 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16546 touch shield
16547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16548 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16549 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16551 H:669 M:635 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
16552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16553 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
16554 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16556 H:669 M:635 eb db 
16557 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16558 touch shield
16559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16560 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16561 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16562 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16563 touch shield
16564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16565 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16566 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16567 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16568 dg
16569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16570 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16571 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16573 dg
16574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16575 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16576 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
16577 H:495 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16579 sip health
16580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16581 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
16582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16583 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
16584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16585 Health Gain: 159
16586 The elixir heals your body.
16587 H:654 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
16588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16589 H:669 M:635 eb db 
16590 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16591 dg
16592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16593 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16594 H:654 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Lost: 1
16595 H:654 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16596 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16597 ac on
16598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16599 Autocuring activated.
16600 H:654 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16601 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16602 cte
16603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16604 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
16605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16606 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
16607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16608 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
16609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16610 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
16611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16612 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
16613 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Qu
16614 ickcast effect.
16615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16616 The crystal floating around Dwenthall pulses aggressively, illuminating its surroundings with a fier
16617 y light.
16618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16619 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
16620 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
16621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16622 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
16623 Your shield defence is eroded away.
16624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16625 His shield defence is eroded away.
16626 Equilibrium Taken: 1.78s
16627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16628 H:654 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16629 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16630 H:662 M:596 -b db 
16631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16632 ac on
16633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16634 Autocuring activated.
16635 H:654 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16637 order golem passive
16638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16639 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16640 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16641 order golem kill dwen
16642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16643 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16644 H:654 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16645 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16646 smoke pipe with linseed
16647 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16648 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
16649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16650 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
16651 H:654 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16653 H:662 M:596 -b db 
16654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16655 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
16656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16657 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
16658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16659 You are now lightly attuned to the fire element.
16660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16661 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
16662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16663 Damage Taken: 66 fire (raw damage: 121)
16664 H:587 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16666 H:662 M:596 -b db 
16667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16668 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
16669 H:587 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
16670 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16671 dg
16672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16673 You are:
16674 blind.
16675 deaf.
16676 an insomniac.
16677 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
16678 H:587 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16679 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16680 dg
16681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16682 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16683 H:587 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16685 dg
16686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16687 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16688 H:587 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
16689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16690 dg
16691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16692 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16693 H:587 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
16694 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
16695 H:587 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; Health Gain: 66
16696 Mana Gain: 1
16697 H:654 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
16698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16699 ac on
16700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16701 Autocuring activated.
16702 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16703 order loyals kill dwen
16704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16705 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
16706 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
16707 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
16708 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16709 TEAR MAP
16710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16711 Syntax: TEAR MAP
16712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16713 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
16714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16715 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
16716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16717 evoke empower rockfall
16718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16719 Mana Lost: 6
16720 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
16721 wer of Earth infuses it.
16722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16723 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
16724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16725 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
16726 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16727 evoke wisp metallic dwen
16728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16729 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
16730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16731 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
16732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16733 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
16734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16735 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
16736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16737 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
16738 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16739 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
16740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16741 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
16742 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
16743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16744 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
16745 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
16746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16747 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
16748 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
16749 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
16750 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
16751 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16752 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
16753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16754 Balance Taken: 3.01s
16755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16756 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
16757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16758 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
16759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16760 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
16761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16762 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
16763 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
16764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16765 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
16766 d you.
16767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16768 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
16769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16770 naturebind beech circle dwen
16771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16772 You must regain your equilibrium first.
16773 H:654 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16775 H:530 M:638 -b b 
16776 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16777 eat juniper
16778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16779 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1959.
16780 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
16781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16782 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
16783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16784 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
16785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16786 H:654 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16788 H:530 M:638 -b db 
16789 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16790 sip health
16791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16792 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
16793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16794 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
16795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16796 The elixir heals your body.
16797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16798 H:654 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16800 H:656 M:638 -b db 
16801 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16802 eat toadstool
16803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16804 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1966.
16805 You quickly eat a toadstool.
16806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16807 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
16808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16809 You feel your health and mana replenished.
16810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16811 H:654 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16813 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
16814 H:669 M:700 eb db 
16815 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16816 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
16817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16818 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
16819 H:654 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16821 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
16822 H:669 M:700 eb db 
16823 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16824 cnc
16825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16826 You already possess mental equilibrium.
16827 H:669 M:700 eb db 
16828 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16829 pa
16830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16831 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
16832 H:669 M:700 eb db 
16833 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16834 ta
16835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16836 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 654/669 health and 506/512 mana.
16837 H:669 M:688 eb db 
16838 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16839 ovt
16840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16841 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
16842 H:669 M:688 eb db 
16843 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16844 anor
16845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16846 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
16847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16848 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
16849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16850 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
16851 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
16852 rewreathe effect.
16853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16854 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
16855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16856 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
16857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16858 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
16859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16860 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
16861 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
16862 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
16863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16864 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
16865 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
16866 your head.
16867 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
16868 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16869 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
16870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16871 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
16872 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
16873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16874 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
16875 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
16876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16877 H:559 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16879 H:655 M:658 -b db 
16880 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16881 ta
16882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16883 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 559/669 health and 506/512 mana.
16884 H:655 M:646 -b db 
16885 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16886 eat kelp
16887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16888 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1994.
16889 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
16890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16891 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
16892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16893 You feel coordinated once more.
16894 H:559 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16896 H:655 M:646 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
16897 H:655 M:646 -b db 
16898 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16899 banish root honeysuckle
16900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16901 You must regain balance first.
16902 H:559 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16903 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16904 banish root elder
16905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16906 You must regain balance first.
16907 H:559 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16908 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16909 summon root hawthorn
16910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16911 You must regain balance first.
16912 H:559 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16913 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16914 summon root blackthorn
16915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16916 You must regain balance first.
16917 H:559 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16919 summon root beech
16920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16921 You must regain balance first.
16922 H:559 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
16923 H:559 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16924 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16925 banish root honeysuckle
16926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16927 You must regain balance first.
16928 H:559 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16929 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16930 banish root elder
16931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16932 You must regain balance first.
16933 H:559 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
16934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16935 summon root hawthorn
16936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16937 You must regain balance first.
16938 H:559 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
16939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16940 summon root blackthorn
16941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16942 You must regain balance first.
16943 H:559 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
16944 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16945 summon root beech
16946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16947 You must regain balance first.
16948 H:559 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
16949 H:559 M:505 &lt;e- dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
16950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16951 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
16952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16953 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
16954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16955 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
16956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16957 Damage Taken: 70 fire (raw damage: 128)
16958 H:489 M:505 &lt;e- dbt; 
16959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16960 H:655 M:630 -b db 
16961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16962 You have recovered balance.
16963 You may eat another herb or plant.
16964 H:489 M:505 &lt;eb dbt; 
16965 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16966 sip health
16967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16968 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
16969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16970 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
16971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16972 Health Gain: 122
16973 The elixir heals your body.
16974 H:611 M:505 &lt;eb dbt; 
16975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16976 H:655 M:630 -b db 
16977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16978 eat toadstool
16979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16980 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1984.
16981 You quickly eat a toadstool.
16982 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16983 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
16984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16985 Health Gain: 57
16986 Mana Gain: 6
16987 You feel your health and mana replenished.
16988 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
16989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
16990 H:655 M:630 -b db 
16991 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16992 banish root honeysuckle
16993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16994 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
16995 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
16996 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16997 banish root elder
16998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
16999 You have not summoned the elder root.
17000 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17001 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17002 summon root hawthorn
17003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17004 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
17005 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17007 summon root blackthorn
17008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17009 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
17010 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17012 summon root beech
17013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17014 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
17015 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17017 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
17018 H:655 M:630 eb db 
17019 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17020 banish root honeysuckle
17021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17022 You have not summoned the honeysuckle root.
17023 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17024 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17025 banish root elder
17026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17027 You have not summoned the elder root.
17028 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17029 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17030 summon root hawthorn
17031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17032 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
17033 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17035 summon root blackthorn
17036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17037 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
17038 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17039 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17040 summon root beech
17041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17042 You have already summoned a root of that tree, perhaps you meant to call it back?
17043 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17044 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17045 cnc
17046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17047 You already possess mental equilibrium.
17048 H:655 M:630 eb db 
17049 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17050 pa
17051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17052 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
17053 H:655 M:630 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
17054 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17055 ta
17056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17057 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 512/512 mana.
17058 H:669 M:646 eb db 
17059 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17060 ovt
17061 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17062 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
17063 H:669 M:646 eb db 
17064 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17065 anor
17066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17067 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
17068 rewreathe effect.
17069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17070 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
17071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17072 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
17073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17074 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
17075 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17076 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
17077 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
17078 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
17079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17080 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
17081 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
17082 your head.
17083 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
17084 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17085 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
17086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17087 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
17088 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
17089 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17090 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
17091 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
17092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17093 H:574 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17095 H:669 M:635 -b db 
17096 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17097 ta
17098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17099 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 574/669 health and 512/512 mana.
17100 H:669 M:623 -b db 
17101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17102 eat kelp
17103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17104 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1993.
17105 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
17106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17107 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
17108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17109 You feel coordinated once more.
17110 H:574 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17112 H:669 M:623 -b db 
17113 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17114 ac on
17115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17116 Autocuring activated.
17117 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17118 order loyals kill dwen
17119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17120 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
17121 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
17122 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
17123 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17124 TEAR MAP
17125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17126 Syntax: TEAR MAP
17127 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17128 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
17129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17130 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
17131 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17132 evoke empower rockfall
17133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17134 Mana Lost: 6
17135 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
17136 wer of Earth infuses it.
17137 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17138 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
17139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17140 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
17141 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17142 evoke wisp metallic dwen
17143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17144 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
17145 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17146 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
17147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17148 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
17149 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
17150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17151 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
17152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17153 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
17154 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
17155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17156 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
17157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17158 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
17159 Balance Taken: 3.01s
17160 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17161 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
17162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17163 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
17164 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17165 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
17166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17167 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
17168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17169 naturebind beech circle dwen
17170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17171 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
17172 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
17173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17174 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
17175 .
17176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17177 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
17178 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
17179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17180 H:596 M:623 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
17181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17182 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
17183 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
17184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17185 H:596 M:623 -b b 
17186 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17187 eat juniper
17188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17189 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1958.
17190 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
17191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17192 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
17193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17194 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
17195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17196 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
17197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17198 H:596 M:623 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
17199 H:596 M:623 -b db 
17200 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17201 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
17202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17203 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
17204 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
17205 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17206 sip health
17207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17208 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
17209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17210 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
17211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17212 The elixir heals your body.
17213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17214 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
17215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17216 H:669 M:623 -b db 
17217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17218 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
17219 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
17220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17221 You may eat another mushroom.
17222 H:669 M:623 -b db 
17223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17224 You may eat another herb or plant.
17225 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
17226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17227 You may eat another herb or plant.
17228 H:669 M:623 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
17229 H:669 M:623 eb db 
17230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17231 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
17232 H:574 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
17233 H:574 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; H:574 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
17234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17235 H:669 M:623 eb db 
17236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17237 You may drink another healing elixir.
17238 H:574 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
17239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17240 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
17241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17242 You are now significantly attuned to the fire element.
17243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17244 Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
17245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17246 Damage Taken: 74 fire (raw damage: 136)
17247 Mana Lost: 1
17248 H:499 M:505 &lt;eb dbt; 
17249 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17250 H:669 M:607 eb db 
17251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17252 sip health
17253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17254 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
17255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17256 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
17257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17258 Health Gain: 144
17259 The elixir heals your body.
17260 H:644 M:505 &lt;eb dbt; 
17261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17262 H:669 M:607 eb db 
17263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17264 ac on
17265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17266 Autocuring activated.
17267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17268 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
17269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17270 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
17271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17272 evoke imbue
17273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17274 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
17275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17276 evoke empower rockfall
17277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17278 Mana Lost: 6
17279 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
17280 wer of Earth infuses it.
17281 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17282 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
17283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17284 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
17285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17286 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
17287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17288 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
17289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17290 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
17291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17292 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
17293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17294 evoke wisp metallic dwen
17295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17296 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
17297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17298 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
17299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17300 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
17301 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
17302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17303 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
17304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17305 The attack rebounds back onto you!
17306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17307 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
17308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17309 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
17310 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
17311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17312 Several tiny rocks materialise above Reyvenyr and fall down, battering his body.
17313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17314 Damage Taken: 24 blunt, mental (raw damage: 50)
17315 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
17316 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
17317 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
17318 Balance Taken: 3.01s
17319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17320 naturebinding curse dwen
17321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17322 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
17323 root shreds it viciously.
17324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17325 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
17326 root shreds it viciously.
17327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17328 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
17329 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17330 ta dwen
17331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17332 Dwenthall's condition stands at 535/669 health and 607/700 mana.
17333 Mana Lost: 12
17334 H:554 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
17335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17336 H:587 M:607 eb db 
17337 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17338 cnc
17339 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17340 You already possess mental equilibrium.
17341 H:587 M:607 eb db 
17342 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17343 abn
17344 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17345 Your wounds are already bandaged.
17346 H:587 M:607 eb db 
17347 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17348 pa
17349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17350 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
17351 H:587 M:607 eb db 
17352 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17353 pa
17354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17355 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
17356 H:587 M:607 eb db 
17357 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17358 ovt
17359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17360 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
17361 H:587 M:607 eb db 
17362 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17363 cast masochism firecircle heat at &tar
17364 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17365 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
17366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17367 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
17368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17369 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
17370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17371 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
17372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17373 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
17374 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
17375 sochism effect.
17376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17377 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
17378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17379 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
17380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17381 You are no longer attuned to the fire element.
17382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17383 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the fire element.
17384 You make a circular motion with your index finger and a circle of fire slowly forms around Reyvenyr.
17385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17386 Dwenthall makes a circular motion with her index finger and a circle of fire slowly forms around you
17387 .
17388 Damage Taken: 83 fire, mental (raw damage: 102)
17389 The forming circle sputters out, as there already is another around you.
17390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17391 The forming circle sputters out, as there already is another around Reyvenyr.
17392 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
17393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17394 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
17395 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the fire element.
17396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17397 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
17398 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
17399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17400 H:471 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
17401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17402 H:560 M:570 -b db 
17403 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17404 cast masochism firecircle heat at &tar
17405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17406 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17407 H:560 M:570 -b db 
17408 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17409 ta
17410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17411 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 471/669 health and 487/512 mana.
17412 H:560 M:558 -b db 
17413 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17414 eat orphine
17415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17416 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1995.
17417 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
17418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17419 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
17420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17421 You no longer enjoy pain.
17422 H:471 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
17423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17424 H:560 M:558 -b db 
17425 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17426 smoke pipe with linseed
17427 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17428 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
17429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17430 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
17431 H:471 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
17432 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17433 H:560 M:558 -b db 
17434 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17435 eat toadstool
17436 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17437 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1965.
17438 You quickly eat a toadstool.
17439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17440 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
17441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17442 You feel your health and mana replenished.
17443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17444 H:471 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
17445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17446 H:627 M:628 -b db 
17447 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17448 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
17449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17450 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
17451 H:471 M:487 &lt;-- bt; You may eat another mushroom.
17452 H:471 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
17453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17454 dg
17455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17456 You must regain balance first.
17457 H:471 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
17458 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17459 eat toadstool
17460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17461 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1983.
17462 You quickly eat a toadstool.
17463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17464 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
17465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17466 Health Gain: 66
17467 Mana Gain: 24
17468 You feel your health and mana replenished.
17469 H:537 M:512 &lt;-- bt; 
17470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17471 H:627 M:628 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
17472 H:627 M:628 -b db 
17473 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17474 dg
17475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17476 You must regain balance first.
17477 H:537 M:512 &lt;-- bt; 
17478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17479 dg
17480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17481 You must regain balance first.
17482 H:537 M:512 &lt;-- bt; Health Gain: 66
17483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17484 dg
17485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17486 You must regain balance first.
17487 H:604 M:512 &lt;-- bt; 
17488 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17489 dg
17490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17491 You must regain balance first.
17492 H:604 M:512 &lt;-- bt; You may eat another herb or plant.
17493 H:604 M:512 &lt;-- bt; 
17494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17495 eat juniper
17496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17497 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1996.
17498 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
17499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17500 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
17501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17502 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
17503 H:604 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
17504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17505 H:661 M:656 -b db 
17506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17507 dg
17508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17509 You must regain balance first.
17510 H:604 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
17511 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17512 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
17513 H:661 M:656 -b db 
17514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17515 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
17516 H:604 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
17517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17518 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
17519 H:661 M:656 eb db 
17520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17521 You have recovered balance.
17522 H:604 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
17523 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17524 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
17525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17526 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
17527 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17528 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
17529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17530 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
17531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17532 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
17533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17534 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
17535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17536 quarterstaff raze dwen
17537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17538 You whip a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of Dwenthall, to no effect.
17539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17540 Reyvenyr whips a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of you, to no effect.
17541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17542 Balance Taken: 2.00s
17543 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17544 naturebinding shred dwen
17545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17546 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
17547 ing her skin mercilessly.
17548 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17549 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
17550 ng your skin mercilessly.
17551 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
17552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17553 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
17554 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17555 ta dwen
17556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17557 Dwenthall's condition stands at 616/669 health and 675/700 mana.
17558 Mana Lost: 12
17559 H:604 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
17560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17561 H:616 M:656 eb b 
17562 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17563 cnc
17564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17565 You already possess mental equilibrium.
17566 H:616 M:656 eb b 
17567 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17568 pa
17569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17570 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
17571 H:616 M:656 eb b 
17572 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17573 ta
17574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17575 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 604/669 health and 500/512 mana.
17576 H:616 M:644 eb b 
17577 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17578 ovt
17579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17580 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
17581 H:616 M:644 eb b 
17582 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17583 anor
17584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17585 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
17586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17587 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
17588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17589 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
17590 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
17591 rewreathe effect.
17592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17593 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
17594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17595 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
17596 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17597 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
17598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17599 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
17600 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
17601 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
17602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17603 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
17604 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
17605 your head.
17606 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
17607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17608 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
17609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17610 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
17611 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
17612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17613 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
17614 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
17615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17616 H:509 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
17617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17618 H:563 M:614 -b b 
17619 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17620 ta
17621 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17622 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 509/669 health and 500/512 mana.
17623 H:563 M:602 -b b 
17624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17625 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
17626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17627 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
17628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17629 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
17630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17631 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
17632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17633 Damage Taken: 78 fire (raw damage: 143)
17634 H:431 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
17635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17636 H:563 M:602 -b b 
17637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17638 purge blood
17639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17640 Mana Lost: 6
17641 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
17642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17643 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
17644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17645 You feel coordinated once more.
17646 H:431 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
17647 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17648 H:563 M:602 -b b 
17649 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17650 eat juniper
17651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17652 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1957.
17653 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
17654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17655 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
17656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17657 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
17658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17659 H:431 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
17660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17661 H:563 M:602 -b db 
17662 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17663 sip health
17664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17665 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
17666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17667 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
17668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17669 The elixir heals your body.
17670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17671 H:431 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
17672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17673 H:669 M:602 -b db 
17674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17675 ac on
17676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17677 Autocuring activated.
17678 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17679 order golem kill dwen
17680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17681 You must regain balance first.
17682 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17683 evoke empower rockfall
17684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17685 You must regain balance first.
17686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17687 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
17688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17689 You must regain balance first.
17690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17691 evoke wisp metallic dwen
17692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17693 You must regain balance first.
17694 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17695 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
17696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17697 You must regain balance first.
17698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17699 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
17700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17701 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17702 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17703 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
17704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17705 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17707 naturebind beech choke dwen
17708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17709 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17711 naturebind shred dwen
17712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17713 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17714 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17715 ta dwen
17716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17717 Dwenthall's condition stands at 636/669 health and 602/700 mana.
17718 Mana Lost: 12
17719 H:431 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
17720 H:431 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
17721 H:431 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
17722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17723 sip health
17724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17725 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
17726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17727 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
17728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17729 Health Gain: 122
17730 The elixir heals your body.
17731 H:553 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
17732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17733 H:669 M:602 -b db 
17734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17735 Mana Lost: 1
17736 H:553 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
17737 H:553 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
17738 H:553 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
17739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17740 dg
17741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17742 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17743 H:553 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
17744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17745 dg
17746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17747 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17748 H:553 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
17749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17750 You may eat another herb or plant.
17751 H:669 M:586 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
17752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17753 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
17754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17755 You may eat another mushroom.
17756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17757 H:553 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
17758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17759 H:669 M:586 -b db 
17760 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17761 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
17762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17763 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17764 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17765 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
17766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17767 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17768 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17769 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
17770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17771 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17772 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17773 quarterstaff raze dwen
17774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17775 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17776 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17777 naturebinding shred dwen
17778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17779 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17780 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17781 ta dwen
17782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17783 Dwenthall's condition stands at 709/669 health and 522/700 mana.
17784 Mana Lost: 12
17785 H:553 M:469 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
17786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17787 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
17788 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17789 ac on
17790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17791 Autocuring activated.
17792 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17793 evoke empower rockfall
17794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17795 Mana Lost: 6
17796 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
17797 wer of Earth infuses it.
17798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17799 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
17800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17801 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
17802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17803 evoke wisp metallic dwen
17804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17805 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
17806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17807 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
17808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17809 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
17810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17811 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
17812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17813 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
17814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17815 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
17816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17817 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
17818 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
17819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17820 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
17821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17822 The attack rebounds back onto you!
17823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17824 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
17825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17826 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
17827 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
17828 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
17829 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
17830 Balance Taken: 3.01s
17831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17832 naturebinding beech shred dwen
17833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17834 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
17835  her skin mercilessly.
17836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17837 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
17838 your skin mercilessly.
17839 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
17840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17841 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
17842 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17843 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
17844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17845 You must regain your equilibrium first.
17846 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17847 ta dwen
17848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17849 Dwenthall's condition stands at 664/669 health and 510/700 mana.
17850 Mana Lost: 12
17851 H:488 M:451 &lt;-- bt; 
17852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17853 H:583 M:586 eb b 
17854 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17855 eat juniper
17856 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17857 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1956.
17858 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
17859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17860 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
17861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17862 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
17863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17864 H:488 M:451 &lt;-- bt; 
17865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17866 H:583 M:586 eb db 
17867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17868 eat juniper
17869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17870 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1995.
17871 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
17872 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17873 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
17874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17875 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
17876 H:488 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
17877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17878 H:583 M:586 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
17879 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
17880 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17881 cnc
17882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17883 You already possess mental equilibrium.
17884 H:579 M:586 eb db 
17885 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17886 pa
17887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17888 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
17889 H:579 M:586 eb db 
17890 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17891 ovt
17892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17893 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
17894 H:579 M:586 eb db 
17895 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17896 cast shock scorch suffuse at &tar
17897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17898 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
17899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17900 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
17901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17902 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
17903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17904 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
17905 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17906 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
17907 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
17908 ock effect.
17909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17910 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
17911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17912 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
17913 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
17914  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
17915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17916 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
17917 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
17918 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
17919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17920 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, causing him to look quite nauseous.
17921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17922 You feel nauseous as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you.
17923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17924 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
17925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17926 H:408 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
17927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17928 H:473 M:543 -b db 
17929 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17930 ta
17931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17932 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 408/669 health and 451/512 mana.
17933 H:473 M:531 -b db 
17934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17935 apply mass
17936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17937 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
17938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17939 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
17940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17941 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
17942 H:408 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
17943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17944 H:473 M:531 -b db 
17945 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17946 smoke pipe with linseed
17947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17948 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
17949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17950 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
17951 H:408 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
17952 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17953 H:473 M:531 -b db 
17954 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17955 eat toadstool
17956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17957 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1964.
17958 You quickly eat a toadstool.
17959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17960 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
17961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17962 You feel your health and mana replenished.
17963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17964 H:408 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
17965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17966 H:539 M:601 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
17967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17968 You may eat another mushroom.
17969 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
17970 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17971 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
17972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17973 You are now lightly attuned to the fire element.
17974 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17975 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
17976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17977 Damage Taken: 78 fire (raw damage: 143)
17978 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17979 eat toadstool
17980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17981 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1982.
17982 You quickly eat a toadstool.
17983 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17984 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
17985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17986 Health Gain: 66
17987 Mana Gain: 51
17988 You feel your health and mana replenished.
17989 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
17990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
17991 H:566 M:629 -b db 
17992 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17993 dg
17994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17995 You must regain balance first.
17996 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
17997 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
17998 dg
17999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18000 You must regain balance first.
18001 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
18002 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18003 dg
18004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18005 You must regain balance first.
18006 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
18007 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
18008 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18009 dg
18010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18011 You must regain balance first.
18012 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
18013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18014 You may eat another herb or plant.
18015 H:566 M:629 -b db 
18016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18017 You may eat another herb or plant.
18018 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
18019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18020 You may drink another healing elixir.
18021 H:566 M:629 -b db 
18022 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18023 sip health
18024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18025 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
18026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18027 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
18028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18029 The elixir heals your body.
18030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18031 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
18032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18033 H:669 M:629 -b db 
18034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18035 eat nightshade
18036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18037 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1998.
18038 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
18039 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18040 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
18041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18042 Your stomach becalms itself.
18043 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
18044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18045 H:669 M:629 -b db 
18046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18047 dg
18048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18049 You must regain balance first.
18050 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
18051 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18052 dg
18053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18054 You must regain balance first.
18055 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
18056 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18057 touch shield
18058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18059 You must regain balance first.
18060 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
18061 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18062 touch shield
18063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18064 You must regain balance first.
18065 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; 
18066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18067 touch shield
18068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18069 You must regain balance first.
18070 H:397 M:502 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
18071 H:397 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
18072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18073 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
18074 H:669 M:629 -b db 
18075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18076 You have recovered balance.
18077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18078 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
18079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18080 You may drink another healing elixir.
18081 H:397 M:502 &lt;eb dbt; 
18082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18083 H:669 M:629 eb db 
18084 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18085 touch shield
18086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18087 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
18088 H:397 M:502 &lt;eb dbt; 
18089 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18090 touch shield
18091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18092 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
18093 H:397 M:502 &lt;eb dbt; 
18094 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18095 touch shield
18096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18097 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
18098 H:397 M:502 &lt;eb dbt; 
18099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18100 sip health
18101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18102 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
18103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18104 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
18105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18106 Health Gain: 122
18107 The elixir heals your body.
18108 H:519 M:502 &lt;eb dbt; 
18109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18110 H:669 M:629 eb db 
18111 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18112 cnc
18113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18114 You already possess mental equilibrium.
18115 H:669 M:629 eb db 
18116 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18117 pa
18118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18119 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
18120 H:669 M:629 eb db 
18121 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18122 ta
18123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18124 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 519/669 health and 502/512 mana.
18125 H:669 M:617 eb db 
18126 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18127 ovt
18128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18129 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
18130 H:669 M:617 eb db 
18131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18132 Mana Lost: 1
18133 H:519 M:501 &lt;eb dbt; 
18134 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18135 anor
18136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18137 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
18138 rewreathe effect.
18139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18140 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
18141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18142 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
18143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18144 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
18145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18146 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
18147 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
18148 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
18149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18150 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
18151 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
18152 your head.
18153 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
18154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18155 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
18156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18157 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
18158 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
18159 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18160 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
18161 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
18162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18163 H:424 M:501 &lt;eb dbt; 
18164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18165 H:669 M:590 -b db 
18166 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18167 ta
18168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18169 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 424/669 health and 501/512 mana.
18170 H:669 M:578 -b db 
18171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18172 touch shield
18173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18174 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
18175 H:424 M:501 &lt;eb dbt; 
18176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18177 touch shield
18178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18179 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
18180 H:424 M:501 &lt;eb dbt; 
18181 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18182 fd
18183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18184 Your input, "fd", is not a valid command.
18185 H:424 M:501 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
18186 H:424 M:501 &lt;eb dbt; 
18187 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18188 eat nightshade
18189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18190 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1997.
18191 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
18192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18193 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
18194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18195 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
18196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18197 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
18198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18199 H:424 M:501 &lt;eb dbt; 
18200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18201 H:669 M:578 -b db 
18202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18203 gdg
18204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18205 Your input, "gdg", is not a valid command.
18206 H:424 M:501 &lt;eb dbt; 
18207 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18208 gdg
18209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18210 Your input, "gdg", is not a valid command.
18211 H:424 M:501 &lt;eb dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
18212 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
18213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18214 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
18215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18216 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
18217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18218 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
18219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18220 Damage Taken: 78 fire (raw damage: 143)
18221 H:346 M:501 &lt;eb dbt; 
18222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18223 H:669 M:578 -b db 
18224 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18225 dg
18226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18227 You are:
18228 afflicted with clumsiness.
18229 has numb muscles.
18230 blind.
18231 deaf.
18232 an insomniac.
18233 [ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Feeling Sick' achievement! You have earned 25 lessons.
18234 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
18235 H:346 M:501 &lt;-b dbt; Health Gain: 66
18236 Mana Gain: 10
18237 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18238 ac on
18239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18240 Autocuring activated.
18241 H:412 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
18242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18243 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
18244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18245 Having been numb for too long, you feel your muscles lock up in paralysis.
18246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18247 Reyvenyr's muscles lock up in paralysis.
18248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18249 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
18250 H:412 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
18251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18252 H:669 M:605 eb db 
18253 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18254 ac on
18255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18256 Autocuring activated.
18257 H:412 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
18258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18259 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
18260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18261 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
18262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18263 You may eat another mushroom.
18264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18265 H:412 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
18266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18267 H:669 M:605 eb db 
18268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18269 You may eat another herb or plant.
18270 H:412 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
18271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18272 eat maidenhair
18273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18274 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1999.
18275 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
18276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18277 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
18278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18279 Your paralysis fades and you can move once more.
18280 H:412 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
18281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18282 H:669 M:605 eb db 
18283 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18284 touch tree
18285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18286 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
18287 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18288 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
18289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18290 You feel coordinated once more.
18291 H:412 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
18292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18293 H:669 M:605 eb db 
18294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18295 You may eat another mushroom.
18296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18297 You may drink another healing elixir.
18299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18300 H:412 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
18301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18302 H:669 M:605 eb db 
18303 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18304 touch shield
18305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18306 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
18307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18308 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
18309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18310 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
18311 H:412 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
18312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18313 H:669 M:605 eb db 
18314 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18315 cnc
18316 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18317 You already possess mental equilibrium.
18318 H:669 M:605 eb db 
18319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18320 touch shield
18321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18322 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18323 H:412 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
18324 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18325 pa
18326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18327 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
18328 H:669 M:605 eb db 
18329 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18330 touch shield
18331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18332 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18333 H:412 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
18334 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18335 ta
18336 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18337 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 412/669 health and 512/512 mana.
18338 H:669 M:593 eb db 
18339 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18340 ovt
18341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18342 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
18343 H:669 M:593 eb db 
18344 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18345 anor
18346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18347 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
18348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18349 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
18350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18351 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Reyvenyr's shield.
18352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18353 Dwenthall's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
18354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18355 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
18356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18357 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
18358 Health Gain: 20
18359 H:432 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
18360 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18361 H:669 M:593 -b db 
18362 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18363 ta
18364 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18365 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 432/669 health and 512/512 mana.
18366 H:669 M:581 -b db 
18367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18368 touch shield
18369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18370 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18371 H:432 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
18372 H:432 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
18373 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18374 smoke pipe with linseed
18375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18376 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
18377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18378 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
18379 H:432 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
18380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18381 H:669 M:581 -b db 
18382 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18383 sip mana
18384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18385 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
18386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18387 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
18388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18389 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
18390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18391 H:432 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
18392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18393 H:669 M:700 -b db 
18394 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18395 sip health
18396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18397 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
18398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18399 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
18400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18401 Health Gain: 161
18402 The elixir heals your body.
18403 H:594 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
18404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18405 H:669 M:700 -b db 
18406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18407 eat toadstool
18408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18409 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1981.
18410 You quickly eat a toadstool.
18411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18412 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
18413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18414 Health Gain: 66
18415 You feel your health and mana replenished.
18416 H:661 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
18417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18418 H:669 M:700 -b db 
18419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18420 Mana Lost: 1
18421 H:661 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18423 touch shield
18424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18425 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18426 H:661 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
18427 H:661 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18428 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18429 touch shield
18430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18431 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18432 H:661 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18433 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18434 touch shield
18435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18436 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18437 H:661 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18439 touch shield
18440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18441 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18442 H:661 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18444 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
18445 H:669 M:684 eb db 
18446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18447 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
18448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18449 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
18450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18451 You are now lightly attuned to the fire element.
18452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18453 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
18454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18455 Damage Taken: 78 fire (raw damage: 143)
18456 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18458 H:669 M:684 eb db 
18459 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18460 dg
18461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18462 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18463 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18464 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18465 dg
18466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18467 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18468 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18469 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18470 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
18471 H:669 M:684 eb db 
18472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18473 dg
18474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18475 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18476 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
18477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18478 dg
18479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18480 You are:
18481 blind.
18482 deaf.
18483 an insomniac.
18484 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
18485 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18487 dg
18488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18489 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18490 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18492 dg
18493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18494 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18495 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
18496 H:583 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
18497 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18498 The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
18499 H:669 M:684 eb db 
18500 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18501 reg
18502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18503 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
18504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18505 The shimmering translucent shield around Reyvenyr fades away.
18506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18507 You press your quarterstaff against the ground and the power of an animated hawthorn root slowly ent
18508 ers your body, increasing your health regeneration.
18509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18510 Reyvenyr presses his quarterstaff against the ground.
18511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18512 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
18513 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18515 H:669 M:684 eb db 
18516 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18517 reg
18518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18519 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18520 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18522 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
18523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18524 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
18526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18527 order golem passive
18528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18529 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18531 order loyals kill dwen
18532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18533 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18534 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18536 H:669 M:700 eb db 
18537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18538 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
18539 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
18540 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18542 You may drink another healing elixir.
18543 H:669 M:700 eb db 
18544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18545 You may drink another healing elixir.
18546 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18548 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
18549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18550 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18551 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18552 quarterstaff raze dwen
18553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18554 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18556 naturebind hawthorn circle dwen
18557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18558 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18560 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
18561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18562 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18564 naturebind beech circle dwen
18565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18566 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18567 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
18568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18569 ac on
18570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18571 Autocuring activated.
18572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18573 order loyals kill dwen
18574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18575 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18576 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18577 TEAR MAP
18578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18579 Syntax: TEAR MAP
18580 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18581 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
18582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18583 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18584 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18585 evoke empower rockfall
18586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18587 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18589 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
18590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18591 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18593 evoke wisp metallic dwen
18594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18595 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18596 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18597 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
18598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18599 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18600 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18601 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
18602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18603 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18604 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18605 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
18606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18607 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18608 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18609 naturebind beech circle dwen
18610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18611 You must regain your equilibrium first.
18612 H:583 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Lost: 1
18613 H:583 M:510 &lt;-b dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
18614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18615 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
18616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18617 You are no longer attuned to the fire element.
18618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18619 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the fire element.
18620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18621 Damage Taken: 78 fire (raw damage: 143)
18622 H:505 M:510 &lt;-b dbt; 
18623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18624 H:669 M:684 eb db 
18625 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18626 cast erode at rey
18627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18628 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
18629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18630 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
18631 Your fenugreek defence is eroded away.
18632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18633 His fenugreek defence is eroded away.
18634 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
18635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18636 H:505 M:510 &lt;-b dbt; 
18637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18638 H:669 M:680 -b db 
18639 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18640 apply fenugreek
18641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18642 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1999.
18644 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
18646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18647 Reyvenyr applies a fenugreek berry to himself.
18649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18650 H:505 M:510 &lt;-b dbt; 
18651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18652 H:669 M:680 -b db 
18653 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18654 sip health
18655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18656 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
18658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18659 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
18661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18662 Health Gain: 163
18664 The elixir heals your body.
18666 H:668 M:510 &lt;-b dbt; 
18667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18668 H:669 M:680 -b db 
18669 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
18671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18672 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
18674 You may eat another mushroom.
18676 H:668 M:510 &lt;-b dbt; 
18677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18678 H:669 M:680 -b db 
18679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18680 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
18683 H:668 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
18684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18685 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
18686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18687 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
18689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18690 quarterstaff raze dwen
18691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18692 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
18694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18695 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
18697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18698 Balance Taken: 2.00s
18700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18701 naturebind hawthorn circle dwen
18702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18703 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
18705 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18706 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
18707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18708 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
18710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18711 naturebind beech circle dwen
18712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18713 An animated beech root is already circling around Dwenthall.
18715 H:668 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
18716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18717 H:669 M:680 -b db 
18718 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18719 smoke pipe with linseed
18720 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18721 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
18723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18724 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
18726 H:668 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
18727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18728 H:669 M:680 -b db 
18729 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18730 ac on
18731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18732 Autocuring activated.
18734 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18735 order loyals kill dwen
18736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18737 You must regain balance first.
18739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18740 TEAR MAP
18741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18742 Syntax: TEAR MAP
18744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18745 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
18746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18747 You must regain balance first.
18749 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18750 evoke empower rockfall
18751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18752 You must regain balance first.
18754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18755 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
18756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18757 You must regain balance first.
18759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18760 evoke wisp metallic dwen
18761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18762 You must regain balance first.
18764 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18765 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
18766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18767 You must regain balance first.
18769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18770 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
18771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18772 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
18773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18774 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
18775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18776 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
18777 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18778 naturebind beech circle dwen
18779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18780 An animated beech root is already circling around Dwenthall.
18781 H:668 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
18782 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18783 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
18784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18785 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
18786 mmand.
18787 H:668 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
18788 H:668 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; Health Gain: 1
18789 Mana Gain: 1
18790 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
18791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18792 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
18793 H:669 M:700 eb db 
18794 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18795 cnc
18796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18797 You already possess mental equilibrium.
18798 H:669 M:700 eb db 
18799 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18800 pa
18801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18802 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
18803 H:669 M:700 eb db 
18804 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18805 ta
18806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18807 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 512/512 mana.
18808 H:669 M:688 eb db 
18809 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18810 ovt
18811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18812 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
18813 H:669 M:688 eb db 
18814 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18815 anor
18816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18817 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
18818 rewreathe effect.
18819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18820 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
18821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18822 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
18823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18824 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the fire element.
18825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18826 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
18827 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
18828 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
18829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18830 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
18831 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
18832 your head.
18833 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
18834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18835 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
18836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18837 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
18838 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
18839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18840 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
18841 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
18842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18843 H:574 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
18844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18845 H:669 M:677 -b db 
18846 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18847 ta
18848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18849 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 574/669 health and 512/512 mana.
18850 H:669 M:665 -b db 
18851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18852 eat kelp
18853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18854 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1992.
18855 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
18856 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18857 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
18858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18859 You feel coordinated once more.
18860 H:574 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
18861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18862 H:669 M:665 -b db 
18863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18864 dg
18865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18866 You must regain balance first.
18867 H:574 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
18868 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18869 dg
18870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18871 You must regain balance first.
18872 H:574 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
18873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18874 dg
18875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18876 You must regain balance first.
18877 H:574 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
18878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18879 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
18880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18881 You are now lightly attuned to the fire element.
18882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18883 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
18884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18885 Damage Taken: 78 fire (raw damage: 143)
18886 H:495 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
18887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18888 H:669 M:665 -b db 
18889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18890 You have recovered balance.
18891 H:495 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
18892 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18893 eat toadstool
18894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18895 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1980.
18896 You quickly eat a toadstool.
18897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18898 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
18899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18900 Health Gain: 66
18901 You feel your health and mana replenished.
18902 H:562 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
18903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18904 H:669 M:665 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
18905 H:669 M:665 -b db 
18906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18907 dg
18908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18909 You are:
18910 blind.
18911 deaf.
18912 an insomniac.
18913 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
18914 H:562 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Lost: 1
18915 H:562 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
18916 H:562 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
18917 H:562 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
18918 H:562 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
18919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18920 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
18921 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18922 cnc
18923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18924 You already possess mental equilibrium.
18925 H:669 M:649 eb db 
18926 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18927 pa
18928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18929 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
18930 H:669 M:649 eb db 
18931 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18932 ta
18933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18934 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 562/669 health and 511/512 mana.
18935 H:669 M:637 eb db 
18936 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18937 ovt
18938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18939 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
18940 H:669 M:637 eb db 
18941 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18942 anor
18943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18944 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
18945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18946 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
18947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18948 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
18949 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
18950 rewreathe effect.
18951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18952 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
18953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18954 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
18955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18956 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
18957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18958 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
18959 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
18960 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
18961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18962 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
18963 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
18964 your head.
18965 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
18966 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18967 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
18968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18969 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
18970 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
18971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18972 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
18973 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
18974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18975 H:467 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
18976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18977 H:662 M:607 -b db 
18978 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18979 ta
18980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18981 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 467/669 health and 511/512 mana.
18982 H:662 M:595 -b db 
18983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18984 The fenugreek berry juice hardens into a supple, waxy coating.
18985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18986 A waxy shell of berry juice has dried to Reyvenyr's skin.
18987 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18988 eat kelp
18989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18990 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1991.
18991 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
18992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18993 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
18994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
18995 You feel coordinated once more.
18996 H:467 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
18997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
18998 H:662 M:595 -b db 
18999 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19000 sip health
19001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19002 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
19003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19004 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
19005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19006 Health Gain: 166
19007 The elixir heals your body.
19008 H:634 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19009 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19010 H:662 M:595 -b db 
19011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19012 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
19013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19014 No tornado is raging here.
19015 H:634 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19017 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
19018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19019 No tornado is raging here.
19020 H:634 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19022 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
19023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19024 No tornado is raging here.
19025 H:634 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
19026 H:634 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
19027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19028 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
19029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19030 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
19031 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19032 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
19033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19034 Damage Taken: 78 fire (raw damage: 143)
19035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19036 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
19037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19038 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
19039 H:555 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19041 H:662 M:595 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
19042 H:662 M:595 eb db 
19043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19044 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
19045 H:555 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19047 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
19048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19049 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
19050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19051 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
19052 .
19053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19054 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
19055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19056 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
19057 r veins.
19058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19059 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
19060 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19061 evoke tornado
19062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19063 Mana Lost: 30
19064 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
19065  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
19066 ng in air.
19067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19068 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
19069 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
19070  sucking in air.
19071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19072 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
19073 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19074 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
19075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19076 The tornado swirls rapidly.
19077 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
19078 Balance Taken: 3.80s
19079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19080 naturebind curse dwen
19081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19082 Dwenthall is already suffering from the Nature's curse.
19083 H:555 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
19084 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19085 H:662 M:595 eb db 
19086 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19087 cnc
19088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19089 You already possess mental equilibrium.
19090 H:662 M:595 eb db 
19091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19092 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
19093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19094 You must regain balance first.
19095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19096 evoke tornado
19097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19098 You must regain balance first.
19099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19100 naturebind curse dwen
19101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19102 Dwenthall is already suffering from the Nature's curse.
19103 H:555 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
19104 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19105 pa
19106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19107 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
19108 H:662 M:595 eb db 
19109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19110 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
19111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19112 You must regain balance first.
19113 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19114 evoke tornado
19115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19116 You must regain balance first.
19117 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19118 naturebind curse dwen
19119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19120 Dwenthall is already suffering from the Nature's curse.
19121 H:555 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
19122 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19123 ovt
19124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19125 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
19126 H:662 M:595 eb db 
19127 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19128 abn
19129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19130 Your wounds are already bandaged.
19131 H:662 M:595 eb db 
19132 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19133 cast weariness dehydrate freeze at &tar
19134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19135 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
19136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19137 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
19138 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19139 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
19140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19141 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
19142 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19143 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
19144 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
19145 ariness effect.
19146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19147 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
19148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19149 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
19150 You conjure a wave of heat and focus it towards Reyvenyr, draining moisture from his body. Reyvenyr'
19151 s skin glistens and he appears dizzy as the wave of heat passes through.
19152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19153 Dwenthall conjures a wave of heat and focuses it towards you, draining moisture from your body, hamp
19154 ering your ability to process salves and causing you to feel dizzy.
19155 Damage Taken: 65 fire, mental (raw damage: 80)
19156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19157 You send a blast of cold air towards Reyvenyr, chilling him to the bone.
19158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19159 Dwenthall sends a blast of cold air towards you, chilling you to the bone.
19160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19161 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
19162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19163 H:490 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
19164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19165 H:649 M:564 -b db 
19166 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19167 ta
19168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19169 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 490/669 health and 481/512 mana.
19170 H:649 M:552 -b db 
19171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19172 eat kelp
19173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19174 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1990.
19175 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
19176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19177 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
19178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19179 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
19180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19181 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
19182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19183 H:490 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
19184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19185 H:649 M:552 -b db 
19186 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19187 eat kelp
19188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19189 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1994.
19190 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
19191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19192 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
19193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19194 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
19195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19196 H:490 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
19197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19198 H:649 M:552 -b db 
19199 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19200 sip mana
19201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19202 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
19203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19204 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
19205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19206 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
19207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19208 H:490 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
19209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19210 H:649 M:700 -b db 
19211 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19212 eat toadstool
19213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19214 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1963.
19215 You quickly eat a toadstool.
19216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19217 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
19218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19219 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
19220 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
19221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19222 H:490 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
19223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19224 H:649 M:700 -b db 
19225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19226 Mana Lost: 1
19227 H:490 M:480 &lt;e- dbt; 
19228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19229 purge blood
19230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19231 Mana Lost: 6
19232 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
19233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19234 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
19235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19236 You feel strength return to your limbs.
19237 H:490 M:474 &lt;e- dbt; 
19238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19239 H:649 M:684 -b db 
19240 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19241 smoke pipe with linseed
19242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19243 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
19244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19245 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
19246 H:490 M:474 &lt;e- dbt; 
19247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19248 H:649 M:684 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
19249 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19250 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19251 rt Tornado Up!!
19252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19253 You are not the member of any ring.
19254 H:490 M:474 &lt;e- dbt; 
19255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19256 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
19257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19258 You must regain balance first.
19259 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19260 evoke tornado
19261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19262 You must regain balance first.
19263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19264 naturebind curse dwen
19265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19266 Dwenthall is already suffering from the Nature's curse.
19267 H:490 M:474 &lt;e- dbt; 
19268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19269 focus
19270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19271 Mana Lost: 15
19272 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
19273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19274 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
19275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19276 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
19277 H:490 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
19278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19279 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19281 You may eat another mushroom.
19282 H:490 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
19283 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19284 apply caloric
19285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19286 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
19287 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19288 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
19289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19290 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
19291 H:490 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
19292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19293 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19294 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19295 eat toadstool
19296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19297 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1979.
19298 You quickly eat a toadstool.
19299 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19300 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
19301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19302 Health Gain: 66
19303 Mana Gain: 51
19304 You feel your health and mana replenished.
19305 H:557 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
19306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19307 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19309 l
19310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19311 A rocky outcropping.
19312 ------ v37831 -------
19313   | \   /     |      
19314 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
19315 / | /   \   /   \ |  
19316 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
19317   | \     |          
19318  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
19319     \   / | \        
19320      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
19321                 \ |  
19322              [ ]-[ ] 
19323                     \
19324 ------- 1:1:0 -------
19325 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is here, sleeping
19326  soundly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech root is cu
19327 rled here, swaying slightly. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shi
19328 eld in her left hand. 
19329 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
19330 H:557 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
19331 H:557 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
19332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19333 touch shield
19334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19335 You must regain balance first.
19336 H:557 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
19337 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19338 touch shield
19339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19340 You must regain balance first.
19341 H:557 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
19342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19343 touch shield
19344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19345 You must regain balance first.
19346 H:557 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
19347 H:557 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
19348 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19349 You may eat another herb or plant.
19350 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19352 You may apply another salve.
19353 H:557 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
19354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19355 touch shield
19356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19357 You must regain balance first.
19358 H:557 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
19359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19360 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
19361 H:669 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
19362 H:669 M:700 eb db 
19363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19364 touch shield
19365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19366 You must regain balance first.
19367 H:557 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
19368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19369 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
19370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19371 You are now lightly attuned to the fire element.
19372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19373 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
19374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19375 Damage Taken: 78 fire (raw damage: 143)
19376 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19377 touch shield
19378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19379 You must regain balance first.
19380 H:478 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
19381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19382 H:669 M:700 eb db 
19383 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19384 sip health
19385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19386 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
19387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19388 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
19389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19390 Health Gain: 139
19391 The elixir heals your body.
19392 H:618 M:510 &lt;e- dbt; 
19393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19394 H:669 M:700 eb db 
19395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19396 Health Gain: 50
19397 Mana Gain: 1
19398 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19399 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19400 touch shield
19401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19402 You must regain balance first.
19403 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19404 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19405 cnc
19406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19407 You already possess mental equilibrium.
19408 H:669 M:700 eb db 
19409 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19410 pa
19411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19412 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
19413 H:669 M:700 eb db 
19414 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19415 ovt
19416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19417 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
19418 H:669 M:700 eb db 
19419 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19420 cast shock scorch suffuse at &tar
19421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19422 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
19423 ock effect.
19424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19425 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
19426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19427 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
19428 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
19429  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
19430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19431 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
19432 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
19433 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
19434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19435 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, causing him to look quite nauseous.
19436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19437 You feel nauseous as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you.
19438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19439 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
19440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19441 H:589 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19443 H:669 M:676 -b db 
19444 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19445 ta
19446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19447 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 589/669 health and 512/512 mana.
19448 H:669 M:664 -b db 
19449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19450 touch shield
19451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19452 You must regain balance first.
19453 H:589 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19455 eat nightshade
19456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19457 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1996.
19458 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
19459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19460 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
19461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19462 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
19463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19464 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
19465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19466 H:589 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19468 H:669 M:664 -b db 
19469 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19470 touch shield
19471 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19472 You must regain balance first.
19473 H:589 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
19474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19475 apply mass
19476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19477 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
19478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19479 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
19480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19481 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
19482 H:589 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
19483 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19484 H:669 M:664 -b db 
19485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19486 touch shield
19487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19488 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
19489 H:589 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
19490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19491 touch shield
19492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19493 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
19494 H:589 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
19495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19496 touch shield
19497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19498 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
19499 H:589 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
19500 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19501 touch shield
19502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19503 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
19504 H:589 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; Your mind is able to focus once again.
19505 H:589 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
19506 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19507 You may drink another healing elixir.
19508 H:669 M:664 -b db 
19509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19510 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
19511 H:589 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
19512 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19513 cnc
19514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19515 You are already concentrating on regaining your equilibrium.
19516 H:669 M:664 -b db 
19517 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19518 pa
19519 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19520 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
19521 H:669 M:664 -b db 
19522 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19523 ta
19524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19525 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 589/669 health and 512/512 mana.
19526 H:669 M:652 -b db 
19527 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19528 ovt
19529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19530 You must regain your equilibrium first.
19531 H:669 M:652 -b db 
19532 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19533 anor
19534 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19535 You must regain your equilibrium first.
19536 H:669 M:652 -b db 
19537 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19538 ta
19539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19540 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 589/669 health and 512/512 mana.
19541 H:669 M:640 -b db 
19542 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19543 dg
19544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19545 You are:
19546 violently ill.
19547 has numb muscles.
19548 blind.
19549 deaf.
19550 an insomniac.
19551 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
19552 H:589 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You may apply another salve.
19553 H:589 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Lost: 1
19554 H:589 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
19555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19556 dg
19557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19558 You must regain your equilibrium first.
19559 H:589 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
19560 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19561 cnc
19562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19563 You are already concentrating on regaining your equilibrium.
19564 H:669 M:624 -b db 
19565 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19566 pa
19567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19568 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
19569 H:669 M:624 -b db 
19570 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19571 ta
19572 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19573 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 589/669 health and 511/512 mana.
19574 H:669 M:611 -b db 
19575 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19576 ovt
19577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19578 You must regain your equilibrium first.
19579 H:669 M:611 -b db 
19580 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19581 anor
19582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19583 You must regain your equilibrium first.
19584 H:669 M:611 -b db 
19585 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19586 ta
19587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19588 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 589/669 health and 511/512 mana.
19589 H:669 M:599 -b db 
19590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19591 You may eat another herb or plant.
19592 H:589 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
19593 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19594 eat maidenhair
19595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19596 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1998.
19597 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
19598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19599 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
19600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19601 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
19602 H:589 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
19603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19604 H:669 M:599 -b db 
19605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19606 dg
19607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19608 You must regain your equilibrium first.
19609 H:589 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
19610 H:589 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19612 touch tree
19613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19614 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
19615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19616 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
19617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19618 Your stomach becalms itself.
19619 H:589 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19621 H:669 M:599 -b db 
19622 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19623 cnc
19624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19625 You are already concentrating on regaining your equilibrium.
19626 H:669 M:599 -b db 
19627 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19628 pa
19629 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19630 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
19631 H:669 M:599 -b db 
19632 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19633 ta
19634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19635 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 589/669 health and 511/512 mana.
19636 H:669 M:587 -b db 
19637 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19638 ovt
19639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19640 You must regain your equilibrium first.
19641 H:669 M:587 -b db 
19642 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19643 anor
19644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19645 You must regain your equilibrium first.
19646 H:669 M:587 -b db 
19647 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19648 ta
19649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19650 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 589/669 health and 511/512 mana.
19651 H:669 M:575 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
19652 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
19653 H:669 M:575 eb db 
19654 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19655 cnc
19656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19657 You already possess mental equilibrium.
19658 H:669 M:575 eb db 
19659 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19660 pa
19661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19662 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
19663 H:669 M:575 eb db 
19664 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19665 ta
19666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19667 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 589/669 health and 511/512 mana.
19668 H:669 M:563 eb db 
19669 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19670 ovt
19671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19672 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
19673 H:669 M:563 eb db 
19674 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19675 anor
19676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19677 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
19678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19679 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
19680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19681 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
19682 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
19683 rewreathe effect.
19684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19685 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
19686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19687 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
19688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19689 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
19690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19691 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
19692 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
19693 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
19694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19695 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
19696 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
19697 your head.
19698 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
19699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19700 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
19701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19702 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
19703 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
19704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19705 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
19706 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
19707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19708 H:494 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19710 H:642 M:533 -b db 
19711 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19712 ta
19713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19714 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 494/669 health and 511/512 mana.
19715 H:642 M:521 -b db 
19716 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19717 sip mana
19718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19719 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
19720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19721 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
19722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19723 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
19724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19725 H:494 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19727 H:642 M:646 -b db 
19728 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19729 eat toadstool
19730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19731 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1962.
19732 You quickly eat a toadstool.
19733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19734 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
19735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19736 You feel your health and mana replenished.
19737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19738 H:494 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19740 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19742 ac on
19743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19744 Autocuring activated.
19745 H:494 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19747 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
19748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19749 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
19750 H:494 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
19751 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19752 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19753 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19754 er
19755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19756 Mana Lost: 9
19757 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
19758 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
19759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19760 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
19761 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
19762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19763 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
19764 Balance Taken: 3.80s
19765 H:494 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
19766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19767 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19769 You may eat another mushroom.
19770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19771 er
19772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19773 You must regain balance first.
19774 H:494 M:502 &lt;e- dbt; 
19775 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19776 eat toadstool
19777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19778 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1978.
19779 You quickly eat a toadstool.
19780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19781 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
19782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19783 Health Gain: 66
19784 Mana Gain: 9
19785 You feel your health and mana replenished.
19786 H:561 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19788 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19790 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
19791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19792 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
19793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19794 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
19795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19796 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
19797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19798 Damage Taken: 78 fire (raw damage: 143)
19799 H:483 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19801 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19803 er
19804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19805 You must regain balance first.
19806 H:483 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
19807 H:483 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19808 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19809 touch shield
19810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19811 You must regain balance first.
19812 H:483 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19813 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19814 eat kelp
19815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19816 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1989.
19817 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
19818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19819 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
19820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19821 You feel coordinated once more.
19822 H:483 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19824 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19826 touch shield
19827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19828 You must regain balance first.
19829 H:483 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
19830 H:483 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19832 sip health
19833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19834 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
19835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19836 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
19837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19838 Health Gain: 148
19839 The elixir heals your body.
19840 H:631 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19842 H:669 M:700 -b db 
19843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19844 touch shield
19845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19846 You must regain balance first.
19847 H:631 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19849 You can once again overtune your crystal.
19850 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
19851 H:669 M:700 eb db 
19852 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19853 touch shield
19854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19855 You must regain balance first.
19856 H:631 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
19857 H:631 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19858 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19859 touch shield
19860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19861 You must regain balance first.
19862 H:631 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19863 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19864 cnc
19865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19866 You already possess mental equilibrium.
19867 H:669 M:700 eb db 
19868 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19869 touch shield
19870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19871 You must regain balance first.
19873 H:631 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19874 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19875 pa
19876 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19877 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
19879 H:669 M:700 eb db 
19880 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19881 ovt
19882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19883 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
19885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19886 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
19888 H:631 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19890 H:669 M:682 eb db 
19891 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19892 slin
19893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19894 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
19896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19897 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
19899 H:631 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19901 H:669 M:682 eb db 
19902 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19903 cast masochism knockout batter at &tar
19904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19905 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
19907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19908 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
19910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19911 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
19913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19914 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
19916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19917 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
19919 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
19920 sochism effect.
19922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19923 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
19925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19926 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
19928 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
19930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19931 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
19933 Damage Taken: 109 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
19935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19936 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards Reyvenyr and batteri
19937 ng him painfully.
19939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19940 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards you and batter
19941 ing you painfully.
19943 Damage Taken: 47 magickal, mental (raw damage: 42)
19945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19946 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
19948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19949 H:474 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19951 H:615 M:652 -b db 
19952 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19953 ta
19954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19955 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 474/669 health and 512/512 mana.
19957 H:615 M:640 -b db 
19958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19959 touch shield
19960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19961 You must regain balance first.
19963 H:474 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19965 eat orphine
19966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19967 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1994.
19969 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
19971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19972 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
19974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19975 You no longer enjoy pain.
19977 H:474 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19978 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
19979 H:615 M:640 -b db 
19980 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19981 touch shield
19982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19983 You must regain balance first.
19985 H:474 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
19986 Mana Lost: 1
19988 H:474 M:511 &lt;e- dbt; 
19989 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19990 focus
19991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19992 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
19993 ly instead.
19995 H:474 M:511 &lt;e- dbt; 
19996 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19997 touch shield
19998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
19999 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
20000 ly instead.
20002 H:474 M:511 &lt;e- dbt; 
20003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20004 focus
20005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20006 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
20007 ly instead.
20008 H:474 M:511 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
20009 H:474 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently.
20010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20011 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
20012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20013 The tornado swirls rapidly.
20014 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20015 touch shield
20016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20017 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
20018 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20019 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
20020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20021 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
20022 H:474 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
20023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20024 H:615 M:624 -b db 
20025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20026 touch shield
20027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20028 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20029 H:474 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
20030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20031 You may drink another healing elixir.
20032 H:615 M:624 -b db 
20033 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20034 eat kelp
20035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20036 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1993.
20037 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
20038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20039 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
20040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20041 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
20042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20043 H:474 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
20044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20045 H:615 M:624 -b db 
20046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20047 focus
20048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20049 Mana Lost: 15
20050 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
20051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20052 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
20053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20054 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
20055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20056 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
20057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20058 H:474 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20060 H:615 M:624 -b db 
20061 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20062 touch shield
20063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20064 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20065 H:474 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20067 touch shield
20068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20069 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20070 H:474 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20072 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
20073 H:642 M:652 -b db You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
20074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20075 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
20076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20077 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
20078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20079 You are now lightly attuned to the fire element.
20080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20081 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
20082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20083 Damage Taken: 78 fire (raw damage: 143)
20084 H:396 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20086 H:642 M:652 -b db 
20087 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20088 dg
20089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20090 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20091 H:396 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
20092 H:396 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20093 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20094 dg
20095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20096 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20097 H:396 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20099 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
20100 H:642 M:652 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
20101 H:642 M:652 -b db 
20102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20103 dg
20104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20105 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20106 H:396 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20107 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20108 dg
20109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20110 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20111 H:396 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20113 The Cyclops bellows out its challenge from Ssar-ithra.
20115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20116 The Cyclops bellows out its challenge from Ssar-ithra.
20118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20119 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
20120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20121 H:396 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20123 H:642 M:652 eb db The dark abyss of night grows in strength as a section of stars seem to burn out i
20124 n intensity. And yet before long, the celestial bodies return with a bursting flash of dawn-hued lig
20125 ht.
20126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20127 The dark abyss of night grows in strength as a section of stars seem to burn out in intensity. And y
20128 et before long, the celestial bodies return with a bursting flash of dawn-hued light.
20129 H:396 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20131 H:642 M:652 eb db 
20132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20133 You may drink another healing elixir.
20134 H:396 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20135 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20136 sip health
20137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20138 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
20139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20140 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
20141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20142 Health Gain: 166
20143 The elixir heals your body.
20144 H:562 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20146 H:642 M:652 eb db 
20147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20148 You may eat another mushroom.
20149 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20150 cnc
20151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20152 You already possess mental equilibrium.
20153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20154 H:562 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
20155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20156 H:642 M:652 eb db 
20157 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20158 autocuring off
20159 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20160 Autocuring disabled.
20161 H:642 M:652 eb db 
20162 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20163 autocuring rebounding off
20164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20165 Automatic rebounding handling disabled.
20166 H:642 M:652 eb db 
20167 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20168 autocuring mass off
20169 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20170 Automatic mass handling disabled.
20171 H:642 M:652 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
20172 H:642 M:652 eb db 
20173 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20174 dg
20175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20176 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20177 H:562 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; Health Gain: 100
20178 Mana Gain: 15
20179 H:663 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
20180 H:663 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
20181 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20182 sbm
20183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20184 Setting your gaze upon Reyvenyr, you start focusing intensely on your connection with the raw elemen
20185 t of water.
20186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20187 Dwenthall focuses her gaze upon you and a look of utmost concentration appears on her face. The soun
20188 d of rushing water echoes faintly in the distance.
20189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20190 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
20191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20192 H:663 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
20193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20194 H:669 M:664 -b db 
20195 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20196 ac on
20197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20198 Autocuring activated.
20199 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20200 order golem kill dwen
20201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20202 I do not recognize anything called that here.
20203 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20204 evoke empower rockfall
20205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20206 Mana Lost: 6
20207 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
20208 wer of Earth infuses it.
20209 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20210 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
20211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20212 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
20213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20214 The shimmering translucent shield around Reyvenyr fades away.
20215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20216 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
20217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20218 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
20219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20220 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
20221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20222 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
20223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20224 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
20225 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20226 evoke wisp metallic dwen
20227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20228 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
20229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20230 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
20231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20232 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20233 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20235 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20236 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
20237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20238 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
20239 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
20240 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20241 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
20242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20243 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
20244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20245 Balance Taken: 3.01s
20246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20247 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
20248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20249 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
20250 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
20251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20252 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
20253 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
20254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20255 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
20256 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20257 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
20258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20259 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20260 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20261 naturebind beech choke dwen
20262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20263 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20264 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20265 naturebind shred dwen
20266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20267 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20269 ta dwen
20270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20271 Dwenthall's condition stands at 607/669 health and 585/700 mana.
20272 Mana Lost: 12
20273 H:663 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
20274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20275 H:533 M:664 -b b 
20276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20277 order golem passive
20278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20279 You must regain balance first.
20280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20281 order loyals kill dwen
20282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20283 You must regain balance first.
20284 H:663 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; Your mind is able to focus once again.
20286 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20287 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
20288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20289 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
20290 H:663 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
20291 H:663 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
20292 H:663 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
20293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20294 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
20295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20296 You are no longer attuned to the fire element.
20297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20298 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the fire element.
20299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20300 Damage Taken: 78 fire (raw damage: 143)
20301 H:584 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
20302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20303 H:533 M:648 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
20304 H:533 M:648 eb b 
20305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20306 You may drink another healing elixir.
20307 H:584 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
20308 H:584 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; 
20309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20310 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
20311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20312 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
20313 r.
20314 You have recovered balance.
20315 H:584 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
20316 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20317 H:504 M:648 eb b 
20318 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20319 trueassess dwen
20320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20321 Dwenthall's condition stands at 549/669 health and 667/700 mana.
20322 Mana Lost: 12
20323 H:584 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
20324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20325 evoke empower knockout
20326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20327 Mana Lost: 6
20328 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
20329 wer of Earth infuses it.
20330 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20331 evoke wisps poisonous dwen
20332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20333 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
20334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20335 quarterstaff stab dwen opium
20336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20337 You rub some opium on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20338 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20339 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20340 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20342 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Knockout empowerment remains dormant.
20343 Your opium toxin has affected Dwenthall.
20344 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20345 Your insomnia has cleared up.
20346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20347 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
20348 Balance Taken: 3.01s
20349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20350 naturebind bewilder dwen
20351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20352 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
20353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20354 ta dwen
20355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20356 Dwenthall's condition stands at 447/669 health and 745/700 mana.
20357 Mana Lost: 12
20358 H:584 M:463 &lt;e- dbt; 
20359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20360 H:460 M:648 eb b The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
20361 H:460 M:648 eb b 
20362 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20363 spam afflicted Dwenthall opium
20364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20365 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall opium", is not a valid command.
20366 H:584 M:463 &lt;e- dbt; 
20367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20368 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
20369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20370 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
20371 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20372 naturebind blackthorn shred dwen
20373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20374 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
20375 dding her skin mercilessly.
20376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20377 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
20378 ding your skin mercilessly.
20379 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
20380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20381 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
20382 H:584 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
20383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20384 H:434 M:648 eb b Your rebounding aura is prevented from coming up by your submersion attempt.
20385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20386 Dwenthall's rebounding aura is prevented from coming up by her submersion attempt.
20387 H:584 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
20388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20389 H:434 M:648 eb b Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
20390 H:434 M:648 eb b 
20391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20392 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
20393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20394 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20395 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20396 naturebind blackthorn shred dwen
20397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20398 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20399 H:584 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
20400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20401 As you maintain your focus upon Reyvenyr, the sound of rushing water fills the air, drawing nearer a
20402 nd nearer with every passing second.
20403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20404 As Dwenthall maintains her focus upon you, the sound of rushing water draws nearer and nearer with e
20405 very passing second.
20406 The circle of fire around you sputters and disappears in a puff of smoke.
20407 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20408 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr sputters and disappears in a puff of smoke.
20409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20410 H:584 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
20411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20412 H:434 M:648 eb b 
20413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20414 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
20415 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20418 Your input, "INSTANT KILL!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!!", is not a 
20419 valid command.
20420 H:584 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
20421 H:584 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
20422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20423 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
20424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20425 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
20426 r.
20427 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
20428 H:584 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
20429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20430 H:370 M:632 eb b 
20431 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20432 trueassess dwen
20433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20434 Dwenthall's condition stands at 370/669 health and 614/700 mana.
20435 Mana Lost: 12
20436 H:584 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
20437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20438 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
20439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20440 H:584 M:450 &lt;-b dbt; 
20441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20442 H:370 M:632 eb b 
20443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20444 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
20445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20446 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
20447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20448 The tornado swirls rapidly.
20449 H:584 M:450 &lt;-b dbt; 
20450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20451 H:370 M:632 eb b 
20452 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20453 evoke empower knockout
20454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20455 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20457 evoke wisps poisonous dwen
20458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20459 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20461 quarterstaff stab dwen opium
20462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20463 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20464 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20465 naturebind bewilder dwen
20466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20467 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20468 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20469 ta dwen
20470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20471 Dwenthall's condition stands at 363/669 health and 632/700 mana.
20472 Mana Lost: 12
20473 H:584 M:438 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
20474 H:584 M:438 &lt;eb dbt; 
20475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20476 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
20477 H:396 M:660 eb b 
20478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20479 evoke empower knockout
20480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20481 Mana Lost: 6
20482 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
20483 wer of Earth infuses it.
20484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20485 evoke wisps poisonous dwen
20486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20487 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
20488 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20489 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
20490 .
20491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20492 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
20493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20494 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
20495 r veins.
20496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20497 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
20498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20499 quarterstaff stab dwen opium
20500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20501 You rub some opium on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20502 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20504 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20505 A rock falls from above, hitting you in the temple.
20506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20507 A rock falls from above, hitting Dwenthall in the temple.
20508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20509 You feel incredibly tired, and fall asleep immediately.
20510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20511 Dwenthall's eyes close suddenly as she falls asleep.
20512 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
20513 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20514 Your opium toxin has affected Dwenthall.
20515 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20516 You feel yourself calm down as the quince nut wears off.
20517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20518 Balance Taken: 3.01s
20519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20520 naturebind bewilder dwen
20521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20522 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
20523 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20524 ta dwen
20525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20526 Dwenthall's condition stands at 282/669 health and 739/700 mana.
20527 Mana Lost: 12
20528 H:584 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
20529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20530 H:300 M:660 eb pb You quickly pull yourself out of sleep.
20531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20532 Dwenthall awakens with a start.
20533 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20534 You cease your submersion attempt.
20535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20536 Dwenthall ceases her submersion attempt.
20537 H:584 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
20538 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20539 H:300 M:660 eb pb 
20540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20541 spam afflicted Dwenthall opium
20542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20543 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall opium", is not a valid command.
20544 H:584 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
20545 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20546 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
20547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20548 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
20549 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20550 naturebind blackthorn shred dwen
20551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20552 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
20553 dding her skin mercilessly.
20554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20555 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
20556 ding your skin mercilessly.
20557 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
20558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20559 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
20560 H:584 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
20561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20562 H:229 M:660 eb pb 
20563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20564 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
20565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20566 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20567 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20568 naturebind blackthorn shred dwen
20569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20570 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20571 H:584 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
20572 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20573 human
20574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20575 You are already in Sylayan form.
20576 H:229 M:660 eb pb 
20577 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20578 unwield bow
20579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20580 You aren't wielding that.
20581 H:229 M:660 eb pb 
20582 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20583 unwield bow
20584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20585 You aren't wielding that.
20586 H:229 M:660 eb pb 
20587 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20588 wield shield116306
20589 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20590 You have no shield116306.
20591 H:229 M:660 eb pb 
20592 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20593 wield shield116306
20594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20595 You have no shield116306.
20596 H:229 M:660 eb pb 
20597 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20598 autocuring on
20599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20600 Autocuring activated.
20601 H:229 M:660 eb pb 
20602 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20603 autocuring rebounding on
20604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20605 Automatic rebounding handling activated.
20606 H:229 M:660 eb pb 
20607 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20608 eat kelp
20609 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20610 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1992.
20611 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
20612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20613 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
20614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20615 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
20616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20617 H:584 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
20618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20619 H:229 M:660 eb pb 
20620 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20621 sip health
20622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20623 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
20624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20625 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
20626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20627 The elixir heals your body.
20628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20629 H:584 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
20630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20631 H:383 M:660 eb pb 
20632 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20633 eat toadstool
20634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20635 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1961.
20636 You quickly eat a toadstool.
20637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20638 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
20639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20640 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
20641 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
20642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20643 H:584 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
20644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20645 H:383 M:660 eb pb 
20646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20647 Health Gain: 84
20648 Mana Gain: 32
20649 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
20650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20651 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
20652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20653 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
20654 r.
20655 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20656 smoke pipe with linseed
20657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20658 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
20659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20660 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
20661 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
20662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20663 H:386 M:700 eb pb 
20664 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20665 trueassess dwen
20666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20667 Dwenthall's condition stands at 428/669 health and 756/700 mana.
20668 Mana Lost: 12
20669 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
20670 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20671 insomnia
20672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20673 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
20674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20675 Dwenthall clenches her fists and grits her teeth.
20676 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
20677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20678 H:386 M:694 eb pb 
20679 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20680 writhe root
20681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20682 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
20683 H:386 M:694 eb pb 
20684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20685 Mana Lost: 1
20686 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
20687 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20688 stand
20689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20690 You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
20691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20692 Dwenthall stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
20693 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
20694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20695 H:386 M:678 eb b 
20696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20697 ENEMY IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20698 !!!!!
20699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20700 I don't recognize that name as one of an existing player.
20701 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
20703 H:669 M:439 &lt;e- dbt; 
20704 You have recovered balance.
20707 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
20708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20709 You may eat another herb or plant.
20710 H:386 M:678 eb b 
20711 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20712 eat maidenhair
20713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20714 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1995.
20716 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
20718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20719 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
20721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20722 The stinging feeling fades.
20724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20725 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
20726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20727 H:386 M:678 eb b 
20728 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20729 eat quince
20730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20731 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1999.
20733 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
20735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20736 Dwenthall quickly eats a quince fruit.
20738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20739 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
20741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20742 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
20743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20744 H:386 M:678 eb b 
20745 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20746 ts
20747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20748 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
20750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20751 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
20753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20754 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
20756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20757 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
20758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20759 H:386 M:678 -b b 
20760 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20761 ac on
20762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20763 Autocuring activated.
20765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20766 order golem kill dwen
20767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20768 I do not recognize anything called that here.
20770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20771 evoke empower rockfall
20772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20773 Mana Lost: 6
20775 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
20776 wer of Earth infuses it.
20778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20779 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
20780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20781 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
20783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20784 evoke wisp metallic dwen
20785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20786 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
20788 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20789 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
20790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20791 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
20793 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20794 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
20796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20797 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
20799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20800 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
20802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20803 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
20804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20805 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20807 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20808 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
20809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20810 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20812 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20813 naturebind beech choke dwen
20814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20815 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20818 naturebind shred dwen
20819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20820 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20823 ta dwen
20824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20825 Dwenthall's condition stands at 406/669 health and 732/700 mana.
20827 Mana Lost: 12
20829 H:669 M:421 &lt;-b dbt; 
20830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20831 H:406 M:678 -b b 
20832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20833 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
20834 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
20835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20836 What do you wish to break?
20837 H:669 M:421 &lt;-b dbt; 
20838 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20839 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
20840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20841 What do you wish to break?
20842 H:669 M:421 &lt;-b dbt; Dominating the night sky, the moon of Terror travels perilously near to Aeth
20843 erius.
20844 H:669 M:421 &lt;-b dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
20845 H:669 M:421 &lt;-b dbt; 
20846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20847 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
20848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20849 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
20850 r.
20851 H:669 M:421 &lt;-b dbt; 
20852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20853 H:357 M:678 -b b You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
20854 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
20855 H:357 M:678 -b b An animated hawthorn root slowly wakens, looking fit and refreshed.
20856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20857 An animated hawthorn root slowly wakens, looking fit and refreshed.
20858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20859 You may eat another herb or plant.
20861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20862 H:669 M:421 &lt;-b dbt; 
20863 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20864 H:357 M:678 -b b 
20865 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20866 eat juniper
20867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20868 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1955.
20869 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
20870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20871 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
20872 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20873 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
20874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20875 H:669 M:421 &lt;-b dbt; 
20876 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20877 H:357 M:678 -b db 
20878 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20879 naturebind breach dwen
20880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20881 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20882 H:669 M:421 &lt;-b dbt; 
20883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20884 naturebind breach dwen
20885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20886 You must regain your equilibrium first.
20887 H:669 M:421 &lt;-b dbt; 
20888 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20889 trueassess dwen
20890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20891 Dwenthall's condition stands at 333/669 health and 617/700 mana.
20892 Mana Lost: 12
20893 H:669 M:409 &lt;-b dbt; 
20894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20895 You may drink another healing elixir.
20896 H:357 M:678 -b db 
20897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20898 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
20899 H:669 M:409 &lt;eb dbt; 
20900 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20901 sip health
20902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20903 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
20904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20905 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
20906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20907 The elixir heals your body.
20908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20909 H:669 M:409 &lt;eb dbt; 
20910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20911 H:511 M:678 -b db 
20912 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20913 eat toadstool
20914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20915 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1977.
20916 You quickly eat a toadstool.
20917 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20918 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
20919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20920 Mana Gain: 51
20921 You feel your health and mana replenished.
20922 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
20923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20924 H:511 M:678 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
20925 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
20926 H:511 M:678 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
20927 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
20928 H:511 M:678 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
20929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20930 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
20931 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
20932 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20933 H:511 M:678 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
20934 H:511 M:678 eb db 
20935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20936 Mana Lost: 1
20937 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
20938 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20939 eat toadstool
20940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20941 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1960.
20942 You quickly eat a toadstool.
20943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20944 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
20945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20946 You feel your health and mana replenished.
20947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20948 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
20949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20950 H:578 M:700 eb db 
20951 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20952 ac on
20953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20954 Autocuring activated.
20955 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20956 evoke imbue
20957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20958 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
20959 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20960 TEAR MAP
20961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20962 Syntax: TEAR MAP
20963 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20964 evoke empower jolt
20965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20966 Mana Lost: 6
20967 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
20968 wer of Earth infuses it.
20969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20970 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
20971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20972 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
20973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20974 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
20975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20976 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies into Dwenthall's shield, stripping it.
20977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20978 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies into your shield, stripping it.
20979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20980 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
20981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20982 evoke wisp metallic dwen
20983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20984 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
20985 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20986 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
20987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20988 I do not recognize that toxin.
20989 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20991 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
20992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20993 The attack rebounds back onto you!
20994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
20995 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
20996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
20997 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
20998 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
20999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21000 A small jolt of lightning zaps Reyvenyr.
21001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21002 Damage Taken: 28 electricity, mental (raw damage: 43)
21003 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
21004 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
21005 Balance Taken: 3.01s
21006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21007 naturebind choke dwen
21008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21009 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
21010 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21011 naturebind beech shred dwen
21012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21013 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
21014  her skin mercilessly.
21015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21016 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
21017 your skin mercilessly.
21018 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
21019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21020 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
21021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21022 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
21023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21024 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21026 ta dwen
21027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21028 Dwenthall's condition stands at 543/669 health and 700/700 mana.
21029 Mana Lost: 12
21030 H:575 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
21031 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21032 H:533 M:700 eb b 
21033 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21034 cast erode at rey
21035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21036 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
21037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21038 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
21039 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21040 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
21041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21042 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
21043 Your quince defence is eroded away.
21044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21045 His quince defence is eroded away.
21046 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
21047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21048 H:575 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
21049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21050 H:533 M:696 -b b 
21051 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21052 eat quince
21053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21054 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1997.
21055 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
21056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21057 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
21058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21059 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
21060 H:575 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
21061 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21062 H:533 M:696 -b b 
21063 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21064 smoke pipe with linseed
21065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21066 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
21067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21068 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
21069 H:575 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
21070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21071 H:533 M:696 -b b 
21072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21073 quarterstaff stab dwen
21074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21075 You must regain balance first.
21076 H:575 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
21077 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21078 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
21079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21080 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21082 naturebind blackthorn shred dwen
21083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21084 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21085 H:575 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
21086 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21087 eat juniper
21088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21089 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1954.
21090 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
21091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21092 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
21093 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21094 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
21095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21096 H:575 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
21097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21098 H:533 M:696 -b db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
21099 e out of you.
21100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21101 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
21102 r.
21103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21104 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
21105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21106 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
21107 H:575 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
21108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21109 H:485 M:696 -b db 
21110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21111 trueassess dwen
21112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21113 Dwenthall's condition stands at 456/669 health and 696/700 mana.
21114 Mana Lost: 12
21115 H:575 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
21116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21117 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
21118 H:485 M:696 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
21119 H:485 M:696 eb db 
21120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21121 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
21122 H:575 M:429 &lt;e- dbt; 
21123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21124 You may drink another healing elixir.
21125 H:485 M:696 eb db 
21126 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21127 cast erode at rey
21128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21129 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
21130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21131 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
21132 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
21133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21134 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
21135 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
21136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21137 H:575 M:429 &lt;e- dbt; 
21138 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21139 H:485 M:692 -b db 
21140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21141 sip speed
21142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21143 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
21144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21145 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
21146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21147 H:575 M:429 &lt;e- dbt; 
21148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21149 H:485 M:692 -b db 
21150 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21151 sip health
21152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21153 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
21154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21155 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
21156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21157 The elixir heals your body.
21158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21159 H:575 M:429 &lt;e- dbt; 
21160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21161 H:626 M:692 -b db 
21162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21163 You have recovered balance.
21164 H:575 M:429 &lt;eb dbt; 
21165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21166 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
21167 H:626 M:692 -b db 
21168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21169 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
21170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21171 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
21172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21173 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
21174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21175 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
21176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21177 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
21178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21179 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
21180 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21181 quarterstaff raze dwen
21182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21183 You whip a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of Dwenthall, to no effect.
21184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21185 Reyvenyr whips a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of you, to no effect.
21186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21187 Balance Taken: 2.00s
21188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21189 naturebinding shred dwen
21190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21191 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
21192 ing her skin mercilessly.
21193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21194 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
21195 ng your skin mercilessly.
21196 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
21197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21198 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
21199 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21200 ta dwen
21201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21202 Dwenthall's condition stands at 581/669 health and 692/700 mana.
21203 Mana Lost: 12
21204 H:575 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
21205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21206 H:581 M:692 -b b 
21207 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21208 ac on
21209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21210 Autocuring activated.
21211 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21212 order golem kill dwen
21213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21214 You must regain balance first.
21215 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21216 evoke empower rockfall
21217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21218 You must regain balance first.
21219 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21220 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
21221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21222 You must regain balance first.
21223 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21224 evoke wisp metallic dwen
21225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21226 You must regain balance first.
21227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21228 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
21229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21230 You must regain balance first.
21231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21232 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
21233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21234 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21236 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
21237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21238 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21240 naturebind beech choke dwen
21241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21242 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21244 naturebind shred dwen
21245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21246 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21248 ta dwen
21249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21250 Dwenthall's condition stands at 529/669 health and 788/700 mana.
21251 Mana Lost: 12
21252 H:575 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
21253 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21254 eat juniper
21255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21256 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1953.
21257 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
21258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21259 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
21260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21261 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
21262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21263 H:575 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
21264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21265 H:581 M:692 -b db 
21266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21267 Health Gain: 93
21268 Mana Gain: 32
21269 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
21270 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
21271 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21272 clot
21273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21274 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
21275 H:648 M:686 -b db 
21276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21277 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
21278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21279 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
21280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21281 The tornado swirls rapidly.
21282 Mana Lost: 1
21283 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
21284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21285 H:648 M:670 -b db 
21286 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21287 purge blood
21288 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21289 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
21290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21291 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
21292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21293 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
21294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21295 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
21296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21297 H:648 M:664 -b db 
21298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21299 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
21300 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
21301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21302 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
21303 H:648 M:664 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
21304 H:669 M:692 eb db 
21305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21306 You have recovered balance.
21307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21308 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
21309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21310 H:669 M:437 &lt;-b dbt; 
21311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21312 H:668 M:692 eb db 
21313 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21314 cast erode at rey
21315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21316 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
21317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21318 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
21319 Your torch defence is eroded away.
21320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21321 His torch defence is eroded away.
21322 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
21323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21324 H:669 M:437 &lt;-b dbt; 
21325 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21326 H:668 M:688 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
21327 H:668 M:688 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
21328 H:668 M:688 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
21329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21330 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
21331 H:669 M:437 &lt;-b dbt; 
21332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21333 H:668 M:688 -b db 
21334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21335 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
21336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21337 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21339 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
21340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21341 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21343 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
21344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21345 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21347 quarterstaff raze dwen
21348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21349 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21351 naturebinding shred dwen
21352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21353 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21355 ta dwen
21356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21357 Dwenthall's condition stands at 615/669 health and 606/700 mana.
21358 Mana Lost: 12
21359 H:669 M:425 &lt;-b dbt; 
21360 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21361 ac on
21362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21363 Autocuring activated.
21364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21365 evoke imbue
21366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21367 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21369 evoke empower shock
21370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21371 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21372 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21373 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
21374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21375 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21376 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21377 evoke wisp metallic dwen
21378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21379 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21381 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
21382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21383 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21384 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21385 naturebind overwhelm dwen
21386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21387 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21388 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21389 naturebind beech shred dwen
21390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21391 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21393 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwen
21394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21395 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21397 ta dwen
21398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21399 Dwenthall's condition stands at 615/669 health and 688/700 mana.
21400 Mana Lost: 12
21401 H:669 M:413 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
21402 H:669 M:413 &lt;eb dbt; 
21403 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21404 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
21405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21406 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
21407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21408 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
21409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21410 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
21411 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21412 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
21413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21414 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
21415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21416 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
21417 .
21418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21419 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
21420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21421 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
21422 r veins.
21423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21424 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
21425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21426 quarterstaff raze dwen
21427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21428 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
21429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21430 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
21431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21432 Balance Taken: 2.00s
21433 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21434 naturebinding shred dwen
21435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21436 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
21437 ing her skin mercilessly.
21438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21439 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
21440 ng your skin mercilessly.
21441 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
21442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21443 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
21444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21445 ta dwen
21446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21447 Dwenthall's condition stands at 672/669 health and 688/700 mana.
21448 Mana Lost: 12
21449 H:669 M:401 &lt;-- dbt; 
21450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21451 H:623 M:688 -b b 
21452 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21453 smoke pipe with linseed
21454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21455 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
21456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21457 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
21458 H:669 M:401 &lt;-- dbt; 
21459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21460 H:623 M:688 -b b 
21461 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21462 eat toadstool
21463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21464 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1976.
21465 You quickly eat a toadstool.
21466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21467 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
21468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21469 Mana Gain: 51
21470 You feel your health and mana replenished.
21471 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
21472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21473 H:623 M:688 -b b 
21474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21475 ac on
21476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21477 Autocuring activated.
21478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21479 evoke imbue
21480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21481 You must regain balance first.
21482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21483 evoke empower shock
21484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21485 You must regain balance first.
21486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21487 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
21488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21489 You must regain balance first.
21490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21491 evoke wisp metallic dwen
21492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21493 You must regain balance first.
21494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21495 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
21496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21497 You must regain balance first.
21498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21499 naturebind overwhelm dwen
21500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21501 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21502 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21503 naturebind beech shred dwen
21504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21505 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21507 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwen
21508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21509 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21511 ta dwen
21512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21513 Dwenthall's condition stands at 549/669 health and 633/700 mana.
21514 Mana Lost: 12
21515 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
21516 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21517 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
21518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21519 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
21520 mmand.
21521 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
21522 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21523 eat juniper
21524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21525 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1952.
21526 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
21528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21529 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
21531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21532 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
21534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21535 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
21536 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21537 H:623 M:688 -b db 
21538 You may drink another healing elixir.
21539 H:623 M:688 -b db 
21540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21541 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
21543 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
21544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21545 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
21548 H:623 M:688 eb db 
21549 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21550 cast erode at rey
21551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21552 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
21554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21555 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
21557 Your deaf defence is eroded away.
21559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21560 His deaf defence is eroded away.
21562 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
21564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21565 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- bt; 
21566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21567 H:623 M:684 -b db 
21568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21569 eat juniper
21570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21571 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1994.
21573 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
21575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21576 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
21578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21579 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
21581 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
21582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21583 H:623 M:684 -b db 
21584 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
21586 H:623 M:684 -b db 
21587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21588 You have recovered balance.
21591 H:669 M:440 &lt;-b dbt; 
21592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21593 You may eat another herb or plant.
21594 H:623 M:684 -b db 
21595 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
21596 H:623 M:684 -b db 
21597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21598 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
21601 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
21602 Mana Lost: 1
21604 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
21605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21606 ac on
21607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21608 Autocuring activated.
21610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21611 order golem kill dwen
21612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21613 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
21615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21616 evoke empower rockfall
21617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21618 Mana Lost: 6
21620 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
21621 wer of Earth infuses it.
21623 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21624 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
21625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21626 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
21628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21629 evoke wisp metallic dwen
21630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21631 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
21633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21634 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
21635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21636 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
21638 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
21640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21641 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
21643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21644 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
21646 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
21648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21649 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
21651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21652 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
21654 Balance Taken: 3.01s
21656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21657 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
21658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21659 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
21661 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21662 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
21663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21664 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
21665 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
21666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21667 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
21668 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
21669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21670 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
21671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21672 naturebind beech choke dwen
21673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21674 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21675 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21676 naturebind shred dwen
21677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21678 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21679 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21680 ta dwen
21681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21682 Dwenthall's condition stands at 502/669 health and 701/700 mana.
21683 Mana Lost: 12
21684 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
21685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21686 H:502 M:668 -b b 
21687 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21688 writhe root
21689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21690 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
21691 H:502 M:668 -b b 
21692 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21693 sip health
21694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21695 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
21696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21697 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
21698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21699 The elixir heals your body.
21700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21701 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
21702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21703 H:623 M:668 -b b 
21704 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21705 eat toadstool
21706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21707 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1959.
21708 You quickly eat a toadstool.
21709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21710 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
21711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21712 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
21713 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
21714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21715 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
21716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21717 H:623 M:668 -b b 
21718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21719 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
21720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21721 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
21722 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
21723 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21724 eat juniper
21725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21726 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1951.
21727 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
21728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21729 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
21730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21731 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
21732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21733 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
21734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21735 H:623 M:668 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
21736 H:623 M:668 eb db 
21737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21738 You may eat another herb or plant.
21739 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
21740 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21741 cast erode at rey
21742 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21743 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
21744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21745 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
21746 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
21747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21748 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
21749 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
21750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21751 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
21752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21753 H:623 M:664 -b db 
21754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21755 sip speed
21756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21757 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
21758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21759 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
21760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21761 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
21762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21763 H:623 M:664 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
21764 H:623 M:664 -b db 
21765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21766 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
21767 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
21768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21769 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
21770 H:623 M:664 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
21771 H:623 M:664 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
21772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21773 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
21774 You may eat another mushroom.
21775 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
21776 H:669 M:421 &lt;e- dbt; 
21777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21778 H:623 M:664 -b db An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the l
21779 ife out of you.
21780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21781 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
21782 her.
21783 You have recovered balance.
21784 H:669 M:421 &lt;eb dbt; 
21785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21786 H:575 M:664 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
21787 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21788 ac on
21789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21790 Autocuring activated.
21791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21792 evoke imbue
21793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21794 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
21795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21796 TEAR MAP
21797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21798 Syntax: TEAR MAP
21799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21800 evoke empower jolt
21801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21802 Mana Lost: 6
21803 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
21804 wer of Earth infuses it.
21805 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21806 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
21807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21808 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
21809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21810 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
21811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21812 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
21813 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21814 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
21815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21816 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
21817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21818 evoke wisp metallic dwen
21819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21820 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
21821 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21822 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
21823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21824 I do not recognize that toxin.
21825 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
21826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21827 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
21828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21829 The attack rebounds back onto you!
21830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21831 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
21832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21833 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
21834 Your staff is not filled with Air power and the Jolt empowerment remains dormant.
21835 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
21836 Balance Taken: 3.01s
21837 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21838 naturebind choke dwen
21839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21840 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
21841 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21842 naturebind beech shred dwen
21843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21844 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
21845  her skin mercilessly.
21846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21847 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
21848 your skin mercilessly.
21849 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
21850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21851 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
21852 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21853 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
21854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21855 You must regain your equilibrium first.
21856 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21857 ta dwen
21858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21859 Dwenthall's condition stands at 449/669 health and 683/700 mana.
21860 Mana Lost: 12
21861 H:603 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; 
21862 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21863 H:449 M:664 eb b 
21864 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21865 eat juniper
21866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21867 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1950.
21868 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
21869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21870 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
21871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21872 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
21873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21874 H:603 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; 
21875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21876 H:449 M:664 eb db 
21877 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21878 eat toadstool
21879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21880 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1975.
21881 You quickly eat a toadstool.
21882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21883 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
21884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21885 Health Gain: 65
21886 Mana Gain: 51
21887 You feel your health and mana replenished.
21888 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
21889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21890 H:449 M:664 eb db 
21891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21892 Mana Gain: 32
21893 H:669 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
21894 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21895 cast erode at rey
21896 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21897 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
21898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21899 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
21900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21901 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
21902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21903 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
21904 Your camouflage defence is eroded away.
21905 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21906 His camouflage defence is eroded away.
21907 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
21908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21909 H:669 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
21910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21911 H:516 M:696 -b db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
21912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21913 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
21914 H:669 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
21915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21916 H:516 M:696 -b db 
21917 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21918 smoke pipe with linseed
21919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21920 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
21921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21922 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
21923 H:669 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
21924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21925 H:516 M:696 -b db 
21926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21927 Mana Lost: 1
21928 H:669 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
21929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21930 You may drink another healing elixir.
21931 H:516 M:680 -b db 
21932 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21933 sip health
21934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21935 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
21936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21937 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
21938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21939 The elixir heals your body.
21940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21941 H:669 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
21942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21943 H:665 M:680 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
21944 H:665 M:680 -b db 
21945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21946 roll
21947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21948 Reyvenyr rolls his eyes.
21949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21950 You roll your eyes.
21951 H:669 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
21952 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21953 H:665 M:680 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
21954 H:665 M:680 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
21955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21956 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
21958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21959 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
21961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21962 The tornado swirls rapidly.
21964 H:669 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
21965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21966 H:665 M:680 eb db 
21967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21968 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
21971 H:669 M:486 &lt;e- dbt; 
21972 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
21974 H:669 M:486 &lt;e- dbt; 
21975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21976 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
21977 H:665 M:680 eb db 
21978 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21979 eat kelp
21980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21981 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1991.
21983 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
21985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21986 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
21988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21989 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
21991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21992 H:669 M:486 &lt;e- dbt; 
21993 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
21994 H:665 M:680 eb db 
21995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
21996 You have recovered balance.
21999 H:669 M:486 &lt;eb dbt; 
22000 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22001 cast erode at rey
22002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22003 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
22005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22006 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
22008 Your barkskin defence is eroded away.
22010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22011 His barkskin defence is eroded away.
22013 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
22015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22016 H:669 M:486 &lt;eb dbt; 
22017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22018 H:665 M:676 -b db 
22019 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
22021 H:669 M:700 -b db 
22022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22023 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
22024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22025 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
22027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22028 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
22029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22030 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
22032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22033 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
22034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22035 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
22037 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22038 quarterstaff raze dwen
22039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22040 You whip a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of Dwenthall, to no effect.
22042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22043 Reyvenyr whips a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of you, to no effect.
22045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22046 Balance Taken: 2.00s
22048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22049 naturebinding shred dwen
22050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22051 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
22052 ing her skin mercilessly.
22054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22055 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
22056 ng your skin mercilessly.
22058 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
22060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22061 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
22063 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22064 ta dwen
22065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22066 Dwenthall's condition stands at 618/669 health and 763/700 mana.
22068 Mana Lost: 12
22070 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
22071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22072 H:624 M:700 -b b 
22073 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22074 ac on
22075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22076 Autocuring activated.
22078 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22079 evoke imbue
22080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22081 You must regain balance first.
22083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22084 TEAR MAP
22085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22086 Syntax: TEAR MAP
22088 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22089 evoke empower jolt
22090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22091 You must regain balance first.
22092 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22093 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
22094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22095 You must regain balance first.
22096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22097 evoke wisp metallic dwen
22098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22099 You must regain balance first.
22100 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22101 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
22102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22103 You must regain balance first.
22104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22105 naturebind choke dwen
22106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22107 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22108 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22109 naturebind beech shred dwen
22110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22111 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22113 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
22114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22115 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22116 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22117 ta dwen
22118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22119 Dwenthall's condition stands at 606/669 health and 700/700 mana.
22120 Mana Lost: 12
22121 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
22122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22123 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
22124 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
22125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22126 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
22127 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22128 H:620 M:700 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
22129 H:620 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
22130 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22131 eat juniper
22132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22133 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1949.
22134 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
22135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22136 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
22137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22138 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
22139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22140 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
22141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22142 H:620 M:700 eb db 
22143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22144 You have recovered balance.
22145 H:669 M:461 &lt;-b dbt; 
22146 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22147 cast erode at rey
22148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22149 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
22150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22151 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
22152 Your blind defence is eroded away.
22153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22154 His blind defence is eroded away.
22155 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
22156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22157 H:669 M:461 &lt;-b dt; 
22158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22159 H:620 M:696 -b db You have regained the ability to purge your body.
22160 H:620 M:696 -b db 
22161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22162 eat hyssop
22163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22164 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1997.
22165 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
22166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22167 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
22168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22169 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
22170 H:669 M:461 &lt;-b dbt; 
22171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22172 H:620 M:696 -b db 
22173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22174 You may eat another mushroom.
22175 H:669 M:461 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
22176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22177 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
22178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22179 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
22180 H:669 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
22181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22182 H:620 M:696 -b db 
22183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22184 Mana Lost: 1
22185 H:669 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
22186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22187 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
22188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22189 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
22190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22191 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
22192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22193 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
22194 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22195 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
22196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22197 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
22198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22199 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
22200 .
22201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22202 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
22203 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22204 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
22205 r veins.
22206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22207 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
22208 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22209 quarterstaff raze dwen
22210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22211 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
22212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22213 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
22214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22215 Balance Taken: 2.00s
22216 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22217 naturebinding shred dwen
22218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22219 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
22220 ing her skin mercilessly.
22221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22222 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
22223 ng your skin mercilessly.
22224 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
22225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22226 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
22227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22228 ta dwen
22229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22230 Dwenthall's condition stands at 489/669 health and 680/700 mana.
22231 Mana Lost: 12
22232 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
22233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22234 H:575 M:680 -b b 
22235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22236 ac on
22237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22238 Autocuring activated.
22239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22240 evoke imbue
22241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22242 You must regain balance first.
22243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22244 evoke empower shock
22245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22246 You must regain balance first.
22247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22248 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
22249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22250 You must regain balance first.
22251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22252 evoke wisp metallic dwen
22253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22254 You must regain balance first.
22255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22256 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
22257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22258 You must regain balance first.
22259 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22260 naturebind overwhelm dwen
22261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22262 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22264 naturebind beech shred dwen
22265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22266 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22268 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwen
22269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22270 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22272 ta dwen
22273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22274 Dwenthall's condition stands at 598/669 health and 680/700 mana.
22275 Mana Lost: 12
22276 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
22277 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22278 smoke pipe with linseed
22279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22280 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
22281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22282 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
22283 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
22284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22285 H:575 M:680 -b b 
22286 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22287 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
22288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22289 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
22290 mmand.
22291 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
22292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22293 You may drink another healing elixir.
22294 H:575 M:680 -b b 
22295 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22296 sip health
22297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22298 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
22299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22300 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
22301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22302 The elixir heals your body.
22303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22304 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
22305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22306 H:669 M:680 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
22307 H:669 M:680 -b b 
22308 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22309 eat juniper
22310 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22311 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1948.
22312 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
22313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22314 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
22315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22316 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
22317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22318 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
22319 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22320 H:669 M:680 -b db 
22321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22322 You may eat another herb or plant.
22323 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
22324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22325 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
22326 H:669 M:680 eb db 
22327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22328 You have recovered balance.
22329 H:669 M:437 &lt;-b dbt; 
22330 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22331 cast erode at rey
22332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22333 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
22334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22335 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
22336 Your mindseye defence is eroded away.
22337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22338 His mindseye defence is eroded away.
22339 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
22340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22341 H:669 M:437 &lt;-b dbt; 
22342 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22343 H:669 M:676 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
22344 H:669 M:676 -b db 
22345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22346 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
22347 H:669 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
22348 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22349 You may eat another herb or plant.
22350 H:669 M:676 -b db 
22351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22352 Mana Gain: 32
22353 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
22354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22355 ac on
22356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22357 Autocuring activated.
22358 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22359 evoke imbue
22360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22361 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
22362 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22363 TEAR MAP
22364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22365 Syntax: TEAR MAP
22366 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22367 evoke empower jolt
22368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22369 Mana Lost: 6
22370 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
22371 wer of Earth infuses it.
22372 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22373 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
22374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22375 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
22376 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22377 evoke wisp metallic dwen
22378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22379 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
22380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22381 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
22382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22383 I do not recognize that toxin.
22384 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
22385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22386 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
22387 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
22388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22389 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
22390 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
22391 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
22392 Balance Taken: 3.01s
22393 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22394 naturebind choke dwen
22395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22396 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
22397 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22398 naturebind beech shred dwen
22399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22400 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
22401  her skin mercilessly.
22402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22403 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
22404 your skin mercilessly.
22405 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
22406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22407 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
22408 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22409 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
22410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22411 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22413 ta dwen
22414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22415 Dwenthall's condition stands at 548/669 health and 777/700 mana.
22416 Mana Lost: 12
22417 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
22418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22419 H:522 M:700 -b b 
22420 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22421 eat juniper
22422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22423 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1947.
22424 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
22425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22426 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
22427 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22428 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
22429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22430 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
22431 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22432 H:522 M:700 -b db 
22433 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22434 eat toadstool
22435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22436 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1958.
22437 You quickly eat a toadstool.
22438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22439 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
22440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22441 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
22442 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
22443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22444 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
22445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22446 H:522 M:700 -b db 
22447 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22448 clot
22449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22450 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
22451 H:522 M:686 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
22452 H:522 M:686 eb db 
22453 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22454 cast erode at rey
22455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22456 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
22457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22458 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
22459 Your insomnia defence is eroded away.
22460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22461 His insomnia defence is eroded away.
22462 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
22463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22464 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
22465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22466 H:522 M:682 -b db 
22467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22468 insomnia
22469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22470 Mana Lost: 6
22471 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
22472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22473 Reyvenyr clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
22474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22475 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
22476 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22477 H:522 M:682 -b db 
22478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22479 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
22480 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
22481 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
22482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22483 You may drink another healing elixir.
22484 H:522 M:666 -b db 
22485 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
22487 H:521 M:666 -b db 
22488 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22489 sip health
22490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22491 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
22493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22494 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
22496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22497 The elixir heals your body.
22499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22500 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
22501 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22502 H:669 M:666 -b db 
22503 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
22505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22506 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
22508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22509 You may eat another herb or plant.
22510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22511 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
22512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22513 H:669 M:666 -b db 
22514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22515 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
22518 H:669 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; 
22519 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22520 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
22523 H:669 M:666 eb db 
22524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22525 You have recovered balance.
22528 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
22529 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22530 ac on
22531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22532 Autocuring activated.
22534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22535 evoke imbue
22536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22537 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
22539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22540 evoke empower shock
22541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22542 Mana Lost: 6
22544 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
22545 wer of Earth infuses it.
22547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22548 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
22549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22550 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
22552 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22553 evoke wisp metallic dwen
22554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22555 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
22557 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22558 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
22560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22561 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
22563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22564 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
22566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22567 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
22569 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22570 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
22571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22572 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
22574 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
22576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22577 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
22579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22580 The attack rebounds back onto you!
22582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22583 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
22585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22586 Damage Taken: 79 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
22588 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
22590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22591 A brief shock runs through Reyvenyr's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
22593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22594 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
22596 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
22598 Balance Taken: 3.01s
22600 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22601 naturebind overwhelm dwen
22602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22603 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
22605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22606 naturebind beech shred dwen
22607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22608 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
22609  her skin mercilessly.
22611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22612 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
22613 your skin mercilessly.
22615 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
22617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22618 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
22620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22621 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwen
22622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22623 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22624 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22625 ta dwen
22626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22627 Dwenthall's condition stands at 583/669 health and 759/700 mana.
22628 Mana Lost: 12
22629 H:589 M:426 &lt;-- bt; 
22630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22631 H:583 M:666 eb b 
22632 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22633 eat juniper
22634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22635 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1946.
22636 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
22637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22638 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
22639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22640 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
22641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22642 H:589 M:426 &lt;-- bt; 
22643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22644 H:583 M:666 eb db 
22645 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22646 eat juniper
22647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22648 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1993.
22649 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
22650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22651 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
22652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22653 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
22654 H:589 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
22655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22656 H:583 M:666 eb db 
22657 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22658 cast erode at rey
22659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22660 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
22661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22662 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
22663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22664 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
22665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22666 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
22667 Your insomnia defence is eroded away.
22668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22669 His insomnia defence is eroded away.
22670 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
22671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22672 H:589 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
22673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22674 H:583 M:662 -b db 
22675 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22676 insomnia
22677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22678 Mana Lost: 6
22679 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
22680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22681 Reyvenyr clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
22682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22683 H:589 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
22684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22685 H:583 M:662 -b db 
22686 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22687 smoke pipe with linseed
22688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22689 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
22690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22691 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
22692 H:589 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
22693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22694 H:583 M:662 -b db 
22695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22696 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
22697 The tornado swirls rapidly.
22698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22699 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
22700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22701 H:589 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
22702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22703 H:583 M:662 -b db 
22704 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22705 purge blood
22706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22707 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
22708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22709 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
22710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22711 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
22712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22713 H:589 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
22714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22715 H:583 M:656 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
22716 H:610 M:684 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
22717 H:610 M:684 -b db 
22718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22719 You may eat another herb or plant.
22720 H:589 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
22721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22722 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
22723 H:610 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
22724 H:610 M:684 eb db 
22725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22726 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
22727 H:589 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
22728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22729 You may eat another mushroom.
22730 H:610 M:684 eb db 
22731 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22732 cast erode at rey
22733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22734 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
22735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22736 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
22737 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
22738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22739 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
22740 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
22741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22742 H:589 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
22743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22744 H:610 M:680 -b db 
22745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22746 Mana Lost: 1
22747 H:589 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
22748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22749 You may drink another healing elixir.
22750 H:610 M:664 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
22751 H:610 M:664 -b db 
22752 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22753 sip speed
22754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22755 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
22756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22757 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
22758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22759 H:589 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
22760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22761 H:610 M:664 -b db 
22762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22763 You have recovered balance.
22764 H:589 M:419 &lt;eb dbt; 
22765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22766 say wtf
22767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22768 You say, "Wtf."
22769 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22770 Reyvenyr says, "Wtf."
22771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22772 H:589 M:419 &lt;eb dbt; 
22773 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22774 H:610 M:664 -b db 
22775 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22776 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
22777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22778 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
22779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22780 quarterstaff raze dwen
22781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22782 You whip a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of Dwenthall, to no effect.
22783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22784 Reyvenyr whips a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of you, to no effect.
22785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22786 Balance Taken: 2.00s
22787 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22788 naturebind hawthorn circle dwen
22789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22790 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
22791 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
22792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22793 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
22794 you.
22795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22796 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
22797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22798 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
22799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22800 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22801 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22802 naturebind beech circle dwen
22803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22804 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22805 H:589 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
22806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22807 H:610 M:664 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
22808 H:610 M:664 -b db 
22809 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22810 ac on
22811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22812 Autocuring activated.
22813 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22814 order loyals kill dwen
22815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22816 You must regain balance first.
22818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22819 TEAR MAP
22820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22821 Syntax: TEAR MAP
22823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22824 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
22825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22826 You must regain balance first.
22828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22829 evoke empower rockfall
22830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22831 You must regain balance first.
22833 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22834 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
22835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22836 You must regain balance first.
22838 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22839 evoke wisp metallic dwen
22840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22841 You must regain balance first.
22843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22844 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
22845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22846 You must regain balance first.
22848 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22849 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
22850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22851 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22853 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22854 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
22855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22856 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22858 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22859 naturebind beech circle dwen
22860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22861 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22863 H:589 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
22864 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
22866 H:589 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
22867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22868 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
22871 H:610 M:664 eb db 
22872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22873 You have recovered balance.
22876 H:589 M:419 &lt;-b dbt; 
22877 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22878 cast erode at rey
22879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22880 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
22882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22883 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
22885 Your venom defence is eroded away.
22887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22888 His venom defence is eroded away.
22890 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
22892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22893 H:589 M:419 &lt;-b dbt; 
22894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22895 H:610 M:660 -b db 
22896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22897 sip venom
22898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22899 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
22901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22902 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
22904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22905 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
22907 H:589 M:419 &lt;-b dbt; 
22908 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22909 H:610 M:660 -b db 
22910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22911 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
22914 H:589 M:419 &lt;eb dbt; 
22915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22916 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
22918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22919 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
22921 H:589 M:419 &lt;eb dbt; 
22922 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22923 H:610 M:660 -b db 
22924 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22925 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
22926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22927 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
22928 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
22930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22931 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
22932  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
22934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22935 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
22937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22938 quarterstaff raze dwen
22939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22940 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
22942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22943 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
22945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22946 Balance Taken: 2.00s
22948 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22949 naturebind hawthorn circle dwen
22950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22951 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
22952 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22953 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
22954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22955 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
22956 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
22957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22958 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
22959 d you.
22960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22961 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
22962 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22963 naturebind beech circle dwen
22964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22965 You must regain your equilibrium first.
22966 H:589 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
22967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22968 H:610 M:660 -b db 
22969 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22970 smoke pipe with linseed
22971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22972 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
22973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22974 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
22975 H:589 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
22976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
22977 H:610 M:660 -b db 
22978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22979 Health Gain: 79
22980 Mana Gain: 32
22981 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
22982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22983 ac on
22984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22985 Autocuring activated.
22986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22987 order loyals kill dwen
22988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22989 You must regain balance first.
22990 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22991 TEAR MAP
22992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22993 Syntax: TEAR MAP
22994 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22995 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
22996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22997 You must regain balance first.
22998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
22999 evoke empower rockfall
23000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23001 You must regain balance first.
23002 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23003 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
23004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23005 You must regain balance first.
23006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23007 evoke wisp metallic dwen
23008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23009 You must regain balance first.
23010 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23011 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
23012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23013 You must regain balance first.
23014 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23015 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
23016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23017 You must regain your equilibrium first.
23018 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23019 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
23020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23021 You must regain your equilibrium first.
23022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23023 naturebind beech circle dwen
23024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23025 You must regain your equilibrium first.
23026 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
23027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23028 ---------delayed wisp
23029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23030 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
23031 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
23032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23033 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
23034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23035 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
23036 mmand.
23037 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
23038 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
23039 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
23040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23041 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
23042 H:669 M:684 eb db 
23043 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23044 cast erode at rey
23045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23046 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
23047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23048 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
23049 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
23050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23051 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
23052 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
23053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23054 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
23055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23056 H:669 M:680 -b db 
23057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23058 You have recovered balance.
23059 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
23060 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23061 sip speed
23062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23063 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
23064 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23065 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
23066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23067 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
23068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23069 H:669 M:680 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
23070 H:669 M:680 -b db 
23071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23072 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
23073 H:669 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
23074 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23075 ac on
23076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23077 Autocuring activated.
23078 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23079 order loyals kill dwen
23080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23081 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
23082 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
23083 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
23084 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23085 TEAR MAP
23086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23087 Syntax: TEAR MAP
23088 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23089 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
23090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23091 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
23092 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23093 evoke empower rockfall
23094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23095 Mana Lost: 6
23096 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
23097 wer of Earth infuses it.
23098 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23099 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
23100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23101 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
23102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23103 evoke wisp metallic dwen
23104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23105 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
23106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23107 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
23108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23109 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
23110 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
23111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23112 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
23113 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
23114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23115 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
23116 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
23117 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
23118 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
23119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23120 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
23121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23122 Balance Taken: 3.01s
23123 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23124 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
23125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23126 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
23127 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23128 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
23129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23130 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
23131 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23132 naturebind beech circle dwen
23133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23134 An animated beech root is already circling around Dwenthall.
23135 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23137 H:571 M:680 -b b 
23138 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23139 eat juniper
23140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23141 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1945.
23142 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
23143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23144 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
23145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23146 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
23147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23148 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23150 H:571 M:680 -b db 
23151 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23152 sip health
23153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23154 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
23155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23156 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
23157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23158 The elixir heals your body.
23159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23160 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23162 H:669 M:680 -b db 
23163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23164 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
23165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23166 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
23167 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23169 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
23170 H:669 M:680 eb db 
23171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23172 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
23173 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
23174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23175 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
23176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23177 The tornado swirls rapidly.
23178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23179 dg
23180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23181 You must regain balance first.
23182 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23184 H:669 M:680 eb db 
23185 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23186 cast erode at rey
23187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23188 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
23189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23190 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
23191 Your venom defence is eroded away.
23192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23193 His venom defence is eroded away.
23194 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
23195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23196 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23198 H:669 M:676 -b db 
23199 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23200 dg
23201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23202 You must regain balance first.
23203 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23205 dg
23206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23207 You must regain balance first.
23208 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23209 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23210 touch tree
23211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23212 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
23213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23214 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
23215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23216 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
23217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23218 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23220 H:669 M:676 -b db 
23221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23222 sip venom
23223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23224 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
23225 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23226 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
23227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23228 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
23229 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23230 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23231 H:669 M:676 -b db 
23232 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23233 dg
23234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23235 You must regain balance first.
23236 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23238 You may eat another herb or plant.
23239 H:669 M:700 -b db 
23240 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23241 dg
23242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23243 You must regain balance first.
23244 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23246 dg
23247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23248 You must regain balance first.
23249 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23250 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23251 dg
23252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23253 You must regain balance first.
23254 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
23255 H:669 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; 
23256 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23257 dg
23258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23259 You must regain balance first.
23260 H:669 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; 
23261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23262 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
23263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23264 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
23265 H:669 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; 
23266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23267 H:669 M:684 -b db 
23268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23269 dg
23270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23271 You must regain balance first.
23272 H:669 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
23273 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
23274 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
23275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23276 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23278 Mana Lost: 12
23279 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
23280 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23282 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
23283 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23285 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
23286 Mana Lost: 12
23287 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of hemot
23288 oxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23290 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
23291  hemotoxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23293 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
23294 Balance Taken: 2.00s
23295 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23297 H:669 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
23298 H:669 M:684 eb db 
23299 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23300 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23302 You must regain balance first.
23303 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23304 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23305 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23307 You must regain balance first.
23308 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23309 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23310 cast erode at rey
23311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23312 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
23313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23314 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
23315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23316 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
23317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23318 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
23319 Your density defence is eroded away.
23320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23321 His density defence is eroded away.
23322 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
23323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23324 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23325 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23326 H:669 M:680 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
23327 H:669 M:680 -b db 
23328 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23329 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23331 You must regain balance first.
23332 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23333 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23334 smoke pipe with linseed
23335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23336 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
23337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23338 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
23339 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23340 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23341 H:669 M:680 -b db 
23342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23343 apply mass
23344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23345 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
23346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23347 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
23348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23349 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
23350 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23352 H:669 M:680 -b db 
23353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23354 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23356 You must regain balance first.
23357 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23358 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23359 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23361 You must regain balance first.
23362 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23364 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
23365 H:669 M:680 -b db 
23366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23367 You have recovered balance.
23368 H:669 M:420 &lt;eb dbt; You may apply another salve.
23369 H:669 M:420 &lt;eb dbt; 
23370 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23371 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23373 Mana Lost: 12
23374 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
23375 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23377 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
23378 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23380 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
23381 Mana Lost: 12
23382 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of hemot
23383 oxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23385 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
23386  hemotoxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23388 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
23389 Balance Taken: 2.00s
23390 H:669 M:396 &lt;e- dbt; 
23391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23392 H:669 M:680 -b db 
23393 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23394 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23396 You must regain balance first.
23397 H:669 M:396 &lt;e- dbt; 
23398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23399 eat toadstool
23400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23401 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1974.
23402 You quickly eat a toadstool.
23403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23404 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
23405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23406 Mana Gain: 51
23407 You feel your health and mana replenished.
23408 H:669 M:447 &lt;e- dbt; 
23409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23410 H:669 M:680 -b db 
23411 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23412 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23414 You must regain balance first.
23415 H:669 M:447 &lt;e- dbt; 
23416 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23417 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23419 You must regain balance first.
23420 H:669 M:447 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
23421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23422 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
23423 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23424 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23426 You must regain balance first.
23427 H:669 M:479 &lt;e- dbt; 
23428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23429 H:669 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
23430 H:669 M:700 eb db 
23431 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23432 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23434 You must regain balance first.
23435 H:669 M:479 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
23436 H:669 M:479 &lt;e- dbt; 
23437 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23438 cast erode at rey
23439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23440 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
23441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23442 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
23443 Your curseward defence is eroded away.
23444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23445 His curseward defence is eroded away.
23446 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
23447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23448 H:669 M:479 &lt;e- dbt; 
23449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23450 H:669 M:680 -b db 
23451 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23452 bs
23453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23454 You must regain balance first.
23455 H:669 M:479 &lt;e- dbt; 
23456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23457 bs
23458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23459 You must regain balance first.
23460 H:669 M:479 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
23461 H:669 M:479 &lt;eb dbt; 
23462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23463 bs
23464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23465 Mana Lost: 9
23466 You hold a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds firmly and concentrate. Your skin gradually hardens an
23467 d toughens like the bark of a tree.
23468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23469 Reyvenyr holds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds firmly and concentrates. His skin gradually hard
23470 ens and toughens like the bark of a tree.
23471 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23472 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
23473 Balance Taken: 3.80s
23474 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
23475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23476 H:669 M:680 -b db 
23477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23478 bs
23479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23480 You must regain balance first.
23481 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
23482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23483 bs
23484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23485 You must regain balance first.
23486 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
23487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23488 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
23489 H:669 M:680 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
23490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23491 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
23492 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
23493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23494 H:669 M:680 eb db 
23495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23496 evoke toxicrain noctec
23497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23498 You must regain balance first.
23499 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
23500 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23501 cast erode at rey
23502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23503 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
23504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23505 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
23506 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23507 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
23508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23509 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
23510 Your blind defence is eroded away.
23511 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23512 His blind defence is eroded away.
23513 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
23514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23515 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dt; 
23516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23517 H:669 M:676 -b db 
23518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23519 eat hyssop
23520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23521 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1996.
23522 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
23523 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23524 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
23525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23526 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
23527 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
23528 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23529 H:669 M:676 -b db 
23530 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23531 smoke pipe with linseed
23532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23533 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
23534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23535 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
23536 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
23537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23538 H:669 M:676 -b db 
23539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23540 evoke toxicrain noctec
23541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23542 You must regain balance first.
23543 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
23544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23545 evoke toxicrain noctec
23546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23547 You must regain balance first.
23548 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
23549 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23550 evoke toxicrain noctec
23551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23552 Mana Lost: 12
23553 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
23554 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23556 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
23557 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23559 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
23560 Mana Lost: 12
23561 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of nocte
23562 c rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23564 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
23565  noctec rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23567 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
23568 Balance Taken: 2.00s
23569 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23571 H:669 M:676 -b db 
23572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23573 You may eat another mushroom.
23574 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23575 evoke toxicrain noctec
23576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23577 You must regain balance first.
23578 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
23579 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
23580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23581 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
23582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23583 Your noctec toxin has affected Dwenthall.
23584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23585 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
23586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23587 Dwenthall stumbles and appears off balance.
23588 The tornado swirls rapidly.
23589 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23591 H:669 M:660 -b db 
23592 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23593 purge blood
23594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23595 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
23596 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23597 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
23598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23599 You are able to focus your senses once more.
23600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23601 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23603 H:669 M:654 -b db 
23604 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23605 evoke toxicrain noctec
23606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23607 You must regain balance first.
23608 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23609 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23610 spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec
23611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23612 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec", is not a valid command.
23613 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23614 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23615 evoke toxicrain noctec
23616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23617 You must regain balance first.
23618 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23619 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23620 evoke toxicrain noctec
23621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23622 You must regain balance first.
23623 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
23624 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23625 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23626 evoke toxicrain noctec
23627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23628 You must regain balance first.
23629 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23631 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
23632 H:669 M:682 eb db 
23633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23634 evoke toxicrain noctec
23635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23636 You must regain balance first.
23637 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
23638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23639 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
23640 H:669 M:682 eb db 
23641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23642 You have recovered balance.
23643 H:669 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
23644 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23645 dag
23646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23647 You are:
23648 blind.
23649 deaf.
23650 an insomniac.
23651 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
23652 H:669 M:682 -b db 
23653 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23654 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23656 Mana Lost: 12
23657 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
23658 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23660 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
23661 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23663 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
23664 Mana Lost: 12
23665 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of hemot
23666 oxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23668 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
23669  hemotoxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23671 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
23672 Balance Taken: 2.00s
23673 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23675 H:669 M:682 -b db 
23676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23677 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23679 You must regain balance first.
23680 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23682 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
23683 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23684 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23686 You must regain balance first.
23687 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23689 H:669 M:682 eb db 
23690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23691 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23693 You must regain balance first.
23694 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23695 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23696 ts
23697 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23698 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
23699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23700 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
23701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23702 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
23703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23704 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23706 H:669 M:682 -b db 
23707 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23708 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23710 You must regain balance first.
23711 H:669 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
23712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23713 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
23714 H:669 M:682 -b db 
23715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23716 You have recovered balance.
23717 H:669 M:420 &lt;eb dbt; 
23718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23719 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23721 Mana Lost: 12
23722 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
23723 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23725 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
23726 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23728 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
23729 Mana Lost: 12
23730 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of hemot
23731 oxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23733 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
23734  hemotoxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
23735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23736 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
23737 Balance Taken: 2.00s
23738 H:669 M:396 &lt;e- dbt; 
23739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23740 H:669 M:682 -b db 
23741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23742 eat toadstool
23743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23744 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1973.
23745 You quickly eat a toadstool.
23746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23747 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
23748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23749 Mana Gain: 51
23750 You feel your health and mana replenished.
23751 H:669 M:447 &lt;e- dbt; 
23752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23753 H:669 M:682 -b db 
23754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23755 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23757 You must regain balance first.
23758 H:669 M:447 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
23759 H:669 M:480 &lt;e- dbt; 
23760 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23761 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
23762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23763 You must regain balance first.
23764 H:669 M:480 &lt;e- dbt; You are once again able to form a curseward.
23765 Mana Lost: 1
23766 H:669 M:479 &lt;e- dbt; 
23767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23768 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
23769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23770 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
23771 H:669 M:479 &lt;e- dbt; 
23772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23773 H:669 M:684 -b db The hovering wisp flies off.
23774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23775 The wisp hovering around Dwenthall flies off.
23776 H:669 M:479 &lt;e- dbt; 
23777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23778 H:669 M:684 -b db 
23779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23780 naturebind breach dwen
23781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23782 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
23783 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
23784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23785 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
23786 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
23787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23788 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
23789 H:669 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
23790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23791 H:669 M:684 -b db 
23792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23793 You have recovered balance.
23794 H:669 M:479 &lt;-b dbt; 
23795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23796 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
23797 H:669 M:684 eb db 
23798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23799 unally dwen
23800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23801 You have no allies.
23802 H:669 M:479 &lt;-b dbt; 
23803 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23804 reject dwen
23805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23806 You must regain your equilibrium first.
23807 H:669 M:479 &lt;-b dbt; 
23808 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23809 enemy dwen
23810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23811 I don't recognize that name as one of an existing player.
23812 H:669 M:479 &lt;-b dbt; 
23813 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23814 unally dwen
23815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23816 You have no allies.
23817 H:669 M:479 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
23818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23819 reject dwen
23820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23821 Whom do you wish to reject?
23822 H:669 M:479 &lt;eb dbt; 
23823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23824 enemy dwen
23825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23826 I don't recognize that name as one of an existing player.
23827 H:669 M:479 &lt;eb dbt; 
23828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23829 def
23830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23831 Current Defences:
23832 You are benefiting from a constitution soulstone. [1:46:56]
23833 You are benefiting from a strength soulstone. [1:46:56]
23834 You are blind.
23835 You are deaf.
23836 You are extremely heavy and difficult to move. [2:41]
23837 You are protected by a waxy coating.
23838 You are protected from telepathic attacks.
23839 You are protected from the elements.
23840 You are protected from the freezing elements.
23841 You are regenerating health through the power of Nature. [8:28]
23842 You are tempered against fire damage.
23843 You are walking on a small cushion of air.
23844 You are walking with the blessing of the stars.
23845 You are watching for falling shards. [46:56]
23846 You have activated the boar tattoo.
23847 You have activated the moon tattoo.
23848 You have activated the moss tattoo.
23849 You have been granted the finishing power of the bluestar.
23850 You have eaten the quince fruit and are extremely energetic.
23851 You have insomnia, and cannot easily go to sleep.
23852 Your armor offers you 58% increased protection to cutting and blunt damage.
23853 Your sense of time is heightened, and your reactions are speeded.
23854 Your senses are attuned to nearby movement.
23855 Your skin is hard and tough like the bark of an oak tree.
23856 Your veins burn with immunity to deadly venoms.
23857 Your wounds are tightly bandaged in cloth.
23858 You are protected by 26 defences.
23859 H:669 M:479 &lt;eb dbt; 
23860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23861 curseward
23862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23863 Mana Lost: 21
23864 You concentrate briefly and a shimmering curseward appears around you.
23865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23866 A shimmering curseward appears around Reyvenyr.
23867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23868 H:669 M:458 &lt;eb dbt; 
23869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23870 H:669 M:684 eb db 
23871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23872 Mana Lost: 1
23873 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
23874 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
23875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23876 vit
23877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23878 You need to be fully healthy in both body and mind before you can call upon your vitality.
23879 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
23880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23881 vit
23882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23883 You need to be fully healthy in both body and mind before you can call upon your vitality.
23884 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of hemotoxi
23885 n.
23886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23887 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
23888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23889 Your hemotoxin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
23890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23891 An attack on your immune system causes your body to feel weak.
23892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23893 Dwenthall pales suddenly and slumps perceptibly.
23894 The tornado swirls rapidly.
23895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23896 vit
23897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23898 You need to be fully healthy in both body and mind before you can call upon your vitality.
23899 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
23900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23901 H:669 M:668 eb db 
23902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23903 spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin
23904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23905 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin", is not a valid command.
23906 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
23907 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23908 eat kelp
23909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23910 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1990.
23911 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
23912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23913 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
23914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23915 Your immune system feels stronger.
23916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23917 Dwenthall's colour returns to her face.
23918 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
23919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23920 H:669 M:668 eb db 
23921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23922 dm
23923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23924 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
23925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23926 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
23927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23928 Mana Gain: 54
23929 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
23930 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
23931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23932 H:669 M:668 eb db 
23933 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23934 et
23935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23936 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1972.
23937 You quickly eat a toadstool.
23938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23939 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
23940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23941 You feel your health and mana replenished.
23943 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
23944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23945 H:669 M:696 eb db 
23946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23947 vit
23948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23949 Your body positively glows with health and vitality.
23951 Equilibrium Taken: 4.45s
23953 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
23954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23955 vit
23956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23957 You already are as vital as it gets.
23959 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
23960 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23961 vit
23962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23963 You already are as vital as it gets.
23965 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
23966 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23967 You may eat another herb or plant.
23968 H:669 M:696 eb db 
23969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23970 pro
23971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23972 You must regain your equilibrium first.
23974 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
23975 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23976 pro
23977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23978 You must regain your equilibrium first.
23980 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
23981 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23982 probe crystal
23983 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23984 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
23985 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
23986 It weighs 6 ounces.
23987 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
23988 The crystal can support 5 spells.
23990 H:669 M:700 eb db 
23991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23992 Mana Lost: 1
23994 H:669 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
23995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
23996 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
23997 H:669 M:684 eb db 
23998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
23999 res
24000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24001 You call aloud and feel an aura of resistance shroud itself silently about you.
24003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24004 Reyvenyr calls aloud abruptly.
24006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24007 H:669 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
24008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24009 H:669 M:684 eb db 
24010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24011 You may drink another healing elixir.
24012 H:669 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
24013 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
24015 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
24017 H:669 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
24018 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24019 apply caloric
24020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24021 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
24023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24024 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
24026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24027 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
24029 H:669 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
24030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24031 H:669 M:684 eb db 
24032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24033 apply caloric
24034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24035 The salve dissolves and is wasted.
24037 H:669 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
24038 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
24041 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
24042 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24043 cnc
24044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24045 You already possess mental equilibrium.
24047 H:669 M:684 eb db 
24048 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24049 pa
24050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24051 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
24053 H:669 M:684 eb db 
24054 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24055 ta
24056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24057 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 511/512 mana.
24059 H:669 M:672 eb db 
24060 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24061 ovt
24062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24063 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
24065 H:669 M:672 eb db 
24066 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24067 anor
24068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24069 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
24070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24071 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
24072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24073 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
24074 rewreathe effect.
24075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24076 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
24077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24078 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
24079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24080 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the fire element.
24081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24082 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
24083 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
24084 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
24085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24086 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
24087 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
24088 your head.
24089 Damage Taken: 85 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
24090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24091 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
24092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24093 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
24094 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
24095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24096 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
24097 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
24098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24099 H:583 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
24100 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24101 H:669 M:661 -b db 
24102 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24103 ta
24104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24105 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 583/669 health and 511/512 mana.
24106 H:669 M:649 -b db 
24107 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24108 eat kelp
24109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24110 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1988.
24111 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
24112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24113 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
24114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24115 You feel coordinated once more.
24116 H:583 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
24117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24118 H:669 M:649 -b db 
24119 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24120 smoke pipe with linseed
24121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24122 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
24123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24124 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
24125 H:583 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
24126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24127 H:669 M:649 -b db 
24128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24129 You may eat another mushroom.
24130 H:583 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; You may apply another salve.
24131 H:583 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
24132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24133 ac on
24134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24135 Autocuring activated.
24136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24137 order loyals kill dwen
24138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24139 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
24140 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
24141 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
24142 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24143 TEAR MAP
24144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24145 Syntax: TEAR MAP
24146 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24147 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
24148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24149 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
24150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24151 evoke empower rockfall
24152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24153 Mana Lost: 6
24154 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
24155 wer of Earth infuses it.
24156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24157 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
24158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24159 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
24160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24161 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
24162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24163 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
24164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24165 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
24166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24167 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
24168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24169 evoke wisp metallic dwen
24170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24171 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
24172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24173 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
24174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24175 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
24176 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
24177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24178 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
24179 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
24180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24181 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
24182 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
24183 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
24184 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
24185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24186 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
24187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24188 Balance Taken: 3.01s
24189 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24190 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
24191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24192 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
24193 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24194 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
24195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24196 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
24197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24198 naturebind beech circle dwen
24199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24200 An animated beech root is already circling around Dwenthall.
24201 H:583 M:505 &lt;e- dbt; 
24202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24203 H:490 M:649 -b b 
24204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24205 You may eat another herb or plant.
24206 H:583 M:505 &lt;e- dbt; 
24207 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24208 eat juniper
24209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24210 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1944.
24211 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
24212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24213 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
24214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24215 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
24216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24217 H:583 M:505 &lt;e- dbt; 
24218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24219 H:490 M:649 -b db 
24220 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24221 sip health
24222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24223 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
24224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24225 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
24226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24227 The elixir heals your body.
24228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24229 H:583 M:505 &lt;e- dbt; 
24230 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24231 H:622 M:649 -b db 
24232 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24233 eat toadstool
24234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24235 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1957.
24236 You quickly eat a toadstool.
24237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24238 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
24239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24240 You feel your health and mana replenished.
24241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24242 H:583 M:505 &lt;e- dbt; 
24243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24244 H:669 M:700 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
24245 H:669 M:700 -b db 
24246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24247 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
24248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24249 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
24250 H:583 M:505 &lt;e- dbt; 
24251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24252 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
24253 H:669 M:700 eb db 
24254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24255 Mana Lost: 1
24256 H:583 M:504 &lt;e- dbt; 
24257 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24258 cnc
24259 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24260 You already possess mental equilibrium.
24261 H:669 M:684 eb db 
24262 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24263 pa
24264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24265 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
24266 H:669 M:684 eb db 
24267 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24268 ta
24269 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24270 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 583/669 health and 504/512 mana.
24272 H:669 M:672 eb db 
24273 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24274 ovt
24275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24276 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
24278 H:669 M:672 eb db 
24279 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24280 anor
24281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24282 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
24283 rewreathe effect.
24285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24286 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
24288 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24289 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
24291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24292 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
24294 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24295 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
24297 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
24298 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
24300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24301 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
24302 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
24303 your head.
24305 Damage Taken: 85 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
24307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24308 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
24310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24311 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
24313 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
24315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24316 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
24318 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
24320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24321 H:498 M:504 &lt;e- dbt; 
24322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24323 H:669 M:661 -b db 
24324 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24325 ta
24326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24327 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 498/669 health and 504/512 mana.
24329 H:669 M:649 -b db 
24330 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24331 eat kelp
24332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24333 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1987.
24335 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
24337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24338 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
24340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24341 You feel coordinated once more.
24343 H:498 M:504 &lt;e- dbt; 
24344 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24345 H:669 M:649 -b db 
24346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24347 sip health
24348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24349 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
24351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24352 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
24354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24355 Health Gain: 138
24357 The elixir heals your body.
24359 H:636 M:504 &lt;e- dbt; 
24360 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24361 H:669 M:649 -b db 
24362 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24363 eat toadstool
24364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24365 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1971.
24367 You quickly eat a toadstool.
24369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24370 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
24372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24373 Health Gain: 32
24375 Mana Gain: 7
24377 You feel your health and mana replenished.
24379 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
24380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24381 H:669 M:649 -b db 
24382 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24383 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
24384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24385 You must regain balance first.
24387 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
24388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24389 You may eat another herb or plant.
24390 H:669 M:649 -b db 
24391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24392 You have recovered balance.
24395 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
24396 You may eat another herb or plant.
24397 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
24398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24399 evoke wisp glowing dwen
24400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24401 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
24403 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24404 evoke wisp glowing me
24405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24406 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
24408 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24409 evoke toxicrain strychnine
24410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24411 Mana Lost: 12
24412 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
24413 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
24414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24415 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
24416 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
24417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24418 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
24419 Mana Lost: 12
24420 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
24421 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
24422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24423 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
24424  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
24425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24426 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
24427 Balance Taken: 2.00s
24428 H:669 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
24429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24430 H:669 M:649 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
24431 H:669 M:649 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
24432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24433 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
24434 H:669 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
24435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24436 H:669 M:649 eb db 
24437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24438 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
24439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24440 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
24441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24442 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
24443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24444 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
24445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24446 The tornado swirls rapidly.
24447 H:669 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
24448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24449 H:669 M:649 eb b 
24450 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24451 eat juniper
24452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24453 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1943.
24454 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
24455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24456 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
24457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24458 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
24459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24460 H:669 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
24461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24462 H:669 M:649 eb db 
24463 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24464 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
24465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24466 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
24467 H:669 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
24468 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24469 cnc
24470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24471 You already possess mental equilibrium.
24472 H:669 M:649 eb db 
24473 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24474 pa
24475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24476 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
24477 H:669 M:649 eb db 
24478 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24479 overtune
24480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24481 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
24482 H:669 M:649 eb db 
24483 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24484 abn
24485 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24486 Your wounds are already bandaged.
24487 H:669 M:649 eb db 
24488 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24489 cast quickcast scourge heat at &tar
24490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24491 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
24492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24493 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
24494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24495 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Qu
24496 ickcast effect.
24497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24498 The crystal floating around Dwenthall pulses aggressively, illuminating its surroundings with a fier
24499 y light.
24500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24501 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
24502 You snap your fingers and flames burst out around Reyvenyr, negating his attempts to protect himself
24503  from fire.
24504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24505 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and flames burst out around you, negating your attempts to protect yours
24506 elf from fire.
24507 You are no longer attuned to the fire element.
24508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24509 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the fire element.
24510 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
24511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24512 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
24513 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the fire element.
24514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24515 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
24516 Equilibrium Taken: 2.11s
24517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24518 H:669 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
24519 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24520 H:669 M:625 -b db 
24521 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24522 ta
24523 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24524 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 488/512 mana.
24525 H:669 M:612 -b db 
24526 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24527 smoke pipe with linseed
24528 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24529 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
24530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24531 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
24532 H:669 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
24533 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24534 H:669 M:612 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
24535 H:669 M:640 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
24536 H:669 M:640 -b db 
24537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24538 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
24539 H:669 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
24540 H:669 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
24541 Mana Gain: 24
24542 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
24543 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
24544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24545 You may eat another mushroom.
24546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24547 ac on
24548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24549 Autocuring activated.
24550 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24551 order golem kill dwen
24552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24553 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
24554 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24555 evoke empower rockfall
24556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24557 Mana Lost: 6
24558 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
24559 wer of Earth infuses it.
24560 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24561 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
24562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24563 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
24564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24565 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
24566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24567 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
24568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24569 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
24570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24571 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
24572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24573 evoke wisp metallic dwen
24574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24575 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
24576 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24577 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
24578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24579 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
24580 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
24581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24582 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
24583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24584 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
24585 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
24586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24587 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
24588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24589 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
24590 Balance Taken: 3.01s
24591 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24592 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
24593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24594 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
24595 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
24596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24597 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
24598 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
24599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24600 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
24601 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24602 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
24603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24604 You must regain your equilibrium first.
24605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24606 naturebind beech choke dwen
24607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24608 You must regain your equilibrium first.
24609 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24610 naturebind shred dwen
24611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24612 You must regain your equilibrium first.
24613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24614 ta dwen
24615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24616 Dwenthall's condition stands at 479/669 health and 573/700 mana.
24617 Mana Lost: 12
24618 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
24619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24620 H:466 M:666 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
24621 H:466 M:666 -b b 
24622 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24623 writhe root
24624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24625 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
24626 H:466 M:666 -b b 
24627 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24628 sip health
24629 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24630 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
24631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24632 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
24633 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24634 The elixir heals your body.
24635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24636 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
24637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24638 H:614 M:666 -b b 
24639 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24640 eat toadstool
24641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24642 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1956.
24643 You quickly eat a toadstool.
24644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24645 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
24646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24647 You feel your health and mana replenished.
24648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24649 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
24650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24651 H:669 M:700 -b b 
24652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24653 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
24654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24655 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
24656 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
24657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24658 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
24659 H:669 M:700 eb b 
24660 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24661 eat juniper
24662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24663 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1942.
24664 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
24665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24666 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
24667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24668 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
24669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24670 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
24671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24672 H:669 M:700 eb db Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards The Borahn Homestead.
24673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24674 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards The Borahn Homestead.
24675 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
24676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24677 H:669 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
24678 H:669 M:700 eb db 
24679 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24680 cnc
24681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24682 You already possess mental equilibrium.
24683 H:669 M:700 eb db 
24684 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24685 pa
24686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24687 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
24688 H:669 M:700 eb db 
24689 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24690 ta
24691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24692 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 494/512 mana.
24693 H:669 M:688 eb db 
24694 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24695 ovt
24696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24697 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
24698 H:669 M:688 eb db 
24699 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24700 anor
24701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24702 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
24703 rewreathe effect.
24704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24705 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
24706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24707 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
24708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24709 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
24710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24711 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
24712 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
24713 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
24714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24715 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
24716 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
24717 your head.
24718 Damage Taken: 85 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
24719 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24720 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
24721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24722 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
24723 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
24724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24725 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
24726 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
24727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24728 H:583 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
24729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24730 H:669 M:677 -b db 
24731 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24732 ta
24733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24734 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 583/669 health and 494/512 mana.
24735 H:669 M:665 -b db 
24736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24737 You may eat another mushroom.
24738 H:583 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
24739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24740 eat kelp
24741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24742 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1986.
24743 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
24744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24745 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
24746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24747 You feel coordinated once more.
24748 H:583 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
24749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24750 H:669 M:665 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
24751 H:669 M:665 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
24752 H:669 M:665 -b db 
24753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24754 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
24755 H:583 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
24756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24757 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
24758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24759 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
24760 r.
24761 You have recovered balance.
24762 H:583 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
24763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24764 H:620 M:665 -b db 
24765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24766 You may eat another herb or plant.
24767 H:583 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
24768 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24769 trueassess dwen
24770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24771 Dwenthall's condition stands at 706/669 health and 731/700 mana.
24772 Mana Lost: 12
24773 H:583 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
24774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24775 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
24776 H:620 M:665 eb db 
24777 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24778 ac on
24779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24780 Autocuring activated.
24781 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24782 evoke imbue
24783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24784 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
24785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24786 evoke empower rockfall
24787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24788 Mana Lost: 6
24789 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
24790 wer of Earth infuses it.
24791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24792 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
24793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24794 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
24795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24796 evoke wisp metallic dwen
24797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24798 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
24799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24800 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
24801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24802 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
24803 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
24804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24805 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
24806 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
24807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24808 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
24809 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
24810 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
24811 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
24812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24813 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
24814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24815 Balance Taken: 3.01s
24816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24817 naturebinding choke dwen
24818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24819 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
24820 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24821 naturebind blackthorn shred dwen
24822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24823 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
24824 dding her skin mercilessly.
24825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24826 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
24827 ding your skin mercilessly.
24828 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
24829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24830 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
24831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24832 naturebind beech shred dwen
24833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24834 You must regain your equilibrium first.
24835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24836 ta dwen
24837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24838 Dwenthall's condition stands at 540/669 health and 764/700 mana.
24839 Mana Lost: 12
24840 H:583 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
24841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24842 H:478 M:665 eb b You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
24843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24844 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
24845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24846 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
24847 H:583 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
24848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24849 H:478 M:665 eb b 
24850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24851 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
24852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24853 You must regain your equilibrium first.
24854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24855 naturebind blackthorn shred dwen
24856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24857 You must regain your equilibrium first.
24858 H:583 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
24859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24860 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
24861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24862 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
24863 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24864 eat maidenhair
24865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24866 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1994.
24867 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
24868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24869 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
24870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24871 The stinging feeling fades.
24872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24873 H:583 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
24874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24875 H:478 M:665 eb b 
24876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24877 Mana Lost: 1
24878 H:583 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
24879 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24880 cnc
24881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24882 You already possess mental equilibrium.
24883 H:478 M:649 eb b 
24884 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24885 pa
24886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24887 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
24888 H:478 M:649 eb b 
24889 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24890 ta
24891 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24892 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 583/669 health and 463/512 mana.
24893 H:478 M:637 eb b 
24894 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24895 ovt
24896 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24897 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
24898 H:478 M:637 eb b 
24899 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24900 anor
24901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24902 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
24903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24904 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
24905 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24906 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
24907 rewreathe effect.
24908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24909 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
24910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24911 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
24912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24913 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
24914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24915 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
24916 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
24917 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
24918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24919 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
24920 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
24921 your head.
24922 Damage Taken: 85 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
24923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24924 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
24925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24926 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
24927 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
24928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24929 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
24930 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
24931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24932 H:498 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
24933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24934 H:478 M:626 -b b 
24935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24936 eat kelp
24937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24938 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1985.
24939 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
24940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24941 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
24942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24943 You feel coordinated once more.
24944 H:498 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
24945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24946 H:478 M:626 -b b 
24947 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24948 sip health
24949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24950 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
24951 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24952 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
24953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24954 Health Gain: 157
24955 The elixir heals your body.
24956 H:655 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
24957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24958 H:478 M:626 -b b 
24959 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24960 eat toadstool
24961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24962 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1970.
24963 You quickly eat a toadstool.
24964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24965 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
24966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24967 Health Gain: 13
24968 Mana Gain: 49
24969 You feel your health and mana replenished.
24970 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
24971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24972 H:478 M:626 -b b 
24973 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24974 smoke pipe with linseed
24975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24976 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
24977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24978 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
24979 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
24980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24981 H:478 M:626 -b b 
24982 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24983 ta
24984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24985 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 512/512 mana.
24986 H:478 M:613 -b b You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
24987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24988 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
24989 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
24990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24991 H:478 M:613 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
24992 H:478 M:613 -b b 
24993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
24994 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
24995 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
24996 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24997 sip health
24998 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
24999 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
25000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25001 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
25002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25003 The elixir heals your body.
25004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25005 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
25006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25007 H:626 M:613 -b b You may eat another mushroom.
25008 H:626 M:613 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
25009 H:626 M:613 -b b 
25010 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25011 eat juniper
25012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25013 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1941.
25015 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
25017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25018 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
25020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25021 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
25023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25024 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
25025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25026 H:626 M:613 -b db 
25027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25028 You may eat another herb or plant.
25029 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
25030 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
25033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25034 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
25036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25037 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
25038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25039 H:626 M:613 -b db 
25040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25041 You have recovered balance.
25044 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
25045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25046 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
25049 H:626 M:613 eb db 
25050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25051 ac on
25052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25053 Autocuring activated.
25055 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25056 evoke empower rockfall
25057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25058 Mana Lost: 6
25060 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
25061 wer of Earth infuses it.
25063 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25064 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
25065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25066 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
25067 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
25069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25070 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
25071  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
25073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25074 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
25076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25077 evoke wisp metallic dwen
25078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25079 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
25081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25082 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
25083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25084 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
25086 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
25088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25089 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
25091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25092 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
25094 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
25096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25097 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
25099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25100 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
25102 Balance Taken: 3.01s
25104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25105 naturebinding beech shred dwen
25106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25107 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
25108  her skin mercilessly.
25110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25111 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
25112 your skin mercilessly.
25114 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
25116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25117 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
25119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25120 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
25121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25122 You must regain your equilibrium first.
25124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25125 ta dwen
25126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25127 Dwenthall's condition stands at 534/669 health and 613/700 mana.
25129 Mana Lost: 12
25131 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25133 H:509 M:613 eb b 
25134 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25135 ---------delayed wisp
25136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25137 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
25139 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25141 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
25142 H:509 M:613 eb b 
25143 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25144 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
25145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25146 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
25148 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25149 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25150 purge blood
25151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25152 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
25153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25154 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
25155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25156 The stinging feeling fades.
25157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25158 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25159 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25160 H:509 M:607 eb b 
25161 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25162 eat toadstool
25163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25164 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1955.
25165 You quickly eat a toadstool.
25166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25167 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
25168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25169 You feel your health and mana replenished.
25170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25171 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25172 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25173 H:576 M:677 eb b 
25174 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25175 cnc
25176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25177 You already possess mental equilibrium.
25178 H:576 M:677 eb b 
25179 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25180 pa
25181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25182 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
25183 H:576 M:677 eb b 
25184 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25185 ovt
25186 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25187 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
25188 H:576 M:677 eb b 
25189 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25190 cast shock scorch suffuse at &tar
25191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25192 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
25193 ock effect.
25194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25195 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
25196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25197 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
25198 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
25199  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
25200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25201 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
25202 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
25203 Damage Taken: 88 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
25204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25205 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, causing him to look quite nauseous.
25206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25207 You feel nauseous as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you.
25208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25209 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
25210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25211 H:580 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25213 H:576 M:653 -b b 
25214 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25215 ta
25216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25217 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 580/669 health and 494/512 mana.
25218 H:576 M:641 -b b 
25219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25220 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
25221 The tornado swirls rapidly.
25222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25223 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
25224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25225 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
25226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25227 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
25228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25229 H:580 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25230 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25231 H:576 M:641 -b b 
25232 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25233 eat nightshade
25234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25235 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1995.
25236 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
25237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25238 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
25239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25240 Your stomach becalms itself.
25241 H:580 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25243 H:576 M:641 -b b 
25244 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25245 touch tree
25246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25247 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
25248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25249 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
25250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25251 The stinging feeling fades.
25252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25253 H:580 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25255 H:576 M:641 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
25256 H:576 M:641 -b b 
25257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25258 purge blood
25259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25260 Mana Lost: 6
25261 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
25262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25263 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
25264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25265 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
25266 H:580 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
25267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25268 H:576 M:641 -b b 
25269 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25270 eat juniper
25271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25272 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1940.
25273 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
25274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25275 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
25276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25277 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
25278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25279 H:580 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
25280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25281 H:576 M:641 -b db 
25282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25283 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
25284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25285 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
25286 H:580 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
25287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25288 touch tree
25289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25290 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
25291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25292 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
25293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25294 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
25295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25296 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
25297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25298 H:580 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
25299 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25300 H:576 M:641 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
25301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25302 You may drink another healing elixir.
25303 H:580 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
25304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25305 H:603 M:669 -b db 
25306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25307 Mana Lost: 1
25308 H:580 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
25309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25310 apply mass
25311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25312 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
25313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25314 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
25315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25316 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
25317 H:580 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
25318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25319 H:603 M:653 -b db 
25320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25321 Health Gain: 88
25322 Mana Gain: 24
25323 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
25324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25325 You may drink another healing elixir.
25326 H:669 M:695 -b db 
25327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25328 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
25329 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
25330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25331 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
25332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25333 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
25334 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
25335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25336 H:669 M:695 -b db 
25337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25338 You may eat another herb or plant.
25339 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You may apply another salve.
25340 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
25341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25342 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
25343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25344 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
25345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25346 H:669 M:695 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
25347 H:669 M:695 eb db 
25348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25349 ac on
25350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25351 Autocuring activated.
25352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25353 order golem kill dwen
25354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25355 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
25356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25357 evoke empower rockfall
25358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25359 Mana Lost: 6
25360 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
25361 wer of Earth infuses it.
25362 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25363 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
25364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25365 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
25366 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25367 evoke wisp metallic dwen
25368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25369 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
25370 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25371 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
25372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25373 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
25374 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
25375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25376 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
25377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25378 The attack rebounds back onto you!
25379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25380 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
25381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25382 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
25383 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
25384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25385 Several tiny rocks materialise above Reyvenyr and fall down, battering his body.
25386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25387 Damage Taken: 24 blunt, mental (raw damage: 50)
25388 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
25389 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
25390 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
25391 Balance Taken: 3.01s
25392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25393 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
25394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25395 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
25396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25397 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
25398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25399 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
25400 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
25401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25402 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
25403 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
25404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25405 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
25406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25407 naturebind beech choke dwen
25408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25409 You must regain your equilibrium first.
25410 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25411 naturebind shred dwen
25412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25413 You must regain your equilibrium first.
25414 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25415 ta dwen
25416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25417 Dwenthall's condition stands at 583/669 health and 695/700 mana.
25418 Mana Lost: 12
25419 H:579 M:494 &lt;-- bt; 
25420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25421 H:620 M:695 eb db 
25422 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25423 writhe root
25424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25425 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
25426 H:620 M:695 eb db 
25427 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25428 eat juniper
25429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25430 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1992.
25431 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
25432 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25433 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
25434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25435 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
25436 H:579 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25438 H:620 M:695 eb db 
25439 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25440 cnc
25441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25442 You already possess mental equilibrium.
25443 H:620 M:695 eb db 
25444 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25445 pa
25446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25447 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
25448 H:620 M:695 eb db 
25449 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25450 ta
25451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25452 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 579/669 health and 494/512 mana.
25453 H:620 M:683 eb db 
25454 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25455 ovt
25456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25457 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
25458 H:620 M:683 eb db 
25459 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25460 anor
25461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25462 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
25463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25464 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
25465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25466 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
25467 rewreathe effect.
25468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25469 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
25470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25471 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
25472 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
25473 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
25474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25475 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
25476 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
25477 your head.
25478 Damage Taken: 85 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
25479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25480 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
25481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25482 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
25483 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25484 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
25485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25486 H:494 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25488 H:620 M:672 -b db 
25489 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25490 ta
25491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25492 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 494/669 health and 494/512 mana.
25493 H:620 M:660 -b db 
25494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25495 sip health
25496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25497 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
25498 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25499 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
25500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25501 Health Gain: 163
25502 The elixir heals your body.
25503 H:657 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
25504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25505 H:620 M:660 -b db 
25506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25507 eat toadstool
25508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25509 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1969.
25510 You quickly eat a toadstool.
25511 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25512 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
25513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25514 Health Gain: 11
25515 Mana Gain: 18
25516 You feel your health and mana replenished.
25517 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
25518 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25519 H:620 M:660 -b db 
25520 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25521 smoke pipe with linseed
25522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25523 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
25524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25525 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
25526 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
25527 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25528 H:620 M:660 -b db 
25529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25530 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
25531 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
25532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25533 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
25534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25535 You may eat another herb or plant.
25536 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
25537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25538 H:620 M:660 -b db 
25539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25540 eat kelp
25541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25542 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1984.
25543 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
25544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25545 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
25546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25547 You feel coordinated once more.
25548 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
25549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25550 H:620 M:660 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
25551 H:620 M:660 -b db 
25552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25553 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
25556 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
25557 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25558 You may eat another mushroom.
25560 H:620 M:660 -b db 
25561 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
25563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25564 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
25565 her.
25567 You have recovered balance.
25570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25571 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
25574 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25575 sip health
25576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25577 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
25579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25580 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
25582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25583 The elixir heals your body.
25585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25586 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
25587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25588 H:669 M:660 eb db 
25589 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25590 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
25591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25592 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
25594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25595 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
25597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25598 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
25599  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
25601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25602 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
25603 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
25605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25606 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
25608 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25609 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
25610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25611 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
25613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25614 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
25615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25616 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
25618 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25619 quarterstaff raze dwen
25620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25621 You whip a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of Dwenthall, to no effect.
25623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25624 Reyvenyr whips a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of you, to no effect.
25626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25627 Balance Taken: 2.00s
25629 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25630 naturebinding shred dwen
25631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25632 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
25633 ing her skin mercilessly.
25635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25636 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
25637 ng your skin mercilessly.
25639 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
25641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25642 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
25644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25645 ta dwen
25646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25647 Dwenthall's condition stands at 583/669 health and 745/700 mana.
25649 Mana Lost: 12
25651 H:669 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
25652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25653 H:583 M:660 eb b 
25654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25655 Mana Lost: 1
25657 H:669 M:499 &lt;-- dbt; 
25658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25659 ac on
25660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25661 Autocuring activated.
25663 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25664 evoke imbue
25665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25666 You must regain balance first.
25668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25669 TEAR MAP
25670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25671 Syntax: TEAR MAP
25673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25674 evoke empower jolt
25675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25676 You must regain balance first.
25678 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25679 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
25680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25681 You must regain balance first.
25683 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25684 evoke wisp metallic dwen
25685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25686 You must regain balance first.
25688 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25689 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
25690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25691 You must regain balance first.
25692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25693 naturebind choke dwen
25694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25695 You must regain your equilibrium first.
25696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25697 naturebind beech shred dwen
25698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25699 You must regain your equilibrium first.
25700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25701 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
25702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25703 You must regain your equilibrium first.
25704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25705 ta dwen
25706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25707 Dwenthall's condition stands at 583/669 health and 554/700 mana.
25708 Mana Lost: 12
25709 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
25710 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25711 cnc
25712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25713 You already possess mental equilibrium.
25714 H:583 M:644 eb b 
25715 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25716 pa
25717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25718 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
25719 H:583 M:644 eb b 
25720 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25721 ovt
25722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25723 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
25724 H:583 M:644 eb b 
25725 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25726 slin
25727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25728 Your lungs have not recovered yet!
25729 H:583 M:644 eb b 
25730 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25731 cast masochism knockout batter at &tar
25732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25733 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
25734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25735 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
25736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25737 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
25738 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
25739 sochism effect.
25740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25741 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
25742 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25743 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
25744 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
25745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25746 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
25747 Damage Taken: 98 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
25748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25749 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards Reyvenyr and batteri
25750 ng him painfully.
25751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25752 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards you and batter
25753 ing you painfully.
25754 Damage Taken: 42 magickal, mental (raw damage: 42)
25755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25756 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
25757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25758 H:527 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
25759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25760 H:577 M:614 -b b 
25761 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25762 ta
25763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25764 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 527/669 health and 487/512 mana.
25765 H:577 M:602 -b b 
25766 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25767 focus
25768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25769 Mana Lost: 15
25770 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
25771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25772 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
25773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25774 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
25775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25776 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
25777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25778 H:527 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
25779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25780 H:577 M:602 -b b 
25781 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25782 eat juniper
25783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25784 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1939.
25785 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
25786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25787 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
25788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25789 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
25790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25791 H:527 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
25792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25793 H:577 M:602 -b db 
25794 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25795 ---------delayed wisp
25796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25797 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
25798 H:527 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
25799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25800 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
25801 H:577 M:602 -b db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
25802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25803 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
25804 H:527 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
25805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25806 H:577 M:602 -b db 
25807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25808 You may eat another herb or plant.
25809 H:527 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
25810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25811 eat orphine
25812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25813 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1993.
25814 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
25815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25816 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
25817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25818 You no longer enjoy pain.
25819 H:527 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
25820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25821 H:577 M:602 -b db 
25822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25823 You may drink another healing elixir.
25824 H:527 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
25825 H:527 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
25826 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25827 sip health
25828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25829 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
25830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25831 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
25832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25833 Health Gain: 141
25834 The elixir heals your body.
25835 H:669 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
25836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25837 H:577 M:602 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
25838 H:577 M:602 -b db 
25839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25840 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
25841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25842 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
25843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25844 H:669 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
25845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25846 H:577 M:602 eb db 
25847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25848 You may eat another mushroom.
25849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25850 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
25851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25852 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
25853 H:669 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
25854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25855 H:577 M:602 eb db 
25856 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25857 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
25858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25859 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
25860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25861 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
25862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25863 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
25864 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25865 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
25866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25867 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
25868 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25869 quarterstaff raze dwen
25870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25871 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
25872 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25873 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
25874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25875 Balance Taken: 2.00s
25876 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25877 naturebinding shred dwen
25878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25879 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
25880 ing her skin mercilessly.
25881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25882 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
25883 ng your skin mercilessly.
25884 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
25885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25886 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
25887 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25888 ta dwen
25889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25890 Dwenthall's condition stands at 532/669 health and 626/700 mana.
25891 Mana Lost: 12
25892 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
25893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25894 H:532 M:602 eb b 
25895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25896 You may eat another herb or plant.
25897 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
25898 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25899 ac on
25900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25901 Autocuring activated.
25902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25903 order golem kill dwen
25904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25905 You must regain balance first.
25906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25907 evoke empower rockfall
25908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25909 You must regain balance first.
25910 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25911 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
25912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25913 You must regain balance first.
25914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25915 evoke wisp metallic dwen
25916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25917 You must regain balance first.
25918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25919 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
25920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25921 You must regain balance first.
25922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25923 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
25924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25925 You must regain your equilibrium first.
25926 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25927 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
25928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25929 You must regain your equilibrium first.
25930 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25931 naturebind beech choke dwen
25932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25933 You must regain your equilibrium first.
25934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25935 naturebind shred dwen
25936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25937 You must regain your equilibrium first.
25938 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25939 ta dwen
25940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25941 Dwenthall's condition stands at 479/669 health and 602/700 mana.
25942 Mana Lost: 12
25943 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
25944 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25945 cnc
25946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25947 You already possess mental equilibrium.
25948 H:532 M:602 eb b 
25949 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25950 pa
25951 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25952 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
25953 H:532 M:602 eb b 
25954 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25955 ta
25956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25957 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 448/512 mana.
25958 H:532 M:590 eb b 
25959 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25960 ovt
25961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25962 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
25963 H:532 M:590 eb b 
25964 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25965 anor
25966 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25967 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
25968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25969 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
25970 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25971 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
25972 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
25973 rewreathe effect.
25974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25975 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
25976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25977 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
25978 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
25979 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
25980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25981 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
25982 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
25983 your head.
25984 Damage Taken: 85 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
25985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25986 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
25987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25988 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
25989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25990 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
25991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
25992 H:583 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
25993 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25994 H:519 M:560 -b b 
25995 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25996 ta
25997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
25998 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 583/669 health and 448/512 mana.
25999 H:519 M:548 -b b 
26000 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26001 eat kelp
26002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26003 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1983.
26004 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
26005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26006 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
26007 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26008 You feel coordinated once more.
26009 H:583 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
26010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26011 H:519 M:548 -b b 
26012 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26013 smoke pipe with linseed
26014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26015 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
26016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26017 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
26018 H:583 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
26019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26020 H:519 M:548 -b b 
26021 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26022 eat toadstool
26023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26024 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1954.
26025 You quickly eat a toadstool.
26026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26027 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
26028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26029 You feel your health and mana replenished.
26030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26031 H:583 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
26032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26033 H:586 M:618 -b b 
26034 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26035 eat juniper
26036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26037 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1938.
26038 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
26039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26040 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
26041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26042 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
26043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26044 H:583 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
26045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26046 H:586 M:618 -b db 
26047 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26048 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
26049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26050 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
26051 mmand.
26052 H:583 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; Your mind is able to focus once again.
26053 H:583 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
26054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26055 You may drink another healing elixir.
26056 H:586 M:618 -b db 
26057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26058 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
26059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26060 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
26061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26062 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
26063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26064 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
26065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26066 The tornado swirls rapidly.
26067 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26068 sip health
26069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26070 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
26071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26072 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
26073 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26074 The elixir heals your body.
26075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26076 H:583 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
26077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26078 H:669 M:618 -b b 
26079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26080 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
26081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26082 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
26083 H:583 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
26084 H:583 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
26085 H:583 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
26086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26087 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
26088 H:669 M:630 -b b Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
26089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26090 You have recovered balance.
26091 H:583 M:447 &lt;-b dbt; 
26092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26093 H:669 M:630 -b b 
26094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26095 You may eat another herb or plant.
26096 H:583 M:447 &lt;-b dbt; Health Gain: 85
26097 Mana Gain: 32
26098 H:669 M:479 &lt;-b dbt; 
26099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26100 You may eat another herb or plant.
26101 H:669 M:672 -b b 
26102 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26103 eat juniper
26104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26105 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1937.
26106 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
26107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26108 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
26109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26110 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
26111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26112 H:669 M:479 &lt;-b dbt; 
26113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26114 H:669 M:672 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
26115 H:669 M:672 -b db 
26116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26117 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
26118 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26119 ac on
26120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26121 Autocuring activated.
26122 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26123 evoke imbue
26124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26125 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
26126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26127 evoke empower shock
26128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26129 Mana Lost: 6
26130 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
26131 wer of Earth infuses it.
26132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26133 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
26134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26135 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
26136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26137 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
26138 ods your veins.
26139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26140 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
26141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26142 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
26143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26144 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
26145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26146 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
26147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26148 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
26149 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26150 evoke wisp metallic dwen
26151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26152 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
26153 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26154 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
26155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26156 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
26157 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
26158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26159 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
26160 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
26161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26162 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
26163 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
26164 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
26165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26166 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
26167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26168 Balance Taken: 3.01s
26169 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26170 naturebind overwhelm dwen
26171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26172 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
26173 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26174 naturebind beech shred dwen
26175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26176 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
26177  her skin mercilessly.
26178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26179 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
26180 your skin mercilessly.
26181 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
26182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26183 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
26184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26185 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwen
26186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26187 You must regain your equilibrium first.
26188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26189 ta dwen
26190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26191 Dwenthall's condition stands at 461/669 health and 592/700 mana.
26192 Mana Lost: 12
26193 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
26194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26195 H:470 M:672 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
26196 H:470 M:672 eb b 
26197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26198 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
26199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26200 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
26201 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
26202 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26203 cnc
26204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26205 You already possess mental equilibrium.
26206 H:470 M:672 eb b 
26207 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26208 pa
26209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26210 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
26211 H:470 M:672 eb b 
26212 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26213 abn
26214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26215 Your wounds are already bandaged.
26216 H:470 M:672 eb b 
26217 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26218 ovt
26219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26220 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
26221 H:470 M:672 eb b 
26222 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26223 shknock at &tar
26224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26225 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
26226 ock effect.
26227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26228 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
26229 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26230 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
26231 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
26232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26233 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
26234 Damage Taken: 98 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
26235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26236 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
26237 using him to lose his patience.
26238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26239 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
26240 ausing you to lose your patience.
26241 Damage Taken: 32 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
26242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26243 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
26244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26245 H:538 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
26246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26247 H:470 M:658 -b b 
26248 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26249 shknock at &tar
26250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26251 You must regain your equilibrium first.
26252 H:470 M:658 -b b 
26253 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26254 eat maidenhair
26255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26256 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1997.
26257 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
26258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26259 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
26260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26261 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
26262 H:538 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
26263 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26264 H:470 M:658 -b b 
26265 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26266 shknock at &tar
26267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26268 You must regain your equilibrium first.
26269 H:470 M:658 -b b 
26270 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26271 ta
26272 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26273 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 538/669 health and 461/512 mana.
26274 H:470 M:646 -b b 
26275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26276 You may drink another healing elixir.
26277 H:538 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
26278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26279 You can once again overtune your crystal.
26280 H:470 M:646 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
26281 H:470 M:646 -b b You have regained the ability to purge your body.
26282 H:470 M:646 -b b 
26283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26284 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
26285 You may eat another herb or plant.
26286 H:538 M:461 &lt;e- dbt; 
26287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26288 eat orphine
26289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26290 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1992.
26291 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
26292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26293 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
26294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26295 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
26296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26297 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
26298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26299 H:538 M:461 &lt;e- dbt; 
26300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26301 H:470 M:646 -b b 
26302 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26303 eat maidenhair
26304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26305 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1993.
26306 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
26307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26308 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
26309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26310 The stinging feeling fades.
26311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26312 H:538 M:461 &lt;e- dbt; 
26313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26314 H:470 M:646 -b b 
26315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26316 You have recovered balance.
26317 H:538 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
26318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26319 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
26320 H:470 M:646 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
26321 H:470 M:646 -b b 
26322 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26323 sip health
26324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26325 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
26326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26327 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
26328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26329 The elixir heals your body.
26330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26331 H:538 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
26332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26333 H:599 M:646 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
26334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26335 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
26336 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26337 You may eat another mushroom.
26338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26339 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
26340 H:538 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
26341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26342 H:599 M:646 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
26343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26344 ac on
26345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26346 Autocuring activated.
26347 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26348 evoke imbue
26349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26350 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
26351 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26352 TEAR MAP
26353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26354 Syntax: TEAR MAP
26355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26356 evoke empower jolt
26357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26358 Mana Lost: 6
26359 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
26360 wer of Earth infuses it.
26361 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26362 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
26363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26364 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
26365 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26366 evoke wisp metallic dwen
26367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26368 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
26369 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26370 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
26371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26372 I do not recognize that toxin.
26373 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
26374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26375 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
26376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26377 The attack rebounds back onto you!
26378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26379 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
26380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26381 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
26382 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
26383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26384 A small jolt of lightning zaps Reyvenyr.
26385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26386 Damage Taken: 34 electricity, mental (raw damage: 53)
26387 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
26388 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
26389 Balance Taken: 3.01s
26390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26391 naturebind choke dwen
26392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26393 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
26394 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26395 naturebind beech shred dwen
26396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26397 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
26398  her skin mercilessly.
26399 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26400 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
26401 your skin mercilessly.
26402 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
26403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26404 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
26405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26406 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
26407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26408 You must regain your equilibrium first.
26409 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26410 ta dwen
26411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26412 Dwenthall's condition stands at 555/669 health and 563/700 mana.
26413 Mana Lost: 12
26414 H:438 M:443 &lt;-- dbt; 
26415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26416 H:555 M:646 eb b 
26417 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26418 purge blood
26419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26420 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
26421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26422 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
26423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26424 The stinging feeling fades.
26425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26426 H:438 M:443 &lt;-- dbt; 
26427 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26428 H:555 M:640 eb b 
26429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26430 sip health
26431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26432 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
26433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26434 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
26435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26436 Health Gain: 176
26437 The elixir heals your body.
26438 H:614 M:443 &lt;-- dbt; 
26439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26440 H:555 M:640 eb b 
26441 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26442 eat toadstool
26443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26444 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1968.
26445 You quickly eat a toadstool.
26446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26447 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
26448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26449 Health Gain: 54
26450 Mana Gain: 51
26451 You feel your health and mana replenished.
26452 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
26453 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26454 H:555 M:640 eb b 
26455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26456 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
26457 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
26458 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26459 clot
26460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26461 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
26462 H:555 M:626 eb b 
26463 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26464 touch tree
26465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26466 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
26467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26468 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
26469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26470 You are patient once again.
26471 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
26472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26473 H:555 M:626 eb b 
26474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26475 Mana Lost: 1
26476 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
26477 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26478 cnc
26479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26480 You already possess mental equilibrium.
26481 H:555 M:610 eb b 
26482 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26483 pa
26484 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26485 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
26486 H:555 M:610 eb b 
26487 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26488 ta
26489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26490 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 494/512 mana.
26491 H:555 M:598 eb b 
26492 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26493 ovt
26494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26495 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
26496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26497 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
26498 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
26499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26500 H:555 M:579 eb b 
26501 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26502 anor
26503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26504 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
26505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26506 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
26507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26508 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
26509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26510 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
26511 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26512 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
26513 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
26514 rewreathe effect.
26515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26516 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
26517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26518 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
26519 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
26520 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
26521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26522 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
26523 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
26524 your head.
26525 Damage Taken: 85 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
26526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26527 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
26528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26529 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
26530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26531 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
26532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26533 H:583 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
26534 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26535 H:528 M:550 -b b 
26536 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26537 ta
26538 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26539 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 583/669 health and 494/512 mana.
26540 H:528 M:538 -b b 
26541 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26542 purge blood
26543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26544 Mana Lost: 6
26545 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
26546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26547 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
26548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26549 You feel coordinated once more.
26550 H:583 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
26551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26552 H:528 M:538 -b b 
26553 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26554 smoke pipe with linseed
26555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26556 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
26557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26558 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
26559 H:583 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
26560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26561 H:528 M:538 -b b 
26562 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26563 eat toadstool
26564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26565 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1953.
26566 You quickly eat a toadstool.
26567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26568 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
26569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26570 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
26571 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
26572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26573 H:583 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
26574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26575 H:528 M:538 -b b 
26576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26577 The flames around you dissipate.
26578 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26579 The flames around Reyvenyr dissipate.
26580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26581 H:583 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
26582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26583 H:528 M:538 -b b 
26584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26585 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
26586 H:583 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
26587 H:583 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
26588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26589 You may eat another herb or plant.
26590 H:528 M:538 -b b 
26591 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26592 eat juniper
26593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26594 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1936.
26595 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
26596 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26597 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
26598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26599 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
26600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26601 H:583 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
26602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26603 H:528 M:538 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
26604 H:527 M:538 -b db 
26605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26606 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
26607 H:583 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
26608 H:583 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
26609 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26610 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
26611 H:527 M:538 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
26612 H:527 M:538 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
26613 H:527 M:538 eb db 
26614 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26615 cnc
26616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26617 You already possess mental equilibrium.
26618 H:527 M:538 eb db 
26619 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26620 abn
26621 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26622 Your wounds are already bandaged.
26623 H:527 M:538 eb db 
26624 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26625 pa
26626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26627 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
26628 H:527 M:538 eb db 
26629 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26630 pa
26631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26632 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
26633 H:527 M:538 eb db 
26634 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26635 ovt
26636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26637 Your crystal is already overtuned.
26638 H:527 M:538 eb db 
26639 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26640 cast masochism firecircle heat at &tar
26641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26642 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
26643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26644 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
26645 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26646 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
26647 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
26648 sochism effect.
26649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26650 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
26651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26652 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
26653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26654 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
26655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26656 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
26657 You make a circular motion with your index finger and a circle of fire slowly forms around Reyvenyr.
26658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26659 Dwenthall makes a circular motion with her index finger and a circle of fire slowly forms around you
26660 .
26661 Damage Taken: 83 fire, mental (raw damage: 102)
26662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26663 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
26664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26665 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
26666 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
26667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26668 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
26669 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
26670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26671 H:500 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
26672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26673 H:474 M:501 -b db 
26674 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26675 cast masochism firecircle heat at &tar
26676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26677 You must regain your equilibrium first.
26678 H:474 M:501 -b db 
26679 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26680 ta
26681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26682 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 500/669 health and 488/512 mana.
26683 H:474 M:489 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
26684 H:474 M:489 -b db 
26685 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26686 eat orphine
26687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26688 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1991.
26689 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
26690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26691 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
26692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26693 You no longer enjoy pain.
26694 H:500 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
26695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26696 H:474 M:489 -b db 
26697 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26698 sip mana
26699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26700 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
26701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26702 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
26703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26704 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
26705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26706 H:500 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
26707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26708 H:474 M:647 -b db 
26709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26710 You may drink another healing elixir.
26711 H:500 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
26712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26713 sip health
26714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26715 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
26716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26717 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
26718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26719 Health Gain: 159
26720 The elixir heals your body.
26721 H:659 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
26722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26723 H:474 M:647 -b db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
26724 H:474 M:647 -b db 
26725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26726 Mana Lost: 1
26727 H:659 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
26728 H:659 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
26729 ne.
26730 The tornado swirls rapidly.
26731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26732 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
26733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26734 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
26735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26736 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
26737 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26738 eat juniper
26739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26740 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1935.
26741 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
26742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26743 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
26744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26745 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
26746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26747 H:659 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
26748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26749 H:474 M:631 -b db 
26750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26751 Health Gain: 10
26752 Mana Gain: 25
26753 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
26754 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
26755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26756 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
26757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26758 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
26759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26760 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
26761 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
26762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26763 H:567 M:700 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
26764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26765 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
26766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26767 You may eat another mushroom.
26768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26769 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
26770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26771 H:567 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
26772 H:567 M:700 eb db 
26773 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26774 cnc
26775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26776 You already possess mental equilibrium.
26777 H:567 M:700 eb db 
26778 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26779 pa
26780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26781 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
26782 H:567 M:700 eb db 
26783 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26784 ta
26785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26786 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 512/512 mana.
26787 H:567 M:688 eb db 
26788 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26789 ovt
26790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26791 Your crystal is already overtuned.
26792 H:567 M:688 eb db 
26793 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26794 anor
26795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26796 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
26797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26798 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
26799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26800 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
26801 rewreathe effect.
26802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26803 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
26804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26805 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
26806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26807 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
26808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26809 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
26810 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
26811 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
26812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26813 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
26814 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
26815 your head.
26816 Damage Taken: 85 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
26817 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26818 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
26819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26820 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
26821 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
26822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26823 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
26824 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
26825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26826 H:583 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
26827 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26828 H:567 M:677 -b db 
26829 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26830 ta
26831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26832 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 583/669 health and 512/512 mana.
26833 H:567 M:665 -b db 
26834 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26835 eat kelp
26836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26837 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1982.
26838 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
26839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26840 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
26841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26842 You feel coordinated once more.
26843 H:583 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
26844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26845 H:567 M:665 -b db 
26846 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26847 smoke pipe with linseed
26848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26849 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
26850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26851 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
26852 H:583 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
26853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26854 H:567 M:665 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
26855 H:567 M:665 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
26856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26857 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
26858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26859 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
26860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26861 You are now heavily attuned to the fire element.
26862 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26863 Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
26864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26865 Damage Taken: 39 fire (raw damage: 71)
26866 H:544 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
26867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26868 H:567 M:665 -b db 
26869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26870 say good time for my rebounding tracker to break
26871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26872 You say, "Good time for my rebounding tracker to break."
26873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26874 Reyvenyr says, "Good time for my rebounding tracker to break."
26875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26876 H:544 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
26877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26878 H:567 M:665 -b db 
26879 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26880 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
26881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26882 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
26883 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
26884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26885 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
26886  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
26887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26888 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
26889 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26890 quarterstaff raze dwen
26891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26892 You whip a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of Dwenthall, to no effect.
26893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26894 Reyvenyr whips a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of you, to no effect.
26895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26896 Balance Taken: 2.00s
26897 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26898 naturebind hawthorn circle dwen
26899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26900 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
26901 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
26902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26903 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
26904 you.
26905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26906 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
26907 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26908 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
26909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26910 You must regain your equilibrium first.
26911 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26912 naturebind beech circle dwen
26913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26914 You must regain your equilibrium first.
26915 H:544 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
26916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26917 H:567 M:665 -b db 
26918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26919 ac on
26920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26921 Autocuring activated.
26922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26923 order loyals kill dwen
26924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26925 You must regain balance first.
26926 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26927 TEAR MAP
26928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26929 Syntax: TEAR MAP
26930 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26931 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
26932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26933 You must regain balance first.
26934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26935 evoke empower rockfall
26936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26937 You must regain balance first.
26938 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26939 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
26940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26941 You must regain balance first.
26942 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26943 evoke wisp metallic dwen
26944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26945 You must regain balance first.
26946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26947 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
26948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26949 You must regain balance first.
26950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26951 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
26952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26953 You must regain your equilibrium first.
26954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26955 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
26956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26957 You must regain your equilibrium first.
26958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26959 naturebind beech circle dwen
26960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26961 You must regain your equilibrium first.
26962 H:544 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
26963 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26964 ---------delayed wisp
26965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26966 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
26967 H:544 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
26968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26969 You may drink another healing elixir.
26970 H:567 M:665 -b db 
26971 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26972 sip health
26973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26974 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
26975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26976 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
26977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26978 The elixir heals your body.
26979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26980 H:544 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
26981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
26982 H:669 M:665 -b db 
26983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26984 You may drink another healing elixir.
26985 H:544 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
26986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26987 dg
26988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26989 You must regain balance first.
26990 H:544 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
26991 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26992 dg
26993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26994 You must regain balance first.
26995 H:544 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
26996 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26997 dg
26998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
26999 You must regain balance first.
27000 H:544 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
27001 H:544 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
27002 H:544 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; 
27003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27004 dg
27005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27006 You must regain balance first.
27007 H:544 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; 
27008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27009 Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
27010 H:669 M:649 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
27011 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
27012 H:669 M:649 eb db 
27013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27014 You have recovered balance.
27015 H:544 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
27016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27017 dg
27018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27019 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27020 H:544 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
27021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27022 dg
27023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27024 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27025 H:544 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
27026 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27027 cnc
27028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27029 You already possess mental equilibrium.
27030 H:669 M:649 eb db 
27031 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27032 pa
27033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27034 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
27035 H:669 M:649 eb db 
27036 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27037 ovt
27038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27039 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
27040 H:669 M:649 eb db 
27041 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27042 slin
27043 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27044 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
27045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27046 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
27047 H:544 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
27048 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27049 H:669 M:649 eb db 
27050 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27051 cast masochism knockout batter at &tar
27052 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27053 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
27054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27055 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
27056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27057 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
27058 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
27059 sochism effect.
27060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27061 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
27062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27063 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
27064 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
27065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27066 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
27067 Damage Taken: 98 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
27068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27069 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards Reyvenyr and batteri
27070 ng him painfully.
27071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27072 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards you and batter
27073 ing you painfully.
27074 Damage Taken: 42 magickal, mental (raw damage: 42)
27075 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27076 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
27077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27078 H:403 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
27079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27080 H:562 M:619 -b db 
27081 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27082 ta
27083 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27084 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 403/669 health and 511/512 mana.
27085 H:562 M:607 -b db 
27086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27087 dg
27088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27089 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27090 H:403 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
27091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27092 eat orphine
27093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27094 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1990.
27095 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
27096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27097 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
27098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27099 You no longer enjoy pain.
27100 H:403 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
27101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27102 H:562 M:607 -b db 
27103 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27104 sip health
27105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27106 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
27107 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27108 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
27109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27110 Health Gain: 160
27111 The elixir heals your body.
27112 H:563 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
27113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27114 H:562 M:607 -b db 
27115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27116 eat toadstool
27117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27118 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1967.
27119 You quickly eat a toadstool.
27120 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27121 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
27122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27123 Health Gain: 66
27124 Mana Gain: 1
27125 You feel your health and mana replenished.
27126 H:630 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
27127 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27128 H:562 M:607 -b db 
27129 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27130 dg
27131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27132 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
27133 ly instead.
27134 H:630 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
27135 H:630 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
27136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27137 focus
27138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27139 Mana Lost: 15
27140 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
27141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27142 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
27143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27144 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
27145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27146 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
27147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27148 H:630 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
27149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27150 H:562 M:607 -b db 
27151 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27152 dg
27153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27154 You are:
27155 blind.
27156 deaf.
27157 an insomniac.
27158 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
27159 H:630 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
27160 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27161 dg
27162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27163 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27164 H:630 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
27165 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27166 dg
27167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27168 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27169 H:630 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
27170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27171 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
27172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27173 You are now significantly attuned to the fire element.
27174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27175 Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
27176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27177 Damage Taken: 42 fire (raw damage: 78)
27178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27179 dg
27180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27181 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27182 H:587 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
27183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27184 H:562 M:607 -b db 
27185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27186 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
27187 H:587 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
27188 H:587 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
27189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27190 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
27191 H:562 M:607 -b db 
27192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27193 evoke wisp metallic dwen delayed
27194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27195 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
27196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27197 quarterstaff raze dwen
27198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27199 You whip a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of Dwenthall, to no effect.
27200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27201 Reyvenyr whips a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of you, to no effect.
27202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27203 Balance Taken: 2.00s
27204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27205 naturebind hawthorn circle dwen
27206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27207 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
27208 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27209 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
27210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27211 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
27212 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
27213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27214 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
27215 d you.
27216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27217 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
27218 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27219 naturebind beech circle dwen
27220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27221 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27222 H:587 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
27223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27224 H:562 M:607 -b db 
27225 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27226 ac on
27227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27228 Autocuring activated.
27229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27230 order loyals kill dwen
27231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27232 You must regain balance first.
27233 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27234 TEAR MAP
27235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27236 Syntax: TEAR MAP
27237 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27238 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
27239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27240 You must regain balance first.
27241 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27242 evoke empower rockfall
27243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27244 You must regain balance first.
27245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27246 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
27247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27248 You must regain balance first.
27249 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27250 evoke wisp metallic dwen
27251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27252 You must regain balance first.
27253 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27254 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine
27255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27256 You must regain balance first.
27257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27258 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwen
27259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27260 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27261 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27262 naturebind blackthorn circle dwen
27263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27264 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27265 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27266 naturebind beech circle dwen
27267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27268 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27269 H:587 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
27270 H:587 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
27271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27272 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
27273 H:562 M:607 eb db 
27274 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27275 cnc
27276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27277 You already possess mental equilibrium.
27278 H:562 M:607 eb db 
27279 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27280 pa
27281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27282 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
27283 H:562 M:607 eb db 
27284 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27285 ta
27286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27287 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 587/669 health and 497/512 mana.
27288 H:562 M:595 eb db 
27289 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27290 ovt
27291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27292 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
27293 H:562 M:595 eb db 
27294 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27295 anor
27296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27297 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
27298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27299 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
27300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27301 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
27302 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
27303 rewreathe effect.
27304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27305 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
27306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27307 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
27308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27309 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
27310 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27311 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
27312 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
27313 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
27314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27315 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
27316 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
27317 your head.
27318 Damage Taken: 85 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
27319 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27320 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
27321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27322 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
27323 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
27324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27325 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
27326 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
27327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27328 H:502 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
27329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27330 H:348 M:565 -b db 
27331 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27332 ta
27333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27334 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 502/669 health and 497/512 mana.
27335 H:348 M:553 -b db 
27336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27337 eat kelp
27338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27339 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1981.
27340 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
27341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27342 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
27343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27344 You feel coordinated once more.
27345 H:502 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
27346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27347 H:348 M:553 -b db 
27348 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27349 eat toadstool
27350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27351 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1952.
27352 You quickly eat a toadstool.
27353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27354 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
27355 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27356 You feel your health and mana replenished.
27357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27358 H:502 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
27359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27360 H:415 M:623 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
27361 H:415 M:623 -b db 
27362 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27363 sip health
27364 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27365 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
27366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27367 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
27368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27369 The elixir heals your body.
27370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27371 H:502 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
27372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27373 H:548 M:623 -b db You have regained the ability to purge your body.
27375 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27376 dg
27377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27378 You must regain balance first.
27379 H:502 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
27380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27381 H:548 M:623 -b db 
27382 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27383 dg
27384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27385 You must regain balance first.
27386 H:502 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
27387 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27388 dg
27389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27390 You must regain balance first.
27392 H:502 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
27393 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
27394 H:502 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
27395 You have recovered balance.
27398 H:502 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
27399 Mana Lost: 1
27401 H:502 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
27402 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27403 dg
27404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27405 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27407 H:502 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
27408 Your mind is able to focus once again.
27409 H:502 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
27410 You may eat another herb or plant.
27411 H:502 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
27412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27413 touch shield
27414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27415 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27417 H:502 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
27418 You may drink another healing elixir.
27419 H:502 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
27420 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
27421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27422 touch shield
27423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27424 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27426 H:502 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
27427 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
27430 H:502 M:496 &lt;eb dbt; 
27431 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27432 sip health
27433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27434 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
27436 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27437 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
27439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27440 Health Gain: 145
27442 The elixir heals your body.
27444 H:647 M:496 &lt;eb dbt; 
27445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27446 H:548 M:607 -b db 
27447 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27448 touch shield
27449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27450 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
27452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27453 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
27455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27456 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
27458 H:647 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
27459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27460 H:548 M:607 -b db 
27461 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
27464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27465 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
27467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27468 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
27470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27471 You are now heavily attuned to the fire element.
27473 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27474 Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
27476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27477 Damage Taken: 46 fire (raw damage: 85)
27479 Health Gain: 68
27481 Mana Gain: 15
27483 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
27484 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27485 H:615 M:649 eb db 
27486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27487 touch shield
27488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27489 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27491 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
27492 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27493 cnc
27494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27495 You already possess mental equilibrium.
27497 H:615 M:649 eb db 
27498 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27499 pa
27500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27501 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
27503 H:615 M:649 eb db 
27504 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27505 abn
27506 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27507 Your wounds are already bandaged.
27509 H:615 M:649 eb db 
27510 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27511 ovt
27512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27513 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
27515 H:615 M:649 eb db 
27516 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27517 shknock at &tar
27518 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27519 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Reyvenyr's shield.
27520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27521 Dwenthall's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
27522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27523 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
27524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27525 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
27526 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
27527 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27528 H:615 M:649 -b db 
27529 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27530 shknock at &tar
27531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27532 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27533 H:615 M:649 -b db 
27534 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27535 shknock at &tar
27536 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27537 You must regain your equilibrium first.
27538 H:615 M:649 -b db 
27539 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27540 ta
27541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27542 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 512/512 mana.
27543 H:615 M:637 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
27544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27545 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
27546 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
27547 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27548 H:615 M:637 -b db 
27549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27550 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
27551 The tornado swirls rapidly.
27552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27553 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
27554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27555 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
27556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27557 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
27558 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27559 eat juniper
27560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27561 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1934.
27562 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
27563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27564 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
27565 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27566 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
27567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27568 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
27569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27570 H:615 M:637 -b db 
27571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27572 You may eat another mushroom.
27573 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
27574 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27575 l
27576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27577 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
27578 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
27579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27580 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
27581 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27582 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
27583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27584 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
27585 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
27586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27587 H:642 M:665 -b db 
27588 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27589 cnc
27590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27591 You are already concentrating on regaining your equilibrium.
27592 H:642 M:665 -b db 
27593 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27594 autocuring off
27595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27596 Autocuring disabled.
27597 H:642 M:665 -b db 
27598 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27599 autocuring rebounding off
27600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27601 Automatic rebounding handling disabled.
27602 H:642 M:665 -b db 
27603 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27604 autocuring mass off
27605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27606 Automatic mass handling disabled.
27607 H:642 M:665 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
27608 H:642 M:665 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
27609 H:642 M:665 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
27610 H:642 M:665 eb db 
27611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27612 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
27613 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
27614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27615 You may eat another mushroom.
27616 H:642 M:665 eb db 
27617 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27618 sbm
27619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27620 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
27621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27622 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
27623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27624 Setting your gaze upon Reyvenyr, you start focusing intensely on your connection with the raw elemen
27625 t of water.
27626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27627 Dwenthall focuses her gaze upon you and a look of utmost concentration appears on her face. The soun
27628 d of rushing water echoes faintly in the distance.
27629 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27630 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
27631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27632 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
27633 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27634 H:642 M:634 -b db 
27635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27636 Mana Lost: 1
27637 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
27638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27639 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
27640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27641 You are now significantly attuned to the fire element.
27642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27643 Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
27644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27645 Damage Taken: 50 fire (raw damage: 93)
27646 H:618 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
27647 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27648 H:642 M:618 -b db 
27649 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27650 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
27651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27652 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
27653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27654 The shimmering translucent shield around Reyvenyr fades away.
27655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27656 Mana Lost: 12
27657 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
27658 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
27659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27660 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
27661 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
27662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27663 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
27664 Mana Lost: 12
27665 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of hemot
27666 oxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
27667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27668 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
27669  hemotoxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
27670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27671 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin hemotoxin, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across 
27672 one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid 
27673 sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
27674 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
27675 Balance Taken: 2.00s
27676 H:618 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; 
27677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27678 H:642 M:618 -b db 
27679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27680 You may drink another healing elixir.
27681 H:618 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; 
27682 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27683 order golem passive
27684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27685 You must regain balance first.
27686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27687 order loyals kill dwen
27688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27689 You must regain balance first.
27690 H:618 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; 
27691 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27692 evoke empower knockout
27693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27694 You must regain balance first.
27695 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27696 evoke wisps poisonous dwen
27697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27698 You must regain balance first.
27699 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27700 quarterstaff stab dwen opium
27701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27702 You must regain balance first.
27703 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27704 naturebind bewilder dwen
27705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27706 You wave your quarterstaff in front of Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a ten
27707 dril, bewildering her.
27708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27709 Reyvenyr waves his quarterstaff in front of you and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a tend
27710 ril, bewildering you.
27711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27712 The root afflicts Dwenthall with anorexia.
27713 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
27714 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27715 ta dwen
27716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27717 Dwenthall's condition stands at 642/669 health and 673/700 mana.
27718 Mana Lost: 12
27719 H:618 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
27720 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27721 H:642 M:618 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
27722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27723 spam afflicted Dwenthall anorexia
27724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27725 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall anorexia", is not a valid command.
27726 H:618 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
27727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27728 H:642 M:618 eb db 
27729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27730 You have recovered balance.
27731 H:618 M:475 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
27732 H:618 M:475 &lt;eb dbt; 
27733 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27734 evoke empower knockout
27735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27736 Mana Lost: 6
27737 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
27738 wer of Earth infuses it.
27739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27740 evoke wisps poisonous dwen
27741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27742 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
27743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27744 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
27745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27746 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
27747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27748 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
27749 .
27750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27751 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
27752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27753 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
27754 r veins.
27755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27756 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
27757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27758 quarterstaff stab dwen opium
27759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27760 You rub some opium on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
27761 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
27762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27763 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
27764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27765 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Knockout empowerment remains dormant.
27766 Your opium toxin has affected Dwenthall.
27767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27768 Your insomnia has cleared up.
27769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27770 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
27771 Balance Taken: 3.01s
27772 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27773 naturebind bewilder dwen
27774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27775 You wave your quarterstaff in front of Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a ten
27776 dril, bewildering her.
27777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27778 Reyvenyr waves his quarterstaff in front of you and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a tend
27779 ril, bewildering you.
27780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27781 The root afflicts Dwenthall with recklessness.
27782 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
27783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27784 ta dwen
27785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27786 Dwenthall's condition stands at 529/669 health and 655/700 mana.
27787 Mana Lost: 12
27788 H:618 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
27789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27790 H:669 M:700 eb db 
27791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27792 spam afflicted Dwenthall opium
27793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27794 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall opium", is not a valid command.
27795 H:618 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
27796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27797 As you maintain your focus upon Reyvenyr, the sound of rushing water fills the air, drawing nearer a
27798 nd nearer with every passing second.
27799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27800 As Dwenthall maintains her focus upon you, the sound of rushing water draws nearer and nearer with e
27801 very passing second.
27802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27803 spam afflicted Dwenthall recklessness
27804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27805 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall recklessness", is not a valid command.
27806 H:618 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
27807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27808 H:669 M:700 eb db 
27809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27810 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
27811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27812 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
27813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27814 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
27815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27816 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
27817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27818 Damage Taken: 54 fire (raw damage: 100)
27819 H:563 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
27820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27821 H:669 M:700 eb db 
27822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27823 Mana Lost: 1
27824 H:563 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
27825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27828 Your input, "INSTANT KILL!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!!", is not a 
27829 valid command.
27830 H:563 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
27831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27832 The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
27833 H:669 M:700 eb db 
27834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27835 Health Gain: 100
27836 Mana Gain: 32
27837 H:664 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
27838 H:664 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
27839 H:664 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
27840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27841 evoke empower knockout
27842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27843 Mana Lost: 6
27844 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
27845 wer of Earth infuses it.
27846 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27847 evoke wisps poisonous dwen
27848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27849 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
27850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27851 quarterstaff stab dwen opium
27852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27853 You rub some opium on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
27854 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
27855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27856 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
27857 A rock falls from above, hitting you in the temple.
27858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27859 A rock falls from above, hitting Dwenthall in the temple.
27860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27861 You feel incredibly tired, and fall asleep immediately.
27862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27863 Dwenthall's eyes close suddenly as she falls asleep.
27864 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
27865 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
27866 Your opium toxin has affected Dwenthall.
27867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27868 You feel yourself calm down as the quince nut wears off.
27869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27870 Balance Taken: 3.01s
27871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27872 naturebind bewilder dwen
27873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27874 You wave your quarterstaff in front of Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a ten
27875 dril, bewildering her.
27876 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27877 Reyvenyr waves his quarterstaff in front of you and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a tend
27878 ril, bewildering you.
27879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27880 The root afflicts Dwenthall with dizziness.
27881 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
27882 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27883 ta dwen
27884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27885 Dwenthall's condition stands at 476/669 health and 644/700 mana.
27886 Mana Lost: 12
27887 H:664 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
27888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27889 H:669 M:700 eb pdb You cease your submersion attempt.
27890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27891 Dwenthall ceases her submersion attempt.
27892 H:664 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
27893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27894 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27896 spam afflicted Dwenthall opium
27897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27898 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall opium", is not a valid command.
27899 H:664 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
27900 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27901 spam afflicted Dwenthall dizziness
27902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27903 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall dizziness", is not a valid command.
27904 H:664 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of hemotoxi
27905 n.
27906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27907 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
27908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27909 Your hemotoxin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
27910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27911 An attack on your immune system causes your body to feel weak.
27912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27913 Dwenthall pales suddenly and slumps perceptibly.
27914 The tornado swirls rapidly.
27915 H:664 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
27916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27917 H:669 M:700 eb pdb You quickly pull yourself out of sleep.
27918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27919 Dwenthall awakens with a start.
27920 H:664 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
27921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27922 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27924 spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin
27925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27926 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin", is not a valid command.
27927 H:664 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
27928 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27929 human
27930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27931 You are already in Sylayan form.
27932 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27933 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27934 unwield bow
27935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27936 You aren't wielding that.
27937 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27938 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27939 unwield bow
27940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27941 You aren't wielding that.
27942 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27944 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
27945 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
27946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27947 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
27948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27949 You are now lightly attuned to the fire element.
27950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27951 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
27952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27953 Damage Taken: 58 fire (raw damage: 107)
27954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27955 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
27956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27957 H:605 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
27958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27959 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27960 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27961 wield shield116306
27962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27963 You have no shield116306.
27964 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27965 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27966 wield shield116306
27967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27968 You have no shield116306.
27969 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27970 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27971 autocuring on
27972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27973 Autocuring activated.
27974 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27975 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27976 insomnia
27977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27978 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
27979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27980 Dwenthall clenches her fists and grits her teeth.
27981 H:605 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
27982 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27983 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27984 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27985 autocuring rebounding on
27986 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27987 Automatic rebounding handling activated.
27988 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27989 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27990 smoke pipe with linseed
27991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27992 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
27993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27994 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
27995 H:605 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
27996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
27997 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
27998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
27999 Mana Lost: 1
28000 H:605 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
28001 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28002 eat kelp
28003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28004 The thought of eating sickens you.
28005 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
28006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28007 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
28008 H:605 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
28009 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28010 apply epidermal
28011 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28012 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
28013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28014 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her skin.
28015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28016 Food is no longer repulsive to you.
28017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28018 H:605 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
28019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28020 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
28021 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28022 eat kelp
28023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28024 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1989.
28026 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
28028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28029 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
28031 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28032 Your immune system feels stronger.
28034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28035 Dwenthall's colour returns to her face.
28037 H:605 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
28038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28039 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
28040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28041 You have recovered balance.
28044 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28045 stand
28046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28047 You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
28049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28050 Dwenthall stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
28052 H:605 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
28053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28054 H:669 M:700 eb db 
28055 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28056 ENEMY IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28057 !!!!!
28058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28059 I don't recognize that name as one of an existing player.
28061 H:605 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
28062 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28063 eat quince
28064 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28065 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1998.
28067 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
28069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28070 Dwenthall quickly eats a quince fruit.
28072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28073 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
28075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28076 H:605 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
28077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28078 H:669 M:700 eb db 
28079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28080 chj
28081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28082 Your input, "chj", is not a valid command.
28084 H:605 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
28085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28086 You may apply another salve.
28087 H:669 M:700 eb db 
28088 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28089 human
28090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28091 You are already in Sylayan form.
28093 H:669 M:700 eb db 
28094 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28095 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
28096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28097 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
28098  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
28100 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28101 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
28102 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
28104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28105 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
28107 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28108 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
28109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28110 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
28112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28113 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
28114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28115 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
28117 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28118 quarterstaff raze dwen
28119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28120 You whip a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of Dwenthall, to no effect.
28122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28123 Reyvenyr whips a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of you, to no effect.
28125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28126 Balance Taken: 2.00s
28128 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28129 naturebinding shred dwen
28130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28131 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
28132 ing her skin mercilessly.
28134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28135 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
28136 ng your skin mercilessly.
28138 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
28140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28141 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
28143 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28144 ta dwen
28145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28146 Dwenthall's condition stands at 536/669 health and 572/700 mana.
28148 Mana Lost: 12
28150 H:605 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
28151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28152 H:669 M:700 eb b 
28153 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28154 unwield bow
28155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28156 You aren't wielding that.
28157 H:669 M:700 eb b 
28158 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28159 ac on
28160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28161 Autocuring activated.
28162 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28163 order golem kill dwen
28164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28165 You must regain balance first.
28166 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28167 evoke empower rockfall
28168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28169 You must regain balance first.
28170 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28171 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
28172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28173 You must regain balance first.
28174 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28175 evoke wisp metallic dwen
28176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28177 You must regain balance first.
28178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28179 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
28180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28181 You must regain balance first.
28182 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28183 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
28184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28185 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28187 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
28188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28189 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28191 naturebind beech choke dwen
28192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28193 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28194 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28195 naturebind shred dwen
28196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28197 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28198 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28199 ta dwen
28200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28201 Dwenthall's condition stands at 451/669 health and 579/700 mana.
28202 Mana Lost: 12
28203 H:605 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
28204 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28205 unwield bow
28206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28207 You aren't wielding that.
28208 H:669 M:700 eb b 
28209 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28210 wield shield116306
28211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28212 You have no shield116306.
28213 H:669 M:700 eb b 
28214 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28215 ---------delayed wisp
28216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28217 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
28218 H:605 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
28219 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28220 wield shield116306
28221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28222 You have no shield116306.
28223 H:669 M:700 eb b 
28224 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28225 autocuring on
28226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28227 Autocuring activated.
28228 H:669 M:700 eb b You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
28229 H:669 M:700 eb b 
28230 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28231 autocuring rebounding on
28232 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28233 Automatic rebounding handling activated.
28234 H:669 M:700 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
28235 H:669 M:700 eb b 
28236 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28237 eat juniper
28238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28239 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1933.
28240 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
28241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28242 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
28243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28244 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
28245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28246 H:605 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
28247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28248 H:669 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
28249 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
28250 H:669 M:700 eb db 
28251 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28252 focus
28253 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28254 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
28255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28256 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dwenthall.
28257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28258 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
28259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28260 H:605 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
28261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28262 H:502 M:635 eb db 
28263 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28264 sip health
28265 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28266 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
28267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28268 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
28269 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28270 The elixir heals your body.
28271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28272 H:605 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
28273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28274 H:650 M:635 eb db 
28275 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28276 eat toadstool
28277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28278 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1951.
28279 You quickly eat a toadstool.
28280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28281 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
28282 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28283 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
28284 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
28285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28286 H:605 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
28287 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28288 H:650 M:635 eb db 
28289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28290 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
28291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28292 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
28293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28294 You are no longer attuned to the fire element.
28295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28296 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the fire element.
28297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28298 Damage Taken: 62 fire (raw damage: 114)
28299 H:543 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
28300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28301 H:650 M:635 eb db 
28302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28303 You have recovered balance.
28304 H:543 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
28305 H:543 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
28306 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28307 wield shield
28308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28309 You are already wielding a lunar shield in your left hand.
28310 H:650 M:635 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
28311 H:650 M:635 eb db 
28312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28313 Mana Lost: 1
28314 H:543 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
28315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28316 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
28317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28318 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
28319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28320 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
28321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28322 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
28323 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28324 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
28325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28326 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
28327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28328 quarterstaff raze dwen
28329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28330 You whip a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of Dwenthall, to no effect.
28331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28332 Reyvenyr whips a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds through the air in front of you, to no effect.
28333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28334 Balance Taken: 2.00s
28335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28336 naturebinding shred dwen
28337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28338 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
28339 ing her skin mercilessly.
28340 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28341 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
28342 ng your skin mercilessly.
28343 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
28344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28345 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
28346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28347 ta dwen
28348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28349 Dwenthall's condition stands at 659/669 health and 631/700 mana.
28350 Mana Lost: 12
28351 H:543 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
28352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28353 H:605 M:619 eb b 
28354 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28355 eat juniper
28356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28357 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1932.
28358 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
28359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28360 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
28361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28362 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
28363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28364 H:543 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
28365 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28366 H:605 M:619 eb db 
28367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28368 ac on
28369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28370 Autocuring activated.
28371 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28372 evoke imbue
28373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28374 You must regain balance first.
28375 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28376 TEAR MAP
28377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28378 Syntax: TEAR MAP
28379 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28380 evoke empower jolt
28381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28382 You must regain balance first.
28383 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28384 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
28385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28386 You must regain balance first.
28387 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28388 evoke wisp metallic dwen
28389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28390 You must regain balance first.
28391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28392 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
28393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28394 You must regain balance first.
28395 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28396 naturebind choke dwen
28397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28398 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28399 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28400 naturebind beech shred dwen
28401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28402 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28403 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28404 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
28405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28406 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28408 ta dwen
28409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28410 Dwenthall's condition stands at 605/669 health and 570/700 mana.
28411 Mana Lost: 12
28412 H:543 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
28413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28414 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
28415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28416 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
28417 H:543 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
28418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28419 H:605 M:619 eb db 
28420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28421 Health Gain: 100
28422 Mana Gain: 32
28423 H:643 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
28424 H:643 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
28425 The circle of fire around you sputters and disappears in a puff of smoke.
28426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28427 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr sputters and disappears in a puff of smoke.
28428 You may eat another herb or plant.
28430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28431 H:643 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
28432 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28433 H:669 M:661 eb db Your mind is able to focus once again.
28434 H:669 M:661 eb db 
28435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28436 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
28437 H:643 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
28438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28439 You may drink another healing elixir.
28440 H:669 M:661 eb db 
28441 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28442 evoke wisp poisonous dwen delayed
28443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28444 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
28445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28446 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
28447 ods your veins.
28448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28449 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
28450  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
28451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28452 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
28453 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
28454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28455 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
28456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28457 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
28458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28459 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
28460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28461 evoke wisp poisonous dwen
28462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28463 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
28464 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28465 quarterstaff raze dwen
28466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28467 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
28468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28469 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
28470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28471 Balance Taken: 2.00s
28472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28473 naturebinding shred dwen
28474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28475 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
28476 ing her skin mercilessly.
28477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28478 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
28479 ng your skin mercilessly.
28480 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
28481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28482 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
28483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28484 ta dwen
28485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28486 Dwenthall's condition stands at 618/669 health and 733/700 mana.
28487 Mana Lost: 12
28488 H:643 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
28489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28490 H:624 M:661 eb b 
28491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28492 ac on
28493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28494 Autocuring activated.
28495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28496 evoke imbue
28497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28498 You must regain balance first.
28499 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28500 TEAR MAP
28501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28502 Syntax: TEAR MAP
28503 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28504 evoke empower jolt
28505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28506 You must regain balance first.
28507 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28508 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
28509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28510 You must regain balance first.
28511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28512 evoke wisp metallic dwen
28513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28514 You must regain balance first.
28515 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28516 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
28517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28518 You must regain balance first.
28519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28520 naturebind choke dwen
28521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28522 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28523 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28524 naturebind beech shred dwen
28525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28526 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28527 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28528 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
28529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28530 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28532 ta dwen
28533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28534 Dwenthall's condition stands at 711/669 health and 661/700 mana.
28535 Mana Lost: 12
28536 H:643 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
28537 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28538 smoke pipe with linseed
28539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28540 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
28541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28542 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
28543 H:643 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
28544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28545 H:624 M:661 eb b 
28546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28547 ---------delayed wisp
28548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28549 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
28550 H:643 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
28551 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28552 prob e crystal
28553 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28554 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
28555 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
28556 It weighs 6 ounces.
28557 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
28558 The crystal can support 2 spells.
28559 H:624 M:661 eb b 
28560 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28561 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
28562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28563 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
28564 mmand.
28565 H:643 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
28566 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28567 eat juniper
28568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28569 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1931.
28570 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
28571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28572 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
28573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28574 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
28575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28576 H:643 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
28577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28578 H:624 M:661 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
28579 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28580 clot
28581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28582 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
28583 H:624 M:647 eb db 
28584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28585 Mana Lost: 1
28586 H:643 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
28587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28588 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
28589 H:623 M:631 eb db 
28590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28591 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of hemotoxin.
28592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28593 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
28594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28595 Your hemotoxin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
28596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28597 An attack on your immune system causes your body to feel weak.
28598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28599 Dwenthall pales suddenly and slumps perceptibly.
28600 The tornado swirls rapidly.
28601 H:643 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
28602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28603 H:623 M:631 eb db 
28604 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28605 touch tree
28606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28607 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
28608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28609 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
28610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28611 Your immune system feels stronger.
28612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28613 Dwenthall's colour returns to her face.
28614 H:643 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
28615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28616 H:623 M:631 eb db 
28617 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28618 spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin
28619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28620 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin", is not a valid command.
28621 H:643 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
28622 H:643 M:428 &lt;-b dbt; 
28623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28624 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
28625 H:650 M:659 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
28626 H:650 M:659 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
28627 H:650 M:659 eb db 
28628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28629 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
28630 H:643 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
28631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28632 say WHAYT THE FUCK
28633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28634 You say, "WHAYT THE FUCK."
28635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28636 Reyvenyr says, "WHAYT THE FUCK."
28637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28638 H:643 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
28639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28640 H:650 M:659 eb db 
28641 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28642 cast erode at rey
28643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28644 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
28645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28646 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
28647 Your levitating defence is eroded away.
28648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28649 His levitating defence is eroded away.
28650 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
28651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28652 H:643 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
28653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28654 H:650 M:655 -b db 
28655 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28656 sip levitation
28657 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28658 You take a drink of an elixir of levitation from an onyx vial.
28659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28660 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
28661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28662 Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
28663 H:643 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
28664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28665 H:650 M:655 -b db 
28666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28667 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
28668 H:643 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
28669 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28670 ac on
28671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28672 Autocuring activated.
28673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28674 evoke imbue
28675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28676 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
28677 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28678 TEAR MAP
28679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28680 Syntax: TEAR MAP
28681 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28682 evoke empower jolt
28683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28684 Mana Lost: 6
28685 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
28686 wer of Earth infuses it.
28687 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28688 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
28689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28690 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
28691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28692 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
28693 ods your veins.
28694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28695 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
28696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28697 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
28698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28699 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
28700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28701 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
28702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28703 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
28704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28705 evoke wisp metallic dwen
28706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28707 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
28708 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28709 quarterstaff stab dwen strychine
28710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28711 I do not recognize that toxin.
28712 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
28713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28714 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
28715 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
28716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28717 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
28718 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
28719 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
28720 Balance Taken: 3.01s
28721 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28722 naturebind choke dwen
28723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28724 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
28725 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
28726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28727 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
28728 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
28729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28730 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
28731 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28732 naturebind beech shred dwen
28733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28734 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28735 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28736 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwen
28737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28738 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28740 ta dwen
28741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28742 Dwenthall's condition stands at 400/669 health and 681/700 mana.
28743 Mana Lost: 12
28744 H:643 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
28745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28746 H:412 M:655 -b db 
28747 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28748 writhe root
28749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28750 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
28751 H:412 M:655 -b db 
28752 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28753 sip health
28754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28755 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
28756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28757 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
28758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28759 The elixir heals your body.
28760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28761 H:643 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
28762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28763 H:574 M:655 -b db 
28764 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28765 eat toadstool
28766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28767 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1950.
28768 You quickly eat a toadstool.
28769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28770 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
28771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28772 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
28773 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
28774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28775 H:643 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
28776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28777 H:574 M:655 -b db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
28778 H:574 M:655 -b db 
28779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28780 Mana Lost: 1
28781 H:643 M:409 &lt;-- dbt; 
28782 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28783 eat toadstool
28784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28785 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1966.
28786 You quickly eat a toadstool.
28787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28788 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
28789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28790 Health Gain: 25
28791 Mana Gain: 51
28792 You feel your health and mana replenished.
28793 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
28794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28795 H:574 M:639 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
28796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28797 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
28798 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
28799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28800 H:574 M:639 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
28801 H:574 M:639 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
28802 H:574 M:639 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
28803 H:574 M:639 eb db 
28804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28805 Mana Gain: 32
28806 H:669 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
28807 H:669 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; 
28808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28809 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
28810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28811 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
28812 r.
28813 You have recovered balance.
28814 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
28815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28816 H:593 M:681 eb db 
28817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28818 trueassess dwen
28819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28820 Dwenthall's condition stands at 558/669 health and 681/700 mana.
28821 Mana Lost: 12
28822 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
28823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28824 ac on
28825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28826 Autocuring activated.
28827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28828 order golem kill dwen
28829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28830 You do not see that individual here.
28831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28832 evoke empower rockfall
28833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28834 Mana Lost: 6
28835 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
28836 wer of Earth infuses it.
28837 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28838 evoke wisp metallic dwen reinforced
28839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28840 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
28841 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28842 evoke wisp metallic dwen
28843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28844 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
28845 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28846 quarterstaff stab dwen strychnine 
28847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28848 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
28849 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
28850 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28851 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
28852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28853 The attack rebounds back onto you!
28854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28855 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
28856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28857 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
28858 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
28859 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
28860 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
28861 Balance Taken: 3.01s
28862 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28863 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwen
28864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28865 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
28866 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28867 naturebind blackthorn choke dwen
28868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28869 Dwenthall is already being choked.
28870 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28871 naturebind beech choke dwen
28872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28873 Dwenthall is already being choked.
28874 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28875 naturebind shred dwen
28876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28877 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
28878 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28879 ta dwen
28880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28881 Dwenthall's condition stands at 593/669 health and 681/700 mana.
28882 Mana Lost: 12
28883 H:603 M:462 &lt;e- bt; 
28884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28885 H:593 M:681 eb db 
28886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28887 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
28888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28889 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
28890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28891 naturebind blackthorn shred dwen
28892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28893 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
28894 dding her skin mercilessly.
28895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28896 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
28897 ding your skin mercilessly.
28898 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
28899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28900 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
28901 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- bt; 
28902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28903 H:548 M:681 eb b 
28904 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28905 eat juniper
28906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28907 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1930.
28908 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
28909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28910 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
28911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28912 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
28913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28914 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- bt; 
28915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28916 H:548 M:681 eb db 
28917 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28918 eat juniper
28919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28920 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1991.
28921 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
28922 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28923 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
28924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28925 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
28926 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
28927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28928 H:548 M:681 eb db 
28929 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28930 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
28931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28932 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28933 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28934 naturebind blackthorn shred dwen
28935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28936 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28937 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
28938 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28939 naturebind hawthorn shred dwen
28940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28941 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28942 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28943 naturebind blackthorn shred dwen
28944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28945 You must regain your equilibrium first.
28946 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
28947 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28948 say what is it?
28949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28950 You say, "What is it?"
28951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28952 Dwenthall appears to be saying something, but you are deaf and cannot hear.
28953 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
28954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28955 H:548 M:681 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
28956 H:548 M:681 eb db 
28957 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28958 ts
28959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28960 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
28961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28962 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
28963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28964 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
28965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28966 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
28967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28968 H:548 M:681 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
28969 H:548 M:681 -b db 
28970 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28971 sip health
28972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28973 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
28974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28975 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
28976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28977 The elixir heals your body.
28978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28979 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
28980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28981 H:669 M:681 -b db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
28982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28983 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
28984 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
28985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28986 H:669 M:681 -b db 
28987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28988 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
28989 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
28990 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
28991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28992 You may eat another herb or plant.
28993 H:669 M:665 -b db 
28994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
28995 You may eat another herb or plant.
28996 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
28997 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
28998 peer
28999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29000 Dwenthall peers about herself unscrupulously.
29001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29002 You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
29003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29004 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
29005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29006 H:669 M:665 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
29007 H:669 M:665 -b db 
29008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29009 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of hemotoxin.
29010 The tornado swirls rapidly.
29011 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29012 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
29013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29014 Your hemotoxin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
29015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29016 An attack on your immune system causes your body to feel weak.
29017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29018 Dwenthall pales suddenly and slumps perceptibly.
29019 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29020 eat kelp
29021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29022 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1988.
29023 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
29024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29025 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
29026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29027 Your immune system feels stronger.
29028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29029 Dwenthall's colour returns to her face.
29030 H:603 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
29031 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29032 H:669 M:665 -b db 
29033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29034 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
29035 You may eat another mushroom.
29036 You have recovered balance.
29037 H:603 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
29038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29039 spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin
29040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29041 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin", is not a valid command.
29042 H:603 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
29043 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29044 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
29046 H:669 M:693 -b db 
29047 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29048 touch mindseye
29049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29050 Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
29052 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29053 Reyvenyr touches a mindseye tattoo.
29055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29056 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
29058 H:603 M:462 &lt;-b dbt; 
29059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29060 H:669 M:693 -b db 
29061 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
29064 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29065 touch mindseye
29066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29067 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29069 H:603 M:462 &lt;-b dbt; 
29070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29071 H:669 M:693 eb db 
29072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29073 touch mindseye
29074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29075 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29077 H:603 M:462 &lt;-b dbt; 
29078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29079 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
29081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29082 dg
29083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29084 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29086 H:603 M:462 &lt;-b dbt; 
29087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29088 H:669 M:693 eb db 
29089 You may eat another herb or plant.
29090 H:669 M:693 eb db 
29091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29092 dg
29093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29094 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29096 H:603 M:462 &lt;-b dbt; 
29097 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29098 dg
29099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29100 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29102 H:603 M:462 &lt;-b dbt; 
29103 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29104 dg
29105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29106 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29108 H:603 M:462 &lt;-b dbt; 
29109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29110 dg
29111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29112 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29114 H:603 M:462 &lt;-b dbt; 
29115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29116 dg
29117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29118 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29120 H:603 M:462 &lt;-b dbt; 
29121 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29122 dg
29123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29124 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29126 H:603 M:462 &lt;-b dbt; 
29127 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29128 You may drink another healing elixir.
29129 H:669 M:693 eb db 
29130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29131 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
29134 H:603 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
29135 Mana Lost: 1
29137 H:603 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
29138 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29139 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
29140 H:669 M:677 eb db 
29141 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29142 say what is it?
29143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29144 You say, "What is it?"
29146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29147 Dwenthall says, "What is it?"
29149 H:603 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
29150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29151 H:669 M:677 eb db 
29152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29153 say bullshit
29154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29155 You say, "Bullshit."
29157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29158 Reyvenyr says, "Bullshit."
29160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29161 H:603 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
29162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29163 H:669 M:677 eb db 
29164 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29165 dg
29166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29167 You are:
29169 blind.
29171 deaf.
29173 an insomniac.
29175 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
29177 H:603 M:461 &lt;-b dbt; 
29178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29179 dg
29180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29181 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29183 H:603 M:461 &lt;-b dbt; 
29184 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
29187 H:603 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
29188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29189 dg
29190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29191 You are:
29193 blind.
29195 deaf.
29197 an insomniac.
29199 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
29201 H:603 M:461 &lt;-b dbt; 
29202 Health Gain: 65
29204 Mana Gain: 32
29206 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
29209 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
29210 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29211 say waht is it?
29212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29213 You say, "Waht is it?"
29215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29216 Dwenthall says, "Waht is it?"
29218 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
29219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29220 H:669 M:700 eb db 
29221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29222 Mana Lost: 1
29224 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
29225 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
29227 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
29229 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
29230 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29231 say my rebound tracker is NOT working
29232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29233 You say, "My rebound tracker is NOT working."
29235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29236 Reyvenyr says, "My rebound tracker is NOT working."
29238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29239 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
29240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29241 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29243 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of hemotoxin.
29245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29246 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
29248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29249 Your hemotoxin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
29251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29252 An attack on your immune system causes your body to feel weak.
29254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29255 Dwenthall pales suddenly and slumps perceptibly.
29257 The tornado swirls rapidly.
29259 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
29260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29261 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29262 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29263 spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin
29264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29265 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin", is not a valid command.
29267 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
29268 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29269 eat kelp
29270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29271 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1987.
29273 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
29275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29276 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
29278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29279 Your immune system feels stronger.
29281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29282 Dwenthall's colour returns to her face.
29284 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
29285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29286 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29287 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
29289 H:669 M:700 eb db 
29290 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29291 say oh
29292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29293 You say, "Oh."
29295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29296 Dwenthall says, "Oh."
29298 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
29299 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29300 H:669 M:700 eb db 
29301 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29302 dg
29303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29304 You are:
29306 blind.
29308 deaf.
29310 an insomniac.
29312 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
29314 H:669 M:493 &lt;-b dbt; 
29315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29316 dg
29317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29318 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29320 H:669 M:493 &lt;-b dbt; 
29321 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
29324 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
29325 Mana Lost: 1
29327 H:669 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
29328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29329 You may eat another herb or plant.
29330 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29332 Mana Gain: 19
29334 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
29335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29336 def
29337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29338 Current Defences:
29339 A curseward has been established about your person.
29341 You are benefiting from a constitution soulstone. [1:45:14]
29343 You are benefiting from a strength soulstone. [1:45:14]
29345 You are blind.
29347 You are deaf.
29349 You are extremely heavy and difficult to move. [0:55]
29351 You are protected by a waxy coating.
29353 You are protected from telepathic attacks.
29355 You are protected from the elements.
29357 You are protected from the freezing elements.
29359 You are regenerating health through the power of Nature. [6:46]
29361 You are resisting magickal damage.
29363 You are tempered against fire damage.
29365 You are walking on a small cushion of air.
29367 You are walking with the blessing of the stars.
29369 You are watching for falling shards. [45:14]
29371 You have activated the boar tattoo.
29373 You have activated the moon tattoo.
29375 You have activated the moss tattoo.
29377 You have been granted the finishing power of the bluestar.
29379 You have eaten the quince fruit and are extremely energetic.
29381 You have insomnia, and cannot easily go to sleep.
29383 You will call upon your fortitude in need.
29385 Your armor offers you 58% increased protection to cutting and blunt damage.
29387 Your sense of time is heightened, and your reactions are speeded.
29389 Your senses are attuned to nearby movement.
29391 Your senses are heightened.
29393 Your skin is hard and tough like the bark of an oak tree.
29395 Your veins burn with immunity to deadly venoms.
29397 Your wounds are tightly bandaged in cloth.
29399 You are protected by 30 defences.
29400 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
29401 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29402 dag
29403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29404 You are:
29406 overcome by dizziness.
29408 blind.
29410 deaf.
29412 an insomniac.
29414 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
29416 H:669 M:700 -b db 
29417 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29418 eat mandrake
29419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29420 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1999.
29422 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
29424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29425 Dwenthall quickly eats a mandrake root.
29427 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29428 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
29430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29431 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
29432 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29433 H:669 M:700 -b db 
29434 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
29437 H:669 M:700 eb db 
29438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29439 Mana Lost: 1
29441 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29442 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29443 bs
29444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29445 Your skin is already tough as bark.
29447 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29449 bs
29450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29451 Your skin is already tough as bark.
29453 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29455 bs
29456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29457 Your skin is already tough as bark.
29458 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29460 You may eat another herb or plant.
29461 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29463 wea
29464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29465 A brief shiver runs through your body.
29466 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29468 pro
29469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29470 You are already protected from the elements.
29471 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29473 res
29474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29475 You already are surrounded by an aura of resistance.
29476 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has d
29477 ecreased to 10%.
29478 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of hemotoxi
29479 n.
29480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29481 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
29482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29483 Your hemotoxin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
29484 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29485 An attack on your immune system causes your body to feel weak.
29486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29487 Dwenthall pales suddenly and slumps perceptibly.
29488 The tornado swirls rapidly.
29489 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29490 eat kelp
29491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29492 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1986.
29493 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
29494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29495 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
29496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29497 Your immune system feels stronger.
29498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29499 Dwenthall's colour returns to her face.
29500 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29501 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29502 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29503 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29504 spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin
29505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29506 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin", is not a valid command.
29507 H:669 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
29508 H:669 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
29509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29510 You may eat another herb or plant.
29511 H:669 M:696 eb db 
29512 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29513 dg
29514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29515 You are:
29516 blind.
29517 deaf.
29518 an insomniac.
29519 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
29520 H:669 M:510 &lt;-b dbt; 
29521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29522 dg
29523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29524 You must regain your equilibrium first.
29525 H:669 M:510 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
29526 Health Gain: 31
29527 Mana Gain: 1
29528 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
29529 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29530 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29531 say how long will it take you to fix?
29532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29533 You say, "How long will it take you to fix?"
29534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29535 Dwenthall says, "How long will it take you to fix?"
29536 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29538 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29540 Mana Lost: 1
29541 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
29542 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29543 Ramsay has been slain by misadventure.
29544 H:669 M:668 eb db 
29545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29546 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of hemotoxin.
29547 The tornado swirls rapidly.
29548 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29549 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
29550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29551 Your hemotoxin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
29553 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29554 An attack on your immune system causes your body to feel weak.
29556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29557 Dwenthall pales suddenly and slumps perceptibly.
29559 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
29560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29561 H:669 M:668 eb db 
29562 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29563 eat kelp
29564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29565 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1985.
29567 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
29569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29570 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
29572 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29573 Your immune system feels stronger.
29575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29576 Dwenthall's colour returns to her face.
29578 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
29579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29580 H:669 M:668 eb db 
29581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29582 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
29584 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29585 spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin
29586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29587 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin", is not a valid command.
29589 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
29590 Mana Gain: 1
29592 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
29593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29594 You may eat another herb or plant.
29595 H:669 M:700 eb db 
29596 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29597 Mana Lost: 1
29599 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29600 Mana Lost: 1
29602 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
29603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29604 say its fixed now
29605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29606 You say, "Its fixed now."
29608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29609 Reyvenyr says, "Its fixed now."
29611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29612 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
29613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29614 H:669 M:668 eb db 
29615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29616 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of hemotoxin.
29618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29619 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
29621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29622 Your hemotoxin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
29624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29625 An attack on your immune system causes your body to feel weak.
29627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29628 Dwenthall pales suddenly and slumps perceptibly.
29630 The tornado swirls rapidly.
29632 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
29633 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29634 H:669 M:668 eb db 
29635 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29636 eat kelp
29637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29638 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1984.
29640 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
29642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29643 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
29645 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29646 Your immune system feels stronger.
29648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29649 Dwenthall's colour returns to her face.
29651 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
29652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29653 H:669 M:668 eb db 
29654 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29655 spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin
29656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29657 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin", is not a valid command.
29659 H:700 M:510 &lt;eb dbt; 
29660 Mana Gain: 1
29662 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
29663 Mana Lost: 1
29665 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29667 You may eat another herb or plant.
29668 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29669 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29670 say variables was turned off
29671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29672 You say, "Variables was turned off."
29674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29675 Reyvenyr says, "Variables was turned off."
29677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29678 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29680 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29681 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29682 l
29683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29684 A rocky outcropping.
29685 ------ v37831 -------
29686   | \   /     |      
29687 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
29688 / | /   \   /   \ |  
29689 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
29690   | \     |          
29691  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
29692     \   / | \        
29693      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
29694                 \ |  
29695              [ ]-[ ] 
29696                     \
29697 ------- 1:1:0 -------
29698 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
29699 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
29700 t is curled here, swaying slightly. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone. She is holding a lu
29701 nar shield in her left hand. 
29702 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
29703 H:700 M:511 &lt;eb dbt; 
29704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29705 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29707 Mana Lost: 12
29708 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
29709 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29711 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
29712 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29714 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
29715 Mana Lost: 12
29716 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of hemot
29717 oxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29719 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
29720  hemotoxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29722 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
29723 Balance Taken: 2.00s
29724 H:700 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; 
29725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29726 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29728 Mana Lost: 1
29729 H:700 M:486 &lt;e- dbt; 
29730 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29731 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29733 You must regain balance first.
29734 H:700 M:486 &lt;e- dbt; 
29735 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29736 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29738 You must regain balance first.
29739 H:700 M:486 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
29740 H:700 M:486 &lt;eb dbt; 
29741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29742 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29744 Mana Lost: 12
29745 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
29746 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29748 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
29749 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29751 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
29752 Mana Lost: 12
29753 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of hemot
29754 oxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29756 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
29757  hemotoxin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29759 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
29760 Balance Taken: 2.00s
29761 H:700 M:462 &lt;e- dbt; 
29762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29763 H:669 M:668 eb db 
29764 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29765 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29767 You must regain balance first.
29768 H:700 M:462 &lt;e- dbt; 
29769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29770 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29772 You must regain balance first.
29773 H:700 M:462 &lt;e- dbt; 
29774 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29775 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29777 You must regain balance first.
29778 H:700 M:462 &lt;e- dbt; 
29779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29780 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29782 You must regain balance first.
29783 H:700 M:462 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
29784 H:700 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
29785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29786 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29788 You must regain balance first.
29789 H:700 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of hemotoxi
29790 n.
29791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29792 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
29793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29794 Your hemotoxin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
29795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29796 An attack on your immune system causes your body to feel weak.
29797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29798 Dwenthall pales suddenly and slumps perceptibly.
29799 The tornado swirls rapidly.
29800 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29801 eat kelp
29802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29803 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1983.
29804 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
29805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29806 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
29807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29808 Your immune system feels stronger.
29809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29810 Dwenthall's colour returns to her face.
29811 H:700 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
29812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29813 H:669 M:700 eb db 
29814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29815 You have recovered balance.
29816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29817 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29819 Mana Lost: 12
29820 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
29821 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29823 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
29824 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29826 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
29827 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of hemotoxin to empower the tornado.
29828 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
29829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29830 H:669 M:700 eb db 
29831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29832 spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin
29833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29834 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall hemotoxin", is not a valid command.
29835 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
29836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29837 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29839 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
29840 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
29841 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29842 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29844 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
29845 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
29846 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
29847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29848 empty strychnine
29849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29850 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
29851 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29852 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
29853 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29854 empty strychnine
29855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29856 I don't see that in your inventory.
29857 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29858 vbelt tap empty strychine
29859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29860 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
29861 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29862 vbelt tap empty strychnine
29863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29864 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
29865  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
29866  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
29867 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
29868 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29869 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29870 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29871 empty strychnine
29872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29873 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
29874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29875 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
29876 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29877 empty strychnine
29878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29879 I don't see that in your inventory.
29880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29881 vbelt tap empty strychine
29882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29883 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
29884 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29885 vbelt tap empty strychnine
29886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29887 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
29888  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
29889  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
29890 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
29891 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29892 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29893 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29894 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29896 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
29897 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
29898 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29899 empty strychnine
29900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29901 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
29902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29903 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
29904 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29905 empty strychnine
29906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29907 I don't see that in your inventory.
29908 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29909 vbelt tap empty strychine
29910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29911 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
29912 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29913 vbelt tap empty strychnine
29914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29915 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
29916  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
29917  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
29918 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
29919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29920 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29922 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
29923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29924 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
29925 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
29926 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29927 empty strychnine
29928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29929 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
29930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29931 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
29932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29933 empty strychnine
29934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29935 I don't see that in your inventory.
29936 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29937 vbelt tap empty strychine
29938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29939 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
29940 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29941 vbelt tap empty strychnine
29942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29943 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
29944  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
29945  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
29946 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
29947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29948 H:669 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
29949 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29951 tox6
29952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29953 Mana Lost: 12
29954 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
29955 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29957 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
29958 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29960 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
29961 Mana Lost: 12
29962 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of atrop
29963 ine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29965 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
29966  atropine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29968 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
29969 Balance Taken: 2.00s
29970 H:700 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
29971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29972 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29974 You have recovered balance.
29975 H:700 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
29976 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29977 tox6
29978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29979 Mana Lost: 12
29980 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
29981 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29982 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29983 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
29984 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29986 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
29987 Mana Lost: 12
29988 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of atrop
29989 ine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29991 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
29992  atropine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
29993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
29994 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
29995 Balance Taken: 2.00s
29996 H:700 M:433 &lt;e- dbt; 
29997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
29998 H:669 M:684 eb db 
29999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30000 Mana Lost: 1
30001 H:700 M:432 &lt;e- dbt; 
30002 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30003 tox6
30004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30005 You must regain balance first.
30006 H:700 M:432 &lt;e- dbt; 
30007 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30008 tox6
30009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30010 You must regain balance first.
30011 H:700 M:432 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
30012 H:700 M:432 &lt;eb dbt; 
30013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30014 er
30015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30016 Mana Lost: 9
30017 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
30018 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
30019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30020 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
30021 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
30022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30023 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
30024 Balance Taken: 3.80s
30025 H:700 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
30026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30027 H:669 M:668 eb db 
30028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30029 er
30030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30031 You must regain balance first.
30032 H:700 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
30033 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30034 er
30035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30036 You must regain balance first.
30037 H:700 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
30038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30039 er
30040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30041 You must regain balance first.
30042 H:700 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
30043 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30044 er
30045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30046 You must regain balance first.
30047 H:700 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
30048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30049 er
30050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30051 You must regain balance first.
30052 H:700 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
30053 H:700 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
30054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30055 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Heartlands.
30057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30058 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Heartlands.
30059 H:700 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
30060 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30061 H:669 M:700 eb db You can once again overtune your crystal.
30062 H:669 M:700 eb db 
30063 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30064 er
30065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30066 You must regain balance first.
30067 H:700 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
30068 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30069 er
30070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30071 You must regain balance first.
30072 H:700 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
30073 H:700 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; 
30074 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30075 er
30076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30077 You must regain balance first.
30078 H:700 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of atropine
30079 .
30080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30081 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
30082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30083 Your atropine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
30084 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30085 Pain leaves your body and you feel ready to take on the world.
30086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30087 The tornado swirls rapidly.
30088 H:700 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; 
30089 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30090 H:669 M:700 eb db 
30091 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30092 eat mandrake
30093 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30094 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1998.
30095 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
30096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30097 Dwenthall quickly eats a mandrake root.
30098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30099 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
30100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30101 H:700 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; 
30102 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30103 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30105 spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine
30106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30107 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine", is not a valid command.
30108 H:700 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; 
30109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30110 er
30111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30112 You must regain balance first.
30113 H:700 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; 
30114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30115 er
30116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30117 You must regain balance first.
30118 H:700 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
30119 H:700 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
30120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30121 er
30122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30123 Mana Lost: 9
30124 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
30125 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
30126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30127 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
30128 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
30129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30130 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
30131 Balance Taken: 3.80s
30132 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
30133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30134 H:669 M:700 eb db 
30135 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30136 er
30137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30138 You must regain balance first.
30139 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
30140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30141 er
30142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30143 You must regain balance first.
30144 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
30145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30146 You may eat another herb or plant.
30147 H:669 M:700 eb db 
30148 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30149 er
30150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30151 You must regain balance first.
30152 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
30153 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30154 er
30155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30156 You must regain balance first.
30157 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
30158 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30159 er
30160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30161 You must regain balance first.
30162 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
30163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30164 er
30165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30166 You must regain balance first.
30167 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
30168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30169 The sky darkens visibly as a volcano in the distance releases a cloud of ash high into the air.
30170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30171 The sky darkens visibly as a volcano in the distance releases a cloud of ash high into the air.
30172 H:700 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
30173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30174 H:669 M:700 eb db 
30175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30176 Mana Lost: 1
30177 H:700 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
30178 H:700 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; You feel your density return to normal.
30179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30180 A great weight seems to have been lifted from Reyvenyr.
30181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30182 H:700 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
30183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30184 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30185 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30186 touch mindseye
30187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30188 You have already activated the mindseye tattoo. Activating it again would be a waste!
30189 H:700 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
30190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30191 apply mass
30192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30193 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
30194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30195 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
30196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30197 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
30198 H:700 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
30199 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30200 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30201 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30202 touch mindseye
30203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30204 You have already activated the mindseye tattoo. Activating it again would be a waste!
30206 H:700 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
30207 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30208 dg
30209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30210 You are:
30212 blind.
30214 deaf.
30216 an insomniac.
30218 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
30220 H:700 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
30221 You may apply another salve.
30222 H:700 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
30223 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
30226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30227 dg
30228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30229 You are:
30231 blind.
30233 deaf.
30235 an insomniac.
30237 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
30239 H:700 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
30240 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
30243 H:700 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
30244 Mana Gain: 32
30246 H:700 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
30247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30248 nod
30249 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30250 Reyvenyr nods his head.
30252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30253 You nod your head.
30255 H:700 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
30256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30257 H:669 M:700 eb db 
30258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30259 Mana Lost: 1
30261 H:700 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
30262 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of atropine.
30264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30265 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
30267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30268 Your atropine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
30270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30271 Pain leaves your body and you feel ready to take on the world.
30273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30274 The tornado swirls rapidly.
30276 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30277 eat mandrake
30278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30279 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1997.
30281 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
30283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30284 Dwenthall quickly eats a mandrake root.
30286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30287 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
30289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30290 H:700 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
30291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30292 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30294 spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine
30295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30296 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine", is not a valid command.
30298 H:700 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
30299 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30300 evoke guardian
30301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30302 Mana Lost: 60
30304 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high above you, before pounding it powerfully against
30305  the ground. Cracks appear where the staff struck and deep rumbling fills the air as a figure of a p
30306 owerful golem slowly emerges.
30308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30309 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high above himself, before pounding it powerful
30310 ly against the ground. Cracks appear where the staff struck and deep rumbling fills the air as a fig
30311 ure of a powerful golem slowly emerges.
30313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30314 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
30316 Balance Taken: 5.60s
30318 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30319 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30320 H:669 M:700 eb db 
30321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30322 order golem kill dwen
30323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30324 You must regain balance first.
30326 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30328 banish root honeysuckle
30329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30330 You must regain balance first.
30332 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30334 You may eat another herb or plant.
30335 H:669 M:700 eb db 
30336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30337 banish root elder
30338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30339 You must regain balance first.
30340 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30342 summon root hawthorn
30343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30344 You must regain balance first.
30345 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30347 summon root blackthorn
30348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30349 You must regain balance first.
30350 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30351 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30352 summon root beech
30353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30354 You must regain balance first.
30355 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Lost: 1
30356 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30357 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30358 evoke guardian
30359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30360 You must regain balance first.
30361 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30362 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30363 order golem kill dwen
30364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30365 You must regain balance first.
30366 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30368 evoke guardian
30369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30370 You must regain balance first.
30371 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30372 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30373 order golem kill dwen
30374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30375 You must regain balance first.
30376 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30377 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30378 evoke guardian
30379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30380 You must regain balance first.
30381 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
30382 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30383 order golem kill dwen
30384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30385 You must regain balance first.
30386 H:700 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
30387 H:700 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; 
30388 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30389 l
30390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30391 A rocky outcropping.
30392 ------ v37831 -------
30393   | \   /     |      
30394 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
30395 / | /   \   /   \ |  
30396 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
30397   | \     |          
30398  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
30399     \   / | \        
30400      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
30401                 \ |  
30402              [ ]-[ ] 
30403                     \
30404 ------- 1:1:0 -------
30405 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the wa
30406 y north. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southeast. A pile of rubble lies here, blockin
30407 g the way south. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southwest. An animated hawthorn root i
30408 s curled here, swaying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An an
30409 imated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthal
30410 l is here, her skin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
30411 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
30412 H:700 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Gain: 32
30413 H:700 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Lost: 1
30414 H:700 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; 
30415 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30416 rt Target: dwenthall
30417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30418 You are not the member of any ring.
30419 H:700 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of atropine
30420 .
30421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30422 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
30423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30424 Your atropine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
30425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30426 Pain leaves your body and you feel ready to take on the world.
30427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30428 The tornado swirls rapidly.
30429 H:700 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; 
30430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30431 H:669 M:700 eb db 
30432 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30433 eat mandrake
30434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30435 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1996.
30436 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
30437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30438 Dwenthall quickly eats a mandrake root.
30439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30440 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
30441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30442 H:700 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; 
30443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30444 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30445 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30446 spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine
30447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30448 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine", is not a valid command.
30449 H:700 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; 
30450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30451 nod
30452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30453 Reyvenyr nods his head.
30454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30455 You nod your head.
30456 H:700 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; 
30457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30458 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30459 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30460 dag
30461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30462 You are:
30463 blind.
30464 deaf.
30465 an insomniac.
30466 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
30467 H:669 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
30468 H:669 M:700 eb db 
30469 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30470 ts
30471 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30472 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
30473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30474 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
30475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30476 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
30477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30478 H:700 M:447 &lt;eb dbt; 
30479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30480 H:669 M:700 -b db 
30481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30482 Mana Lost: 1
30483 H:700 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
30484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30485 naturebind breach dwenthall
30486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30487 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
30488 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
30489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30490 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
30491 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
30492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30493 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
30494 H:700 M:446 &lt;-b dbt; 
30495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30496 H:669 M:684 -b db 
30497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30498 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
30499 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
30500 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30501 ok
30502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30503 "OK!" Reyvenyr exclaims.
30504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30505 "OK!" you exclaim.
30506 H:700 M:446 &lt;-b dbt; 
30507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30508 H:669 M:684 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
30509 H:669 M:684 -b db 
30510 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30511 say ready?
30512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30513 You say, "Ready?"
30514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30515 Dwenthall says, "Ready?"
30516 H:700 M:446 &lt;-b dbt; 
30517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30518 H:669 M:684 -b db 
30519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30520 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
30521 H:700 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
30522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30523 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
30524 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30526 say yes
30527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30528 You say, "Yes."
30530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30531 Reyvenyr says, "Yes."
30533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30534 H:700 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
30535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30536 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30538 Mana Gain: 32
30540 H:700 M:479 &lt;eb dbt; 
30541 Mana Lost: 1
30543 H:700 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
30544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30545 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
30546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30547 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
30549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30550 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
30552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30553 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
30555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30556 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
30558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30559 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
30561 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30562 evoke wisp glowing me
30563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30564 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
30566 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30567 evoke toxicrain strychnine
30568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30569 Mana Lost: 12
30571 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
30572 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
30574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30575 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
30576 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
30578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30579 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
30581 Mana Lost: 12
30583 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
30584 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
30586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30587 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
30588  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
30590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30591 Balance Taken: 2.00s
30593 H:700 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
30594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30595 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30596 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30597 nod
30598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30599 Dwenthall nods her head.
30601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30602 You nod your head.
30604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30605 H:700 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
30606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30607 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30609 You have recovered balance.
30612 H:700 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
30613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30614 say ready
30615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30616 You say, "Ready."
30618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30619 Reyvenyr says, "Ready."
30621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30622 H:700 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
30623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30624 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30626 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
30628 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30629 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
30631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30632 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
30634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30635 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
30637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30638 The tornado swirls rapidly.
30640 H:700 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
30641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30642 H:669 M:684 eb b 
30643 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30644 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
30645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30646 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
30648 H:700 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
30649 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30650 order loyals kill dwenthall
30651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30652 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
30654 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
30656 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
30658 You order a mighty earth golem to attack Dwenthall.
30660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30661 Reyvenyr barks at a mighty earth golem, ordering it to attack you.
30663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30664 A mighty earth golem obeys your command.
30666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30667 evoke empower rockfall
30668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30669 Mana Lost: 6
30670 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
30671 wer of Earth infuses it.
30672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30673 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
30674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30675 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
30676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30677 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
30678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30679 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
30680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30681 evoke lightning dwenthall
30682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30683 Mana Lost: 12
30684 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
30685  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
30686 g her charred and drained.
30687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30688 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
30689 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
30690 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
30691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30692 Balance Taken: 3.80s
30693 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30694 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
30695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30696 You must regain balance first.
30697 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30698 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
30699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30700 An animated hawthorn root is already attempting to entrap Dwenthall.
30701 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30702 ta dwenthall
30703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30704 Dwenthall's condition stands at 642/669 health and 725/700 mana.
30705 Mana Lost: 12
30706 H:700 M:424 &lt;e- dbt; 
30707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30708 H:595 M:684 eb b 
30709 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30710 eat juniper
30711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30712 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1929.
30713 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
30714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30715 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
30716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30717 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
30718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30719 H:700 M:424 &lt;e- dbt; 
30720 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30721 H:595 M:684 eb db 
30722 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30723 sip health
30724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30725 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
30726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30727 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
30728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30729 The elixir heals your body.
30730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30731 H:700 M:424 &lt;e- dbt; 
30732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30733 H:669 M:684 eb db 
30734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30735 Mana Lost: 1
30736 H:700 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
30737 H:700 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
30738 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30739 cast erode at rey
30740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30741 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
30742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30743 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
30744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30745 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
30746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30747 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
30748 Your naturebinding regen defence is eroded away.
30749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30750 His naturebinding regen defence is eroded away.
30751 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
30752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30753 H:700 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
30754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30755 H:669 M:680 -b db 
30756 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30757 smoke pipe with linseed
30758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30759 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
30760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30761 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
30762 H:700 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
30763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30764 H:669 M:680 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
30765 H:669 M:680 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
30766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30767 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
30768 H:700 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
30769 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30770 H:657 M:680 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
30771 H:657 M:680 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
30772 H:657 M:680 eb db 
30773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30774 ac on
30775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30776 Autocuring activated.
30777 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30778 evoke empower rockfall
30779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30780 You must regain balance first.
30781 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30782 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
30783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30784 You must regain balance first.
30785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30786 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
30787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30788 You must regain balance first.
30789 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30790 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
30791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30792 You must regain balance first.
30793 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30794 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
30795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30796 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
30797  her skin mercilessly.
30798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30799 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
30800 your skin mercilessly.
30801 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
30802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30803 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
30804 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30805 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
30806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30807 You must regain your equilibrium first.
30808 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30809 ta dwenthall
30810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30811 Dwenthall's condition stands at 588/669 health and 680/700 mana.
30812 Mana Lost: 12
30813 H:700 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
30814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30815 H:612 M:680 eb b 
30816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30817 You have recovered balance.
30818 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30819 eat juniper
30820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30821 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1928.
30822 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
30823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30824 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
30825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30826 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
30827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30828 H:700 M:411 &lt;-b dbt; 
30829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30830 H:612 M:680 eb db 
30831 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30832 cast erode at rey
30833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30834 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
30835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30836 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
30837 Your venom defence is eroded away.
30838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30839 His venom defence is eroded away.
30840 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
30841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30842 H:700 M:411 &lt;-b dbt; 
30843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30844 H:612 M:676 -b db 
30845 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30846 sip venom
30847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30848 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
30849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30850 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
30851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30852 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
30853 H:700 M:411 &lt;-b dbt; 
30854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30855 H:612 M:676 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
30856 H:612 M:676 -b db 
30857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30858 Mana Lost: 1
30859 H:700 M:410 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Gain: 32
30860 H:700 M:443 &lt;-b dbt; 
30861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30862 You may eat another herb or plant.
30863 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
30864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30865 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
30866 H:700 M:443 &lt;eb dbt; 
30867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30868 H:669 M:700 eb db 
30869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30870 ac on
30871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30872 Autocuring activated.
30873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30874 evoke empower rockfall
30875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30876 Mana Lost: 6
30877 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
30878 wer of Earth infuses it.
30879 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30880 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
30881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30882 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
30883 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
30884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30885 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
30886  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
30887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30888 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
30889 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30890 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
30891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30892 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
30893 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30894 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
30895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30896 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
30897 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
30898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30899 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
30900 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
30901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30902 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
30903 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
30904 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
30905 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
30906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30907 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
30908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30909 Balance Taken: 3.01s
30910 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30911 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
30912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30913 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
30914  her skin mercilessly.
30915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30916 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
30917 your skin mercilessly.
30918 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
30919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30920 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
30921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30922 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
30923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30924 You must regain your equilibrium first.
30925 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30926 ta dwenthall
30927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30928 Dwenthall's condition stands at 458/669 health and 700/700 mana.
30929 Mana Lost: 12
30930 H:700 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
30931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30932 H:526 M:700 eb b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
30933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30934 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
30935 H:700 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
30936 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30937 H:511 M:700 eb b 
30938 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30939 eat maidenhair
30940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30941 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1992.
30942 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
30943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30944 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
30945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30946 The stinging feeling fades.
30947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30948 H:700 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
30949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30950 H:511 M:700 eb b 
30951 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30952 sip health
30953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30954 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
30955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30956 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
30957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30958 The elixir heals your body.
30959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30960 H:700 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
30961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30962 H:669 M:700 eb b 
30963 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30964 eat toadstool
30965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30966 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1949.
30967 You quickly eat a toadstool.
30968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30969 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
30970 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30971 You feel your health and mana replenished.
30972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30973 H:700 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
30974 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30975 H:669 M:700 eb b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
30976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30977 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
30978 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30979 ---------delayed wisp
30980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30981 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
30982 H:700 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
30983 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30984 H:669 M:700 eb b 
30985 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30986 cast erode at rey
30987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30988 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
30989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30990 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
30991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30992 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
30993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
30994 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
30995 Your quince defence is eroded away.
30996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
30997 His quince defence is eroded away.
30998 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
30999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31000 H:700 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
31001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31002 H:669 M:696 -b b 
31003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31004 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
31005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31006 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
31007 H:700 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
31008 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31009 smoke pipe with linseed
31010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31011 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
31012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31013 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
31014 H:700 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
31015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31016 H:669 M:696 -b b 
31017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31018 eat quince
31019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31020 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1996.
31021 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
31022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31023 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
31024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31025 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
31026 H:700 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
31027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31028 H:669 M:696 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
31029 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
31030 H:664 M:696 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
31031 H:664 M:696 -b b 
31032 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31033 eat juniper
31034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31035 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1927.
31036 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
31037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31038 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
31039 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31040 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
31041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31042 H:700 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
31043 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31044 H:664 M:696 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
31045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31046 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
31047 H:700 M:424 &lt;e- dbt; 
31048 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31049 H:664 M:696 eb db 
31050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31051 You have recovered balance.
31052 H:700 M:424 &lt;eb dbt; 
31053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31054 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
31055 H:664 M:696 eb db 
31056 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31057 cast erode at rey
31058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31059 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
31060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31061 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
31062 Your temperance defence is eroded away.
31063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31064 His temperance defence is eroded away.
31065 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
31066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31067 H:700 M:424 &lt;eb dbt; 
31068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31069 H:664 M:692 -b db 
31070 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31071 sip frost
31072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31073 You take a drink of an elixir of frost from an onyx vial.
31074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31075 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
31076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31077 A chill runs over your icy skin.
31078 H:700 M:424 &lt;eb dbt; 
31079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31080 H:664 M:692 -b db 
31081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31082 ac on
31083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31084 Autocuring activated.
31085 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31086 order golem kill dwenthall
31087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31088 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
31089 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31090 evoke empower rockfall
31091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31092 Mana Lost: 6
31093 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
31094 wer of Earth infuses it.
31095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31096 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
31097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31098 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
31099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31100 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
31101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31102 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
31103 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31104 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
31105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31106 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31107 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31109 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31110 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
31111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31112 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
31113 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
31114 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31115 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
31116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31117 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
31118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31119 Balance Taken: 3.01s
31120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31121 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
31122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31123 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
31124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31125 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
31126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31127 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
31128 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
31129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31130 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
31131 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
31132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31133 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
31134 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31135 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
31136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31137 You must regain your equilibrium first.
31138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31139 naturebind shred dwenthall
31140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31141 You must regain your equilibrium first.
31142 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31143 ta dwenthall
31144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31145 Dwenthall's condition stands at 585/669 health and 692/700 mana.
31146 Mana Lost: 12
31147 H:700 M:406 &lt;-- dbt; 
31148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31149 H:518 M:692 -b b 
31150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31151 Mana Lost: 1
31152 H:700 M:406 &lt;-- dbt; 
31153 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31154 writhe root
31155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31156 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
31157 H:518 M:676 -b b 
31158 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31159 eat toadstool
31160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31161 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1965.
31162 You quickly eat a toadstool.
31163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31164 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
31165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31166 Mana Gain: 51
31167 You feel your health and mana replenished.
31168 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
31169 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31170 H:518 M:676 -b b 
31171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31172 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
31173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31174 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
31175 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
31176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31177 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
31178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31179 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
31180 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
31181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31182 H:504 M:676 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
31183 H:504 M:676 -b b 
31184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31185 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
31186 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31187 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
31188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31189 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
31190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31191 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
31192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31193 The tornado swirls rapidly.
31194 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31195 eat maidenhair
31196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31197 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1991.
31198 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
31199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31200 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
31201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31202 The stinging feeling fades.
31203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31204 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
31205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31206 H:504 M:676 -b b 
31207 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31208 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
31209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31210 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
31211 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
31212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31213 You may drink another healing elixir.
31214 H:504 M:676 -b b 
31215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31216 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
31217 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31218 sip health
31219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31220 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
31221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31222 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
31223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31224 The elixir heals your body.
31225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31226 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
31227 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31228 H:669 M:700 -b b You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
31229 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
31230 H:669 M:700 eb b You may eat another mushroom.
31231 H:669 M:700 eb b 
31232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31233 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
31234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31235 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
31236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31237 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
31238 her.
31239 You have recovered balance.
31240 H:700 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
31241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31242 H:620 M:700 eb b 
31243 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31244 cast erode at rey
31245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31246 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
31247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31248 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
31249 Your mindseye defence is eroded away.
31250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31251 His mindseye defence is eroded away.
31252 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
31253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31254 H:700 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
31255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31256 H:620 M:696 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
31257 H:620 M:696 -b b 
31258 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31259 eat juniper
31260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31261 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1926.
31262 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
31263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31264 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
31265 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31266 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
31267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31268 H:700 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
31269 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31270 H:620 M:696 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
31271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31272 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
31273 H:700 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
31274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31275 H:620 M:696 -b db 
31276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31277 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
31278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31279 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
31280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31281 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
31282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31283 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
31284  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
31285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31286 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
31287 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
31288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31289 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
31290 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31291 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
31292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31293 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
31294 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31295 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
31296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31297 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
31298 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31299 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
31300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31301 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31303 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31305 Balance Taken: 2.00s
31306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31307 naturebinding shred dwenthall
31308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31309 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
31310 ing her skin mercilessly.
31311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31312 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
31313 ng your skin mercilessly.
31314 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
31315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31316 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
31317 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31318 ta dwenthall
31319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31320 Dwenthall's condition stands at 577/669 health and 696/700 mana.
31321 Mana Lost: 12
31322 H:700 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
31323 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31324 H:535 M:696 -b b 
31325 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31326 ac on
31327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31328 Autocuring activated.
31329 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31330 evoke imbue
31331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31332 You must regain balance first.
31333 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31334 evoke empower rockfall
31335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31336 You must regain balance first.
31337 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31338 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
31339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31340 You must regain balance first.
31341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31342 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
31343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31344 You must regain balance first.
31345 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31346 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
31347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31348 You must regain balance first.
31349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31350 naturebinding choke dwenthall
31351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31352 You must regain your equilibrium first.
31353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31354 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
31355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31356 You must regain your equilibrium first.
31357 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31358 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
31359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31360 You must regain your equilibrium first.
31361 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31362 ta dwenthall
31363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31364 Dwenthall's condition stands at 455/669 health and 772/700 mana.
31365 Mana Lost: 12
31366 H:700 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
31367 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31368 smoke pipe with linseed
31369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31370 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
31371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31372 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
31373 H:700 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
31374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31375 H:535 M:696 -b b 
31376 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31377 eat toadstool
31378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31379 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1948.
31380 You quickly eat a toadstool.
31381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31382 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
31383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31384 You feel your health and mana replenished.
31385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31386 H:700 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
31387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31388 H:602 M:700 -b b 
31389 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31390 ---------delayed wisp
31391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31392 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
31393 H:700 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
31394 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31395 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
31396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31397 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
31398 mmand.
31399 H:700 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
31400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31401 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
31402 H:602 M:700 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
31403 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
31404 H:598 M:700 -b b You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
31405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31406 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
31407 H:700 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
31408 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31409 H:598 M:700 -b b 
31410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31411 Mana Lost: 1
31412 H:700 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
31413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31414 You may eat another herb or plant.
31415 H:598 M:684 -b b A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
31416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31417 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
31418 H:700 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
31419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31420 H:588 M:684 -b b 
31421 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31422 eat juniper
31423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31424 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1925.
31425 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
31426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31427 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
31428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31429 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
31430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31431 H:700 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
31432 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31433 H:588 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
31434 H:588 M:684 eb db 
31435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31436 Mana Gain: 32
31437 You have recovered balance.
31438 H:700 M:464 &lt;-b dbt; 
31439 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31440 cast erode at rey
31441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31442 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
31443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31444 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
31445 Your insomnia defence is eroded away.
31446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31447 His insomnia defence is eroded away.
31448 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
31449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31450 H:700 M:464 &lt;-b dbt; 
31451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31452 H:655 M:696 -b db 
31453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31454 insomnia
31455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31456 Mana Lost: 6
31457 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
31458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31459 Reyvenyr clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
31460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31461 H:700 M:458 &lt;-b dbt; 
31462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31463 H:655 M:696 -b db 
31464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31465 You may eat another mushroom.
31466 H:700 M:458 &lt;-b dbt; 
31467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31468 You may drink another healing elixir.
31469 H:655 M:696 -b db 
31470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31471 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
31472 H:700 M:458 &lt;eb dbt; 
31473 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31474 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
31475 H:655 M:696 -b db 
31476 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31477 ac on
31478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31479 Autocuring activated.
31480 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31481 order golem kill dwenthall
31482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31483 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
31484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31485 evoke empower rockfall
31486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31487 Mana Lost: 6
31488 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
31489 wer of Earth infuses it.
31490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31491 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
31492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31493 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
31494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31495 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
31496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31497 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
31498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31499 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
31500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31501 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31502 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31504 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31506 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
31507 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
31508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31509 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
31510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31511 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
31512 Balance Taken: 3.01s
31513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31514 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
31515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31516 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
31517 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31518 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
31519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31520 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
31521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31522 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
31523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31524 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated beech root leaps at her throat and squeezes
31525  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
31526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31527 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated beech root leaps at your throat and squeezes
31528  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
31529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31530 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
31531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31532 naturebind shred dwenthall
31533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31534 You must regain your equilibrium first.
31535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31536 ta dwenthall
31537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31538 Dwenthall's condition stands at 582/669 health and 641/700 mana.
31539 Mana Lost: 12
31540 H:700 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
31541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31542 H:534 M:696 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
31543 H:534 M:696 -b b 
31544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31545 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
31546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31547 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
31548 H:700 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
31549 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31550 writhe root
31551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31552 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
31553 H:534 M:696 -b b 
31554 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31555 sip health
31556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31557 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
31559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31560 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
31562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31563 The elixir heals your body.
31565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31566 H:700 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
31567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31568 H:655 M:696 -b b 
31569 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31570 eat juniper
31571 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31572 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1924.
31574 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
31576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31577 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
31579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31580 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
31582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31583 H:700 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
31584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31585 H:655 M:696 -b db 
31586 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
31589 H:655 M:696 eb db 
31590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31591 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
31593 H:700 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
31594 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31595 cast erode at rey
31596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31597 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
31599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31600 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
31602 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
31604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31605 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
31607 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
31609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31610 H:700 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
31611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31612 H:655 M:692 -b db 
31613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31614 apply caloric
31615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31616 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
31618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31619 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
31621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31622 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
31624 H:700 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
31625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31626 H:655 M:692 -b db 
31627 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
31629 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
31631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31632 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
31634 H:700 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
31635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31636 H:643 M:692 -b db 
31637 You may eat another herb or plant.
31638 H:643 M:692 -b db 
31639 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
31641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31642 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
31644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31645 You may eat another mushroom.
31647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31648 H:700 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
31649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31650 H:643 M:692 -b db 
31651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31652 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
31655 Mana Lost: 1
31657 H:700 M:439 &lt;e- dbt; 
31658 You may apply another salve.
31659 H:700 M:439 &lt;e- dbt; 
31660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31661 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
31663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31664 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of her.
31666 You have recovered balance.
31669 H:700 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
31670 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31671 H:595 M:676 -b db 
31672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31673 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
31674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31675 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
31677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31678 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
31679 ods your veins.
31681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31682 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
31683  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
31685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31686 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
31687 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
31689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31690 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
31692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31693 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
31694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31695 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
31696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31697 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
31698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31699 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
31700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31701 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
31702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31703 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31705 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31707 Balance Taken: 2.00s
31708 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31709 naturebinding shred dwenthall
31710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31711 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
31712 ing her skin mercilessly.
31713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31714 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
31715 ng your skin mercilessly.
31716 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
31717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31718 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
31719 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31720 ta dwenthall
31721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31722 Dwenthall's condition stands at 550/669 health and 716/700 mana.
31723 Mana Lost: 12
31724 H:700 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
31725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31726 H:550 M:676 -b b 
31727 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31728 ac on
31729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31730 Autocuring activated.
31731 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31732 evoke imbue
31733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31734 You must regain balance first.
31735 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31736 TEAR MAP
31737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31738 Syntax: TEAR MAP
31739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31740 evoke empower jolt
31741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31742 You must regain balance first.
31743 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31744 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
31745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31746 You must regain balance first.
31747 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31748 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
31749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31750 You must regain balance first.
31751 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31752 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
31753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31754 You must regain balance first.
31755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31756 naturebind choke dwenthall
31757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31758 You must regain your equilibrium first.
31759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31760 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
31761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31762 You must regain your equilibrium first.
31763 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31764 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
31765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31766 You must regain your equilibrium first.
31767 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31768 ta dwenthall
31769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31770 Dwenthall's condition stands at 588/669 health and 609/700 mana.
31771 Mana Lost: 12
31772 H:700 M:415 &lt;-- dbt; 
31773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31774 trueassess dwenthall
31775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31776 Dwenthall's condition stands at 550/669 health and 696/700 mana.
31777 Mana Lost: 12
31778 H:700 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; 
31779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31780 ---------delayed wisp
31781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31782 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
31783 H:700 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; 
31784 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31785 smoke pipe with linseed
31786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31787 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
31788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31789 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
31790 H:700 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; 
31791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31792 H:550 M:676 -b b 
31793 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31794 eat toadstool
31795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31796 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1964.
31797 You quickly eat a toadstool.
31798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31799 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
31800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31801 Mana Gain: 51
31802 You feel your health and mana replenished.
31803 H:700 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
31804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31805 H:550 M:676 -b b 
31806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31807 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
31808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31809 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
31810 mmand.
31811 H:700 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
31812 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31813 eat juniper
31814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31815 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1923.
31816 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
31817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31818 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
31819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31820 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
31821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31822 H:700 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
31823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31824 H:550 M:676 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
31825 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
31826 H:546 M:676 -b db 
31827 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31828 eat toadstool
31829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31830 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1947.
31831 You quickly eat a toadstool.
31832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31833 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
31834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31835 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
31836 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
31837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31838 H:700 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
31839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31840 H:546 M:676 -b db 
31841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31842 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
31843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31844 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
31845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31846 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
31847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31848 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
31849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31850 The tornado swirls rapidly.
31851 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31852 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
31853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31854 H:700 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
31855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31856 H:546 M:676 eb b You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
31857 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
31858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31859 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
31860 H:700 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
31861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31862 H:546 M:676 eb b 
31863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31864 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
31865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31866 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
31867 H:700 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
31868 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31869 cast erode at rey
31870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31871 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
31872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31873 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
31874 Your quince defence is eroded away.
31875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31876 His quince defence is eroded away.
31877 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
31878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31879 H:700 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
31880 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31881 H:572 M:696 -b b 
31882 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31883 eat quince
31884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31885 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1995.
31886 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
31887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31888 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
31889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31890 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
31891 H:700 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
31892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31893 H:572 M:696 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
31894 H:572 M:696 -b b 
31895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31896 You have recovered balance.
31897 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31898 sip health
31899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31900 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
31901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31902 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
31903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31904 The elixir heals your body.
31905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31906 H:700 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
31907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31908 H:669 M:696 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
31909 H:669 M:696 -b b 
31910 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31911 eat juniper
31912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31913 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1922.
31914 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
31915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31916 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
31917 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31918 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
31919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31920 H:700 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
31921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31922 H:669 M:696 -b db 
31923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31924 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
31925 H:700 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
31926 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31927 ac on
31928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31929 Autocuring activated.
31930 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31931 evoke imbue
31932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31933 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
31934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31935 TEAR MAP
31936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31937 Syntax: TEAR MAP
31938 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31939 evoke empower jolt
31940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31941 Mana Lost: 6
31942 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
31943 wer of Earth infuses it.
31944 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31945 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
31946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31947 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
31948 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31949 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
31950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31951 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
31952 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31953 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
31954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31955 I do not recognize that toxin.
31956 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31958 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31959 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
31960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31961 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
31962 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
31963 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
31964 Balance Taken: 3.01s
31965 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31966 naturebind choke dwenthall
31967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31968 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
31969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31970 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
31971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31972 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
31973  her skin mercilessly.
31974 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31975 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
31976 your skin mercilessly.
31977 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
31978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31979 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
31980 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31981 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
31982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31983 You must regain your equilibrium first.
31984 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31985 ta dwenthall
31986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31987 Dwenthall's condition stands at 496/669 health and 793/700 mana.
31988 Mana Lost: 12
31989 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
31990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31991 H:522 M:696 -b b 
31992 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31993 clot
31994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
31995 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
31996 H:522 M:682 -b b A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
31997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
31998 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
31999 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
32000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32001 H:512 M:682 -b b You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
32002 H:512 M:682 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
32003 H:512 M:682 eb b Bluish rays peak across the horizon, filling the early morning sky with their peace
32004 ful light. 
32005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32006 Bluish rays peak across the horizon, filling the early morning sky with their peaceful light. 
32007 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
32008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32009 H:512 M:682 eb b 
32010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32011 Mana Lost: 1
32012 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
32013 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32014 cast erode at rey
32015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32016 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
32017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32018 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
32019 Your density defence is eroded away.
32020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32021 His density defence is eroded away.
32022 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
32023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32024 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
32025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32026 H:512 M:662 -b b 
32027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32028 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
32029 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32030 You may eat another herb or plant.
32032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32033 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
32034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32035 H:512 M:662 -b b 
32036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32037 apply mass
32038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32039 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
32040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32041 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
32042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32043 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
32044 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
32045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32046 H:512 M:662 -b b 
32047 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32048 eat juniper
32049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32050 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1921.
32051 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
32052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32053 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
32054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32055 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
32056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32057 H:700 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
32058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32059 H:512 M:662 -b db 
32060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32061 Mana Gain: 32
32062 H:700 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
32063 H:700 M:468 &lt;e- dbt; 
32064 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32065 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
32066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32067 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
32068 You may eat another mushroom.
32069 You have recovered balance.
32070 H:700 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
32071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32072 H:579 M:700 -b db 
32073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32074 You may apply another salve.
32075 H:700 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
32076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32077 You may eat another mushroom.
32078 You may drink another healing elixir.
32079 H:579 M:700 -b db 
32080 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32081 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
32082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32083 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
32084 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32085 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
32086 ods your veins.
32087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32088 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
32089  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
32090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32091 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
32092 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
32093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32094 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
32095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32096 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
32097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32098 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
32099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32100 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
32101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32102 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
32103 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32104 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
32105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32106 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
32107 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32108 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
32109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32110 Balance Taken: 2.00s
32111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32112 naturebinding shred dwenthall
32113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32114 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
32115 ing her skin mercilessly.
32116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32117 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
32118 ng your skin mercilessly.
32119 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
32120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32121 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
32122 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32123 ta dwenthall
32124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32125 Dwenthall's condition stands at 534/669 health and 651/700 mana.
32126 Mana Lost: 12
32127 H:700 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
32128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32129 H:534 M:700 -b b 
32130 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32131 smoke pipe with linseed
32132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32133 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
32134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32135 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
32136 H:700 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
32137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32138 H:534 M:700 -b b 
32139 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32140 sip health
32141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32142 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
32143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32144 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
32145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32146 The elixir heals your body.
32147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32148 H:700 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
32149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32150 H:652 M:700 -b b 
32151 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32152 eat toadstool
32153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32154 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1946.
32155 You quickly eat a toadstool.
32156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32157 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
32158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32159 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
32160 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
32161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32162 H:700 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
32163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32164 H:652 M:700 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
32165 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
32166 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32167 ac on
32168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32169 Autocuring activated.
32170 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32171 evoke imbue
32172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32173 You must regain balance first.
32174 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32175 evoke empower shock
32176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32177 You must regain balance first.
32178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32179 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
32180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32181 You must regain balance first.
32182 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32183 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
32184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32185 You must regain balance first.
32186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32187 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
32188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32189 You must regain balance first.
32190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32191 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
32192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32193 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32195 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32196 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
32197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32198 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32200 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32201 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
32202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32203 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32205 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32206 ta dwenthall
32207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32208 Dwenthall's condition stands at 622/669 health and 777/700 mana.
32210 Mana Lost: 12
32212 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
32213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32214 H:647 M:700 -b b 
32215 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32216 ---------delayed wisp
32217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32218 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
32220 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
32221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32222 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
32223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32224 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
32225 mmand.
32227 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
32228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32229 You may eat another herb or plant.
32230 H:647 M:700 -b b 
32231 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32232 eat juniper
32233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32234 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1920.
32236 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
32238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32239 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
32241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32242 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
32244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32245 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
32246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32247 H:647 M:700 -b db 
32248 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
32251 H:647 M:700 eb db 
32252 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
32254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32255 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
32257 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
32258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32259 H:635 M:700 eb db 
32260 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32261 cast erode at rey
32262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32263 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
32265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32266 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
32268 Your density defence is eroded away.
32270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32271 His density defence is eroded away.
32273 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
32275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32276 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
32277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32278 H:635 M:696 -b db 
32279 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32280 apply mass
32281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32282 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
32284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32285 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
32287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32288 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
32290 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
32291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32292 H:635 M:696 -b db 
32293 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
32295 H:635 M:696 -b db 
32296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32297 You have recovered balance.
32300 H:700 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
32301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32302 You may eat another herb or plant.
32303 H:635 M:696 -b db 
32304 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
32305 H:635 M:696 -b db 
32306 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32307 cast erode at rey
32308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32309 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32311 H:635 M:696 -b db 
32312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32313 You may apply another salve.
32314 H:700 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
32315 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
32318 H:700 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
32319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32320 ac on
32321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32322 Autocuring activated.
32324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32325 evoke imbue
32326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32327 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
32329 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32330 evoke empower shock
32331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32332 Mana Lost: 6
32334 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
32335 wer of Earth infuses it.
32337 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32338 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
32339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32340 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
32342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32343 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
32344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32345 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
32347 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32348 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
32349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32350 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
32352 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
32354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32355 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
32357 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
32359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32360 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
32362 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
32364 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
32366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32367 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
32369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32370 Balance Taken: 3.01s
32372 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32373 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
32374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32375 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
32377 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32378 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
32379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32380 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
32381  her skin mercilessly.
32383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32384 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
32385 your skin mercilessly.
32387 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
32389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32390 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
32392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32393 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
32394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32395 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32397 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32398 ta dwenthall
32399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32400 Dwenthall's condition stands at 590/669 health and 793/700 mana.
32402 Mana Lost: 12
32404 H:700 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
32405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32406 H:518 M:696 -b b 
32407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32408 Mana Lost: 1
32410 H:700 M:425 &lt;-- dbt; 
32411 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32412 eat maidenhair
32413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32414 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1990.
32416 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
32418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32419 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
32421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32422 The stinging feeling fades.
32424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32425 H:700 M:425 &lt;-- dbt; 
32426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32427 H:518 M:680 -b b 
32428 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32429 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
32430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32431 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
32433 H:700 M:425 &lt;-- dbt; 
32434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32435 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
32438 H:518 M:680 eb b 
32439 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32440 cast erode at rey
32441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32442 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
32444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32445 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
32447 Your deaf defence is eroded away.
32449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32450 His deaf defence is eroded away.
32452 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
32454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32455 H:700 M:425 &lt;-- bt; 
32456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32457 H:518 M:676 -b b 
32458 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32459 eat juniper
32460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32461 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1990.
32462 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
32463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32464 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
32465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32466 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
32467 H:700 M:425 &lt;-- dbt; 
32468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32469 H:518 M:676 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
32470 H:518 M:676 -b b 
32471 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32472 sip health
32473 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32474 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
32475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32476 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
32477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32478 The elixir heals your body.
32479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32480 H:700 M:425 &lt;-- dbt; 
32481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32482 H:652 M:676 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
32483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32484 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
32485 H:700 M:425 &lt;-- dbt; 
32486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32487 H:641 M:676 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
32488 H:641 M:676 -b b 
32489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32490 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
32491 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32492 eat juniper
32493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32494 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1919.
32495 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
32496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32497 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
32498 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32499 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
32500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32501 H:700 M:425 &lt;-- dbt; 
32502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32503 H:641 M:676 -b db 
32504 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32505 ac on
32506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32507 Autocuring activated.
32508 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32509 order loyals kill dwenthall
32510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32511 You must regain balance first.
32512 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32513 TEAR MAP
32514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32515 Syntax: TEAR MAP
32516 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32517 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
32518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32519 You must regain balance first.
32520 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32521 evoke empower rockfall
32522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32523 You must regain balance first.
32524 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32525 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
32526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32527 You must regain balance first.
32528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32529 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
32530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32531 You must regain balance first.
32532 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32533 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
32534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32535 You must regain balance first.
32536 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32537 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
32538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32539 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32541 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
32542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32543 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32545 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
32546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32547 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32548 H:700 M:425 &lt;-- dbt; 
32549 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32550 clot
32551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32552 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
32553 H:641 M:662 -b db 
32554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32555 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
32556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32557 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
32558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32559 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
32560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32561 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
32562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32563 The tornado swirls rapidly.
32564 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
32565 H:700 M:425 &lt;e- dbt; 
32566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32567 H:641 M:662 -b b 
32568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32569 You have recovered balance.
32570 H:700 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
32571 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32572 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
32573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32574 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
32575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32576 You may eat another mushroom.
32577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32578 H:700 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
32579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32580 H:641 M:662 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
32581 H:640 M:662 -b b 
32582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32583 You may eat another herb or plant.
32584 H:700 M:425 &lt;eb dbt; 
32585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32586 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
32587 H:640 M:662 eb b 
32588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32589 ac on
32590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32591 Autocuring activated.
32592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32593 order loyals kill dwenthall
32594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32595 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
32596 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
32597 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
32598 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
32599 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32600 TEAR MAP
32601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32602 Syntax: TEAR MAP
32603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32604 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
32605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32606 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
32607 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32608 evoke empower rockfall
32609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32610 Mana Lost: 6
32611 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
32612 wer of Earth infuses it.
32613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32614 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
32615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32616 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
32617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32618 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
32619 ods your veins.
32620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32621 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
32622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32623 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
32624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32625 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
32626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32627 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
32628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32629 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
32630 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32631 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
32632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32633 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
32634 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32635 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
32636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32637 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
32638 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
32639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32640 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
32641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32642 The attack rebounds back onto you!
32643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32644 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
32645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32646 Damage Taken: 67 cutting, physical (raw damage: 153)
32647 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
32648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32649 Several tiny rocks materialise above Reyvenyr and fall down, battering his body.
32650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32651 Damage Taken: 25 blunt, mental (raw damage: 52)
32652 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
32653 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
32654 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
32656 Balance Taken: 3.01s
32658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32659 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
32660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32661 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
32662 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
32664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32665 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
32666 you.
32668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32669 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
32671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32672 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
32673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32674 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32677 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
32678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32679 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32681 H:608 M:419 &lt;-- bt; 
32682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32683 H:558 M:662 eb b 
32684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32685 ac on
32686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32687 Autocuring activated.
32689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32690 order loyals kill dwenthall
32691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32692 You must regain balance first.
32694 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32695 TEAR MAP
32696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32697 Syntax: TEAR MAP
32699 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32700 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
32701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32702 You must regain balance first.
32704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32705 evoke empower rockfall
32706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32707 You must regain balance first.
32709 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32710 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
32711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32712 You must regain balance first.
32714 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32715 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
32716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32717 You must regain balance first.
32719 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32720 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
32721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32722 You must regain balance first.
32724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32725 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
32726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32727 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32729 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32730 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
32731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32732 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32734 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32735 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
32736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32737 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32739 H:608 M:419 &lt;-- bt; 
32740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32741 eat juniper
32742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32743 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1989.
32745 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
32747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32748 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
32750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32751 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
32753 H:608 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
32754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32755 H:585 M:690 eb b 
32756 You may eat another herb or plant.
32757 H:585 M:690 eb b 
32758 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32759 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
32760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32761 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
32763 H:608 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
32764 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32765 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
32766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32767 You must regain balance first.
32769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32770 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
32771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32772 You must regain balance first.
32774 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32775 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
32776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32777 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32780 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
32781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32782 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32785 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
32786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32787 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32789 H:608 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
32790 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32791 ac on
32792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32793 Autocuring activated.
32795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32796 order loyals kill dwenthall
32797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32798 You must regain balance first.
32800 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32801 TEAR MAP
32802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32803 Syntax: TEAR MAP
32805 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32806 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
32807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32808 You must regain balance first.
32810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32811 evoke empower rockfall
32812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32813 You must regain balance first.
32815 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32816 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
32817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32818 You must regain balance first.
32820 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32821 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
32822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32823 You must regain balance first.
32825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32826 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
32827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32828 You must regain balance first.
32830 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32831 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
32832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32833 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32836 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
32837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32838 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32841 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
32842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32843 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32845 H:608 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
32846 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32847 eat juniper
32848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32849 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1918.
32851 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
32853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32854 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
32856 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32857 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
32859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32860 H:608 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
32861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32862 H:585 M:690 eb db 
32863 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32864 cast erode at rey
32865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32866 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
32868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32869 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
32871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32872 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
32874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32875 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
32877 Your vitality defence is eroded away.
32879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32880 His vitality defence is eroded away.
32882 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
32884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32885 H:608 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
32886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32887 H:585 M:686 -b db 
32888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32889 Mana Lost: 1
32891 H:608 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
32892 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32893 smoke pipe with linseed
32894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32895 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
32897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32898 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
32900 H:608 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
32901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32902 H:585 M:670 -b db 
32903 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32904 ac on
32905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32906 Autocuring activated.
32908 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32909 order loyals kill dwenthall
32910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32911 You must regain balance first.
32913 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32914 TEAR MAP
32915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32916 Syntax: TEAR MAP
32917 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32918 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
32919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32920 You must regain balance first.
32921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32922 evoke empower rockfall
32923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32924 You must regain balance first.
32925 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32926 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
32927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32928 You must regain balance first.
32929 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32930 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
32931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32932 You must regain balance first.
32933 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32934 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
32935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32936 You must regain balance first.
32937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32938 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
32939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32940 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32942 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
32943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32944 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32946 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
32947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32948 You must regain your equilibrium first.
32949 H:608 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; Health Gain: 70
32950 Mana Gain: 32
32951 H:678 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
32952 H:678 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
32953 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32954 dg
32955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32956 You must regain balance first.
32957 H:678 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
32958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32959 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
32960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32961 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
32962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32963 You may drink another healing elixir.
32965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32966 H:678 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
32967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32968 H:638 M:700 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
32969 H:638 M:700 -b db 
32970 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32971 dg
32972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32973 You must regain balance first.
32974 H:678 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
32975 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32976 dg
32977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32978 You must regain balance first.
32979 H:678 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
32980 H:678 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
32981 H:678 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
32982 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32983 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
32984 H:638 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
32985 H:638 M:700 eb db 
32986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32987 dg
32988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
32989 You are:
32990 blind.
32991 deaf.
32992 an insomniac.
32993 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
32994 H:678 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
32995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32996 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
32997 H:638 M:700 eb db 
32998 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
32999 cast erode at rey
33000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33001 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
33002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33003 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
33004 Your insomnia defence is eroded away.
33005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33006 His insomnia defence is eroded away.
33008 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
33010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33011 H:678 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
33012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33013 H:638 M:696 -b db 
33014 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33015 insomnia
33016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33017 Mana Lost: 6
33019 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
33021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33022 Reyvenyr clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
33024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33025 H:678 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
33026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33027 H:638 M:696 -b db 
33028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33029 l
33030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33031 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
33033 H:678 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
33034 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
33037 H:678 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
33038 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
33040 H:678 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
33041 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33042 l
33043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33044 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
33046 H:678 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
33047 Mana Lost: 1
33049 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33051 l
33052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33053 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
33055 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33057 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
33060 H:638 M:680 eb db 
33061 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
33063 H:638 M:680 eb db 
33064 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33065 cast erode at rey
33066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33067 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
33069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33070 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
33072 Your alertness defence is eroded away.
33074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33075 His alertness defence is eroded away.
33077 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
33079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33080 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33082 H:638 M:676 -b db 
33083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33084 touch mindseye
33085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33086 Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
33088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33089 Reyvenyr touches a mindseye tattoo.
33091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33092 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
33094 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
33095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33096 H:638 M:676 -b db 
33097 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33098 touch mindseye
33099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33100 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33102 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
33103 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33104 touch mindseye
33105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33106 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33108 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
33109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33110 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
33112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33113 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
33115 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
33116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33117 H:638 M:676 -b db 
33118 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33119 touch mindseye
33120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33121 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33123 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
33124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33125 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
33127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33128 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
33130 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
33131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33132 H:627 M:676 -b db 
33133 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33134 bs
33135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33136 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33137 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
33138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33139 bs
33140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33141 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33142 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
33143 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33144 bs
33145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33146 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33147 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
33148 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33149 bs
33150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33151 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33152 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
33153 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33154 bs
33155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33156 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33157 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
33158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33159 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
33160 H:627 M:676 eb db 
33161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33162 bs
33163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33164 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33165 H:678 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
33166 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33168 bs
33169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33170 Your skin is already tough as bark.
33171 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33172 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33173 cast erode at rey
33174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33175 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
33176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33177 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
33178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33179 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
33180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33181 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
33182 Your venom defence is eroded away.
33183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33184 His venom defence is eroded away.
33185 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
33186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33187 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33189 H:627 M:672 -b db 
33190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33191 bs
33192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33193 Your skin is already tough as bark.
33194 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33195 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33196 bs
33197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33198 Your skin is already tough as bark.
33199 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33200 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33201 smoke pipe with linseed
33202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33203 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
33204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33205 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
33206 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33208 H:627 M:672 -b db 
33209 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33210 sip venom
33211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33212 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
33213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33214 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
33215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33216 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
33217 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33219 H:627 M:672 -b db The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
33220 H:627 M:672 -b db 
33221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33222 bs
33223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33224 Your skin is already tough as bark.
33225 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33227 bs
33228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33229 Your skin is already tough as bark.
33230 H:678 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
33231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33232 ac on
33233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33234 Autocuring activated.
33236 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33237 order loyals kill dwenthall
33238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33239 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
33241 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
33243 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
33245 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
33247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33248 TEAR MAP
33249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33250 Syntax: TEAR MAP
33252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33253 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
33254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33255 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
33257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33258 evoke empower rockfall
33259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33260 Mana Lost: 6
33262 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
33263 wer of Earth infuses it.
33265 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33266 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
33267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33268 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
33270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33271 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
33273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33274 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
33276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33277 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
33279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33280 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
33282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33283 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
33284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33285 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
33287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33288 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
33289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33290 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
33292 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
33294 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33295 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
33297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33298 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
33300 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
33302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33303 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
33305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33306 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
33308 Balance Taken: 3.01s
33310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33311 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
33312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33313 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
33315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33316 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
33317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33318 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
33319 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
33321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33322 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
33323 d you.
33325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33326 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
33328 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33329 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
33330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33331 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33333 H:678 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
33334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33335 H:473 M:656 -b b 
33336 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33337 eat juniper
33338 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33339 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1917.
33341 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
33343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33344 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
33346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33347 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
33349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33350 H:678 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
33351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33352 H:473 M:656 -b db 
33353 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33354 sip health
33355 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33356 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
33358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33359 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
33361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33362 The elixir heals your body.
33364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33365 H:678 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
33366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33367 H:590 M:656 -b db 
33368 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33369 eat toadstool
33370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33371 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1945.
33372 You quickly eat a toadstool.
33373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33374 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
33375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33376 You feel your health and mana replenished.
33377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33378 H:678 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
33379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33380 H:657 M:700 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
33381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33382 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
33383 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33384 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
33385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33386 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
33387 H:678 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
33388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33389 H:646 M:700 -b db 
33390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33391 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
33392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33393 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
33394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33395 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
33396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33397 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
33398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33399 The tornado swirls rapidly.
33400 H:678 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
33401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33402 H:646 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
33403 H:646 M:700 eb b 
33404 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33405 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
33406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33407 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
33408 H:678 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; Health Gain: 22
33409 Mana Gain: 32
33410 H:700 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
33411 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33412 cast erode at rey
33413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33414 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
33415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33416 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
33417 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
33418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33419 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
33420 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
33421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33422 H:700 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
33423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33424 H:669 M:696 -b b You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
33425 H:669 M:696 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
33426 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
33427 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33428 sip speed
33429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33430 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
33431 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33432 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
33433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33434 H:700 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
33435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33436 H:667 M:696 -b b 
33437 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33438 bs
33439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33440 You must regain balance first.
33441 H:700 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
33442 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33443 bs
33444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33445 You must regain balance first.
33446 H:700 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
33447 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33448 bs
33449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33450 You must regain balance first.
33451 H:700 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
33452 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33453 bs
33454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33455 You must regain balance first.
33456 H:700 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
33457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33458 You may eat another herb or plant.
33459 H:667 M:696 -b b 
33460 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33461 eat juniper
33462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33463 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1916.
33464 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
33465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33466 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
33467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33468 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
33469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33470 H:700 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
33471 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33472 H:667 M:696 -b db 
33473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33474 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
33475 H:700 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
33476 H:700 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
33477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33478 bs
33479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33480 Your skin is already tough as bark.
33481 H:700 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
33482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33483 bs
33484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33485 Your skin is already tough as bark.
33486 H:700 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
33487 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33488 bs
33489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33490 Your skin is already tough as bark.
33491 H:700 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
33492 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33493 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
33494 H:667 M:696 eb db 
33495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33496 bs
33497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33498 Your skin is already tough as bark.
33499 H:700 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
33500 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33501 cast erode at rey
33502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33503 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
33504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33505 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
33506 Your quince defence is eroded away.
33507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33508 His quince defence is eroded away.
33509 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
33510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33511 H:700 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
33512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33513 H:667 M:692 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
33514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33515 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
33516 H:700 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
33517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33518 H:656 M:692 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
33519 H:656 M:692 -b db 
33520 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33521 eat quince
33522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33523 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1994.
33524 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
33525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33526 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
33527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33528 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
33529 H:700 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
33530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33531 H:656 M:692 -b db 
33532 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33533 ac on
33534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33535 Autocuring activated.
33536 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33537 evoke imbue
33538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33539 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
33540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33541 evoke empower rockfall
33542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33543 Mana Lost: 6
33544 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
33545 wer of Earth infuses it.
33546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33547 lp
33548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33549 You quickly light your pipes, surrounding yourself with a cloud of smoke.
33550 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33551 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
33552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33553 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
33554 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33555 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
33556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33557 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
33558 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
33559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33560 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
33561 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
33562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33563 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
33564 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
33565 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
33566 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
33567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33568 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
33569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33570 Balance Taken: 3.01s
33571 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33572 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
33573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33574 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
33575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33576 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
33577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33578 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
33579 ing her skin mercilessly.
33580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33581 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
33582 ng your skin mercilessly.
33583 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
33584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33585 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
33586 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33587 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
33588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33589 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33590 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33591 ta dwenthall
33592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33593 Dwenthall's condition stands at 549/669 health and 663/700 mana.
33594 Mana Lost: 12
33595 H:700 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
33596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33597 H:514 M:676 -b b 
33598 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33599 eat maidenhair
33600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33601 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1989.
33602 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
33603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33604 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
33605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33606 The stinging feeling fades.
33607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33608 H:700 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
33609 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33610 H:514 M:676 -b b 
33611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33612 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
33613 H:700 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
33614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33615 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
33616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33617 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
33618 H:700 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
33619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33620 H:514 M:676 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
33621 H:514 M:676 -b b 
33622 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33623 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
33624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33625 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
33626 H:700 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
33627 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33628 sip health
33629 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33630 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
33631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33632 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
33633 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33634 The elixir heals your body.
33635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33636 H:700 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
33637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33638 H:629 M:676 -b b You may eat another mushroom.
33639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33640 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
33641 H:700 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
33642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33643 H:629 M:676 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
33644 H:629 M:676 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
33645 H:629 M:676 eb b 
33646 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33647 eat juniper
33648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33649 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1915.
33650 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
33651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33652 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
33653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33654 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
33655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33656 H:700 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
33657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33658 H:629 M:676 eb db 
33659 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33660 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
33661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33662 You must regain balance first.
33664 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33665 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
33666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33667 You must regain balance first.
33669 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33670 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
33671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33672 You must regain balance first.
33674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33675 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
33676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33677 You must regain balance first.
33679 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33680 naturebinding shred dwenthall
33681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33682 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33685 ta dwenthall
33686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33687 Dwenthall's condition stands at 541/669 health and 696/700 mana.
33689 Mana Lost: 12
33691 H:700 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
33692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33693 ac on
33694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33695 Autocuring activated.
33697 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33698 evoke imbue
33699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33700 You must regain balance first.
33702 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33703 evoke empower rockfall
33704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33705 You must regain balance first.
33707 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33708 lp
33709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33710 You must regain balance first.
33712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33713 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
33714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33715 You must regain balance first.
33717 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33718 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
33719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33720 You must regain balance first.
33722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33723 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
33724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33725 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33727 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33728 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
33729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33730 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33732 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33733 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
33734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33735 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33737 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33738 ta dwenthall
33739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33740 Dwenthall's condition stands at 629/669 health and 676/700 mana.
33742 Mana Lost: 12
33744 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
33745 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33746 cast erode at rey
33747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33748 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
33750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33751 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
33753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33754 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
33756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33757 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
33759 Your fenugreek defence is eroded away.
33761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33762 His fenugreek defence is eroded away.
33764 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
33766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33767 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
33768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33769 H:629 M:672 -b db 
33770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33771 apply fenugreek
33772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33773 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1998.
33775 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
33777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33778 Reyvenyr applies a fenugreek berry to himself.
33780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33781 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
33782 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33783 H:629 M:672 -b db 
33784 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33785 smoke pipe with linseed
33786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33787 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
33788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33789 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
33790 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
33791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33792 H:629 M:672 -b db 
33793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33794 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
33795 H:700 M:428 &lt;e- dbt; 
33796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33797 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
33798 H:628 M:672 -b db 
33799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33800 You have recovered balance.
33801 H:700 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
33802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33803 ac on
33804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33805 Autocuring activated.
33806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33807 evoke imbue
33808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33809 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
33810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33811 evoke empower rockfall
33812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33813 Mana Lost: 6
33814 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
33815 wer of Earth infuses it.
33816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33817 lp
33818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33819 You quickly light your pipes, surrounding yourself with a cloud of smoke.
33820 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33821 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
33822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33823 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
33824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33825 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
33826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33827 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
33828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33829 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
33830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33831 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
33832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33833 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
33834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33835 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
33836 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
33837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33838 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
33839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33840 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
33841 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
33842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33843 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
33844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33845 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
33846 Balance Taken: 3.01s
33847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33848 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
33849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33850 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
33851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33852 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
33853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33854 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
33855 ing her skin mercilessly.
33856 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33857 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
33858 ng your skin mercilessly.
33859 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
33860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33861 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
33862 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33863 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
33864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33865 You must regain your equilibrium first.
33866 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33867 ta dwenthall
33868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33869 Dwenthall's condition stands at 405/669 health and 578/700 mana.
33870 Mana Lost: 12
33871 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
33872 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33873 H:470 M:672 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
33874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33875 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
33876 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
33877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33878 H:453 M:672 -b b 
33879 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33880 purge blood
33881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33882 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
33883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33884 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
33885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33886 The stinging feeling fades.
33887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33888 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
33889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33890 H:453 M:666 -b b 
33891 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33892 eat toadstool
33893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33894 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1944.
33895 You quickly eat a toadstool.
33896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33897 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
33898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33899 You feel your health and mana replenished.
33900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33901 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
33902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33903 H:520 M:700 -b b 
33904 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33905 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
33906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33907 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
33908 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
33909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33910 You may eat another herb or plant.
33911 H:520 M:700 -b b 
33912 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33913 eat juniper
33914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33915 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1914.
33916 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
33917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33918 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
33919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33920 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
33921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33922 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
33923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33924 H:520 M:700 -b db 
33925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33926 You may eat another herb or plant.
33927 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
33928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33929 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
33930 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
33931 H:520 M:684 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
33932 H:520 M:684 eb db 
33933 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33934 sip health
33935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33936 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
33937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33938 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
33939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33940 The elixir heals your body.
33941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33942 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
33943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33944 H:669 M:684 eb db 
33945 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33946 cast erode at rey
33947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33948 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
33949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33950 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
33951 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
33952 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33953 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
33954 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
33955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33956 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
33957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33958 H:669 M:680 -b db 
33959 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33960 sip speed
33961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33962 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
33963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33964 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
33965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33966 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
33967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33968 H:669 M:680 -b db 
33969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33970 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
33971 Mana Gain: 32
33972 The raging tornado collapses into itself.
33973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33974 The raging tornado collapses into itself.
33975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33976 H:700 M:442 &lt;e- dbt; 
33977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33978 H:669 M:700 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
33979 H:669 M:700 -b db 
33980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33981 You have recovered balance.
33982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33983 **********TORNADO DOWN***************
33984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33985 Your input, "**********TORNADO DOWN***************", is not a valid command.
33986 H:700 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
33987 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33988 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
33989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33990 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
33991 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33992 evoke tornado
33993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
33994 Mana Lost: 30
33995 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
33996  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
33997 ng in air.
33998 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
33999 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
34000 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
34001  sucking in air.
34002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34003 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
34004 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34005 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
34006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34007 The tornado swirls rapidly.
34008 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
34009 Balance Taken: 3.80s
34010 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34011 naturebind curse dwenthall
34012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34013 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
34014 root shreds it viciously.
34015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34016 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
34017 root shreds it viciously.
34018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34019 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
34020 H:700 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
34021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34022 H:669 M:700 -b db 
34023 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34024 eat kelp
34025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34026 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1982.
34027 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
34028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34029 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
34030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34031 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
34032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34033 H:700 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
34034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34035 H:669 M:700 -b db 
34036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34037 ac on
34038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34039 Autocuring activated.
34040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34041 order golem kill dwenthall
34042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34043 You must regain balance first.
34044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34045 evoke empower rockfall
34046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34047 You must regain balance first.
34048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34049 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
34050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34051 You must regain balance first.
34052 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34053 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
34054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34055 You must regain balance first.
34056 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34057 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
34058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34059 You must regain balance first.
34060 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34061 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
34062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34063 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34064 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34065 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
34066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34067 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34068 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34069 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
34070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34071 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34073 naturebind shred dwenthall
34074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34075 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34077 ta dwenthall
34078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34079 Dwenthall's condition stands at 669/669 health and 700/700 mana.
34080 Mana Lost: 12
34081 H:700 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
34082 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34083 eat toadstool
34084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34085 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1963.
34086 You quickly eat a toadstool.
34087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34088 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
34090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34091 Mana Gain: 51
34093 You feel your health and mana replenished.
34095 H:700 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
34096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34097 H:669 M:700 -b db 
34098 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34099 rt Tornado Up!!
34100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34101 You are not the member of any ring.
34103 H:700 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
34104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34105 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
34106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34107 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
34109 H:700 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
34110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34111 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
34114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34115 The fenugreek berry juice hardens into a supple, waxy coating.
34117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34118 A waxy shell of berry juice has dried to Reyvenyr's skin.
34120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34121 H:700 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
34122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34123 H:669 M:700 eb db 
34124 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
34126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34127 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
34129 H:700 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
34130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34131 H:657 M:700 eb db 
34132 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
34134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34135 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
34137 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34138 cast erode at rey
34139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34140 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
34142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34143 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
34145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34146 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
34148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34149 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
34151 Your resistance defence is eroded away.
34153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34154 His resistance defence is eroded away.
34156 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
34158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34159 H:700 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
34160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34161 H:657 M:696 -b db 
34162 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34163 smoke pipe with linseed
34164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34165 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
34167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34168 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
34170 H:700 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
34171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34172 H:657 M:696 -b db 
34173 You may eat another herb or plant.
34174 H:657 M:696 -b db 
34175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34176 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
34178 H:700 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
34179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34180 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
34182 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
34184 H:655 M:696 -b db 
34185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34186 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
34189 H:700 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; 
34190 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Gongen Mountains.
34192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34193 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Gongen Mountains.
34195 You may eat another mushroom.
34197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34198 H:700 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; 
34199 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34200 H:655 M:696 -b db 
34201 You may drink another healing elixir.
34202 H:655 M:680 -b db 
34203 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34204 ac on
34205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34206 Autocuring activated.
34208 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34209 evoke imbue
34210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34211 You must regain balance first.
34213 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34214 evoke empower rockfall
34215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34216 You must regain balance first.
34218 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34219 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
34220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34221 You must regain balance first.
34223 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34224 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
34225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34226 You must regain balance first.
34228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34229 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
34230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34231 You must regain balance first.
34233 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34234 naturebinding choke dwenthall
34235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34236 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
34237 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
34239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34240 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
34241 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
34243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34244 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
34246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34247 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
34248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34249 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34252 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
34253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34254 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34256 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34257 ta dwenthall
34258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34259 Dwenthall's condition stands at 607/669 health and 754/700 mana.
34261 Mana Lost: 12
34263 H:700 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
34264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34265 H:607 M:680 -b db 
34266 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34267 writhe root
34268 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34269 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
34271 H:607 M:680 -b db 
34272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34273 You have recovered balance.
34276 H:700 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
34277 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
34279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34280 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
34283 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
34284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34285 H:700 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
34286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34287 H:607 M:680 eb db 
34288 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34289 cast erode at rey
34290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34291 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
34293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34294 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
34296 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
34298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34299 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
34301 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
34303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34304 H:700 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
34305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34306 H:607 M:676 -b db 
34307 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34308 sip speed
34309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34310 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
34312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34313 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
34315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34316 H:700 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
34317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34318 H:607 M:676 -b db 
34319 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
34321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34322 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
34324 H:700 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
34325 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34326 H:594 M:676 -b db 
34327 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34328 sip health
34329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34330 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
34332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34333 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
34335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34336 The elixir heals your body.
34338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34339 H:700 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
34340 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34341 H:669 M:676 -b db 
34342 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
34344 H:669 M:676 -b db 
34345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34346 You may eat another mushroom.
34348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34349 ac on
34350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34351 Autocuring activated.
34352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34353 order golem kill dwenthall
34354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34355 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34357 evoke empower rockfall
34358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34359 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34360 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34361 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
34362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34363 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34365 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
34366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34367 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34369 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
34370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34371 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34372 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34373 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
34374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34375 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34376 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34377 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
34378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34379 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34381 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
34382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34383 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34384 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34385 naturebind shred dwenthall
34386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34387 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34388 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34389 ta dwenthall
34390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34391 Dwenthall's condition stands at 762/669 health and 676/700 mana.
34392 Mana Lost: 12
34393 H:700 M:427 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
34394 H:700 M:427 &lt;eb dbt; 
34395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34396 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
34397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34398 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
34399 r.
34400 H:700 M:427 &lt;eb dbt; 
34401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34402 H:620 M:676 -b db 
34403 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34404 ac on
34405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34406 Autocuring activated.
34407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34408 order golem kill dwenthall
34409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34410 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
34411 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34412 evoke empower rockfall
34413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34414 Mana Lost: 6
34415 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
34416 wer of Earth infuses it.
34417 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34418 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
34419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34420 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
34421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34422 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
34423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34424 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
34425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34426 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
34427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34428 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
34429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34430 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
34431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34432 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
34433 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34434 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
34435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34436 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
34437 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
34438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34439 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
34440 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
34441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34442 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
34443 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
34444 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
34445 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
34446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34447 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
34448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34449 Balance Taken: 3.01s
34450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34451 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
34452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34453 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
34454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34455 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
34456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34457 Dwenthall is already being choked.
34458 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34459 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
34460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34461 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
34462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34463 naturebind shred dwenthall
34464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34465 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
34466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34467 ta dwenthall
34468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34469 Dwenthall's condition stands at 498/669 health and 676/700 mana.
34470 Mana Lost: 12
34471 H:700 M:409 &lt;e- dbt; 
34472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34473 H:441 M:676 -b b 
34474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34475 trueassess dwenthall
34476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34477 Dwenthall's condition stands at 415/669 health and 709/700 mana.
34478 Mana Lost: 12
34479 H:700 M:397 &lt;e- dbt; 
34480 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34481 eat juniper
34482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34483 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1913.
34484 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
34485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34486 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
34487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34488 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
34489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34490 H:700 M:397 &lt;e- dbt; 
34491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34492 H:441 M:676 -b db 
34493 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34494 eat toadstool
34495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34496 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1943.
34497 You quickly eat a toadstool.
34498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34499 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
34500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34501 You feel your health and mana replenished.
34502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34503 H:700 M:397 &lt;e- dbt; 
34504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34505 H:508 M:700 -b db 
34506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34507 eat toadstool
34508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34509 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1962.
34510 You quickly eat a toadstool.
34511 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34512 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
34513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34514 Mana Gain: 51
34515 You feel your health and mana replenished.
34516 H:700 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
34517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34518 H:508 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
34519 H:508 M:700 eb db 
34520 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34521 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
34522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34523 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
34524 H:700 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
34525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34526 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
34527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34528 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
34529 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34530 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
34531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34532 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
34533 dding her skin mercilessly.
34534 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34535 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
34536 ding your skin mercilessly.
34537 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
34538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34539 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
34540 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
34541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34542 H:464 M:700 eb b 
34543 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34544 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
34545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34546 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34548 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
34549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34550 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34551 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
34552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34553 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
34554 H:464 M:700 eb b 
34555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34556 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
34557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34558 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34560 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
34561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34562 You must regain your equilibrium first.
34563 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
34564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34565 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
34566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34567 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
34568 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
34569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34570 H:464 M:700 eb b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
34571 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
34572 H:460 M:684 eb b You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
34573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34574 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
34575 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
34576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34577 H:460 M:684 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
34578 H:460 M:684 eb b 
34579 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34580 eat juniper
34581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34582 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1912.
34583 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
34584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34585 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
34586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34587 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
34588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34589 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
34590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34591 H:460 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
34592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34593 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
34594 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
34595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34596 H:449 M:684 eb db 
34597 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34598 cast erode at rey
34599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34600 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
34601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34602 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
34603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34604 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
34605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34606 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
34607 Your levitating defence is eroded away.
34608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34609 His levitating defence is eroded away.
34610 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
34611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34612 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
34613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34614 H:449 M:680 -b db 
34615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34616 sip levitation
34617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34618 You take a drink of an elixir of levitation from an onyx vial.
34619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34620 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
34621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34622 Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
34623 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
34624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34625 H:449 M:680 -b db 
34626 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34627 smoke pipe with linseed
34628 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34629 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
34630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34631 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
34632 H:700 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
34633 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34634 H:449 M:680 -b db 
34635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34636 You have recovered balance.
34637 H:700 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Gain: 32
34638 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
34639 H:700 M:480 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
34640 H:700 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
34641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34642 You may drink another healing elixir.
34643 H:482 M:700 -b db 
34644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34645 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
34646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34647 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
34648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34649 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
34650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34651 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
34652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34653 evoke drain dwenthall
34654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34655 Mana Lost: 9
34656 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
34657 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
34658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34659 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
34660 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
34661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34662 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
34663 Balance Taken: 2.90s
34664 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34665 naturebind drain dwenthall
34666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34667 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
34668  contort in a visage of pain.
34669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34670 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
34671 tabbing pain in your head.
34672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34673 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
34674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34675 ta dwenthall
34676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34677 Dwenthall's condition stands at 482/669 health and 579/700 mana.
34678 Mana Lost: 12
34679 H:700 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
34680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34681 H:482 M:579 -b db 
34682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34683 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
34684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34685 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
34686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34687 The tornado swirls rapidly.
34688 H:700 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
34689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34690 H:482 M:579 -b db 
34691 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34692 touch tree
34693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34694 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
34695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34696 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
34697 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34698 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
34699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34700 H:700 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
34701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34702 H:482 M:579 -b db 
34703 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34704 sip mana
34705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34706 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
34707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34708 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
34709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34710 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
34711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34712 H:700 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
34713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34714 H:482 M:700 -b db 
34715 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34716 contemplate dwenthall
34717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34718 You must regain balance first.
34719 H:700 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
34720 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34721 You may eat another herb or plant.
34722 H:509 M:700 -b db 
34723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34724 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
34725 H:700 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
34726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34727 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
34728 H:509 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
34729 H:509 M:700 eb db You have regained the ability to purge your body.
34730 H:509 M:700 eb db 
34731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34732 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
34733 H:700 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
34734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34735 You may eat another mushroom.
34736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34737 You may eat another mushroom.
34738 H:700 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
34739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34740 H:509 M:684 eb db 
34741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34742 You have recovered balance.
34743 H:700 M:459 &lt;eb dbt; 
34744 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34745 eat toadstool
34746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34747 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1942.
34748 You quickly eat a toadstool.
34749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34750 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
34751 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34752 You feel your health and mana replenished.
34753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34754 H:700 M:459 &lt;eb dbt; 
34755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34756 H:576 M:700 eb db 
34757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34758 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
34759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34760 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
34761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34762 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
34763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34764 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
34765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34766 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
34767  weakening.
34768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34769 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
34770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34771 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
34772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34773 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
34774 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34775 evoke drain dwenthall
34776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34777 Mana Lost: 9
34778 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
34779 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
34780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34781 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
34782 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
34783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34784 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
34785 Balance Taken: 2.90s
34786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34787 naturebind drain dwenthall
34788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34789 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
34790  contort in a visage of pain.
34791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34792 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
34793 tabbing pain in your head.
34794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34795 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
34796 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34797 ta dwenthall
34798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34799 Dwenthall's condition stands at 576/669 health and 509/700 mana.
34800 Mana Lost: 12
34801 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
34802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34803 H:576 M:509 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
34804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34805 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
34806 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
34807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34808 H:563 M:509 eb db 
34809 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34810 cnc
34811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34812 You already possess mental equilibrium.
34813 H:563 M:509 eb db 
34814 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34815 pa
34816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34817 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
34818 H:563 M:509 eb db 
34819 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34820 ta
34821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34822 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 700/700 health and 438/512 mana.
34823 H:563 M:497 eb db 
34824 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34825 ovt
34826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34827 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
34828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34829 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
34830 H:700 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
34831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34832 H:563 M:479 eb db 
34833 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34834 anor
34835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34836 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
34837 rewreathe effect.
34838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34839 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
34840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34841 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
34842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34843 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the fire element.
34844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34845 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
34846 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
34847 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
34848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34849 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
34850 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
34851 your head.
34852 Damage Taken: 98 magickal, mental (raw damage: 88)
34853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34854 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
34855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34856 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
34857 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
34858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34859 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
34860 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
34861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34862 H:602 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
34863 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34864 H:563 M:468 -b db 
34865 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34866 ta
34867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34868 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 602/700 health and 438/512 mana.
34869 H:563 M:455 -b db 
34870 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34871 contemplate dwenthall
34872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34873 You must regain balance first.
34874 H:602 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
34875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34876 eat kelp
34877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34878 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1980.
34879 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
34880 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34881 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
34882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34883 You feel coordinated once more.
34884 H:602 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
34885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34886 H:563 M:455 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
34887 H:562 M:455 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
34888 H:562 M:455 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
34889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34890 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
34891 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34892 sip mana
34893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34894 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
34895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34896 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
34897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34898 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
34899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34900 H:602 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
34901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34902 H:562 M:583 -b db 
34903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34904 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
34905 H:602 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
34906 H:602 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
34907 H:602 M:438 &lt;eb dbt; 
34908 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34909 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
34910 H:562 M:583 eb db 
34911 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34912 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
34913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34914 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
34915 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34916 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
34917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34918 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
34919 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34920 evoke drain dwenthall
34921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34922 Mana Lost: 9
34923 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
34924 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
34925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34926 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
34927 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
34928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34929 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
34930 Balance Taken: 2.90s
34931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34932 naturebind drain dwenthall
34933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34934 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
34935  contort in a visage of pain.
34936 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34937 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
34938 tabbing pain in your head.
34939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34940 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
34941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34942 ta dwenthall
34943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34944 Dwenthall's condition stands at 529/669 health and 503/700 mana.
34946 Mana Lost: 12
34948 H:602 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
34949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34950 H:562 M:462 eb db 
34951 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34952 cnc
34953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34954 You already possess mental equilibrium.
34956 H:562 M:462 eb db 
34957 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34958 pa
34959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34960 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
34962 H:562 M:462 eb db 
34963 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34964 ta
34965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34966 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 602/700 health and 417/512 mana.
34968 H:562 M:450 eb db 
34969 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34970 ovt
34971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34972 Your crystal is already overtuned.
34974 H:562 M:450 eb db 
34975 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34976 anor
34977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34978 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
34980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34981 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
34983 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34984 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
34985 rewreathe effect.
34987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34988 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
34990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34991 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
34993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
34994 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
34996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
34997 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
34999 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
35000 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
35002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35003 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
35004 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
35005 your head.
35007 Damage Taken: 98 magickal, mental (raw damage: 88)
35009 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35010 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
35012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35013 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
35015 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
35017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35018 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
35020 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
35022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35023 H:503 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
35024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35025 H:562 M:439 -b db 
35026 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35027 ta
35028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35029 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 503/700 health and 417/512 mana.
35031 H:562 M:427 -b db 
35032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35033 contemplate dwenthall
35034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35035 You must regain balance first.
35037 H:503 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
35038 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35039 smoke pipe with linseed
35040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35041 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
35043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35044 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
35046 H:503 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
35047 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35048 H:562 M:427 -b db 
35049 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35050 eat kelp
35051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35052 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1979.
35054 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
35056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35057 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
35059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35060 You feel coordinated once more.
35062 H:503 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
35063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35064 H:562 M:427 -b db 
35065 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35066 sip health
35067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35068 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
35070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35071 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
35073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35074 Health Gain: 130
35076 The elixir heals your body.
35078 H:633 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
35079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35080 H:562 M:427 -b db 
35081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35082 eat toadstool
35083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35084 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1961.
35085 You quickly eat a toadstool.
35086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35087 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
35088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35089 Health Gain: 66
35090 Mana Gain: 51
35091 You feel your health and mana replenished.
35092 H:700 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
35093 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35094 H:562 M:427 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
35095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35096 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
35097 H:700 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
35098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35099 H:557 M:427 -b db 
35100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35101 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
35102 H:700 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
35103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35104 You may eat another mushroom.
35105 H:557 M:411 -b db 
35106 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35107 eat toadstool
35108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35109 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1941.
35110 You quickly eat a toadstool.
35111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35112 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
35113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35114 You feel your health and mana replenished.
35115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35116 H:700 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
35117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35118 H:624 M:481 -b db 
35119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35120 You may eat another herb or plant.
35121 H:700 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
35122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35123 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
35124 H:624 M:481 -b db 
35125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35126 Mana Gain: 32
35127 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
35128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35129 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
35130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35131 H:700 M:500 &lt;e- dbt; 
35132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35133 H:657 M:508 eb db 
35134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35135 You have recovered balance.
35136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35137 You may drink another healing elixir.
35139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35140 H:700 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
35141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35142 H:657 M:508 eb db 
35143 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35144 sip mana
35145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35146 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
35147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35148 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
35149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35150 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
35151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35152 H:700 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
35153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35154 H:657 M:645 eb db 
35155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35156 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
35157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35158 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
35159 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35160 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
35161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35162 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
35163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35164 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
35165  weakening.
35166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35167 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
35168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35169 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
35170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35171 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
35172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35173 evoke drain dwenthall
35174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35175 Mana Lost: 9
35176 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
35177 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
35178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35179 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
35180 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
35181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35182 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
35183 Balance Taken: 2.90s
35184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35185 naturebind drain dwenthall
35186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35187 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
35188  contort in a visage of pain.
35189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35190 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
35191 tabbing pain in your head.
35192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35193 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
35194 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35195 ta dwenthall
35196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35197 Dwenthall's condition stands at 559/669 health and 454/700 mana.
35198 Mana Lost: 12
35199 H:700 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
35200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35201 H:657 M:454 eb db 
35202 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35203 cnc
35204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35205 You already possess mental equilibrium.
35206 H:657 M:454 eb db 
35207 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35208 pa
35209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35210 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
35211 H:657 M:454 eb db 
35212 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35213 ovt
35214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35215 Your crystal is already overtuned.
35216 H:657 M:454 eb db 
35217 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35218 cast shock scorch suffuse at &tar
35219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35220 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
35221 ock effect.
35222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35223 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
35224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35225 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
35226 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
35227  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
35228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35229 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
35230 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
35231 Damage Taken: 83 fire, mental (raw damage: 102)
35232 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35233 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, causing him to look quite nauseous.
35234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35235 You feel nauseous as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you.
35236 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35237 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
35238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35239 H:617 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
35240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35241 H:657 M:429 -b db 
35242 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35243 ta
35244 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35245 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 617/700 health and 479/512 mana.
35246 H:657 M:417 -b db 
35247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35248 eat nightshade
35249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35250 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1994.
35251 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
35252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35253 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
35254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35255 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
35256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35257 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
35258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35259 H:617 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
35260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35261 H:657 M:417 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
35262 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35263 contemplate dwenthall
35264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35265 You must regain balance first.
35266 H:617 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
35267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35268 H:657 M:417 -b db 
35269 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35270 purge blood
35271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35272 Mana Lost: 6
35273 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
35274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35275 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
35276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35277 Your stomach becalms itself.
35278 H:617 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
35279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35280 H:657 M:417 -b db 
35281 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35282 apply mass
35283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35284 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
35285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35286 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
35288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35289 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
35291 H:617 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
35292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35293 H:657 M:417 -b db 
35294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35295 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
35297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35298 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
35300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35301 The tornado swirls rapidly.
35303 H:617 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
35304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35305 H:657 M:417 -b db 
35306 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35307 eat kelp
35308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35309 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1981.
35311 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
35313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35314 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
35316 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35317 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
35319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35320 H:617 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
35321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35322 H:657 M:417 -b db 
35323 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
35325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35326 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
35328 H:617 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
35329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35330 H:650 M:417 -b db 
35331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35332 You may drink another healing elixir.
35333 H:617 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
35334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35335 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
35337 H:669 M:445 -b db 
35338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35339 You may apply another salve.
35340 H:617 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
35341 You may eat another herb or plant.
35342 H:617 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
35343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35344 eat maidenhair
35345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35346 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1996.
35348 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
35350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35351 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
35353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35354 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
35356 H:617 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
35357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35358 H:669 M:445 -b db 
35359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35360 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
35363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35364 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
35367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35368 H:617 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
35369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35370 H:669 M:429 eb db 
35371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35372 You have recovered balance.
35375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35376 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
35378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35379 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
35381 You may eat another mushroom.
35383 H:617 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
35384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35385 H:669 M:429 eb db 
35386 Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
35388 H:669 M:429 eb db 
35389 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35390 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
35391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35392 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
35394 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35395 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
35396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35397 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
35399 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35400 evoke drain dwenthall
35401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35402 Mana Lost: 9
35404 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
35405 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
35407 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35408 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
35409 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
35411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35412 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
35414 Balance Taken: 2.90s
35416 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35418 naturebind drain dwenthall
35419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35420 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
35421  contort in a visage of pain.
35422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35423 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
35424 tabbing pain in your head.
35425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35426 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
35427 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35428 ta dwenthall
35429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35430 Dwenthall's condition stands at 669/669 health and 335/700 mana.
35431 Mana Lost: 12
35432 H:617 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
35433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35434 H:669 M:308 eb db 
35435 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35436 cnc
35437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35438 You already possess mental equilibrium.
35439 H:669 M:308 eb db 
35440 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35441 pa
35442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35443 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
35444 H:669 M:308 eb db 
35445 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35446 ta
35447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35448 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 617/700 health and 452/512 mana.
35449 H:669 M:296 eb db 
35450 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35451 ovt
35452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35453 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
35454 H:669 M:296 eb db 
35455 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35456 anor
35457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35458 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
35459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35460 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
35461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35462 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
35463 rewreathe effect.
35464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35465 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
35466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35467 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
35468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35469 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
35470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35471 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
35472 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
35473 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
35474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35475 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
35476 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
35477 your head.
35478 Damage Taken: 98 magickal, mental (raw damage: 88)
35479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35480 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
35481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35482 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
35483 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35484 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
35485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35486 H:519 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
35487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35488 H:669 M:285 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
35489 H:669 M:285 -b db 
35490 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35491 ta
35492 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35493 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 519/700 health and 452/512 mana.
35494 H:669 M:273 -b db 
35495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35496 touch tree
35497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35498 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
35499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35500 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
35501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35502 You feel coordinated once more.
35503 H:519 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
35504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35505 H:669 M:273 -b db 
35506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35507 sip health
35508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35509 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
35510 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35511 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
35512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35513 Health Gain: 179
35514 The elixir heals your body.
35515 H:698 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
35516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35517 H:669 M:273 -b db 
35518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35519 eat toadstool
35520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35521 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1960.
35522 You quickly eat a toadstool.
35523 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35524 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
35525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35526 Health Gain: 2
35527 Mana Gain: 51
35528 You feel your health and mana replenished.
35529 H:700 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
35530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35531 H:669 M:273 -b db 
35532 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35533 smoke pipe with linseed
35534 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35535 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
35536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35537 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
35538 H:700 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
35539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35540 H:669 M:273 -b db 
35541 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35542 contemplate dwenthall
35543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35544 You must regain balance first.
35545 H:700 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
35546 H:700 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
35547 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35548 You may drink another healing elixir.
35549 H:669 M:273 -b db 
35550 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35551 sip mana
35552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35553 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
35554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35555 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
35556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35557 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
35558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35559 H:700 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
35560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35561 H:669 M:433 -b db Your tree tattoo can be used again.
35562 H:669 M:433 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
35563 H:669 M:433 -b db 
35564 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35565 eat toadstool
35566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35567 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1940.
35568 You quickly eat a toadstool.
35569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35570 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
35571 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35572 You feel your health and mana replenished.
35573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35574 H:700 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
35575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35576 H:669 M:503 -b db 
35577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35578 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
35579 H:700 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
35580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35581 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
35582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35583 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
35584 H:700 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
35585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35586 H:657 M:503 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
35587 H:657 M:503 -b db 
35588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35589 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
35590 H:700 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
35591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35592 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
35593 H:657 M:503 eb db 
35594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35595 You have recovered balance.
35596 H:700 M:503 &lt;eb dbt; 
35597 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35598 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
35599 H:657 M:503 eb db The Wickerman bellows out its challenge from the Alovyan Village.
35601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35602 The Wickerman bellows out its challenge from the Alovyan Village.
35604 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35605 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
35606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35607 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
35608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35609 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
35610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35611 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
35612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35613 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
35614  weakening.
35615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35616 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
35617 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35618 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
35619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35620 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
35621 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35622 evoke drain dwenthall
35623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35624 Mana Lost: 9
35625 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
35626 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
35627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35628 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
35629 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
35630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35631 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
35632 Balance Taken: 2.90s
35633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35634 naturebind drain dwenthall
35635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35636 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
35637  contort in a visage of pain.
35638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35639 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
35640 tabbing pain in your head.
35641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35642 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
35643 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35644 ta dwenthall
35645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35646 Dwenthall's condition stands at 651/669 health and 355/700 mana.
35647 Mana Lost: 12
35648 H:700 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
35649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35650 H:657 M:312 eb db 
35651 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35652 cnc
35653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35654 You already possess mental equilibrium.
35655 H:657 M:312 eb db 
35656 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35657 abn
35658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35659 Your wounds are already bandaged.
35660 H:657 M:296 eb db 
35661 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35662 pa
35663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35664 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
35665 H:657 M:296 eb db 
35666 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35667 pa
35668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35669 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
35670 H:657 M:296 eb db 
35671 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35672 ovt
35673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35674 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
35675 H:657 M:296 eb db 
35676 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35677 cast masochism firecircle heat at &tar
35678 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35679 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
35680 sochism effect.
35681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35682 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
35683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35684 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
35685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35686 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
35687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35688 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
35689 You make a circular motion with your index finger and a circle of fire slowly forms around Reyvenyr.
35690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35691 Dwenthall makes a circular motion with her index finger and a circle of fire slowly forms around you
35692 .
35693 Damage Taken: 86 fire, mental (raw damage: 106)
35694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35695 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
35696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35697 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
35698 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
35699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35700 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
35701 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
35702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35703 H:613 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
35704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35705 H:657 M:278 -b db 
35706 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35707 cast masochism firecircle heat at &tar
35708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35709 You must regain your equilibrium first.
35710 H:657 M:278 -b db 
35711 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35712 ta
35713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35714 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 613/700 health and 482/512 mana.
35715 H:657 M:266 -b db 
35716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35717 eat orphine
35718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35719 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1989.
35720 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
35721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35722 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
35723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35724 You no longer enjoy pain.
35725 H:613 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
35726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35727 H:657 M:266 -b db 
35728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35729 contemplate dwenthall
35730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35731 You must regain balance first.
35732 H:613 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
35733 H:613 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
35734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35735 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
35736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35737 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
35738 H:613 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
35739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35740 H:657 M:266 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
35741 H:657 M:266 -b db 
35742 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35743 sip mana
35744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35745 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
35746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35747 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
35748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35749 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
35750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35751 H:613 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
35752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35753 H:657 M:444 -b db 
35754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35755 You may eat another herb or plant.
35756 H:613 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; Health Gain: 70
35757 Mana Gain: 30
35758 H:683 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
35759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35760 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
35761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35762 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
35763 H:683 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
35764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35765 H:656 M:471 -b db 
35766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35767 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
35768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35769 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
35770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35771 H:683 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
35772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35773 H:656 M:471 eb db 
35774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35775 You have recovered balance.
35776 H:683 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
35777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35778 You may eat another mushroom.
35779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35780 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
35781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35782 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
35783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35784 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
35785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35786 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
35787 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35788 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
35789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35790 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
35791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35792 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
35793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35794 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
35795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35796 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
35797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35798 Balance Taken: 2.00s
35799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35800 naturebinding shred dwenthall
35801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35802 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
35803 ing her skin mercilessly.
35804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35805 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
35806 ng your skin mercilessly.
35807 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
35808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35809 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
35810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35811 ta dwenthall
35812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35813 Dwenthall's condition stands at 629/669 health and 467/700 mana.
35814 Mana Lost: 12
35815 H:683 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
35816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35817 H:611 M:471 eb b 
35818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35819 ac on
35820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35821 Autocuring activated.
35822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35823 order golem kill dwenthall
35824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35825 You must regain balance first.
35826 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35827 evoke empower rockfall
35828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35829 You must regain balance first.
35830 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35831 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
35832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35833 You must regain balance first.
35834 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35835 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
35836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35837 You must regain balance first.
35838 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35839 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
35840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35841 You must regain balance first.
35842 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35843 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
35844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35845 You must regain your equilibrium first.
35846 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35847 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
35848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35849 You must regain your equilibrium first.
35850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35851 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
35852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35853 You must regain your equilibrium first.
35854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35855 naturebind shred dwenthall
35856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35857 You must regain your equilibrium first.
35858 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35859 ta dwenthall
35860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35861 Dwenthall's condition stands at 611/669 health and 522/700 mana.
35862 Mana Lost: 12
35863 H:683 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
35864 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35865 cnc
35866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35867 You already possess mental equilibrium.
35868 H:611 M:471 eb b 
35869 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35870 pa
35871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35872 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
35873 H:611 M:471 eb b 
35874 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35875 ta
35876 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35877 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 683/700 health and 488/512 mana.
35878 H:611 M:459 eb b 
35879 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35880 ovt
35881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35882 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
35883 H:611 M:459 eb b 
35884 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35885 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
35886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35887 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
35888 mmand.
35889 H:683 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
35890 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35891 anor
35892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35893 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
35894 rewreathe effect.
35895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35896 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
35897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35898 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
35899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35900 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
35901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35902 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
35903 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
35904 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
35905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35906 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
35907 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
35908 your head.
35909 Damage Taken: 98 magickal, mental (raw damage: 88)
35910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35911 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
35912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35913 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
35914 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
35915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35916 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
35917 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
35918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35919 H:585 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
35920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35921 H:611 M:448 -b b 
35922 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35923 ta
35924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35925 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 585/700 health and 488/512 mana.
35926 H:611 M:436 -b b 
35927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35928 eat kelp
35929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35930 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1978.
35931 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
35932 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35933 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
35934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35935 You feel coordinated once more.
35936 H:585 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
35937 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35938 H:611 M:436 -b b 
35939 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35940 smoke pipe with linseed
35941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35942 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
35943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35944 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
35945 H:585 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
35946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35947 H:611 M:436 -b b 
35948 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35949 eat toadstool
35950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35951 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1939.
35952 You quickly eat a toadstool.
35953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35954 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
35955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35956 You feel your health and mana replenished.
35957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35958 H:585 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
35959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35960 H:669 M:506 -b b 
35961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35962 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
35963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35964 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
35965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35966 You are now heavily attuned to the fire element.
35967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35968 Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
35969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35970 Damage Taken: 40 fire (raw damage: 74)
35971 H:545 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
35972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35973 H:669 M:506 -b b 
35974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35975 sip health
35976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35977 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
35978 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35979 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
35980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35981 Health Gain: 155
35982 The elixir heals your body.
35983 H:700 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
35984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35985 H:669 M:506 -b b 
35986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35987 eat toadstool
35988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35989 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1959.
35990 You quickly eat a toadstool.
35991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35992 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
35993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
35994 Mana Gain: 24
35995 You feel your health and mana replenished.
35996 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
35997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
35998 H:669 M:506 -b b 
35999 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36000 eat juniper
36001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36002 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1911.
36003 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
36004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36005 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
36006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36007 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
36008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36009 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
36010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36011 H:669 M:506 -b db 
36012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36013 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
36014 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently.
36015 The tornado swirls rapidly.
36016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36017 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
36018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36019 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
36020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36021 H:669 M:490 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
36022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36023 You have recovered balance.
36024 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
36025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36026 H:669 M:490 -b db 
36027 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36028 purge blood
36029 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36030 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
36031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36032 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
36033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36034 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
36035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36036 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
36037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36038 H:669 M:484 -b db 
36039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36040 You may eat another herb or plant.
36041 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
36042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36043 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
36044 H:669 M:512 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
36045 H:669 M:512 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
36046 H:669 M:512 -b db 
36047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36048 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
36049 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
36050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36051 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
36052 H:669 M:512 eb db 
36053 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36054 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
36055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36056 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
36057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36058 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
36059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36060 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
36061 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36062 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
36063  weakening.
36064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36065 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
36066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36067 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
36068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36069 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
36070 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36071 evoke drain dwenthall
36072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36073 Mana Lost: 9
36074 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
36075 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
36076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36077 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
36078 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
36079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36080 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
36081 Balance Taken: 2.90s
36082 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36083 naturebind drain dwenthall
36084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36085 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
36086  contort in a visage of pain.
36087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36088 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
36089 tabbing pain in your head.
36090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36091 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
36092 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36093 ta dwenthall
36094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36095 Dwenthall's condition stands at 695/669 health and 321/700 mana.
36096 Mana Lost: 12
36097 H:700 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36099 H:669 M:321 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
36100 H:669 M:321 eb db 
36101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36102 contemplate dwenthall
36103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36104 You must regain balance first.
36105 H:700 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36106 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36107 sip mana
36108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36109 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
36110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36111 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
36112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36113 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
36114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36115 H:700 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36117 H:669 M:487 eb db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
36118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36119 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
36120 H:700 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36122 H:659 M:487 eb db 
36123 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36124 cnc
36125 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36126 You already possess mental equilibrium.
36127 H:659 M:487 eb db 
36128 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36129 pa
36130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36131 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
36132 H:659 M:487 eb db 
36133 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36134 ovt
36135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36136 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
36137 H:659 M:487 eb db 
36138 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36139 slin
36140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36141 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
36142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36143 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
36144 H:700 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36146 H:659 M:487 eb db 
36147 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36148 cast masochism knockout batter at &tar
36149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36150 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
36151 sochism effect.
36152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36153 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
36154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36155 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
36156 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
36157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36158 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
36159 Damage Taken: 114 magickal, mental (raw damage: 102)
36160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36161 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards Reyvenyr and batteri
36162 ng him painfully.
36163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36164 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards you and batter
36165 ing you painfully.
36166 Damage Taken: 49 magickal, mental (raw damage: 44)
36167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36168 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
36169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36170 H:537 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36172 H:659 M:476 -b db 
36173 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36174 ta
36175 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36176 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 537/700 health and 491/512 mana.
36177 H:659 M:464 -b db 
36178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36179 eat orphine
36180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36181 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1988.
36182 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
36183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36184 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
36185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36186 You no longer enjoy pain.
36187 H:537 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36189 H:659 M:464 -b db 
36190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36191 focus
36192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36193 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
36194 ly instead.
36195 H:537 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
36197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36198 focus
36199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36200 Mana Lost: 15
36201 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
36202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36203 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
36204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36205 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
36206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36207 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
36208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36209 H:537 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
36210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36211 H:659 M:464 -b db 
36212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36213 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
36214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36215 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
36216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36217 You are now significantly attuned to the fire element.
36218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36219 Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
36220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36221 Damage Taken: 44 fire (raw damage: 81)
36222 H:492 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
36223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36224 H:659 M:464 -b db 
36225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36226 You may drink another healing elixir.
36227 H:492 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
36228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36229 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
36230 H:659 M:464 -b db 
36231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36232 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
36235 H:492 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
36236 You may eat another herb or plant.
36237 H:492 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
36238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36239 sip health
36240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36241 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
36243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36244 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
36246 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36247 Health Gain: 162
36249 The elixir heals your body.
36251 H:655 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
36252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36253 H:659 M:464 -b db 
36254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36255 You have recovered balance.
36258 H:655 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
36259 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36260 You may eat another mushroom.
36262 H:659 M:464 -b db 
36263 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
36266 H:659 M:464 eb db 
36267 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36268 eat toadstool
36269 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36270 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1938.
36272 You quickly eat a toadstool.
36274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36275 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
36277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36278 You feel your health and mana replenished.
36280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36281 H:655 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
36282 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36283 H:669 M:534 eb db 
36284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36285 You may eat another mushroom.
36287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36288 ac on
36289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36290 Autocuring activated.
36292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36293 order golem kill dwenthall
36294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36295 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
36297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36298 evoke empower rockfall
36299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36300 Mana Lost: 6
36302 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
36303 wer of Earth infuses it.
36305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36306 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
36307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36308 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
36310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36311 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
36312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36313 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
36315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36316 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
36317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36318 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
36320 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
36322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36323 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
36325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36326 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
36328 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
36330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36331 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
36333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36334 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
36336 Balance Taken: 3.01s
36338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36339 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
36340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36341 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
36343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36344 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
36345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36346 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
36347 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
36349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36350 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
36351 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
36353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36354 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
36356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36357 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
36358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36359 You must regain your equilibrium first.
36361 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36362 naturebind shred dwenthall
36363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36364 You must regain your equilibrium first.
36365 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36366 ta dwenthall
36367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36368 Dwenthall's condition stands at 548/669 health and 564/700 mana.
36369 Mana Lost: 12
36370 H:655 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
36371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36372 H:548 M:518 eb b 
36373 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36374 writhe root
36375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36376 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
36377 H:548 M:518 eb b 
36378 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36379 cnc
36380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36381 You already possess mental equilibrium.
36382 H:548 M:518 eb b 
36383 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36384 pa
36385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36386 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
36387 H:548 M:518 eb b 
36388 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36389 abn
36390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36391 Your wounds are already bandaged.
36392 H:548 M:518 eb b 
36393 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36394 ovt
36395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36396 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
36397 H:548 M:518 eb b 
36398 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36399 shknock at &tar
36400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36401 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
36402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36403 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
36404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36405 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
36406 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
36407 ock effect.
36408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36409 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
36410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36411 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
36412 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
36413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36414 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
36415 Damage Taken: 114 magickal, mental (raw damage: 102)
36416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36417 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
36418 using him to lose his patience.
36419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36420 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
36421 ausing you to lose your patience.
36422 Damage Taken: 29 fire, mental (raw damage: 37)
36423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36424 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
36425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36426 H:511 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
36427 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36428 H:541 M:485 -b b 
36429 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36430 shknock at &tar
36431 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36432 You must regain your equilibrium first.
36433 H:541 M:485 -b b 
36434 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36435 shknock at &tar
36436 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36437 You must regain your equilibrium first.
36438 H:541 M:485 -b b 
36439 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36440 ta
36441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36442 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 511/700 health and 457/512 mana.
36443 H:541 M:473 -b b 
36444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36445 eat maidenhair
36446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36447 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1995.
36448 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
36449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36450 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
36451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36452 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
36453 H:511 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
36454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36455 H:541 M:473 -b b 
36456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36457 eat toadstool
36458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36459 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1958.
36460 You quickly eat a toadstool.
36461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36462 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
36463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36464 Health Gain: 70
36465 Mana Gain: 51
36466 You feel your health and mana replenished.
36467 H:581 M:509 &lt;-- dbt; 
36468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36469 H:541 M:473 -b b 
36470 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36471 eat juniper
36472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36473 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1910.
36474 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
36475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36476 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
36477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36478 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
36479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36480 H:581 M:509 &lt;-- dbt; 
36481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36482 H:541 M:473 -b db 
36483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36484 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
36485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36486 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
36487 H:581 M:509 &lt;-- dbt; 
36488 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36489 purge blood
36490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36491 Mana Lost: 6
36492 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
36493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36494 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
36495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36496 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
36497 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36498 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
36499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36500 H:581 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
36501 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36502 H:541 M:473 -b db 
36503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36504 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
36505 H:581 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
36506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36507 touch tree
36508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36509 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
36510 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36511 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
36512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36513 You are patient once again.
36514 H:581 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
36515 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36516 H:541 M:473 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
36517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36518 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
36519 H:581 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
36520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36521 H:531 M:473 -b db 
36522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36523 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
36524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36525 You may drink another healing elixir.
36527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36528 H:581 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
36529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36530 H:531 M:473 -b db 
36531 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36532 sip mana
36533 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36534 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
36535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36536 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
36537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36538 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
36539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36540 H:581 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
36541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36542 H:531 M:623 -b db 
36543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36544 Your mind is able to focus once again.
36545 H:581 M:503 &lt;-- dbt; 
36546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36547 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
36548 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
36549 H:530 M:623 -b db 
36550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36551 Health Gain: 70
36552 Mana Gain: 9
36553 You may eat another herb or plant.
36554 H:651 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
36555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36556 You may eat another herb or plant.
36557 H:563 M:651 -b db 
36558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36559 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
36560 H:651 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
36561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36562 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
36563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36564 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
36565 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36566 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
36567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36568 Damage Taken: 48 fire (raw damage: 88)
36569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36570 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
36571 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
36572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36573 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
36574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36575 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
36576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36577 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
36578 her.
36579 You have recovered balance.
36580 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36581 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
36582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36583 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
36584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36585 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
36586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36587 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
36588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36589 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
36590  weakening.
36591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36592 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
36593 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36594 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
36595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36596 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
36597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36598 evoke drain dwenthall
36599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36600 Mana Lost: 9
36601 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
36602 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
36603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36604 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
36605 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
36606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36607 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
36608 Balance Taken: 2.90s
36609 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36610 naturebind drain dwenthall
36611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36612 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
36613  contort in a visage of pain.
36614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36615 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
36616 tabbing pain in your head.
36617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36618 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
36619 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36620 ta dwenthall
36621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36622 Dwenthall's condition stands at 535/669 health and 451/700 mana.
36623 Mana Lost: 12
36624 H:603 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36626 H:515 M:460 eb db 
36627 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36628 contemplate dwenthall
36629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36630 You must regain balance first.
36631 H:603 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36633 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
36634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36635 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
36636 H:603 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36638 H:515 M:460 eb db 
36639 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36640 cnc
36641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36642 You already possess mental equilibrium.
36643 H:515 M:460 eb db 
36644 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36645 pa
36646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36647 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
36648 H:515 M:460 eb db 
36649 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36650 ta
36651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36652 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 603/700 health and 491/512 mana.
36653 H:515 M:447 eb db 
36654 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36655 ovt
36656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36657 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
36658 H:515 M:447 eb db 
36659 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36660 anor
36661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36662 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
36663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36664 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
36665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36666 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
36667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36668 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
36669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36670 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
36671 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
36672 rewreathe effect.
36673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36674 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
36675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36676 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
36677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36678 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
36679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36680 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
36681 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
36682 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
36683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36684 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
36685 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
36686 your head.
36687 Damage Taken: 98 magickal, mental (raw damage: 88)
36688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36689 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
36690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36691 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
36692 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
36693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36694 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
36695 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
36696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36697 H:504 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36699 H:502 M:418 -b db 
36700 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36701 ta
36702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36703 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 504/700 health and 491/512 mana.
36704 H:502 M:406 -b db 
36705 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36706 eat kelp
36707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36708 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1977.
36709 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
36710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36711 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
36712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36713 You feel coordinated once more.
36714 H:504 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36716 H:502 M:406 -b db 
36717 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36718 smoke pipe with linseed
36719 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36720 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
36721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36722 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
36723 H:504 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36725 H:502 M:406 -b db You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
36726 H:502 M:406 -b db 
36727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36728 You may drink another healing elixir.
36729 H:504 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36730 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36731 sip health
36732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36733 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
36734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36735 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
36736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36737 Health Gain: 174
36738 The elixir heals your body.
36739 H:679 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36741 H:502 M:406 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
36742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36743 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
36744 H:679 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36746 H:491 M:390 -b db 
36747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36748 You may eat another herb or plant.
36749 H:679 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
36750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36751 You may eat another mushroom.
36752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36753 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
36754 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36755 eat toadstool
36756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36757 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1937.
36758 You quickly eat a toadstool.
36759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36760 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
36761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36762 You feel your health and mana replenished.
36763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36764 H:679 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; 
36765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36766 H:558 M:460 -b db 
36767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36768 You have recovered balance.
36769 H:679 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
36770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36771 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
36772 H:558 M:460 -b db 
36773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36774 You may eat another mushroom.
36775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36776 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
36777 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36778 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
36779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36780 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
36781 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36782 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
36783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36784 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
36785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36786 evoke drain dwenthall
36787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36788 Mana Lost: 9
36789 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
36790 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
36791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36792 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
36793 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
36794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36795 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
36796 Balance Taken: 2.90s
36797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36798 naturebind drain dwenthall
36799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36800 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
36801  contort in a visage of pain.
36802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36803 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
36804 tabbing pain in your head.
36805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36806 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
36807 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36808 ta dwenthall
36809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36810 Dwenthall's condition stands at 636/669 health and 345/700 mana.
36811 Mana Lost: 12
36812 H:679 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
36813 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36814 H:558 M:339 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
36815 H:558 M:339 eb db 
36816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36817 contemplate dwenthall
36818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36819 You must regain balance first.
36820 H:679 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
36821 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36822 sip mana
36823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36824 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
36825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36826 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
36827 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36828 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
36829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36830 H:679 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
36831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36832 H:558 M:473 eb db 
36833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36834 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
36835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36836 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
36837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36838 The tornado swirls rapidly.
36839 H:679 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
36840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36841 H:558 M:473 eb db 
36842 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36843 eat kelp
36844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36845 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1980.
36846 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
36847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36848 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
36849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36850 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
36851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36852 H:679 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
36853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36854 H:558 M:473 eb db 
36855 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36856 cnc
36857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36858 You already possess mental equilibrium.
36859 H:558 M:473 eb db 
36860 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36861 pa
36862 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36863 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
36864 H:558 M:473 eb db 
36865 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36866 ovt
36867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36868 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
36869 H:558 M:473 eb db 
36870 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36871 cast shock scorch suffuse at &tar
36872 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36873 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
36874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36875 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
36876 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36877 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
36878 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
36879 ock effect.
36880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36881 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
36882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36883 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
36884 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
36885  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
36886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36887 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
36888 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
36889 Damage Taken: 83 fire, mental (raw damage: 102)
36890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36891 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, causing him to look quite nauseous.
36892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36893 You feel nauseous as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you.
36894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36895 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
36896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36897 H:596 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
36898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36899 H:531 M:431 -b db 
36900 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36901 ta
36902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36903 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 596/700 health and 469/512 mana.
36904 H:531 M:419 -b db 
36905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36906 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
36907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36908 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
36909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36910 You are now significantly attuned to the fire element.
36911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36912 Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
36913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36914 Damage Taken: 52 fire (raw damage: 96)
36915 H:543 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
36916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36917 H:531 M:419 -b db 
36918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36919 eat nightshade
36920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36921 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1993.
36922 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
36923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36924 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
36925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36926 Your stomach becalms itself.
36927 H:543 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
36928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36929 H:531 M:419 -b db 
36930 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36931 eat toadstool
36932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36933 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1957.
36934 You quickly eat a toadstool.
36935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36936 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
36937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36938 Health Gain: 70
36939 Mana Gain: 42
36940 You feel your health and mana replenished.
36941 H:613 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
36942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36943 H:531 M:419 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
36944 H:558 M:447 -b db 
36945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36946 apply mass
36947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36948 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
36949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36950 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
36951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36952 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
36953 H:613 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
36954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36955 H:558 M:447 -b db 
36956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36957 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
36958 H:613 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
36959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36960 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
36961 H:557 M:447 -b db 
36962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36963 You may apply another salve.
36964 H:613 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
36965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36966 You may eat another herb or plant.
36967 H:557 M:447 -b db 
36968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36969 You may drink another healing elixir.
36970 H:613 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
36971 H:613 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
36972 H:613 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
36973 H:613 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
36974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36975 eat nightshade
36976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36977 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1992.
36978 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
36979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36980 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
36981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36982 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
36983 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36984 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
36985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36986 H:613 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
36987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36988 H:557 M:447 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
36989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36990 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
36991 H:613 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
36992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36993 H:557 M:447 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
36994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
36995 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
36996 H:613 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
36997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
36998 H:545 M:447 -b db 
36999 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37000 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
37001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37002 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
37003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37004 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
37005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37006 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
37007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37008 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
37009  weakening.
37010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37011 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
37012 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37013 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
37014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37015 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
37016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37017 evoke drain dwenthall
37018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37019 Mana Lost: 9
37020 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
37021 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
37022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37023 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
37024 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
37025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37026 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
37027 Balance Taken: 2.90s
37028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37029 naturebind drain dwenthall
37030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37031 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
37032  contort in a visage of pain.
37033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37034 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
37035 tabbing pain in your head.
37036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37037 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
37038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37039 ta dwenthall
37040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37041 Dwenthall's condition stands at 583/669 health and 255/700 mana.
37042 Mana Lost: 12
37043 H:613 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37045 H:545 M:255 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
37046 H:545 M:239 eb db You have regained the ability to purge your body.
37047 H:545 M:239 eb db 
37048 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37049 cnc
37050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37051 You already possess mental equilibrium.
37052 H:545 M:239 eb db 
37053 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37054 pa
37055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37056 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
37057 H:545 M:239 eb db 
37058 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37059 ta
37060 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37061 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 613/700 health and 491/512 mana.
37062 H:545 M:227 eb db 
37063 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37064 ovt
37065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37066 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
37067 H:545 M:227 eb db 
37068 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37069 anor
37070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37071 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
37072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37073 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
37074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37075 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
37076 rewreathe effect.
37077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37078 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
37079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37080 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
37081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37082 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
37083 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37084 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
37085 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
37086 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
37087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37088 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
37089 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
37090 your head.
37091 Damage Taken: 98 magickal, mental (raw damage: 88)
37092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37093 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
37094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37095 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
37096 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
37097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37098 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
37099 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
37100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37101 H:515 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37102 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37103 H:545 M:216 -b db 
37104 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37105 ta
37106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37107 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 515/700 health and 491/512 mana.
37108 H:545 M:204 -b db 
37109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37110 contemplate dwenthall
37111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37112 You must regain balance first.
37113 H:515 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37114 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37115 smoke pipe with linseed
37116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37117 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
37118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37119 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
37120 H:515 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37122 H:545 M:204 -b db 
37123 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37124 sip health
37125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37126 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
37127 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37128 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
37129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37130 Health Gain: 144
37131 The elixir heals your body.
37132 H:659 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37134 H:545 M:204 -b db 
37135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37136 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
37137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37138 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
37139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37140 You are now heavily attuned to the fire element.
37141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37142 Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
37143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37144 Damage Taken: 56 fire (raw damage: 103)
37145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37146 You may drink another healing elixir.
37148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37149 H:602 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37151 H:545 M:204 -b db 
37152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37153 You may eat another herb or plant.
37154 H:602 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37155 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37156 sip mana
37157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37158 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
37159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37160 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
37161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37162 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
37163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37164 H:602 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37166 H:545 M:376 -b db 
37167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37168 eat maidenhair
37169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37170 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1994.
37171 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
37173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37174 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
37176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37177 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
37179 H:602 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37181 H:545 M:376 -b db 
37182 You may eat another mushroom.
37184 H:545 M:376 -b db 
37185 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37186 eat toadstool
37187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37188 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1936.
37190 You quickly eat a toadstool.
37192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37193 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
37195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37196 You feel your health and mana replenished.
37198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37199 H:602 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37201 H:612 M:446 -b db 
37202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37203 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
37206 You have recovered balance.
37209 Health Gain: 70
37211 Mana Gain: 21
37213 H:672 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
37214 You may eat another mushroom.
37216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37217 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
37218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37219 H:672 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
37220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37221 H:669 M:488 -b db 
37222 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
37225 H:669 M:488 eb db 
37226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37227 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
37228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37229 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
37231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37232 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
37233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37234 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
37236 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37237 evoke drain dwenthall
37238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37239 Mana Lost: 9
37241 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
37242 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
37244 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37245 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
37246 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
37248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37249 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
37251 Balance Taken: 2.90s
37253 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37255 naturebind drain dwenthall
37256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37257 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
37258  contort in a visage of pain.
37260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37261 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
37262 tabbing pain in your head.
37264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37265 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
37267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37268 ta dwenthall
37269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37270 Dwenthall's condition stands at 609/669 health and 411/700 mana.
37272 Mana Lost: 12
37274 H:672 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37276 H:669 M:367 eb db 
37277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37278 You may eat another herb or plant.
37279 H:672 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37281 contemplate dwenthall
37282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37283 You must regain balance first.
37285 H:672 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37287 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
37289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37290 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
37292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37293 eat kelp
37294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37295 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1976.
37297 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
37299 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37300 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
37302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37303 You feel coordinated once more.
37305 H:672 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37307 H:657 M:367 eb db 
37308 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37309 cnc
37310 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37311 You already possess mental equilibrium.
37312 H:657 M:367 eb db 
37313 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37314 pa
37315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37316 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
37317 H:657 M:367 eb db 
37318 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37319 ovt
37320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37321 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
37322 H:657 M:367 eb db 
37323 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37324 slin
37325 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37326 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
37327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37328 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
37329 H:672 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37331 H:657 M:367 eb db 
37332 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37333 cast masochism knockout batter at &tar
37334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37335 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
37336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37337 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
37338 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37339 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
37340 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
37341 sochism effect.
37342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37343 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
37344 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37345 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
37346 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
37347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37348 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
37349 Damage Taken: 114 magickal, mental (raw damage: 102)
37350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37351 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards Reyvenyr and batteri
37352 ng him painfully.
37353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37354 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards you and batter
37355 ing you painfully.
37356 Damage Taken: 49 magickal, mental (raw damage: 44)
37357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37358 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
37359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37360 H:509 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
37361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37362 H:604 M:337 -b db 
37363 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37364 ta
37365 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37366 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 509/700 health and 491/512 mana.
37367 H:604 M:325 -b db 
37368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37369 focus
37370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37371 Mana Lost: 15
37372 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
37373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37374 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
37375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37376 You no longer enjoy pain.
37377 H:509 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
37378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37379 H:604 M:325 -b db 
37380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37381 eat toadstool
37382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37383 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1956.
37384 You quickly eat a toadstool.
37385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37386 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
37387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37388 Health Gain: 70
37389 Mana Gain: 36
37390 You feel your health and mana replenished.
37391 H:579 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
37392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37393 H:604 M:325 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
37394 H:604 M:325 -b db 
37395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37396 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
37397 H:579 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
37398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37399 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
37400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37401 You are now significantly attuned to the fire element.
37402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37403 Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
37404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37405 Damage Taken: 60 fire (raw damage: 111)
37406 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
37408 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37409 purge blood
37410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37411 Mana Lost: 6
37412 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
37413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37414 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
37415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37416 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
37417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37418 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
37419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37420 H:519 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
37421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37422 H:604 M:309 -b db 
37423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37424 You may drink another healing elixir.
37425 H:519 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
37426 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37427 sip health
37428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37429 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
37430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37431 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
37432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37433 Health Gain: 159
37434 The elixir heals your body.
37435 H:678 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
37436 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37437 H:604 M:309 -b db 
37438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37439 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
37440 H:678 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
37441 H:678 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
37442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37443 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
37444 H:604 M:309 -b db 
37445 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37446 ac on
37447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37448 Autocuring activated.
37449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37450 evoke imbue
37451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37452 You must regain balance first.
37453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37454 TEAR MAP
37455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37456 Syntax: TEAR MAP
37457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37458 evoke empower jolt
37459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37460 You must regain balance first.
37461 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37462 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
37463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37464 You must regain balance first.
37465 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37466 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
37467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37468 You must regain balance first.
37469 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37470 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
37471 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37472 You must regain balance first.
37473 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37474 naturebind choke dwenthall
37475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37476 You must regain your equilibrium first.
37477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37478 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
37479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37480 You must regain your equilibrium first.
37481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37482 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
37483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37484 You must regain your equilibrium first.
37485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37486 ta dwenthall
37487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37488 Dwenthall's condition stands at 514/669 health and 288/700 mana.
37489 Mana Lost: 12
37490 H:678 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
37491 H:678 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
37492 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37493 You may drink another healing elixir.
37494 H:604 M:309 -b db 
37495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37496 You have recovered balance.
37497 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37498 sip mana
37499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37500 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
37501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37502 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
37503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37504 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
37505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37506 H:678 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
37507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37508 H:604 M:439 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
37509 H:604 M:439 eb db 
37510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37511 ac on
37512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37513 Autocuring activated.
37514 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37515 evoke imbue
37516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37517 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
37518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37519 TEAR MAP
37520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37521 Syntax: TEAR MAP
37522 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37523 evoke empower jolt
37524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37525 Mana Lost: 6
37526 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
37527 wer of Earth infuses it.
37528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37529 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
37530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37531 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
37532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37533 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
37534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37535 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
37536 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37537 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
37538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37539 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
37540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37541 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
37542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37543 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
37544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37545 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
37546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37547 I do not recognize that toxin.
37548 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
37549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37550 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
37551 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
37552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37553 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
37554 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
37555 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
37556 Balance Taken: 3.01s
37557 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37558 naturebind choke dwenthall
37559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37560 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
37561 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37562 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
37563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37564 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
37565  her skin mercilessly.
37566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37567 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
37568 your skin mercilessly.
37569 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
37570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37571 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
37572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37573 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
37574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37575 You must regain your equilibrium first.
37576 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37577 ta dwenthall
37578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37579 Dwenthall's condition stands at 382/669 health and 439/700 mana.
37580 Mana Lost: 12
37581 H:678 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
37582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37583 H:368 M:439 eb b 
37584 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37585 eat juniper
37586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37587 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1909.
37588 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
37589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37590 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
37591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37592 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
37593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37594 H:678 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
37595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37596 H:368 M:439 eb db 
37597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37598 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
37599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37600 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
37601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37602 The tornado swirls rapidly.
37603 H:678 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
37604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37605 H:368 M:439 eb db 
37606 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37607 purge blood
37608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37609 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
37610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37611 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
37612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37613 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
37614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37615 H:678 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
37616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37617 H:368 M:433 eb db 
37618 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37619 cnc
37620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37621 You already possess mental equilibrium.
37622 H:368 M:433 eb db 
37623 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37624 pa
37625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37626 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
37627 H:368 M:433 eb db 
37628 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37629 ta
37630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37631 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 678/700 health and 476/512 mana.
37632 H:368 M:421 eb db 
37633 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37634 ovt
37635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37636 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
37637 H:368 M:421 eb db 
37638 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37639 anor
37640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37641 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
37642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37643 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
37644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37645 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
37646 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
37647 rewreathe effect.
37648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37649 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
37650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37651 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
37652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37653 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
37654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37655 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
37656 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
37657 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
37658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37659 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
37660 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
37661 your head.
37662 Damage Taken: 98 magickal, mental (raw damage: 88)
37663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37664 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
37665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37666 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
37667 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
37668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37669 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
37670 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
37671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37672 H:580 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
37673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37674 H:261 M:392 -b db 
37675 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37676 ta
37677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37678 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 580/700 health and 476/512 mana.
37679 H:261 M:380 -b db 
37680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37681 eat kelp
37682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37683 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1975.
37684 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
37685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37686 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
37687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37688 You feel coordinated once more.
37689 H:580 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
37690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37691 H:261 M:380 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
37692 You may eat another mushroom.
37693 H:287 M:408 -b db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
37694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37695 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
37696 H:580 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
37697 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37698 H:274 M:408 -b db 
37699 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37700 eat toadstool
37701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37702 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1935.
37703 You quickly eat a toadstool.
37704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37705 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
37706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37707 You feel your health and mana replenished.
37708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37709 H:580 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
37710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37711 H:341 M:478 -b db 
37712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37713 Your mind is able to focus once again.
37714 H:580 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
37715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37716 You may eat another herb or plant.
37717 H:341 M:478 -b db 
37718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37719 You may eat another herb or plant.
37720 H:580 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
37721 H:580 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
37722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37723 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
37724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37725 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
37726 You have recovered balance.
37727 H:580 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
37728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37729 H:341 M:462 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
37730 H:341 M:462 eb db 
37731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37732 You may eat another mushroom.
37733 H:580 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
37734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37735 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
37736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37737 You are now heavily attuned to the fire element.
37738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37739 Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
37740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37741 Damage Taken: 64 fire (raw damage: 118)
37742 You may drink another healing elixir.
37743 H:515 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
37744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37745 H:341 M:462 eb db 
37746 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37747 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
37748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37749 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
37750 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37751 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
37752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37753 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
37754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37755 evoke drain dwenthall
37756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37757 Mana Lost: 9
37758 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
37759 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
37760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37761 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
37762 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
37763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37764 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
37765 Balance Taken: 2.90s
37766 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37767 naturebind drain dwenthall
37768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37769 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
37770  contort in a visage of pain.
37771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37772 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
37773 tabbing pain in your head.
37774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37775 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
37776 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37777 ta dwenthall
37778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37779 Dwenthall's condition stands at 301/669 health and 310/700 mana.
37780 Mana Lost: 12
37781 H:515 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
37782 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37783 H:341 M:340 eb db 
37784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37785 contemplate dwenthall
37786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37787 You must regain balance first.
37788 H:515 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
37789 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37790 l
37791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37792 A rocky outcropping.
37793 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the wa
37794 y north. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southeast. A pile of rubble lies here, blockin
37795 g the way south. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southwest. An animated hawthorn root i
37796 s curled here, swaying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An an
37797 imated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr
37798  is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his 
37799 right. 
37800 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
37801 H:341 M:340 eb db 
37802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37803 sip health
37804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37805 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
37806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37807 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
37808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37809 Health Gain: 125
37810 The elixir heals your body.
37811 H:641 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
37812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37813 H:341 M:340 eb db 
37814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37815 eat toadstool
37816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37817 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1955.
37818 You quickly eat a toadstool.
37819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37820 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
37821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37822 Health Gain: 59
37823 Mana Gain: 51
37824 You feel your health and mana replenished.
37825 H:700 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
37826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37827 H:341 M:340 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
37828 H:341 M:340 eb db 
37829 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37830 sip mana
37831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37832 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
37833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37834 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
37835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37836 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
37837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37838 H:700 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
37839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37840 H:341 M:515 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
37841 H:341 M:515 eb db 
37842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37843 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
37844 H:700 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
37845 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37846 ffs
37847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37848 Somehow Dwenthall flips away to the south.
37850 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37851 You flip away to the south, landing flat on your back.
37852 By a pile of bodies.
37853 You see exits leading north and east.
37854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37855 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
37856 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37857 Balance Taken: 3.20s
37858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37859 H:700 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
37860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37861 H:341 M:515 e- pdb 
37862 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37863 kipup
37864 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37865 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
37866 H:341 M:515 e- db 
37867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37868 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
37869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37870 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
37871 H:700 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 6
37872 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
37873 You have recovered balance.
37874 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
37875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37876 s
37877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37878 You begin to slowly clamber over a pile of rubble that blocks your way.
37879 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
37880 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37881 You may eat another mushroom.
37882 H:408 M:557 e- db 
37883 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37884 eat toadstool
37885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37886 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1934.
37887 You quickly eat a toadstool.
37888 You feel your health and mana replenished.
37889 H:475 M:627 e- db 
37890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37891 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
37892 You are now significantly attuned to the fire element.
37893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37894 Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
37895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37896 Damage Taken: 68 fire (raw damage: 126)
37897 H:631 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
37898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37899 H:475 M:611 e- db You have recovered balance.
37900 H:475 M:611 eb db 
37901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37902 You may drink another healing elixir.
37903 H:631 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
37904 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37905 e
37906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37907 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
37908 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
37909 H:475 M:611 eb db 
37910 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37911 order loyals kill dwenthall
37912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37913 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
37914 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
37915 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
37916 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
37917 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37918 evoke empower rockfall
37919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37920 Mana Lost: 6
37921 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
37922 wer of Earth infuses it.
37923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37924 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
37925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37926 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
37927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37928 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
37929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37930 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
37931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37932 evoke lightning dwenthall
37933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37934 You do not see that individual here.
37935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37936 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
37937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37938 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
37939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37940 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
37941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37942 You detect nothing here by that name.
37943 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37944 ta dwenthall
37945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37946 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
37947 H:631 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
37948 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37949 You may drink another healing elixir.
37950 H:475 M:611 eb db 
37951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37952 You may eat another mushroom.
37953 H:631 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
37954 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37955 sip health
37956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37957 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
37958 The elixir heals your body.
37959 H:598 M:611 eb db 
37960 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37961 dag
37962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37963 You are:
37964 blind.
37965 deaf.
37966 an insomniac.
37967 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
37968 H:598 M:611 -b db 
37969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37970 By a pile of bodies.
37971 ------ v37833 -------
37972   | /   \   /   \ |  
37973 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
37974   | \     |          
37975  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
37976     \   / | \        
37977      [ ] [+]-[ ] [ ] 
37978                 \ |  
37979              [ ]-[ ] 
37980                     \
37983 ------- 1:0:0 -------
37984 You see exits leading north and east.
37985 H:631 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
37986 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37987 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
37988 H:598 M:611 eb db 
37989 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37990 ts
37991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37992 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
37993 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
37994 H:598 M:611 -b db 
37995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
37996 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
37997 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
37998 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
37999 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
38000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38001 Damage Taken: 72 fire (raw damage: 133)
38002 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38003 probe crystal
38004 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38005 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
38006 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
38007 It weighs 6 ounces.
38008 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
38009 The crystal can support one spell.
38010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38011 H:558 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
38012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38013 H:598 M:595 -b db 
38014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38015 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
38017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38018 You may eat another mushroom.
38019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38020 H:558 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
38021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38022 H:598 M:595 -b db 
38023 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38024 eat toadstool
38025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38026 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1954.
38027 You quickly eat a toadstool.
38028 Health Gain: 70
38029 Mana Gain: 6
38030 You feel your health and mana replenished.
38031 H:628 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
38032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38033 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
38034 H:598 M:595 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
38035 H:598 M:595 eb db The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
38036 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38037 sip health
38038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38039 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
38040 The elixir heals your body.
38041 H:669 M:595 eb db 
38042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38043 e
38044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38045 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
38046 ------ v37837 -------
38047     \   /   \ |      
38048      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
38049 \     |              
38050 -[ ] [ ]             
38051 \   / | \            
38052  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
38053             \ |      
38054          [ ]-[ ]     
38055                 \    
38056                  [ ] 
38058 ------- 2:0:0 -------
38059 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
38060 . She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
38061 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
38062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38063 Reyvenyr arrives from the west.
38064 He is followed by a mighty earth golem, an animated beech root, an animated blackthorn root, and an 
38065 animated hawthorn root.
38066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38067 H:628 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
38068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38069 H:669 M:595 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
38070 H:669 M:623 eb db You have regained the ability to purge your body.
38072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38073 order loyals kill dwenthall
38074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38075 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
38076 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
38077 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
38078 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
38079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38080 evoke empower rockfall
38081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38082 Mana Lost: 6
38083 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
38084 wer of Earth infuses it.
38085 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38086 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
38087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38088 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
38089 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38090 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
38091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38092 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies into Dwenthall's shield, stripping it.
38093 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38094 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies into your shield, stripping it.
38095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38096 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
38097 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38098 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
38099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38100 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
38101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38102 evoke lightning dwenthall
38103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38104 Mana Lost: 12
38105 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
38106  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
38107 g her charred and drained.
38108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38109 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
38110 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
38111 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
38112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38113 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
38114 Balance Taken: 3.80s
38115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38116 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
38117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38118 You must regain balance first.
38119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38120 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
38121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38122 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
38123 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
38124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38125 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
38126 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
38127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38128 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
38129 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38130 ta dwenthall
38131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38132 Dwenthall's condition stands at 584/669 health and 561/700 mana.
38133 Mana Lost: 12
38134 H:628 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
38135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38136 H:595 M:623 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
38137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38138 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
38139 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38140 quarterstaff stab dwenthall
38141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38142 You must regain balance first.
38143 H:628 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
38144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38145 H:582 M:623 eb db 
38146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38147 Health Gain: 70
38148 Mana Gain: 30
38149 H:698 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38151 l
38152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38153 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
38154 ------ v37837 -------
38155     \   /   \ |      
38156      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
38157 \     |              
38158 -[ ] [ ]             
38159 \   / | \            
38160  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
38161             \ |      
38162          [ ]-[ ]     
38163                 \    
38164                  [ ] 
38166 ------- 2:0:0 -------
38167 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
38168 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
38169 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
38170 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
38171 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
38172 H:698 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38174 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
38175 H:649 M:665 eb db 
38176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38177 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
38178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38179 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
38180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38181 You are now lightly attuned to the fire element.
38182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38183 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
38184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38185 Damage Taken: 76 fire (raw damage: 140)
38186 H:622 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38188 H:649 M:665 eb db 
38189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38190 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
38191 H:622 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
38192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38193 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
38194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38195 You must regain balance first.
38197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38198 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
38199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38200 You must regain balance first.
38202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38203 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
38204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38205 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
38206 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
38208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38209 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
38210 you.
38212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38213 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
38215 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38216 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
38217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38218 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38220 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38221 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
38222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38223 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38225 H:622 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38227 H:649 M:649 eb db 
38228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38229 ac on
38230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38231 Autocuring activated.
38233 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38234 order loyals kill dwenthall
38235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38236 You must regain balance first.
38238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38239 TEAR MAP
38240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38241 Syntax: TEAR MAP
38243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38244 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
38245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38246 You must regain balance first.
38248 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38249 evoke empower rockfall
38250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38251 You must regain balance first.
38253 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38254 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
38255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38256 You must regain balance first.
38258 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38259 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
38260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38261 You must regain balance first.
38263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38264 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
38265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38266 You must regain balance first.
38268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38269 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
38270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38271 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38273 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38274 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
38275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38276 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38279 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
38280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38281 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38283 H:622 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38284 You have recovered balance.
38287 H:622 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38288 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38289 You may drink another healing elixir.
38290 H:649 M:649 eb db 
38291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38292 You may eat another mushroom.
38294 H:622 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38296 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
38298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38299 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
38301 H:622 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38303 H:638 M:649 eb db 
38304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38305 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
38307 H:622 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38309 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
38310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38311 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38313 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38314 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
38315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38316 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38318 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38319 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
38320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38321 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38323 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38324 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
38325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38326 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38328 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
38329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38330 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38331 H:622 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38333 ac on
38334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38335 Autocuring activated.
38336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38337 order loyals kill dwenthall
38338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38339 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38341 TEAR MAP
38342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38343 Syntax: TEAR MAP
38344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38345 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
38346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38347 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38349 evoke empower rockfall
38350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38351 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38353 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
38354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38355 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38357 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
38358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38359 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38360 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38361 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
38362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38363 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38365 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
38366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38367 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38369 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
38370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38371 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38372 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38373 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
38374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38375 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38376 H:622 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38377 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38378 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
38379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38380 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38381 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38382 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
38383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38384 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38386 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
38387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38388 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38389 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38390 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
38391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38392 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38393 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38394 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
38395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38396 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38397 H:622 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38399 ac on
38400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38401 Autocuring activated.
38402 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38403 order loyals kill dwenthall
38404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38405 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38407 TEAR MAP
38408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38409 Syntax: TEAR MAP
38410 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38411 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
38412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38413 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38414 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38415 evoke empower rockfall
38416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38417 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38418 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38419 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
38420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38421 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38423 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
38424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38425 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38426 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38427 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
38428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38429 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38430 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38431 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
38432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38433 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38434 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38435 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
38436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38437 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38439 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
38440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38441 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38442 H:622 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
38443 H:622 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
38444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38445 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
38446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38447 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
38448 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
38449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38450 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
38451  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
38452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38453 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
38454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38455 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
38456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38457 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
38458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38459 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
38460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38461 Balance Taken: 2.00s
38462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38463 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
38464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38465 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
38466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38467 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
38468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38469 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
38470 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
38471 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38472 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
38473 d you.
38474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38475 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
38476 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38477 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
38478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38479 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38480 H:622 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38482 H:638 M:649 eb db 
38483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38484 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
38485 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38486 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
38487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38488 You are no longer attuned to the fire element.
38489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38490 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the fire element.
38491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38492 Damage Taken: 81 fire (raw damage: 148)
38493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38494 ac on
38495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38496 Autocuring activated.
38497 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38498 order loyals kill dwenthall
38499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38500 You must regain balance first.
38501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38502 TEAR MAP
38503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38504 Syntax: TEAR MAP
38505 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38506 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
38507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38508 You must regain balance first.
38509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38510 evoke empower rockfall
38511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38512 You must regain balance first.
38513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38514 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
38515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38516 You must regain balance first.
38517 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38518 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
38519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38520 You must regain balance first.
38521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38522 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
38523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38524 You must regain balance first.
38525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38526 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
38527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38528 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38529 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38530 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
38531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38532 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38533 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38534 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
38535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38536 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38537 H:541 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38538 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38539 H:638 M:649 eb db 
38540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38541 ---------delayed wisp
38542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38543 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
38544 H:541 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38545 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38546 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
38547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38548 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
38549 mmand.
38550 H:541 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38551 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38552 smoke pipe with linseed
38553 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38554 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
38555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38556 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
38557 H:541 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38558 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38559 H:638 M:649 eb db 
38560 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38561 sip health
38562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38563 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
38564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38565 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
38566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38567 Health Gain: 159
38568 The elixir heals your body.
38569 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38571 H:638 M:649 eb db 
38572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38573 eat toadstool
38574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38575 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1953.
38576 You quickly eat a toadstool.
38577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38578 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
38579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38580 You feel your health and mana replenished.
38581 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38583 H:638 M:649 eb db 
38584 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38585 l
38586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38587 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
38588 ------ v37837 -------
38589     \   /   \ |      
38590      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
38591 \     |              
38592 -[ ] [ ]             
38593 \   / | \            
38594  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
38595             \ |      
38596          [ ]-[ ]     
38597                 \    
38598                  [ ] 
38600 ------- 2:0:0 -------
38601 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
38602 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
38603 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
38604 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
38605 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
38606 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
38607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38608 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
38609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38610 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38612 H:638 M:633 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
38613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38614 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
38615 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38617 H:625 M:633 eb db 
38618 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38619 bl se
38620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38621 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38622 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38623 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38624 bl se
38625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38626 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38627 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38628 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38629 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
38630 H:625 M:633 eb db 
38631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38632 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
38633 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
38634 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38635 bl w
38636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38637 You move over to block the westward exit.
38638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38639 Reyvenyr moves over to block the westward exit.
38640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38641 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
38642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38643 H:625 M:633 eb db 
38644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38645 The circle of fire around you sputters and disappears in a puff of smoke.
38646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38647 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr sputters and disappears in a puff of smoke.
38648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38649 ac on
38650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38651 Autocuring activated.
38652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38653 order loyals kill dwenthall
38654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38655 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
38656 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
38657 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
38658 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
38659 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38660 TEAR MAP
38661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38662 Syntax: TEAR MAP
38663 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38664 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
38665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38666 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
38667 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38668 evoke empower rockfall
38669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38670 Mana Lost: 6
38671 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
38672 wer of Earth infuses it.
38673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38674 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
38675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38676 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
38677 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38678 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
38679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38680 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
38681 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38682 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
38683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38684 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
38685 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
38686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38687 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
38688 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
38689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38690 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
38691 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
38692 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
38693 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
38694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38695 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
38696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38697 Balance Taken: 3.01s
38698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38699 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
38700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38701 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
38702 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38703 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
38704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38705 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
38706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38707 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
38708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38709 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
38710 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
38711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38712 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
38713 .
38714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38715 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
38716 H:700 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
38717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38718 H:528 M:633 eb b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
38719 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38720 eat juniper
38721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38722 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1908.
38723 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
38724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38725 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
38726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38727 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
38728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38729 H:700 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
38730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38731 H:555 M:661 eb db 
38732 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38733 sip health
38734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38735 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
38736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38737 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
38738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38739 The elixir heals your body.
38740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38741 H:700 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
38742 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38743 H:669 M:661 eb db 
38744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38745 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
38746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38747 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
38748 H:700 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
38749 Mana Gain: 6
38750 You may drink another healing elixir.
38751 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38753 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
38754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38755 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
38756 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38758 H:669 M:700 eb db 
38759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38760 You may eat another mushroom.
38761 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38763 You may eat another herb or plant.
38764 H:669 M:700 eb db 
38765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38766 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
38767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38768 You must regain balance first.
38769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38770 evoke tornado
38771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38772 You must regain balance first.
38773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38774 naturebind curse dwenthall
38775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38776 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38777 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
38778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38779 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
38780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38781 You must regain balance first.
38782 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38783 evoke tornado
38784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38785 You must regain balance first.
38786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38787 naturebind curse dwenthall
38788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38789 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
38790 root shreds it viciously.
38791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38792 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
38793 root shreds it viciously.
38794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38795 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
38796 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
38797 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38798 H:669 M:684 eb db 
38799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38800 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
38801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38802 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
38803 H:700 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
38804 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38806 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
38807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38808 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
38809 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38811 H:659 M:684 eb db 
38812 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38813 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
38814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38815 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38817 evoke tornado
38818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38819 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38820 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38821 naturebind curse dwenthall
38822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38823 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38824 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38826 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
38827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38828 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38829 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38830 evoke tornado
38831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38832 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38833 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38834 naturebind curse dwenthall
38835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38836 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38837 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38839 You may drink another healing elixir.
38840 H:659 M:684 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
38841 H:658 M:684 eb db 
38842 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38843 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
38844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38845 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38846 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38847 evoke tornado
38848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38849 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38851 naturebind curse dwenthall
38852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38853 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38854 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
38855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38856 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
38857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38858 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38860 evoke tornado
38861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38862 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38864 naturebind curse dwenthall
38865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38866 You must regain your equilibrium first.
38867 H:700 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
38868 H:700 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
38869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38870 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
38871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38872 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
38873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38874 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
38875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38876 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
38877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38878 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
38879 .
38880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38881 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
38882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38883 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
38884 r veins.
38885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38886 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
38887 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38888 evoke tornado
38889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38890 Mana Lost: 30
38891 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
38892  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
38893 ng in air.
38894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38895 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
38896 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
38897  sucking in air.
38898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38899 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
38900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38901 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
38902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38903 The tornado swirls rapidly.
38904 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
38905 Balance Taken: 3.80s
38906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38907 naturebind curse dwenthall
38908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38909 Dwenthall is already suffering from the Nature's curse.
38910 H:700 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
38911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38912 H:617 M:684 eb db 
38913 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38914 rt Tornado Up!!
38915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38916 You are not the member of any ring.
38917 H:700 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
38918 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38919 eat kelp
38920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38921 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1979.
38922 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
38923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38924 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
38925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38926 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
38927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38928 H:700 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
38929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38930 H:617 M:684 eb db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
38931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38932 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
38933 H:700 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
38934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38935 H:603 M:668 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
38936 H:603 M:668 eb db 
38937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38938 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
38939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38940 You must regain balance first.
38941 H:700 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
38942 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38943 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
38944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38945 You must regain balance first.
38946 H:700 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
38947 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38948 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
38949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38950 Mana Lost: 12
38951 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
38952 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
38953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38954 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
38955 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
38956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38957 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
38958 Mana Lost: 12
38959 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of benze
38960 drine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
38961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38962 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
38963  benzedrine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
38964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38965 Balance Taken: 2.00s
38966 H:700 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
38967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38968 H:603 M:668 eb db 
38969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38970 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
38971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38972 You must regain balance first.
38973 H:700 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
38974 H:700 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
38975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38976 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
38977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38978 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
38979 H:700 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
38980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38981 H:593 M:668 eb db 
38982 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38983 sip health
38984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38985 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
38986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38987 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
38988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38989 The elixir heals your body.
38990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38991 H:700 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
38992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38993 H:669 M:668 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
38994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
38995 You have recovered balance.
38996 H:700 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
38997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
38998 H:668 M:668 eb db 
38999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39000 Mana Gain: 32
39001 H:700 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
39002 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39003 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
39004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39005 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
39006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39007 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
39008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39009 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
39010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39011 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
39012 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39013 evoke wisp glowing me
39014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39015 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
39016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39017 evoke toxicrain strychnine
39018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39019 Mana Lost: 12
39020 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
39021 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
39022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39023 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
39024 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
39025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39026 Mana Lost: 12
39027 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
39028 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
39029 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39030 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
39031  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
39032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39033 Balance Taken: 2.00s
39034 H:700 M:466 &lt;e- dbt; 
39035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39036 H:669 M:680 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
39037 H:669 M:700 eb db 
39038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39039 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
39040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39041 You must regain balance first.
39042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39043 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
39044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39045 You must regain balance first.
39046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39047 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
39048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39049 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
39050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39051 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
39052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39053 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
39054 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39055 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
39056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39057 An animated beech root is already circling around Dwenthall.
39058 H:700 M:466 &lt;e- dbt; 
39059 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39060 ac on
39061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39062 Autocuring activated.
39063 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39064 order loyals kill dwenthall
39065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39066 You must regain balance first.
39067 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39068 TEAR MAP
39069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39070 Syntax: TEAR MAP
39071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39072 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
39073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39074 You must regain balance first.
39075 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39076 evoke empower rockfall
39077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39078 You must regain balance first.
39079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39080 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
39081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39082 You must regain balance first.
39083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39084 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
39085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39086 You must regain balance first.
39087 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39088 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
39089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39090 You must regain balance first.
39091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39092 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
39093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39094 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
39095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39096 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
39097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39098 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
39099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39100 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
39101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39102 An animated beech root is already circling around Dwenthall.
39103 H:700 M:466 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
39104 H:700 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
39105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39106 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
39107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39108 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
39109 H:700 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
39110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39111 H:657 M:700 eb db The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
39112 H:657 M:700 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
39113 H:657 M:700 eb db 
39114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39115 You slap your arm in annoyance as a mosquito feeds from you.
39116 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
39117 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
39118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39119 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
39120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39121 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
39122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39123 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
39124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39125 The tornado swirls rapidly.
39127 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39128 eat juniper
39129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39130 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1907.
39132 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
39134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39135 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
39137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39138 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
39140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39141 H:700 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
39142 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39143 H:657 M:684 eb db 
39144 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39145 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
39146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39147 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
39149 H:700 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
39150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39151 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
39153 H:657 M:684 eb db 
39154 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39155 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
39156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39157 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
39158  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
39160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39161 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
39162 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
39164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39165 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
39167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39168 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
39169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39170 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
39172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39173 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
39174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39175 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
39177 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39178 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
39179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39180 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
39182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39183 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
39185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39186 Balance Taken: 2.00s
39188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39189 naturebinding shred dwenthall
39190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39191 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
39192 ing her skin mercilessly.
39194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39195 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
39196 ng your skin mercilessly.
39198 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
39200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39201 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
39203 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39204 ta dwenthall
39205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39206 Dwenthall's condition stands at 545/669 health and 678/700 mana.
39208 Mana Lost: 12
39210 H:700 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
39211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39212 H:612 M:684 eb b 
39213 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39214 ac on
39215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39216 Autocuring activated.
39218 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39219 order golem kill dwenthall
39220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39221 You must regain balance first.
39223 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39224 evoke empower rockfall
39225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39226 You must regain balance first.
39228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39229 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
39230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39231 You must regain balance first.
39233 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39234 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
39235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39236 You must regain balance first.
39238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39239 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
39240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39241 You must regain balance first.
39243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39244 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
39245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39246 You must regain your equilibrium first.
39248 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39249 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
39250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39251 You must regain your equilibrium first.
39253 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39254 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
39255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39256 You must regain your equilibrium first.
39258 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39259 naturebind shred dwenthall
39260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39261 You must regain your equilibrium first.
39263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39264 ta dwenthall
39265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39266 Dwenthall's condition stands at 673/669 health and 684/700 mana.
39268 Mana Lost: 12
39270 H:700 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
39271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39272 ---------delayed wisp
39273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39274 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
39276 H:700 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
39277 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39278 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
39279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39280 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
39281 mmand.
39283 H:700 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
39284 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39285 smoke pipe with linseed
39286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39287 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
39289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39290 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
39292 H:700 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
39293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39294 H:612 M:684 eb b 
39295 You may eat another herb or plant.
39296 H:612 M:684 eb b 
39297 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
39299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39300 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
39302 H:700 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
39303 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39304 H:598 M:684 eb b 
39305 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39306 eat juniper
39307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39308 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1906.
39310 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
39312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39313 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
39315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39316 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
39318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39319 H:700 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
39320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39321 H:598 M:684 eb db 
39322 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39323 sip health
39324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39325 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
39327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39328 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
39330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39331 The elixir heals your body.
39333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39334 H:700 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
39335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39336 H:669 M:684 eb db 
39337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39338 You have recovered balance.
39341 H:700 M:441 &lt;-b dbt; 
39342 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39343 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
39344 H:669 M:684 eb db 
39345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39346 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
39349 H:700 M:441 &lt;eb dbt; 
39350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39351 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
39352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39353 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
39355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39356 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
39357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39358 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
39360 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39361 evoke drain dwenthall
39362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39363 Mana Lost: 9
39365 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
39366 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
39368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39369 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
39370 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
39372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39373 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
39375 Balance Taken: 2.90s
39377 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39379 naturebind drain dwenthall
39380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39381 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
39382  contort in a visage of pain.
39384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39385 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
39386 tabbing pain in your head.
39388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39389 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
39391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39392 ta dwenthall
39393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39394 Dwenthall's condition stands at 689/669 health and 563/700 mana.
39395 Mana Lost: 12
39396 H:700 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
39397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39398 H:669 M:563 eb db 
39399 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39400 cast erode at rey
39401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39402 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
39403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39404 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
39405 Your mindseye defence is eroded away.
39406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39407 His mindseye defence is eroded away.
39408 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
39409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39410 H:700 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
39411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39412 H:669 M:559 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
39413 H:669 M:559 -b db 
39414 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39415 eat toadstool
39416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39417 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1933.
39418 You quickly eat a toadstool.
39419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39420 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
39421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39422 You feel your health and mana replenished.
39423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39424 H:700 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
39425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39426 H:669 M:629 -b db 
39427 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39428 contemplate dwenthall
39429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39430 You must regain balance first.
39431 H:700 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
39432 H:700 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
39433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39434 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
39435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39436 H:700 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
39437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39438 H:669 M:669 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
39439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39440 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
39441 H:700 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
39442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39443 H:656 M:669 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
39444 H:656 M:669 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
39445 H:656 M:669 eb db 
39446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39447 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
39448 H:700 M:453 &lt;e- dbt; 
39449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39450 You may drink another healing elixir.
39451 H:656 M:669 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
39452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39453 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
39454 H:700 M:453 &lt;e- dbt; 
39455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39456 H:656 M:669 eb db 
39457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39458 You have recovered balance.
39459 H:700 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
39460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39461 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
39462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39463 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
39464 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39465 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
39466 ods your veins.
39467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39468 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
39469  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
39470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39471 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
39472 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
39473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39474 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
39475 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39476 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
39477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39478 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
39479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39480 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
39481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39482 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
39483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39484 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
39485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39486 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
39487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39488 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
39489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39490 Balance Taken: 2.00s
39491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39492 naturebinding shred dwenthall
39493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39494 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
39495 ing her skin mercilessly.
39496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39497 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
39498 ng your skin mercilessly.
39499 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
39500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39501 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
39502 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39503 ta dwenthall
39504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39505 Dwenthall's condition stands at 520/669 health and 669/700 mana.
39506 Mana Lost: 12
39507 H:700 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
39508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39509 H:611 M:669 eb b 
39510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39511 ac on
39512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39513 Autocuring activated.
39514 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39515 evoke empower rockfall
39516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39517 You must regain balance first.
39518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39519 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
39520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39521 You must regain balance first.
39522 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39523 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
39524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39525 You must regain balance first.
39526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39527 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
39528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39529 You must regain balance first.
39530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39531 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
39532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39533 You must regain your equilibrium first.
39534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39535 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
39536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39537 You must regain your equilibrium first.
39538 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39539 ta dwenthall
39540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39541 Dwenthall's condition stands at 684/669 health and 702/700 mana.
39542 Mana Lost: 12
39543 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
39544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39545 ---------delayed wisp
39546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39547 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
39548 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
39549 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39550 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
39551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39552 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
39553 mmand.
39554 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
39555 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39556 smoke pipe with linseed
39557 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39558 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
39559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39560 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
39561 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
39562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39563 H:611 M:669 eb b 
39564 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39565 eat juniper
39566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39567 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1905.
39568 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
39569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39570 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
39571 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39572 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
39573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39574 H:700 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
39575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39576 H:611 M:669 eb db 
39577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39578 You have recovered balance.
39579 H:700 M:428 &lt;-b dbt; 
39580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39581 You may eat another mushroom.
39582 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39583 cast erode at rey
39584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39585 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
39586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39587 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
39588 Your levitating defence is eroded away.
39590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39591 His levitating defence is eroded away.
39593 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
39595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39596 H:700 M:428 &lt;-b dbt; 
39597 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39598 H:611 M:649 -b db 
39599 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39600 sip levitation
39601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39602 You take a drink of an elixir of levitation from an onyx vial.
39604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39605 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
39607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39608 Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
39610 H:700 M:428 &lt;-b dbt; 
39611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39612 H:611 M:649 -b db 
39613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39614 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
39617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39618 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
39619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39620 H:700 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
39621 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39622 H:611 M:649 -b db 
39623 You may eat another herb or plant.
39624 H:611 M:649 -b db 
39625 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
39627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39628 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
39630 H:700 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
39631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39632 H:600 M:649 -b db 
39633 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39634 sip health
39635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39636 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
39638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39639 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
39641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39642 The elixir heals your body.
39644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39645 H:700 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
39646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39647 H:669 M:649 -b db 
39648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39649 ac on
39650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39651 Autocuring activated.
39653 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39654 order golem kill dwenthall
39655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39656 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
39658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39659 evoke empower rockfall
39660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39661 Mana Lost: 6
39663 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
39664 wer of Earth infuses it.
39666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39667 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
39668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39669 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
39671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39672 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
39673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39674 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
39676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39677 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
39678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39679 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
39681 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
39683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39684 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
39686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39687 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
39689 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
39691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39692 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
39694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39695 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
39697 Balance Taken: 3.01s
39699 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39700 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
39701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39702 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
39703 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
39705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39706 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
39707 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
39709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39710 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
39712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39713 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
39714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39715 You must regain your equilibrium first.
39717 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39718 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
39719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39720 You must regain your equilibrium first.
39722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39723 naturebind shred dwenthall
39724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39725 You must regain your equilibrium first.
39726 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39727 ta dwenthall
39728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39729 Dwenthall's condition stands at 548/669 health and 746/700 mana.
39730 Mana Lost: 12
39731 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
39732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39733 H:548 M:649 -b b 
39734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39735 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
39736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39737 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
39738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39739 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
39740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39741 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
39742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39743 The tornado swirls rapidly.
39744 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
39745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39746 H:548 M:649 -b b 
39747 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39748 writhe root
39749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39750 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
39751 H:548 M:649 -b b 
39752 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39753 eat toadstool
39754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39755 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1932.
39756 You quickly eat a toadstool.
39757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39758 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
39759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39760 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
39761 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
39762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39763 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
39764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39765 H:548 M:649 -b b 
39766 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39767 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
39768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39769 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
39770 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
39771 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39772 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
39773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39774 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
39775 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
39776 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39777 eat maidenhair
39778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39779 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1988.
39780 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
39781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39782 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
39783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39784 The stinging feeling fades.
39785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39786 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
39787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39788 H:548 M:649 -b b 
39789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39790 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
39791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39792 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
39793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39794 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
39795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39796 H:548 M:649 eb b 
39797 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39798 cast erode at rey
39799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39800 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
39801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39802 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
39803 Your deaf defence is eroded away.
39804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39805 His deaf defence is eroded away.
39806 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
39807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39808 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- bt; 
39809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39810 H:548 M:645 -b b You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
39811 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39812 eat juniper
39813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39814 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1988.
39815 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
39816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39817 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
39818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39819 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
39820 H:700 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
39821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39822 H:548 M:645 -b b 
39823 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
39825 H:548 M:645 -b b 
39826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39827 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
39830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39831 You may eat another herb or plant.
39832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39833 H:700 M:410 &lt;e- dbt; 
39834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39835 H:548 M:645 -b b 
39836 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
39838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39839 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
39841 H:700 M:410 &lt;e- dbt; 
39842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39843 H:548 M:645 -b b 
39844 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39845 eat juniper
39846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39847 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1904.
39849 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
39851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39852 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
39854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39855 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
39857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39858 H:700 M:410 &lt;e- dbt; 
39859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39860 H:548 M:645 -b db 
39861 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
39863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39864 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
39865 r.
39867 You have recovered balance.
39870 H:700 M:410 &lt;eb dbt; 
39871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39872 H:500 M:645 -b db 
39873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39874 trueassess dwenthall
39875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39876 Dwenthall's condition stands at 475/669 health and 629/700 mana.
39878 Mana Lost: 12
39880 H:700 M:398 &lt;eb dbt; 
39881 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39882 eat toadstool
39883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39884 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1952.
39886 You quickly eat a toadstool.
39888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39889 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
39891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39892 Mana Gain: 51
39894 You feel your health and mana replenished.
39896 H:700 M:449 &lt;eb dbt; 
39897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39898 H:500 M:629 -b db 
39899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39900 Mana Gain: 32
39902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39903 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
39905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39906 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
39908 H:700 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
39909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39910 H:533 M:657 -b db 
39911 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39912 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
39913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39914 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
39916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39917 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
39918 ods your veins.
39920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39921 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
39923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39924 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
39926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39927 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
39929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39930 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
39931  weakening.
39933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39934 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
39936 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39937 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
39938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39939 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
39941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39942 evoke drain dwenthall
39943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39944 Mana Lost: 9
39946 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
39947 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
39949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39950 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
39951 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
39953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39954 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
39956 Balance Taken: 2.90s
39958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39960 naturebind drain dwenthall
39961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39962 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
39963  contort in a visage of pain.
39964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39965 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
39966 tabbing pain in your head.
39967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39968 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
39969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39970 ta dwenthall
39971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39972 Dwenthall's condition stands at 580/669 health and 465/700 mana.
39973 Mana Lost: 12
39974 H:700 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
39975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39976 H:533 M:465 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
39977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39978 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
39979 H:700 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
39980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39981 H:523 M:465 -b db 
39982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39983 contemplate dwenthall
39984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39985 You must regain balance first.
39986 H:700 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
39987 H:700 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
39988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39989 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
39990 H:523 M:465 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
39991 H:523 M:465 eb db 
39992 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39993 sip mana
39994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39995 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
39996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
39997 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
39998 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
39999 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
40000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40001 H:700 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
40002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40003 H:523 M:624 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
40004 H:523 M:624 eb db 
40005 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40006 cast erode at rey
40007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40008 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
40009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40010 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
40011 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40012 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
40013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40014 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
40015 Your fenugreek defence is eroded away.
40016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40017 His fenugreek defence is eroded away.
40018 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
40019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40020 H:700 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
40021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40022 H:523 M:620 -b db 
40023 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40024 apply fenugreek
40025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40026 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1997.
40027 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
40028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40029 Reyvenyr applies a fenugreek berry to himself.
40030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40031 H:700 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
40032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40033 H:523 M:620 -b db 
40034 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40035 smoke pipe with linseed
40036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40037 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
40038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40039 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
40040 H:700 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
40041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40042 H:523 M:620 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
40043 H:523 M:620 -b db 
40044 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40045 eat toadstool
40046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40047 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1931.
40048 You quickly eat a toadstool.
40049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40050 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
40051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40052 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
40053 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
40054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40055 H:700 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
40056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40057 H:523 M:620 -b db 
40058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40059 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40060 You have recovered balance.
40061 H:700 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
40062 H:700 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
40063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40064 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40065 H:550 M:648 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
40066 H:550 M:648 eb db 
40067 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40068 ac on
40069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40070 Autocuring activated.
40071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40072 evoke imbue
40073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40074 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
40075 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40076 evoke empower shock
40077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40078 Mana Lost: 6
40079 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
40080 wer of Earth infuses it.
40081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40082 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
40083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40084 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
40085 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40086 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
40087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40088 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
40089 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40090 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
40091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40092 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
40093 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
40094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40095 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
40096 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
40097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40098 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
40099 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
40100 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
40101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40102 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
40103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40104 Balance Taken: 3.01s
40105 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40106 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
40107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40108 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
40109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40110 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
40111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40112 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
40113  her skin mercilessly.
40114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40115 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
40116 your skin mercilessly.
40117 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
40118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40119 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
40120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40121 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
40122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40123 You must regain your equilibrium first.
40124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40125 ta dwenthall
40126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40127 Dwenthall's condition stands at 429/669 health and 712/700 mana.
40128 Mana Lost: 12
40129 H:700 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
40130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40131 H:433 M:648 eb b 
40132 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40133 eat maidenhair
40134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40135 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1987.
40136 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
40137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40138 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
40139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40140 The stinging feeling fades.
40141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40142 H:700 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
40143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40144 H:433 M:648 eb b 
40145 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40146 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
40147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40148 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
40149 H:700 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
40150 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40151 cast erode at rey
40152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40153 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
40154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40155 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
40157 Your venom defence is eroded away.
40159 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40160 His venom defence is eroded away.
40162 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
40164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40165 H:700 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
40166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40167 H:433 M:628 -b b 
40168 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
40170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40171 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
40173 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40174 sip venom
40175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40176 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
40178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40179 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
40181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40182 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
40184 H:700 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
40185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40186 H:422 M:628 -b b 
40187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40188 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
40190 H:700 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
40191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40192 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
40194 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
40196 H:420 M:628 -b b 
40197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40198 You may eat another mushroom.
40200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40201 You may drink another healing elixir.
40202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40203 H:700 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
40204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40205 H:420 M:628 -b b 
40206 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40207 sip health
40208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40209 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
40211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40212 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
40214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40215 The elixir heals your body.
40217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40218 H:700 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
40219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40220 H:552 M:628 -b b 
40221 You may eat another herb or plant.
40222 H:552 M:628 -b b 
40223 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40224 eat juniper
40225 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40226 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1903.
40228 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
40230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40231 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
40233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40234 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
40236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40237 H:700 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
40238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40239 H:552 M:628 -b db 
40240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40241 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40244 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40245 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40249 H:700 M:442 &lt;e- dbt; 
40250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40251 H:552 M:628 eb db 
40252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40253 The fenugreek berry juice hardens into a supple, waxy coating.
40255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40256 A waxy shell of berry juice has dried to Reyvenyr's skin.
40258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40259 H:700 M:442 &lt;e- dbt; 
40260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40261 H:552 M:628 eb db 
40262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40263 You have recovered balance.
40266 H:700 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
40267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40268 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
40270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40271 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
40273 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
40275 The tornado swirls rapidly.
40277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40278 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
40280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40281 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
40283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40284 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
40286 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40287 cast erode at rey
40288 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40289 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
40290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40291 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
40292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40293 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
40294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40295 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
40296 Your levitating defence is eroded away.
40297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40298 His levitating defence is eroded away.
40299 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
40300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40301 H:700 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
40302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40303 H:552 M:624 -b b 
40304 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40305 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
40306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40307 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
40308 H:700 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
40309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40310 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
40311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40312 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
40313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40314 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
40315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40316 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
40317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40318 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
40319  weakening.
40320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40321 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
40322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40323 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
40324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40325 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
40326 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40327 evoke drain dwenthall
40328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40329 Mana Lost: 9
40330 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
40331 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
40332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40333 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
40334 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
40335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40336 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
40337 Balance Taken: 2.90s
40338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40339 naturebind drain dwenthall
40340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40341 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
40342  contort in a visage of pain.
40343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40344 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
40345 tabbing pain in your head.
40346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40347 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
40348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40349 ta dwenthall
40350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40351 Dwenthall's condition stands at 536/669 health and 433/700 mana.
40352 Mana Lost: 12
40353 H:700 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
40354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40355 H:552 M:433 -b b 
40356 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40357 smoke pipe with linseed
40358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40359 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
40360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40361 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
40362 H:700 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
40363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40364 H:552 M:433 -b b 
40365 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40366 sip levitation
40367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40368 You take a drink of an elixir of levitation from an onyx vial.
40369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40370 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
40371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40372 Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
40373 H:700 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
40374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40375 H:552 M:433 -b b 
40376 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40377 contemplate dwenthall
40378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40379 You must regain balance first.
40380 H:700 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
40381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40382 You may eat another herb or plant.
40383 H:552 M:433 -b b You may eat another mushroom.
40384 H:552 M:433 -b b 
40385 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40386 eat juniper
40387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40388 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1902.
40389 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
40390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40391 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
40392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40393 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
40394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40395 H:700 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
40396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40397 H:552 M:433 -b db 
40398 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40399 eat toadstool
40400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40401 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1930.
40402 You quickly eat a toadstool.
40403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40404 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
40405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40406 You feel your health and mana replenished.
40407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40408 H:700 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
40409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40410 H:619 M:503 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
40411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40412 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
40413 H:700 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
40414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40415 H:610 M:503 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40416 H:610 M:487 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
40417 H:610 M:487 eb db 
40418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40419 Mana Gain: 32
40420 H:700 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40421 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40422 cast erode at rey
40423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40424 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
40425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40426 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
40427 Your insomnia defence is eroded away.
40428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40429 His insomnia defence is eroded away.
40430 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
40431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40432 H:700 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
40433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40434 H:643 M:511 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
40435 H:643 M:511 -b db 
40436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40437 You have recovered balance.
40438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40439 insomnia
40440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40441 Mana Lost: 6
40442 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
40443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40444 Reyvenyr clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
40445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40446 H:700 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
40447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40448 H:643 M:511 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
40449 H:643 M:511 -b db 
40450 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40451 sip mana
40452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40453 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
40454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40455 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
40456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40457 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
40458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40459 H:700 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
40460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40461 H:643 M:638 -b db 
40462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40463 ac on
40464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40465 Autocuring activated.
40466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40467 evoke imbue
40468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40469 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
40470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40471 TEAR MAP
40472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40473 Syntax: TEAR MAP
40474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40475 evoke empower jolt
40476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40477 Mana Lost: 6
40478 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
40479 wer of Earth infuses it.
40480 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40481 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
40482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40483 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
40484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40485 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
40486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40487 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
40488 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40489 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
40490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40491 I do not recognize that toxin.
40492 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
40493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40494 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
40495 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
40496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40497 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
40498 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
40499 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
40500 Balance Taken: 3.01s
40501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40502 naturebind choke dwenthall
40503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40504 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
40505 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40506 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
40507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40508 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
40509  her skin mercilessly.
40510 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40511 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
40512 your skin mercilessly.
40513 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
40514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40515 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
40516 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40517 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
40518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40519 You must regain your equilibrium first.
40520 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40521 ta dwenthall
40522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40523 Dwenthall's condition stands at 495/669 health and 619/700 mana.
40524 Mana Lost: 12
40525 H:700 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
40526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40527 H:495 M:638 -b b 
40528 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40529 eat juniper
40530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40531 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1901.
40532 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
40533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40534 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
40535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40536 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
40537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40538 H:700 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
40539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40540 H:495 M:638 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
40541 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
40542 H:491 M:638 -b db You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
40543 H:491 M:638 -b db 
40544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40545 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
40546 H:700 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
40547 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40548 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40549 H:491 M:638 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
40550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40551 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
40552 H:700 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
40553 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40554 H:481 M:638 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
40555 H:481 M:638 eb db 
40556 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40557 cast erode at rey
40558 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40559 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
40560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40561 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
40562 Your weathering defence is eroded away.
40563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40564 His weathering defence is eroded away.
40565 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
40566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40567 H:700 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
40568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40569 H:481 M:634 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
40570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40571 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
40572 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40573 H:700 M:430 &lt;e- dbt; 
40574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40575 H:481 M:634 -b db 
40576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40577 You have recovered balance.
40578 H:700 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
40579 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40580 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
40581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40582 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
40583  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
40584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40585 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
40586 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
40587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40588 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
40589 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40590 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
40591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40592 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
40593 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40594 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
40595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40596 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
40597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40598 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
40599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40600 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
40601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40602 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
40603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40604 Balance Taken: 2.00s
40605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40606 naturebinding shred dwenthall
40607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40608 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
40609 ing her skin mercilessly.
40610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40611 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
40612 ng your skin mercilessly.
40613 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
40614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40615 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
40616 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40617 ta dwenthall
40618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40619 Dwenthall's condition stands at 459/669 health and 629/700 mana.
40620 Mana Lost: 12
40621 H:700 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
40622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40623 H:463 M:662 -b b 
40624 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40625 smoke pipe with linseed
40626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40627 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
40628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40629 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
40630 H:700 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
40631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40632 H:463 M:662 -b b 
40633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40634 ac on
40635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40636 Autocuring activated.
40637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40638 order golem kill dwenthall
40639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40640 You must regain balance first.
40641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40642 evoke empower rockfall
40643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40644 You must regain balance first.
40645 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40646 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
40647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40648 You must regain balance first.
40649 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40650 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
40651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40652 You must regain balance first.
40653 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40654 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
40655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40656 You must regain balance first.
40657 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40658 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
40659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40660 You must regain your equilibrium first.
40661 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40662 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
40663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40664 You must regain your equilibrium first.
40665 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40666 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
40667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40668 You must regain your equilibrium first.
40669 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40670 naturebind shred dwenthall
40671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40672 You must regain your equilibrium first.
40673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40674 ta dwenthall
40675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40676 Dwenthall's condition stands at 467/669 health and 662/700 mana.
40677 Mana Lost: 12
40678 H:700 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
40679 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40680 ---------delayed wisp
40681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40682 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
40683 H:700 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
40684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40685 You may eat another mushroom.
40686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40687 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
40688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40689 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
40690 mmand.
40691 H:700 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
40692 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40693 H:463 M:662 -b b 
40694 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40695 eat juniper
40696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40697 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1900.
40698 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
40699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40700 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
40701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40702 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
40703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40704 H:700 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
40705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40706 H:463 M:662 -b db 
40707 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40708 eat toadstool
40709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40710 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1929.
40711 You quickly eat a toadstool.
40712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40713 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
40714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40715 You feel your health and mana replenished.
40716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40717 H:700 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
40718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40719 H:530 M:700 -b db 
40720 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40721 eat toadstool
40722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40723 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1951.
40724 You quickly eat a toadstool.
40725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40726 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
40727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40728 Mana Gain: 51
40729 You feel your health and mana replenished.
40730 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
40731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40732 H:530 M:700 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
40733 H:530 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40734 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40735 sip health
40736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40737 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
40738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40739 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
40740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40741 The elixir heals your body.
40742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40743 H:700 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
40744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40745 H:669 M:684 eb db 
40746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40747 You have recovered balance.
40748 H:700 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
40749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40750 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
40751 H:669 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
40752 H:669 M:684 eb db 
40753 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40754 cast erode at rey
40755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40756 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
40757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40758 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
40759 Your fenugreek defence is eroded away.
40760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40761 His fenugreek defence is eroded away.
40762 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
40763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40764 H:700 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
40765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40766 H:669 M:680 -b db 
40767 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40768 apply fenugreek
40769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40770 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1996.
40771 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
40772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40773 Reyvenyr applies a fenugreek berry to himself.
40774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40775 H:700 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
40776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40777 H:669 M:680 -b db 
40778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40779 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40780 H:700 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
40781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40782 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
40783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40784 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
40785 H:700 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
40786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40787 H:658 M:680 -b db 
40788 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40789 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
40790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40791 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
40792 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40793 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
40794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40795 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
40796 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40797 evoke drain dwenthall
40798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40799 Mana Lost: 9
40800 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
40801 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
40802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40803 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
40804 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
40805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40806 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
40807 Balance Taken: 2.90s
40808 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40809 naturebind drain dwenthall
40810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40811 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
40812  contort in a visage of pain.
40813 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40814 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
40815 tabbing pain in your head.
40816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40817 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
40818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40819 ta dwenthall
40820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40821 Dwenthall's condition stands at 658/669 health and 559/700 mana.
40822 Mana Lost: 12
40823 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
40824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40825 H:658 M:559 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
40826 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
40827 H:654 M:559 -b db 
40828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40829 contemplate dwenthall
40830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40831 You must regain balance first.
40832 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
40833 ne.
40834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40835 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
40836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40837 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
40838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40839 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
40840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40841 The tornado swirls rapidly.
40842 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
40843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40844 H:654 M:559 -b b 
40845 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40846 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
40847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40848 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
40849 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
40850 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40851 eat juniper
40852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40853 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1899.
40854 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
40855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40856 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
40857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40858 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
40859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40860 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
40861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40862 H:654 M:559 -b db 
40863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40864 You may eat another herb or plant.
40865 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
40866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40867 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40868 H:654 M:559 eb db 
40869 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40870 cast erode at rey
40871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40872 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
40873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40874 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
40875 Your curseward defence is eroded away.
40876 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40877 His curseward defence is eroded away.
40878 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
40880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40881 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
40882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40883 H:654 M:555 -b db 
40884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40885 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
40887 H:700 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
40888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40889 You can once again overtune your crystal.
40891 H:654 M:555 -b db 
40892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40893 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
40896 H:700 M:435 &lt;e- dbt; 
40897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40898 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
40900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40901 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
40903 You have recovered balance.
40906 H:700 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; 
40907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40908 H:654 M:539 -b db 
40909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40910 Mana Gain: 32
40912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40913 You may drink another healing elixir.
40914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40915 H:700 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
40916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40917 H:669 M:581 -b db 
40918 You may eat another mushroom.
40920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40921 You may eat another mushroom.
40923 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40924 sip mana
40925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40926 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
40928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40929 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
40931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40932 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
40934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40935 H:700 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
40936 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40937 H:669 M:700 -b db 
40938 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40939 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
40940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40941 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
40943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40944 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
40945 ods your veins.
40947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40948 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
40949  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
40951 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40952 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
40953 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
40955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40956 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
40958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40959 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
40960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40961 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
40963 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40964 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
40965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40966 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
40968 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40969 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
40970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40971 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
40973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40974 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
40976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40977 Balance Taken: 2.00s
40979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40980 naturebinding shred dwenthall
40981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40982 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
40983 ing her skin mercilessly.
40985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
40986 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
40987 ng your skin mercilessly.
40989 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
40991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40992 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
40994 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40995 ta dwenthall
40996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
40997 Dwenthall's condition stands at 531/669 health and 735/700 mana.
40999 Mana Lost: 12
41001 H:700 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
41002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41003 H:624 M:700 -b b 
41004 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41005 smoke pipe with linseed
41006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41007 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
41009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41010 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
41012 H:700 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
41013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41014 H:624 M:700 -b b 
41015 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41016 ac on
41017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41018 Autocuring activated.
41019 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41020 order golem kill dwenthall
41021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41022 You must regain balance first.
41023 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41024 evoke empower rockfall
41025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41026 You must regain balance first.
41027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41028 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
41029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41030 You must regain balance first.
41031 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41032 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
41033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41034 You must regain balance first.
41035 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41036 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
41037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41038 You must regain balance first.
41039 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41040 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
41041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41042 You must regain your equilibrium first.
41043 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41044 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
41045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41046 You must regain your equilibrium first.
41047 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41048 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
41049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41050 You must regain your equilibrium first.
41051 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41052 naturebind shred dwenthall
41053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41054 You must regain your equilibrium first.
41055 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41056 ta dwenthall
41057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41058 Dwenthall's condition stands at 556/669 health and 658/700 mana.
41059 Mana Lost: 12
41060 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
41061 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41062 ---------delayed wisp
41063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41064 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
41065 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
41066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41067 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
41068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41069 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
41070 mmand.
41071 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
41072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41073 You may eat another herb or plant.
41074 H:624 M:700 -b b 
41075 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41076 eat juniper
41077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41078 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1898.
41079 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
41080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41081 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
41082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41083 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
41084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41085 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
41086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41087 H:624 M:700 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
41088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41089 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
41090 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
41091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41092 H:613 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41093 H:613 M:700 eb db 
41094 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41095 cast erode at rey
41096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41097 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
41098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41099 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
41100 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
41101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41102 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
41103 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
41104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41105 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
41106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41107 H:613 M:696 -b db 
41108 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41109 apply caloric
41110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41111 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
41112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41113 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
41114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41115 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
41116 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
41117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41118 H:613 M:696 -b db 
41119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41120 The fenugreek berry juice hardens into a supple, waxy coating.
41121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41122 A waxy shell of berry juice has dried to Reyvenyr's skin.
41123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41124 H:700 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
41125 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41126 H:613 M:696 -b db 
41127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41128 You have recovered balance.
41129 H:700 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
41130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41131 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
41132 H:613 M:696 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
41133 H:613 M:696 -b db 
41134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41135 You may apply another salve.
41136 H:700 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41137 H:700 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
41138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41139 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
41140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41141 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
41142 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41143 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
41144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41145 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
41146 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41147 evoke drain dwenthall
41148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41149 Mana Lost: 9
41150 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
41151 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
41152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41153 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
41154 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
41155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41156 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
41157 Balance Taken: 2.90s
41158 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41159 naturebind drain dwenthall
41160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41161 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
41162  contort in a visage of pain.
41163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41164 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
41165 tabbing pain in your head.
41166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41167 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
41168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41169 ta dwenthall
41170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41171 Dwenthall's condition stands at 613/669 health and 575/700 mana.
41172 Mana Lost: 12
41173 H:700 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
41174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41175 H:613 M:575 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41176 H:613 M:575 eb db 
41177 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41178 contemplate dwenthall
41179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41180 You must regain balance first.
41181 H:700 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
41182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41183 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
41184 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
41185 H:609 M:575 eb db 
41186 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41187 eat toadstool
41188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41189 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1928.
41190 You quickly eat a toadstool.
41191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41192 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
41193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41194 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
41195 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
41196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41197 H:700 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
41198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41199 H:609 M:559 eb db 
41200 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41201 cast erode at rey
41202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41203 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
41204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41205 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
41206 Your venom defence is eroded away.
41207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41208 His venom defence is eroded away.
41209 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
41210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41211 H:700 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
41212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41213 H:609 M:555 -b db 
41214 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41215 sip venom
41216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41217 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
41218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41219 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
41220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41221 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
41222 H:700 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
41223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41224 H:609 M:555 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
41225 H:609 M:555 -b db 
41226 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41227 sip mana
41228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41229 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
41230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41231 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
41232 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41233 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
41234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41235 H:700 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
41236 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41237 H:636 M:700 -b db 
41238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41239 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
41240 H:700 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
41241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41242 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
41243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41244 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
41245 H:700 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
41246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41247 H:622 M:700 -b db 
41248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41249 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41250 H:700 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
41251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41252 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
41253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41254 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
41255 H:700 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
41256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41257 H:622 M:700 -b db 
41258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41259 You have recovered balance.
41260 H:700 M:422 &lt;eb dbt; 
41261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41262 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41263 H:622 M:700 eb db 
41264 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41265 ac on
41266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41267 Autocuring activated.
41268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41269 evoke imbue
41270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41271 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
41272 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41273 TEAR MAP
41274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41275 Syntax: TEAR MAP
41276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41277 evoke empower jolt
41278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41279 Mana Lost: 6
41280 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
41281 wer of Earth infuses it.
41282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41283 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
41284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41285 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
41286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41287 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
41288 ods your veins.
41289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41290 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
41291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41292 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
41293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41294 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
41295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41296 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
41297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41298 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
41299 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41300 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
41301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41302 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
41303 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41304 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
41305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41306 I do not recognize that toxin.
41307 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
41308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41309 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
41310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41311 The attack rebounds back onto you!
41312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41313 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
41314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41315 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
41316 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
41317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41318 A small jolt of lightning zaps Reyvenyr.
41319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41320 Damage Taken: 26 electricity, mental (raw damage: 41)
41321 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
41322 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
41323 Balance Taken: 3.01s
41324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41325 naturebind choke dwenthall
41326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41327 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
41328 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41329 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
41330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41331 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
41332  her skin mercilessly.
41333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41334 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
41335 your skin mercilessly.
41336 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
41337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41338 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
41339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41340 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
41341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41342 You must regain your equilibrium first.
41343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41344 ta dwenthall
41345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41346 Dwenthall's condition stands at 520/669 health and 637/700 mana.
41347 Mana Lost: 12
41348 H:608 M:404 &lt;-- dbt; 
41349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41350 H:496 M:700 eb b 
41351 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41352 eat juniper
41353 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41354 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1897.
41355 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
41356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41357 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
41358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41359 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
41360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41361 H:608 M:404 &lt;-- dbt; 
41362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41363 H:496 M:700 eb db 
41364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41365 eat toadstool
41366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41367 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1950.
41368 You quickly eat a toadstool.
41369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41370 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
41371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41372 Health Gain: 60
41373 Mana Gain: 51
41374 You feel your health and mana replenished.
41375 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
41376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41377 H:496 M:700 eb db 
41378 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41379 cast erode at rey
41380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41381 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
41382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41383 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
41384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41385 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
41386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41387 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
41388 Your quince defence is eroded away.
41389 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41390 His quince defence is eroded away.
41391 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
41392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41393 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
41394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41395 H:496 M:696 -b db 
41396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41397 eat quince
41398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41399 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1993.
41400 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
41401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41402 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
41403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41404 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
41405 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
41406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41407 H:496 M:696 -b db 
41408 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41409 smoke pipe with linseed
41410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41411 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
41412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41413 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
41414 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
41415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41416 H:496 M:696 -b db 
41417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41418 You are once again able to form a curseward.
41419 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
41420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41421 You may eat another herb or plant.
41422 H:496 M:696 -b db 
41423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41424 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
41425 The tornado swirls rapidly.
41426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41427 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
41428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41429 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
41430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41431 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
41432 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41433 eat juniper
41434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41435 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1896.
41436 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
41437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41438 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
41439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41440 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
41441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41442 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
41443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41444 H:496 M:680 -b db 
41445 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41446 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
41447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41448 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
41449 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
41450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41451 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
41452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41453 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
41454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41455 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41457 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
41458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41459 H:486 M:680 eb db 
41460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41461 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41462 H:669 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; 
41463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41464 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
41465 H:486 M:680 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
41466 H:485 M:680 eb db 
41467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41468 You have recovered balance.
41469 H:669 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
41470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41471 You may drink another healing elixir.
41472 H:485 M:680 eb db 
41473 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41474 sip health
41475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41476 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
41477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41478 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
41479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41480 The elixir heals your body.
41481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41482 H:669 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
41483 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41484 H:654 M:680 eb db 
41485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41486 curseward
41487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41488 Mana Lost: 21
41489 You concentrate briefly and a shimmering curseward appears around you.
41490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41491 A shimmering curseward appears around Reyvenyr.
41492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41493 H:669 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; 
41494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41495 H:654 M:680 eb db 
41496 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41497 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
41498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41499 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
41500 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41501 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
41502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41503 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
41504 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41505 evoke drain dwenthall
41506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41507 Mana Lost: 9
41508 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
41509 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
41510 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41511 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
41512 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
41513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41514 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
41515 Balance Taken: 2.90s
41516 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41517 naturebind drain dwenthall
41518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41519 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
41520  contort in a visage of pain.
41521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41522 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
41523 tabbing pain in your head.
41524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41525 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
41526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41527 ta dwenthall
41528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41529 Dwenthall's condition stands at 745/669 health and 532/700 mana.
41530 Mana Lost: 12
41531 H:669 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
41532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41533 H:654 M:559 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
41534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41535 Mana Gain: 32
41536 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41538 H:669 M:601 eb db 
41539 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41540 cast erode at rey
41541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41542 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
41543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41544 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
41545 Your temperance defence is eroded away.
41546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41547 His temperance defence is eroded away.
41548 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
41549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41550 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41552 H:669 M:597 -b db 
41553 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41554 contemplate dwenthall
41555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41556 You must regain balance first.
41557 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41559 sip frost
41560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41561 You take a drink of an elixir of frost from an onyx vial.
41562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41563 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
41564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41565 A chill runs over your icy skin.
41566 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41568 H:669 M:597 -b db 
41569 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41570 dg
41571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41572 You must regain balance first.
41573 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41575 You may eat another herb or plant.
41576 H:669 M:597 -b db 
41577 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41578 dg
41579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41580 You must regain balance first.
41581 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41582 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41583 dg
41584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41585 You must regain balance first.
41586 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41587 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41588 dg
41589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41590 You must regain balance first.
41591 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41593 dg
41594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41595 You must regain balance first.
41596 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
41597 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41598 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41599 dg
41600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41601 You must regain balance first.
41602 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41604 dg
41605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41606 You must regain balance first.
41607 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41608 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41609 dg
41610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41611 You must regain balance first.
41612 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41614 dg
41615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41616 You must regain balance first.
41617 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
41618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41619 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41620 H:669 M:597 eb db 
41621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41622 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41623 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
41624 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
41625 H:669 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
41626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41627 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
41628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41629 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
41630 H:669 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
41631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41632 H:669 M:597 eb db 
41633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41634 dg
41635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41636 You are:
41637 blind.
41638 deaf.
41639 an insomniac.
41640 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
41641 H:669 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
41642 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41643 dg
41644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41645 You must regain your equilibrium first.
41646 H:669 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
41647 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41648 dg
41649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41650 You must regain your equilibrium first.
41651 H:669 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
41652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41653 dg
41654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41655 You must regain your equilibrium first.
41656 H:669 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
41657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41658 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
41659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41660 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
41661 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41662 dg
41663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41664 You must regain your equilibrium first.
41665 H:669 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
41666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41667 H:657 M:597 eb db 
41668 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41669 cast erode at rey
41670 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41671 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
41672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41673 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
41674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41675 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
41676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41677 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
41678 Your quince defence is eroded away.
41679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41680 His quince defence is eroded away.
41681 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
41682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41683 H:669 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
41684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41685 H:657 M:593 -b db 
41686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41687 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41688 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41689 eat quince
41690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41691 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1992.
41692 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
41693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41694 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
41695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41696 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
41697 H:669 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
41698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41699 H:657 M:577 -b db 
41700 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41701 smoke pipe with linseed
41702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41703 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
41704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41705 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
41707 H:669 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
41708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41709 H:657 M:577 -b db 
41710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41711 dg
41712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41713 You are:
41715 blind.
41717 deaf.
41719 an insomniac.
41721 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
41723 H:669 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
41724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41725 You may drink another healing elixir.
41726 H:657 M:577 -b db 
41727 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41728 sip mana
41729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41730 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
41732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41733 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
41735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41736 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
41738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41739 H:669 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
41740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41741 H:657 M:700 -b db 
41742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41743 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41746 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41747 ac on
41748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41749 Autocuring activated.
41751 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41752 order loyals kill dwenthall
41753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41754 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
41756 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
41758 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
41760 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
41762 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41763 TEAR MAP
41764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41765 Syntax: TEAR MAP
41767 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41768 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
41769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41770 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
41772 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41773 evoke empower rockfall
41774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41775 Mana Lost: 6
41777 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
41778 wer of Earth infuses it.
41780 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41781 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
41782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41783 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
41785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41786 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
41788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41789 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
41791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41792 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
41794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41795 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
41797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41798 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
41799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41800 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
41802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41803 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
41804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41805 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
41807 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
41809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41810 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
41812 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
41814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41815 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
41817 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
41819 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
41821 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
41823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41824 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
41826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41827 Balance Taken: 3.01s
41829 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41830 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
41831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41832 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
41833 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
41835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41836 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
41837 you.
41839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41840 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
41842 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41843 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
41844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41845 You must regain your equilibrium first.
41847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41848 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
41849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41850 You must regain your equilibrium first.
41851 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
41852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41853 H:478 M:700 -b b 
41854 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41855 eat juniper
41856 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41857 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1895.
41858 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
41859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41860 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
41861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41862 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
41863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41864 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
41865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41866 H:478 M:700 -b db 
41867 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41868 eat toadstool
41869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41870 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1927.
41871 You quickly eat a toadstool.
41872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41873 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
41874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41875 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
41876 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
41877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41878 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
41879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41880 H:478 M:700 -b db 
41881 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41882 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
41883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41884 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
41885 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
41886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41887 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41888 H:478 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
41889 H:505 M:700 eb db 
41890 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41891 cast erode at rey
41892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41893 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
41894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41895 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
41896 Your fenugreek defence is eroded away.
41897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41898 His fenugreek defence is eroded away.
41899 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
41900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41901 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
41902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41903 H:505 M:696 -b db 
41904 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41905 apply fenugreek
41906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41907 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1995.
41908 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
41909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41910 Reyvenyr applies a fenugreek berry to himself.
41911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41912 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
41913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41914 H:505 M:696 -b db 
41915 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41916 bs
41917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41918 You must regain balance first.
41919 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
41920 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41921 bs
41922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41923 You must regain balance first.
41924 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
41925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41926 You may eat another herb or plant.
41927 H:505 M:696 -b db 
41928 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41929 bs
41930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41931 You must regain balance first.
41932 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
41933 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41934 bs
41935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41936 You must regain balance first.
41937 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
41938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41939 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
41940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41941 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
41942 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41943 H:669 M:439 &lt;e- dbt; 
41944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41945 H:491 M:696 -b db 
41946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41947 bs
41948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41949 You must regain balance first.
41950 H:669 M:439 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
41951 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41952 bs
41953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41954 Your skin is already tough as bark.
41955 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
41956 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41957 bs
41958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41959 Your skin is already tough as bark.
41960 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
41961 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
41962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41963 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
41964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41965 bs
41966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41967 Your skin is already tough as bark.
41968 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
41969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41970 H:491 M:680 eb db 
41971 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41972 bs
41973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41974 Your skin is already tough as bark.
41975 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
41976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41977 You may drink another healing elixir.
41978 H:491 M:680 eb db 
41979 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41980 sip health
41981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41982 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
41983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41984 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
41985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41986 The elixir heals your body.
41987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41988 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
41989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41990 H:661 M:680 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
41991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41992 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
41993 H:669 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
41994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
41995 H:661 M:680 eb db 
41996 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41997 ac on
41998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
41999 Autocuring activated.
42000 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42001 order golem kill dwenthall
42002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42003 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
42004 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42005 evoke empower rockfall
42006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42007 Mana Lost: 6
42008 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
42009 wer of Earth infuses it.
42010 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42011 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
42012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42013 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
42014 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42015 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
42016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42017 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
42018 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42019 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
42020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42021 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
42022 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
42023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42024 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
42025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42026 The attack rebounds back onto you!
42027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42028 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
42029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42030 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
42031 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
42032 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
42033 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
42034 Balance Taken: 3.01s
42035 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42036 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
42037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42038 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
42039 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
42040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42041 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
42042 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
42043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42044 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
42046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42047 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
42048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42049 You must regain your equilibrium first.
42051 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42052 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
42053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42054 You must regain your equilibrium first.
42056 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42057 naturebind shred dwenthall
42058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42059 You must regain your equilibrium first.
42061 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42062 ta dwenthall
42063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42064 Dwenthall's condition stands at 577/669 health and 680/700 mana.
42066 Mana Lost: 12
42068 H:603 M:421 &lt;-- bt; 
42069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42070 H:613 M:680 eb db 
42071 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42072 cast erode at rey
42073 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42074 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
42076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42077 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
42079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42080 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
42082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42083 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
42085 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
42087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42088 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
42090 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
42092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42093 H:603 M:421 &lt;-- bt; 
42094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42095 H:613 M:676 -b db 
42096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42097 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
42099 Health Gain: 65
42101 Mana Gain: 32
42103 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- bt; 
42104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42105 eat juniper
42106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42107 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1987.
42109 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
42111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42112 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
42114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42115 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
42117 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
42118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42119 H:669 M:700 -b db 
42120 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42121 smoke pipe with linseed
42122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42123 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
42125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42126 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
42128 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
42129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42130 H:669 M:700 -b db 
42131 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42132 apply caloric
42133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42134 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
42136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42137 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
42139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42140 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
42142 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
42143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42144 H:669 M:700 -b db 
42145 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42146 writhe root
42147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42148 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
42150 H:669 M:700 -b db 
42151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42152 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
42154 The tornado swirls rapidly.
42156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42157 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
42159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42160 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
42162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42163 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
42165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42166 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
42167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42168 H:669 M:700 -b b 
42169 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42170 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
42171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42172 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
42174 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
42175 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42176 eat juniper
42177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42178 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1894.
42179 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
42180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42181 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
42182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42183 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
42184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42185 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
42186 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42187 H:669 M:700 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
42188 H:669 M:700 -b db 
42189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42190 You may apply another salve.
42191 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
42192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42193 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
42194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42195 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
42196 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
42197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42198 H:658 M:700 -b db 
42199 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42200 glare
42201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42202 Reyvenyr glares about himself, upset with the world.
42203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42204 You glare about yourself, upset with the world.
42205 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
42206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42207 H:658 M:700 -b db 
42208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42209 You may eat another herb or plant.
42210 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; The fenugreek berry juice hardens into a supple, waxy coating.
42211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42212 A waxy shell of berry juice has dried to Reyvenyr's skin.
42213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42214 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
42215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42216 H:658 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
42217 H:658 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
42218 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
42219 H:658 M:700 eb db 
42220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42221 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
42222 H:669 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
42223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42224 You may eat another herb or plant.
42225 H:658 M:700 eb db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
42226 e out of you.
42227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42228 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
42229 r.
42230 You have recovered balance.
42231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42232 ac on
42233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42234 Autocuring activated.
42235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42236 evoke imbue
42237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42238 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
42239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42240 evoke empower rockfall
42241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42242 Mana Lost: 6
42243 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
42244 wer of Earth infuses it.
42245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42246 lp
42247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42248 You quickly light your pipes, surrounding yourself with a cloud of smoke.
42249 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42250 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
42251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42252 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
42253 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42254 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
42255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42256 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
42257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42258 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
42259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42260 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
42261 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42262 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
42263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42264 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
42265 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
42266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42267 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
42268 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
42269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42270 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
42271 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
42272 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
42273 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
42274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42275 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
42276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42277 Balance Taken: 3.01s
42278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42279 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
42280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42281 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
42282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42283 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
42284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42285 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
42286 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42287 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
42288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42289 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
42290 dding her skin mercilessly.
42291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42292 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
42293 ding your skin mercilessly.
42294 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
42295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42296 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
42297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42298 ta dwenthall
42299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42300 Dwenthall's condition stands at 439/669 health and 784/700 mana.
42301 Mana Lost: 12
42302 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
42303 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42304 H:427 M:700 eb b 
42305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42306 trueassess dwenthall
42307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42308 Dwenthall's condition stands at 427/669 health and 770/700 mana.
42309 Mana Lost: 12
42310 H:669 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
42311 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42312 eat maidenhair
42313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42314 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1986.
42315 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
42316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42317 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
42318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42319 The stinging feeling fades.
42320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42321 H:669 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
42322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42323 H:427 M:700 eb b 
42324 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42325 eat toadstool
42326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42327 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1926.
42328 You quickly eat a toadstool.
42329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42330 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
42331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42332 You feel your health and mana replenished.
42333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42334 H:669 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
42335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42336 H:494 M:700 eb b You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
42337 H:494 M:700 eb b 
42338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42339 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
42340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42341 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
42342 H:669 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
42343 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42344 cast erode at rey
42345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42346 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
42347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42348 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
42349 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
42350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42351 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
42352 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
42353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42354 H:669 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
42355 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42356 H:494 M:696 -b b 
42357 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42358 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
42359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42360 You must regain your equilibrium first.
42361 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42362 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
42363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42364 You must regain your equilibrium first.
42365 H:669 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
42366 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42367 apply caloric
42368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42369 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
42370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42371 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
42372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42373 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
42375 H:669 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
42376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42377 H:494 M:696 -b b 
42378 You may drink another healing elixir.
42379 H:494 M:680 -b b 
42380 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42381 sip health
42382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42383 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
42385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42386 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
42388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42389 The elixir heals your body.
42391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42392 H:669 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
42393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42394 H:649 M:680 -b b 
42395 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
42397 H:649 M:680 -b b 
42398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42399 You may apply another salve.
42400 H:669 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
42401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42402 You may eat another herb or plant.
42403 H:649 M:680 -b b 
42404 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42405 eat juniper
42406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42407 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1893.
42409 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
42411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42412 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
42414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42415 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
42417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42418 H:669 M:424 &lt;-- dbt; 
42419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42420 H:649 M:680 -b db 
42421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42422 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
42425 H:669 M:424 &lt;e- dbt; 
42426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42427 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
42430 H:649 M:680 eb db 
42431 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
42433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42434 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
42435 r.
42437 H:669 M:424 &lt;e- dbt; 
42438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42439 H:600 M:680 eb db 
42440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42441 You have recovered balance.
42444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42445 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
42447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42448 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
42450 H:669 M:424 &lt;eb dbt; 
42451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42452 H:600 M:680 eb db 
42453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42454 trueassess dwenthall
42455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42456 Dwenthall's condition stands at 516/669 health and 626/700 mana.
42458 Mana Lost: 12
42460 H:669 M:411 &lt;eb dbt; 
42461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42462 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
42464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42465 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
42467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42468 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
42470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42471 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
42473 H:669 M:411 &lt;eb dbt; 
42474 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42475 H:587 M:680 eb db 
42476 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42477 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
42478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42479 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
42481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42482 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
42483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42484 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
42486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42487 evoke drain dwenthall
42488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42489 Mana Lost: 9
42491 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
42492 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
42494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42495 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
42496 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
42498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42499 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
42501 Balance Taken: 2.90s
42503 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42505 naturebind drain dwenthall
42506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42507 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
42508  contort in a visage of pain.
42510 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42511 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
42512 tabbing pain in your head.
42514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42515 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
42517 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42518 ta dwenthall
42519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42520 Dwenthall's condition stands at 598/669 health and 476/700 mana.
42522 Mana Lost: 12
42524 H:669 M:390 &lt;-- dbt; 
42525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42526 H:587 M:559 eb db 
42527 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42528 eat toadstool
42529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42530 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1949.
42532 You quickly eat a toadstool.
42534 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42535 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
42537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42538 Mana Gain: 51
42540 You feel your health and mana replenished.
42542 H:669 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
42543 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42544 H:587 M:559 eb db 
42545 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42546 contemplate dwenthall
42547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42548 You must regain balance first.
42550 H:669 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
42551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42552 You may eat another herb or plant.
42553 H:614 M:587 eb db 
42554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42555 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
42557 H:669 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
42558 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42559 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
42561 H:614 M:571 eb db 
42562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42563 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
42566 H:669 M:441 &lt;e- dbt; 
42567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42568 You may drink another healing elixir.
42569 H:614 M:571 eb db 
42570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42571 You have recovered balance.
42574 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42575 sip mana
42576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42577 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
42579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42580 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
42582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42583 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
42585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42586 H:669 M:441 &lt;eb dbt; 
42587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42588 H:614 M:700 eb db 
42589 You may eat another mushroom.
42591 H:614 M:700 eb db 
42592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42593 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
42594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42595 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
42597 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42598 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
42600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42601 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
42603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42604 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
42605  weakening.
42607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42608 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
42610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42611 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
42612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42613 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
42615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42616 evoke drain dwenthall
42617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42618 Mana Lost: 9
42620 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
42621 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
42623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42624 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
42625 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
42627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42628 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
42630 Balance Taken: 2.90s
42632 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42634 naturebind drain dwenthall
42635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42636 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
42637  contort in a visage of pain.
42639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42640 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
42641 tabbing pain in your head.
42643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42644 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
42646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42647 ta dwenthall
42648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42649 Dwenthall's condition stands at 614/669 health and 509/700 mana.
42650 Mana Lost: 12
42651 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
42652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42653 H:614 M:509 eb db 
42654 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42655 eat toadstool
42656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42657 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1925.
42658 You quickly eat a toadstool.
42659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42660 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
42661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42662 You feel your health and mana replenished.
42663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42664 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
42665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42666 H:669 M:579 eb db 
42667 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42668 contemplate dwenthall
42669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42670 You must regain balance first.
42671 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
42672 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42673 cast erode at rey
42674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42675 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
42676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42677 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
42678 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42679 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
42680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42681 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
42682 Your fenugreek defence is eroded away.
42683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42684 His fenugreek defence is eroded away.
42685 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
42686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42687 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
42688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42689 H:669 M:575 -b db 
42690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42691 apply fenugreek
42692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42693 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1994.
42694 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
42695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42696 Reyvenyr applies a fenugreek berry to himself.
42697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42698 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
42699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42700 H:669 M:575 -b db 
42701 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42702 smoke pipe with linseed
42703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42704 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
42705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42706 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
42707 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
42708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42709 H:669 M:575 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
42710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42711 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
42712 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
42713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42714 H:656 M:575 -b db 
42715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42716 Mana Gain: 32
42717 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
42718 ne.
42719 The tornado swirls rapidly.
42720 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42721 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
42722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42723 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
42724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42725 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
42726 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42727 eat juniper
42728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42729 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1892.
42730 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
42731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42732 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
42733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42734 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
42735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42736 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
42737 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42738 H:669 M:617 -b db 
42739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42740 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
42741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42742 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
42743 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
42744 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
42745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42746 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
42747 H:669 M:617 eb db 
42748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42749 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
42750 You may eat another mushroom.
42751 H:669 M:453 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
42752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42753 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
42755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42756 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
42757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42758 H:669 M:617 eb db 
42759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42760 ac on
42761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42762 Autocuring activated.
42763 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42764 order golem kill dwenthall
42765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42766 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
42767 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42768 evoke empower rockfall
42769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42770 Mana Lost: 6
42771 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
42772 wer of Earth infuses it.
42773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42774 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
42775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42776 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
42777 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42778 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
42779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42780 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
42781 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42782 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
42783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42784 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
42785 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
42786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42787 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
42788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42789 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
42790 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
42791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42792 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
42793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42794 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
42795 Balance Taken: 3.01s
42796 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42797 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
42798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42799 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
42800 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42801 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
42802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42803 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
42804 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
42805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42806 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
42807 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
42808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42809 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
42810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42811 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
42812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42813 You must regain your equilibrium first.
42814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42815 naturebind shred dwenthall
42816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42817 You must regain your equilibrium first.
42818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42819 ta dwenthall
42820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42821 Dwenthall's condition stands at 558/669 health and 531/700 mana.
42822 Mana Lost: 12
42823 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
42824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42825 H:548 M:617 eb b 
42826 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42827 writhe root
42828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42829 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
42830 H:548 M:617 eb b 
42831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42832 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
42833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42834 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
42835 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
42836 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42837 cast erode at rey
42838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42839 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
42840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42841 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
42842 Your curseward defence is eroded away.
42843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42844 His curseward defence is eroded away.
42845 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
42847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42848 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
42849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42850 H:548 M:613 -b b 
42851 You may eat another herb or plant.
42852 H:548 M:613 -b b 
42853 You may drink another healing elixir.
42854 H:548 M:613 -b b 
42855 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42856 eat juniper
42857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42858 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1891.
42860 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
42862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42863 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
42865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42866 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
42868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42869 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
42870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42871 H:548 M:597 -b db 
42872 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42873 sip health
42874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42875 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
42877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42878 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
42880 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42881 The elixir heals your body.
42883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42884 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
42885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42886 H:669 M:597 -b db 
42887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42888 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
42890 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
42891 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42892 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
42894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42895 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
42897 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
42898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42899 H:658 M:597 -b db 
42900 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
42902 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
42904 H:657 M:597 -b db 
42905 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
42908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42909 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
42912 The fenugreek berry juice hardens into a supple, waxy coating.
42914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42915 A waxy shell of berry juice has dried to Reyvenyr's skin.
42917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42918 H:669 M:435 &lt;e- dbt; 
42919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42920 H:657 M:597 eb db 
42921 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
42923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42924 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
42925 her.
42927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42928 You may eat another mushroom.
42930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42931 You have recovered balance.
42934 H:669 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; 
42935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42936 H:608 M:597 eb db 
42937 You may eat another herb or plant.
42938 H:608 M:597 eb db 
42939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42940 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
42941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42942 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
42944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42945 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
42947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42948 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
42950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42951 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
42952  weakening.
42954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42955 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
42957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42958 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
42959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42960 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
42962 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42963 evoke drain dwenthall
42964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42965 Mana Lost: 9
42967 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
42968 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
42970 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42971 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
42972 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
42974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42975 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
42977 Balance Taken: 2.90s
42979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42981 naturebind drain dwenthall
42982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42983 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
42984  contort in a visage of pain.
42985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42986 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
42987 tabbing pain in your head.
42988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42989 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
42990 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42991 ta dwenthall
42992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42993 Dwenthall's condition stands at 572/669 health and 394/700 mana.
42994 Mana Lost: 12
42995 H:669 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
42996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
42997 H:608 M:406 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
42998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
42999 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
43000 H:669 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
43001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43002 H:608 M:406 eb db 
43003 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43004 eat toadstool
43005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43006 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1924.
43007 You quickly eat a toadstool.
43008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43009 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
43010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43011 You feel your health and mana replenished.
43012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43013 H:669 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
43014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43015 H:669 M:476 eb db 
43016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43017 contemplate dwenthall
43018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43019 You must regain balance first.
43020 H:669 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
43021 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43022 cast erode at rey
43023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43024 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
43025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43026 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
43027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43028 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
43029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43030 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
43031 Your quince defence is eroded away.
43032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43033 His quince defence is eroded away.
43034 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
43035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43036 H:669 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
43037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43038 H:669 M:472 -b db 
43039 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43040 eat quince
43041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43042 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1991.
43043 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
43044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43045 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
43046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43047 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
43048 H:669 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
43049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43050 H:669 M:472 -b db 
43051 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43052 smoke pipe with linseed
43053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43054 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
43055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43056 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
43057 H:669 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
43058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43059 H:669 M:472 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
43060 H:669 M:472 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
43061 H:669 M:500 -b db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
43062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43063 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
43064 H:669 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
43065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43066 H:669 M:500 -b db 
43067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43068 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
43069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43070 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
43071 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43072 sip mana
43073 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43074 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
43075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43076 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
43077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43078 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
43079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43080 H:669 M:413 &lt;e- dbt; 
43081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43082 H:669 M:670 eb db 
43083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43084 You have recovered balance.
43085 H:669 M:413 &lt;eb dbt; 
43086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43087 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
43088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43089 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
43090 H:669 M:413 &lt;eb dbt; 
43091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43092 H:658 M:654 eb db 
43093 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43094 ac on
43095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43096 Autocuring activated.
43097 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43098 evoke imbue
43099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43100 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
43101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43102 TEAR MAP
43103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43104 Syntax: TEAR MAP
43105 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43106 evoke empower jolt
43107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43108 Mana Lost: 6
43109 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
43110 wer of Earth infuses it.
43111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43112 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
43113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43114 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
43115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43116 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
43117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43118 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
43119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43120 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
43121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43122 I do not recognize that toxin.
43123 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43125 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43126 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
43127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43128 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
43129 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
43130 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43131 Balance Taken: 3.01s
43132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43133 naturebind choke dwenthall
43134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43135 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
43136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43137 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
43138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43139 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
43140  her skin mercilessly.
43141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43142 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
43143 your skin mercilessly.
43144 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
43145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43146 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
43147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43148 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
43149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43150 You must regain your equilibrium first.
43151 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43152 ta dwenthall
43153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43154 Dwenthall's condition stands at 510/669 health and 654/700 mana.
43155 Mana Lost: 12
43156 H:669 M:395 &lt;-- dbt; 
43157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43158 H:510 M:654 eb b 
43159 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43160 eat juniper
43161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43162 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1890.
43163 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
43164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43165 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
43166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43167 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
43168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43169 H:669 M:395 &lt;-- dbt; 
43170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43171 H:510 M:654 eb db 
43172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43173 eat toadstool
43174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43175 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1948.
43176 You quickly eat a toadstool.
43177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43178 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
43179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43180 Mana Gain: 51
43181 You feel your health and mana replenished.
43182 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
43183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43184 H:510 M:654 eb db 
43185 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43186 cast erode at rey
43187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43188 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
43189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43190 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
43191 Your quince defence is eroded away.
43192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43193 His quince defence is eroded away.
43194 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
43195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43196 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
43197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43198 H:510 M:650 -b db 
43199 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43200 eat quince
43201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43202 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1990.
43203 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
43204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43205 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
43206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43207 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
43208 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
43209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43210 H:510 M:650 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
43211 H:510 M:650 -b db 
43212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43213 Mana Gain: 32
43214 H:669 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
43215 H:669 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
43216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43217 You may eat another herb or plant.
43218 H:577 M:692 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
43219 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
43220 H:573 M:692 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
43221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43222 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
43223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43224 You may eat another mushroom.
43225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43226 H:669 M:479 &lt;e- dbt; 
43227 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43228 H:573 M:692 eb db 
43229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43230 You have recovered balance.
43231 H:669 M:479 &lt;eb dbt; 
43232 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43233 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
43234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43235 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
43236 H:669 M:479 &lt;eb dbt; 
43237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43238 H:573 M:692 eb db 
43239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43240 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
43241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43242 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
43243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43244 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
43245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43246 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
43247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43248 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
43249  weakening.
43250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43251 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
43252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43253 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
43254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43255 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
43256 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43257 evoke drain dwenthall
43258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43259 Mana Lost: 9
43260 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
43261 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
43262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43263 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
43264 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
43265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43266 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
43267 Balance Taken: 2.90s
43268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43269 naturebind drain dwenthall
43270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43271 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
43272  contort in a visage of pain.
43273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43274 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
43275 tabbing pain in your head.
43276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43277 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
43278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43279 ta dwenthall
43280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43281 Dwenthall's condition stands at 573/669 health and 471/700 mana.
43282 Mana Lost: 12
43283 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
43284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43285 H:573 M:501 eb db 
43286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43287 You are once again able to form a curseward.
43288 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
43289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43290 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
43291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43292 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
43293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43294 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
43295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43296 The tornado swirls rapidly.
43297 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
43298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43299 H:573 M:501 eb b 
43300 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43301 eat juniper
43302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43303 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1889.
43304 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
43305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43306 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
43307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43308 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
43309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43310 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
43311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43312 H:573 M:501 eb db 
43313 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43314 eat toadstool
43315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43316 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1923.
43317 You quickly eat a toadstool.
43318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43319 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
43320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43321 You feel your health and mana replenished.
43322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43323 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
43324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43325 H:640 M:571 eb db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
43326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43327 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
43328 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43329 contemplate dwenthall
43330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43331 You must regain balance first.
43332 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
43333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43334 H:630 M:571 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
43335 H:630 M:571 eb db 
43336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43337 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
43338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43339 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
43340 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
43341 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43342 cast erode at rey
43343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43344 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
43345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43346 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
43347 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43348 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
43349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43350 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
43351 Your temperance defence is eroded away.
43352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43353 His temperance defence is eroded away.
43354 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
43355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43356 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
43357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43358 H:630 M:567 -b db 
43359 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43360 sip frost
43361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43362 You take a drink of an elixir of frost from an onyx vial.
43363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43364 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
43365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43366 A chill runs over your icy skin.
43367 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
43368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43369 H:630 M:567 -b db 
43370 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43371 smoke pipe with linseed
43372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43373 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
43374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43375 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
43377 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
43378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43379 H:630 M:567 -b db 
43380 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43381 sip mana
43382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43383 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
43385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43386 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
43388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43389 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
43391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43392 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
43393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43394 H:630 M:700 -b db 
43395 You may eat another herb or plant.
43396 H:630 M:684 -b db 
43397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43398 You may eat another mushroom.
43400 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
43401 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
43404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43405 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
43408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43409 You have recovered balance.
43412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43413 curseward
43414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43415 Mana Lost: 21
43417 You concentrate briefly and a shimmering curseward appears around you.
43419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43420 A shimmering curseward appears around Reyvenyr.
43422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43423 H:669 M:436 &lt;eb dbt; 
43424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43425 H:630 M:684 eb db 
43426 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
43427 H:630 M:684 eb db 
43428 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43429 ac on
43430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43431 Autocuring activated.
43433 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43434 order golem kill dwenthall
43435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43436 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
43438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43439 evoke empower rockfall
43440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43441 Mana Lost: 6
43443 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
43444 wer of Earth infuses it.
43446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43447 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
43448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43449 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
43451 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43452 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
43453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43454 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
43456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43457 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
43458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43459 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43461 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43464 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43466 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
43468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43469 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
43471 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
43473 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43475 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
43477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43478 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
43480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43481 Balance Taken: 3.01s
43483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43484 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
43485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43486 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
43488 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43489 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
43490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43491 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
43493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43494 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
43495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43496 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated beech root leaps at her throat and squeezes
43497  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
43499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43500 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated beech root leaps at your throat and squeezes
43501  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
43503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43504 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
43506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43507 naturebind shred dwenthall
43508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43509 You must regain your equilibrium first.
43511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43512 ta dwenthall
43513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43514 Dwenthall's condition stands at 412/669 health and 643/700 mana.
43515 Mana Lost: 12
43516 H:669 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
43517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43518 H:484 M:684 eb b 
43519 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43520 cast erode at rey
43521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43522 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
43523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43524 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
43525 Your venom defence is eroded away.
43526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43527 His venom defence is eroded away.
43528 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
43529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43530 H:669 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
43531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43532 H:484 M:680 -b b 
43533 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43534 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
43535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43536 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
43537 H:669 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
43538 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43539 writhe root
43540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43541 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
43542 H:484 M:680 -b b 
43543 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43544 sip venom
43545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43546 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
43547 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43548 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
43549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43550 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
43551 H:669 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
43552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43553 H:484 M:680 -b b 
43554 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43555 eat juniper
43556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43557 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1888.
43558 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
43559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43560 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
43561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43562 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
43563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43564 H:669 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
43565 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43566 H:484 M:680 -b db Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Byley Plains.
43567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43568 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Byley Plains.
43569 H:669 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
43570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43571 H:484 M:680 -b db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
43572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43573 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
43574 H:669 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
43575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43576 H:470 M:680 -b db 
43577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43578 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
43579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43580 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
43581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43582 H:669 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
43583 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43584 H:469 M:680 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
43585 H:469 M:680 -b db 
43586 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43587 sip health
43588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43589 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
43590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43591 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
43592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43593 The elixir heals your body.
43594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43595 H:669 M:418 &lt;-- dbt; 
43596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43597 H:614 M:680 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
43598 H:614 M:664 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
43599 H:614 M:664 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
43600 H:614 M:664 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
43601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43602 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
43603 H:669 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; 
43604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43605 H:614 M:664 eb db An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life o
43606 ut of you.
43607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43608 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of her.
43609 H:669 M:418 &lt;e- dbt; 
43610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43611 H:566 M:664 eb db 
43612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43613 You have recovered balance.
43614 H:669 M:418 &lt;eb dbt; 
43615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43616 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
43617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43618 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
43619 H:669 M:418 &lt;eb dbt; 
43620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43621 H:566 M:664 eb db 
43622 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43623 ac on
43624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43625 Autocuring activated.
43626 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43627 evoke imbue
43628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43629 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
43630 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43631 evoke empower shock
43632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43633 Mana Lost: 6
43634 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
43635 wer of Earth infuses it.
43636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43637 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
43638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43639 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
43640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43641 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
43642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43643 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
43644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43645 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
43646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43647 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
43648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43649 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
43650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43651 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
43652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43653 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
43654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43655 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43656 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43658 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43660 The attack rebounds back onto you!
43661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43662 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
43663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43664 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
43665 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
43666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43667 A brief shock runs through Reyvenyr's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
43668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43669 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43670 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
43671 Balance Taken: 3.01s
43672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43673 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
43674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43675 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
43676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43677 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
43678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43679 An animated beech root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
43680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43681 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
43682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43683 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
43684 ing her skin mercilessly.
43685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43686 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
43687 ng your skin mercilessly.
43688 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
43689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43690 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
43691 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43692 ta dwenthall
43693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43694 Dwenthall's condition stands at 440/669 health and 638/700 mana.
43695 Mana Lost: 12
43696 H:603 M:400 &lt;-- bt; 
43697 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43698 H:440 M:664 eb b 
43699 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43700 cast erode at rey
43701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43702 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
43703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43704 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
43705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43706 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
43707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43708 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
43709 Your density defence is eroded away.
43710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43711 His density defence is eroded away.
43712 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
43713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43714 H:603 M:400 &lt;-- bt; 
43715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43716 H:440 M:660 -b b 
43717 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43718 eat juniper
43719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43720 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1986.
43721 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
43722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43723 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
43724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43725 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
43726 H:603 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
43727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43728 H:440 M:660 -b b 
43729 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43730 eat toadstool
43731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43732 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1947.
43733 You quickly eat a toadstool.
43734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43735 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
43736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43737 Health Gain: 65
43738 Mana Gain: 51
43739 You feel your health and mana replenished.
43740 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
43741 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43742 H:440 M:660 -b b 
43743 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43744 smoke pipe with linseed
43745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43746 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
43747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43748 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
43749 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
43750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43751 H:440 M:660 -b b 
43752 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43753 eat toadstool
43754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43755 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1922.
43756 You quickly eat a toadstool.
43757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43758 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
43759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43760 You feel your health and mana replenished.
43761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43762 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
43763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43764 H:507 M:700 -b b 
43765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43766 trueassess dwenthall
43767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43768 Dwenthall's condition stands at 507/669 health and 700/700 mana.
43769 Mana Lost: 12
43770 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
43771 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43772 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
43773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43774 You must regain your equilibrium first.
43775 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43776 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
43777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43778 You must regain your equilibrium first.
43779 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
43780 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43781 eat juniper
43782 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43783 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1887.
43784 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
43785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43786 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
43787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43788 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
43789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43790 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
43791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43792 H:534 M:700 -b db 
43793 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43794 apply mass
43795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43796 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
43797 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43798 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
43799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43800 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
43801 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
43802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43803 H:534 M:700 -b db 
43804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43805 Mana Gain: 32
43806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43807 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
43809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43810 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
43811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43812 H:601 M:700 -b db 
43813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43814 You may apply another salve.
43815 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
43816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43817 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
43819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43820 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
43822 You may eat another herb or plant.
43823 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
43824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43825 H:590 M:700 -b db 
43826 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
43829 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
43831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43832 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
43834 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
43835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43836 H:590 M:700 eb db 
43837 You may eat another herb or plant.
43838 H:590 M:700 eb db 
43839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43840 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
43843 H:669 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; 
43844 You have recovered balance.
43847 H:669 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
43848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43849 You may drink another healing elixir.
43850 H:590 M:700 eb db 
43851 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
43852 H:590 M:700 eb db 
43853 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43854 sip health
43855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43856 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
43858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43859 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
43861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43862 The elixir heals your body.
43864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43865 H:669 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
43866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43867 H:669 M:684 eb db 
43868 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43869 ac on
43870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43871 Autocuring activated.
43873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43874 evoke imbue
43875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43876 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
43878 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43879 evoke empower shock
43880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43881 Mana Lost: 6
43883 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
43884 wer of Earth infuses it.
43886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43887 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
43888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43889 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
43891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43892 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
43893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43894 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
43896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43897 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
43898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43899 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43901 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43904 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43906 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
43908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43909 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
43911 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
43913 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
43915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43916 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
43918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43919 Balance Taken: 3.01s
43921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43922 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
43923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43924 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
43926 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43927 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
43928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43929 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
43930  her skin mercilessly.
43932 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43933 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
43934 your skin mercilessly.
43936 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
43938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43939 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
43941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43942 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
43943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43944 You must regain your equilibrium first.
43945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43946 ta dwenthall
43947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43948 Dwenthall's condition stands at 552/669 health and 684/700 mana.
43949 Mana Lost: 12
43950 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
43951 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43952 H:552 M:684 eb b 
43953 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43954 eat maidenhair
43955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43956 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1985.
43957 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
43958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43959 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
43960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43961 The stinging feeling fades.
43962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43963 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
43964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43965 H:552 M:684 eb b 
43966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43967 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
43968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43969 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
43970 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
43971 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
43972 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43973 ffs
43974 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43975 There is no exit in that direction.
43976 H:552 M:684 eb b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
43977 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
43978 H:547 M:684 eb b 
43979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43980 You may eat another mushroom.
43981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43982 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
43983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43984 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
43985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43986 You may eat another mushroom.
43987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43988 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
43989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43990 H:547 M:684 eb b 
43991 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43992 eat toadstool
43993 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43994 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1921.
43995 You quickly eat a toadstool.
43996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
43997 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
43998 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
43999 You feel your health and mana replenished.
44000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44001 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
44002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44003 H:614 M:700 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
44004 H:614 M:700 eb b 
44005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44006 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
44007 The tornado swirls rapidly.
44008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44009 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
44010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44011 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
44012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44013 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
44014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44015 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
44016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44017 H:614 M:700 eb b 
44018 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44019 l
44020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44021 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
44022 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
44023 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
44024 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
44025 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. 
44026 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
44027 H:614 M:700 eb b 
44028 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44029 eat maidenhair
44030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44031 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1984.
44032 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
44033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44034 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
44035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44036 The stinging feeling fades.
44037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44038 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
44039 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44040 H:614 M:700 eb b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
44041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44042 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
44043 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
44044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44045 H:604 M:700 eb b 
44046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44047 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
44048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44049 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
44050 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
44051 H:669 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
44052 H:669 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
44053 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44054 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
44055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44056 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
44057  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
44058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44059 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
44060 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
44061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44062 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
44063 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44064 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
44065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44066 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
44067 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44068 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
44069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44070 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
44071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44072 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
44073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44074 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
44075 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44076 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
44077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44078 Balance Taken: 2.00s
44079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44080 naturebinding shred dwenthall
44081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44082 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
44083 ing her skin mercilessly.
44084 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44085 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
44086 ng your skin mercilessly.
44087 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
44088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44089 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
44090 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44091 ta dwenthall
44092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44093 Dwenthall's condition stands at 559/669 health and 630/700 mana.
44094 Mana Lost: 12
44095 H:669 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
44096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44097 H:559 M:700 eb b 
44098 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44099 ac on
44100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44101 Autocuring activated.
44102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44103 evoke imbue
44104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44105 You must regain balance first.
44106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44107 evoke empower shock
44108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44109 You must regain balance first.
44110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44111 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
44112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44113 You must regain balance first.
44114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44115 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
44116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44117 You must regain balance first.
44118 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44119 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
44120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44121 You must regain balance first.
44122 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44123 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
44124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44125 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44127 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
44128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44129 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44131 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
44132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44133 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44134 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44135 ta dwenthall
44136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44137 Dwenthall's condition stands at 586/669 health and 805/700 mana.
44138 Mana Lost: 12
44139 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
44140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44141 ---------delayed wisp
44142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44143 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
44144 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
44145 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44146 smoke pipe with linseed
44147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44148 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
44149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44150 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
44151 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
44152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44153 H:559 M:700 eb b 
44154 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44155 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
44156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44157 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
44158 mmand.
44159 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
44160 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44161 purge blood
44162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44163 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
44164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44165 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
44166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44167 The stinging feeling fades.
44168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44169 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
44170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44171 H:559 M:694 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
44172 H:559 M:694 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
44173 H:559 M:694 eb b 
44174 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44175 eat juniper
44176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44177 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1886.
44178 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
44179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44180 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
44181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44182 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
44183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44184 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
44185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44186 H:559 M:694 eb db 
44187 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44188 sip health
44189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44190 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
44191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44192 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
44193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44194 The elixir heals your body.
44195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44196 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
44197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44198 H:669 M:694 eb db 
44199 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44200 ffse
44201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44202 You flip away to the southeast, landing flat on your back.
44203 By a pile of bodies.
44204 You see exits leading north, southeast, west, and northwest.
44205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44206 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
44207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44208 Balance Taken: 3.20s
44209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44210 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
44211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44212 H:669 M:678 e- pdb 
44213 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44214 kipup
44215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44216 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
44217 H:669 M:678 e- db 
44218 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44219 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
44220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44221 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
44222 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
44223 H:669 M:429 &lt;-b dbt; 
44224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44225 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
44226 H:669 M:678 e- db 
44227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44228 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
44231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44232 You may eat another herb or plant.
44233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44234 H:669 M:429 &lt;eb dbt; 
44235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44236 H:669 M:678 e- db 
44237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44238 Mana Gain: 32
44240 H:669 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
44241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44242 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
44244 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
44246 H:665 M:700 e- db 
44247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44248 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
44249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44250 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
44252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44253 evoke tornado
44254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44255 A tornado is already raging here.
44257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44258 naturebind curse dwenthall
44259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44260 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
44262 H:669 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
44263 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44264 You may eat another mushroom.
44266 H:665 M:700 e- db 
44267 You have recovered balance.
44270 H:665 M:700 eb db 
44271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44272 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
44274 H:669 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
44275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44276 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
44277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44278 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
44280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44281 evoke tornado
44282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44283 A tornado is already raging here.
44285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44286 naturebind curse dwenthall
44287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44288 You do not see that individual here.
44290 H:669 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
44291 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44292 dag
44293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44294 You are:
44296 blind.
44298 deaf.
44300 an insomniac.
44302 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
44304 H:665 M:700 -b db 
44305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44306 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
44307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44308 I do not recognize anything called that here.
44310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44311 evoke tornado
44312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44313 A tornado is already raging here.
44315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44316 naturebind curse dwenthall
44317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44318 I do not recognize anything called that here.
44320 H:669 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
44321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44322 You may drink another healing elixir.
44323 H:665 M:700 -b db 
44324 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
44327 H:669 M:684 eb db 
44328 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
44330 H:669 M:684 eb db 
44331 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44332 ffnw
44333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44334 You flip away to the northwest, landing flat on your back.
44336 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
44339 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
44340 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
44341 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
44342 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
44343 Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield
44344  in his right. 
44347 You see exits leading 
44348 southeast, west, and northwest
44349 .
44352 Balance Taken: 3.20s
44354 H:669 M:684 e- pdb 
44355 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44356 kipup
44357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44358 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
44359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44360 Dwenthall springs up from the ground to her feet.
44361 H:669 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
44362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44363 H:669 M:684 e- db 
44364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44365 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
44366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44367 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
44368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44369 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
44370 ods your veins.
44371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44372 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
44373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44374 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
44375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44376 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
44377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44378 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
44379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44380 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
44381 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44382 evoke wisp glowing me
44383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44384 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
44385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44386 evoke toxicrain strychnine
44387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44388 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
44389 H:669 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
44390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44391 H:669 M:684 e- db 
44392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44393 empty strychnine
44394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44395 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
44396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44397 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
44398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44399 empty strychnine
44400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44401 I don't see that in your inventory.
44402 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44403 vbelt tap empty strychine
44404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44405 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
44406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44407 vbelt tap empty strychnine
44408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44409 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
44410  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
44411  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
44412 H:669 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
44413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44414 H:669 M:684 e- db 
44415 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44416 ac on
44417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44418 Autocuring activated.
44419 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44420 evoke empower knockout
44421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44422 Mana Lost: 6
44423 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
44424 wer of Earth infuses it.
44425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44426 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
44427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44428 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
44429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44430 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
44431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44432 You rub some oxalis on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
44433 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
44434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44435 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
44436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44437 The attack rebounds back onto you!
44438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44439 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
44440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44441 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
44442 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Knockout empowerment remains dormant.
44443 Your vision is suddenly restored.
44444 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
44445 Balance Taken: 3.01s
44446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44447 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
44448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44449 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated beech root moves forwards and brushes 
44450 swiftly against Dwenthall's skin.
44451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44452 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and an animated beech root moves forwards and as it bru
44453 shes against your skin, you feel your ability to absorb healing elixirs weakened.
44454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44455 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
44456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44457 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
44458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44459 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44461 ta dwenthall
44462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44463 Dwenthall's condition stands at 669/669 health and 731/700 mana.
44464 Mana Lost: 12
44465 H:603 M:444 &lt;-- dt; 
44466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44467 H:669 M:684 e- db 
44468 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44469 eat hyssop
44470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44471 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1995.
44472 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
44473 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44474 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
44475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44476 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
44477 H:603 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
44478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44479 H:669 M:684 e- db 
44480 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44481 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
44482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44483 You must regain balance first.
44484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44485 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
44486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44487 You must regain balance first.
44488 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44489 evoke lightning dwenthall
44490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44491 You must regain balance first.
44492 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44493 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
44494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44495 You must regain balance first.
44496 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44497 naturebind choke dwenthall
44498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44499 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44500 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44501 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
44502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44503 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44504 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44505 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
44506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44507 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44508 H:603 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; H:603 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
44509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44510 H:669 M:684 e- db 
44511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44512 ac on
44513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44514 Autocuring activated.
44515 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44516 evoke empower knockout
44517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44518 You must regain balance first.
44519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44520 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
44521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44522 You must regain balance first.
44523 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44524 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
44525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44526 You must regain balance first.
44527 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44528 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
44529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44530 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44532 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
44533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44534 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44536 ta dwenthall
44537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44538 Dwenthall's condition stands at 643/669 health and 637/700 mana.
44539 Mana Lost: 12
44540 H:603 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
44541 ne.
44542 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44543 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
44544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44545 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
44546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44547 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
44548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44549 The tornado swirls rapidly.
44550 H:603 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
44551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44552 H:669 M:684 e- b 
44553 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44554 eat juniper
44555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44556 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1885.
44557 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
44558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44559 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
44560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44561 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
44562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44563 H:603 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
44564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44565 H:669 M:684 e- db 
44566 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44567 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
44568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44569 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
44570 H:603 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
44571 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44572 You have recovered balance.
44573 H:669 M:668 eb db 
44574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44575 You may eat another herb or plant.
44576 H:603 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
44577 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44578 cast erode at rey
44579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44580 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
44581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44582 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
44583 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44584 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
44585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44586 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
44587 Your curseward defence is eroded away.
44588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44589 His curseward defence is eroded away.
44590 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
44591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44592 H:603 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
44593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44594 H:669 M:664 -b db 
44595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44596 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
44597 H:603 M:432 &lt;e- dbt; 
44598 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44599 evoke toxicrain noctec
44600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44601 You must regain balance first.
44602 H:603 M:432 &lt;e- dbt; 
44603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44604 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
44605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44606 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
44607 H:603 M:432 &lt;e- dbt; 
44608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44609 H:657 M:664 -b db 
44610 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44611 smoke pipe with linseed
44612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44613 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
44614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44615 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
44616 H:603 M:432 &lt;e- dbt; 
44617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44618 H:657 M:664 -b db 
44619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44620 You have recovered balance.
44621 H:603 M:432 &lt;eb dbt; 
44622 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44623 evoke toxicrain noctec
44624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44625 Mana Lost: 12
44626 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
44627 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
44628 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44629 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
44630 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
44631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44632 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
44633 Mana Lost: 12
44634 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of nocte
44635 c rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
44636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44637 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
44638  noctec rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
44639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44640 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
44641 Balance Taken: 2.00s
44642 H:603 M:407 &lt;e- dbt; 
44643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44644 H:657 M:664 -b db 
44645 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44646 eat toadstool
44647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44648 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1946.
44649 You quickly eat a toadstool.
44650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44651 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
44652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44653 Health Gain: 65
44654 Mana Gain: 51
44655 You feel your health and mana replenished.
44656 H:669 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
44657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44658 H:657 M:664 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
44659 H:657 M:664 -b db 
44660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44661 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
44662 H:669 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
44663 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44664 evoke toxicrain noctec
44665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44666 You must regain balance first.
44667 H:669 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
44668 H:669 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; 
44669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44670 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
44671 H:669 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
44672 H:669 M:700 eb db 
44673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44674 ac on
44675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44676 Autocuring activated.
44677 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44678 order loyals kill dwenthall
44679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44680 You must regain balance first.
44681 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44682 TEAR MAP
44683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44684 Syntax: TEAR MAP
44685 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44686 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
44687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44688 You must regain balance first.
44689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44690 evoke empower rockfall
44691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44692 You must regain balance first.
44693 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44694 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
44695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44696 You must regain balance first.
44697 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44698 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
44699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44700 You must regain balance first.
44701 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44702 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
44703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44704 You must regain balance first.
44705 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44706 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
44707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44708 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
44709 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
44710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44711 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
44712 you.
44713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44714 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
44715 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44716 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
44717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44718 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44719 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44720 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
44721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44722 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44723 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
44724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44725 H:669 M:700 eb db 
44726 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44727 cast erode at rey
44728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44729 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
44730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44731 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
44732 Your blind defence is eroded away.
44733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44734 His blind defence is eroded away.
44735 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
44736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44737 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dt; 
44738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44739 H:669 M:696 -b db 
44740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44741 eat hyssop
44742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44743 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1994.
44744 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
44745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44746 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
44747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44748 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
44749 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
44750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44751 H:669 M:696 -b db 
44752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44753 You have recovered balance.
44754 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44756 l
44757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44758 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
44759 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44761 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
44762 Your ability to absorb healing elixirs returns to normal.
44763 H:669 M:696 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
44764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44765 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
44766 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44768 H:657 M:680 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
44769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44770 You may eat another herb or plant.
44771 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44773 H:657 M:680 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
44774 H:656 M:680 eb db 
44775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44776 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
44777 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44778 cast erode at rey
44779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44780 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
44781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44782 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
44783 Your deaf defence is eroded away.
44784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44785 His deaf defence is eroded away.
44786 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
44787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44788 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb bt; 
44789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44790 H:656 M:676 -b db 
44791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44792 eat juniper
44793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44794 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1985.
44795 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
44796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44797 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
44798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44799 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
44800 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
44801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44802 H:669 M:700 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
44803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44804 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
44805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44806 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
44807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44808 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
44809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44810 H:669 M:700 -b db 
44811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44812 You may eat another mushroom.
44813 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
44814 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
44815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44816 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
44817 H:669 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
44818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44819 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
44820 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44821 touch mindseye
44822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44823 Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
44824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44825 Reyvenyr touches a mindseye tattoo.
44826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44827 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
44828 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44830 H:657 M:700 eb db 
44831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44832 touch mindseye
44833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44834 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44835 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44837 touch mindseye
44838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44839 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44840 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44841 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44842 cast erode at rey
44843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44844 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
44845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44846 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
44847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44848 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
44849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44850 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
44851 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
44852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44853 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
44854 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
44855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44856 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44858 H:657 M:680 -b db 
44859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44860 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44862 H:657 M:680 -b db 
44863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44864 sip speed
44865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44866 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
44867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44868 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
44869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44870 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44872 H:657 M:680 -b db 
44873 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44874 smoke pipe with linseed
44875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44876 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
44877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44878 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
44879 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44880 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44881 H:657 M:680 -b db 
44882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44883 You are once again able to form a curseward.
44884 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44885 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44886 touch mindseye
44887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44888 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44889 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44891 touch mindseye
44892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44893 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44894 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44896 touch mindseye
44897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44898 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44899 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44900 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44901 touch mindseye
44902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44903 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44904 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44905 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44906 touch mindseye
44907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44908 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44909 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
44910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44911 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
44912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44913 Your noctec toxin has affected Dwenthall.
44914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44915 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
44916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44917 Dwenthall stumbles and appears off balance.
44918 The tornado swirls rapidly.
44919 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44920 touch mindseye
44921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44922 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44923 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44925 H:657 M:680 -b db 
44926 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44927 purge blood
44928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44929 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
44930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44931 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
44932 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44933 You are able to focus your senses once more.
44934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44935 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44936 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44937 H:657 M:674 -b db 
44938 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44939 spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec
44940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44941 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec", is not a valid command.
44942 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
44943 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44944 touch mindseye
44945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44946 You must regain your equilibrium first.
44947 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
44948 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44949 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
44950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44951 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
44952 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44953 H:657 M:674 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
44954 H:657 M:674 eb db 
44955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44956 Mana Gain: 20
44957 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
44958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44959 curseward
44960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44961 Mana Lost: 21
44962 You concentrate briefly and a shimmering curseward appears around you.
44963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44964 A shimmering curseward appears around Reyvenyr.
44965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44966 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
44967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44968 H:669 M:700 eb db 
44969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44970 touch mindseye
44971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44972 You have already activated the mindseye tattoo. Activating it again would be a waste!
44973 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
44974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44975 l
44976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
44977 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
44978 ------ v37837 -------
44979     \   /   \ |      
44980      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
44981 \     |              
44982 -[ ] [ ]             
44983 \   / | \            
44984  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
44985             \ |      
44986          [ ]-[ ]     
44987                 \    
44988                  [ ] 
44990 ------- 2:0:0 -------
44991 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
44992 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
44993 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
44994 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
44995 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
44996 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
44997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
44998 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
44999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45000 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
45001 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
45002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45003 H:658 M:700 eb db 
45004 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45005 vs
45006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45007 Your input, "vs", is not a valid command.
45008 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
45009 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45010 vs
45011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45012 Your input, "vs", is not a valid command.
45013 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
45014 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45015 cast erode at rey
45016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45017 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
45018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45019 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
45020 Your venom defence is eroded away.
45021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45022 His venom defence is eroded away.
45023 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
45024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45025 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
45026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45027 H:658 M:696 -b db 
45028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45029 sip venom
45030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45031 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
45032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45033 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
45034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45035 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
45036 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
45037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45038 H:658 M:696 -b db 
45039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45040 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
45041 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
45042 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
45043 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
45044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45045 bs
45046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45047 Your skin is already tough as bark.
45049 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
45050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45051 bs
45052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45053 Your skin is already tough as bark.
45055 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
45056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45057 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
45059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45060 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
45062 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
45063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45064 H:658 M:680 -b db 
45065 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45066 bs
45067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45068 Your skin is already tough as bark.
45070 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
45071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45072 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
45073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45074 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
45075 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
45077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45078 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
45079  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
45081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45082 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
45084 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45085 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
45086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45087 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
45089 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45090 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
45092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45093 Balance Taken: 2.00s
45095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45096 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
45097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45098 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
45100 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45101 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
45102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45103 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
45104 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
45106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45107 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
45108 d you.
45110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45111 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
45113 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45114 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
45115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45116 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45118 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
45119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45120 H:658 M:680 -b db 
45121 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45122 smoke pipe with linseed
45123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45124 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
45126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45127 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
45129 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
45130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45131 H:658 M:680 -b db 
45132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45133 ac on
45134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45135 Autocuring activated.
45137 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45138 order loyals kill dwenthall
45139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45140 You must regain balance first.
45142 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45143 TEAR MAP
45144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45145 Syntax: TEAR MAP
45147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45148 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
45149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45150 You must regain balance first.
45152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45153 evoke empower rockfall
45154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45155 You must regain balance first.
45157 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45158 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
45159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45160 You must regain balance first.
45162 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45163 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
45164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45165 You must regain balance first.
45167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45168 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
45169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45170 You must regain balance first.
45172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45173 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
45174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45175 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45177 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45178 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
45179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45180 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45181 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45182 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
45183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45184 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45185 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
45186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45187 ---------delayed wisp
45188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45189 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
45190 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
45191 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45192 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
45193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45194 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
45195 mmand.
45196 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
45197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45198 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
45199 H:658 M:680 eb db 
45200 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45201 dg
45202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45203 You must regain balance first.
45204 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
45205 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45206 dg
45207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45208 You must regain balance first.
45209 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
45210 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45211 cast erode at rey
45212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45213 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
45214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45215 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
45216 Your levitating defence is eroded away.
45217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45218 His levitating defence is eroded away.
45219 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
45220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45221 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
45222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45223 H:669 M:696 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
45224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45225 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
45226 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
45227 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45228 H:659 M:696 -b db 
45229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45230 sip levitation
45231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45232 You take a drink of an elixir of levitation from an onyx vial.
45233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45234 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
45235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45236 Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
45237 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
45238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45239 H:659 M:696 -b db 
45240 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45241 dg
45242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45243 You must regain balance first.
45244 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
45245 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
45246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45247 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
45248 H:659 M:696 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
45249 H:658 M:696 -b db 
45250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45251 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
45252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45253 dg
45254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45255 You are:
45256 blind.
45257 deaf.
45258 an insomniac.
45259 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
45260 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
45261 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45262 dg
45263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45264 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45265 H:669 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
45266 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45267 ac on
45268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45269 Autocuring activated.
45270 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45271 evoke empower rockfall
45272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45273 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45274 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45275 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
45276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45277 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45279 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
45280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45281 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45283 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
45284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45285 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45286 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45287 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
45288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45289 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45290 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45291 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
45292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45293 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45294 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45295 ta dwenthall
45296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45297 Dwenthall's condition stands at 690/669 health and 680/700 mana.
45298 Mana Lost: 12
45299 H:669 M:479 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
45300 H:669 M:479 &lt;eb dbt; 
45301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45302 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
45303 H:658 M:680 eb db 
45304 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45305 ac on
45306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45307 Autocuring activated.
45308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45309 evoke empower rockfall
45310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45311 Mana Lost: 6
45312 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
45313 wer of Earth infuses it.
45314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45315 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
45316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45317 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
45318 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45319 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
45320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45321 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
45322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45323 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
45324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45325 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
45326 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
45327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45328 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
45329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45330 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
45331 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
45332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45333 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
45334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45335 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
45336 Balance Taken: 3.01s
45337 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45338 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
45339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45340 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
45341  her skin mercilessly.
45342 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45343 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
45344 your skin mercilessly.
45345 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
45346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45347 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
45348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45349 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
45350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45351 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45353 ta dwenthall
45354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45355 Dwenthall's condition stands at 611/669 health and 680/700 mana.
45356 Mana Lost: 12
45357 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
45358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45359 H:541 M:680 eb b 
45360 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45361 cast erode at rey
45362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45363 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
45364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45365 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
45366 Your venom defence is eroded away.
45367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45368 His venom defence is eroded away.
45369 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
45370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45371 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
45372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45373 H:541 M:676 -b b 
45374 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45375 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
45376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45377 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
45379 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
45380 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45381 eat maidenhair
45382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45383 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1983.
45385 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
45387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45388 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
45390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45391 The stinging feeling fades.
45393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45394 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
45395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45396 H:541 M:676 -b b 
45397 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45398 sip health
45399 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45400 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
45402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45403 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
45405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45406 The elixir heals your body.
45408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45409 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
45410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45411 H:666 M:676 -b b 
45412 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45413 eat toadstool
45414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45415 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1920.
45417 You quickly eat a toadstool.
45419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45420 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
45422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45423 You feel your health and mana replenished.
45425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45426 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
45427 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45428 H:669 M:700 -b b 
45429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45430 sip venom
45431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45432 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
45434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45435 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
45437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45438 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
45440 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
45441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45442 H:669 M:700 -b b 
45443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45444 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
45446 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
45447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45448 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
45450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45451 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
45453 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
45455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45456 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
45458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45459 Your noctec toxin has affected Dwenthall.
45461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45462 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
45464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45465 Dwenthall stumbles and appears off balance.
45467 The tornado swirls rapidly.
45469 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
45470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45471 H:658 M:700 -b b 
45472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45473 spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec
45474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45475 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec", is not a valid command.
45477 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
45478 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45479 smoke pipe with lovage
45480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45481 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
45483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45484 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
45486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45487 You are able to focus your senses once more.
45489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45490 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
45491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45492 H:658 M:700 -b b 
45493 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
45495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45496 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
45498 Mana Gain: 32
45500 H:669 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
45501 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45502 H:669 M:700 -b b 
45503 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45504 clot
45505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45506 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
45507 H:669 M:686 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
45508 H:669 M:686 -b b 
45509 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45510 eat juniper
45511 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45512 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1884.
45513 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
45514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45515 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
45516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45517 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
45518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45519 H:669 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
45520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45521 H:669 M:686 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
45522 H:669 M:686 eb db 
45523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45524 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
45525 H:669 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
45526 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45527 cast erode at rey
45528 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45529 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
45530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45531 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
45532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45533 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
45534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45535 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
45536 Your mindseye defence is eroded away.
45537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45538 His mindseye defence is eroded away.
45539 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
45540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45541 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
45542 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45543 H:669 M:682 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
45544 H:669 M:682 -b db 
45545 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45546 smoke pipe with linseed
45547 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45548 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
45549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45550 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
45551 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
45552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45553 H:669 M:682 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
45554 H:669 M:666 -b db 
45555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45556 ac on
45557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45558 Autocuring activated.
45559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45560 evoke empower rockfall
45561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45562 Mana Lost: 6
45563 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
45564 wer of Earth infuses it.
45565 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45566 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
45567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45568 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
45569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45570 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
45571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45572 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
45573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45574 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
45575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45576 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
45577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45578 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
45579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45580 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
45581 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45582 evoke lightning dwenthall
45583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45584 Mana Lost: 12
45585 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
45586  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
45587 g her charred and drained.
45588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45589 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
45590 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
45591 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
45592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45593 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
45594 Balance Taken: 3.80s
45595 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45596 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
45597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45598 You must regain balance first.
45599 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45600 naturebinding shred dwenthall
45601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45602 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
45603 ing her skin mercilessly.
45604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45605 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
45606 ng your skin mercilessly.
45607 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
45608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45609 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
45610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45611 ta dwenthall
45612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45613 Dwenthall's condition stands at 428/669 health and 627/700 mana.
45614 Mana Lost: 12
45615 H:669 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
45616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45617 H:428 M:666 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
45618 H:428 M:666 -b b 
45619 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45620 eat juniper
45621 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45622 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1883.
45623 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
45624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45625 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
45626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45627 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
45628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45629 H:669 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
45630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45631 H:428 M:666 -b db 
45632 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45633 sip health
45634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45635 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
45636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45637 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
45638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45639 The elixir heals your body.
45640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45641 H:669 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
45642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45643 H:544 M:666 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
45644 H:544 M:666 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
45645 H:544 M:666 eb db You have regained the ability to purge your body.
45646 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
45647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45648 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
45649 H:669 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
45650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45651 H:531 M:666 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
45652 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45653 cast erode at rey
45654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45655 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
45656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45657 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
45658 Your quince defence is eroded away.
45659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45660 His quince defence is eroded away.
45661 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
45662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45663 H:669 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
45664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45665 H:531 M:662 -b db 
45666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45667 eat quince
45668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45669 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1989.
45670 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
45671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45672 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
45673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45674 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
45675 H:669 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
45676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45677 H:531 M:662 -b db 
45678 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45679 eat toadstool
45680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45681 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1919.
45682 You quickly eat a toadstool.
45683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45684 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
45685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45686 You feel your health and mana replenished.
45687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45688 H:669 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
45689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45690 H:598 M:700 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
45691 H:598 M:700 -b db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
45692 H:598 M:700 -b db 
45693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45694 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
45695 H:669 M:463 &lt;e- dbt; 
45696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45697 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
45698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45699 You must regain balance first.
45700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45701 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
45702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45703 You must regain balance first.
45704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45705 evoke drain dwenthall
45706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45707 You must regain balance first.
45708 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45709 naturebind drain dwenthall
45710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45711 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
45712  contort in a visage of pain.
45713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45714 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
45715 tabbing pain in your head.
45716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45717 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
45718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45719 ta dwenthall
45720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45721 Dwenthall's condition stands at 606/669 health and 661/700 mana.
45722 Mana Lost: 12
45723 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
45724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45725 H:624 M:649 -b db 
45726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45727 You have recovered balance.
45728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45729 contemplate dwenthall
45730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45731 You must regain your equilibrium first.
45732 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
45733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45734 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
45735 H:624 M:649 eb db 
45736 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45737 cast erode at rey
45738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45739 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
45740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45741 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
45742 Your temperance defence is eroded away.
45743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45744 His temperance defence is eroded away.
45745 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
45746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45747 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
45748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45749 H:624 M:629 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
45750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45751 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
45752 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
45753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45754 H:624 M:629 -b db 
45755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45756 sip frost
45757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45758 You take a drink of an elixir of frost from an onyx vial.
45759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45760 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
45761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45762 A chill runs over your icy skin.
45763 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
45764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45765 H:624 M:629 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
45766 H:624 M:629 -b db 
45767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45768 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
45769 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
45770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45771 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
45772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45773 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
45774 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
45775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45776 H:614 M:629 -b db 
45777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45778 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
45779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45780 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
45781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45782 H:669 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
45783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45784 H:613 M:629 -b db 
45785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45786 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
45787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45788 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
45789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45790 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
45791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45792 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
45793 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45794 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
45795  weakening.
45796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45797 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
45798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45799 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
45800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45801 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
45802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45803 evoke drain dwenthall
45804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45805 Mana Lost: 9
45806 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
45807 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
45808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45809 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
45810 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
45811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45812 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
45813 Balance Taken: 2.90s
45814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45815 naturebind drain dwenthall
45816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45817 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
45818  contort in a visage of pain.
45819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45820 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
45821 tabbing pain in your head.
45822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45823 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
45824 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45825 ta dwenthall
45826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45827 Dwenthall's condition stands at 528/669 health and 438/700 mana.
45828 Mana Lost: 12
45829 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
45830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45831 H:613 M:438 -b db 
45832 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45833 sip mana
45834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45835 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
45836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45837 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
45838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45839 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
45840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45841 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
45842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45843 H:613 M:585 -b db 
45844 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45845 contemplate dwenthall
45846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45847 You must regain balance first.
45848 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
45849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45850 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
45851 H:613 M:585 eb db 
45852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45853 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
45854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45855 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
45856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45857 Your noctec toxin has affected Dwenthall.
45858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45859 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
45860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45861 Dwenthall stumbles and appears off balance.
45862 The tornado swirls rapidly.
45863 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
45864 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45865 H:613 M:585 eb db 
45866 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45867 smoke pipe with lovage
45868 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45869 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
45870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45871 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
45872 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45873 You are able to focus your senses once more.
45874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45875 H:669 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
45876 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45877 H:613 M:585 eb db 
45878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45879 Mana Gain: 32
45880 H:669 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
45881 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45882 spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec
45883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45884 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec", is not a valid command.
45885 H:669 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
45886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45887 You may eat another mushroom.
45888 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45889 cnc
45890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45891 You already possess mental equilibrium.
45892 H:669 M:626 eb db 
45893 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45894 pa
45895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45896 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
45898 H:669 M:626 eb db 
45899 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45900 ta
45901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45902 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 462/512 mana.
45904 H:669 M:614 eb db 
45905 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45906 ovt
45907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45908 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
45910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45911 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
45913 H:669 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
45914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45915 H:669 M:596 eb db 
45916 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45917 anor
45918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45919 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
45921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45922 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
45924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45925 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
45926 rewreathe effect.
45928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45929 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
45931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45932 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
45934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45935 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the fire element.
45937 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45938 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
45940 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
45941 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
45943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45944 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
45945 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
45946 your head.
45948 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
45950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45951 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
45953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45954 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
45956 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
45958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45959 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
45961 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
45963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45964 H:574 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
45965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45966 H:669 M:585 -b db 
45967 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45968 ta
45969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45970 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 574/669 health and 462/512 mana.
45972 H:669 M:573 -b db 
45973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45974 eat kelp
45975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45976 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1974.
45978 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
45980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45981 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
45983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45984 You feel coordinated once more.
45986 H:574 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
45987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45988 H:669 M:573 -b db 
45989 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45990 eat toadstool
45991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
45992 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1918.
45994 You quickly eat a toadstool.
45996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
45997 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
45999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46000 You feel your health and mana replenished.
46002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46003 H:574 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
46004 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46005 H:669 M:643 -b db 
46006 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
46007 H:669 M:643 -b db 
46008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46009 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
46012 You have recovered balance.
46015 H:574 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
46016 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46017 smoke pipe with linseed
46018 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46019 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
46021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46022 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
46024 H:574 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
46025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46026 H:669 M:627 -b db 
46027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46028 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
46029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46030 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
46032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46033 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
46034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46035 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
46036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46037 evoke drain dwenthall
46038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46039 Mana Lost: 9
46040 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
46041 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
46042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46043 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
46044 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
46045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46046 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
46047 Balance Taken: 2.90s
46048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46049 naturebind drain dwenthall
46050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46051 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
46052  contort in a visage of pain.
46053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46054 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
46055 tabbing pain in your head.
46056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46057 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
46058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46059 ta dwenthall
46060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46061 Dwenthall's condition stands at 589/669 health and 506/700 mana.
46062 Mana Lost: 12
46063 H:574 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
46064 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46065 H:669 M:506 -b db 
46066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46067 contemplate dwenthall
46068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46069 You must regain balance first.
46070 H:574 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
46071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46072 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
46073 H:669 M:506 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
46074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46075 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
46076 H:574 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
46077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46078 H:661 M:506 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
46079 H:661 M:506 eb db 
46080 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46081 sip mana
46082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46083 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
46084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46085 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
46086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46087 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
46088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46089 H:574 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
46090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46091 H:661 M:678 eb db 
46092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46093 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
46094 H:574 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
46095 H:574 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
46096 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46097 cnc
46098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46099 You already possess mental equilibrium.
46100 H:661 M:678 eb db 
46101 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46102 pa
46103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46104 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
46105 H:661 M:678 eb db 
46106 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46107 abn
46108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46109 Your wounds are already bandaged.
46110 H:661 M:678 eb db 
46111 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46112 overtune
46113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46114 Your crystal is already overtuned.
46115 H:661 M:678 eb db 
46116 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46117 clot
46118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46119 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
46120 H:661 M:664 eb db 
46121 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46122 cast firewreathe icebolt heat at &tar
46123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46124 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
46125 rewreathe effect.
46126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46127 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
46128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46129 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
46130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46131 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
46132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46133 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
46134 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
46135  twitching slightly under the cold.
46136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46137 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
46138 range burning sensation in your nerves.
46139 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
46140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46141 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
46142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46143 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
46144 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
46145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46146 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
46147 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
46148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46149 H:469 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
46150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46151 H:661 M:646 -b db 
46152 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46153 ta
46154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46155 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 469/669 health and 441/512 mana.
46156 H:661 M:633 -b db 
46157 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46158 sip health
46159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46160 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
46161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46162 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
46163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46164 Health Gain: 160
46165 The elixir heals your body.
46166 H:629 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
46167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46168 H:661 M:633 -b db 
46169 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46170 eat toadstool
46171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46172 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1945.
46173 You quickly eat a toadstool.
46174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46175 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
46176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46177 Health Gain: 39
46178 Mana Gain: 51
46179 You feel your health and mana replenished.
46180 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
46181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46182 H:661 M:633 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
46183 H:661 M:633 -b db 
46184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46185 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
46186 You have recovered balance.
46187 H:669 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
46188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46189 ac on
46190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46191 Autocuring activated.
46192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46193 order golem kill dwenthall
46194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46195 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
46196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46197 evoke empower rockfall
46198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46199 Mana Lost: 6
46200 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
46201 wer of Earth infuses it.
46202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46203 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
46204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46205 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
46206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46207 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
46208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46209 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
46210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46211 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
46212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46213 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
46214 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46215 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
46216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46217 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
46218 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46219 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
46220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46221 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
46222 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
46223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46224 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
46225 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
46226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46227 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
46228 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
46229 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
46230 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
46231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46232 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
46233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46234 Balance Taken: 3.01s
46235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46236 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
46237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46238 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
46239 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
46240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46241 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
46242 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
46243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46244 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
46245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46246 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
46247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46248 You must regain your equilibrium first.
46249 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46250 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
46251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46252 You must regain your equilibrium first.
46253 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46254 naturebind shred dwenthall
46255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46256 You must regain your equilibrium first.
46257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46258 ta dwenthall
46259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46260 Dwenthall's condition stands at 525/669 health and 633/700 mana.
46261 Mana Lost: 12
46262 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
46263 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46264 H:525 M:633 -b b 
46265 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46266 writhe root
46267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46268 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
46269 H:525 M:633 -b b 
46270 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46271 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
46272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46273 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
46274 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
46275 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46276 eat juniper
46277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46278 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1882.
46279 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
46280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46281 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
46282 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46283 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
46284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46285 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
46286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46287 H:525 M:633 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
46288 H:525 M:633 eb db Casyia has been hacked to death by an orc soldier.
46289 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
46290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46291 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
46292 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
46293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46294 H:517 M:633 eb db 
46295 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46296 cnc
46297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46298 You already possess mental equilibrium.
46299 H:517 M:617 eb db 
46300 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46301 pa
46302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46303 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
46304 H:517 M:617 eb db 
46305 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46306 ta
46307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46308 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 474/512 mana.
46309 H:517 M:605 eb db 
46310 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46311 ovt
46312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46313 Your crystal is already overtuned.
46314 H:517 M:605 eb db 
46315 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46316 anor
46317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46318 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
46319 rewreathe effect.
46320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46321 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
46322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46323 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
46324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46325 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
46326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46327 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
46328 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
46329 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
46330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46331 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
46332 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
46333 your head.
46334 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
46335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46336 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
46337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46338 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
46339 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46340 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
46341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46342 H:574 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
46343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46344 H:517 M:594 -b db 
46345 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46346 ta
46347 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46348 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 574/669 health and 474/512 mana.
46349 H:517 M:582 -b db 
46350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46351 eat kelp
46352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46353 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1973.
46354 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
46355 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46356 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
46357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46358 You feel coordinated once more.
46359 H:574 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
46360 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46361 H:517 M:582 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
46362 H:517 M:582 -b db 
46363 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46364 eat toadstool
46365 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46366 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1917.
46367 You quickly eat a toadstool.
46368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46369 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
46370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46371 You feel your health and mana replenished.
46372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46373 H:574 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
46374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46375 H:584 M:652 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
46376 H:584 M:652 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
46377 H:610 M:680 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
46378 H:610 M:680 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
46379 H:610 M:680 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
46380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46381 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
46382 H:574 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
46383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46384 H:610 M:680 -b db 
46385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46386 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
46387 H:574 M:474 &lt;e- dbt; 
46388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46389 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
46390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46391 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
46392 r.
46393 You have recovered balance.
46394 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46395 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
46396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46397 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
46398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46399 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
46400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46401 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
46402 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46403 evoke drain dwenthall
46404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46405 Mana Lost: 9
46406 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
46407 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
46408 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46409 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
46410 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
46411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46412 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
46413 Balance Taken: 2.90s
46414 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46415 naturebind drain dwenthall
46416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46417 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
46418 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46419 ta dwenthall
46420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46421 Dwenthall's condition stands at 610/669 health and 531/700 mana.
46422 Mana Lost: 12
46423 H:574 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
46424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46425 H:581 M:610 -b db 
46426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46427 You may drink another healing elixir.
46428 H:574 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
46429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46430 trueassess dwenthall
46431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46432 Dwenthall's condition stands at 576/669 health and 610/700 mana.
46433 Mana Lost: 12
46434 H:574 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; 
46435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46436 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
46437 H:581 M:610 -b db 
46438 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46439 sip health
46440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46441 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
46442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46443 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
46444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46445 The elixir heals your body.
46446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46447 H:574 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; 
46448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46449 H:669 M:610 -b db 
46450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46451 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
46452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46453 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
46454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46455 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
46456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46457 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
46458 dding her skin mercilessly.
46459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46460 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
46461 ding your skin mercilessly.
46462 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
46463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46464 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
46465 H:574 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
46466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46467 H:642 M:610 -b b 
46468 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46469 eat juniper
46470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46471 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1881.
46472 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
46473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46474 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
46475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46476 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
46477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46478 H:574 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
46479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46480 H:642 M:610 -b db 
46481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46482 You may eat another herb or plant.
46483 H:574 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
46484 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46485 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
46486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46487 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
46488 H:574 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
46489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46490 H:642 M:610 -b db 
46491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46492 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
46493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46494 You must regain your equilibrium first.
46495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46496 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
46497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46498 You must regain your equilibrium first.
46499 H:574 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; Health Gain: 66
46500 Mana Gain: 32
46501 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46502 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
46503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46504 H:641 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
46505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46506 H:669 M:652 eb db 
46507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46508 You may eat another mushroom.
46509 H:641 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
46510 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46511 cnc
46512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46513 You already possess mental equilibrium.
46514 H:669 M:652 eb db 
46515 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46516 pa
46517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46518 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
46519 H:669 M:652 eb db 
46520 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46521 ovt
46522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46523 Your crystal is already overtuned.
46524 H:669 M:652 eb db 
46525 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46526 cast shock scorch suffuse at &tar
46527 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46528 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
46529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46530 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
46531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46532 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
46533 ock effect.
46534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46535 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
46536 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46537 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
46538 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
46539  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
46540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46541 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
46542 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
46543 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
46544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46545 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, causing him to look quite nauseous.
46546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46547 You feel nauseous as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you.
46548 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46549 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
46550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46551 H:561 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
46552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46553 H:669 M:628 -b db 
46554 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46555 ta
46556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46557 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 561/669 health and 473/512 mana.
46558 H:669 M:616 -b db 
46559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46560 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
46561 H:561 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
46562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46563 Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
46564 H:669 M:616 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
46565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46566 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
46567 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46568 eat nightshade
46569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46570 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1991.
46571 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
46572 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46573 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
46574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46575 Your stomach becalms itself.
46576 H:561 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
46577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46578 H:657 M:616 -b db 
46579 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46580 smoke pipe with linseed
46581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46582 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
46583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46584 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
46585 H:561 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
46586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46587 H:657 M:616 -b db 
46588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46589 purge blood
46590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46591 Mana Lost: 6
46592 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
46593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46594 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
46595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46596 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
46597 H:561 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
46598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46599 H:657 M:616 -b db 
46600 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46601 clot
46602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46603 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
46604 H:657 M:602 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
46605 H:657 M:602 -b db 
46606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46607 You have recovered balance.
46608 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46609 touch tree
46610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46611 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
46612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46613 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
46614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46615 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
46616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46617 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
46618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46619 H:561 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
46620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46621 H:657 M:602 -b db 
46622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46623 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
46624 H:561 M:467 &lt;eb dbt; 
46625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46626 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
46627 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46628 apply mass
46629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46630 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
46631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46632 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
46634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46635 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
46637 H:561 M:467 &lt;eb dbt; 
46638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46639 H:656 M:602 -b db 
46640 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46641 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
46642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46643 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
46645 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46646 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
46648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46649 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
46651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46652 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
46653  weakening.
46655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46656 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
46658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46659 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
46660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46661 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
46663 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46664 evoke drain dwenthall
46665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46666 Mana Lost: 9
46668 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
46669 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
46671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46672 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
46673 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
46675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46676 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
46678 Balance Taken: 2.90s
46680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46682 naturebind drain dwenthall
46683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46684 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
46685  contort in a visage of pain.
46687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46688 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
46689 tabbing pain in your head.
46691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46692 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
46694 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46695 ta dwenthall
46696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46697 Dwenthall's condition stands at 701/669 health and 362/700 mana.
46699 Mana Lost: 12
46701 H:561 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46703 H:656 M:411 -b db 
46704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46705 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
46707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46708 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
46710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46711 Your noctec toxin has affected Dwenthall.
46713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46714 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
46716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46717 Dwenthall stumbles and appears off balance.
46719 The tornado swirls rapidly.
46721 H:561 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46723 H:656 M:395 -b db 
46724 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46725 purge blood
46726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46727 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
46729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46730 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
46732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46733 You are able to focus your senses once more.
46735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46736 H:561 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46737 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46738 H:656 M:389 -b db 
46739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46740 contemplate dwenthall
46741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46742 You must regain balance first.
46744 H:561 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46746 spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec
46747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46748 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec", is not a valid command.
46750 H:561 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46751 You may eat another herb or plant.
46752 H:561 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46753 You may apply another salve.
46754 H:561 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46756 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
46757 H:656 M:389 -b db 
46758 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
46761 H:656 M:389 eb db 
46762 You may eat another mushroom.
46764 H:656 M:389 eb db 
46765 You may drink another healing elixir.
46766 H:656 M:389 eb db 
46767 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46768 sip mana
46769 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46770 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
46771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46772 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
46773 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46774 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
46775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46776 H:561 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46778 H:656 M:510 eb db 
46779 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46780 eat toadstool
46781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46782 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1916.
46783 You quickly eat a toadstool.
46784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46785 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
46786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46787 You feel your health and mana replenished.
46788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46789 H:561 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46791 H:669 M:580 eb db 
46792 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46793 cnc
46794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46795 You already possess mental equilibrium.
46796 H:669 M:580 eb db 
46797 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46798 pa
46799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46800 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
46801 H:669 M:580 eb db 
46802 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46803 ta
46804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46805 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 561/669 health and 446/512 mana.
46806 H:669 M:568 eb db 
46807 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46808 ovt
46809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46810 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
46811 H:669 M:568 eb db 
46812 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46813 anor
46814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46815 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
46816 rewreathe effect.
46817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46818 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
46819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46820 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
46821 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
46822 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
46823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46824 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
46825 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
46826 your head.
46827 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
46828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46829 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
46830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46831 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
46832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46833 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
46834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46835 H:466 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46837 H:669 M:557 -b db 
46838 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46839 ta
46840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46841 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 466/669 health and 446/512 mana.
46842 H:669 M:545 -b db 
46843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46844 eat kelp
46845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46846 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1972.
46847 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
46848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46849 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
46850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46851 You feel coordinated once more.
46852 H:466 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46854 H:669 M:545 -b db 
46855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46856 sip health
46857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46858 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
46859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46860 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
46861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46862 Health Gain: 123
46863 The elixir heals your body.
46864 H:589 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
46865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46866 H:669 M:545 -b db 
46867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46868 eat toadstool
46869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46870 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1944.
46871 You quickly eat a toadstool.
46872 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46873 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
46874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46875 Health Gain: 66
46876 Mana Gain: 51
46877 You feel your health and mana replenished.
46878 H:656 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
46879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46880 H:669 M:545 -b db 
46881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46882 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
46883 H:656 M:497 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
46884 H:656 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
46885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46886 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
46887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46888 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
46889 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46890 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
46891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46892 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
46893 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46894 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
46895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46896 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
46897 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46898 evoke drain dwenthall
46899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46900 Mana Lost: 9
46901 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
46902 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
46903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46904 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
46905 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
46906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46907 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
46908 Balance Taken: 2.90s
46909 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46910 naturebind drain dwenthall
46911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46912 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
46913  contort in a visage of pain.
46914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46915 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
46916 tabbing pain in your head.
46917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46918 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
46919 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46920 ta dwenthall
46921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46922 Dwenthall's condition stands at 624/669 health and 445/700 mana.
46923 Mana Lost: 12
46924 H:656 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
46925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46926 H:656 M:424 -b db 
46927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46928 contemplate dwenthall
46929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46930 You must regain balance first.
46931 H:656 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
46932 H:656 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
46933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46934 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
46935 H:656 M:424 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
46936 H:656 M:424 eb db 
46937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46938 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
46939 H:656 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
46940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46941 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
46942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46943 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
46944 H:656 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
46945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46946 H:656 M:424 eb db 
46947 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46948 cnc
46949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46950 You already possess mental equilibrium.
46951 H:656 M:408 eb db 
46952 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46953 pa
46954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46955 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
46956 H:656 M:408 eb db 
46957 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46958 ta
46959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46960 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 656/669 health and 476/512 mana.
46961 H:656 M:396 eb db 
46962 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46963 ovt
46964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46965 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
46966 H:656 M:396 eb db 
46967 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46968 anor
46969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46970 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
46972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46973 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
46975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46976 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
46977 rewreathe effect.
46979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46980 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
46982 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46983 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
46985 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
46986 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
46988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46989 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
46990 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
46991 your head.
46993 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
46995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
46996 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
46998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
46999 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
47001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47002 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
47004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47005 H:561 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
47006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47007 H:656 M:385 -b db 
47008 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47009 ta
47010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47011 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 561/669 health and 476/512 mana.
47013 H:656 M:373 -b db 
47014 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47015 eat kelp
47016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47017 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1971.
47019 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
47021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47022 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
47024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47025 You feel coordinated once more.
47027 H:561 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
47028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47029 H:656 M:373 -b db 
47030 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47031 smoke pipe with linseed
47032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47033 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
47035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47036 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
47038 H:561 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
47039 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47040 H:656 M:373 -b db 
47041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47042 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
47045 You have recovered balance.
47048 H:561 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
47049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47050 You may drink another healing elixir.
47051 H:656 M:373 -b db 
47052 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47053 sip mana
47054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47055 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
47057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47058 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
47060 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47061 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
47063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47064 H:561 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
47065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47066 H:656 M:525 -b db 
47067 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47068 ac on
47069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47070 Autocuring activated.
47072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47073 order golem kill dwenthall
47074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47075 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
47077 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47078 evoke empower rockfall
47079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47080 Mana Lost: 6
47082 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
47083 wer of Earth infuses it.
47085 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47086 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
47087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47088 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
47090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47091 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
47093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47094 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
47096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47097 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
47099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47100 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
47102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47103 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
47104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47105 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
47107 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47108 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
47109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47110 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
47111 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
47112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47113 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
47114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47115 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
47116 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
47117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47118 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
47119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47120 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
47121 Balance Taken: 3.01s
47122 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47123 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
47124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47125 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
47126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47127 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
47128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47129 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
47130 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
47131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47132 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
47133 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
47134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47135 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
47136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47137 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
47138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47139 You must regain your equilibrium first.
47140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47141 naturebind shred dwenthall
47142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47143 You must regain your equilibrium first.
47144 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47145 ta dwenthall
47146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47147 Dwenthall's condition stands at 453/669 health and 489/700 mana.
47148 Mana Lost: 12
47149 H:561 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
47150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47151 H:453 M:525 -b b 
47152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47153 You may drink another healing elixir.
47154 H:561 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
47155 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47156 writhe root
47157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47158 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
47159 H:453 M:525 -b b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
47160 H:480 M:553 -b b 
47161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47162 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
47163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47164 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
47165 H:561 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
47166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47167 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
47168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47169 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
47170 H:561 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
47171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47172 H:465 M:553 -b b 
47173 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47174 eat juniper
47175 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47176 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1880.
47177 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
47178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47179 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
47180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47181 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
47182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47183 H:561 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
47184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47185 H:465 M:553 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
47186 H:465 M:553 -b db 
47187 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47188 eat toadstool
47189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47190 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1915.
47191 You quickly eat a toadstool.
47192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47193 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
47194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47195 You feel your health and mana replenished.
47196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47197 H:561 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
47198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47199 H:532 M:623 -b db 
47200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47201 You may eat another herb or plant.
47202 H:561 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
47203 H:561 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; Health Gain: 66
47204 Mana Gain: 32
47205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47206 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
47208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47209 H:628 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
47210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47211 H:599 M:665 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
47212 H:599 M:665 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
47213 H:599 M:665 eb db 
47214 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47215 cnc
47216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47217 You already possess mental equilibrium.
47218 H:599 M:665 eb db 
47219 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47220 pa
47221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47222 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
47223 H:599 M:665 eb db 
47224 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47225 ovt
47226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47227 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
47228 H:599 M:665 eb db 
47229 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47230 slin
47231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47232 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
47233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47234 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
47235 H:628 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
47236 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47237 H:599 M:665 eb db 
47238 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47239 cast masochism knockout batter at &tar
47240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47241 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
47242 sochism effect.
47243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47244 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
47245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47246 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
47247 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
47248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47249 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
47250 Damage Taken: 109 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
47251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47252 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards Reyvenyr and batteri
47253 ng him painfully.
47254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47255 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards you and batter
47256 ing you painfully.
47257 Damage Taken: 47 magickal, mental (raw damage: 42)
47258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47259 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
47260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47261 H:471 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
47262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47263 H:599 M:654 -b db 
47264 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47265 ta
47266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47267 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 471/669 health and 490/512 mana.
47268 H:599 M:642 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
47269 H:599 M:642 -b db 
47270 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47271 eat orphine
47272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47273 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1987.
47274 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
47275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47276 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
47277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47278 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
47279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47280 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
47281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47282 H:471 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
47283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47284 H:599 M:642 -b db 
47285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47286 sip health
47287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47288 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
47289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47290 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
47291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47292 Health Gain: 152
47293 The elixir heals your body.
47294 H:624 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
47295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47296 H:599 M:642 -b db 
47297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47298 eat toadstool
47299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47300 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1943.
47301 You quickly eat a toadstool.
47302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47303 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
47304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47305 Health Gain: 44
47306 Mana Gain: 22
47307 You feel your health and mana replenished.
47308 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
47309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47310 H:599 M:642 -b db 
47311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47312 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
47313 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47314 focus
47315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47316 Mana Lost: 15
47317 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
47318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47319 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
47320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47321 You no longer enjoy pain.
47322 H:669 M:497 &lt;e- dbt; 
47323 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47324 H:599 M:642 -b db An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the l
47325 ife out of you.
47326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47327 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
47328 her.
47329 You have recovered balance.
47330 H:669 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
47331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47332 H:551 M:642 -b db 
47333 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47334 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
47335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47336 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
47337 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47338 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
47339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47340 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
47341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47342 evoke drain dwenthall
47343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47344 Mana Lost: 9
47345 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
47346 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
47347 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47348 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
47349 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
47350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47351 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
47352 Balance Taken: 2.90s
47353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47354 naturebind drain dwenthall
47355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47356 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
47357  contort in a visage of pain.
47358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47359 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
47360 tabbing pain in your head.
47361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47362 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
47363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47364 ta dwenthall
47365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47366 Dwenthall's condition stands at 551/669 health and 521/700 mana.
47367 Mana Lost: 12
47368 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
47369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47370 H:551 M:521 -b db 
47371 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47372 contemplate dwenthall
47373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47374 You must regain balance first.
47375 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
47376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47377 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
47378 H:551 M:505 -b db 
47379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47380 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
47381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47382 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
47383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47384 Your noctec toxin has affected Dwenthall.
47385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47386 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
47387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47388 Dwenthall stumbles and appears off balance.
47389 The tornado swirls rapidly.
47390 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
47391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47392 H:551 M:505 -b db 
47393 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47394 touch tree
47395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47396 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
47397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47398 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
47399 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47400 You are able to focus your senses once more.
47401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47402 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
47403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47404 H:551 M:505 -b db 
47405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47406 spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec
47407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47408 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec", is not a valid command.
47409 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
47410 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
47411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47412 You may drink another healing elixir.
47413 H:551 M:505 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
47414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47415 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
47416 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
47417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47418 H:539 M:505 -b db 
47419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47420 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
47421 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47422 sip mana
47423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47424 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
47425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47426 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
47427 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47428 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
47429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47430 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
47431 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47432 H:539 M:668 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
47433 H:539 M:668 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
47434 H:538 M:668 eb db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
47435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47436 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
47437 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
47438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47439 H:538 M:668 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
47440 H:538 M:668 eb db 
47441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47442 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
47443 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47444 cnc
47445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47446 You already possess mental equilibrium.
47447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47448 H:669 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
47449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47450 H:538 M:668 eb db 
47451 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47452 pa
47453 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47454 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
47455 H:538 M:668 eb db 
47456 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47457 ta
47458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47459 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 476/512 mana.
47460 H:538 M:656 eb db 
47461 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47462 ovt
47463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47464 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
47465 H:538 M:656 eb db 
47466 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47467 anor
47468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47469 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
47470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47471 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
47472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47473 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
47474 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
47475 rewreathe effect.
47476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47477 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
47478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47479 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
47480 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
47481 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
47482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47483 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
47484 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
47485 your head.
47486 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
47487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47488 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
47489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47490 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
47491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47492 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
47493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47494 H:574 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
47495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47496 H:531 M:626 -b db 
47497 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47498 ta
47499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47500 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 574/669 health and 476/512 mana.
47501 H:531 M:614 -b db 
47502 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47503 eat kelp
47504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47505 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1970.
47506 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
47507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47508 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
47509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47510 You feel coordinated once more.
47511 H:574 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
47512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47513 H:531 M:614 -b db 
47514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47515 You have recovered balance.
47516 H:574 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; Your mind is able to focus once again.
47517 H:574 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
47518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47519 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
47520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47521 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
47522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47523 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
47524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47525 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
47526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47527 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
47528  weakening.
47529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47530 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
47531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47532 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
47533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47534 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
47535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47536 evoke drain dwenthall
47537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47538 Mana Lost: 9
47539 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
47540 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
47541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47542 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
47543 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
47544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47545 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
47546 Balance Taken: 2.90s
47547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47548 naturebind drain dwenthall
47549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47550 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
47551  contort in a visage of pain.
47552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47553 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
47554 tabbing pain in your head.
47555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47556 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
47557 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47558 ta dwenthall
47559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47560 Dwenthall's condition stands at 605/669 health and 385/700 mana.
47561 Mana Lost: 12
47562 H:574 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
47563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47564 H:531 M:423 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
47565 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47566 eat toadstool
47567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47568 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1914.
47569 You quickly eat a toadstool.
47570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47571 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
47572 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47573 You feel your health and mana replenished.
47574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47575 H:574 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
47576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47577 H:598 M:493 -b db 
47578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47579 contemplate dwenthall
47580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47581 You must regain balance first.
47582 H:574 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
47583 H:574 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
47584 H:574 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; Your tree tattoo can be used again.
47585 H:574 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
47586 H:574 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
47587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47588 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
47589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47590 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
47591 H:574 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
47592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47593 H:598 M:477 -b db 
47594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47595 You may eat another mushroom.
47596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47597 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
47598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47599 H:574 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
47600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47601 H:598 M:477 eb db You have regained the ability to purge your body.
47602 H:598 M:477 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
47603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47604 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
47605 H:574 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
47606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47607 H:585 M:477 eb db 
47608 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47609 cnc
47610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47611 You already possess mental equilibrium.
47612 H:585 M:477 eb db 
47613 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47614 pa
47615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47616 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
47617 H:585 M:477 eb db 
47618 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47619 abn
47620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47621 Your wounds are already bandaged.
47622 H:585 M:477 eb db 
47623 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47624 ovt
47625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47626 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
47627 H:585 M:477 eb db 
47628 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47629 shknock at &tar
47630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47631 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
47632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47633 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
47634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47635 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
47636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47637 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
47638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47639 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
47640 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
47641 ock effect.
47642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47643 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
47644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47645 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
47646 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
47647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47648 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
47649 Damage Taken: 109 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
47650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47651 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
47652 using him to lose his patience.
47653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47654 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
47655 ausing you to lose your patience.
47656 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
47657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47658 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
47659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47660 H:435 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
47661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47662 H:572 M:444 -b db 
47663 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47664 shknock at &tar
47665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47666 You must regain your equilibrium first.
47667 H:572 M:444 -b db 
47668 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47669 shknock at &tar
47670 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47671 You must regain your equilibrium first.
47672 H:572 M:444 -b db 
47673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47674 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
47675 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47676 ta
47677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47678 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 435/669 health and 454/512 mana.
47679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47680 H:435 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
47681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47682 H:572 M:432 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
47683 H:572 M:432 -b db 
47684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47685 You have recovered balance.
47686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47687 eat maidenhair
47688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47689 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1993.
47690 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
47691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47692 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
47693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47694 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
47695 H:435 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
47696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47697 H:572 M:432 -b db 
47698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47699 sip health
47700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47701 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
47702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47703 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
47704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47705 Health Gain: 142
47706 The elixir heals your body.
47707 H:578 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
47708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47709 H:572 M:432 -b db 
47710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47711 eat toadstool
47712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47713 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1942.
47714 You quickly eat a toadstool.
47715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47716 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
47717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47718 Health Gain: 66
47719 Mana Gain: 51
47720 You feel your health and mana replenished.
47721 H:645 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
47722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47723 H:572 M:432 -b db 
47724 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47725 smoke pipe with linseed
47726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47727 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
47728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47729 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
47730 H:645 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
47731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47732 H:572 M:432 -b db 
47733 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47734 sip mana
47735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47736 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
47737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47738 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
47739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47740 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
47741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47742 H:645 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
47743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47744 H:572 M:573 -b db 
47745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47746 purge blood
47747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47748 Mana Lost: 6
47749 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
47750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47751 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
47752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47753 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
47754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47755 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
47756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47757 H:645 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
47758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47759 H:572 M:573 -b db 
47760 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47761 ac on
47762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47763 Autocuring activated.
47764 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47765 evoke imbue
47766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47767 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
47768 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47769 TEAR MAP
47770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47771 Syntax: TEAR MAP
47772 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47773 evoke empower jolt
47774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47775 Mana Lost: 6
47776 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
47777 wer of Earth infuses it.
47778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47779 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
47780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47781 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
47782 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47783 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
47784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47785 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
47786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47787 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
47788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47789 I do not recognize that toxin.
47790 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
47791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47792 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
47793 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
47794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47795 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
47796 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
47797 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
47798 Balance Taken: 3.01s
47799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47800 naturebind choke dwenthall
47801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47802 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
47803 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47804 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
47805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47806 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
47807  her skin mercilessly.
47808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47809 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
47810 your skin mercilessly.
47811 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
47812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47813 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
47814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47815 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
47816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47817 You must regain your equilibrium first.
47818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47819 ta dwenthall
47820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47821 Dwenthall's condition stands at 424/669 health and 653/700 mana.
47822 Mana Lost: 12
47823 H:645 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
47824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47825 H:420 M:573 -b b 
47826 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47827 eat juniper
47828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47829 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1879.
47830 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
47831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47832 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
47833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47834 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
47835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47836 H:645 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
47837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47838 H:420 M:573 -b db 
47839 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47840 touch tree
47841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47842 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
47843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47844 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
47845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47846 You are patient once again.
47847 H:645 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
47848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47849 H:420 M:573 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
47850 H:446 M:601 -b db 
47851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47852 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
47853 H:645 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
47854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47855 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
47856 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
47857 H:442 M:601 -b db 
47858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47859 You may eat another herb or plant.
47860 H:645 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; Health Gain: 24
47861 Mana Gain: 30
47862 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
47863 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47864 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
47865 H:509 M:643 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
47866 You may eat another herb or plant.
47867 H:509 M:643 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
47868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47869 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
47870 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
47871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47872 H:509 M:643 eb db 
47873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47874 You have recovered balance.
47875 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
47876 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47877 eat toadstool
47878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47879 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1913.
47880 You quickly eat a toadstool.
47881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47882 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
47883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47884 You feel your health and mana replenished.
47885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47886 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
47887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47888 H:576 M:697 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
47889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47890 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
47891 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
47892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47893 H:563 M:697 eb db 
47894 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47895 cnc
47896 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47897 You already possess mental equilibrium.
47898 H:563 M:697 eb db 
47899 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47900 pa
47901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47902 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
47903 H:563 M:697 eb db 
47904 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47905 ta
47906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47907 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 512/512 mana.
47908 H:563 M:685 eb db 
47909 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47910 ovt
47911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47912 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
47913 H:563 M:685 eb db 
47914 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47915 anor
47916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47917 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
47918 rewreathe effect.
47919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47920 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
47921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47922 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
47923 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
47924 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
47925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47926 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
47927 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
47928 your head.
47929 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
47930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47931 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
47932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47933 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
47934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47935 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
47936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47937 H:574 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
47938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47939 H:563 M:673 -b db 
47940 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47941 ta
47942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47943 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 574/669 health and 512/512 mana.
47944 H:563 M:661 -b db 
47945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47946 eat kelp
47947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47948 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1969.
47949 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
47950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47951 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
47952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47953 You feel coordinated once more.
47954 H:574 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
47955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47956 H:563 M:661 -b db 
47957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47958 ac on
47959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47960 Autocuring activated.
47961 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47962 order golem kill dwenthall
47963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47964 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
47965 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47966 evoke empower rockfall
47967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47968 Mana Lost: 6
47969 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
47970 wer of Earth infuses it.
47971 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47972 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
47973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47974 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
47975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47976 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
47977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47978 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
47979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47980 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
47981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47982 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
47983 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47984 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
47985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47986 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
47987 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47988 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
47989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47990 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
47991 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
47992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
47993 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
47994 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
47995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
47996 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
47997 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
47998 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
47999 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
48000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48001 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
48002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48003 Balance Taken: 3.01s
48004 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48005 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
48006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48007 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
48008 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48009 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
48010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48011 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
48012 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48013 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
48014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48015 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
48016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48017 naturebind shred dwenthall
48018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48019 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
48020 ing her skin mercilessly.
48021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48022 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
48023 ng your skin mercilessly.
48024 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
48025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48026 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
48027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48028 ta dwenthall
48029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48030 Dwenthall's condition stands at 312/669 health and 642/700 mana.
48031 Mana Lost: 12
48032 H:574 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
48033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48034 H:339 M:661 -b b 
48035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48036 You may drink another healing elixir.
48037 H:574 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
48038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48039 You may drink another healing elixir.
48040 H:339 M:661 -b b 
48041 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48042 eat maidenhair
48043 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48044 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1982.
48045 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
48046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48047 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
48048 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48049 The stinging feeling fades.
48050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48051 H:574 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
48052 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48053 H:339 M:661 -b b 
48054 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48055 sip health
48056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48057 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
48058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48059 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
48060 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48061 The elixir heals your body.
48062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48063 H:574 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
48064 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48065 H:490 M:661 -b b 
48066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48067 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
48068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48069 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
48070 H:574 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
48071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48072 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
48073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48074 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
48075 H:574 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
48076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48077 H:490 M:661 -b b 
48078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48079 You may eat another herb or plant.
48080 H:574 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
48081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48082 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
48083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48084 Your noctec toxin has affected Dwenthall.
48085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48086 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
48087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48088 Dwenthall stumbles and appears off balance.
48089 The tornado swirls rapidly.
48090 H:574 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
48091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48092 H:490 M:661 -b b 
48093 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48094 smoke pipe with lovage
48095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48096 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
48097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48098 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
48099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48100 You are able to focus your senses once more.
48101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48102 H:574 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
48103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48104 H:490 M:661 -b b 
48105 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48106 spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec
48107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48108 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec", is not a valid command.
48109 H:574 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
48110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48111 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
48112 H:490 M:661 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
48113 H:490 M:661 eb b 
48114 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48115 eat juniper
48116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48117 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1878.
48118 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
48119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48120 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
48121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48122 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
48123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48124 H:574 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
48125 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48126 H:490 M:661 eb db The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
48127 H:490 M:661 eb db 
48128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48129 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
48130 H:574 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
48131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48132 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
48134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48135 H:574 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
48136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48137 H:490 M:661 eb db 
48138 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48139 cnc
48140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48141 You already possess mental equilibrium.
48142 H:490 M:661 eb db 
48143 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48144 pa
48145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48146 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
48147 H:490 M:661 eb db 
48148 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48149 ovt
48150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48151 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
48152 H:490 M:661 eb db 
48153 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48154 slin
48155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48156 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
48157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48158 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
48159 H:574 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
48160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48161 H:490 M:661 eb db 
48162 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48163 cast masochism knockout batter at &tar
48164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48165 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
48166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48167 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
48168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48169 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
48170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48171 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
48172 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48173 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
48174 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
48175 sochism effect.
48176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48177 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
48178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48179 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
48180 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
48181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48182 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
48183 Damage Taken: 109 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
48184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48185 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards Reyvenyr and batteri
48186 ng him painfully.
48187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48188 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards you and batter
48189 ing you painfully.
48190 Damage Taken: 47 magickal, mental (raw damage: 42)
48191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48192 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
48193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48194 H:417 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
48195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48196 H:483 M:632 -b db 
48197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48198 eat orphine
48199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48200 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1986.
48201 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
48202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48203 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
48204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48205 You no longer enjoy pain.
48206 H:417 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
48207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48208 H:483 M:632 -b db 
48209 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48210 sip health
48211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48212 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
48213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48214 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
48215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48216 Health Gain: 127
48217 The elixir heals your body.
48218 H:545 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
48219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48220 H:483 M:632 -b db 
48221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48222 eat toadstool
48223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48224 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1941.
48225 You quickly eat a toadstool.
48226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48227 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
48228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48229 Health Gain: 66
48230 Mana Gain: 18
48231 You feel your health and mana replenished.
48232 H:611 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
48233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48234 H:483 M:632 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
48235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48236 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
48237 H:611 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
48238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48239 H:471 M:632 -b db 
48240 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48241 ta
48242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48243 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 611/669 health and 512/512 mana.
48244 H:471 M:620 -b db 
48245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48246 focus
48247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48248 Mana Lost: 15
48249 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
48250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48251 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
48252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48253 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
48254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48255 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
48256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48257 H:611 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
48258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48259 H:471 M:620 -b db 
48260 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48261 ac on
48262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48263 Autocuring activated.
48264 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48265 evoke empower rockfall
48266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48267 Mana Lost: 6
48268 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
48269 wer of Earth infuses it.
48270 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48271 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
48272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48273 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
48274 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48275 evoke lightning dwenthall
48276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48277 Mana Lost: 12
48278 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
48279  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
48280 g her charred and drained.
48281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48282 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
48283 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
48284 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
48285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48286 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
48287 Balance Taken: 3.80s
48288 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48289 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
48290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48291 You must regain balance first.
48292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48293 naturebinding shred dwenthall
48294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48295 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
48296 ing her skin mercilessly.
48297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48298 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
48299 ng your skin mercilessly.
48300 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
48301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48302 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
48303 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48304 ta dwenthall
48305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48306 Dwenthall's condition stands at 353/669 health and 620/700 mana.
48307 Mana Lost: 12
48308 H:611 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
48309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48310 H:353 M:620 -b b 
48311 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48312 clot
48313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48314 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
48315 H:353 M:606 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
48316 H:353 M:590 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
48317 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
48318 H:351 M:590 -b b 
48319 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48320 cnc
48321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48322 You are already concentrating on regaining your equilibrium.
48323 H:351 M:590 -b b 
48324 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48325 pa
48326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48327 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
48328 H:351 M:590 -b b 
48329 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48330 ta
48331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48332 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 611/669 health and 467/512 mana.
48333 H:351 M:577 -b b 
48334 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48335 ovt
48336 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48337 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48338 H:351 M:577 -b b 
48339 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48340 eat juniper
48341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48342 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1877.
48343 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
48344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48345 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
48346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48347 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
48348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48349 H:611 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
48350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48351 H:351 M:577 -b db 
48352 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48353 anor
48354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48355 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48356 H:351 M:577 -b db 
48357 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48358 ta
48359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48360 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 611/669 health and 467/512 mana.
48361 H:351 M:565 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
48362 H:351 M:565 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
48363 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
48364 H:351 M:565 -b db 
48365 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48366 sip mana
48367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48368 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
48369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48370 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
48371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48372 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
48373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48374 H:611 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
48375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48376 H:351 M:700 -b db 
48377 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48378 eat toadstool
48379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48380 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1912.
48381 You quickly eat a toadstool.
48382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48383 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
48384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48385 You feel your health and mana replenished.
48386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48387 H:611 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
48388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48389 H:418 M:700 -b db 
48390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48391 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
48392 H:611 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
48393 H:611 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
48394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48395 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
48396 H:418 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
48397 H:418 M:700 eb db 
48398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48399 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
48400 H:611 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
48401 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48402 ac on
48403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48404 Autocuring activated.
48405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48406 evoke imbue
48407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48408 You must regain balance first.
48409 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48410 evoke empower shock
48411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48412 You must regain balance first.
48413 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48414 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
48415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48416 You must regain balance first.
48417 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48418 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
48419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48420 You must regain balance first.
48421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48422 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
48423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48424 You must regain balance first.
48425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48426 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
48427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48428 You concentrate on your bond with Nature and prepare to overwhelm Dwenthall with its raw power.
48429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48430 A look of utmost concentration appears on Reyvenyr's face, followed by a menacing look in your direc
48431 tion.
48432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48433 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
48434 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48435 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
48436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48437 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48439 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
48440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48441 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48442 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48443 ta dwenthall
48444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48445 Dwenthall's condition stands at 360/669 health and 756/700 mana.
48446 Mana Lost: 12
48447 H:611 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
48448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48449 H:418 M:700 eb db 
48450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48451 -------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!
48452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48453 Your input, "-------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
48454 H:611 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
48455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48456 You may eat another herb or plant.
48457 H:418 M:700 eb db 
48458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48459 You have recovered balance.
48460 H:611 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; Your mind is able to focus once again.
48462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48463 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
48464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48465 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
48466 H:611 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
48467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48468 H:405 M:700 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
48469 H:432 M:700 eb db 
48470 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48471 l
48472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48473 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
48474 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
48475 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
48476 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
48477 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. 
48478 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
48479 H:432 M:700 eb db 
48480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48481 You may drink another healing elixir.
48482 H:611 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
48483 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48484 The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
48485 H:432 M:700 eb db 
48486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48487 Health Gain: 57
48488 Mana Gain: 32
48489 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
48490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48491 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
48492 H:499 M:700 eb db Blood red and dangerously bright, Sukhder, moon of Terror, silently drifts across 
48493 the firmament.
48494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48495 You may eat another mushroom.
48496 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
48497 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
48498 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48499 H:499 M:684 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
48500 H:499 M:684 eb db 
48501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48502 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
48503 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
48504 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48505 ac on
48506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48507 Autocuring activated.
48508 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48509 evoke imbue
48510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48511 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
48512 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48513 evoke empower shock
48514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48515 Mana Lost: 6
48516 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
48517 wer of Earth infuses it.
48518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48519 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
48520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48521 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
48522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48523 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
48524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48525 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
48526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48527 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
48528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48529 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
48530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48531 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
48532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48533 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
48534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48535 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
48536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48537 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
48538 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
48539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48540 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
48541 A brief shock tuns through your body and your muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
48542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48543 Dwenthall's muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
48544 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
48545 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
48546 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
48547 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48548 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
48549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48550 Balance Taken: 3.01s
48551 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48552 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
48553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48554 You are already focusing on overwhelming someone.
48555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48556 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
48557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48558 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
48559  her skin mercilessly.
48560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48561 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
48562 your skin mercilessly.
48563 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
48564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48565 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
48566 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48567 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
48568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48569 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48570 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48571 ta dwenthall
48572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48573 Dwenthall's condition stands at 327/669 health and 684/700 mana.
48574 Mana Lost: 12
48575 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
48576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48577 H:300 M:684 eb b 
48578 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48579 ffe
48580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48581 There is no exit in that direction.
48582 H:300 M:684 eb b 
48583 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48584 ffw
48585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48586 Reyvenyr stops you from moving that way.
48587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48588 Dwenthall tries to leave, but you block her from moving that way.
48589 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
48590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48591 H:300 M:684 eb b 
48592 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48593 eat maidenhair
48594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48595 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1981.
48596 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
48597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48598 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
48599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48600 The stinging feeling fades.
48601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48602 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
48603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48604 H:300 M:684 eb b 
48605 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48606 sip health
48607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48608 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
48609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48610 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
48611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48612 The elixir heals your body.
48613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48614 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
48615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48616 H:422 M:684 eb b 
48617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48618 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
48619 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
48620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48621 ---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!
48622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48623 Your input, "---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!"
48624 , is not a valid command.
48625 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
48626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48627 You may eat another mushroom.
48628 H:422 M:684 eb b 
48629 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48630 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
48631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48632 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
48633 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
48634 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48635 clot
48636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48637 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
48638 H:422 M:670 eb b 
48639 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48640 eat toadstool
48641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48642 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1911.
48643 You quickly eat a toadstool.
48644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48645 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
48646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48647 You feel your health and mana replenished.
48648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48649 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
48650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48651 H:489 M:700 eb b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
48652 H:488 M:700 eb b 
48653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48654 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
48655 H:669 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
48656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48657 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
48658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48659 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
48660 H:669 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
48661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48662 H:476 M:700 eb b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
48663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48664 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
48665 H:669 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
48666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48667 H:476 M:700 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
48668 H:476 M:700 eb b 
48669 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48670 eat juniper
48671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48672 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1876.
48673 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
48674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48675 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
48676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48677 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
48678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48679 H:669 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
48680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48681 H:476 M:700 eb db 
48682 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48683 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
48684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48685 You must regain balance first.
48686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48687 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
48688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48689 You must regain balance first.
48690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48691 evoke drain dwenthall
48692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48693 You must regain balance first.
48694 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48695 contemplate dwenthall
48696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48697 You must regain balance first.
48698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48699 naturebind drain dwenthall
48700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48701 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
48702  contort in a visage of pain.
48703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48704 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
48705 tabbing pain in your head.
48706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48707 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
48708 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
48709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48710 H:476 M:649 eb db 
48711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48712 contemplate dwenthall
48713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48714 You must regain balance first.
48715 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
48716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48717 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
48718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48719 You must regain balance first.
48720 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48721 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
48722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48723 You must regain balance first.
48724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48725 evoke drain dwenthall
48726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48727 You must regain balance first.
48728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48729 contemplate dwenthall
48730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48731 You must regain balance first.
48732 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48733 naturebind drain dwenthall
48734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48735 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48736 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
48737 H:669 M:469 &lt;-b dbt; 
48738 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48739 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
48740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48741 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48742 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48743 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
48744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48745 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48746 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48747 evoke drain dwenthall
48748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48749 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48750 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48751 contemplate dwenthall
48752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48753 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48755 naturebind drain dwenthall
48756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48757 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48758 H:669 M:469 &lt;-b dbt; 
48759 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48760 ffse
48761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48762 You flip away to the southeast, landing flat on your back.
48763 By a pile of bodies.
48764 You see exits leading north, southeast, west, and northwest.
48765 Balance Taken: 3.20s
48766 H:476 M:649 e- pdb 
48767 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48768 kipup
48769 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48770 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
48771 H:476 M:633 e- db 
48772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48773 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
48774 The tornado swirls rapidly.
48775 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48776 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
48777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48778 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48780 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
48781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48782 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48784 evoke drain dwenthall
48785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48786 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48787 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48788 contemplate dwenthall
48789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48790 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48792 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48793 naturebind drain dwenthall
48794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48795 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48797 H:669 M:469 &lt;-b dbt; 
48798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48799 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
48800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48801 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48803 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48804 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
48805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48806 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48808 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48809 evoke drain dwenthall
48810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48811 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48813 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48814 contemplate dwenthall
48815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48816 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48819 naturebind drain dwenthall
48820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48821 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48823 H:669 M:469 &lt;-b dbt; 
48824 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48825 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
48826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48827 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48829 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48830 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
48831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48832 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48834 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48835 evoke drain dwenthall
48836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48837 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48839 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48840 contemplate dwenthall
48841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48842 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48844 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48845 naturebind drain dwenthall
48846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48847 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48849 H:669 M:469 &lt;-b dbt; 
48850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48851 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
48852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48853 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48856 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
48857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48858 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48861 evoke drain dwenthall
48862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48863 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48866 contemplate dwenthall
48867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48868 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48870 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48871 naturebind drain dwenthall
48872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48873 You must regain your equilibrium first.
48875 H:669 M:469 &lt;-b dbt; 
48876 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
48879 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
48880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48881 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
48882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48883 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
48885 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48886 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
48887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48888 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
48890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48891 evoke drain dwenthall
48892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48893 I do not recognize anything called that here.
48895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48896 contemplate dwenthall
48897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48898 I do not recognize anything called that here.
48900 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48901 naturebind drain dwenthall
48902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48903 I do not recognize anything called that here.
48905 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
48906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48907 You may eat another herb or plant.
48908 H:476 M:633 e- db 
48909 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48910 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
48911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48912 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
48914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48915 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
48916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48917 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
48919 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48920 evoke drain dwenthall
48921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48922 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
48924 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48925 contemplate dwenthall
48926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48927 I do not recognize anything called that here.
48929 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48930 naturebind drain dwenthall
48931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48932 You do not see that individual here.
48934 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
48935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48936 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
48937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48938 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
48940 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48941 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
48942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48943 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
48945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48946 evoke drain dwenthall
48947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48948 You detect nothing here by that name.
48950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48951 contemplate dwenthall
48952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48953 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
48955 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48956 naturebind drain dwenthall
48957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48958 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
48960 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
48961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48962 You may drink another healing elixir.
48963 H:476 M:633 e- db 
48964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48965 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
48966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48967 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
48969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48970 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
48971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48972 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
48974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48975 evoke drain dwenthall
48976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48977 You detect nothing here by that name.
48979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48980 contemplate dwenthall
48981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48982 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
48984 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48985 naturebind drain dwenthall
48986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
48987 I do not recognize anything called that here.
48989 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
48990 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
48992 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
48993 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48994 sip health
48995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
48996 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
48998 The elixir heals your body.
49000 H:620 M:633 e- db 
49001 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49002 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
49003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49004 I do not recognize anything called that here.
49006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49007 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
49008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49009 You do not see that individual here.
49011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49012 evoke drain dwenthall
49013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49014 You do not see that individual here.
49016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49017 contemplate dwenthall
49018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49019 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
49021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49022 naturebind drain dwenthall
49023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49024 You detect nothing here by that name.
49026 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
49027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49028 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
49030 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49031 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
49032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49033 I do not recognize anything called that here.
49035 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49036 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
49037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49038 You do not see that individual here.
49040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49041 evoke drain dwenthall
49042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49043 I do not recognize anything called that here.
49045 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49046 contemplate dwenthall
49047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49048 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
49050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49051 naturebind drain dwenthall
49052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49053 You detect nothing here by that name.
49055 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
49056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49057 H:620 M:633 e- db 
49058 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49059 ffnw
49060 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49061 You must regain balance first.
49063 H:620 M:633 e- db 
49064 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49065 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
49066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49067 You detect nothing here by that name.
49069 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49070 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
49071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49072 I do not recognize anything called that here.
49074 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49075 evoke drain dwenthall
49076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49077 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
49079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49080 contemplate dwenthall
49081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49082 You detect nothing here by that name.
49084 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49085 naturebind drain dwenthall
49086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49087 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
49089 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
49090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49091 You have recovered balance.
49094 H:620 M:633 eb db 
49095 You may eat another mushroom.
49097 H:620 M:633 eb db 
49098 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49099 ffnw
49100 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49101 You flip away to the northwest, landing flat on your back.
49103 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
49106 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
49107 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
49108 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
49109 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
49110 Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield
49111  in his right. 
49114 You see exits leading 
49115 southeast, west, and northwest
49116 .
49119 Balance Taken: 3.20s
49121 H:620 M:633 e- pdb 
49122 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49123 kipup
49124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49125 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
49127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49128 Dwenthall springs up from the ground to her feet.
49130 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
49131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49132 H:620 M:633 e- db 
49133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49134 Mana Gain: 32
49136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49137 order loyals kill dwenthall
49138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49139 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
49141 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
49143 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
49145 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
49147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49148 evoke empower rockfall
49149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49150 Mana Lost: 6
49152 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
49153 wer of Earth infuses it.
49155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49156 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
49157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49158 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
49160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49161 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
49163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49164 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
49166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49167 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
49169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49170 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
49172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49173 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
49174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49175 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
49177 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49178 evoke lightning dwenthall
49179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49180 Mana Lost: 12
49182 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
49183  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
49184 g her charred and drained.
49186 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49187 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
49188 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
49189 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
49191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49192 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
49194 Balance Taken: 3.80s
49196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49197 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
49198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49199 You must regain balance first.
49201 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49202 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
49203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49204 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
49205 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
49207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49208 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
49209 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
49211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49212 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
49214 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49215 ta dwenthall
49216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49217 Dwenthall's condition stands at 447/669 health and 762/700 mana.
49219 Mana Lost: 12
49221 H:669 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; 
49222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49223 H:513 M:675 e- db 
49224 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49225 eat toadstool
49226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49227 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1910.
49229 You quickly eat a toadstool.
49231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49232 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
49234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49235 You feel your health and mana replenished.
49237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49238 H:669 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; 
49239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49240 H:580 M:700 e- db 
49241 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
49243 H:607 M:700 e- db 
49244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49245 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
49248 H:669 M:471 &lt;e- dbt; 
49249 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49250 You may drink another healing elixir.
49251 H:607 M:700 e- db 
49252 You have recovered balance.
49255 H:607 M:700 eb db 
49256 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
49258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49259 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
49261 H:669 M:471 &lt;e- dbt; 
49262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49263 H:598 M:700 eb db 
49264 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49265 sip health
49266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49267 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
49269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49270 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
49272 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49273 The elixir heals your body.
49275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49276 H:669 M:471 &lt;e- dbt; 
49277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49278 H:669 M:700 eb db 
49279 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49280 ffnw
49281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49282 You flip away to the northwest, landing flat on your back.
49284 A rocky outcropping.
49287 You see exits leading 
49288 north, southeast, south, and southwest
49289 .
49292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49293 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
49295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49296 Balance Taken: 3.20s
49298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49299 H:669 M:471 &lt;e- dbt; 
49300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49301 H:669 M:700 e- pdb 
49302 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49303 kipup
49304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49305 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
49307 H:669 M:700 e- db 
49308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49309 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
49310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49311 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
49312 H:669 M:471 &lt;e- dbt; 
49313 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49314 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
49315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49316 You must regain balance first.
49317 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49318 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
49319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49320 You must regain balance first.
49321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49322 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
49323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49324 You detect nothing here by that name.
49325 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49326 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
49327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49328 You detect nothing here by that name.
49329 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49330 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
49331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49332 I do not recognize anything called that here.
49333 H:669 M:471 &lt;e- dbt; 
49334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49335 ac on
49336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49337 Autocuring activated.
49338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49339 order loyals kill dwenthall
49340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49341 You must regain balance first.
49342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49343 TEAR MAP
49344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49345 Syntax: TEAR MAP
49346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49347 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
49348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49349 You must regain balance first.
49350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49351 evoke empower rockfall
49352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49353 You must regain balance first.
49354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49355 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
49356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49357 You must regain balance first.
49358 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49359 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
49360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49361 You must regain balance first.
49362 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49363 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
49364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49365 You must regain balance first.
49366 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49367 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
49368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49369 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
49370 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49371 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
49372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49373 I do not recognize anything called that here.
49374 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49375 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
49376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49377 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
49378 H:669 M:471 &lt;e- dbt; 
49379 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49380 ih
49381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49382 You see the following objects:
49383 "crystal316184"           a shimmering crystal
49384 Number of objects: 1
49385 H:669 M:700 e- db 
49386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49387 You have recovered balance.
49388 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; 
49389 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49390 l
49391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49392 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
49393 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
49394 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; 
49395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49396 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
49397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49398 You cease attempting to overwhelm Dwenthall through the power of Nature.
49399 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
49400 The tornado swirls rapidly.
49401 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; 
49402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49403 H:669 M:684 e- db 
49404 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49407 Your input, "OVERWHELM IS DOWN!!!!!", is not a valid command.
49408 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; 
49409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49410 You have recovered balance.
49411 H:669 M:684 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
49412 H:669 M:684 eb db 
49413 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49414 dag
49415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49416 You are:
49417 blind.
49418 deaf.
49419 an insomniac.
49420 suffering from twitching muscles.
49421 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
49422 H:669 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
49423 H:669 M:684 eb db 
49424 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49425 touch mindseye
49426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49427 Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
49428 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
49429 H:669 M:471 &lt;-b dbt; 
49430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49431 You may drink another healing elixir.
49432 H:669 M:684 eb db The quiet song of a small bird permeates the silence, lifting your spirits.
49433 H:669 M:684 eb db 
49434 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49435 se
49436 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49437 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
49438 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled he
49439 re, swaying slightly. An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem 
49440 stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand
49441  and a lunar shield in his right. 
49442 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
49443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49444 Dwenthall arrives from the northwest.
49445 H:669 M:471 &lt;-b dbt; 
49446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49447 H:669 M:684 eb db 
49448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49449 l
49450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49451 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
49452 ------ v37837 -------
49453     \   /   \ |      
49454      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
49455 \     |              
49456 -[ ] [ ]             
49457 \   / | \            
49458  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
49459             \ |      
49460          [ ]-[ ]     
49461                 \    
49462                  [ ] 
49464 ------- 2:0:0 -------
49465 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
49466 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
49467 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
49468 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
49469 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
49470 H:669 M:471 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
49471 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; 
49472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49473 order loyals kill dwenthall
49474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49475 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
49476 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
49477 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
49478 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
49479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49480 evoke empower rockfall
49481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49482 Mana Lost: 6
49483 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
49484 wer of Earth infuses it.
49485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49486 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
49487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49488 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
49489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49490 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
49491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49492 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
49493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49494 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
49495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49496 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
49497 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49498 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
49499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49500 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
49501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49502 evoke lightning dwenthall
49503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49504 Mana Lost: 12
49505 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
49506  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
49507 g her charred and drained.
49508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49509 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
49510 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
49511 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
49512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49513 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
49514 Balance Taken: 3.80s
49515 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49516 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
49517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49518 You must regain balance first.
49519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49520 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
49521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49522 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
49523 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
49524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49525 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
49526 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
49527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49528 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
49529 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49530 ta dwenthall
49531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49532 Dwenthall's condition stands at 513/669 health and 668/700 mana.
49533 Mana Lost: 12
49534 H:669 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
49535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49536 H:513 M:668 eb db 
49537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49538 Mana Gain: 32
49539 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
49540 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49541 sip health
49542 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49543 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
49544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49545 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
49546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49547 The elixir heals your body.
49548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49549 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
49550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49551 H:669 M:700 eb db 
49552 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49553 sigh
49554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49555 Reyvenyr gives a pained sigh.
49556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49557 You give a pained sigh.
49558 [ACHIEVEMENT]: You are 4 points from earning the 'Emote' achievement.
49559 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
49560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49561 H:669 M:700 eb db 
49562 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49563 cast erode at rey
49564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49565 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
49566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49567 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
49568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49569 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
49570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49571 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
49572 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
49573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49574 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
49575 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
49576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49577 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
49578 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49579 H:669 M:696 -b db 
49580 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49581 apply caloric
49582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49583 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
49584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49585 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
49586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49587 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
49588 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
49589 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49590 H:669 M:696 -b db 
49591 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49592 smoke pipe with linseed
49593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49594 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
49595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49596 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
49597 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
49598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49599 H:669 M:696 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
49600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49601 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
49602 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
49603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49604 H:657 M:696 -b db 
49605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49606 l
49607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49608 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
49609 ------ v37837 -------
49610     \   /   \ |      
49611      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
49612 \     |              
49613 -[ ] [ ]             
49614 \   / | \            
49615  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
49616             \ |      
49617          [ ]-[ ]     
49618                 \    
49619                  [ ] 
49621 ------- 2:0:0 -------
49622 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
49623 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
49624 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
49625 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
49626 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
49627 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
49628 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49629 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
49630 H:657 M:696 -b db 
49631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49632 You may apply another salve.
49633 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
49634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49635 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
49636 H:669 M:700 -b db 
49637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49638 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
49639 H:669 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
49640 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49641 bl nw
49642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49643 You must regain balance first.
49644 H:669 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
49645 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49646 bl nw
49647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49648 You must regain balance first.
49649 H:669 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
49650 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49651 bl nw
49652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49653 You must regain balance first.
49654 H:669 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
49655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49656 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
49657 H:669 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
49658 H:669 M:700 eb db 
49659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49660 You have recovered balance.
49661 H:669 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
49662 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49663 cast erode at rey
49664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49665 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
49666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49667 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
49668 Your insomnia defence is eroded away.
49669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49670 His insomnia defence is eroded away.
49671 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
49672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49673 H:669 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
49674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49675 H:669 M:696 -b db 
49676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49677 insomnia
49678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49679 Mana Lost: 6
49680 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
49681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49682 Reyvenyr clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
49683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49684 H:669 M:467 &lt;eb dbt; 
49685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49686 H:669 M:696 -b db 
49687 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49688 ac on
49689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49690 Autocuring activated.
49691 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49692 order loyals kill dwenthall
49693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49694 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
49695 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
49696 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
49697 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
49698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49699 TEAR MAP
49700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49701 Syntax: TEAR MAP
49702 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49703 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
49704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49705 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
49706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49707 evoke empower rockfall
49708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49709 Mana Lost: 6
49710 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
49711 wer of Earth infuses it.
49712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49713 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
49714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49715 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
49716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49717 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
49718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49719 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
49720 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49721 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
49722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49723 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
49724 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
49725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49726 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
49727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49728 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
49729 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
49730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49731 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
49732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49733 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
49734 Balance Taken: 3.01s
49735 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49736 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
49737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49738 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
49739 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
49740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49741 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
49742 you.
49743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49744 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
49745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49746 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
49747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49748 You must regain your equilibrium first.
49749 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49750 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
49751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49752 You must regain your equilibrium first.
49753 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
49754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49755 H:596 M:696 -b b 
49756 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49757 eat juniper
49758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49759 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1875.
49760 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
49761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49762 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
49763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49764 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
49765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49766 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
49767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49768 H:596 M:696 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
49769 H:596 M:696 -b db 
49770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49771 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
49772 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49773 sip health
49774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49775 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
49776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49777 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
49778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49779 The elixir heals your body.
49780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49781 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
49782 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49783 H:669 M:680 -b db 
49784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49785 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
49786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49787 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
49788 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
49789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49790 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
49791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49792 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
49793 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
49794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49795 H:656 M:680 -b db 
49796 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49797 bl nw
49798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49799 You must regain balance first.
49800 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
49801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49802 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
49803 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49804 bl nw
49805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49806 You must regain balance first.
49807 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
49808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49809 H:656 M:680 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
49810 H:656 M:680 eb db 
49811 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49812 bl nw
49813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49814 You must regain balance first.
49815 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
49816 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49817 cast erode at rey
49818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49819 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
49820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49821 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
49822 Your curseward defence is eroded away.
49823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49824 His curseward defence is eroded away.
49825 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
49826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49827 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
49828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49829 H:656 M:676 -b db 
49830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49831 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
49832 The tornado swirls rapidly.
49833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49834 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
49835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49836 Your noctec toxin has affected Dwenthall.
49837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49838 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
49839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49840 Dwenthall stumbles and appears off balance.
49841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49842 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
49843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49844 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
49845 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
49846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49847 H:656 M:676 -b db 
49848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49849 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
49850 H:669 M:461 &lt;e- dbt; 
49851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49852 spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec
49853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49854 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec", is not a valid command.
49855 H:669 M:461 &lt;e- dbt; 
49856 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49857 smoke pipe with lovage
49858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49859 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
49860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49861 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
49862 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49863 You are able to focus your senses once more.
49864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49865 H:669 M:461 &lt;e- dbt; 
49866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49867 H:656 M:676 -b db 
49868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49869 You have recovered balance.
49870 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49871 bl nw
49872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49873 You move over to block the northwestward exit.
49874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49875 Reyvenyr moves over to block the northwestward exit.
49876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49877 H:669 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
49878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49879 H:656 M:676 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
49880 H:656 M:676 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
49881 H:656 M:676 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
49882 H:656 M:676 eb db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
49883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49884 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
49885 H:669 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
49886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49887 H:647 M:676 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
49888 H:647 M:676 eb db 
49889 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49890 cast erode at rey
49891 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49892 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
49893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49894 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
49895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49896 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
49897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49898 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
49899 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
49900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49901 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
49902 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
49903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49904 H:669 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
49905 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49906 H:647 M:672 -b db 
49907 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49908 apply caloric
49909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49910 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
49911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49912 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
49913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49914 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
49915 H:669 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
49916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49917 H:647 M:656 -b db 
49918 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49919 smoke pipe with linseed
49920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49921 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
49922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49923 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
49924 H:669 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
49925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49926 H:647 M:656 -b db 
49927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49928 Mana Gain: 32
49929 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
49930 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49931 ac on
49932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49933 Autocuring activated.
49934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49935 order loyals kill dwenthall
49936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49937 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
49938 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
49939 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
49940 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
49941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49942 TEAR MAP
49943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49944 Syntax: TEAR MAP
49945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49946 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
49947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49948 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
49949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49950 evoke empower rockfall
49951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49952 Mana Lost: 6
49953 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
49954 wer of Earth infuses it.
49955 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49956 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
49957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49958 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
49959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49960 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
49961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49962 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
49963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49964 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
49965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49966 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
49967 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49968 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
49969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49970 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
49971 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49972 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
49973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49974 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
49975 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
49976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49977 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
49978 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
49979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49980 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
49981 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
49982 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
49983 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
49984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49985 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
49986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49987 Balance Taken: 3.01s
49988 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49989 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
49990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49991 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
49992 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49993 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
49994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
49995 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
49996 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
49997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
49998 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
49999 d you.
50000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50001 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
50002 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50003 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
50004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50005 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50006 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
50007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50008 H:464 M:698 -b b 
50009 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50010 eat juniper
50011 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50012 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1874.
50013 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
50014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50015 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
50016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50017 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
50018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50019 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
50020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50021 H:464 M:698 -b db 
50022 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50023 sip health
50024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50025 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
50026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50027 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
50028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50029 The elixir heals your body.
50030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50031 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
50032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50033 H:582 M:698 -b db 
50034 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50035 eat toadstool
50036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50037 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1909.
50038 You quickly eat a toadstool.
50039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50040 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
50041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50042 You feel your health and mana replenished.
50043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50044 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
50045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50046 H:649 M:700 -b db 
50047 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50048 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
50049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50050 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
50051 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
50052 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
50053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50054 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50055 H:649 M:700 eb db 
50056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50057 You are again able to overwhelm someone through the power of Nature.
50058 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
50059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50060 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
50061 H:649 M:700 eb db 
50062 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50063 bs
50064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50065 You must regain balance first.
50066 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
50067 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50068 OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!
50069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50070 Your input, "OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
50071 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
50072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50073 bs
50074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50075 You must regain balance first.
50076 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
50077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50078 You may eat another herb or plant.
50079 H:649 M:700 eb db 
50080 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50081 cast erode at rey
50082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50083 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
50084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50085 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
50086 Your mindseye defence is eroded away.
50087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50088 His mindseye defence is eroded away.
50089 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
50090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50091 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
50092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50093 H:649 M:696 -b db 
50094 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50095 bs
50096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50097 You must regain balance first.
50098 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
50099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50100 bs
50101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50102 You must regain balance first.
50103 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50104 H:669 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; 
50105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50106 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
50107 H:669 M:700 -b db 
50108 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50109 bs
50110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50111 You must regain balance first.
50112 H:669 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
50113 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
50114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50115 bs
50116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50117 Your skin is already tough as bark.
50118 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
50119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50120 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
50121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50122 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
50123 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
50124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50125 H:657 M:700 -b db 
50126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50127 bs
50128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50129 Your skin is already tough as bark.
50130 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
50131 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50132 bs
50133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50134 Your skin is already tough as bark.
50135 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
50136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50137 bs
50138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50139 Your skin is already tough as bark.
50140 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
50141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50142 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
50143 H:656 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50144 H:656 M:684 eb db 
50145 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50146 ac on
50147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50148 Autocuring activated.
50149 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50150 order loyals kill dwenthall
50151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50152 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
50153 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
50154 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
50155 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
50156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50157 TEAR MAP
50158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50159 Syntax: TEAR MAP
50160 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50161 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
50162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50163 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
50164 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50165 evoke empower rockfall
50166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50167 Mana Lost: 6
50168 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
50169 wer of Earth infuses it.
50170 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50171 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
50172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50173 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
50174 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50175 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
50176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50177 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
50178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50179 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
50180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50181 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
50182 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
50183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50184 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
50185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50186 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
50187 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
50188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50189 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
50190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50191 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
50192 Balance Taken: 3.01s
50193 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50194 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
50195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50196 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
50197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50198 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
50199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50200 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
50201 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50202 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
50203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50204 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
50205 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
50206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50207 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
50208 .
50209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50210 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
50211 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
50212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50213 H:583 M:684 eb b 
50214 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50215 eat juniper
50216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50217 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1873.
50218 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
50219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50220 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
50221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50222 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
50223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50224 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
50225 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50226 H:583 M:684 eb db 
50227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50228 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
50229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50230 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
50231 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
50232 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50233 You may drink another healing elixir.
50234 H:583 M:684 eb db 
50235 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50236 sip health
50237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50238 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
50239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50240 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
50241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50242 The elixir heals your body.
50243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50244 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
50245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50246 H:669 M:684 eb db 
50247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50248 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
50249 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50250 cast erode at rey
50251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50252 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
50253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50254 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
50255 Your deaf defence is eroded away.
50256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50257 His deaf defence is eroded away.
50258 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
50259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50260 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- bt; 
50261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50262 H:669 M:680 -b db 
50263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50264 eat juniper
50265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50266 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1984.
50267 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
50268 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50269 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
50270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50271 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
50272 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
50273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50274 H:669 M:680 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
50275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50276 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
50277 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
50278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50279 H:669 M:680 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
50280 H:669 M:680 -b db 
50281 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50282 l
50283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50284 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
50285 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; You are once again able to form a curseward.
50286 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
50287 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50288 You may eat another herb or plant.
50289 H:669 M:680 -b db 
50290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50291 You may eat another herb or plant.
50292 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
50293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50294 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
50295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50296 Your noctec toxin has affected Dwenthall.
50297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50298 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
50299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50300 Dwenthall stumbles and appears off balance.
50301 The tornado swirls rapidly.
50302 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
50303 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50304 H:669 M:680 -b db 
50305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50306 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50307 H:669 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
50308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50309 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50310 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50311 smoke pipe with lovage
50312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50313 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
50314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50315 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
50316 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50317 You are able to focus your senses once more.
50318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50319 H:669 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
50320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50321 H:669 M:680 eb db 
50322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50323 You have recovered balance.
50324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50325 curseward
50326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50327 Mana Lost: 21
50328 You concentrate briefly and a shimmering curseward appears around you.
50329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50330 A shimmering curseward appears around Reyvenyr.
50331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50332 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
50333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50334 H:669 M:680 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
50335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50336 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
50337 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
50338 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50339 H:656 M:680 eb db 
50340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50341 spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec
50342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50343 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec", is not a valid command.
50344 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
50345 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50346 cast erode at rey
50347 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50348 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
50349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50350 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
50351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50352 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
50353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50354 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
50355 Your density defence is eroded away.
50356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50357 His density defence is eroded away.
50358 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
50359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50360 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
50361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50362 H:656 M:676 -b db 
50363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50364 apply mass
50365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50366 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
50367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50368 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
50369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50370 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
50371 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
50372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50373 H:656 M:676 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
50374 H:656 M:676 -b db 
50375 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50376 smoke pipe with linseed
50377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50378 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
50379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50380 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
50381 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
50382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50383 H:656 M:676 -b db 
50384 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50385 touch mindeye
50386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50387 You have no mindeye.
50388 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; You may apply another salve.
50389 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
50390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50391 touch mindeye
50392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50393 You have no mindeye.
50394 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
50395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50396 You may drink another healing elixir.
50397 H:656 M:660 -b db 
50398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50399 touch mindeye
50400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50401 You have no mindeye.
50402 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
50403 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50404 touch mindeye
50405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50406 You have no mindeye.
50407 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Gain: 32
50408 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50409 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
50410 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50412 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
50413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50414 H:669 M:700 eb db 
50415 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50416 cast erode at rey
50417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50418 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
50419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50420 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
50421 Your levitating defence is eroded away.
50422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50423 His levitating defence is eroded away.
50424 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
50425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50426 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
50427 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50428 H:669 M:696 -b db 
50429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50430 sip levitation
50431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50432 You take a drink of an elixir of levitation from an onyx vial.
50433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50434 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
50435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50436 Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
50437 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
50438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50439 H:669 M:696 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
50440 H:669 M:696 -b db Your muscles finally stop twitching.
50441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50442 Dwenthall's muscles cease their twitching.
50443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50444 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
50445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50446 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
50447 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
50448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50449 H:656 M:696 -b db 
50450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50451 ------------SHOCK DOWN
50452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50453 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
50454 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
50455 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50456 ------------SHOCK DOWN
50457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50458 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
50459 H:669 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
50460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50461 Gloriaa has been hacked to death by Adam.
50462 H:656 M:696 -b db 
50463 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50464 touch mindseye
50465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50466 Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
50467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50468 Reyvenyr touches a mindseye tattoo.
50469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50470 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
50471 H:669 M:493 &lt;-b dbt; 
50472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50473 H:656 M:696 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50475 touch mindseye
50476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50477 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50478 H:669 M:493 &lt;-b dbt; 
50479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50480 H:656 M:696 eb db 
50481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50482 ac on
50483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50484 Autocuring activated.
50485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50486 order loyals kill dwenthall
50487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50488 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50489 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50490 TEAR MAP
50491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50492 Syntax: TEAR MAP
50493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50494 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
50495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50496 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50497 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50498 evoke empower rockfall
50499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50500 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50502 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
50503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50504 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50505 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50506 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
50507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50508 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50510 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
50511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50512 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50514 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
50515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50516 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50517 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50518 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
50519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50520 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50522 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
50523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50524 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50525 H:669 M:493 &lt;-b dbt; 
50526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50527 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
50528 H:669 M:700 eb db 
50529 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50530 cast erode at rey
50531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50532 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
50533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50534 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
50535 Your mindseye defence is eroded away.
50536 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50537 His mindseye defence is eroded away.
50538 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
50539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50540 H:669 M:493 &lt;-b dbt; 
50541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50542 H:669 M:696 -b db 
50543 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50544 ac on
50545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50546 Autocuring activated.
50547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50548 order loyals kill dwenthall
50549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50550 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50551 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50552 TEAR MAP
50553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50554 Syntax: TEAR MAP
50555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50556 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
50557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50558 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50560 evoke empower rockfall
50561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50562 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50564 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
50565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50566 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50567 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50568 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
50569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50570 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50571 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50572 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
50573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50574 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50576 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
50577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50578 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50579 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50580 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
50581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50582 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50583 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50584 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
50585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50586 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50587 H:669 M:493 &lt;-b dbt; 
50588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50589 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
50590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50591 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
50592 H:669 M:493 &lt;-b dbt; 
50593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50594 H:669 M:680 -b db 
50595 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50596 ac on
50597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50598 Autocuring activated.
50599 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50600 order golem kill dwenthall
50601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50602 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50604 evoke empower rockfall
50605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50606 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50607 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50608 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
50609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50610 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50612 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
50613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50614 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50616 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
50617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50618 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50619 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50620 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
50621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50622 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50623 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50624 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
50625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50626 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50627 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50628 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
50629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50630 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50632 naturebind shred dwenthall
50633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50634 You must regain your equilibrium first.
50635 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50636 ta dwenthall
50637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50638 Dwenthall's condition stands at 689/669 health and 727/700 mana.
50639 Mana Lost: 12
50640 H:669 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50641 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
50642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50643 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50644 H:669 M:680 eb db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
50645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50646 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
50647 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
50648 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
50649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50650 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
50651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50652 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
50653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50654 H:658 M:680 eb db 
50655 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50656 cast erode at rey
50657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50658 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
50659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50660 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
50661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50662 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
50663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50664 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
50665 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
50666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50667 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
50668 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
50669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50670 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
50671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50672 H:658 M:676 -b db 
50673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50674 apply caloric
50675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50676 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
50677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50678 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
50679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50680 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
50681 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
50682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50683 H:658 M:676 -b db 
50684 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50685 smoke pipe with linseed
50686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50687 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
50688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50689 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
50690 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
50691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50692 H:658 M:676 -b db 
50693 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50694 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
50695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50696 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
50697 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
50698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50699 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
50700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50701 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
50702 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
50703 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50704 empty strychnine
50705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50706 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
50707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50708 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
50709 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50710 empty strychnine
50711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50712 I don't see that in your inventory.
50713 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50714 vbelt tap empty strychine
50715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50716 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
50717 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50718 vbelt tap empty strychnine
50719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50720 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
50721  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
50722  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
50723 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
50724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50725 H:658 M:676 -b db 
50726 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50727 empty strychnine
50728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50729 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
50730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50731 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
50732 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50733 empty strychnine
50734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50735 I don't see that in your inventory.
50736 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50737 vbelt tap empty strychine
50738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50739 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
50740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50741 vbelt tap empty strychnine
50742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50743 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
50744  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
50745  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
50746 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
50747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50748 H:658 M:676 -b db 
50749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50750 You may apply another salve.
50751 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of noctec.
50752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50753 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
50754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50755 Your noctec toxin has affected Dwenthall.
50756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50757 Motion trails appear before your eyes, and your ability to balance seems off.
50758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50759 Dwenthall stumbles and appears off balance.
50760 The tornado swirls rapidly.
50761 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
50762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50763 H:658 M:676 -b db 
50764 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50765 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
50766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50767 Mana Lost: 12
50768 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
50769 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50771 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
50772 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50774 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
50775 Mana Lost: 12
50776 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of benze
50777 drine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50779 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
50780  benzedrine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50782 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin benzedrine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
50783  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
50784  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
50785 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
50786 Balance Taken: 2.00s
50787 H:669 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
50788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50789 H:658 M:676 -b db 
50790 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50791 purge blood
50792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50793 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
50794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50795 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
50796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50797 You are able to focus your senses once more.
50798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50799 H:669 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
50800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50801 H:658 M:670 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50802 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
50803 H:658 M:670 eb db 
50804 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50805 spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec
50806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50807 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall noctec", is not a valid command.
50808 H:669 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
50809 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50810 cast erode at rey
50811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50812 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
50813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50814 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
50815 Your fenugreek defence is eroded away.
50816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50817 His fenugreek defence is eroded away.
50818 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
50819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50820 H:669 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
50821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50822 H:658 M:666 -b db 
50823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50824 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
50825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50826 You must regain balance first.
50827 H:669 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
50828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50829 apply fenugreek
50830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50831 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1993.
50832 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
50833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50834 Reyvenyr applies a fenugreek berry to himself.
50835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50836 H:669 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
50837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50838 H:658 M:650 -b db 
50839 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50840 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
50841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50842 You must regain balance first.
50843 H:669 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
50844 H:669 M:489 &lt;e- dbt; 
50845 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50846 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
50847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50848 You must regain balance first.
50849 H:669 M:489 &lt;e- dbt; 
50850 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50851 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
50852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50853 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
50854 H:669 M:489 &lt;e- dbt; 
50855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50856 H:658 M:692 -b db 
50857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50858 You have recovered balance.
50859 H:669 M:489 &lt;eb dbt; 
50860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50861 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
50862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50863 Mana Lost: 12
50864 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
50865 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50867 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
50868 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50870 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
50871 Mana Lost: 12
50872 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of benze
50873 drine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50875 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
50876  benzedrine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50878 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
50879 Balance Taken: 2.00s
50880 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; 
50881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50882 H:658 M:692 -b db 
50883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50884 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
50885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50886 You must regain balance first.
50887 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
50888 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; 
50889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50890 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50891 H:658 M:692 eb db 
50892 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50893 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
50894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50895 You must regain balance first.
50896 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; 
50897 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50898 cast erode at rey
50899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50900 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
50901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50902 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
50903 Your blind defence is eroded away.
50904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50905 His blind defence is eroded away.
50906 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
50907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50908 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dt; 
50909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50910 H:658 M:688 -b db 
50911 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50912 eat hyssop
50913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50914 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1993.
50915 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
50916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50917 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
50918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50919 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
50920 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; 
50921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50922 H:658 M:688 -b db 
50923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50924 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
50925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50926 You must regain balance first.
50927 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; 
50928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50929 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
50930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50931 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
50932 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; 
50933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50934 H:658 M:688 -b db 
50935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50936 You have recovered balance.
50937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50938 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
50939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50940 Mana Lost: 12
50941 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
50942 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50944 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
50945 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50947 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
50948 Mana Lost: 12
50949 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of benze
50950 drine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50951 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50952 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
50953  benzedrine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
50954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50955 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
50956 Balance Taken: 2.00s
50957 H:669 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; 
50958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50959 H:658 M:688 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
50960 H:658 M:688 -b db 
50961 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50962 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
50963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50964 You must regain balance first.
50965 H:669 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; 
50966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50967 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
50968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50969 You must regain balance first.
50970 H:669 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; 
50971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50972 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
50973 H:658 M:672 eb db 
50974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50975 You may eat another herb or plant.
50976 H:669 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
50978 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
50979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50980 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
50982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50983 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
50985 The fenugreek berry juice hardens into a supple, waxy coating.
50987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50988 A waxy shell of berry juice has dried to Reyvenyr's skin.
50990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
50991 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
50992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50993 H:644 M:672 eb db 
50994 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50995 cast erode at rey
50996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
50997 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
50999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51000 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
51002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51003 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
51005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51006 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
51008 Your blind defence is eroded away.
51010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51011 His blind defence is eroded away.
51013 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
51015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51016 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dt; 
51017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51018 H:669 M:696 -b db 
51019 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51020 eat hyssop
51021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51022 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1992.
51024 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
51026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51027 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
51029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51030 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
51032 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
51033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51034 H:669 M:696 -b db 
51035 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51036 smoke pipe with linseed
51037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51038 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
51040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51041 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
51043 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
51044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51045 H:669 M:696 -b db 
51046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51047 ac on
51048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51049 Autocuring activated.
51051 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51052 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
51053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51054 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
51056 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51057 evoke imbue
51058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51059 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
51061 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51062 evoke empower rockfall
51063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51064 Mana Lost: 6
51066 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
51067 wer of Earth infuses it.
51069 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51070 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
51071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51072 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
51074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51075 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
51077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51078 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
51080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51081 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
51083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51084 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
51086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51087 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
51088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51089 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
51091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51092 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
51093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51094 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
51096 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
51098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51099 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
51101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51102 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
51104 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
51106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51107 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
51109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51110 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
51112 Balance Taken: 3.01s
51114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51115 naturebinding curse dwenthall
51116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51117 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
51118 root shreds it viciously.
51120 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51121 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
51122 root shreds it viciously.
51124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51125 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
51127 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51128 ta dwenthall
51129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51130 Dwenthall's condition stands at 485/669 health and 793/700 mana.
51132 Mana Lost: 12
51134 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
51135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51136 H:515 M:696 -b b 
51137 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51138 eat juniper
51139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51140 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1872.
51142 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
51144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51145 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
51147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51148 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
51150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51151 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
51152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51153 H:515 M:696 -b db 
51154 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51155 sip health
51156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51157 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
51159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51160 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
51162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51163 The elixir heals your body.
51165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51166 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
51167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51168 H:669 M:696 -b db 
51169 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51170 eat toadstool
51171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51172 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1908.
51174 You quickly eat a toadstool.
51176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51177 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
51179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51180 You feel your health and mana replenished.
51182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51183 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
51184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51185 H:669 M:700 -b db 
51186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51187 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
51188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51189 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
51191 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
51192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51193 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
51194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51195 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
51197 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
51198 You may eat another herb or plant.
51199 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
51200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51201 You may eat another herb or plant.
51202 H:669 M:700 -b db 
51203 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
51206 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
51207 H:669 M:700 eb db 
51208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51209 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
51212 H:669 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
51213 You have recovered balance.
51216 H:669 M:422 &lt;eb dbt; 
51217 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51218 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
51219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51220 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
51222 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51223 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
51224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51225 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
51227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51228 evoke drain dwenthall
51229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51230 Mana Lost: 9
51232 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
51233 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
51235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51236 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
51237 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
51239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51240 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
51242 Balance Taken: 2.90s
51244 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51246 naturebind drain dwenthall
51247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51248 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
51249  contort in a visage of pain.
51250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51251 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
51252 tabbing pain in your head.
51253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51254 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
51255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51256 ta dwenthall
51257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51258 Dwenthall's condition stands at 769/669 health and 625/700 mana.
51259 Mana Lost: 12
51260 H:669 M:401 &lt;-- dbt; 
51261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51262 H:669 M:579 eb db 
51263 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51264 cast erode at rey
51265 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51266 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
51267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51268 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
51269 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
51270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51271 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
51272 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
51273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51274 H:669 M:401 &lt;-- dbt; 
51275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51276 H:669 M:575 -b db 
51277 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51278 sip speed
51279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51280 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
51281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51282 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
51283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51284 H:669 M:401 &lt;-- dbt; 
51285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51286 H:669 M:575 -b db 
51287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51288 eat toadstool
51289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51290 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1940.
51291 You quickly eat a toadstool.
51292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51293 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
51294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51295 Mana Gain: 51
51296 You feel your health and mana replenished.
51297 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
51298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51299 H:669 M:575 -b db 
51300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51301 contemplate dwenthall
51302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51303 You must regain balance first.
51304 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
51305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51306 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
51307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51308 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
51309 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
51310 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51311 H:657 M:575 -b db 
51312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51313 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedrine.
51314 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51315 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
51316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51317 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
51318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51319 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
51320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51321 The tornado swirls rapidly.
51322 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
51323 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51324 H:657 M:559 -b db 
51325 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51326 apply mending to legs
51327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51328 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
51329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51330 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
51331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51332 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
51333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51334 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
51335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51336 H:657 M:559 -b db 
51337 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51338 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
51339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51340 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
51341 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
51342 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51343 You may drink another healing elixir.
51344 H:657 M:559 -b db 
51345 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51346 sip mana
51347 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51348 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
51349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51350 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
51352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51353 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
51355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51356 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
51357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51358 H:657 M:700 -b db 
51359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51360 Mana Gain: 32
51362 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
51364 H:669 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
51365 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51366 You may apply another salve.
51367 H:669 M:700 -b db 
51368 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
51371 H:669 M:700 eb db 
51372 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
51374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51375 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
51377 H:669 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
51378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51379 H:669 M:700 eb db 
51380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51381 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
51384 H:669 M:485 &lt;e- dbt; 
51385 You have recovered balance.
51388 H:669 M:485 &lt;eb dbt; 
51389 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51390 You may eat another mushroom.
51392 H:669 M:700 eb db 
51393 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51394 cast erode at rey
51395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51396 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
51398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51399 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
51401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51402 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
51404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51405 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
51407 Your insomnia defence is eroded away.
51409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51410 His insomnia defence is eroded away.
51412 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
51414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51415 H:669 M:485 &lt;eb dbt; 
51416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51417 H:669 M:696 -b db 
51418 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51419 insomnia
51420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51421 Mana Lost: 6
51423 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
51425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51426 Reyvenyr clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
51428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51429 H:669 M:479 &lt;eb dbt; 
51430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51431 H:669 M:696 -b db 
51432 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51433 smoke pipe with linseed
51434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51435 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
51437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51438 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
51440 H:669 M:479 &lt;eb dbt; 
51441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51442 H:669 M:696 -b db 
51443 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51444 ac on
51445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51446 Autocuring activated.
51448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51449 order golem kill dwenthall
51450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51451 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
51453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51454 evoke empower rockfall
51455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51456 Mana Lost: 6
51458 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
51459 wer of Earth infuses it.
51461 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51462 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
51463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51464 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
51466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51467 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
51469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51470 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
51472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51473 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
51475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51476 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
51478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51479 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
51480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51481 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
51483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51484 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
51485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51486 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
51487 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
51488 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51489 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
51490 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
51491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51492 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
51493 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
51494 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
51495 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
51496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51497 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
51498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51499 Balance Taken: 3.01s
51500 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51501 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
51502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51503 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
51504 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
51505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51506 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
51507 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
51508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51509 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
51510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51511 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
51512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51513 You must regain your equilibrium first.
51514 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51515 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
51516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51517 You must regain your equilibrium first.
51518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51519 naturebind shred dwenthall
51520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51521 You must regain your equilibrium first.
51522 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51523 ta dwenthall
51524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51525 Dwenthall's condition stands at 415/669 health and 696/700 mana.
51526 Mana Lost: 12
51527 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
51528 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51529 H:441 M:696 -b b 
51530 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51531 writhe root
51532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51533 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
51534 H:441 M:696 -b b 
51535 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51536 eat toadstool
51537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51538 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1907.
51539 You quickly eat a toadstool.
51540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51541 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
51542 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51543 You feel your health and mana replenished.
51544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51545 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
51546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51547 H:508 M:700 -b b 
51548 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51549 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
51550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51551 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
51552 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
51553 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51554 eat juniper
51555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51556 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1871.
51557 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
51558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51559 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
51560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51561 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
51562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51563 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
51564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51565 H:508 M:700 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
51566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51567 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
51568 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
51569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51570 H:497 M:700 -b db 
51571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51572 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
51573 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
51574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51575 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
51576 H:497 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
51577 H:497 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
51578 H:497 M:700 eb db 
51579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51580 You may eat another mushroom.
51581 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
51582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51583 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
51585 H:497 M:684 eb db 
51586 You may drink another healing elixir.
51587 H:497 M:684 eb db 
51588 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51589 sip health
51590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51591 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
51593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51594 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
51596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51597 The elixir heals your body.
51599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51600 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
51601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51602 H:653 M:684 eb db 
51603 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51604 cast erode at rey
51605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51606 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
51608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51609 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
51611 Your blind defence is eroded away.
51613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51614 His blind defence is eroded away.
51616 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
51618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51619 H:669 M:461 &lt;-- dt; 
51620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51621 H:653 M:680 -b db 
51622 You may eat another herb or plant.
51623 H:653 M:680 -b db 
51624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51625 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
51628 H:669 M:461 &lt;e- dt; 
51629 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51630 eat hyssop
51631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51632 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1991.
51634 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
51636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51637 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
51639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51640 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
51642 H:669 M:461 &lt;e- dbt; 
51643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51644 H:653 M:680 -b db 
51645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51646 You have recovered balance.
51649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51650 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
51652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51653 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
51654 r.
51656 H:669 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
51657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51658 H:605 M:680 -b db 
51659 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
51661 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51662 trueassess dwenthall
51663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51664 Dwenthall's condition stands at 605/669 health and 686/700 mana.
51666 Mana Lost: 12
51668 H:669 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
51669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51670 H:605 M:680 -b db 
51671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51672 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
51673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51674 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
51676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51677 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
51678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51679 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
51681 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51682 evoke drain dwenthall
51683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51684 Mana Lost: 9
51686 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
51687 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
51689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51690 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
51691 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
51693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51694 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
51696 Balance Taken: 2.90s
51698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51700 naturebind drain dwenthall
51701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51702 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
51704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51705 ta dwenthall
51706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51707 Dwenthall's condition stands at 539/669 health and 664/700 mana.
51709 Mana Lost: 12
51711 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
51712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51713 H:605 M:610 -b db 
51714 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51715 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
51716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51717 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
51718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51719 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
51720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51721 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
51722 dding her skin mercilessly.
51723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51724 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
51725 ding your skin mercilessly.
51726 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
51727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51728 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
51729 H:669 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
51730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51731 H:587 M:638 -b b 
51732 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51733 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
51734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51735 You must regain your equilibrium first.
51736 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51737 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
51738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51739 You must regain your equilibrium first.
51740 H:669 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
51741 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51742 eat juniper
51743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51744 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1870.
51745 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
51746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51747 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
51748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51749 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
51750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51751 H:669 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
51752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51753 H:587 M:638 -b db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
51754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51755 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
51756 H:669 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
51757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51758 H:587 M:638 -b db 
51759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51760 You may eat another herb or plant.
51761 H:669 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
51762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51763 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
51764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51765 H:669 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
51766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51767 H:587 M:638 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
51768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51769 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
51770 H:669 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
51771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51772 H:575 M:638 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
51773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51774 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
51775 H:669 M:427 &lt;-- dbt; 
51776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51777 H:575 M:638 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
51778 H:575 M:638 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
51779 H:575 M:638 eb db 
51780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51781 You have recovered balance.
51782 H:669 M:427 &lt;-b dbt; 
51783 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51784 cast erode at rey
51785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51786 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
51787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51788 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
51789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51790 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
51791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51792 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
51793 Your quince defence is eroded away.
51794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51795 His quince defence is eroded away.
51796 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
51797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51798 H:669 M:427 &lt;-b dbt; 
51799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51800 H:575 M:634 -b db 
51801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51802 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
51803 H:669 M:427 &lt;eb dbt; 
51804 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51805 eat quince
51806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51807 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1988.
51808 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
51810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51811 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
51813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51814 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
51816 H:669 M:427 &lt;eb dbt; 
51817 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51818 H:575 M:634 -b db 
51819 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51820 smoke pipe with linseed
51821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51822 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
51824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51825 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
51827 H:669 M:427 &lt;eb dbt; 
51828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51829 H:575 M:634 -b db 
51830 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51831 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
51832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51833 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
51835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51836 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
51838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51839 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
51841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51842 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
51843  weakening.
51845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51846 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
51848 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51849 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
51850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51851 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
51853 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51854 evoke drain dwenthall
51855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51856 Mana Lost: 9
51858 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
51859 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
51861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51862 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
51863 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
51865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51866 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
51868 Balance Taken: 2.90s
51870 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51872 naturebind drain dwenthall
51873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51874 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
51875  contort in a visage of pain.
51877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51878 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
51879 tabbing pain in your head.
51881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51882 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
51884 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51885 ta dwenthall
51886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51887 Dwenthall's condition stands at 655/669 health and 427/700 mana.
51889 Mana Lost: 12
51891 H:669 M:406 &lt;-- dbt; 
51892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51893 H:575 M:427 -b db 
51894 You may drink another healing elixir.
51895 H:575 M:427 -b db 
51896 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51897 sip mana
51898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51899 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
51901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51902 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
51904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51905 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
51907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51908 H:669 M:406 &lt;-- dbt; 
51909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51910 H:575 M:584 -b db 
51911 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51912 eat toadstool
51913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51914 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1906.
51916 You quickly eat a toadstool.
51918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51919 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
51921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51922 You feel your health and mana replenished.
51924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51925 H:669 M:406 &lt;-- dbt; 
51926 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51927 H:642 M:654 -b db 
51928 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51929 eat toadstool
51930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51931 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1939.
51933 You quickly eat a toadstool.
51935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51936 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
51938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51939 Mana Gain: 51
51941 You feel your health and mana replenished.
51943 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
51944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51945 H:642 M:654 -b db 
51946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51947 contemplate dwenthall
51948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51949 You must regain balance first.
51950 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
51951 H:669 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedri
51952 ne.
51953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51954 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
51955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51956 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
51957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51958 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
51959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51960 The tornado swirls rapidly.
51961 H:669 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
51962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51963 H:669 M:682 -b db 
51964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51965 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
51966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51967 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
51968 H:669 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
51969 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51970 apply mending to legs
51971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51972 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
51973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51974 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
51975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51976 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
51977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51978 H:669 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
51979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51980 H:669 M:682 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
51981 H:669 M:682 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
51982 H:669 M:682 eb db 
51983 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51984 cast erode at rey
51985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51986 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
51987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51988 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
51989 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
51990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51991 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
51992 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
51993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51994 H:669 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
51995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
51996 H:669 M:678 -b db 
51997 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
51998 apply caloric
51999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52000 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
52001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52002 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
52003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52004 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
52005 H:669 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
52006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52007 H:669 M:678 -b db 
52008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52009 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52011 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
52012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52013 You have recovered balance.
52014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52015 You may apply another salve.
52017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52018 H:669 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
52019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52020 H:668 M:678 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
52021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52022 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
52023 H:669 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
52024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52025 H:656 M:678 -b db 
52026 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52027 ac on
52028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52029 Autocuring activated.
52030 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52031 order golem kill dwenthall
52032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52033 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
52034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52035 evoke empower rockfall
52036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52037 Mana Lost: 6
52038 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
52039 wer of Earth infuses it.
52040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52041 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
52042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52043 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
52044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52045 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
52046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52047 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
52048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52049 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
52050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52051 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
52052 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
52053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52054 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
52055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52056 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
52057 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
52058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52059 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
52060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52061 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
52062 Balance Taken: 3.01s
52063 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52064 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
52065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52066 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
52067 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52068 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
52069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52070 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
52071 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
52072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52073 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
52074 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
52075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52076 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
52077 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52078 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
52079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52080 You must regain your equilibrium first.
52081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52082 naturebind shred dwenthall
52083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52084 You must regain your equilibrium first.
52085 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52086 ta dwenthall
52087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52088 Dwenthall's condition stands at 577/669 health and 584/700 mana.
52089 Mana Lost: 12
52090 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
52091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52092 H:535 M:678 -b b 
52093 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52094 writhe root
52095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52096 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
52097 H:535 M:678 -b b 
52098 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52099 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
52100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52101 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
52102 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
52103 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52104 eat juniper
52105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52106 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1869.
52107 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
52108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52109 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
52110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52111 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
52112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52113 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
52114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52115 H:535 M:678 -b db 
52116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52117 You may apply another salve.
52118 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; You are no longer attuned to the fire element.
52119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52120 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the fire element.
52121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52122 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
52123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52124 H:535 M:678 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52125 H:535 M:662 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
52126 H:535 M:662 eb db 
52127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52128 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
52129 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
52130 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52131 sip health
52132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52133 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
52134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52135 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
52136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52137 The elixir heals your body.
52138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52139 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
52140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52141 H:651 M:662 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
52142 H:651 M:662 eb db 
52143 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52144 cast erode at rey
52145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52146 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
52147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52148 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
52149 Your density defence is eroded away.
52150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52151 His density defence is eroded away.
52152 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
52153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52154 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
52155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52156 H:651 M:658 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
52157 H:651 M:658 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
52158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52159 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
52160 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
52161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52162 H:651 M:658 -b db 
52163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52164 apply mass
52165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52166 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
52167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52168 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
52169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52170 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
52171 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
52172 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52173 H:651 M:658 -b db 
52174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52175 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52176 H:669 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; 
52177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52178 You may eat another mushroom.
52179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52180 You may eat another mushroom.
52181 H:669 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; 
52182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52183 H:651 M:658 -b db 
52184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52185 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
52186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52187 You must regain balance first.
52188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52189 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
52190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52191 You must regain balance first.
52192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52193 evoke drain dwenthall
52194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52195 You must regain balance first.
52196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52197 naturebind drain dwenthall
52198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52199 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
52200  contort in a visage of pain.
52201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52202 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
52203 tabbing pain in your head.
52204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52205 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
52206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52207 ta dwenthall
52208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52209 Dwenthall's condition stands at 664/669 health and 607/700 mana.
52210 Mana Lost: 12
52211 H:669 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
52212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52213 H:651 M:607 -b db An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the l
52214 ife out of you.
52215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52216 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
52217 her.
52218 You have recovered balance.
52219 H:669 M:459 &lt;-b dbt; 
52220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52221 H:602 M:607 -b db 
52222 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52223 contemplate dwenthall
52224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52225 You must regain your equilibrium first.
52226 H:669 M:459 &lt;-b dbt; 
52227 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52228 You can once again overtune your crystal.
52229 H:602 M:607 -b db 
52230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52231 You may apply another salve.
52232 H:669 M:459 &lt;-b dbt; 
52233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52234 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
52235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52236 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
52237 H:669 M:459 &lt;-b dbt; 
52238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52239 H:592 M:607 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
52240 H:592 M:607 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52241 H:592 M:607 eb db 
52242 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52243 cast erode at rey
52244 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52245 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
52246 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52247 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
52248 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52249 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
52250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52251 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
52252 Your blind defence is eroded away.
52253 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52254 His blind defence is eroded away.
52255 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
52256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52257 H:669 M:459 &lt;-b dt; 
52258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52259 H:619 M:631 -b db 
52260 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52261 eat hyssop
52262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52263 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1990.
52264 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
52265 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52266 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
52267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52268 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
52269 H:669 M:459 &lt;-b dbt; 
52270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52271 H:619 M:631 -b db 
52272 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52273 smoke pipe with linseed
52274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52275 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
52276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52277 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
52278 H:669 M:459 &lt;-b dbt; 
52279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52280 H:619 M:631 -b db 
52281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52282 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52284 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
52285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52286 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
52287 H:669 M:459 &lt;eb dbt; 
52288 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52289 H:619 M:631 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
52290 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
52291 H:617 M:631 -b db 
52292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52293 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
52294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52295 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
52296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52297 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
52298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52299 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
52300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52301 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
52302  weakening.
52303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52304 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
52305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52306 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
52307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52308 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
52309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52310 evoke drain dwenthall
52311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52312 Mana Lost: 9
52313 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
52314 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
52315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52316 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
52317 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
52318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52319 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
52320 Balance Taken: 2.90s
52321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52322 naturebind drain dwenthall
52323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52324 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
52325  contort in a visage of pain.
52326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52327 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
52328 tabbing pain in your head.
52329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52330 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
52331 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52332 ta dwenthall
52333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52334 Dwenthall's condition stands at 617/669 health and 484/700 mana.
52335 Mana Lost: 12
52336 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
52337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52338 H:617 M:440 -b db 
52339 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52340 eat toadstool
52341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52342 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1905.
52343 You quickly eat a toadstool.
52344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52345 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
52346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52347 You feel your health and mana replenished.
52348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52349 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
52350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52351 H:669 M:510 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
52352 H:669 M:494 -b db 
52353 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52354 sip mana
52355 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52356 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
52357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52358 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
52359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52360 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
52361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52362 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
52363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52364 H:669 M:626 -b db 
52365 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52366 contemplate dwenthall
52367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52368 You must regain balance first.
52369 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
52370 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52371 cast erode at rey
52372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52373 You must regain your equilibrium first.
52374 H:669 M:626 -b db 
52375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52376 You may eat another herb or plant.
52377 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
52378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52379 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52380 H:669 M:626 eb db 
52381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52382 Mana Gain: 32
52383 H:669 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; 
52384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52385 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
52386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52387 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
52388 H:669 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; 
52389 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52390 H:656 M:653 eb db 
52391 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52392 cast erode at rey
52393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52394 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
52395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52396 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
52397 Your fenugreek defence is eroded away.
52398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52399 His fenugreek defence is eroded away.
52400 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
52401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52402 H:669 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; 
52403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52404 H:656 M:649 -b db 
52405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52406 apply fenugreek
52407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52408 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1992.
52409 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
52410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52411 Reyvenyr applies a fenugreek berry to himself.
52412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52413 H:669 M:471 &lt;-- dbt; 
52414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52415 H:656 M:649 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
52416 H:656 M:649 -b db 
52417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52418 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52419 H:669 M:471 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
52420 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedri
52421 ne.
52422 The tornado swirls rapidly.
52423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52424 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
52425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52426 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
52427 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52428 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
52429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52430 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; 
52431 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52432 H:656 M:649 -b db 
52433 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52434 apply mending to legs
52435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52436 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
52438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52439 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
52441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52442 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
52444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52445 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; 
52446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52447 H:656 M:649 -b db 
52448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52449 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
52450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52451 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
52453 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; 
52454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52455 ac on
52456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52457 Autocuring activated.
52459 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52460 evoke imbue
52461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52462 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
52464 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52465 evoke empower rockfall
52466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52467 Mana Lost: 6
52469 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
52470 wer of Earth infuses it.
52472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52473 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
52474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52475 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
52477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52478 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
52479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52480 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
52482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52483 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
52484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52485 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
52487 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
52489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52490 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
52492 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
52494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52495 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
52497 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
52499 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
52501 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
52503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52504 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
52506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52507 Balance Taken: 3.01s
52509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52510 naturebinding choke dwenthall
52511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52512 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
52514 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52515 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
52516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52517 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
52518 dding her skin mercilessly.
52520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52521 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
52522 ding your skin mercilessly.
52524 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
52526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52527 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
52529 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52530 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
52531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52532 You must regain your equilibrium first.
52534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52535 ta dwenthall
52536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52537 Dwenthall's condition stands at 484/669 health and 585/700 mana.
52539 Mana Lost: 12
52541 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
52542 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52543 H:514 M:649 -b b 
52544 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52545 eat maidenhair
52546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52547 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1980.
52549 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
52551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52552 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
52554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52555 The stinging feeling fades.
52557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52558 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
52559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52560 H:514 M:649 -b b 
52561 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52562 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
52563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52564 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
52566 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
52567 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52568 clot
52569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52570 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
52571 H:514 M:635 -b b 
52572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52573 You may eat another herb or plant.
52574 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
52575 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52576 cast erode at rey
52577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52578 You must regain your equilibrium first.
52579 H:514 M:635 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52580 You may apply another salve.
52581 H:514 M:635 eb b 
52582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52583 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
52584 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
52585 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52586 cast erode at rey
52587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52588 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
52589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52590 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
52591 Your blind defence is eroded away.
52592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52593 His blind defence is eroded away.
52594 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
52595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52596 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dt; 
52597 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52598 H:514 M:615 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
52599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52600 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
52601 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dt; 
52602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52603 H:514 M:615 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
52604 H:514 M:615 -b b 
52605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52606 eat hyssop
52607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52608 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1989.
52609 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
52610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52611 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
52612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52613 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
52614 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
52615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52616 H:514 M:615 -b b 
52617 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52618 sip health
52619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52620 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
52621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52622 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
52623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52624 The elixir heals your body.
52625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52626 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
52627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52628 H:654 M:615 -b b You may eat another mushroom.
52629 You may eat another herb or plant.
52630 H:654 M:615 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
52631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52632 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
52633 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
52634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52635 H:642 M:615 -b b 
52636 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52637 eat juniper
52638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52639 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1868.
52640 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
52641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52642 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
52643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52644 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
52645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52646 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
52647 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52648 H:642 M:615 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
52649 H:642 M:615 -b db 
52650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52651 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52652 H:669 M:453 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
52653 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
52654 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
52655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52656 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52657 H:642 M:615 eb db 
52658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52659 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
52660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52661 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
52662  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
52663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52664 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
52665 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
52666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52667 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
52668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52669 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
52670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52671 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
52672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52673 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
52674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52675 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
52676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52677 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
52678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52679 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
52680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52681 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
52682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52683 Balance Taken: 2.00s
52684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52685 naturebinding shred dwenthall
52686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52687 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
52688 ing her skin mercilessly.
52689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52690 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
52691 ng your skin mercilessly.
52692 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
52693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52694 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
52695 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52696 ta dwenthall
52697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52698 Dwenthall's condition stands at 597/669 health and 523/700 mana.
52699 Mana Lost: 12
52700 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
52701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52702 H:597 M:615 eb b 
52703 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52704 ac on
52705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52706 Autocuring activated.
52707 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52708 order golem kill dwenthall
52709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52710 You must regain balance first.
52711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52712 evoke empower rockfall
52713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52714 You must regain balance first.
52715 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52716 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
52717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52718 You must regain balance first.
52719 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52720 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
52721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52722 You must regain balance first.
52723 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52724 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
52725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52726 You must regain balance first.
52727 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52728 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
52729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52730 You must regain your equilibrium first.
52731 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52732 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
52733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52734 You must regain your equilibrium first.
52735 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52736 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
52737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52738 You must regain your equilibrium first.
52739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52740 naturebind shred dwenthall
52741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52742 You must regain your equilibrium first.
52743 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52744 ta dwenthall
52745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52746 Dwenthall's condition stands at 686/669 health and 615/700 mana.
52747 Mana Lost: 12
52748 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; The fenugreek berry juice hardens into a supple, waxy coating.
52749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52750 A waxy shell of berry juice has dried to Reyvenyr's skin.
52751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52752 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
52753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52754 H:597 M:615 eb b 
52755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52756 ---------delayed wisp
52757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52758 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
52759 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
52760 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52761 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
52762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52763 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
52764 mmand.
52766 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
52767 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52768 smoke pipe with linseed
52769 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52770 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
52772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52773 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
52775 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
52776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52777 H:597 M:615 eb b 
52778 You may eat another herb or plant.
52779 H:597 M:615 eb b 
52780 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52781 cast erode at rey
52782 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52783 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
52785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52786 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
52788 Your density defence is eroded away.
52790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52791 His density defence is eroded away.
52793 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
52795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52796 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
52797 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52798 H:597 M:611 -b b 
52799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52800 apply mass
52801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52802 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
52804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52805 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
52807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52808 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
52810 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
52811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52812 H:597 M:611 -b b 
52813 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52814 eat juniper
52815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52816 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1867.
52818 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
52820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52821 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
52823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52824 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
52826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52827 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
52828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52829 H:597 M:611 -b db 
52830 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52831 cast erode at rey
52832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52833 You must regain your equilibrium first.
52835 H:597 M:611 -b db 
52836 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
52838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52839 You may apply another salve.
52840 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
52841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52842 H:624 M:639 -b db 
52843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52844 You have recovered balance.
52847 H:669 M:428 &lt;-b dbt; 
52848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52849 You may drink another healing elixir.
52850 H:624 M:623 -b db 
52851 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
52853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52854 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
52856 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52857 You may eat another herb or plant.
52858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52859 H:669 M:428 &lt;-b dbt; 
52860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52861 H:615 M:623 -b db 
52862 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
52863 H:615 M:623 -b db 
52864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52865 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52868 H:669 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
52869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52870 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52873 H:615 M:623 eb db 
52874 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52875 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
52876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52877 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
52879 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52880 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
52881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52882 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
52884 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52885 evoke drain dwenthall
52886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52887 Mana Lost: 9
52888 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
52889 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
52890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52891 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
52892 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
52893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52894 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
52895 Balance Taken: 2.90s
52896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52897 naturebind drain dwenthall
52898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52899 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
52900  contort in a visage of pain.
52901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52902 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
52903 tabbing pain in your head.
52904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52905 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
52906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52907 ta dwenthall
52908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52909 Dwenthall's condition stands at 633/669 health and 532/700 mana.
52910 Mana Lost: 12
52911 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- dbt; 
52912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52913 H:615 M:502 eb db 
52914 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52915 cast erode at rey
52916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52917 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
52918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52919 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
52920 Your deaf defence is eroded away.
52921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52922 His deaf defence is eroded away.
52923 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
52924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52925 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- bt; 
52926 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52927 H:615 M:498 -b db 
52928 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52929 contemplate dwenthall
52930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52931 You must regain balance first.
52932 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- bt; 
52933 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52934 sip mana
52935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52936 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
52937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52938 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
52939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52940 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
52941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52942 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- bt; 
52943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52944 H:615 M:670 -b db 
52945 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52946 eat toadstool
52947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52948 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1904.
52949 You quickly eat a toadstool.
52950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52951 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
52952 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52953 You feel your health and mana replenished.
52954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52955 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- bt; 
52956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52957 H:669 M:700 -b db 
52958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52959 eat juniper
52960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52961 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1983.
52962 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
52963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52964 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
52965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52966 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
52967 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- dbt; 
52968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52969 H:669 M:700 -b db 
52970 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52971 eat toadstool
52972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52973 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1938.
52974 You quickly eat a toadstool.
52975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52976 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
52977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52978 Mana Gain: 51
52979 You feel your health and mana replenished.
52980 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
52981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52982 H:669 M:700 -b db 
52983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52984 Mana Gain: 32
52985 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
52986 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52987 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
52988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52989 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
52990 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
52991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52992 H:669 M:700 -b db 
52993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52994 You may eat another herb or plant.
52995 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
52996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
52997 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
52998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
52999 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedrine.
53000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53001 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
53002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53003 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
53004 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53005 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
53006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53007 The tornado swirls rapidly.
53008 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
53009 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53010 H:669 M:700 eb db 
53011 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53012 apply mending to legs
53013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53014 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
53015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53016 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
53017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53018 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
53019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53020 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
53021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53022 H:669 M:700 eb db 
53023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53024 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53025 H:669 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; 
53026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53027 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
53028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53029 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
53030 You have recovered balance.
53031 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
53032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53033 H:669 M:700 eb db 
53034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53035 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
53036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53037 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
53038 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
53039 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53040 ac on
53041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53042 Autocuring activated.
53043 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53044 order golem kill dwenthall
53045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53046 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
53047 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53048 evoke empower rockfall
53049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53050 Mana Lost: 6
53051 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
53052 wer of Earth infuses it.
53053 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53054 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
53055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53056 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
53057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53058 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
53059 ods your veins.
53060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53061 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
53062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53063 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
53064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53065 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
53066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53067 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
53068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53069 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
53070 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53071 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
53072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53073 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
53074 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53075 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
53076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53077 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
53078 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
53079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53080 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
53081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53082 The attack rebounds back onto you!
53083 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53084 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
53085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53086 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
53087 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
53088 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
53089 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
53090 Balance Taken: 3.01s
53091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53092 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
53093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53094 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
53095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53096 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
53097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53098 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
53099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53100 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
53101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53102 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated beech root leaps at her throat and squeezes
53103  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
53104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53105 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated beech root leaps at your throat and squeezes
53106  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
53107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53108 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
53109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53110 naturebind shred dwenthall
53111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53112 You must regain your equilibrium first.
53113 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53114 ta dwenthall
53115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53116 Dwenthall's condition stands at 592/669 health and 791/700 mana.
53117 Mana Lost: 12
53118 H:603 M:473 &lt;-- bt; 
53119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53120 H:539 M:700 eb db 
53121 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53122 writhe root
53123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53124 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
53125 H:539 M:700 eb db 
53126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53127 eat juniper
53128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53129 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1982.
53130 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
53131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53132 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
53133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53134 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
53135 H:603 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
53136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53137 H:539 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
53138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53139 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
53140 H:603 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
53141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53142 H:528 M:700 eb db You may apply another salve.
53143 H:528 M:700 eb db 
53144 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53145 cast erode at rey
53146 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53147 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
53148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53149 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
53150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53151 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
53152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53153 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
53154 Your insomnia defence is eroded away.
53155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53156 His insomnia defence is eroded away.
53157 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
53158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53159 H:603 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
53160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53161 H:528 M:680 -b db 
53162 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53163 insomnia
53164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53165 Mana Lost: 6
53166 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
53167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53168 Reyvenyr clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
53169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53170 H:603 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
53171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53172 H:528 M:680 -b db 
53173 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53174 smoke pipe with linseed
53175 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53176 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
53177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53178 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
53179 H:603 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
53180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53181 H:528 M:680 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
53182 H:528 M:680 -b db 
53183 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53184 sip health
53185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53186 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
53187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53188 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
53189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53190 The elixir heals your body.
53191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53192 H:603 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
53193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53194 H:669 M:680 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
53195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53196 You may eat another herb or plant.
53197 H:603 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
53198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53199 H:669 M:680 -b db 
53200 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53201 sigh
53202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53203 Reyvenyr gives a pained sigh.
53204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53205 You give a pained sigh.
53206 H:603 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
53207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53208 H:669 M:680 -b db 
53209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53210 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53211 H:603 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
53212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53213 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
53214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53215 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of her.
53216 You have recovered balance.
53217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53218 You may eat another mushroom.
53219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53220 You may eat another mushroom.
53221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53222 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
53223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53224 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
53225 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53226 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
53227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53228 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
53229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53230 evoke drain dwenthall
53231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53232 Mana Lost: 9
53233 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
53234 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
53235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53236 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
53237 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
53238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53239 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
53240 Balance Taken: 2.90s
53241 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53242 naturebind drain dwenthall
53243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53244 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
53245  contort in a visage of pain.
53246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53247 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
53248 tabbing pain in your head.
53249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53250 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
53251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53252 ta dwenthall
53253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53254 Dwenthall's condition stands at 632/669 health and 498/700 mana.
53255 Mana Lost: 12
53256 H:603 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
53257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53258 H:620 M:559 -b db You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
53259 H:620 M:559 -b db 
53260 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53261 trueassess dwenthall
53262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53263 Dwenthall's condition stands at 620/669 health and 637/700 mana.
53264 Mana Lost: 12
53265 H:603 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
53266 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53267 eat toadstool
53268 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53269 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1903.
53270 You quickly eat a toadstool.
53271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53272 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
53273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53274 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
53275 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
53276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53277 H:603 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
53278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53279 H:620 M:559 -b db 
53280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53281 contemplate dwenthall
53282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53283 You must regain balance first.
53284 H:603 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
53285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53286 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
53287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53288 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
53289 H:603 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
53290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53291 H:620 M:559 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53293 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
53294 H:603 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
53295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53296 H:620 M:559 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
53297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53298 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
53299 H:603 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
53300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53301 H:610 M:559 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
53302 H:610 M:559 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
53303 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
53304 H:608 M:559 eb db 
53305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53306 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53307 H:603 M:433 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
53308 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53309 cast erode at rey
53310 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53311 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
53312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53313 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
53314 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
53315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53316 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
53317 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
53318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53319 H:603 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
53320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53321 H:608 M:539 -b db 
53322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53323 sip speed
53324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53325 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
53326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53327 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
53328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53329 H:603 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
53330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53331 H:608 M:539 -b db 
53332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53333 ac on
53334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53335 Autocuring activated.
53336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53337 order golem kill dwenthall
53338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53339 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
53340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53341 evoke empower rockfall
53342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53343 Mana Lost: 6
53344 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
53345 wer of Earth infuses it.
53346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53347 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
53348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53349 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
53350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53351 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
53352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53353 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
53354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53355 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
53356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53357 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
53358 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53359 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
53360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53361 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
53362 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53363 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
53364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53365 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
53366 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
53367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53368 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
53369 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
53370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53371 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
53372 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
53373 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
53374 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
53375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53376 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
53377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53378 Balance Taken: 3.01s
53379 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53380 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
53381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53382 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
53384 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53385 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
53386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53387 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
53389 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53390 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
53391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53392 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
53394 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53395 naturebind shred dwenthall
53396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53397 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
53398 ing her skin mercilessly.
53400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53401 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
53402 ng your skin mercilessly.
53404 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
53406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53407 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
53409 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53410 ta dwenthall
53411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53412 Dwenthall's condition stands at 418/669 health and 571/700 mana.
53414 Mana Lost: 12
53416 H:603 M:415 &lt;-- dbt; 
53417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53418 H:384 M:539 -b b 
53419 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53420 eat maidenhair
53421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53422 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1979.
53424 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
53426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53427 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
53429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53430 The stinging feeling fades.
53432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53433 H:603 M:415 &lt;-- dbt; 
53434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53435 H:384 M:539 -b b 
53436 You may drink another healing elixir.
53437 H:411 M:567 -b b 
53438 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53439 sip mana
53440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53441 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
53443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53444 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
53446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53447 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
53449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53450 H:603 M:415 &lt;-- dbt; 
53451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53452 H:411 M:697 -b b 
53453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53454 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
53455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53456 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
53458 H:603 M:415 &lt;-- dbt; 
53459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53460 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
53462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53463 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
53465 H:603 M:415 &lt;-- dbt; 
53466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53467 H:411 M:697 -b b 
53468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53469 Health Gain: 65
53471 Mana Gain: 32
53473 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
53474 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53475 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53478 H:478 M:700 eb b 
53479 You may eat another herb or plant.
53480 H:478 M:700 eb b 
53481 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53482 eat juniper
53483 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53484 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1866.
53486 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
53488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53489 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
53491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53492 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
53494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53495 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
53496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53497 H:478 M:700 eb db 
53498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53499 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53502 H:669 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
53503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53504 You may eat another mushroom.
53506 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
53508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53509 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
53511 H:669 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
53512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53513 H:468 M:700 eb db 
53514 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53515 cast erode at rey
53516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53517 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
53518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53519 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
53520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53521 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
53522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53523 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
53524 Your blind defence is eroded away.
53525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53526 His blind defence is eroded away.
53527 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
53528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53529 H:669 M:448 &lt;e- dt; 
53530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53531 H:468 M:696 -b db 
53532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53533 You have recovered balance.
53534 H:669 M:448 &lt;eb dt; 
53535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53536 eat hyssop
53537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53538 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1988.
53539 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
53540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53541 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
53542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53543 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
53544 H:669 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
53545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53546 H:468 M:696 -b db 
53547 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53548 smoke pipe with linseed
53549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53550 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
53551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53552 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
53553 H:669 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
53554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53555 H:468 M:696 -b db 
53556 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53557 eat toadstool
53558 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53559 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1902.
53560 You quickly eat a toadstool.
53561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53562 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
53563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53564 You feel your health and mana replenished.
53565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53566 H:669 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
53567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53568 H:534 M:700 -b db 
53569 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53570 clot
53571 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53572 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
53573 H:534 M:686 -b db 
53574 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53575 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
53576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53577 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
53578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53579 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
53580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53581 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
53582 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53583 evoke drain dwenthall
53584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53585 Mana Lost: 9
53586 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
53587 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
53588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53589 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
53590 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
53591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53592 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
53593 Balance Taken: 2.90s
53594 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53595 naturebind drain dwenthall
53596 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53597 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
53598  contort in a visage of pain.
53599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53600 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
53601 tabbing pain in your head.
53602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53603 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
53604 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53605 ta dwenthall
53606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53607 Dwenthall's condition stands at 534/669 health and 621/700 mana.
53608 Mana Lost: 12
53609 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
53610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53611 H:534 M:565 -b db 
53612 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53613 contemplate dwenthall
53614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53615 You must regain balance first.
53616 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
53617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53618 You may eat another herb or plant.
53619 H:534 M:565 -b db 
53620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53621 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
53622 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
53623 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedri
53624 ne.
53625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53626 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
53627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53628 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
53629 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53630 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
53631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53632 The tornado swirls rapidly.
53633 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
53634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53635 H:534 M:549 -b db 
53636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53637 You may eat another herb or plant.
53638 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
53639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53640 You may drink another healing elixir.
53641 H:534 M:549 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53642 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53643 apply mending to legs
53644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53645 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
53646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53647 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
53648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53649 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
53650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53651 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
53652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53653 H:534 M:549 eb db 
53654 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53655 sip mana
53656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53657 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
53658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53659 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
53660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53661 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
53662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53663 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
53664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53665 H:534 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
53666 H:534 M:700 eb db 
53667 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53668 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
53669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53670 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
53671 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
53672 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53673 cast erode at rey
53674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53675 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
53676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53677 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
53678 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
53679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53680 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
53681 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
53682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53683 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
53684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53685 H:534 M:696 -b db 
53686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53687 apply caloric
53688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53689 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
53690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53691 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
53692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53693 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
53694 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
53695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53696 H:534 M:696 -b db 
53697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53698 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53699 H:669 M:426 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
53700 H:669 M:426 &lt;eb dbt; 
53701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53702 You may apply another salve.
53703 H:534 M:696 -b db 
53704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53705 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Paran Mountains.
53707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53708 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Paran Mountains.
53710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53711 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
53712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53713 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
53714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53715 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
53716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53717 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
53718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53719 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
53720  weakening.
53721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53722 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
53723 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53724 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
53725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53726 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
53727 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53728 evoke drain dwenthall
53729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53730 Mana Lost: 9
53731 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
53732 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
53733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53734 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
53735 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
53736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53737 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
53738 Balance Taken: 2.90s
53739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53740 naturebind drain dwenthall
53741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53742 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
53743  contort in a visage of pain.
53744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53745 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
53746 tabbing pain in your head.
53747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53748 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
53749 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53750 ta dwenthall
53751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53752 Dwenthall's condition stands at 534/669 health and 555/700 mana.
53753 Mana Lost: 12
53754 H:669 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
53755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53756 H:534 M:505 -b db 
53757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53758 eat toadstool
53759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53760 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1937.
53761 You quickly eat a toadstool.
53762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53763 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
53764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53765 Mana Gain: 51
53766 You feel your health and mana replenished.
53767 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
53768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53769 H:534 M:505 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
53770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53771 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
53772 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
53773 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53774 H:525 M:505 -b db 
53775 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53776 contemplate dwenthall
53777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53778 You must regain balance first.
53779 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
53780 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
53781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53782 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53783 H:525 M:505 eb db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
53784 H:525 M:505 eb db 
53785 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53786 cast erode at rey
53787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53788 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
53789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53790 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
53791 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
53792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53793 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
53794 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
53795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53796 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
53797 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53798 H:525 M:501 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
53799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53800 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
53801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53802 You may eat another mushroom.
53803 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53804 sip speed
53805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53806 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
53807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53808 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
53809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53810 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
53811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53812 H:525 M:501 -b db 
53813 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53814 eat toadstool
53815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53816 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1901.
53817 You quickly eat a toadstool.
53818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53819 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
53820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53821 You feel your health and mana replenished.
53822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53823 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
53824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53825 H:592 M:571 -b db 
53826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53827 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53828 H:669 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
53829 H:669 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
53830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53831 You may drink another healing elixir.
53832 H:592 M:555 -b db 
53833 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53834 sip mana
53835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53836 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
53837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53838 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
53839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53840 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
53841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53842 H:669 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
53843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53844 H:592 M:699 -b db 
53845 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53846 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
53847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53848 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
53849 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53850 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
53851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53852 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
53853 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53854 evoke drain dwenthall
53855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53856 Mana Lost: 9
53857 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
53858 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
53859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53860 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
53861 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
53862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53863 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
53864 Balance Taken: 2.90s
53865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53866 naturebind drain dwenthall
53867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53868 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
53869  contort in a visage of pain.
53870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53871 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
53872 tabbing pain in your head.
53873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53874 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
53875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53876 ta dwenthall
53877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53878 Dwenthall's condition stands at 592/669 health and 578/700 mana.
53879 Mana Lost: 12
53880 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
53881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53882 H:592 M:578 -b db 
53883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53884 contemplate dwenthall
53885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53886 You must regain balance first.
53887 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
53888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53889 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53890 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
53891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53892 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
53893 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
53894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53895 H:580 M:578 eb db 
53896 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53897 cast erode at rey
53898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53899 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
53900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53901 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
53902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53903 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
53904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53905 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
53906 Your density defence is eroded away.
53907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53908 His density defence is eroded away.
53909 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
53910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53911 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
53912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53913 H:580 M:574 -b db 
53914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53915 apply mass
53916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53917 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
53918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53919 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
53920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53921 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
53922 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
53923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53924 H:580 M:574 -b db 
53925 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53926 smoke pipe with linseed
53927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53928 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
53929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53930 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
53931 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
53932 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53933 H:580 M:574 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
53934 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
53935 H:605 M:602 -b db 
53936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53937 Mana Gain: 32
53938 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
53939 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
53940 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53941 H:669 M:468 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
53942 H:669 M:468 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
53943 H:669 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
53944 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53945 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
53946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53947 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
53948 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53949 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
53950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53951 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
53952 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53953 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
53954  weakening.
53955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53956 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
53957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53958 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
53959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53960 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
53961 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53962 evoke drain dwenthall
53963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53964 Mana Lost: 9
53965 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
53966 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
53967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53968 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
53969 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
53970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53971 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
53972 Balance Taken: 2.90s
53973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53974 naturebind drain dwenthall
53975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53976 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
53977  contort in a visage of pain.
53978 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53979 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
53980 tabbing pain in your head.
53981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53982 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
53983 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53984 ta dwenthall
53985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53986 Dwenthall's condition stands at 669/669 health and 452/700 mana.
53987 Mana Lost: 12
53988 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
53989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53990 H:669 M:452 -b db 
53991 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53992 contemplate dwenthall
53993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53994 You must regain balance first.
53995 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
53996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
53997 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
53998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
53999 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
54000 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54001 cast erode at rey
54002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54003 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
54004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54005 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
54006 Your venom defence is eroded away.
54007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54008 His venom defence is eroded away.
54009 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
54010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54011 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
54012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54013 H:669 M:448 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
54014 H:669 M:448 -b db 
54015 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54016 sip venom
54017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54018 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
54019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54020 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
54021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54022 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
54023 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
54024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54025 H:669 M:448 -b db 
54026 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54027 cast erode at rey
54028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54029 You must regain your equilibrium first.
54030 H:669 M:432 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
54031 H:669 M:432 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
54032 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54033 sip mana
54034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54035 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
54036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54037 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
54038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54039 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
54040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54041 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
54042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54043 H:669 M:554 -b db 
54044 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54045 eat toadstool
54046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54047 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1900.
54048 You quickly eat a toadstool.
54049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54050 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
54051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54052 You feel your health and mana replenished.
54053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54054 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
54055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54056 H:669 M:624 -b db 
54057 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54058 cast erode at rey
54059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54060 You must regain your equilibrium first.
54061 H:669 M:624 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
54062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54063 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
54064 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
54065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54066 H:658 M:624 -b db 
54067 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54068 cast erode at rey
54069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54070 You must regain your equilibrium first.
54071 H:658 M:624 -b db 
54072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54073 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedrine.
54074 The tornado swirls rapidly.
54075 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54076 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
54077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54078 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
54079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54080 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
54081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54082 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
54083 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54084 H:658 M:624 -b db 
54085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54086 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54087 H:669 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
54088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54089 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54090 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54091 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
54092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54093 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
54094 H:669 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
54095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54096 H:658 M:624 eb db 
54097 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54098 apply mending to legs
54099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54100 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
54101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54102 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
54104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54105 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
54107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54108 H:669 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
54109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54110 H:658 M:624 eb db 
54111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54112 You have recovered balance.
54115 H:669 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
54116 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54117 cast erode at rey
54118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54119 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
54121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54122 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
54124 Your blind defence is eroded away.
54126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54127 His blind defence is eroded away.
54129 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
54131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54132 H:669 M:446 &lt;eb dt; 
54133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54134 H:658 M:620 -b db 
54135 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54136 eat hyssop
54137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54138 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1987.
54140 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
54142 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54143 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
54145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54146 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
54148 H:669 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
54149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54150 H:658 M:620 -b db 
54151 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54152 ac on
54153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54154 Autocuring activated.
54156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54157 evoke imbue
54158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54159 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
54161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54162 TEAR MAP
54163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54164 Syntax: TEAR MAP
54166 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54167 evoke empower jolt
54168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54169 Mana Lost: 6
54171 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
54172 wer of Earth infuses it.
54174 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54175 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
54176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54177 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
54179 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54180 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
54181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54182 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
54184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54185 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
54186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54187 I do not recognize that toxin.
54189 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
54191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54192 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
54194 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
54196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54197 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
54199 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
54201 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
54203 Balance Taken: 3.01s
54205 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54206 naturebind choke dwenthall
54207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54208 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
54210 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54211 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
54212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54213 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
54214  her skin mercilessly.
54216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54217 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
54218 your skin mercilessly.
54220 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
54222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54223 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
54225 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54226 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
54227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54228 You must regain your equilibrium first.
54230 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54231 ta dwenthall
54232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54233 Dwenthall's condition stands at 496/669 health and 565/700 mana.
54235 Mana Lost: 12
54237 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
54238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54239 H:511 M:620 -b b 
54240 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54241 eat juniper
54242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54243 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1865.
54244 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
54245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54246 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
54247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54248 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
54249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54250 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
54251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54252 H:511 M:620 -b db 
54253 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54254 clot
54255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54256 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
54257 H:511 M:606 -b db You may apply another salve.
54258 H:511 M:606 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
54259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54260 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
54261 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
54262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54263 H:511 M:606 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
54264 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
54265 H:509 M:606 -b db 
54266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54267 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
54268 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
54269 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
54270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54271 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54272 H:509 M:606 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
54273 H:509 M:606 eb db 
54274 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54275 cast erode at rey
54276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54277 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
54278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54279 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
54280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54281 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
54282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54283 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
54284 Your blind defence is eroded away.
54285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54286 His blind defence is eroded away.
54287 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
54288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54289 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dt; 
54290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54291 H:509 M:602 -b db 
54292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54293 eat hyssop
54294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54295 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1986.
54296 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
54297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54298 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
54299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54300 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
54301 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
54302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54303 H:509 M:602 -b db 
54304 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54305 smoke pipe with linseed
54306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54307 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
54308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54309 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
54310 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
54311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54312 H:509 M:602 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
54313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54314 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
54315 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54316 H:669 M:428 &lt;e- dbt; 
54317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54318 H:496 M:586 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
54319 H:496 M:586 -b db 
54320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54321 You have recovered balance.
54322 H:669 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
54323 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54324 sip mana
54325 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54326 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
54327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54328 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
54329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54330 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
54331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54332 H:669 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
54333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54334 H:496 M:700 -b db 
54335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54336 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
54337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54338 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
54339 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54340 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
54341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54342 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
54343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54344 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
54345  weakening.
54346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54347 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
54348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54349 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
54350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54351 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
54352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54353 evoke drain dwenthall
54354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54355 Mana Lost: 9
54356 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
54357 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
54358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54359 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
54360 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
54361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54362 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
54363 Balance Taken: 2.90s
54364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54365 naturebind drain dwenthall
54366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54367 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
54368  contort in a visage of pain.
54369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54370 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
54371 tabbing pain in your head.
54372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54373 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
54374 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54375 ta dwenthall
54376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54377 Dwenthall's condition stands at 500/669 health and 438/700 mana.
54378 Mana Lost: 12
54379 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- dbt; 
54380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54381 H:496 M:509 -b db 
54382 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54383 eat toadstool
54384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54385 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1936.
54386 You quickly eat a toadstool.
54387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54388 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
54389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54390 Mana Gain: 51
54391 You feel your health and mana replenished.
54392 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
54393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54394 H:496 M:509 -b db 
54395 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54396 contemplate dwenthall
54397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54398 You must regain balance first.
54399 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
54400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54401 You may eat another mushroom.
54402 H:496 M:509 -b db 
54403 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54404 eat toadstool
54405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54406 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1899.
54407 You quickly eat a toadstool.
54408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54409 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
54410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54411 You feel your health and mana replenished.
54412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54413 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
54414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54415 H:563 M:579 -b db 
54416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54417 You may eat another herb or plant.
54418 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
54419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54420 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54421 H:563 M:579 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
54422 H:563 M:579 eb db 
54423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54424 Mana Gain: 32
54425 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
54426 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54427 cast erode at rey
54428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54429 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
54430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54431 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
54432 Your blind defence is eroded away.
54433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54434 His blind defence is eroded away.
54435 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
54436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54437 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dt; 
54438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54439 H:656 M:645 -b db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
54440 H:656 M:645 -b db 
54441 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54442 eat hyssop
54443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54444 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1985.
54445 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
54446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54447 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
54448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54449 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
54450 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
54451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54452 H:656 M:645 -b db 
54453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54454 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54455 H:669 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
54456 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
54457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54458 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
54459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54460 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
54461 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
54462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54463 H:645 M:645 -b db 
54464 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54465 ac on
54466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54467 Autocuring activated.
54468 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54469 order golem kill dwenthall
54470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54471 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
54472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54473 evoke empower rockfall
54474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54475 Mana Lost: 6
54476 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
54477 wer of Earth infuses it.
54478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54479 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
54480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54481 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
54482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54483 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
54484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54485 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
54486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54487 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
54488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54489 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
54490 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
54491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54492 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
54493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54494 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
54495 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
54496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54497 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
54498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54499 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
54500 Balance Taken: 3.01s
54501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54502 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
54503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54504 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
54505 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54506 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
54507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54508 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
54509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54510 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
54511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54512 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
54513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54514 naturebind shred dwenthall
54515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54516 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
54517 ing her skin mercilessly.
54518 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54519 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
54520 ng your skin mercilessly.
54521 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
54522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54523 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
54524 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54525 ta dwenthall
54526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54527 Dwenthall's condition stands at 559/669 health and 696/700 mana.
54528 Mana Lost: 12
54529 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
54530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54531 H:528 M:645 -b b 
54532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54533 You may eat another herb or plant.
54534 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
54535 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54536 eat maidenhair
54537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54538 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1978.
54539 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
54540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54541 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
54542 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54543 The stinging feeling fades.
54544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54545 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
54546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54547 H:528 M:645 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54548 H:528 M:629 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
54549 H:528 M:629 eb b Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
54550 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54551 sip health
54552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54553 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
54554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54555 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
54556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54557 The elixir heals your body.
54558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54559 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
54560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54561 H:669 M:629 eb b 
54562 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54563 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
54564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54565 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
54566 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
54567 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54568 cast erode at rey
54569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54570 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
54571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54572 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
54573 Your quince defence is eroded away.
54574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54575 His quince defence is eroded away.
54576 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
54577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54578 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
54579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54580 H:669 M:625 -b b 
54581 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54582 eat quince
54583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54584 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1987.
54585 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
54586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54587 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
54588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54589 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
54590 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
54591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54592 H:669 M:625 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
54593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54594 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
54595 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
54596 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
54597 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54598 H:669 M:625 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
54599 H:669 M:625 -b b 
54600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54601 You may eat another mushroom.
54602 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
54603 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54604 eat juniper
54605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54606 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1864.
54607 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
54608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54609 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
54610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54611 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
54612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54613 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
54614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54615 H:669 M:625 -b db 
54616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54617 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54619 You may eat another mushroom.
54620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54621 H:669 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
54622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54623 H:669 M:625 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54624 H:669 M:625 eb db 
54625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54626 You have recovered balance.
54627 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54628 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
54629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54630 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
54631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54632 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
54633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54634 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
54635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54636 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
54637  weakening.
54638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54639 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
54640 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54641 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
54642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54643 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
54644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54645 evoke drain dwenthall
54646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54647 Mana Lost: 9
54648 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
54649 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
54650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54651 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
54652 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
54653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54654 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
54655 Balance Taken: 2.90s
54656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54657 naturebind drain dwenthall
54658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54659 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
54660  contort in a visage of pain.
54661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54662 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
54663 tabbing pain in your head.
54664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54665 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
54666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54667 ta dwenthall
54668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54669 Dwenthall's condition stands at 695/669 health and 434/700 mana.
54670 Mana Lost: 12
54671 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
54672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54673 H:669 M:434 eb db 
54674 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54675 eat toadstool
54676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54677 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1898.
54678 You quickly eat a toadstool.
54679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54680 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
54681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54682 You feel your health and mana replenished.
54683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54684 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
54685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54686 H:669 M:504 eb db 
54687 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54688 contemplate dwenthall
54689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54690 You must regain balance first.
54691 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
54692 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54693 cast erode at rey
54694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54695 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
54696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54697 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
54698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54699 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
54700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54701 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
54702 Your levitating defence is eroded away.
54703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54704 His levitating defence is eroded away.
54705 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
54706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54707 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
54708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54709 H:669 M:500 -b db 
54710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54711 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedrine.
54712 The tornado swirls rapidly.
54713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54714 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
54715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54716 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
54717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54718 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
54719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54720 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
54721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54722 H:669 M:500 -b db 
54723 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54724 sip levitation
54725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54726 You take a drink of an elixir of levitation from an onyx vial.
54727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54728 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
54730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54731 Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
54733 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
54734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54735 H:669 M:500 -b db 
54736 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54737 smoke pipe with linseed
54738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54739 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
54741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54742 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
54744 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
54745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54746 H:669 M:500 -b db 
54747 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54748 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
54749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54750 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
54752 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
54753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54754 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
54756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54757 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
54759 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
54760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54761 H:655 M:500 -b db 
54762 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54763 apply mending to legs
54764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54765 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
54767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54768 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
54770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54771 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
54773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54774 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
54775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54776 H:655 M:500 -b db 
54777 You may eat another herb or plant.
54778 H:655 M:500 -b db 
54779 You may drink another healing elixir.
54780 H:655 M:500 -b db 
54781 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54782 sip mana
54783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54784 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
54786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54787 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
54789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54790 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
54792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54793 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
54794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54795 H:655 M:624 -b db 
54796 You may apply another salve.
54797 H:655 M:624 -b db 
54798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54799 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54802 H:669 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; 
54803 You have recovered balance.
54806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54807 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54811 H:669 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
54812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54813 H:655 M:624 eb db 
54814 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
54815 H:655 M:624 eb db 
54816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54817 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
54818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54819 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
54821 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54822 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
54823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54824 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
54826 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54827 evoke drain dwenthall
54828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54829 Mana Lost: 9
54831 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
54832 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
54834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54835 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
54836 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
54838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54839 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
54841 Balance Taken: 2.90s
54843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54845 naturebind drain dwenthall
54846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54847 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
54848  contort in a visage of pain.
54850 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54851 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
54852 tabbing pain in your head.
54854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54855 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
54857 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54858 ta dwenthall
54859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54860 Dwenthall's condition stands at 740/669 health and 503/700 mana.
54861 Mana Lost: 12
54862 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
54863 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54864 H:655 M:503 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
54865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54866 contemplate dwenthall
54867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54868 You must regain balance first.
54869 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
54870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54871 H:655 M:503 eb db 
54872 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54873 cast erode at rey
54874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54875 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
54876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54877 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
54878 Your density defence is eroded away.
54879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54880 His density defence is eroded away.
54881 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
54882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54883 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
54884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54885 H:655 M:499 -b db 
54886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54887 apply mass
54888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54889 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
54890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54891 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
54892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54893 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
54894 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
54895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54896 H:655 M:499 -b db 
54897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54898 Mana Gain: 32
54899 H:669 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
54900 H:669 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
54901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54902 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
54903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54904 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
54905 H:669 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
54906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54907 H:660 M:541 -b db 
54908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54909 You may apply another salve.
54910 H:669 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54911 You have recovered balance.
54912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54913 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
54914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54915 H:669 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
54916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54917 H:660 M:541 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
54918 H:669 M:569 eb db 
54919 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54920 ac on
54921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54922 Autocuring activated.
54923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54924 evoke imbue
54925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54926 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
54927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54928 evoke empower shock
54929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54930 Mana Lost: 6
54931 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
54932 wer of Earth infuses it.
54933 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54934 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
54935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54936 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
54937 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54938 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
54939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54940 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
54941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54942 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
54943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54944 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
54945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54946 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
54947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54948 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
54949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54950 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
54951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54952 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
54953 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
54954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54955 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
54956 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
54957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54958 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
54959 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
54960 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
54961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54962 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
54963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54964 Balance Taken: 3.01s
54965 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54966 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
54967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54968 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
54969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54970 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
54971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54972 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
54973  her skin mercilessly.
54974 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54975 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
54976 your skin mercilessly.
54977 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
54978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54979 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
54980 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54981 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
54982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54983 You must regain your equilibrium first.
54984 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54985 ta dwenthall
54986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54987 Dwenthall's condition stands at 493/669 health and 625/700 mana.
54988 Mana Lost: 12
54989 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
54990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54991 H:470 M:569 eb b 
54992 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54993 eat maidenhair
54994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
54995 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1977.
54996 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
54997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
54998 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
54999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55000 The stinging feeling fades.
55001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55002 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
55003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55004 H:470 M:569 eb b 
55005 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55006 eat toadstool
55007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55008 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1897.
55009 You quickly eat a toadstool.
55010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55011 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
55012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55013 You feel your health and mana replenished.
55014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55015 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
55016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55017 H:537 M:639 eb b 
55018 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55019 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
55020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55021 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
55022 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
55023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55024 You may drink another healing elixir.
55025 H:537 M:639 eb b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
55026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55027 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
55028 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
55029 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55030 H:537 M:639 eb b 
55031 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55032 sip health
55033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55034 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
55035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55036 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
55037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55038 The elixir heals your body.
55039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55040 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
55041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55042 H:669 M:623 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
55043 H:669 M:623 eb b 
55044 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55045 cast erode at rey
55046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55047 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
55048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55049 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
55050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55051 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
55052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55053 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
55054 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
55055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55056 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
55057 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
55058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55059 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
55060 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55061 H:669 M:619 -b b 
55062 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55063 sip speed
55064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55065 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
55066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55067 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
55068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55069 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
55070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55071 H:669 M:619 -b b 
55072 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55073 smoke pipe with linseed
55074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55075 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
55076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55077 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
55078 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
55079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55080 H:669 M:619 -b b 
55081 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55082 eat juniper
55083 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55084 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1863.
55085 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
55086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55087 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
55088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55089 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
55090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55091 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
55092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55093 H:669 M:619 -b db 
55094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55095 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
55096 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
55097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55098 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
55099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55100 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
55101 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
55102 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55103 H:656 M:619 -b db 
55104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55105 You have recovered balance.
55106 H:669 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
55107 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55108 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
55109 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
55110 H:654 M:619 -b db 
55111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55112 ac on
55113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55114 Autocuring activated.
55115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55116 evoke imbue
55117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55118 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
55119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55120 evoke empower shock
55121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55122 Mana Lost: 6
55123 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
55124 wer of Earth infuses it.
55125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55126 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
55127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55128 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
55129 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55130 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
55131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55132 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
55133 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55134 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
55135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55136 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55137 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55138 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55139 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55140 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
55141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55142 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
55143 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55144 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
55145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55146 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
55147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55148 Balance Taken: 3.01s
55149 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55150 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
55151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55152 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
55153 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55154 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
55155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55156 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
55157  her skin mercilessly.
55158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55159 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
55160 your skin mercilessly.
55161 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
55162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55163 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
55164 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55165 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
55166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55167 You must regain your equilibrium first.
55168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55169 ta dwenthall
55170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55171 Dwenthall's condition stands at 537/669 health and 674/700 mana.
55172 Mana Lost: 12
55173 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55175 H:537 M:619 -b b 
55176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55177 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
55178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55179 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
55180 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55181 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55182 purge blood
55183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55184 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
55185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55186 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
55187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55188 The stinging feeling fades.
55189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55190 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55192 H:537 M:613 -b b 
55193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55194 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedrine.
55195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55196 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
55197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55198 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
55199 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55200 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
55201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55202 The tornado swirls rapidly.
55203 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55205 H:537 M:613 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
55206 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55207 apply mending to legs
55208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55209 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
55210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55211 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
55212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55213 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
55214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55215 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55217 H:537 M:613 eb b 
55218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55219 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
55220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55221 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
55223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55224 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55225 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55226 H:537 M:613 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
55227 H:537 M:613 eb b 
55228 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55229 eat juniper
55230 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55231 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1862.
55232 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
55233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55234 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
55235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55236 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
55237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55238 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55240 H:537 M:613 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
55241 H:537 M:613 eb db 
55242 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55243 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
55244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55245 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
55246 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55247 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55248 cast erode at rey
55249 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55250 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
55251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55252 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
55254 Your venom defence is eroded away.
55256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55257 His venom defence is eroded away.
55259 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
55261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55262 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55263 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55264 H:537 M:609 -b db 
55265 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55266 sip venom
55267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55268 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
55270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55271 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
55273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55274 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
55276 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55278 H:537 M:593 -b db 
55279 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55280 sip health
55281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55282 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
55284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55285 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
55287 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55288 The elixir heals your body.
55290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55291 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55293 H:669 M:593 -b db 
55294 You may apply another salve.
55295 H:669 M:593 -b db 
55296 You may eat another mushroom.
55298 H:669 M:593 -b db 
55299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55300 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards Lake Ildsam.
55302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55303 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards Lake Ildsam.
55305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55306 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
55307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55308 H:669 M:593 -b db 
55309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55310 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
55313 H:669 M:426 &lt;e- dbt; 
55314 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55315 You may eat another herb or plant.
55316 H:669 M:593 -b db 
55317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55318 You have recovered balance.
55321 H:669 M:426 &lt;eb dbt; 
55322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55323 ac on
55324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55325 Autocuring activated.
55327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55328 evoke imbue
55329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55330 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
55332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55333 evoke empower shock
55334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55335 Mana Lost: 6
55337 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
55338 wer of Earth infuses it.
55340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55341 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
55342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55343 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
55345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55346 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
55348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55349 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
55351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55352 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
55354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55355 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
55357 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55358 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
55359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55360 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
55362 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55363 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
55364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55365 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55367 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55370 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55372 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
55374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55375 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
55377 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55379 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
55381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55382 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
55384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55385 Balance Taken: 3.01s
55387 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55388 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
55389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55390 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
55391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55392 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
55393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55394 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
55395  her skin mercilessly.
55396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55397 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
55398 your skin mercilessly.
55399 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
55400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55401 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
55402 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55403 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
55404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55405 You must regain your equilibrium first.
55406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55407 ta dwenthall
55408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55409 Dwenthall's condition stands at 466/669 health and 593/700 mana.
55410 Mana Lost: 12
55411 H:669 M:408 &lt;-- dbt; 
55412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55413 H:470 M:593 -b b 
55414 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55415 eat maidenhair
55416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55417 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1976.
55418 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
55419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55420 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
55421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55422 The stinging feeling fades.
55423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55424 H:669 M:408 &lt;-- dbt; 
55425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55426 H:470 M:593 -b b 
55427 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55428 eat toadstool
55429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55430 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1896.
55431 You quickly eat a toadstool.
55432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55433 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
55434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55435 You feel your health and mana replenished.
55436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55437 H:669 M:408 &lt;-- dbt; 
55438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55439 H:537 M:663 -b b 
55440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55441 eat toadstool
55442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55443 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1935.
55444 You quickly eat a toadstool.
55445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55446 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
55447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55448 Mana Gain: 51
55449 You feel your health and mana replenished.
55450 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
55451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55452 H:537 M:663 -b b 
55453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55454 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
55455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55456 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
55457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55458 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
55459 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
55460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55461 H:524 M:663 -b b 
55462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55463 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
55464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55465 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
55466 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
55467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55468 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
55469 H:524 M:663 eb b 
55470 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55471 cast erode at rey
55472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55473 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
55474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55475 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
55476 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
55477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55478 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
55479 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
55480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55481 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
55482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55483 H:524 M:659 -b b 
55484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55485 apply caloric
55486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55487 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
55488 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55489 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
55491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55492 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
55494 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
55495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55496 H:524 M:659 -b b 
55497 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
55499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55500 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
55502 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
55503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55504 H:524 M:659 -b b 
55505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55506 Mana Gain: 32
55508 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
55509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55510 You may eat another herb or plant.
55511 H:591 M:700 -b b 
55512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55513 You may apply another salve.
55514 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
55515 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
55518 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55519 eat juniper
55520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55521 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1861.
55523 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
55525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55526 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
55528 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55529 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
55531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55532 H:669 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; 
55533 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55534 H:591 M:700 -b db 
55535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55536 You have recovered balance.
55539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55540 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
55542 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
55544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55545 H:669 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
55546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55547 H:587 M:700 -b db 
55548 You may drink another healing elixir.
55549 H:587 M:700 -b db 
55550 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55551 sip health
55552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55553 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
55555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55556 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
55558 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55559 The elixir heals your body.
55561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55562 H:669 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
55563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55564 H:669 M:700 -b db 
55565 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
55568 H:669 M:684 eb db 
55569 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55570 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
55571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55572 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
55574 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55575 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
55576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55577 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
55579 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55580 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
55581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55582 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
55584 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55585 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
55586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55587 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55589 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55590 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55593 Balance Taken: 2.00s
55595 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55596 naturebinding shred dwenthall
55597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55598 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
55599 ing her skin mercilessly.
55601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55602 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
55603 ng your skin mercilessly.
55605 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
55607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55608 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
55610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55611 ta dwenthall
55612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55613 Dwenthall's condition stands at 624/669 health and 752/700 mana.
55615 Mana Lost: 12
55617 H:669 M:480 &lt;-- dbt; 
55618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55619 H:624 M:684 eb b 
55620 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55621 smoke pipe with linseed
55622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55623 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
55624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55625 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
55626 H:669 M:480 &lt;-- dbt; 
55627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55628 H:624 M:684 eb b 
55629 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55630 ac on
55631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55632 Autocuring activated.
55633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55634 order golem kill dwenthall
55635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55636 You must regain balance first.
55637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55638 evoke empower rockfall
55639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55640 You must regain balance first.
55641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55642 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
55643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55644 You must regain balance first.
55645 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55646 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
55647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55648 You must regain balance first.
55649 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55650 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
55651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55652 You must regain balance first.
55653 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55654 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
55655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55656 You must regain your equilibrium first.
55657 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55658 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
55659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55660 You must regain your equilibrium first.
55661 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55662 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
55663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55664 You must regain your equilibrium first.
55665 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55666 naturebind shred dwenthall
55667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55668 You must regain your equilibrium first.
55669 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55670 ta dwenthall
55671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55672 Dwenthall's condition stands at 648/669 health and 582/700 mana.
55673 Mana Lost: 12
55674 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
55675 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55676 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
55677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55678 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
55679 mmand.
55680 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
55681 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55682 cast erode at rey
55683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55684 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
55685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55686 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
55687 Your blind defence is eroded away.
55688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55689 His blind defence is eroded away.
55690 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
55691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55692 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dt; 
55693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55694 H:624 M:680 -b b 
55695 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55696 eat hyssop
55697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55698 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1984.
55699 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
55700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55701 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
55702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55703 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
55704 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
55705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55706 H:624 M:680 -b b You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
55707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55708 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
55709 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
55710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55711 H:610 M:680 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
55712 H:636 M:700 -b b 
55713 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55714 eat juniper
55715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55716 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1860.
55717 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
55718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55719 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
55720 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55721 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
55722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55723 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
55724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55725 H:636 M:700 -b db 
55726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55727 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
55728 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
55729 H:669 M:468 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
55730 H:669 M:468 &lt;-b dbt; 
55731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55732 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
55733 H:636 M:700 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
55734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55735 You may eat another mushroom.
55736 H:669 M:468 &lt;-b dbt; 
55737 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55738 H:636 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
55739 H:636 M:700 eb db 
55740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55741 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
55742 H:669 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
55743 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55744 cast erode at rey
55745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55746 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
55747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55748 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
55749 Your fenugreek defence is eroded away.
55750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55751 His fenugreek defence is eroded away.
55752 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
55753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55754 H:669 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
55755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55756 H:636 M:696 -b db 
55757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55758 ac on
55759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55760 Autocuring activated.
55761 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55762 order golem kill dwenthall
55763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55764 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
55765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55766 evoke empower rockfall
55767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55768 Mana Lost: 6
55769 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
55770 wer of Earth infuses it.
55771 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55772 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
55773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55774 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
55775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55776 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
55777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55778 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
55779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55780 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
55781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55782 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
55783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55784 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
55785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55786 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
55787 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55788 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
55789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55790 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55791 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55793 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55794 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
55795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55796 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
55797 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
55798 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
55799 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
55800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55801 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
55802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55803 Balance Taken: 3.01s
55804 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55805 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
55806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55807 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
55808 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55809 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
55810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55811 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
55812 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55813 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
55814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55815 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
55816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55817 naturebind shred dwenthall
55818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55819 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
55820 ing her skin mercilessly.
55821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55822 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
55823 ng your skin mercilessly.
55824 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
55825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55826 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
55827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55828 ta dwenthall
55829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55830 Dwenthall's condition stands at 413/669 health and 606/700 mana.
55831 Mana Lost: 12
55832 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
55833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55834 H:413 M:696 -b b 
55835 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55836 touch tree
55837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55838 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
55839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55840 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
55841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55842 The stinging feeling fades.
55843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55844 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
55845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55846 H:413 M:696 -b b 
55847 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55848 eat toadstool
55849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55850 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1895.
55851 You quickly eat a toadstool.
55852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55853 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
55854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55855 You feel your health and mana replenished.
55856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55857 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
55858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55859 H:480 M:700 -b b 
55860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55861 apply fenugreek
55862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55863 You take 1 fenugreek, bringing the total to 1991.
55864 You apply a fenugreek berry to yourself.
55865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55866 Reyvenyr applies a fenugreek berry to himself.
55867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55868 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
55869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55870 H:480 M:700 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
55871 H:480 M:700 -b b 
55872 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55873 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
55874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55875 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
55876 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
55877 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55878 eat juniper
55879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55880 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1859.
55881 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
55882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55883 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
55884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55885 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
55886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55887 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
55888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55889 H:480 M:700 -b db 
55890 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55891 clot
55892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55893 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
55894 H:480 M:686 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
55895 H:480 M:686 -b db 
55896 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55897 sip health
55898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55899 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
55900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55901 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
55902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55903 The elixir heals your body.
55904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55905 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
55906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55907 H:642 M:686 -b db 
55908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55909 You may eat another herb or plant.
55910 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
55911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55912 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
55913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55914 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
55915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55916 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
55918 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
55920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55921 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
55922 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55923 H:629 M:670 -b db 
55924 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
55927 H:629 M:670 eb db 
55928 The raging tornado collapses into itself.
55930 You may eat another herb or plant.
55931 H:629 M:670 eb db 
55932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55933 ac on
55934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55935 Autocuring activated.
55937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55938 evoke imbue
55939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55940 You must regain balance first.
55942 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55943 evoke empower shock
55944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55945 You must regain balance first.
55947 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55948 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
55949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55950 You must regain balance first.
55952 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55953 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
55954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55955 You must regain balance first.
55957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55958 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
55959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55960 You must regain balance first.
55962 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55963 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
55964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55965 You must regain your equilibrium first.
55967 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55968 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
55969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55970 You must regain your equilibrium first.
55972 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55973 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
55974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55975 You must regain your equilibrium first.
55977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55978 ta dwenthall
55979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55980 Dwenthall's condition stands at 629/669 health and 624/700 mana.
55982 Mana Lost: 12
55984 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
55985 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55986 cast erode at rey
55987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55988 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
55990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
55991 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
55993 Your barkskin defence is eroded away.
55995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
55996 His barkskin defence is eroded away.
55998 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
56000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56001 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
56002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56003 H:629 M:666 -b db 
56004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56005 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
56008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56009 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
56011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56012 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
56014 H:669 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
56015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56016 H:629 M:666 -b db 
56017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56018 You have recovered balance.
56021 H:669 M:438 &lt;eb dbt; 
56022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56023 ac on
56024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56025 Autocuring activated.
56027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56028 evoke imbue
56029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56030 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
56032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56033 evoke empower shock
56034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56035 Mana Lost: 6
56037 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
56038 wer of Earth infuses it.
56040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56041 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
56042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56043 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
56045 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56046 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
56047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56048 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
56050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56051 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
56052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56053 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56055 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56058 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56061 The attack rebounds back onto you!
56063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56064 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
56066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56067 Damage Taken: 79 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
56069 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
56071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56072 A brief shock runs through Reyvenyr's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
56074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56075 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56077 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
56079 Balance Taken: 3.01s
56081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56082 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
56083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56084 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
56086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56087 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
56088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56089 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
56090  her skin mercilessly.
56092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56093 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
56094 your skin mercilessly.
56096 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
56098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56099 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
56101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56102 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
56103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56104 You must regain your equilibrium first.
56106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56107 ta dwenthall
56108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56109 Dwenthall's condition stands at 654/669 health and 666/700 mana.
56111 Mana Lost: 12
56113 H:589 M:419 &lt;-- bt; 
56114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56115 H:584 M:666 -b b 
56116 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56117 eat juniper
56118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56119 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1858.
56121 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
56123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56124 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
56126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56127 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
56129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56130 H:589 M:419 &lt;-- bt; 
56131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56132 H:584 M:666 -b db 
56133 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56134 eat juniper
56135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56136 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1981.
56138 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
56140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56141 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
56143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56144 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
56146 H:589 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
56147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56148 H:584 M:666 -b db 
56149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56150 Health Gain: 66
56152 Mana Gain: 32
56154 H:656 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
56155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56156 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
56159 H:651 M:700 eb db 
56160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56161 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
56163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56164 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
56165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56166 H:656 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
56167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56168 H:651 M:700 eb db 
56169 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56170 cnc
56171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56172 You already possess mental equilibrium.
56174 H:651 M:700 eb db 
56175 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56176 pa
56177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56178 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
56180 H:651 M:700 eb db 
56181 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56182 ta
56183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56184 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 656/669 health and 452/512 mana.
56185 H:651 M:688 eb db 
56186 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56187 ovt
56188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56189 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
56190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56191 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
56192 H:656 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
56193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56194 H:651 M:670 eb db 
56195 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56196 anor
56197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56198 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
56199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56200 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
56201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56202 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
56203 rewreathe effect.
56204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56205 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
56206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56207 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
56208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56209 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the fire element.
56210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56211 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
56212 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
56213 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
56214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56215 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
56216 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
56217 your head.
56218 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
56219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56220 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
56221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56222 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
56223 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the fire element.
56224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56225 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
56226 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
56227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56228 H:561 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
56229 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56230 H:651 M:659 -b db 
56231 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56232 ta
56233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56234 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 561/669 health and 452/512 mana.
56235 H:651 M:647 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
56236 H:651 M:647 -b db 
56237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56238 You may eat another herb or plant.
56239 H:561 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
56240 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56241 eat kelp
56242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56243 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1968.
56244 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
56245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56246 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
56247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56248 You feel coordinated once more.
56249 H:561 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
56250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56251 H:651 M:647 -b db 
56252 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56253 smoke pipe with linseed
56254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56255 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
56256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56257 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
56258 H:561 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
56259 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56260 H:651 M:647 -b db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
56261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56262 The fenugreek berry juice hardens into a supple, waxy coating.
56263 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56264 A waxy shell of berry juice has dried to Reyvenyr's skin.
56265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56266 H:561 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
56267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56268 H:651 M:647 -b db 
56269 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56270 clot
56271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56272 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
56273 H:651 M:633 -b db 
56274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56275 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
56276 H:561 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
56277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56278 You may eat another mushroom.
56279 You may drink another healing elixir.
56280 H:651 M:633 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
56281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56282 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
56283 H:561 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
56284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56285 H:646 M:633 -b db 
56286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56287 You have recovered balance.
56288 H:561 M:452 &lt;eb dbt; 
56289 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56290 ac on
56291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56292 Autocuring activated.
56293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56294 evoke imbue
56295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56296 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
56297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56298 TEAR MAP
56299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56300 Syntax: TEAR MAP
56301 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56302 evoke empower jolt
56303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56304 Mana Lost: 6
56305 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
56306 wer of Earth infuses it.
56307 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56308 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
56309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56310 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
56311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56312 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
56313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56314 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
56315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56316 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
56317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56318 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
56319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56320 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
56321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56322 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
56323 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56324 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
56325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56326 I do not recognize that toxin.
56327 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56329 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56330 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
56331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56332 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
56333 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
56334 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56335 Balance Taken: 3.01s
56336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56337 naturebind choke dwenthall
56338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56339 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
56340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56341 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
56342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56343 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
56344  her skin mercilessly.
56345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56346 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
56347 your skin mercilessly.
56348 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
56349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56350 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
56351 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56352 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
56353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56354 You must regain your equilibrium first.
56355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56356 ta dwenthall
56357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56358 Dwenthall's condition stands at 518/669 health and 647/700 mana.
56359 Mana Lost: 12
56360 H:561 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
56361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56362 H:508 M:617 -b b 
56363 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56364 eat juniper
56365 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56366 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1857.
56367 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
56368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56369 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
56370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56371 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
56372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56373 H:561 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
56374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56375 H:508 M:617 -b db 
56376 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56377 sip health
56378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56379 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
56380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56381 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
56382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56383 The elixir heals your body.
56384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56385 H:561 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
56386 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56387 H:640 M:617 -b db 
56388 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56389 eat toadstool
56390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56391 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1894.
56393 You quickly eat a toadstool.
56395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56396 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
56398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56399 You feel your health and mana replenished.
56401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56402 H:561 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
56403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56404 H:669 M:687 -b db 
56405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56406 You may eat another herb or plant.
56407 H:561 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
56408 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56409 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
56410 H:669 M:687 -b db 
56411 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
56414 H:669 M:687 eb db 
56415 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
56417 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
56419 H:665 M:687 eb db 
56420 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
56422 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56423 cnc
56424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56425 You already possess mental equilibrium.
56427 H:669 M:700 eb db 
56428 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56429 pa
56430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56431 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
56433 H:669 M:700 eb db 
56434 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56435 abn
56436 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56437 Your wounds are already bandaged.
56439 H:669 M:700 eb db 
56440 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56441 overtune
56442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56443 Your crystal is already overtuned.
56445 H:669 M:700 eb db 
56446 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56447 clot
56448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56449 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
56451 You strain with effort as you focus on clotting.
56453 H:669 M:672 eb db 
56454 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56455 cast firewreathe icebolt heat at &tar
56456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56457 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
56458 rewreathe effect.
56460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56461 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
56463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56464 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
56466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56467 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
56469 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56470 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
56472 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
56473  twitching slightly under the cold.
56475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56476 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
56477 range burning sensation in your nerves.
56479 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
56481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56482 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
56484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56485 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
56487 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
56489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56490 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
56492 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
56494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56495 H:456 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
56496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56497 H:669 M:654 -b db 
56498 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56499 ta
56500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56501 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 456/669 health and 434/512 mana.
56503 H:669 M:642 -b db 
56504 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56505 sip health
56506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56507 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
56509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56510 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
56512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56513 Health Gain: 145
56515 The elixir heals your body.
56517 H:601 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
56518 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56519 H:669 M:642 -b db 
56520 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56521 eat toadstool
56522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56523 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1934.
56524 You quickly eat a toadstool.
56525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56526 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
56527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56528 Health Gain: 66
56529 Mana Gain: 51
56530 You feel your health and mana replenished.
56531 H:668 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
56532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56533 H:669 M:642 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
56534 H:669 M:642 -b db 
56535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56536 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
56537 H:668 M:485 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
56538 H:668 M:485 &lt;eb dbt; 
56539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56540 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
56541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56542 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
56543 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56544 ac on
56545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56546 Autocuring activated.
56547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56548 evoke imbue
56549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56550 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
56551 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56552 TEAR MAP
56553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56554 Syntax: TEAR MAP
56555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56556 evoke empower jolt
56557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56558 Mana Lost: 6
56559 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
56560 wer of Earth infuses it.
56561 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56562 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
56563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56564 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
56565 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56566 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
56567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56568 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
56569 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56570 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
56571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56572 I do not recognize that toxin.
56573 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56575 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56576 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
56577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56578 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
56579 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
56580 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56581 Balance Taken: 3.01s
56582 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56583 naturebind choke dwenthall
56584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56585 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
56586 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56587 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
56588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56589 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
56590  her skin mercilessly.
56591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56592 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
56593 your skin mercilessly.
56594 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
56595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56596 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
56597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56598 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
56599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56600 You must regain your equilibrium first.
56601 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56602 ta dwenthall
56603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56604 Dwenthall's condition stands at 576/669 health and 610/700 mana.
56605 Mana Lost: 12
56606 H:668 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
56607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56608 H:576 M:642 -b b 
56609 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56610 eat juniper
56611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56612 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1856.
56613 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
56614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56615 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
56616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56617 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
56618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56619 H:668 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
56620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56621 H:576 M:642 -b db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
56622 H:576 M:642 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
56623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56624 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
56625 H:668 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
56626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56627 H:576 M:626 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
56628 H:576 M:626 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
56629 H:576 M:626 eb db 
56630 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56631 sip health
56632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56633 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
56634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56635 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
56636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56637 The elixir heals your body.
56638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56639 H:668 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
56640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56641 H:669 M:626 eb db 
56642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56643 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
56644 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56645 cnc
56646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56647 You already possess mental equilibrium.
56648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56649 H:668 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
56650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56651 H:669 M:626 eb db 
56652 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56653 pa
56654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56655 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
56656 H:669 M:626 eb db 
56657 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56658 ovt
56659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56660 Your crystal is already overtuned.
56661 H:669 M:626 eb db 
56662 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56663 cast shock scorch suffuse at &tar
56664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56665 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
56666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56667 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
56668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56669 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
56670 ock effect.
56671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56672 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
56673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56674 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
56675 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
56676  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
56677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56678 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
56679 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
56680 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
56681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56682 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, causing him to look quite nauseous.
56683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56684 You feel nauseous as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you.
56685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56686 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
56687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56688 H:589 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
56689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56690 H:669 M:602 -b db 
56691 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56692 ta
56693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56694 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 589/669 health and 467/512 mana.
56695 H:669 M:589 -b db 
56696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56697 eat nightshade
56698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56699 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1990.
56700 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
56701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56702 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
56703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56704 Your stomach becalms itself.
56705 H:589 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
56706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56707 H:669 M:589 -b db 
56708 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56709 smoke pipe with linseed
56710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56711 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
56712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56713 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
56714 H:589 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
56715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56716 H:669 M:589 -b db 
56717 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56718 purge blood
56719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56720 Mana Lost: 6
56721 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
56722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56723 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
56724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56725 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
56726 H:589 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
56727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56728 H:669 M:589 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
56729 H:669 M:589 -b db 
56730 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56731 touch tree
56732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56733 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
56734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56735 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
56736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56737 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
56738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56739 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
56740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56741 H:589 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
56742 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56743 H:669 M:589 -b db 
56744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56745 apply mass
56746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56747 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
56748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56749 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
56750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56751 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
56752 H:589 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
56753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56754 H:669 M:589 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
56755 H:669 M:589 -b db 
56756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56757 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
56758 H:589 M:461 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
56759 H:589 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
56760 H:589 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
56761 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56762 ac on
56763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56764 Autocuring activated.
56765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56766 order loyals kill dwenthall
56767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56768 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
56769 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
56770 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
56771 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
56772 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56773 TEAR MAP
56774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56775 Syntax: TEAR MAP
56776 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56777 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
56778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56779 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
56780 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56781 evoke empower rockfall
56782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56783 Mana Lost: 6
56784 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
56785 wer of Earth infuses it.
56786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56787 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
56788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56789 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
56790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56791 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
56792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56793 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
56794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56795 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
56796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56797 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
56798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56799 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
56800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56801 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
56802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56803 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
56804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56805 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56806 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56808 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
56809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56810 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
56811 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
56812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56813 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
56814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56815 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
56816 Balance Taken: 3.01s
56817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56818 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
56819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56820 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
56821 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
56822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56823 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
56824 you.
56825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56826 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
56827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56828 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
56829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56830 You must regain your equilibrium first.
56831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56832 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
56833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56834 You must regain your equilibrium first.
56835 H:589 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
56836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56837 H:576 M:589 -b b 
56838 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56839 eat juniper
56840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56841 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1855.
56842 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
56843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56844 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
56845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56846 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
56847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56848 H:589 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
56849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56850 H:576 M:589 -b db 
56851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56852 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
56853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56854 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
56855 H:589 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
56856 H:589 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
56857 H:589 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
56858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56859 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
56860 H:576 M:589 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
56861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56862 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
56863 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56864 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
56865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56866 H:589 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
56867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56868 H:571 M:589 eb db 
56869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56870 Health Gain: 66
56871 Mana Gain: 32
56872 You may eat another mushroom.
56873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56874 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
56876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56877 H:656 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
56878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56879 H:638 M:631 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
56880 H:637 M:631 eb db 
56881 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56882 cnc
56883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56884 You already possess mental equilibrium.
56885 H:637 M:631 eb db 
56886 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56887 pa
56888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56889 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
56890 H:637 M:631 eb db 
56891 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56892 ta
56893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56894 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 656/669 health and 487/512 mana.
56895 H:637 M:619 eb db 
56896 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56897 ovt
56898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56899 Your crystal is already overtuned.
56900 H:637 M:619 eb db 
56901 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56902 anor
56903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56904 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
56905 rewreathe effect.
56906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56907 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
56908 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56909 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
56910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56911 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
56912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56913 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
56914 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
56915 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
56916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56917 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
56918 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
56919 your head.
56920 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
56921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56922 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
56923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56924 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
56925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56926 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
56927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56928 H:561 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
56929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56930 H:637 M:608 -b db 
56931 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56932 ta
56933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56934 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 561/669 health and 487/512 mana.
56935 H:637 M:596 -b db 
56936 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56937 eat kelp
56938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56939 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1967.
56940 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
56941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56942 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
56943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56944 You feel coordinated once more.
56945 H:561 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
56946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56947 H:637 M:596 -b db Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
56948 H:637 M:596 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
56949 H:637 M:596 -b db 
56950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56951 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
56952 H:561 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; 
56953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56954 You may drink another healing elixir.
56955 H:637 M:580 -b db 
56956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56957 You have recovered balance.
56958 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56959 sip mana
56960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56961 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
56962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56963 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
56964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56965 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
56966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56967 H:561 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
56968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
56969 H:637 M:700 -b db 
56970 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56971 ac on
56972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56973 Autocuring activated.
56974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56975 order loyals kill dwenthall
56976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56977 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
56978 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
56979 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
56980 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
56981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56982 TEAR MAP
56983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56984 Syntax: TEAR MAP
56985 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56986 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
56987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56988 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
56989 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56990 evoke empower rockfall
56991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56992 Mana Lost: 6
56993 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
56994 wer of Earth infuses it.
56995 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56996 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
56997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
56998 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
56999 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57000 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
57001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57002 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
57003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57004 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
57005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57006 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
57007 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
57008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57009 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
57010 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
57011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57012 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
57013 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
57014 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
57015 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
57016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57017 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
57018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57019 Balance Taken: 3.01s
57020 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57021 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
57022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57023 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
57024 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57025 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
57026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57027 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
57028 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
57029 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57030 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
57031 d you.
57032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57033 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
57034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57035 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
57036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57037 You must regain your equilibrium first.
57038 H:561 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
57039 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57040 H:539 M:700 -b b The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Khandava forest.
57042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57043 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Khandava forest.
57044 H:561 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
57045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57046 H:539 M:700 -b b 
57047 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57048 eat juniper
57049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57050 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1854.
57051 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
57052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57053 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
57054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57055 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
57056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57057 H:561 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
57058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57059 H:539 M:700 -b db 
57060 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57061 eat toadstool
57062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57063 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1893.
57064 You quickly eat a toadstool.
57065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57066 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
57067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57068 You feel your health and mana replenished.
57069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57070 H:561 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
57071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57072 H:606 M:700 -b db 
57073 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57074 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
57075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57076 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
57077 H:561 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
57078 H:561 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
57079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57080 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
57081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57082 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
57083 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57084 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
57085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57086 H:561 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
57087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57088 H:606 M:700 eb db 
57089 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57090 cnc
57091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57092 You already possess mental equilibrium.
57093 H:606 M:700 eb db 
57094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57095 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
57096 H:561 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
57097 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57098 abn
57099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57100 Your wounds are already bandaged.
57101 H:606 M:700 eb db 
57102 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57103 pa
57104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57105 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
57106 H:606 M:700 eb db 
57107 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57108 pa
57109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57110 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
57111 H:606 M:700 eb db 
57112 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57113 ovt
57114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57115 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
57116 H:606 M:700 eb db 
57117 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57118 cast masochism firecircle heat at &tar
57119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57120 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
57121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57122 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
57123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57124 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
57125 sochism effect.
57126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57127 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
57128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57129 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
57130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57131 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
57132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57133 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
57134 You make a circular motion with your index finger and a circle of fire slowly forms around Reyvenyr.
57135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57136 Dwenthall makes a circular motion with her index finger and a circle of fire slowly forms around you
57137 .
57138 Damage Taken: 83 fire, mental (raw damage: 102)
57139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57140 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
57141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57142 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
57143 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
57144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57145 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
57146 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
57147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57148 H:477 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
57149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57150 H:606 M:682 -b db 
57151 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57152 cast masochism firecircle heat at &tar
57153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57154 You must regain your equilibrium first.
57155 H:606 M:682 -b db 
57156 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57157 ta
57158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57159 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 477/669 health and 481/512 mana.
57160 H:606 M:670 -b db 
57161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57162 eat orphine
57163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57164 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1985.
57165 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
57166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57167 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
57168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57169 You no longer enjoy pain.
57170 H:477 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
57171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57172 H:606 M:670 -b db 
57173 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57174 sip health
57175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57176 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
57177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57178 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
57179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57180 Health Gain: 130
57181 The elixir heals your body.
57182 H:608 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
57183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57184 H:606 M:670 -b db 
57185 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57186 eat toadstool
57187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57188 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1933.
57189 You quickly eat a toadstool.
57190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57191 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
57192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57193 Health Gain: 61
57194 Mana Gain: 30
57195 You feel your health and mana replenished.
57196 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
57197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57198 H:606 M:670 -b db 
57199 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57200 smoke pipe with linseed
57201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57202 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
57203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57204 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
57205 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
57206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57207 H:606 M:670 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
57208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57209 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
57210 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
57211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57212 H:593 M:670 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
57213 H:593 M:670 -b db 
57214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57215 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
57218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57219 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
57221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57222 You have recovered balance.
57225 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
57226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57227 H:620 M:698 -b db 
57228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57229 ac on
57230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57231 Autocuring activated.
57233 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57234 order loyals kill dwenthall
57235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57236 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
57238 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
57240 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
57242 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
57244 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57245 TEAR MAP
57246 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57247 Syntax: TEAR MAP
57249 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57250 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
57251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57252 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
57254 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57255 evoke empower rockfall
57256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57257 Mana Lost: 6
57259 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
57260 wer of Earth infuses it.
57262 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57263 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
57264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57265 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
57267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57268 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
57270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57271 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
57273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57274 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
57276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57277 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
57279 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57280 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
57281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57282 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
57284 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57285 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
57286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57287 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
57289 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
57291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57292 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
57294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57295 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
57297 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
57299 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57300 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
57302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57303 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
57305 Balance Taken: 3.01s
57307 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57308 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
57309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57310 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
57312 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57313 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
57314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57315 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
57317 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57318 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
57319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57320 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
57321 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
57323 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57324 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
57325 .
57327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57328 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
57330 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57332 H:466 M:698 -b b 
57333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57334 You may eat another herb or plant.
57335 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57336 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57337 eat juniper
57338 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57339 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1853.
57341 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
57343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57344 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
57346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57347 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
57349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57350 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57352 H:466 M:698 -b db 
57353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57354 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
57355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57356 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
57358 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57360 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
57361 H:466 M:698 -b db 
57362 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
57365 H:466 M:682 eb db 
57366 You may drink another healing elixir.
57367 H:466 M:682 eb db 
57368 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
57370 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57371 sip health
57372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57373 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
57375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57376 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
57378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57379 The elixir heals your body.
57381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57382 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57384 H:635 M:682 eb db 
57385 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57386 cnc
57387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57388 You already possess mental equilibrium.
57390 H:635 M:682 eb db 
57391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57392 touch shield
57393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57394 You must regain balance first.
57396 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57397 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57398 pa
57399 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57400 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
57402 H:635 M:682 eb db 
57403 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57404 ta
57405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57406 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 506/512 mana.
57408 H:635 M:670 eb db 
57409 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57410 ovt
57411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57412 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
57414 H:635 M:670 eb db 
57415 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57416 anor
57417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57418 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
57419 rewreathe effect.
57421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57422 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
57424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57425 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
57427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57428 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
57430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57431 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
57433 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
57434 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
57436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57437 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
57438 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
57439 your head.
57441 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
57443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57444 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
57446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57447 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
57449 You feel yourself fully attuned to the fire element.
57451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57452 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the fire element.
57454 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
57456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57457 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57459 H:635 M:659 -b db 
57460 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57461 ta
57462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57463 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 574/669 health and 506/512 mana.
57465 H:635 M:646 -b db 
57466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57467 touch shield
57468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57469 You must regain balance first.
57471 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57473 eat kelp
57474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57475 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1966.
57477 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
57479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57480 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
57482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57483 You feel coordinated once more.
57485 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57487 H:635 M:646 -b db 
57488 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57489 dg
57490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57491 You must regain balance first.
57492 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57494 You may eat another herb or plant.
57495 H:635 M:646 -b db 
57496 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57497 dg
57498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57499 You must regain balance first.
57500 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57502 dg
57503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57504 You must regain balance first.
57505 H:574 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57506 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57507 You may eat another mushroom.
57508 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
57509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57510 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
57511 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
57512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57513 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
57514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57515 You are now heavily attuned to the fire element.
57516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57517 Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
57518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57519 Damage Taken: 39 fire (raw damage: 71)
57520 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57521 dg
57522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57523 You must regain balance first.
57524 H:535 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
57525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57526 H:625 M:646 -b db 
57527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57528 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
57529 H:535 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
57530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57531 dg
57532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57533 You must regain balance first.
57534 H:535 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
57535 H:535 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
57536 H:535 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; [Info]: Time to vote Reyvenyr! http://www.imperian.com/vote
57537 H:535 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
57538 H:535 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
57539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57540 l
57541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57542 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
57543 H:535 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
57544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57545 l
57546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57547 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
57548 H:535 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
57549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57550 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
57551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57552 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
57553 H:535 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
57554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57555 H:625 M:646 -b db 
57556 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57557 eat toadstool
57558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57559 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1932.
57560 You quickly eat a toadstool.
57561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57562 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
57563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57564 Health Gain: 66
57565 Mana Gain: 6
57566 You feel your health and mana replenished.
57567 H:601 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
57568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57569 H:625 M:646 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
57570 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57571 l
57572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57573 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
57574 H:601 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
57575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57576 H:625 M:646 eb db 
57577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57578 Health Gain: 66
57579 H:668 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
57580 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57581 l
57582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57583 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
57584 H:668 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
57585 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57586 cnc
57587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57588 You already possess mental equilibrium.
57589 H:669 M:688 eb db 
57590 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57591 pa
57592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57593 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
57594 H:669 M:688 eb db 
57595 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57596 ovt
57597 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57598 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
57599 H:669 M:688 eb db 
57600 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57601 slin
57602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57603 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
57604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57605 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
57606 H:668 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
57607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57608 H:669 M:688 eb db 
57609 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57610 cast masochism knockout batter at &tar
57611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57612 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
57613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57614 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
57615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57616 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
57617 sochism effect.
57618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57619 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
57620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57621 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
57622 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
57623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57624 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
57625 Damage Taken: 109 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
57626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57627 You flick your wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards Reyvenyr and batteri
57628 ng him painfully.
57629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57630 Dwenthall flicks her wrist and a rock materialises in mid-air, flying rapidly towards you and batter
57631 ing you painfully.
57632 Damage Taken: 47 magickal, mental (raw damage: 42)
57633 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57634 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
57635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57636 H:511 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
57637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57638 H:669 M:677 -b db 
57639 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57640 ta
57641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57642 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 511/669 health and 512/512 mana.
57643 H:669 M:665 -b db 
57644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57645 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
57646 H:511 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
57647 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57648 eat orphine
57649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57650 You take 1 orphine seed, bringing the total to 1984.
57651 You quickly eat an orphine seed.
57652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57653 Reyvenyr quickly eats an orphine seed.
57654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57655 You no longer enjoy pain.
57656 H:511 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
57657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57658 H:669 M:665 -b db 
57659 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57660 sip health
57661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57662 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
57663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57664 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
57665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57666 Health Gain: 144
57667 The elixir heals your body.
57668 H:655 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
57669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57670 H:669 M:665 -b db 
57671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57672 focus
57673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57674 Mana Lost: 15
57675 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
57676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57677 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
57678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57679 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
57680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57681 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
57682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57683 H:655 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
57684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57685 H:669 M:665 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
57686 H:669 M:649 -b db 
57687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57688 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
57689 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
57690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57691 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
57692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57693 You are now significantly attuned to the fire element.
57694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57695 Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
57696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57697 Damage Taken: 42 fire (raw damage: 78)
57698 H:613 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
57699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57700 H:669 M:649 -b db 
57701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57702 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
57704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57705 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
57706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57707 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
57708 H:613 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
57709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57710 H:655 M:649 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
57711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57712 You may eat another herb or plant.
57713 H:613 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
57714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57715 H:654 M:649 -b db 
57716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57717 touch mindseye
57718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57719 Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
57720 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57721 Reyvenyr touches a mindseye tattoo.
57722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57723 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
57724 H:613 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
57725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57726 H:654 M:649 -b db 
57727 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57728 touch mindseye
57729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57730 You must regain your equilibrium first.
57731 H:613 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
57732 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57733 touch mindseye
57734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57735 You must regain your equilibrium first.
57736 H:613 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
57737 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57738 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
57739 H:654 M:649 -b db 
57740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57741 touch mindseye
57742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57743 You must regain your equilibrium first.
57744 H:613 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
57745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57746 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
57747 H:654 M:649 eb db 
57748 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57749 touch mindseye
57750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57751 You must regain your equilibrium first.
57752 H:613 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
57753 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57754 touch mindseye
57755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57756 You must regain your equilibrium first.
57757 H:613 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
57758 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57759 cnc
57760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57761 You already possess mental equilibrium.
57762 H:654 M:649 eb db 
57763 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57764 pa
57765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57766 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
57767 H:654 M:649 eb db 
57768 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57769 abn
57770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57771 Your wounds are already bandaged.
57772 H:654 M:649 eb db 
57773 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57774 ovt
57775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57776 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
57777 H:654 M:649 eb db 
57778 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57779 shknock at &tar
57780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57781 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
57782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57783 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
57784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57785 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
57786 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
57787 ock effect.
57788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57789 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
57790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57791 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
57792 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
57793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57794 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
57795 Damage Taken: 109 magickal, mental (raw damage: 98)
57796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57797 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
57798 using him to lose his patience.
57799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57800 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
57801 ausing you to lose your patience.
57802 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
57803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57804 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
57805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57806 H:474 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
57807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57808 H:648 M:616 -b db 
57809 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57810 shknock at &tar
57811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57812 You must regain your equilibrium first.
57813 H:648 M:616 -b db 
57814 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57815 shknock at &tar
57816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57817 You must regain your equilibrium first.
57818 H:648 M:616 -b db 
57819 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57820 ta
57821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57822 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 474/669 health and 497/512 mana.
57823 H:648 M:604 -b db 
57824 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57825 eat maidenhair
57826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57827 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1992.
57828 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
57829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57830 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
57831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57832 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
57833 H:474 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
57834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57835 H:648 M:604 -b db 
57836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57837 purge blood
57838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57839 Mana Lost: 6
57840 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
57841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57842 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
57843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57844 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
57845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57846 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
57847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57848 H:474 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
57849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57850 H:648 M:604 -b db 
57851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57852 Your mind is able to focus once again.
57853 H:474 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
57854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57855 bs
57856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57857 You must regain your equilibrium first.
57858 H:474 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
57859 H:474 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
57860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57861 touch tree
57862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57863 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
57864 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57865 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
57866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57867 You are patient once again.
57868 H:474 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
57869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57870 H:648 M:604 -b db 
57871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57872 sip health
57873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57874 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
57875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57876 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
57877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57878 Health Gain: 133
57879 The elixir heals your body.
57880 H:608 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
57881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57882 H:648 M:604 -b db 
57883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57884 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
57885 H:608 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
57886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57887 bs
57888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57889 Mana Lost: 9
57890 You hold a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds firmly and concentrate. Your skin gradually hardens an
57891 d toughens like the bark of a tree.
57892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57893 Reyvenyr holds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds firmly and concentrates. His skin gradually hard
57894 ens and toughens like the bark of a tree.
57895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57896 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
57897 Balance Taken: 3.80s
57898 H:608 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
57899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57900 H:648 M:604 -b db 
57901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57902 bs
57903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57904 You must regain balance first.
57905 H:608 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
57906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57907 bs
57908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57909 You must regain balance first.
57910 H:608 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
57911 H:608 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
57912 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57913 bs
57914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57915 You must regain balance first.
57916 H:608 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
57917 H:608 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
57918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57919 bs
57920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57921 You must regain balance first.
57922 H:608 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
57923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57924 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
57925 H:669 M:616 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
57926 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57927 touch shield
57928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57929 You must regain balance first.
57930 H:608 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
57931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57932 H:669 M:616 eb db 
57933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57934 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
57935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57936 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
57937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57938 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
57939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57940 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
57941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57942 Damage Taken: 46 fire (raw damage: 85)
57943 H:561 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
57944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57945 H:669 M:616 eb db 
57946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57947 touch shield
57948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57949 You must regain balance first.
57950 H:561 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
57951 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57952 cnc
57953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57954 You already possess mental equilibrium.
57955 H:669 M:616 eb db 
57956 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57957 pa
57958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57959 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
57960 H:669 M:616 eb db 
57961 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57962 ta
57963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57964 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 561/669 health and 482/512 mana.
57965 H:669 M:604 eb db 
57966 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57967 ovt
57968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57969 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
57970 H:669 M:604 eb db 
57971 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57972 anor
57973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57974 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Fi
57975 rewreathe effect.
57976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57977 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows red.
57978 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57979 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
57980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57981 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the fire element.
57982 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57983 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
57984 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
57985 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
57986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57987 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
57988 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
57989 your head.
57990 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
57991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57992 You send a small jet of flame towards Reyvenyr, heating up his skin briefly.
57993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
57994 Dwenthall sends a small jet of flame towards you, heating up your skin briefly.
57995 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the fire element.
57996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
57997 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the fire element.
57998 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
57999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58000 H:466 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
58001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58002 H:669 M:593 -b db 
58003 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58004 ta
58005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58006 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 466/669 health and 482/512 mana.
58007 H:669 M:581 -b db 
58008 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58009 touch shield
58010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58011 You must regain balance first.
58012 H:466 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
58013 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58014 sip mana
58015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58016 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
58017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58018 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
58019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58020 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
58021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58022 H:466 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
58023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58024 H:669 M:700 -b db 
58025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58026 eat kelp
58027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58028 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1965.
58029 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
58030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58031 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
58032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58033 You feel coordinated once more.
58034 H:466 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
58035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58036 H:669 M:700 -b db 
58037 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58038 eat toadstool
58039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58040 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1931.
58041 You quickly eat a toadstool.
58042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58043 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
58044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58045 Health Gain: 66
58046 Mana Gain: 30
58047 You feel your health and mana replenished.
58048 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58050 H:669 M:700 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
58051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58052 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
58053 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58055 H:658 M:700 -b db 
58056 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58057 touch shield
58058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58059 You must regain balance first.
58060 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58061 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58062 touch shield
58063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58064 You must regain balance first.
58065 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58067 touch shield
58068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58069 You must regain balance first.
58070 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58072 touch shield
58073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58074 You must regain balance first.
58075 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58077 touch shield
58078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58079 You must regain balance first.
58080 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58082 touch shield
58083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58084 You must regain balance first.
58085 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58087 touch shield
58088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58089 You must regain balance first.
58090 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58092 touch shield
58093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58094 You must regain balance first.
58095 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58097 touch shield
58098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58099 You must regain balance first.
58100 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58102 touch shield
58103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58104 You must regain balance first.
58105 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
58106 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58107 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58108 touch shield
58109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58110 You must regain balance first.
58111 H:533 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
58112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58113 touch shield
58114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58115 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
58116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58117 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
58118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58119 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
58120 H:533 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58122 H:658 M:700 -b db 
58123 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58124 touch shield
58125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58126 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58127 H:533 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58129 The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
58130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58131 touch shield
58132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58133 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58134 H:533 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58136 H:658 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
58137 H:658 M:700 eb db 
58138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58139 touch shield
58140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58141 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58142 H:533 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58144 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
58145 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
58146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58147 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
58148 H:533 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58150 H:658 M:700 eb db 
58151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58152 You may drink another healing elixir.
58153 H:533 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; Health Gain: 66
58154 H:600 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58156 dg
58157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58158 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58159 H:600 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58160 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58161 dg
58162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58163 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58164 H:600 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
58165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58166 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
58167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58168 You are now significantly attuned to the fire element.
58169 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58170 Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the fire element.
58171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58172 Damage Taken: 50 fire (raw damage: 93)
58173 H:549 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58175 H:669 M:684 eb db 
58176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58177 dg
58178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58179 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58180 H:549 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58181 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58182 dg
58183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58184 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58185 H:549 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58187 dg
58188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58189 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58190 H:549 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58192 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
58193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58194 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
58195 H:549 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58197 H:656 M:684 eb db 
58198 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58199 cnc
58200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58201 You already possess mental equilibrium.
58202 H:656 M:684 eb db 
58203 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58204 autocuring off
58205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58206 Autocuring disabled.
58207 H:656 M:684 eb db 
58208 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58209 autocuring rebounding off
58210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58211 Automatic rebounding handling disabled.
58212 H:656 M:684 eb db 
58213 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58214 autocuring mass off
58215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58216 Automatic mass handling disabled.
58217 H:656 M:684 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
58218 H:656 M:684 eb db 
58219 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58220 dg
58221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58222 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58223 H:549 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58224 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58225 dg
58226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58227 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58228 H:549 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58230 dg
58231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58232 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58233 H:549 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
58234 H:549 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
58235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58236 dg
58237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58238 You are:
58239 blind.
58240 deaf.
58241 an insomniac.
58242 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
58243 H:549 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
58244 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58245 dg
58246 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58247 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58248 H:549 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
58249 H:549 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
58250 H:549 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
58251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58252 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
58253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58254 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
58255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58256 The shimmering translucent shield around Reyvenyr fades away.
58257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58258 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
58259 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58260 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
58261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58262 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
58263 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58264 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
58265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58266 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
58267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58268 evoke wisp glowing me
58269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58270 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
58271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58272 evoke toxicrain strychnine
58273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58274 No tornado is raging here.
58275 H:549 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
58276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58277 H:656 M:684 eb db 
58278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58279 order golem passive
58280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58281 You order a mighty earth golem to assume a passive stance.
58282 With seeming reluctance, a mighty earth golem obeys your command.
58283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58284 Reyvenyr whispers something to a mighty earth golem.
58285 A mighty earth golem seems to settle down.
58286 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58287 order loyals kill dwenthall
58288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58289 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
58290 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
58291 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
58292 You order a mighty earth golem to attack Dwenthall.
58293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58294 Reyvenyr barks at a mighty earth golem, ordering it to attack you.
58295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58296 A mighty earth golem obeys your command.
58297 H:549 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
58298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58299 H:656 M:684 eb db 
58300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58301 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
58302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58303 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
58304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58305 You are now moderately attuned to the fire element.
58306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58307 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the fire element.
58308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58309 Damage Taken: 54 fire (raw damage: 100)
58310 H:494 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
58311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58312 H:656 M:684 eb db 
58313 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58314 sip health
58315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58316 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
58317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58318 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
58319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58320 Health Gain: 154
58321 The elixir heals your body.
58322 H:649 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
58323 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58324 H:656 M:684 eb db 
58325 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58326 eat toadstool
58327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58328 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1930.
58329 You quickly eat a toadstool.
58330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58331 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
58332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58333 Health Gain: 19
58334 You feel your health and mana replenished.
58335 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
58336 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58337 H:656 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
58338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58339 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
58340 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
58341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58342 H:645 M:684 eb db 
58343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58344 evoke toxicrain aconite
58345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58346 No tornado is raging here.
58347 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
58348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58349 evoke toxicrain aconite
58350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58351 No tornado is raging here.
58352 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
58353 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58354 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
58355 H:669 M:696 eb db 
58356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58357 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
58358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58359 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
58360 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58361 evoke tornado
58362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58363 Mana Lost: 30
58364 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
58365  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
58366 ng in air.
58367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58368 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
58369 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
58370  sucking in air.
58371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58372 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
58373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58374 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
58375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58376 The tornado swirls rapidly.
58377 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
58378 Balance Taken: 3.80s
58379 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58380 naturebind curse dwenthall
58381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58382 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
58383 root shreds it viciously.
58384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58385 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
58386 root shreds it viciously.
58387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58388 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
58389 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
58390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58391 H:669 M:696 eb db 
58392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58393 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
58394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58395 You must regain balance first.
58396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58397 evoke tornado
58398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58399 You must regain balance first.
58400 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58401 naturebind curse dwenthall
58402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58403 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58404 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
58405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58406 rt Tornado Up!!
58407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58408 You are not the member of any ring.
58409 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
58410 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58411 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
58412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58413 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
58414 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
58415 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58416 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
58417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58418 You must regain balance first.
58419 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58420 evoke tornado
58421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58422 You must regain balance first.
58423 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58424 naturebind curse dwenthall
58425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58426 You must regain your equilibrium first.
58427 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
58428 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58429 enemies
58430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58431 You have no enemies.
58432 H:669 M:696 eb db 
58433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58434 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
58435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58436 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
58437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58438 You are now lightly attuned to the fire element.
58439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58440 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the fire element.
58441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58442 Damage Taken: 58 fire (raw damage: 107)
58443 H:610 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
58444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58445 H:669 M:696 eb db 
58446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58447 l
58448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58449 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
58450 ------ v37837 -------
58451     \   /   \ |      
58452      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
58453 \     |              
58454 -[ ] [ ]             
58455 \   / | \            
58456  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
58457             \ |      
58458          [ ]-[ ]     
58459                 \    
58460                  [ ] 
58462 ------- 2:0:0 -------
58463 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
58464 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
58465 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
58466 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
58467 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
58468 H:610 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
58469 H:610 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
58470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58471 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
58472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58473 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
58474 H:610 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
58475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58476 H:657 M:696 eb db 
58477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58478 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
58479 H:610 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
58480 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58481 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
58482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58483 You must regain balance first.
58484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58485 evoke wisp glowing me
58486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58487 You must regain balance first.
58488 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58489 evoke toxicrain strychnine
58490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58491 You must regain balance first.
58492 H:610 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
58493 H:610 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; Your tree tattoo can be used again.
58494 H:610 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; The colour fades from your boar tattoo, rendering it useless.
58495 Health Gain: 58
58496 Mana Gain: 30
58497 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58498 bw
58499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58500 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58501 Adam, Adian, Asherah, Casyia, Celia, Dwenthall*, Gloriaa, Infin, Kamaylie, Kanis, Kylen, Landra, Lar
58502 tus, Leighanna, Morrow, Pellerin, Quelinost, Ren, Reyvenyr*, Robynn, Ryse, Skye, Sumie, Valence, Xze
58503 rizenabel, and Zylin.
58504 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58505 There are 27 players in this world.
58507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58508 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
58509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58510 H:669 M:700 eb db 
58511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58512 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
58513 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58514 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58515 ink boar on any of me
58516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58517 You take 1 purple ink, bringing the total to 498.
58518 You take 2 red ink, bringing the total to 497.
58519 You spread out the inks that are needed in order to create the boar tattoo.
58520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58521 Reyvenyr spreads a cloth out and lays a collection of inks and needles upon it.
58522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58523 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58525 H:669 M:684 eb db 
58526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58527 You may eat another mushroom.
58528 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
58529 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58530 evoke toxicrain aconite
58531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58532 You must regain balance first.
58533 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
58534 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
58535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58536 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
58537 H:669 M:684 eb db 
58538 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58539 evoke toxicrain aconite
58540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58541 Mana Lost: 12
58542 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
58543 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58545 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
58546 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58548 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
58549 Mana Lost: 12
58550 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of aconi
58551 te rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58553 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
58554  aconite rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58556 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
58557 Balance Taken: 2.00s
58558 H:669 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
58559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58560 H:669 M:684 eb db 
58561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58562 The circle of fire around you spins violently, burning your flesh.
58563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58564 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr spins violently, burning his flesh.
58565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58566 You are no longer attuned to the fire element.
58567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58568 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the fire element.
58569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58570 Damage Taken: 62 fire (raw damage: 114)
58571 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58572 evoke toxicrain aconite
58573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58574 You must regain balance first.
58575 H:606 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
58576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58577 H:669 M:684 eb db 
58578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58579 evoke toxicrain aconite
58580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58581 You must regain balance first.
58582 H:606 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
58583 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58584 evoke toxicrain aconite
58585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58586 You must regain balance first.
58587 H:606 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
58588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58589 evoke toxicrain aconite
58590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58591 You must regain balance first.
58592 H:606 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
58593 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58594 evoke toxicrain aconite
58595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58596 You must regain balance first.
58597 H:606 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
58598 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58599 human
58600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58601 You are already in Sylayan form.
58602 H:669 M:684 eb db 
58603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58604 evoke toxicrain aconite
58605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58606 You must regain balance first.
58607 H:606 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
58608 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58609 unwield bow
58610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58611 You aren't wielding that.
58612 H:669 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
58613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58614 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
58615 H:606 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
58616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58617 H:658 M:684 eb db 
58618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58619 You have recovered balance.
58620 H:606 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
58621 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58622 evoke toxicrain aconite
58623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58624 Mana Lost: 12
58625 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
58626 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58628 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
58629 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58631 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
58632 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of aconite to empower the tornado.
58633 H:606 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
58634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58635 H:658 M:684 eb db 
58636 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58637 unwield bow
58638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58639 You aren't wielding that.
58640 H:658 M:684 eb db 
58641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58642 evoke toxicrain aconite
58643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58644 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
58645 H:606 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
58646 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58647 wield shield116306
58648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58649 You have no shield116306.
58650 H:658 M:684 eb db 
58651 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58652 wield shield116306
58653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58654 You have no shield116306.
58655 H:658 M:684 eb db 
58656 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58657 autocuring on
58658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58659 Autocuring activated.
58660 H:658 M:684 eb db 
58661 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58662 autocuring rebounding on
58663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58664 Automatic rebounding handling activated.
58665 H:658 M:684 eb db 
58666 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58667 eat kelp
58668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58669 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1978.
58670 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
58671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58672 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
58673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58674 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
58675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58676 H:606 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
58677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58678 H:658 M:684 eb db 
58679 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58680 empty strychnine
58681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58682 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
58683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58684 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
58685 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58686 empty strychnine
58687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58688 I don't see that in your inventory.
58689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58690 vbelt tap empty strychine
58691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58692 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
58693 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58694 vbelt tap empty strychnine
58695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58696 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
58697  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
58698  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
58699 H:606 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
58700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58701 H:658 M:684 eb db 
58702 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58703 evoke toxicrain aconite
58704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58705 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
58706 H:606 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
58707 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58708 evoke toxicrain aconite
58709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58710 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
58711 H:606 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
58712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58713 empty strychnine
58714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58715 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
58716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58717 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
58718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58719 empty strychnine
58720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58721 I don't see that in your inventory.
58722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58723 vbelt tap empty strychine
58724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58725 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
58726 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58727 vbelt tap empty strychnine
58728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58729 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
58730  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
58731  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
58732 H:606 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
58733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58734 H:658 M:684 eb db 
58735 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58736 dag
58737 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58738 You are:
58739 blind.
58740 deaf.
58741 an insomniac.
58742 cursed by Nature.
58743 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
58744 H:658 M:684 -b db 
58745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58746 empty strychnine
58747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58748 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
58749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58750 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
58751 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58752 empty strychnine
58753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58754 I don't see that in your inventory.
58755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58756 vbelt tap empty strychine
58757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58758 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
58759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58760 vbelt tap empty strychnine
58761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58762 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
58763  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
58764  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
58765 H:606 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
58766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58767 H:658 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
58768 H:658 M:668 eb db 
58769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58770 You pour the dry ink in a mixing bowl and mix it with the activating solution.
58771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58772 Reyvenyr mixes the ink into a bowl with a clear liquid from his kit.
58773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58774 H:606 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
58775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58776 H:658 M:668 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
58777 H:658 M:668 eb db 
58778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58779 The circle of fire around you sputters and disappears in a puff of smoke.
58780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58781 The circle of fire around Reyvenyr sputters and disappears in a puff of smoke.
58782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58783 H:606 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
58784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58785 H:658 M:668 eb db 
58786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58787 evoke toxicrain benzedrine
58788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58789 Mana Lost: 12
58790 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
58791 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58793 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
58794 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58796 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
58797 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of benzedrine to empower the tornado.
58798 H:606 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
58799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58800 H:658 M:668 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
58801 H:669 M:696 eb db 
58802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58803 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of benzedrine.
58804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58805 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
58806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58807 Your benzedrine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
58808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58809 You stumble in terror as your left leg shrivels into a useless stump.
58810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58811 The tornado swirls rapidly.
58812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58813 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
58814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58815 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
58816 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58817 apply mending to legs
58818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58819 You quickly rub some mending salve on your legs.
58820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58821 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her legs.
58822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58823 Your left leg becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
58824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58825 H:606 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
58826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58827 H:657 M:696 eb db 
58828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58829 spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine
58830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58831 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall benzedrine", is not a valid command.
58832 H:606 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
58833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58834 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
58835 H:656 M:696 eb db 
58836 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58837 cast flamepillar
58838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58839 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
58840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58841 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
58842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58843 You concentrate and slowly raise your hand upwards. Your index finger traces a fiery line in the air
58844 , which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
58845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58846 Dwenthall concentrates and slowly raises her hand upwards. Her index finger traces a fiery line in t
58847 he air, which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
58848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58849 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
58850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58851 H:606 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
58852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58853 H:656 M:672 -b db 
58854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58855 topx3
58856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58857 Your input, "topx3", is not a valid command.
58858 H:606 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
58859 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58860 smoke pipe with linseed
58861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58862 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
58863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58864 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
58865 H:606 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
58866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58867 H:656 M:672 -b db You may apply another salve.
58868 H:656 M:672 -b db 
58869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58870 tox54
58871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58872 Your input, "tox54", is not a valid command.
58873 H:606 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; Health Gain: 33
58874 Mana Gain: 32
58875 You dip the needle into the ink, and siphon a bit into its inner well, careful not to get any in you
58876 r mouth.
58877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58878 Reyvenyr dips the needle in the ink bowl, and carefully siphons some into the needle.
58879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58880 H:640 M:496 &lt;eb dbt; 
58881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58882 H:669 M:684 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
58883 H:669 M:684 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
58884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58885 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
58886 H:640 M:496 &lt;eb dbt; 
58887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58888 H:656 M:684 -b db 
58889 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58890 evoke toxicrain vitriol
58891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58892 Mana Lost: 12
58893 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
58894 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58896 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
58897 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58899 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
58900 Mana Lost: 12
58901 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of vitri
58902 ol rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58904 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
58905  vitriol rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
58906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58907 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
58908 Balance Taken: 2.00s
58909 H:640 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; 
58910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58911 H:656 M:684 -b db 
58912 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58913 cnc
58914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58915 You are already concentrating on regaining your equilibrium.
58916 H:656 M:684 -b db 
58917 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58918 autocuring off
58919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58920 Autocuring disabled.
58921 H:656 M:684 -b db 
58922 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58923 autocuring rebounding off
58924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58925 Automatic rebounding handling disabled.
58926 H:656 M:684 -b db 
58927 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58928 autocuring mass off
58929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58930 Automatic mass handling disabled.
58931 H:656 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
58932 H:656 M:684 eb db 
58933 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58934 evoke toxicrain vitriol
58935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58936 You must regain balance first.
58937 H:640 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
58938 H:640 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
58939 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58940 sbm
58941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58942 Setting your gaze upon Reyvenyr, you start focusing intensely on your connection with the raw elemen
58943 t of water.
58944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58945 Dwenthall focuses her gaze upon you and a look of utmost concentration appears on her face. The soun
58946 d of rushing water echoes faintly in the distance.
58947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58948 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
58949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58950 H:640 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
58951 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58952 H:656 M:653 -b db 
58953 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58954 ac on
58955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58956 Autocuring activated.
58957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58958 order golem kill dwenthall
58959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58960 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
58961 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58962 evoke empower rockfall
58963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58964 Mana Lost: 6
58965 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
58966 wer of Earth infuses it.
58967 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58968 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
58969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58970 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
58971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58972 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
58973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58974 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
58975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58976 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
58977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58978 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
58979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58980 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
58981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58982 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
58983 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58984 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
58985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58986 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
58987 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
58989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
58990 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
58992 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
58994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
58995 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
58997 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
58999 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
59001 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
59003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59004 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
59006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59007 Balance Taken: 3.01s
59009 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59010 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
59011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59012 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
59013 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
59015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59016 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
59017 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
59019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59020 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
59022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59023 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
59024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59025 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59028 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
59029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59030 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59033 naturebind shred dwenthall
59034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59035 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59037 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59038 ta dwenthall
59039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59040 Dwenthall's condition stands at 479/669 health and 659/700 mana.
59042 Mana Lost: 12
59044 H:640 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
59045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59046 H:428 M:653 -b b 
59047 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
59049 H:428 M:653 -b b 
59050 Your rebounding aura is prevented from coming up by your submersion attempt.
59052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59053 Dwenthall's rebounding aura is prevented from coming up by her submersion attempt.
59055 H:640 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
59056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59057 H:428 M:637 -b b 
59058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59059 Taking a needle in hand, you begin to apply the ink to your torso by rapidly piercing the skin.
59061 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59062 Taking a needle in hand, Reyvenyr begins to apply the ink to his torso with a rapid stabbing motion.
59064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59065 H:640 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
59066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59067 H:428 M:637 -b b 
59068 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59069 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
59070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59071 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
59073 H:640 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
59074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59075 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
59077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59078 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
59080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59081 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
59084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59085 H:640 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
59086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59087 H:419 M:637 eb b 
59088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59089 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
59092 H:640 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
59093 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59094 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
59096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59097 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
59098 r.
59100 You have recovered balance.
59103 H:640 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
59104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59105 H:370 M:637 eb b 
59106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59107 trueassess dwenthall
59108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59109 Dwenthall's condition stands at 359/669 health and 726/700 mana.
59111 Mana Lost: 12
59113 H:640 M:441 &lt;eb dbt; 
59114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59115 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
59116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59117 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
59119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59120 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
59121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59122 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
59124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59125 evoke drain dwenthall
59126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59127 Mana Lost: 9
59128 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
59129 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
59130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59131 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
59132 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
59133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59134 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
59135 Balance Taken: 2.90s
59136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59137 naturebind drain dwenthall
59138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59139 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
59140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59141 ta dwenthall
59142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59143 Dwenthall's condition stands at 330/669 health and 584/700 mana.
59144 Mana Lost: 12
59145 H:640 M:420 &lt;e- dbt; 
59146 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59147 H:370 M:567 eb b 
59148 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59149 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
59150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59151 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
59152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59153 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
59154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59155 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
59156 dding her skin mercilessly.
59157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59158 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
59159 ding your skin mercilessly.
59160 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
59161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59162 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
59163 H:640 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
59164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59165 H:326 M:567 eb b 
59166 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59167 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
59168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59169 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59170 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59171 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
59172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59173 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59174 H:640 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
59175 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59176 As you maintain your focus upon Reyvenyr, the sound of rushing water fills the air, drawing nearer a
59177 nd nearer with every passing second.
59178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59179 As Dwenthall maintains her focus upon you, the sound of rushing water draws nearer and nearer with e
59180 very passing second.
59181 H:640 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
59182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59183 H:326 M:567 eb b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
59184 H:352 M:595 eb b 
59185 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59188 Your input, "INSTANT KILL!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!!", is not a 
59189 valid command.
59190 H:640 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of vitriol.
59191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59192 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
59193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59194 Your vitriol toxin has affected Dwenthall.
59195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59196 You feel ugliness radiating from you.
59197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59198 The tornado swirls rapidly.
59199 With great focus, you carefully map the outline of a boar tattoo.
59200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59201 Reyvenyr frowns in concentration, outlining the form of a boar tattoo.
59202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59203 H:640 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
59204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59205 H:352 M:579 eb b 
59206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59207 spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol
59208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59209 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol", is not a valid command.
59210 H:640 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; Health Gain: 29
59211 Mana Gain: 32
59212 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
59213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59214 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
59215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59216 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
59217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59218 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
59219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59220 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
59221 r.
59222 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
59223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59224 H:310 M:607 eb b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
59225 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
59226 H:308 M:607 eb b 
59227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59228 trueassess dwenthall
59229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59230 Dwenthall's condition stands at 320/669 health and 698/700 mana.
59232 Mana Lost: 12
59234 H:669 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
59235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59236 evoke empower knockout
59237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59238 You must regain balance first.
59240 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59241 evoke wisps poisonous dwenthall
59242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59243 You must regain balance first.
59245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59246 quarterstaff stab dwenthall opium
59247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59248 You must regain balance first.
59250 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59251 naturebind bewilder dwenthall
59252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59253 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59256 ta dwenthall
59257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59258 Dwenthall's condition stands at 308/669 health and 698/700 mana.
59260 Mana Lost: 12
59262 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
59263 You have recovered balance.
59266 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
59269 H:669 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
59270 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59271 evoke empower knockout
59272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59273 Mana Lost: 6
59275 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
59276 wer of Earth infuses it.
59278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59279 evoke wisps poisonous dwenthall
59280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59281 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
59283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59284 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
59285 .
59287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59288 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
59290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59291 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
59292 r veins.
59294 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59295 quarterstaff stab dwenthall opium
59296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59297 You rub some opium on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
59299 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
59301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59302 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
59304 A rock falls from above, hitting you in the temple.
59306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59307 A rock falls from above, hitting Dwenthall in the temple.
59309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59310 Your insomnia has cleared up.
59312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59313 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
59315 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
59317 Your opium toxin has affected Dwenthall.
59319 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59320 You feel incredibly tired, and fall asleep immediately.
59322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59323 Dwenthall's eyes close suddenly as she falls asleep.
59325 Balance Taken: 3.01s
59327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59328 naturebind bewilder dwenthall
59329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59330 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
59332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59333 ta dwenthall
59334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59335 Dwenthall's condition stands at 239/669 health and 607/700 mana.
59337 Mana Lost: 12
59339 H:669 M:410 &lt;e- dbt; 
59340 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59341 H:212 M:607 eb pb 
59342 You cease your submersion attempt.
59344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59345 Dwenthall ceases her submersion attempt.
59347 H:669 M:410 &lt;e- dbt; 
59348 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59349 H:212 M:607 eb pb 
59350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59351 spam afflicted Dwenthall opium
59352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59353 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall opium", is not a valid command.
59355 H:669 M:410 &lt;e- dbt; 
59356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59357 evoke empower balance
59358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59359 You must regain balance first.
59361 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59362 evoke delaying writhe
59363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59364 You must regain balance first.
59366 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59367 quarterstaff impale dwenthall
59368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59369 You must regain balance first.
59370 H:669 M:410 &lt;e- dbt; 
59371 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59372 rt dwenthall Prone!!!!!
59373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59374 You are not the member of any ring.
59375 H:669 M:410 &lt;e- dbt; 
59376 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59377 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
59378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59379 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
59380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59381 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
59382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59383 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
59384 dding her skin mercilessly.
59385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59386 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
59387 ding your skin mercilessly.
59388 You are jerked awake by the pain.
59389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59390 Dwenthall wakes up with a gasp of pain.
59391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59392 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
59393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59394 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
59395 H:669 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
59396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59397 H:175 M:607 eb pb 
59398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59399 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
59400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59401 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59402 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59403 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
59404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59405 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59406 H:669 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
59407 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59408 human
59409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59410 You are already in Sylayan form.
59411 H:175 M:607 eb pb 
59412 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59413 unwield bow
59414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59415 You aren't wielding that.
59416 H:175 M:607 eb pb 
59417 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59418 unwield bow
59419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59420 You aren't wielding that.
59421 H:175 M:607 eb pb 
59422 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59423 wield shield116306
59424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59425 You have no shield116306.
59426 H:175 M:607 eb pb 
59427 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59428 wield shield116306
59429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59430 You have no shield116306.
59431 H:175 M:607 eb pb 
59432 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59433 autocuring on
59434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59435 Autocuring activated.
59436 H:175 M:607 eb pb 
59437 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59438 autocuring rebounding on
59439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59440 Automatic rebounding handling activated.
59441 H:175 M:607 eb pb An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
59442 e out of you.
59443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59444 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
59445 r.
59446 H:669 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
59447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59448 H:110 M:607 eb pb 
59449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59450 trueassess dwenthall
59451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59452 Dwenthall's condition stands at 101/669 health and 607/700 mana.
59453 Mana Lost: 12
59454 H:669 M:398 &lt;-- dbt; 
59455 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59456 smoke pipe with linseed
59457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59458 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
59459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59460 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
59461 H:669 M:398 &lt;-- dbt; 
59462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59463 H:110 M:607 eb pb 
59464 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59465 sip health
59466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59467 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
59468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59469 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
59470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59471 The elixir heals your body.
59472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59473 H:669 M:398 &lt;-- dbt; 
59474 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59475 H:270 M:607 eb pb 
59476 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59477 eat toadstool
59478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59479 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1892.
59480 You quickly eat a toadstool.
59481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59482 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
59483 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59484 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
59485 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
59486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59487 H:669 M:398 &lt;-- dbt; 
59488 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59489 H:270 M:607 eb pb 
59490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59491 eat toadstool
59492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59493 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1929.
59494 You quickly eat a toadstool.
59495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59496 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
59497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59498 Mana Gain: 51
59499 You feel your health and mana replenished.
59500 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
59501 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59502 H:270 M:607 eb pb 
59503 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59504 insomnia
59505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59506 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
59507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59508 Dwenthall clenches her fists and grits her teeth.
59509 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
59510 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59511 H:270 M:601 eb pb 
59512 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59513 writhe root
59514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59515 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
59516 H:270 M:601 eb pb A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
59517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59518 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
59519 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
59520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59521 H:252 M:601 eb pb 
59522 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59523 stand
59524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59525 You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
59526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59527 Dwenthall stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
59528 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
59529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59530 H:252 M:601 eb b 
59531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59532 ac on
59533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59534 Autocuring activated.
59535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59536 order golem kill dwenthall
59537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59538 You must regain balance first.
59539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59540 evoke empower rockfall
59541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59542 You must regain balance first.
59543 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59544 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
59545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59546 You must regain balance first.
59547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59548 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
59549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59550 You must regain balance first.
59551 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59552 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
59553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59554 You must regain balance first.
59555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59556 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
59557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59558 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59560 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
59561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59562 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59564 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
59565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59566 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59567 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59568 naturebind shred dwenthall
59569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59570 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59573 ta dwenthall
59574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59575 Dwenthall's condition stands at 237/669 health and 585/700 mana.
59577 Mana Lost: 12
59579 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
59580 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59581 ENEMY IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
59582 !!!!!
59583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59584 I don't recognize that name as one of an existing player.
59586 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
59587 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59588 ---ENEMY IS UP
59589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59590 Your input, "---ENEMY IS UP", is not a valid command.
59592 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
59593 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59594 eat maidenhair
59595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59596 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1975.
59598 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
59600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59601 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
59603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59604 The stinging feeling fades.
59606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59607 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
59608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59609 H:252 M:585 eb b 
59610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59611 After adding some coloured ink to the bowl, you reink the needle, fill in the final details, and the
59612 n admire the completed tattoo.
59614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59615 After adding some coloured ink to the bowl, Reyvenyr reinks the needle, fills in the final details, 
59616 and then admires the completed tattoo.
59618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59619 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
59620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59621 H:252 M:585 eb b 
59622 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59623 focus
59624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59625 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
59627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59628 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dwenthall.
59630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59631 You no longer will inspire disloyalty among friends.
59633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59634 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
59635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59636 H:252 M:570 eb b 
59637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59638 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
59641 You have recovered balance.
59644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59645 ac on
59646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59647 Autocuring activated.
59649 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59650 order golem kill dwenthall
59651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59652 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
59654 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59655 evoke empower rockfall
59656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59657 Mana Lost: 6
59659 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
59660 wer of Earth infuses it.
59662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59663 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
59664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59665 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
59667 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59668 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
59669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59670 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
59672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59673 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
59674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59675 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
59677 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
59679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59680 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
59682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59683 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
59685 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
59687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59688 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
59690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59691 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
59693 Balance Taken: 3.01s
59695 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59696 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
59697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59698 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
59700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59701 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
59702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59703 Dwenthall is already being choked.
59705 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59706 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
59707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59708 Dwenthall is already being choked.
59709 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59710 naturebind shred dwenthall
59711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59712 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
59713 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59714 ta dwenthall
59715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59716 Dwenthall's condition stands at 179/669 health and 570/700 mana.
59717 Mana Lost: 12
59718 H:669 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
59719 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59720 H:179 M:570 eb b 
59721 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59722 purge blood
59723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59724 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
59725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59726 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
59727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59728 The stinging feeling fades.
59729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59730 H:669 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
59731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59732 H:179 M:564 eb b 
59733 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59734 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
59735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59736 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
59737 H:669 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
59738 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59739 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
59740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59741 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
59742 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59743 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
59744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59745 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
59746 dding her skin mercilessly.
59747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59748 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
59749 ding your skin mercilessly.
59750 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
59751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59752 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
59753 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
59754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59755 H:135 M:564 eb b 
59756 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59757 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
59758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59759 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59760 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59761 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
59762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59763 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59764 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
59765 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59766 touch tree
59767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59768 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
59769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59770 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
59771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59772 The stinging feeling fades.
59773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59774 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
59775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59776 H:135 M:564 eb b 
59777 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59778 ac on
59779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59780 Autocuring activated.
59781 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59782 order golem kill dwenthall
59783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59784 You must regain balance first.
59785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59786 evoke empower rockfall
59787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59788 You must regain balance first.
59789 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59790 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
59791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59792 You must regain balance first.
59793 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59794 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
59795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59796 You must regain balance first.
59797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59798 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
59799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59800 You must regain balance first.
59801 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59802 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
59803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59804 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59805 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59806 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
59807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59808 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59809 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59810 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
59811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59812 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59813 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59814 naturebind shred dwenthall
59815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59816 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59818 ta dwenthall
59819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59820 Dwenthall's condition stands at 129/669 health and 648/700 mana.
59821 Mana Lost: 12
59822 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- dbt; 
59823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59824 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
59825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59826 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59828 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
59829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59830 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59831 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- dbt; 
59832 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59833 ts
59834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59835 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
59836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59837 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
59838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59839 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
59840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59841 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- dbt; 
59842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59843 H:135 M:564 -b b 
59844 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59845 clot
59846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59847 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
59848 H:135 M:550 -b b You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
59849 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59850 naturebind breach dwenthall
59851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59852 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59853 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- dbt; 
59854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59855 H:135 M:550 -b b An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life
59856  out of you.
59857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59858 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
59859 r.
59860 H:669 M:407 &lt;-- dbt; 
59861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59862 H:86 M:550 -b b 
59863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59864 trueassess dwenthall
59865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59866 Dwenthall's condition stands at 86/669 health and 506/700 mana.
59867 Mana Lost: 12
59868 H:669 M:395 &lt;-- dbt; 
59869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59870 You may eat another herb or plant.
59871 H:86 M:550 -b b You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
59872 H:86 M:550 -b b 
59873 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59874 eat juniper
59875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59876 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1852.
59877 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
59878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59879 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
59880 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59881 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
59882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59883 H:669 M:395 &lt;-- dbt; 
59884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59885 H:86 M:550 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
59886 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
59887 H:84 M:550 -b db 
59888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59889 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
59890 H:669 M:395 &lt;-- dbt; 
59891 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59892 ch
59893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59894 You feel invigorated as your wounds heal before your eyes.
59895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59896 Dwenthall appears invigorated as her wounds heal before your eyes.
59897 H:669 M:395 &lt;-- dbt; 
59898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59899 H:214 M:550 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
59900 H:214 M:550 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
59901 H:214 M:550 -b db 
59902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59903 You have recovered balance.
59904 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59905 sip mana
59906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59907 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
59908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59909 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
59910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59911 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
59912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59913 H:669 M:395 &lt;-b dbt; 
59914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59915 H:214 M:700 -b db 
59916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59917 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
59918 H:669 M:395 &lt;eb dbt; 
59919 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59920 ac on
59921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59922 Autocuring activated.
59923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59924 evoke imbue
59925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59926 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
59927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59928 TEAR MAP
59929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59930 Syntax: TEAR MAP
59931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59932 evoke empower jolt
59933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59934 Mana Lost: 6
59935 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
59936 wer of Earth infuses it.
59937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59938 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
59939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59940 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
59941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59942 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
59943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59944 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies into Dwenthall's shield, stripping it.
59945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59946 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies into your shield, stripping it.
59947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59948 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
59949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59950 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
59951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59952 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
59953 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59954 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
59955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59956 I do not recognize that toxin.
59957 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
59958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59959 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
59960 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
59961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59962 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
59963 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
59964 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
59965 Balance Taken: 3.01s
59966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59967 naturebind choke dwenthall
59968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59969 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
59970 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59971 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
59972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59973 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
59974  her skin mercilessly.
59975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59976 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
59977 your skin mercilessly.
59978 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
59979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59980 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
59981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59982 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
59983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59984 You must regain your equilibrium first.
59985 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59986 ta dwenthall
59987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
59988 Dwenthall's condition stands at 41/669 health and 756/700 mana.
59989 Mana Lost: 12
59990 H:669 M:377 &lt;-- dbt; 
59991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59992 H:43 M:700 -b b 
59993 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59994 l
59995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
59996 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
59997 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
59998 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
59999 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
60000 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. A pillar 
60001 of flame is burning brightly here. 
60002 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
60003 H:43 M:700 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
60004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60005 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
60006 H:669 M:377 &lt;-- dbt; 
60007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60008 H:32 M:700 -b b 
60009 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60010 sip mana
60011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60012 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
60013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60014 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
60015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60016 Mana Gain: 110
60017 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
60018 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
60019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60020 H:32 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
60021 H:32 M:700 eb b 
60022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60023 quarterstaff stab dwenthall
60024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60025 You must regain balance first.
60026 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
60027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60028 You may eat another herb or plant.
60029 H:32 M:700 eb b 
60030 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60031 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
60032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60033 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60035 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
60036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60037 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60038 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
60039 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60040 eat juniper
60041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60042 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1851.
60043 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
60044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60045 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
60046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60047 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
60048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60049 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
60050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60051 H:32 M:700 eb db Your mind is able to focus once again.
60052 H:32 M:700 eb db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life
60053  out of you.
60054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60055 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
60056 r.
60057 [ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Murderer' Achievement! You have earned 100 Lessons.
60058 You have slain Dwenthall.
60059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60060 You have been slain by Reyvenyr.
60061 Your starburst tattoo flares as the world is momentarily blurred in white light.
60062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60063 A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Dwenthall in a nimbus of white light.
60064 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
60065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60066 H:669 M:700 eb  You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
60067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60068 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
60069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60070 You may eat another mushroom.
60071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60072 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
60073 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60074 H:669 M:700 eb  
60075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60076 You may eat another mushroom.
60077 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
60078 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60079 insomnia
60080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60081 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
60082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60083 Dwenthall clenches her fists and grits her teeth.
60084 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
60085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60086 H:669 M:694 eb  
60087 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60088 trueassess dwenthall
60089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60090 Dwenthall's condition stands at 722/669 health and 658/700 mana.
60091 Mana Lost: 12
60092 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
60093 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60094 -------------------------------------------------------------------------ENEMY DOWN----------Dwentha
60095 ll. is dead!
60096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60097 Your input, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------ENEMY DOWN----
60098 ------Dwenthall. is dead!", is not a valid command.
60099 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
60100 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60101 ffnw
60102 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60103 Reyvenyr stops you from moving that way.
60104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60105 Dwenthall tries to leave, but you block her from moving that way.
60106 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
60107 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60108 H:669 M:678 eb  
60109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60110 get body
60111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60112 You must regain balance first.
60113 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60114 get bone
60115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60116 You must regain balance first.
60117 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60118 get bone
60119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60120 You must regain balance first.
60121 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60122 get bone
60123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60124 You must regain balance first.
60125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60128 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
60129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60130 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
60131 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60132 rt Dwenthall Starbursted!!!!
60133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60134 You are not the member of any ring.
60135 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
60136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60137 H:669 M:700 eb  
60138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------ENEMY STARBURSTED!!!!
60140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60141 Your input, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------ENEMY STARBURS
60142 TED!!!!", is not a valid command.
60143 H:669 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
60144 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of vitriol.
60145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60146 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
60147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60148 Your vitriol toxin has affected Dwenthall.
60149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60150 You feel ugliness radiating from you.
60151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60152 The tornado swirls rapidly.
60153 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
60154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60155 H:669 M:700 eb  
60156 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60157 smoke pipe with lovage
60158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60159 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
60160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60161 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
60162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60163 You no longer will inspire disloyalty among friends.
60164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60165 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
60166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60167 H:669 M:700 eb  
60168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60169 spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol
60170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60171 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol", is not a valid command.
60172 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
60173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60174 You may eat another herb or plant.
60175 H:669 M:700 eb  You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
60176 H:669 M:700 eb  
60177 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60178 eat juniper
60179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60180 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1850.
60181 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
60182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60183 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
60184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60185 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
60186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60187 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
60188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60189 H:669 M:700 eb d 
60190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60191 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
60192 H:669 M:508 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
60193 H:669 M:508 &lt;eb dbt; 
60194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60195 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
60196 H:669 M:700 eb d 
60197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60198 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
60199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60200 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
60201 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60202 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
60203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60204 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
60205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60206 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
60207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60208 Balance Taken: 2.00s
60209 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60210 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
60211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60212 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
60213 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
60214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60215 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
60216 you.
60217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60218 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
60219 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60220 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
60221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60222 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60223 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60224 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
60225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60226 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60227 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
60228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60229 H:669 M:700 eb d 
60230 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60231 smoke pipe with linseed
60232 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60233 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
60234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60235 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
60236 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
60237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60238 H:669 M:700 eb d 
60239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60240 ac on
60241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60242 Autocuring activated.
60243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60244 order loyals kill dwenthall
60245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60246 You must regain balance first.
60247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60248 TEAR MAP
60249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60250 Syntax: TEAR MAP
60251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60252 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
60253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60254 You must regain balance first.
60255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60256 evoke empower rockfall
60257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60258 You must regain balance first.
60259 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60260 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
60261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60262 You must regain balance first.
60263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60264 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
60265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60266 You must regain balance first.
60267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60268 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
60269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60270 You must regain balance first.
60271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60272 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
60273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60274 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60276 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
60277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60278 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60279 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60280 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
60281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60282 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60283 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
60284 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60285 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
60286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60287 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
60288 mmand.
60289 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
60290 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60291 ffw
60292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60293 Somehow Dwenthall flips away to the west.
60295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60296 You flip away to the west, landing flat on your back.
60297 By a pile of bodies.
60298 You see exits leading north and east.
60299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60300 An animated hawthorn root ceases circling, its target gone.
60301 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
60302 An animated blackthorn root ceases circling, its target gone.
60303 An animated beech root ceases circling, its target gone.
60304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60305 Balance Taken: 3.20s
60306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60307 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
60308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60309 H:669 M:700 e- pd 
60310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60311 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
60312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60313 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
60314 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
60315 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60316 kipup
60317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60318 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
60319 H:669 M:700 e- d You may drink another healing elixir.
60320 H:669 M:700 e- d You may eat another herb or plant.
60321 H:669 M:700 e- d 
60322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60323 You may drink another healing elixir.
60324 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
60325 H:669 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
60326 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60327 eat hyssop
60328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60329 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1994.
60330 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
60331 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
60332 H:669 M:700 e- db 
60333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60334 You have recovered balance.
60335 H:669 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
60336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60337 l
60338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60339 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
60340 ------ v37837 -------
60341     \   /   \ |      
60342      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
60343 \     |              
60344 -[ ] [ ]             
60345 \   / | \            
60346  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
60347             \ |      
60348          [ ]-[ ]     
60349                 \    
60350                  [ ] 
60352 ------- 2:0:0 -------
60353 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled he
60354 re, swaying slightly. An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem 
60355 stands guard here. A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
60356 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
60357 H:669 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
60358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60359 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
60360 H:669 M:700 e- db 
60361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60362 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
60363 H:669 M:508 &lt;eb dbt; 
60364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60365 leap w
60366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60367 You bunch your powerful muscles and launch yourself in a majestic leap westwards.
60368 By a pile of bodies.
60369 ------ v37833 -------
60370   | /   \   /   \ |  
60371 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
60372   | \     |          
60373  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
60374     \   / | \        
60375      [ ] [+]-[ ] [ ] 
60376                 \ |  
60377              [ ]-[ ] 
60378                     \
60381 ------- 1:0:0 -------
60382 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
60383 . She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
60384 You see exits leading north and east.
60385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60386 Reyvenyr leaps in from the east.
60387 He is followed by a mighty earth golem, an animated beech root, an animated blackthorn root, and an 
60388 animated hawthorn root.
60389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60390 Balance Taken: 1.10s
60391 H:669 M:508 &lt;e- dbt; 
60392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60393 H:669 M:684 e- db 
60394 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60395 sqe
60396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60397 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
60398 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
60399 You can see no further.
60400 H:669 M:684 e- db You have recovered balance.
60401 H:669 M:684 eb db 
60402 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60403 order loyals kill dwenthall
60404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60405 You must regain balance first.
60406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60407 evoke empower rockfall
60408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60409 You must regain balance first.
60410 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60411 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
60412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60413 You must regain balance first.
60414 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60415 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
60416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60417 You must regain balance first.
60418 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60419 evoke lightning dwenthall
60420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60421 You must regain balance first.
60422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60423 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
60424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60425 You must regain balance first.
60426 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60427 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
60428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60429 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
60430 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
60431 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60432 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
60433 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
60434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60435 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
60436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60437 ta dwenthall
60438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60439 Dwenthall's condition stands at 636/669 health and 684/700 mana.
60440 Mana Lost: 12
60441 H:669 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
60442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60443 H:669 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
60444 H:669 M:684 eb db 
60445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60446 You have recovered balance.
60447 H:669 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
60448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60449 l
60450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60451 By a pile of bodies.
60452 ------ v37833 -------
60453   | /   \   /   \ |  
60454 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
60455   | \     |          
60456  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
60457     \   / | \        
60458      [ ] [+]-[ ] [ ] 
60459                 \ |  
60460              [ ]-[ ] 
60461                     \
60464 ------- 1:0:0 -------
60465 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
60466 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
60467 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
60468 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
60469 You see exits leading north and east.
60470 H:669 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
60471 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60472 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
60473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60474 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
60475 H:669 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
60476 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60477 H:658 M:684 eb db 
60478 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60479 life
60480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60481 Your input, "life", is not a valid command.
60482 H:658 M:684 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
60483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60484 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
60485 H:669 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
60486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60487 H:658 M:684 eb db 
60488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60489 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
60490 H:669 M:496 &lt;eb dbt; 
60491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60492 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
60493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60494 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
60495 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
60496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60497 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
60498  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
60499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60500 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
60501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60502 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
60503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60504 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
60505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60506 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
60507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60508 Balance Taken: 2.00s
60509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60510 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
60511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60512 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
60513 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
60514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60515 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
60516 you.
60517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60518 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
60519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60520 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
60521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60522 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60523 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60524 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
60525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60526 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60527 H:669 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
60528 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60529 H:658 M:684 eb db 
60530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60531 ac on
60532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60533 Autocuring activated.
60534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60535 order loyals kill dwenthall
60536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60537 You must regain balance first.
60538 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60539 TEAR MAP
60540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60541 Syntax: TEAR MAP
60542 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60543 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
60544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60545 You must regain balance first.
60546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60547 evoke empower rockfall
60548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60549 You must regain balance first.
60550 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60551 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
60552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60553 You must regain balance first.
60554 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60555 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
60556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60557 You must regain balance first.
60558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60559 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
60560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60561 You must regain balance first.
60562 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60563 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
60564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60565 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60566 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60567 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
60568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60569 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60570 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60571 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
60572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60573 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60574 H:669 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
60575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60576 ---------delayed wisp
60577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60578 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
60579 H:669 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
60580 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60581 smoke pipe with linseed
60582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60583 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
60584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60585 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
60586 H:669 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
60587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60588 H:658 M:684 eb db 
60589 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60590 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
60591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60592 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
60593 mmand.
60594 H:669 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
60595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60596 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
60597 H:658 M:668 eb db 
60598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60599 You have recovered balance.
60600 H:669 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
60601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60602 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
60604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60605 Mana Gain: 15
60606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60607 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
60609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60610 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
60611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60612 H:669 M:700 eb db Your tree tattoo can be used again.
60613 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
60614 H:669 M:700 eb db 
60615 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60616 cast flamepillar
60617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60618 You concentrate and slowly raise your hand upwards. Your index finger traces a fiery line in the air
60619 , which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
60620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60621 Dwenthall concentrates and slowly raises her hand upwards. Her index finger traces a fiery line in t
60622 he air, which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
60623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60624 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
60625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60626 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
60627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60628 H:669 M:676 -b db 
60629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60630 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
60631 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
60632 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60633 ac on
60634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60635 Autocuring activated.
60636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60637 order loyals kill dwenthall
60638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60639 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
60640 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
60641 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
60642 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
60643 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60644 TEAR MAP
60645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60646 Syntax: TEAR MAP
60647 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60648 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
60649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60650 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
60651 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60652 evoke empower rockfall
60653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60654 Mana Lost: 6
60655 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
60656 wer of Earth infuses it.
60657 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60658 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
60659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60660 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
60661 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60662 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
60663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60664 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
60665 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60666 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
60667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60668 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
60669 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
60670 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60671 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
60672 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
60673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60674 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
60675 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
60676 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
60677 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
60678 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60679 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
60680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60681 Balance Taken: 3.01s
60682 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60683 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
60684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60685 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
60686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60687 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
60688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60689 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
60690 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
60691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60692 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
60693 d you.
60695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60696 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
60698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60699 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
60700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60701 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60703 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60705 H:571 M:676 -b b 
60706 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60707 eat juniper
60708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60709 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1849.
60711 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
60713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60714 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
60716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60717 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
60719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60720 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60722 H:571 M:676 -b db 
60723 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60724 sip health
60725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60726 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
60728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60729 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
60731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60732 The elixir heals your body.
60734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60735 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60737 H:669 M:676 -b db 
60738 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60739 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
60740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60741 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
60743 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60745 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
60747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60748 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
60750 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60751 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60752 H:656 M:676 -b db 
60753 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60754 l
60755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60756 By a pile of bodies.
60759 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
60760 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
60761 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
60762 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
60763 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
60764 Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield
60765  in his right. 
60766 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
60769 You see exits leading 
60770 north and east
60771 .
60774 H:656 M:676 -b db 
60775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60776 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
60778 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60780 You may eat another herb or plant.
60781 H:656 M:676 -b db 
60782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60783 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
60786 H:669 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
60787 You have recovered balance.
60790 H:669 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
60791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60792 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
60794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60795 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
60797 H:669 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
60798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60799 H:656 M:676 -b db 
60800 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
60803 H:656 M:676 eb db 
60804 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60805 e
60806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60807 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself around you, holding you still.
60810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60811 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself around Dwenthall, holding her still.
60813 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60814 Balance Taken: 1.20s
60816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60817 H:669 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
60818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60819 H:656 M:676 e- db 
60820 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60821 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
60822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60823 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
60824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60825 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
60826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60827 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
60828 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
60829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60830 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
60831  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
60832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60833 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
60834 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60835 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
60836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60837 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
60838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60839 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
60840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60841 Balance Taken: 2.00s
60842 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60843 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
60844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60845 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
60846 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60847 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
60848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60849 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
60850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60851 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
60852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60853 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
60854 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
60855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60856 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
60857 .
60858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60859 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
60860 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60862 H:615 M:676 e- db 
60863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60864 ac on
60865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60866 Autocuring activated.
60867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60868 order loyals kill dwenthall
60869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60870 You must regain balance first.
60871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60872 TEAR MAP
60873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60874 Syntax: TEAR MAP
60875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60876 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
60877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60878 You must regain balance first.
60879 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60880 evoke empower rockfall
60881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60882 You must regain balance first.
60883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60884 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
60885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60886 You must regain balance first.
60887 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60888 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
60889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60890 You must regain balance first.
60891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60892 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
60893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60894 You must regain balance first.
60895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60896 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
60897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60898 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60899 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60900 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
60901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60902 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60903 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60904 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
60905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60906 You must regain your equilibrium first.
60907 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60908 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60909 ---------delayed wisp
60910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60911 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
60912 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60913 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60914 smoke pipe with linseed
60915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60916 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
60917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60918 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
60919 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60921 H:615 M:660 e- db 
60922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60923 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
60924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60925 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
60926 mmand.
60927 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60929 You may drink another healing elixir.
60930 H:615 M:660 e- db You have recovered balance.
60931 H:615 M:660 eb db 
60932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60933 l
60934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60935 By a pile of bodies.
60936 ------ v37833 -------
60937   | /   \   /   \ |  
60938 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
60939   | \     |          
60940  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
60941     \   / | \        
60942      [ ] [+]-[ ] [ ] 
60943                 \ |  
60944              [ ]-[ ] 
60945                     \
60948 ------- 1:0:0 -------
60949 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
60950 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
60951 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
60952 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. A pillar of flame is burning br
60953 ightly here. 
60954 You see exits leading north and east.
60955 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60956 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60957 ffe
60958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60959 Somehow Dwenthall flips away to the east.
60961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60962 You flip away to the east, landing flat on your back.
60963 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
60964 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
60965 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
60966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60967 An animated hawthorn root ceases circling, its target gone.
60968 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
60969 An animated blackthorn root ceases circling, its target gone.
60970 An animated beech root ceases circling, its target gone.
60971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60972 Balance Taken: 3.20s
60973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60974 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
60975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60976 H:615 M:660 e- pdb 
60977 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60978 kipup
60979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60980 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
60981 H:615 M:660 e- db 
60982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60983 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
60984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60985 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
60986 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
60987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60988 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
60989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60990 H:669 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
60991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
60992 H:615 M:660 e- db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
60993 H:615 M:660 e- db 
60994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60995 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
60996 H:669 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
60997 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
60998 leap e
60999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61000 You bunch your powerful muscles and launch yourself in a majestic leap eastwards.
61001 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
61002 ------ v37837 -------
61003     \   /   \ |      
61004      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
61005 \     |              
61006 -[ ] [ ]             
61007 \   / | \            
61008  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
61009             \ |      
61010          [ ]-[ ]     
61011                 \    
61012                  [ ] 
61014 ------- 2:0:0 -------
61015 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
61016 . She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
61017 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
61018 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61019 Reyvenyr leaps in from the west.
61020 He is followed by a mighty earth golem, an animated beech root, an animated blackthorn root, and an 
61021 animated hawthorn root.
61022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61023 Balance Taken: 1.10s
61024 H:669 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
61025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61026 H:615 M:660 e- db You have recovered balance.
61027 H:615 M:660 eb db 
61028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61029 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
61030 H:669 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
61031 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61032 sqnw
61033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61034 A rocky outcropping.
61036 You can see no further.
61037 H:615 M:644 eb db 
61038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61039 order loyals kill dwenthall
61040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61041 You must regain balance first.
61042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61043 evoke empower rockfall
61044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61045 You must regain balance first.
61046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61047 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
61048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61049 You must regain balance first.
61050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61051 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
61052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61053 You must regain balance first.
61054 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61055 evoke lightning dwenthall
61056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61057 You must regain balance first.
61058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61059 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
61060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61061 You must regain balance first.
61062 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61063 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
61064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61065 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
61066 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
61067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61068 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
61069 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
61070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61071 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
61072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61073 ta dwenthall
61074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61075 Dwenthall's condition stands at 597/669 health and 721/700 mana.
61076 Mana Lost: 12
61077 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
61078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61079 H:615 M:644 eb db 
61080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61081 You have recovered balance.
61082 H:669 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
61083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61084 l
61085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61086 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
61087 ------ v37837 -------
61088     \   /   \ |      
61089      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
61090 \     |              
61091 -[ ] [ ]             
61092 \   / | \            
61093  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
61094             \ |      
61095          [ ]-[ ]     
61096                 \    
61097                  [ ] 
61099 ------- 2:0:0 -------
61100 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
61101 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
61102 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
61103 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. A pillar of flame is burning br
61104 ightly here. 
61105 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
61106 H:669 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Gain: 18
61107 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61108 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
61109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61110 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
61111 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
61112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61113 H:669 M:686 eb db 
61114 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
61116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61117 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
61119 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
61120 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61121 H:655 M:686 eb db 
61122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61123 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
61126 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
61127 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61128 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
61130 H:669 M:700 eb db 
61131 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61132 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
61133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61134 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
61136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61137 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
61139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61140 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
61141 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
61143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61144 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
61145  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
61147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61148 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
61150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61151 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
61152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61153 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61156 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61159 Balance Taken: 2.00s
61161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61162 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
61163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61164 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
61165 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
61167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61168 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
61169 you.
61171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61172 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
61174 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61175 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
61176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61177 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61179 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61180 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
61181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61182 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61184 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
61185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61186 H:628 M:700 eb db 
61187 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61188 l
61189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61190 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
61193 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
61194 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
61195 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
61196 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
61197 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
61198 Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield
61199  in his right. 
61200 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
61203 You see exits leading 
61204 southeast, west, and northwest
61205 .
61208 H:628 M:700 eb db 
61209 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61210 ac on
61211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61212 Autocuring activated.
61214 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61215 order loyals kill dwenthall
61216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61217 You must regain balance first.
61219 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61220 TEAR MAP
61221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61222 Syntax: TEAR MAP
61224 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61225 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
61226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61227 You must regain balance first.
61229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61230 evoke empower rockfall
61231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61232 You must regain balance first.
61234 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61235 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
61236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61237 You must regain balance first.
61239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61240 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
61241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61242 You must regain balance first.
61244 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61245 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
61246 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61247 You must regain balance first.
61248 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61249 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
61250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61251 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61253 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
61254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61255 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61256 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61257 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
61258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61259 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61260 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
61261 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61262 ---------delayed wisp
61263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61264 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
61265 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
61266 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61267 smoke pipe with linseed
61268 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61269 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
61270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61271 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
61272 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
61273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61274 H:628 M:700 eb db 
61275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61276 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
61277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61278 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
61279 mmand.
61280 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
61281 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
61282 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61283 cnc
61284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61285 You already possess mental equilibrium.
61286 H:628 M:684 eb db 
61287 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61288 pa
61289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61290 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
61291 H:628 M:684 eb db 
61292 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61293 ovt
61294 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61295 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
61296 H:628 M:684 eb db 
61297 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61298 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
61299 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61300 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
61301 ewreathe effect.
61302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61303 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
61304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61305 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
61306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61307 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
61308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61309 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
61310 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
61311  twitching slightly under the cold.
61312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61313 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
61314 range burning sensation in your nerves.
61315 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
61316 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61317 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
61318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61319 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
61320 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
61321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61322 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
61323 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
61324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61325 H:564 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
61326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61327 H:628 M:666 -b db 
61328 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61329 ta
61330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61331 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 512/512 mana.
61332 H:628 M:654 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
61333 H:628 M:654 -b db 
61334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61335 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
61336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61337 ac on
61338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61339 Autocuring activated.
61340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61341 order loyals kill dwenthall
61342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61343 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
61344 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
61345 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
61346 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
61347 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61348 TEAR MAP
61349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61350 Syntax: TEAR MAP
61351 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61352 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
61353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61354 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
61355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61356 evoke empower rockfall
61357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61358 Mana Lost: 6
61359 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
61360 wer of Earth infuses it.
61361 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61362 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
61363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61364 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
61365 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61366 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
61367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61368 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
61369 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61370 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
61371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61372 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61373 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61375 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61377 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
61378 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
61379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61380 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
61381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61382 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
61383 Balance Taken: 3.01s
61384 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61385 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
61386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61387 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
61388 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61389 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
61390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61391 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
61392 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
61393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61394 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
61395 d you.
61396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61397 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
61398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61399 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
61400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61401 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61402 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
61403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61404 H:556 M:654 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
61405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61406 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
61407 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61408 eat juniper
61409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61410 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1848.
61411 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
61412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61413 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
61414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61415 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
61416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61417 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
61418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61419 H:545 M:654 -b db 
61420 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61421 sip health
61422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61423 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
61424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61425 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
61426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61427 The elixir heals your body.
61428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61429 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
61430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61431 H:669 M:654 -b db 
61432 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61433 eat toadstool
61434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61435 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1891.
61436 You quickly eat a toadstool.
61437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61438 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
61439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61440 You feel your health and mana replenished.
61441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61442 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
61443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61444 H:669 M:700 -b db 
61445 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61446 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
61447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61448 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
61449 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
61450 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
61451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61452 You may eat another herb or plant.
61453 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
61454 H:669 M:700 eb db 
61455 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61456 ac on
61457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61458 Autocuring activated.
61459 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61460 order loyals kill dwenthall
61461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61462 You must regain balance first.
61463 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61464 TEAR MAP
61465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61466 Syntax: TEAR MAP
61467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61468 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
61469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61470 You must regain balance first.
61471 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61472 evoke empower rockfall
61473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61474 You must regain balance first.
61475 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61476 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
61477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61478 You must regain balance first.
61479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61480 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
61481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61482 You must regain balance first.
61483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61484 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
61485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61486 You must regain balance first.
61487 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61488 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
61489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61490 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61492 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
61493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61494 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61496 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
61497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61498 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61499 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
61500 H:564 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
61501 H:564 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
61502 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61503 ims
61504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61505 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
61506 ewreathe effect.
61507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61508 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
61509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61510 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
61511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61512 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
61513 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61514 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
61515 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
61516 y.
61517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61518 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
61519 hly.
61520 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
61521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61522 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
61523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61524 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
61525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61526 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
61527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61528 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
61529 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
61530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61531 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
61532 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
61533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61534 H:467 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
61535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61536 H:669 M:688 -b db 
61537 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61538 ac on
61539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61540 Autocuring activated.
61541 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61542 order loyals kill dwenthall
61543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61544 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
61545 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
61546 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
61547 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
61548 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61549 TEAR MAP
61550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61551 Syntax: TEAR MAP
61552 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61553 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
61554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61555 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
61556 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61557 evoke empower rockfall
61558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61559 Mana Lost: 6
61560 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
61561 wer of Earth infuses it.
61562 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61563 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
61564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61565 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
61566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61567 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
61568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61569 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
61570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61571 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
61572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61573 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
61574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61575 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
61576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61577 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
61578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61579 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
61580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61581 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
61582 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61583 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
61584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61585 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61586 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61588 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61589 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
61590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61591 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
61592 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
61593 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61594 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
61595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61596 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
61597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61598 Balance Taken: 3.01s
61599 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61600 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
61601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61602 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
61603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61604 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
61605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61606 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
61607 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61608 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
61609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61610 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
61611 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
61612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61613 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
61614 .
61615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61616 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
61617 H:467 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
61618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61619 H:449 M:688 -b b 
61620 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61621 eat juniper
61622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61623 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1847.
61624 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
61625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61626 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
61627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61628 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
61629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61630 H:467 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
61631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61632 H:449 M:688 -b db 
61633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61634 apply epidermal
61635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61636 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
61637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61638 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
61639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61640 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
61641 H:467 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
61642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61643 H:449 M:688 -b db 
61644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61645 sip health
61646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61647 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
61648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61649 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
61650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61651 Health Gain: 148
61652 The elixir heals your body.
61653 H:616 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
61654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61655 H:449 M:688 -b db 
61656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61657 eat toadstool
61658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61659 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1928.
61660 You quickly eat a toadstool.
61661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61662 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
61663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61664 Health Gain: 52
61665 Mana Gain: 12
61666 You feel your health and mana replenished.
61667 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
61668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61669 H:449 M:688 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
61670 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61671 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
61672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61673 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
61674 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
61675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61676 H:449 M:688 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
61677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61678 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
61679 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
61680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61681 H:449 M:688 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
61682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61683 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
61684 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
61685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61686 H:439 M:672 -b db 
61687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61688 You may apply another salve.
61689 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
61690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61691 l
61692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61693 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
61694 ------ v37837 -------
61695     \   /   \ |      
61696      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
61697 \     |              
61698 -[ ] [ ]             
61699 \   / | \            
61700  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
61701             \ |      
61702          [ ]-[ ]     
61703                 \    
61704                  [ ] 
61706 ------- 2:0:0 -------
61707 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
61708 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
61709 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
61710 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. A pillar of flame is burning br
61711 ightly here. 
61712 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
61713 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
61714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61715 You may drink another healing elixir.
61716 H:439 M:672 -b db 
61717 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61718 sip health
61719 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61720 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
61721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61722 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
61723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61724 The elixir heals your body.
61725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61726 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
61727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61728 H:627 M:700 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
61729 H:627 M:700 -b db 
61730 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61731 cnc
61732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61733 You are already concentrating on regaining your equilibrium.
61734 H:627 M:700 -b db 
61735 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61736 pa
61737 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61738 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
61739 H:627 M:700 -b db 
61740 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61741 ovt
61742 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61743 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61744 H:627 M:700 -b db 
61745 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61746 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
61747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61748 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61749 H:627 M:700 -b db 
61750 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61751 ta
61752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61753 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 669/669 health and 512/512 mana.
61754 H:627 M:688 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
61755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61756 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
61757 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
61758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61759 H:627 M:688 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
61760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61761 You have recovered balance.
61762 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
61763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61764 H:627 M:688 eb db 
61765 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61766 cnc
61767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61768 You already possess mental equilibrium.
61769 H:627 M:688 eb db 
61770 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61771 pa
61772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61773 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
61774 H:627 M:688 eb db 
61775 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61776 ovt
61777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61778 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
61779 H:627 M:688 eb db 
61780 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61781 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
61782 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61783 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
61784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61785 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
61786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61787 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
61788 ewreathe effect.
61789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61790 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
61791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61792 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
61793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61794 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
61795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61796 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
61797 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
61798  twitching slightly under the cold.
61799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61800 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
61801 range burning sensation in your nerves.
61802 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
61803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61804 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
61805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61806 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
61807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61808 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
61809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61810 H:564 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
61811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61812 H:627 M:670 -b db 
61813 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61814 ta
61815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61816 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 512/512 mana.
61817 H:627 M:658 -b db 
61818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61819 eat nightshade
61820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61821 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1989.
61822 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
61823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61824 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
61825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61826 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
61827 H:564 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
61828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61829 H:627 M:658 -b db 
61830 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61831 smoke pipe with linseed
61832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61833 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
61834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61835 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
61836 H:564 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
61837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61838 H:627 M:658 -b db 
61839 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61840 ac on
61841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61842 Autocuring activated.
61843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61844 order golem kill dwenthall
61845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61846 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
61847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61848 evoke empower rockfall
61849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61850 Mana Lost: 6
61851 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
61852 wer of Earth infuses it.
61853 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61854 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
61855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61856 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
61857 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61858 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
61859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61860 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
61861 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61862 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
61863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61864 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61865 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61867 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
61868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61869 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
61870 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
61871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61872 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
61873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61874 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
61875 Balance Taken: 3.01s
61876 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61877 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
61878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61879 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
61880 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
61881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61882 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
61883 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
61884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61885 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
61886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61887 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
61888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61889 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61891 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
61892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61893 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61894 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61895 naturebind shred dwenthall
61896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61897 You must regain your equilibrium first.
61898 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61899 ta dwenthall
61900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61901 Dwenthall's condition stands at 466/669 health and 743/700 mana.
61902 Mana Lost: 12
61903 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
61904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61905 H:506 M:658 -b b 
61906 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61907 writhe root
61908 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61909 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
61910 H:506 M:658 -b b 
61911 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61912 eat toadstool
61913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61914 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1890.
61915 You quickly eat a toadstool.
61916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61917 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
61918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61919 You feel your health and mana replenished.
61920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61921 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
61922 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61923 H:573 M:700 -b b 
61924 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61925 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
61926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61927 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
61928 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
61929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61930 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
61931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61932 You may drink another healing elixir.
61933 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
61934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61935 H:600 M:700 -b b 
61936 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61937 eat juniper
61938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61939 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1846.
61940 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
61941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61942 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
61943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61944 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
61945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61946 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
61947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61948 H:600 M:700 -b db 
61949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61950 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
61951 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
61952 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
61953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61954 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
61955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61956 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
61957 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
61958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61959 H:588 M:700 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
61960 H:588 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
61961 H:588 M:684 eb db 
61962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61963 You may eat another mushroom.
61964 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
61965 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61966 cnc
61967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61968 You already possess mental equilibrium.
61969 H:588 M:684 eb db 
61970 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61971 pa
61972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61973 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
61974 H:588 M:684 eb db 
61975 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61976 ovt
61977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61978 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
61979 H:588 M:684 eb db 
61980 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61981 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
61982 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61983 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
61984 ock effect.
61985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61986 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
61987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61988 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
61989 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
61990  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
61991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61992 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
61993 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
61994 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
61995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
61996 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
61997 using him to lose his patience.
61998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
61999 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
62000 ausing you to lose your patience.
62001 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
62002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62003 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
62004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62005 H:455 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62007 H:588 M:666 -b db 
62008 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62009 ta
62010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62011 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 455/669 health and 494/512 mana.
62012 H:588 M:654 -b db 
62013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62014 eat nightshade
62015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62016 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1988.
62017 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
62018 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62019 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
62020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62021 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
62022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62023 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
62024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62025 H:455 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62027 H:588 M:654 -b db 
62028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62029 sip health
62030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62031 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
62032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62033 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
62034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62035 Health Gain: 133
62036 The elixir heals your body.
62037 H:589 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62039 H:588 M:654 -b db 
62040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62041 eat toadstool
62042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62043 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1927.
62044 You quickly eat a toadstool.
62045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62046 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
62047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62048 Health Gain: 66
62049 Mana Gain: 18
62050 You feel your health and mana replenished.
62051 H:656 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
62052 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62053 H:588 M:654 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
62054 You may drink another healing elixir.
62055 H:588 M:654 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
62056 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62057 purge blood
62058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62059 Mana Lost: 6
62060 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
62061 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62062 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
62063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62064 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
62065 H:656 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
62066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62067 H:588 M:654 -b db 
62068 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62069 sip health
62070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62071 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
62072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62073 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
62074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62075 The elixir heals your body.
62076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62077 H:656 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
62078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62079 H:669 M:654 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
62080 H:669 M:654 -b db 
62081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62082 touch tree
62083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62084 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
62085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62086 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
62087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62088 You are patient once again.
62089 H:656 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
62090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62091 H:669 M:654 -b db 
62092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62093 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
62094 H:656 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
62095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62096 apply mass
62097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62098 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
62099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62100 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
62101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62102 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
62103 H:656 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
62104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62105 H:669 M:654 -b db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
62106 e out of you.
62107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62108 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
62109 r.
62110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62111 ac on
62112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62113 Autocuring activated.
62114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62115 evoke imbue
62116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62117 You must regain balance first.
62118 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62119 evoke empower shock
62120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62121 You must regain balance first.
62122 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62123 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
62124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62125 You must regain balance first.
62126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62127 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
62128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62129 You must regain balance first.
62130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62131 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
62132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62133 You must regain balance first.
62134 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62135 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
62136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62137 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
62138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62139 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
62140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62141 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
62142  her skin mercilessly.
62143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62144 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
62145 your skin mercilessly.
62146 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
62147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62148 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
62149 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62150 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
62151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62152 You must regain your equilibrium first.
62153 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62154 ta dwenthall
62155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62156 Dwenthall's condition stands at 593/669 health and 739/700 mana.
62157 Mana Lost: 12
62158 H:656 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62159 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62160 H:576 M:654 -b b 
62161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62162 You have recovered balance.
62163 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62164 eat juniper
62165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62166 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1845.
62167 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
62168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62169 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
62170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62171 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
62172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62173 H:656 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
62174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62175 H:576 M:654 -b db 
62176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62177 trueassess dwenthall
62178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62179 Dwenthall's condition stands at 519/669 health and 589/700 mana.
62180 Mana Lost: 12
62181 H:656 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
62182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62183 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
62184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62185 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
62186 H:656 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
62187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62188 H:576 M:654 -b db 
62189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62190 You may eat another herb or plant.
62191 H:656 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; You may apply another salve.
62192 H:656 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
62193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62194 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
62195 H:576 M:654 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
62196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62197 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
62198 H:656 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
62199 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62200 H:576 M:654 eb db 
62201 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62202 cnc
62203 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62204 You already possess mental equilibrium.
62205 H:576 M:654 eb db 
62206 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62207 pa
62208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62209 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
62210 H:576 M:654 eb db 
62211 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62212 ovt
62213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62214 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
62215 H:576 M:654 eb db 
62216 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62217 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
62218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62219 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
62220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62221 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
62222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62223 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
62224 ock effect.
62225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62226 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
62227 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62228 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
62229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62230 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
62231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62232 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
62233 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
62234 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
62235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62236 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
62237 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
62238 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
62239 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
62240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62241 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
62242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62243 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
62244 athe.
62245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62246 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
62247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62248 H:559 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
62249 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62250 H:576 M:626 -b db 
62251 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62252 ta
62253 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62254 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 559/669 health and 482/512 mana.
62255 H:576 M:614 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
62256 H:576 M:614 -b db 
62257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62258 eat kelp
62259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62260 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1964.
62261 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
62262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62263 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
62264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62265 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
62266 H:559 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
62267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62268 H:576 M:614 -b db 
62269 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62270 smoke pipe with linseed
62271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62272 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
62273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62274 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
62275 H:559 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
62276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62277 H:576 M:614 -b db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
62278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62279 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
62280 H:559 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
62281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62282 H:562 M:614 -b db 
62283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62284 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
62285 H:559 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
62286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62287 You may eat another mushroom.
62288 H:562 M:614 -b db 
62289 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62290 ac on
62291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62292 Autocuring activated.
62293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62294 order golem kill dwenthall
62295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62296 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
62297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62298 evoke empower rockfall
62299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62300 Mana Lost: 6
62301 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
62302 wer of Earth infuses it.
62303 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62304 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
62305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62306 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
62307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62308 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
62309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62310 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
62311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62312 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
62313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62314 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
62315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62316 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
62317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62318 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
62319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62320 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
62321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62322 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
62323 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
62324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62325 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
62326 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
62327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62328 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
62329 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
62330 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
62331 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
62332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62333 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
62334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62335 Balance Taken: 3.01s
62336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62337 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
62338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62339 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
62340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62341 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
62342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62343 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
62344 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
62345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62346 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
62347 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
62348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62349 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
62350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62351 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
62352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62353 You must regain your equilibrium first.
62354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62355 naturebind shred dwenthall
62356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62357 You must regain your equilibrium first.
62358 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62359 ta dwenthall
62360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62361 Dwenthall's condition stands at 335/669 health and 669/700 mana.
62362 Mana Lost: 12
62363 H:559 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
62364 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62365 H:335 M:598 -b b 
62366 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62367 writhe root
62368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62369 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
62370 H:335 M:598 -b b 
62371 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62372 eat toadstool
62373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62374 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1889.
62375 You quickly eat a toadstool.
62376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62377 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
62378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62379 You feel your health and mana replenished.
62380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62381 H:559 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
62382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62383 H:402 M:668 -b b 
62384 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62385 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
62386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62387 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
62388 H:559 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
62389 H:559 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
62390 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62391 eat juniper
62392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62393 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1844.
62394 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
62395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62396 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
62397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62398 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
62399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62400 H:559 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
62401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62402 H:402 M:668 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
62403 H:402 M:668 -b db 
62404 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62405 sip health
62406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62407 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
62408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62409 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
62410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62411 The elixir heals your body.
62412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62413 H:559 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
62414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62415 H:548 M:668 -b db 
62416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62417 You may eat another herb or plant.
62418 H:559 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
62419 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62420 eat maidenhair
62421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62422 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1991.
62423 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
62424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62425 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
62426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62427 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
62428 H:559 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
62429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62430 H:548 M:668 -b db 
62431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62432 Health Gain: 33
62433 Mana Gain: 32
62434 H:593 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
62435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62436 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
62437 H:615 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
62438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62439 You may eat another mushroom.
62440 H:593 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
62441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62442 H:615 M:700 eb db 
62443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62444 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
62445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62446 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
62447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62448 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
62449 H:546 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
62450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62451 H:615 M:700 eb db 
62452 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62453 apply caloric
62454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62455 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
62456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62457 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
62458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62459 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
62460 H:546 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
62461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62462 H:615 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
62463 H:615 M:700 eb db 
62464 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62465 cnc
62466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62467 You already possess mental equilibrium.
62468 H:615 M:700 eb db 
62469 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62470 pa
62471 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62472 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
62473 H:615 M:700 eb db 
62474 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62475 ovt
62476 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62477 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
62478 H:615 M:700 eb db 
62479 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62480 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
62481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62482 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
62483 ock effect.
62484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62485 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
62486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62487 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
62488 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
62489  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
62490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62491 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
62492 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
62493 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
62494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62495 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
62496 using him to lose his patience.
62497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62498 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
62499 ausing you to lose your patience.
62500 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
62501 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62502 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
62503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62504 H:438 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
62505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62506 H:615 M:682 -b db 
62507 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62508 ta
62509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62510 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 438/669 health and 496/512 mana.
62511 H:615 M:670 -b db 
62512 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62513 sip health
62514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62515 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
62516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62517 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
62518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62519 Health Gain: 141
62520 The elixir heals your body.
62521 H:579 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
62522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62523 H:615 M:670 -b db 
62524 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62525 eat toadstool
62526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62527 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1926.
62528 You quickly eat a toadstool.
62529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62530 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
62531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62532 Health Gain: 66
62533 Mana Gain: 15
62534 You feel your health and mana replenished.
62535 H:646 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
62536 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62537 H:615 M:670 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
62538 H:615 M:670 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
62539 H:615 M:670 -b db 
62540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62541 The icicles continue beating at your skin.
62542 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62543 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
62544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62545 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
62546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62547 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
62548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62549 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
62550 H:566 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
62551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62552 H:615 M:670 -b db 
62553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62554 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
62555 H:566 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
62556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62557 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
62558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62559 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
62560 her.
62561 You have recovered balance.
62562 You may eat another herb or plant.
62563 H:566 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
62564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62565 H:567 M:670 -b db 
62566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62567 You may apply another salve.
62568 H:566 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
62569 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62570 eat nightshade
62571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62572 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1987.
62573 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
62574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62575 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
62576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62577 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
62578 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62579 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
62580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62581 H:566 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
62582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62583 H:567 M:670 -b db 
62584 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62585 ac on
62586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62587 Autocuring activated.
62588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62589 evoke imbue
62590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62591 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
62592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62593 evoke empower shock
62594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62595 Mana Lost: 6
62596 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
62597 wer of Earth infuses it.
62598 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62599 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
62600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62601 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
62602 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62603 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
62604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62605 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
62606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62607 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
62608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62609 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
62610 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
62611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62612 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
62613 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
62614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62615 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
62616 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
62617 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
62618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62619 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
62620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62621 Balance Taken: 3.01s
62622 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62623 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
62624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62625 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
62626 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62627 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
62628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62629 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
62630  her skin mercilessly.
62631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62632 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
62633 your skin mercilessly.
62634 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
62635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62636 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
62637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62638 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
62639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62640 You must regain your equilibrium first.
62641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62642 ta dwenthall
62643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62644 Dwenthall's condition stands at 472/669 health and 670/700 mana.
62645 Mana Lost: 12
62646 H:566 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62647 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62648 H:450 M:670 -b b 
62649 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62650 eat maidenhair
62651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62652 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1974.
62653 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
62654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62655 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
62656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62657 The stinging feeling fades.
62658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62659 H:566 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62661 H:450 M:670 -b b 
62662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62663 apply mass
62664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62665 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
62666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62667 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
62668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62669 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
62670 H:566 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62672 H:450 M:670 -b b You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
62673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62674 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
62675 H:566 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62677 H:436 M:670 -b b 
62678 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62679 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
62680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62681 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
62682 H:566 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62684 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
62685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62686 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
62687 H:566 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62689 H:436 M:670 -b b 
62690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62691 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
62692 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62693 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
62694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62695 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
62696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62697 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
62698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62699 You may apply another salve.
62700 H:519 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62702 H:436 M:670 eb b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
62703 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
62704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62705 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
62706 H:519 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62708 H:463 M:698 eb b 
62709 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62710 apply caloric
62711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62712 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
62713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62714 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
62715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62716 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
62717 H:519 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62719 H:463 M:682 eb b 
62720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62721 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
62722 H:519 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
62723 H:519 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62725 eat maidenhair
62726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62727 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1990.
62728 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
62729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62730 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
62731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62732 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
62733 H:519 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62735 H:463 M:682 eb b 
62736 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62737 cnc
62738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62739 You already possess mental equilibrium.
62740 H:463 M:682 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
62741 H:463 M:682 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
62742 H:463 M:682 eb b 
62743 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62744 eat juniper
62745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62746 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1843.
62747 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
62748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62749 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
62750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62751 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
62752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62753 H:519 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62755 H:463 M:682 eb db 
62756 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62757 sip health
62758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62759 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
62760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62761 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
62762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62763 The elixir heals your body.
62764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62765 H:519 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62767 H:581 M:682 eb db 
62768 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62769 pa
62770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62771 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
62772 H:581 M:682 eb db 
62773 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62774 ovt
62775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62776 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
62777 H:581 M:682 eb db 
62778 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62779 cast weariness sidesmash suffuse at &tar
62780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62781 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
62782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62783 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
62784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62785 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
62786 ariness effect.
62787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62788 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
62789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62790 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
62791 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
62792 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
62793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62794 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
62795 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
62796 your head.
62797 Damage Taken: 95 magickal, mental (raw damage: 85)
62798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62799 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, causing him to look quite nauseous.
62800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62801 You feel nauseous as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you.
62802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62803 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
62804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62805 H:424 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
62806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62807 H:581 M:662 -b db 
62808 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62809 ta
62810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62811 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 424/669 health and 494/512 mana.
62812 H:581 M:649 -b db 
62813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62814 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
62815 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62816 smoke pipe with linseed
62817 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62818 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
62819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62820 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
62821 H:424 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
62822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62823 H:581 M:649 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
62824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62825 You may apply another salve.
62826 H:424 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
62827 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62828 H:581 M:649 -b db 
62829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62830 You have recovered balance.
62831 H:424 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; The icicles continue beating at your skin.
62832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62833 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
62834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62835 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
62836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62837 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
62838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62839 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
62840 H:345 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
62841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62842 H:581 M:649 -b db 
62843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62844 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
62845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62846 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
62847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62848 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
62849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62850 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
62851 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62852 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
62853  weakening.
62854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62855 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
62856 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62857 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
62858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62859 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
62860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62861 evoke drain dwenthall
62862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62863 Mana Lost: 9
62864 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
62865 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
62866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62867 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
62868 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
62869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62870 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
62871 Balance Taken: 2.90s
62872 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62873 naturebind drain dwenthall
62874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62875 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
62876  contort in a visage of pain.
62877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62878 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
62879 tabbing pain in your head.
62880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62881 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
62882 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62883 ta dwenthall
62884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62885 Dwenthall's condition stands at 500/669 health and 517/700 mana.
62886 Mana Lost: 12
62887 H:345 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
62888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62889 H:581 M:458 -b db 
62890 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62891 eat toadstool
62892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62893 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1888.
62894 You quickly eat a toadstool.
62895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62896 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
62897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62898 You feel your health and mana replenished.
62899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62900 H:345 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
62901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62902 H:648 M:528 -b db 
62903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62904 You may drink another healing elixir.
62905 H:345 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
62906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62907 sip health
62908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62909 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
62910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62911 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
62912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62913 Health Gain: 163
62914 The elixir heals your body.
62915 H:508 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
62916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62917 H:648 M:528 -b db 
62918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62919 contemplate dwenthall
62920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62921 You must regain balance first.
62922 H:508 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
62923 H:508 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
62924 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62925 eat nightshade
62926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62927 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1986.
62928 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
62929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62930 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
62931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62932 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
62933 H:508 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
62934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62935 H:648 M:528 -b db You can once again overtune your crystal.
62936 You may eat another herb or plant.
62937 H:648 M:528 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
62938 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
62939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62940 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
62941 H:508 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
62942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62943 H:636 M:528 -b db 
62944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62945 You may eat another mushroom.
62946 H:508 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
62947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62948 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
62949 H:636 M:528 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
62950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62951 eat toadstool
62952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62953 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1925.
62954 You quickly eat a toadstool.
62955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62956 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
62957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62958 Health Gain: 66
62959 Mana Gain: 39
62960 You feel your health and mana replenished.
62961 H:575 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
62962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62963 H:636 M:528 eb db 
62964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62965 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
62966 H:575 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
62967 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62968 cnc
62969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62970 You already possess mental equilibrium.
62971 H:636 M:528 eb db 
62972 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62973 pa
62974 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62975 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
62976 H:636 M:528 eb db 
62977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62978 You may eat another herb or plant.
62979 H:575 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
62980 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62981 ovt
62982 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62983 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
62984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62985 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
62986 H:575 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
62987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62988 H:636 M:510 eb db 
62989 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62990 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
62991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62992 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
62993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
62994 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
62995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
62996 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
62997 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
62998 ranoia effect.
62999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63000 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
63001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63002 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
63003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63004 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
63005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63006 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
63007 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
63008 seous.
63009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63010 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
63011 g you thoroughly.
63012 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
63013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63014 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
63015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63016 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
63017 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
63018 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63019 Reyvenyr appears flushed, his skin sweating heavily.
63020 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
63021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63022 H:478 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
63023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63024 H:629 M:476 -b db 
63025 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63026 ta
63027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63028 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 478/669 health and 512/512 mana.
63029 H:629 M:464 -b db 
63030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63031 You have recovered balance.
63032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63033 eat wormwood
63034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63035 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1999.
63036 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
63037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63038 Reyvenyr quickly eats a wormwood root.
63039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63040 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
63041 H:478 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
63042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63043 H:629 M:464 -b db 
63044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63045 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
63046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63047 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
63048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63049 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
63050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63051 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
63052 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63053 evoke drain dwenthall
63054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63055 Mana Lost: 9
63056 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
63057 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
63058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63059 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
63060 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
63061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63062 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
63063 Balance Taken: 2.90s
63064 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63065 naturebind drain dwenthall
63066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63067 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
63068  contort in a visage of pain.
63069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63070 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
63071 tabbing pain in your head.
63072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63073 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
63074 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63075 ta dwenthall
63076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63077 Dwenthall's condition stands at 629/669 health and 327/700 mana.
63078 Mana Lost: 12
63079 H:478 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
63080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63081 H:629 M:327 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
63082 H:629 M:327 -b db 
63083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63084 contemplate dwenthall
63085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63086 You must regain balance first.
63087 H:478 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
63089 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63090 sip mana
63091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63092 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
63093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63094 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
63095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63096 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
63097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63098 H:478 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
63099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63100 H:629 M:464 -b db 
63101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63102 purge blood
63103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63104 Mana Lost: 6
63105 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
63106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63107 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
63108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63109 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
63110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63111 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
63112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63113 H:478 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
63114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63115 H:629 M:464 -b db 
63116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63117 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
63119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63120 touch tree
63121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63122 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
63123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63124 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
63125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63126 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
63127 H:478 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
63128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63129 H:629 M:464 -b db 
63130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63131 Health Gain: 33
63132 Mana Gain: 27
63133 H:512 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
63134 H:512 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
63135 H:512 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
63136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63137 eat mandrake
63138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63139 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1999.
63140 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
63141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63142 Reyvenyr quickly eats a mandrake root.
63143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63144 You are patient once again.
63145 H:512 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
63146 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63147 H:669 M:505 -b db 
63148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63149 You may drink another healing elixir.
63150 H:512 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; The icicles cease beating at your skin.
63151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63152 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
63153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63154 H:512 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
63155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63156 H:669 M:505 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
63157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63158 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
63159 H:512 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
63160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63161 H:669 M:505 -b db 
63162 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63163 sip health
63164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63165 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
63166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63167 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
63168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63169 Health Gain: 141
63170 The elixir heals your body.
63171 H:653 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
63172 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63173 H:669 M:505 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
63174 H:669 M:505 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
63175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63176 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
63177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63178 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
63179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63180 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
63181 H:653 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
63182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63183 H:663 M:505 eb db 
63184 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63185 cnc
63186 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63187 You already possess mental equilibrium.
63188 H:663 M:505 eb db 
63189 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63190 pa
63191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63192 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
63193 H:663 M:505 eb db 
63194 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63195 ovt
63196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63197 Your crystal is already overtuned.
63198 H:663 M:505 eb db 
63199 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63200 abn
63201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63202 Your wounds are already bandaged.
63203 H:663 M:505 eb db 
63204 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63205 cast weariness dehydrate freeze at &tar
63206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63207 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
63208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63209 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
63210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63211 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
63212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63213 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
63214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63215 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
63216 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
63217 ariness effect.
63218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63219 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
63220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63221 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
63222 You conjure a wave of heat and focus it towards Reyvenyr, draining moisture from his body. Reyvenyr'
63223 s skin glistens and he appears dizzy as the wave of heat passes through.
63224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63225 Dwenthall conjures a wave of heat and focuses it towards you, draining moisture from your body, hamp
63226 ering your ability to process salves and causing you to feel dizzy.
63227 Damage Taken: 65 fire, mental (raw damage: 80)
63228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63229 You send a blast of cold air towards Reyvenyr, chilling him to the bone.
63230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63231 Dwenthall sends a blast of cold air towards you, chilling you to the bone.
63232 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63233 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
63234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63235 H:587 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
63236 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63237 H:650 M:475 -b db 
63238 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63239 ta
63240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63241 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 587/669 health and 512/512 mana.
63242 H:650 M:463 -b db 
63243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63244 You have recovered balance.
63245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63246 focus
63247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63248 Mana Lost: 15
63249 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
63250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63251 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
63252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63253 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
63254 H:587 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
63255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63256 H:650 M:463 -b db 
63257 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63258 smoke pipe with linseed
63259 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63260 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
63261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63262 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
63263 H:587 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
63264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63265 H:650 M:463 -b db 
63266 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63267 eat toadstool
63268 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63269 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1887.
63270 You quickly eat a toadstool.
63271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63272 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
63273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63274 You feel your health and mana replenished.
63275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63276 H:587 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
63277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63278 H:669 M:533 -b db 
63279 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63280 apply caloric
63281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63282 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
63283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63284 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
63285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63286 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
63287 H:587 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
63288 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63289 H:669 M:533 -b db 
63290 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63291 ac on
63292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63293 Autocuring activated.
63294 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63295 order golem kill dwenthall
63296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63297 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
63298 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63299 evoke empower rockfall
63300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63301 Mana Lost: 6
63302 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
63303 wer of Earth infuses it.
63304 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63305 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
63306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63307 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
63308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63309 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
63310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63311 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
63312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63313 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
63314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63315 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
63316 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63317 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
63318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63319 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
63320 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63321 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
63322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63323 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
63324 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
63325 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63326 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
63327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63328 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
63329 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
63330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63331 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
63332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63333 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
63334 Balance Taken: 3.01s
63335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63336 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
63337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63338 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
63339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63340 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
63341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63342 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
63343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63344 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
63345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63346 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated beech root leaps at her throat and squeezes
63347  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
63348 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63349 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated beech root leaps at your throat and squeezes
63350  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
63351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63352 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
63353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63354 naturebind shred dwenthall
63355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63356 You must regain your equilibrium first.
63357 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63358 ta dwenthall
63359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63360 Dwenthall's condition stands at 539/669 health and 533/700 mana.
63361 Mana Lost: 12
63362 H:587 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
63363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63364 H:561 M:533 -b b 
63365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63366 You may eat another herb or plant.
63367 H:587 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
63368 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63369 writhe root
63370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63371 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
63372 H:561 M:533 -b b 
63373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63374 eat kelp
63375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63376 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1963.
63377 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
63378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63379 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
63380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63381 You feel strength return to your limbs.
63382 H:587 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
63383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63384 H:561 M:533 -b b 
63385 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63386 eat juniper
63387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63388 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1842.
63389 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
63390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63391 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
63392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63393 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
63394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63395 H:587 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
63396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63397 H:561 M:533 -b db 
63398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63399 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
63400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63401 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
63402 H:587 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
63403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63404 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
63405 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
63406 H:559 M:533 -b db 
63407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63408 You may eat another mushroom.
63409 H:587 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
63410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63411 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
63412 H:559 M:517 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
63413 H:559 M:517 -b db 
63414 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63415 sip mana
63416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63417 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
63418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63419 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
63420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63421 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
63422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63423 H:587 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
63424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63425 H:559 M:647 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
63426 H:559 M:647 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
63427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63428 You may eat another herb or plant.
63429 H:587 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
63430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63431 H:559 M:647 eb db 
63432 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63433 eat kelp
63434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63435 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1962.
63436 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
63437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63438 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
63439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63440 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
63441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63442 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
63443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63444 H:587 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
63445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63446 H:559 M:647 eb db 
63447 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63448 cnc
63449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63450 You already possess mental equilibrium.
63451 H:559 M:647 eb db 
63452 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63453 pa
63454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63455 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
63456 H:559 M:647 eb db 
63457 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63458 ovt
63459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63460 Your crystal is already overtuned.
63461 H:559 M:647 eb db 
63462 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63463 cast shock sidesmash knockout at &tar
63464 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63465 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
63466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63467 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
63468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63469 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
63470 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
63471 ock effect.
63472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63473 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
63474 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63475 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
63476 With an upwards motion of your hands, you cause nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levitate. P
63477 ushing against the rocks with your mind, you send them crashing against the side of Reyvenyr's head.
63478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63479 With an upwards motion of her hands, Dwenthall causes nearby rocks to rise from the ground and levit
63480 ate. Pushing against the rocks with her mind, she sends them crashing painfully against the side of 
63481 your head.
63482 You are too clumsy to lessen the impact and the rocks hit you fully.
63483 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63484 Reyvenyr is too clumsy to lessen the impact.
63485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63486 Damage Taken: 142 magickal, mental (raw damage: 127)
63487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63488 You conjure a magickal stone and send it crashing against Reyvenyr's head.
63489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63490 Dwenthall conjures a magickal stone and sends it crashing against your head.
63491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63492 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
63493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63494 H:445 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
63495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63496 H:532 M:612 -b db 
63497 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63498 ta
63499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63500 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 445/669 health and 479/512 mana.
63501 H:532 M:600 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
63502 H:532 M:600 -b db 
63503 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63504 eat toadstool
63505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63506 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1924.
63507 You quickly eat a toadstool.
63508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63509 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
63510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63511 Health Gain: 66
63512 Mana Gain: 33
63513 You feel your health and mana replenished.
63514 H:512 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
63515 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63516 H:532 M:600 -b db 
63517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63518 You may apply another salve.
63519 H:512 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
63520 H:512 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
63521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63522 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
63523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63524 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of her.
63525 You have recovered balance.
63526 H:512 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
63527 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63528 H:504 M:600 -b db 
63529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63530 You may drink another healing elixir.
63531 H:512 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
63532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63533 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
63534 H:530 M:628 -b db 
63535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63536 sip health
63537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63538 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
63539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63540 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
63541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63542 Health Gain: 142
63543 The elixir heals your body.
63544 H:654 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
63545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63546 H:530 M:628 -b db 
63547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63548 Your mind is able to focus once again.
63550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63551 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
63552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63553 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
63554 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63555 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
63556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63557 That action is too complex for your poor little brain to handle, and you decide to just stare vacant
63558 ly instead.
63559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63560 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
63561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63562 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
63563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63564 evoke drain dwenthall
63565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63566 Mana Lost: 9
63567 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
63568 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
63569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63570 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
63571 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
63572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63573 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
63574 Balance Taken: 2.90s
63575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63576 naturebind drain dwenthall
63577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63578 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
63579  contort in a visage of pain.
63580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63581 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
63582 tabbing pain in your head.
63583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63584 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
63585 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63586 ta dwenthall
63587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63588 Dwenthall's condition stands at 483/669 health and 512/700 mana.
63589 Mana Lost: 12
63590 H:654 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
63591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63592 H:524 M:507 -b db 
63593 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63594 focus
63595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63596 Mana Lost: 15
63597 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
63598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63599 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
63600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63601 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
63602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63603 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
63604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63605 H:654 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
63606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63607 H:524 M:507 -b db 
63608 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63609 trueassess dwenthall
63610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63611 Dwenthall's condition stands at 514/669 health and 577/700 mana.
63612 Mana Lost: 12
63613 H:654 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
63614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63615 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
63616 H:524 M:507 -b db 
63617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63618 You may eat another herb or plant.
63619 H:654 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
63620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63621 eat maidenhair
63622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63623 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1989.
63624 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
63625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63626 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
63627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63628 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
63629 H:654 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
63630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63631 H:524 M:507 -b db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
63632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63633 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
63634 H:654 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
63635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63636 H:524 M:507 -b db The Cyclops bellows out its challenge from Ssar-ithra.
63638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63639 The Cyclops bellows out its challenge from Ssar-ithra.
63641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63642 contemplate dwenthall
63643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63644 You must regain balance first.
63645 H:654 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
63646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63647 H:524 M:507 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
63648 H:524 M:507 eb db 
63649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63650 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
63651 H:654 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
63652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63653 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
63654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63655 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
63656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63657 You may eat another mushroom.
63658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63659 H:654 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
63660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63661 H:524 M:507 eb db 
63662 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63663 eat toadstool
63664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63665 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1886.
63666 You quickly eat a toadstool.
63667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63668 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
63669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63670 You feel your health and mana replenished.
63671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63672 H:654 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
63673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63674 H:590 M:577 eb db 
63675 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63676 cnc
63677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63678 You already possess mental equilibrium.
63679 H:590 M:577 eb db 
63680 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63681 pa
63682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63683 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
63684 H:590 M:577 eb db 
63685 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63686 ovt
63687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63688 Your crystal is already overtuned.
63689 H:590 M:577 eb db 
63690 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63691 cast masochism howl hasten at &tar
63692 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63693 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
63694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63695 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
63696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63697 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
63698 sochism effect.
63699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63700 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
63701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63702 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
63703 You invoke the howling winds, sending them baying against Reyvenyr.
63704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63705 Dwenthall invokes the howling winds, sending them baying against you.
63706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63707 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
63708 using him to lose his patience.
63709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63710 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
63711 ausing you to lose your patience.
63712 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
63713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63714 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
63715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63716 H:626 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
63717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63718 H:590 M:559 -b db 
63719 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63720 ta
63721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63722 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 626/669 health and 463/512 mana.
63723 H:590 M:547 -b db 
63724 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63725 smoke pipe with linseed
63726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63727 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
63728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63729 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
63730 H:626 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
63731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63732 H:590 M:547 -b db Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
63733 H:590 M:547 -b db 
63734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63735 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
63736 You have recovered balance.
63737 H:626 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; Rising higher in the sky, the sun illuminates the land, confining darkness t
63738 o the shadows. 
63739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63740 Rising higher in the sky, the sun illuminates the land, confining darkness to the shadows. 
63741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63742 H:626 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
63743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63744 H:590 M:531 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
63745 H:590 M:531 -b db 
63746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63747 You may eat another herb or plant.
63748 H:626 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
63749 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63750 eat kelp
63751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63752 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1961.
63753 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
63754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63755 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
63756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63757 You feel coordinated once more.
63758 H:626 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
63759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63760 H:590 M:531 -b db 
63761 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63762 sip mana
63763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63764 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
63765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63766 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
63767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63768 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
63769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63770 H:626 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
63771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63772 H:590 M:700 -b db 
63773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63774 ac on
63775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63776 Autocuring activated.
63777 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63778 evoke imbue
63779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63780 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
63781 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63782 evoke empower rockfall
63783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63784 Mana Lost: 6
63785 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
63786 wer of Earth infuses it.
63787 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63788 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
63789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63790 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
63791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63792 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
63793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63794 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
63795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63796 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
63797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63798 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
63799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63800 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
63801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63802 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
63803 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63804 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
63805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63806 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
63807 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
63808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63809 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
63810 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
63811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63812 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
63813 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
63814 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
63815 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
63816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63817 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
63818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63819 Balance Taken: 3.01s
63820 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63821 naturebinding choke dwenthall
63822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63823 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
63824 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63825 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
63826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63827 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
63828 dding her skin mercilessly.
63829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63830 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
63831 ding your skin mercilessly.
63832 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
63833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63834 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
63835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63836 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
63837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63838 You must regain your equilibrium first.
63839 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63840 ta dwenthall
63841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63842 Dwenthall's condition stands at 367/669 health and 700/700 mana.
63843 Mana Lost: 12
63844 H:626 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
63845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63846 H:367 M:700 -b b 
63847 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63848 eat maidenhair
63849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63850 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1973.
63851 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
63852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63853 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
63854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63855 The stinging feeling fades.
63856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63857 H:626 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
63858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63859 H:367 M:700 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
63860 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
63861 H:363 M:700 -b b 
63862 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63863 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
63864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63865 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
63866 H:626 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; Your mind is able to focus once again.
63867 H:626 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
63868 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63869 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
63870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63871 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
63872 H:626 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
63873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63874 H:351 M:700 -b b 
63875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63876 Health Gain: 33
63877 Mana Gain: 32
63878 Damage Taken: 49 unblockable (raw damage: 49)
63879 H:610 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
63880 H:610 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
63881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63882 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
63883 H:418 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
63884 H:418 M:700 eb b 
63885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63886 You may eat another mushroom.
63887 H:610 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
63888 H:610 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
63889 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63890 eat kelp
63891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63892 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1960.
63893 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
63894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63895 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
63896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63897 Your aching, pain-wracked body is soothed and calmed.
63898 H:610 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
63899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63900 H:418 M:700 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
63901 H:418 M:700 eb b 
63902 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63903 eat juniper
63904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63905 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1841.
63906 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
63907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63908 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
63909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63910 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
63911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63912 H:610 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
63913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63914 H:418 M:700 eb db 
63915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63916 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
63917 H:610 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
63918 H:610 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
63919 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63920 ts
63921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63922 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
63923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63924 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
63925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63926 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
63927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63928 H:610 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
63929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63930 H:418 M:700 -b db 
63931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63932 You smile with pleasure as you ram your fist into your jaw.
63933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63934 Reyvenyr smiles as he rams his fist into his jaw.
63935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63936 Damage Taken: 18 blunt, physical (raw damage: 53)
63937 H:591 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
63938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63939 H:418 M:700 -b db The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
63940 H:418 M:700 -b db 
63941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63942 ac on
63943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63944 Autocuring activated.
63945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63946 evoke imbue
63947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63948 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
63949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63950 evoke empower shock
63951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63952 Mana Lost: 6
63953 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
63954 wer of Earth infuses it.
63955 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63956 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
63957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63958 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
63959 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63960 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
63961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63962 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
63963 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63964 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
63965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63966 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
63967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63968 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
63969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63970 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
63971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63972 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
63973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63974 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
63975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63976 You must regain your equilibrium first.
63977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63978 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
63979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63980 You must regain your equilibrium first.
63981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63982 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
63983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63984 You must regain your equilibrium first.
63985 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63986 ta dwenthall
63987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63988 Dwenthall's condition stands at 438/669 health and 805/700 mana.
63989 Mana Lost: 12
63990 H:591 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
63991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
63992 H:438 M:700 -b db 
63993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63994 You may eat another herb or plant.
63995 H:591 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
63996 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63997 eat mandrake
63998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
63999 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1998.
64000 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
64001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64002 Reyvenyr quickly eats a mandrake root.
64003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64004 You are patient once again.
64005 H:591 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
64006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64007 H:438 M:700 -b db 
64008 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64009 focus
64010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64011 Mana Lost: 15
64012 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
64013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64014 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
64015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64016 You no longer enjoy pain.
64017 H:591 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
64018 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64019 H:438 M:700 -b db 
64020 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64021 naturebind breach dwenthall
64022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64023 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64024 H:591 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
64025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64026 You may eat another herb or plant.
64027 H:438 M:684 -b db 
64028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64029 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
64030 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
64031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64032 What do you wish to break?
64033 H:591 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
64034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64035 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
64036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64037 What do you wish to break?
64038 H:591 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
64039 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64040 You may eat another mushroom.
64041 H:438 M:684 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
64042 H:438 M:684 -b db 
64043 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64044 sip health
64045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64046 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
64047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64048 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
64049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64050 The elixir heals your body.
64051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64052 H:591 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
64053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64054 H:554 M:684 -b db 
64055 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64056 eat toadstool
64057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64058 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1885.
64059 You quickly eat a toadstool.
64060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64061 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
64062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64063 You feel your health and mana replenished.
64064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64065 H:591 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
64066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64067 H:621 M:700 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
64068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64069 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
64070 H:591 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
64071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64072 H:621 M:700 -b db 
64073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64074 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
64075 H:591 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
64076 H:591 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
64077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64078 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
64079 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
64080 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64081 purge blood
64082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64083 Mana Lost: 6
64084 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
64085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64086 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
64087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64088 Your stomach becalms itself.
64089 H:591 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
64090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64091 H:641 M:700 -b db 
64092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64093 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
64094 H:591 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
64095 You may eat another herb or plant.
64096 H:591 M:439 &lt;eb dbt; 
64097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64098 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
64099 H:641 M:700 eb db 
64100 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64101 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
64102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64103 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
64104  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
64105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64106 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
64107 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
64108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64109 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
64110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64111 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
64112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64113 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
64114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64115 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
64116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64117 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
64118 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64119 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
64120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64121 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
64122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64123 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
64124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64125 Balance Taken: 2.00s
64126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64127 naturebinding shred dwenthall
64128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64129 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
64130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64131 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
64132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64133 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
64134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64135 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
64136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64137 ta dwenthall
64138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64139 Dwenthall's condition stands at 661/669 health and 791/700 mana.
64140 Mana Lost: 12
64141 H:591 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
64142 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64143 H:661 M:700 eb db 
64144 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64145 ac on
64146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64147 Autocuring activated.
64148 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64149 evoke imbue
64150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64151 You must regain balance first.
64152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64153 evoke empower shock
64154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64155 You must regain balance first.
64156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64157 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
64158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64159 You must regain balance first.
64160 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64161 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
64162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64163 You must regain balance first.
64164 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64165 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
64166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64167 You must regain balance first.
64168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64169 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
64170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64171 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64173 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
64174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64175 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64177 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
64178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64179 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64180 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64181 ta dwenthall
64182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64183 Dwenthall's condition stands at 569/669 health and 693/700 mana.
64184 Mana Lost: 12
64185 H:591 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
64186 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64187 smoke pipe with linseed
64188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64189 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
64190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64191 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
64192 H:591 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
64193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64194 H:661 M:700 eb db 
64195 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64196 ---------delayed wisp
64197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64198 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
64199 H:591 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
64200 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64201 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
64202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64203 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
64204 mmand.
64205 H:591 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
64206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64207 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
64208 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
64209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64210 What do you wish to break?
64211 H:591 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
64212 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64213 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
64214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64215 What do you wish to break?
64216 H:591 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
64217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64218 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
64219 H:669 M:700 eb db 
64220 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64221 naturebind breach dwenthall
64222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64223 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64224 H:591 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; Your mind is able to focus once again.
64225 H:591 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
64226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64227 naturebind breach dwenthall
64228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64229 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64230 H:591 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
64231 You have recovered balance.
64232 H:591 M:414 &lt;eb dbt; 
64233 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64234 naturebind breach dwenthall
64235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64236 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
64237 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
64238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64239 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
64240 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
64241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64242 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
64243 H:591 M:414 &lt;-b dbt; 
64244 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64245 H:669 M:700 eb db 
64246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64247 naturebind breach dwenthall
64248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64249 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64250 H:591 M:414 &lt;-b dbt; 
64251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64252 naturebind breach dwenthall
64253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64254 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64255 H:591 M:414 &lt;-b dbt; 
64256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64257 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
64258 H:669 M:684 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
64259 H:669 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
64260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64261 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
64262 H:591 M:414 &lt;-b dbt; 
64263 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64264 H:657 M:684 eb db 
64265 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64266 dag
64267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64268 You are:
64269 blind.
64270 deaf.
64271 an insomniac.
64272 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
64273 H:657 M:684 -b db 
64274 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64275 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
64276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64277 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64279 evoke tornado
64280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64281 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64283 naturebind curse dwenthall
64284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64285 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64286 H:591 M:414 &lt;-b dbt; 
64287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64288 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
64289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64290 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64291 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64292 evoke tornado
64293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64294 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64295 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64296 naturebind curse dwenthall
64297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64298 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64299 H:591 M:414 &lt;-b dbt; 
64300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64301 You may eat another mushroom.
64302 H:657 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
64303 H:657 M:684 eb db 
64304 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64305 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
64306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64307 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64309 evoke tornado
64310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64311 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64312 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64313 naturebind curse dwenthall
64314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64315 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64316 H:591 M:414 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
64317 H:591 M:414 &lt;eb dbt; 
64318 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64319 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
64320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64321 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
64322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64323 evoke tornado
64324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64325 Mana Lost: 30
64326 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
64327  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
64328 ng in air.
64329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64330 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
64331 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
64332  sucking in air.
64333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64334 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
64335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64336 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
64337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64338 The tornado swirls rapidly.
64340 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
64342 Balance Taken: 3.80s
64344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64345 naturebind curse dwenthall
64346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64347 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
64348 root shreds it viciously.
64350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64351 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
64352 root shreds it viciously.
64354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64355 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
64357 H:591 M:384 &lt;-- dbt; 
64358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64359 H:657 M:684 eb db 
64360 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64361 eat kelp
64362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64363 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1977.
64365 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
64367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64368 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
64370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64371 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
64373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64374 H:591 M:384 &lt;-- dbt; 
64375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64376 H:657 M:684 eb db 
64377 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64378 eat toadstool
64379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64380 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1923.
64382 You quickly eat a toadstool.
64384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64385 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
64387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64388 Health Gain: 66
64390 Mana Gain: 51
64392 You feel your health and mana replenished.
64394 H:658 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
64395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64396 H:657 M:684 eb db 
64397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64398 Health Gain: 10
64400 Mana Gain: 32
64402 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
64403 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
64405 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
64406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64407 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
64408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64409 You must regain balance first.
64411 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64412 evoke tornado
64413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64414 You must regain balance first.
64416 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64417 naturebind curse dwenthall
64418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64419 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64421 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
64422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64423 rt Tornado Up!!
64424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64425 You are not the member of any ring.
64427 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
64428 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64429 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
64430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64431 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
64433 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
64434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64435 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
64437 H:669 M:700 eb db 
64438 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
64440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64441 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
64443 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
64444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64445 H:669 M:700 eb db 
64446 You may eat another herb or plant.
64447 H:669 M:700 eb db 
64448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64449 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
64452 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64453 order loyals kill dwenthall
64454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64455 You must regain balance first.
64457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64458 evoke empower rockfall
64459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64460 You must regain balance first.
64462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64463 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
64464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64465 You must regain balance first.
64467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64468 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
64469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64470 You must regain balance first.
64472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64473 evoke lightning dwenthall
64474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64475 You must regain balance first.
64477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64478 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
64479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64480 You must regain balance first.
64482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64483 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
64484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64485 An animated hawthorn root is already attempting to entrap Dwenthall.
64487 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64488 ta dwenthall
64489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64490 Dwenthall's condition stands at 669/669 health and 595/700 mana.
64492 Mana Lost: 12
64494 H:669 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
64495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64496 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
64498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64499 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
64501 H:669 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
64502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64503 H:656 M:684 eb db 
64504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64505 You have recovered balance.
64508 H:669 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
64509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64510 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
64511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64512 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
64514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64515 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
64516 ods your veins.
64518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64519 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
64520 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
64522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64523 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
64524  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
64526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64527 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
64529 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64530 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
64531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64532 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
64534 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64535 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
64537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64538 Balance Taken: 2.00s
64540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64541 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
64542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64543 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
64544 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
64546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64547 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
64548 you.
64550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64551 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
64553 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64554 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
64555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64556 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64559 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
64560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64561 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64563 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
64564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64565 H:656 M:684 eb db 
64566 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64567 ac on
64568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64569 Autocuring activated.
64571 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64572 order loyals kill dwenthall
64573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64574 You must regain balance first.
64576 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64577 TEAR MAP
64578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64579 Syntax: TEAR MAP
64581 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64582 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
64583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64584 You must regain balance first.
64586 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64587 evoke empower rockfall
64588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64589 You must regain balance first.
64591 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64592 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
64593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64594 You must regain balance first.
64596 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64597 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
64598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64599 You must regain balance first.
64601 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64602 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
64603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64604 You must regain balance first.
64606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64607 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
64608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64609 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64611 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
64612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64613 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64614 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64615 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
64616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64617 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64618 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
64619 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64620 smoke pipe with linseed
64621 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64622 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
64623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64624 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
64625 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
64626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64627 H:656 M:684 eb db 
64628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64629 ---------delayed wisp
64630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64631 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
64632 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
64633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64634 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
64635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64636 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
64637 mmand.
64638 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
64639 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64640 l
64641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64642 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
64643 ------ v37837 -------
64644     \   /   \ |      
64645      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
64646 \     |              
64647 -[ ] [ ]             
64648 \   / | \            
64649  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
64650             \ |      
64651          [ ]-[ ]     
64652                 \    
64653                  [ ] 
64655 ------- 2:0:0 -------
64656 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
64657 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
64658 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
64659 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. A pillar of flame is burning br
64660 ightly here. 
64661 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
64662 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
64663 You have recovered balance.
64664 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
64665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64666 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
64667 H:656 M:684 eb db 
64668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64669 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
64670 H:669 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
64671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64672 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
64673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64674 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
64675 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64676 tox6
64677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64678 Mana Lost: 12
64679 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
64680 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64682 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
64683 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64685 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
64686 Mana Lost: 12
64687 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of atrop
64688 ine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64690 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
64691  atropine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64693 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
64694 Balance Taken: 2.00s
64695 H:669 M:431 &lt;e- dbt; 
64696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64697 H:646 M:684 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
64698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64699 tox6
64700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64701 You must regain balance first.
64702 H:669 M:431 &lt;e- dbt; 
64703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64704 H:669 M:700 eb db 
64705 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64706 tox6
64707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64708 You must regain balance first.
64709 H:669 M:431 &lt;e- dbt; 
64710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64711 tox6
64712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64713 You must regain balance first.
64714 H:669 M:431 &lt;e- dbt; 
64715 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64716 tox6
64717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64718 You must regain balance first.
64719 H:669 M:431 &lt;e- dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
64720 H:669 M:431 &lt;e- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
64721 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64722 tox6
64723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64724 You must regain balance first.
64725 H:669 M:431 &lt;e- dbt; 
64726 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64727 tox6
64728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64729 You must regain balance first.
64730 H:669 M:431 &lt;e- dbt; 
64731 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64732 tox6
64733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64734 You must regain balance first.
64735 H:669 M:431 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
64736 H:669 M:431 &lt;eb dbt; 
64737 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64738 tox6
64739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64740 Mana Lost: 12
64741 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
64742 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64744 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
64745 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64747 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
64748 Mana Lost: 12
64749 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of atrop
64750 ine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64751 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64752 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
64753  atropine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64755 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
64756 Balance Taken: 2.00s
64757 H:669 M:407 &lt;e- dbt; 
64758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64759 H:669 M:684 eb db 
64760 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64761 eat toadstool
64762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64763 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1922.
64764 You quickly eat a toadstool.
64765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64766 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
64767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64768 Mana Gain: 51
64769 You feel your health and mana replenished.
64770 H:669 M:458 &lt;e- dbt; 
64771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64772 H:669 M:684 eb db 
64773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64774 tox6
64775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64776 You must regain balance first.
64777 H:669 M:458 &lt;e- dbt; 
64778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64779 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
64780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64781 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
64782 Mana Gain: 32
64783 H:669 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; 
64784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64785 H:669 M:700 eb db 
64786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64787 tox6
64788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64789 You must regain balance first.
64790 H:669 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; 
64791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64792 tox6
64793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64794 You must regain balance first.
64795 H:669 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; 
64796 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64797 tox6
64798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64799 You must regain balance first.
64800 H:669 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; 
64801 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64802 tox6
64803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64804 You must regain balance first.
64805 H:669 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; 
64806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64807 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
64808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64809 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
64810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64811 tox6
64812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64813 You must regain balance first.
64814 H:669 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; 
64815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64816 H:657 M:700 eb db 
64817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64818 You have recovered balance.
64819 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of atropine
64820 .
64821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64822 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
64823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64824 Your atropine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
64825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64826 Pain leaves your body and you feel ready to take on the world.
64827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64828 The tornado swirls rapidly.
64829 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
64830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64831 H:669 M:700 eb db 
64832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64833 tox6
64834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64835 Mana Lost: 12
64836 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
64837 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64839 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
64840 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64842 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
64843 Mana Lost: 12
64844 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of atrop
64845 ine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64847 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
64848  atropine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64850 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin atropine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across o
64851 ne of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid s
64852 prays into the vial and it is once again full.
64853 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
64854 Balance Taken: 2.00s
64855 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
64856 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64857 H:669 M:700 eb db 
64858 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64859 eat mandrake
64860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64861 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1995.
64862 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
64863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64864 Dwenthall quickly eats a mandrake root.
64865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64866 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
64867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64868 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
64869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64870 H:657 M:700 eb db 
64871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64872 spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine
64873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64874 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine", is not a valid command.
64875 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
64876 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64877 tox6
64878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64879 You must regain balance first.
64880 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
64881 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64882 tox6
64883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64884 You must regain balance first.
64885 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
64886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64887 tox6
64888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64889 You must regain balance first.
64890 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
64891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64892 tox6
64893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64894 You must regain balance first.
64895 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
64896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64897 tox6
64898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64899 You must regain balance first.
64900 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
64901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64902 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
64903 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64904 tox6
64905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64906 You must regain balance first.
64907 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
64908 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64909 H:657 M:684 eb db 
64910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64911 You have recovered balance.
64912 H:669 M:467 &lt;eb dbt; 
64913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64914 You may eat another herb or plant.
64915 H:657 M:684 eb db 
64916 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64917 tox6
64918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64919 Mana Lost: 12
64920 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
64921 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64922 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64923 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
64924 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64926 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
64927 Mana Lost: 12
64928 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of atrop
64929 ine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64931 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
64932  atropine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
64933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64934 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
64935 Balance Taken: 2.00s
64936 H:669 M:442 &lt;e- dbt; 
64937 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64938 H:657 M:684 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
64939 H:657 M:684 eb db 
64940 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64941 tox6
64942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64943 You must regain balance first.
64944 H:669 M:442 &lt;e- dbt; 
64945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64946 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
64947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64948 You must regain balance first.
64949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64950 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
64951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64952 You must regain balance first.
64953 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64954 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
64955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64956 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
64957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64958 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
64959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64960 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
64961 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
64962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64963 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
64964 d you.
64965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64966 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
64967 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64968 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
64969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64970 You must regain your equilibrium first.
64971 H:669 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
64972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
64973 H:657 M:684 eb db 
64974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64975 ac on
64976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64977 Autocuring activated.
64978 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64979 order loyals kill dwenthall
64980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64981 You must regain balance first.
64982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64983 TEAR MAP
64984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64985 Syntax: TEAR MAP
64986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64987 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
64988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64989 You must regain balance first.
64990 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64991 evoke empower rockfall
64992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64993 You must regain balance first.
64994 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64995 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
64996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64997 You must regain balance first.
64998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
64999 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
65000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65001 You must regain balance first.
65002 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65003 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
65004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65005 You must regain balance first.
65006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65007 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
65008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65009 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65010 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65011 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
65012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65013 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65014 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65015 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
65016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65017 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65018 H:669 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
65019 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65020 l
65021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65022 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
65023 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
65024 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
65025 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
65026 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. A pillar 
65027 of flame is burning brightly here. 
65028 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
65029 H:657 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
65030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65031 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
65032 H:669 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
65033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65034 H:646 M:684 eb db 
65035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65036 You may eat another mushroom.
65037 You have recovered balance.
65038 H:669 M:442 &lt;-b dbt; 
65039 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65040 sqnw
65041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65042 A rocky outcropping.
65044 You can see no further.
65045 H:646 M:684 eb db 
65046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65047 dg
65048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65049 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65050 H:669 M:442 &lt;-b dbt; 
65051 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65052 dg
65053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65054 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65055 H:669 M:442 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
65056 H:669 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
65057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65058 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
65059 H:669 M:696 eb db 
65060 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65061 evoke wisp metallix dwenthall
65062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65063 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
65064 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65065 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
65066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65067 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65069 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65071 Balance Taken: 2.00s
65072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65073 naturebinding curse dwenthall
65074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65075 Dwenthall is already suffering from the Nature's curse.
65076 H:669 M:442 &lt;e- dbt; 
65077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65078 H:669 M:696 eb db 
65079 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65080 smoke pipe with linseed
65081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65082 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
65083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65084 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
65085 H:669 M:442 &lt;e- dbt; 
65086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65087 H:669 M:696 eb db 
65088 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65089 ac on
65090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65091 Autocuring activated.
65092 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65093 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
65094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65095 You must regain balance first.
65096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65097 evoke imbue
65098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65099 You must regain balance first.
65100 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65101 evoke empower rockfall
65102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65103 You must regain balance first.
65104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65105 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
65106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65107 You must regain balance first.
65109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65110 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
65111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65112 You must regain balance first.
65114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65115 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
65116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65117 You must regain balance first.
65119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65120 naturebinding curse dwenthall
65121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65122 Dwenthall is already suffering from the Nature's curse.
65124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65125 ta dwenthall
65126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65127 Dwenthall's condition stands at 675/669 health and 641/700 mana.
65129 Mana Lost: 12
65131 H:669 M:430 &lt;e- dbt; 
65132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65133 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
65134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65135 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
65136 mmand.
65138 H:669 M:430 &lt;e- dbt; 
65139 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65140 pfnw
65141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65142 What do you wish to point?
65144 H:669 M:696 eb db 
65145 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
65147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65148 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
65150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65151 l
65152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65153 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
65156 ------
65157  v37837 
65158 -------
65159     \   /   \ |      
65160      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
65161 \     |              
65162 -[ ] [ ]             
65163 \   / | \            
65164  [ ] [ ]-[+] [ ]     
65165             \ |      
65166          [ ]-[ ]     
65167                 \    
65168                  [ ] 
65171 ------- 
65172 2:0:0
65173  -------
65174 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
65175 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
65176 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
65177 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
65178 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
65179 Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
65180 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
65183 You see exits leading 
65184 southeast, west, and northwest
65185 .
65188 H:669 M:430 &lt;e- dbt; 
65189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65190 H:658 M:696 eb db 
65191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65192 You have recovered balance.
65195 Mana Gain: 32
65197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65198 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
65200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65201 H:669 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
65202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65203 H:668 M:700 eb db 
65204 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
65205 H:668 M:700 eb db 
65206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65207 ac on
65208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65209 Autocuring activated.
65211 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65212 order golem kill dwenthall
65213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65214 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
65216 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65217 evoke empower rockfall
65218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65219 Mana Lost: 6
65221 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
65222 wer of Earth infuses it.
65224 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65225 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
65226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65227 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
65229 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65230 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
65232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65233 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
65235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65236 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
65238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65239 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
65241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65242 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
65244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65245 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
65247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65248 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
65249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65250 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
65251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65252 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
65253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65254 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65255 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65257 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65259 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
65260 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
65261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65262 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
65263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65264 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
65265 Balance Taken: 3.01s
65266 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65267 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
65268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65269 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
65270 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
65271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65272 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
65273 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
65274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65275 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
65276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65277 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
65278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65279 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65281 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
65282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65283 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65284 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65285 naturebind shred dwenthall
65286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65287 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65288 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65289 ta dwenthall
65290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65291 Dwenthall's condition stands at 425/669 health and 651/700 mana.
65292 Mana Lost: 12
65293 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
65294 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65295 H:425 M:700 eb b 
65296 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65297 writhe root
65298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65299 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
65300 H:425 M:700 eb b 
65301 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65302 sip health
65303 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65304 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
65305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65306 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
65307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65308 The elixir heals your body.
65309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65310 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
65311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65312 H:570 M:700 eb b 
65313 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65314 eat toadstool
65315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65316 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1884.
65317 You quickly eat a toadstool.
65318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65319 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
65320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65321 You feel your health and mana replenished.
65322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65323 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
65324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65325 H:637 M:700 eb b 
65326 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65327 eat juniper
65328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65329 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1840.
65330 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
65331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65332 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
65333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65334 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
65335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65336 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
65337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65338 H:637 M:700 eb db 
65339 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65340 bfnw
65341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65342 You cannot move while being choked by an animated root.
65343 H:637 M:700 eb db 
65344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65345 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
65346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65347 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
65348 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of atropine
65349 .
65350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65351 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
65352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65353 Your atropine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
65354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65355 Pain leaves your body and you feel ready to take on the world.
65356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65357 The tornado swirls rapidly.
65358 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
65359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65360 H:669 M:700 eb db 
65361 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65362 spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine
65363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65364 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine", is not a valid command.
65365 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
65366 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65367 focus
65368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65369 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
65370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65371 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dwenthall.
65372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65373 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
65374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65375 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
65376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65377 H:637 M:685 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
65378 H:637 M:669 eb db 
65379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65380 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
65381 H:669 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
65382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65383 You may eat another herb or plant.
65384 H:637 M:669 eb db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
65385 e out of you.
65386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65387 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
65388 r.
65389 You have recovered balance.
65390 H:669 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
65391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65392 H:589 M:669 eb db 
65393 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65394 trueassess dwenthall
65395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65396 Dwenthall's condition stands at 589/669 health and 649/700 mana.
65397 Mana Lost: 12
65398 H:669 M:432 &lt;eb dbt; 
65399 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65400 dag
65401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65402 You are:
65403 choked by an animated root.
65404 blind.
65405 deaf.
65406 an insomniac.
65407 cursed by Nature.
65408 [ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Feeling Sick' achievement! You have earned 25 lessons.
65409 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
65410 H:589 M:669 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
65411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65412 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
65413 H:669 M:432 &lt;eb dbt; 
65414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65415 H:589 M:669 -b db 
65416 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65417 ac on
65418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65419 Autocuring activated.
65420 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65421 evoke empower rockfall
65422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65423 Mana Lost: 6
65424 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
65425 wer of Earth infuses it.
65426 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65427 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
65428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65429 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
65430 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65431 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
65432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65433 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
65434 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65435 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
65436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65437 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65438 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65440 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65442 The attack rebounds back onto you!
65443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65444 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
65445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65446 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
65447 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
65448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65449 Several tiny rocks materialise above Reyvenyr and fall down, battering his body.
65450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65451 Damage Taken: 24 blunt, mental (raw damage: 50)
65452 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
65453 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65454 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
65455 Balance Taken: 3.01s
65456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65457 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
65458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65459 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
65460  her skin mercilessly.
65461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65462 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
65463 your skin mercilessly.
65464 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
65465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65466 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
65467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65468 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
65469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65470 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65471 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65472 ta dwenthall
65473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65474 Dwenthall's condition stands at 560/669 health and 722/700 mana.
65475 Mana Lost: 12
65476 H:579 M:414 &lt;-- bt; 
65477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65478 H:544 M:669 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
65479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65480 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
65481 H:579 M:414 &lt;-- bt; 
65482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65483 H:532 M:669 -b b 
65484 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65485 eat juniper
65486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65487 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1839.
65488 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
65489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65490 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
65491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65492 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
65493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65494 H:579 M:414 &lt;-- bt; 
65495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65496 H:532 M:669 -b db 
65497 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65498 eat juniper
65499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65500 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1980.
65501 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
65502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65503 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
65504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65505 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
65506 H:579 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
65507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65508 H:532 M:669 -b db You may commit reserves once again.
65509 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
65510 H:532 M:669 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
65511 H:532 M:669 eb db 
65512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65513 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
65514 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65515 ts
65516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65517 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
65518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65519 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
65520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65521 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
65522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65523 H:579 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
65524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65525 H:532 M:669 -b db 
65526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65527 naturebind breach dwenthall
65528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65529 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65530 H:579 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
65531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65532 You may drink another healing elixir.
65533 H:532 M:669 -b db 
65534 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65535 sip health
65536 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65537 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
65538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65539 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
65540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65541 The elixir heals your body.
65542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65543 H:579 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
65544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65545 H:649 M:669 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
65546 H:649 M:669 -b db 
65547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65548 You may eat another herb or plant.
65549 H:579 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
65550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65551 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
65552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65553 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
65554 r.
65555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65556 Your mind is able to focus once again.
65558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65559 H:579 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
65560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65561 H:600 M:669 -b db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
65562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65563 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
65564 H:579 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
65565 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65566 H:600 M:669 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
65567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65568 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
65569 H:579 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
65570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65571 H:600 M:669 -b db 
65572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65573 You have recovered balance.
65574 H:579 M:414 &lt;eb dbt; 
65575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65576 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
65577 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
65578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65579 trueassess dwenthall
65580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65581 Dwenthall's condition stands at 567/669 health and 669/700 mana.
65582 Mana Lost: 12
65583 H:579 M:402 &lt;eb dbt; 
65584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65585 H:596 M:669 -b db 
65586 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65587 eat toadstool
65588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65589 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1921.
65590 You quickly eat a toadstool.
65591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65592 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
65593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65594 Health Gain: 66
65595 Mana Gain: 51
65596 You feel your health and mana replenished.
65597 H:646 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
65598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65599 H:596 M:669 -b db 
65600 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65601 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
65602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65603 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
65604  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
65605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65606 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
65607 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
65608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65609 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
65610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65611 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
65612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65613 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
65614 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65615 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
65616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65617 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
65618 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65619 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
65620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65621 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65623 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65625 Balance Taken: 2.00s
65626 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65627 naturebinding shred dwenthall
65628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65629 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
65630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65631 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
65632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65633 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
65634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65635 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
65636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65637 ta dwenthall
65638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65639 Dwenthall's condition stands at 616/669 health and 659/700 mana.
65640 Mana Lost: 12
65641 H:646 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
65642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65643 H:616 M:653 -b db 
65644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65645 ac on
65646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65647 Autocuring activated.
65648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65649 evoke imbue
65650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65651 You must regain balance first.
65652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65653 TEAR MAP
65654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65655 Syntax: TEAR MAP
65656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65657 evoke empower jolt
65658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65659 You must regain balance first.
65660 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65661 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
65662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65663 You must regain balance first.
65664 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65665 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
65666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65667 You must regain balance first.
65668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65669 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
65670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65671 You must regain balance first.
65672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65673 naturebind choke dwenthall
65674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65675 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65677 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
65678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65679 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65681 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
65682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65683 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65685 ta dwenthall
65686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65687 Dwenthall's condition stands at 616/669 health and 653/700 mana.
65688 Mana Lost: 12
65689 H:646 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
65690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65691 ---------delayed wisp
65692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65693 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
65694 H:646 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
65695 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65696 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
65697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65698 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
65699 mmand.
65700 H:646 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
65701 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65702 smoke pipe with linseed
65703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65704 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
65705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65706 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
65707 H:646 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
65708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65709 H:616 M:653 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
65710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65711 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
65712 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
65713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65714 What do you wish to break?
65715 H:646 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
65716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65717 H:616 M:653 eb db 
65718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65719 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
65720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65721 What do you wish to break?
65722 H:646 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
65723 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65724 cnc
65725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65726 You already possess mental equilibrium.
65727 H:616 M:653 eb db 
65728 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65729 pa
65730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65731 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
65732 H:616 M:653 eb db 
65733 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65734 ovt
65735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65736 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
65737 H:616 M:653 eb db 
65738 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65739 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
65740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65741 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
65742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65743 The shimmering translucent shield around Dwenthall fades away.
65744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65745 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
65746 ewreathe effect.
65747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65748 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
65750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65751 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
65753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65754 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
65756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65757 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
65759 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
65760  twitching slightly under the cold.
65762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65763 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
65764 range burning sensation in your nerves.
65766 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
65768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65769 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
65771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65772 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
65774 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
65776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65777 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
65779 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
65781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65782 H:541 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
65783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65784 H:616 M:635 -b db 
65785 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65786 ta
65787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65788 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 541/669 health and 429/512 mana.
65790 H:616 M:623 -b db 
65791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65792 naturebind breach dwenthall
65793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65794 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65796 H:541 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
65797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65798 eat nightshade
65799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65800 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1985.
65802 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
65804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65805 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
65807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65808 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
65810 H:541 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
65811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65812 H:616 M:623 -b db 
65813 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
65815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65816 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
65818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65819 naturebind breach dwenthall
65820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65821 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65823 H:541 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
65824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65825 H:603 M:623 -b db 
65826 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
65828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65829 naturebind breach dwenthall
65830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65831 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65833 H:541 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
65834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65835 H:629 M:651 -b db 
65836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65837 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
65840 You have recovered balance.
65843 H:541 M:429 &lt;eb dbt; 
65844 Health Gain: 33
65846 Mana Gain: 32
65848 H:575 M:462 &lt;eb dbt; 
65849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65850 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
65851 H:663 M:678 -b db 
65852 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65853 ac on
65854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65855 Autocuring activated.
65857 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65858 order loyals kill dwenthall
65859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65860 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
65862 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
65864 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
65866 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
65868 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65869 TEAR MAP
65870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65871 Syntax: TEAR MAP
65873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65874 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
65875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65876 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
65878 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65879 evoke empower rockfall
65880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65881 Mana Lost: 6
65883 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
65884 wer of Earth infuses it.
65886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65887 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
65888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65889 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
65890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65891 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
65892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65893 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
65894 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65895 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
65896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65897 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65898 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65900 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
65901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65902 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
65903 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
65904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65905 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
65906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65907 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
65908 Balance Taken: 3.01s
65909 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65910 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
65911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65912 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
65913 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
65914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65915 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
65916 you.
65917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65918 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
65919 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65920 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
65921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65922 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65924 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
65925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65926 You must regain your equilibrium first.
65927 H:575 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
65928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65929 H:590 M:678 -b b 
65930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65931 You may eat another herb or plant.
65932 H:575 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
65933 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65934 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
65935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65936 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
65937 H:575 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
65938 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65939 eat juniper
65940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65941 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1838.
65942 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
65943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65944 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
65945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65946 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
65947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65948 H:575 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
65949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65950 H:590 M:678 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
65951 H:590 M:678 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
65952 H:590 M:678 eb db 
65953 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65954 sip health
65955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65956 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
65957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65958 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
65959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65960 The elixir heals your body.
65961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65962 H:575 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
65963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65964 H:669 M:678 eb db 
65965 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65966 ims
65967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65968 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
65969 ewreathe effect.
65970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65971 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
65972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65973 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
65974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65975 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
65976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65977 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
65978 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
65979 y.
65980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65981 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
65982 hly.
65983 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
65984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65985 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
65986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65987 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
65988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65989 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
65991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65992 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
65994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
65995 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
65997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
65998 H:478 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
65999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66000 H:669 M:666 -b db 
66001 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66002 apply epidermal
66003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66004 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
66006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66007 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
66009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66010 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
66012 H:478 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
66013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66014 H:669 M:666 -b db 
66015 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66016 sip health
66017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66018 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
66020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66021 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
66023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66024 Health Gain: 169
66026 The elixir heals your body.
66028 H:647 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
66029 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66030 H:669 M:666 -b db 
66031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66032 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
66034 H:647 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
66035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66036 You may eat another herb or plant.
66037 H:669 M:650 -b db 
66038 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
66040 H:669 M:650 -b db 
66041 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
66043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66044 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
66046 You may eat another mushroom.
66048 H:647 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
66049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66050 H:656 M:650 -b db 
66051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66052 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
66055 H:647 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
66056 You may apply another salve.
66057 H:647 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
66058 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of atropine.
66060 The tornado swirls rapidly.
66062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66063 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
66065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66066 Your atropine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
66068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66069 Pain leaves your body and you feel ready to take on the world.
66071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66072 H:647 M:456 &lt;e- dbt; 
66073 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66074 H:669 M:700 -b db 
66075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66076 You have recovered balance.
66079 H:647 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
66080 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66081 eat mandrake
66082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66083 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1994.
66085 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
66087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66088 Dwenthall quickly eats a mandrake root.
66090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66091 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
66093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66094 H:647 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
66095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66096 H:656 M:650 -b db 
66097 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
66099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66100 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
66102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66103 spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine
66104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66105 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine", is not a valid command.
66107 H:647 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
66108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66109 H:656 M:650 -b db 
66110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66111 ac on
66112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66113 Autocuring activated.
66115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66116 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
66117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66118 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
66120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66121 evoke imbue
66122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66123 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
66124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66125 evoke empower rockfall
66126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66127 Mana Lost: 6
66128 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
66129 wer of Earth infuses it.
66130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66131 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
66132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66133 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
66134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66135 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
66136 ods your veins.
66137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66138 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
66139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66140 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
66141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66142 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
66143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66144 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
66145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66146 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
66147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66148 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
66149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66150 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
66151 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66152 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
66153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66154 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
66155 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
66156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66157 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
66158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66159 The attack rebounds back onto you!
66160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66161 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
66162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66163 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
66164 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
66165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66166 Several tiny rocks materialise above Reyvenyr and fall down, battering his body.
66167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66168 Damage Taken: 24 blunt, mental (raw damage: 50)
66169 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
66170 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
66171 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
66172 Balance Taken: 3.01s
66173 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66174 naturebinding curse dwenthall
66175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66176 Dwenthall is already suffering from the Nature's curse.
66177 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66178 ta dwenthall
66179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66180 Dwenthall's condition stands at 609/669 health and 721/700 mana.
66181 Mana Lost: 12
66182 H:558 M:438 &lt;e- bt; 
66183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66184 H:575 M:650 -b db 
66185 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66186 eat juniper
66187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66188 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1979.
66189 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
66190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66191 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
66192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66193 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
66194 H:558 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66196 H:575 M:650 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
66197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66198 dg
66199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66200 You must regain balance first.
66201 H:558 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66203 H:575 M:650 eb db 
66204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66205 dg
66206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66207 You must regain balance first.
66208 H:558 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66210 You may eat another herb or plant.
66211 H:575 M:650 eb db 
66212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66213 You may eat another herb or plant.
66214 H:558 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66216 You may drink another healing elixir.
66217 H:575 M:650 eb db 
66218 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66219 dg
66220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66221 You must regain balance first.
66222 H:558 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66223 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66224 cnc
66225 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66226 You already possess mental equilibrium.
66227 H:575 M:650 eb db 
66228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66229 dg
66230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66231 You must regain balance first.
66232 H:558 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66233 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66234 pa
66235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66236 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
66237 H:575 M:650 eb db 
66238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66239 dg
66240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66241 You must regain balance first.
66242 H:558 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66243 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66244 ovt
66245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66246 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
66247 H:575 M:650 eb db 
66248 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66249 dg
66250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66251 You must regain balance first.
66252 H:558 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66253 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66254 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
66255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66256 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
66257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66258 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
66259 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66260 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
66261 ock effect.
66262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66263 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
66264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66265 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
66266 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
66267  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
66268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66269 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
66270 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
66271 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
66272 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66273 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
66274 using him to lose his patience.
66275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66276 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
66277 ausing you to lose your patience.
66278 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
66279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66280 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
66281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66282 H:449 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66284 H:575 M:632 -b db 
66285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66286 dg
66287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66288 You must regain balance first.
66289 H:449 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66290 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66291 ta
66292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66293 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 449/669 health and 438/512 mana.
66294 H:575 M:620 -b db 
66295 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66296 dg
66297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66298 You must regain balance first.
66299 H:449 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66300 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66301 smoke pipe with linseed
66302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66303 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
66304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66305 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
66306 H:449 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66308 H:575 M:620 -b db 
66309 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66310 sip health
66311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66312 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
66313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66314 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
66315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66316 The elixir heals your body.
66317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66318 H:449 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66319 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66320 H:669 M:620 -b db 
66321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66322 eat nightshade
66323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66324 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1984.
66325 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
66326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66327 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
66328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66329 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
66330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66331 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
66332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66333 H:449 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
66334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66335 H:669 M:620 -b db 
66336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66337 eat toadstool
66338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66339 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1920.
66340 You quickly eat a toadstool.
66341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66342 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
66343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66344 Health Gain: 66
66345 Mana Gain: 51
66346 You feel your health and mana replenished.
66347 H:516 M:489 &lt;e- dbt; 
66348 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66349 H:669 M:620 -b db 
66350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66351 dg
66352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66353 You must regain balance first.
66354 H:516 M:489 &lt;e- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
66355 H:516 M:489 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
66356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66357 purge blood
66358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66359 Mana Lost: 6
66360 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
66361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66362 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
66363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66364 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
66365 H:516 M:483 &lt;eb dbt; 
66366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66367 H:669 M:620 -b db 
66368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66369 sip health
66370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66371 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
66372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66373 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
66374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66375 Health Gain: 125
66376 The elixir heals your body.
66377 H:641 M:483 &lt;eb dbt; 
66378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66379 H:669 M:620 -b db 
66380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66381 dg
66382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66383 You are:
66384 impatient.
66385 blind.
66386 deaf.
66387 an insomniac.
66388 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
66389 H:641 M:483 &lt;-b dbt; 
66390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66391 dg
66392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66393 You must regain your equilibrium first.
66394 H:641 M:483 &lt;-b dbt; 
66395 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66396 touch tree
66397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66398 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
66399 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66400 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
66401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66402 You are patient once again.
66403 H:641 M:483 &lt;-b dbt; 
66404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66405 H:669 M:620 -b db 
66406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66407 apply mass
66408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66409 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
66410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66411 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
66412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66413 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
66414 H:641 M:483 &lt;-b dbt; 
66415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66416 H:669 M:604 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
66417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66418 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
66419 H:641 M:483 &lt;-b dbt; 
66420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66421 H:656 M:604 -b db 
66422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66423 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
66424 H:641 M:483 &lt;eb dbt; 
66425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66426 cjh
66427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66428 Your input, "cjh", is not a valid command.
66429 H:641 M:483 &lt;eb dbt; 
66430 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66431 ac on
66432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66433 Autocuring activated.
66434 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66435 order golem kill dwenthall
66436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66437 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
66438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66439 evoke empower rockfall
66440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66441 Mana Lost: 6
66442 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
66443 wer of Earth infuses it.
66444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66445 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
66446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66447 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
66448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66449 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
66450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66451 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
66452 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66453 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
66454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66455 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
66456 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
66457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66458 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
66459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66460 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
66461 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
66462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66463 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
66464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66465 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
66466 Balance Taken: 3.01s
66467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66468 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
66469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66470 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
66471 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
66472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66473 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
66474 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
66475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66476 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
66477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66478 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
66479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66480 You must regain your equilibrium first.
66481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66482 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
66483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66484 You must regain your equilibrium first.
66485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66486 naturebind shred dwenthall
66487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66488 You must regain your equilibrium first.
66489 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66490 ta dwenthall
66491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66492 Dwenthall's condition stands at 477/669 health and 604/700 mana.
66493 Mana Lost: 12
66494 H:641 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
66495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66496 H:535 M:604 -b b 
66497 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66498 writhe root
66499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66500 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
66501 H:535 M:604 -b b 
66502 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66503 eat toadstool
66504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66505 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1883.
66506 You quickly eat a toadstool.
66507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66508 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
66509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66510 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
66511 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
66512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66513 H:641 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
66514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66515 H:535 M:604 -b b 
66516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66517 You may eat another herb or plant.
66518 H:641 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
66519 H:641 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
66520 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66521 eat juniper
66522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66523 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1837.
66524 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
66525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66526 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
66527 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66528 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
66529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66530 H:641 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
66531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66532 H:535 M:604 -b db 
66533 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66534 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
66535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66536 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
66537 H:641 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
66538 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66539 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
66541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66542 H:641 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
66543 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66544 H:535 M:604 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
66545 H:535 M:604 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
66546 H:535 M:604 eb db 
66547 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66548 cnc
66549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66550 You already possess mental equilibrium.
66551 H:535 M:604 eb db 
66552 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66553 pa
66554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66555 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
66556 H:535 M:604 eb db 
66557 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66558 ovt
66559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66560 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
66561 H:535 M:604 eb db 
66562 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66563 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
66564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66565 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
66566 ock effect.
66567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66568 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
66569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66570 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
66571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66572 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
66573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66574 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
66575 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
66576 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
66577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66578 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
66579 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
66580 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
66581 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
66582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66583 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
66584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66585 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
66586 athe.
66587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66588 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
66589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66590 H:545 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
66591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66592 H:535 M:577 -b db 
66593 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66594 ta
66595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66596 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 545/669 health and 465/512 mana.
66597 H:535 M:565 -b db 
66598 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66599 eat kelp
66600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66601 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1959.
66602 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
66603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66604 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
66605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66606 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
66607 H:545 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
66608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66609 H:535 M:565 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
66610 H:562 M:593 -b db 
66611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66612 Health Gain: 33
66613 Mana Gain: 32
66614 H:578 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
66615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66616 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
66617 H:595 M:621 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
66618 H:595 M:621 -b db 
66619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66620 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
66621 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66622 You may drink another healing elixir.
66624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66625 H:578 M:497 &lt;e- dbt; 
66626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66627 H:595 M:621 -b db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
66628 e out of you.
66629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66630 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
66631 r.
66632 You have recovered balance.
66633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66634 ac on
66635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66636 Autocuring activated.
66637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66638 evoke empower rockfall
66639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66640 Mana Lost: 6
66641 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
66642 wer of Earth infuses it.
66643 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66644 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
66645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66646 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
66647 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
66648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66649 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
66650  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
66651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66652 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
66653 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66654 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
66655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66656 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
66657 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66658 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
66659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66660 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
66661 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
66662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66663 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
66664 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
66665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66666 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
66667 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
66668 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
66669 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
66670 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66671 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
66672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66673 Balance Taken: 3.01s
66674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66675 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
66676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66677 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
66678  her skin mercilessly.
66679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66680 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
66681 your skin mercilessly.
66682 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
66683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66684 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
66685 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66686 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
66687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66688 You must regain your equilibrium first.
66689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66690 ta dwenthall
66691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66692 Dwenthall's condition stands at 357/669 health and 621/700 mana.
66693 Mana Lost: 12
66694 H:578 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
66695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66696 H:405 M:621 -b b 
66697 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66698 eat maidenhair
66699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66700 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1972.
66701 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
66702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66703 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
66704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66705 The stinging feeling fades.
66706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66707 H:578 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
66708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66709 H:405 M:621 -b b 
66710 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66711 sip health
66712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66713 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
66714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66715 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
66716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66717 The elixir heals your body.
66718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66719 H:578 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
66720 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66721 H:570 M:621 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
66722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66723 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
66724 H:578 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
66725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66726 H:559 M:621 -b b 
66727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66728 You may drink another healing elixir.
66729 H:578 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
66730 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66731 trueassess dwenthall
66732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66733 Dwenthall's condition stands at 603/669 health and 621/700 mana.
66734 Mana Lost: 12
66735 H:578 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
66736 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66737 ---------delayed wisp
66738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66739 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
66740 H:578 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
66741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66742 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
66743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66744 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
66745 H:578 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
66746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66747 You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
66748 H:559 M:621 -b b 
66749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66750 You may eat another herb or plant.
66751 H:578 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
66752 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66753 eat maidenhair
66754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66755 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1988.
66756 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
66757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66758 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
66759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66760 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
66761 H:578 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
66762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66763 H:559 M:605 -b b You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
66764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66765 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
66766 H:578 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
66767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66768 H:559 M:605 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
66769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66770 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
66771 You may eat another mushroom.
66772 H:578 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
66773 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66774 H:559 M:605 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
66775 H:559 M:605 eb b 
66776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66777 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
66778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66779 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
66780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66781 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
66782 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66783 apply caloric
66784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66785 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
66786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66787 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
66788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66789 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
66790 H:532 M:467 &lt;-- dbt; 
66791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66792 H:559 M:605 eb b 
66793 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66794 eat toadstool
66795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66796 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1919.
66797 You quickly eat a toadstool.
66798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66799 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
66800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66801 Health Gain: 66
66802 Mana Gain: 45
66803 You feel your health and mana replenished.
66804 H:599 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
66805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66806 H:559 M:605 eb b 
66807 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66808 cnc
66809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66810 You already possess mental equilibrium.
66811 H:559 M:605 eb b 
66812 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66813 pa
66814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66815 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
66816 H:559 M:605 eb b 
66817 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66818 ovt
66819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66820 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
66821 H:559 M:605 eb b 
66822 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66823 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
66824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66825 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
66826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66827 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
66828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66829 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
66830 ranoia effect.
66831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66832 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
66833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66834 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
66835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66836 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
66837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66838 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
66839 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
66840 seous.
66841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66842 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
66843 g you thoroughly.
66844 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
66845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66846 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
66847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66848 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
66849 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
66850 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66851 Reyvenyr appears confused.
66852 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
66853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66854 H:502 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
66855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66856 H:559 M:589 -b b 
66857 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66858 ta
66859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66860 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 502/669 health and 512/512 mana.
66861 H:559 M:577 -b b 
66862 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66863 focus
66864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66865 Mana Lost: 15
66866 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
66867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66868 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
66869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66870 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
66871 H:502 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
66872 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66873 H:559 M:577 -b b 
66874 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66875 sip health
66876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66877 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
66878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66879 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
66880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66881 Health Gain: 166
66882 The elixir heals your body.
66883 H:669 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
66884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66885 H:559 M:577 -b b 
66886 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66887 smoke pipe with linseed
66888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66889 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
66890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66891 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
66892 H:669 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
66893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66894 H:559 M:577 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
66895 H:559 M:577 -b b 
66896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66897 The icicles continue beating at your skin.
66898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66899 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
66900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66901 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
66902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66903 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
66904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66905 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
66906 H:589 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
66907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66908 H:559 M:577 -b b 
66909 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66910 eat juniper
66911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66912 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1836.
66913 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
66914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66915 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
66916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66917 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
66918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66919 H:589 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
66920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66921 H:559 M:577 -b db 
66922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66923 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
66924 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of atropine.
66925 The tornado swirls rapidly.
66926 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66927 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
66928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66929 Your atropine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
66930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66931 Pain leaves your body and you feel ready to take on the world.
66932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66933 You may apply another salve.
66934 H:589 M:497 &lt;e- dbt; 
66935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66936 H:669 M:700 -b db 
66937 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66938 focus
66939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66940 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
66941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66942 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dwenthall.
66943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66944 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
66945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66946 H:589 M:497 &lt;e- dbt; 
66947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66948 H:559 M:562 -b db 
66949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66950 You have recovered balance.
66951 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66952 spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine
66953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66954 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine", is not a valid command.
66955 H:589 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
66956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66957 You may eat another mushroom.
66958 H:559 M:562 -b db 
66959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66960 You may eat another herb or plant.
66961 H:589 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
66962 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66963 eat toadstool
66964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66965 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1882.
66966 You quickly eat a toadstool.
66967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66968 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
66969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66970 You feel your health and mana replenished.
66971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66972 H:589 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
66973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66974 H:626 M:632 -b db 
66975 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66976 eat nightshade
66977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66978 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1983.
66979 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
66980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66981 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
66982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66983 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
66984 H:589 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
66985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66986 H:626 M:632 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
66987 H:625 M:632 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
66988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66989 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
66990 H:589 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
66991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
66992 H:615 M:632 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
66993 H:615 M:632 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
66994 H:615 M:632 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
66995 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66996 ac on
66997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
66998 Autocuring activated.
66999 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67000 evoke imbue
67001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67002 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
67003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67004 evoke empower shock
67005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67006 Mana Lost: 6
67007 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
67008 wer of Earth infuses it.
67009 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67010 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
67011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67012 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
67013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67014 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
67015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67016 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
67017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67018 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
67019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67020 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
67021 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
67022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67023 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
67024 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
67025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67026 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
67027 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
67028 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
67029 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67030 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
67031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67032 Balance Taken: 3.01s
67033 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67034 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
67035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67036 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
67037 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67038 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
67039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67040 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
67041  her skin mercilessly.
67042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67043 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
67044 your skin mercilessly.
67045 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
67046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67047 Equilibrium Taken: 4.75s
67048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67049 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
67050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67051 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67052 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67053 ta dwenthall
67054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67055 Dwenthall's condition stands at 498/669 health and 714/700 mana.
67056 Mana Lost: 12
67057 H:589 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67059 H:498 M:632 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
67060 H:498 M:632 eb b 
67061 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67062 eat maidenhair
67063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67064 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1971.
67065 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
67066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67067 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
67068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67069 The stinging feeling fades.
67070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67071 H:589 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67073 H:498 M:632 eb b 
67074 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67075 sip health
67076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67077 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
67078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67079 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
67080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67081 The elixir heals your body.
67082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67083 H:589 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67084 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67085 H:648 M:632 eb b 
67086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67087 You cannot contain the convulsions in your stomach any longer and double over, retching violently.
67088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67089 Reyvenyr doubles over, vomiting violently.
67090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67091 Damage Taken: 100 unblockable (raw damage: 100)
67092 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
67093 H:489 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67095 H:648 M:632 eb b 
67096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67097 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
67098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67099 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
67100 H:489 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67101 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67102 cnc
67103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67104 You already possess mental equilibrium.
67105 H:648 M:632 eb b 
67106 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67107 pa
67108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67109 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
67110 H:648 M:632 eb b 
67111 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67112 ovt
67113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67114 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
67115 H:648 M:632 eb b 
67116 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67117 abn
67118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67119 Your wounds are already bandaged.
67120 H:648 M:632 eb b 
67121 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67122 cast weariness dehydrate freeze at &tar
67123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67124 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
67125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67126 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
67127 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67128 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
67129 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
67130 ariness effect.
67131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67132 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
67133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67134 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
67135 You conjure a wave of heat and focus it towards Reyvenyr, draining moisture from his body. Reyvenyr'
67136 s skin glistens and he appears dizzy as the wave of heat passes through.
67137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67138 Dwenthall conjures a wave of heat and focuses it towards you, draining moisture from your body, hamp
67139 ering your ability to process salves and causing you to feel dizzy.
67140 Damage Taken: 65 fire, mental (raw damage: 80)
67141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67142 You send a blast of cold air towards Reyvenyr, chilling him to the bone.
67143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67144 Dwenthall sends a blast of cold air towards you, chilling you to the bone.
67145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67146 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
67147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67148 H:423 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67150 H:641 M:602 -b b 
67151 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67152 ta
67153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67154 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 423/669 health and 479/512 mana.
67155 H:641 M:589 -b b 
67156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67157 apply caloric
67158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67159 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
67160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67161 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
67162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67163 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
67164 H:423 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67166 H:641 M:589 -b b 
67167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67168 You may eat another herb or plant.
67169 H:423 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67170 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67171 eat kelp
67172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67173 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1958.
67174 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
67175 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67176 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
67177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67178 You feel strength return to your limbs.
67179 H:423 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67181 H:641 M:589 -b b 
67182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67183 Your mind is able to focus once again.
67185 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67186 focus
67187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67188 Mana Lost: 15
67189 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
67190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67191 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
67192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67193 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
67194 H:423 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
67195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67196 H:641 M:573 -b b 
67197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67198 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
67199 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67200 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
67201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67202 H:423 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
67203 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67204 H:641 M:573 -b b 
67205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67206 You may drink another healing elixir.
67207 H:423 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
67208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67209 You may eat another herb or plant.
67210 H:641 M:573 -b b Your mind is able to focus once again.
67212 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67213 sip health
67214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67215 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
67216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67217 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
67218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67219 Health Gain: 125
67220 The elixir heals your body.
67221 H:548 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
67222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67223 H:641 M:573 -b b 
67224 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67225 eat juniper
67226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67227 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1835.
67228 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
67230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67231 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
67233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67234 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
67236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67237 H:548 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
67238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67239 H:641 M:573 -b db 
67240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67241 You may eat another herb or plant.
67242 H:548 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
67243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67244 eat kelp
67245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67246 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1957.
67248 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
67250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67251 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
67253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67254 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
67256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67257 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
67259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67260 H:548 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
67261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67262 H:641 M:573 -b db 
67263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67264 You may eat another mushroom.
67266 H:548 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
67267 You have recovered balance.
67270 H:548 M:464 &lt;-b dbt; 
67271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67272 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
67275 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
67277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67278 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
67280 H:548 M:464 &lt;-b dbt; 
67281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67282 H:641 M:573 eb db 
67283 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67284 ac on
67285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67286 Autocuring activated.
67288 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67289 order golem kill dwenthall
67290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67291 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67294 evoke empower rockfall
67295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67296 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67298 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67299 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
67300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67301 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67303 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67304 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
67305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67306 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67309 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
67310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67311 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67313 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67314 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
67315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67316 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67318 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67319 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
67320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67321 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67323 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67324 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
67325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67326 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67328 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67329 naturebind shred dwenthall
67330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67331 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67333 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67334 ta dwenthall
67335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67336 Dwenthall's condition stands at 641/669 health and 618/700 mana.
67338 Mana Lost: 12
67340 H:548 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
67341 You may apply another salve.
67342 H:548 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
67343 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67344 cnc
67345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67346 You already possess mental equilibrium.
67348 H:641 M:573 eb db 
67349 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67350 pa
67351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67352 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
67354 H:641 M:573 eb db 
67355 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67356 ovt
67357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67358 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
67359 H:641 M:573 eb db 
67360 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67361 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
67362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67363 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
67364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67365 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
67366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67367 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
67368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67369 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
67370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67371 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
67372 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
67373 ewreathe effect.
67374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67375 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
67376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67377 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
67378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67379 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
67380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67381 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
67382 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
67383  twitching slightly under the cold.
67384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67385 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
67386 range burning sensation in your nerves.
67387 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
67388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67389 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
67390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67391 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
67392 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
67393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67394 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
67395 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
67396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67397 H:443 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
67398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67399 H:628 M:537 -b db 
67400 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67401 ta
67402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67403 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 443/669 health and 451/512 mana.
67404 H:628 M:525 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
67405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67406 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
67407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67408 eat toadstool
67409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67410 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1918.
67411 You quickly eat a toadstool.
67412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67413 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
67414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67415 Health Gain: 66
67416 Mana Gain: 51
67417 You feel your health and mana replenished.
67418 H:510 M:503 &lt;-b dbt; 
67419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67420 H:617 M:525 -b db 
67421 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67422 smoke pipe with linseed
67423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67424 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
67425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67426 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
67427 H:510 M:503 &lt;-b dbt; 
67428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67429 H:617 M:525 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
67430 H:617 M:525 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
67431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67432 Health Gain: 33
67433 Mana Gain: 9
67434 H:544 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
67435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67436 H:669 M:566 -b db 
67437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67438 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
67439 You may eat another herb or plant.
67440 H:544 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
67441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67442 You may drink another healing elixir.
67443 H:669 M:566 -b db 
67444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67445 Your mind is able to focus once again.
67447 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67448 eat nightshade
67449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67450 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1982.
67451 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
67452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67453 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
67454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67455 Your stomach becalms itself.
67456 H:544 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
67457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67458 H:669 M:566 -b db 
67459 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67460 sip mana
67461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67462 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
67463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67464 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
67465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67466 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
67467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67468 H:544 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
67469 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67470 H:669 M:700 -b db 
67471 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67472 eat toadstool
67473 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67474 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1881.
67475 You quickly eat a toadstool.
67476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67477 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
67478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67479 You feel your health and mana replenished.
67480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67481 H:544 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
67482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67483 H:669 M:700 -b db 
67484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67485 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
67486 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
67487 H:544 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
67488 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67489 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
67490 H:669 M:700 -b db 
67491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67492 ac on
67493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67494 Autocuring activated.
67495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67496 order golem kill dwenthall
67497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67498 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
67499 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67500 evoke empower rockfall
67501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67502 Mana Lost: 6
67503 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
67504 wer of Earth infuses it.
67505 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67506 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
67507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67508 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
67509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67510 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
67511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67512 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
67513 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67514 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
67515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67516 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
67517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67518 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
67519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67520 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
67521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67522 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
67523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67524 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
67525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67526 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
67527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67528 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
67529 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
67530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67531 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
67532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67533 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
67534 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
67535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67536 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
67537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67538 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
67539 Balance Taken: 3.01s
67540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67541 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
67542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67543 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
67544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67545 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
67546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67547 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
67548 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
67549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67550 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
67551 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
67552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67553 Equilibrium Taken: 4.75s
67554 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67555 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
67556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67557 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67559 naturebind shred dwenthall
67560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67561 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67562 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67563 ta dwenthall
67564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67565 Dwenthall's condition stands at 489/669 health and 651/700 mana.
67566 Mana Lost: 12
67567 H:544 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
67568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67569 H:426 M:700 -b b 
67570 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67571 writhe root
67572 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67573 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
67574 H:426 M:700 -b b 
67575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67576 focus
67577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67578 Mana Lost: 15
67579 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
67580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67581 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
67582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67583 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
67584 H:544 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67586 H:426 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
67587 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67588 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
67589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67590 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
67591 H:544 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67593 H:426 M:700 eb b 
67594 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67595 eat juniper
67596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67597 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1834.
67598 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
67599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67600 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
67601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67602 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
67603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67604 H:544 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67606 H:426 M:700 eb db 
67607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67608 You may drink another healing elixir.
67609 H:544 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67610 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67611 cnc
67612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67613 You already possess mental equilibrium.
67614 H:426 M:700 eb db 
67615 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67616 pa
67617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67618 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
67619 H:426 M:700 eb db 
67620 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67621 ovt
67622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67623 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
67624 H:426 M:700 eb db 
67625 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67626 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
67627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67628 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
67629 ock effect.
67630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67631 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
67632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67633 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
67634 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
67635  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
67636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67637 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
67638 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
67639 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
67640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67641 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
67642 using him to lose his patience.
67643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67644 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
67645 ausing you to lose your patience.
67646 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
67647 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67648 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
67649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67650 H:435 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
67651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67652 H:426 M:682 -b db 
67653 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67654 ta
67655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67656 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 435/669 health and 479/512 mana.
67657 H:426 M:670 -b db 
67658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67659 purge blood
67660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67661 Mana Lost: 6
67662 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
67663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67664 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
67666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67667 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
67669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67670 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
67672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67673 H:435 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
67674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67675 H:426 M:670 -b db 
67676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67677 sip health
67678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67679 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
67681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67682 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
67684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67685 Health Gain: 160
67687 The elixir heals your body.
67689 H:595 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
67690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67691 H:426 M:670 -b db 
67692 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
67693 H:426 M:670 -b db 
67694 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67695 apply mass
67696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67697 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
67699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67700 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
67702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67703 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
67705 H:595 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
67706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67707 H:426 M:670 -b db 
67708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67709 You may eat another herb or plant.
67710 H:595 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
67711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67712 eat maidenhair
67713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67714 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1987.
67716 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
67718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67719 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
67721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67722 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
67724 H:595 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
67725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67726 H:426 M:670 -b db 
67727 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
67729 H:426 M:670 -b db 
67730 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67731 touch tree
67732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67733 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
67735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67736 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
67738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67739 You are able to focus your senses once more.
67741 H:595 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
67742 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67743 H:426 M:670 -b db 
67744 You may eat another herb or plant.
67745 H:426 M:670 -b db 
67746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67747 You may apply another salve.
67748 H:595 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
67749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67750 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
67752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67753 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
67754 her.
67756 You have recovered balance.
67759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67760 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
67762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67763 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
67765 H:595 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
67766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67767 H:366 M:670 -b db 
67768 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67769 ac on
67770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67771 Autocuring activated.
67773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67774 evoke imbue
67775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67776 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67779 evoke empower shock
67780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67781 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67784 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
67785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67786 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67788 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67789 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
67790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67791 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67793 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67794 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
67795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67796 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67799 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
67800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67801 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67803 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67804 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
67805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67806 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67808 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67809 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
67810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67811 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67813 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67814 ta dwenthall
67815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67816 Dwenthall's condition stands at 366/669 health and 703/700 mana.
67818 Mana Lost: 12
67820 H:595 M:461 &lt;-b dbt; 
67821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67822 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
67825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67826 You may eat another herb or plant.
67827 H:595 M:461 &lt;-b dbt; 
67828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67829 H:366 M:670 eb db 
67830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67831 Your mind is able to focus once again.
67832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67833 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
67835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67836 ac on
67837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67838 Autocuring activated.
67840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67841 evoke imbue
67842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67843 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67845 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67846 evoke empower shock
67847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67848 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67851 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
67852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67853 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67856 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
67857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67858 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67861 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
67862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67863 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67866 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
67867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67868 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67870 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67871 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
67872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67873 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67876 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
67877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67878 You must regain your equilibrium first.
67880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67881 ta dwenthall
67882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67883 Dwenthall's condition stands at 366/669 health and 743/700 mana.
67885 Mana Lost: 12
67887 H:595 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
67888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67889 H:366 M:670 eb db 
67890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67891 eat mandrake
67892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67893 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1997.
67895 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
67897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67898 Reyvenyr quickly eats a mandrake root.
67900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67901 You are patient once again.
67903 H:595 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
67904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67905 H:366 M:670 eb db 
67906 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67907 cnc
67908 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67909 You already possess mental equilibrium.
67911 H:366 M:670 eb db 
67912 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67913 pa
67914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67915 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
67917 H:366 M:670 eb db 
67918 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67919 ovt
67920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67921 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
67922 H:366 M:670 eb db 
67923 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67924 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
67925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67926 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
67927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67928 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
67929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67930 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
67931 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
67932 ock effect.
67933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67934 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
67935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67936 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
67937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67938 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
67939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67940 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
67941 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
67942 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
67943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67944 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
67945 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
67946 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
67947 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
67948 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67949 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
67950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67951 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
67952 athe.
67953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67954 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
67955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67956 H:499 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
67957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67958 H:339 M:624 -b db 
67959 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67960 ta
67961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67962 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 499/669 health and 448/512 mana.
67963 H:339 M:612 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
67964 H:339 M:612 -b db 
67965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67966 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of atropine.
67967 The tornado swirls rapidly.
67968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67969 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
67970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67971 Your atropine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
67972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67973 Pain leaves your body and you feel ready to take on the world.
67974 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67975 eat mandrake
67976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67977 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1993.
67978 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
67979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67980 Dwenthall quickly eats a mandrake root.
67981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67982 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
67983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67984 H:499 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
67985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67986 H:339 M:612 -b db 
67987 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67988 sip health
67989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67990 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
67991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67992 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
67993 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67994 The elixir heals your body.
67995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
67996 H:499 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
67997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
67998 H:483 M:612 -b db 
67999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68000 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
68001 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68002 spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine
68003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68004 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine", is not a valid command.
68005 H:499 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
68006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68007 ac on
68008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68009 Autocuring activated.
68010 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68011 evoke imbue
68012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68013 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
68014 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68015 evoke empower shock
68016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68017 Mana Lost: 6
68018 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
68019 wer of Earth infuses it.
68020 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68021 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
68022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68023 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
68024 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68025 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
68026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68027 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
68028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68029 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
68030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68031 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
68032 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
68033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68034 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
68035 A brief shock tuns through your body and your muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
68036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68037 Dwenthall's muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
68038 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
68039 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
68040 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
68041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68042 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
68043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68044 Balance Taken: 3.01s
68045 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68046 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
68047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68048 You concentrate on your bond with Nature and prepare to overwhelm Dwenthall with its raw power.
68049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68050 A look of utmost concentration appears on Reyvenyr's face, followed by a menacing look in your direc
68051 tion.
68052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68053 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
68054 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68055 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
68056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68057 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68059 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
68060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68061 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68062 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68063 ta dwenthall
68064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68065 Dwenthall's condition stands at 410/669 health and 685/700 mana.
68066 Mana Lost: 12
68067 H:499 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
68068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68069 H:410 M:596 -b b 
68070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68071 You may eat another mushroom.
68072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68073 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
68074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68075 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
68076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68077 eat toadstool
68078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68079 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1917.
68080 You quickly eat a toadstool.
68081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68082 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
68083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68084 Health Gain: 66
68085 Mana Gain: 51
68086 You feel your health and mana replenished.
68087 H:566 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
68088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68089 H:410 M:596 -b b 
68090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68091 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
68092 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68093 ---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!
68094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68095 Your input, "---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!"
68096 , is not a valid command.
68097 H:566 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
68098 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68099 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
68100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68101 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
68102 H:566 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
68103 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68104 -------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!
68105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68106 Your input, "-------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
68107 H:566 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
68108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68109 You may eat another mushroom.
68110 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68111 eat toadstool
68112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68113 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1880.
68114 You quickly eat a toadstool.
68115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68116 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
68117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68118 You feel your health and mana replenished.
68119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68120 H:566 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
68121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68122 H:477 M:666 -b b 
68123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68124 You may drink another healing elixir.
68125 H:566 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
68126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68127 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
68128 H:477 M:666 -b b 
68129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68130 You may eat another herb or plant.
68131 H:566 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
68132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68133 eat kelp
68134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68135 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1956.
68136 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
68137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68138 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
68139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68140 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
68141 H:566 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
68142 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68143 H:477 M:666 -b b An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the li
68144 fe out of you.
68145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68146 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
68147 her.
68148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68149 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
68150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68151 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
68152 H:566 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
68153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68154 H:429 M:666 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
68155 H:429 M:666 -b b 
68156 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68157 eat juniper
68158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68159 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1833.
68160 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
68161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68162 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
68163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68164 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
68165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68166 H:566 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
68167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68168 H:429 M:666 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
68169 H:429 M:666 eb db 
68170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68171 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
68172 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68173 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
68174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68175 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
68176 H:519 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
68177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68178 H:429 M:666 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
68179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68180 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
68181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68182 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
68183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68184 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
68185 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68186 apply caloric
68187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68188 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
68189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68190 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
68191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68192 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
68193 H:519 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
68194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68195 H:420 M:666 eb db 
68196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68197 sip health
68198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68199 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
68200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68201 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
68202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68203 Health Gain: 122
68204 The elixir heals your body.
68205 H:641 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
68206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68207 H:420 M:666 eb db 
68208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68209 You have recovered balance.
68210 H:641 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
68211 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68212 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
68213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68214 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
68215  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
68216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68217 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
68218 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
68219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68220 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
68221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68222 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
68223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68224 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
68225 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68226 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
68227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68228 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
68229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68230 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
68231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68232 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
68233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68234 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
68235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68236 Balance Taken: 2.00s
68237 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68238 naturebinding shred dwenthall
68239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68240 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
68241 ing her skin mercilessly.
68242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68243 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
68244 ng your skin mercilessly.
68245 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
68246 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68247 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
68248 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68249 ta dwenthall
68250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68251 Dwenthall's condition stands at 427/669 health and 666/700 mana.
68252 Mana Lost: 12
68253 H:641 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
68254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68255 H:375 M:666 eb b 
68256 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68257 ts
68258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68259 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
68260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68261 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
68262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68263 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
68264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68265 H:641 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
68266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68267 H:375 M:666 -b b 
68268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68269 ac on
68270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68271 Autocuring activated.
68272 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68273 evoke imbue
68274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68275 You must regain balance first.
68276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68277 TEAR MAP
68278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68279 Syntax: TEAR MAP
68280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68281 evoke empower jolt
68282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68283 You must regain balance first.
68284 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68285 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
68286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68287 You must regain balance first.
68288 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68289 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
68290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68291 You must regain balance first.
68292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68293 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
68294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68295 You must regain balance first.
68296 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68297 naturebind choke dwenthall
68298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68299 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68301 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
68302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68303 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68304 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68305 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
68306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68307 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68309 ta dwenthall
68310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68311 Dwenthall's condition stands at 382/669 health and 666/700 mana.
68312 Mana Lost: 12
68313 H:641 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
68314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68315 ---------delayed wisp
68316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68317 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
68318 H:641 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
68319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68320 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
68321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68322 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
68323 mmand.
68324 H:641 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
68325 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68326 smoke pipe with linseed
68327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68328 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
68329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68330 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
68331 H:641 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
68332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68333 H:375 M:666 -b b 
68334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68335 naturebind breach dwenthall
68336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68337 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68338 H:641 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; The icicles continue beating at your skin.
68339 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68340 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
68341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68342 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
68343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68344 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
68345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68346 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
68347 H:562 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
68348 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68349 H:375 M:666 -b b 
68350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68351 You may eat another herb or plant.
68352 H:562 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
68353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68354 eat maidenhair
68355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68356 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1986.
68357 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
68358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68359 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
68360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68361 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
68362 H:562 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
68363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68364 H:375 M:666 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
68365 H:375 M:666 -b b 
68366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68367 You may apply another salve.
68368 H:562 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
68369 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68370 eat juniper
68371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68372 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1832.
68373 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
68374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68375 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
68376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68377 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
68378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68379 H:562 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
68380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68381 H:375 M:666 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
68382 H:375 M:666 -b db 
68383 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68384 sip health
68385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68386 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
68387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68388 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
68389 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68390 The elixir heals your body.
68391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68392 H:562 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
68393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68394 H:531 M:666 -b db 
68395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68396 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
68397 H:562 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; Health Gain: 33
68398 Mana Gain: 32
68399 H:595 M:490 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
68400 H:595 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects
68401  of crushing cold.
68402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68403 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
68404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68405 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
68406 H:548 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
68407 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68408 H:598 M:692 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
68409 H:598 M:692 -b db 
68410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68411 You may eat another herb or plant.
68412 H:548 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
68413 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68414 eat nightshade
68415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68416 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1981.
68417 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
68418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68419 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
68420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68421 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
68422 H:548 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
68423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68424 H:598 M:692 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
68425 H:598 M:692 eb db 
68426 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68427 ac on
68428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68429 Autocuring activated.
68430 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68431 evoke imbue
68432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68433 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
68434 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68435 TEAR MAP
68436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68437 Syntax: TEAR MAP
68438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68439 evoke empower jolt
68440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68441 Mana Lost: 6
68442 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
68443 wer of Earth infuses it.
68444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68445 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
68446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68447 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
68448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68449 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
68450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68451 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
68452 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68453 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
68454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68455 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
68456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68457 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
68458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68459 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
68460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68461 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
68462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68463 naturebind choke dwenthall
68464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68465 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68467 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
68468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68469 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68471 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
68472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68473 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68475 ta dwenthall
68476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68477 Dwenthall's condition stands at 618/669 health and 665/700 mana.
68478 Mana Lost: 12
68479 H:548 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
68480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68481 H:618 M:692 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
68482 H:618 M:692 eb db 
68483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68484 You may eat another mushroom.
68485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68486 apply caloric
68487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68488 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
68489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68490 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
68491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68492 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
68493 H:548 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
68494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68495 H:618 M:692 eb db 
68496 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68497 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
68498 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
68499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68500 What do you wish to break?
68501 H:548 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
68502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68503 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
68504 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68505 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
68506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68507 What do you wish to break?
68508 H:548 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
68509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68510 H:645 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm 
68511 you.
68512 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
68513 You may eat another mushroom.
68514 H:665 M:700 eb db 
68515 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68516 bvr
68517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68518 Your input, "bvr", is not a valid command.
68519 H:548 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
68520 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68521 cnc
68522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68523 You already possess mental equilibrium.
68524 H:665 M:700 eb db 
68525 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68526 pa
68527 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68528 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
68529 H:665 M:700 eb db 
68530 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68531 ovt
68532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68533 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
68534 H:665 M:700 eb db 
68535 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68536 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
68537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68538 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
68539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68540 The shimmering translucent shield around Dwenthall fades away.
68541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68542 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
68543 ock effect.
68544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68545 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
68546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68547 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
68548 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
68549  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
68550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68551 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
68552 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
68553 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
68554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68555 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
68556 using him to lose his patience.
68557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68558 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
68559 ausing you to lose your patience.
68560 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
68561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68562 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
68563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68564 H:440 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
68565 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68566 H:665 M:682 -b db 
68567 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68568 ta
68569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68570 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 440/669 health and 472/512 mana.
68571 H:665 M:670 -b db 
68572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68573 eat toadstool
68574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68575 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1916.
68576 You quickly eat a toadstool.
68577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68578 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
68579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68580 Health Gain: 66
68581 Mana Gain: 40
68582 You feel your health and mana replenished.
68583 H:507 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
68584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68585 H:665 M:670 -b db The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
68586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68587 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
68588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68589 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
68590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68591 H:507 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
68592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68593 H:665 M:670 -b db 
68594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68595 You may apply another salve.
68596 H:507 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
68597 H:507 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
68598 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68599 naturebind breach dwenthall
68600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68601 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68602 H:507 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
68603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68604 apply mass
68605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68606 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
68607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68608 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
68609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68610 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
68611 H:507 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
68612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68613 H:665 M:670 -b db 
68614 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68615 sip health
68616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68617 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
68618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68619 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
68620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68621 Health Gain: 130
68622 The elixir heals your body.
68623 H:637 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
68624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68625 H:665 M:670 -b db 
68626 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68627 naturebind breach dwenthall
68628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68629 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68630 H:637 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
68631 You may eat another herb or plant.
68632 H:637 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
68633 H:637 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
68634 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68635 naturebind breach dwenthall
68636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68637 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around Dwenthall.
68638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68639 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around you.
68640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68641 Equilibrium Taken: 1.26s
68642 H:637 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
68643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68644 H:665 M:670 -b db 
68645 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68646 eat nightshade
68647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68648 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1980.
68649 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
68650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68651 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
68652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68653 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
68654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68655 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
68656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68657 H:637 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
68658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68659 H:665 M:670 -b db 
68660 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68663 You do not know how to perform such a shield skill.
68664 H:637 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You may apply another salve.
68665 H:637 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
68666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68667 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
68668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68669 ac on
68670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68671 Autocuring activated.
68672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68673 order loyals kill dwenthall
68674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68675 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68677 TEAR MAP
68678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68679 Syntax: TEAR MAP
68680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68681 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
68682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68683 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68685 evoke empower rockfall
68686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68687 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68688 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68689 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
68690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68691 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68693 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
68694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68695 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68697 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
68698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68699 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68701 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
68702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68703 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68705 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
68706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68707 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68708 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68709 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
68710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68711 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68712 H:637 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
68713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68714 H:665 M:670 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
68715 H:665 M:670 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
68716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68717 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
68718 H:637 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
68719 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68720 H:665 M:670 -b db 
68721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68722 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
68723 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68724 ac on
68725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68726 Autocuring activated.
68727 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68728 order loyals kill dwenthall
68729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68730 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
68731 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
68732 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
68733 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
68734 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68735 TEAR MAP
68736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68737 Syntax: TEAR MAP
68738 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68739 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
68740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68741 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
68742 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68743 evoke empower rockfall
68744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68745 Mana Lost: 6
68746 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
68747 wer of Earth infuses it.
68748 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68749 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
68750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68751 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
68752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68753 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
68754 ods your veins.
68755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68756 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
68757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68758 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
68759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68760 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
68761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68762 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
68763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68764 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
68765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68766 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
68767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68768 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
68769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68770 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
68771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68772 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
68773 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
68774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68775 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
68776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68777 The attack rebounds back onto you!
68778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68779 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
68780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68781 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
68782 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
68783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68784 Several tiny rocks materialise above Reyvenyr and fall down, battering his body.
68785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68786 Damage Taken: 24 blunt, mental (raw damage: 50)
68787 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
68788 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
68789 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
68790 Balance Taken: 3.01s
68791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68792 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
68793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68794 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
68795 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
68796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68797 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
68798 you.
68799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68800 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
68801 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68802 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
68803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68804 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68805 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68806 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
68807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68808 You must regain your equilibrium first.
68809 H:548 M:506 &lt;-- bt; 
68810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68811 H:583 M:670 -b db 
68812 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68813 sip health
68814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68815 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
68816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68817 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
68818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68819 The elixir heals your body.
68820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68821 H:548 M:506 &lt;-- bt; 
68822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68823 H:669 M:670 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
68824 H:669 M:654 eb db 
68825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68826 You may eat another herb or plant.
68827 H:548 M:506 &lt;-- bt; 
68828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68829 eat maidenhair
68830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68831 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1985.
68832 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
68833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68834 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
68835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68836 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
68837 H:548 M:506 &lt;-- bt; 
68838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68839 H:669 M:654 eb db 
68840 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68841 cnc
68842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68843 You already possess mental equilibrium.
68844 H:669 M:654 eb db 
68845 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68846 pa
68847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68848 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
68849 H:669 M:654 eb db 
68850 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68851 ovt
68852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68853 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
68854 H:669 M:654 eb db 
68855 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68856 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
68857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68858 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
68859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68860 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
68861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68862 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
68863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68864 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
68865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68866 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
68867 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
68868 ewreathe effect.
68869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68870 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
68871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68872 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
68873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68874 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
68875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68876 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
68877 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
68878  twitching slightly under the cold.
68879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68880 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
68881 range burning sensation in your nerves.
68882 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
68883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68884 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
68885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68886 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
68887 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
68888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68889 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
68890 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
68891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68892 H:443 M:506 &lt;-- bt; 
68893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68894 H:662 M:617 -b db 
68895 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68896 ta
68897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68898 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 443/669 health and 506/512 mana.
68899 H:662 M:605 -b db 
68900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68901 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of atropine.
68902 The tornado swirls rapidly.
68903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68904 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
68905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68906 Your atropine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
68907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68908 Pain leaves your body and you feel ready to take on the world.
68909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68910 H:443 M:506 &lt;-- bt; 
68911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68912 H:669 M:700 -b db 
68913 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68914 eat mandrake
68915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68916 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1992.
68917 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
68918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68919 Dwenthall quickly eats a mandrake root.
68920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68921 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
68922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68923 H:443 M:506 &lt;-- bt; 
68924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68925 H:662 M:605 -b db 
68926 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68927 spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine
68928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68929 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine", is not a valid command.
68930 H:443 M:506 &lt;-- bt; 
68931 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68932 smoke pipe with linseed
68933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68934 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
68935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68936 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
68937 H:443 M:506 &lt;-- bt; 
68938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68939 H:662 M:605 -b db 
68940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68941 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
68942 H:443 M:506 &lt;e- bt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
68944 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68945 dg
68946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68947 You must regain balance first.
68948 H:443 M:506 &lt;e- bt; 
68949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68950 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
68951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68952 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
68953 H:443 M:506 &lt;e- bt; 
68954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68955 H:650 M:605 -b db 
68956 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68957 dg
68958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68959 You must regain balance first.
68960 H:443 M:506 &lt;e- bt; 
68961 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68962 dg
68963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68964 You must regain balance first.
68965 H:443 M:506 &lt;e- bt; 
68966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68967 dg
68968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68969 You must regain balance first.
68970 H:443 M:506 &lt;e- bt; 
68971 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68972 dg
68973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68974 You must regain balance first.
68975 H:443 M:506 &lt;e- bt; 
68976 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68977 dg
68978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68979 You must regain balance first.
68980 H:443 M:506 &lt;e- bt; Your tree tattoo can be used again.
68982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68983 dg
68984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68985 You must regain balance first.
68986 H:443 M:506 &lt;e- bt; You may drink another healing elixir.
68987 H:443 M:506 &lt;e- bt; 
68988 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68989 touch tree
68990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68991 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
68992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68993 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
68994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
68995 You are patient once again.
68996 H:443 M:506 &lt;e- bt; 
68997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
68998 H:650 M:605 -b db 
68999 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69000 sip health
69001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69002 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
69003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69004 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
69005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69006 Health Gain: 157
69007 The elixir heals your body.
69008 H:601 M:506 &lt;e- bt; 
69009 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69010 H:650 M:605 -b db 
69011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69012 dg
69013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69014 You must regain balance first.
69015 H:601 M:506 &lt;e- bt; You may eat another herb or plant.
69016 H:601 M:506 &lt;e- bt; 
69017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69018 eat juniper
69019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69020 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1978.
69021 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
69022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69023 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
69024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69025 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
69026 H:601 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
69027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69028 H:650 M:605 -b db 
69029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69030 You have recovered balance.
69031 H:601 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
69032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69033 You may eat another herb or plant.
69034 H:650 M:605 -b db 
69035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69036 You may eat another mushroom.
69037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69038 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
69039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69040 H:601 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
69041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69042 H:650 M:605 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
69043 H:650 M:605 eb db 
69044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69045 ac on
69046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69047 Autocuring activated.
69048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69049 order golem kill dwenthall
69050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69051 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
69052 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69053 evoke empower rockfall
69054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69055 Mana Lost: 6
69056 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
69057 wer of Earth infuses it.
69058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69059 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
69060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69061 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
69062 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69063 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
69064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69065 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
69066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69067 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
69068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69069 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
69070 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
69071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69072 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
69073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69074 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
69075 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
69076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69077 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
69078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69079 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
69080 Balance Taken: 3.01s
69081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69082 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
69083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69084 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
69085 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
69086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69087 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
69088 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
69089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69090 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
69091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69092 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
69093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69094 You must regain your equilibrium first.
69095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69096 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
69097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69098 You must regain your equilibrium first.
69099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69100 naturebind shred dwenthall
69101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69102 You must regain your equilibrium first.
69103 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69104 ta dwenthall
69105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69106 Dwenthall's condition stands at 530/669 health and 527/700 mana.
69107 Mana Lost: 12
69108 H:601 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
69109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69110 H:530 M:605 eb b 
69111 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69112 writhe root
69113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69114 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
69115 H:530 M:605 eb b 
69116 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69117 eat toadstool
69118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69119 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1879.
69120 You quickly eat a toadstool.
69121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69122 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
69123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69124 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
69125 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
69126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69127 H:601 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
69128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69129 H:530 M:605 eb b 
69130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69131 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
69132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69133 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
69134 H:601 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
69135 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69136 cnc
69137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69138 You already possess mental equilibrium.
69139 H:530 M:605 eb b 
69140 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69141 pa
69142 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69143 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
69144 H:530 M:605 eb b 
69145 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69146 ovt
69147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69148 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
69149 H:530 M:605 eb b 
69150 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69151 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
69152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69153 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
69154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69155 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
69156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69157 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
69158 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
69159 ewreathe effect.
69160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69161 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
69162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69163 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
69164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69165 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
69166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69167 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
69168 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
69169  twitching slightly under the cold.
69170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69171 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
69172 range burning sensation in your nerves.
69173 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
69174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69175 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
69176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69177 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
69178 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
69179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69180 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
69181 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
69182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69183 H:496 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
69184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69185 H:516 M:568 -b b 
69186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69187 eat toadstool
69188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69189 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1915.
69190 You quickly eat a toadstool.
69191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69192 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
69193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69194 Health Gain: 66
69195 Mana Gain: 24
69196 You feel your health and mana replenished.
69197 H:563 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
69198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69199 H:516 M:568 -b b 
69200 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69201 eat juniper
69202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69203 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1831.
69204 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
69205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69206 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
69207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69208 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
69209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69210 H:563 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
69211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69212 H:516 M:568 -b db 
69213 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69214 ta
69215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69216 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 563/669 health and 512/512 mana.
69217 H:516 M:556 -b db 
69218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69219 You may eat another herb or plant.
69220 H:563 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
69221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69222 eat nightshade
69223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69224 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1979.
69226 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
69228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69229 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
69231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69232 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
69234 H:563 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
69235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69236 H:516 M:556 -b db 
69237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69238 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
69240 H:563 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
69241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69242 You may drink another healing elixir.
69243 H:516 M:556 -b db 
69244 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69245 sip mana
69246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69247 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
69249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69250 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
69252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69253 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
69255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69256 H:563 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
69257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69258 H:516 M:689 -b db 
69259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69260 Health Gain: 33
69262 H:596 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
69263 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
69266 H:596 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
69267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69268 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
69270 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
69272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69273 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
69275 H:596 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
69276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69277 H:572 M:700 -b db 
69278 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
69280 You may eat another herb or plant.
69281 H:572 M:700 -b db 
69282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69283 You may eat another herb or plant.
69284 H:596 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
69285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69286 ac on
69287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69288 Autocuring activated.
69290 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69291 evoke imbue
69292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69293 You must regain balance first.
69295 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69296 TEAR MAP
69297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69298 Syntax: TEAR MAP
69300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69301 evoke empower jolt
69302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69303 You must regain balance first.
69305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69306 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
69307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69308 You must regain balance first.
69310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69311 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
69312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69313 You must regain balance first.
69315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69316 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
69317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69318 You must regain balance first.
69320 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69321 naturebind choke dwenthall
69322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69323 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
69325 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69326 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
69327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69328 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
69329  her skin mercilessly.
69331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69332 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
69333 your skin mercilessly.
69335 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
69337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69338 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
69340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69341 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
69342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69343 You must regain your equilibrium first.
69345 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69346 ta dwenthall
69347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69348 Dwenthall's condition stands at 528/669 health and 721/700 mana.
69350 Mana Lost: 12
69352 H:596 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
69353 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69354 H:528 M:700 -b b 
69355 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69356 eat juniper
69357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69358 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1830.
69359 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
69360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69361 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
69362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69363 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
69364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69365 H:596 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
69366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69367 H:528 M:700 -b db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
69368 e out of you.
69369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69370 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
69371 r.
69372 You have recovered balance.
69373 You may drink another healing elixir.
69374 H:596 M:500 &lt;-b dbt; 
69375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69376 H:479 M:700 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
69377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69378 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
69379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69380 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
69381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69382 H:596 M:500 &lt;-b dbt; 
69383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69384 H:479 M:700 eb db 
69385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69386 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
69387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69388 You must regain your equilibrium first.
69389 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69390 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
69391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69392 You must regain your equilibrium first.
69393 H:596 M:500 &lt;-b dbt; 
69394 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69395 trueassess dwenthall
69396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69397 Dwenthall's condition stands at 479/669 health and 630/700 mana.
69398 Mana Lost: 12
69399 H:596 M:488 &lt;-b dbt; 
69400 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69401 ims
69402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69403 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
69404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69405 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
69406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69407 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
69408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69409 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
69410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69411 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
69412 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
69413 ewreathe effect.
69414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69415 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
69416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69417 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
69418 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
69419 y.
69420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69421 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
69422 hly.
69423 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
69424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69425 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
69426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69427 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
69428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69429 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
69430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69431 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
69432 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69433 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
69434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69435 H:500 M:488 &lt;-b dbt; 
69436 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69437 H:453 M:669 -b db 
69438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69439 apply epidermal
69440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69441 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
69442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69443 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
69444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69445 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
69446 H:500 M:488 &lt;-b dbt; 
69447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69448 H:453 M:669 -b db 
69449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69450 sip health
69451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69452 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
69453 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69454 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
69455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69456 Health Gain: 138
69457 The elixir heals your body.
69458 H:638 M:488 &lt;-b dbt; 
69459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69460 H:453 M:669 -b db 
69461 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69462 smoke pipe with linseed
69463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69464 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
69465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69466 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
69467 H:638 M:488 &lt;-b dbt; 
69468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69469 H:453 M:669 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
69470 H:453 M:669 -b db 
69471 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69472 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
69473 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69474 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
69475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69476 H:638 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
69477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69478 H:479 M:697 -b db 
69479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69480 You cease attempting to overwhelm Dwenthall through the power of Nature.
69481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69482 You may eat another herb or plant.
69484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69485 H:638 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
69486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69487 H:479 M:697 -b db 
69488 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69491 Your input, "OVERWHELM IS DOWN!!!!!", is not a valid command.
69492 H:638 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
69493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69494 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
69495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69496 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
69497 H:638 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
69498 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69499 H:479 M:697 -b db 
69500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69501 You may apply another salve.
69502 H:638 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
69503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69504 You may drink another healing elixir.
69505 H:479 M:697 -b db 
69506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69507 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
69508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69509 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
69510 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69511 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
69512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69513 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
69514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69515 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
69516  weakening.
69517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69518 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
69519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69520 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
69521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69522 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
69523 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69524 evoke drain dwenthall
69525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69526 Mana Lost: 9
69527 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
69528 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
69529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69530 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
69531 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
69532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69533 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
69534 Balance Taken: 2.90s
69535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69536 naturebind drain dwenthall
69537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69538 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
69539  contort in a visage of pain.
69540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69541 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
69542 tabbing pain in your head.
69543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69544 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
69545 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69546 ta dwenthall
69547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69548 Dwenthall's condition stands at 479/669 health and 506/700 mana.
69549 Mana Lost: 12
69550 H:638 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
69551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69552 H:479 M:506 -b db 
69553 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69554 sip mana
69555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69556 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
69557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69558 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
69559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69560 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
69561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69562 H:638 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
69563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69564 H:479 M:641 -b db 
69565 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69566 contemplate dwenthall
69567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69568 You must regain balance first.
69569 H:638 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
69570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69571 You may eat another mushroom.
69572 H:479 M:625 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
69573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69574 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
69575 H:638 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
69576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69577 H:470 M:625 -b db 
69578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69579 You may eat another mushroom.
69580 H:638 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
69581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69582 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
69583 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69584 cnc
69585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69586 You already possess mental equilibrium.
69587 H:470 M:625 eb db 
69588 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69589 pa
69590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69591 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
69592 H:470 M:625 eb db 
69593 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69594 ovt
69595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69596 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
69597 H:470 M:625 eb db 
69598 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69599 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
69600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69601 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
69602 ock effect.
69603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69604 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
69605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69606 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
69607 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
69608  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
69609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69610 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
69611 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
69612 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
69613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69614 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
69615 using him to lose his patience.
69616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69617 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
69618 ausing you to lose your patience.
69619 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
69620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69621 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
69622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69623 H:529 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
69624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69625 H:470 M:607 -b db 
69626 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69627 ta
69628 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69629 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 529/669 health and 466/512 mana.
69630 H:470 M:595 -b db 
69631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69632 eat nightshade
69633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69634 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1978.
69635 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
69636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69637 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
69638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69639 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
69640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69641 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
69642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69643 H:529 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
69644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69645 H:470 M:595 -b db 
69646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69647 eat toadstool
69648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69649 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1914.
69650 You quickly eat a toadstool.
69651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69652 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
69653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69654 Health Gain: 66
69655 Mana Gain: 45
69656 You feel your health and mana replenished.
69657 H:596 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
69658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69659 H:470 M:595 -b db 
69660 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69661 eat toadstool
69662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69663 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1878.
69664 You quickly eat a toadstool.
69666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69667 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
69669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69670 You feel your health and mana replenished.
69672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69673 H:596 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
69674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69675 H:537 M:665 -b db 
69676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69677 purge blood
69678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69679 Mana Lost: 6
69681 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
69683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69684 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
69686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69687 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
69689 H:596 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
69690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69691 H:537 M:665 -b db 
69692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69693 apply mass
69694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69695 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
69697 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69698 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
69700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69701 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
69703 H:596 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
69704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69705 H:537 M:665 -b db 
69706 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
69707 H:537 M:665 -b db 
69708 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
69710 H:536 M:665 -b db 
69711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69712 You may apply another salve.
69713 H:596 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
69714 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of atropine.
69716 The tornado swirls rapidly.
69718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69719 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
69721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69722 Your atropine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
69724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69725 Pain leaves your body and you feel ready to take on the world.
69727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69728 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
69731 H:596 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
69732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69733 H:669 M:700 -b db 
69734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69735 You may eat another herb or plant.
69736 H:596 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
69737 You have recovered balance.
69740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69741 eat mandrake
69742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69743 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1996.
69745 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
69747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69748 Reyvenyr quickly eats a mandrake root.
69750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69751 You are patient once again.
69753 H:596 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
69754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69755 H:669 M:700 -b db 
69756 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69757 eat mandrake
69758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69759 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1991.
69761 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
69763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69764 Dwenthall quickly eats a mandrake root.
69766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69767 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
69769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69770 H:596 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
69771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69772 H:536 M:665 -b db 
69773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69774 spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine
69775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69776 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall atropine", is not a valid command.
69778 H:596 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
69779 You may drink another healing elixir.
69780 H:596 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
69781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69782 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
69785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69786 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
69787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69788 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
69790 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69791 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
69792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69793 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
69795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69796 evoke drain dwenthall
69797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69798 Mana Lost: 9
69799 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
69800 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
69801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69802 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
69803 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
69804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69805 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
69806 Balance Taken: 2.90s
69807 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69808 naturebind drain dwenthall
69809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69810 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
69811  contort in a visage of pain.
69812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69813 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
69814 tabbing pain in your head.
69815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69816 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
69817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69818 ta dwenthall
69819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69820 Dwenthall's condition stands at 552/669 health and 576/700 mana.
69821 Mana Lost: 12
69822 H:596 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
69823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69824 H:536 M:544 eb db 
69825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69826 contemplate dwenthall
69827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69828 You must regain balance first.
69829 H:596 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
69830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69831 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
69832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69833 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
69834 H:596 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
69835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69836 H:536 M:544 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
69837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69838 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
69839 H:596 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
69840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69841 H:524 M:544 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
69842 H:524 M:544 eb db 
69843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69844 You may eat another herb or plant.
69845 H:596 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
69846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69847 You may eat another herb or plant.
69848 H:524 M:544 eb db 
69849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69850 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
69851 H:596 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
69852 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69853 sip mana
69854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69855 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
69856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69857 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
69858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69859 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
69860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69861 H:596 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
69862 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69863 H:524 M:689 eb db 
69864 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69865 cnc
69866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69867 You already possess mental equilibrium.
69868 H:524 M:689 eb db 
69869 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69870 pa
69871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69872 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
69873 H:524 M:689 eb db 
69874 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69875 ovt
69876 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69877 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
69878 H:524 M:689 eb db 
69879 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69880 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
69881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69882 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
69883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69884 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
69885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69886 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
69887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69888 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
69889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69890 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
69891 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
69892 ock effect.
69893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69894 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
69895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69896 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
69897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69898 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
69900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69901 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
69903 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
69904 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
69906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69907 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
69908 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
69910 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
69912 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
69914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69915 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
69917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69918 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
69919 athe.
69921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69922 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
69924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69925 H:500 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
69926 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69927 H:471 M:643 -b db 
69928 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69929 ta
69930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69931 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 500/669 health and 485/512 mana.
69933 H:471 M:631 -b db 
69934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69935 eat kelp
69936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69937 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1955.
69939 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
69941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69942 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
69944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69945 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
69947 H:500 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
69948 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69949 H:471 M:615 -b db 
69950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69951 sip health
69952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69953 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
69955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69956 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
69958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69959 Health Gain: 138
69961 The elixir heals your body.
69963 H:638 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
69964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69965 H:471 M:615 -b db 
69966 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69967 smoke pipe with linseed
69968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69969 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
69971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69972 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
69974 H:638 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
69975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69976 H:471 M:615 -b db 
69977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69978 Health Gain: 30
69980 Mana Gain: 27
69982 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
69983 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
69986 You have recovered balance.
69989 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
69990 You may eat another mushroom.
69992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69993 You may eat another mushroom.
69995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
69996 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
69997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
69998 H:537 M:657 -b db 
69999 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70000 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
70001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70002 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
70004 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70005 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
70007 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70008 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
70010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70011 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
70012  weakening.
70014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70015 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
70017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70018 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
70019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70020 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
70022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70023 evoke drain dwenthall
70024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70025 Mana Lost: 9
70027 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
70028 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
70030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70031 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
70032 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
70034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70035 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
70037 Balance Taken: 2.90s
70039 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70041 naturebind drain dwenthall
70042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70043 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
70044  contort in a visage of pain.
70045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70046 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
70047 tabbing pain in your head.
70048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70049 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
70050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70051 ta dwenthall
70052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70053 Dwenthall's condition stands at 547/669 health and 521/700 mana.
70054 Mana Lost: 12
70055 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
70056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70057 H:537 M:466 -b db 
70058 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70059 eat toadstool
70060 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70061 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1877.
70062 You quickly eat a toadstool.
70063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70064 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
70065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70066 You feel your health and mana replenished.
70067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70068 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
70069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70070 H:604 M:536 -b db 
70071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70072 You may eat another herb or plant.
70073 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; Your tree tattoo can be used again.
70074 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
70075 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70076 eat maidenhair
70077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70078 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1984.
70079 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
70080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70081 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
70082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70083 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
70084 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
70085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70086 H:604 M:536 -b db 
70087 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70088 contemplate dwenthall
70089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70090 You must regain balance first.
70091 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
70092 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70093 touch tree
70094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70095 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
70096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70097 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
70098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70099 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
70100 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
70101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70102 H:604 M:536 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
70103 H:604 M:536 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
70104 H:604 M:536 eb db 
70105 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70106 cnc
70107 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70108 You already possess mental equilibrium.
70109 H:604 M:536 eb db 
70110 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70111 pa
70112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70113 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
70114 H:604 M:536 eb db 
70115 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70116 ovt
70117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70118 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
70119 H:604 M:536 eb db 
70120 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70121 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
70122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70123 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
70124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70125 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
70126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70127 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
70128 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
70129 ranoia effect.
70130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70131 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
70132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70133 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
70134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70135 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
70136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70137 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
70138 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
70139 seous.
70140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70141 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
70142 g you thoroughly.
70143 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
70144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70145 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
70146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70147 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
70148 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
70149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70150 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
70151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70152 H:572 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
70153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70154 H:497 M:502 -b db 
70155 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70156 ta
70157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70158 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 572/669 health and 491/512 mana.
70159 H:497 M:490 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
70160 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70161 focus
70162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70163 Mana Lost: 15
70164 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
70165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70166 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
70167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70168 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
70169 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
70170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70171 H:497 M:490 -b db 
70172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70173 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
70174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70175 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
70176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70177 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
70178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70179 H:497 M:490 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
70180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70181 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
70182 You may eat another herb or plant.
70183 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
70184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70185 H:486 M:490 -b db 
70186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70187 eat wormwood
70188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70189 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1998.
70190 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
70191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70192 Reyvenyr quickly eats a wormwood root.
70193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70194 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
70195 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
70196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70197 H:486 M:490 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
70198 H:512 M:518 -b db 
70199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70200 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
70201 H:572 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
70202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70203 You may drink another healing elixir.
70205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70206 H:572 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
70207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70208 H:512 M:518 -b db 
70209 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70210 sip mana
70211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70212 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
70213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70214 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
70215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70216 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
70217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70218 H:572 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
70219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70220 H:512 M:693 -b db 
70221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70222 You may drink another healing elixir.
70223 H:572 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
70224 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70225 ac on
70226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70227 Autocuring activated.
70228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70229 order golem kill dwenthall
70230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70231 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
70232 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70233 evoke empower rockfall
70234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70235 Mana Lost: 6
70236 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
70237 wer of Earth infuses it.
70238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70239 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
70240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70241 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
70242 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70243 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
70244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70245 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
70246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70247 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
70248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70249 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
70250 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
70251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70252 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
70253 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
70254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70255 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
70256 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
70257 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
70258 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
70259 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70260 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
70261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70262 Balance Taken: 3.01s
70263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70264 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
70265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70266 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
70267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70268 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
70269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70270 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
70271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70272 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
70273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70274 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
70275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70276 naturebind shred dwenthall
70277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70278 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
70279 ing her skin mercilessly.
70280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70281 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
70282 ng your skin mercilessly.
70283 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
70284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70285 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
70286 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70287 ta dwenthall
70288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70289 Dwenthall's condition stands at 362/669 health and 677/700 mana.
70290 Mana Lost: 12
70291 H:572 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
70292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70293 H:362 M:677 -b b 
70294 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70295 eat maidenhair
70296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70297 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1970.
70298 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
70299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70300 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
70301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70302 The stinging feeling fades.
70303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70304 H:572 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
70305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70306 H:362 M:677 -b b 
70307 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70308 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
70309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70310 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
70311 H:572 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
70312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70313 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
70314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70315 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
70316 You may eat another herb or plant.
70317 H:572 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
70318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70319 H:362 M:677 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
70320 H:362 M:677 eb b 
70321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70322 eat nightshade
70323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70324 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1977.
70325 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
70326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70327 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
70328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70329 Your stomach becalms itself.
70330 H:572 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
70331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70332 H:362 M:677 eb b 
70333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70334 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
70335 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70336 l
70337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70338 In a trench surrounded by grassland.
70339 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
70340 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
70341 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
70342 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. A pillar 
70343 of flame is burning brightly here. 
70344 You see exits leading southeast, west, and northwest.
70345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70346 H:572 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
70347 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70348 H:362 M:677 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
70349 H:362 M:677 eb b 
70350 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70351 eat juniper
70352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70353 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1829.
70354 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
70355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70356 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
70357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70358 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
70359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70360 H:572 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
70361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70362 H:362 M:677 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
70363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70364 Your mind is able to focus once again.
70366 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70367 eat toadstool
70368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70369 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1876.
70370 You quickly eat a toadstool.
70371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70372 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
70373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70374 You feel your health and mana replenished.
70375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70376 H:572 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
70377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70378 H:429 M:700 eb db 
70379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70380 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
70381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70382 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
70383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70384 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
70385 You have recovered balance.
70386 H:572 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
70387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70388 H:415 M:700 eb db 
70389 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70390 ffnw
70391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70392 Somehow Dwenthall flips away to the northwest.
70394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70395 You flip away to the northwest, landing flat on your back.
70396 A rocky outcropping.
70397 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
70398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70399 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
70400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70401 Balance Taken: 3.20s
70402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70403 H:572 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
70404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70405 H:415 M:700 e- pdb 
70406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70407 You may eat another herb or plant.
70408 H:572 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
70409 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70410 kipup
70411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70412 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
70413 H:415 M:700 e- db 
70414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70415 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of atropine.
70416 The tornado swirls rapidly.
70417 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70418 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
70419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70420 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
70421 H:572 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
70422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70423 ac on
70424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70425 Autocuring activated.
70426 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70427 evoke empower rockfall
70428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70429 Mana Lost: 6
70430 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
70431 wer of Earth infuses it.
70432 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70433 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
70434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70435 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
70436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70437 evoke lightning dwenthall
70438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70439 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
70440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70441 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
70442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70443 You detect nothing here by that name.
70444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70445 naturebinding shred dwenthall
70446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70447 Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
70448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70449 ta dwenthall
70450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70451 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
70452 H:572 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
70453 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70454 clot
70455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70456 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
70457 H:415 M:686 e- db You may eat another herb or plant.
70458 H:415 M:686 e- db You may drink another healing elixir.
70459 H:415 M:686 e- db 
70460 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70461 sip health
70462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70463 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
70464 The elixir heals your body.
70465 H:565 M:686 e- db 
70466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70467 nw
70468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70469 A rocky outcropping.
70470 ------ v37831 -------
70471   | \   /     |      
70472 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
70473 / | /   \   /   \ |  
70474 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
70475   | \     |          
70476  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
70477     \   / | \        
70478      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
70479                 \ |  
70480              [ ]-[ ] 
70481                     \
70482 ------- 1:1:0 -------
70483 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
70484 . She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
70485 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
70486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70487 Reyvenyr arrives from the southeast.
70488 He is followed by a mighty earth golem, an animated beech root, an animated blackthorn root, and an 
70489 animated hawthorn root.
70490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70491 H:572 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
70492 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70493 H:565 M:670 e- db 
70494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70495 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
70496 Health Gain: 33
70497 Mana Gain: 32
70498 H:606 M:484 &lt;eb dbt; 
70499 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70500 order loyals kill dwenthall
70501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70502 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
70503 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
70504 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
70505 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
70506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70507 evoke empower rockfall
70508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70509 Mana Lost: 6
70510 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
70511 wer of Earth infuses it.
70512 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70513 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
70514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70515 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
70516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70517 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
70518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70519 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
70520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70521 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
70522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70523 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
70524 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70525 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
70526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70527 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
70528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70529 evoke lightning dwenthall
70530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70531 Mana Lost: 12
70532 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
70533  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
70534 g her charred and drained.
70535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70536 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
70537 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
70538 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
70539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70540 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
70541 Balance Taken: 3.80s
70542 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70543 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
70544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70545 You must regain balance first.
70546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70547 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
70548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70549 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
70550 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
70551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70552 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
70553 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
70554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70555 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
70556 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70557 ta dwenthall
70558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70559 Dwenthall's condition stands at 530/669 health and 700/700 mana.
70560 Mana Lost: 12
70561 H:606 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
70562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70563 H:500 M:700 e- db 
70564 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70565 l
70566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70567 A rocky outcropping.
70568 ------ v37831 -------
70569   | \   /     |      
70570 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
70571 / | /   \   /   \ |  
70572 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
70573   | \     |          
70574  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
70575     \   / | \        
70576      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
70577                 \ |  
70578              [ ]-[ ] 
70579                     \
70580 ------- 1:1:0 -------
70581 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
70582 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
70583 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
70584 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
70585 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
70586 H:606 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to overwhelm someone through the power of Nature.
70587 H:606 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
70588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70589 You have recovered balance.
70590 H:500 M:700 eb db 
70591 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70592 OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!
70593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70594 Your input, "OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
70595 H:606 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
70596 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70597 ts
70598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70599 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
70600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70601 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
70602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70603 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
70604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70605 H:606 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
70606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70607 H:500 M:700 -b db 
70608 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70609 naturebind breach dwenthall
70610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70611 You must regain your equilibrium first.
70612 H:606 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
70613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70614 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
70615 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
70616 H:520 M:700 -b db You can once again overtune your crystal.
70617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70618 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
70619 H:606 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
70620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70621 H:520 M:700 -b db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
70622 The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
70623 You may drink another healing elixir.
70624 H:520 M:700 -b db 
70625 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70626 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
70627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70628 You must regain balance first.
70629 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70630 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
70631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70632 You must regain balance first.
70633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70634 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
70635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70636 You must regain balance first.
70637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70638 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
70639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70640 You must regain balance first.
70641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70642 naturebinding shred dwenthall
70643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70644 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
70645 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70646 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
70647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70648 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
70649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70650 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
70651 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70652 ta dwenthall
70653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70654 Dwenthall's condition stands at 540/669 health and 630/700 mana.
70655 Mana Lost: 12
70656 H:606 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
70657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70658 H:540 M:700 -b db 
70659 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70660 ac on
70661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70662 Autocuring activated.
70663 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70664 evoke imbue
70665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70666 You must regain balance first.
70667 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70668 TEAR MAP
70669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70670 Syntax: TEAR MAP
70671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70672 evoke empower jolt
70673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70674 You must regain balance first.
70675 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70676 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
70677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70678 You must regain balance first.
70679 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70680 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
70681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70682 You must regain balance first.
70683 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70684 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
70685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70686 You must regain balance first.
70687 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70688 naturebind choke dwenthall
70689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70690 You must regain your equilibrium first.
70691 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70692 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
70693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70694 You must regain your equilibrium first.
70695 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70696 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
70697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70698 You must regain your equilibrium first.
70699 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70700 ta dwenthall
70701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70702 Dwenthall's condition stands at 604/669 health and 672/700 mana.
70703 Mana Lost: 12
70704 H:606 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
70705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70706 You may eat another mushroom.
70707 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70708 sip health
70709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70710 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
70711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70712 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
70713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70714 The elixir heals your body.
70715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70716 H:606 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
70717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70718 H:669 M:700 -b db 
70719 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70720 eat toadstool
70721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70722 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1875.
70723 You quickly eat a toadstool.
70724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70725 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
70726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70727 You feel your health and mana replenished.
70728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70729 H:606 M:429 &lt;-- dbt; 
70730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70731 H:669 M:700 -b db 
70732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70733 You have recovered balance.
70736 H:606 M:429 &lt;-b dbt; 
70737 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70738 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
70739 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
70740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70741 What do you wish to break?
70743 H:606 M:429 &lt;-b dbt; 
70744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70745 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
70746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70747 What do you wish to break?
70749 H:606 M:429 &lt;-b dbt; 
70750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70751 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
70754 H:669 M:684 eb db 
70755 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
70757 H:669 M:700 eb db 
70758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70759 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
70761 H:606 M:429 &lt;-b dbt; 
70762 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
70765 H:606 M:429 &lt;eb dbt; 
70766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70767 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
70769 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
70771 H:669 M:700 eb db 
70772 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70773 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
70774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70775 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
70776  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
70778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70779 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
70780 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
70782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70783 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
70785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70786 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
70787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70788 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
70790 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70791 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
70792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70793 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
70795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70796 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
70797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70798 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
70800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70801 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
70803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70804 Balance Taken: 2.00s
70806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70807 naturebinding shred dwenthall
70808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70809 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
70811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70812 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
70814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70815 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
70817 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70818 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
70820 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70821 ta dwenthall
70822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70823 Dwenthall's condition stands at 735/669 health and 700/700 mana.
70825 Mana Lost: 12
70827 H:606 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
70828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70829 H:669 M:700 eb db 
70830 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70831 ac on
70832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70833 Autocuring activated.
70835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70836 evoke imbue
70837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70838 You must regain balance first.
70840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70841 TEAR MAP
70842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70843 Syntax: TEAR MAP
70845 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70846 evoke empower jolt
70847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70848 You must regain balance first.
70850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70851 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
70852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70853 You must regain balance first.
70855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70856 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
70857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70858 You must regain balance first.
70860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70861 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
70862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70863 You must regain balance first.
70865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70866 naturebind choke dwenthall
70867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70868 You must regain your equilibrium first.
70869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70870 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
70871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70872 You must regain your equilibrium first.
70873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70874 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
70875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70876 You must regain your equilibrium first.
70877 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70878 ta dwenthall
70879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70880 Dwenthall's condition stands at 715/669 health and 686/700 mana.
70881 Mana Lost: 12
70882 H:606 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
70883 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70884 smoke pipe with linseed
70885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70886 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
70887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70888 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
70889 H:606 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
70890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70891 H:669 M:700 eb db 
70892 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70893 eat toadstool
70894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70895 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1913.
70896 You quickly eat a toadstool.
70897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70898 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
70899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70900 Health Gain: 63
70901 Mana Gain: 51
70902 You feel your health and mana replenished.
70903 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
70904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70905 H:669 M:700 eb db Your muscles finally stop twitching.
70906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70907 Dwenthall's muscles cease their twitching.
70908 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
70910 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70911 ---------delayed wisp
70912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70913 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
70914 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
70915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70916 H:669 M:700 eb db 
70917 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70918 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
70919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70920 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
70921 mmand.
70922 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
70923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70924 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
70925 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
70926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70927 What do you wish to break?
70928 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
70929 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70930 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
70931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70932 What do you wish to break?
70933 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
70934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70935 ------------SHOCK DOWN
70936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70937 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
70938 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
70939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70940 ------------SHOCK DOWN
70941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70942 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
70943 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
70944 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70945 l
70946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70947 A rocky outcropping.
70948 ------ v37831 -------
70949   | \   /     |      
70950 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
70951 / | /   \   /   \ |  
70952 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
70953   | \     |          
70954  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
70955     \   / | \        
70956      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
70957                 \ |  
70958              [ ]-[ ] 
70959                     \
70960 ------- 1:1:0 -------
70961 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
70962 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
70963 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
70964 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
70965 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
70966 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
70967 You have recovered balance.
70968 H:669 M:456 &lt;eb dbt; 
70969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70970 You may drink another healing elixir.
70971 H:669 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
70972 H:669 M:700 eb db 
70973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70974 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
70975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70976 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
70977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70978 evoke tornado
70979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70980 Mana Lost: 30
70981 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
70982  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
70983 ng in air.
70984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70985 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
70986 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
70987  sucking in air.
70988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70989 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
70990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
70991 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
70992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70993 The tornado swirls rapidly.
70994 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
70995 Balance Taken: 3.80s
70996 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70997 naturebind curse dwenthall
70998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
70999 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
71000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71001 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
71002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71003 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
71004 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71005 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
71006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71007 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
71008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71009 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71010 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71011 eat kelp
71012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71013 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1976.
71014 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
71015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71016 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
71017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71018 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
71019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71020 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
71021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71022 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71023 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71024 rt Tornado Up!!
71025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71026 You are not the member of any ring.
71027 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
71028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71029 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
71030 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
71031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71032 What do you wish to break?
71033 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
71034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71035 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
71036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71037 What do you wish to break?
71038 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
71039 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71040 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
71041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71042 You must regain balance first.
71043 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71044 evoke tornado
71045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71046 You must regain balance first.
71047 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71048 naturebind curse dwenthall
71049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71050 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71051 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
71052 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71053 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
71054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71055 You must regain balance first.
71056 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71057 evoke tornado
71058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71059 You must regain balance first.
71060 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71061 naturebind curse dwenthall
71062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71063 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71064 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
71065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71066 You may eat another mushroom.
71067 H:669 M:684 eb db 
71068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71069 Mana Gain: 32
71070 H:669 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
71071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71072 l
71073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71074 A rocky outcropping.
71075 ------ v37831 -------
71076   | \   /     |      
71077 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
71078 / | /   \   /   \ |  
71079 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
71080   | \     |          
71081  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
71082     \   / | \        
71083      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
71084                 \ |  
71085              [ ]-[ ] 
71086                     \
71087 ------- 1:1:0 -------
71088 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
71089 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
71090 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
71091 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
71092 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
71093 H:669 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
71094 H:669 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
71095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71096 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
71097 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
71098 H:669 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
71099 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71100 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71101 probe crystal
71102 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71103 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
71104 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
71105 It weighs 6 ounces.
71106 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
71107 The crystal can support 2 spells.
71108 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71110 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
71111 H:669 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
71112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71113 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
71114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71115 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
71116 You may eat another mushroom.
71117 You have recovered balance.
71118 H:669 M:459 &lt;eb dbt; 
71119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71120 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71121 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71122 rr
71123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71124 Your input, "rr", is not a valid command.
71125 H:669 M:459 &lt;eb dbt; 
71126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71127 er
71128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71129 Mana Lost: 9
71130 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
71131 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
71132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71133 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
71134 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
71135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71136 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
71137 Balance Taken: 3.80s
71138 H:669 M:449 &lt;e- dbt; 
71139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71140 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71141 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71142 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
71143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71144 You must regain balance first.
71145 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71146 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
71147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71148 You must regain balance first.
71149 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71150 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
71151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71152 You must regain balance first.
71153 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71154 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
71155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71156 You must regain balance first.
71157 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71158 naturebinding shred dwenthall
71159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71160 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
71161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71162 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
71163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71164 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
71165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71166 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
71167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71168 ta dwenthall
71169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71170 Dwenthall's condition stands at 709/669 health and 752/700 mana.
71172 Mana Lost: 12
71174 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71175 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71176 H:669 M:684 eb db 
71177 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71178 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
71179 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
71180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71181 What do you wish to break?
71183 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71185 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
71186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71187 What do you wish to break?
71189 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71191 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
71193 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
71195 H:669 M:684 eb db 
71196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71197 l
71198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71199 A rocky outcropping.
71202 ------
71203  v37831 
71204 -------
71205   | \   /     |      
71206 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
71207 / | /   \   /   \ |  
71208 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
71209   | \     |          
71210  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
71211     \   / | \        
71212      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
71213                 \ |  
71214              [ ]-[ ] 
71215                     \
71217 ------- 
71218 1:1:0
71219  -------
71220 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
71221 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way north. 
71222 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southeast. 
71223 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way south. 
71224 A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southwest. 
71225 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
71226 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
71227 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
71228 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
71229 Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
71232 You see exits leading 
71233 north, southeast, south, and southwest
71234 .
71237 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71239 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
71241 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71242 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71243 naturebind breach dwenthall
71244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71245 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71247 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71248 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
71251 H:669 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
71252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71253 naturebind breach dwenthall
71254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71255 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
71256 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
71258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71259 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
71260 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
71262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71263 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
71265 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71267 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71269 naturebind breach dwenthall
71270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71271 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71273 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71274 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71275 naturebind breach dwenthall
71276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71277 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71279 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71281 naturebind breach dwenthall
71282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71283 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71285 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71286 You have recovered balance.
71289 H:669 M:437 &lt;-b dbt; 
71290 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71291 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
71292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71293 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71295 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71296 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
71297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71298 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71301 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
71302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71303 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71306 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
71307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71308 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71310 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
71311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71312 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71313 H:669 M:437 &lt;-b dbt; 
71314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71315 ac on
71316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71317 Autocuring activated.
71318 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71319 order loyals kill dwenthall
71320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71321 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71323 TEAR MAP
71324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71325 Syntax: TEAR MAP
71326 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71327 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
71328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71329 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71330 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71331 evoke empower rockfall
71332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71333 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71335 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
71336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71337 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71339 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
71340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71341 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71343 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
71344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71345 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71347 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
71348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71349 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71351 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
71352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71353 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71355 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
71356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71357 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71358 H:669 M:437 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
71359 H:669 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
71360 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71361 l
71362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71363 A rocky outcropping.
71364 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the wa
71365 y north. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southeast. A pile of rubble lies here, blockin
71366 g the way south. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southwest. An animated hawthorn root i
71367 s curled here, swaying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An an
71368 imated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr
71369  is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his 
71370 right. 
71371 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
71372 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71374 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
71375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71376 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
71377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71378 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
71379 ods your veins.
71380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71381 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
71382 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
71383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71384 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
71385  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
71386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71387 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
71388 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71389 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
71390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71391 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
71392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71393 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
71394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71395 Balance Taken: 2.00s
71396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71397 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
71398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71399 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
71400 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
71401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71402 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
71403 you.
71404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71405 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
71406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71407 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
71408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71409 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71410 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71411 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
71412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71413 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71414 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71416 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71417 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71418 ac on
71419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71420 Autocuring activated.
71421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71422 order loyals kill dwenthall
71423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71424 You must regain balance first.
71425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71426 TEAR MAP
71427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71428 Syntax: TEAR MAP
71429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71430 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
71431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71432 You must regain balance first.
71433 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71434 evoke empower rockfall
71435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71436 You must regain balance first.
71437 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71438 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
71439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71440 You must regain balance first.
71441 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71442 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
71443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71444 You must regain balance first.
71445 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71446 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
71447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71448 You must regain balance first.
71449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71450 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
71451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71452 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71454 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
71455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71456 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71458 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
71459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71460 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71461 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71462 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71463 smoke pipe with linseed
71464 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71465 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
71466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71467 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
71468 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71469 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71470 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71471 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71472 ---------delayed wisp
71473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71474 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
71475 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71476 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71477 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
71478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71479 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
71480 mmand.
71481 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently.
71482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71483 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
71484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71485 The tornado swirls rapidly.
71486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71487 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
71488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71489 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
71490 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71492 H:658 M:684 eb db 
71493 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71494 eat kelp
71495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71496 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1975.
71497 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
71498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71499 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
71500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71501 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
71502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71503 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
71504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71505 H:658 M:684 eb db 
71506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71507 ac on
71508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71509 Autocuring activated.
71510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71511 order loyals kill dwenthall
71512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71513 You must regain balance first.
71514 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71515 TEAR MAP
71516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71517 Syntax: TEAR MAP
71518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71519 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
71520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71521 You must regain balance first.
71522 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71523 evoke empower rockfall
71524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71525 You must regain balance first.
71526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71527 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
71528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71529 You must regain balance first.
71530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71531 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
71532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71533 You must regain balance first.
71534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71535 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
71536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71537 You must regain balance first.
71538 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71539 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
71540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71541 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71542 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71543 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
71544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71545 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71547 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
71548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71549 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71550 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
71551 H:669 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
71552 H:669 M:470 &lt;-b dbt; 
71553 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71554 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
71555 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71557 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
71558 H:669 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
71559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71560 You may eat another herb or plant.
71561 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71562 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71563 cast flamepillar
71564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71565 You concentrate and slowly raise your hand upwards. Your index finger traces a fiery line in the air
71566 , which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
71567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71568 Dwenthall concentrates and slowly raises her hand upwards. Her index finger traces a fiery line in t
71569 he air, which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
71570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71571 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
71572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71573 H:669 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
71574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71575 H:669 M:676 -b db 
71576 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71577 follow dwe
71578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71579 You begin to follow Dwenthall.
71580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71581 Reyvenyr begins to follow you.
71582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71583 Balance Taken: 0.65s
71584 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
71585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71586 H:669 M:676 -b db 
71587 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71588 follow dwe
71589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71590 You must regain balance first.
71591 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
71592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71593 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
71594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71595 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
71596 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
71597 H:669 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
71598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71599 H:656 M:676 -b db 
71600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71601 You have recovered balance.
71602 H:669 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
71603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71604 ac on
71605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71606 Autocuring activated.
71607 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71608 order loyals kill dwenthall
71609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71610 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
71611 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
71612 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
71613 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
71614 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71615 TEAR MAP
71616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71617 Syntax: TEAR MAP
71618 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71619 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
71620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71621 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
71622 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71623 evoke empower rockfall
71624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71625 Mana Lost: 6
71626 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
71627 wer of Earth infuses it.
71628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71629 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
71630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71631 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
71632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71633 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
71634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71635 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
71636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71637 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
71638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71639 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
71640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71641 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
71642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71643 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
71644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71645 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
71646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71647 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
71648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71649 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
71650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71651 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
71652 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
71653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71654 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
71655 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
71656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71657 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
71658 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
71659 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
71660 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
71661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71662 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
71663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71664 Balance Taken: 3.01s
71665 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71666 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
71667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71668 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
71669 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71670 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
71671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71672 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
71673 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
71674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71675 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
71676 d you.
71677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71678 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
71679 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71680 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
71681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71682 You must regain your equilibrium first.
71683 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
71684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71685 H:445 M:676 -b b 
71686 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71687 eat juniper
71688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71689 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1828.
71690 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
71691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71692 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
71693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71694 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
71695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71696 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
71697 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71698 H:445 M:660 -b db 
71699 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71700 sip health
71701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71702 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
71704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71705 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
71707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71708 The elixir heals your body.
71710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71711 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
71712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71713 H:615 M:660 -b db 
71714 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71715 eat toadstool
71716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71717 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1874.
71719 You quickly eat a toadstool.
71721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71722 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
71724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71725 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
71727 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
71729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71730 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
71731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71732 H:615 M:660 -b db 
71733 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71734 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
71735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71736 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
71738 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
71739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71740 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
71742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71743 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
71745 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
71746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71747 H:615 M:660 -b db 
71748 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
71751 H:615 M:660 eb db 
71752 You may eat another herb or plant.
71753 H:615 M:660 eb db 
71754 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71755 tpp
71756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71757 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
71759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71760 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
71762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71763 You touch the prism tattoo and suddenly a razor-thin beam of prismatic light shoots off into the dis
71764 tance.
71766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71767 A beam of prismatic light suddenly shoots into the room.
71769 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
71770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71771 H:615 M:660 eb db 
71772 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71773 smoke pipe with linseed
71774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71775 The plane of prismatic light disappears.
71777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71778 The plane of prismatic light disappears.
71780 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
71782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71783 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
71785 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
71786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71787 H:615 M:660 eb db 
71788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71789 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
71792 H:669 M:464 &lt;e- dbt; 
71793 You have recovered balance.
71796 H:669 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
71797 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71798 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
71800 H:642 M:688 eb db 
71801 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71802 ac on
71803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71804 Autocuring activated.
71806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71807 order loyals kill dwenthall
71808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71809 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
71811 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
71813 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
71815 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
71817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71818 TEAR MAP
71819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71820 Syntax: TEAR MAP
71822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71823 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
71824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71825 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
71827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71828 evoke empower rockfall
71829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71830 Mana Lost: 6
71832 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
71833 wer of Earth infuses it.
71835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71836 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
71837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71838 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
71839 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71840 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
71841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71842 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
71843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71844 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
71845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71846 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
71847 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
71848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71849 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
71850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71851 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
71852 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
71853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71854 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
71855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71856 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
71857 Balance Taken: 3.01s
71858 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71859 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
71860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71861 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
71862 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71863 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
71864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71865 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
71866 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71867 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
71868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71869 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
71870 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
71871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71872 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
71873 .
71874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71875 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
71876 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
71877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71878 H:570 M:688 eb b 
71879 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71880 eat juniper
71881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71882 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1827.
71883 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
71884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71885 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
71886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71887 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
71888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71889 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
71890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71891 H:570 M:688 eb db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
71892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71893 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
71894 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71895 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
71896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71897 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
71898 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
71899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71900 H:560 M:688 eb db 
71901 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71902 tpe
71903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71904 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ea
71905 rthwreathe effect.
71906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71907 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows green.
71908 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71909 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
71910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71911 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the earth element.
71912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71913 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the earth element.
71914 You send a series of small tremors to shake Reyvenyr.
71915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71916 Dwenthall sends a series of small tremors against you, shaking you briefly.
71917 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the earth element.
71918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71919 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the earth element.
71920 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
71921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71922 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
71923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71924 H:560 M:685 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
71925 H:560 M:685 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
71926 H:560 M:685 -b db 
71927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71928 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
71929 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71930 sip health
71931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71932 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
71933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71934 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
71935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71936 The elixir heals your body.
71937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71938 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
71939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71940 H:669 M:685 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
71941 H:669 M:669 -b db 
71942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71943 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
71944 The tornado swirls rapidly.
71945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71946 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
71947 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71948 dg
71949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71950 You must regain balance first.
71951 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
71952 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71953 H:669 M:669 -b db 
71954 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71955 purge blood
71956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71957 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
71958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71959 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
71960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71961 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
71962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71963 H:669 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
71964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71965 H:669 M:663 -b db 
71966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71967 Mana Gain: 32
71968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71969 You may eat another herb or plant.
71971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71972 H:669 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
71973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71974 H:669 M:700 -b db 
71975 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71976 dg
71977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71978 You must regain balance first.
71979 H:669 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
71980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71981 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
71982 H:669 M:700 eb db 
71983 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71984 dg
71985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71986 You must regain balance first.
71987 H:669 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
71988 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71989 tpe
71990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71991 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ea
71992 rthwreathe effect.
71993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71994 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows green.
71995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
71996 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
71997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
71998 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the earth element.
71999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72000 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the earth element.
72001 You send a series of small tremors to shake Reyvenyr.
72002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72003 Dwenthall sends a series of small tremors against you, shaking you briefly.
72004 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the earth element.
72005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72006 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the earth element.
72007 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
72008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72009 H:669 M:490 &lt;e- dbt; 
72010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72011 H:669 M:697 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
72012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72013 You have recovered balance.
72014 H:669 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
72015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72016 H:669 M:697 -b db 
72017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72018 ac on
72019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72020 Autocuring activated.
72021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72022 order golem kill dwenthall
72023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72024 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
72025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72026 evoke empower rockfall
72027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72028 Mana Lost: 6
72029 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
72030 wer of Earth infuses it.
72031 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72032 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
72033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72034 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
72035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72036 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
72037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72038 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
72039 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72040 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
72041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72042 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
72043 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72044 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
72045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72046 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
72047 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72048 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
72049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72050 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
72051 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
72052 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72053 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
72054 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
72055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72056 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
72057 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
72058 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
72059 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
72060 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72061 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
72062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72063 Balance Taken: 3.01s
72064 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72065 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
72066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72067 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
72068 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
72069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72070 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
72071 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
72072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72073 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
72074 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72075 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
72076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72077 You must regain your equilibrium first.
72078 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72079 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
72080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72081 You must regain your equilibrium first.
72082 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72083 naturebind shred dwenthall
72084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72085 You must regain your equilibrium first.
72086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72087 ta dwenthall
72088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72089 Dwenthall's condition stands at 468/669 health and 697/700 mana.
72090 Mana Lost: 12
72091 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
72092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72093 H:450 M:697 -b b 
72094 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72095 writhe root
72096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72097 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
72098 H:450 M:697 -b b 
72099 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72100 eat toadstool
72101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72102 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1873.
72103 You quickly eat a toadstool.
72104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72105 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
72106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72107 You feel your health and mana replenished.
72108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72109 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
72110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72111 H:517 M:700 -b b 
72112 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72113 eat juniper
72114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72115 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1826.
72116 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
72117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72118 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
72119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72120 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
72121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72122 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
72123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72124 H:517 M:700 -b db 
72125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72126 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
72127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72128 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
72129 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
72130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72131 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
72132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72133 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
72134 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
72135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72136 H:517 M:700 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
72137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72138 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
72139 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
72140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72141 H:504 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
72142 H:504 M:700 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
72143 H:504 M:700 eb db 
72144 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72145 sip health
72146 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72147 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
72148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72149 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
72150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72151 The elixir heals your body.
72152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72153 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
72154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72155 H:662 M:700 eb db 
72156 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72157 tpe
72158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72159 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
72160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72161 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
72162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72163 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ea
72164 rthwreathe effect.
72165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72166 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows green.
72167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72168 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
72169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72170 You feel yourself fully attuned to the earth element.
72171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72172 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the earth element.
72173 You send a series of small tremors to shake Reyvenyr.
72174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72175 Dwenthall sends a series of small tremors against you, shaking you briefly.
72176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72177 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
72178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72179 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
72180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72181 H:662 M:697 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
72182 H:662 M:681 -b db 
72183 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72184 smoke pipe with linseed
72185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72186 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
72187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72188 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
72189 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
72190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72191 H:662 M:681 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
72192 H:662 M:681 -b db 
72193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72194 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
72195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72196 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
72197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72198 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
72199 r.
72200 H:669 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; 
72201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72202 H:614 M:681 -b db 
72203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72204 You have recovered balance.
72205 H:669 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
72206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72207 trueassess dwenthall
72208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72209 Dwenthall's condition stands at 614/669 health and 641/700 mana.
72210 Mana Lost: 12
72211 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
72212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72213 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
72214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72215 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
72216 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
72217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72218 H:614 M:681 -b db 
72219 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72220 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
72221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72222 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
72223 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72224 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
72225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72226 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
72227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72228 evoke drain dwenthall
72229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72230 Mana Lost: 9
72232 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
72233 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
72235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72236 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
72237 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
72239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72240 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
72242 Balance Taken: 2.90s
72244 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72246 naturebind drain dwenthall
72247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72248 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
72249  contort in a visage of pain.
72251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72252 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
72253 tabbing pain in your head.
72255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72256 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
72258 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72259 ta dwenthall
72260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72261 Dwenthall's condition stands at 614/669 health and 616/700 mana.
72263 Mana Lost: 12
72265 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
72266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72267 H:614 M:560 -b db 
72268 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
72271 H:614 M:560 eb db 
72272 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72273 ts
72274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72275 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
72277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72278 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
72280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72281 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
72283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72284 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
72285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72286 H:614 M:560 -b db 
72287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72288 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
72290 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
72291 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72292 contemplate dwenthall
72293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72294 You must regain balance first.
72296 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
72297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72298 naturebind breach dwenthall
72299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72300 You must regain your equilibrium first.
72302 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
72303 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72304 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
72306 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
72308 H:634 M:560 -b db 
72309 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
72310 H:634 M:560 -b db 
72311 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72312 naturebind breach dwenthall
72313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72314 You must regain your equilibrium first.
72316 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
72317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72318 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
72320 H:634 M:560 -b db 
72321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72322 naturebind breach dwenthall
72323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72324 You must regain your equilibrium first.
72326 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
72327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72328 You may eat another mushroom.
72330 H:634 M:560 -b db 
72331 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72332 eat toadstool
72333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72334 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1872.
72336 You quickly eat a toadstool.
72338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72339 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
72341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72342 You feel your health and mana replenished.
72344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72345 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
72346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72347 H:669 M:630 -b db 
72348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72349 naturebind breach dwenthall
72350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72351 You must regain your equilibrium first.
72353 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
72354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72355 naturebind breach dwenthall
72356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72357 You must regain your equilibrium first.
72359 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
72360 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
72363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72364 naturebind breach dwenthall
72365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72366 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
72367 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
72368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72369 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
72370 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
72371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72372 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
72373 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
72374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72375 H:669 M:630 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
72376 H:669 M:630 -b db 
72377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72378 You have recovered balance.
72379 H:669 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
72380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72381 naturebind breach dwenthall
72382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72383 You must regain your equilibrium first.
72384 H:669 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
72385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72386 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
72387 H:669 M:614 eb db 
72388 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72389 naturebind breach dwenthall
72390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72391 You must regain your equilibrium first.
72392 H:669 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
72393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72394 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
72395 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72396 life
72397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72398 Your input, "life", is not a valid command.
72399 H:669 M:642 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
72400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72401 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
72402 H:669 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
72403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72404 H:669 M:642 eb db 
72405 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72406 dag
72407 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72408 You are:
72409 blind.
72410 deaf.
72411 an insomniac.
72412 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
72413 H:669 M:642 -b db 
72414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72415 Mana Gain: 32
72416 H:669 M:471 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
72417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72418 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
72419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72420 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; 
72421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72422 H:669 M:684 eb db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
72423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72424 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
72425 H:669 M:471 &lt;eb dbt; 
72426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72427 H:655 M:684 eb db 
72428 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72429 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
72430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72431 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
72432 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72433 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
72434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72435 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
72436 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72437 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
72438  weakening.
72439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72440 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
72441 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72442 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
72443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72444 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
72445 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72446 evoke drain dwenthall
72447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72448 Mana Lost: 9
72449 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
72450 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
72451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72452 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
72453 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
72454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72455 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
72456 Balance Taken: 2.90s
72457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72458 naturebind drain dwenthall
72459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72460 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
72461  contort in a visage of pain.
72462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72463 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
72464 tabbing pain in your head.
72465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72466 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
72467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72468 ta dwenthall
72469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72470 Dwenthall's condition stands at 661/669 health and 493/700 mana.
72471 Mana Lost: 12
72472 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
72473 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72474 H:655 M:493 eb db 
72475 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72476 sip mana
72477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72478 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
72479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72480 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
72481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72482 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
72483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72484 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
72485 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72486 H:655 M:620 eb db 
72487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72488 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
72489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72490 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
72491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72492 The tornado swirls rapidly.
72493 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
72494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72495 H:655 M:620 eb db 
72496 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72497 contemplate dwenthall
72498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72499 You must regain balance first.
72500 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
72501 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72502 eat kelp
72503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72504 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1974.
72505 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
72506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72507 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
72508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72509 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
72510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72511 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
72512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72513 H:655 M:620 eb db 
72514 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72515 cnc
72516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72517 You already possess mental equilibrium.
72518 H:655 M:620 eb db 
72519 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72520 pa
72521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72522 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
72523 H:655 M:620 eb db 
72524 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72525 ovt
72526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72527 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
72528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72529 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
72530 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
72531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72532 H:655 M:602 eb db 
72533 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72534 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
72535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72536 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
72537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72538 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
72539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72540 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
72541 ewreathe effect.
72542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72543 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
72544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72545 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
72546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72547 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
72548 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72549 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
72550 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
72551  twitching slightly under the cold.
72552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72553 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
72554 range burning sensation in your nerves.
72555 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
72556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72557 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
72558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72559 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
72560 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
72561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72562 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
72563 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
72564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72565 H:564 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
72566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72567 H:655 M:584 -b db 
72568 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72569 ta
72570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72571 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 450/512 mana.
72572 H:655 M:572 -b db 
72573 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72574 smoke pipe with linseed
72575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72576 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
72577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72578 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
72579 H:564 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
72580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72581 H:655 M:572 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
72582 H:655 M:572 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
72583 H:655 M:556 -b db 
72584 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72585 eat toadstool
72586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72587 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1871.
72588 You quickly eat a toadstool.
72589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72590 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
72591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72592 You feel your health and mana replenished.
72593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72594 H:564 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
72595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72596 H:669 M:626 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
72597 H:669 M:626 -b db 
72598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72599 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
72600 H:564 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
72601 H:564 M:450 &lt;eb dbt; 
72602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72603 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
72605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72606 ac on
72607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72608 Autocuring activated.
72609 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72610 evoke empower rockfall
72611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72612 Mana Lost: 6
72613 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
72614 wer of Earth infuses it.
72615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72616 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
72617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72618 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
72619 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72620 evoke lightning dwenthall
72621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72622 Mana Lost: 12
72623 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
72624  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
72625 g her charred and drained.
72626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72627 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
72628 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
72629 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
72630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72631 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
72632 Balance Taken: 3.80s
72633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72634 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
72635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72636 You must regain balance first.
72637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72638 naturebinding shred dwenthall
72639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72640 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
72641 ing her skin mercilessly.
72642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72643 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
72644 ng your skin mercilessly.
72645 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
72646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72647 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
72648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72649 ta dwenthall
72650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72651 Dwenthall's condition stands at 679/669 health and 632/700 mana.
72652 Mana Lost: 12
72653 H:564 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
72654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72655 H:612 M:626 -b b 
72656 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72657 eat juniper
72658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72659 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1825.
72660 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
72661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72662 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
72663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72664 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
72665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72666 H:564 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
72667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72668 H:612 M:626 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
72669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72670 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
72671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72672 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
72673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72674 You must regain balance first.
72675 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72676 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
72677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72678 You must regain balance first.
72679 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72680 evoke drain dwenthall
72681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72682 You must regain balance first.
72683 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72684 naturebind drain dwenthall
72685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72686 You must regain your equilibrium first.
72687 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72688 ta dwenthall
72689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72690 Dwenthall's condition stands at 612/669 health and 669/700 mana.
72691 Mana Lost: 12
72692 H:564 M:408 &lt;-- dbt; 
72693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72694 H:606 M:626 -b db 
72695 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72696 eat toadstool
72697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72698 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1912.
72699 You quickly eat a toadstool.
72700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72701 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
72702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72703 Health Gain: 66
72704 Mana Gain: 51
72705 You feel your health and mana replenished.
72706 H:631 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
72707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72708 H:606 M:626 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
72709 H:606 M:626 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
72710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72711 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
72712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72713 You may drink another healing elixir.
72715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72716 H:631 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
72717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72718 H:606 M:626 eb db Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Nagmara Trading Hub.
72719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72720 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Nagmara Trading Hub.
72721 H:631 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
72722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72723 H:606 M:626 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
72724 H:606 M:626 eb db 
72725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72726 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
72727 H:631 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
72728 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72729 cnc
72730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72731 You already possess mental equilibrium.
72732 H:606 M:626 eb db 
72733 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72734 pa
72735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72736 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
72737 H:606 M:626 eb db 
72738 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72739 ovt
72740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72741 Your crystal is already overtuned.
72742 H:606 M:626 eb db 
72743 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72744 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
72745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72746 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
72747 ewreathe effect.
72748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72749 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
72750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72751 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
72752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72753 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
72754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72755 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
72756 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
72757  twitching slightly under the cold.
72758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72759 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
72760 range burning sensation in your nerves.
72761 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
72762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72763 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
72764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72765 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
72766 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
72767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72768 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
72769 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
72770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72771 H:526 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
72772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72773 H:606 M:607 -b db 
72774 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72775 ta
72776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72777 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 526/669 health and 459/512 mana.
72778 H:606 M:595 -b db 
72779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72780 eat nightshade
72781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72782 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1976.
72783 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
72784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72785 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
72786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72787 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
72788 H:526 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
72789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72790 H:606 M:595 -b db 
72791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72792 sip health
72793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72794 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
72795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72796 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
72797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72798 Health Gain: 142
72799 The elixir heals your body.
72800 H:669 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
72801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72802 H:606 M:595 -b db 
72803 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72804 sip mana
72805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72806 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
72807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72808 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
72809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72810 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
72811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72812 H:669 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
72813 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72814 H:606 M:700 -b db 
72815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72816 You have recovered balance.
72817 H:669 M:459 &lt;eb dbt; 
72818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72819 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
72820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72821 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
72822 H:669 M:459 &lt;eb dbt; 
72823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72824 H:606 M:700 -b db 
72825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72826 evoke toxicrain vitriol
72827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72828 Mana Lost: 12
72829 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
72830 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
72831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72832 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
72833 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
72834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72835 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
72836 Mana Lost: 12
72837 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of vitri
72838 ol rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
72839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72840 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
72841  vitriol rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
72842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72843 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
72844 Balance Taken: 2.00s
72845 H:669 M:435 &lt;e- dbt; 
72846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72847 H:606 M:700 -b db 
72848 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72849 evoke toxicrain vitriol
72850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72851 You must regain balance first.
72852 H:669 M:435 &lt;e- dbt; 
72853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72854 You may eat another mushroom.
72855 H:606 M:700 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
72856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72857 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
72858 H:669 M:435 &lt;e- dbt; 
72859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72860 H:600 M:700 -b db 
72861 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72862 evoke toxicrain vitriol
72863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72864 You must regain balance first.
72865 H:669 M:435 &lt;e- dbt; 
72866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72867 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
72869 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
72871 H:598 M:700 -b db 
72872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72873 You may eat another herb or plant.
72874 H:669 M:435 &lt;e- dbt; 
72875 Mana Gain: 32
72877 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
72878 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72879 evoke toxicrain vitriol
72880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72881 You must regain balance first.
72883 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
72884 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72885 evoke toxicrain vitriol
72886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72887 You must regain balance first.
72889 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
72890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72891 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
72894 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72895 evoke toxicrain vitriol
72896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72897 You must regain balance first.
72899 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
72900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72901 H:665 M:700 eb db 
72902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72903 You may eat another mushroom.
72905 H:669 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
72906 You have recovered balance.
72909 H:669 M:467 &lt;eb dbt; 
72910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72911 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
72913 H:669 M:700 eb db 
72914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72915 evoke toxicrain vitriol
72916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72917 Mana Lost: 12
72919 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
72920 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
72922 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72923 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
72924 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
72926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72927 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
72929 Mana Lost: 12
72931 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of vitri
72932 ol rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
72934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72935 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
72936  vitriol rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
72938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72939 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
72941 Balance Taken: 2.00s
72943 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
72944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72945 H:669 M:700 eb db 
72946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72947 evoke toxicrain vitriol
72948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72949 You must regain balance first.
72951 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
72952 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72953 evoke toxicrain vitriol
72954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72955 You must regain balance first.
72957 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
72958 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72959 ims
72960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72961 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
72963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72964 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
72966 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72967 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
72968 ewreathe effect.
72970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72971 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
72973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72974 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
72976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72977 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
72979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72980 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
72982 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
72983 y.
72985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72986 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
72987 hly.
72989 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
72991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72992 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
72994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
72995 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
72997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
72998 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
73000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73001 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
73003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73004 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
73006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73007 H:572 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
73008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73009 H:669 M:688 -b db 
73010 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73011 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73013 You must regain balance first.
73014 H:572 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
73015 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73016 smoke pipe with linseed
73017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73018 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
73019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73020 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
73021 H:572 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
73022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73023 H:669 M:688 -b db 
73024 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73025 apply epidermal
73026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73027 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
73028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73029 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
73030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73031 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
73032 H:572 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
73033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73034 H:669 M:688 -b db 
73035 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73036 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73038 You must regain balance first.
73039 H:572 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
73040 H:572 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
73041 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73042 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73044 You must regain balance first.
73045 H:572 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
73046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73047 You may drink another healing elixir.
73048 H:669 M:688 -b db 
73049 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73050 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73052 You must regain balance first.
73053 H:572 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
73054 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73055 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73057 You must regain balance first.
73058 H:572 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
73059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73060 Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
73061 H:669 M:672 -b db 
73062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73063 You have recovered balance.
73064 H:572 M:443 &lt;eb dbt; You may apply another salve.
73065 H:572 M:443 &lt;eb dbt; 
73066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73067 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73069 Mana Lost: 12
73070 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
73071 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
73072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73073 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
73074 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
73075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73076 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
73077 Mana Lost: 12
73078 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of vitri
73079 ol rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
73080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73081 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
73082  vitriol rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
73083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73084 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
73085 Balance Taken: 2.00s
73086 H:572 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
73087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73088 H:669 M:672 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
73089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73090 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
73091 H:572 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
73092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73093 H:659 M:672 -b db 
73094 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73095 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73097 You must regain balance first.
73098 H:572 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
73099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73100 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73102 You must regain balance first.
73103 H:572 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of vitriol.
73104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73105 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
73106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73107 Your vitriol toxin has affected Dwenthall.
73108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73109 You feel ugliness radiating from you.
73110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73111 The tornado swirls rapidly.
73112 H:572 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
73113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73114 H:659 M:672 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
73115 H:659 M:672 -b db 
73116 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73117 smoke pipe with lovage
73118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73119 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
73120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73121 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
73122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73123 You no longer will inspire disloyalty among friends.
73124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73125 H:572 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
73126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73127 H:659 M:672 -b db 
73128 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73129 spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol
73130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73131 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol", is not a valid command.
73132 H:572 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
73133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73134 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
73135 H:659 M:672 eb db 
73136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73137 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73139 You must regain balance first.
73140 H:572 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
73141 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73142 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73144 You must regain balance first.
73145 H:572 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
73146 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73147 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73149 You must regain balance first.
73150 H:572 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
73151 H:572 M:419 &lt;eb dbt; 
73152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73153 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73155 Mana Lost: 12
73156 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
73157 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
73158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73159 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
73160 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
73161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73162 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
73163 Mana Lost: 12
73164 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of vitri
73165 ol rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
73166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73167 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
73168  vitriol rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
73169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73170 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin vitriol, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across on
73171 e of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid sp
73172 rays into the vial and it is once again full.
73173 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
73174 Balance Taken: 2.00s
73175 H:572 M:394 &lt;e- dbt; 
73176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73177 H:659 M:672 eb db 
73178 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73179 cnc
73180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73181 You already possess mental equilibrium.
73182 H:659 M:672 eb db 
73183 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73184 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73186 You must regain balance first.
73187 H:572 M:394 &lt;e- dbt; 
73188 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73189 pa
73190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73191 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
73192 H:659 M:672 eb db 
73193 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73194 ovt
73195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73196 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
73197 H:659 M:672 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
73198 H:659 M:672 eb db 
73199 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73200 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
73201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73202 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
73203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73204 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
73205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73206 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
73207 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
73208 ock effect.
73209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73210 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
73211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73212 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
73213 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
73214  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
73215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73216 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
73217 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
73218 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
73219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73220 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
73221 using him to lose his patience.
73222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73223 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
73224 ausing you to lose your patience.
73225 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
73226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73227 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
73228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73229 H:463 M:394 &lt;e- dbt; 
73230 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73231 H:653 M:635 -b db 
73232 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73233 ta
73234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73235 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 463/669 health and 394/512 mana.
73236 H:653 M:623 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
73237 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
73238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73239 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73241 You must regain balance first.
73242 H:463 M:394 &lt;e- dbt; 
73243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73244 H:651 M:623 -b db 
73245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73246 eat nightshade
73247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73248 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1975.
73249 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
73250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73251 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
73252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73253 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
73254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73255 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
73256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73257 H:463 M:394 &lt;e- dbt; 
73258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73259 H:651 M:623 -b db 
73260 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73261 sip health
73262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73263 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
73264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73265 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
73266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73267 Health Gain: 150
73268 The elixir heals your body.
73269 H:614 M:394 &lt;e- dbt; 
73270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73271 H:651 M:623 -b db 
73272 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73273 eat toadstool
73274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73275 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1911.
73276 You quickly eat a toadstool.
73277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73278 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
73279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73280 Health Gain: 55
73281 Mana Gain: 51
73282 You feel your health and mana replenished.
73283 H:669 M:446 &lt;e- dbt; 
73284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73285 H:651 M:623 -b db 
73286 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73287 purge blood
73288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73289 Mana Lost: 6
73290 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
73291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73292 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
73293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73294 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
73295 H:669 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; 
73296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73297 H:651 M:623 -b db 
73298 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73299 evoke toxicrain vitriol
73300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73301 You must regain balance first.
73302 H:669 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; 
73303 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73304 touch tree
73305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73306 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
73307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73308 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
73309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73310 You no longer are an ignorant fool.
73311 H:669 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; 
73312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73313 H:651 M:623 -b db 
73314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73315 apply mass
73316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73317 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
73319 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73320 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
73322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73323 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
73325 H:669 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; 
73326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73327 H:651 M:623 -b db 
73328 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
73330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73331 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
73333 H:669 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; 
73334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73335 H:639 M:623 -b db 
73336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73337 You have recovered balance.
73340 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
73341 You may eat another herb or plant.
73342 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
73343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73344 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
73346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73347 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
73349 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
73350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73351 H:639 M:607 -b db 
73352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73353 You may apply another salve.
73354 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
73355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73356 eat mandrake
73357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73358 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1995.
73360 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
73362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73363 Reyvenyr quickly eats a mandrake root.
73365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73366 You are patient once again.
73368 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
73369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73370 H:639 M:607 -b db 
73371 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
73374 H:639 M:607 eb db 
73375 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73376 evoke wisp metallix dwenthall
73377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73378 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
73380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73381 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
73382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73383 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
73385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73386 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
73388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73389 Balance Taken: 2.00s
73391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73392 naturebinding curse dwenthall
73393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73394 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
73395 root shreds it viciously.
73397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73398 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
73399 root shreds it viciously.
73401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73402 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
73404 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
73405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73406 H:639 M:607 eb db 
73407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73408 ac on
73409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73410 Autocuring activated.
73412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73413 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
73414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73415 You must regain balance first.
73417 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73418 evoke imbue
73419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73420 You must regain balance first.
73422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73423 evoke empower rockfall
73424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73425 You must regain balance first.
73427 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73428 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
73429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73430 You must regain balance first.
73432 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73433 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
73434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73435 You must regain balance first.
73437 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73438 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
73439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73440 You must regain balance first.
73442 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73443 naturebinding curse dwenthall
73444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73445 You must regain your equilibrium first.
73447 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73448 ta dwenthall
73449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73450 Dwenthall's condition stands at 588/669 health and 607/700 mana.
73451 Mana Lost: 12
73452 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
73453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73454 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
73455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73456 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
73457 mmand.
73458 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
73459 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73460 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
73461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73462 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
73463 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
73464 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73465 smoke pipe with linseed
73466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73467 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
73468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73469 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
73470 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
73471 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73472 H:639 M:607 eb db 
73473 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73474 cnc
73475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73476 You already possess mental equilibrium.
73477 H:639 M:607 eb db 
73478 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73479 pa
73480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73481 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
73482 H:639 M:607 eb db 
73483 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73484 ovt
73485 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73486 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
73487 H:639 M:607 eb db 
73488 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73489 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
73490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73491 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
73492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73493 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
73494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73495 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
73496 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
73497 ock effect.
73498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73499 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
73500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73501 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
73502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73503 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
73504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73505 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
73506 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
73507 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
73508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73509 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
73510 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
73511 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
73512 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
73513 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73514 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
73515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73516 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
73517 athe.
73518 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73519 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
73520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73521 H:572 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
73522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73523 H:626 M:561 -b db 
73524 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73525 ta
73526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73527 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 572/669 health and 428/512 mana.
73528 H:626 M:549 -b db 
73529 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73530 sip mana
73531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73532 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
73533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73534 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
73535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73536 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
73537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73538 H:572 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
73539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73540 H:626 M:700 -b db 
73541 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73542 eat toadstool
73543 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73544 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1870.
73545 You quickly eat a toadstool.
73546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73547 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
73548 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73549 You feel your health and mana replenished.
73550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73551 H:572 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
73552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73553 H:669 M:700 -b db 
73554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73555 Health Gain: 33
73556 Mana Gain: 32
73557 H:606 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
73558 H:606 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
73559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73560 eat kelp
73561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73562 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1954.
73563 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
73564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73565 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
73566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73567 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
73568 H:606 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
73569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73570 H:669 M:700 -b db 
73571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73572 You have recovered balance.
73573 H:606 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
73574 H:606 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
73575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73576 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
73577 H:669 M:700 -b db 
73578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73579 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
73580 H:606 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
73581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73582 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
73583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73584 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
73585 H:606 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
73586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73587 H:656 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
73588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73589 ac on
73590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73591 Autocuring activated.
73592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73593 evoke empower rockfall
73594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73595 Mana Lost: 6
73596 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
73597 wer of Earth infuses it.
73598 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73599 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
73600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73601 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
73602 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
73603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73604 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
73605  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
73606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73607 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
73608 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73609 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
73610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73611 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
73612 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73613 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
73614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73615 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
73616 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
73617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73618 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
73619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73620 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
73621 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
73622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73623 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
73624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73625 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
73626 Balance Taken: 3.01s
73627 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73628 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
73629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73630 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
73631  her skin mercilessly.
73632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73633 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
73634 your skin mercilessly.
73635 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
73636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73637 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
73638 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73639 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
73640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73641 You must regain your equilibrium first.
73642 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73643 ta dwenthall
73644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73645 Dwenthall's condition stands at 539/669 health and 700/700 mana.
73646 Mana Lost: 12
73647 H:606 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
73648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73649 H:539 M:700 eb b 
73650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73651 You may eat another mushroom.
73652 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
73653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73654 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
73655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73656 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
73657 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
73658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73659 H:539 M:700 eb b 
73660 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73661 eat maidenhair
73662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73663 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1969.
73664 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
73665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73666 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
73667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73668 The stinging feeling fades.
73669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73670 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
73671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73672 H:539 M:700 eb b 
73673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73674 apply caloric
73675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73676 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
73677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73678 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
73679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73680 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
73681 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
73682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73683 H:539 M:700 eb b 
73684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73685 ---------delayed wisp
73686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73687 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
73688 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
73689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73690 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
73691 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
73692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73693 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
73694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73695 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
73696 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
73697 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73698 H:534 M:700 eb b 
73699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73700 You may eat another herb or plant.
73701 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
73702 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73703 cnc
73704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73705 You already possess mental equilibrium.
73706 H:534 M:700 eb b 
73707 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73708 pa
73709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73710 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
73711 H:534 M:700 eb b 
73712 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73713 ovt
73714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73715 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
73716 H:534 M:700 eb b 
73717 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73718 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
73719 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73720 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
73721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73722 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
73723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73724 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
73725 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
73726 ranoia effect.
73727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73728 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
73729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73730 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
73731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73732 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
73733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73734 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
73735 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
73736 seous.
73737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73738 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
73739 g you thoroughly.
73740 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
73741 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73742 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
73743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73744 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
73745 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
73746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73747 Reyvenyr winces slightly as his skin reddens.
73748 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
73749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73750 H:462 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
73751 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73752 H:508 M:666 -b b 
73753 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73754 ta
73755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73756 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 462/669 health and 442/512 mana.
73757 H:508 M:654 -b b 
73758 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73759 eat maidenhair
73760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73761 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1983.
73762 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
73763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73764 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
73765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73766 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
73767 H:462 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
73768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73769 H:508 M:654 -b b 
73770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73771 sip health
73772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73773 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
73774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73775 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
73776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73777 The elixir seems to have an unusual effect on your elixir-deprived body.
73778 Mana Gain: 70
73779 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
73780 H:462 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
73781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73782 H:508 M:654 -b b 
73783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73784 eat toadstool
73785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73786 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1910.
73787 You quickly eat a toadstool.
73788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73789 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
73790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73791 Health Gain: 66
73792 You feel your health and mana replenished.
73793 H:529 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
73794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73795 H:508 M:654 -b b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
73796 H:534 M:682 -b b 
73797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73798 focus
73799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73800 Mana Lost: 15
73801 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
73802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73803 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
73804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73805 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
73806 H:529 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
73807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73808 H:534 M:666 -b b 
73809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73810 You may apply another salve.
73811 H:529 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; The icicles continue beating at your skin.
73812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73813 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
73814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73815 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
73816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73817 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
73818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73819 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
73820 H:450 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
73821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73822 H:534 M:666 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
73823 H:534 M:666 -b b 
73824 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73825 sip health
73826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73827 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
73828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73829 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
73830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73831 The elixir heals your body.
73832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73833 H:450 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
73834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73835 H:649 M:666 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
73836 H:649 M:666 -b b 
73837 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73838 eat juniper
73839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73840 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1824.
73841 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
73842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73843 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
73844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73845 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
73846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73847 H:450 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
73848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73849 H:649 M:666 -b db 
73850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73851 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
73852 H:450 M:497 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
73853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73854 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
73855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73856 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
73857 You may eat another herb or plant.
73858 H:450 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
73859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73860 H:649 M:666 -b db 
73861 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73862 eat nightshade
73863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73864 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1974.
73865 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
73866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73867 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
73868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73869 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
73870 H:450 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
73871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73872 H:649 M:666 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
73873 H:649 M:666 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
73874 H:649 M:666 eb db 
73875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73876 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of vitriol.
73877 The tornado swirls rapidly.
73878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73879 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
73880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73881 Your vitriol toxin has affected Dwenthall.
73882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73883 You feel ugliness radiating from you.
73884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73885 H:450 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
73886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73887 H:649 M:666 eb db 
73888 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73889 smoke pipe with lovage
73890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73891 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
73892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73893 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
73894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73895 You no longer will inspire disloyalty among friends.
73896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73897 H:450 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
73898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73899 H:649 M:666 eb db 
73900 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73901 spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol
73902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73903 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol", is not a valid command.
73904 H:450 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
73905 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73906 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
73907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73908 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
73909 H:450 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
73910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73911 H:640 M:666 eb db 
73912 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73913 cnc
73914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73915 You already possess mental equilibrium.
73916 H:640 M:666 eb db 
73917 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73918 pa
73919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73920 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
73921 H:640 M:666 eb db 
73922 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73923 ovt
73924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73925 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
73926 H:640 M:666 eb db 
73927 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73928 abn
73929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73930 Your wounds are already bandaged.
73931 H:640 M:666 eb db 
73932 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73933 cast weariness dehydrate freeze at &tar
73934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73935 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
73936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73937 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
73938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73939 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
73940 ariness effect.
73941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73942 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
73943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73944 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
73945 You conjure a wave of heat and focus it towards Reyvenyr, draining moisture from his body. Reyvenyr'
73946 s skin glistens and he appears dizzy as the wave of heat passes through.
73947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73948 Dwenthall conjures a wave of heat and focuses it towards you, draining moisture from your body, hamp
73949 ering your ability to process salves and causing you to feel dizzy.
73950 Damage Taken: 65 fire, mental (raw damage: 80)
73952 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73953 You send a blast of cold air towards Reyvenyr, chilling him to the bone.
73955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73956 Dwenthall sends a blast of cold air towards you, chilling you to the bone.
73958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73959 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
73961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73962 H:384 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
73963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73964 H:640 M:654 -b db 
73965 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73966 ta
73967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73968 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 384/669 health and 497/512 mana.
73970 H:640 M:642 -b db 
73971 You may eat another herb or plant.
73972 H:640 M:642 -b db 
73973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73974 touch shield
73975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73976 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
73978 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73979 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
73981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73982 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
73984 H:384 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
73985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73986 H:640 M:642 -b db 
73987 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73988 apply caloric
73989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73990 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
73992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
73993 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
73995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
73996 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
73998 H:384 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
73999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74000 H:640 M:642 -b db 
74001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74002 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
74004 H:384 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
74005 You may eat another herb or plant.
74006 H:384 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
74007 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74008 eat wormwood
74009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74010 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1997.
74012 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
74014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74015 Reyvenyr quickly eats a wormwood root.
74017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74018 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
74020 H:384 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
74021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74022 H:640 M:642 -b db 
74023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74024 Your mind is able to focus once again.
74025 H:384 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
74026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74027 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
74028 H:640 M:642 -b db 
74029 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74030 smoke pipe with linseed
74031 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74032 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
74034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74035 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
74037 H:384 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; 
74038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74039 H:640 M:642 -b db 
74040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74041 focus
74042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74043 Mana Lost: 15
74045 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
74047 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74048 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
74050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74051 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
74053 H:384 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
74054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74055 H:640 M:642 -b db 
74056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74057 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
74059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74060 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
74062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74063 H:384 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
74064 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74065 H:640 M:642 -b db 
74066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74067 The fierce sun ripples across your skin like the fury of a firestorm.
74069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74070 Reyvenyr screams in agony, skin steaming in the sunlight.
74072 The presence of the pillar of flame increases the effect greatly.
74074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74075 The presence of the pillar of flame increases the effect greatly.
74077 Damage Taken: 52 fire (raw damage: 95)
74079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74080 dg
74081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74082 You must regain your equilibrium first.
74083 H:332 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
74084 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74085 H:640 M:642 -b db 
74086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74087 You may drink another healing elixir.
74088 H:332 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
74089 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74090 sip health
74091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74092 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
74093 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74094 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
74095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74096 Health Gain: 138
74097 The elixir heals your body.
74098 H:470 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
74099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74100 H:640 M:642 -b db 
74101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74102 dg
74103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74104 You must regain your equilibrium first.
74105 H:470 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
74106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74107 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
74108 H:640 M:626 -b db 
74109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74110 dg
74111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74112 You must regain your equilibrium first.
74113 H:470 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
74114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74115 dg
74116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74117 You must regain your equilibrium first.
74118 H:470 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
74119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74120 You may drink another healing elixir.
74121 H:640 M:626 -b db 
74122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74123 You may eat another mushroom.
74124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74125 eat toadstool
74126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74127 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1909.
74128 You quickly eat a toadstool.
74129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74130 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
74131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74132 Health Gain: 66
74133 Mana Gain: 30
74134 You feel your health and mana replenished.
74135 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
74136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74137 H:640 M:626 -b db 
74138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74139 dg
74140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74141 You must regain your equilibrium first.
74142 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
74143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74144 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
74145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74146 You may eat another herb or plant.
74147 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
74148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74149 H:640 M:626 eb db 
74150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74151 eat nightshade
74152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74153 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1973.
74154 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
74155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74156 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
74157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74158 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
74159 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74160 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
74161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74162 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
74163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74164 H:640 M:626 eb db 
74165 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74166 dg
74167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74168 You must regain your equilibrium first.
74169 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
74170 H:537 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
74171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74172 dg
74173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74174 You are:
74175 afflicted with poor salve absorption.
74176 violently ill.
74177 wearied in body.
74178 blind.
74179 deaf.
74180 an insomniac.
74181 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
74182 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
74183 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74184 dg
74185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74186 You must regain your equilibrium first.
74187 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
74188 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74189 cte
74190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74191 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
74192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74193 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
74194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74195 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
74196 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Qu
74197 ickcast effect.
74198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74199 The crystal floating around Dwenthall pulses aggressively, illuminating its surroundings with a fier
74200 y light.
74201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74202 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
74203 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
74204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74205 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
74206 Your shield defence is eroded away.
74207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74208 His shield defence is eroded away.
74209 Equilibrium Taken: 1.78s
74210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74211 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
74212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74213 H:586 M:603 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
74214 H:586 M:603 -b db 
74215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74216 You may apply another salve.
74217 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
74218 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74219 sip health
74220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74221 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
74222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74223 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
74224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74225 The elixir heals your body.
74226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74227 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
74228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74229 H:669 M:603 -b db 
74230 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74231 dg
74232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74233 You must regain your equilibrium first.
74234 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
74235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74236 order golem passive
74237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74238 You order a mighty earth golem to assume a passive stance.
74239 With seeming reluctance, a mighty earth golem obeys your command.
74240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74241 Reyvenyr whispers something to a mighty earth golem.
74242 A mighty earth golem seems to settle down.
74243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74244 order golem kill dwenthall
74245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74246 You order a mighty earth golem to attack Dwenthall.
74247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74248 Reyvenyr barks at a mighty earth golem, ordering it to attack you.
74249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74250 A mighty earth golem obeys your command.
74251 H:537 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
74252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74253 H:669 M:603 -b db 
74254 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74255 dg
74256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74257 You are:
74258 afflicted with poor salve absorption.
74259 violently ill.
74260 wearied in body.
74261 blind.
74262 deaf.
74263 an insomniac.
74264 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
74265 H:537 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; Health Gain: 33
74266 H:571 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
74267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74268 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
74269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74270 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
74271 H:571 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
74272 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74273 H:658 M:631 -b db 
74274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74275 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
74276 H:571 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
74277 H:571 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
74278 Your mind is able to focus once again.
74280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74281 eat kelp
74282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74283 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1953.
74284 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
74285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74286 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
74287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74288 You feel strength return to your limbs.
74289 H:571 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
74290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74291 H:658 M:631 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
74292 H:658 M:631 eb db 
74293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74294 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
74295 H:571 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
74296 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74297 purge blood
74298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74299 Mana Lost: 6
74300 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
74301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74302 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
74303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74304 Your stomach becalms itself.
74305 H:571 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
74306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74307 H:658 M:631 eb db 
74308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74309 ac on
74310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74311 Autocuring activated.
74312 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74313 order golem kill dwenthall
74314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74315 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
74316 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74317 evoke empower rockfall
74318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74319 Mana Lost: 6
74320 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
74321 wer of Earth infuses it.
74322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74323 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
74324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74325 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
74326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74327 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
74328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74329 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
74330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74331 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
74332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74333 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
74334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74335 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
74336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74337 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
74338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74339 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
74340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74341 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
74342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74343 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
74344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74345 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
74346 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
74347 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74348 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
74349 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
74350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74351 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
74352 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
74353 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
74354 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
74355 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74356 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
74357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74358 Balance Taken: 3.01s
74359 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74360 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
74361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74362 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
74363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74364 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
74365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74366 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
74367 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
74368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74369 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
74370 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
74371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74372 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
74373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74374 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
74375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74376 You must regain your equilibrium first.
74377 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74378 naturebind shred dwenthall
74379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74380 You must regain your equilibrium first.
74381 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74382 ta dwenthall
74383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74384 Dwenthall's condition stands at 371/669 health and 700/700 mana.
74385 Mana Lost: 12
74386 H:571 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
74387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74388 H:390 M:631 eb b 
74389 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74390 writhe root
74391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74392 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
74393 H:390 M:631 eb b 
74394 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74395 eat toadstool
74396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74397 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1869.
74398 You quickly eat a toadstool.
74399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74400 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
74401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74402 You feel your health and mana replenished.
74403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74404 H:571 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
74405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74406 H:457 M:700 eb b 
74407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74408 touch tree
74409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74410 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
74411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74412 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
74413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74414 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
74415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74416 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
74417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74418 H:571 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
74419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74420 H:457 M:700 eb b 
74421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74422 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
74423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74424 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
74425 H:571 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
74426 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74427 cnc
74428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74429 You already possess mental equilibrium.
74430 H:457 M:700 eb b 
74431 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74432 pa
74433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74434 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
74435 H:457 M:700 eb b 
74436 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74437 ovt
74438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74439 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
74440 H:457 M:700 eb b 
74441 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74442 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
74443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74444 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
74445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74446 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
74447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74448 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
74449 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
74450 ewreathe effect.
74451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74452 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
74453 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74454 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
74455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74456 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
74457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74458 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
74459 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
74460  twitching slightly under the cold.
74461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74462 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
74463 range burning sensation in your nerves.
74464 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
74465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74466 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
74467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74468 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
74469 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
74470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74471 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
74472 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
74473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74474 H:466 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
74475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74476 H:350 M:663 -b b 
74477 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74478 ta
74479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74480 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 466/669 health and 488/512 mana.
74482 H:350 M:651 -b b 
74483 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74484 eat juniper
74485 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74486 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1823.
74488 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
74490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74491 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
74493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74494 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
74496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74497 H:466 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
74498 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74499 H:350 M:651 -b db 
74500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74501 You may drink another healing elixir.
74502 H:466 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
74503 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74504 sip health
74505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74506 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
74508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74509 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
74511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74512 Health Gain: 163
74514 The elixir heals your body.
74516 H:629 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
74517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74518 H:350 M:651 -b db 
74519 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
74521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74522 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
74524 H:629 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
74525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74526 H:350 M:635 -b db 
74527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74528 You may eat another herb or plant.
74529 H:629 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
74530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74531 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
74533 H:350 M:635 -b db 
74534 You may eat another herb or plant.
74535 H:350 M:635 -b db 
74536 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
74538 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
74540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74541 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
74544 H:629 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
74545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74546 H:377 M:663 -b db 
74547 You may drink another healing elixir.
74548 H:377 M:663 -b db 
74549 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
74551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74552 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
74553 her.
74555 You have recovered balance.
74558 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74559 sip health
74560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74561 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
74563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74564 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
74566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74567 The elixir heals your body.
74569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74570 H:629 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
74571 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74572 H:468 M:663 -b db 
74573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74574 You may eat another mushroom.
74576 H:629 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
74577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74578 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
74581 H:468 M:663 eb db 
74582 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
74584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74585 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
74587 H:629 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
74588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74589 H:458 M:663 eb db 
74590 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74591 cnc
74592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74593 You already possess mental equilibrium.
74595 H:458 M:663 eb db 
74596 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74597 pa
74598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74599 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
74601 H:458 M:663 eb db 
74602 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74603 ovt
74604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74605 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
74607 H:458 M:663 eb db 
74608 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74609 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
74610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74611 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
74612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74613 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
74614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74615 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
74616 ock effect.
74617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74618 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
74619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74620 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
74621 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
74622  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
74623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74624 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
74625 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
74626 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
74627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74628 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
74629 using him to lose his patience.
74630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74631 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
74632 ausing you to lose your patience.
74633 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
74634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74635 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
74636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74637 H:520 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
74638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74639 H:458 M:645 -b db 
74640 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74641 ta
74642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74643 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 520/669 health and 488/512 mana.
74644 H:458 M:633 -b db 
74645 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74646 eat nightshade
74647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74648 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1972.
74649 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
74650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74651 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
74652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74653 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
74654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74655 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
74656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74657 H:520 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
74658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74659 H:458 M:633 -b db 
74660 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74661 eat toadstool
74662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74663 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1908.
74664 You quickly eat a toadstool.
74665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74666 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
74667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74668 Health Gain: 66
74669 Mana Gain: 24
74670 You feel your health and mana replenished.
74671 H:587 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
74672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74673 H:458 M:633 -b db 
74674 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74675 smoke pipe with linseed
74676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74677 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
74678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74679 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
74680 H:587 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
74681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74682 H:458 M:633 -b db 
74683 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74684 apply mass
74685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74686 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
74687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74688 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
74689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74690 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
74691 H:587 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
74692 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74693 H:458 M:633 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
74694 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
74695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74696 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
74697 H:587 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
74698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74699 H:458 M:633 -b db 
74700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74701 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
74702 H:587 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
74703 H:587 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
74704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74705 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
74706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74707 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
74708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74709 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
74710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74711 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
74712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74713 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
74714  weakening.
74715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74716 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
74717 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74718 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
74719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74720 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
74721 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74722 evoke drain dwenthall
74723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74724 Mana Lost: 9
74725 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
74726 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
74727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74728 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
74729 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
74730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74731 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
74732 Balance Taken: 2.90s
74733 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74734 naturebind drain dwenthall
74735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74736 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
74737  contort in a visage of pain.
74738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74739 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
74740 tabbing pain in your head.
74741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74742 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
74743 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74744 ta dwenthall
74745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74746 Dwenthall's condition stands at 422/669 health and 442/700 mana.
74747 Mana Lost: 12
74748 H:587 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74750 H:458 M:442 -b db 
74751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74752 You may eat another herb or plant.
74753 H:587 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74755 eat maidenhair
74756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74757 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1982.
74758 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
74759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74760 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
74761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74762 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
74763 H:587 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74765 H:458 M:442 -b db 
74766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74767 You may apply another salve.
74768 H:587 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74770 contemplate dwenthall
74771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74772 You must regain balance first.
74773 H:587 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74775 You may eat another mushroom.
74776 H:458 M:426 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
74777 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74778 eat toadstool
74779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74780 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1868.
74781 You quickly eat a toadstool.
74782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74783 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
74784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74785 You feel your health and mana replenished.
74786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74787 H:587 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74789 H:525 M:496 eb db 
74790 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74791 ims
74792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74793 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
74794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74795 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
74796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74797 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
74798 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
74799 ewreathe effect.
74800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74801 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
74802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74803 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
74804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74805 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
74806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74807 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
74808 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
74809 y.
74810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74811 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
74812 hly.
74813 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
74814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74815 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
74816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74817 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
74818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74819 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
74820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74821 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
74822 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
74823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74824 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
74825 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
74826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74827 H:491 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74829 H:311 M:465 -b db 
74830 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74831 apply epidermal
74832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74833 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
74834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74835 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
74836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74837 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
74838 H:491 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74840 H:311 M:465 -b db 
74841 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74842 sip health
74843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74844 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
74845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74846 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
74847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74848 Health Gain: 169
74849 The elixir heals your body.
74850 H:660 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74851 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74852 H:311 M:465 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
74853 H:311 M:465 -b db 
74854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74855 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of vitriol.
74856 The tornado swirls rapidly.
74857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74858 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
74859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74860 Your vitriol toxin has affected Dwenthall.
74861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74862 You feel ugliness radiating from you.
74863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74864 H:660 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74866 H:311 M:465 -b db 
74867 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74868 smoke pipe with lovage
74869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74870 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
74871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74872 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
74873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74874 You no longer will inspire disloyalty among friends.
74875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74876 H:660 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74878 H:311 M:465 -b db 
74879 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74880 spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol
74881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74882 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol", is not a valid command.
74883 H:660 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74885 You may drink another healing elixir.
74886 H:311 M:465 -b db 
74887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74888 You may eat another herb or plant.
74889 H:660 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74890 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74891 sip mana
74892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74893 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
74894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74895 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
74896 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74897 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
74898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74899 H:660 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74901 H:311 M:587 -b db 
74902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74903 eat mandrake
74904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74905 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1994.
74906 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
74907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74908 Reyvenyr quickly eats a mandrake root.
74909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74910 You are patient once again.
74911 H:660 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74913 H:311 M:587 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
74914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74915 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
74916 H:660 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74917 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74918 H:299 M:587 -b db 
74919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74920 You may apply another salve.
74921 H:660 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
74922 You have recovered balance.
74923 H:660 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
74924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74925 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
74926 H:299 M:587 -b db 
74927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74928 Health Gain: 8
74929 Mana Gain: 21
74930 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
74931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74932 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
74933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74934 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
74935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74936 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
74937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74938 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
74939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74940 evoke drain dwenthall
74941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74942 Mana Lost: 9
74943 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
74944 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
74945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74946 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
74947 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
74948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74949 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
74950 Balance Taken: 2.90s
74951 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74952 naturebind drain dwenthall
74953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74954 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
74955  contort in a visage of pain.
74956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74957 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
74958 tabbing pain in your head.
74959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74960 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
74961 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74962 ta dwenthall
74963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74964 Dwenthall's condition stands at 320/669 health and 420/700 mana.
74965 Mana Lost: 12
74966 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74968 H:333 M:493 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
74969 H:333 M:493 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
74970 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
74971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74972 You may eat another mushroom.
74973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74974 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
74975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74976 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
74977 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74978 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74979 H:331 M:493 eb db 
74980 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74981 contemplate dwenthall
74982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74983 You must regain balance first.
74984 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74985 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74986 ts
74987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74988 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
74989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74990 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
74991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74992 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
74993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74994 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
74995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
74996 H:331 M:493 -b db 
74997 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
74998 naturebind breach dwenthall
74999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75000 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75001 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
75002 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
75003 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
75004 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
75005 H:669 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
75006 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
75007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75008 You may eat another mushroom.
75010 H:331 M:477 -b db 
75011 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75012 eat toadstool
75013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75014 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1867.
75016 You quickly eat a toadstool.
75018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75019 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
75021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75022 You feel your health and mana replenished.
75024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75025 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
75026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75027 H:398 M:547 -b db 
75028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75029 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
75030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75031 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
75032  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
75034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75035 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
75036 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
75038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75039 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
75041 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75042 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
75043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75044 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
75046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75047 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
75048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75049 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
75051 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75052 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
75053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75054 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75057 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75060 Balance Taken: 2.00s
75062 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75063 naturebinding shred dwenthall
75064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75065 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
75067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75068 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
75070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75071 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
75073 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75074 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
75076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75077 ta dwenthall
75078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75079 Dwenthall's condition stands at 476/669 health and 547/700 mana.
75081 Mana Lost: 12
75083 H:669 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
75084 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75085 H:418 M:547 -b db 
75086 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
75088 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
75090 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75091 ac on
75092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75093 Autocuring activated.
75095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75096 evoke imbue
75097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75098 You must regain balance first.
75100 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75101 TEAR MAP
75102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75103 Syntax: TEAR MAP
75105 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75106 evoke empower jolt
75107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75108 You must regain balance first.
75110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75111 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
75112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75113 You must regain balance first.
75115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75116 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
75117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75118 You must regain balance first.
75120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75121 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
75122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75123 You must regain balance first.
75125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75126 naturebind choke dwenthall
75127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75128 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75131 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
75132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75133 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75135 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75136 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
75137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75138 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75141 ta dwenthall
75142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75143 Dwenthall's condition stands at 459/669 health and 547/700 mana.
75144 Mana Lost: 12
75145 H:669 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
75146 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75147 H:438 M:547 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
75148 H:438 M:547 eb db 
75149 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75150 smoke pipe with linseed
75151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75152 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
75153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75154 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
75155 H:669 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
75156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75157 H:438 M:547 eb db 
75158 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75159 ---------delayed wisp
75160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75161 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
75162 H:669 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
75163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75164 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
75165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75166 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
75167 mmand.
75168 H:669 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
75169 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75170 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
75171 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
75172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75173 What do you wish to break?
75174 H:669 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
75175 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75176 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
75177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75178 What do you wish to break?
75179 H:669 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
75180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75181 You may drink another healing elixir.
75182 H:438 M:547 eb db 
75183 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75184 sip mana
75185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75186 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
75187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75188 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
75189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75190 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
75191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75192 H:669 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
75193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75194 H:438 M:690 eb db 
75195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75196 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
75197 You have recovered balance.
75198 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75199 naturebind breach dwenthall
75200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75201 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
75202 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
75203 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75204 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
75205 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
75206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75207 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
75208 H:669 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
75209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75210 H:438 M:690 eb db 
75211 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75212 naturebind breach dwenthall
75213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75214 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75215 H:669 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
75216 H:669 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
75217 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75218 naturebind breach dwenthall
75219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75220 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75221 H:669 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
75222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75223 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
75224 H:465 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
75225 H:465 M:700 eb db 
75226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75227 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
75228 H:669 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
75229 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75230 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
75231 H:465 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
75232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75233 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
75234 H:669 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
75235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75236 H:455 M:684 eb db 
75237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75238 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
75239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75240 ac on
75241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75242 Autocuring activated.
75243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75244 order golem kill dwenthall
75245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75246 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
75247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75248 evoke empower rockfall
75249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75250 Mana Lost: 6
75251 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
75252 wer of Earth infuses it.
75253 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75254 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
75255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75256 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
75257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75258 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
75259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75260 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
75261 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75262 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
75263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75264 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75265 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75267 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75269 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
75270 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
75271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75272 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
75273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75274 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
75275 Balance Taken: 3.01s
75276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75277 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
75278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75279 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
75280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75281 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
75282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75283 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
75284 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75285 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
75286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75287 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated beech root leaps at her throat and squeezes
75288  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
75289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75290 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated beech root leaps at your throat and squeezes
75291  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
75292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75293 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
75294 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75295 naturebind shred dwenthall
75296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75297 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75298 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75299 ta dwenthall
75300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75301 Dwenthall's condition stands at 334/669 health and 690/700 mana.
75302 Mana Lost: 12
75303 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
75304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75305 H:334 M:684 eb b 
75306 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75307 writhe root
75308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75309 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
75310 H:334 M:684 eb b 
75311 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75312 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
75313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75314 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
75315 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
75316 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75317 eat juniper
75318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75319 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1822.
75320 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
75321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75322 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
75323 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75324 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
75325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75326 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
75327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75328 H:334 M:684 eb db 
75329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75330 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
75331 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
75332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75333 You may drink another healing elixir.
75334 H:334 M:684 eb db 
75335 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75336 sip health
75337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75338 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
75339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75340 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
75341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75342 The elixir heals your body.
75343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75344 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
75345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75346 H:451 M:684 eb db 
75347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75348 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of vitriol.
75349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75350 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
75351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75352 Your vitriol toxin has affected Dwenthall.
75353 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75354 You feel ugliness radiating from you.
75355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75356 The tornado swirls rapidly.
75357 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75358 smoke pipe with lovage
75359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75360 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with lovage smoke.
75361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75362 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a light, bluish mist.
75363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75364 You no longer will inspire disloyalty among friends.
75365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75366 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
75367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75368 H:451 M:684 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
75369 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75370 spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol
75371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75372 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol", is not a valid command.
75373 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
75374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75375 H:451 M:684 eb db 
75376 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75377 eat toadstool
75378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75379 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1866.
75380 You quickly eat a toadstool.
75381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75382 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
75383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75384 You feel your health and mana replenished.
75385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75386 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
75387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75388 H:518 M:700 eb db The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
75389 H:518 M:700 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
75390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75391 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
75392 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
75393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75394 H:518 M:700 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
75395 H:518 M:700 eb db 
75396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75397 Mana Gain: 32
75398 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
75399 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75400 You may eat another herb or plant.
75401 H:551 M:700 eb db 
75402 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75403 ffse
75404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75405 You cannot move while being choked by an animated root.
75406 H:551 M:700 eb db 
75407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75408 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
75409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75410 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
75411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75412 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of her.
75413 You have recovered balance.
75414 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
75415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75416 H:503 M:700 eb db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
75417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75418 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
75419 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
75420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75421 H:503 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
75422 H:503 M:700 eb db 
75423 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75424 trueassess dwenthall
75425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75426 Dwenthall's condition stands at 503/669 health and 700/700 mana.
75427 Mana Lost: 12
75428 H:669 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
75429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75430 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
75431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75432 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
75433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75434 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
75435 ods your veins.
75436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75437 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
75438  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
75439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75440 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
75441 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
75442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75443 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
75444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75445 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
75446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75447 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
75448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75449 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
75450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75451 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
75452 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75453 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
75454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75455 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75457 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75459 Balance Taken: 2.00s
75460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75461 naturebinding shred dwenthall
75462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75463 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
75464 ing her skin mercilessly.
75465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75466 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
75467 ng your skin mercilessly.
75468 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
75469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75470 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
75471 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75472 ta dwenthall
75473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75474 Dwenthall's condition stands at 485/669 health and 770/700 mana.
75475 Mana Lost: 12
75476 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
75477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75478 H:458 M:700 eb b 
75479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75480 ac on
75481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75482 Autocuring activated.
75483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75484 evoke imbue
75485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75486 You must regain balance first.
75487 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75488 evoke empower shock
75489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75490 You must regain balance first.
75491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75492 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
75493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75494 You must regain balance first.
75495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75496 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
75497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75498 You must regain balance first.
75499 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75500 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
75501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75502 You must regain balance first.
75503 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75504 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
75505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75506 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75507 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75508 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
75509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75510 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75512 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
75513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75514 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75515 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75516 ta dwenthall
75517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75518 Dwenthall's condition stands at 485/669 health and 791/700 mana.
75519 Mana Lost: 12
75520 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
75521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75522 ---------delayed wisp
75523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75524 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
75525 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
75526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75527 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
75528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75529 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
75530 mmand.
75531 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
75532 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75533 smoke pipe with linseed
75534 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75535 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
75536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75537 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
75538 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
75539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75540 H:458 M:700 eb b 
75541 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75542 dag
75543 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75544 You are:
75546 poisoned by a wisp.
75548 blind.
75550 an insomniac.
75552 cursed by Nature.
75554 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
75556 H:458 M:700 -b b 
75557 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
75559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75560 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
75562 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
75563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75564 H:449 M:684 -b b 
75565 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75566 eat juniper
75567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75568 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1821.
75570 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
75572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75573 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
75575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75576 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
75578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75579 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
75580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75581 H:449 M:684 -b db 
75582 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
75585 H:449 M:684 eb db 
75586 You may drink another healing elixir.
75587 H:449 M:684 eb db 
75588 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75589 human
75590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75591 You are already in Sylayan form.
75593 H:449 M:684 eb db 
75594 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75595 unwield bow
75596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75597 You aren't wielding that.
75599 H:449 M:684 eb db 
75600 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75601 unwield bow
75602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75603 You aren't wielding that.
75605 H:449 M:684 eb db 
75606 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75607 wield shield116306
75608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75609 You have no shield116306.
75611 H:449 M:684 eb db 
75612 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75613 wield shield116306
75614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75615 You have no shield116306.
75617 H:449 M:684 eb db 
75618 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75619 autocuring on
75620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75621 Autocuring activated.
75623 H:449 M:684 eb db 
75624 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75625 autocuring rebounding on
75626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75627 Automatic rebounding handling activated.
75629 H:449 M:684 eb db 
75630 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
75632 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
75634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75635 You have recovered balance.
75638 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75639 sip health
75640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75641 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
75643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75644 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
75646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75647 The elixir heals your body.
75649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75650 H:669 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
75651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75652 H:564 M:684 eb db 
75653 You may eat another herb or plant.
75654 H:564 M:684 eb db 
75655 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
75656 H:564 M:684 eb db 
75657 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75658 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
75661 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
75662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75663 ac on
75664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75665 Autocuring activated.
75667 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75668 order golem kill dwenthall
75669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75670 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
75671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75672 evoke empower rockfall
75673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75674 Mana Lost: 6
75675 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
75676 wer of Earth infuses it.
75677 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75678 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
75679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75680 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
75681 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75682 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
75683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75684 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
75685 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75686 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
75687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75688 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75689 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75691 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75692 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
75693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75694 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
75695 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
75696 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75697 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
75698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75699 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
75700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75701 Balance Taken: 3.01s
75702 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75703 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
75704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75705 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
75706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75707 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
75708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75709 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
75710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75711 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
75712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75713 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
75714 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75715 naturebind shred dwenthall
75716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75717 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
75718 ing her skin mercilessly.
75719 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75720 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
75721 ng your skin mercilessly.
75722 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
75723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75724 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
75725 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75726 ta dwenthall
75727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75728 Dwenthall's condition stands at 406/669 health and 684/700 mana.
75729 Mana Lost: 12
75730 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
75731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75732 H:422 M:684 eb b 
75733 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75734 ts
75735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75736 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
75737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75738 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
75739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75740 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
75741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75742 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
75743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75744 H:422 M:684 -b b 
75745 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75746 eat maidenhair
75747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75748 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1968.
75749 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
75750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75751 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
75752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75753 The stinging feeling fades.
75754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75755 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
75756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75757 H:422 M:684 -b b You may eat another mushroom.
75758 H:422 M:684 -b b 
75759 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75760 eat toadstool
75761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75762 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1865.
75763 You quickly eat a toadstool.
75764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75765 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
75766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75767 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
75768 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
75769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75770 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
75771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75772 H:422 M:684 -b b 
75773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75774 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
75775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75776 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
75777 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
75778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75779 naturebind breach dwenthall
75780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75781 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75782 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
75783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75784 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
75785 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
75786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75787 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
75788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75789 H:442 M:684 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
75790 H:442 M:668 -b b 
75791 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75792 eat juniper
75793 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75794 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1820.
75795 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
75796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75797 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
75798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75799 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
75800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75801 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
75802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75803 H:442 M:668 -b db 
75804 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75805 naturebind breach dwenthall
75806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75807 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75808 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
75809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75810 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
75811 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75812 naturebind breach dwenthall
75813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75814 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75815 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
75816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75817 H:468 M:696 -b db 
75818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75819 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
75820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75821 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
75822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75823 H:669 M:426 &lt;e- dbt; 
75824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75825 H:468 M:696 eb db 
75826 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75827 naturebind breach dwenthall
75828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75829 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
75830 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
75831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75832 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
75833 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
75834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75835 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
75836 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
75837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75838 H:468 M:696 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
75839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75840 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
75841 You have recovered balance.
75842 H:669 M:426 &lt;-b dbt; 
75843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75844 H:468 M:696 eb db 
75845 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75846 naturebind breach dwenthall
75847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75848 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75849 H:669 M:426 &lt;-b dbt; 
75850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75851 naturebind breach dwenthall
75852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75853 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75854 H:669 M:426 &lt;-b dbt; 
75855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75856 You may drink another healing elixir.
75857 H:468 M:696 eb db 
75858 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75859 sip health
75860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75861 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
75862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75863 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
75864 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75865 The elixir heals your body.
75866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75867 H:669 M:426 &lt;-b dbt; 
75868 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75869 H:589 M:696 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
75870 H:589 M:696 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
75871 H:589 M:696 eb db 
75872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75873 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
75874 H:669 M:426 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Gain: 32
75875 H:669 M:459 &lt;eb dbt; 
75876 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75877 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
75878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75879 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
75880 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75881 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
75882 ods your veins.
75883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75884 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
75885  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
75886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75887 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
75888 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
75889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75890 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
75891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75892 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
75893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75894 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
75895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75896 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
75897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75898 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
75899 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75900 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
75901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75902 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75904 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
75905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75906 Balance Taken: 2.00s
75907 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75908 naturebinding shred dwenthall
75909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75910 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
75911 ing her skin mercilessly.
75912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75913 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
75914 ng your skin mercilessly.
75915 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
75916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75917 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
75918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75919 ta dwenthall
75920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75921 Dwenthall's condition stands at 521/669 health and 714/700 mana.
75922 Mana Lost: 12
75923 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
75924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75925 H:578 M:700 eb b 
75926 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75927 ac on
75928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75929 Autocuring activated.
75930 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75931 evoke imbue
75932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75933 You must regain balance first.
75934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75935 TEAR MAP
75936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75937 Syntax: TEAR MAP
75938 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75939 evoke empower jolt
75940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75941 You must regain balance first.
75942 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75943 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
75944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75945 You must regain balance first.
75946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75947 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
75948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75949 You must regain balance first.
75950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75951 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
75952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75953 You must regain balance first.
75954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75955 naturebind choke dwenthall
75956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75957 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75959 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
75960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75961 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75962 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75963 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
75964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75965 You must regain your equilibrium first.
75966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75967 ta dwenthall
75968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75969 Dwenthall's condition stands at 658/669 health and 735/700 mana.
75971 Mana Lost: 12
75973 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
75974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75975 ---------delayed wisp
75976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75977 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
75979 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
75980 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75981 smoke pipe with linseed
75982 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75983 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
75985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75986 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
75988 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
75989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75990 H:578 M:700 eb b 
75991 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75992 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
75993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
75994 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
75995 mmand.
75997 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
75998 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
75999 eat juniper
76000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76001 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1819.
76003 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
76005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76006 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
76008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76009 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
76011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76012 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
76013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76014 H:578 M:700 eb db 
76015 You may eat another mushroom.
76017 H:578 M:700 eb db 
76018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76019 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of vitriol.
76021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76022 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
76024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76025 Your vitriol toxin has affected Dwenthall.
76027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76028 You feel ugliness radiating from you.
76030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76031 The tornado swirls rapidly.
76033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76034 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
76036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76037 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
76039 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
76040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76041 H:566 M:700 eb db 
76042 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76043 focus
76044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76045 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
76047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76048 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dwenthall.
76050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76051 You no longer will inspire disloyalty among friends.
76053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76054 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
76055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76056 H:566 M:685 eb db 
76057 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76058 spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol
76059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76060 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall vitriol", is not a valid command.
76062 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
76063 You have recovered balance.
76066 H:669 M:435 &lt;-b dbt; 
76067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76068 You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
76070 H:566 M:669 eb db 
76071 You may eat another herb or plant.
76072 H:566 M:669 eb db 
76073 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
76074 H:566 M:669 eb db 
76075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76076 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
76079 H:669 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; 
76080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76081 You may drink another healing elixir.
76082 H:566 M:669 eb db 
76083 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76084 sip health
76085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76086 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
76088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76089 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
76091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76092 The elixir heals your body.
76094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76095 H:669 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; 
76096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76097 H:669 M:669 eb db 
76098 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76099 ac on
76100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76101 Autocuring activated.
76102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76103 evoke imbue
76104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76105 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
76106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76107 evoke empower shock
76108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76109 Mana Lost: 6
76110 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
76111 wer of Earth infuses it.
76112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76113 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
76114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76115 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
76116 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76117 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
76118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76119 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
76120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76121 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
76122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76123 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
76124 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
76125 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76126 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
76127 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
76128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76129 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
76130 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
76131 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
76132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76133 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
76134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76135 Balance Taken: 3.01s
76136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76137 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
76138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76139 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
76140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76141 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
76142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76143 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
76144  her skin mercilessly.
76145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76146 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
76147 your skin mercilessly.
76148 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
76149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76150 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
76151 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76152 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
76153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76154 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76156 ta dwenthall
76157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76158 Dwenthall's condition stands at 574/669 health and 623/700 mana.
76159 Mana Lost: 12
76160 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
76161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76162 H:552 M:669 eb b 
76163 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76164 eat maidenhair
76165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76166 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1967.
76167 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
76168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76169 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
76170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76171 The stinging feeling fades.
76172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76173 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
76174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76175 H:552 M:669 eb b 
76176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76177 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
76178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76179 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
76180 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
76181 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
76182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76183 Your mind is able to focus once again.
76184 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
76185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76186 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
76187 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
76188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76189 H:538 M:669 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
76190 H:538 M:669 eb b 
76191 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76192 eat juniper
76193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76194 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1818.
76195 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
76196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76197 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
76198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76199 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
76200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76201 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
76202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76203 H:538 M:669 eb db 
76204 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76205 eat toadstool
76206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76207 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1864.
76209 You quickly eat a toadstool.
76211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76212 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
76214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76215 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
76217 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
76219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76220 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
76221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76222 H:538 M:669 eb db 
76223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76224 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
76227 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
76228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76229 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
76231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76232 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
76234 You have recovered balance.
76237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76238 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
76240 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
76242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76243 H:669 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; 
76244 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76245 H:534 M:669 eb db 
76246 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76247 ts
76248 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76249 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
76251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76252 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
76254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76255 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
76257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76258 H:669 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; 
76259 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76260 H:534 M:653 -b db 
76261 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76262 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
76263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76264 Your poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack Dwenthall, but rebounds harmlessly off his shield.
76266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76267 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack you, but rebounds harmlessly off your shield.
76269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76270 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
76271  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
76273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76274 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
76275 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
76277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76278 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
76280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76281 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
76282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76283 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
76285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76286 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
76287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76288 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
76290 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76291 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
76292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76293 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
76295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76296 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
76298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76299 Balance Taken: 2.00s
76301 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76302 naturebinding shred dwenthall
76303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76304 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
76306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76307 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
76309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76310 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
76312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76313 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
76315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76316 ta dwenthall
76317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76318 Dwenthall's condition stands at 510/669 health and 711/700 mana.
76320 Mana Lost: 12
76322 H:669 M:404 &lt;-- dbt; 
76323 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76324 H:554 M:653 -b db 
76325 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76326 ac on
76327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76328 Autocuring activated.
76330 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76331 evoke imbue
76332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76333 You must regain balance first.
76335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76336 TEAR MAP
76337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76338 Syntax: TEAR MAP
76339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76340 evoke empower jolt
76341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76342 You must regain balance first.
76343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76344 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
76345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76346 You must regain balance first.
76347 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76348 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
76349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76350 You must regain balance first.
76351 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76352 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
76353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76354 You must regain balance first.
76355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76356 naturebind choke dwenthall
76357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76358 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76359 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76360 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
76361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76362 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76364 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
76365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76366 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76368 ta dwenthall
76369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76370 Dwenthall's condition stands at 554/669 health and 653/700 mana.
76371 Mana Lost: 12
76372 H:669 M:392 &lt;-- dbt; 
76373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76374 naturebind breach dwenthall
76375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76376 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76377 H:669 M:392 &lt;-- dbt; 
76378 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76379 smoke pipe with linseed
76380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76381 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
76382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76383 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
76384 H:669 M:392 &lt;-- dbt; 
76385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76386 H:554 M:653 -b db 
76387 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76388 eat toadstool
76389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76390 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1907.
76391 You quickly eat a toadstool.
76392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76393 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
76394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76395 Mana Gain: 51
76396 You feel your health and mana replenished.
76397 H:669 M:443 &lt;-- dbt; 
76398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76399 H:554 M:653 -b db 
76400 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76401 ---------delayed wisp
76402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76403 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
76404 H:669 M:443 &lt;-- dbt; 
76405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76406 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
76407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76408 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
76409 mmand.
76410 H:669 M:443 &lt;-- dbt; 
76411 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76412 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
76413 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
76414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76415 What do you wish to break?
76416 H:669 M:443 &lt;-- dbt; 
76417 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76418 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
76419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76420 What do you wish to break?
76421 H:669 M:443 &lt;-- dbt; 
76422 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76423 l
76424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76425 A rocky outcropping.
76426 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the wa
76427 y north. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southeast. A pile of rubble lies here, blockin
76428 g the way south. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southwest. An animated hawthorn root i
76429 s curled here, swaying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An an
76430 imated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr
76431  is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his 
76432 right. A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
76433 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
76434 H:554 M:653 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
76435 H:554 M:653 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
76436 H:554 M:653 -b db 
76437 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76438 sip health
76439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76440 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
76441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76442 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
76443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76444 The elixir heals your body.
76445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76446 H:669 M:443 &lt;-- dbt; 
76447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76448 H:669 M:653 -b db 
76449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76450 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
76451 You have recovered balance.
76452 H:669 M:443 &lt;eb dbt; 
76453 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76454 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
76455 H:669 M:653 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
76456 H:669 M:653 eb db 
76457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76458 naturebind breach dwenthall
76459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76460 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
76461 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
76462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76463 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
76464 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
76465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76466 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
76467 H:669 M:443 &lt;-b dbt; 
76468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76469 H:669 M:653 eb db 
76470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76471 naturebind breach dwenthall
76472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76473 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76474 H:669 M:443 &lt;-b dbt; 
76475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76476 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
76477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76478 naturebind breach dwenthall
76479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76480 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76481 H:669 M:443 &lt;-b dbt; 
76482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76483 H:669 M:681 eb db 
76484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76485 naturebind breach dwenthall
76486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76487 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76488 H:669 M:443 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Gain: 32
76489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76490 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
76491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76492 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
76493 H:669 M:476 &lt;-b dbt; 
76494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76495 H:657 M:700 eb db 
76496 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76497 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76499 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76500 H:669 M:476 &lt;-b dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
76501 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76502 You may eat another mushroom.
76503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76504 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
76505 H:669 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
76506 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76507 H:657 M:684 eb db 
76508 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76509 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76511 Mana Lost: 12
76512 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
76513 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76515 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
76516 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76518 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
76519 Mana Lost: 12
76520 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of psilo
76521 cybin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76523 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
76524  psilocybin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76526 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
76527 Balance Taken: 2.00s
76528 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
76529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76530 H:657 M:684 eb db 
76531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76532 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76534 You must regain balance first.
76535 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of psilocyb
76536 in.
76537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76538 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
76539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76540 Your psilocybin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
76541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76542 You feel much less nimble all of a sudden.
76543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76544 The tornado swirls rapidly.
76545 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
76546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76547 H:657 M:684 eb db 
76548 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76549 eat wormwood
76550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76551 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1999.
76552 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
76553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76554 Dwenthall quickly eats a wormwood root.
76555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76556 Your limbs feel lighter and more coordinated.
76557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76558 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
76559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76560 H:657 M:684 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
76561 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
76562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76563 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
76564 You may eat another mushroom.
76565 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
76566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76567 H:657 M:684 eb db 
76568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76569 spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin
76570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76571 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin", is not a valid command.
76572 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
76573 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76574 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76576 You must regain balance first.
76577 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
76578 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76579 You may drink another healing elixir.
76580 H:657 M:684 eb db 
76581 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76582 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76584 You must regain balance first.
76585 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
76586 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76587 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76589 You must regain balance first.
76590 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
76591 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76592 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76594 You must regain balance first.
76595 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
76596 H:669 M:452 &lt;eb dbt; 
76597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76598 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76600 Mana Lost: 12
76601 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
76602 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76604 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
76605 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76607 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
76608 Mana Lost: 12
76609 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of psilo
76610 cybin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76612 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
76613  psilocybin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76615 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
76616 Balance Taken: 2.00s
76617 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
76618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76619 H:657 M:684 eb db 
76620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76621 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76623 You must regain balance first.
76624 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
76625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76626 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
76627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76628 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
76630 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
76631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76632 H:645 M:684 eb db 
76633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76634 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76636 You must regain balance first.
76638 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
76639 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76640 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76642 You must regain balance first.
76644 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
76645 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76646 You may eat another herb or plant.
76647 H:645 M:684 eb db 
76648 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76649 probe crystal
76650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76651 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
76652 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
76653 It weighs 6 ounces.
76654 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
76655 The crystal can support 3 spells.
76657 H:645 M:684 eb db 
76658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76659 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76661 You must regain balance first.
76663 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
76664 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76665 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76667 You must regain balance first.
76669 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
76670 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76671 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76673 You must regain balance first.
76675 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
76676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76677 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76679 You must regain balance first.
76681 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
76682 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76683 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76685 You must regain balance first.
76687 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
76688 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76689 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76691 You must regain balance first.
76693 H:669 M:427 &lt;e- dbt; 
76694 You have recovered balance.
76697 H:669 M:427 &lt;eb dbt; 
76698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76699 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76701 Mana Lost: 12
76703 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
76704 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76707 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
76708 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76711 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
76713 Mana Lost: 12
76715 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of psilo
76716 cybin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76719 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
76720  psilocybin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
76722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76723 Balance Taken: 2.00s
76725 H:669 M:403 &lt;e- dbt; 
76726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76727 H:645 M:668 eb db 
76728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76729 eat toadstool
76730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76731 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1906.
76733 You quickly eat a toadstool.
76735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76736 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
76738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76739 Mana Gain: 51
76741 You feel your health and mana replenished.
76743 H:669 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
76744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76745 H:645 M:668 eb db 
76746 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76747 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
76748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76749 You must regain balance first.
76751 H:669 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
76752 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76753 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
76754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76755 You must regain balance first.
76757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76758 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
76759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76760 You must regain balance first.
76762 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76763 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
76764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76765 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
76766 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
76767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76768 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
76769 you.
76770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76771 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
76772 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76773 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
76774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76775 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76776 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76777 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
76778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76779 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76780 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
76781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76782 H:645 M:668 eb db 
76783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76784 ac on
76785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76786 Autocuring activated.
76787 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76788 order loyals kill dwenthall
76789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76790 You must regain balance first.
76791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76792 TEAR MAP
76793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76794 Syntax: TEAR MAP
76795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76796 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
76797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76798 You must regain balance first.
76799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76800 evoke empower rockfall
76801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76802 You must regain balance first.
76803 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76804 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
76805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76806 You must regain balance first.
76807 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76808 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
76809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76810 You must regain balance first.
76811 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76812 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
76813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76814 You must regain balance first.
76815 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76816 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
76817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76818 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76819 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76820 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
76821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76822 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76824 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
76825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76826 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76827 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
76828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76829 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
76830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76831 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
76832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76833 dg
76834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76835 You must regain balance first.
76836 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
76837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76838 H:635 M:668 eb db 
76839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76840 You have recovered balance.
76841 H:669 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
76842 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76843 dg
76844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76845 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76846 H:669 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
76847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76848 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
76849 H:634 M:668 eb db 
76850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76851 dg
76852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76853 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76854 H:669 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
76855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76856 dg
76857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76858 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76859 H:669 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
76860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76861 dg
76862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76863 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76864 H:669 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
76865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76866 dg
76867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76868 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76869 H:669 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
76870 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76871 dg
76872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76873 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76874 H:669 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
76875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76876 dg
76877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76878 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76879 H:669 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
76880 Mana Gain: 32
76881 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
76882 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76883 dg
76884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76885 You are:
76886 blind.
76887 deaf.
76888 an insomniac.
76889 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
76890 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
76891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76892 dg
76893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76894 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76895 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
76896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76897 dg
76898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76899 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76900 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
76901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76902 dg
76903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76904 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76905 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
76906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76907 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
76908 H:669 M:700 eb db 
76909 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76910 dg
76911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76912 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76913 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; You are no longer attuned to the earth element.
76914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76915 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the earth element.
76916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76917 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
76918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76919 H:669 M:700 eb db 
76920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76921 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
76922 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
76923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76924 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
76925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76926 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
76927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76928 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
76929 ods your veins.
76930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76931 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
76932 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
76933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76934 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
76935  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
76936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76937 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
76938 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76939 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
76940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76941 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
76942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76943 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
76944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76945 Balance Taken: 2.00s
76946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76947 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
76948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76949 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
76950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76951 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
76952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76953 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
76954 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
76955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76956 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
76957 d you.
76958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76959 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
76960 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76961 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
76962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76963 You must regain your equilibrium first.
76964 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
76965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
76966 H:669 M:684 eb db 
76967 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76968 ac on
76969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76970 Autocuring activated.
76971 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76972 order loyals kill dwenthall
76973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76974 You must regain balance first.
76975 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76976 TEAR MAP
76977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76978 Syntax: TEAR MAP
76979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76980 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
76981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76982 You must regain balance first.
76983 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76984 evoke empower rockfall
76985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76986 You must regain balance first.
76987 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76988 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
76989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76990 You must regain balance first.
76991 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76992 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
76993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76994 You must regain balance first.
76995 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76996 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
76997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
76998 You must regain balance first.
76999 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77000 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
77001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77002 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77004 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
77005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77006 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77007 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77008 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
77009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77010 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77011 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
77012 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77013 smoke pipe with linseed
77014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77015 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
77016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77017 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
77018 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
77019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77020 H:669 M:684 eb db 
77021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77022 ---------delayed wisp
77023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77024 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
77025 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
77026 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77027 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
77028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77029 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
77030 mmand.
77031 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
77032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77033 dg
77034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77035 You must regain balance first.
77036 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
77037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77038 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
77039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77040 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
77041 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
77042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77043 H:660 M:684 eb db 
77044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77045 dg
77046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77047 You must regain balance first.
77048 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
77049 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77050 dg
77051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77052 You must regain balance first.
77053 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of psilocyb
77054 in.
77055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77056 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
77057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77058 Your psilocybin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
77059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77060 You feel much less nimble all of a sudden.
77061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77062 The tornado swirls rapidly.
77063 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77064 dg
77065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77066 You must regain balance first.
77067 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
77068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77069 H:660 M:684 eb db 
77070 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77071 eat wormwood
77072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77073 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1998.
77074 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
77075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77076 Dwenthall quickly eats a wormwood root.
77077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77078 Your limbs feel lighter and more coordinated.
77079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77080 H:669 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
77081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77082 H:660 M:684 eb db 
77083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77084 You have recovered balance.
77085 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
77086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77087 dg
77088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77089 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77090 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
77091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77092 spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin
77093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77094 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin", is not a valid command.
77095 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
77096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77097 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
77098 H:660 M:684 eb db 
77099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77100 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
77101 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
77102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77103 bs
77104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77105 Your skin is already tough as bark.
77106 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
77107 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77108 bs
77109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77110 Your skin is already tough as bark.
77111 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
77112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77113 bs
77114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77115 Your skin is already tough as bark.
77116 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
77117 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77118 bs
77119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77120 Your skin is already tough as bark.
77121 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
77122 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77123 bs
77124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77125 Your skin is already tough as bark.
77126 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
77127 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77128 You may eat another herb or plant.
77129 H:660 M:684 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
77130 H:660 M:684 eb db 
77131 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77132 bs
77133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77134 Your skin is already tough as bark.
77135 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
77136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77137 ac on
77138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77139 Autocuring activated.
77140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77141 order loyals kill dwenthall
77142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77143 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
77144 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
77145 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
77146 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
77147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77148 TEAR MAP
77149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77150 Syntax: TEAR MAP
77151 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77152 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
77153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77154 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
77155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77156 evoke empower rockfall
77157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77158 Mana Lost: 6
77159 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
77160 wer of Earth infuses it.
77161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77162 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
77163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77164 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
77165 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77166 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
77167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77168 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
77169 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77170 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
77171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77172 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77173 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77175 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77177 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
77178 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
77179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77180 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
77181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77182 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
77183 Balance Taken: 3.01s
77184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77185 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
77186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77187 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
77188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77189 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
77190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77191 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
77192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77193 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
77194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77195 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
77196 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
77197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77198 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
77199 .
77200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77201 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
77202 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
77203 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77204 H:587 M:668 eb b 
77205 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77206 eat juniper
77207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77208 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1817.
77209 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
77210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77211 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
77212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77213 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
77214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77215 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
77216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77217 H:587 M:668 eb db 
77218 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77219 sip health
77220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77221 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
77222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77223 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
77224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77225 The elixir heals your body.
77226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77227 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
77228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77229 H:669 M:668 eb db 
77230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77231 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
77232 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77233 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Heartlands.
77235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77236 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Heartlands.
77238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77239 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
77240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77241 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
77242 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
77243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77244 H:669 M:668 eb db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
77245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77246 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
77247 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
77248 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77249 H:655 M:668 eb db 
77250 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77251 ts
77252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77253 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
77254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77255 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
77256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77257 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
77258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77259 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
77260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77261 H:655 M:668 -b db 
77262 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77263 naturebind breach dwenthall
77264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77265 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77266 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
77267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77268 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
77269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77270 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
77271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77272 dg
77273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77274 You must regain balance first.
77275 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
77276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77277 H:655 M:668 -b db 
77278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77279 dg
77280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77281 You must regain balance first.
77282 H:669 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
77283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77284 You may eat another herb or plant.
77285 H:655 M:668 -b db 
77286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77287 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
77288 H:669 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
77289 H:669 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
77290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77291 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
77292 H:655 M:668 eb db 
77293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77294 naturebind breach dwenthall
77295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77296 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
77297 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
77298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77299 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
77300 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
77301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77302 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
77303 H:669 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
77304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77305 H:655 M:668 eb db 
77306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77307 naturebind breach dwenthall
77308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77309 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77310 H:669 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Gain: 31
77311 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
77312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77313 You may drink another healing elixir.
77314 H:669 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
77315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77316 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
77317 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
77318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77319 H:658 M:684 eb db The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
77320 H:658 M:684 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
77321 H:657 M:684 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
77322 H:669 M:700 eb db 
77323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77324 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
77325 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
77326 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77327 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
77328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77329 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
77330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77331 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
77332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77333 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
77334  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
77335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77336 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
77337 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
77338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77339 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
77340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77341 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
77342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77343 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
77344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77345 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
77346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77347 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
77348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77349 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
77350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77351 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77353 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77355 Balance Taken: 2.00s
77356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77357 naturebinding shred dwenthall
77358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77359 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
77360 ing her skin mercilessly.
77361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77362 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
77363 ng your skin mercilessly.
77364 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
77365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77366 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
77367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77368 ta dwenthall
77369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77370 Dwenthall's condition stands at 600/669 health and 700/700 mana.
77371 Mana Lost: 12
77372 H:669 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
77373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77374 H:583 M:700 eb b 
77375 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77376 cnc
77377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77378 You already possess mental equilibrium.
77379 H:583 M:700 eb b 
77380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77381 ac on
77382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77383 Autocuring activated.
77384 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77385 order golem kill dwenthall
77386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77387 You must regain balance first.
77388 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77389 evoke empower rockfall
77390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77391 You must regain balance first.
77392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77393 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
77394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77395 You must regain balance first.
77396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77397 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
77398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77399 You must regain balance first.
77400 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77401 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
77402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77403 You must regain balance first.
77404 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77405 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
77406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77407 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77408 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77409 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
77410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77411 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77413 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
77414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77415 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77416 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77417 naturebind shred dwenthall
77418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77419 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77420 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77421 ta dwenthall
77422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77423 Dwenthall's condition stands at 617/669 health and 700/700 mana.
77424 Mana Lost: 12
77425 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
77426 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77427 pa
77428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77429 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
77430 H:583 M:700 eb b 
77431 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77432 smoke pipe with linseed
77433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77434 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
77435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77436 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
77437 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
77438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77439 H:583 M:700 eb b 
77440 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77441 sip health
77442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77443 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
77444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77445 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
77446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77447 The elixir heals your body.
77448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77449 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
77450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77451 H:669 M:700 eb b 
77452 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77453 ovt
77454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77455 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
77456 H:669 M:700 eb b 
77457 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77458 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
77459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77460 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
77461 ewreathe effect.
77462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77463 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
77464 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77465 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
77466 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
77467  twitching slightly under the cold.
77468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77469 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
77470 range burning sensation in your nerves.
77471 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
77472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77473 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
77474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77475 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
77476 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77477 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
77478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77479 H:564 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
77480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77481 H:669 M:682 -b b 
77482 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77483 ta
77484 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77485 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 488/512 mana.
77486 H:669 M:670 -b b 
77487 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77488 ---------delayed wisp
77489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77490 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
77491 H:564 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
77492 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77493 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
77494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77495 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
77496 mmand.
77497 H:564 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
77498 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77499 eat juniper
77500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77501 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1816.
77502 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
77503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77504 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
77505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77506 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
77507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77508 H:564 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
77509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77510 H:669 M:670 -b db 
77511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77512 eat nightshade
77513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77514 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1971.
77515 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
77516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77517 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
77518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77519 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
77520 H:564 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
77521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77522 H:669 M:670 -b db 
77523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77524 You have recovered balance.
77525 H:564 M:488 &lt;-b dbt; 
77526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77527 You may eat another herb or plant.
77528 H:669 M:670 -b db 
77529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77530 You may eat another herb or plant.
77531 H:564 M:488 &lt;-b dbt; 
77532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77533 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
77534 H:669 M:670 -b db 
77535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77536 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of psilocybin.
77537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77538 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
77539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77540 Your psilocybin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
77541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77542 You feel much less nimble all of a sudden.
77543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77544 The tornado swirls rapidly.
77545 H:564 M:488 &lt;-b dbt; 
77546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77547 H:669 M:654 -b db 
77548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77549 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
77550 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77551 eat wormwood
77552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77553 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1997.
77554 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
77555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77556 Dwenthall quickly eats a wormwood root.
77557 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77558 Your limbs feel lighter and more coordinated.
77559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77560 H:564 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
77561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77562 H:669 M:654 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
77563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77564 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
77565 H:564 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
77566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77567 H:657 M:654 -b db 
77568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77569 spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin
77570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77571 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin", is not a valid command.
77572 H:564 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
77573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77574 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
77575 H:657 M:654 eb db 
77576 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77577 ims
77578 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77579 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
77580 ewreathe effect.
77581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77582 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
77583 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77584 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
77585 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
77586 y.
77587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77588 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
77589 hly.
77590 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
77591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77592 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
77593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77594 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
77595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77596 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
77597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77598 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
77599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77600 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
77601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77602 H:467 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
77603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77604 H:657 M:642 -b db 
77605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77606 apply epidermal
77607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77608 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
77609 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77610 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
77611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77612 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
77613 H:467 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
77614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77615 H:657 M:642 -b db 
77616 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77617 sip health
77618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77619 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
77620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77621 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
77622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77623 Health Gain: 148
77624 The elixir heals your body.
77625 H:616 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
77626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77627 H:657 M:642 -b db 
77628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77629 eat toadstool
77630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77631 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1905.
77632 You quickly eat a toadstool.
77633 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77634 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
77635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77636 Health Gain: 52
77637 Mana Gain: 24
77638 You feel your health and mana replenished.
77639 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
77640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77641 H:657 M:642 -b db 
77642 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77643 ac on
77644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77645 Autocuring activated.
77646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77647 order golem kill dwenthall
77648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77649 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
77650 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77651 evoke empower rockfall
77652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77653 Mana Lost: 6
77654 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
77655 wer of Earth infuses it.
77656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77657 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
77658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77659 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
77660 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77661 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
77662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77663 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
77664 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77665 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
77666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77667 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77668 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77670 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77671 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
77672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77673 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
77674 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
77675 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77676 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
77677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77678 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
77679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77680 Balance Taken: 3.01s
77681 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77682 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
77683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77684 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
77685 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
77686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77687 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
77688 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
77689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77690 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
77691 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77692 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
77693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77694 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77695 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77696 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
77697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77698 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77699 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77700 naturebind shred dwenthall
77701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77702 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77703 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77704 ta dwenthall
77705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77706 Dwenthall's condition stands at 450/669 health and 712/700 mana.
77707 Mana Lost: 12
77708 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
77709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77710 H:511 M:642 -b b 
77711 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77712 writhe root
77713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77714 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
77715 H:511 M:642 -b b 
77716 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77717 eat toadstool
77718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77719 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1863.
77720 You quickly eat a toadstool.
77721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77722 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
77723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77724 You feel your health and mana replenished.
77725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77726 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
77727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77728 H:578 M:700 -b b 
77729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77730 You may apply another salve.
77731 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
77732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77733 You may eat another herb or plant.
77734 H:578 M:700 -b b 
77735 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77736 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
77737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77738 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
77739 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
77740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77741 You may drink another healing elixir.
77742 H:578 M:700 -b b 
77743 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77744 eat juniper
77745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77746 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1815.
77747 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
77748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77749 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
77750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77751 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
77752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77753 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
77754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77755 H:578 M:700 -b db 
77756 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77757 sip health
77758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77759 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
77760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77761 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
77762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77763 The elixir heals your body.
77764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77765 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
77766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77767 H:669 M:700 -b db 
77768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77769 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
77770 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
77771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77772 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
77773 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
77774 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
77775 H:669 M:700 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
77776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77777 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
77778 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
77779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77780 H:669 M:700 eb db 
77781 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77782 cnc
77783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77784 You already possess mental equilibrium.
77785 H:669 M:700 eb db 
77786 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77787 pa
77788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77789 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
77790 H:669 M:700 eb db 
77791 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77792 ovt
77793 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77794 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
77795 H:669 M:700 eb db 
77796 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77797 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
77798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77799 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
77800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77801 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
77802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77803 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
77804 ock effect.
77805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77806 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
77807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77808 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
77809 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
77810  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
77811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77812 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
77813 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
77814 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
77815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77816 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
77817 using him to lose his patience.
77818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77819 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
77820 ausing you to lose your patience.
77821 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
77822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77823 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
77824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77825 H:560 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
77826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77827 H:669 M:682 -b db 
77828 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77829 ta
77830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77831 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 560/669 health and 494/512 mana.
77832 H:669 M:670 -b db 
77833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77834 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
77835 H:560 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
77836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77837 eat nightshade
77838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77839 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1970.
77840 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
77841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77842 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
77843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77844 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
77845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77846 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
77847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77848 H:560 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
77849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77850 H:669 M:670 -b db 
77851 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77852 smoke pipe with linseed
77853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77854 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
77855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77856 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
77857 H:560 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
77858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77859 H:669 M:670 -b db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
77860 e out of you.
77861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77862 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
77863 r.
77864 You have recovered balance.
77865 H:560 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
77866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77867 H:620 M:670 -b db 
77868 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77869 purge blood
77870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77871 Mana Lost: 6
77872 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
77873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77874 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
77875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77876 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
77877 H:560 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
77878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77879 H:620 M:670 -b db 
77880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77881 trueassess dwenthall
77882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77883 Dwenthall's condition stands at 682/669 health and 730/700 mana.
77884 Mana Lost: 12
77885 H:560 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
77886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77887 touch tree
77888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77889 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
77890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77891 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
77892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77893 You are patient once again.
77894 H:560 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
77895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77896 H:620 M:670 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
77897 H:620 M:670 -b db 
77898 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77899 apply mass
77900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77901 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
77902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77903 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
77904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77905 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
77906 H:560 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
77907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77908 H:620 M:670 -b db 
77909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77910 Health Gain: 33
77911 Mana Gain: 32
77912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77913 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
77914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77915 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
77916 H:593 M:508 &lt;eb dbt; 
77917 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77918 H:657 M:700 -b db 
77919 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77920 ac on
77921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77922 Autocuring activated.
77923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77924 evoke imbue
77925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77926 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
77927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77928 TEAR MAP
77929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77930 Syntax: TEAR MAP
77931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77932 evoke empower jolt
77933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77934 Mana Lost: 6
77935 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
77936 wer of Earth infuses it.
77937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77938 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
77939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77940 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
77941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77942 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
77943 ods your veins.
77944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77945 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
77946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77947 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
77948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77949 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
77950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77951 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
77952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77953 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
77954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77955 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
77956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77957 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
77958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77959 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
77960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77961 I do not recognize that toxin.
77962 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77964 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77965 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
77966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77967 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
77968 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
77969 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
77970 Balance Taken: 3.01s
77971 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77972 naturebind choke dwenthall
77973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77974 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
77975 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77976 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
77977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77978 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
77979  her skin mercilessly.
77980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77981 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
77982 your skin mercilessly.
77983 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
77984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77985 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
77986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77987 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
77988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77989 You must regain your equilibrium first.
77990 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77991 ta dwenthall
77992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
77993 Dwenthall's condition stands at 385/669 health and 756/700 mana.
77994 Mana Lost: 12
77995 H:593 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
77996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77997 H:423 M:700 -b b 
77998 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
77999 cnc
78000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78001 You are already concentrating on regaining your equilibrium.
78002 H:423 M:700 -b b 
78003 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78004 pa
78005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78006 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
78007 H:423 M:700 -b b 
78008 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78009 ovt
78010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78011 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78012 H:423 M:700 -b b 
78013 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78014 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
78015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78016 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78017 H:423 M:700 -b b 
78018 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78019 ta
78020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78021 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 593/669 health and 490/512 mana.
78022 H:423 M:688 -b b 
78023 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78024 eat juniper
78025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78026 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1814.
78027 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
78028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78029 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
78030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78031 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
78032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78033 H:593 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
78034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78035 H:423 M:688 -b db 
78036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78037 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
78038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78039 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78041 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
78042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78043 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78044 H:593 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
78045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78046 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
78047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78048 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
78049 H:593 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
78050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78051 H:423 M:672 -b db 
78052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78053 You may drink another healing elixir.
78054 H:593 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
78055 H:593 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
78056 H:593 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
78057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78058 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
78059 H:423 M:672 eb db 
78060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78061 You may eat another mushroom.
78062 H:593 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
78063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78064 You may eat another herb or plant.
78065 H:423 M:672 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
78066 H:423 M:672 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
78067 H:423 M:672 eb db 
78068 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78069 sip health
78070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78071 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
78072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78073 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
78074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78075 The elixir heals your body.
78076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78077 H:593 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
78078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78079 H:587 M:672 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
78080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78081 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
78082 H:593 M:490 &lt;e- dbt; 
78083 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78084 H:587 M:672 eb db 
78085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78086 You have recovered balance.
78087 H:593 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
78088 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78089 ac on
78090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78091 Autocuring activated.
78092 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78093 order golem kill dwenthall
78094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78095 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
78096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78097 evoke empower rockfall
78098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78099 Mana Lost: 6
78100 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
78101 wer of Earth infuses it.
78102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78103 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
78104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78105 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
78106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78107 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
78108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78109 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
78110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78111 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
78112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78113 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78114 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78115 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78116 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78118 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
78119 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
78120 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78121 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
78122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78123 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
78124 Balance Taken: 3.01s
78125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78126 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
78127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78128 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
78129 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78130 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
78131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78132 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
78133 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
78134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78135 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
78136 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
78137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78138 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
78139 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78140 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
78141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78142 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78143 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78144 naturebind shred dwenthall
78145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78146 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78148 ta dwenthall
78149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78150 Dwenthall's condition stands at 401/669 health and 725/700 mana.
78151 Mana Lost: 12
78152 H:593 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
78153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78154 H:466 M:672 eb b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
78155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78156 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
78157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78158 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
78159 H:593 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
78160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78161 H:493 M:700 eb b 
78162 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78163 writhe root
78164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78165 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
78166 H:493 M:700 eb b 
78167 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78168 eat toadstool
78169 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78170 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1862.
78171 You quickly eat a toadstool.
78172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78173 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
78174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78175 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
78176 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
78177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78178 H:593 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
78179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78180 H:493 M:700 eb b 
78181 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78182 eat juniper
78183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78184 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1813.
78185 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
78186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78187 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
78188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78189 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
78190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78191 H:593 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
78192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78193 H:493 M:700 eb db 
78194 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78195 ts
78196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78197 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
78198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78199 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
78200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78201 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
78202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78203 H:593 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
78204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78205 H:493 M:700 -b db A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm 
78206 you.
78207 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
78208 H:513 M:700 -b db 
78209 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78210 naturebind breach dwenthall
78211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78212 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78213 H:593 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
78214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78215 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
78216 H:512 M:700 -b db 
78217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78218 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
78219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78220 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
78221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78222 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
78223 H:593 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
78224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78225 H:512 M:700 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
78226 H:512 M:684 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
78227 H:512 M:684 -b db 
78228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78229 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of psilocybin.
78230 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78231 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
78232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78233 Your psilocybin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
78234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78235 You feel much less nimble all of a sudden.
78236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78237 The tornado swirls rapidly.
78238 H:593 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
78239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78240 H:512 M:684 -b db 
78241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78242 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
78243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78244 spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin
78245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78246 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin", is not a valid command.
78247 H:593 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; 
78248 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78249 eat wormwood
78250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78251 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1996.
78252 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
78253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78254 Dwenthall quickly eats a wormwood root.
78255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78256 Your limbs feel lighter and more coordinated.
78257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78258 H:593 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; 
78259 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78260 H:512 M:684 -b db An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the l
78261 ife out of you.
78262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78263 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
78264 her.
78265 You have recovered balance.
78266 H:593 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
78267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78268 H:464 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
78269 H:464 M:684 eb db 
78270 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78271 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
78272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78273 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
78274  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
78275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78276 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
78277 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
78278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78279 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
78280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78281 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
78282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78283 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
78284 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78285 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
78286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78287 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
78288 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78289 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
78290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78291 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78293 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78295 Balance Taken: 2.00s
78296 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78297 naturebinding shred dwenthall
78298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78299 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
78300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78301 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
78302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78303 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
78304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78305 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
78306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78307 ta dwenthall
78308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78309 Dwenthall's condition stands at 484/669 health and 684/700 mana.
78310 Mana Lost: 12
78311 H:593 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
78312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78313 H:484 M:684 eb db 
78314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78315 ac on
78316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78317 Autocuring activated.
78318 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78319 evoke imbue
78320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78321 You must regain balance first.
78322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78323 TEAR MAP
78324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78325 Syntax: TEAR MAP
78326 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78327 evoke empower jolt
78328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78329 You must regain balance first.
78330 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78331 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
78332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78333 You must regain balance first.
78334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78335 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
78336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78337 You must regain balance first.
78338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78339 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
78340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78341 You must regain balance first.
78342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78343 naturebind choke dwenthall
78344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78345 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78347 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
78348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78349 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78351 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
78352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78353 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78355 ta dwenthall
78356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78357 Dwenthall's condition stands at 551/669 health and 697/700 mana.
78358 Mana Lost: 12
78359 H:593 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
78360 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78361 smoke pipe with linseed
78362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78363 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
78364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78365 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
78366 H:593 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
78367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78368 H:484 M:684 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
78369 You may drink another healing elixir.
78370 H:484 M:684 eb db 
78371 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78372 sip health
78373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78374 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
78375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78376 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
78377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78378 The elixir heals your body.
78379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78380 H:593 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
78381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78382 H:633 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm 
78383 you.
78384 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
78385 H:653 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
78386 H:653 M:684 eb db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
78387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78388 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
78389 H:593 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
78390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78391 H:653 M:684 eb db 
78392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78393 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
78394 You have recovered balance.
78395 H:593 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
78396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78397 ---------delayed wisp
78398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78399 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
78400 H:593 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
78401 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78402 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
78403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78404 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
78405 mmand.
78406 H:593 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
78407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78408 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
78409 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
78410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78411 What do you wish to break?
78412 H:593 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
78413 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78414 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
78415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78416 What do you wish to break?
78417 H:593 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
78418 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78419 naturebind breach dwenthall
78420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78421 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
78422 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
78423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78424 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
78425 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
78426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78427 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
78428 H:593 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
78429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78430 H:653 M:684 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
78431 H:653 M:684 eb db 
78432 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78433 ts
78434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78435 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
78436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78437 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
78438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78439 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
78440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78441 H:593 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
78442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78443 H:653 M:684 -b db 
78444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78445 naturebind breach dwenthall
78446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78447 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78448 H:593 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; Health Gain: 33
78449 Mana Gain: 32
78450 H:627 M:480 &lt;-b dbt; 
78451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78452 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
78453 H:669 M:684 -b db 
78454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78455 ac on
78456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78457 Autocuring activated.
78458 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78459 evoke imbue
78460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78461 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78463 TEAR MAP
78464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78465 Syntax: TEAR MAP
78466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78467 evoke empower jolt
78468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78469 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78471 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
78472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78473 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78475 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
78476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78477 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78479 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
78480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78481 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78483 naturebind choke dwenthall
78484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78485 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78487 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
78488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78489 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78491 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
78492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78493 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78495 ta dwenthall
78496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78497 Dwenthall's condition stands at 656/669 health and 589/700 mana.
78498 Mana Lost: 12
78499 H:627 M:468 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
78500 H:627 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
78501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78502 ac on
78503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78504 Autocuring activated.
78505 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78506 evoke imbue
78507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78508 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
78509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78510 TEAR MAP
78511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78512 Syntax: TEAR MAP
78513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78514 evoke empower jolt
78515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78516 Mana Lost: 6
78517 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
78518 wer of Earth infuses it.
78519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78520 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
78521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78522 Your poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack Dwenthall, but rebounds harmlessly off his shield.
78523 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78524 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack you, but rebounds harmlessly off your shield.
78525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78526 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
78527 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78528 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
78529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78530 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies into Dwenthall's shield, stripping it.
78531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78532 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies into your shield, stripping it.
78533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78534 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
78535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78536 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
78537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78538 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
78539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78540 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
78541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78542 I do not recognize that toxin.
78543 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78545 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78546 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
78547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78548 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
78549 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
78550 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78551 Balance Taken: 3.01s
78552 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78553 naturebind choke dwenthall
78554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78555 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
78556 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78557 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
78558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78559 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
78560  her skin mercilessly.
78561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78562 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
78563 your skin mercilessly.
78564 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
78565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78566 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
78567 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78568 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
78569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78570 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78571 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78572 ta dwenthall
78573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78574 Dwenthall's condition stands at 444/669 health and 684/700 mana.
78575 Mana Lost: 12
78576 H:627 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
78577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78578 H:522 M:684 -b b 
78579 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78580 eat juniper
78581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78582 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1812.
78583 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
78584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78585 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
78586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78587 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
78588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78589 H:627 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
78590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78591 H:522 M:684 -b db 
78592 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78593 eat toadstool
78594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78595 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1861.
78596 You quickly eat a toadstool.
78597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78598 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
78599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78600 You feel your health and mana replenished.
78601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78602 H:627 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
78603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78604 H:589 M:700 -b db 
78605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78606 quarterstaff stab dwenthall
78607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78608 You must regain balance first.
78609 H:627 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
78610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78611 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
78612 H:589 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
78613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78614 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
78615 H:627 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
78616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78617 H:578 M:700 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
78618 H:578 M:700 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
78619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78620 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
78621 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78622 sip health
78623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78624 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
78625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78626 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
78627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78628 The elixir heals your body.
78629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78630 H:627 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
78631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78632 H:669 M:700 eb db 
78633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78634 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
78636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78637 You may eat another herb or plant.
78639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78640 H:627 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
78641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78642 H:669 M:700 eb db 
78643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78644 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
78645 H:627 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
78646 H:627 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
78647 H:627 M:450 &lt;eb dbt; 
78648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78649 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
78650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78651 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
78652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78653 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
78654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78655 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
78656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78657 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
78658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78659 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
78660 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78661 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
78662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78663 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78665 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78667 Balance Taken: 2.00s
78668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78669 naturebinding shred dwenthall
78670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78671 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
78672 ing her skin mercilessly.
78673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78674 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
78675 ng your skin mercilessly.
78676 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
78677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78678 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
78679 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78680 ta dwenthall
78681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78682 Dwenthall's condition stands at 556/669 health and 672/700 mana.
78683 Mana Lost: 12
78684 H:627 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
78685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78686 H:624 M:700 eb b 
78687 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78688 ac on
78689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78690 Autocuring activated.
78691 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78692 evoke imbue
78693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78694 You must regain balance first.
78695 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78696 evoke empower shock
78697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78698 You must regain balance first.
78699 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78700 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
78701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78702 You must regain balance first.
78703 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78704 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
78705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78706 You must regain balance first.
78707 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78708 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
78709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78710 You must regain balance first.
78711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78712 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
78713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78714 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78715 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78716 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
78717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78718 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78719 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78720 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
78721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78722 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78723 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78724 ta dwenthall
78725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78726 Dwenthall's condition stands at 711/669 health and 644/700 mana.
78727 Mana Lost: 12
78728 H:627 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
78729 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78730 smoke pipe with linseed
78731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78732 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
78733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78734 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
78735 H:627 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
78736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78737 H:624 M:684 eb b 
78738 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78739 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
78740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78741 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
78742 mmand.
78743 H:627 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
78744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78745 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
78746 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78747 eat juniper
78748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78749 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1811.
78750 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
78751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78752 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
78753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78754 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
78755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78756 H:627 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
78757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78758 H:651 M:700 eb db 
78759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78760 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
78761 H:627 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
78762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78763 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
78764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78765 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
78766 H:627 M:426 &lt;-b dbt; 
78767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78768 H:637 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
78769 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
78770 H:632 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
78771 H:632 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
78772 H:632 M:700 eb db 
78773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78774 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
78775 H:627 M:426 &lt;eb dbt; 
78776 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78777 ac on
78778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78779 Autocuring activated.
78780 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78781 evoke imbue
78782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78783 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
78784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78785 TEAR MAP
78786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78787 Syntax: TEAR MAP
78788 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78789 evoke empower jolt
78790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78791 Mana Lost: 6
78792 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
78793 wer of Earth infuses it.
78794 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78795 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
78796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78797 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
78798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78799 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
78800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78801 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
78802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78803 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
78804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78805 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
78806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78807 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
78808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78809 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
78810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78811 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
78812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78813 I do not recognize that toxin.
78814 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78816 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78817 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
78818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78819 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
78820 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
78821 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78822 Balance Taken: 3.01s
78823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78824 naturebind choke dwenthall
78825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78826 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
78827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78828 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
78829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78830 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
78831  her skin mercilessly.
78832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78833 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
78834 your skin mercilessly.
78835 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
78836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78837 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
78838 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78839 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
78840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78841 You must regain your equilibrium first.
78842 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78843 ta dwenthall
78844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78845 Dwenthall's condition stands at 387/669 health and 700/700 mana.
78846 Mana Lost: 12
78847 H:627 M:408 &lt;-- dbt; 
78848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78849 H:398 M:700 eb b You may eat another mushroom.
78850 H:398 M:700 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
78851 H:398 M:700 eb b 
78852 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78853 eat juniper
78854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78855 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1810.
78856 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
78857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78858 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
78859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78860 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
78861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78862 H:627 M:408 &lt;-- dbt; 
78863 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78864 H:398 M:700 eb db 
78865 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78866 sip health
78867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78868 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
78869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78870 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
78871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78872 The elixir heals your body.
78873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78874 H:627 M:408 &lt;-- dbt; 
78875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78876 H:562 M:700 eb db 
78877 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78878 eat toadstool
78879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78880 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1860.
78881 You quickly eat a toadstool.
78882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78883 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
78884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78885 You feel your health and mana replenished.
78886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78887 H:627 M:408 &lt;-- dbt; 
78888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78889 H:629 M:700 eb db 
78890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78891 eat toadstool
78892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78893 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1904.
78894 You quickly eat a toadstool.
78895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78896 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
78897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78898 Health Gain: 41
78899 Mana Gain: 51
78900 You feel your health and mana replenished.
78901 H:669 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
78902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78903 H:629 M:700 eb db 
78904 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78905 clot
78906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78907 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
78908 H:629 M:686 eb db 
78909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78910 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of psilocybin.
78911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78912 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
78913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78914 Your psilocybin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
78915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78916 You feel much less nimble all of a sudden.
78917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78918 The tornado swirls rapidly.
78919 H:669 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
78920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78921 H:629 M:686 eb db 
78922 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78923 purge blood
78924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78925 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
78926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78927 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
78928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78929 Your limbs feel lighter and more coordinated.
78930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78931 H:669 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
78932 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78933 H:629 M:680 eb db 
78934 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78935 spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin
78936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78937 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin", is not a valid command.
78938 H:669 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
78939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78940 You can once again overtune your crystal.
78941 H:629 M:680 eb db 
78942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78943 Mana Gain: 32
78944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78945 You may eat another herb or plant.
78947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78948 H:669 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
78949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78950 H:669 M:700 eb db 
78951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78952 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
78953 H:669 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
78954 H:669 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
78955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78956 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
78957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78958 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
78959 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78960 ac on
78961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78962 Autocuring activated.
78963 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78964 order golem kill dwenthall
78965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78966 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
78967 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78968 evoke empower rockfall
78969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78970 Mana Lost: 6
78971 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
78972 wer of Earth infuses it.
78973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78974 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
78975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78976 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
78977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78978 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
78979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78980 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
78981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78982 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
78983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78984 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78985 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78986 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78987 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78988 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
78989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78990 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
78991 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
78992 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
78993 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
78994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
78995 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
78996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78997 Balance Taken: 3.01s
78998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
78999 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
79000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79001 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
79002 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79003 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
79004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79005 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
79006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79007 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
79008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79009 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated beech root leaps at her throat and squeezes
79010  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
79011 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79012 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated beech root leaps at your throat and squeezes
79013  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
79014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79015 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
79016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79017 naturebind shred dwenthall
79018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79019 You must regain your equilibrium first.
79020 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79021 ta dwenthall
79022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79023 Dwenthall's condition stands at 509/669 health and 700/700 mana.
79024 Mana Lost: 12
79025 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
79026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79027 H:509 M:700 eb b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
79028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79029 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
79030 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79031 writhe root
79032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79033 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
79034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79035 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
79036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79037 H:509 M:700 eb b 
79038 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79039 eat juniper
79040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79041 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1809.
79042 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
79043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79044 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
79045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79046 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
79047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79048 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
79049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79050 H:509 M:700 eb db 
79051 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79052 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
79053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79054 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
79055 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
79056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79057 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
79058 You may drink another healing elixir.
79060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79061 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
79062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79063 H:509 M:700 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
79064 H:509 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
79065 H:509 M:700 eb db 
79066 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79067 sip health
79068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79069 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
79070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79071 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
79072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79073 The elixir heals your body.
79074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79075 H:669 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
79076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79077 H:647 M:700 eb db 
79078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79079 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
79080 H:669 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
79081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79082 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
79083 H:646 M:700 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
79084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79085 You have recovered balance.
79086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79087 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
79088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79089 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of her.
79090 You may eat another mushroom.
79091 H:669 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
79092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79093 H:598 M:700 eb db 
79094 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79095 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
79096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79097 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
79098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79099 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
79100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79101 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
79102 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79103 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
79104  weakening.
79105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79106 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
79107 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79108 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
79109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79110 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79112 evoke drain dwenthall
79113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79114 Mana Lost: 9
79115 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
79116 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
79117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79118 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
79119 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
79120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79121 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
79122 Balance Taken: 2.90s
79123 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79124 naturebind drain dwenthall
79125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79126 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
79127  contort in a visage of pain.
79128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79129 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
79130 tabbing pain in your head.
79131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79132 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
79133 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79134 ta dwenthall
79135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79136 Dwenthall's condition stands at 563/669 health and 474/700 mana.
79137 Mana Lost: 12
79138 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
79139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79140 H:598 M:509 eb db 
79141 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79142 dag
79143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79144 You are:
79145 choked by an animated root.
79146 blind.
79147 deaf.
79148 an insomniac.
79149 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
79150 H:598 M:509 -b db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
79151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79152 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
79153 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
79154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79155 H:598 M:509 -b db 
79156 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79157 eat toadstool
79158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79159 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1859.
79160 You quickly eat a toadstool.
79161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79162 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
79163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79164 You feel your health and mana replenished.
79165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79166 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
79167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79168 H:664 M:579 -b db 
79169 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79170 trueassess dwenthall
79171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79172 Dwenthall's condition stands at 585/669 health and 533/700 mana.
79173 Mana Lost: 12
79174 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
79175 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79176 contemplate dwenthall
79177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79178 You must regain balance first.
79179 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
79180 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79181 ih
79182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79183 You see the following objects:
79184 "crystal316184"           a shimmering crystal
79185 "root58609"               an animated hawthorn root
79186 "root295099"              an animated blackthorn root
79187 "root370192"              an animated beech root
79188 "golem370527"             a mighty earth golem
79189 "rubble211037"            a pile of rubble
79190 "rubble212249"            a pile of rubble
79191 "rubble213836"            a pile of rubble
79192 "rubble213908"            a pile of rubble
79193 Number of objects: 9
79194 H:664 M:579 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
79195 H:664 M:563 eb db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
79196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79197 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
79198 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
79199 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79200 H:650 M:563 eb db 
79201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79202 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
79203 H:669 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
79204 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
79205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79206 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
79207 H:669 M:591 eb db 
79208 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79209 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
79210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79211 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79212 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79213 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
79214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79215 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79216 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79217 evoke drain dwenthall
79218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79219 Mana Lost: 9
79220 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
79221 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
79222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79223 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
79224 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
79225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79226 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
79227 Balance Taken: 2.90s
79228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79229 naturebind drain dwenthall
79230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79231 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
79232  contort in a visage of pain.
79233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79234 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
79235 tabbing pain in your head.
79236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79237 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
79238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79239 ta dwenthall
79240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79241 Dwenthall's condition stands at 636/669 health and 419/700 mana.
79242 Mana Lost: 12
79243 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
79244 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79245 H:669 M:470 eb db 
79246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79247 contemplate dwenthall
79248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79249 You must regain balance first.
79250 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
79251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79252 You may drink another healing elixir.
79253 H:669 M:470 eb db 
79254 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79255 sip mana
79256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79257 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
79258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79259 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
79260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79261 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
79262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79263 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
79264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79265 H:669 M:645 eb db 
79266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79267 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
79268 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79269 H:669 M:645 eb db 
79270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79271 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
79272 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
79273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79274 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
79275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79276 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
79277 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
79278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79279 H:659 M:645 eb db 
79280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79281 Mana Gain: 32
79282 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
79283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79284 You may eat another mushroom.
79285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79286 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
79287 H:669 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; 
79288 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79289 H:669 M:671 eb db 
79290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79291 You have recovered balance.
79292 H:669 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of psilocyb
79293 in.
79294 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79295 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
79296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79297 Your psilocybin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
79298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79299 You feel much less nimble all of a sudden.
79300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79301 The tornado swirls rapidly.
79302 H:669 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
79303 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79304 H:669 M:671 eb db 
79305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79306 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
79307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79308 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
79309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79310 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
79311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79312 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
79313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79314 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
79315  weakening.
79316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79317 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
79318 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79319 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
79320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79321 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79323 evoke drain dwenthall
79324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79325 Mana Lost: 9
79326 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
79327 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
79328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79329 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
79330 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
79331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79332 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
79333 Balance Taken: 2.90s
79334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79335 naturebind drain dwenthall
79336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79337 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
79338  contort in a visage of pain.
79339 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79340 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
79341 tabbing pain in your head.
79342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79343 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
79344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79345 ta dwenthall
79346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79347 Dwenthall's condition stands at 742/669 health and 479/700 mana.
79348 Mana Lost: 12
79349 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
79350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79351 H:669 M:479 eb db 
79352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79353 spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin
79354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79355 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin", is not a valid command.
79356 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
79357 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79358 eat wormwood
79359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79360 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1995.
79361 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
79362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79363 Dwenthall quickly eats a wormwood root.
79364 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79365 Your limbs feel lighter and more coordinated.
79367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79368 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
79369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79370 H:669 M:479 eb db 
79371 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79372 eat toadstool
79373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79374 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1858.
79376 You quickly eat a toadstool.
79378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79379 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
79381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79382 You feel your health and mana replenished.
79384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79385 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
79386 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79387 H:669 M:549 eb db 
79388 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79389 contemplate dwenthall
79390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79391 You must regain balance first.
79393 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
79394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79395 You may drink another healing elixir.
79396 H:669 M:549 eb db 
79397 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79398 sip mana
79399 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79400 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
79402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79403 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
79405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79406 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
79408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79409 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
79410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79411 H:669 M:700 eb db 
79412 You may eat another herb or plant.
79413 H:669 M:700 eb db 
79414 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
79415 H:669 M:700 eb db 
79416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79417 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
79420 H:669 M:430 &lt;e- dbt; 
79421 You have recovered balance.
79424 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
79425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79426 lp
79427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79428 You quickly light your pipes, surrounding yourself with a cloud of smoke.
79430 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79431 reb
79432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79433 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
79435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79436 Reyvenyr takes a long drag off his pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
79438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79439 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
79440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79441 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79443 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79444 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
79445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79446 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79449 ac off
79450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79451 Autocuring disabled.
79453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79454 evoke reclaim dwenthall
79455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79456 Dwenthall is still too strong to be reclaimed.
79458 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
79459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79460 H:669 M:700 eb db 
79461 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
79463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79464 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
79466 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
79467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79468 H:656 M:700 eb db 
79469 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79470 ac on
79471 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79472 Autocuring activated.
79474 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
79475 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79476 ----------------------------------------------------RECLAIM FAILED!!!
79477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79478 Your input, "----------------------------------------------------RECLAIM FAILED!!!", is not a valid 
79479 command.
79481 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
79482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79483 -0
79484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79485 Your input, "-0", is not a valid command.
79487 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
79488 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79489 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
79490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79491 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79492 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79493 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
79494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79495 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79496 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79497 evoke drain dwenthall
79498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79499 Mana Lost: 9
79500 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
79501 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
79502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79503 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
79504 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
79505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79506 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
79507 Balance Taken: 2.90s
79508 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79509 naturebind drain dwenthall
79510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79511 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
79512  contort in a visage of pain.
79513 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79514 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
79515 tabbing pain in your head.
79516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79517 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
79518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79519 ta dwenthall
79520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79521 Dwenthall's condition stands at 656/669 health and 535/700 mana.
79522 Mana Lost: 12
79523 H:669 M:409 &lt;-- dbt; 
79524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79525 H:656 M:563 eb db 
79526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79527 eat toadstool
79528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79529 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1903.
79530 You quickly eat a toadstool.
79531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79532 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
79533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79534 Mana Gain: 51
79535 You feel your health and mana replenished.
79536 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
79537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79538 H:656 M:563 eb db 
79539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79540 contemplate dwenthall
79541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79542 You must regain balance first.
79543 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
79544 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
79545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79546 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
79547 H:656 M:563 eb db 
79548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79549 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
79550 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
79551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79552 You may eat another mushroom.
79553 H:656 M:563 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
79554 H:656 M:563 eb db 
79555 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79556 sip mana
79557 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79558 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
79559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79560 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
79561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79562 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
79563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79564 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
79565 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79566 H:656 M:690 eb db 
79567 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79568 eat toadstool
79569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79570 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1857.
79571 You quickly eat a toadstool.
79572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79573 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
79574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79575 You feel your health and mana replenished.
79576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79577 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
79578 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79579 H:669 M:700 eb db 
79580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79581 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
79582 You have recovered balance.
79583 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
79584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79585 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
79586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79587 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
79588 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
79589 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79590 H:659 M:700 eb db 
79591 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79592 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
79593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79594 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
79595  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
79596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79597 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
79598 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
79599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79600 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
79601 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79602 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
79603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79604 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79606 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
79607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79608 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79609 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79610 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
79611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79612 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
79613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79614 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
79615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79616 Balance Taken: 2.00s
79617 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79618 naturebinding shred dwenthall
79619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79620 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
79621 ing her skin mercilessly.
79622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79623 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
79624 ng your skin mercilessly.
79625 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
79626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79627 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
79628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79629 ta dwenthall
79630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79631 Dwenthall's condition stands at 542/669 health and 763/700 mana.
79632 Mana Lost: 12
79633 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
79634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79635 H:615 M:700 eb b 
79636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79637 ac on
79638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79639 Autocuring activated.
79640 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79641 order golem kill dwenthall
79642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79643 You must regain balance first.
79644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79645 evoke empower rockfall
79646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79647 You must regain balance first.
79648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79649 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
79650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79651 You must regain balance first.
79652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79653 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
79654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79655 You must regain balance first.
79656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79657 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
79658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79659 You must regain balance first.
79660 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79661 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
79662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79663 You must regain your equilibrium first.
79664 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79665 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
79666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79667 You must regain your equilibrium first.
79668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79669 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
79670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79671 You must regain your equilibrium first.
79672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79673 naturebind shred dwenthall
79674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79675 You must regain your equilibrium first.
79676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79677 ta dwenthall
79678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79679 Dwenthall's condition stands at 615/669 health and 700/700 mana.
79680 Mana Lost: 12
79681 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
79682 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79683 smoke pipe with linseed
79684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79685 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
79686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79687 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
79688 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
79689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79690 H:615 M:700 eb b 
79691 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79692 ---------delayed wisp
79693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79694 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
79695 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
79696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79697 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
79698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79699 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
79700 mmand.
79701 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
79702 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79703 eat juniper
79704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79705 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1808.
79706 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
79707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79708 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
79709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79710 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
79711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79712 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
79713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79714 H:615 M:684 eb db 
79715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79716 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
79717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79718 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Reyvenyr.
79719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79720 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
79721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79722 H:641 M:700 eb db 
79723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79724 Mana Gain: 32
79725 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
79726 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79727 probe crystal
79728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79729 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
79730 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
79731 It weighs 6 ounces.
79732 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
79733 The crystal can support 5 spells.
79734 H:669 M:700 eb db 
79735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79736 You have recovered balance.
79737 H:669 M:468 &lt;-b dbt; 
79738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79739 You may eat another herb or plant.
79740 H:669 M:700 eb db 
79741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79742 You may eat another mushroom.
79743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79744 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
79746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79747 H:669 M:468 &lt;-b dbt; 
79748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79749 H:669 M:700 eb db 
79750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79751 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
79752 H:669 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
79753 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79754 dag
79755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79756 You are:
79757 blind.
79758 deaf.
79759 an insomniac.
79760 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
79761 H:669 M:700 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
79762 H:669 M:700 -b db 
79763 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79764 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
79765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79766 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
79767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79768 Reyvenyr's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
79769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79770 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79771 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79772 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
79773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79774 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79775 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79776 evoke drain dwenthall
79777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79778 Mana Lost: 9
79779 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
79780 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
79781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79782 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
79783 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
79784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79785 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
79786 Balance Taken: 2.90s
79787 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79788 naturebind drain dwenthall
79789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79790 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
79791  contort in a visage of pain.
79792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79793 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
79794 tabbing pain in your head.
79795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79796 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
79797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79798 ta dwenthall
79799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79800 Dwenthall's condition stands at 722/669 health and 602/700 mana.
79801 Mana Lost: 12
79802 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
79803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79804 H:669 M:579 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
79805 H:669 M:579 -b db 
79806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79807 contemplate dwenthall
79808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79809 You must regain balance first.
79810 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
79811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79812 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
79813 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79814 sip mana
79815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79816 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
79817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79818 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
79819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79820 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
79821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79822 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
79823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79824 H:669 M:700 eb db 
79825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79826 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of psilocybin.
79827 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79828 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
79829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79830 Your psilocybin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
79831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79832 You feel much less nimble all of a sudden.
79833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79834 The tornado swirls rapidly.
79835 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79836 eat wormwood
79837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79838 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1994.
79839 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
79840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79841 Dwenthall quickly eats a wormwood root.
79842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79843 Your limbs feel lighter and more coordinated.
79844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79845 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
79846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79847 H:669 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
79848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79849 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
79850 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
79851 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79852 H:659 M:700 eb db 
79853 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79854 spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin
79855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79856 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin", is not a valid command.
79857 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
79858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79859 You may eat another mushroom.
79860 H:659 M:700 eb db 
79861 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79862 cnc
79863 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79864 You already possess mental equilibrium.
79865 H:659 M:700 eb db 
79866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79867 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
79868 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79869 pa
79870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79871 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
79872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79873 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
79874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79875 H:659 M:700 eb db 
79876 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79877 ovt
79878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79879 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
79880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79881 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
79882 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
79883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79884 H:659 M:682 eb db 
79885 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79886 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
79887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79888 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
79889 ewreathe effect.
79890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79891 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
79892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79893 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
79894 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
79895  twitching slightly under the cold.
79896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79897 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
79898 range burning sensation in your nerves.
79899 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
79900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79901 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
79902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79903 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
79904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79905 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
79906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79907 H:564 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
79908 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79909 H:659 M:664 -b db 
79910 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79911 ta
79912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79913 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 447/512 mana.
79914 H:659 M:652 -b db 
79915 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79916 eat nightshade
79917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79918 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1969.
79919 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
79920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79921 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
79922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79923 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
79924 H:564 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
79925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79926 H:659 M:652 -b db 
79927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79928 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
79929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79930 You must regain balance first.
79931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79932 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
79933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79934 You must regain balance first.
79935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79936 evoke drain dwenthall
79937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79938 You must regain balance first.
79939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79940 naturebind drain dwenthall
79941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79942 You must regain your equilibrium first.
79943 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79944 ta dwenthall
79945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79946 Dwenthall's condition stands at 659/669 health and 611/700 mana.
79947 Mana Lost: 12
79948 H:564 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
79949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79950 You may eat another herb or plant.
79951 H:659 M:636 -b db 
79952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79953 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
79954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79955 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
79956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79957 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
79958 You have recovered balance.
79959 H:564 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; 
79960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79961 H:659 M:636 -b db 
79962 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79963 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
79964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79965 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
79966 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79967 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
79968 ods your veins.
79969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79970 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
79971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79972 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
79973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79974 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
79975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79976 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
79977  weakening.
79978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79979 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
79980 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79981 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
79982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79983 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
79984 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79985 evoke drain dwenthall
79986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79987 Mana Lost: 9
79988 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
79989 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
79990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
79991 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
79992 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
79993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79994 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
79995 Balance Taken: 2.90s
79996 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79997 naturebind drain dwenthall
79998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
79999 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
80000  contort in a visage of pain.
80001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80002 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
80003 tabbing pain in your head.
80004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80005 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
80006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80007 ta dwenthall
80008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80009 Dwenthall's condition stands at 718/669 health and 479/700 mana.
80010 Mana Lost: 12
80011 H:564 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
80012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80013 H:659 M:444 -b db 
80014 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80015 eat toadstool
80016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80017 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1856.
80018 You quickly eat a toadstool.
80019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80020 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
80021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80022 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
80023 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
80024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80025 H:564 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
80026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80027 H:659 M:444 -b db 
80028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80029 contemplate dwenthall
80030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80031 You must regain balance first.
80032 H:564 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
80033 H:564 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
80034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80035 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
80036 H:659 M:444 eb db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
80037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80038 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
80039 H:564 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
80040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80041 H:650 M:444 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
80042 H:650 M:444 eb db 
80043 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80044 sip mana
80045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80046 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
80047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80048 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
80049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80050 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
80051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80052 H:564 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
80053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80054 H:650 M:619 eb db 
80055 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80056 ims
80057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80058 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
80059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80060 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
80061 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80062 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
80063 ewreathe effect.
80064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80065 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
80066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80067 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
80068 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
80069 y.
80070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80071 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
80072 hly.
80073 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
80074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80075 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
80076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80077 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
80078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80079 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
80080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80081 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
80082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80083 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
80084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80085 H:467 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
80086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80087 H:650 M:607 -b db 
80088 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80089 apply epidermal
80090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80091 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
80092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80093 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
80094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80095 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
80096 H:467 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
80097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80098 H:650 M:607 -b db 
80099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80100 sip health
80101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80102 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
80104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80105 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
80107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80108 Health Gain: 151
80110 The elixir heals your body.
80112 H:619 M:413 &lt;-- dbt; 
80113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80114 H:650 M:607 -b db 
80115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80116 eat toadstool
80117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80118 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1902.
80120 You quickly eat a toadstool.
80122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80123 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
80125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80126 Health Gain: 49
80128 Mana Gain: 51
80130 You feel your health and mana replenished.
80132 H:669 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
80133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80134 H:650 M:607 -b db 
80135 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80136 smoke pipe with linseed
80137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80138 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
80140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80141 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
80143 H:669 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
80144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80145 H:650 M:607 -b db 
80146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80147 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
80150 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; 
80151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80152 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
80154 H:649 M:607 -b db 
80155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80156 You have recovered balance.
80159 H:669 M:465 &lt;eb dbt; 
80160 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80161 ac on
80162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80163 Autocuring activated.
80165 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80166 evoke empower rockfall
80167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80168 Mana Lost: 6
80170 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
80171 wer of Earth infuses it.
80173 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80174 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
80175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80176 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
80178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80179 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
80180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80181 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
80183 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80184 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
80185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80186 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
80188 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
80190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80191 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
80193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80194 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
80196 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
80198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80199 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
80201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80202 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
80204 Balance Taken: 3.01s
80206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80207 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
80208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80209 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
80210  her skin mercilessly.
80212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80213 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
80214 your skin mercilessly.
80216 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
80218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80219 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
80221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80222 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
80223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80224 You must regain your equilibrium first.
80226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80227 ta dwenthall
80228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80229 Dwenthall's condition stands at 665/669 health and 607/700 mana.
80231 Mana Lost: 12
80233 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
80234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80235 H:579 M:607 -b b 
80236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80237 You may apply another salve.
80238 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
80239 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80240 eat maidenhair
80241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80242 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1966.
80243 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
80244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80245 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
80246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80247 The stinging feeling fades.
80248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80249 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
80250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80251 H:579 M:607 -b b 
80252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80253 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
80254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80255 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
80256 H:669 M:447 &lt;-- dbt; 
80257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80258 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
80259 H:579 M:591 -b b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
80260 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
80261 H:606 M:619 eb b 
80262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80263 Mana Gain: 32
80264 H:669 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
80265 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80266 cnc
80267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80268 You already possess mental equilibrium.
80269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80270 H:669 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
80271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80272 H:669 M:661 eb b 
80273 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80274 pa
80275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80276 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
80277 H:669 M:661 eb b 
80278 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80279 ovt
80280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80281 Your crystal is already overtuned.
80282 H:669 M:661 eb b 
80283 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80284 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
80285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80286 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
80287 ock effect.
80288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80289 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
80290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80291 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
80292 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
80293  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
80294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80295 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
80296 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
80297 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
80298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80299 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
80300 using him to lose his patience.
80301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80302 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
80303 ausing you to lose your patience.
80304 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
80305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80306 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
80307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80308 H:560 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
80309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80310 H:669 M:643 -b b 
80311 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80312 ta
80313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80314 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 560/669 health and 479/512 mana.
80315 H:669 M:631 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
80316 H:669 M:631 -b b 
80317 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80318 eat nightshade
80319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80320 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1968.
80321 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
80322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80323 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
80324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80325 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
80326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80327 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
80328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80329 H:560 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
80330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80331 H:669 M:631 -b b 
80332 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80333 eat juniper
80334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80335 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1807.
80336 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
80337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80338 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
80339 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80340 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
80341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80342 H:560 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
80343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80344 H:669 M:631 -b db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
80345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80346 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
80347 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80348 purge blood
80349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80350 Mana Lost: 6
80351 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
80352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80353 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
80354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80355 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
80356 H:560 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
80357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80358 H:661 M:631 -b db 
80359 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80360 touch tree
80361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80362 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
80363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80364 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
80365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80366 You are patient once again.
80367 H:560 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
80368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80369 H:661 M:631 -b db 
80370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80371 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
80372 H:560 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
80373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80374 You may eat another mushroom.
80375 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80376 apply mass
80377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80378 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
80379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80380 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
80381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80382 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
80383 H:560 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
80384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80385 H:661 M:631 -b db 
80386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80387 You have recovered balance.
80388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80389 You may drink another healing elixir.
80391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80392 H:560 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
80393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80394 H:661 M:631 -b db 
80395 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80396 ac on
80397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80398 Autocuring activated.
80399 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80400 order golem kill dwenthall
80401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80402 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
80403 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80404 evoke empower rockfall
80405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80406 Mana Lost: 6
80407 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
80408 wer of Earth infuses it.
80409 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80410 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
80411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80412 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
80413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80414 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
80415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80416 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
80417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80418 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
80419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80420 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
80421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80422 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
80423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80424 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
80425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80426 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
80427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80428 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
80429 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
80430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80431 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
80432 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
80433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80434 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
80435 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
80436 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
80437 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
80438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80439 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
80440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80441 Balance Taken: 3.01s
80442 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80443 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
80444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80445 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
80446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80447 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
80448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80449 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
80450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80451 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
80452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80453 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
80454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80455 naturebind shred dwenthall
80456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80457 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
80458 ing her skin mercilessly.
80459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80460 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
80461 ng your skin mercilessly.
80462 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
80463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80464 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
80465 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80466 ta dwenthall
80467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80468 Dwenthall's condition stands at 464/669 health and 587/700 mana.
80469 Mana Lost: 12
80470 H:560 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80471 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80472 H:527 M:631 -b b 
80473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80474 You may drink another healing elixir.
80475 H:560 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80476 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80477 purge blood
80478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80479 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
80480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80481 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
80482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80483 The stinging feeling fades.
80484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80485 H:560 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80487 H:527 M:625 -b b 
80488 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80489 sip health
80490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80491 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
80492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80493 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
80494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80495 The elixir heals your body.
80496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80497 H:560 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80498 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80499 H:669 M:625 -b b 
80500 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80501 eat toadstool
80502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80503 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1855.
80504 You quickly eat a toadstool.
80505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80506 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
80507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80508 You feel your health and mana replenished.
80509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80510 H:560 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80511 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80512 H:669 M:695 -b b 
80513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80514 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
80515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80516 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
80517 H:560 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
80518 H:560 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80519 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80520 You may eat another herb or plant.
80521 H:669 M:695 -b b 
80522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80523 You may apply another salve.
80524 H:560 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
80525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80526 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
80527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80528 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
80529 H:560 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80531 H:669 M:695 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
80532 H:669 M:695 eb b 
80533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80534 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of psilocybin.
80535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80536 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
80537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80538 Your psilocybin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
80539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80540 You feel much less nimble all of a sudden.
80541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80542 The tornado swirls rapidly.
80543 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80544 eat wormwood
80545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80546 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1993.
80547 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
80548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80549 Dwenthall quickly eats a wormwood root.
80550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80551 Your limbs feel lighter and more coordinated.
80552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80553 H:560 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80555 H:669 M:695 eb b 
80556 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80557 spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin
80558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80559 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin", is not a valid command.
80560 H:560 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80561 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80562 cnc
80563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80564 You already possess mental equilibrium.
80565 H:669 M:695 eb b 
80566 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80567 pa
80568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80569 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
80570 H:669 M:695 eb b 
80571 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80572 ovt
80573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80574 Your crystal is already overtuned.
80575 H:669 M:695 eb b 
80576 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80577 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
80578 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80579 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
80580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80581 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
80582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80583 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
80584 ock effect.
80585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80586 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
80587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80588 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
80589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80590 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
80591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80592 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
80593 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
80594 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
80595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80596 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
80597 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
80598 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
80599 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
80600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80601 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
80602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80603 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
80604 athe.
80605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80606 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
80607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80608 H:463 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80609 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80610 H:669 M:668 -b b 
80611 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80612 ta
80613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80614 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 463/669 health and 455/512 mana.
80615 H:669 M:655 -b b 
80616 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80617 eat kelp
80618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80619 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1952.
80620 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
80621 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80622 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
80623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80624 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
80625 H:463 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80627 H:669 M:655 -b b 
80628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80629 sip health
80630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80631 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
80632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80633 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
80634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80635 Health Gain: 166
80636 The elixir heals your body.
80637 H:630 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
80638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80639 H:669 M:655 -b b 
80640 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80641 eat toadstool
80642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80643 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1901.
80644 You quickly eat a toadstool.
80645 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80646 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
80647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80648 Health Gain: 38
80649 Mana Gain: 51
80650 You feel your health and mana replenished.
80651 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
80652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80653 H:669 M:655 -b b 
80654 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80655 smoke pipe with linseed
80656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80657 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
80658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80659 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
80660 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
80661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80662 H:669 M:655 -b b Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
80663 H:669 M:639 -b b 
80664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80665 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
80666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80667 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
80668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80669 You have recovered balance.
80670 H:669 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
80671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80672 H:669 M:639 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
80673 H:669 M:639 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
80674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80675 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
80676 H:669 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
80677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80678 H:657 M:639 -b b 
80679 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80680 eat juniper
80681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80682 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1806.
80683 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
80684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80685 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
80686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80687 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
80688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80689 H:669 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
80690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80691 H:657 M:639 -b db 
80692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80693 ac on
80694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80695 Autocuring activated.
80696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80697 evoke imbue
80698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80699 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
80700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80701 TEAR MAP
80702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80703 Syntax: TEAR MAP
80704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80705 evoke empower jolt
80706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80707 Mana Lost: 6
80708 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
80709 wer of Earth infuses it.
80710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80711 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
80712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80713 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
80714 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80715 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
80716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80717 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
80718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80719 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
80720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80721 I do not recognize that toxin.
80722 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
80723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80724 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
80725 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
80726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80727 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
80728 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
80729 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
80730 Balance Taken: 3.01s
80731 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80732 naturebind choke dwenthall
80733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80734 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
80735 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80736 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
80737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80738 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
80739  her skin mercilessly.
80740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80741 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
80742 your skin mercilessly.
80743 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
80744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80745 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
80746 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80747 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
80748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80749 You must regain your equilibrium first.
80750 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80751 ta dwenthall
80752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80753 Dwenthall's condition stands at 544/669 health and 664/700 mana.
80754 Mana Lost: 12
80755 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
80756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80757 H:509 M:639 -b b 
80758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80759 You may eat another herb or plant.
80760 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
80761 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80762 eat maidenhair
80763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80764 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1981.
80765 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
80766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80767 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
80768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80769 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
80770 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
80771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80772 H:509 M:639 -b b You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
80773 H:509 M:639 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
80774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80775 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
80776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80777 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
80778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80779 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
80780 H:622 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
80781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80782 H:509 M:639 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
80783 H:509 M:639 eb b 
80784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80785 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
80786 H:622 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
80787 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80788 sip health
80789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80790 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
80791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80792 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
80793 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80794 The elixir heals your body.
80795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80796 H:622 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
80797 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80798 H:669 M:639 eb b 
80799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80800 apply caloric
80801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80802 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
80803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80804 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
80805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80806 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
80807 H:622 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
80808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80809 H:669 M:639 eb b 
80810 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80811 cnc
80812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80813 You already possess mental equilibrium.
80814 H:669 M:639 eb b 
80815 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80816 pa
80817 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80818 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
80819 H:669 M:639 eb b 
80820 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80821 ovt
80822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80823 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
80824 H:669 M:639 eb b 
80825 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80826 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
80827 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80828 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
80829 ranoia effect.
80830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80831 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
80832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80833 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
80834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80835 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
80836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80837 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
80838 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
80839 seous.
80840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80841 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
80842 g you thoroughly.
80843 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
80844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80845 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
80846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80847 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
80848 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
80849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80850 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
80851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80852 H:525 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
80853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80854 H:669 M:624 -b b 
80855 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80856 ta
80857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80858 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 525/669 health and 488/512 mana.
80859 H:669 M:612 -b b 
80860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80861 focus
80862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80863 Mana Lost: 15
80864 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
80865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80866 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
80867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80868 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
80869 H:525 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
80870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80871 H:669 M:612 -b b 
80872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80873 The icicles continue beating at your skin.
80874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80875 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
80876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80877 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
80878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80879 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
80880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80881 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
80882 H:446 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
80883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80884 H:669 M:612 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
80885 H:669 M:612 -b b 
80886 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80887 eat juniper
80888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80889 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1805.
80890 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
80891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80892 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
80893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80894 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
80895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80896 H:446 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
80897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80898 H:669 M:612 -b db 
80899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80900 You may eat another herb or plant.
80901 H:446 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
80902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80903 You may eat another mushroom.
80904 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80905 eat nightshade
80906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80907 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1967.
80908 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
80909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80910 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
80911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80912 Your stomach becalms itself.
80913 H:446 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
80914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80915 H:669 M:612 -b db 
80916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80917 You may apply another salve.
80918 H:446 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
80919 H:446 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
80920 H:446 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
80921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80922 sip health
80923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80924 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
80925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80926 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
80927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80928 Health Gain: 172
80929 The elixir heals your body.
80930 H:618 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
80931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80932 H:669 M:612 -b db 
80933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80934 You have recovered balance.
80935 H:618 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; The deep red moon pulsates as it fades slowly into the clouds.
80936 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80937 The deep red moon pulsates as it fades slowly into the clouds.
80938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80939 H:618 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
80940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80941 H:669 M:596 -b db 
80942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80943 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
80945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80946 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
80948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80949 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
80951 You may eat another mushroom.
80953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80954 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
80956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80957 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
80959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80960 You may eat another herb or plant.
80961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80962 H:571 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
80963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80964 H:669 M:596 -b db 
80965 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
80967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80968 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
80970 H:571 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
80971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80972 H:659 M:596 -b db 
80973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80974 You may eat another herb or plant.
80975 H:571 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
80976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80977 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
80980 H:659 M:596 eb db 
80981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80982 Health Gain: 33
80984 Mana Gain: 32
80986 H:605 M:505 &lt;eb dbt; 
80987 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80988 eat nightshade
80989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80990 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1966.
80992 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
80994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
80995 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
80997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
80998 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
81000 H:605 M:505 &lt;eb dbt; 
81001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81002 H:669 M:638 eb db 
81003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81004 ac on
81005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81006 Autocuring activated.
81008 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81009 evoke imbue
81010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81011 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
81013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81014 evoke empower shock
81015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81016 Mana Lost: 6
81018 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
81019 wer of Earth infuses it.
81021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81022 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
81023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81024 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
81026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81027 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
81029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81030 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
81032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81033 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
81035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81036 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
81038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81039 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
81040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81041 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
81043 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81044 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
81045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81046 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
81048 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
81050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81051 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
81053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81054 The attack rebounds back onto you!
81056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81057 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
81059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81060 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
81062 Your staff is not filled with Air power and the Shock empowerment remains dormant.
81064 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
81066 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
81068 Balance Taken: 3.01s
81070 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81071 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
81072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81073 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
81075 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81076 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
81077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81078 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
81079  her skin mercilessly.
81080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81081 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
81082 your skin mercilessly.
81083 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
81084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81085 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
81086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81087 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
81088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81089 You must regain your equilibrium first.
81090 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81091 ta dwenthall
81092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81093 Dwenthall's condition stands at 542/669 health and 638/700 mana.
81094 Mana Lost: 12
81095 H:539 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
81096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81097 H:542 M:638 eb b 
81098 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81099 eat juniper
81100 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81101 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1804.
81102 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
81103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81104 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
81105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81106 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
81107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81108 H:539 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
81109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81110 H:542 M:638 eb db 
81111 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81112 eat toadstool
81113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81114 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1854.
81115 You quickly eat a toadstool.
81116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81117 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
81118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81119 You feel your health and mana replenished.
81120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81121 H:539 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
81122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81123 H:609 M:700 eb db 
81124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81125 apply caloric
81126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81127 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
81128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81129 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
81130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81131 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
81132 H:539 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
81133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81134 H:609 M:700 eb db 
81135 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81136 cnc
81137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81138 You already possess mental equilibrium.
81139 H:609 M:700 eb db 
81140 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81141 pa
81142 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81143 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
81144 H:609 M:700 eb db 
81145 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81146 ovt
81147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81148 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
81149 H:609 M:700 eb db 
81150 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81151 abn
81152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81153 Your wounds are already bandaged.
81154 H:609 M:700 eb db 
81155 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81156 cast weariness dehydrate freeze at &tar
81157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81158 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
81159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81160 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
81161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81162 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
81163 ariness effect.
81164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81165 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
81166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81167 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
81168 You conjure a wave of heat and focus it towards Reyvenyr, draining moisture from his body. Reyvenyr'
81169 s skin glistens and he appears dizzy as the wave of heat passes through.
81170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81171 Dwenthall conjures a wave of heat and focuses it towards you, draining moisture from your body, hamp
81172 ering your ability to process salves and causing you to feel dizzy.
81173 Damage Taken: 65 fire, mental (raw damage: 80)
81174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81175 You send a blast of cold air towards Reyvenyr, chilling him to the bone.
81176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81177 Dwenthall sends a blast of cold air towards you, chilling you to the bone.
81178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81179 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
81180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81181 H:474 M:487 &lt;-- bt; 
81182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81183 H:609 M:688 -b db 
81184 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81185 ta
81186 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81187 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 474/669 health and 487/512 mana.
81188 H:609 M:676 -b db 
81189 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81190 eat toadstool
81191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81192 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1900.
81193 You quickly eat a toadstool.
81194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81195 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
81196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81197 Health Gain: 66
81198 Mana Gain: 24
81199 You feel your health and mana replenished.
81200 H:541 M:512 &lt;-- bt; 
81201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81202 H:609 M:676 -b db 
81203 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81204 smoke pipe with linseed
81205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81206 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
81207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81208 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
81209 H:541 M:512 &lt;-- bt; 
81210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81211 H:609 M:676 -b db 
81212 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81213 clot
81214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81215 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
81216 H:609 M:662 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
81217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81218 Your mind is able to focus once again.
81220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81221 You may drink another healing elixir.
81223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81224 H:541 M:512 &lt;-- bt; 
81225 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81226 H:608 M:662 -b db 
81227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81228 You may apply another salve.
81229 H:541 M:512 &lt;-- bt; 
81230 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81231 focus
81232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81233 Mana Lost: 15
81234 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
81235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81236 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
81237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81238 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
81239 H:541 M:497 &lt;-- bt; 
81240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81241 H:608 M:662 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
81242 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81243 touch shield
81244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81245 You must regain balance first.
81246 H:541 M:497 &lt;-- bt; 
81247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81248 H:634 M:690 -b db 
81249 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81250 apply caloric
81251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81252 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
81253 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81254 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
81255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81256 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
81257 H:541 M:497 &lt;-- bt; 
81258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81259 H:634 M:690 -b db 
81260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81261 You may eat another herb or plant.
81262 H:541 M:497 &lt;-- bt; 
81263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81264 touch shield
81265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81266 You must regain balance first.
81267 H:541 M:497 &lt;-- bt; 
81268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81269 eat kelp
81270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81271 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1951.
81272 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
81273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81274 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
81275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81276 You feel strength return to your limbs.
81277 H:541 M:497 &lt;-- bt; 
81278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81279 H:634 M:690 -b db 
81280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81281 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
81283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81284 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
81286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81287 H:541 M:497 &lt;-- bt; 
81288 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81289 H:634 M:690 -b db 
81290 You may eat another herb or plant.
81291 H:634 M:690 -b db 
81292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81293 dg
81294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81295 You must regain balance first.
81297 H:541 M:497 &lt;-- bt; 
81298 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
81301 H:541 M:497 &lt;e- bt; 
81302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81303 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
81304 H:634 M:690 -b db 
81305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81306 You have recovered balance.
81309 You may drink another healing elixir.
81310 H:541 M:497 &lt;eb bt; 
81311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81312 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
81315 H:634 M:690 eb db 
81316 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81317 dg
81318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81319 You are:
81321 afflicted with poor salve absorption.
81323 overcome by dizziness.
81325 blind.
81327 an insomniac.
81329 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
81331 H:541 M:497 &lt;-b bt; 
81332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81333 dg
81334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81335 You must regain your equilibrium first.
81337 H:541 M:497 &lt;-b bt; 
81338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81339 dg
81340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81341 You must regain your equilibrium first.
81343 H:541 M:497 &lt;-b bt; 
81344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81345 dg
81346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81347 You must regain your equilibrium first.
81349 H:541 M:497 &lt;-b bt; 
81350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81351 dg
81352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81353 You must regain your equilibrium first.
81355 H:541 M:497 &lt;-b bt; 
81356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81357 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
81359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81360 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
81362 H:541 M:497 &lt;-b bt; 
81363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81364 H:620 M:690 eb db 
81365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81366 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
81369 You may eat another herb or plant.
81370 H:541 M:497 &lt;eb bt; 
81371 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81372 eat kelp
81373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81374 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1950.
81376 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
81378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81379 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
81381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81382 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
81384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81385 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
81387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81388 H:541 M:497 &lt;eb bt; 
81389 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81390 H:620 M:690 eb db 
81391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81392 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of psilocybin.
81394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81395 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
81397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81398 Your psilocybin toxin has affected Dwenthall.
81400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81401 You feel much less nimble all of a sudden.
81403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81404 The tornado swirls rapidly.
81406 H:541 M:497 &lt;eb bt; 
81407 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81408 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81409 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81410 tox6
81411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81412 Mana Lost: 12
81413 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
81414 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81416 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
81417 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81419 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
81420 Mana Lost: 12
81421 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of atrop
81422 ine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81424 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
81425  atropine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81427 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
81428 Balance Taken: 2.00s
81429 H:541 M:473 &lt;e- bt; 
81430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81431 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81432 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81433 eat wormwood
81434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81435 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1992.
81436 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
81437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81438 Dwenthall quickly eats a wormwood root.
81439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81440 Your limbs feel lighter and more coordinated.
81441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81442 H:541 M:473 &lt;e- bt; 
81443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81444 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81446 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
81447 You may apply another salve.
81448 H:541 M:473 &lt;e- bt; 
81449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81450 spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin
81451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81452 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall psilocybin", is not a valid command.
81453 H:541 M:473 &lt;e- bt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
81455 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81456 purge blood
81457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81458 Mana Lost: 6
81459 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
81460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81461 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
81462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81463 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
81464 H:541 M:467 &lt;e- bt; 
81465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81466 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81467 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81468 dag
81469 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81470 You are:
81471 blind.
81472 deaf.
81473 an insomniac.
81474 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
81475 H:620 M:674 -b db 
81476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81477 Your mind is able to focus once again.
81478 H:541 M:467 &lt;e- bt; Your tree tattoo can be used again.
81480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81481 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
81482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81483 H:541 M:467 &lt;e- bt; 
81484 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81485 H:620 M:674 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
81486 H:620 M:674 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
81487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81488 You may eat another herb or plant.
81489 H:541 M:467 &lt;e- bt; 
81490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81491 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81492 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81493 eat juniper
81494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81495 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1977.
81496 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
81497 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81498 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
81499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81500 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
81501 H:541 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
81502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81503 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81505 You may eat another mushroom.
81506 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81507 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
81508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81509 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
81510 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81511 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
81512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81513 H:541 M:467 &lt;e- dbt; 
81514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81515 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81517 You have recovered balance.
81520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81521 You may eat another herb or plant.
81522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81523 H:541 M:467 &lt;eb dbt; 
81524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81525 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81527 tox6
81528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81529 Mana Lost: 12
81531 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
81532 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81534 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81535 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
81536 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81539 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
81541 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of atropine to empower the tornado.
81543 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81545 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81547 tox6
81548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81549 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
81551 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81552 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81553 tox6
81554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81555 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
81557 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81559 tox6
81560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81561 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
81563 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81564 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81565 tox6
81566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81567 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
81569 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81570 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81571 empty strychnine
81572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81573 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81576 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81579 empty strychnine
81580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81581 I don't see that in your inventory.
81583 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81584 vbelt tap empty strychine
81585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81586 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
81588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81589 vbelt tap empty strychnine
81590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81591 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
81592  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
81593  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
81595 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81597 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81598 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81599 empty strychnine
81600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81601 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81604 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81607 empty strychnine
81608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81609 I don't see that in your inventory.
81611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81612 vbelt tap empty strychine
81613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81614 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
81616 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81617 vbelt tap empty strychnine
81618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81619 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
81620  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
81621  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
81623 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81625 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81626 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81627 empty strychnine
81628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81629 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81632 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81634 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81635 empty strychnine
81636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81637 I don't see that in your inventory.
81639 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81640 vbelt tap empty strychine
81641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81642 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
81643 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81644 vbelt tap empty strychnine
81645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81646 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
81647  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
81648  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
81649 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81651 H:620 M:674 eb db 
81652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81653 empty strychnine
81654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81655 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81657 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81659 empty strychnine
81660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81661 I don't see that in your inventory.
81662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81663 vbelt tap empty strychine
81664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81665 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
81666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81667 vbelt tap empty strychnine
81668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81669 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
81670  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
81671  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
81672 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81674 H:620 M:674 eb db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
81675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81676 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
81677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81678 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
81679 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81680 tox6
81681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81682 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
81683 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81685 H:610 M:674 eb db 
81686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81687 empty strychnine
81688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81689 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81691 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81693 empty strychnine
81694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81695 I don't see that in your inventory.
81696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81697 vbelt tap empty strychine
81698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81699 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
81700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81701 vbelt tap empty strychnine
81702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81703 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
81704  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
81705  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
81706 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81708 H:610 M:674 eb db 
81709 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81710 tox6
81711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81712 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
81713 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81714 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81715 empty strychnine
81716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81717 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81719 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
81720 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81721 empty strychnine
81722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81723 I don't see that in your inventory.
81724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81725 vbelt tap empty strychine
81726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81727 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
81728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81729 vbelt tap empty strychnine
81730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81731 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
81732  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
81733  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
81734 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
81735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81736 H:610 M:674 eb db 
81737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81738 You may eat another herb or plant.
81739 H:541 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; Health Gain: 33
81740 Mana Gain: 32
81741 H:574 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
81742 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81743 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
81744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81745 Mana Lost: 12
81746 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
81747 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81749 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
81750 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81752 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
81753 Mana Lost: 12
81754 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of psilo
81755 cybin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81757 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
81758  psilocybin rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81760 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
81761 Balance Taken: 2.00s
81762 H:574 M:463 &lt;e- dbt; 
81763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81764 H:669 M:700 eb db 
81765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81766 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
81767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81768 You must regain balance first.
81769 H:574 M:463 &lt;e- dbt; 
81770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81771 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
81772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81773 You must regain balance first.
81774 H:574 M:463 &lt;e- dbt; 
81775 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81776 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
81777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81778 You must regain balance first.
81779 H:574 M:463 &lt;e- dbt; 
81780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81781 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
81782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81783 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
81784 H:574 M:463 &lt;e- dbt; 
81785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81786 H:657 M:700 eb db 
81787 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81788 evoke toxicrain Psilocybin
81789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81790 You must regain balance first.
81791 H:574 M:463 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
81792 H:574 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
81793 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81794 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
81795 H:669 M:700 eb db 
81796 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81797 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
81798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81799 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
81800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81801 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
81802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81803 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
81804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81805 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
81806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81807 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
81808 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81809 evoke wisp glowing me
81810 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81811 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
81812 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81813 evoke toxicrain strychnine
81814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81815 Mana Lost: 12
81816 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
81817 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81819 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
81820 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81822 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
81823 Mana Lost: 12
81824 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
81825 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81827 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
81828  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81830 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
81831 Balance Taken: 2.00s
81832 H:574 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
81833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81834 H:669 M:700 eb db 
81835 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81836 ts
81837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81838 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
81839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81840 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
81841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81842 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
81843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81844 H:574 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
81845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81846 H:669 M:700 -b db 
81847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81848 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
81849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81850 You must regain balance first.
81851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81852 evoke wisp glowing me
81853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81854 You must regain balance first.
81855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81856 evoke toxicrain strychnine
81857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81858 You must regain balance first.
81859 H:574 M:438 &lt;e- dbt; 
81860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81861 naturebind breach dwenthall
81862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81863 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
81864 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
81865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81866 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
81867 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
81868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81869 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
81870 H:574 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
81871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81872 H:669 M:700 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
81873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81874 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
81875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81876 You must regain balance first.
81877 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81878 evoke wisp glowing me
81879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81880 You must regain balance first.
81881 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81882 evoke toxicrain strychnine
81883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81884 You must regain balance first.
81885 H:574 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
81886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81887 H:669 M:700 -b db 
81888 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81889 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
81890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81891 You must regain balance first.
81892 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81893 evoke wisp glowing me
81894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81895 You must regain balance first.
81896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81897 evoke toxicrain strychnine
81898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81899 You must regain balance first.
81900 H:574 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
81901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81902 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
81903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81904 You must regain balance first.
81905 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81906 evoke wisp glowing me
81907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81908 You must regain balance first.
81909 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81910 evoke toxicrain strychnine
81911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81912 You must regain balance first.
81913 H:574 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
81914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81915 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
81916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81917 You must regain balance first.
81918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81919 evoke wisp glowing me
81920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81921 You must regain balance first.
81922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81923 evoke toxicrain strychnine
81924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81925 You must regain balance first.
81926 H:574 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
81927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81928 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
81929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81930 You must regain balance first.
81931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81932 evoke wisp glowing me
81933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81934 You must regain balance first.
81935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81936 evoke toxicrain strychnine
81937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81938 You must regain balance first.
81939 H:574 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
81940 H:574 M:438 &lt;-b dbt; 
81941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81942 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
81943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81944 You must regain your equilibrium first.
81945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81946 evoke wisp glowing me
81947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81948 You must regain your equilibrium first.
81949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81950 evoke toxicrain strychnine
81951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81952 You must regain your equilibrium first.
81953 H:574 M:438 &lt;-b dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
81954 ne.
81955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81956 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
81957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81958 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
81959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81960 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
81961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81962 The tornado swirls rapidly.
81963 H:574 M:438 &lt;-b dbt; 
81964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81965 H:669 M:684 -b b 
81966 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81967 eat juniper
81968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81969 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1803.
81970 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
81971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81972 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
81973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81974 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
81975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81976 H:574 M:438 &lt;-b dbt; 
81977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81978 H:669 M:684 -b db 
81979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81980 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
81981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81982 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
81983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81984 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
81985 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81986 evoke wisp glowing me
81987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81988 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
81989 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81990 evoke toxicrain strychnine
81991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81992 Mana Lost: 12
81993 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
81994 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
81996 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
81997 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
81998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
81999 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
82000 Mana Lost: 12
82001 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
82002 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
82003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82004 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
82005  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
82006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82007 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
82008 Balance Taken: 2.00s
82009 H:574 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
82010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82011 H:669 M:684 -b db 
82012 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82013 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
82014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82015 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
82016 H:574 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
82017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82018 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
82019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82020 You must regain balance first.
82021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82022 evoke wisp glowing me
82023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82024 You must regain balance first.
82025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82026 evoke toxicrain strychnine
82027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82028 You must regain balance first.
82029 H:574 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
82030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82031 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
82032 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
82033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82034 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
82035 H:574 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
82036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82037 H:655 M:684 eb db 
82038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82039 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
82040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82041 You must regain balance first.
82042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82043 evoke wisp glowing me
82044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82045 You must regain balance first.
82046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82047 evoke toxicrain strychnine
82048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82049 You must regain balance first.
82050 H:574 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
82051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82052 You may eat another herb or plant.
82053 H:655 M:684 eb db 
82054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82055 You have recovered balance.
82056 H:574 M:414 &lt;eb dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
82057 H:574 M:414 &lt;eb dbt; 
82058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82059 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
82060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82061 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
82062  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
82063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82064 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
82065 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
82066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82067 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
82068 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82069 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
82070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82071 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82073 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
82074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82075 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82077 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
82078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82079 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
82080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82081 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
82082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82083 Balance Taken: 2.00s
82084 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82085 naturebinding shred dwenthall
82086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82087 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
82088 ing her skin mercilessly.
82089 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82090 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
82091 ng your skin mercilessly.
82092 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
82093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82094 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
82095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82096 ta dwenthall
82097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82098 Dwenthall's condition stands at 702/669 health and 711/700 mana.
82099 Mana Lost: 12
82100 H:574 M:402 &lt;-- dbt; 
82101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82102 H:611 M:684 eb b 
82103 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82104 smoke pipe with linseed
82105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82106 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
82107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82108 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
82109 H:574 M:402 &lt;-- dbt; 
82110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82111 H:611 M:684 eb b 
82112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82113 eat toadstool
82114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82115 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1899.
82116 You quickly eat a toadstool.
82117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82118 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
82119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82120 Health Gain: 66
82121 Mana Gain: 51
82122 You feel your health and mana replenished.
82123 H:641 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
82124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82125 H:611 M:684 eb b 
82126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82127 ---------delayed wisp
82128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82129 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
82130 H:641 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
82131 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82132 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
82133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82134 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
82135 mmand.
82136 H:641 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
82137 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82138 eat juniper
82139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82140 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1802.
82141 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
82142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82143 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
82144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82145 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
82146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82147 H:641 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
82148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82149 H:611 M:684 eb db 
82150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82151 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
82152 Health Gain: 27
82153 Mana Gain: 32
82154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82155 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
82156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82157 H:669 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
82158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82159 H:669 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
82160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82161 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
82162 You have recovered balance.
82163 H:669 M:486 &lt;-b dbt; 
82164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82165 H:657 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
82166 H:657 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
82167 H:657 M:700 eb db 
82168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82169 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
82170 H:669 M:486 &lt;eb dbt; 
82171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82172 ac on
82173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82174 Autocuring activated.
82175 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82176 order golem kill dwenthall
82177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82178 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
82179 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82180 evoke empower rockfall
82181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82182 Mana Lost: 6
82183 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
82184 wer of Earth infuses it.
82185 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82186 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
82187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82188 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82189 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82190 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
82191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82192 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82193 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82194 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
82195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82196 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
82197 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
82198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82199 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
82200 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
82201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82202 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
82203 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
82204 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
82205 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
82206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82207 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
82208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82209 Balance Taken: 3.01s
82210 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82211 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
82212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82213 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
82214 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82215 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
82216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82217 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
82218 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82219 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
82220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82221 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
82222 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82223 naturebind shred dwenthall
82224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82225 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
82226 ing her skin mercilessly.
82227 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82228 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
82229 ng your skin mercilessly.
82230 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
82231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82232 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
82233 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82234 ta dwenthall
82235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82236 Dwenthall's condition stands at 515/669 health and 700/700 mana.
82237 Mana Lost: 12
82238 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
82239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82240 H:515 M:700 eb b 
82241 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82242 eat maidenhair
82243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82244 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1965.
82245 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
82246 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82247 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
82248 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82249 The stinging feeling fades.
82250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82251 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
82252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82253 H:515 M:700 eb b 
82254 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82255 sip health
82256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82257 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
82258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82259 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
82260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82261 The elixir heals your body.
82262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82263 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
82264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82265 H:633 M:700 eb b 
82266 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82267 eat toadstool
82268 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82269 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1853.
82270 You quickly eat a toadstool.
82271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82272 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
82273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82274 You feel your health and mana replenished.
82275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82276 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
82277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82278 H:669 M:700 eb b 
82279 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82280 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
82281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82282 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
82283 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
82284 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82285 probe crystal
82286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82287 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
82288 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
82289 It weighs 6 ounces.
82290 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
82291 The crystal can support 2 spells.
82292 H:669 M:700 eb b 
82293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82294 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
82295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82296 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
82297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82298 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
82299 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82300 H:669 M:700 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
82301 H:669 M:684 eb b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
82302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82303 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
82304 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82305 dag
82306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82307 You are:
82308 blind.
82309 an insomniac.
82310 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
82311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82312 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
82313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82314 H:656 M:684 -b b 
82315 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82316 eat juniper
82317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82318 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1801.
82319 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
82320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82321 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
82322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82323 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
82324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82325 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
82326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82327 H:656 M:684 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
82328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82329 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
82330 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
82331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82332 H:656 M:684 -b db 
82333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82334 You may eat another mushroom.
82335 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
82336 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82337 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
82338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82339 ac on
82340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82341 Autocuring activated.
82342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82343 evoke empower rockfall
82344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82345 You must regain balance first.
82346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82347 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
82348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82349 You must regain balance first.
82350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82351 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
82352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82353 You must regain balance first.
82354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82355 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
82356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82357 You must regain balance first.
82358 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82359 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
82360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82361 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
82362  her skin mercilessly.
82363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82364 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
82365 your skin mercilessly.
82366 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
82367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82368 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
82369 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82370 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
82371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82372 You must regain your equilibrium first.
82373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82374 ta dwenthall
82375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82376 Dwenthall's condition stands at 606/669 health and 582/700 mana.
82377 Mana Lost: 12
82378 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
82379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82380 H:612 M:684 eb b 
82381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82382 You have recovered balance.
82383 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82384 clot
82385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82386 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
82387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82388 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
82389 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82390 H:612 M:670 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
82391 H:612 M:670 eb b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
82392 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
82393 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82394 eat juniper
82395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82396 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1800.
82397 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
82398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82399 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
82400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82401 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
82402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82403 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
82404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82405 H:610 M:670 eb db 
82406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82407 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
82408 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82409 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
82410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82411 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
82412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82413 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
82414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82415 The tornado swirls rapidly.
82416 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
82417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82418 H:610 M:670 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
82419 H:610 M:670 eb b 
82420 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82421 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
82422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82423 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
82424 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
82425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82426 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
82427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82428 You must regain your equilibrium first.
82429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82430 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
82431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82432 You must regain your equilibrium first.
82433 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82434 evoke drain dwenthall
82435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82436 You must regain your equilibrium first.
82437 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82438 naturebind drain dwenthall
82439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82440 You must regain your equilibrium first.
82441 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82442 ta dwenthall
82443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82444 Dwenthall's condition stands at 689/669 health and 610/700 mana.
82445 Mana Lost: 12
82446 H:669 M:443 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
82447 H:669 M:443 &lt;eb dbt; 
82448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82449 You may eat another mushroom.
82450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82451 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
82452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82453 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
82454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82455 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
82456 ods your veins.
82457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82458 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
82459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82460 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
82461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82462 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
82463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82464 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
82465  weakening.
82466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82467 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
82468 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82469 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
82470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82471 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82473 evoke drain dwenthall
82474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82475 Mana Lost: 9
82476 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
82477 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
82478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82479 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
82480 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
82481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82482 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
82483 Balance Taken: 2.90s
82484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82485 naturebind drain dwenthall
82486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82487 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
82488  contort in a visage of pain.
82489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82490 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
82491 tabbing pain in your head.
82492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82493 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
82494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82495 ta dwenthall
82496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82497 Dwenthall's condition stands at 610/669 health and 460/700 mana.
82498 Mana Lost: 12
82499 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
82500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82501 H:610 M:479 eb b 
82502 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82503 contemplate dwenthall
82504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82505 You must regain balance first.
82506 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
82507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82508 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
82509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82510 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
82511 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82512 sip mana
82513 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82514 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
82515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82516 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
82517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82518 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
82519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82520 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
82521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82522 H:597 M:654 eb b 
82523 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82524 eat toadstool
82525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82526 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1852.
82527 You quickly eat a toadstool.
82528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82529 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
82530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82531 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
82532 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
82533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82534 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
82535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82536 H:597 M:654 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
82537 H:597 M:654 eb b 
82538 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82539 eat juniper
82540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82541 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1799.
82542 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
82543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82544 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
82545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82546 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
82547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82548 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
82549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82550 H:597 M:654 eb db 
82551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82552 Mana Gain: 32
82553 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82554 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
82555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82556 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
82557 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82558 H:664 M:680 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
82559 H:664 M:680 eb db 
82560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82561 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
82562 You have recovered balance.
82563 H:669 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
82564 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82565 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
82566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82567 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82569 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
82570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82571 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82573 evoke drain dwenthall
82574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82575 Mana Lost: 9
82576 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
82577 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
82578 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82579 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
82580 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
82581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82582 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
82583 Balance Taken: 2.90s
82584 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82585 naturebind drain dwenthall
82586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82587 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
82588  contort in a visage of pain.
82589 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82590 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
82591 tabbing pain in your head.
82592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82593 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
82594 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82595 ta dwenthall
82596 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82597 Dwenthall's condition stands at 730/669 health and 504/700 mana.
82598 Mana Lost: 12
82599 H:669 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
82600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82601 H:664 M:559 eb db 
82602 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82603 contemplate dwenthall
82604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82605 You must regain balance first.
82606 H:669 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
82607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82608 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
82609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82610 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
82611 H:669 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
82612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82613 H:652 M:559 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
82614 H:652 M:559 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
82615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82616 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
82617 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82618 sip mana
82619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82620 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
82621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82622 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
82623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82624 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
82625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82626 H:669 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
82627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82628 H:652 M:700 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
82629 H:652 M:684 eb db 
82630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82631 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
82632 H:669 M:433 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
82633 H:669 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
82634 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82635 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
82636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82637 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
82638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82639 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
82640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82641 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
82642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82643 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
82644  weakening.
82645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82646 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
82647 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82648 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
82649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82650 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82651 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82652 evoke drain dwenthall
82653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82654 Mana Lost: 9
82656 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
82657 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
82659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82660 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
82661 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
82663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82664 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
82666 Balance Taken: 2.90s
82668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82670 naturebind drain dwenthall
82671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82672 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
82673  contort in a visage of pain.
82675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82676 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
82677 tabbing pain in your head.
82679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82680 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
82682 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82683 ta dwenthall
82684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82685 Dwenthall's condition stands at 652/669 health and 420/700 mana.
82687 Mana Lost: 12
82689 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
82690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82691 H:652 M:493 eb db 
82692 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
82694 H:669 M:521 eb db 
82695 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82696 eat toadstool
82697 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82698 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1851.
82700 You quickly eat a toadstool.
82702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82703 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
82705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82706 You feel your health and mana replenished.
82708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82709 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
82710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82711 H:669 M:591 eb db 
82712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82713 contemplate dwenthall
82714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82715 You must regain balance first.
82717 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
82718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82719 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
82721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82722 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
82724 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
82725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82726 H:658 M:591 eb db 
82727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82728 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
82731 H:669 M:412 &lt;e- dbt; 
82732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82733 You may drink another healing elixir.
82734 H:658 M:591 eb db 
82735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82736 You have recovered balance.
82739 H:669 M:412 &lt;eb dbt; 
82740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82741 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
82742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82743 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82746 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
82747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82748 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82750 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82751 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
82752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82753 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82756 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
82757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82758 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
82760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82761 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
82763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82764 Balance Taken: 2.00s
82766 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82767 naturebinding shred dwenthall
82768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82769 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
82770 ing her skin mercilessly.
82772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82773 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
82774 ng your skin mercilessly.
82776 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
82778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82779 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
82781 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82782 ta dwenthall
82783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82784 Dwenthall's condition stands at 613/669 health and 532/700 mana.
82786 Mana Lost: 12
82788 H:669 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
82789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82790 H:613 M:591 eb b 
82791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82792 ac on
82793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82794 Autocuring activated.
82795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82796 order golem kill dwenthall
82797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82798 You must regain balance first.
82799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82800 evoke empower rockfall
82801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82802 You must regain balance first.
82803 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82804 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
82805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82806 You must regain balance first.
82807 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82808 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
82809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82810 You must regain balance first.
82811 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82812 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
82813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82814 You must regain balance first.
82815 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82816 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
82817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82818 You must regain your equilibrium first.
82819 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82820 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
82821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82822 You must regain your equilibrium first.
82823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82824 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
82825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82826 You must regain your equilibrium first.
82827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82828 naturebind shred dwenthall
82829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82830 You must regain your equilibrium first.
82831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82832 ta dwenthall
82833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82834 Dwenthall's condition stands at 540/669 health and 644/700 mana.
82835 Mana Lost: 12
82836 H:669 M:388 &lt;-- dbt; 
82837 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82838 smoke pipe with linseed
82839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82840 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
82841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82842 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
82843 H:669 M:388 &lt;-- dbt; 
82844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82845 H:613 M:591 eb b 
82846 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82847 eat toadstool
82848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82849 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1898.
82850 You quickly eat a toadstool.
82851 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82852 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
82853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82854 Mana Gain: 51
82855 You feel your health and mana replenished.
82856 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
82857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82858 H:613 M:591 eb b 
82859 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82860 ts
82861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82862 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
82863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82864 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
82865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82866 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
82867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82868 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
82869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82870 H:613 M:591 -b b 
82871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82872 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
82873 The tornado swirls rapidly.
82874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82875 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
82876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82877 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
82878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82879 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
82880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82881 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
82882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82883 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
82884 mmand.
82885 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
82886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82887 H:613 M:591 -b b 
82888 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82889 eat maidenhair
82890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82891 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1964.
82892 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
82893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82894 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
82895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82896 The stinging feeling fades.
82897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82898 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
82899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82900 H:613 M:591 -b b 
82901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82902 naturebind breach dwenthall
82903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82904 You must regain your equilibrium first.
82905 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
82906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82907 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
82908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82909 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
82910 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
82911 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82912 sip mana
82913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82914 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
82915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82916 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
82917 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82918 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
82919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82920 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
82921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82922 H:613 M:696 -b b Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
82923 H:613 M:696 -b b 
82924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82925 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
82926 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
82927 You have recovered balance.
82928 H:669 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
82929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82930 You may eat another herb or plant.
82931 H:669 M:700 -b b You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
82932 H:669 M:700 -b b You may eat another mushroom.
82933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82934 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
82935 H:669 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
82936 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82937 H:669 M:700 -b b 
82938 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82939 eat juniper
82940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82941 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1798.
82942 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
82943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82944 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
82945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82946 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
82947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82948 H:669 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
82949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82950 H:669 M:700 -b db 
82951 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82952 ac on
82953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82954 Autocuring activated.
82955 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82956 evoke imbue
82957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82958 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
82959 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82960 TEAR MAP
82961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82962 Syntax: TEAR MAP
82963 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82964 evoke empower jolt
82965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82966 Mana Lost: 6
82967 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
82968 wer of Earth infuses it.
82969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82970 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
82971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82972 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
82973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82974 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
82975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82976 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies into Dwenthall's shield, stripping it.
82977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82978 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies into your shield, stripping it.
82979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82980 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
82981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82982 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
82983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82984 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
82985 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82986 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
82987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82988 I do not recognize that toxin.
82989 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
82990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
82991 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
82992 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
82993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82994 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
82995 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
82996 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
82997 Balance Taken: 3.01s
82998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
82999 naturebind choke dwenthall
83000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83001 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
83002 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83003 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
83004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83005 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
83006  her skin mercilessly.
83007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83008 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
83009 your skin mercilessly.
83010 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
83011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83012 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
83013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83014 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
83015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83016 You must regain your equilibrium first.
83017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83018 ta dwenthall
83019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83020 Dwenthall's condition stands at 444/669 health and 700/700 mana.
83021 Mana Lost: 12
83022 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
83023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83024 H:522 M:700 -b b 
83025 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83026 eat toadstool
83027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83028 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1850.
83029 You quickly eat a toadstool.
83030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83031 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
83032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83033 You feel your health and mana replenished.
83034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83035 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
83036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83037 H:589 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
83038 H:589 M:700 eb b 
83039 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83040 quarterstaff stab dwenthall
83041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83042 You must regain balance first.
83043 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
83044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83045 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
83046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83047 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
83048 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
83049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83050 H:577 M:700 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
83051 H:577 M:700 eb b 
83052 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83053 eat juniper
83054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83055 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1797.
83056 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
83057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83058 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
83059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83060 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
83061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83062 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
83063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83064 H:577 M:700 eb db The Wickerman bellows out its challenge from the Alovyan Village.
83066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83067 The Wickerman bellows out its challenge from the Alovyan Village.
83068 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
83069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83070 H:577 M:700 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
83071 H:577 M:700 eb db 
83072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83073 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
83074 H:669 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
83075 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83076 sip health
83077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83078 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
83079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83080 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
83081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83082 The elixir heals your body.
83083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83084 H:669 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
83085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83086 H:669 M:684 eb db 
83087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83088 You have recovered balance.
83089 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83090 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
83091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83092 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
83093 You may eat another mushroom.
83094 H:669 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
83095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83096 H:669 M:684 eb db 
83097 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83098 ac on
83099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83100 Autocuring activated.
83101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83102 order golem kill dwenthall
83103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83104 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
83105 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83106 evoke empower rockfall
83107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83108 Mana Lost: 6
83109 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
83110 wer of Earth infuses it.
83111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83112 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
83113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83114 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
83115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83116 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
83117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83118 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
83119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83120 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
83121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83122 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83123 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83125 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83127 The attack rebounds back onto you!
83128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83129 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
83130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83131 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
83132 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
83133 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
83134 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
83135 Balance Taken: 3.01s
83136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83137 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
83138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83139 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
83140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83141 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
83142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83143 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
83144 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83145 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
83146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83147 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
83148 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83149 naturebind shred dwenthall
83150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83151 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
83152 ing her skin mercilessly.
83153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83154 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
83155 ng your skin mercilessly.
83156 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
83157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83158 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
83159 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83160 ta dwenthall
83161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83162 Dwenthall's condition stands at 624/669 health and 684/700 mana.
83163 Mana Lost: 12
83164 H:603 M:435 &lt;-- bt; 
83165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83166 H:624 M:684 eb b 
83167 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83168 clot
83169 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83170 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
83171 H:624 M:670 eb b 
83172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83173 eat juniper
83174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83175 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1976.
83176 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
83177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83178 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
83179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83180 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
83181 H:603 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
83182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83183 H:624 M:670 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
83184 H:624 M:670 eb b 
83185 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83186 eat juniper
83187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83188 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1796.
83190 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
83192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83193 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
83195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83196 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
83198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83199 H:603 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
83200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83201 H:624 M:670 eb db 
83202 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
83204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83205 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
83207 H:603 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
83208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83209 H:614 M:670 eb db 
83210 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
83212 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
83214 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
83216 H:638 M:698 eb db 
83217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83218 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
83220 H:603 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
83221 You may eat another herb or plant.
83222 H:603 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
83223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83224 You may eat another herb or plant.
83225 H:638 M:698 eb db 
83226 You may eat another mushroom.
83228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83229 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
83232 H:603 M:435 &lt;e- dbt; 
83233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83234 H:638 M:698 eb db 
83235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83236 You have recovered balance.
83239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83240 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
83241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83242 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
83243  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
83245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83246 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
83247 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
83249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83250 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
83252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83253 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
83254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83255 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
83257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83258 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
83259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83260 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
83262 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83263 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
83264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83265 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83268 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83271 Balance Taken: 2.00s
83273 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83274 naturebinding shred dwenthall
83275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83276 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
83277 ing her skin mercilessly.
83279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83280 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
83281 ng your skin mercilessly.
83283 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
83285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83286 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
83288 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83289 ta dwenthall
83290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83291 Dwenthall's condition stands at 594/669 health and 718/700 mana.
83293 Mana Lost: 12
83295 H:603 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
83296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83297 H:594 M:698 eb b 
83298 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83299 smoke pipe with linseed
83300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83301 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
83303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83304 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
83306 H:603 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
83307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83308 H:594 M:698 eb b 
83309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83310 ac on
83311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83312 Autocuring activated.
83314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83315 evoke imbue
83316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83317 You must regain balance first.
83319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83320 TEAR MAP
83321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83322 Syntax: TEAR MAP
83324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83325 evoke empower jolt
83326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83327 You must regain balance first.
83328 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83329 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
83330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83331 You must regain balance first.
83332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83333 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
83334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83335 You must regain balance first.
83336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83337 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
83338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83339 You must regain balance first.
83340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83341 naturebind choke dwenthall
83342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83343 You must regain your equilibrium first.
83344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83345 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
83346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83347 You must regain your equilibrium first.
83348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83349 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
83350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83351 You must regain your equilibrium first.
83352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83353 ta dwenthall
83354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83355 Dwenthall's condition stands at 577/669 health and 643/700 mana.
83356 Mana Lost: 12
83357 H:603 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
83358 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83359 ---------delayed wisp
83360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83361 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
83362 H:603 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
83363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83364 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
83365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83366 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
83367 mmand.
83368 H:603 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
83369 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83370 eat juniper
83371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83372 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1795.
83373 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
83374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83375 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
83376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83377 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
83378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83379 H:603 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
83380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83381 H:594 M:698 eb db 
83382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83383 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
83384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83385 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
83386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83387 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
83388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83389 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
83390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83391 The tornado swirls rapidly.
83392 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83393 probe crystal
83394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83395 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
83396 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
83397 It weighs 6 ounces.
83398 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
83399 The crystal can support 5 spells.
83400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83401 H:603 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
83402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83403 H:594 M:698 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
83404 H:594 M:698 eb b 
83405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83406 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
83407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83408 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
83409 H:603 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
83410 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83411 sip health
83412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83413 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
83414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83415 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
83416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83417 The elixir heals your body.
83418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83419 H:603 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
83420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83421 H:669 M:682 eb b You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
83422 H:669 M:682 eb b 
83423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83424 You have recovered balance.
83425 H:603 M:411 &lt;-b dbt; 
83426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83427 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
83429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83430 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
83432 H:603 M:411 &lt;-b dbt; 
83433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83434 H:654 M:682 eb b 
83435 You may eat another herb or plant.
83436 H:654 M:682 eb b 
83437 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
83438 H:654 M:682 eb b 
83439 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83440 eat juniper
83441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83442 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1794.
83444 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
83446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83447 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
83449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83450 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
83452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83453 H:603 M:411 &lt;-b dbt; 
83454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83455 H:654 M:682 eb db 
83456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83457 Health Gain: 33
83459 Mana Gain: 32
83461 H:637 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
83462 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
83465 H:637 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
83466 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83467 cnc
83468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83469 You already possess mental equilibrium.
83471 H:669 M:700 eb db 
83472 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83473 pa
83474 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83475 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
83477 H:669 M:700 eb db 
83478 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83479 ovt
83480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83481 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
83483 H:669 M:700 eb db 
83484 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83485 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
83486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83487 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
83488 ewreathe effect.
83490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83491 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
83493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83494 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
83496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83497 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
83499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83500 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
83502 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
83503  twitching slightly under the cold.
83505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83506 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
83507 range burning sensation in your nerves.
83509 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
83511 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83512 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
83514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83515 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
83517 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
83519 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83520 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
83522 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
83524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83525 H:532 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
83526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83527 H:669 M:682 -b db 
83528 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83529 ta
83530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83531 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 532/669 health and 444/512 mana.
83533 H:669 M:670 -b db 
83534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83535 eat toadstool
83536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83537 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1897.
83539 You quickly eat a toadstool.
83541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83542 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
83544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83545 Health Gain: 66
83547 Mana Gain: 51
83549 You feel your health and mana replenished.
83551 H:599 M:495 &lt;eb dbt; 
83552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83553 H:669 M:670 -b db 
83554 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83555 ac on
83556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83557 Autocuring activated.
83559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83560 evoke imbue
83561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83562 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
83564 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83565 evoke empower shock
83566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83567 Mana Lost: 6
83568 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
83569 wer of Earth infuses it.
83570 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83571 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
83572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83573 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
83574 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83575 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
83576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83577 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
83578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83579 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
83580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83581 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83582 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83583 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83584 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83585 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
83586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83587 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
83588 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83589 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
83590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83591 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
83592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83593 Balance Taken: 3.01s
83594 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83595 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
83596 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83597 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
83598 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83599 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
83600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83601 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
83602  her skin mercilessly.
83603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83604 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
83605 your skin mercilessly.
83606 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
83607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83608 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
83609 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83610 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
83611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83612 You must regain your equilibrium first.
83613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83614 ta dwenthall
83615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83616 Dwenthall's condition stands at 596/669 health and 664/700 mana.
83617 Mana Lost: 12
83618 H:599 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
83619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83620 H:552 M:670 -b b 
83621 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83622 purge blood
83623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83624 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
83625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83626 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
83627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83628 The stinging feeling fades.
83629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83630 H:599 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
83631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83632 H:552 M:664 -b b 
83633 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83634 clot
83635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83636 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
83637 H:552 M:650 -b b 
83638 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83639 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
83640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83641 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
83642 H:599 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
83643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83644 You may eat another herb or plant.
83645 H:552 M:650 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
83646 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
83647 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83648 eat juniper
83649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83650 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1793.
83651 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
83652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83653 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
83654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83655 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
83656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83657 H:599 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
83658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83659 H:549 M:650 -b db 
83660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83661 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
83662 H:599 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
83663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83664 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
83665 You may drink another healing elixir.
83666 H:549 M:650 eb db 
83667 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83668 sip health
83669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83670 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
83671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83672 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
83673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83674 The elixir heals your body.
83675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83676 H:599 M:477 &lt;-- dbt; 
83677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83678 H:669 M:650 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
83679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83680 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
83681 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
83682 You have recovered balance.
83683 H:599 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
83684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83685 H:669 M:634 eb db 
83686 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83687 cnc
83688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83689 You already possess mental equilibrium.
83690 H:669 M:634 eb db 
83691 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83692 pa
83693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83694 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
83695 H:669 M:634 eb db 
83696 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83697 ovt
83698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83699 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
83700 H:669 M:634 eb db 
83701 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83702 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
83703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83704 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
83705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83706 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
83707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83708 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
83709 ewreathe effect.
83710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83711 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
83712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83713 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
83714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83715 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
83716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83717 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
83718 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
83719  twitching slightly under the cold.
83720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83721 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
83722 range burning sensation in your nerves.
83723 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
83724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83725 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
83726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83727 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
83728 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
83729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83730 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
83731 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
83732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83733 H:494 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
83734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83735 H:669 M:616 -b db 
83736 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83737 ta
83738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83739 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 494/669 health and 477/512 mana.
83740 H:669 M:603 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
83741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83742 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
83743 H:494 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
83744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83745 H:660 M:603 -b db 
83746 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83747 eat nightshade
83748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83749 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1965.
83750 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
83751 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83752 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
83753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83754 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
83755 H:494 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
83756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83757 H:660 M:603 -b db 
83758 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83759 sip health
83760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83761 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
83762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83763 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
83764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83765 Health Gain: 141
83766 The elixir heals your body.
83767 H:635 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
83768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83769 H:660 M:603 -b db 
83770 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83771 smoke pipe with linseed
83772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83773 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
83774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83775 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
83776 H:635 M:477 &lt;eb dbt; 
83777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83778 H:660 M:603 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
83779 H:660 M:603 -b db 
83780 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83781 ac on
83782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83783 Autocuring activated.
83784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83785 order golem kill dwenthall
83786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83787 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
83788 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83789 evoke empower rockfall
83790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83791 Mana Lost: 6
83792 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
83793 wer of Earth infuses it.
83794 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83795 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
83796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83797 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
83798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83799 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
83800 ods your veins.
83801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83802 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
83803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83804 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
83805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83806 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
83807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83808 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
83809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83810 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
83811 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83812 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
83813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83814 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
83815 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83816 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
83817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83818 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83819 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83821 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83822 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
83823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83824 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
83825 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
83826 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
83827 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
83828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83829 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
83830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83831 Balance Taken: 3.01s
83832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83833 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
83834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83835 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
83836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83837 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
83838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83839 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
83840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83841 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
83842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83843 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
83844 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83845 naturebind shred dwenthall
83846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83847 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
83848 ing her skin mercilessly.
83849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83850 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
83851 ng your skin mercilessly.
83852 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
83853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83854 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
83855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83856 ta dwenthall
83857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83858 Dwenthall's condition stands at 492/669 health and 603/700 mana.
83859 Mana Lost: 12
83860 H:635 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
83861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83862 H:436 M:603 -b b 
83863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83864 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
83865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83866 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
83867 H:635 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
83868 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83869 eat maidenhair
83870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83871 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1963.
83872 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
83873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83874 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
83875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83876 The stinging feeling fades.
83877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83878 H:635 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
83879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83880 H:436 M:603 -b b 
83881 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83882 eat toadstool
83883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83884 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1849.
83885 You quickly eat a toadstool.
83886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83887 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
83888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83889 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
83890 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
83891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83892 H:635 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
83893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83894 H:436 M:603 -b b 
83895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83896 You may eat another herb or plant.
83897 H:635 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
83898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83899 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
83900 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
83901 H:463 M:631 -b b You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
83902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83903 You may eat another mushroom.
83904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83905 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
83906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83907 H:635 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
83908 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83909 H:463 M:631 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
83910 H:463 M:631 eb b 
83911 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83912 eat juniper
83913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83914 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1792.
83915 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
83916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83917 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
83918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83919 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
83920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83921 H:635 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
83922 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83923 H:463 M:631 eb db 
83924 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83925 ims
83926 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83927 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
83928 ewreathe effect.
83929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83930 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
83931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83932 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
83933 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
83934 y.
83935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83936 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
83937 hly.
83938 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
83939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83940 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
83941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83942 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
83943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83944 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
83945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83946 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
83947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83948 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
83949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83950 H:539 M:459 &lt;-- dbt; 
83951 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83952 H:463 M:619 -b db 
83953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83954 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
83955 H:539 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
83956 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83957 apply epidermal
83958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83959 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
83960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83961 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
83962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83963 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
83964 H:539 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
83965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83966 H:463 M:619 -b db 
83967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83968 You have recovered balance.
83969 H:539 M:459 &lt;eb dbt; 
83970 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83971 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
83972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83973 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
83974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83975 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
83976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83977 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
83978 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83979 evoke drain dwenthall
83980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83981 Mana Lost: 9
83982 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
83983 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
83984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83985 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
83986 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
83987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83988 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
83989 Balance Taken: 2.90s
83990 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83991 naturebind drain dwenthall
83992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83993 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
83994  contort in a visage of pain.
83995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
83996 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
83997 tabbing pain in your head.
83998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
83999 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
84000 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84001 ta dwenthall
84002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84003 Dwenthall's condition stands at 463/669 health and 498/700 mana.
84004 Mana Lost: 12
84005 H:539 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
84006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84007 H:463 M:498 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
84008 H:463 M:498 -b db 
84009 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84010 contemplate dwenthall
84011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84012 You must regain balance first.
84013 H:539 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
84014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84015 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
84016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84017 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
84018 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84019 clot
84020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84021 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
84022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84023 H:539 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
84024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84025 H:453 M:484 -b db 
84026 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84027 sip mana
84028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84029 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
84030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84031 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
84032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84033 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
84034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84035 H:539 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
84036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84037 H:453 M:640 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
84038 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
84039 H:451 M:640 -b db 
84040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84041 You may drink another healing elixir.
84042 H:539 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
84043 H:539 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
84044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84045 You may eat another herb or plant.
84046 H:451 M:624 -b db 
84047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84048 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
84049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84050 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
84051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84052 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
84053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84054 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
84055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84056 The tornado swirls rapidly.
84057 H:539 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
84058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84059 H:451 M:624 -b b 
84060 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84061 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
84062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84063 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
84064 H:539 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
84065 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84066 eat juniper
84067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84068 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1791.
84069 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
84070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84071 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
84072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84073 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
84074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84075 H:539 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
84076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84077 H:451 M:624 -b db 
84078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84079 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
84080 H:539 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
84081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84082 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
84083 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
84084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84085 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
84086 H:539 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
84087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84088 H:451 M:624 eb db 
84089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84090 Health Gain: 33
84091 Mana Gain: 32
84092 H:572 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
84093 You have recovered balance.
84094 H:572 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
84095 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84096 cnc
84097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84098 You already possess mental equilibrium.
84099 H:518 M:666 eb db 
84100 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84101 pa
84102 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84103 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
84104 H:518 M:666 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
84105 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84106 ovt
84107 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84108 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
84109 H:518 M:666 eb db 
84110 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84111 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
84112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84113 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
84114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84115 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
84116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84117 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
84118 ock effect.
84119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84120 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
84121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84122 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
84123 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
84124  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
84125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84126 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
84127 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
84128 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
84129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84130 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
84131 using him to lose his patience.
84132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84133 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
84134 ausing you to lose your patience.
84135 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
84136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84137 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
84138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84139 H:464 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
84140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84141 H:518 M:648 -b db 
84142 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84143 ta
84144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84145 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 464/669 health and 470/512 mana.
84146 H:518 M:635 -b db 
84147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84148 eat nightshade
84149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84150 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1964.
84151 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
84152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84153 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
84154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84155 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
84156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84157 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
84158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84159 H:464 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
84160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84161 H:518 M:635 -b db 
84162 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84163 sip health
84164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84165 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
84166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84167 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
84168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84169 Health Gain: 123
84171 The elixir heals your body.
84173 H:587 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
84174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84175 H:518 M:635 -b db 
84176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84177 eat toadstool
84178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84179 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1896.
84181 You quickly eat a toadstool.
84183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84184 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
84186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84187 Health Gain: 66
84189 Mana Gain: 42
84191 You feel your health and mana replenished.
84193 H:654 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
84194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84195 H:518 M:635 -b db 
84196 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84197 smoke pipe with linseed
84198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84199 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
84201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84202 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
84204 H:654 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
84205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84206 H:518 M:635 -b db 
84207 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84208 eat toadstool
84209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84210 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1848.
84212 You quickly eat a toadstool.
84214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84215 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
84217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84218 You feel your health and mana replenished.
84220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84221 H:654 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
84222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84223 H:585 M:700 -b db 
84224 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84225 purge blood
84226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84227 Mana Lost: 6
84229 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
84231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84232 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
84234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84235 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
84237 H:654 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
84238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84239 H:585 M:700 -b db 
84240 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84241 touch tree
84242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84243 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
84245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84246 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
84248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84249 You are patient once again.
84251 H:654 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
84252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84253 H:585 M:700 -b db 
84254 You may eat another herb or plant.
84255 H:585 M:700 -b db 
84256 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
84258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84259 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
84261 H:654 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
84262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84263 H:574 M:700 -b db 
84264 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84265 apply mass
84266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84267 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
84269 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84270 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
84272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84273 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
84275 H:654 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
84276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84277 H:574 M:700 -b db 
84278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84279 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
84280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84281 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
84283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84284 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
84286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84287 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
84289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84290 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
84291  weakening.
84293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84294 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
84296 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84297 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
84298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84299 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
84301 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84302 evoke drain dwenthall
84303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84304 Mana Lost: 9
84305 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
84306 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
84307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84308 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
84309 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
84310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84311 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
84312 Balance Taken: 2.90s
84313 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84314 naturebind drain dwenthall
84315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84316 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
84317  contort in a visage of pain.
84318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84319 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
84320 tabbing pain in your head.
84321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84322 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
84323 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84324 ta dwenthall
84325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84326 Dwenthall's condition stands at 534/669 health and 509/700 mana.
84327 Mana Lost: 12
84328 H:654 M:485 &lt;-- dbt; 
84329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84330 H:574 M:509 -b db 
84331 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84332 ac on
84333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84334 Autocuring activated.
84335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84336 evoke imbue
84337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84338 You must regain balance first.
84339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84340 TEAR MAP
84341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84342 Syntax: TEAR MAP
84343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84344 evoke empower jolt
84345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84346 You must regain balance first.
84347 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84348 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
84349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84350 You must regain balance first.
84351 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84352 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
84353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84354 You must regain balance first.
84355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84356 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
84357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84358 You must regain balance first.
84359 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84360 naturebind choke dwenthall
84361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84362 You must regain your equilibrium first.
84363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84364 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
84365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84366 You must regain your equilibrium first.
84367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84368 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
84369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84370 You must regain your equilibrium first.
84371 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84372 ta dwenthall
84373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84374 Dwenthall's condition stands at 660/669 health and 433/700 mana.
84375 Mana Lost: 12
84376 H:654 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
84377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84378 You may drink another healing elixir.
84379 H:574 M:509 -b db 
84380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84381 You may eat another herb or plant.
84382 H:654 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
84383 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84384 sip mana
84385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84386 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
84387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84388 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
84389 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84390 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
84391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84392 H:654 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
84393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84394 H:574 M:630 -b db 
84395 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84396 contemplate dwenthall
84397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84398 You must regain balance first.
84399 H:654 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
84400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84401 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
84402 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
84403 H:574 M:630 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
84404 H:574 M:614 eb db 
84405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84406 You may apply another salve.
84407 H:654 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
84408 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84409 cnc
84410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84411 You already possess mental equilibrium.
84412 H:574 M:614 eb db 
84413 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84414 pa
84415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84416 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
84417 H:574 M:614 eb db 
84418 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84419 ovt
84420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84421 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
84422 H:574 M:614 eb db 
84423 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84424 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
84425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84426 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
84427 ock effect.
84428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84429 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
84430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84431 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
84432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84433 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
84434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84435 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
84436 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
84437 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
84438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84439 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
84440 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
84441 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
84442 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
84443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84444 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
84445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84446 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
84447 athe.
84448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84449 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
84450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84451 H:557 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
84452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84453 H:574 M:587 -b db 
84454 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84455 ta
84456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84457 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 557/669 health and 473/512 mana.
84458 H:574 M:575 -b db 
84459 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84460 eat kelp
84461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84462 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1949.
84463 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
84464 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84465 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
84466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84467 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
84468 H:557 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
84469 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84470 H:574 M:575 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
84471 H:574 M:575 -b db 
84472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84473 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
84474 H:557 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
84475 You may drink another healing elixir.
84476 H:557 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
84477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84478 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
84479 H:574 M:575 -b db 
84480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84481 You may eat another herb or plant.
84482 H:557 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
84483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84484 ac on
84485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84486 Autocuring activated.
84487 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84488 evoke imbue
84489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84490 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
84491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84492 TEAR MAP
84493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84494 Syntax: TEAR MAP
84495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84496 evoke empower jolt
84497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84498 Mana Lost: 6
84499 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
84500 wer of Earth infuses it.
84501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84502 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
84503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84504 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
84505 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84506 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
84507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84508 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
84509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84510 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
84511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84512 I do not recognize that toxin.
84513 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
84514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84515 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
84516 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
84517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84518 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
84519 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
84520 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
84521 Balance Taken: 3.01s
84522 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84523 naturebind choke dwenthall
84524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84525 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
84526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84527 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
84528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84529 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
84530  her skin mercilessly.
84531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84532 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
84533 your skin mercilessly.
84534 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
84535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84536 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
84537 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84538 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
84539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84540 You must regain your equilibrium first.
84541 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84542 ta dwenthall
84543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84544 Dwenthall's condition stands at 367/669 health and 564/700 mana.
84545 Mana Lost: 12
84546 H:557 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
84547 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84548 H:421 M:575 -b b A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
84549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84550 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
84551 H:557 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
84552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84553 H:412 M:575 -b b 
84554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84555 You may eat another mushroom.
84556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84557 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
84558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84559 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
84560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84561 You may eat another mushroom.
84562 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84563 eat juniper
84564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84565 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1790.
84566 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
84567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84568 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
84569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84570 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
84571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84572 H:557 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
84573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84574 H:412 M:575 -b db 
84575 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84576 eat toadstool
84577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84578 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1847.
84579 You quickly eat a toadstool.
84580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84581 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
84582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84583 You feel your health and mana replenished.
84584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84585 H:557 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
84586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84587 H:479 M:645 -b db 
84588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84589 eat maidenhair
84590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84591 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1980.
84592 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
84593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84594 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
84595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84596 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
84597 H:557 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
84598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84599 H:479 M:645 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
84600 H:479 M:645 eb db 
84601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84602 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
84603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84604 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
84605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84606 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
84607 H:511 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
84608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84609 H:479 M:645 eb db 
84610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84611 apply caloric
84612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84613 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
84614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84615 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
84616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84617 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
84618 H:511 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
84619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84620 H:479 M:645 eb db 
84621 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84622 sip health
84623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84624 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
84625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84626 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
84627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84628 Health Gain: 157
84629 The elixir heals your body.
84630 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
84631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84632 H:479 M:645 eb db 
84633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84634 eat toadstool
84635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84636 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1895.
84637 You quickly eat a toadstool.
84638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84639 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
84640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84641 Mana Gain: 51
84642 You feel your health and mana replenished.
84643 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
84644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84645 H:479 M:645 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
84646 H:479 M:645 eb db 
84647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84648 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
84649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84650 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
84651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84652 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
84653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84654 H:506 M:673 eb db 
84655 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84656 cnc
84657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84658 You already possess mental equilibrium.
84659 H:506 M:673 eb db 
84660 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84661 pa
84662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84663 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
84664 H:506 M:673 eb db 
84665 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84666 ovt
84667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84668 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
84669 H:506 M:673 eb db 
84670 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84671 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
84672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84673 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
84674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84675 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
84676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84677 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
84678 ranoia effect.
84679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84680 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
84681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84682 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
84683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84684 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
84685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84686 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
84687 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
84688 seous.
84689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84690 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
84691 g you thoroughly.
84692 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
84693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84694 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
84695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84696 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
84697 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
84698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84699 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
84700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84701 H:572 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
84702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84703 H:506 M:658 -b db 
84704 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84705 ta
84706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84707 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 572/669 health and 506/512 mana.
84709 H:506 M:646 -b db 
84710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84711 focus
84712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84713 Mana Lost: 15
84715 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
84717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84718 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
84720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84721 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
84723 H:572 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
84724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84725 H:506 M:646 -b db 
84726 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84727 smoke pipe with linseed
84728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84729 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
84731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84732 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
84734 H:572 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
84735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84736 H:506 M:646 -b db 
84737 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84738 sip health
84739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84740 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
84742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84743 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
84745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84746 The elixir heals your body.
84748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84749 H:572 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
84750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84751 H:651 M:646 -b db 
84752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84753 The icicles continue beating at your skin.
84755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84756 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
84758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84759 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
84761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84762 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
84764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84765 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
84767 H:492 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
84768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84769 H:651 M:646 -b db 
84770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84771 You may apply another salve.
84772 H:492 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
84773 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84774 You may eat another herb or plant.
84775 H:651 M:630 -b db 
84776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84777 You may eat another herb or plant.
84778 H:492 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
84779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84780 eat nightshade
84781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84782 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1963.
84784 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
84786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84787 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
84789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84790 Your stomach becalms itself.
84792 H:492 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
84793 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84794 H:651 M:630 -b db 
84795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84796 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
84799 H:492 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; 
84800 You have recovered balance.
84803 H:492 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
84804 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84805 ac priority haemophilia 7
84806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84807 You have set the 'haemophilia' affliction to the 7 priority.
84809 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84810 ac priority paralysis 1
84811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84812 You have set the 'paralysis' affliction to the 1 priority.
84814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84815 ac priority slow balance 5
84816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84817 You have set the 'slow balance' affliction to the 5 priority.
84819 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84820 ac priority asthma 2
84821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84822 You have set the 'asthma' affliction to the 2 priority.
84824 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84825 ac priority prone 3
84826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84827 You have set the 'prone' affliction to the 3 priority.
84829 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84830 ac priority metrazol 1
84831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84832 You have set the 'metrazol' affliction to the 1 priority.
84834 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84835 ac priority recklessness 3
84836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84837 You have set the 'recklessness' affliction to the 3 priority.
84838 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84839 ac priority Nausea 8
84840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84841 You have set the 'nausea' affliction to the 8 priority.
84842 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84843 ac priority hemotoxin 5
84844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84845 You have set the 'hemotoxin' affliction to the 5 priority.
84846 H:492 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
84847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84848 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
84849 H:651 M:630 -b db 
84850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84851 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
84852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84853 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
84854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84855 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
84856 H:446 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
84857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84858 H:651 M:630 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
84859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84860 Health Gain: 33
84861 Mana Gain: 21
84862 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84863 apply caloric
84864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84865 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
84866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84867 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
84868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84869 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
84870 H:479 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
84871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84872 H:669 M:672 eb db 
84873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84874 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
84875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84876 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
84877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84878 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
84879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84880 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
84881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84882 The tornado swirls rapidly.
84883 H:479 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
84884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84885 H:669 M:672 eb b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
84886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84887 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
84888 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84889 eat juniper
84890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84891 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1789.
84892 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
84893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84894 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
84895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84896 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
84897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84898 H:479 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
84899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84900 H:657 M:672 eb db 
84901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84902 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
84903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84904 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
84905 H:479 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
84906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84907 ac on
84908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84909 Autocuring activated.
84910 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84911 order loyals kill dwenthall
84912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84913 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
84914 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
84915 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
84916 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
84917 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84918 TEAR MAP
84919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84920 Syntax: TEAR MAP
84921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84922 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
84923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84924 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
84925 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84926 evoke empower rockfall
84927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84928 Mana Lost: 6
84929 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
84930 wer of Earth infuses it.
84931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84932 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
84933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84934 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
84935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84936 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
84937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84938 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
84939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84940 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
84941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84942 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
84943 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84944 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
84945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84946 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
84947 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84948 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
84949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84950 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
84951 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
84952 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84953 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
84954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84955 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
84956 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
84957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84958 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
84959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84960 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
84961 Balance Taken: 3.01s
84962 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84963 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
84964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84965 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
84966 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
84967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84968 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
84969 you.
84970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84971 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
84972 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84973 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
84974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84975 You must regain your equilibrium first.
84976 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84977 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
84978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84979 You must regain your equilibrium first.
84980 H:479 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
84981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84982 H:503 M:672 eb b 
84983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84984 You may eat another herb or plant.
84985 H:479 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
84986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84987 eat nightshade
84988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84989 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1962.
84990 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
84991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84992 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
84993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
84994 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
84995 H:479 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
84996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84997 H:503 M:672 eb b 
84998 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
84999 cnc
85000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85001 You already possess mental equilibrium.
85002 H:503 M:672 eb b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
85003 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
85004 H:501 M:672 eb b 
85005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85006 Your mind is able to focus once again.
85008 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85009 focus
85010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85011 Mana Lost: 15
85012 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
85013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85014 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
85015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85016 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
85017 H:479 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85018 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85019 H:501 M:672 eb b 
85020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85021 You may apply another salve.
85022 H:479 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85023 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85024 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
85025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85026 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
85027 H:479 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85028 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85029 pa
85030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85031 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
85032 H:501 M:672 eb b 
85033 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85034 dg
85035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85036 You must regain balance first.
85037 H:479 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85038 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85039 ovt
85040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85041 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
85042 H:501 M:672 eb b 
85043 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85044 abn
85045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85046 Your wounds are already bandaged.
85047 H:501 M:672 eb b 
85048 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85049 cast weariness dehydrate freeze at &tar
85050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85051 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
85052 ariness effect.
85053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85054 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
85055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85056 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
85057 You conjure a wave of heat and focus it towards Reyvenyr, draining moisture from his body. Reyvenyr'
85058 s skin glistens and he appears dizzy as the wave of heat passes through.
85059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85060 Dwenthall conjures a wave of heat and focuses it towards you, draining moisture from your body, hamp
85061 ering your ability to process salves and causing you to feel dizzy.
85062 Damage Taken: 65 fire, mental (raw damage: 80)
85063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85064 You send a blast of cold air towards Reyvenyr, chilling him to the bone.
85065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85066 Dwenthall sends a blast of cold air towards you, chilling you to the bone.
85067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85068 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
85069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85070 H:414 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85072 H:501 M:660 -b b 
85073 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85074 ta
85075 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85076 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 414/669 health and 491/512 mana.
85077 H:501 M:648 -b b 
85078 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85079 dg
85080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85081 You must regain balance first.
85082 H:414 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85084 apply caloric
85085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85086 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
85087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85088 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
85089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85090 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
85091 H:414 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85093 H:501 M:648 -b b 
85094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85095 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
85096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85097 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
85098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85099 H:414 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85100 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85101 H:501 M:648 -b b 
85102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85103 You may drink another healing elixir.
85104 H:414 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85105 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85106 dg
85107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85108 You must regain balance first.
85109 H:414 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85111 sip health
85112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85113 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
85114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85115 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
85116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85117 Health Gain: 139
85118 The elixir heals your body.
85119 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85120 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85121 H:501 M:648 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
85122 H:501 M:648 -b b 
85123 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85124 dg
85125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85126 You must regain balance first.
85127 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85128 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85129 sip health
85130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85131 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
85132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85133 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
85134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85135 The elixir heals your body.
85136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85137 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85138 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85139 H:638 M:648 -b b 
85140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85141 dg
85142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85143 You must regain balance first.
85144 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85146 You may eat another mushroom.
85147 H:638 M:648 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
85148 H:638 M:648 -b b 
85149 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85150 eat juniper
85151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85152 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1788.
85153 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
85154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85155 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
85156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85157 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
85158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85159 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85161 H:638 M:648 -b db 
85162 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85163 dg
85164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85165 You must regain balance first.
85166 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
85167 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85169 eat kelp
85170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85171 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1948.
85172 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
85173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85174 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
85175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85176 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
85177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85178 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
85179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85180 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85182 H:638 M:648 -b db 
85183 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85184 dg
85185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85186 You must regain balance first.
85187 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85189 dg
85190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85191 You must regain balance first.
85192 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
85193 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85194 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85195 dg
85196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85197 You must regain balance first.
85198 H:553 M:491 &lt;-- dbt; 
85199 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85200 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
85201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85202 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
85203 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
85204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85205 dg
85206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85207 You must regain balance first.
85208 H:553 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; 
85209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85210 H:638 M:632 -b db 
85211 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85212 dg
85213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85214 You must regain balance first.
85215 H:553 M:491 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
85216 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85217 dg
85218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85219 You are:
85220 overcome by dizziness.
85221 wearied in body.
85222 afflicted with clumsiness.
85223 blind.
85224 deaf.
85225 an insomniac.
85226 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
85227 H:553 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
85228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85229 dg
85230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85231 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85232 H:553 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
85233 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85234 dg
85235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85236 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85237 H:553 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
85238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85239 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
85240 H:638 M:632 eb db 
85241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85242 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
85243 H:553 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
85244 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85245 You may eat another herb or plant.
85246 H:638 M:632 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
85247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85248 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
85249 H:553 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
85250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85251 H:627 M:632 eb db 
85252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85253 You may apply another salve.
85254 H:553 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
85255 H:553 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
85256 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85257 ts
85258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85259 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
85260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85261 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
85262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85263 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
85264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85265 H:553 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
85266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85267 H:627 M:632 -b db 
85268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85269 eat kelp
85270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85271 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1947.
85272 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
85273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85274 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
85275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85276 You feel strength return to your limbs.
85277 H:553 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
85278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85279 H:627 M:632 -b db 
85280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85281 naturebind breach dwenthall
85282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85283 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
85284 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
85285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85286 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
85287 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
85288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85289 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
85290 H:553 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
85291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85292 H:627 M:632 -b db 
85293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85294 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
85295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85296 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85298 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
85299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85300 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85301 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85302 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
85303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85304 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85306 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
85307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85308 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85310 naturebinding shred dwenthall
85311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85312 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85313 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85314 ta dwenthall
85315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85316 Dwenthall's condition stands at 596/669 health and 601/700 mana.
85317 Mana Lost: 12
85318 H:553 M:479 &lt;-b dbt; Your mind is able to focus once again.
85320 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85321 ac on
85322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85323 Autocuring activated.
85324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85325 order golem kill dwenthall
85326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85327 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85328 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85329 evoke empower rockfall
85330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85331 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85333 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
85334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85335 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85337 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
85338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85339 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85341 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
85342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85343 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85345 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
85346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85347 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85349 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
85350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85351 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85353 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
85354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85355 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85357 naturebind shred dwenthall
85358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85359 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85360 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85361 ta dwenthall
85362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85363 Dwenthall's condition stands at 559/669 health and 695/700 mana.
85364 Mana Lost: 12
85365 H:553 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
85366 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85367 focus
85368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85369 Mana Lost: 15
85370 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
85371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85372 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
85373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85374 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
85375 H:553 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
85376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85377 H:627 M:632 -b db 
85378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85379 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
85380 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
85381 H:553 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
85382 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85383 purge blood
85384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85385 Mana Lost: 6
85386 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
85387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85388 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
85389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85390 You feel coordinated once more.
85391 H:553 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
85392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85393 H:627 M:632 -b db 
85394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85395 You may drink another healing elixir.
85396 H:553 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; Your tree tattoo can be used again.
85397 H:553 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
85398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85399 You may drink another healing elixir.
85400 H:627 M:632 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
85401 H:626 M:632 -b db 
85402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85403 You may eat another herb or plant.
85404 H:553 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; 
85405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85406 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
85407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85408 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85409 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85410 evoke wisp glowing me
85411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85412 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85413 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85414 evoke toxicrain strychnine
85415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85416 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85417 H:553 M:445 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
85418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85419 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
85420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85421 H:553 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
85422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85423 H:653 M:660 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
85424 H:653 M:660 eb db 
85425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85426 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
85427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85428 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
85429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85430 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
85431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85432 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
85433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85434 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
85435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85436 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
85437 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85438 evoke wisp glowing me
85439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85440 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
85441 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85442 evoke toxicrain strychnine
85443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85444 Mana Lost: 12
85445 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
85446 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
85447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85448 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
85449 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
85450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85451 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
85452 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of strychnine to empower the tornado.
85453 H:553 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
85454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85455 H:653 M:660 eb db 
85456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85457 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
85458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85459 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
85460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85461 evoke wisp glowing me
85462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85463 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
85464 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85465 evoke toxicrain strychnine
85466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85467 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
85468 H:553 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
85469 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85470 empty strychnine
85471 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85472 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
85473 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85474 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
85475 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85476 empty strychnine
85477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85478 I don't see that in your inventory.
85479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85480 vbelt tap empty strychine
85481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85482 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
85483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85484 vbelt tap empty strychnine
85485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85486 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
85487  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
85488  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
85489 H:553 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
85490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85491 H:653 M:644 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
85492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85493 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
85494 H:553 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
85495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85496 H:640 M:644 eb db 
85497 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85498 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
85499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85500 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
85501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85502 evoke wisp glowing me
85503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85504 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
85505 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85506 evoke toxicrain strychnine
85507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85508 Mana Lost: 12
85509 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
85510 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
85511 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85512 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
85513 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
85514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85515 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
85516 Mana Lost: 12
85517 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
85518 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
85519 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85520 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
85521  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
85522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85523 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
85524 Balance Taken: 2.00s
85525 H:553 M:409 &lt;e- dbt; 
85526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85527 H:640 M:644 eb db 
85528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85529 eat toadstool
85530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85531 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1894.
85532 You quickly eat a toadstool.
85533 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85534 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
85535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85536 Health Gain: 66
85537 Mana Gain: 51
85538 You feel your health and mana replenished.
85539 H:620 M:460 &lt;e- dbt; 
85540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85541 H:640 M:644 eb db 
85542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85543 Your mind is able to focus once again.
85544 H:620 M:460 &lt;e- dbt; 
85545 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85546 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
85547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85548 You must regain balance first.
85549 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85550 evoke wisp glowing me
85551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85552 You must regain balance first.
85553 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85554 evoke toxicrain strychnine
85555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85556 You must regain balance first.
85557 H:620 M:460 &lt;e- dbt; Health Gain: 33
85558 Mana Gain: 32
85559 H:654 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
85560 ne.
85561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85562 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
85563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85564 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
85565 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85566 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
85567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85568 The tornado swirls rapidly.
85569 H:654 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; 
85570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85571 H:669 M:685 eb b 
85572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85573 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
85574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85575 You must regain balance first.
85576 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85577 evoke wisp glowing me
85578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85579 You must regain balance first.
85580 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85581 evoke toxicrain strychnine
85582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85583 You must regain balance first.
85584 H:654 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; 
85585 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85586 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
85587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85588 You must regain balance first.
85589 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85590 evoke wisp glowing me
85591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85592 You must regain balance first.
85593 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85594 evoke toxicrain strychnine
85595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85596 You must regain balance first.
85597 H:654 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
85598 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85599 eat juniper
85600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85601 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1787.
85602 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
85603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85604 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
85605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85606 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
85607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85608 H:654 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
85609 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85610 H:669 M:685 eb db 
85611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85612 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
85613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85614 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
85615 H:654 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
85616 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85617 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
85618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85619 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
85620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85621 evoke wisp glowing me
85622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85623 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
85624 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85625 evoke toxicrain strychnine
85626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85627 Mana Lost: 12
85628 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
85629 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
85630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85631 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
85632 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
85633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85634 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
85635 Mana Lost: 12
85636 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
85637 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
85638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85639 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
85640  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
85641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85642 Balance Taken: 2.00s
85643 H:654 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
85644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85645 H:669 M:685 eb db 
85646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85647 er
85648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85649 You must regain balance first.
85650 H:654 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
85651 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85652 er
85653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85654 You must regain balance first.
85655 H:654 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
85656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85657 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
85658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85659 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
85660 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
85661 H:654 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
85662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85663 H:659 M:669 eb db 
85664 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85665 er
85666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85667 You must regain balance first.
85668 H:654 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
85669 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85670 er
85671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85672 You must regain balance first.
85673 H:654 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
85674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85675 You may eat another herb or plant.
85676 H:659 M:669 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
85677 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85678 er
85679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85680 You must regain balance first.
85681 H:654 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
85682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85683 H:658 M:669 eb db 
85684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85685 You have recovered balance.
85686 H:654 M:469 &lt;eb dbt; 
85687 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85688 er
85689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85690 Mana Lost: 9
85691 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
85692 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
85693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85694 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
85695 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
85696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85697 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
85698 Balance Taken: 3.80s
85699 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
85700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85701 H:658 M:669 eb db 
85702 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85703 er
85704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85705 You must regain balance first.
85706 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
85707 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85708 er
85709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85710 You must regain balance first.
85711 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
85712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85713 er
85714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85715 You must regain balance first.
85716 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
85717 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85718 er
85719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85720 You must regain balance first.
85721 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
85722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85723 er
85724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85725 You must regain balance first.
85726 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
85727 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
85728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85729 er
85730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85731 You must regain balance first.
85732 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
85733 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85734 er
85735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85736 You must regain balance first.
85737 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
85738 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85739 er
85740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85741 You must regain balance first.
85742 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
85743 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85744 er
85745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85746 You must regain balance first.
85747 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
85748 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85749 er
85750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85751 You must regain balance first.
85752 H:654 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
85753 H:654 M:459 &lt;eb dbt; 
85754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85755 er
85756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85757 Mana Lost: 9
85758 You smash a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of debris slo
85759 wly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
85760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85761 Reyvenyr smashes a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds repeatedly against the ground and piles of deb
85762 ris slowly emerge from the ground, piling up to block all exits.
85763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85764 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
85765 Balance Taken: 3.80s
85766 H:654 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
85767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85768 H:658 M:669 eb db 
85769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85770 er
85771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85772 You must regain balance first.
85773 H:654 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
85774 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85775 er
85776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85777 You must regain balance first.
85778 H:654 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
85779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85780 er
85781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85782 You must regain balance first.
85783 H:654 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
85784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85785 er
85786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85787 You must regain balance first.
85788 H:654 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
85789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85790 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
85791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85792 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
85793 H:654 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
85794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85795 H:645 M:669 eb db 
85796 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85797 naturebind breach dwenthall
85798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85799 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around Dwenthall.
85800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85801 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around you.
85802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85803 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
85804 H:654 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
85805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85806 H:645 M:653 eb db 
85807 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85808 naturebind breach dwenthall
85809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85810 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85811 H:654 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
85812 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85815 You do not know how to perform such a shield skill.
85816 H:654 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
85817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85818 naturebind breach dwenthall
85819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85820 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85821 H:654 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
85822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85823 naturebind breach dwenthall
85824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85825 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85826 H:654 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
85827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85828 naturebind breach dwenthall
85829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85830 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85831 H:654 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
85832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85833 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
85835 H:645 M:653 eb db 
85836 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
85838 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85839 naturebind breach dwenthall
85840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85841 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85843 H:654 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
85844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85845 H:669 M:681 eb db 
85846 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85847 naturebind breach dwenthall
85848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85849 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85851 H:654 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
85852 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85853 probe crystal
85854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85855 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
85856 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
85857 It weighs 6 ounces.
85858 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
85859 The crystal can support 2 spells.
85861 H:669 M:681 eb db 
85862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85863 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
85864 H:654 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
85865 Health Gain: 14
85867 Mana Gain: 32
85869 H:669 M:483 &lt;-- dbt; 
85870 You have recovered balance.
85873 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
85876 H:669 M:483 &lt;eb dbt; 
85877 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85878 naturebind breach dwenthall
85879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85880 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around Dwenthall.
85882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85883 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around you.
85885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85886 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
85888 H:669 M:483 &lt;-b dbt; 
85889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85890 H:669 M:700 eb db 
85891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85894 You do not know how to perform such a shield skill.
85896 H:669 M:483 &lt;-b dbt; 
85897 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85898 order loyals kill dwenthall
85899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85900 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85903 evoke empower rockfall
85904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85905 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85907 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85908 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
85909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85910 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85912 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85913 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
85914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85915 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85917 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85918 evoke lightning dwenthall
85919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85920 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85923 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
85924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85925 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85928 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
85929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85930 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85933 ta dwenthall
85934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85935 Dwenthall's condition stands at 649/669 health and 700/700 mana.
85937 Mana Lost: 12
85939 H:669 M:471 &lt;-b dbt; 
85940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85941 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
85943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85944 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
85946 H:669 M:471 &lt;-b dbt; 
85947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85948 H:657 M:700 eb db 
85949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85950 order loyals kill dwenthall
85951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85952 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85955 evoke empower rockfall
85956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85957 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85959 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85960 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
85961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85962 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85965 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
85966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85967 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85968 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85969 evoke lightning dwenthall
85970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85971 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85972 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85973 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
85974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85975 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85976 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85977 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
85978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85979 You must regain your equilibrium first.
85980 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85981 ta dwenthall
85982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85983 Dwenthall's condition stands at 644/669 health and 700/700 mana.
85984 Mana Lost: 12
85985 H:669 M:459 &lt;-b dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
85986 ne.
85987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85988 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
85989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85990 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
85991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85992 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
85993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
85994 The tornado swirls rapidly.
85995 H:669 M:459 &lt;-b dbt; 
85996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85997 H:657 M:700 eb b 
85998 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
85999 eat juniper
86000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86001 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1786.
86002 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
86003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86004 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
86005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86006 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
86007 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86008 H:669 M:459 &lt;-b dbt; 
86009 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86010 H:657 M:700 eb db 
86011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86012 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
86013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86014 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
86015 H:669 M:459 &lt;-b dbt; 
86016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86017 order loyals kill dwenthall
86018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86019 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86020 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86021 evoke empower rockfall
86022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86023 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86024 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86025 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
86026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86027 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86029 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
86030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86031 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86033 evoke lightning dwenthall
86034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86035 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86037 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
86038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86039 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86041 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
86042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86043 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86045 ta dwenthall
86046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86047 Dwenthall's condition stands at 657/669 health and 684/700 mana.
86048 Mana Lost: 12
86049 H:669 M:446 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
86050 H:669 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
86051 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86052 order loyals kill dwenthall
86053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86054 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
86055 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
86056 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
86057 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
86058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86059 evoke empower rockfall
86060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86061 Mana Lost: 6
86062 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
86063 wer of Earth infuses it.
86065 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86066 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
86067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86068 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
86070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86071 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
86073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86074 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
86076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86077 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
86079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86080 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
86082 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86083 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
86084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86085 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
86087 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86088 evoke lightning dwenthall
86089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86090 Mana Lost: 12
86092 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
86093  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
86094 g her charred and drained.
86096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86097 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
86098 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
86099 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
86101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86102 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
86104 Balance Taken: 3.80s
86106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86107 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
86108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86109 You must regain balance first.
86111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86112 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
86113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86114 An animated hawthorn root is already attempting to entrap Dwenthall.
86116 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86117 ta dwenthall
86118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86119 Dwenthall's condition stands at 447/669 health and 711/700 mana.
86121 Mana Lost: 12
86123 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
86124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86125 H:502 M:684 eb db 
86126 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86127 sip health
86128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86129 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
86131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86132 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
86134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86135 The elixir heals your body.
86137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86138 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
86139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86140 H:623 M:684 eb db 
86141 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86142 eat toadstool
86143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86144 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1846.
86146 You quickly eat a toadstool.
86148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86149 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
86151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86152 You feel your health and mana replenished.
86154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86155 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
86156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86157 H:669 M:700 eb db 
86158 You may eat another herb or plant.
86159 H:669 M:700 eb db 
86160 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86161 ts
86162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86163 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
86165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86166 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
86168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86169 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
86171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86172 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
86173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86174 H:669 M:700 -b db 
86175 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86176 naturebind breach dwenthall
86177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86178 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
86179 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
86181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86182 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
86183 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
86185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86186 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
86188 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
86189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86190 H:669 M:700 -b db 
86191 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
86193 H:669 M:700 -b db 
86194 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
86196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86197 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
86199 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
86200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86201 H:655 M:700 -b db 
86202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86203 naturebind breach dwenthall
86204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86205 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86207 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
86208 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
86211 H:669 M:416 &lt;e- dbt; 
86212 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86213 naturebind breach dwenthall
86214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86215 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around Dwenthall.
86217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86218 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around you.
86220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86221 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
86223 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
86224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86225 H:655 M:700 -b db 
86226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86227 naturebind breach dwenthall
86228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86229 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86231 H:669 M:416 &lt;-- dbt; 
86232 You have recovered balance.
86235 H:669 M:416 &lt;-b dbt; 
86236 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86237 naturebind breach dwenthall
86238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86239 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86241 H:669 M:416 &lt;-b dbt; 
86242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86243 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
86246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86249 You do not know how to perform such a shield skill.
86251 H:669 M:416 &lt;-b dbt; 
86252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86253 H:655 M:700 eb db 
86254 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86255 naturebind breach dwenthall
86256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86257 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86259 H:669 M:416 &lt;-b dbt; 
86260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86261 You may drink another healing elixir.
86262 H:655 M:684 eb db 
86263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86264 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
86266 H:669 M:416 &lt;-b dbt; 
86267 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
86270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86271 You may eat another mushroom.
86273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86274 H:669 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; 
86275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86276 H:655 M:684 eb db 
86277 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
86279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86280 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
86282 H:669 M:416 &lt;eb dbt; 
86283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86284 H:646 M:684 eb db 
86285 You can once again overtune your crystal.
86287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86288 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
86289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86290 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
86291  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
86293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86294 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
86295 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
86297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86298 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
86300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86301 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
86302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86303 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
86305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86306 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
86307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86308 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
86310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86311 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
86312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86313 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
86315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86316 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
86318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86319 Balance Taken: 2.00s
86321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86322 naturebinding shred dwenthall
86323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86324 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
86325 ing her skin mercilessly.
86327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86328 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
86329 ng your skin mercilessly.
86331 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
86333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86334 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
86336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86337 ta dwenthall
86338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86339 Dwenthall's condition stands at 601/669 health and 684/700 mana.
86340 Mana Lost: 12
86341 H:669 M:404 &lt;-- dbt; 
86342 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86343 H:601 M:684 eb b 
86344 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86345 smoke pipe with linseed
86346 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86347 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
86348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86349 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
86350 H:669 M:404 &lt;-- dbt; 
86351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86352 H:601 M:684 eb b 
86353 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86354 sip health
86355 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86356 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
86357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86358 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
86359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86360 The elixir heals your body.
86361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86362 H:669 M:404 &lt;-- dbt; 
86363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86364 H:669 M:684 eb b 
86365 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86366 eat toadstool
86367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86368 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1893.
86369 You quickly eat a toadstool.
86370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86371 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
86372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86373 Mana Gain: 51
86374 You feel your health and mana replenished.
86375 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
86376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86377 H:669 M:684 eb b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
86378 H:669 M:700 eb b 
86379 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86380 ---------delayed wisp
86381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86382 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
86383 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
86384 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86385 eat juniper
86386 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86387 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1785.
86388 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
86389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86390 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
86391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86392 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
86393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86394 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
86395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86396 H:669 M:700 eb db 
86397 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86398 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
86399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86400 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
86401 mmand.
86402 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
86403 H:669 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
86404 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86405 clot
86406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86407 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
86408 H:669 M:686 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
86409 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
86410 H:667 M:686 eb db 
86411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86412 You have recovered balance.
86413 H:669 M:488 &lt;-b dbt; 
86414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86415 You may eat another herb or plant.
86416 H:667 M:686 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
86417 H:667 M:670 eb db 
86418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86419 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
86420 H:669 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
86421 ne.
86422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86423 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
86424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86425 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
86426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86427 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
86428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86429 The tornado swirls rapidly.
86430 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86431 eat juniper
86432 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86433 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1784.
86435 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
86437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86438 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
86440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86441 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
86443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86444 H:669 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
86445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86446 H:667 M:670 eb db 
86447 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86448 ac on
86449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86450 Autocuring activated.
86452 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86453 order golem kill dwenthall
86454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86455 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
86457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86458 evoke empower rockfall
86459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86460 Mana Lost: 6
86462 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
86463 wer of Earth infuses it.
86465 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86466 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
86467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86468 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
86470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86471 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
86472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86473 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
86475 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86476 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
86477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86478 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
86480 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
86482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86483 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
86485 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
86487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86488 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
86490 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
86492 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
86494 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
86496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86497 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
86499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86500 Balance Taken: 3.01s
86502 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86503 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
86504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86505 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
86506 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
86508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86509 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
86510 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
86512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86513 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
86515 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86516 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
86517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86518 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86520 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86521 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
86522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86523 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86526 naturebind shred dwenthall
86527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86528 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86531 ta dwenthall
86532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86533 Dwenthall's condition stands at 578/669 health and 583/700 mana.
86535 Mana Lost: 12
86537 H:669 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
86538 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86539 H:521 M:670 eb b 
86540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86541 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
86542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86543 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
86545 H:669 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
86546 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86547 writhe root
86548 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86549 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
86551 H:521 M:670 eb b 
86552 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86553 eat toadstool
86554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86555 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1845.
86557 You quickly eat a toadstool.
86559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86560 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
86562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86563 You feel your health and mana replenished.
86565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86566 H:669 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
86567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86568 H:588 M:700 eb b 
86569 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86570 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
86571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86572 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
86573 H:669 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
86574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86575 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
86576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86577 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
86578 H:669 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
86579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86580 H:574 M:700 eb b 
86581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86582 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
86583 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86584 You may drink another healing elixir.
86586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86587 H:669 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
86588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86589 H:574 M:700 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
86590 H:574 M:700 eb b 
86591 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86592 eat juniper
86593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86594 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1783.
86595 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
86596 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86597 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
86598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86599 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
86600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86601 H:669 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
86602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86603 H:574 M:700 eb db 
86604 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86605 sip health
86606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86607 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
86608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86609 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
86610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86611 The elixir heals your body.
86612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86613 H:669 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
86614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86615 H:669 M:700 eb db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
86616 H:669 M:700 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
86617 H:669 M:700 eb db 
86618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86619 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
86620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86621 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
86622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86623 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
86624 You may eat another mushroom.
86625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86626 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
86627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86628 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
86629 r.
86630 You have recovered balance.
86631 H:669 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
86632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86633 H:620 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
86634 H:620 M:700 eb db 
86635 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86636 ac on
86637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86638 Autocuring activated.
86639 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86640 evoke imbue
86641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86642 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
86643 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86644 TEAR MAP
86645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86646 Syntax: TEAR MAP
86647 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86648 evoke empower jolt
86649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86650 Mana Lost: 6
86651 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
86652 wer of Earth infuses it.
86653 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86654 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
86655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86656 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
86657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86658 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
86659 ods your veins.
86660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86661 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
86662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86663 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
86664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86665 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
86666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86667 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
86668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86669 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
86670 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86671 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
86672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86673 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
86674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86675 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
86676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86677 I do not recognize that toxin.
86678 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
86679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86680 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
86681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86682 The attack rebounds back onto you!
86683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86684 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
86685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86686 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
86687 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
86688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86689 A small jolt of lightning zaps Reyvenyr.
86690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86691 Damage Taken: 28 electricity, mental (raw damage: 43)
86692 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
86693 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
86694 Balance Taken: 3.01s
86695 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86696 naturebind choke dwenthall
86697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86698 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
86699 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86700 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
86701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86702 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
86703  her skin mercilessly.
86704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86705 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
86706 your skin mercilessly.
86707 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
86708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86709 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
86710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86711 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
86712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86713 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86714 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86715 ta dwenthall
86716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86717 Dwenthall's condition stands at 494/669 health and 684/700 mana.
86718 Mana Lost: 12
86719 H:575 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
86720 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86721 H:494 M:684 eb b 
86722 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86723 eat juniper
86724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86725 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1782.
86726 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
86727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86728 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
86729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86730 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
86731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86732 H:575 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
86733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86734 H:494 M:684 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
86735 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
86736 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86737 trueassess dwenthall
86738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86739 Dwenthall's condition stands at 491/669 health and 684/700 mana.
86740 Mana Lost: 12
86741 H:575 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
86742 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86743 H:491 M:684 eb db 
86744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86745 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
86746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86747 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86748 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86749 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
86750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86751 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86752 H:575 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
86753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86754 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
86755 H:491 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
86756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86757 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
86758 H:575 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
86759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86760 H:479 M:684 eb db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
86761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86762 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
86763 H:575 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
86764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86765 H:479 M:684 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
86766 H:479 M:684 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
86767 H:479 M:684 eb db 
86768 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86769 sigh
86770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86771 Reyvenyr gives a pained sigh.
86772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86773 You give a pained sigh.
86774 H:575 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
86775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86776 H:479 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
86777 H:479 M:684 eb db 
86778 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86779 sip health
86780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86781 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
86782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86783 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
86784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86785 The elixir heals your body.
86786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86787 H:575 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
86788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86789 H:597 M:684 eb db 
86790 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86791 eat toadstool
86792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86793 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1844.
86794 You quickly eat a toadstool.
86795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86796 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
86797 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86798 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
86799 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
86800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86801 H:575 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
86802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86803 H:597 M:684 eb db 
86804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86805 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
86806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86807 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
86808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86809 You must regain balance first.
86810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86811 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
86812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86813 You must regain balance first.
86814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86815 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
86816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86817 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
86818 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
86819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86820 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
86821 you.
86822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86823 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
86824 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86825 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
86826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86827 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86829 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
86830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86831 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86832 H:575 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
86833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86834 H:597 M:684 eb db 
86835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86836 ac on
86837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86838 Autocuring activated.
86839 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86840 order loyals kill dwenthall
86841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86842 You must regain balance first.
86843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86844 TEAR MAP
86845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86846 Syntax: TEAR MAP
86847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86848 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
86849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86850 You must regain balance first.
86851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86852 evoke empower rockfall
86853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86854 You must regain balance first.
86855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86856 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
86857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86858 You must regain balance first.
86859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86860 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
86861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86862 You must regain balance first.
86863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86864 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
86865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86866 You must regain balance first.
86867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86868 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
86869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86870 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86872 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
86873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86874 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86876 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
86877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86878 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86879 H:575 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
86880 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86881 ts
86882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86883 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
86884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86885 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
86886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86887 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
86888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86889 H:575 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
86890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86891 H:597 M:684 -b db 
86892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86893 Health Gain: 33
86894 Mana Gain: 32
86895 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; The pillar of flame suddenly goes out, briefly blanketing the location in sm
86896 oke.
86897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86898 The pillar of flame suddenly goes out, briefly blanketing the location in smoke.
86899 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86900 naturebind breach dwenthall
86901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86902 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86903 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
86904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86905 H:664 M:700 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
86906 H:669 M:700 -b db 
86907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86908 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
86909 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
86910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86911 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
86912 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
86913 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86914 dg
86915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86916 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86917 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
86918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86919 H:669 M:684 -b db 
86920 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86921 dg
86922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86923 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86924 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
86925 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86926 dg
86927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86928 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86929 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
86930 H:609 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
86931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86932 dg
86933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86934 You are:
86935 blind.
86936 deaf.
86937 an insomniac.
86938 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
86939 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
86940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86941 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
86942 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86943 dg
86944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86945 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86946 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
86947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86948 H:669 M:684 eb db 
86949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86950 dg
86951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86952 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86953 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
86954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86955 dg
86956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86957 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86958 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
86959 H:609 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
86960 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86961 naturebind breach dwenthall
86962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86963 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
86964 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
86965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86966 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
86967 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
86968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86969 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
86970 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
86971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86972 H:669 M:684 eb db 
86973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86974 naturebind breach dwenthall
86975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86976 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86977 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
86978 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86979 naturebind breach dwenthall
86980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86981 You must regain your equilibrium first.
86982 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
86983 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86984 You may drink another healing elixir.
86985 H:669 M:684 eb db 
86986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86987 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
86988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86989 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
86990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86991 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
86992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86993 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
86994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
86995 The tornado swirls rapidly.
86996 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
86997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
86998 H:669 M:684 eb b 
86999 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87000 eat juniper
87001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87002 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1781.
87003 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
87004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87005 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
87006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87007 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
87008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87009 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
87010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87011 H:669 M:684 eb db 
87012 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87013 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
87014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87015 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
87016 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
87017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87018 You may eat another mushroom.
87019 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87020 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
87021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87022 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87023 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87024 evoke wisp glowing me
87025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87026 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87028 evoke toxicrain strychnine
87029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87030 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87031 H:609 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
87032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87033 H:669 M:684 eb db 
87034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87035 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
87036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87037 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
87038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87039 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
87040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87041 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
87042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87043 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
87044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87045 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
87046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87047 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
87048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87049 evoke wisp glowing me
87050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87051 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87052 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87053 evoke toxicrain strychnine
87054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87055 Mana Lost: 12
87056 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
87057 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
87058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87059 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
87060 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
87061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87062 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
87063 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of strychnine to empower the tornado.
87064 H:609 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
87065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87066 H:669 M:684 eb db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
87067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87068 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
87069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87070 You may eat another herb or plant.
87072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87073 H:609 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
87074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87075 H:655 M:684 eb db 
87076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87077 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
87078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87079 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87080 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87081 evoke wisp glowing me
87082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87083 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87084 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87085 evoke toxicrain strychnine
87086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87087 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
87088 H:609 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
87089 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87090 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
87091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87092 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87093 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87094 evoke wisp glowing me
87095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87096 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87097 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87098 evoke toxicrain strychnine
87099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87100 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
87101 H:609 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
87102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87103 empty strychnine
87104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87105 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
87106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87107 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
87108 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87109 empty strychnine
87110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87111 I don't see that in your inventory.
87112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87113 vbelt tap empty strychine
87114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87115 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
87116 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87117 vbelt tap empty strychnine
87118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87119 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
87120  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
87121  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
87122 H:609 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
87123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87124 H:655 M:668 eb db 
87125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87126 empty strychnine
87127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87128 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
87129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87130 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
87131 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87132 empty strychnine
87133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87134 I don't see that in your inventory.
87135 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87136 vbelt tap empty strychine
87137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87138 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
87139 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87140 vbelt tap empty strychnine
87141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87142 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
87143  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
87144  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
87145 H:609 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
87146 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87147 H:655 M:668 eb db 
87148 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87149 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
87150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87151 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87153 evoke wisp glowing me
87154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87155 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87157 evoke toxicrain strychnine
87158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87159 Mana Lost: 12
87160 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
87161 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
87162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87163 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
87164 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
87165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87166 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
87167 Mana Lost: 12
87168 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
87169 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
87170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87171 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
87172  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
87173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87174 Balance Taken: 2.00s
87175 H:609 M:436 &lt;e- dbt; 
87176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87177 H:655 M:668 eb db 
87178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87179 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
87180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87181 You must regain balance first.
87182 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87183 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
87184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87185 You must regain balance first.
87186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87187 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
87188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87189 You must regain balance first.
87190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87191 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
87192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87193 You must regain balance first.
87194 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87195 naturebinding shred dwenthall
87196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87197 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
87198 ing her skin mercilessly.
87199 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87200 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
87201 ng your skin mercilessly.
87202 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
87203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87204 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
87205 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87206 ta dwenthall
87207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87208 Dwenthall's condition stands at 695/669 health and 615/700 mana.
87209 Mana Lost: 12
87210 H:609 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
87211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87212 H:610 M:668 eb b 
87213 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87214 ac on
87215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87216 Autocuring activated.
87217 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87218 order golem kill dwenthall
87219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87220 You must regain balance first.
87221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87222 evoke empower rockfall
87223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87224 You must regain balance first.
87225 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87226 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
87227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87228 You must regain balance first.
87229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87230 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
87231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87232 You must regain balance first.
87233 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87234 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
87235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87236 You must regain balance first.
87237 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87238 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
87239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87240 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87241 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87242 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
87243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87244 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87246 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
87247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87248 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87249 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87250 naturebind shred dwenthall
87251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87252 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87253 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87254 ta dwenthall
87255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87256 Dwenthall's condition stands at 683/669 health and 668/700 mana.
87257 Mana Lost: 12
87258 H:609 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
87259 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87260 eat juniper
87261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87262 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1780.
87263 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
87264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87265 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
87266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87267 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
87268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87269 H:609 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
87270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87271 H:610 M:668 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
87273 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
87275 H:606 M:668 eb db 
87276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87277 You have recovered balance.
87280 H:609 M:411 &lt;-b dbt; 
87281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87282 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
87284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87285 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
87287 H:609 M:411 &lt;-b dbt; 
87288 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87289 H:597 M:668 eb db 
87290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87291 Health Gain: 33
87293 Mana Gain: 32
87295 H:642 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
87296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87297 You may eat another herb or plant.
87298 H:664 M:700 eb db 
87299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87300 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
87302 H:642 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
87303 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
87306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87307 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
87309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87310 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
87311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87312 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
87313  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
87315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87316 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
87317 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
87319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87320 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
87322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87323 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
87324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87325 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87328 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
87329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87330 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87333 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
87334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87335 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
87337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87338 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
87340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87341 Balance Taken: 2.00s
87343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87344 naturebinding shred dwenthall
87345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87346 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
87347 ing her skin mercilessly.
87349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87350 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
87351 ng your skin mercilessly.
87353 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
87355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87356 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
87358 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87359 ta dwenthall
87360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87361 Dwenthall's condition stands at 593/669 health and 742/700 mana.
87363 Mana Lost: 12
87365 H:642 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
87366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87367 H:624 M:700 eb b 
87368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87369 ac on
87370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87371 Autocuring activated.
87373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87374 evoke imbue
87375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87376 You must regain balance first.
87378 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87379 TEAR MAP
87380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87381 Syntax: TEAR MAP
87383 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87384 evoke empower jolt
87385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87386 You must regain balance first.
87388 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87389 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
87390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87391 You must regain balance first.
87393 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87394 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
87395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87396 You must regain balance first.
87398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87399 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
87400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87401 You must regain balance first.
87403 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87404 naturebind choke dwenthall
87405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87406 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87408 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87409 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
87410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87411 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87413 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
87414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87415 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87416 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87417 ta dwenthall
87418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87419 Dwenthall's condition stands at 624/669 health and 700/700 mana.
87420 Mana Lost: 12
87421 H:642 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
87422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87423 ---------delayed wisp
87424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87425 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
87426 H:642 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
87427 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87428 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
87429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87430 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
87431 mmand.
87432 H:642 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
87433 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87434 smoke pipe with linseed
87435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87436 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
87437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87438 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
87439 H:642 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
87440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87441 H:624 M:684 eb b 
87442 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87443 eat juniper
87444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87445 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1779.
87446 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
87447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87448 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
87449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87450 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
87451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87452 H:642 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
87453 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87454 H:624 M:684 eb db 
87455 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87456 probe crystal
87457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87458 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
87459 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
87460 It weighs 6 ounces.
87461 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
87462 The crystal can support 5 spells.
87463 H:624 M:684 eb db 
87464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87465 You have recovered balance.
87466 H:642 M:420 &lt;-b dbt; 
87467 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87468 dag
87469 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87470 You are:
87471 blind.
87472 deaf.
87473 an insomniac.
87474 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
87475 H:624 M:684 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
87476 H:624 M:684 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
87477 H:624 M:684 -b db 
87478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87479 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
87480 H:642 M:420 &lt;eb dbt; 
87481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87482 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
87483 H:624 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
87484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87485 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
87486 H:642 M:420 &lt;eb dbt; 
87487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87488 H:611 M:684 eb db 
87489 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87490 ac on
87491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87492 Autocuring activated.
87493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87494 order golem kill dwenthall
87495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87496 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
87497 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87498 evoke empower rockfall
87499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87500 Mana Lost: 6
87501 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
87502 wer of Earth infuses it.
87503 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87504 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
87505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87506 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87507 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87508 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
87509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87510 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87512 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
87513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87514 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
87515 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
87516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87517 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
87518 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
87519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87520 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
87521 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
87522 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
87523 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
87524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87525 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
87526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87527 Balance Taken: 3.01s
87528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87529 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
87530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87531 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
87532 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
87533 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87534 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
87535 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
87536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87537 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
87538 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87539 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
87540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87541 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87542 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87543 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
87544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87545 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87547 naturebind shred dwenthall
87548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87549 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87550 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87551 ta dwenthall
87552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87553 Dwenthall's condition stands at 478/669 health and 752/700 mana.
87554 Mana Lost: 12
87555 H:642 M:401 &lt;-- dbt; 
87556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87557 H:465 M:684 eb b 
87558 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87559 ts
87560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87561 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
87562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87563 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
87564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87565 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
87566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87567 H:642 M:401 &lt;-- dbt; 
87568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87569 H:465 M:684 -b b 
87570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87571 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
87572 The tornado swirls rapidly.
87573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87574 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
87575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87576 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
87577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87578 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
87579 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87580 eat toadstool
87581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87582 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1892.
87583 You quickly eat a toadstool.
87584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87585 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
87586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87587 Health Gain: 26
87588 Mana Gain: 51
87589 You feel your health and mana replenished.
87590 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
87591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87592 H:465 M:684 -b b 
87593 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87594 writhe root
87595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87596 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
87597 H:465 M:684 -b b 
87598 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87599 sip health
87600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87601 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
87602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87603 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
87604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87605 The elixir heals your body.
87606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87607 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
87608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87609 H:584 M:684 -b b 
87610 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87611 eat toadstool
87612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87613 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1843.
87614 You quickly eat a toadstool.
87615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87616 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
87617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87618 You feel your health and mana replenished.
87619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87620 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
87621 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87622 H:651 M:700 -b b 
87623 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87624 eat maidenhair
87625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87626 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1962.
87627 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
87628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87629 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
87630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87631 The stinging feeling fades.
87632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87633 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
87634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87635 H:651 M:700 -b b 
87636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87637 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
87638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87639 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
87640 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
87641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87642 naturebind breach dwenthall
87643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87644 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87645 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
87646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87647 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
87648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87649 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
87650 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
87651 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
87652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87653 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
87654 H:651 M:684 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
87655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87656 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
87657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87658 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
87659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87660 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
87661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87662 H:651 M:684 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
87663 H:651 M:684 -b b 
87664 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87665 eat juniper
87666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87667 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1778.
87668 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
87669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87670 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
87671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87672 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
87673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87674 H:669 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
87675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87676 H:651 M:684 -b db 
87677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87678 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
87679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87680 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
87681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87682 H:669 M:453 &lt;e- dbt; 
87683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87684 H:651 M:684 eb db 
87685 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87686 ts
87687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87688 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
87689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87690 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
87691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87692 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
87693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87694 H:669 M:453 &lt;e- dbt; 
87695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87696 H:651 M:684 -b db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
87697 e out of you.
87698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87699 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
87700 r.
87701 You have recovered balance.
87702 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
87703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87704 H:603 M:684 -b db 
87705 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87706 naturebind breach dwenthall
87707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87708 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
87710 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
87711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87712 trueassess dwenthall
87713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87714 Dwenthall's condition stands at 669/669 health and 616/700 mana.
87716 Mana Lost: 12
87718 H:669 M:441 &lt;eb dbt; 
87719 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87720 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
87721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87722 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
87724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87725 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
87726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87727 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
87729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87730 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
87732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87733 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
87735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87736 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
87738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87739 H:669 M:441 &lt;-b dbt; 
87740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87741 H:623 M:684 -b db 
87742 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87743 naturebind breach dwenthall
87744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87745 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87747 H:669 M:441 &lt;-b dbt; 
87748 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87749 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
87750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87751 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87753 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87754 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
87755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87756 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87758 H:669 M:441 &lt;-b dbt; 
87759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87760 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
87761 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
87762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87763 What do you wish to break?
87765 H:669 M:441 &lt;-b dbt; 
87766 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87767 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
87768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87769 What do you wish to break?
87771 H:669 M:441 &lt;-b dbt; 
87772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87773 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
87775 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
87777 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
87779 H:643 M:684 -b db 
87780 You may eat another herb or plant.
87781 H:643 M:684 -b db 
87782 You may drink another healing elixir.
87783 H:643 M:684 -b db 
87784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87785 Mana Gain: 32
87787 H:669 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
87788 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
87791 H:669 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
87792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87793 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
87796 H:669 M:700 eb db 
87797 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
87799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87800 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
87801 r.
87803 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87804 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
87805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87806 Your poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack Dwenthall, but rebounds harmlessly off his shield.
87808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87809 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack you, but rebounds harmlessly off your shield.
87811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87812 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
87813  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
87815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87816 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
87817 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
87819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87820 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
87822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87823 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
87824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87825 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87828 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
87829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87830 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
87832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87833 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
87834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87835 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
87837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87838 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
87840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87841 Balance Taken: 2.00s
87843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87844 naturebinding shred dwenthall
87845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87846 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
87847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87848 ta dwenthall
87849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87850 Dwenthall's condition stands at 620/669 health and 658/700 mana.
87851 Mana Lost: 12
87852 H:669 M:461 &lt;e- dbt; 
87853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87854 H:620 M:700 eb db 
87855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87856 You may eat another mushroom.
87857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87858 You may eat another mushroom.
87859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87860 ac on
87861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87862 Autocuring activated.
87863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87864 evoke imbue
87865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87866 You must regain balance first.
87867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87868 TEAR MAP
87869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87870 Syntax: TEAR MAP
87871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87872 evoke empower jolt
87873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87874 You must regain balance first.
87875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87876 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
87877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87878 You must regain balance first.
87879 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87880 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
87881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87882 You must regain balance first.
87883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87884 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
87885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87886 You must regain balance first.
87887 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87888 naturebind choke dwenthall
87889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87890 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
87891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87892 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
87893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87894 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
87895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87896 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
87897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87898 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
87899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87900 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
87901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87902 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
87903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87904 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87905 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87906 ta dwenthall
87907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87908 Dwenthall's condition stands at 570/669 health and 684/700 mana.
87909 Mana Lost: 12
87910 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
87911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87912 H:640 M:684 eb db 
87913 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87914 trueassess dwenthall
87915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87916 Dwenthall's condition stands at 640/669 health and 738/700 mana.
87917 Mana Lost: 12
87918 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
87919 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87920 ---------delayed wisp
87921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87922 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
87923 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
87924 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87925 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
87926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87927 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
87928 mmand.
87929 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
87930 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87931 smoke pipe with linseed
87932 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87933 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
87934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87935 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
87936 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
87937 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87938 H:640 M:684 eb db 
87939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87940 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
87941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87942 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87943 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87944 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
87945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87946 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87948 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
87949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87950 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
87952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87953 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
87955 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
87956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87957 H:640 M:684 eb db 
87958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87959 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
87960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87961 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87963 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87964 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
87965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87966 You must regain your equilibrium first.
87968 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
87969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87970 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
87971 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
87972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87973 What do you wish to break?
87975 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
87976 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87977 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
87978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
87979 What do you wish to break?
87981 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
87982 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87983 cnc
87984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87985 You already possess mental equilibrium.
87987 H:640 M:684 eb db 
87988 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87989 pa
87990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87991 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
87993 H:640 M:684 eb db 
87994 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87995 ovt
87996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
87997 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
87999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88000 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
88002 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
88003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88004 H:640 M:666 eb db 
88005 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88006 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
88007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88008 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
88010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88011 The shimmering translucent shield around Dwenthall fades away.
88013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88014 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
88015 ewreathe effect.
88017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88018 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
88020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88021 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
88023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88024 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
88026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88027 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
88029 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
88030  twitching slightly under the cold.
88032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88033 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
88034 range burning sensation in your nerves.
88036 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
88038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88039 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
88041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88042 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
88044 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
88046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88047 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
88049 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
88051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88052 H:564 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
88053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88054 H:640 M:648 -b db 
88055 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88056 ta
88057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88058 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 437/512 mana.
88060 H:640 M:636 -b db 
88061 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
88063 H:667 M:664 -b db 
88064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88065 You have recovered balance.
88068 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
88071 H:564 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
88072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88073 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
88075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88076 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
88078 H:564 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
88079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88080 H:659 M:664 -b db 
88081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88082 ac on
88083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88084 Autocuring activated.
88085 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88086 order loyals kill dwenthall
88087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88088 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
88089 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
88090 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
88091 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
88092 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88093 TEAR MAP
88094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88095 Syntax: TEAR MAP
88096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88097 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
88098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88099 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
88100 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88101 evoke empower rockfall
88102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88103 Mana Lost: 6
88104 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
88105 wer of Earth infuses it.
88106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88107 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
88108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88109 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
88110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88111 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
88112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88113 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
88114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88115 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
88116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88117 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
88118 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
88119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88120 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
88121 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
88122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88123 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
88124 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
88125 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
88126 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
88127 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88128 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
88129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88130 Balance Taken: 3.01s
88131 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88132 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
88133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88134 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
88135 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
88136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88137 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
88138 you.
88139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88140 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
88141 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88142 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
88143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88144 You must regain your equilibrium first.
88145 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88146 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
88147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88148 You must regain your equilibrium first.
88149 H:564 M:431 &lt;-- dbt; 
88150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88151 H:600 M:664 -b b 
88152 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88153 eat juniper
88154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88155 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1777.
88156 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
88157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88158 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
88159 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88160 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
88161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88162 H:564 M:431 &lt;-- dbt; 
88163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88164 H:600 M:664 -b db 
88165 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88166 sip health
88167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88168 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
88169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88170 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
88171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88172 The elixir heals your body.
88173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88174 H:564 M:431 &lt;-- dbt; 
88175 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88176 H:669 M:664 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
88177 H:669 M:664 -b db 
88178 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88179 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
88180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88181 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
88182 H:564 M:431 &lt;-- dbt; 
88183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88184 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
88185 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88186 cnc
88187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88188 You already possess mental equilibrium.
88189 H:669 M:664 eb db 
88190 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88191 pa
88192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88193 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
88194 H:669 M:664 eb db 
88195 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88196 ovt
88197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88198 Your crystal is already overtuned.
88199 H:669 M:664 eb db 
88200 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88201 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
88202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88203 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
88204 ewreathe effect.
88205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88206 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
88207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88208 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
88209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88210 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
88211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88212 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
88213 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
88214  twitching slightly under the cold.
88215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88216 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
88217 range burning sensation in your nerves.
88218 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
88219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88220 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
88221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88222 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
88223 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
88224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88225 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
88226 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
88227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88228 H:459 M:431 &lt;-- dbt; 
88229 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88230 H:669 M:645 -b db 
88231 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88232 ta
88233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88234 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 459/669 health and 431/512 mana.
88235 H:669 M:633 -b db 
88236 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88237 eat nightshade
88238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88239 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1961.
88240 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
88241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88242 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
88243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88244 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
88245 H:459 M:431 &lt;-- dbt; 
88246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88247 H:669 M:633 -b db 
88248 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88249 sip health
88250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88251 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
88252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88253 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
88254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88255 Health Gain: 150
88256 The elixir heals your body.
88257 H:609 M:431 &lt;-- dbt; 
88258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88259 H:669 M:633 -b db 
88260 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88261 eat toadstool
88262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88263 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1891.
88264 You quickly eat a toadstool.
88265 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88266 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
88267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88268 Health Gain: 59
88269 Mana Gain: 51
88270 You feel your health and mana replenished.
88271 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
88272 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88273 H:669 M:633 -b db 
88274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88275 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
88276 The tornado swirls rapidly.
88277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88278 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
88279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88280 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
88281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88282 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
88283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88284 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
88285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88286 H:669 M:633 -b b 
88287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88288 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
88289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88290 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
88291 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
88292 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
88293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88294 You may eat another herb or plant.
88295 H:669 M:617 -b b 
88296 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88297 eat juniper
88298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88299 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1776.
88300 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
88301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88302 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
88303 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88304 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
88305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88306 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
88307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88308 H:669 M:617 -b db 
88309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88310 You may eat another herb or plant.
88311 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
88312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88313 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
88314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88315 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
88316 H:669 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
88317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88318 H:669 M:617 -b db 
88319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88320 You have recovered balance.
88321 H:669 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
88322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88323 ac on
88324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88325 Autocuring activated.
88326 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88327 order loyals kill dwenthall
88328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88329 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
88330 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
88331 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
88332 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
88333 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88334 TEAR MAP
88335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88336 Syntax: TEAR MAP
88337 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88338 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
88339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88340 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
88341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88342 evoke empower rockfall
88343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88344 Mana Lost: 6
88345 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
88346 wer of Earth infuses it.
88347 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88348 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
88349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88350 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
88351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88352 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
88353 ods your veins.
88354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88355 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
88356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88357 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
88358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88359 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
88360 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88361 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
88362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88363 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
88364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88365 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
88366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88367 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
88368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88369 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
88370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88371 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
88372 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
88373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88374 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
88375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88376 The attack rebounds back onto you!
88377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88378 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
88379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88380 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
88381 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
88382 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
88383 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
88384 Balance Taken: 3.01s
88385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88386 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
88387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88388 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
88389 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88390 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
88391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88392 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
88393 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
88394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88395 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
88396 d you.
88397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88398 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
88399 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88400 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
88401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88402 You must regain your equilibrium first.
88403 H:603 M:476 &lt;-- bt; 
88404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88405 H:620 M:617 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
88406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88407 eat juniper
88408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88409 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1975.
88410 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
88411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88412 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
88413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88414 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
88415 H:603 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88417 H:620 M:617 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
88418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88419 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
88420 H:603 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88422 H:613 M:617 eb db 
88423 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88424 ims
88425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88426 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
88427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88428 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
88429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88430 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
88431 ewreathe effect.
88432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88433 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
88434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88435 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
88436 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
88437 y.
88438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88439 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
88440 hly.
88441 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
88442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88443 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
88444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88445 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
88446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88447 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
88448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88449 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
88450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88451 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
88452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88453 H:507 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88455 H:613 M:605 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
88456 H:613 M:605 -b db 
88457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88458 apply epidermal
88459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88460 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
88461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88462 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
88463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88464 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
88465 H:507 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88467 H:613 M:605 -b db 
88468 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88469 smoke pipe with linseed
88470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88471 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
88472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88473 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
88474 H:507 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88476 H:613 M:605 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
88477 H:613 M:605 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
88478 H:613 M:605 -b db 
88479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88480 dg
88481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88482 You must regain balance first.
88483 H:507 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88485 dg
88486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88487 You must regain balance first.
88489 H:507 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88491 dg
88492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88493 You must regain balance first.
88495 H:507 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88496 You may drink another healing elixir.
88497 H:507 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88499 dg
88500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88501 You must regain balance first.
88503 H:507 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88504 You may eat another herb or plant.
88505 H:507 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88507 sip health
88508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88509 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
88511 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88512 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
88514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88515 Health Gain: 157
88517 The elixir heals your body.
88519 H:664 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88521 H:613 M:605 -b db 
88522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88523 You may apply another salve.
88524 H:664 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88526 dg
88527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88528 You must regain balance first.
88530 H:664 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
88531 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
88534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88535 dg
88536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88537 You must regain balance first.
88539 H:664 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
88540 Health Gain: 4
88542 Mana Gain: 32
88544 H:669 M:508 &lt;e- dbt; 
88545 You have recovered balance.
88548 H:669 M:508 &lt;eb dbt; 
88549 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88550 dg
88551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88552 You are:
88554 blind.
88556 deaf.
88558 an insomniac.
88560 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
88562 H:669 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
88563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88564 dg
88565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88566 You must regain your equilibrium first.
88568 H:669 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
88569 You may eat another mushroom.
88571 H:669 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
88572 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88573 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
88574 H:669 M:647 -b db 
88575 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
88578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88579 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
88582 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88583 dg
88584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88585 You are:
88587 blind.
88589 deaf.
88591 an insomniac.
88593 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
88595 H:669 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
88596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88597 H:669 M:631 eb db 
88598 Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
88600 H:669 M:631 eb db 
88601 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88602 dg
88603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88604 You must regain your equilibrium first.
88606 H:669 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
88607 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88608 cnc
88609 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88610 You already possess mental equilibrium.
88612 H:669 M:631 eb db 
88613 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88614 pa
88615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88616 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
88617 H:669 M:631 eb db 
88618 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88619 ovt
88620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88621 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
88622 H:669 M:631 eb db 
88623 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88624 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
88625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88626 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
88627 ock effect.
88628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88629 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
88630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88631 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
88632 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
88633  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
88634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88635 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
88636 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
88637 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
88638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88639 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
88640 using him to lose his patience.
88641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88642 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
88643 ausing you to lose your patience.
88644 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
88645 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88646 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
88647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88648 H:560 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
88649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88650 H:669 M:613 -b db 
88651 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88652 ta
88653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88654 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 560/669 health and 508/512 mana.
88655 H:669 M:601 -b db 
88656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88657 eat nightshade
88658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88659 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1960.
88660 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
88661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88662 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
88663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88664 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
88665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88666 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
88667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88668 H:560 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
88669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88670 H:669 M:601 -b db 
88671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88672 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
88673 H:560 M:508 &lt;eb dbt; 
88674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88675 purge blood
88676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88677 Mana Lost: 6
88678 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
88679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88680 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
88681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88682 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
88683 H:560 M:502 &lt;eb dbt; 
88684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88685 H:669 M:601 -b db 
88686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88687 ac on
88688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88689 Autocuring activated.
88690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88691 order golem kill dwenthall
88692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88693 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
88694 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88695 evoke empower rockfall
88696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88697 Mana Lost: 6
88698 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
88699 wer of Earth infuses it.
88700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88701 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
88702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88703 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
88704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88705 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
88706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88707 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
88708 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88709 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
88710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88711 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
88712 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
88713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88714 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
88715 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
88716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88717 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
88718 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
88719 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
88720 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
88721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88722 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
88723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88724 Balance Taken: 3.01s
88725 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88726 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
88727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88728 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
88729 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
88730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88731 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
88732 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
88733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88734 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
88735 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88736 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
88737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88738 You must regain your equilibrium first.
88739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88740 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
88741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88742 You must regain your equilibrium first.
88743 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88744 naturebind shred dwenthall
88745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88746 You must regain your equilibrium first.
88747 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88748 ta dwenthall
88749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88750 Dwenthall's condition stands at 523/669 health and 607/700 mana.
88751 Mana Lost: 12
88752 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88754 H:523 M:601 -b b 
88755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88756 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
88757 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88758 writhe root
88759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88760 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
88761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88762 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88764 H:523 M:601 -b b 
88765 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88766 sip health
88767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88768 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
88769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88770 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
88771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88772 The elixir heals your body.
88773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88774 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88776 H:642 M:601 -b b 
88777 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88778 eat toadstool
88779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88780 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1842.
88781 You quickly eat a toadstool.
88782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88783 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
88784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88785 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
88786 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
88787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88788 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88790 H:642 M:601 -b b 
88791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88792 touch tree
88793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88794 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
88795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88796 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
88797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88798 You are patient once again.
88799 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88801 H:642 M:601 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
88802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88803 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
88804 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88806 H:630 M:601 -b b 
88807 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88808 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
88809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88810 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
88811 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88812 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88813 eat juniper
88814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88815 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1775.
88816 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
88817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88818 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
88819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88820 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
88821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88822 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88824 H:630 M:601 -b db 
88825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88826 apply mass
88827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88828 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
88829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88830 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
88831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88832 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
88833 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88835 H:630 M:601 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
88836 H:656 M:629 -b db 
88837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88838 You may eat another herb or plant.
88839 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
88840 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88842 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
88843 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
88844 H:656 M:629 eb db 
88845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88846 You may drink another healing elixir.
88847 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88849 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
88850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88851 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
88852 H:560 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
88853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88854 H:656 M:629 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
88855 H:656 M:629 eb db 
88856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88857 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
88858 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88859 cnc
88860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88861 You already possess mental equilibrium.
88862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88863 H:560 M:484 &lt;e- dbt; 
88864 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88865 H:656 M:629 eb db 
88866 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88867 pa
88868 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88869 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
88870 H:656 M:629 eb db 
88871 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88872 ovt
88873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88874 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
88875 H:656 M:629 eb db 
88876 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88877 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
88878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88879 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
88880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88881 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
88882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88883 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
88884 ock effect.
88885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88886 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
88887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88888 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
88889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88890 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
88891 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88892 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
88893 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
88894 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
88895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88896 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
88897 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
88898 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
88899 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
88900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88901 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
88902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88903 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
88904 athe.
88905 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88906 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
88907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88908 H:463 M:484 &lt;e- dbt; 
88909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88910 H:656 M:601 -b db 
88911 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88912 ta
88913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88914 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 463/669 health and 484/512 mana.
88915 H:656 M:589 -b db 
88916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88917 You have recovered balance.
88918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88919 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
88920 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
88921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88922 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
88923 r.
88924 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88925 eat kelp
88926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88927 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1946.
88928 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
88929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88930 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
88931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88932 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
88933 H:463 M:484 &lt;eb dbt; 
88934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88935 H:608 M:589 -b db 
88936 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88937 sip health
88938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88939 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
88940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88941 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
88942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88943 Health Gain: 145
88944 The elixir heals your body.
88945 H:609 M:484 &lt;eb dbt; 
88946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88947 H:608 M:589 -b db 
88948 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88949 eat toadstool
88950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88951 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1890.
88952 You quickly eat a toadstool.
88953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88954 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
88955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88956 Health Gain: 59
88957 Mana Gain: 27
88958 You feel your health and mana replenished.
88959 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
88960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88961 H:608 M:589 -b db 
88962 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88963 smoke pipe with linseed
88964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88965 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
88966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88967 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
88968 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
88969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
88970 H:608 M:589 -b db 
88971 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88972 trueassess dwenthall
88973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88974 Dwenthall's condition stands at 626/669 health and 589/700 mana.
88975 Mana Lost: 12
88976 H:669 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
88977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88978 ac on
88979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88980 Autocuring activated.
88981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88982 evoke imbue
88983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88984 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
88985 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88986 TEAR MAP
88987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88988 Syntax: TEAR MAP
88989 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88990 evoke empower jolt
88991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88992 Mana Lost: 6
88993 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
88994 wer of Earth infuses it.
88995 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88996 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
88997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
88998 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
88999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89000 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
89001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89002 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
89003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89004 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
89005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89006 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
89007 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89008 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
89009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89010 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
89011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89012 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
89013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89014 I do not recognize that toxin.
89015 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89017 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89018 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
89019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89020 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
89021 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
89022 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89023 Balance Taken: 3.01s
89024 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89025 naturebind choke dwenthall
89026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89027 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
89028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89029 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
89030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89031 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
89032  her skin mercilessly.
89033 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89034 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
89035 your skin mercilessly.
89036 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
89037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89038 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
89039 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89040 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
89041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89042 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89043 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89044 ta dwenthall
89045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89046 Dwenthall's condition stands at 424/669 health and 589/700 mana.
89047 Mana Lost: 12
89048 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89050 H:372 M:589 -b b 
89051 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89052 eat juniper
89053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89054 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1774.
89055 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
89056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89057 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
89058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89059 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
89060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89061 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89063 H:372 M:589 -b db The raging tornado collapses into itself.
89064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89065 The raging tornado collapses into itself.
89066 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89068 H:372 M:573 -b db 
89069 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89070 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
89071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89072 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89073 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89074 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
89075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89076 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89077 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89078 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89079 **********TORNADO DOWN***************
89080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89081 Your input, "**********TORNADO DOWN***************", is not a valid command.
89082 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89084 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
89085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89086 You must regain balance first.
89087 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89088 evoke tornado
89089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89090 You must regain balance first.
89091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89092 naturebind curse dwenthall
89093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89094 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89095 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89097 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
89098 H:372 M:573 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
89099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89100 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
89101 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89102 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89103 H:361 M:573 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
89104 H:361 M:573 -b db 
89105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89106 You may eat another herb or plant.
89107 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89108 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89109 sip mana
89110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89111 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
89112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89113 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
89114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89115 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
89116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89117 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89119 H:361 M:700 -b db 
89120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89121 eat maidenhair
89122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89123 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1979.
89124 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
89125 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89126 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
89127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89128 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
89129 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89131 H:361 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
89132 H:361 M:700 eb db 
89133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89134 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
89135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89136 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
89137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89138 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
89139 H:622 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89141 H:361 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
89142 H:361 M:700 eb db 
89143 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89144 apply caloric
89145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89146 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
89147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89148 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
89149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89150 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
89151 H:622 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89153 H:361 M:700 eb db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
89154 e out of you.
89155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89156 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
89157 r.
89158 H:622 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
89159 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89160 H:313 M:700 eb db 
89161 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89162 cnc
89163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89164 You already possess mental equilibrium.
89165 H:313 M:700 eb db 
89166 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89167 pa
89168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89169 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
89170 H:313 M:700 eb db 
89171 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89172 ovt
89173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89174 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
89175 H:313 M:700 eb db 
89176 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89177 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
89178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89179 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
89180 ranoia effect.
89181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89182 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
89183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89184 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
89185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89186 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
89187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89188 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
89189 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
89190 seous.
89191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89192 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
89193 g you thoroughly.
89194 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
89195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89196 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
89197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89198 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
89199 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
89200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89201 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
89202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89203 H:525 M:482 &lt;-- dt; 
89204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89205 H:313 M:685 -b db 
89206 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89207 ta
89208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89209 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 525/669 health and 482/512 mana.
89210 H:313 M:673 -b db 
89211 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89212 focus
89213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89214 Mana Lost: 15
89215 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
89216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89217 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
89218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89219 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
89220 H:525 M:467 &lt;-- dt; 
89221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89222 H:313 M:673 -b db 
89223 You may eat another mushroom.
89225 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
89227 H:313 M:673 -b db 
89228 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
89229 H:313 M:673 -b db 
89230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89231 The icicles continue beating at your skin.
89233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89234 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
89236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89237 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
89239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89240 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
89242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89243 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
89245 H:446 M:467 &lt;-- dt; 
89246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89247 H:313 M:673 -b db 
89248 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
89250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89251 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
89253 H:446 M:467 &lt;-- dt; 
89254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89255 H:313 M:673 -b db 
89256 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89257 trueassess dwenthall
89258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89259 Dwenthall's condition stands at 313/669 health and 673/700 mana.
89261 Mana Lost: 12
89263 H:446 M:454 &lt;-- dt; 
89264 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
89267 H:446 M:454 &lt;e- dt; 
89268 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89269 eat toadstool
89270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89271 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1841.
89273 You quickly eat a toadstool.
89275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89276 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
89278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89279 You feel your health and mana replenished.
89281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89282 H:446 M:454 &lt;e- dt; 
89283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89284 H:380 M:700 -b db 
89285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89286 You have recovered balance.
89289 You may eat another herb or plant.
89290 H:446 M:454 &lt;eb dt; 
89291 You may apply another salve.
89292 H:446 M:454 &lt;eb dt; 
89293 You may drink another healing elixir.
89294 H:446 M:454 &lt;eb dt; 
89295 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89296 eat nightshade
89297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89298 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1959.
89300 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
89302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89303 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
89305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89306 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
89308 H:446 M:454 &lt;eb dt; 
89309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89310 H:380 M:700 -b db 
89311 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89312 sip health
89313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89314 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
89316 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89317 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
89319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89320 The elixir seems to have an unusual effect on your elixir-deprived body.
89322 Mana Gain: 57
89324 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
89326 H:446 M:512 &lt;eb dt; 
89327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89328 H:380 M:700 -b db 
89329 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89330 ac on
89331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89332 Autocuring activated.
89334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89335 evoke imbue
89336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89337 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
89339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89340 evoke empower shock
89341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89342 Mana Lost: 6
89344 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
89345 wer of Earth infuses it.
89347 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89348 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
89349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89350 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
89352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89353 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
89354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89355 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
89356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89357 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
89358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89359 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89360 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89362 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89363 A brief shock tuns through your body and your muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
89364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89365 Dwenthall's muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
89366 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
89367 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89368 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
89369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89370 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
89371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89372 Balance Taken: 3.01s
89373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89374 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
89375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89376 You concentrate on your bond with Nature and prepare to overwhelm Dwenthall with its raw power.
89377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89378 A look of utmost concentration appears on Reyvenyr's face, followed by a menacing look in your direc
89379 tion.
89380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89381 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
89382 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89383 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
89384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89385 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89386 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89387 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
89388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89389 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89391 ta dwenthall
89392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89393 Dwenthall's condition stands at 307/669 health and 700/700 mana.
89394 Mana Lost: 12
89395 H:446 M:494 &lt;-- dt; 
89396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89397 H:307 M:700 -b b 
89398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89399 Health Gain: 33
89400 Mana Gain: 18
89401 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89402 eat juniper
89403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89404 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1773.
89405 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
89406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89407 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
89408 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89409 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
89410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89411 H:479 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89413 H:374 M:700 -b db 
89414 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89415 ---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!
89416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89417 Your input, "---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!"
89418 , is not a valid command.
89419 H:479 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89420 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89421 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
89422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89423 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
89424 H:479 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89426 -------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!
89427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89428 Your input, "-------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
89429 H:479 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89431 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
89432 H:374 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
89433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89434 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
89435 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
89436 H:479 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89438 H:363 M:684 eb db 
89439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89440 You cannot contain the convulsions in your stomach any longer and double over, retching violently.
89441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89442 Reyvenyr doubles over, vomiting violently.
89443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89444 Damage Taken: 100 unblockable (raw damage: 100)
89445 H:379 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89447 H:363 M:684 eb db 
89448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89449 You may eat another mushroom.
89450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89451 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
89452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89453 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
89455 H:379 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89457 H:363 M:684 eb db 
89458 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89459 eat toadstool
89460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89461 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1889.
89463 You quickly eat a toadstool.
89465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89466 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
89468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89469 Health Gain: 66
89471 You feel your health and mana replenished.
89473 H:446 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89474 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89475 H:363 M:684 eb db 
89476 You may drink another healing elixir.
89477 H:363 M:684 eb db 
89478 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89479 ch
89480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89481 You feel invigorated as your wounds heal before your eyes.
89483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89484 Dwenthall appears invigorated as her wounds heal before your eyes.
89486 H:446 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89488 H:493 M:684 eb db 
89489 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89490 sip health
89491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89492 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
89494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89495 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
89497 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89498 The elixir heals your body.
89500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89501 H:446 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89503 H:638 M:684 eb db 
89504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89505 You may eat another herb or plant.
89506 H:446 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89507 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89508 eat wormwood
89509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89510 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1996.
89512 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
89514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89515 Reyvenyr quickly eats a wormwood root.
89517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89518 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
89520 H:446 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89522 H:638 M:684 eb db 
89523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89524 Your mind is able to focus once again.
89525 H:446 M:512 &lt;-- dt; 
89526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89527 You may eat another herb or plant.
89528 H:638 M:684 eb db 
89529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89530 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
89533 H:446 M:512 &lt;e- dt; 
89534 You have recovered balance.
89537 H:446 M:512 &lt;eb dt; 
89538 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
89540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89541 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
89543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89544 H:446 M:512 &lt;eb dt; 
89545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89546 H:638 M:684 eb db 
89547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89548 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
89549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89550 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
89551  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
89553 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89554 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
89555 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
89557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89558 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
89560 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89561 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
89562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89563 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
89565 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89566 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
89567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89568 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
89570 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89571 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
89572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89573 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89576 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89579 Balance Taken: 2.00s
89581 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89582 naturebinding shred dwenthall
89583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89584 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
89585 ing her skin mercilessly.
89586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89587 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
89588 ng your skin mercilessly.
89589 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
89590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89591 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
89592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89593 ta dwenthall
89594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89595 Dwenthall's condition stands at 583/669 health and 684/700 mana.
89596 Mana Lost: 12
89597 H:446 M:500 &lt;-- dt; 
89598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89599 H:594 M:684 eb b 
89600 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89601 ac on
89602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89603 Autocuring activated.
89604 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89605 order golem kill dwenthall
89606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89607 You must regain balance first.
89608 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89609 evoke empower rockfall
89610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89611 You must regain balance first.
89612 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89613 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
89614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89615 You must regain balance first.
89616 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89617 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
89618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89619 You must regain balance first.
89620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89621 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
89622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89623 You must regain balance first.
89624 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89625 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
89626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89627 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89629 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
89630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89631 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89632 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89633 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
89634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89635 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89637 naturebind shred dwenthall
89638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89639 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89640 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89641 ta dwenthall
89642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89643 Dwenthall's condition stands at 583/669 health and 786/700 mana.
89644 Mana Lost: 12
89645 H:446 M:488 &lt;-- dt; You may eat another herb or plant.
89646 H:446 M:488 &lt;-- dt; 
89647 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89648 ---------delayed wisp
89649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89650 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
89651 H:446 M:488 &lt;-- dt; 
89652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89653 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
89654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89655 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
89656 mmand.
89657 H:446 M:488 &lt;-- dt; 
89658 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89659 smoke pipe with linseed
89660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89661 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
89662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89663 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
89664 H:446 M:488 &lt;-- dt; 
89665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89666 H:594 M:684 eb b 
89667 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89668 eat nightshade
89669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89670 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1958.
89671 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
89672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89673 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
89674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89675 Your stomach becalms itself.
89676 H:446 M:488 &lt;-- dt; 
89677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89678 H:594 M:684 eb b 
89679 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89680 cnc
89681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89682 You already possess mental equilibrium.
89683 H:594 M:684 eb b 
89684 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89685 pa
89686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89687 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
89688 H:594 M:684 eb b 
89689 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89690 ovt
89691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89692 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
89693 H:594 M:684 eb b 
89694 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89695 abn
89696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89697 Your wounds are already bandaged.
89698 H:594 M:684 eb b 
89699 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89700 cast weariness dehydrate freeze at &tar
89701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89702 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
89703 ariness effect.
89704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89705 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
89706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89707 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
89708 You conjure a wave of heat and focus it towards Reyvenyr, draining moisture from his body. Reyvenyr'
89709 s skin glistens and he appears dizzy as the wave of heat passes through.
89710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89711 Dwenthall conjures a wave of heat and focuses it towards you, draining moisture from your body, hamp
89712 ering your ability to process salves and causing you to feel dizzy.
89713 Damage Taken: 65 fire, mental (raw damage: 80)
89714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89715 You send a blast of cold air towards Reyvenyr, chilling him to the bone.
89716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89717 Dwenthall sends a blast of cold air towards you, chilling you to the bone.
89718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89719 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
89720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89721 H:380 M:488 &lt;-- dt; 
89722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89723 H:594 M:672 -b b 
89724 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89725 ta
89726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89727 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 380/669 health and 488/512 mana.
89728 H:594 M:660 -b b 
89729 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89730 focus
89731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89732 Mana Lost: 15
89733 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
89734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89735 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
89736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89737 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
89738 H:380 M:473 &lt;-- dt; 
89739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89740 H:594 M:660 -b b 
89741 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89742 eat juniper
89743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89744 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1772.
89745 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
89746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89747 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
89748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89749 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
89750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89751 H:380 M:473 &lt;-- dt; 
89752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89753 H:594 M:660 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
89754 You may eat another mushroom.
89755 H:620 M:688 -b db 
89756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89757 You may drink another healing elixir.
89758 H:380 M:473 &lt;-- dt; 
89759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89760 apply caloric
89761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89762 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
89763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89764 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
89765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89766 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
89767 H:380 M:473 &lt;-- dt; 
89768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89769 H:620 M:688 -b db 
89770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89771 sip health
89772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89773 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
89774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89775 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
89776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89777 Health Gain: 161
89778 The elixir heals your body.
89779 H:542 M:473 &lt;-- dt; 
89780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89781 H:620 M:688 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
89782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89783 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
89784 H:542 M:473 &lt;-- dt; 
89785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89786 H:610 M:688 -b db 
89787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89788 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
89791 H:542 M:473 &lt;e- dt; 
89792 You have recovered balance.
89795 H:542 M:473 &lt;eb dt; 
89796 You may eat another herb or plant.
89797 H:542 M:473 &lt;eb dt; 
89798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89799 eat kelp
89800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89801 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1945.
89803 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
89805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89806 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
89808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89809 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
89811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89812 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
89814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89815 H:542 M:473 &lt;eb dt; 
89816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89817 H:610 M:672 -b db 
89818 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
89819 H:610 M:672 -b db 
89820 You may drink another healing elixir.
89821 H:610 M:672 -b db 
89822 You may eat another herb or plant.
89823 H:610 M:672 -b db 
89824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89825 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
89826 H:542 M:473 &lt;eb dt; 
89827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89828 ac on
89829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89830 Autocuring activated.
89832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89833 order golem kill dwenthall
89834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89835 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
89837 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89838 evoke empower rockfall
89839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89840 Mana Lost: 6
89842 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
89843 wer of Earth infuses it.
89845 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89846 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
89847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89848 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
89850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89851 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
89852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89853 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
89855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89856 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
89857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89858 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89860 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89862 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89863 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
89865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89866 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
89868 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
89870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89871 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
89873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89874 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
89876 Balance Taken: 3.01s
89878 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89879 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
89880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89881 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
89883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89884 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
89885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89886 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
89887 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
89889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89890 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
89891 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
89893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89894 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
89896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89897 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
89898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89899 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89902 naturebind shred dwenthall
89903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89904 You must regain your equilibrium first.
89906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89907 ta dwenthall
89908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89909 Dwenthall's condition stands at 511/669 health and 672/700 mana.
89911 Mana Lost: 12
89913 H:542 M:454 &lt;-- dt; 
89914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89915 H:511 M:672 -b b 
89916 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89917 writhe root
89918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89919 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
89920 H:511 M:672 -b b 
89921 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89922 sip health
89923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89924 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
89925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89926 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
89927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89928 The elixir heals your body.
89929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89930 H:542 M:454 &lt;-- dt; 
89931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89932 H:669 M:672 -b b 
89933 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89934 eat toadstool
89935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89936 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1840.
89937 You quickly eat a toadstool.
89938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89939 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
89940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89941 You feel your health and mana replenished.
89942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89943 H:542 M:454 &lt;-- dt; 
89944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89945 H:669 M:700 -b b 
89946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89947 purge blood
89948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89949 Mana Lost: 6
89950 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
89951 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89952 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
89953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89954 You feel strength return to your limbs.
89955 H:542 M:448 &lt;-- dt; 
89956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89957 H:669 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
89958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89959 You may eat another mushroom.
89960 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
89962 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89963 eat juniper
89964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89965 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1771.
89966 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
89967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89968 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
89969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89970 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
89971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89972 H:542 M:448 &lt;-- dt; 
89973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89974 H:669 M:700 eb db 
89975 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89976 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
89977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
89978 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
89979 H:542 M:448 &lt;-- dt; 
89980 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89981 cnc
89982 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89983 You already possess mental equilibrium.
89984 H:669 M:700 eb db 
89985 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89986 pa
89987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89988 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
89989 H:669 M:700 eb db 
89990 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89991 ovt
89992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89993 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
89994 H:669 M:700 eb db 
89995 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89996 cast masochism howl hasten at &tar
89997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
89998 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ma
89999 sochism effect.
90000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90001 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts vibrating softly, producing a silent humming.
90002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90003 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
90004 You invoke the howling winds, sending them baying against Reyvenyr.
90005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90006 Dwenthall invokes the howling winds, sending them baying against you.
90007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90008 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
90009 using him to lose his patience.
90010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90011 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
90012 ausing you to lose your patience.
90013 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
90014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90015 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
90016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90017 H:513 M:448 &lt;-- dt; 
90018 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90019 H:669 M:682 -b db 
90020 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90021 ta
90022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90023 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 513/669 health and 448/512 mana.
90024 H:669 M:670 -b db 
90025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90026 touch tree
90027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90028 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
90029 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90030 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
90031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90032 Your aching, pain-wracked body is soothed and calmed.
90033 H:513 M:448 &lt;-- dt; 
90034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90035 H:669 M:670 -b db 
90036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90037 eat toadstool
90038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90039 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1888.
90040 You quickly eat a toadstool.
90041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90042 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
90043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90044 Health Gain: 66
90045 Mana Gain: 51
90046 You feel your health and mana replenished.
90047 H:580 M:500 &lt;-- dt; 
90048 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90049 H:669 M:670 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
90050 H:669 M:670 -b db 
90051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90052 You may apply another salve.
90053 H:580 M:500 &lt;-- dt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
90054 You may eat another herb or plant.
90055 H:580 M:500 &lt;e- dt; 
90056 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90057 eat mandrake
90058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90059 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1993.
90060 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
90061 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90062 Reyvenyr quickly eats a mandrake root.
90063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90064 You are patient once again.
90065 H:580 M:500 &lt;e- dt; 
90066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90067 H:669 M:670 -b db 
90068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90069 Your mind is able to focus once again.
90071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90072 focus
90073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90074 Mana Lost: 15
90075 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
90076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90077 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
90078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90079 You no longer enjoy pain.
90080 H:580 M:485 &lt;e- dt; 
90081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90082 H:669 M:670 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
90083 H:669 M:670 -b db 
90084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90085 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
90086 H:580 M:485 &lt;e- dt; 
90087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90088 You may eat another herb or plant.
90089 H:669 M:670 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
90090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90091 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
90092 H:580 M:485 &lt;e- dt; 
90093 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90094 H:659 M:670 -b db 
90095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90096 You may drink another healing elixir.
90097 H:580 M:485 &lt;e- dt; 
90098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90099 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
90100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90101 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
90102 her.
90103 You have recovered balance.
90104 H:580 M:485 &lt;eb dt; 
90105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90106 H:611 M:670 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
90107 H:611 M:670 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
90108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90109 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
90110 H:580 M:485 &lt;eb dt; 
90111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90112 H:611 M:670 eb db 
90113 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90114 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
90115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90116 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
90117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90118 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
90119 ods your veins.
90120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90121 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
90122  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
90123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90124 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
90125 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
90126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90127 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
90128 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90129 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
90130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90131 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
90132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90133 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
90134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90135 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
90136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90137 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
90138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90139 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
90140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90141 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
90142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90143 Balance Taken: 2.00s
90144 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90145 naturebinding shred dwenthall
90146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90147 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
90148 ing her skin mercilessly.
90149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90150 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
90151 ng your skin mercilessly.
90152 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
90153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90154 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
90155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90156 ta dwenthall
90157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90158 Dwenthall's condition stands at 622/669 health and 670/700 mana.
90159 Mana Lost: 12
90160 H:580 M:472 &lt;-- dt; 
90161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90162 H:566 M:670 eb b 
90163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90164 ac on
90165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90166 Autocuring activated.
90167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90168 evoke imbue
90169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90170 You must regain balance first.
90171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90172 TEAR MAP
90173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90174 Syntax: TEAR MAP
90175 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90176 evoke empower jolt
90177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90178 You must regain balance first.
90179 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90180 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
90181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90182 You must regain balance first.
90183 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90184 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
90185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90186 You must regain balance first.
90187 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90188 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
90189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90190 You must regain balance first.
90191 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90192 naturebind choke dwenthall
90193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90194 You must regain your equilibrium first.
90195 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90196 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
90197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90198 You must regain your equilibrium first.
90199 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90200 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
90201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90202 You must regain your equilibrium first.
90203 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90204 ta dwenthall
90205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90206 Dwenthall's condition stands at 628/669 health and 670/700 mana.
90207 Mana Lost: 12
90208 H:580 M:460 &lt;-- dt; You may eat another herb or plant.
90209 H:580 M:460 &lt;-- dt; Health Gain: 33
90210 Mana Gain: 32
90211 H:614 M:493 &lt;-- dt; 
90212 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90213 smoke pipe with linseed
90214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90215 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
90216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90217 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
90218 H:614 M:493 &lt;-- dt; 
90219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90220 H:633 M:700 eb b 
90221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90222 eat hyssop
90223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90224 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1983.
90225 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
90226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90227 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
90228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90229 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
90230 H:614 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
90231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90232 H:633 M:700 eb b 
90233 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90234 ---------delayed wisp
90235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90236 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
90237 H:614 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
90238 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90239 cnc
90240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90241 You already possess mental equilibrium.
90242 H:633 M:700 eb b 
90243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90244 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
90245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90246 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
90247 mmand.
90248 H:614 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
90249 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90250 pa
90251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90252 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
90253 H:633 M:700 eb b 
90254 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90255 ovt
90256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90257 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
90258 H:633 M:700 eb b 
90259 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90260 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
90261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90262 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
90263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90264 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
90265 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90266 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
90267 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
90268 ewreathe effect.
90269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90270 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
90271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90272 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
90273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90274 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
90275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90276 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
90277 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
90278  twitching slightly under the cold.
90279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90280 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
90281 range burning sensation in your nerves.
90282 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
90283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90284 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
90285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90286 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
90287 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
90288 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90289 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
90290 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
90291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90292 H:509 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
90293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90294 H:627 M:663 -b b 
90295 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90296 ta
90297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90298 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 509/669 health and 493/512 mana.
90299 H:627 M:651 -b b You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
90300 H:627 M:635 -b b 
90301 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90302 sip health
90303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90304 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
90305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90306 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
90307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90308 Health Gain: 147
90309 The elixir heals your body.
90310 H:656 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
90311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90312 H:627 M:635 -b b 
90313 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90314 eat juniper
90315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90316 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1770.
90317 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
90319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90320 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
90322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90323 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
90325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90326 H:656 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
90327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90328 H:627 M:635 -b db 
90329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90330 The sun climbs to its apex, scattering darkness, illuminating the land with its holy light. 
90332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90333 The sun climbs to its apex, scattering darkness, illuminating the land with its holy light. 
90335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90336 H:656 M:493 &lt;-- dbt; 
90337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90338 H:627 M:635 -b db 
90339 You may drink another healing elixir.
90340 H:627 M:635 -b db 
90341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90342 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
90345 H:656 M:493 &lt;e- dbt; 
90346 You have recovered balance.
90349 H:656 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
90350 You may eat another herb or plant.
90351 H:656 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
90352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90353 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
90355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90356 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
90357 her.
90359 H:656 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
90360 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90361 H:578 M:635 -b db 
90362 You may eat another mushroom.
90364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90365 Your mind is able to focus once again.
90366 H:656 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
90367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90368 H:578 M:635 -b db 
90369 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
90371 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
90373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90374 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
90376 H:656 M:493 &lt;eb dbt; 
90377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90378 H:578 M:635 -b db 
90379 You may eat another herb or plant.
90380 H:578 M:635 -b db 
90381 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90382 ac on
90383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90384 Autocuring activated.
90386 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90387 evoke imbue
90388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90389 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
90391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90392 TEAR MAP
90393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90394 Syntax: TEAR MAP
90396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90397 evoke empower jolt
90398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90399 Mana Lost: 6
90401 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
90402 wer of Earth infuses it.
90404 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90405 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
90406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90407 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
90409 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90410 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
90411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90412 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
90414 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90415 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
90416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90417 I do not recognize that toxin.
90419 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
90421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90422 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
90424 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
90426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90427 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
90429 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
90431 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
90433 Balance Taken: 3.01s
90435 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90436 naturebind choke dwenthall
90437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90438 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
90440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90441 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
90442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90443 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
90444  her skin mercilessly.
90446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90447 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
90448 your skin mercilessly.
90450 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
90452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90453 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
90455 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90456 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
90457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90458 You must regain your equilibrium first.
90459 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90460 ta dwenthall
90461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90462 Dwenthall's condition stands at 348/669 health and 635/700 mana.
90463 Mana Lost: 12
90464 H:656 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
90465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90466 H:391 M:635 -b b 
90467 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90468 eat juniper
90469 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90470 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1769.
90471 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
90472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90473 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
90474 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90475 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
90476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90477 H:656 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
90478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90479 H:391 M:635 -b db 
90480 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90481 sip health
90482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90483 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
90484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90485 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
90486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90487 The elixir heals your body.
90488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90489 H:656 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
90490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90491 H:536 M:635 -b db 
90492 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90493 eat toadstool
90494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90495 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1839.
90496 You quickly eat a toadstool.
90497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90498 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
90499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90500 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
90501 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
90502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90503 H:656 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
90504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90505 H:536 M:635 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
90506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90507 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
90508 H:656 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
90509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90510 H:527 M:635 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
90511 H:527 M:635 eb db 
90512 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90513 clot
90514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90515 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
90516 H:527 M:621 eb db 
90517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90518 You may eat another mushroom.
90519 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90520 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
90521 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
90522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90523 H:656 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
90524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90525 H:524 M:621 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
90526 H:524 M:621 eb db 
90527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90528 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
90529 H:656 M:475 &lt;e- dbt; 
90530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90531 You may eat another herb or plant.
90532 H:524 M:621 eb db 
90533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90534 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
90535 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90536 cnc
90537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90538 You already possess mental equilibrium.
90539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90540 H:656 M:475 &lt;e- dbt; 
90541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90542 H:524 M:621 eb db 
90543 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90544 pa
90545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90546 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
90547 H:524 M:621 eb db 
90548 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90549 ovt
90550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90551 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
90552 H:524 M:621 eb db 
90553 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90554 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
90555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90556 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
90557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90558 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
90559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90560 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
90561 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
90562 ock effect.
90563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90564 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
90565 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90566 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
90567 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
90568  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
90569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90570 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
90571 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
90572 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
90573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90574 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
90575 using him to lose his patience.
90576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90577 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
90578 ausing you to lose your patience.
90579 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
90580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90581 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
90582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90583 H:547 M:475 &lt;e- dbt; 
90584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90585 H:511 M:584 -b db 
90586 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90587 ta
90588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90589 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 547/669 health and 475/512 mana.
90590 H:511 M:572 -b db 
90591 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90592 eat nightshade
90593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90594 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1957.
90595 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
90596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90597 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
90598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90599 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
90600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90601 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
90602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90603 H:547 M:475 &lt;e- dbt; 
90604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90605 H:511 M:572 -b db 
90606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90607 You may drink another healing elixir.
90608 H:547 M:475 &lt;e- dbt; 
90609 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90610 apply mass
90611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90612 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
90613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90614 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
90615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90616 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
90617 H:547 M:475 &lt;e- dbt; 
90618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90619 H:511 M:572 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
90620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90621 ac on
90622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90623 Autocuring activated.
90624 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90625 evoke imbue
90626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90627 You must regain balance first.
90628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90629 TEAR MAP
90630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90631 Syntax: TEAR MAP
90632 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90633 evoke empower jolt
90634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90635 You must regain balance first.
90636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90637 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
90638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90639 You must regain balance first.
90640 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90641 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
90642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90643 You must regain balance first.
90644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90645 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
90646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90647 You must regain balance first.
90648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90649 naturebind choke dwenthall
90650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90651 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
90652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90653 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
90654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90655 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
90656  her skin mercilessly.
90657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90658 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
90659 your skin mercilessly.
90660 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
90661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90662 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
90663 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90664 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
90665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90666 You must regain your equilibrium first.
90667 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90668 ta dwenthall
90669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90670 Dwenthall's condition stands at 493/669 health and 630/700 mana.
90671 Mana Lost: 12
90672 H:547 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
90673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90674 H:493 M:584 -b b 
90675 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90676 eat juniper
90677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90678 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1768.
90679 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
90680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90681 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
90682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90683 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
90684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90685 H:547 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
90686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90687 H:493 M:584 -b db 
90688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90689 You have recovered balance.
90690 H:547 M:463 &lt;-b dbt; 
90691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90692 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
90693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90694 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
90695 H:547 M:463 &lt;-b dbt; 
90696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90697 H:493 M:584 -b db 
90698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90699 You may apply another salve.
90700 H:547 M:463 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
90701 You may eat another herb or plant.
90702 H:547 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
90703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90704 You may drink another healing elixir.
90705 H:493 M:584 -b db 
90706 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90707 sip mana
90708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90709 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
90710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90711 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
90712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90713 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
90714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90715 H:547 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
90716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90717 H:493 M:700 -b db 
90718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90719 eat maidenhair
90720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90721 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1978.
90722 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
90723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90724 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
90725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90726 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
90727 H:547 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
90728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90729 H:493 M:700 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
90730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90731 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
90732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90733 You may eat another herb or plant.
90735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90736 H:547 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
90737 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90738 H:482 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
90739 H:482 M:700 eb db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
90740 H:482 M:700 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
90741 H:482 M:700 eb db 
90742 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90743 cnc
90744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90745 You already possess mental equilibrium.
90746 H:482 M:700 eb db 
90747 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90748 pa
90749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90750 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
90751 H:482 M:700 eb db 
90752 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90753 ovt
90754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90755 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
90756 H:482 M:700 eb db 
90757 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90758 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
90759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90760 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
90761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90762 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
90763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90764 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
90765 ock effect.
90766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90767 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
90768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90769 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
90770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90771 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
90772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90773 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
90774 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
90775 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
90776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90777 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
90778 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
90779 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
90780 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
90781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90782 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
90783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90784 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
90785 athe.
90786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90787 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
90788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90789 H:451 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
90790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90791 H:482 M:673 -b db 
90792 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90793 ta
90794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90795 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 451/669 health and 463/512 mana.
90796 H:482 M:661 -b db 
90797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90798 sip health
90799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90800 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
90801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90802 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
90803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90804 Health Gain: 126
90805 The elixir heals your body.
90806 H:577 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
90807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90808 H:482 M:661 -b db 
90809 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90810 eat toadstool
90811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90812 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1887.
90813 You quickly eat a toadstool.
90814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90815 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
90816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90817 Health Gain: 66
90818 Mana Gain: 49
90819 You feel your health and mana replenished.
90820 H:644 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
90821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90822 H:482 M:661 -b db 
90823 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90824 smoke pipe with linseed
90825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90826 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
90827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90828 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
90829 H:644 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
90830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90831 H:482 M:661 -b db 
90832 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90833 eat toadstool
90834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90835 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1838.
90836 You quickly eat a toadstool.
90837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90838 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
90839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90840 You feel your health and mana replenished.
90841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90842 H:644 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
90843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90844 H:549 M:700 -b db 
90845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90846 You may eat another herb or plant.
90847 H:644 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
90848 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90849 eat kelp
90850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90851 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1944.
90852 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
90853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90854 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
90855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90856 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
90857 H:644 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
90858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90859 H:549 M:700 -b db 
90860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90861 ac on
90862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90863 Autocuring activated.
90864 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90865 evoke imbue
90866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90867 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
90868 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90869 TEAR MAP
90870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90871 Syntax: TEAR MAP
90872 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90873 evoke empower jolt
90874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90875 Mana Lost: 6
90876 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
90877 wer of Earth infuses it.
90878 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90879 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
90880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90881 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
90882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90883 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
90884 ods your veins.
90885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90886 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
90887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90888 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
90889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90890 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
90891 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90892 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
90893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90894 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
90895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90896 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
90897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90898 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
90899 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90900 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
90901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90902 I do not recognize that toxin.
90903 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
90904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90905 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
90906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90907 Your staff is not filled with Air power and the Jolt empowerment remains dormant.
90908 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
90909 Balance Taken: 3.01s
90910 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90911 naturebind choke dwenthall
90912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90913 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
90914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90915 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
90916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90917 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
90918  her skin mercilessly.
90919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90920 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
90921 your skin mercilessly.
90922 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
90923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90924 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
90925 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90926 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
90927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90928 You must regain your equilibrium first.
90929 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90930 ta dwenthall
90931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90932 Dwenthall's condition stands at 350/669 health and 763/700 mana.
90933 Mana Lost: 12
90934 H:644 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
90935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90936 H:350 M:700 -b b 
90937 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90938 eat juniper
90939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90940 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1767.
90941 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
90942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90943 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
90944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90945 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
90946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90947 H:644 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
90948 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90949 H:350 M:700 -b db 
90950 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90951 clot
90952 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90953 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
90954 H:350 M:686 -b db 
90955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90956 Health Gain: 24
90957 Mana Gain: 18
90958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90959 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
90960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90961 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
90962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90963 H:416 M:700 -b db 
90964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90965 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
90966 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
90967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90968 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
90969 H:416 M:700 -b db 
90970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90971 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
90972 You may eat another herb or plant.
90973 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
90974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90975 eat maidenhair
90976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90977 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1977.
90978 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
90979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90980 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
90981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90982 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
90983 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
90984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90985 H:416 M:700 -b db The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
90986 H:416 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
90987 H:416 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
90988 H:416 M:700 eb db 
90989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90990 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
90991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90992 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
90993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90994 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
90995 H:622 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
90996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
90997 H:416 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
90998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
90999 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
91000 H:622 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
91001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91002 H:405 M:700 eb db 
91003 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91004 apply caloric
91005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91006 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
91007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91008 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
91009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91010 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
91011 H:622 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
91012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91013 H:405 M:700 eb db 
91014 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91015 ims
91016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91017 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
91018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91019 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
91020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91021 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
91022 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
91023 ewreathe effect.
91024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91025 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
91026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91027 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
91028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91029 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
91030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91031 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
91032 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
91033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91034 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
91035 athe.
91036 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
91037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91038 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
91039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91040 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
91041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91042 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
91043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91044 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
91045 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
91046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91047 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
91048 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
91049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91050 H:525 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
91051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91052 H:398 M:669 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
91053 H:398 M:669 -b db 
91054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91055 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
91056 H:525 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
91057 The icicles continue beating at your skin.
91059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91060 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
91062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91063 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
91065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91066 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
91068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91069 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
91071 H:446 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
91072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91073 H:398 M:669 -b db 
91074 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91075 purge blood
91076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91077 Mana Lost: 6
91079 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
91081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91082 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
91084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91085 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
91087 H:446 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
91088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91089 H:398 M:669 -b db 
91090 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91091 sip health
91092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91093 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
91095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91096 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
91098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91099 The elixir heals your body.
91101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91102 H:446 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
91103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91104 H:546 M:669 -b db 
91105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91106 You have recovered balance.
91109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91110 touch tree
91111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91112 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
91114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91115 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
91117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91118 You are patient once again.
91120 H:446 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
91121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91122 H:546 M:669 -b db 
91123 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91124 ac on
91125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91126 Autocuring activated.
91128 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91129 pt
91130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91131 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
91133 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91134 target nothing
91135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91136 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
91138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91139 evoke empower rockfall
91140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91141 Mana Lost: 6
91143 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
91144 wer of Earth infuses it.
91146 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91147 lp
91148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91149 You quickly light your pipes, surrounding yourself with a cloud of smoke.
91151 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91152 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
91153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91154 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
91156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91157 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
91158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91159 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
91161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91162 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
91163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91164 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
91166 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
91168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91169 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
91171 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
91173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91174 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
91176 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
91178 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
91180 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
91182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91183 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
91185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91186 Balance Taken: 3.01s
91188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91189 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
91190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91191 You are already focusing on overwhelming someone.
91192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91193 naturebind choke dwenthall
91194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91195 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
91196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91197 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
91198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91199 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
91200 ing her skin mercilessly.
91201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91202 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
91203 ng your skin mercilessly.
91204 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
91205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91206 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
91207 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91208 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
91209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91210 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91211 H:446 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91213 H:379 M:669 -b b 
91214 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91215 eat maidenhair
91216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91217 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1961.
91218 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
91219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91220 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
91221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91222 The stinging feeling fades.
91223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91224 H:446 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91225 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91226 H:379 M:669 -b b 
91227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91228 ac on
91229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91230 Autocuring activated.
91231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91232 pt
91233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91234 You must regain balance first.
91235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91236 target nothing
91237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91238 You must regain balance first.
91239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91240 evoke empower rockfall
91241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91242 You must regain balance first.
91243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91244 lp
91245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91246 You must regain balance first.
91247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91248 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
91249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91250 You must regain balance first.
91251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91252 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
91253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91254 You must regain balance first.
91255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91256 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
91257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91258 You must regain balance first.
91259 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91260 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
91261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91262 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91264 naturebind choke dwenthall
91265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91266 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91268 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
91269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91270 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91272 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
91273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91274 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91275 H:446 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91277 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
91278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91279 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
91280 H:446 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91281 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91282 ac on
91283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91284 Autocuring activated.
91285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91286 pt
91287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91288 You must regain balance first.
91289 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91290 target nothing
91291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91292 You must regain balance first.
91293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91294 evoke empower rockfall
91295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91296 You must regain balance first.
91297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91298 lp
91299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91300 You must regain balance first.
91301 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91302 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
91303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91304 You must regain balance first.
91305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91306 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
91307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91308 You must regain balance first.
91309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91310 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
91311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91312 You must regain balance first.
91313 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91314 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
91315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91316 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91317 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91318 naturebind choke dwenthall
91319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91320 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91322 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
91323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91324 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91325 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91326 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
91327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91328 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91329 H:446 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
91330 H:446 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
91331 H:446 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91333 ac on
91334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91335 Autocuring activated.
91336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91337 pt
91338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91339 You must regain balance first.
91340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91341 target nothing
91342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91343 You must regain balance first.
91344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91345 evoke empower rockfall
91346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91347 You must regain balance first.
91348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91349 lp
91350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91351 You must regain balance first.
91352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91353 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
91354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91355 You must regain balance first.
91356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91357 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
91358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91359 You must regain balance first.
91360 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91361 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
91362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91363 You must regain balance first.
91364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91365 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
91366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91367 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91369 naturebind choke dwenthall
91370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91371 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91372 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91373 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
91374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91375 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91376 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91377 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
91378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91379 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91380 H:446 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
91381 H:446 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91382 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91383 eat nightshade
91384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91385 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1956.
91386 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
91387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91388 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
91389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91390 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
91391 H:446 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91393 H:379 M:669 -b b 
91394 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91395 sip health
91396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91397 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
91398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91399 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
91400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91401 Health Gain: 152
91402 The elixir heals your body.
91403 H:599 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91405 H:379 M:669 -b b 
91406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91407 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
91408 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91409 ac on
91410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91411 Autocuring activated.
91412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91413 pt
91414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91415 You must regain balance first.
91416 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91417 target nothing
91418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91419 You must regain balance first.
91420 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91421 evoke empower rockfall
91422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91423 You must regain balance first.
91424 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91425 lp
91426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91427 You must regain balance first.
91428 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91429 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
91430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91431 You must regain balance first.
91432 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91433 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
91434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91435 You must regain balance first.
91436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91437 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
91438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91439 You must regain balance first.
91440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91441 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
91442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91443 You are already focusing on overwhelming someone.
91444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91445 naturebind choke dwenthall
91446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91447 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
91448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91449 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
91450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91451 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
91452 ing her skin mercilessly.
91453 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91454 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
91455 ng your skin mercilessly.
91456 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
91457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91458 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
91459 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91460 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
91461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91462 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91463 H:599 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91464 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91465 H:334 M:669 -b b 
91466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91467 You cease attempting to overwhelm Dwenthall through the power of Nature.
91468 H:599 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91469 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91470 ac on
91471 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91472 Autocuring activated.
91473 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91474 pt
91475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91476 You must regain balance first.
91477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91478 target nothing
91479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91480 You must regain balance first.
91481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91482 evoke empower rockfall
91483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91484 You must regain balance first.
91485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91486 lp
91487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91488 You must regain balance first.
91489 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91490 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
91491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91492 You must regain balance first.
91493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91494 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
91495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91496 You must regain balance first.
91497 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91498 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
91499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91500 You must regain balance first.
91501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91502 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
91503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91504 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91505 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91506 naturebind choke dwenthall
91507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91508 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91510 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
91511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91512 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91514 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
91515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91516 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91517 H:599 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91518 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91519 purge blood
91520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91521 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
91522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91523 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
91524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91525 The stinging feeling fades.
91526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91527 H:599 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91528 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91529 H:334 M:663 -b b 
91530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91533 Your input, "OVERWHELM IS DOWN!!!!!", is not a valid command.
91534 H:599 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
91535 H:599 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91536 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91537 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
91538 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91539 ac on
91540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91541 Autocuring activated.
91542 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91543 pt
91544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91545 You must regain balance first.
91546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91547 target nothing
91548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91549 You must regain balance first.
91550 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91551 evoke empower rockfall
91552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91553 You must regain balance first.
91554 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91555 lp
91556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91557 You must regain balance first.
91558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91559 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
91560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91561 You must regain balance first.
91562 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91563 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
91564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91565 You must regain balance first.
91566 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91567 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
91568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91569 You must regain balance first.
91570 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91571 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
91572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91573 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91574 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91575 naturebind choke dwenthall
91576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91577 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91579 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
91580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91581 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91582 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91583 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
91584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91585 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91586 H:599 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91588 H:334 M:663 eb b 
91589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91590 You may eat another mushroom.
91592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91593 You may eat another herb or plant.
91594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91595 H:599 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91597 H:334 M:663 eb b 
91598 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
91600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91601 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
91603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91604 You may eat another mushroom.
91606 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91607 eat juniper
91608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91609 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1766.
91611 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
91613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91614 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
91616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91617 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
91619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91620 H:599 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91621 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91622 H:334 M:663 eb db 
91623 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91624 eat toadstool
91625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91626 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1837.
91628 You quickly eat a toadstool.
91630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91631 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
91633 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91634 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
91636 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
91638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91639 H:599 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
91640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91641 H:334 M:663 eb db 
91642 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
91644 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91645 clot
91646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91647 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
91649 H:334 M:649 eb db 
91650 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91651 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
91652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91653 You must regain balance first.
91655 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91656 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
91657 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91658 You must regain balance first.
91660 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91661 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
91662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91663 You must regain balance first.
91665 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91666 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
91667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91668 You must regain balance first.
91670 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91671 naturebinding shred dwenthall
91672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91673 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91675 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91676 ta dwenthall
91677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91678 Dwenthall's condition stands at 321/669 health and 564/700 mana.
91680 Mana Lost: 12
91682 H:599 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
91683 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91684 ac on
91685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91686 Autocuring activated.
91688 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91689 pt
91690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91691 You must regain balance first.
91693 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91694 target nothing
91695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91696 You must regain balance first.
91698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91699 evoke empower rockfall
91700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91701 You must regain balance first.
91703 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91704 lp
91705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91706 You must regain balance first.
91708 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91709 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
91710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91711 You must regain balance first.
91713 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91714 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
91715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91716 You must regain balance first.
91718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91719 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
91720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91721 You must regain balance first.
91722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91723 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
91724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91725 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91726 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91727 naturebind choke dwenthall
91728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91729 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91730 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91731 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
91732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91733 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91734 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91735 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
91736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91737 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91738 H:599 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
91739 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91740 cnc
91741 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91742 You already possess mental equilibrium.
91743 H:334 M:633 eb db 
91744 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91745 pa
91746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91747 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
91748 H:334 M:633 eb db 
91749 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91750 ovt
91751 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91752 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
91753 H:334 M:633 eb db 
91754 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91755 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
91756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91757 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
91758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91759 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
91760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91761 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
91762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91763 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
91764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91765 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
91766 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
91767 ewreathe effect.
91768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91769 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
91770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91771 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
91772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91773 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
91774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91775 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
91776 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
91777  twitching slightly under the cold.
91778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91779 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
91780 range burning sensation in your nerves.
91781 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
91782 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91783 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
91784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91785 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
91786 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
91787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91788 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
91789 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
91790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91791 H:494 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
91792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91793 H:321 M:596 -b db 
91794 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91795 ta
91796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91797 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 494/669 health and 488/512 mana.
91798 H:321 M:584 -b db 
91799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91800 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
91801 You have recovered balance.
91802 H:494 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
91803 H:494 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
91804 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91805 eat nightshade
91806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91807 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1955.
91808 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
91809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91810 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
91811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91812 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
91813 H:494 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
91814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91815 H:321 M:584 -b db 
91816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91817 eat toadstool
91818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91819 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1886.
91820 You quickly eat a toadstool.
91821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91822 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
91823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91824 Health Gain: 66
91825 Mana Gain: 24
91826 You feel your health and mana replenished.
91827 H:561 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
91828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91829 H:321 M:584 -b db 
91830 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91831 smoke pipe with linseed
91832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91833 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
91834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91835 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
91836 H:561 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
91837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91838 H:321 M:584 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
91839 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
91840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91841 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
91842 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
91843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91844 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
91845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91846 H:561 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
91847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91848 H:337 M:612 -b db 
91849 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91850 ac on
91851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91852 Autocuring activated.
91853 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91854 evoke imbue
91855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91856 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
91857 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91858 TEAR MAP
91859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91860 Syntax: TEAR MAP
91861 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91862 evoke empower jolt
91863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91864 Mana Lost: 6
91865 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
91866 wer of Earth infuses it.
91867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91868 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
91869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91870 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
91871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91872 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
91873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91874 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
91875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91876 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
91877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91878 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
91879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91880 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
91881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91882 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
91883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91884 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
91885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91886 I do not recognize that toxin.
91887 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
91888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91889 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
91890 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
91891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91892 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
91893 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
91894 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
91895 Balance Taken: 3.01s
91896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91897 naturebind choke dwenthall
91898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91899 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
91900 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91901 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
91902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91903 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
91904  her skin mercilessly.
91905 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91906 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
91907 your skin mercilessly.
91908 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
91909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91910 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
91911 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91912 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
91913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91914 You must regain your equilibrium first.
91915 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91916 ta dwenthall
91917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91918 Dwenthall's condition stands at 81/669 health and 600/700 mana.
91919 Mana Lost: 12
91920 H:561 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
91921 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91922 H:80 M:612 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
91923 Your wounds cause you to bleed 6 health.
91924 H:74 M:612 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
91925 H:74 M:612 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
91926 H:74 M:612 -b b 
91927 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91928 eat juniper
91929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91930 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1765.
91931 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
91932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91933 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
91934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91935 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
91936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91937 H:561 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
91938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91939 H:74 M:612 -b db 
91940 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91941 sip health
91942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91943 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
91944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91945 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
91946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91947 The elixir heals your body.
91948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91949 H:561 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
91950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91951 H:217 M:612 -b db 
91952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91953 You may eat another herb or plant.
91954 H:561 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
91955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91956 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
91957 H:217 M:612 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
91958 H:217 M:612 eb db 
91959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91960 You may drink another healing elixir.
91961 H:561 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
91962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
91963 You may eat another herb or plant.
91964 H:217 M:612 eb db 
91965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91966 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
91967 H:561 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
91968 H:561 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
91969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91970 ac on
91971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91972 Autocuring activated.
91973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91974 evoke imbue
91975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91976 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
91977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91978 TEAR MAP
91979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91980 Syntax: TEAR MAP
91981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91982 evoke empower jolt
91983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91984 Mana Lost: 6
91985 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
91986 wer of Earth infuses it.
91987 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91988 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
91989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91990 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
91991 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91992 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
91993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91994 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
91995 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91996 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
91997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
91998 I do not recognize that toxin.
91999 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
92000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92001 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
92002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92003 Your staff is not filled with Air power and the Jolt empowerment remains dormant.
92004 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
92005 Balance Taken: 3.01s
92006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92007 naturebind choke dwenthall
92008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92009 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
92010 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92011 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
92012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92013 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
92014  her skin mercilessly.
92015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92016 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
92017 your skin mercilessly.
92018 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
92019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92020 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
92021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92022 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
92023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92024 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92026 ta dwenthall
92027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92028 Dwenthall's condition stands at 100/669 health and 648/700 mana.
92029 Mana Lost: 12
92030 H:561 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
92031 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92032 H:100 M:612 eb b 
92033 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92034 eat juniper
92035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92036 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1764.
92037 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
92038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92039 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
92040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92041 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
92042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92043 H:561 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
92044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92045 H:100 M:612 eb db 
92046 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92047 ts
92048 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92049 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
92050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92051 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
92052 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92053 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
92054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92055 H:561 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
92056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92057 H:100 M:612 -b db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
92058 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92059 clot
92060 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92061 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
92062 H:100 M:598 -b db 
92063 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92064 naturebind breach dwenthall
92065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92066 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92067 H:561 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
92068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92069 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
92070 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
92071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92072 Health Gain: 33
92073 Mana Gain: 32
92074 H:594 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
92075 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92076 H:187 M:624 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
92077 H:187 M:624 -b db 
92078 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92079 eat toadstool
92080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92081 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1836.
92082 You quickly eat a toadstool.
92083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92084 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
92085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92086 You feel your health and mana replenished.
92087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92088 H:594 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
92089 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92090 H:254 M:694 -b db 
92091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92092 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
92093 H:594 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
92094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92095 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
92096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92097 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
92098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92099 You may eat another herb or plant.
92101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92102 H:594 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
92103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92104 H:254 M:694 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
92105 H:254 M:694 -b db 
92106 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92107 sip health
92108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92109 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
92110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92111 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
92112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92113 The elixir heals your body.
92114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92115 H:594 M:508 &lt;-- dbt; 
92116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92117 H:418 M:694 -b db 
92118 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92119 l
92120 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92121 A rocky outcropping.
92122 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the wa
92123 y north. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southeast. A pile of rubble lies here, blockin
92124 g the way south. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southwest. An animated hawthorn root i
92125 s curled here, swaying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An an
92126 imated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr
92127  is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his 
92128 right. 
92129 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
92130 H:418 M:694 -b db 
92131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92132 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
92133 H:594 M:508 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
92134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92135 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
92136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92137 H:594 M:508 &lt;eb dbt; 
92138 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92139 H:418 M:694 eb db The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
92140 H:418 M:694 eb db 
92141 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92142 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
92143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92144 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
92145 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92146 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
92147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92148 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
92149 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92150 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
92151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92152 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
92153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92154 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
92155 .
92156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92157 Your poisonous wisp attempts to attack Dwenthall, but rebounds harmlessly off his shield.
92158 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92159 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp attempts to attack you, but rebounds harmlessly off your shield.
92160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92161 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
92162 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92163 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
92164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92165 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
92166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92167 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
92168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92169 Balance Taken: 2.00s
92170 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92171 naturebinding shred dwenthall
92172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92173 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
92174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92175 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
92176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92177 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
92178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92179 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
92180 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92181 ta dwenthall
92182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92183 Dwenthall's condition stands at 477/669 health and 714/700 mana.
92184 Mana Lost: 12
92185 H:594 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
92186 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92187 H:438 M:694 eb db 
92188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92189 ac on
92190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92191 Autocuring activated.
92192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92193 evoke imbue
92194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92195 You must regain balance first.
92196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92197 TEAR MAP
92198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92199 Syntax: TEAR MAP
92200 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92201 evoke empower jolt
92202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92203 You must regain balance first.
92204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92205 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
92206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92207 You must regain balance first.
92208 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92209 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
92210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92211 You must regain balance first.
92212 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92213 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
92214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92215 You must regain balance first.
92216 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92217 naturebind choke dwenthall
92218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92219 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92220 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92221 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
92222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92223 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92224 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92225 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
92226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92227 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92229 ta dwenthall
92230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92231 Dwenthall's condition stands at 438/669 health and 694/700 mana.
92232 Mana Lost: 12
92233 H:594 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
92234 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92235 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
92236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92237 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
92238 mmand.
92239 H:594 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
92240 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92241 smoke pipe with linseed
92242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92243 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
92244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92245 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
92246 H:594 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
92247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92248 H:438 M:694 eb db 
92249 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92250 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
92251 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
92252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92253 What do you wish to break?
92254 H:594 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
92255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92256 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
92257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92258 What do you wish to break?
92259 H:594 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
92260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92261 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
92262 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
92263 H:436 M:694 eb db 
92264 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92265 naturebind breach dwenthall
92266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92267 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92268 H:594 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
92269 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92270 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
92271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92272 naturebind breach dwenthall
92273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92274 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92275 H:594 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
92276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92277 H:436 M:694 eb db A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm 
92278 you.
92279 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
92280 H:456 M:678 eb db 
92281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92282 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
92283 H:594 M:484 &lt;e- dbt; 
92284 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92285 naturebind breach dwenthall
92286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92287 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
92288 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
92289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92290 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
92291 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
92292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92293 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
92294 H:594 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
92295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92296 H:456 M:678 eb db 
92297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92298 You have recovered balance.
92299 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92301 naturebind breach dwenthall
92302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92303 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92304 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92306 naturebind breach dwenthall
92307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92308 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92309 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92310 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92311 dag
92312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92313 You are:
92314 blind.
92315 deaf.
92316 an insomniac.
92317 suffering from twitching muscles.
92318 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
92319 H:456 M:678 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
92320 H:456 M:678 -b db 
92321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92322 naturebind breach dwenthall
92323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92324 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92325 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92327 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
92328 H:456 M:678 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
92329 H:456 M:678 eb db 
92330 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92331 ts
92332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92333 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
92334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92335 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
92336 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92337 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
92338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92339 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92340 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92341 H:456 M:678 -b db 
92342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92343 naturebind breach dwenthall
92344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92345 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92346 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92347 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92348 sip health
92349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92350 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
92351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92352 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
92353 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92354 The elixir heals your body.
92355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92356 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92358 H:595 M:678 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
92359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92360 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
92362 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92363 naturebind breach dwenthall
92364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92365 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92366 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92368 H:595 M:678 -b db 
92369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92370 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
92371 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
92372 H:594 M:484 &lt;eb dbt; 
92373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92374 naturebind breach dwenthall
92375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92376 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
92377 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
92378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92379 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
92380 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
92381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92382 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
92383 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92385 H:595 M:678 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
92386 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92387 naturebind breach dwenthall
92388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92389 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92390 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92392 H:622 M:700 -b db 
92393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92394 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
92395 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92397 naturebind breach dwenthall
92398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92399 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92400 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92401 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92402 naturebind breach dwenthall
92403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92404 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92406 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92407 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92408 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
92409 H:622 M:700 -b db 
92410 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
92412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92413 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
92415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92416 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
92419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92420 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92422 H:610 M:700 eb db 
92423 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
92425 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
92427 H:608 M:700 eb db 
92428 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
92430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92431 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
92433 H:594 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
92434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92435 H:608 M:700 eb db 
92436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92437 ac on
92438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92439 Autocuring activated.
92441 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92442 evoke imbue
92443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92444 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92447 TEAR MAP
92448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92449 Syntax: TEAR MAP
92451 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92452 evoke empower jolt
92453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92454 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92457 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
92458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92459 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92461 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92462 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
92463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92464 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92467 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
92468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92469 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92471 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92472 naturebind choke dwenthall
92473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92474 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92476 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92477 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
92478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92479 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92482 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
92483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92484 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92487 ta dwenthall
92488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92489 Dwenthall's condition stands at 608/669 health and 700/700 mana.
92491 Mana Lost: 12
92493 H:594 M:472 &lt;-b dbt; 
92494 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
92497 H:594 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
92498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92499 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
92500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92501 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
92502  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
92504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92505 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
92506 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
92508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92509 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
92511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92512 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
92513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92514 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
92516 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92517 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
92518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92519 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
92521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92522 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
92523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92524 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
92526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92527 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
92529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92530 Balance Taken: 2.00s
92532 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92533 naturebinding shred dwenthall
92534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92535 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
92536 ing her skin mercilessly.
92537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92538 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
92539 ng your skin mercilessly.
92540 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
92541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92542 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
92543 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92544 ta dwenthall
92545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92546 Dwenthall's condition stands at 603/669 health and 684/700 mana.
92547 Mana Lost: 12
92548 H:594 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
92549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92550 H:564 M:684 eb b 
92551 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92552 smoke pipe with linseed
92553 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92554 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
92555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92556 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
92557 H:594 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
92558 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92559 H:564 M:684 eb b 
92560 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92561 ac on
92562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92563 Autocuring activated.
92564 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92565 evoke imbue
92566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92567 You must regain balance first.
92568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92569 TEAR MAP
92570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92571 Syntax: TEAR MAP
92572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92573 evoke empower jolt
92574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92575 You must regain balance first.
92576 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92577 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
92578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92579 You must regain balance first.
92580 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92581 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
92582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92583 You must regain balance first.
92584 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92585 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
92586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92587 You must regain balance first.
92588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92589 naturebind choke dwenthall
92590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92591 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92593 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
92594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92595 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92596 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92597 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
92598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92599 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92600 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92601 ta dwenthall
92602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92603 Dwenthall's condition stands at 564/669 health and 745/700 mana.
92604 Mana Lost: 12
92605 H:594 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
92606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92607 ---------delayed wisp
92608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92609 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
92610 H:594 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
92611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92612 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
92613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92614 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
92615 mmand.
92616 H:594 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
92617 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92618 eat juniper
92619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92620 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1763.
92621 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
92622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92623 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
92624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92625 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
92626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92627 H:594 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
92628 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92629 H:564 M:684 eb db 
92630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92631 Health Gain: 33
92632 Mana Gain: 32
92633 H:628 M:480 &lt;-- dbt; 
92634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92635 Your muscles finally stop twitching.
92636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92637 Dwenthall's muscles cease their twitching.
92639 H:628 M:480 &lt;-- dbt; 
92640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92641 H:631 M:700 eb db 
92642 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92643 ------------SHOCK DOWN
92644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92645 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
92647 H:628 M:480 &lt;-- dbt; 
92648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92649 You may drink another healing elixir.
92650 H:631 M:700 eb db 
92651 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92652 ------------SHOCK DOWN
92653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92654 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
92656 H:628 M:480 &lt;-- dbt; 
92657 You have recovered balance.
92660 H:628 M:480 &lt;-b dbt; 
92661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92662 You may eat another herb or plant.
92663 H:631 M:700 eb db 
92664 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
92665 H:631 M:700 eb db 
92666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92667 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
92670 H:628 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
92671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92672 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
92673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92674 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
92676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92677 evoke wisp glowing me
92678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92679 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
92681 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92682 evoke toxicrain strychnine
92683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92684 No tornado is raging here.
92686 H:628 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
92687 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92688 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
92689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92690 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
92692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92693 evoke wisp glowing me
92694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92695 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
92697 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92698 evoke toxicrain strychnine
92699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92700 No tornado is raging here.
92702 H:628 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
92703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92704 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
92706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92707 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
92709 H:628 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
92710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92711 H:621 M:700 eb db 
92712 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92713 clot
92714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92715 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
92717 H:621 M:686 eb db 
92718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92719 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
92720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92721 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
92723 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92724 evoke wisp glowing me
92725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92726 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
92728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92729 evoke toxicrain strychnine
92730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92731 No tornado is raging here.
92733 H:628 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
92734 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92735 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
92736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92737 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
92739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92740 evoke tornado
92741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92742 Mana Lost: 30
92744 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
92745  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
92746 ng in air.
92748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92749 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
92750 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
92751  sucking in air.
92753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92754 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
92756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92757 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
92759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92760 The tornado swirls rapidly.
92762 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
92764 Balance Taken: 3.80s
92766 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92767 naturebind curse dwenthall
92768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92769 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
92770 root shreds it viciously.
92771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92772 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
92773 root shreds it viciously.
92774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92775 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
92776 H:628 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
92777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92778 H:621 M:686 eb db 
92779 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92780 eat kelp
92781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92782 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1973.
92783 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
92784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92785 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
92786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92787 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
92788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92789 H:628 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
92790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92791 H:621 M:686 eb db 
92792 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92793 rt Tornado Up!!
92794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92795 You are not the member of any ring.
92796 H:628 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
92797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92798 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
92799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92800 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
92801 H:628 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
92802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92803 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
92804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92805 You must regain balance first.
92806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92807 evoke tornado
92808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92809 You must regain balance first.
92810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92811 naturebind curse dwenthall
92812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92813 You must regain your equilibrium first.
92814 H:628 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
92815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92816 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Dardanic Grasslands.
92817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92818 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Dardanic Grasslands.
92819 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
92820 H:628 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
92821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92822 H:621 M:670 eb db 
92823 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92824 dag
92825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92826 You are:
92827 blind.
92828 deaf.
92829 an insomniac.
92830 cursed by Nature.
92831 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
92832 H:621 M:670 -b db 
92833 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92834 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
92835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92836 You must regain balance first.
92837 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92838 evoke wisp glowing me
92839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92840 You must regain balance first.
92841 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92842 evoke toxicrain strychnine
92843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92844 You must regain balance first.
92845 H:628 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
92846 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92847 l
92848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92849 A rocky outcropping.
92850 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the wa
92851 y north. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southeast. A pile of rubble lies here, blockin
92852 g the way south. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southwest. An animated hawthorn root i
92853 s curled here, swaying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An an
92854 imated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr
92855  is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his 
92856 right. 
92857 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
92858 H:621 M:670 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
92859 H:621 M:670 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
92860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92861 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
92862 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92863 You may eat another herb or plant.
92865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92866 H:628 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
92867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92868 H:621 M:670 eb db 
92869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92870 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
92871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92872 You must regain balance first.
92873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92874 evoke wisp glowing me
92875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92876 You must regain balance first.
92877 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92878 evoke toxicrain strychnine
92879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92880 You must regain balance first.
92881 H:628 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
92882 H:628 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
92883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92884 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
92885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92886 You must regain balance first.
92887 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92888 evoke wisp glowing me
92889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92890 You must regain balance first.
92891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92892 evoke toxicrain strychnine
92893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92894 You must regain balance first.
92895 H:628 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
92896 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92897 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
92898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92899 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
92900 H:628 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
92901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92902 H:610 M:670 eb db 
92903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92904 You have recovered balance.
92905 H:628 M:450 &lt;eb dbt; 
92906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92907 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
92908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92909 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
92910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92911 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
92912 ods your veins.
92913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92914 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
92915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92916 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
92917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92918 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
92919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92920 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
92921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92922 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
92923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92924 evoke wisp glowing me
92925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92926 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
92927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92928 evoke toxicrain strychnine
92929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92930 Mana Lost: 12
92931 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
92932 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
92933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92934 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
92935 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
92936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92937 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
92938 Mana Lost: 12
92939 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
92940 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
92941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92942 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
92943  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
92944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92945 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
92946 Balance Taken: 2.00s
92947 H:628 M:425 &lt;e- dbt; 
92948 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92949 H:610 M:670 eb db 
92950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92951 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
92952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92953 You must regain balance first.
92954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92955 evoke wisp glowing me
92956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92957 You must regain balance first.
92958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92959 evoke toxicrain strychnine
92960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92961 You must regain balance first.
92962 H:628 M:425 &lt;e- dbt; 
92963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92964 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
92965 H:610 M:670 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
92966 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92967 probe crystal
92968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
92969 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
92970 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
92971 It weighs 6 ounces.
92972 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
92973 The crystal can support 3 spells.
92974 H:637 M:698 eb db 
92975 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92976 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
92977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92978 You must regain balance first.
92979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92980 evoke wisp glowing me
92981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92982 You must regain balance first.
92983 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92984 evoke toxicrain strychnine
92985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92986 You must regain balance first.
92987 H:628 M:425 &lt;e- dbt; You are again able to overwhelm someone through the power of Nature.
92988 H:628 M:425 &lt;e- dbt; 
92989 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92990 OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!
92991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92992 Your input, "OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
92993 H:628 M:425 &lt;e- dbt; 
92994 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92995 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
92996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92997 You must regain balance first.
92998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
92999 evoke wisp glowing me
93000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93001 You must regain balance first.
93002 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93003 evoke toxicrain strychnine
93004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93005 You must regain balance first.
93006 H:628 M:425 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
93007 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93008 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
93009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93010 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93012 evoke wisp glowing me
93013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93014 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93015 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93016 evoke toxicrain strychnine
93017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93018 Mana Lost: 12
93019 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
93020 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
93021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93022 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
93023 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
93024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93025 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
93026 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of strychnine to empower the tornado.
93027 H:628 M:413 &lt;eb dbt; 
93028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93029 H:637 M:682 eb db 
93030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93031 Health Gain: 33
93032 Mana Gain: 32
93033 H:661 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
93034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93035 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
93036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93037 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93039 evoke wisp glowing me
93040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93041 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93043 evoke toxicrain strychnine
93044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93045 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
93046 H:661 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
93047 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93048 empty strychnine
93049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93050 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
93051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93052 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
93053 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93054 empty strychnine
93055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93056 I don't see that in your inventory.
93057 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93058 vbelt tap empty strychine
93059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93060 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
93061 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93062 vbelt tap empty strychnine
93063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93064 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
93065  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
93066  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
93067 H:661 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
93068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93069 H:669 M:700 eb db 
93070 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93071 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
93072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93073 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93074 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93075 evoke wisp glowing me
93076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93077 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93078 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93079 evoke toxicrain strychnine
93080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93081 Mana Lost: 12
93082 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
93083 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
93084 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93085 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
93086 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
93087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93088 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
93089 Mana Lost: 12
93090 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
93091 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
93092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93093 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
93094  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
93095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93096 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
93097 Balance Taken: 2.00s
93098 H:661 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
93099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93100 H:669 M:700 eb db 
93101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93102 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
93103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93104 You must regain balance first.
93105 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93106 evoke wisp glowing me
93107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93108 You must regain balance first.
93109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93110 evoke toxicrain strychnine
93111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93112 You must regain balance first.
93113 H:661 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
93114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93115 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
93116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93117 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
93118 H:661 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
93119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93120 H:657 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
93121 H:657 M:700 eb db 
93122 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93123 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
93124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93125 You must regain balance first.
93126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93127 evoke wisp glowing me
93128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93129 You must regain balance first.
93130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93131 evoke toxicrain strychnine
93132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93133 You must regain balance first.
93134 H:661 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
93135 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93136 l
93137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93138 A rocky outcropping.
93139 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the wa
93140 y north. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southeast. A pile of rubble lies here, blockin
93141 g the way south. A pile of rubble lies here, blocking the way southwest. An animated hawthorn root i
93142 s curled here, swaying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An an
93143 imated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr
93144  is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his 
93145 right. 
93146 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
93147 H:657 M:700 eb db 
93148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93149 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
93150 H:661 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
93151 H:661 M:422 &lt;eb dbt; 
93152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93153 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
93154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93155 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
93156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93157 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
93158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93159 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
93160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93161 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
93162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93163 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
93164 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93165 evoke wisp glowing me
93166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93167 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93169 evoke toxicrain strychnine
93170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93171 Mana Lost: 12
93172 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
93173 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
93174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93175 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
93176 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
93177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93178 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
93179 Mana Lost: 12
93180 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
93181 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
93182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93183 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
93184  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
93185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93186 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
93187 Balance Taken: 2.00s
93188 H:661 M:397 &lt;e- dbt; 
93189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93190 H:657 M:700 eb db 
93191 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93192 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
93193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93194 You must regain balance first.
93195 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93196 evoke wisp glowing me
93197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93198 You must regain balance first.
93199 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93200 evoke toxicrain strychnine
93201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93202 You must regain balance first.
93203 H:661 M:397 &lt;e- dbt; 
93204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93205 eat toadstool
93206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93207 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1885.
93208 You quickly eat a toadstool.
93209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93210 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
93211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93212 Health Gain: 7
93213 Mana Gain: 51
93214 You feel your health and mana replenished.
93215 H:669 M:449 &lt;e- dbt; 
93216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93217 H:657 M:700 eb db 
93218 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93219 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
93220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93221 You must regain balance first.
93222 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93223 evoke wisp glowing me
93224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93225 You must regain balance first.
93226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93227 evoke toxicrain strychnine
93228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93229 You must regain balance first.
93230 H:669 M:449 &lt;e- dbt; 
93231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93232 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
93233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93234 You must regain balance first.
93235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93236 evoke wisp glowing me
93237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93238 You must regain balance first.
93239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93240 evoke toxicrain strychnine
93241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93242 You must regain balance first.
93243 H:669 M:449 &lt;e- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
93244 ne.
93245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93246 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
93247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93248 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
93249 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93250 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
93251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93252 The tornado swirls rapidly.
93253 H:669 M:449 &lt;e- dbt; 
93254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93255 H:657 M:684 eb b 
93256 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93257 eat juniper
93258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93259 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1762.
93260 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
93261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93262 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
93263 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93264 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
93265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93266 H:669 M:449 &lt;e- dbt; 
93267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93268 H:657 M:684 eb db 
93269 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93270 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
93271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93272 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
93273 H:669 M:449 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
93274 H:669 M:449 &lt;eb dbt; 
93275 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93276 cast flamepillar
93277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93278 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
93279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93280 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
93281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93282 You concentrate and slowly raise your hand upwards. Your index finger traces a fiery line in the air
93283 , which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
93284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93285 Dwenthall concentrates and slowly raises her hand upwards. Her index finger traces a fiery line in t
93286 he air, which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
93287 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93288 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
93289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93290 H:669 M:449 &lt;eb dbt; 
93291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93292 H:657 M:660 -b db 
93293 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93294 smoke pipe with linseed
93295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93296 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
93297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93298 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
93299 H:669 M:449 &lt;eb dbt; 
93300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93301 H:657 M:660 -b db 
93302 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93303 ac on
93304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93305 Autocuring activated.
93306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93307 order golem kill dwenthall
93308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93309 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
93310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93311 evoke empower rockfall
93312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93313 Mana Lost: 6
93314 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
93315 wer of Earth infuses it.
93316 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93317 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
93318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93319 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93320 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93321 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
93322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93323 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93325 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
93326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93327 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93328 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93330 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93331 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
93332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93333 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
93334 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
93335 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93336 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
93337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93338 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
93339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93340 Balance Taken: 3.01s
93341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93342 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
93343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93344 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
93345 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93346 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
93347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93348 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
93349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93350 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
93351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93352 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
93353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93354 naturebind shred dwenthall
93355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93356 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
93357 ing her skin mercilessly.
93358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93359 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
93360 ng your skin mercilessly.
93361 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
93362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93363 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
93364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93365 ta dwenthall
93366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93367 Dwenthall's condition stands at 576/669 health and 712/700 mana.
93368 Mana Lost: 12
93369 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
93370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93371 H:515 M:660 -b b A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
93372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93373 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
93374 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
93375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93376 H:502 M:660 -b b 
93377 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93378 purge blood
93379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93380 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
93381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93382 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
93383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93384 The stinging feeling fades.
93385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93386 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
93387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93388 H:502 M:654 -b b 
93389 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93390 sip health
93391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93392 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
93393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93394 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
93395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93396 The elixir heals your body.
93397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93398 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
93399 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93400 H:652 M:654 -b b 
93401 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93402 eat toadstool
93403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93404 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1835.
93405 You quickly eat a toadstool.
93406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93407 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
93408 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93409 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
93410 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
93411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93412 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
93413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93414 H:652 M:654 -b b 
93415 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93416 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
93417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93418 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
93419 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
93420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93421 You may eat another herb or plant.
93422 H:652 M:654 -b b 
93423 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93424 eat juniper
93425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93426 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1761.
93427 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
93428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93429 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
93430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93431 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
93432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93433 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
93434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93435 H:652 M:654 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
93436 H:652 M:654 -b db 
93437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93438 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
93439 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
93440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93441 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
93442 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
93443 H:647 M:654 -b db 
93444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93445 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
93446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93447 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
93448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93449 H:669 M:430 &lt;e- dbt; 
93450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93451 H:669 M:666 -b db 
93452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93453 You have recovered balance.
93454 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
93455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93456 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
93457 H:669 M:666 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
93458 H:669 M:666 eb db 
93459 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93460 ac on
93461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93462 Autocuring activated.
93463 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93464 evoke empower rockfall
93465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93466 Mana Lost: 6
93467 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
93468 wer of Earth infuses it.
93469 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93470 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
93471 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93472 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
93473 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
93474 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93475 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
93476  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
93477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93478 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
93479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93480 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
93481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93482 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93484 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
93485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93486 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93487 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93488 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93489 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93490 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
93491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93492 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
93493 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
93494 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93495 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
93496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93497 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
93498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93499 Balance Taken: 3.01s
93500 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93501 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
93502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93503 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
93504  her skin mercilessly.
93505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93506 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
93507 your skin mercilessly.
93508 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
93509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93510 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
93511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93512 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
93513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93514 You must regain your equilibrium first.
93515 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93516 ta dwenthall
93517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93518 Dwenthall's condition stands at 474/669 health and 653/700 mana.
93519 Mana Lost: 12
93520 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
93521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93522 H:526 M:666 eb b 
93523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93524 You may eat another mushroom.
93525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93526 ---------delayed wisp
93527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93528 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
93529 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
93530 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93531 eat maidenhair
93532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93533 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1960.
93534 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
93535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93536 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
93537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93538 The stinging feeling fades.
93539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93540 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
93541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93542 H:526 M:666 eb b 
93543 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93544 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
93545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93546 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
93547 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 32
93548 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
93549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93550 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
93551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93552 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
93553 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
93554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93555 H:546 M:694 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
93556 H:546 M:694 eb b 
93557 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93558 sip health
93559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93560 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
93561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93562 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
93563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93564 The elixir heals your body.
93565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93566 H:669 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
93567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93568 H:669 M:694 eb b 
93569 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93570 cnc
93571 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93572 You already possess mental equilibrium.
93573 H:669 M:694 eb b 
93574 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93575 pa
93576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93577 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
93578 H:669 M:694 eb b 
93579 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93580 ovt
93581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93582 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
93583 H:669 M:694 eb b 
93584 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93585 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
93586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93587 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
93588 ewreathe effect.
93589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93590 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
93591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93592 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
93593 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
93594  twitching slightly under the cold.
93595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93596 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
93597 range burning sensation in your nerves.
93598 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
93599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93600 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
93601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93602 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
93603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93604 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
93605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93606 H:564 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
93607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93608 H:669 M:675 -b b 
93609 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93610 ta
93611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93612 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 445/512 mana.
93613 H:669 M:663 -b b 
93614 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93615 eat nightshade
93616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93617 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1954.
93618 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
93619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93620 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
93621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93622 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
93623 H:564 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
93624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93625 H:669 M:663 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
93626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93627 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
93628 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93629 You may eat another herb or plant.
93631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93632 H:564 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
93633 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93634 H:669 M:663 -b b 
93635 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93636 eat juniper
93637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93638 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1760.
93639 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
93640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93641 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
93642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93643 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
93644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93645 H:564 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
93646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93647 H:669 M:663 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
93648 H:669 M:663 -b db 
93649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93650 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
93651 H:564 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
93652 H:564 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
93653 H:564 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
93654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93655 You may eat another herb or plant.
93656 H:669 M:663 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
93657 H:669 M:647 eb db 
93658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93659 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
93660 H:564 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
93661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93662 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
93663 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93664 ims
93665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93666 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
93667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93668 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
93669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93670 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
93671 ewreathe effect.
93672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93673 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
93674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93675 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
93676 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
93677 y.
93678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93679 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
93680 hly.
93681 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
93682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93683 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
93684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93685 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
93686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93687 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
93688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93689 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
93690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93691 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
93692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93693 H:467 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
93694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93695 H:669 M:635 -b db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
93696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93697 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
93698 H:467 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
93699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93700 H:655 M:635 -b db 
93701 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93702 apply epidermal
93703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93704 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
93705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93706 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
93707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93708 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
93709 H:467 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
93710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93711 H:655 M:635 -b db 
93712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93713 sip health
93714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93715 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
93716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93717 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
93718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93719 Health Gain: 138
93720 The elixir heals your body.
93721 H:606 M:445 &lt;eb dbt; 
93722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93723 H:655 M:635 -b db 
93724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93725 eat toadstool
93726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93727 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1884.
93728 You quickly eat a toadstool.
93729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93730 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
93731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93732 Health Gain: 63
93733 Mana Gain: 51
93734 You feel your health and mana replenished.
93735 H:669 M:496 &lt;eb dbt; 
93736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93737 H:655 M:635 -b db 
93738 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93739 smoke pipe with linseed
93740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93741 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
93742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93743 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
93744 H:669 M:496 &lt;eb dbt; 
93745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93746 H:655 M:635 -b db 
93747 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93748 ac on
93749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93750 Autocuring activated.
93751 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93752 order golem kill dwenthall
93753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93754 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
93755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93756 evoke empower rockfall
93757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93758 Mana Lost: 6
93759 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
93760 wer of Earth infuses it.
93761 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93762 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
93763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93764 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
93765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93766 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
93768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93769 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
93771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93772 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
93774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93775 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
93777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93778 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
93780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93781 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
93783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93784 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
93785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93786 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93788 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93789 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
93790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93791 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93793 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93796 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93799 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
93801 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
93803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93804 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
93806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93807 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
93809 Balance Taken: 3.01s
93811 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93812 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
93813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93814 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
93816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93817 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
93818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93819 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
93821 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93822 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
93823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93824 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
93826 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93827 naturebind shred dwenthall
93828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93829 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
93830 ing her skin mercilessly.
93832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93833 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
93834 ng your skin mercilessly.
93836 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
93838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93839 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
93841 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93842 ta dwenthall
93843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93844 Dwenthall's condition stands at 387/669 health and 635/700 mana.
93846 Mana Lost: 12
93848 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
93849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93850 H:416 M:635 -b b 
93851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93852 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
93854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93855 You start choking as the tornado deprives you of air.
93857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93858 The tornado swirls rapidly.
93860 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93861 eat maidenhair
93862 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93863 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1959.
93865 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
93867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93868 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
93870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93871 The stinging feeling fades.
93873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93874 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
93875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93876 H:320 M:635 -b b 
93877 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93878 eat toadstool
93879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93880 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1834.
93882 You quickly eat a toadstool.
93884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93885 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
93887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93888 You feel your health and mana replenished.
93890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93891 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
93892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93893 H:386 M:700 -b b 
93894 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93895 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
93896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93897 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
93899 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
93900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93901 You may drink another healing elixir.
93902 H:386 M:700 -b b 
93903 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93904 sip health
93905 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93906 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
93907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93908 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
93909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93910 The elixir heals your body.
93911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93912 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
93913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93914 H:551 M:700 -b b 
93915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93916 You may apply another salve.
93917 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
93918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93919 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
93920 H:551 M:700 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
93921 H:551 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
93922 H:551 M:700 eb b 
93923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93924 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
93925 H:669 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; 
93926 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93927 eat juniper
93928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93929 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1759.
93930 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
93931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93932 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
93933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93934 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
93935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93936 H:669 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; 
93937 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93938 H:551 M:700 eb db 
93939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93940 You have recovered balance.
93941 H:669 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
93942 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93943 ac on
93944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93945 Autocuring activated.
93946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93947 evoke imbue
93948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93949 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
93950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93951 TEAR MAP
93952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93953 Syntax: TEAR MAP
93954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93955 evoke empower jolt
93956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93957 Mana Lost: 6
93958 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
93959 wer of Earth infuses it.
93960 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93961 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
93962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93963 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93965 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
93966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93967 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
93968 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93969 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
93970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93971 I do not recognize that toxin.
93972 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93974 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93975 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
93976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93977 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
93978 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
93979 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
93980 Balance Taken: 3.01s
93981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93982 naturebind choke dwenthall
93983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93984 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
93985 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93986 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
93987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93988 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
93989  her skin mercilessly.
93990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
93991 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
93992 your skin mercilessly.
93993 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
93994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93995 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
93996 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93997 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
93998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
93999 You must regain your equilibrium first.
94000 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94001 ta dwenthall
94002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94003 Dwenthall's condition stands at 398/669 health and 630/700 mana.
94004 Mana Lost: 12
94005 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
94006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94007 H:398 M:700 eb b 
94008 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94009 cnc
94010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94011 You already possess mental equilibrium.
94012 H:398 M:700 eb b 
94013 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94014 pa
94015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94016 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
94017 H:398 M:700 eb b 
94018 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94019 ovt
94020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94021 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
94022 H:398 M:700 eb b 
94023 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94024 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
94025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94026 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
94027 ock effect.
94028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94029 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
94030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94031 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
94032 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
94033  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
94034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94035 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
94036 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
94037 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
94038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94039 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
94040 using him to lose his patience.
94041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94042 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
94043 ausing you to lose your patience.
94044 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
94045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94046 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
94047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94048 H:560 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
94049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94050 H:398 M:682 -b b 
94051 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94052 ta
94053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94054 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 560/669 health and 460/512 mana.
94055 H:398 M:670 -b b 
94056 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94057 eat nightshade
94058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94059 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1953.
94060 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
94061 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94062 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
94063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94064 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
94065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94066 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
94067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94068 H:560 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
94069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94070 H:398 M:670 -b b 
94071 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94072 clot
94073 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94074 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
94075 H:398 M:656 -b b 
94076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94077 purge blood
94078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94079 Mana Lost: 6
94080 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
94081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94082 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
94083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94084 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
94085 H:560 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
94086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94087 H:398 M:656 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
94088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94089 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
94090 H:560 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
94091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94092 H:385 M:640 -b b 
94093 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94094 touch tree
94095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94096 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
94097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94098 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
94099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94100 You are patient once again.
94101 H:560 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
94102 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94103 H:385 M:640 -b b 
94104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94105 You may drink another healing elixir.
94106 H:560 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
94107 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94108 apply mass
94109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94110 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
94111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94112 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
94113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94114 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
94115 H:560 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
94116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94117 H:385 M:640 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
94118 H:385 M:640 -b b 
94119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94120 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
94121 H:560 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
94122 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94123 eat juniper
94124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94125 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1758.
94126 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
94127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94128 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
94129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94130 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
94131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94132 H:560 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
94133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94134 H:385 M:640 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
94135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94136 Health Gain: 33
94137 Mana Gain: 32
94138 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94139 You may drink another healing elixir.
94141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94142 H:593 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
94143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94144 H:445 M:696 -b db 
94145 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94146 sip health
94147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94148 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
94149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94150 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
94151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94152 The elixir heals your body.
94153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94154 H:593 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
94155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94156 H:599 M:696 -b db 
94157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94158 You may eat another herb or plant.
94159 H:593 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
94160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94161 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
94162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94163 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
94164 H:593 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
94165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94166 H:599 M:696 -b db 
94167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94168 You may apply another salve.
94169 H:593 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
94170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94171 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
94172 H:599 M:696 -b db 
94173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94174 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
94175 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94176 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
94177 You may eat another mushroom.
94178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94179 H:593 M:486 &lt;e- dbt; 
94180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94181 H:599 M:696 eb db 
94182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94183 You have recovered balance.
94184 H:593 M:486 &lt;eb dbt; 
94185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94186 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
94187 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
94188 H:597 M:696 eb db 
94189 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94190 cnc
94191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94192 You already possess mental equilibrium.
94193 H:597 M:696 eb db 
94194 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94195 pa
94196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94197 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
94198 H:597 M:696 eb db 
94199 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94200 ovt
94201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94202 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
94203 H:597 M:696 eb db 
94204 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94205 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
94206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94207 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
94208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94209 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
94210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94211 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
94212 ock effect.
94213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94214 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
94215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94216 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
94217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94218 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
94219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94220 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
94221 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
94222 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
94223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94224 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
94225 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
94226 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
94227 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
94228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94229 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
94230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94231 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
94232 athe.
94233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94234 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
94235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94236 H:497 M:486 &lt;eb dbt; 
94237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94238 H:597 M:668 -b db 
94239 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94240 ta
94241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94242 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 497/669 health and 486/512 mana.
94243 H:597 M:656 -b db 
94244 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94245 eat kelp
94246 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94247 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1943.
94248 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
94249 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94250 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
94251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94252 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
94253 H:497 M:486 &lt;eb dbt; 
94254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94255 H:597 M:656 -b db 
94256 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94257 sip health
94258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94259 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
94260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94261 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
94262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94263 Health Gain: 141
94264 The elixir heals your body.
94265 H:638 M:486 &lt;eb dbt; 
94266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94267 H:597 M:656 -b db 
94268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94269 eat toadstool
94270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94271 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1883.
94272 You quickly eat a toadstool.
94273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94274 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
94275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94276 Health Gain: 30
94277 Mana Gain: 25
94278 You feel your health and mana replenished.
94279 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
94280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94281 H:597 M:656 -b db 
94282 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94283 smoke pipe with linseed
94284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94285 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
94286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94287 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
94288 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
94289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94290 H:597 M:656 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
94291 H:597 M:656 -b db 
94292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94293 ac on
94294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94295 Autocuring activated.
94296 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94297 order golem kill dwenthall
94298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94299 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
94300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94301 evoke empower rockfall
94302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94303 Mana Lost: 6
94304 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
94305 wer of Earth infuses it.
94306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94307 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
94308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94309 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
94310 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94311 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
94312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94313 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
94314 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94315 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
94316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94317 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
94318 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94319 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
94320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94321 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
94322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94323 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
94324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94325 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
94326 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
94327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94328 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
94329 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
94330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94331 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
94332 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
94333 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
94334 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
94335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94336 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
94337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94338 Balance Taken: 3.01s
94339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94340 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
94341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94342 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
94343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94344 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
94345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94346 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
94347 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94348 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
94349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94350 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
94351 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94352 naturebind shred dwenthall
94353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94354 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
94355 ing her skin mercilessly.
94356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94357 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
94358 ng your skin mercilessly.
94359 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
94360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94361 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
94362 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94363 ta dwenthall
94364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94365 Dwenthall's condition stands at 425/669 health and 578/700 mana.
94366 Mana Lost: 12
94367 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
94368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94369 H:373 M:656 -b b 
94370 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94371 eat maidenhair
94372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94373 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1958.
94374 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
94375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94376 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
94377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94378 The stinging feeling fades.
94379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94380 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
94381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94382 H:373 M:656 -b b 
94383 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94384 eat toadstool
94385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94386 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1833.
94387 You quickly eat a toadstool.
94388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94389 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
94390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94391 You feel your health and mana replenished.
94392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94393 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
94394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94395 H:440 M:700 -b b 
94396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94397 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
94398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94399 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
94400 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
94401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94402 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
94403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94404 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
94405 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
94406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94407 H:430 M:700 -b b You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
94409 H:430 M:700 -b b 
94410 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94411 clot
94412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94413 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
94415 H:430 M:686 -b b 
94416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94417 You may eat another herb or plant.
94418 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
94419 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94420 eat maidenhair
94421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94422 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1976.
94424 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
94426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94427 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
94429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94430 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
94432 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
94433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94434 H:430 M:670 -b b 
94435 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
94436 H:430 M:670 -b b 
94437 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
94440 H:430 M:670 eb b 
94441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94442 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
94444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94445 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
94447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94448 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
94450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94451 You may eat another herb or plant.
94452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94453 H:622 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
94454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94455 H:430 M:670 eb b 
94456 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94457 eat juniper
94458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94459 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1757.
94461 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
94463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94464 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
94466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94467 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
94469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94470 H:622 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
94471 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94472 H:430 M:670 eb db 
94473 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94474 apply caloric
94475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94476 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
94478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94479 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
94481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94482 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
94484 H:622 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
94485 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94486 H:430 M:670 eb db 
94487 You may drink another healing elixir.
94488 H:430 M:670 eb db 
94489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94490 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
94493 H:622 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
94494 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94495 sip health
94496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94497 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
94499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94500 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
94502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94503 The elixir heals your body.
94505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94506 H:622 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
94507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94508 H:545 M:670 eb db 
94509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94510 You have recovered balance.
94513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94514 ac on
94515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94516 Autocuring activated.
94518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94519 evoke imbue
94520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94521 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
94523 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94524 evoke empower shock
94525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94526 Mana Lost: 6
94528 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
94529 wer of Earth infuses it.
94531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94532 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
94533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94534 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
94536 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94537 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
94538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94539 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
94540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94541 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
94542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94543 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
94544 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
94545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94546 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
94547 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
94548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94549 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
94550 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
94551 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
94552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94553 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
94554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94555 Balance Taken: 3.01s
94556 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94557 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
94558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94559 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
94560 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94561 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
94562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94563 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
94564  her skin mercilessly.
94565 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94566 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
94567 your skin mercilessly.
94568 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
94569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94570 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
94571 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94572 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
94573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94574 You must regain your equilibrium first.
94575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94576 ta dwenthall
94577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94578 Dwenthall's condition stands at 373/669 health and 630/700 mana.
94579 Mana Lost: 12
94580 H:622 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
94581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94582 H:428 M:670 eb b 
94583 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94584 cnc
94585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94586 You already possess mental equilibrium.
94587 H:428 M:670 eb b 
94588 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94589 pa
94590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94591 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
94592 H:428 M:670 eb b 
94593 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94594 ovt
94595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94596 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
94597 H:428 M:670 eb b 
94598 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94599 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
94600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94601 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
94602 ranoia effect.
94603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94604 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
94605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94606 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
94607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94608 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
94609 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94610 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
94611 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
94612 seous.
94613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94614 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
94615 g you thoroughly.
94616 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
94617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94618 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
94619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94620 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
94621 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
94622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94623 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
94624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94625 H:525 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
94626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94627 H:428 M:655 -b b 
94628 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94629 ta
94630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94631 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 525/669 health and 476/512 mana.
94632 H:428 M:643 -b b 
94633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94634 focus
94635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94636 Mana Lost: 15
94637 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
94638 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94639 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
94640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94641 Your nerves suddenly calm down.
94642 H:525 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
94643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94644 H:428 M:643 -b b 
94645 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94646 purge blood
94647 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94648 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
94649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94650 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
94651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94652 The stinging feeling fades.
94653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94654 H:525 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
94655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94656 H:428 M:637 -b b 
94657 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94658 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
94659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94660 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
94661 H:525 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
94662 H:525 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
94663 H:525 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; The icicles continue beating at your skin.
94664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94665 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
94666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94667 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
94668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94669 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
94670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94671 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
94672 H:446 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
94673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94674 H:428 M:637 -b b 
94675 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94676 eat nightshade
94677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94678 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1952.
94679 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
94680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94681 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
94682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94683 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
94684 H:446 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
94685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94686 H:428 M:637 -b b 
94687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94688 You may drink another healing elixir.
94689 H:446 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
94690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94691 You may eat another herb or plant.
94692 H:428 M:637 -b b 
94693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94694 You cannot contain the convulsions in your stomach any longer and double over, retching violently.
94695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94696 Reyvenyr doubles over, vomiting violently.
94697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94698 Damage Taken: 100 unblockable (raw damage: 100)
94699 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94700 eat juniper
94701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94702 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1756.
94703 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
94704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94705 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
94706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94707 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
94708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94709 H:345 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
94710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94711 H:428 M:637 -b db 
94712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94713 sip health
94714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94715 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
94716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94717 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
94718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94719 The elixir seems to have an unusual effect on your elixir-deprived body.
94720 Mana Gain: 51
94721 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
94722 H:345 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
94723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94724 H:428 M:637 -b db 
94725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94726 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
94727 H:345 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
94728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94729 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
94730 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
94731 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
94732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94733 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
94734 H:345 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
94735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94736 H:414 M:637 -b db 
94737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94738 You may eat another mushroom.
94739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94740 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
94742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94743 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
94745 H:345 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
94746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94747 H:414 M:637 -b db 
94748 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94749 eat toadstool
94750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94751 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1882.
94753 You quickly eat a toadstool.
94755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94756 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
94758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94759 Health Gain: 66
94761 You feel your health and mana replenished.
94763 H:412 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
94764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94765 H:414 M:637 -b db 
94766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94767 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
94769 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94770 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
94772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94773 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
94775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94776 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
94778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94779 The tornado swirls rapidly.
94781 H:412 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
94782 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94783 H:414 M:637 -b b 
94784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94785 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
94788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94789 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
94792 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
94794 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94795 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
94796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94797 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
94799 H:412 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
94800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94801 H:414 M:637 eb b 
94802 You may eat another mushroom.
94804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94805 You have recovered balance.
94808 You may eat another herb or plant.
94809 H:412 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
94810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94811 H:414 M:637 eb b 
94812 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94813 eat toadstool
94814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94815 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1832.
94817 You quickly eat a toadstool.
94819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94820 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
94822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94823 You feel your health and mana replenished.
94825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94826 H:412 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
94827 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94828 H:480 M:700 eb b 
94829 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94830 eat wormwood
94831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94832 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1995.
94834 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
94836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94837 Reyvenyr quickly eats a wormwood root.
94839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94840 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
94842 H:412 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
94843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94844 H:480 M:700 eb b 
94845 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94846 cnc
94847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94848 You already possess mental equilibrium.
94850 H:480 M:684 eb b 
94851 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94852 pa
94853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94854 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
94856 H:480 M:684 eb b 
94857 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94858 ovt
94859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94860 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
94862 H:480 M:684 eb b 
94863 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94864 abn
94865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94866 Your wounds are already bandaged.
94868 H:480 M:684 eb b 
94869 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94870 cast weariness dehydrate freeze at &tar
94871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94872 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
94874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94875 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
94877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94878 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
94880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94881 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
94883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94884 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
94886 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
94887 ariness effect.
94889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94890 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
94892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94893 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
94895 You conjure a wave of heat and focus it towards Reyvenyr, draining moisture from his body. Reyvenyr'
94896 s skin glistens and he appears dizzy as the wave of heat passes through.
94898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94899 Dwenthall conjures a wave of heat and focuses it towards you, draining moisture from your body, hamp
94900 ering your ability to process salves and causing you to feel dizzy.
94902 Damage Taken: 65 fire, mental (raw damage: 80)
94904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94905 You send a blast of cold air towards Reyvenyr, chilling him to the bone.
94907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94908 Dwenthall sends a blast of cold air towards you, chilling you to the bone.
94910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94911 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
94913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94914 H:347 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
94915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94916 H:474 M:653 -b b 
94917 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94918 ta
94919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94920 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 347/669 health and 512/512 mana.
94922 H:474 M:641 -b b 
94923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94924 apply caloric
94925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94926 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
94928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94929 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
94931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94932 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
94934 H:347 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
94935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94936 H:474 M:641 -b b 
94937 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94938 smoke pipe with linseed
94939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94940 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
94942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94943 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
94945 H:347 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
94946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94947 H:474 M:641 -b b 
94948 You may eat another herb or plant.
94949 H:474 M:641 -b b 
94950 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94951 eat juniper
94952 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94953 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1755.
94955 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
94957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94958 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
94960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94961 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
94963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94964 H:347 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
94965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94966 H:474 M:641 -b db 
94967 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94968 ac on
94969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94970 Autocuring activated.
94972 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94973 evoke imbue
94974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94975 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
94977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94978 evoke empower shock
94979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94980 Mana Lost: 6
94982 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
94983 wer of Earth infuses it.
94985 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94986 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
94987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94988 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
94990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94991 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
94993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
94994 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
94996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
94997 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
94999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95000 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
95002 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95003 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
95004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95005 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
95007 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95008 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
95009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95010 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
95011 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
95012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95013 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
95014 A brief shock tuns through your body and your muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
95015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95016 Dwenthall's muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
95017 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
95018 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
95019 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
95020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95021 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
95022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95023 Balance Taken: 3.01s
95024 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95025 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
95026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95027 You concentrate on your bond with Nature and prepare to overwhelm Dwenthall with its raw power.
95028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95029 A look of utmost concentration appears on Reyvenyr's face, followed by a menacing look in your direc
95030 tion.
95031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95032 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
95033 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95034 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
95035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95036 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95037 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95038 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
95039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95040 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95041 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95042 ta dwenthall
95043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95044 Dwenthall's condition stands at 362/669 health and 635/700 mana.
95045 Mana Lost: 12
95046 H:347 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
95047 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95048 H:342 M:641 -b b 
95049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95050 Your mind is able to focus once again.
95052 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95053 ---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!
95054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95055 Your input, "---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!"
95056 , is not a valid command.
95057 H:347 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
95058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95059 focus
95060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95061 Mana Lost: 15
95062 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
95063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95064 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
95065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95066 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
95067 H:347 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
95068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95069 H:342 M:641 -b b 
95070 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95071 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
95072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95073 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
95074 H:347 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
95075 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95076 -------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!
95077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95078 Your input, "-------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
95079 H:347 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; Health Gain: 33
95080 Mana Gain: 32
95081 H:380 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; 
95082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95083 You may drink another healing elixir.
95084 H:375 M:669 -b b A sudden eruption of a distant volcano lights up the firmament.
95085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95086 A sudden eruption of a distant volcano lights up the firmament.
95087 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95088 sip health
95089 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95090 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
95091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95092 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
95093 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95094 The elixir heals your body.
95095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95096 H:380 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; 
95097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95098 H:515 M:669 -b b 
95099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95100 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
95101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95102 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
95103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95104 H:380 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; 
95105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95106 H:515 M:669 -b b 
95107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95108 You may eat another herb or plant.
95109 H:380 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; 
95110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95111 You may eat another herb or plant.
95112 H:515 M:669 -b b You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
95113 H:515 M:669 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
95114 H:515 M:669 eb b 
95115 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95116 eat juniper
95117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95118 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1754.
95119 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
95120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95121 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
95122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95123 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
95124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95125 H:380 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; 
95126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95127 H:515 M:669 eb db 
95128 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95129 eat kelp
95130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95131 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1942.
95132 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
95133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95134 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
95135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95136 You feel strength return to your limbs.
95137 H:380 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; 
95138 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95139 H:515 M:669 eb db 
95140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95141 You may drink another healing elixir.
95142 H:380 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
95143 H:380 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
95144 H:380 M:511 &lt;e- dbt; 
95145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95146 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
95147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95148 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
95149 H:380 M:511 &lt;e- dbt; 
95150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95151 H:504 M:669 eb db 
95152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95153 ac on
95154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95155 Autocuring activated.
95156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95157 pt
95158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95159 You must regain balance first.
95160 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95161 target nothing
95162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95163 You must regain balance first.
95164 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95165 evoke empower rockfall
95166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95167 You must regain balance first.
95168 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95169 lp
95170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95171 You must regain balance first.
95172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95173 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
95174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95175 You must regain balance first.
95176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95177 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
95178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95179 You must regain balance first.
95180 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95181 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
95182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95183 You must regain balance first.
95184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95185 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
95186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95187 You are already focusing on overwhelming someone.
95188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95189 naturebind choke dwenthall
95190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95191 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
95192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95193 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
95194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95195 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
95196 ing her skin mercilessly.
95197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95198 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
95199 ng your skin mercilessly.
95200 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
95201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95202 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
95203 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95204 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
95205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95206 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95208 H:380 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; 
95209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95210 H:459 M:669 eb b 
95211 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95212 ac on
95213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95214 Autocuring activated.
95216 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95217 pt
95218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95219 You must regain balance first.
95221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95222 target nothing
95223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95224 You must regain balance first.
95226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95227 evoke empower rockfall
95228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95229 You must regain balance first.
95231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95232 lp
95233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95234 You must regain balance first.
95236 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95237 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
95238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95239 You must regain balance first.
95241 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95242 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
95243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95244 You must regain balance first.
95246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95247 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
95248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95249 You must regain balance first.
95251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95252 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
95253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95254 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95256 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95257 naturebind choke dwenthall
95258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95259 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95261 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95262 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
95263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95264 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95266 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95267 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
95268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95269 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95271 H:380 M:511 &lt;-- dbt; 
95272 You have recovered balance.
95275 H:380 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
95276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95277 sip health
95278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95279 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
95281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95282 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
95284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95285 Health Gain: 173
95287 The elixir heals your body.
95289 H:554 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
95290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95291 H:459 M:669 eb b 
95292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95293 ac on
95294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95295 Autocuring activated.
95297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95298 pt
95299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95300 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95302 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95303 target nothing
95304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95305 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95307 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95308 evoke empower rockfall
95309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95310 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95312 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95313 lp
95314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95315 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95317 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95318 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
95319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95320 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95323 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
95324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95325 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95328 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
95329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95330 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95333 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
95334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95335 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95337 naturebind choke dwenthall
95338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95339 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95341 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
95342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95343 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95345 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
95346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95347 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95348 H:554 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
95349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95350 ac on
95351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95352 Autocuring activated.
95353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95354 pt
95355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95356 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95357 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95358 target nothing
95359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95360 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95361 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95362 evoke empower rockfall
95363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95364 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95365 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95366 lp
95367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95368 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95369 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95370 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
95371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95372 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95374 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
95375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95376 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95377 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95378 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
95379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95380 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95381 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95382 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
95383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95384 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95386 naturebind choke dwenthall
95387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95388 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95389 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95390 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
95391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95392 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95393 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95394 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
95395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95396 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95397 H:554 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
95398 H:554 M:511 &lt;-b dbt; 
95399 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95400 purge blood
95401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95402 Mana Lost: 6
95403 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
95404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95405 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
95406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95407 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
95408 H:554 M:505 &lt;-b dbt; 
95409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95410 H:459 M:669 eb b 
95411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95412 Your mind is able to focus once again.
95413 H:554 M:505 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
95414 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
95415 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
95416 You cannot contain the convulsions in your stomach any longer and double over, retching violently.
95417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95418 Reyvenyr doubles over, vomiting violently.
95419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95420 Damage Taken: 100 unblockable (raw damage: 100)
95421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95422 touch tree
95423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95424 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
95425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95426 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
95427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95428 Your stomach becalms itself.
95429 H:454 M:505 &lt;eb dbt; 
95430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95431 H:459 M:653 eb b 
95432 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95433 eat toadstool
95434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95435 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1881.
95436 You quickly eat a toadstool.
95437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95438 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
95439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95440 Health Gain: 66
95441 Mana Gain: 6
95442 You feel your health and mana replenished.
95443 H:520 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
95444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95445 H:459 M:653 eb b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
95446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95447 ac on
95448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95449 Autocuring activated.
95450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95451 pt
95452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95453 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
95454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95455 target nothing
95456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95457 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
95458 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95459 evoke empower rockfall
95460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95461 Mana Lost: 6
95462 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
95463 wer of Earth infuses it.
95464 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95465 lp
95466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95467 You quickly light your pipes, surrounding yourself with a cloud of smoke.
95468 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95469 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
95470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95471 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
95472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95473 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
95474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95475 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
95476 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95477 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
95478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95479 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
95480 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
95481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95482 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
95483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95484 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
95485 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
95486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95487 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
95488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95489 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
95490 Balance Taken: 3.01s
95491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95492 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
95493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95494 You are already focusing on overwhelming someone.
95495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95496 naturebind choke dwenthall
95497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95498 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
95499 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95500 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
95501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95502 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
95503 ing her skin mercilessly.
95504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95505 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
95506 ng your skin mercilessly.
95507 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
95508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95509 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
95510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95511 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
95512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95513 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95514 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95515 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95516 H:354 M:681 eb b 
95517 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95518 ac on
95519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95520 Autocuring activated.
95521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95522 pt
95523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95524 You must regain balance first.
95525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95526 target nothing
95527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95528 You must regain balance first.
95529 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95530 evoke empower rockfall
95531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95532 You must regain balance first.
95534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95535 lp
95536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95537 You must regain balance first.
95539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95540 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
95541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95542 You must regain balance first.
95544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95545 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
95546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95547 You must regain balance first.
95549 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95550 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
95551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95552 You must regain balance first.
95554 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95555 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
95556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95557 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95560 naturebind choke dwenthall
95561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95562 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95564 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95565 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
95566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95567 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95569 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95570 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
95571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95572 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95574 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95575 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95576 touch tree
95577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95578 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
95580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95581 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
95583 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95584 The stinging feeling fades.
95586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95587 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95589 H:354 M:681 eb b 
95590 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95591 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
95592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95593 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
95595 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95596 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95597 ts
95598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95599 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
95601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95602 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
95604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95605 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
95607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95608 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95609 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95610 H:354 M:681 -b b 
95611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95612 ac on
95613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95614 Autocuring activated.
95616 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95617 pt
95618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95619 You must regain balance first.
95621 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95622 target nothing
95623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95624 You must regain balance first.
95626 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95627 evoke empower rockfall
95628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95629 You must regain balance first.
95631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95632 lp
95633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95634 You must regain balance first.
95636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95637 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
95638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95639 You must regain balance first.
95641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95642 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
95643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95644 You must regain balance first.
95646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95647 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
95648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95649 You must regain balance first.
95651 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95652 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
95653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95654 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95657 naturebind choke dwenthall
95658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95659 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95660 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95661 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
95662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95663 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95664 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95665 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
95666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95667 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95668 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95670 You may eat another herb or plant.
95671 H:354 M:681 -b b 
95672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95673 You may eat another herb or plant.
95674 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95675 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95676 naturebind breach dwenthall
95677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95678 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95679 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
95680 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95681 eat juniper
95682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95683 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1753.
95684 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
95685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95686 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
95687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95688 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
95689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95690 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95692 H:354 M:681 -b db 
95693 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95694 eat kelp
95695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95696 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1941.
95697 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
95698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95699 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
95700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95701 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
95702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95703 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
95704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95705 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95707 H:354 M:681 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
95708 H:354 M:681 -b db 
95709 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95710 ac on
95711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95712 Autocuring activated.
95713 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95714 pt
95715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95716 You must regain balance first.
95717 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95718 target nothing
95719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95720 You must regain balance first.
95721 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95722 evoke empower rockfall
95723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95724 You must regain balance first.
95725 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95726 lp
95727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95728 You must regain balance first.
95729 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95730 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
95731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95732 You must regain balance first.
95733 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95734 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
95735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95736 You must regain balance first.
95737 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95738 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
95739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95740 You must regain balance first.
95741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95742 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
95743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95744 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95746 naturebind choke dwenthall
95747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95748 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95749 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95750 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
95751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95752 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95753 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95754 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
95755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95756 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95758 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95759 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95760 clot
95761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95762 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
95764 H:354 M:667 -b db 
95765 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95766 eat toadstool
95767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95768 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1831.
95770 You quickly eat a toadstool.
95772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95773 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
95775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95776 You feel your health and mana replenished.
95778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95779 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95781 H:421 M:700 -b db 
95782 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
95784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95785 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
95787 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95789 H:421 M:700 -b db 
95790 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
95792 You may drink another healing elixir.
95793 H:420 M:700 -b db 
95794 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95795 sip health
95796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95797 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
95799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95800 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
95802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95803 The elixir heals your body.
95805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95806 H:520 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
95807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95808 H:536 M:700 -b db 
95809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95810 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
95813 H:520 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
95814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95815 The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
95817 H:536 M:700 -b db 
95818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95819 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
95820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95821 You must regain balance first.
95823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95824 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
95825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95826 You must regain balance first.
95828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95829 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
95830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95831 You must regain balance first.
95833 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95834 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
95835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95836 You must regain balance first.
95838 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95839 naturebinding shred dwenthall
95840 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95841 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
95843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95844 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
95846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95847 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
95849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95850 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
95852 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95853 ta dwenthall
95854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95855 Dwenthall's condition stands at 556/669 health and 700/700 mana.
95857 Mana Lost: 12
95859 H:520 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
95860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95861 H:556 M:700 -b db 
95862 You may eat another herb or plant.
95863 H:556 M:700 -b db 
95864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95865 You may eat another herb or plant.
95866 H:520 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
95867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95868 ac on
95869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95870 Autocuring activated.
95872 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95873 evoke imbue
95874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95875 You must regain balance first.
95877 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95878 TEAR MAP
95879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95880 Syntax: TEAR MAP
95882 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95883 evoke empower jolt
95884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95885 You must regain balance first.
95886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95887 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
95888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95889 You must regain balance first.
95890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95891 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
95892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95893 You must regain balance first.
95894 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95895 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
95896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95897 You must regain balance first.
95898 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95899 naturebind choke dwenthall
95900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95901 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95903 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
95904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95905 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95907 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
95908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95909 You must regain your equilibrium first.
95910 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95911 ta dwenthall
95912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95913 Dwenthall's condition stands at 556/669 health and 595/700 mana.
95914 Mana Lost: 12
95915 H:520 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
95916 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95917 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
95918 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
95919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95920 What do you wish to break?
95921 H:520 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
95922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95923 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
95924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95925 What do you wish to break?
95926 H:520 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
95927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95928 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
95929 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
95930 H:576 M:700 -b db 
95931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95932 You have recovered balance.
95933 H:520 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
95934 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95935 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
95936 H:576 M:700 eb db 
95937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95938 You may drink another healing elixir.
95939 H:520 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
95940 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95941 sip health
95942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95943 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
95944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95945 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
95946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95947 Health Gain: 148
95948 The elixir heals your body.
95949 H:669 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
95950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95951 H:576 M:700 eb db 
95952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95953 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
95954 H:669 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
95955 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95956 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
95957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95958 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
95959  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
95960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95961 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
95962 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
95963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95964 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
95965 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95966 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
95967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95968 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
95969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95970 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
95971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95972 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
95973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95974 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
95975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95976 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
95977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95978 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
95979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95980 Balance Taken: 2.00s
95981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95982 naturebinding shred dwenthall
95983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95984 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
95985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95986 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
95987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95988 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
95989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95990 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
95991 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95992 ta dwenthall
95993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
95994 Dwenthall's condition stands at 649/669 health and 616/700 mana.
95995 Mana Lost: 12
95996 H:669 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
95997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
95998 H:596 M:700 eb db 
95999 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96000 smoke pipe with linseed
96001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96002 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
96003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96004 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
96005 H:669 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
96006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96007 H:596 M:700 eb db You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
96008 H:596 M:700 eb db 
96009 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96010 ac on
96011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96012 Autocuring activated.
96013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96014 evoke imbue
96015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96016 You must regain balance first.
96017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96018 TEAR MAP
96019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96020 Syntax: TEAR MAP
96021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96022 evoke empower jolt
96023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96024 You must regain balance first.
96025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96026 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
96027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96028 You must regain balance first.
96029 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96030 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
96031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96032 You must regain balance first.
96033 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96034 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
96035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96036 You must regain balance first.
96037 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96038 naturebind choke dwenthall
96039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96040 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96041 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96042 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
96043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96044 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96045 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96046 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
96047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96048 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96049 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96050 ta dwenthall
96051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96052 Dwenthall's condition stands at 596/669 health and 700/700 mana.
96053 Mana Lost: 12
96054 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
96055 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96056 ---------delayed wisp
96057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96058 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
96059 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
96060 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96061 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
96062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96063 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
96064 mmand.
96065 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
96066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96067 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
96068 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
96069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96070 What do you wish to break?
96071 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
96072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96073 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
96074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96075 What do you wish to break?
96076 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
96077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96078 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
96079 You may drink another healing elixir.
96080 H:596 M:684 eb db 
96081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96082 You may eat another mushroom.
96083 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
96084 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96085 sip health
96086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96087 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
96088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96089 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
96090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96091 The elixir heals your body.
96092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96093 H:669 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
96094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96095 H:669 M:684 eb db 
96096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96097 You have recovered balance.
96098 Mana Gain: 32
96099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96100 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
96102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96103 H:669 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
96104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96105 H:669 M:700 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
96106 H:669 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
96107 H:669 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm 
96108 you.
96109 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
96110 H:669 M:700 eb db 
96111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96112 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
96113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96114 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
96115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96116 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
96117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96118 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
96119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96120 The tornado swirls rapidly.
96121 H:669 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
96122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96123 H:669 M:700 eb b 
96124 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96125 eat juniper
96126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96127 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1752.
96128 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
96129 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96130 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
96131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96132 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
96133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96134 H:669 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
96135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96136 H:669 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
96137 H:669 M:700 eb db 
96138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96139 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
96140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96141 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
96142 H:669 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
96143 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96144 naturebind breach dwenthall
96145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96146 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
96147 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
96148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96149 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
96150 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
96151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96152 Equilibrium Taken: 1.26s
96153 H:669 M:490 &lt;-b dbt; 
96154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96155 H:669 M:700 eb db 
96156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96157 naturebind breach dwenthall
96158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96159 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96160 H:669 M:490 &lt;-b dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
96161 H:669 M:490 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
96162 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
96163 H:669 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
96164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96165 You may eat another herb or plant.
96166 H:669 M:700 eb db 
96167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96168 ac on
96169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96170 Autocuring activated.
96171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96172 order golem kill dwenthall
96173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96174 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
96175 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96176 evoke empower rockfall
96177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96178 Mana Lost: 6
96179 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
96180 wer of Earth infuses it.
96181 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96182 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
96183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96184 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
96185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96186 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
96187 ods your veins.
96188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96189 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
96190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96191 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
96192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96193 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
96194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96195 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
96196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96197 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
96198 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96199 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
96200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96201 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
96202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96203 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
96204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96205 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
96206 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
96207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96208 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
96209 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
96210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96211 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
96212 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
96213 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
96214 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
96215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96216 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
96217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96218 Balance Taken: 3.01s
96219 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96220 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
96221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96222 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
96223 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96224 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
96225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96226 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
96227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96228 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
96229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96230 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
96231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96232 naturebind shred dwenthall
96233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96234 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
96235 ing her skin mercilessly.
96236 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96237 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
96238 ng your skin mercilessly.
96239 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
96240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96241 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
96242 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96243 ta dwenthall
96244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96245 Dwenthall's condition stands at 477/669 health and 725/700 mana.
96246 Mana Lost: 12
96247 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
96248 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96249 H:419 M:684 eb b 
96250 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96251 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
96252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96253 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
96254 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
96255 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96256 eat maidenhair
96257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96258 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1957.
96259 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
96260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96261 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
96262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96263 The stinging feeling fades.
96264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96265 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
96266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96267 H:419 M:684 eb b 
96268 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96269 eat toadstool
96270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96271 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1830.
96272 You quickly eat a toadstool.
96273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96274 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
96275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96276 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
96277 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
96278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96279 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
96280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96281 H:419 M:684 eb b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
96282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96283 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
96284 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
96285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96286 H:419 M:684 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
96287 H:419 M:684 eb b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
96288 H:446 M:700 eb b A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
96289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96290 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
96291 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96292 sip health
96293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96294 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
96295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96296 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
96297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96298 The elixir heals your body.
96299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96300 H:669 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
96301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96302 H:568 M:700 eb b 
96303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96304 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
96305 H:669 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; 
96306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96307 You may eat another herb or plant.
96308 H:568 M:700 eb b 
96309 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96310 eat juniper
96311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96312 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1751.
96313 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
96314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96315 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
96316 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96317 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
96318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96319 H:669 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; 
96320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96321 H:568 M:700 eb db 
96322 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96323 probe crystal
96324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96325 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
96326 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
96327 It weighs 6 ounces.
96328 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
96329 The crystal can support 2 spells.
96330 H:568 M:700 eb db 
96331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96332 You have recovered balance.
96333 H:669 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
96334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96335 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
96336 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
96337 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96338 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
96339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96340 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
96341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96342 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
96343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96344 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
96345 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96346 evoke lightning dwenthall
96347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96348 Mana Lost: 12
96349 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
96350  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
96351 g her charred and drained.
96352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96353 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
96354 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
96355 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
96356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96357 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
96358 Balance Taken: 3.80s
96359 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96360 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
96361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96362 You must regain balance first.
96363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96364 naturebind choke dwenthall
96365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96366 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
96367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96368 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
96369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96370 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
96371 ing her skin mercilessly.
96372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96373 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
96374 ng your skin mercilessly.
96375 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
96376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96377 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
96378 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96379 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
96380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96381 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96382 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
96383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96384 H:446 M:700 eb b 
96385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96386 ac on
96387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96388 Autocuring activated.
96390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96391 evoke empower knockout
96392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96393 You must regain balance first.
96395 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96396 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
96397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96398 You must regain balance first.
96400 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96401 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
96402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96403 You must regain balance first.
96405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96406 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
96407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96408 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96410 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96411 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
96412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96413 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96415 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96416 ta dwenthall
96417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96418 Dwenthall's condition stands at 490/669 health and 700/700 mana.
96420 Mana Lost: 12
96422 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
96423 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96424 clot
96425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96426 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
96428 H:446 M:686 eb b 
96429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96430 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
96431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96432 You must regain balance first.
96434 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96435 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
96436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96437 You must regain balance first.
96439 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96440 evoke lightning dwenthall
96441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96442 You must regain balance first.
96444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96445 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
96446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96447 You must regain balance first.
96449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96450 naturebind choke dwenthall
96451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96452 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96455 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
96456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96457 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96459 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96460 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
96461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96462 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96464 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
96465 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96466 ac on
96467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96468 Autocuring activated.
96470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96471 evoke empower knockout
96472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96473 You must regain balance first.
96475 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96476 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
96477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96478 You must regain balance first.
96480 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96481 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
96482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96483 You must regain balance first.
96485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96486 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
96487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96488 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96491 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
96492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96493 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96495 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96496 ta dwenthall
96497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96498 Dwenthall's condition stands at 446/669 health and 686/700 mana.
96500 Mana Lost: 12
96502 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
96503 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96504 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
96505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96506 You must regain balance first.
96508 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96509 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
96510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96511 You must regain balance first.
96513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96514 evoke lightning dwenthall
96515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96516 You must regain balance first.
96517 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96518 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
96519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96520 You must regain balance first.
96521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96522 naturebind choke dwenthall
96523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96524 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96526 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
96527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96528 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96529 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96530 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
96531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96532 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96533 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
96534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96535 ac on
96536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96537 Autocuring activated.
96538 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96539 evoke empower knockout
96540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96541 You must regain balance first.
96542 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96543 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
96544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96545 You must regain balance first.
96546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96547 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
96548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96549 You must regain balance first.
96550 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96551 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
96552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96553 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96554 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96555 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
96556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96557 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96559 ta dwenthall
96560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96561 Dwenthall's condition stands at 446/669 health and 720/700 mana.
96562 Mana Lost: 12
96563 H:669 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
96564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96565 You can once again overtune your crystal.
96566 H:446 M:686 eb b 
96567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96568 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
96569 H:669 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
96570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96571 You may commit reserves once again.
96572 H:446 M:670 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
96573 H:446 M:670 eb b 
96574 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96575 eat juniper
96576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96577 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1750.
96578 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
96579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96580 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
96581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96582 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
96583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96584 H:669 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
96585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96586 H:446 M:670 eb db 
96587 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96588 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
96589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96590 You must regain balance first.
96591 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96592 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
96593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96594 You must regain balance first.
96595 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96596 evoke lightning dwenthall
96597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96598 You must regain balance first.
96599 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96600 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
96601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96602 You must regain balance first.
96603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96604 naturebind choke dwenthall
96605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96606 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96607 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96608 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
96609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96610 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96612 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
96613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96614 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96616 H:669 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
96617 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
96620 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
96621 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96622 ac on
96623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96624 Autocuring activated.
96626 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96627 evoke empower knockout
96628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96629 You must regain balance first.
96631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96632 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
96633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96634 You must regain balance first.
96636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96637 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
96638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96639 You must regain balance first.
96641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96642 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
96643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96644 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated beech root moves forwards and brushes 
96645 swiftly against Dwenthall's skin.
96647 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96648 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and an animated beech root moves forwards and as it bru
96649 shes against your skin, you feel your ability to absorb healing elixirs weakened.
96651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96652 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
96654 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96655 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
96656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96657 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96659 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96660 ta dwenthall
96661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96662 Dwenthall's condition stands at 446/669 health and 690/700 mana.
96664 Mana Lost: 12
96666 H:669 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
96667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96668 H:446 M:670 eb db 
96669 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96670 l
96671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96672 A rocky outcropping.
96675 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
96676 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
96677 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
96678 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
96679 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
96680 Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield
96681  in his right. 
96682 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
96685 You see exits leading 
96686 north, southeast, south, and southwest
96687 .
96690 H:446 M:670 eb db 
96691 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96692 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
96693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96694 You must regain balance first.
96696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96697 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
96698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96699 You must regain balance first.
96701 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96702 evoke lightning dwenthall
96703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96704 You must regain balance first.
96706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96707 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
96708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96709 You must regain balance first.
96711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96712 naturebind choke dwenthall
96713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96714 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96717 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
96718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96719 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96721 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96722 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
96723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96724 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96726 H:669 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
96727 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96728 ac on
96729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96730 Autocuring activated.
96732 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96733 evoke empower knockout
96734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96735 You must regain balance first.
96737 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96738 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
96739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96740 You must regain balance first.
96742 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96743 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
96744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96745 You must regain balance first.
96746 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96747 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
96748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96749 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96750 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96751 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
96752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96753 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96755 ta dwenthall
96756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96757 Dwenthall's condition stands at 446/669 health and 637/700 mana.
96758 Mana Lost: 12
96759 H:669 M:399 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
96760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96761 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
96763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96764 H:669 M:399 &lt;-- dbt; 
96765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96766 H:446 M:670 eb db 
96767 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96768 eat toadstool
96769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96770 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1880.
96771 You quickly eat a toadstool.
96772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96773 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
96774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96775 Mana Gain: 51
96776 You feel your health and mana replenished.
96777 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
96778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96779 H:446 M:670 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
96780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96781 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
96782 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96783 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
96784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96785 You must regain balance first.
96786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96787 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
96788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96789 You must regain balance first.
96790 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96791 evoke lightning dwenthall
96792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96793 You must regain balance first.
96794 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96795 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
96796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96797 You must regain balance first.
96798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96799 naturebind choke dwenthall
96800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96801 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96803 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
96804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96805 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96807 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
96808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96809 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96810 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
96811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96812 H:435 M:670 eb db 
96813 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96814 ac on
96815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96816 Autocuring activated.
96817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96818 evoke empower knockout
96819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96820 You must regain balance first.
96821 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96822 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
96823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96824 You must regain balance first.
96825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96826 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
96827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96828 You must regain balance first.
96829 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96830 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
96831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96832 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96833 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96834 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
96835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96836 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96837 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96838 ta dwenthall
96839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96840 Dwenthall's condition stands at 495/669 health and 670/700 mana.
96841 Mana Lost: 12
96843 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
96844 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96845 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
96846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96847 You must regain balance first.
96849 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96850 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
96851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96852 You must regain balance first.
96854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96855 evoke lightning dwenthall
96856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96857 You must regain balance first.
96859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96860 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
96861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96862 You must regain balance first.
96864 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96865 naturebind choke dwenthall
96866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96867 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96870 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
96871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96872 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96874 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96875 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
96876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96877 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96879 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
96880 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96881 You may drink another healing elixir.
96882 H:435 M:670 eb db 
96883 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96884 sip health
96885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96886 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
96888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96889 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
96891 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96892 A green light fills your vision briefly and you feel some of the elixir being sucked towards Reyveny
96893 r.
96895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96896 As Dwenthall takes a sip of the elixir, green light floods your vision and you suddenly feel more he
96897 althy.
96899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96900 The elixir heals your body.
96902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96903 H:669 M:438 &lt;-- dbt; 
96904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
96905 H:531 M:670 eb db 
96906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96907 ac on
96908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96909 Autocuring activated.
96911 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96912 evoke empower knockout
96913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96914 You must regain balance first.
96916 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96917 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
96918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96919 You must regain balance first.
96921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96922 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
96923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96924 You must regain balance first.
96926 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96927 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
96928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96929 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96932 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
96933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96934 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96936 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96937 ta dwenthall
96938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96939 Dwenthall's condition stands at 573/669 health and 657/700 mana.
96941 Mana Lost: 12
96943 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
96944 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96945 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
96946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96947 You must regain balance first.
96949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96950 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
96951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96952 You must regain balance first.
96954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96955 evoke lightning dwenthall
96956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96957 You must regain balance first.
96959 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96960 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
96961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96962 You must regain balance first.
96964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96965 naturebind choke dwenthall
96966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96967 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96970 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
96971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96972 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96974 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
96975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96976 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96977 H:669 M:426 &lt;-- dbt; 
96978 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96979 ac on
96980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96981 Autocuring activated.
96982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96983 evoke empower knockout
96984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96985 You must regain balance first.
96986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96987 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
96988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96989 You must regain balance first.
96990 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96991 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
96992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96993 You must regain balance first.
96994 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96995 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
96996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96997 You must regain your equilibrium first.
96998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
96999 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
97000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97001 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97002 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97003 ta dwenthall
97004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97005 Dwenthall's condition stands at 552/669 health and 763/700 mana.
97006 Mana Lost: 12
97007 H:669 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
97008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97009 You may eat another mushroom.
97010 H:531 M:670 eb db 
97011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97012 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
97013 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97014 eat toadstool
97015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97016 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1829.
97017 You quickly eat a toadstool.
97018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97019 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
97020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97021 You feel your health and mana replenished.
97022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97023 H:669 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
97024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97025 H:598 M:700 eb db 
97026 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97027 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
97028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97029 You must regain balance first.
97030 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97031 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
97032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97033 You must regain balance first.
97034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97035 evoke lightning dwenthall
97036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97037 You must regain balance first.
97038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97039 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
97040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97041 You must regain balance first.
97042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97043 naturebind choke dwenthall
97044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97045 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
97046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97047 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
97048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97049 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
97050 ing her skin mercilessly.
97051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97052 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
97053 ng your skin mercilessly.
97054 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
97055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97056 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
97057 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97058 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
97059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97060 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97061 H:669 M:414 &lt;-- dbt; 
97062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97063 H:553 M:700 eb b 
97064 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97065 ac on
97066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97067 Autocuring activated.
97068 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97069 evoke empower knockout
97070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97071 You must regain balance first.
97073 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97074 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
97075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97076 You must regain balance first.
97078 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97079 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
97080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97081 You must regain balance first.
97083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97084 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
97085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97086 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97088 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97089 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
97090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97091 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97093 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97094 ta dwenthall
97095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97096 Dwenthall's condition stands at 569/669 health and 679/700 mana.
97098 Mana Lost: 12
97100 H:669 M:402 &lt;-- dbt; 
97101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97102 You may eat another herb or plant.
97103 H:553 M:700 eb b 
97104 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97105 eat juniper
97106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97107 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1749.
97109 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
97111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97112 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
97114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97115 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
97117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97118 H:669 M:402 &lt;-- dbt; 
97119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97120 H:553 M:700 eb db 
97121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97122 Mana Gain: 32
97124 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
97125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97126 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
97127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97128 You must regain balance first.
97130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97131 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
97132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97133 You must regain balance first.
97135 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97136 evoke lightning dwenthall
97137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97138 You must regain balance first.
97140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97141 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
97142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97143 You must regain balance first.
97145 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97146 naturebind choke dwenthall
97147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97148 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97151 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
97152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97153 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97156 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
97157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97158 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97160 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
97161 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97162 ffn
97163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97164 You are regaining balance and are unable to move.
97166 Somehow Dwenthall flips away to the north.
97167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97168 You flip away to the north, landing flat on your back.
97170 A rocky outcropping.
97173 You see exits leading 
97174 northeast, south, and northwest
97175 .
97178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97179 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
97181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97182 Balance Taken: 3.20s
97184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97185 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
97186 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97187 H:620 M:700 e- pdb 
97188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97189 You have recovered balance.
97192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97193 ac on
97194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97195 Autocuring activated.
97197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97198 evoke empower knockout
97199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97200 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97201 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97202 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
97203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97204 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97205 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97206 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
97207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97208 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97209 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97210 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
97211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97212 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97213 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97214 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
97215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97216 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97217 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97218 ta dwenthall
97219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97220 You detect nothing here by that name.
97221 H:669 M:434 &lt;-b dbt; 
97222 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97223 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
97224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97225 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97227 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
97228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97229 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97230 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97231 evoke lightning dwenthall
97232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97233 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97234 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97235 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
97236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97237 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97239 naturebind choke dwenthall
97240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97241 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97242 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97243 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
97244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97245 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97247 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
97248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97249 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97250 H:669 M:434 &lt;-b dbt; 
97251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97252 ac on
97253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97254 Autocuring activated.
97255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97256 evoke empower knockout
97257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97258 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97259 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97260 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
97261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97262 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97264 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
97265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97266 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97268 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
97269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97270 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97272 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
97273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97274 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97276 ta dwenthall
97277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97278 You do not see that individual here.
97279 H:669 M:434 &lt;-b dbt; 
97280 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97281 kipup
97282 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97283 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
97284 H:620 M:700 e- db 
97285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97286 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
97287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97288 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
97289 H:669 M:434 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
97290 H:669 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
97291 ne.
97292 The tornado swirls rapidly.
97293 H:669 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; 
97294 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97295 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
97296 H:620 M:700 e- db 
97297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97298 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
97299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97300 I do not recognize anything called that here.
97301 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97302 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
97303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97304 You detect nothing here by that name.
97305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97306 evoke lightning dwenthall
97307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97308 You detect nothing here by that name.
97309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97310 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
97311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97312 I do not recognize anything called that here.
97313 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97314 naturebind choke dwenthall
97315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97316 You detect nothing here by that name.
97317 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97318 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
97319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97320 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
97321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97322 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
97323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97324 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
97325 H:669 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; 
97326 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97327 clot
97328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97329 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
97330 H:620 M:686 e- db 
97331 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97332 ac on
97333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97334 Autocuring activated.
97335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97336 evoke empower knockout
97337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97338 Mana Lost: 6
97339 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
97340 wer of Earth infuses it.
97341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97342 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
97343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97344 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
97345 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97346 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
97347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97348 You do not see that individual here.
97349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97350 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
97351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97352 You detect nothing here by that name.
97353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97354 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
97355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97356 I do not recognize anything called that here.
97357 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97358 ta dwenthall
97359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97360 You do not see that individual here.
97361 H:669 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
97362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97363 You may eat another herb or plant.
97364 H:620 M:686 e- db 
97365 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97366 n
97367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97368 A rocky outcropping.
97369 ------ v37834 -------
97370   |                  
97371 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
97372   | \   /     |      
97373 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
97374 / | /   \   /   \ |  
97375 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
97376   | \     |          
97377  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
97378     \   / | \        
97379      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
97380                 \ |  
97381 ------- 1:2:0 -------
97382 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
97383 . She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
97384 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
97385 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97386 Reyvenyr arrives from the south.
97387 He is followed by a mighty earth golem, an animated beech root, an animated blackthorn root, and an 
97388 animated hawthorn root.
97389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97390 H:669 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
97391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97392 H:620 M:686 e- db 
97393 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97394 order loyals kill dwenthall
97395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97396 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
97397 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
97398 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
97399 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
97400 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97401 evoke empower rockfall
97402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97403 Mana Lost: 6
97404 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
97405 wer of Earth infuses it.
97406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97407 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
97408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97409 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
97410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97411 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
97412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97413 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
97414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97415 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
97416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97417 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
97418 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97419 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
97420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97421 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
97422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97423 evoke lightning dwenthall
97424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97425 Mana Lost: 12
97426 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
97427  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
97428 g her charred and drained.
97429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97430 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
97431 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
97432 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
97433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97434 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
97435 Balance Taken: 3.80s
97436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97437 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
97438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97439 You must regain balance first.
97440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97441 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
97442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97443 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
97444 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
97445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97446 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
97447 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
97448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97449 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
97450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97451 ta dwenthall
97452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97453 Dwenthall's condition stands at 506/669 health and 686/700 mana.
97454 Mana Lost: 12
97455 H:669 M:398 &lt;-- dbt; 
97456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97457 H:465 M:686 e- db 
97458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97459 You cease attempting to overwhelm Dwenthall through the power of Nature.
97460 H:669 M:398 &lt;-- dbt; 
97461 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97464 Your input, "OVERWHELM IS DOWN!!!!!", is not a valid command.
97465 H:669 M:398 &lt;-- dbt; 
97466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97467 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
97468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97469 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
97470 H:669 M:398 &lt;-- dbt; 
97471 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97472 H:456 M:670 e- db You have recovered balance.
97473 H:456 M:670 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
97474 H:456 M:670 eb db 
97475 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97476 sip health
97477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97478 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
97479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97480 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
97481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97482 The elixir heals your body.
97483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97484 H:669 M:398 &lt;-- dbt; 
97485 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97486 H:574 M:670 eb db 
97487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97488 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
97489 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97490 l
97491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97492 A rocky outcropping.
97493 ------ v37834 -------
97494   |                  
97495 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
97496   | \   /     |      
97497 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
97498 / | /   \   /   \ |  
97499 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
97500   | \     |          
97501  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
97502     \   / | \        
97503      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
97504                 \ |  
97505 ------- 1:2:0 -------
97506 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
97507 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
97508 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
97509 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
97510 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
97511 H:669 M:398 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
97512 H:669 M:398 &lt;e- dbt; 
97513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97514 er
97515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97516 You must regain balance first.
97517 H:669 M:398 &lt;e- dbt; 
97518 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97519 ts
97520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97521 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
97522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97523 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
97524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97525 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
97526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97527 H:669 M:398 &lt;e- dbt; 
97528 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97529 H:574 M:670 -b db 
97530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97531 eat toadstool
97532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97533 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1879.
97534 You quickly eat a toadstool.
97535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97536 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
97537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97538 Mana Gain: 51
97539 You feel your health and mana replenished.
97540 H:669 M:449 &lt;e- dbt; 
97541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97542 H:574 M:670 -b db 
97543 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97544 naturebind breach dwenthall
97545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97546 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
97547 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
97548 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97549 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
97550 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
97551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97552 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
97553 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
97554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97555 H:574 M:670 -b db 
97556 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97557 er
97558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97559 You must regain balance first.
97560 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
97561 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97562 er
97563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97564 You must regain balance first.
97565 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
97566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97567 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
97568 H:600 M:698 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
97569 H:600 M:698 -b db 
97570 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97571 er
97572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97573 You must regain balance first.
97574 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
97575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97576 er
97577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97578 You must regain balance first.
97579 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
97580 H:669 M:449 &lt;-b dbt; 
97581 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97582 er
97583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97584 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97585 H:669 M:449 &lt;-b dbt; 
97586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97587 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
97588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97589 er
97590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97591 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97592 H:669 M:449 &lt;-b dbt; 
97593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97594 H:600 M:698 -b db 
97595 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97596 er
97597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97598 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97599 H:669 M:449 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
97600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97601 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
97602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97603 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
97604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97605 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
97606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97607 H:669 M:449 &lt;eb dbt; 
97608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97609 H:591 M:698 eb db 
97610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97611 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
97612 H:669 M:449 &lt;eb dbt; 
97613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97614 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
97615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97616 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
97617 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
97618 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97619 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
97620  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
97621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97622 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
97623 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97624 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
97625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97626 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
97627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97628 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
97629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97630 Balance Taken: 2.00s
97631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97632 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
97633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97634 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
97635 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
97636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97637 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
97638 you.
97639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97640 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
97641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97642 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
97643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97644 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97645 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97646 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
97647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97648 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97649 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
97650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97651 H:591 M:682 eb db 
97652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97653 ac on
97654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97655 Autocuring activated.
97656 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97657 order loyals kill dwenthall
97658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97659 You must regain balance first.
97660 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97661 TEAR MAP
97662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97663 Syntax: TEAR MAP
97664 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97665 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
97666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97667 You must regain balance first.
97668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97669 evoke empower rockfall
97670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97671 You must regain balance first.
97672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97673 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
97674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97675 You must regain balance first.
97676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97677 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
97678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97679 You must regain balance first.
97680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97681 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
97682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97683 You must regain balance first.
97684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97685 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
97686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97687 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97688 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97689 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
97690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97691 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97693 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
97694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97695 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97696 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
97697 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97698 smoke pipe with linseed
97699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97700 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
97701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97702 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
97703 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
97704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97705 H:591 M:682 eb db 
97706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97707 ---------delayed wisp
97708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97709 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
97710 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
97711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97712 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
97713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97714 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
97715 mmand.
97716 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
97717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97718 You may drink another healing elixir.
97719 H:591 M:682 eb db 
97720 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97721 sip health
97722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97723 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
97724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97725 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
97726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97727 The elixir heals your body.
97728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97729 H:669 M:449 &lt;-- dbt; 
97730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97731 H:669 M:682 eb db 
97732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97733 You have recovered balance.
97734 Mana Gain: 32
97735 H:669 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
97736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97737 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
97738 H:669 M:700 eb db 
97739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97740 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
97741 You may eat another mushroom.
97742 H:669 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
97743 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97744 ac on
97745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97746 Autocuring activated.
97747 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97748 order golem kill dwenthall
97749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97750 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
97751 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97752 evoke empower rockfall
97753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97754 Mana Lost: 6
97755 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
97756 wer of Earth infuses it.
97757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97758 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
97759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97760 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
97761 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97762 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
97763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97764 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
97765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97766 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
97767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97768 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
97769 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
97770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97771 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
97772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97773 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
97774 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
97775 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97776 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
97777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97778 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
97779 Balance Taken: 3.01s
97780 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97781 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
97782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97783 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
97784 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
97785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97786 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
97787 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
97788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97789 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
97790 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97791 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
97792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97793 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97794 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97795 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
97796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97797 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97799 naturebind shred dwenthall
97800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97801 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97803 ta dwenthall
97804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97805 Dwenthall's condition stands at 548/669 health and 623/700 mana.
97806 Mana Lost: 12
97807 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
97808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97809 H:548 M:700 eb b 
97810 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97811 writhe root
97812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97813 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
97814 H:548 M:700 eb b 
97815 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97816 eat toadstool
97817 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97818 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1828.
97819 You quickly eat a toadstool.
97820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97821 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
97822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97823 You feel your health and mana replenished.
97824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97825 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
97826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97827 H:615 M:700 eb b 
97828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97829 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
97830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97831 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
97832 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
97833 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97834 eat juniper
97835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97836 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1748.
97837 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
97838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97839 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
97840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97841 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
97842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97843 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
97844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97845 H:615 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
97846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97847 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
97848 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
97849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97850 H:604 M:700 eb db 
97851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97852 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
97853 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
97854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97855 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
97856 You may eat another herb or plant.
97857 H:604 M:684 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
97858 H:604 M:684 eb db 
97859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97860 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
97861 H:669 M:464 &lt;e- dbt; 
97862 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97863 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
97864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97865 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
97866 r.
97867 You have recovered balance.
97868 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97869 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
97870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97871 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
97872 H:669 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
97873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97874 H:555 M:684 eb db 
97875 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97876 l
97877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97878 A rocky outcropping.
97879 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
97880 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
97881 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
97882 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. 
97883 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
97884 H:555 M:684 eb db 
97885 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97886 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
97887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97888 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
97889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97890 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
97891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97892 You quickly summon a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
97893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97894 Reyvenyr quickly summons a rainbow wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
97895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97896 Your reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of Dwenthall's eyes.
97897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97898 Reyvenyr's reinforced rainbow wisp flutters in front of your eyes, and you feel your mental reserves
97899  weakening.
97900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97901 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
97902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97903 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
97904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97905 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
97906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97907 evoke drain dwenthall
97908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97909 Mana Lost: 9
97910 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
97911 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
97912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97913 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
97914 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
97915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97916 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
97917 Balance Taken: 2.90s
97918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97919 naturebind drain dwenthall
97920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97921 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
97922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97923 ta dwenthall
97924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97925 Dwenthall's condition stands at 449/669 health and 554/700 mana.
97926 Mana Lost: 12
97927 H:669 M:442 &lt;e- dbt; 
97928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97929 H:515 M:544 eb db 
97930 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97931 trueassess dwenthall
97932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97933 Dwenthall's condition stands at 561/669 health and 620/700 mana.
97934 Mana Lost: 12
97935 H:669 M:430 &lt;e- dbt; 
97936 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97937 sip mana
97938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97939 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
97940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97941 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
97942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97943 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
97944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97945 H:669 M:430 &lt;e- dbt; 
97946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97947 H:515 M:700 eb db 
97948 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97949 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
97950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97951 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
97952 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97953 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
97954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97955 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
97956 dding her skin mercilessly.
97957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97958 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
97959 ding your skin mercilessly.
97960 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
97961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97962 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
97963 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
97964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97965 H:470 M:700 eb b 
97966 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97967 eat juniper
97968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97969 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1747.
97970 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
97971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97972 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
97973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97974 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
97975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97976 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
97977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97978 H:470 M:700 eb db 
97979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97980 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
97981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97982 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97983 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97984 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
97985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97986 You must regain your equilibrium first.
97987 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
97988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97989 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
97990 H:470 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
97991 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
97992 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
97993 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
97994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
97995 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
97996 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
97997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
97998 H:481 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
97999 H:481 M:700 eb db 
98000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98001 You have recovered balance.
98002 H:669 M:430 &lt;-b dbt; 
98003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98004 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
98005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98006 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
98007 r.
98008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98009 You may eat another mushroom.
98010 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
98011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98012 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
98013 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
98014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98015 H:433 M:700 eb db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
98016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98017 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
98018 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
98019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98020 H:433 M:700 eb db 
98021 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98022 eat toadstool
98023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98024 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1827.
98025 You quickly eat a toadstool.
98026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98027 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
98028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98029 You feel your health and mana replenished.
98030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98031 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
98032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98033 H:500 M:700 eb db 
98034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98035 trueassess dwenthall
98036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98037 Dwenthall's condition stands at 430/669 health and 756/700 mana.
98038 Mana Lost: 12
98039 H:669 M:418 &lt;eb dbt; 
98040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98041 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall reinforced
98042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98043 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
98044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98045 evoke wisp rainbow dwenthall
98046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98047 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
98048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98049 evoke drain dwenthall
98050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98051 Mana Lost: 9
98052 You swing a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to form a
98053 round Dwenthall, draining her mental reserves.
98054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98055 Reyvenyr swings a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in a circle, causing a small torrent of air to 
98056 form around you, draining your mental reserves.
98057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98058 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
98059 Balance Taken: 2.90s
98060 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98061 naturebind drain dwenthall
98062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98063 You wave your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and as an animated hawthorn root passes by her, her features
98064  contort in a visage of pain.
98065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98066 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and as an animated hawthorn root passes by you, you feel a s
98067 tabbing pain in your head.
98068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98069 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
98070 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98071 ta dwenthall
98072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98073 Dwenthall's condition stands at 505/669 health and 625/700 mana.
98074 Mana Lost: 12
98075 H:669 M:397 &lt;-- dbt; 
98076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98077 H:500 M:579 eb db 
98078 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98079 ts
98080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98081 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
98082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98083 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
98084 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98085 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
98086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98087 H:669 M:397 &lt;-- dbt; 
98088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98089 H:500 M:579 -b db 
98090 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98091 eat toadstool
98092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98093 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1878.
98094 You quickly eat a toadstool.
98095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98096 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
98097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98098 Mana Gain: 51
98099 You feel your health and mana replenished.
98101 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98102 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98103 H:500 M:579 -b db 
98104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98105 contemplate dwenthall
98106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98107 You must regain balance first.
98109 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98111 naturebind breach dwenthall
98112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98113 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98115 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98117 You may drink another healing elixir.
98118 H:500 M:563 -b db 
98119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98120 naturebind breach dwenthall
98121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98122 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98124 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98125 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
98127 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98128 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98129 sip mana
98130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98131 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
98133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98134 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
98136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98137 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
98139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98140 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98142 H:500 M:690 -b db 
98143 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98144 naturebind breach dwenthall
98145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98146 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98148 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98149 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98150 naturebind breach dwenthall
98151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98152 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98154 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98156 naturebind breach dwenthall
98157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98158 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98160 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98162 naturebind breach dwenthall
98163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98164 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98166 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98168 naturebind breach dwenthall
98169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98170 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98172 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98173 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
98176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98177 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
98180 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98181 naturebind breach dwenthall
98182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98183 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
98184 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
98186 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98187 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
98188 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
98190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98191 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
98193 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
98194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98195 H:500 M:690 eb db 
98196 The colour fades from your boar tattoo, rendering it useless.
98198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98199 Mana Gain: 32
98201 You have recovered balance.
98204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98205 naturebind breach dwenthall
98206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98207 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98209 H:669 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
98210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98211 H:567 M:700 eb db 
98212 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98213 naturebind breach dwenthall
98214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98215 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98217 H:669 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
98218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98219 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
98221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98222 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
98224 H:669 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
98225 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98226 H:556 M:700 eb db 
98227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98228 l
98229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98230 A rocky outcropping.
98231 ------ v37834 -------
98232   |                  
98233 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
98234   | \   /     |      
98235 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
98236 / | /   \   /   \ |  
98237 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
98238   | \     |          
98239  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
98240     \   / | \        
98241      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
98242                 \ |  
98243 ------- 1:2:0 -------
98244 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
98245 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
98246 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
98247 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
98248 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
98249 H:669 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
98250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98251 Your muscles finally stop twitching.
98252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98253 Dwenthall's muscles cease their twitching.
98254 H:669 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
98255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98256 H:556 M:700 eb db 
98257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98258 ------------SHOCK DOWN
98259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98260 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
98261 H:669 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
98262 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98263 ------------SHOCK DOWN
98264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98265 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
98266 H:669 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
98267 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98268 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
98269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98270 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
98271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98272 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
98273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98274 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
98275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98276 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
98277 .
98278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98279 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
98280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98281 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
98282 r veins.
98283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98284 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
98285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98286 evoke tornado
98287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98288 Mana Lost: 30
98289 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
98290  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
98291 ng in air.
98292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98293 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
98294 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
98295  sucking in air.
98296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98297 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
98298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98299 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
98300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98301 The tornado swirls rapidly.
98302 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
98303 Balance Taken: 3.80s
98304 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98305 naturebind curse dwenthall
98306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98307 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
98308 root shreds it viciously.
98309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98310 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
98311 root shreds it viciously.
98312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98313 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
98314 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
98315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98316 H:556 M:700 eb db 
98317 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98318 eat kelp
98319 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98320 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1972.
98321 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
98322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98323 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
98324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98325 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
98326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98327 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
98328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98329 H:556 M:684 eb db 
98330 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98331 rt Tornado Up!!
98332 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98333 You are not the member of any ring.
98334 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
98335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98336 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
98337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98338 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
98340 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
98341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98342 You may eat another mushroom.
98344 H:556 M:684 eb db 
98345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98346 You may eat another mushroom.
98348 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
98349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98350 l
98351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98352 A rocky outcropping.
98355 ------
98356  v37834 
98357 -------
98358   |                  
98359 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
98360   | \   /     |      
98361 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
98362 / | /   \   /   \ |  
98363 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
98364   | \     |          
98365  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
98366     \   / | \        
98367      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
98368                 \ |  
98370 ------- 
98371 1:2:0
98372  -------
98373 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
98374 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
98375 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
98376 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
98377 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
98378 Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
98381 You see exits leading 
98382 northeast, south, and northwest
98383 .
98386 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
98387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98388 You may drink another healing elixir.
98389 H:556 M:684 eb db 
98390 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98391 sip health
98392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98393 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
98395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98396 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
98398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98399 The elixir heals your body.
98401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98402 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
98403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98404 H:669 M:684 eb db 
98405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98406 You are again able to overwhelm someone through the power of Nature.
98408 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
98409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98410 You may eat another herb or plant.
98411 H:669 M:684 eb db 
98412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98413 OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!
98414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98415 Your input, "OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
98417 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
98418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98419 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
98421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98422 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
98424 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98425 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
98426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98427 You must regain balance first.
98429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98430 evoke wisp glowing me
98431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98432 You must regain balance first.
98434 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98435 evoke toxicrain strychnine
98436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98437 You must regain balance first.
98439 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
98440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98441 H:657 M:684 eb db 
98442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98443 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
98446 H:669 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
98447 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98448 cast flamepillar
98449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98450 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
98452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98453 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
98455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98456 You concentrate and slowly raise your hand upwards. Your index finger traces a fiery line in the air
98457 , which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
98459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98460 Dwenthall concentrates and slowly raises her hand upwards. Her index finger traces a fiery line in t
98461 he air, which expands and grows, forming a massive pillar of flame.
98463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98464 Equilibrium Taken: 3.60s
98466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98467 H:669 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
98468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98469 H:657 M:660 -b db 
98470 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98471 smoke pipe with linseed
98472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98473 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
98475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98476 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
98478 H:669 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
98479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98480 H:657 M:660 -b db 
98481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98482 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
98483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98484 You must regain balance first.
98486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98487 evoke wisp glowing me
98488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98489 You must regain balance first.
98491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98492 evoke toxicrain strychnine
98493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98494 You must regain balance first.
98496 H:669 M:450 &lt;e- dbt; 
98497 You have recovered balance.
98500 H:669 M:450 &lt;eb dbt; 
98501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98502 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
98503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98504 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
98506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98507 evoke wisp glowing me
98508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98509 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
98511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98512 evoke toxicrain strychnine
98513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98514 Mana Lost: 12
98516 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
98517 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
98519 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98520 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
98521 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
98523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98524 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
98526 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of strychnine to empower the tornado.
98528 H:669 M:438 &lt;eb dbt; 
98529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98530 H:657 M:660 -b db 
98531 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
98533 H:669 M:688 -b db 
98534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98535 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
98536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98537 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
98539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98540 evoke wisp glowing me
98541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98542 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
98544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98545 evoke toxicrain strychnine
98546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98547 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
98549 H:669 M:438 &lt;eb dbt; 
98550 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98551 empty strychnine
98552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98553 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
98555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98556 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
98558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98559 empty strychnine
98560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98561 I don't see that in your inventory.
98563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98564 vbelt tap empty strychine
98565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98566 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
98568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98569 vbelt tap empty strychnine
98570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98571 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
98572  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
98573  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
98575 H:669 M:438 &lt;eb dbt; 
98576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98577 H:669 M:688 -b db 
98578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98579 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
98581 H:669 M:438 &lt;eb dbt; 
98582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98583 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
98584 H:669 M:672 -b db 
98585 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98586 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
98587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98588 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
98590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98591 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
98593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98594 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
98596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98597 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
98599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98600 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
98602 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98603 evoke wisp glowing me
98604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98605 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
98606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98607 evoke toxicrain strychnine
98608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98609 Mana Lost: 12
98610 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
98611 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
98612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98613 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
98614 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
98615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98616 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
98617 Mana Lost: 12
98618 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
98619 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
98620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98621 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
98622  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
98623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98624 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
98625 Balance Taken: 2.00s
98626 H:669 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
98627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98628 H:669 M:672 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
98629 H:669 M:672 -b db 
98630 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98631 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
98632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98633 You must regain balance first.
98634 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98635 evoke wisp glowing me
98636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98637 You must regain balance first.
98638 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98639 evoke toxicrain strychnine
98640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98641 You must regain balance first.
98642 H:669 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
98643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98644 You may drink another healing elixir.
98645 H:669 M:672 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
98646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98647 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
98648 H:669 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
98649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98650 H:657 M:672 -b db 
98651 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98652 cast erode at rey
98653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98654 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98655 H:657 M:672 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
98656 H:657 M:672 eb db 
98657 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98658 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
98659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98660 You must regain balance first.
98661 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98662 evoke wisp glowing me
98663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98664 You must regain balance first.
98665 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98666 evoke toxicrain strychnine
98667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98668 You must regain balance first.
98669 H:669 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
98670 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98671 cast erode at rey
98672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98673 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
98674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98675 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
98676 Your mindseye defence is eroded away.
98677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98678 His mindseye defence is eroded away.
98679 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
98680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98681 H:669 M:414 &lt;e- dbt; 
98682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98683 H:657 M:668 -b db 
98684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98685 You have recovered balance.
98686 H:669 M:414 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Gain: 32
98687 H:669 M:446 &lt;eb dbt; 
98688 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98689 ac on
98690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98691 Autocuring activated.
98692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98693 order loyals kill dwenthall
98694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98695 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
98696 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
98697 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
98698 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
98699 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98700 TEAR MAP
98701 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98702 Syntax: TEAR MAP
98703 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98704 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
98705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98706 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
98707 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98708 evoke empower rockfall
98709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98710 Mana Lost: 6
98711 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
98712 wer of Earth infuses it.
98713 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98714 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
98715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98716 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
98717 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98718 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
98719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98720 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
98721 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98722 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
98723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98724 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
98725 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
98726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98727 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
98728 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
98729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98730 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
98731 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
98732 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
98733 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
98734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98735 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
98736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98737 Balance Taken: 3.01s
98738 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98739 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
98740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98741 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
98742 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
98743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98744 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
98745 you.
98746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98747 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
98748 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98749 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
98750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98751 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98752 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98753 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
98754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98755 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98756 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98758 H:571 M:696 -b b 
98759 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98760 eat juniper
98761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98762 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1746.
98763 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
98764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98765 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
98766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98767 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
98768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98769 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98771 H:571 M:696 -b db 
98772 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98773 sip health
98774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98775 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
98776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98777 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
98778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98779 The elixir heals your body.
98780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98781 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98782 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98783 H:669 M:696 -b db 
98784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98785 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
98786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98787 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
98788 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98790 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
98791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98792 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
98793 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98795 H:669 M:696 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
98796 H:669 M:696 eb db 
98797 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98798 cast erode at rey
98799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98800 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
98801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98802 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
98803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98804 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
98805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98806 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
98807 Your quince defence is eroded away.
98808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98809 His quince defence is eroded away.
98810 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
98811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98812 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98813 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98814 H:669 M:692 -b db The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
98815 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98816 eat quince
98817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98818 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1986.
98819 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
98820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98821 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
98822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98823 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
98824 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98826 H:669 M:692 -b db 
98827 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98828 smoke pipe with linseed
98829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98830 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
98831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98832 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
98833 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98835 H:669 M:692 -b db 
98836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98837 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
98838 The tornado swirls rapidly.
98839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98840 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
98841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98842 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
98843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98844 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
98845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98846 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98848 H:669 M:676 -b b 
98849 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98850 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
98851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98852 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
98853 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98855 You may eat another herb or plant.
98856 H:669 M:676 -b b 
98857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98858 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
98859 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98860 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98861 eat juniper
98862 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98863 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1745.
98864 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
98865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98866 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
98867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98868 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
98869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98870 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98872 H:669 M:676 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
98873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98874 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
98875 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
98876 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98877 H:658 M:676 -b db 
98878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98879 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
98880 H:669 M:440 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
98881 H:669 M:440 &lt;eb dbt; 
98882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98883 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
98884 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98885 ac on
98886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98887 Autocuring activated.
98888 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98889 order loyals kill dwenthall
98890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98891 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
98892 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
98893 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
98894 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
98895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98896 TEAR MAP
98897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98898 Syntax: TEAR MAP
98899 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98900 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
98901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98902 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
98903 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98904 evoke empower rockfall
98905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98906 Mana Lost: 6
98907 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
98908 wer of Earth infuses it.
98909 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98910 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
98911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98912 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
98913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98914 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
98915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98916 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
98917 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98918 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
98919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98920 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
98921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98922 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
98923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98924 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
98925 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98926 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
98927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98928 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
98929 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
98930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98931 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
98932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98933 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
98934 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
98935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98936 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
98937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98938 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
98939 Balance Taken: 3.01s
98940 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98941 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
98942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98943 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
98944 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98945 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
98946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98947 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
98948 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
98949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98950 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
98951 d you.
98952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98953 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
98954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98955 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
98956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98957 You must regain your equilibrium first.
98958 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
98959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98960 H:504 M:676 eb b 
98961 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98962 cast erode at rey
98963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98964 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
98965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98966 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
98967 Your density defence is eroded away.
98968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98969 His density defence is eroded away.
98970 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
98971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98972 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
98973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98974 H:504 M:672 -b b 
98975 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98976 apply mass
98977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98978 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
98979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98980 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
98981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98982 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
98983 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
98984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98985 H:504 M:672 -b b 
98986 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98987 eat toadstool
98988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98989 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1826.
98990 You quickly eat a toadstool.
98991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98992 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
98993 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98994 You feel your health and mana replenished.
98995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
98996 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
98997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
98998 H:571 M:700 -b b You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
98999 H:571 M:700 -b b 
99000 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99001 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
99002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99003 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
99004 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
99005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99006 You may eat another herb or plant.
99007 H:571 M:700 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
99008 H:570 M:700 -b b 
99009 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99010 eat juniper
99011 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99012 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1744.
99013 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
99014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99015 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
99016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99017 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
99018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99019 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
99020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99021 H:570 M:700 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
99022 H:570 M:700 -b db 
99023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99024 You may apply another salve.
99025 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
99026 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99027 sip health
99028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99029 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
99030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99031 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
99032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99033 The elixir heals your body.
99034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99035 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
99036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99037 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99038 H:669 M:700 eb db 
99039 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99040 cast erode at rey
99041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99042 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
99043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99044 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
99045 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
99046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99047 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
99048 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
99049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99050 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
99051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99052 H:669 M:696 -b db 
99053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99054 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99055 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99056 sip speed
99057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99058 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
99059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99060 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
99061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99062 H:669 M:434 &lt;e- dbt; 
99063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99064 H:669 M:696 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
99065 H:669 M:696 -b db 
99066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99067 You have recovered balance.
99068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99069 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
99070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99071 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
99072 H:669 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; 
99073 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99074 H:658 M:680 -b db 
99075 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99076 ac on
99077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99078 Autocuring activated.
99079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99080 order loyals kill dwenthall
99081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99082 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
99083 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
99084 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
99085 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
99086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99087 TEAR MAP
99088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99089 Syntax: TEAR MAP
99090 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99091 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
99092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99093 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
99095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99096 evoke empower rockfall
99097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99098 Mana Lost: 6
99100 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
99101 wer of Earth infuses it.
99103 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99104 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
99105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99106 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
99108 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99109 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
99110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99111 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
99113 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99114 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
99115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99116 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99118 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99120 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99121 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99123 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
99125 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99126 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
99128 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
99130 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99132 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
99134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99135 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
99137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99138 Balance Taken: 3.01s
99140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99141 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
99142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99143 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
99145 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99146 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
99147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99148 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
99150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99151 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
99152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99153 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
99154 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
99156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99157 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
99158 .
99160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99161 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
99163 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
99164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99165 H:560 M:680 -b b 
99166 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99167 eat juniper
99168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99169 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1743.
99171 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
99173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99174 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
99176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99177 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
99179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99180 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
99181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99182 H:560 M:680 -b db 
99183 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
99185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99186 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
99188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99189 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
99190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99191 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
99193 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
99194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99195 H:560 M:680 -b db 
99196 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99200 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
99202 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
99203 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99204 H:587 M:700 eb db 
99205 You may eat another herb or plant.
99206 H:587 M:700 eb db 
99207 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99208 cast erode at rey
99209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99210 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
99212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99213 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
99215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99216 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
99218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99219 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
99221 Your insomnia defence is eroded away.
99223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99224 His insomnia defence is eroded away.
99226 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
99228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99229 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
99230 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99231 H:587 M:696 -b db 
99232 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99233 insomnia
99234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99235 Mana Lost: 6
99236 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
99237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99238 Reyvenyr clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
99239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99240 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
99241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99242 H:587 M:696 -b db 
99243 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99244 smoke pipe with linseed
99245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99246 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
99247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99248 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
99249 H:669 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
99250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99251 H:587 M:696 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
99252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99253 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99254 H:669 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
99255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99256 H:587 M:696 -b db 
99257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99258 You have recovered balance.
99259 H:669 M:422 &lt;eb dbt; Mana Gain: 32
99260 H:669 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
99261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99262 You may drink another healing elixir.
99263 H:607 M:700 -b db 
99264 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99265 ac on
99266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99267 Autocuring activated.
99268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99269 evoke empower rockfall
99270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99271 Mana Lost: 6
99272 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
99273 wer of Earth infuses it.
99274 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99275 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
99276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99277 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
99278 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
99279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99280 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
99281  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
99282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99283 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
99284 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99285 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
99286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99287 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
99288 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99289 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
99290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99291 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99292 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99294 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99296 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
99297 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
99298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99299 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
99300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99301 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
99302 Balance Taken: 3.01s
99303 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99304 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
99305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99306 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
99307  her skin mercilessly.
99308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99309 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
99310 your skin mercilessly.
99311 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
99312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99313 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
99314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99315 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
99316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99317 You must regain your equilibrium first.
99318 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99319 ta dwenthall
99320 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99321 Dwenthall's condition stands at 548/669 health and 637/700 mana.
99322 Mana Lost: 12
99323 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
99324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99325 H:490 M:700 -b b 
99326 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99327 ---------delayed wisp
99328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99329 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
99330 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
99331 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99332 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
99333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99334 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
99335 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
99336 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99337 eat maidenhair
99338 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99339 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1956.
99340 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
99341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99342 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
99343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99344 The stinging feeling fades.
99345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99346 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
99347 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99348 H:490 M:700 -b b 
99349 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99350 sip health
99351 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99352 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
99353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99354 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
99355 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99356 The elixir heals your body.
99357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99358 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
99359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99360 H:635 M:700 -b b 
99361 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99362 eat toadstool
99363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99364 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1825.
99365 You quickly eat a toadstool.
99366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99367 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
99368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99369 You feel your health and mana replenished.
99370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99371 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
99372 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99373 H:669 M:700 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
99374 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
99375 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
99376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99377 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
99378 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
99379 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
99380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99381 H:653 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99382 H:653 M:700 eb b You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
99383 H:653 M:684 eb b 
99384 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99385 cast erode at rey
99386 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99387 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
99388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99389 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
99390 Your heightened speed defence is eroded away.
99391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99392 His heightened speed defence is eroded away.
99393 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
99394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99395 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
99396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99397 H:653 M:680 -b b 
99398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99399 sip speed
99400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99401 You take a drink of an elixir of speed from an onyx vial.
99402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99403 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
99404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99405 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
99406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99407 H:653 M:680 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
99408 H:653 M:680 -b b 
99409 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99410 eat juniper
99411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99412 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1742.
99413 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
99414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99415 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
99416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99417 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
99418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99419 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
99420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99421 H:653 M:680 -b db 
99422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99423 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99424 H:669 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
99425 H:669 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
99426 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99427 ac on
99428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99429 Autocuring activated.
99431 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99432 order golem kill dwenthall
99433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99434 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
99436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99437 evoke empower rockfall
99438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99439 Mana Lost: 6
99441 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
99442 wer of Earth infuses it.
99444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99445 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
99446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99447 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
99449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99450 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
99451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99452 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
99454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99455 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
99456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99457 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99459 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99462 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99464 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
99466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99467 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
99469 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
99471 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99473 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
99475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99476 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
99478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99479 Balance Taken: 3.01s
99481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99482 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
99483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99484 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
99485 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
99487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99488 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
99489 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
99491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99492 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
99494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99495 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
99496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99497 You must regain your equilibrium first.
99499 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99500 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
99501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99502 You must regain your equilibrium first.
99504 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99505 naturebind shred dwenthall
99506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99507 You must regain your equilibrium first.
99509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99510 ta dwenthall
99511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99512 Dwenthall's condition stands at 567/669 health and 761/700 mana.
99514 Mana Lost: 12
99516 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99518 H:507 M:680 -b b 
99519 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99520 writhe root
99521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99522 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
99524 H:507 M:680 -b b 
99525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99526 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
99527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99528 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
99530 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99531 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
99533 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99534 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
99536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99537 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
99539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99540 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
99542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99543 The tornado swirls rapidly.
99545 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99547 H:507 M:680 -b b 
99548 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99549 purge blood
99550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99551 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
99553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99554 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
99556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99557 The stinging feeling fades.
99559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99560 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99562 H:507 M:674 -b b 
99563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99564 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
99565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99566 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
99567 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99569 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99570 H:507 M:674 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
99571 H:507 M:674 eb b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
99572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99573 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
99574 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99575 eat juniper
99576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99577 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1741.
99578 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
99579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99580 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
99581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99582 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
99583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99584 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99586 H:507 M:674 eb db 
99587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99588 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
99589 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99591 You may drink another healing elixir.
99592 H:507 M:674 eb db 
99593 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99594 sip health
99595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99596 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
99597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99598 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
99599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99600 The elixir heals your body.
99601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99602 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99604 H:632 M:674 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
99605 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99606 cast erode at rey
99607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99608 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
99609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99610 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
99611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99612 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
99613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99614 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
99615 Your temperance defence is eroded away.
99616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99617 His temperance defence is eroded away.
99618 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
99619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99620 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99621 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99622 H:632 M:670 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
99623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99624 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
99625 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99627 H:622 M:670 -b db 
99628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99629 sip frost
99630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99631 You take a drink of an elixir of frost from an onyx vial.
99632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99633 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
99634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99635 A chill runs over your icy skin.
99636 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99638 H:622 M:670 -b db 
99639 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99640 smoke pipe with linseed
99641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99642 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
99643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99644 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
99645 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
99646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99647 H:622 M:670 -b db 
99648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99649 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99650 H:669 M:419 &lt;e- dbt; 
99651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99652 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
99653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99654 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
99655 r.
99656 You have recovered balance.
99657 H:669 M:419 &lt;eb dbt; 
99658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99659 H:574 M:654 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
99660 H:574 M:654 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
99661 H:574 M:654 -b db 
99662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99663 trueassess dwenthall
99664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99665 Dwenthall's condition stands at 642/669 health and 556/700 mana.
99666 Mana Lost: 12
99667 H:669 M:407 &lt;eb dbt; 
99668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99669 ac on
99670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99671 Autocuring activated.
99672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99673 evoke imbue
99674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99675 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
99676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99677 TEAR MAP
99678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99679 Syntax: TEAR MAP
99680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99681 evoke empower jolt
99682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99683 Mana Lost: 6
99684 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
99685 wer of Earth infuses it.
99686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99687 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
99688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99689 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
99690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99691 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
99692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99693 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
99694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99695 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
99696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99697 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
99698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99699 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
99700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99701 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
99702 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99703 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
99704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99705 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
99706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99707 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
99708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99709 I do not recognize that toxin.
99710 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99712 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99713 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
99714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99715 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
99716 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
99717 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99718 Balance Taken: 3.01s
99719 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99720 naturebind choke dwenthall
99721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99722 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
99723 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99724 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
99725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99726 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
99727  her skin mercilessly.
99728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99729 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
99730 your skin mercilessly.
99731 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
99732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99733 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
99734 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99735 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
99736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99737 You must regain your equilibrium first.
99738 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99739 ta dwenthall
99740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99741 Dwenthall's condition stands at 331/669 health and 654/700 mana.
99742 Mana Lost: 12
99743 H:669 M:388 &lt;-- dbt; 
99744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99745 H:293 M:654 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
99746 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
99747 H:289 M:654 -b b You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
99748 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99749 eat juniper
99750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99751 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1740.
99752 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
99753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99754 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
99755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99756 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
99757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99758 H:669 M:388 &lt;-- dbt; 
99759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99760 H:289 M:654 -b db 
99761 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99762 eat toadstool
99763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99764 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1824.
99765 You quickly eat a toadstool.
99766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99767 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
99768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99769 You feel your health and mana replenished.
99770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99771 H:669 M:388 &lt;-- dbt; 
99772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99773 H:356 M:700 -b db 
99774 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99775 eat toadstool
99776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99777 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1877.
99778 You quickly eat a toadstool.
99779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99780 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
99781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99782 Mana Gain: 51
99783 You feel your health and mana replenished.
99784 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
99785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99786 H:356 M:700 -b db 
99787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99788 Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
99789 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
99790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99791 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99792 H:356 M:700 eb db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
99793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99794 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
99795 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
99796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99797 H:356 M:700 eb db 
99798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99799 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
99800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99801 You must regain your equilibrium first.
99802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99803 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
99804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99805 You must regain your equilibrium first.
99806 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
99807 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99808 cast erode at rey
99809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99810 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
99811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99812 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
99813 Your temperance defence is eroded away.
99814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99815 His temperance defence is eroded away.
99816 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
99817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99818 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
99819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99820 H:383 M:696 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
99821 H:383 M:696 -b db 
99822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99823 sip frost
99824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99825 You take a drink of an elixir of frost from an onyx vial.
99826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99827 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
99828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99829 A chill runs over your icy skin.
99830 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
99831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99832 H:383 M:696 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
99833 H:383 M:696 -b db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
99834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99835 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
99836 H:669 M:440 &lt;-- dbt; 
99837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99838 H:369 M:696 -b db 
99839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99840 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99841 Mana Gain: 32
99842 H:669 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; 
99843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99844 You may drink another healing elixir.
99845 H:389 M:700 -b db 
99846 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99847 sip health
99848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99849 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
99850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99851 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
99852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99853 The elixir heals your body.
99854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99855 H:669 M:472 &lt;e- dbt; 
99856 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99857 H:524 M:700 -b db 
99858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99859 You have recovered balance.
99860 H:669 M:472 &lt;eb dbt; 
99861 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99862 ac on
99863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99864 Autocuring activated.
99865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99866 order golem kill dwenthall
99867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99868 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
99869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99870 evoke empower rockfall
99871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99872 Mana Lost: 6
99873 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
99874 wer of Earth infuses it.
99875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99876 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
99877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99878 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
99879 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99880 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
99881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99882 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
99883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99884 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
99885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99886 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99887 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99889 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
99890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99891 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
99892 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
99893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99894 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
99895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99896 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
99897 Balance Taken: 3.01s
99898 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99899 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
99900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99901 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
99902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99903 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
99904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99905 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
99906 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
99907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99908 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
99909 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
99910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99911 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
99912 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99913 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
99914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99915 You must regain your equilibrium first.
99916 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99917 naturebind shred dwenthall
99918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99919 You must regain your equilibrium first.
99920 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99921 ta dwenthall
99922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99923 Dwenthall's condition stands at 451/669 health and 707/700 mana.
99924 Mana Lost: 12
99925 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
99926 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99927 H:403 M:700 -b b 
99928 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99929 writhe root
99930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99931 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
99932 H:403 M:700 -b b 
99933 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99934 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
99935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99936 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
99937 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
99938 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99939 eat juniper
99940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99941 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1739.
99942 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
99943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99944 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
99945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99946 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
99947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99948 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
99949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99950 H:403 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99951 H:403 M:700 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
99952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99953 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
99954 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
99955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99956 H:403 M:684 eb db 
99957 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99958 ts
99959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99960 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
99961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99962 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
99963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99964 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
99965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99966 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
99967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99968 H:403 M:684 -b db 
99969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99970 naturebind breach dwenthall
99971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99972 You must regain your equilibrium first.
99973 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
99974 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
99975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99976 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
99977 H:403 M:684 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
99978 H:403 M:684 -b db 
99979 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99980 l
99981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99982 A rocky outcropping.
99983 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
99984 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
99985 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
99986 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. A pillar 
99987 of flame is burning brightly here. 
99988 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
99989 H:403 M:684 -b db 
99990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99991 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
99992 H:669 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
99993 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99994 You may eat another mushroom.
99995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
99996 You may eat another mushroom.
99997 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
99998 eat toadstool
99999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100000 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1823.
100001 You quickly eat a toadstool.
100002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100003 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
100004 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100005 You feel your health and mana replenished.
100006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100007 H:669 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
100008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100009 H:470 M:700 -b db An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the l
100010 ife out of you.
100011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100012 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
100013 her.
100014 You have recovered balance.
100015 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100016 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
100017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100018 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
100019  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
100020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100021 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
100022 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
100023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100024 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
100025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100026 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
100027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100028 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100029 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100030 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
100031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100032 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100033 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100034 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
100035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100036 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
100037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100038 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
100039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100040 Balance Taken: 2.00s
100041 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100042 naturebinding shred dwenthall
100043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100044 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
100045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100046 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
100047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100048 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
100049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100050 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
100051 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100052 ta dwenthall
100053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100054 Dwenthall's condition stands at 464/669 health and 602/700 mana.
100055 Mana Lost: 12
100056 H:669 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
100057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100058 H:442 M:700 -b db 
100059 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100060 ac on
100061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100062 Autocuring activated.
100063 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100064 evoke imbue
100065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100066 You must regain balance first.
100067 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100068 TEAR MAP
100069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100070 Syntax: TEAR MAP
100071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100072 evoke empower jolt
100073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100074 You must regain balance first.
100075 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100076 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
100077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100078 You must regain balance first.
100079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100080 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
100081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100082 You must regain balance first.
100083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100084 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
100085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100086 You must regain balance first.
100087 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100088 naturebind choke dwenthall
100089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100090 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100092 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
100093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100094 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100095 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100096 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
100097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100098 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100100 ta dwenthall
100101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100102 Dwenthall's condition stands at 459/669 health and 700/700 mana.
100103 Mana Lost: 12
100104 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
100105 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100106 smoke pipe with linseed
100107 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100108 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
100109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100110 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
100111 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
100112 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100113 H:442 M:700 -b db A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm 
100114 you.
100115 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
100116 H:462 M:700 -b db 
100117 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100118 ---------delayed wisp
100119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100120 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
100121 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
100122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100123 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
100124 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
100125 You may drink another healing elixir.
100126 H:462 M:700 eb db 
100127 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100128 sip health
100129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100130 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
100131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100132 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
100133 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100134 The elixir heals your body.
100135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100136 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
100137 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100138 H:587 M:700 eb db 
100139 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100140 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
100141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100142 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
100143 mmand.
100144 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
100145 ne.
100146 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100147 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
100148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100149 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
100150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100151 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
100152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100153 The tornado swirls rapidly.
100154 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100155 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
100156 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
100157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100158 What do you wish to break?
100159 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
100160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100161 H:587 M:700 eb b 
100162 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100163 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
100164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100165 What do you wish to break?
100166 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
100167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100168 naturebind breach dwenthall
100169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100170 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100171 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
100172 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100173 eat juniper
100174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100175 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1738.
100176 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
100177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100178 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
100179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100180 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
100181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100182 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
100183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100184 H:587 M:700 eb db 
100185 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100186 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
100187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100188 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
100189 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; 
100190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100191 naturebind breach dwenthall
100192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100193 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100194 H:669 M:430 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
100195 H:669 M:430 &lt;e- dbt; 
100196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100197 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
100198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100199 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
100200 H:669 M:430 &lt;e- dbt; 
100201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100202 H:587 M:700 eb db 
100203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100204 You have recovered balance.
100205 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100206 naturebind breach dwenthall
100207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100208 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
100209 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
100210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100211 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
100212 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
100213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100214 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
100215 H:669 M:430 &lt;-b dbt; 
100216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100217 H:587 M:700 eb db 
100218 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100219 naturebind breach dwenthall
100220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100221 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100222 H:669 M:430 &lt;-b dbt; 
100223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100224 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
100225 H:587 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
100226 H:587 M:684 eb db 
100227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100228 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
100229 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
100230 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100231 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
100232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100233 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
100234 H:669 M:430 &lt;eb dbt; 
100235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100236 H:575 M:684 eb db 
100237 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100238 ac on
100239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100240 Autocuring activated.
100241 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100242 evoke imbue
100243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100244 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
100245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100246 evoke empower shock
100247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100248 Mana Lost: 6
100249 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
100250 wer of Earth infuses it.
100251 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100252 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
100253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100254 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100256 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
100257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100258 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100259 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100260 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
100261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100262 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
100263 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
100264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100265 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
100266 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
100267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100268 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
100269 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
100270 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
100271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100272 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
100273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100274 Balance Taken: 3.01s
100275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100276 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
100277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100278 Dwenthall is too healthy and cannot be so easily overwhelmed.
100279 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100280 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
100281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100282 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
100283  her skin mercilessly.
100284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100285 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
100286 your skin mercilessly.
100287 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
100288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100289 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
100290 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100291 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
100292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100293 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100294 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100295 ta dwenthall
100296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100297 Dwenthall's condition stands at 462/669 health and 589/700 mana.
100298 Mana Lost: 12
100299 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
100300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100301 H:458 M:684 eb b 
100302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100303 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
100304 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100305 eat maidenhair
100306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100307 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1955.
100308 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
100309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100310 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
100311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100312 The stinging feeling fades.
100313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100314 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
100315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100316 H:458 M:684 eb b 
100317 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100318 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
100319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100320 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
100321 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
100322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100323 You may eat another mushroom.
100324 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
100325 H:458 M:684 eb b 
100326 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100327 eat toadstool
100328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100329 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1822.
100330 You quickly eat a toadstool.
100331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100332 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
100333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100334 You feel your health and mana replenished.
100335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100336 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
100337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100338 H:525 M:700 eb b 
100339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100340 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
100341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100342 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
100343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100344 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
100345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100346 H:525 M:700 eb b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
100347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100348 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
100349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100350 You may drink another healing elixir.
100352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100353 H:669 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
100354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100355 H:525 M:700 eb b 
100356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100357 Mana Gain: 32
100358 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
100359 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100360 sip health
100361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100362 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
100363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100364 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
100365 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100366 The elixir heals your body.
100367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100368 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
100369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100370 H:669 M:700 eb b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
100371 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
100372 H:664 M:700 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
100373 H:664 M:700 eb b 
100374 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100375 ts
100376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100377 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
100378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100379 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
100380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100381 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
100382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100383 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
100384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100385 H:664 M:700 -b b 
100386 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100387 eat juniper
100388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100389 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1737.
100390 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
100391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100392 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
100393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100394 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
100395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100396 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
100397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100398 H:664 M:700 -b db 
100399 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100400 naturebind breach dwenthall
100401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100402 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100403 H:669 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
100404 H:669 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
100405 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
100406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100407 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
100408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100409 Your poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack Dwenthall, but rebounds harmlessly off his shield.
100410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100411 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack you, but rebounds harmlessly off your shield.
100412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100413 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
100414  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
100415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100416 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
100417 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
100418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100419 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
100420 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100421 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
100422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100423 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100424 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100425 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
100426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100427 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100428 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100429 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
100430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100431 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
100432 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100433 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
100434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100435 Balance Taken: 2.00s
100436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100437 naturebinding shred dwenthall
100438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100439 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
100440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100441 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
100442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100443 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
100444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100445 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
100446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100447 ta dwenthall
100448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100449 Dwenthall's condition stands at 742/669 health and 697/700 mana.
100450 Mana Lost: 12
100451 H:669 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
100452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100453 H:669 M:684 -b db 
100454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100455 ac on
100456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100457 Autocuring activated.
100458 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100459 evoke imbue
100460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100461 You must regain balance first.
100462 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100463 evoke empower shock
100464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100465 You must regain balance first.
100466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100467 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
100468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100469 You must regain balance first.
100470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100471 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
100472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100473 You must regain balance first.
100474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100475 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
100476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100477 You must regain balance first.
100478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100479 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
100480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100481 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100483 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
100484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100485 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100487 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
100488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100489 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100491 ta dwenthall
100492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100493 Dwenthall's condition stands at 669/669 health and 745/700 mana.
100494 Mana Lost: 12
100495 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
100496 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100497 ---------delayed wisp
100498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100499 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
100500 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
100501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100502 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
100503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100504 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
100505 mmand.
100506 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
100507 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100508 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
100509 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
100510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100511 What do you wish to break?
100512 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
100513 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100514 smoke pipe with linseed
100515 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100516 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
100517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100518 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
100519 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
100520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100521 H:669 M:684 -b db 
100522 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100523 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
100524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100525 What do you wish to break?
100526 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
100527 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100528 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
100529 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
100530 H:669 M:684 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
100531 H:669 M:684 -b db 
100532 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100533 naturebind breach dwenthall
100534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100535 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100536 H:669 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
100537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100538 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
100539 H:669 M:684 eb db You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
100540 H:669 M:684 eb db 
100541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100542 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
100543 You have recovered balance.
100544 H:669 M:420 &lt;eb dbt; 
100545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100546 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
100547 H:669 M:684 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
100548 H:669 M:684 eb db 
100549 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100550 ac on
100551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100552 Autocuring activated.
100553 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100554 evoke imbue
100555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100556 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
100557 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100558 evoke empower shock
100559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100560 Mana Lost: 6
100561 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
100562 wer of Earth infuses it.
100563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100564 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
100565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100566 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100567 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100568 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
100569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100570 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100571 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100572 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
100573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100574 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
100575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100576 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
100577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100578 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
100579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100580 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
100581 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100582 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
100583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100584 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100585 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100586 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
100587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100588 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100589 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100590 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
100591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100592 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100593 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100594 ta dwenthall
100595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100596 Dwenthall's condition stands at 596/669 health and 684/700 mana.
100597 Mana Lost: 12
100598 H:669 M:402 &lt;-b dbt; 
100599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100600 H:669 M:684 eb db 
100601 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100602 eat toadstool
100603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100604 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1876.
100605 You quickly eat a toadstool.
100606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100607 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
100608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100609 Mana Gain: 51
100610 You feel your health and mana replenished.
100611 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
100612 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100613 H:669 M:684 eb db 
100614 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100615 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
100616 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
100617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100618 What do you wish to break?
100619 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
100620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100621 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
100622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100623 What do you wish to break?
100624 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
100625 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100626 You may eat another mushroom.
100627 H:669 M:684 eb db 
100628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100629 naturebind breach dwenthall
100630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100631 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100632 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
100633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100634 naturebind breach dwenthall
100635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100636 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100637 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
100638 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100639 naturebind breach dwenthall
100640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100641 You must regain your equilibrium first.
100642 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
100643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100644 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
100645 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
100646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100647 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
100648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100649 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
100650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100651 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
100652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100653 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
100654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100655 The tornado swirls rapidly.
100656 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
100657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100658 H:669 M:668 eb b 
100659 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100660 eat juniper
100661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100662 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1736.
100663 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
100664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100665 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
100666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100667 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
100668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100669 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
100670 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100671 H:669 M:668 eb db 
100672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100673 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
100674 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
100675 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100676 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
100677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100678 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
100679 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
100680 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
100681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100682 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
100683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100684 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
100685 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
100686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100687 H:669 M:668 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
100688 H:669 M:668 eb db 
100689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100690 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
100691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100692 Your poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack Dwenthall, but rebounds harmlessly off his shield.
100693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100694 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack you, but rebounds harmlessly off your shield.
100695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100696 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
100697 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100698 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
100699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100700 Your glowing wisp attempts to attack Dwenthall, but rebounds harmlessly off his shield.
100701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100702 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp attempts to attack you, but rebounds harmlessly off your shield.
100703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100704 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
100705 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100706 evoke wisp glowing me
100707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100708 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100709 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100710 evoke toxicrain strychnine
100711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100712 Mana Lost: 12
100713 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
100714 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100716 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
100717 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100719 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
100720 Mana Lost: 12
100721 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
100722 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100724 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
100725  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100727 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
100728 Balance Taken: 2.00s
100729 H:669 M:429 &lt;e- dbt; 
100730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100731 H:669 M:668 eb db 
100732 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100733 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
100734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100735 You must regain balance first.
100736 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100737 evoke wisp glowing me
100738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100739 You must regain balance first.
100740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100741 evoke toxicrain strychnine
100742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100743 You must regain balance first.
100744 H:669 M:429 &lt;e- dbt; 
100745 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100746 probe crystal
100747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100748 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
100749 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
100750 It weighs 6 ounces.
100751 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
100752 The crystal can support 5 spells.
100754 H:669 M:668 eb db 
100755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100756 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
100757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100758 You must regain balance first.
100760 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100761 evoke wisp glowing me
100762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100763 You must regain balance first.
100765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100766 evoke toxicrain strychnine
100767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100768 You must regain balance first.
100770 H:669 M:429 &lt;e- dbt; 
100771 Mana Gain: 32
100773 H:669 M:461 &lt;e- dbt; 
100774 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100775 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
100776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100777 You must regain balance first.
100779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100780 evoke wisp glowing me
100781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100782 You must regain balance first.
100784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100785 evoke toxicrain strychnine
100786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100787 You must regain balance first.
100789 H:669 M:461 &lt;e- dbt; 
100790 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100791 l
100792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100793 A rocky outcropping.
100796 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
100797 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
100798 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
100799 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
100800 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
100801 Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield
100802  in his right. 
100803 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
100806 You see exits leading 
100807 northeast, south, and northwest
100808 .
100811 H:669 M:700 eb db 
100812 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
100814 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
100816 H:669 M:700 eb db 
100817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100818 You have recovered balance.
100821 H:669 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
100822 You may eat another mushroom.
100824 H:669 M:461 &lt;eb dbt; 
100825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100826 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
100827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100828 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100830 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100831 evoke wisp glowing me
100832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100833 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100836 evoke toxicrain strychnine
100837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100838 Mana Lost: 12
100840 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
100841 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100844 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
100845 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100848 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
100850 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of strychnine to empower the tornado.
100852 H:669 M:449 &lt;eb dbt; 
100853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100854 H:669 M:700 eb db 
100855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100856 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
100857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100858 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100861 evoke wisp glowing me
100862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100863 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100866 evoke toxicrain strychnine
100867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100868 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
100870 H:669 M:449 &lt;eb dbt; 
100871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100872 empty strychnine
100873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100874 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
100876 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100877 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
100879 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100880 empty strychnine
100881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100882 I don't see that in your inventory.
100883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100884 vbelt tap empty strychine
100885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100886 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
100887 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100888 vbelt tap empty strychnine
100889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100890 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
100891  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
100892  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
100893 H:669 M:449 &lt;eb dbt; 
100894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100895 H:669 M:700 eb db 
100896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100897 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
100898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100899 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100900 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100901 evoke wisp glowing me
100902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100903 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100904 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100905 evoke toxicrain strychnine
100906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100907 Mana Lost: 12
100908 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
100909 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100911 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
100912 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100914 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
100915 Mana Lost: 12
100916 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
100917 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100919 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
100920  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100922 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
100923 Balance Taken: 2.00s
100924 H:669 M:425 &lt;e- dbt; 
100925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100926 H:669 M:700 eb db 
100927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100928 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
100929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100930 You must regain balance first.
100931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100932 evoke wisp glowing me
100933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100934 You must regain balance first.
100935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100936 evoke toxicrain strychnine
100937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100938 You must regain balance first.
100939 H:669 M:425 &lt;e- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
100940 H:669 M:425 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
100941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100942 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
100943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100944 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
100945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100946 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
100947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100948 Your glowing wisp attempts to attack Dwenthall, but rebounds harmlessly off his shield.
100949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100950 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp attempts to attack you, but rebounds harmlessly off your shield.
100951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100952 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
100953 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100954 evoke wisp glowing me
100955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100956 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
100957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100958 evoke toxicrain strychnine
100959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100960 Mana Lost: 12
100961 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
100962 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100964 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
100965 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100967 Mana Lost: 12
100968 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
100969 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100970 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100971 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
100972  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
100973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100974 Balance Taken: 2.00s
100975 H:669 M:401 &lt;e- dbt; 
100976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100977 H:669 M:700 eb db 
100978 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100979 eat toadstool
100980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100981 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1875.
100982 You quickly eat a toadstool.
100983 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100984 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
100985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100986 Mana Gain: 51
100987 You feel your health and mana replenished.
100988 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
100989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
100990 H:669 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm 
100991 you.
100992 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
100993 H:669 M:700 eb db 
100994 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100995 coir
100996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
100997 Your input, "coir", is not a valid command.
100998 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
100999 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101000 coir
101001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101002 Your input, "coir", is not a valid command.
101003 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
101004 H:669 M:452 &lt;eb dbt; 
101005 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101006 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
101007 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101008 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
101009 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101010 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
101011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101012 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101014 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101016 Balance Taken: 2.00s
101017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101018 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
101019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101020 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
101021 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
101022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101023 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
101024 you.
101025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101026 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
101027 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101028 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
101029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101030 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101031 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101032 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
101033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101034 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101035 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
101036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101037 H:669 M:684 eb db 
101038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101039 ac on
101040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101041 Autocuring activated.
101042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101043 order loyals kill dwenthall
101044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101045 You must regain balance first.
101046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101047 TEAR MAP
101048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101049 Syntax: TEAR MAP
101050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101051 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
101052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101053 You must regain balance first.
101054 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101055 evoke empower rockfall
101056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101057 You must regain balance first.
101058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101059 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
101060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101061 You must regain balance first.
101062 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101063 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
101064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101065 You must regain balance first.
101066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101067 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
101068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101069 You must regain balance first.
101070 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101071 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
101072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101073 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101074 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101075 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
101076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101077 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101078 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101079 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
101080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101081 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101082 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
101083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101084 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
101085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101086 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
101087 mmand.
101088 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
101089 ne.
101090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101091 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
101092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101093 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
101094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101095 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
101096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101097 The tornado swirls rapidly.
101098 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
101099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101100 H:669 M:684 eb b 
101101 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101102 smoke pipe with linseed
101103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101104 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
101105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101106 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
101107 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
101108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101109 H:669 M:684 eb b 
101110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101111 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
101112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101113 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
101114 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
101115 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101116 eat juniper
101117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101118 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1735.
101119 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
101120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101121 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
101122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101123 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
101124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101125 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
101126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101127 H:669 M:684 eb db 
101128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101129 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
101130 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
101131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101132 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
101133 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
101134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101135 H:669 M:452 &lt;-b dbt; 
101136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101137 H:669 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
101138 H:669 M:684 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
101139 H:669 M:684 eb db 
101140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101141 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
101142 H:669 M:452 &lt;eb dbt; 
101143 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101144 cnc
101145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101146 You already possess mental equilibrium.
101147 H:669 M:684 eb db 
101148 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101149 pa
101150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101151 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
101152 H:669 M:684 eb db 
101153 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101154 ovt
101155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101156 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
101157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101158 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
101159 H:669 M:452 &lt;eb dbt; 
101160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101161 H:669 M:666 eb db 
101162 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101163 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
101164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101165 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
101166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101167 The shimmering translucent shield around Dwenthall fades away.
101168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101169 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
101170 ewreathe effect.
101171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101172 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
101173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101174 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
101175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101176 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
101177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101178 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
101179 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
101180  twitching slightly under the cold.
101181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101182 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
101183 range burning sensation in your nerves.
101184 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
101185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101186 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
101187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101188 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
101189 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
101190 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101191 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
101192 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
101193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101194 H:564 M:452 &lt;eb dbt; 
101195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101196 H:669 M:648 -b db 
101197 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101198 ta
101199 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101200 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 452/512 mana.
101201 H:669 M:636 -b db 
101202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101203 Health Gain: 33
101204 Mana Gain: 32
101205 You may eat another mushroom.
101206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101207 ac on
101208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101209 Autocuring activated.
101210 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101211 order loyals kill dwenthall
101212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101213 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
101214 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
101215 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
101216 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
101217 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101218 TEAR MAP
101219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101220 Syntax: TEAR MAP
101221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101222 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
101223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101224 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
101225 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101226 evoke empower rockfall
101227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101228 Mana Lost: 6
101229 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
101230 wer of Earth infuses it.
101231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101232 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
101233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101234 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
101235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101236 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
101237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101238 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
101239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101240 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
101241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101242 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
101243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101244 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
101245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101246 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
101247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101248 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
101249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101250 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101251 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101253 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101254 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
101255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101256 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
101257 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
101258 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101259 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
101260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101261 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
101262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101263 Balance Taken: 3.01s
101264 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101265 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
101266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101267 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
101268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101269 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
101270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101271 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
101272 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
101273 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101274 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
101275 d you.
101276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101277 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
101278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101279 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
101280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101281 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101282 H:597 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
101283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101284 H:562 M:677 -b b 
101285 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101286 eat juniper
101287 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101288 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1734.
101289 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
101290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101291 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
101292 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101293 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
101294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101295 H:597 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
101296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101297 H:562 M:677 -b db 
101298 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101299 sip health
101300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101301 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
101302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101303 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
101304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101305 The elixir heals your body.
101306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101307 H:597 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
101308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101309 H:669 M:677 -b db 
101310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101311 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
101312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101313 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
101314 H:597 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
101315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101316 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
101317 H:669 M:689 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
101318 H:669 M:689 -b db 
101319 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101320 cnc
101321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101322 You are already concentrating on regaining your equilibrium.
101323 H:669 M:689 -b db 
101324 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101325 pa
101326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101327 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
101328 H:669 M:689 -b db 
101329 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101330 ovt
101331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101332 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101333 H:669 M:689 -b db 
101334 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101335 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
101336 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101337 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101338 H:669 M:689 -b db 
101339 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101340 ta
101341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101342 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 597/669 health and 478/512 mana.
101343 H:669 M:677 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
101344 H:669 M:677 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
101345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101346 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
101347 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
101348 You have recovered balance.
101349 H:597 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
101350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101351 H:669 M:677 eb db 
101352 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101353 cnc
101354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101355 You already possess mental equilibrium.
101356 H:669 M:677 eb db 
101357 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101358 pa
101359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101360 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
101361 H:669 M:677 eb db 
101362 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101363 ovt
101364 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101365 Your crystal is already overtuned.
101366 H:669 M:677 eb db 
101367 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101368 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
101369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101370 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
101371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101372 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
101373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101374 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
101375 ewreathe effect.
101376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101377 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
101378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101379 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
101380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101381 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
101382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101383 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
101384 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
101385  twitching slightly under the cold.
101386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101387 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
101388 range burning sensation in your nerves.
101389 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
101390 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101391 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
101392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101393 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
101394 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
101395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101396 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
101397 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
101398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101399 H:493 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
101400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101401 H:669 M:659 -b db 
101402 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101403 ta
101404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101405 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 493/669 health and 478/512 mana.
101406 H:669 M:647 -b db 
101407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101408 eat nightshade
101409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101410 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1951.
101411 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
101412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101413 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
101414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101415 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
101416 H:493 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
101417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101418 H:669 M:647 -b db 
101419 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101420 sip health
101421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101422 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
101423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101424 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
101425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101426 Health Gain: 161
101427 The elixir heals your body.
101428 H:654 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
101429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101430 H:669 M:647 -b db 
101431 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101432 eat toadstool
101433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101434 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1874.
101435 You quickly eat a toadstool.
101436 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101437 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
101438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101439 Health Gain: 14
101440 Mana Gain: 33
101441 You feel your health and mana replenished.
101442 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
101443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101444 H:669 M:647 -b db 
101445 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101446 smoke pipe with linseed
101447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101448 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
101449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101450 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
101451 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
101452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101453 H:669 M:647 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
101454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101455 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
101456 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
101457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101458 H:662 M:647 -b db 
101459 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101460 ac on
101461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101462 Autocuring activated.
101463 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101464 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
101465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101466 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
101467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101468 evoke imbue
101469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101470 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
101471 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101472 evoke empower rockfall
101473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101474 Mana Lost: 6
101475 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
101476 wer of Earth infuses it.
101477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101478 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
101479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101480 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
101481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101482 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
101483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101484 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
101485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101486 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
101487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101488 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101489 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101491 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101493 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
101494 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
101495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101496 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
101497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101498 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
101499 Balance Taken: 3.01s
101500 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101501 naturebinding curse dwenthall
101502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101503 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
101504 root shreds it viciously.
101505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101506 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
101507 root shreds it viciously.
101508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101509 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
101510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101511 ta dwenthall
101512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101513 Dwenthall's condition stands at 643/669 health and 647/700 mana.
101514 Mana Lost: 12
101515 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
101516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101517 H:619 M:647 -b b 
101518 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101519 eat juniper
101520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101521 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1733.
101522 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
101523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101524 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
101525 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101526 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
101527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101528 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
101529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101530 H:619 M:647 -b db 
101531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101532 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
101533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101534 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
101535 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
101536 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101537 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
101538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101539 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
101540 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
101541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101542 You may drink another healing elixir.
101543 H:619 M:647 -b db 
101544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101545 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
101546 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
101547 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101548 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
101549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101550 You may eat another herb or plant.
101551 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
101552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101553 H:619 M:647 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
101554 H:619 M:631 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
101555 H:619 M:631 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
101556 H:619 M:631 eb db 
101557 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101558 ims
101559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101560 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
101561 ewreathe effect.
101562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101563 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
101564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101565 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
101566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101567 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
101568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101569 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
101570 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
101571 y.
101572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101573 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
101574 hly.
101575 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
101576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101577 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
101578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101579 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
101580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101581 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
101582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101583 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
101584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101585 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
101586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101587 H:572 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
101588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101589 H:619 M:619 -b db 
101590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101591 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
101592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101593 apply epidermal
101594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101595 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
101596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101597 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
101598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101599 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
101600 H:572 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
101601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101602 H:619 M:619 -b db 
101603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101604 You have recovered balance.
101605 H:572 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
101606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101607 ac on
101608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101609 Autocuring activated.
101610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101611 order golem kill dwenthall
101612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101613 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
101614 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101615 evoke empower rockfall
101616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101617 Mana Lost: 6
101618 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
101619 wer of Earth infuses it.
101620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101621 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
101622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101623 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
101624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101625 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
101626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101627 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
101628 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101629 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
101630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101631 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
101632 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101633 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
101634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101635 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
101636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101637 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
101638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101639 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101640 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101642 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101643 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
101644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101645 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
101646 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
101647 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101648 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
101649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101650 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
101651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101652 Balance Taken: 3.01s
101653 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101654 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
101655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101656 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
101657 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
101658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101659 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
101660 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
101661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101662 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
101663 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101664 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
101665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101666 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101667 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101668 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
101669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101670 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101672 naturebind shred dwenthall
101673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101674 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101675 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101676 ta dwenthall
101677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101678 Dwenthall's condition stands at 521/669 health and 619/700 mana.
101679 Mana Lost: 12
101680 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101682 H:483 M:619 -b b 
101683 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101684 writhe root
101685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101686 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
101687 H:483 M:619 -b b 
101688 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101689 sip health
101690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101691 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
101692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101693 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
101694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101695 The elixir heals your body.
101696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101697 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101699 H:638 M:619 -b b 
101700 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101701 eat toadstool
101702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101703 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1821.
101704 You quickly eat a toadstool.
101705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101706 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
101707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101708 You feel your health and mana replenished.
101709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101710 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101712 H:669 M:689 -b b 
101713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101714 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
101715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101716 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
101717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101718 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
101719 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101720 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
101721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101722 The tornado swirls rapidly.
101723 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101725 H:669 M:689 -b b 
101726 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101727 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
101728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101729 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
101730 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101731 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101732 eat maidenhair
101733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101734 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1954.
101735 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
101736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101737 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
101738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101739 The stinging feeling fades.
101740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101741 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101742 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101743 H:669 M:689 -b b 
101744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101745 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
101746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101747 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
101748 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101750 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
101751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101752 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
101753 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101755 H:663 M:689 -b b 
101756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101757 You may apply another salve.
101758 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
101759 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101761 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
101762 H:663 M:689 eb b 
101763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101764 You may eat another mushroom.
101765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101766 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
101767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101768 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
101769 H:572 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101771 H:663 M:689 eb b Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
101772 H:663 M:689 eb b You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
101773 H:663 M:689 eb b 
101774 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101775 cnc
101776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101777 You already possess mental equilibrium.
101778 H:663 M:689 eb b 
101779 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101780 pa
101781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101782 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
101783 H:663 M:689 eb b 
101784 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101785 ovt
101786 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101787 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
101788 H:663 M:689 eb b 
101789 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101790 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
101791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101792 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
101793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101794 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
101795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101796 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
101797 ock effect.
101798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101799 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
101800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101801 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
101802 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
101803  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
101804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101805 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
101806 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
101807 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
101808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101809 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
101810 using him to lose his patience.
101811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101812 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
101813 ausing you to lose your patience.
101814 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
101815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101816 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
101817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101818 H:463 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101820 H:663 M:671 -b b 
101821 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101822 ta
101823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101824 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 463/669 health and 476/512 mana.
101825 H:663 M:659 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
101826 H:663 M:659 -b b 
101827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101828 eat nightshade
101829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101830 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1950.
101831 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
101832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101833 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
101834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101835 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
101836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101837 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
101838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101839 H:463 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101841 H:663 M:659 -b b 
101842 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101843 sip health
101844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101845 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
101846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101847 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
101848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101849 Health Gain: 159
101850 The elixir heals your body.
101851 H:622 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
101852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101853 H:663 M:659 -b b 
101854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101855 eat toadstool
101856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101857 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1873.
101858 You quickly eat a toadstool.
101859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101860 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
101861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101862 Health Gain: 46
101863 Mana Gain: 36
101864 You feel your health and mana replenished.
101865 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
101866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101867 H:663 M:659 -b b 
101868 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101869 smoke pipe with linseed
101870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101871 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
101872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101873 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
101874 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
101875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101876 H:663 M:659 -b b 
101877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101878 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
101879 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
101880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101881 purge blood
101882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101883 Mana Lost: 6
101884 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
101885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101886 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
101887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101888 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
101889 H:669 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
101890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101891 H:663 M:659 -b b 
101892 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101893 eat juniper
101894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101895 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1732.
101896 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
101897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101898 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
101899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101900 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
101901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101902 H:669 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
101903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101904 H:663 M:659 -b db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
101905 e out of you.
101906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101907 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
101908 r.
101909 You have recovered balance.
101910 H:669 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
101911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101912 H:615 M:659 -b db 
101913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101914 Mana Gain: 6
101915 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
101916 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101917 touch tree
101918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101919 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
101920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101921 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
101922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101923 You are patient once again.
101924 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
101925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101926 H:635 M:686 -b db 
101927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101928 trueassess dwenthall
101929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101930 Dwenthall's condition stands at 616/669 health and 696/700 mana.
101931 Mana Lost: 12
101932 H:669 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
101933 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101934 ac on
101935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101936 Autocuring activated.
101937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101938 evoke empower rockfall
101939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101940 Mana Lost: 6
101941 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
101942 wer of Earth infuses it.
101943 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101944 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
101945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101946 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
101947 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101948 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
101949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101950 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
101951 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101952 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
101953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101954 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101955 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101957 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
101958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101959 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
101960 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
101961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101962 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
101963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101964 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
101965 Balance Taken: 3.01s
101966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101967 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
101968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101969 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
101970  her skin mercilessly.
101971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101972 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
101973 your skin mercilessly.
101974 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
101975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101976 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
101977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101978 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
101979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101980 You must regain your equilibrium first.
101981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101982 ta dwenthall
101983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101984 Dwenthall's condition stands at 518/669 health and 670/700 mana.
101985 Mana Lost: 12
101986 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
101987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101988 H:518 M:670 -b b 
101989 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101990 purge blood
101991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101992 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
101993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101994 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
101995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
101996 The stinging feeling fades.
101997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
101998 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
101999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102000 H:518 M:664 -b b 
102001 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102002 apply mass
102003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102004 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
102005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102006 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
102007 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102008 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
102009 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
102010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102011 H:518 M:664 -b b 
102012 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102013 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
102014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102015 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
102016 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
102017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102018 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
102019 H:518 M:664 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
102020 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
102021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102022 You may eat another herb or plant.
102023 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
102024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102025 H:514 M:664 -b b 
102026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102027 You may apply another salve.
102028 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
102029 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102030 You may eat another herb or plant.
102031 H:514 M:664 -b b 
102032 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102033 eat juniper
102034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102035 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1731.
102036 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
102037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102038 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
102039 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102040 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
102041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102042 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
102043 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102044 H:514 M:664 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
102045 H:514 M:664 -b db 
102046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102047 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
102048 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
102049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102050 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
102051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102052 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
102053 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
102054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102055 H:501 M:664 -b db 
102056 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102057 sip health
102058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102059 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
102060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102061 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
102062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102063 The elixir heals your body.
102064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102065 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
102066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102067 H:668 M:664 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
102068 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
102069 H:669 M:692 eb db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
102070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102071 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
102072 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
102073 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102074 H:669 M:692 eb db 
102075 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102076 cnc
102077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102078 You already possess mental equilibrium.
102079 H:669 M:692 eb db 
102080 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102081 pa
102082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102083 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
102084 H:669 M:692 eb db 
102085 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102086 ovt
102087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102088 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
102089 H:669 M:692 eb db 
102090 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102091 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
102092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102093 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
102094 ock effect.
102095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102096 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
102097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102098 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
102099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102100 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
102101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102102 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
102103 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
102104 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
102105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102106 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
102107 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
102108 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
102109 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
102110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102111 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
102112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102113 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
102114 athe.
102115 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102116 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
102117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102118 H:572 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
102119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102120 H:669 M:665 -b db 
102121 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102122 ta
102123 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102124 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 572/669 health and 482/512 mana.
102125 H:669 M:653 -b db 
102126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102127 eat kelp
102128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102129 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1940.
102130 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
102131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102132 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
102133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102134 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
102135 H:572 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
102136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102137 H:669 M:653 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
102138 H:669 M:653 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
102139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102140 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
102141 H:572 M:482 &lt;e- dbt; 
102142 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102143 H:669 M:653 -b db 
102144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102145 You have recovered balance.
102146 H:572 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
102147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102148 You may eat another herb or plant.
102149 H:669 M:653 -b db 
102150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102151 ac on
102152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102153 Autocuring activated.
102154 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102155 evoke empower rockfall
102156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102157 Mana Lost: 6
102158 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
102159 wer of Earth infuses it.
102160 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102161 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
102162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102163 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
102164 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
102165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102166 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
102167  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
102168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102169 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
102170 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102171 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
102172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102173 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
102174 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102175 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
102176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102177 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
102178 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
102179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102180 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
102181 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
102182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102183 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
102184 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
102185 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
102186 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
102187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102188 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
102189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102190 Balance Taken: 3.01s
102191 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102192 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
102193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102194 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
102195  her skin mercilessly.
102196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102197 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
102198 your skin mercilessly.
102199 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
102200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102201 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
102202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102203 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
102204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102205 You must regain your equilibrium first.
102206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102207 ta dwenthall
102208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102209 Dwenthall's condition stands at 573/669 health and 653/700 mana.
102210 Mana Lost: 12
102211 H:572 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
102212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102213 H:526 M:653 -b b 
102214 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102215 eat maidenhair
102216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102217 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1953.
102218 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
102219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102220 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
102221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102222 The stinging feeling fades.
102223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102224 H:572 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
102225 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102226 H:526 M:653 -b b 
102227 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102228 eat toadstool
102229 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102230 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1820.
102231 You quickly eat a toadstool.
102232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102233 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
102234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102235 You feel your health and mana replenished.
102236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102237 H:572 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
102238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102239 H:593 M:700 -b b 
102240 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102241 clot
102242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102243 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
102244 H:593 M:686 -b b 
102245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102246 You may drink another healing elixir.
102247 H:572 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
102248 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102249 ---------delayed wisp
102250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102251 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
102252 H:572 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
102253 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102254 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
102255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102256 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
102257 H:572 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
102258 H:572 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
102259 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102260 eat maidenhair
102261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102262 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1975.
102263 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
102264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102265 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
102266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102267 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
102268 H:572 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
102269 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102270 H:593 M:686 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
102271 H:593 M:670 eb b 
102272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102273 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
102274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102275 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
102276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102277 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
102278 H:525 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
102279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102280 H:593 M:670 eb b 
102281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102282 You may eat another mushroom.
102283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102284 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
102285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102286 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
102287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102288 apply caloric
102289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102290 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
102291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102292 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
102293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102294 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
102295 H:525 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
102296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102297 H:593 M:670 eb b 
102298 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102299 sip health
102300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102301 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
102302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102303 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
102304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102305 Health Gain: 143
102306 The elixir heals your body.
102307 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
102308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102309 H:593 M:670 eb b 
102310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102311 eat toadstool
102312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102313 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1872.
102314 You quickly eat a toadstool.
102315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102316 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
102317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102318 Mana Gain: 48
102319 You feel your health and mana replenished.
102320 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
102321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102322 H:593 M:670 eb b 
102323 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102324 cnc
102325 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102326 You already possess mental equilibrium.
102327 H:593 M:670 eb b 
102328 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102329 pa
102330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102331 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
102332 H:593 M:670 eb b 
102333 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102334 ovt
102335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102336 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
102337 H:593 M:670 eb b 
102338 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102339 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
102340 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102341 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
102342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102343 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
102344 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102345 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
102346 ranoia effect.
102347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102348 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
102349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102350 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
102351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102352 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
102353 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102354 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
102355 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
102356 seous.
102357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102358 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
102359 g you thoroughly.
102360 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
102361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102362 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
102363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102364 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
102365 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
102366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102367 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
102368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102369 H:572 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
102370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102371 H:593 M:655 -b b 
102372 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102373 ta
102374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102375 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 572/669 health and 512/512 mana.
102376 H:593 M:643 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
102377 H:593 M:643 -b b 
102378 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102379 focus
102380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102381 Mana Lost: 15
102382 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
102383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102384 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
102385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102386 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
102387 H:572 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
102388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102389 H:593 M:643 -b b 
102390 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102391 smoke pipe with linseed
102392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102393 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
102394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102395 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
102396 H:572 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
102397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102398 H:593 M:643 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
102399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102400 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
102401 H:572 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
102402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102403 H:582 M:643 -b b 
102404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102405 The icicles continue beating at your skin.
102406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102407 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
102408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102409 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
102410 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102411 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
102412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102413 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
102414 H:492 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
102415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102416 H:582 M:643 -b b 
102417 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102418 eat juniper
102419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102420 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1730.
102421 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
102422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102423 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
102424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102425 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
102426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102427 H:492 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
102428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102429 H:582 M:643 -b db 
102430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102431 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
102432 H:492 M:497 &lt;e- dbt; You may apply another salve.
102433 H:492 M:497 &lt;e- dbt; 
102434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102435 You may drink another healing elixir.
102436 H:582 M:643 -b db 
102437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102438 You have recovered balance.
102439 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
102440 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102441 sip health
102442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102443 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
102444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102445 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
102446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102447 The elixir heals your body.
102448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102449 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
102450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102451 H:669 M:643 -b db 
102452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102453 You may eat another herb or plant.
102454 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
102455 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102456 eat nightshade
102457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102458 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1949.
102459 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
102460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102461 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
102462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102463 Your stomach becalms itself.
102464 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
102465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102466 H:669 M:643 -b db 
102467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102468 ac on
102469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102470 Autocuring activated.
102471 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102472 order golem kill dwenthall
102473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102474 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
102475 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102476 evoke empower rockfall
102477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102478 Mana Lost: 6
102479 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
102480 wer of Earth infuses it.
102481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102482 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
102483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102484 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
102485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102486 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
102487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102488 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
102489 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102490 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
102491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102492 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
102493 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
102494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102495 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
102496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102497 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
102498 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
102499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102500 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
102501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102502 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
102503 Balance Taken: 3.01s
102504 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102505 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
102506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102507 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
102508 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102509 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
102510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102511 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
102512 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
102513 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102514 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
102515 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
102516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102517 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
102518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102519 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
102520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102521 You must regain your equilibrium first.
102522 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102523 naturebind shred dwenthall
102524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102525 You must regain your equilibrium first.
102526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102527 ta dwenthall
102528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102529 Dwenthall's condition stands at 548/669 health and 592/700 mana.
102530 Mana Lost: 12
102531 H:492 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102533 H:548 M:643 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
102534 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102535 writhe root
102536 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102537 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
102538 H:547 M:643 -b b 
102539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102540 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
102541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102542 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
102543 H:492 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
102544 ne.
102545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102546 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
102547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102548 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
102549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102550 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
102551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102552 The tornado swirls rapidly.
102553 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102554 touch tree
102555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102556 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
102557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102558 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
102559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102560 The stinging feeling fades.
102561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102562 H:492 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102564 H:547 M:643 -b b 
102565 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102566 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
102567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102568 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
102569 H:492 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102570 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102571 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
102572 H:547 M:643 -b b 
102573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102574 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
102575 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102576 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
102577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102578 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
102579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102580 You may eat another herb or plant.
102582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102583 H:446 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102585 H:547 M:643 -b b 
102586 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102587 eat juniper
102588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102589 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1729.
102590 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
102591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102592 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
102593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102594 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
102595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102596 H:446 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102597 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102598 H:547 M:643 -b db 
102599 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102600 apply caloric
102601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102602 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
102603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102604 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
102605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102606 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
102607 H:446 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102609 H:547 M:643 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
102610 H:547 M:643 eb db 
102611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102612 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
102613 H:446 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102614 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102615 cnc
102616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102617 You already possess mental equilibrium.
102618 H:547 M:643 eb db 
102619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102620 You may eat another herb or plant.
102621 H:446 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102622 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102623 pa
102624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102625 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
102626 H:547 M:643 eb db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
102627 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102628 ovt
102629 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102630 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
102631 H:547 M:643 eb db 
102632 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102633 abn
102634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102635 Your wounds are already bandaged.
102636 H:547 M:643 eb db 
102637 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102638 cast weariness dehydrate freeze at &tar
102639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102640 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
102641 ariness effect.
102642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102643 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
102644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102645 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
102646 You conjure a wave of heat and focus it towards Reyvenyr, draining moisture from his body. Reyvenyr'
102647 s skin glistens and he appears dizzy as the wave of heat passes through.
102648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102649 Dwenthall conjures a wave of heat and focuses it towards you, draining moisture from your body, hamp
102650 ering your ability to process salves and causing you to feel dizzy.
102651 Damage Taken: 65 fire, mental (raw damage: 80)
102652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102653 You send a blast of cold air towards Reyvenyr, chilling him to the bone.
102654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102655 Dwenthall sends a blast of cold air towards you, chilling you to the bone.
102656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102657 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
102658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102659 H:380 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102661 H:547 M:631 -b db 
102662 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102663 ta
102664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102665 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 380/669 health and 479/512 mana.
102666 H:547 M:619 -b db 
102667 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102668 eat nightshade
102669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102670 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1948.
102671 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
102672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102673 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
102674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102675 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
102676 H:380 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102678 H:547 M:619 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
102679 H:547 M:619 -b db 
102680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102681 You may apply another salve.
102682 H:380 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102683 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102684 apply caloric
102685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102686 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
102687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102688 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
102689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102690 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
102691 H:380 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102692 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102693 H:547 M:619 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
102694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102695 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
102696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102697 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
102698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102699 H:380 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102701 H:547 M:619 -b db 
102702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102703 Your mind is able to focus once again.
102704 H:380 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
102705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102706 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
102707 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102708 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
102709 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
102710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102711 focus
102712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102713 Mana Lost: 15
102714 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
102715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102716 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
102717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102718 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
102719 H:380 M:464 &lt;e- dbt; 
102720 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102721 H:532 M:619 -b db 
102722 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102723 eat toadstool
102724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102725 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1819.
102726 You quickly eat a toadstool.
102727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102728 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
102729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102730 You feel your health and mana replenished.
102731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102732 H:380 M:464 &lt;e- dbt; 
102733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102734 H:599 M:689 -b db 
102735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102736 Health Gain: 33
102737 Mana Gain: 32
102738 You may drink another healing elixir.
102739 H:414 M:496 &lt;e- dbt; 
102740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102741 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
102742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102743 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
102744 her.
102745 You have recovered balance.
102746 H:414 M:496 &lt;eb dbt; 
102747 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102748 H:571 M:684 -b db 
102749 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102750 sip health
102751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102752 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
102753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102754 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
102755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102756 Health Gain: 155
102757 The elixir heals your body.
102758 H:570 M:496 &lt;eb dbt; 
102759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102760 H:571 M:684 -b db 
102761 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102762 ac on
102763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102764 Autocuring activated.
102765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102766 evoke imbue
102767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102768 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
102769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102770 evoke empower rockfall
102771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102772 Mana Lost: 6
102773 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
102774 wer of Earth infuses it.
102775 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102776 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
102777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102778 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
102779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102780 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
102781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102782 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
102783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102784 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
102785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102786 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
102787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102788 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
102789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102790 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
102791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102792 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
102793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102794 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
102795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102796 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
102797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102798 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
102799 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
102800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102801 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
102802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102803 You lash out clumsily, and miss.
102804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102805 Reyvenyr lashes out clumsily, and misses.
102806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102807 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
102808 Balance Taken: 3.01s
102809 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102810 naturebinding choke dwenthall
102811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102812 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
102813 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102814 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
102815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102816 An animated blackthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
102817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102818 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
102819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102820 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
102821  her skin mercilessly.
102822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102823 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
102824 your skin mercilessly.
102825 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
102826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102827 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
102828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102829 ta dwenthall
102830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102831 Dwenthall's condition stands at 459/669 health and 725/700 mana.
102832 Mana Lost: 12
102833 H:570 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
102834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102835 H:418 M:684 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
102836 H:418 M:684 -b b 
102837 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102838 eat juniper
102839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102840 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1728.
102841 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
102842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102843 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
102844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102845 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
102846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102847 H:570 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
102848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102849 H:418 M:684 -b db 
102850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102851 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
102852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102853 You must regain your equilibrium first.
102854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102855 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
102856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102857 You must regain your equilibrium first.
102858 H:570 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
102859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102860 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
102861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102862 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
102863 H:570 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
102864 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102865 H:418 M:684 -b db 
102866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102867 You may eat another herb or plant.
102868 H:570 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
102869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102870 eat kelp
102871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102872 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1939.
102873 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
102874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102875 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
102876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102877 You feel coordinated once more.
102878 H:570 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
102879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102880 H:418 M:684 -b db 
102881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102882 You may eat another mushroom.
102883 H:570 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
102884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102885 You may drink another healing elixir.
102886 H:418 M:684 -b db 
102887 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102888 sip health
102889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102890 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
102891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102892 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
102893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102894 The elixir heals your body.
102895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102896 H:570 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
102897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102898 H:561 M:684 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
102899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102900 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
102901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102902 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
102903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102904 H:570 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
102905 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102906 H:561 M:684 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
102907 H:588 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
102908 H:588 M:700 eb db 
102909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102910 You may apply another salve.
102911 H:570 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
102912 H:570 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
102913 H:570 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; 
102914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102915 eat kelp
102916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102917 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1938.
102918 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
102919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102920 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
102921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102922 You feel strength return to your limbs.
102923 H:570 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; 
102924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102925 H:588 M:700 eb db 
102926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102927 You have recovered balance.
102928 H:570 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
102929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102930 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
102931 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
102932 H:584 M:700 eb db 
102933 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102934 ts
102935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102936 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
102937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102938 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
102939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102940 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
102941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102942 H:570 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
102943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102944 H:584 M:700 -b db 
102945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102946 naturebind breach dwenthall
102947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102948 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
102949 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
102950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102951 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
102952 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
102953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102954 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
102955 H:570 M:478 &lt;-b dbt; 
102956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102957 H:584 M:700 -b db 
102958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102959 Your mind is able to focus once again.
102961 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102962 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
102963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102964 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
102965 H:570 M:478 &lt;-b dbt; 
102966 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102967 H:572 M:700 -b db 
102968 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102969 focus
102970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102971 Mana Lost: 15
102972 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
102973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102974 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
102975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102976 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
102977 H:570 M:463 &lt;-b dbt; 
102978 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
102979 H:572 M:700 -b db 
102980 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102981 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
102982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102983 You must regain your equilibrium first.
102984 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102985 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
102986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102987 You must regain your equilibrium first.
102988 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102989 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
102990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102991 You must regain your equilibrium first.
102992 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102993 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
102994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102995 You must regain your equilibrium first.
102996 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102997 naturebinding shred dwenthall
102998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
102999 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103000 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103001 ta dwenthall
103002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103003 Dwenthall's condition stands at 572/669 health and 637/700 mana.
103004 Mana Lost: 12
103005 H:570 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
103006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103007 ac on
103008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103009 Autocuring activated.
103010 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103011 evoke imbue
103012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103013 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103014 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103015 TEAR MAP
103016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103017 Syntax: TEAR MAP
103018 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103019 evoke empower jolt
103020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103021 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103023 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
103024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103025 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103026 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103027 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
103028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103029 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103030 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103031 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
103032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103033 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103035 naturebind choke dwenthall
103036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103037 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103039 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
103040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103041 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103043 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
103044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103045 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103047 ta dwenthall
103048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103049 Dwenthall's condition stands at 538/669 health and 749/700 mana.
103050 Mana Lost: 12
103051 H:570 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
103052 H:570 M:439 &lt;-b dbt; 
103053 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103054 purge blood
103055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103056 Mana Lost: 6
103057 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
103058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103059 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
103060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103061 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
103062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103063 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
103064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103065 H:570 M:433 &lt;-b dbt; 
103066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103067 H:572 M:700 -b db 
103068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103069 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
103070 You may drink another healing elixir.
103071 H:570 M:433 &lt;-b dbt; 
103072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103073 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
103074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103075 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103077 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
103078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103079 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103080 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103081 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
103082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103083 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103084 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103085 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
103086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103087 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103088 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103089 naturebinding shred dwenthall
103090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103091 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103092 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103093 ta dwenthall
103094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103095 Dwenthall's condition stands at 589/669 health and 616/700 mana.
103096 Mana Lost: 12
103097 H:570 M:420 &lt;-b dbt; 
103098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103099 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
103101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103102 ac on
103103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103104 Autocuring activated.
103105 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103106 evoke imbue
103107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103108 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103110 TEAR MAP
103111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103112 Syntax: TEAR MAP
103113 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103114 evoke empower jolt
103115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103116 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103117 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103118 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
103119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103120 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103121 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103122 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
103123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103124 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103126 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
103127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103128 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103129 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103130 naturebind choke dwenthall
103131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103132 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103133 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103134 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
103135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103136 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103137 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103138 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
103139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103140 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103141 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103142 ta dwenthall
103143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103144 Dwenthall's condition stands at 572/669 health and 643/700 mana.
103145 Mana Lost: 12
103146 H:570 M:408 &lt;-b dbt; 
103147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103148 H:572 M:684 -b db 
103149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103150 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
103151 H:570 M:408 &lt;-b dbt; 
103152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103153 eat toadstool
103154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103155 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1871.
103156 You quickly eat a toadstool.
103157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103158 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
103159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103160 Health Gain: 66
103161 Mana Gain: 51
103162 You feel your health and mana replenished.
103163 H:637 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
103164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103165 H:572 M:684 -b db 
103166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103167 You may eat another herb or plant.
103168 H:637 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
103169 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103170 You may eat another mushroom.
103171 H:572 M:684 -b db 
103172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103173 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
103174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103175 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
103176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103177 H:637 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
103178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103179 H:572 M:684 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
103180 H:572 M:684 eb db 
103181 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103182 sip health
103183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103184 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
103185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103186 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
103187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103188 The elixir heals your body.
103189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103190 H:637 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
103191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103192 H:669 M:684 eb db 
103193 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103194 bs
103195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103196 Your skin is already tough as bark.
103198 H:637 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
103199 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103200 bs
103201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103202 Your skin is already tough as bark.
103204 H:637 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
103205 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103206 bs
103207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103208 Your skin is already tough as bark.
103210 H:637 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
103211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103212 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
103214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103215 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
103217 H:637 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
103218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103219 H:655 M:684 eb db 
103220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103221 Your mind is able to focus once again.
103222 H:637 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
103223 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
103225 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103226 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
103228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103229 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
103231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103232 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
103234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103235 The tornado swirls rapidly.
103237 H:637 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
103238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103239 H:655 M:684 eb b 
103240 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103241 naturebind breach dwenthall
103242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103243 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around Dwenthall.
103245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103246 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around you.
103248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103249 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
103251 H:637 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
103252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103253 H:655 M:684 eb b 
103254 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103255 naturebind breach dwenthall
103256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103257 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103259 H:637 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
103260 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103261 eat juniper
103262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103263 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1727.
103265 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
103267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103268 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
103270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103271 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
103273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103274 H:637 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
103275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103276 H:655 M:684 eb db 
103277 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103278 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
103279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103280 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
103282 H:637 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
103283 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103284 naturebind breach dwenthall
103285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103286 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103288 H:637 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
103289 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103292 You do not know how to perform such a shield skill.
103294 H:637 M:460 &lt;-b dbt; 
103295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103296 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
103298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103299 Health Gain: 32
103301 Mana Gain: 32
103303 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103305 H:669 M:696 eb db 
103306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103307 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
103308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103309 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103311 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103312 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
103313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103314 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103316 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103317 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
103318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103319 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103320 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103321 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
103322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103323 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103325 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
103326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103327 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103328 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103329 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103330 ac on
103331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103332 Autocuring activated.
103333 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103334 order loyals kill dwenthall
103335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103336 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103337 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103338 TEAR MAP
103339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103340 Syntax: TEAR MAP
103341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103342 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
103343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103344 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103345 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103346 evoke empower rockfall
103347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103348 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103350 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
103351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103352 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103354 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
103355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103356 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103357 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103358 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
103359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103360 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103361 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103362 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
103363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103364 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103365 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103366 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
103367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103368 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103369 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103370 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
103371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103372 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103373 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103375 You may drink another healing elixir.
103376 H:669 M:696 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
103377 H:669 M:696 eb db 
103378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103379 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
103380 H:669 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
103381 H:669 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
103382 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103383 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
103384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103385 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
103386 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
103387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103388 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
103389  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
103390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103391 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
103392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103393 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
103394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103395 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
103396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103397 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
103398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103399 Balance Taken: 2.00s
103400 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103401 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
103402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103403 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
103404 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
103405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103406 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
103407 you.
103408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103409 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
103410 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103411 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
103412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103413 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103414 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103415 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
103416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103417 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103418 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
103419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103420 H:669 M:696 eb db 
103421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103422 ac on
103423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103424 Autocuring activated.
103425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103426 order loyals kill dwenthall
103427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103428 You must regain balance first.
103429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103430 TEAR MAP
103431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103432 Syntax: TEAR MAP
103433 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103434 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
103435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103436 You must regain balance first.
103437 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103438 evoke empower rockfall
103439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103440 You must regain balance first.
103441 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103442 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
103443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103444 You must regain balance first.
103445 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103446 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
103447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103448 You must regain balance first.
103449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103450 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
103451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103452 You must regain balance first.
103453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103454 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
103455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103456 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103458 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
103459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103460 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103461 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103462 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
103463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103464 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103465 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
103466 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103467 smoke pipe with linseed
103468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103469 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
103470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103471 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
103472 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
103473 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103474 H:669 M:696 eb db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
103475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103476 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
103477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103478 ---------delayed wisp
103479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103480 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
103481 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
103482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103483 H:654 M:696 eb db 
103484 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103485 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
103486 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103487 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
103488 mmand.
103489 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
103490 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103491 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
103492 H:654 M:696 eb db 
103493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103494 ac on
103495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103496 Autocuring activated.
103497 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103498 order loyals kill dwenthall
103499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103500 You must regain balance first.
103501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103502 TEAR MAP
103503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103504 Syntax: TEAR MAP
103505 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103506 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
103507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103508 You must regain balance first.
103509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103510 evoke empower rockfall
103511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103512 You must regain balance first.
103513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103514 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
103515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103516 You must regain balance first.
103517 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103518 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
103519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103520 You must regain balance first.
103521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103522 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
103523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103524 You must regain balance first.
103525 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103526 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
103527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103528 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103529 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103530 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
103531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103532 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103533 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103534 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
103535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103536 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103537 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
103538 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103539 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
103540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103541 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103542 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103543 H:669 M:700 eb db 
103544 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103545 ts
103546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103547 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
103548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103549 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
103550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103551 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
103552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103553 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103555 H:669 M:700 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
103556 H:669 M:700 -b db 
103557 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103558 ac on
103559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103560 Autocuring activated.
103561 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103562 order loyals kill dwenthall
103563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103564 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103565 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103566 TEAR MAP
103567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103568 Syntax: TEAR MAP
103569 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103570 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
103571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103572 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103573 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103574 evoke empower rockfall
103575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103576 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103577 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103578 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
103579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103580 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103581 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103582 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
103583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103584 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103585 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103586 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
103587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103588 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103589 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103590 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
103591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103592 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103593 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103594 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
103595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103596 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103598 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
103599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103600 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103601 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103602 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103603 naturebind breach dwenthall
103604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103605 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103606 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
103607 H:669 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
103608 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103609 naturebind breach dwenthall
103610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103611 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
103612 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
103613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103614 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
103615 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
103616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103617 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
103618 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103620 H:669 M:684 -b db 
103621 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103622 naturebind breach dwenthall
103623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103624 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103625 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103626 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103627 naturebind breach dwenthall
103628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103629 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103630 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103632 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
103633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103634 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
103635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103636 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
103637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103638 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103640 H:656 M:684 -b db 
103641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103642 naturebind breach dwenthall
103643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103644 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103645 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
103646 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103647 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103648 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
103649 H:656 M:684 eb db 
103650 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103651 ac on
103652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103653 Autocuring activated.
103654 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103655 order loyals kill dwenthall
103656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103657 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103659 TEAR MAP
103660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103661 Syntax: TEAR MAP
103662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103663 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
103664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103665 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103667 evoke empower rockfall
103668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103669 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103670 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103671 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
103672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103673 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103675 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
103676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103677 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103678 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103679 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
103680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103681 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103682 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103683 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
103684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103685 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103687 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
103688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103689 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103691 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
103692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103693 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103694 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103696 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
103697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103698 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
103699 H:669 M:492 &lt;-b dbt; 
103700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103701 H:656 M:684 eb db 
103702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103703 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
103704 H:669 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
103705 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103706 probe crystal
103707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103708 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
103709 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
103710 It weighs 6 ounces.
103711 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
103712 The crystal can support 2 spells.
103713 H:656 M:684 eb db 
103714 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103715 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
103716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103717 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
103718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103719 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
103720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103721 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
103722 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
103723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103724 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
103725  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
103726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103727 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
103728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103729 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
103730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103731 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
103732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103733 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
103734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103735 Balance Taken: 2.00s
103736 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103737 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
103738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103739 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
103740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103741 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
103742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103743 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
103744 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
103745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103746 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
103747 d you.
103748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103749 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
103750 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103751 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
103752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103753 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103754 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
103755 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103756 H:615 M:684 eb db 
103757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103758 ac on
103759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103760 Autocuring activated.
103761 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103762 order loyals kill dwenthall
103763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103764 You must regain balance first.
103765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103766 TEAR MAP
103767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103768 Syntax: TEAR MAP
103769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103770 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
103771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103772 You must regain balance first.
103773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103774 evoke empower rockfall
103775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103776 You must regain balance first.
103777 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103778 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
103779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103780 You must regain balance first.
103781 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103782 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
103783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103784 You must regain balance first.
103785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103786 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
103787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103788 You must regain balance first.
103789 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103790 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
103791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103792 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103793 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103794 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
103795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103796 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103797 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103798 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
103799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103800 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103801 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
103802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103803 ---------delayed wisp
103804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103805 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
103806 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
103807 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103808 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
103809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103810 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
103811 mmand.
103812 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
103813 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103814 smoke pipe with linseed
103815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103816 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
103817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103818 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
103819 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
103820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103821 H:615 M:684 eb db 
103822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103823 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
103824 H:669 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; Mana Gain: 19
103825 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
103826 ne.
103827 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103828 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
103829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103830 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
103831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103832 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
103833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103834 The tornado swirls rapidly.
103835 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
103836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103837 H:635 M:696 eb b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
103838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103839 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
103840 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103841 eat juniper
103842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103843 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1726.
103844 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
103845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103846 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
103847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103848 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
103849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103850 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
103851 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103852 H:625 M:696 eb db 
103853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103854 You have recovered balance.
103855 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
103856 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103857 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
103858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103859 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
103860 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
103861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103862 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
103863 H:625 M:696 eb db 
103864 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103865 ac on
103866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103867 Autocuring activated.
103868 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103869 order loyals kill dwenthall
103870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103871 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103872 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103873 TEAR MAP
103874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103875 Syntax: TEAR MAP
103876 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103877 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
103878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103879 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103880 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103881 evoke empower rockfall
103882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103883 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103884 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103885 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
103886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103887 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103888 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103889 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
103890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103891 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103892 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103893 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
103894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103895 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103897 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
103898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103899 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103900 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103901 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
103902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103903 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103904 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103905 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
103906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103907 You must regain your equilibrium first.
103908 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
103909 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
103910 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103911 ac on
103912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103913 Autocuring activated.
103914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103915 order loyals kill dwenthall
103916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103917 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
103918 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
103919 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
103920 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
103921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103922 TEAR MAP
103923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103924 Syntax: TEAR MAP
103925 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103926 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
103927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103928 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
103929 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103930 evoke empower rockfall
103931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103932 Mana Lost: 6
103933 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
103934 wer of Earth infuses it.
103935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103936 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
103937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103938 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
103939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103940 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
103941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103942 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
103943 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103944 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
103945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103946 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
103947 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
103948 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103949 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
103950 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
103951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103952 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
103953 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
103954 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
103955 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
103956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103957 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
103958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103959 Balance Taken: 3.01s
103960 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103961 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
103962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103963 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
103964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103965 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
103966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103967 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
103968 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103969 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
103970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103971 An animated beech root is already circling around Dwenthall.
103972 H:669 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
103973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103974 H:527 M:696 eb b 
103975 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103976 ts
103977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103978 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
103979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103980 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
103981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103982 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
103983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103984 H:669 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
103985 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103986 H:527 M:696 -b b 
103987 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103988 sip health
103989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103990 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
103991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103992 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
103993 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103994 The elixir heals your body.
103995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
103996 H:669 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
103997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
103998 H:648 M:696 -b b 
103999 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104000 eat toadstool
104001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104002 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1818.
104003 You quickly eat a toadstool.
104004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104005 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
104006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104007 You feel your health and mana replenished.
104008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104009 H:669 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
104010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104011 H:669 M:700 -b b 
104012 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104013 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
104014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104015 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
104016 H:669 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
104017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104018 naturebind breach dwenthall
104019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104020 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
104021 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
104022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104023 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
104024 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
104025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104026 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
104027 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
104028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104029 H:669 M:700 -b b Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
104030 You may eat another herb or plant.
104031 H:669 M:700 -b b 
104032 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104033 eat juniper
104034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104035 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1725.
104036 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
104037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104038 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
104039 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104040 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
104041 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104042 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
104043 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104044 H:669 M:700 -b db 
104045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104046 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
104047 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
104048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104049 naturebind breach dwenthall
104050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104051 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104052 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
104053 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104054 naturebind breach dwenthall
104055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104056 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104057 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
104058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104059 naturebind breach dwenthall
104060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104061 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104062 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
104063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104064 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
104065 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104066 naturebind breach dwenthall
104067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104068 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around Dwenthall.
104069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104070 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around you.
104071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104072 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
104073 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
104074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104075 H:669 M:684 eb db 
104076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104079 You do not know how to perform such a shield skill.
104080 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
104081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104082 You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
104083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104084 naturebind breach dwenthall
104085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104086 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104087 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
104088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104089 H:669 M:684 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
104090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104091 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
104092 You have recovered balance.
104093 H:669 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
104094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104095 H:669 M:684 eb db 
104096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104097 naturebind breach dwenthall
104098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104099 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104100 H:669 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
104101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104102 You may eat another herb or plant.
104103 H:669 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
104104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104105 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
104106 H:669 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
104107 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104108 H:657 M:684 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
104109 H:669 M:700 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
104110 H:669 M:700 eb db 
104111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104112 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
104113 H:669 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
104114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104115 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
104116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104117 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
104119 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104120 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
104122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104123 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
104124  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
104126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104127 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
104128 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
104130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104131 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
104133 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104134 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
104135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104136 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
104138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104139 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
104140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104141 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
104143 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104144 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
104145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104146 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104149 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104152 Balance Taken: 2.00s
104154 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104155 naturebinding shred dwenthall
104156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104157 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
104158 ing her skin mercilessly.
104160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104161 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
104162 ng your skin mercilessly.
104164 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
104166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104167 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
104169 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104170 ta dwenthall
104171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104172 Dwenthall's condition stands at 502/669 health and 770/700 mana.
104174 Mana Lost: 12
104176 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104178 H:583 M:700 eb b 
104179 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104180 ac on
104181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104182 Autocuring activated.
104184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104185 order golem kill dwenthall
104186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104187 You must regain balance first.
104189 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104190 evoke empower rockfall
104191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104192 You must regain balance first.
104194 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104195 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
104196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104197 You must regain balance first.
104199 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104200 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
104201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104202 You must regain balance first.
104204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104205 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
104206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104207 You must regain balance first.
104209 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104210 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
104211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104212 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104214 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104215 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
104216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104217 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104219 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104220 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
104221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104222 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104224 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104225 naturebind shred dwenthall
104226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104227 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104230 ta dwenthall
104231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104232 Dwenthall's condition stands at 502/669 health and 630/700 mana.
104234 Mana Lost: 12
104236 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
104237 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104238 ---------delayed wisp
104239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104240 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
104242 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
104243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104244 You may eat another mushroom.
104246 H:583 M:700 eb b 
104247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104248 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
104249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104250 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
104251 mmand.
104252 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
104253 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104254 smoke pipe with linseed
104255 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104256 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
104257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104258 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
104259 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
104260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104261 H:583 M:700 eb b 
104262 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104263 sip health
104264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104265 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
104266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104267 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
104268 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104269 The elixir heals your body.
104270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104271 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
104272 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104273 H:669 M:700 eb b 
104274 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104275 eat juniper
104276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104277 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1724.
104278 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
104279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104280 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
104281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104282 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
104283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104284 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
104285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104286 H:669 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
104287 H:668 M:684 eb db 
104288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104289 You have recovered balance.
104290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104291 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
104292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104293 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
104294 H:669 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
104295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104296 H:656 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
104297 H:656 M:684 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
104298 H:656 M:684 eb db 
104299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104300 Mana Gain: 30
104301 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
104302 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
104303 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104304 ac on
104305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104306 Autocuring activated.
104307 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104308 evoke imbue
104309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104310 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
104311 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104312 TEAR MAP
104313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104314 Syntax: TEAR MAP
104315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104316 evoke empower jolt
104317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104318 Mana Lost: 6
104319 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
104320 wer of Earth infuses it.
104321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104322 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
104323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104324 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
104325 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104326 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
104327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104328 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
104329 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104330 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
104331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104332 I do not recognize that toxin.
104333 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104335 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104336 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
104337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104338 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
104339 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
104340 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104341 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
104342 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104343 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
104344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104345 Balance Taken: 3.01s
104347 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104348 naturebind choke dwenthall
104349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104350 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
104351 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
104353 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104354 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
104355 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
104357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104358 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
104360 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104361 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
104362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104363 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104365 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104366 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
104367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104368 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104370 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104371 ta dwenthall
104372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104373 Dwenthall's condition stands at 574/669 health and 735/700 mana.
104375 Mana Lost: 12
104377 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104379 H:518 M:700 eb b 
104380 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104381 writhe root
104382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104383 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
104385 H:518 M:700 eb b 
104386 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104387 eat toadstool
104388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104389 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1817.
104391 You quickly eat a toadstool.
104393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104394 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
104396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104397 You feel your health and mana replenished.
104399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104400 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104402 H:585 M:700 eb b 
104403 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104404 eat juniper
104405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104406 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1723.
104408 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
104410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104411 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
104413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104414 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
104416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104417 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104419 H:585 M:700 eb db 
104420 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104421 cnc
104422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104423 You already possess mental equilibrium.
104425 H:585 M:700 eb db 
104426 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104427 pa
104428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104429 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
104431 H:585 M:700 eb db 
104432 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104433 ovt
104434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104435 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
104437 H:585 M:700 eb db 
104438 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104439 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
104440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104441 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
104442 ewreathe effect.
104444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104445 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
104447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104448 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
104450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104451 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
104453 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104454 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
104456 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
104457  twitching slightly under the cold.
104459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104460 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
104461 range burning sensation in your nerves.
104463 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
104465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104466 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
104468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104469 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
104471 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
104473 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104474 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
104476 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
104478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104479 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104481 H:585 M:682 -b db 
104482 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104483 ta
104484 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104485 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 494/512 mana.
104486 H:585 M:670 -b db 
104487 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104488 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
104489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104490 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
104491 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104492 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104493 You may drink another healing elixir.
104494 H:585 M:670 -b db 
104495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104496 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
104497 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104498 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104499 sip health
104500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104501 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
104502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104503 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
104504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104505 The elixir heals your body.
104506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104507 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104509 H:669 M:670 -b db 
104510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104511 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
104512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104513 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
104514 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
104515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104516 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
104517 H:564 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
104518 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104519 H:669 M:670 -b db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
104520 e out of you.
104521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104522 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
104523 r.
104524 You have recovered balance.
104525 H:564 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
104526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104527 H:620 M:670 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
104528 H:620 M:670 -b db 
104529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104530 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
104531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104532 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
104533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104534 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
104535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104536 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
104537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104538 The tornado swirls rapidly.
104539 H:564 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
104540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104541 H:620 M:654 -b b 
104542 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104543 trueassess dwenthall
104544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104545 Dwenthall's condition stands at 620/669 health and 739/700 mana.
104546 Mana Lost: 12
104547 H:564 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
104548 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104549 eat juniper
104550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104551 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1722.
104552 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
104553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104554 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
104555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104556 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
104557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104558 H:564 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
104559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104560 H:620 M:654 -b db 
104561 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104562 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
104563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104564 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
104565 H:564 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
104566 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104567 cnc
104568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104569 You are already concentrating on regaining your equilibrium.
104570 H:620 M:654 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
104571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104572 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
104573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104574 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
104575 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104576 pa
104577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104578 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
104579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104580 H:564 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
104581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104582 H:608 M:654 eb db 
104583 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104584 ovt
104585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104586 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
104588 H:608 M:654 eb db 
104589 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104590 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
104591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104592 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
104594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104595 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
104597 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104598 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
104599 ewreathe effect.
104601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104602 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
104604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104605 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
104607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104608 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
104610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104611 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
104613 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
104614  twitching slightly under the cold.
104616 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104617 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
104618 range burning sensation in your nerves.
104620 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
104622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104623 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
104625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104626 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
104628 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
104630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104631 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
104633 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
104635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104636 H:459 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
104637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104638 H:608 M:636 -b db 
104639 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104640 ta
104641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104642 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 459/669 health and 482/512 mana.
104644 H:608 M:623 -b db 
104645 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104646 eat nightshade
104647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104648 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1947.
104650 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
104652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104653 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
104655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104656 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
104658 H:459 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
104659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104660 H:608 M:623 -b db 
104661 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104662 sip health
104663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104664 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
104666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104667 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
104669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104670 Health Gain: 160
104672 The elixir heals your body.
104674 H:620 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
104675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104676 H:608 M:623 -b db 
104677 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104678 eat toadstool
104679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104680 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1870.
104682 You quickly eat a toadstool.
104684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104685 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
104687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104688 Health Gain: 49
104690 Mana Gain: 30
104692 You feel your health and mana replenished.
104694 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
104695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104696 H:608 M:623 -b db 
104697 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104698 smoke pipe with linseed
104699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104700 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
104702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104703 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
104705 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
104706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104707 H:608 M:623 -b db 
104708 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104709 ac on
104710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104711 Autocuring activated.
104713 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104714 order golem kill dwenthall
104715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104716 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
104718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104719 evoke empower rockfall
104720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104721 Mana Lost: 6
104722 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
104723 wer of Earth infuses it.
104724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104725 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
104726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104727 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
104728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104729 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
104730 ods your veins.
104731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104732 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
104733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104734 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
104735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104736 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
104737 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104738 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
104739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104740 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
104741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104742 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
104743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104744 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
104745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104746 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
104747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104748 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104749 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104751 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104752 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
104753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104754 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
104755 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
104756 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104757 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
104758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104759 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
104760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104761 Balance Taken: 3.01s
104762 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104763 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
104764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104765 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
104766 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104767 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
104768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104769 Dwenthall is already being choked.
104770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104771 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
104772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104773 Dwenthall is already being choked.
104774 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104775 naturebind shred dwenthall
104776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104777 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
104778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104779 ta dwenthall
104780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104781 Dwenthall's condition stands at 429/669 health and 666/700 mana.
104782 Mana Lost: 12
104783 H:669 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
104784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104785 H:429 M:623 -b b 
104786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104787 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
104788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104789 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
104790 H:669 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
104791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104792 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
104793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104794 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
104795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104796 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
104797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104798 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
104799 dding her skin mercilessly.
104800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104801 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
104802 ding your skin mercilessly.
104803 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
104804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104805 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
104806 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104808 H:384 M:623 -b b 
104809 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104810 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
104811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104812 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104813 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104814 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
104815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104816 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104817 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104819 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
104820 H:384 M:623 -b b 
104821 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104822 purge blood
104823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104824 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
104825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104826 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
104827 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104828 The stinging feeling fades.
104829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104830 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104831 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104832 H:384 M:617 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
104833 H:384 M:617 -b b 
104834 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104835 eat juniper
104836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104837 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1721.
104838 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
104839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104840 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
104841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104842 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
104843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104844 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104846 H:384 M:617 -b db 
104847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104848 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
104849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104850 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104852 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
104853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104854 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104855 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104856 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104857 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
104858 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
104859 H:380 M:617 -b db 
104860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104861 You may eat another herb or plant.
104862 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104863 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104864 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
104865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104866 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
104867 r.
104868 H:669 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
104869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104870 H:331 M:617 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
104871 H:331 M:617 -b db 
104872 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104873 trueassess dwenthall
104874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104875 Dwenthall's condition stands at 374/669 health and 617/700 mana.
104876 Mana Lost: 12
104877 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
104878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104879 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
104880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104881 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
104882 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
104883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104884 H:331 M:617 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
104885 H:331 M:617 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
104886 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104887 sip health
104888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104889 You drink the last drop of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
104890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104891 Dwenthall empties out an onyx vial into her mouth.
104892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104893 Finding an onyx vial empty of an elixir of health, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across one
104894  of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid spr
104895 ays into the vial and it is once again full.
104896 The elixir heals your body.
104897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104898 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
104899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104900 H:454 M:617 eb db 
104901 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104902 eat toadstool
104903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104904 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1816.
104905 You quickly eat a toadstool.
104906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104907 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
104908 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104909 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
104910 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
104911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104912 H:669 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
104913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104914 H:454 M:617 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
104915 H:454 M:617 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
104916 H:454 M:617 eb db 
104917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104918 You have recovered balance.
104919 H:669 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
104920 H:669 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
104921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104922 ac on
104923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104924 Autocuring activated.
104925 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104926 evoke imbue
104927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104928 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
104929 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104930 evoke empower shock
104931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104932 Mana Lost: 6
104933 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
104934 wer of Earth infuses it.
104935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104936 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
104937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104938 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
104939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104940 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
104941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104942 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
104943 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104944 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
104945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104946 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104947 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104948 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104949 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104950 A brief shock tuns through your body and your muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
104951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104952 Dwenthall's muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
104953 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
104954 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
104955 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
104956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104957 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
104958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104959 Balance Taken: 3.01s
104960 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104961 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
104962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104963 You concentrate on your bond with Nature and prepare to overwhelm Dwenthall with its raw power.
104964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104965 A look of utmost concentration appears on Reyvenyr's face, followed by a menacing look in your direc
104966 tion.
104967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104968 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
104969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104970 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
104971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104972 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104974 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
104975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104976 You must regain your equilibrium first.
104977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104978 ta dwenthall
104979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104980 Dwenthall's condition stands at 378/669 health and 605/700 mana.
104981 Mana Lost: 12
104982 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
104983 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104984 H:381 M:617 eb b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
104985 H:408 M:645 eb b You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
104986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104987 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
104988 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104989 eat juniper
104990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104991 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1720.
104992 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
104993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104994 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
104995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
104996 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
104997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
104998 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
104999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105000 H:394 M:645 eb db 
105001 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105002 ---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!
105003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105004 Your input, "---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!"
105005 , is not a valid command.
105006 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
105007 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105008 ts
105009 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105010 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
105011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105012 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
105013 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105014 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
105015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105016 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
105017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105018 H:394 M:629 -b db 
105019 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105020 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
105021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105022 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
105024 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
105025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105026 -------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!
105027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105028 Your input, "-------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
105030 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
105031 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105032 naturebind breach dwenthall
105033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105034 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105036 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
105037 You may drink another healing elixir.
105038 H:669 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
105039 Mana Gain: 32
105041 H:669 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
105042 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
105044 H:669 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
105045 You may eat another mushroom.
105047 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105048 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
105050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105051 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
105053 H:669 M:496 &lt;-- dbt; 
105054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105055 H:427 M:671 -b db 
105056 You may eat another herb or plant.
105057 H:427 M:671 -b db 
105058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105059 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
105062 H:669 M:496 &lt;e- dbt; 
105063 You have recovered balance.
105066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105067 naturebind breach dwenthall
105068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105069 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
105070 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
105072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105073 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
105074 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
105076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105077 Equilibrium Taken: 1.26s
105079 H:669 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
105080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105081 H:427 M:671 -b db 
105082 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
105085 H:427 M:671 eb db 
105086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105087 naturebind breach dwenthall
105088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105089 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105091 H:669 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
105092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105093 You may drink another healing elixir.
105094 H:427 M:671 eb db 
105095 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105096 sip health
105097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105098 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
105100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105101 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
105103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105104 The elixir heals your body.
105106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105107 H:669 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
105108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105109 H:589 M:671 eb db 
105110 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Paran Mountains.
105111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105112 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Paran Mountains.
105113 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105114 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
105116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105117 H:669 M:496 &lt;-b dbt; 
105118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105119 H:589 M:671 eb db 
105120 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
105122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105123 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
105125 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
105128 H:669 M:496 &lt;eb dbt; 
105129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105130 H:578 M:671 eb db 
105131 You may eat another mushroom.
105133 H:578 M:671 eb db 
105134 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105135 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
105136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105137 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
105139 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105140 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105142 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
105144 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105145 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
105146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105147 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
105149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105150 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
105151 .
105153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105154 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
105156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105157 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
105158 r veins.
105160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105161 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
105163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105164 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
105165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105166 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
105168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105169 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
105171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105172 Balance Taken: 2.00s
105174 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105175 naturebinding shred dwenthall
105176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105177 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
105178 ing her skin mercilessly.
105180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105181 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
105182 ng your skin mercilessly.
105184 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
105186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105187 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
105189 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105190 ta dwenthall
105191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105192 Dwenthall's condition stands at 528/669 health and 611/700 mana.
105194 Mana Lost: 12
105196 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
105197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105198 H:533 M:671 eb b 
105199 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105200 ac on
105201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105202 Autocuring activated.
105204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105205 pt
105206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105207 You must regain balance first.
105209 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105210 target nothing
105211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105212 You must regain balance first.
105214 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105215 evoke empower rockfall
105216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105217 You must regain balance first.
105219 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105220 lp
105221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105222 You must regain balance first.
105224 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105225 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105227 You must regain balance first.
105229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105230 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105232 You must regain balance first.
105234 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105235 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
105236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105237 You must regain balance first.
105239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105240 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
105241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105242 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105244 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105245 naturebind choke dwenthall
105246 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105247 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105249 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105250 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
105251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105252 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105254 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105255 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
105256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105257 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105259 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
105260 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105261 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
105262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105263 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
105264 mmand.
105266 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
105267 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105268 smoke pipe with linseed
105269 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105270 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
105272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105273 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
105275 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
105276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105277 H:533 M:671 eb b 
105278 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105279 eat toadstool
105280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105281 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1815.
105282 You quickly eat a toadstool.
105283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105284 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
105285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105286 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
105287 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
105288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105289 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
105290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105291 H:533 M:671 eb b 
105292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105293 ac on
105294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105295 Autocuring activated.
105296 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105297 pt
105298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105299 You must regain balance first.
105300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105301 target nothing
105302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105303 You must regain balance first.
105304 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105305 evoke empower rockfall
105306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105307 You must regain balance first.
105308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105309 lp
105310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105311 You must regain balance first.
105312 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105313 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105315 You must regain balance first.
105316 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105317 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105319 You must regain balance first.
105320 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105321 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
105322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105323 You must regain balance first.
105324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105325 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
105326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105327 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105328 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105329 naturebind choke dwenthall
105330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105331 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105333 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
105334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105335 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105337 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
105338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105339 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105340 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
105341 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105342 eat juniper
105343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105344 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1719.
105345 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
105346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105347 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
105348 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105349 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
105350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105351 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
105352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105353 H:533 M:655 eb db 
105354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105355 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
105356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105357 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
105358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105359 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
105360 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105361 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
105362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105363 The tornado swirls rapidly.
105364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105365 ac on
105366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105367 Autocuring activated.
105368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105369 pt
105370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105371 You must regain balance first.
105372 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105373 target nothing
105374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105375 You must regain balance first.
105376 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105377 evoke empower rockfall
105378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105379 You must regain balance first.
105380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105381 lp
105382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105383 You must regain balance first.
105384 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105385 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105387 You must regain balance first.
105388 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105389 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105391 You must regain balance first.
105392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105393 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
105394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105395 You must regain balance first.
105396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105397 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
105398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105399 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105400 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105401 naturebind choke dwenthall
105402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105403 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105404 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105405 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
105406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105407 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105408 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105409 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
105410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105411 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105412 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
105413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105414 H:533 M:655 eb b 
105415 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105416 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
105417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105418 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
105419 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
105420 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105421 ac on
105422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105423 Autocuring activated.
105424 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105425 pt
105426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105427 You must regain balance first.
105428 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105429 target nothing
105430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105431 You must regain balance first.
105432 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105433 evoke empower rockfall
105434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105435 You must regain balance first.
105436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105437 lp
105438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105439 You must regain balance first.
105440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105441 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105443 You must regain balance first.
105444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105445 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105447 You must regain balance first.
105448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105449 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
105450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105451 You must regain balance first.
105452 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105453 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
105454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105455 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105457 naturebind choke dwenthall
105458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105459 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105461 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
105462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105463 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105464 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105465 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
105466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105467 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105468 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
105469 H:669 M:484 &lt;e- dbt; 
105470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105471 ac on
105472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105473 Autocuring activated.
105474 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105475 pt
105476 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105477 You must regain balance first.
105478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105479 target nothing
105480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105481 You must regain balance first.
105482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105483 evoke empower rockfall
105484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105485 You must regain balance first.
105486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105487 lp
105488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105489 You must regain balance first.
105490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105491 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105493 You must regain balance first.
105494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105495 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105497 You must regain balance first.
105498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105499 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
105500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105501 You must regain balance first.
105502 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105503 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
105504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105505 You are already focusing on overwhelming someone.
105506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105507 naturebind choke dwenthall
105508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105509 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
105510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105511 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
105512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105513 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
105514 ing her skin mercilessly.
105515 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105516 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
105517 ng your skin mercilessly.
105518 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
105519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105520 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
105521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105522 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
105523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105524 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105525 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
105526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105527 H:489 M:655 eb b 
105528 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105529 touch tree
105530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105531 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
105532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105533 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
105534 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105535 The stinging feeling fades.
105536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105537 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
105538 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105539 H:489 M:655 eb b 
105540 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105541 ac on
105542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105543 Autocuring activated.
105544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105545 pt
105546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105547 You must regain balance first.
105548 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105549 target nothing
105550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105551 You must regain balance first.
105552 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105553 evoke empower rockfall
105554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105555 You must regain balance first.
105556 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105557 lp
105558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105559 You must regain balance first.
105560 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105561 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105563 You must regain balance first.
105564 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105565 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105567 You must regain balance first.
105568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105569 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
105570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105571 You must regain balance first.
105572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105573 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
105574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105575 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105576 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105577 naturebind choke dwenthall
105578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105579 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105580 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105581 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
105582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105583 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105584 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105585 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
105586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105587 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105588 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
105589 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105590 clot
105591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105592 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
105593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105594 H:669 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
105595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105596 H:489 M:641 eb b 
105597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105598 ac on
105599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105600 Autocuring activated.
105601 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105602 pt
105603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105604 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105606 target nothing
105607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105608 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105609 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105610 evoke empower rockfall
105611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105612 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105613 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105614 lp
105615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105616 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105617 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105618 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105620 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105621 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105622 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105624 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105625 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105626 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
105627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105628 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105629 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105630 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
105631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105632 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105634 naturebind choke dwenthall
105635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105636 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105638 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
105639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105640 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105642 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
105643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105644 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105645 H:669 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
105646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105647 You may eat another herb or plant.
105648 H:489 M:641 eb b You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
105649 H:489 M:641 eb b 
105650 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105651 ac on
105652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105653 Autocuring activated.
105654 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105655 pt
105656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105657 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105659 target nothing
105660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105661 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105663 evoke empower rockfall
105664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105665 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105667 lp
105668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105669 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105670 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105671 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105673 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105675 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105677 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105678 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105679 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
105680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105681 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105682 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105683 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
105684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105685 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105686 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105687 naturebind choke dwenthall
105688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105689 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105691 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
105692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105693 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105694 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105695 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
105696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105697 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105698 H:669 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
105699 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105700 eat juniper
105701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105702 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1718.
105703 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
105704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105705 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
105706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105707 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
105708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105709 H:669 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
105710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105711 H:489 M:641 eb db 
105712 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105713 ac on
105714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105715 Autocuring activated.
105716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105717 pt
105718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105719 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105720 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105721 target nothing
105722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105723 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105725 evoke empower rockfall
105726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105727 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105729 lp
105730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105731 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105732 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105733 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105735 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105736 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105737 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105739 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105741 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
105742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105743 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105745 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
105746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105747 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105748 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105749 naturebind choke dwenthall
105750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105751 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105752 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105753 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
105754 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105755 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105756 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105757 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
105758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105759 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105760 H:669 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
105761 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105762 ac on
105763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105764 Autocuring activated.
105765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105766 pt
105767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105768 You will now attempt to parry attacks to your torso.
105769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105770 target nothing
105771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105772 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
105773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105774 evoke empower rockfall
105775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105776 Mana Lost: 6
105777 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
105778 wer of Earth infuses it.
105779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105780 lp
105781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105782 You quickly light your pipes, surrounding yourself with a cloud of smoke.
105783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105784 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105786 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
105787 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105788 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105790 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
105791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105792 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
105793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105794 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
105795 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
105796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105797 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
105798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105799 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
105800 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
105801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105802 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
105803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105804 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
105805 Balance Taken: 3.01s
105806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105807 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
105808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105809 You are already focusing on overwhelming someone.
105810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105811 naturebind choke dwenthall
105812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105813 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
105814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105815 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
105816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105817 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
105818 ing her skin mercilessly.
105819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105820 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
105821 ng your skin mercilessly.
105822 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
105823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105824 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
105825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105826 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
105827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105828 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105829 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
105830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105831 H:372 M:641 eb b 
105832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105833 ac on
105834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105835 Autocuring activated.
105836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105837 pt
105838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105839 You must regain balance first.
105840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105841 target nothing
105842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105843 You must regain balance first.
105844 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105845 evoke empower rockfall
105846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105847 You must regain balance first.
105848 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105849 lp
105850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105851 You must regain balance first.
105852 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105853 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105855 You must regain balance first.
105856 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105857 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105859 You must regain balance first.
105860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105861 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
105862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105863 You must regain balance first.
105864 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105865 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
105866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105867 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105868 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105869 naturebind choke dwenthall
105870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105871 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105872 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105873 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
105874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105875 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105876 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105877 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
105878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105879 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105880 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
105881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105882 You may drink another healing elixir.
105883 H:372 M:641 eb b 
105884 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105885 sip health
105886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105887 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
105888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105889 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
105890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105891 The elixir heals your body.
105892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105893 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
105894 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105895 H:517 M:641 eb b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
105896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105897 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
105898 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
105899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105900 H:501 M:641 eb b 
105901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105902 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
105903 H:669 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; 
105904 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105905 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
105906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105907 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
105908 H:669 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; 
105909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105910 You may eat another herb or plant.
105911 H:501 M:641 eb b 
105912 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105913 eat maidenhair
105914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105915 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1952.
105916 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
105917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105918 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
105919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105920 The stinging feeling fades.
105921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105922 H:669 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; 
105923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105924 H:501 M:641 eb b 
105925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105926 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
105927 H:669 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; 
105928 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105929 l
105930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105931 A rocky outcropping.
105932 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
105933 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
105934 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
105935 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. A pillar 
105936 of flame is burning brightly here. 
105937 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
105938 H:501 M:625 eb b 
105939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105940 ac on
105941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105942 Autocuring activated.
105943 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105944 order golem kill dwenthall
105945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105946 You must regain balance first.
105947 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105948 evoke empower rockfall
105949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105950 You must regain balance first.
105951 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105952 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
105953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105954 You must regain balance first.
105955 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105956 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
105957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105958 You must regain balance first.
105959 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105960 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
105961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105962 You must regain balance first.
105963 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105964 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
105965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105966 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
105967 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105968 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
105969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105970 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
105971 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
105972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105973 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
105974 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
105975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105976 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
105977 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105978 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
105979 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105980 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105981 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105982 naturebind shred dwenthall
105983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105984 You must regain your equilibrium first.
105985 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105986 ta dwenthall
105987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
105988 Dwenthall's condition stands at 453/669 health and 625/700 mana.
105989 Mana Lost: 12
105990 H:669 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
105991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105992 H:453 M:625 eb b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
105993 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
105994 H:450 M:625 eb b 
105995 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105996 writhe root
105997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
105998 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
105999 H:450 M:625 eb b 
106000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106001 You have recovered balance.
106002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106003 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
106004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106005 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
106006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106007 You may eat another mushroom.
106008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106009 H:669 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
106010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106011 H:450 M:625 eb b 
106012 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106013 eat toadstool
106014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106015 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1814.
106016 You quickly eat a toadstool.
106017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106018 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
106019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106020 You feel your health and mana replenished.
106021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106022 H:669 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
106023 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106024 H:517 M:695 eb b 
106025 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106026 ffs
106027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106028 You cannot move while being choked by an animated root.
106029 H:517 M:695 eb b 
106030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106031 Mana Gain: 32
106032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106033 You may eat another herb or plant.
106035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106036 H:669 M:498 &lt;-b dbt; 
106037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106038 H:551 M:700 eb b 
106039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106040 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
106041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106042 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
106043 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
106044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106045 H:669 M:498 &lt;eb dbt; 
106046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106047 H:577 M:700 eb b 
106048 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106049 eat juniper
106050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106051 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1717.
106052 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
106053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106054 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
106055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106056 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
106057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106058 H:669 M:498 &lt;eb dbt; 
106059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106060 H:577 M:700 eb db You have regained the ability to purge your body.
106061 H:577 M:700 eb db 
106062 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106063 Subtle notes and echoed noises are carried to your ears on the breeze.
106064 H:669 M:498 &lt;eb dbt; 
106065 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106066 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
106067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106068 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
106069  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
106070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106071 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
106072 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
106073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106074 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
106075 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106076 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
106077 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106078 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
106079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106080 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
106081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106082 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
106083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106084 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
106085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106086 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
106087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106088 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
106089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106090 Balance Taken: 2.00s
106091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106092 naturebinding shred dwenthall
106093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106094 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
106095 ing her skin mercilessly.
106096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106097 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
106098 ng your skin mercilessly.
106099 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
106100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106101 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
106102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106103 ta dwenthall
106104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106105 Dwenthall's condition stands at 533/669 health and 700/700 mana.
106106 Mana Lost: 12
106107 H:669 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
106108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106109 H:533 M:700 eb b 
106110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106111 ac on
106112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106113 Autocuring activated.
106114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106115 evoke imbue
106116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106117 You must regain balance first.
106118 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106119 TEAR MAP
106120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106121 Syntax: TEAR MAP
106122 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106123 evoke empower jolt
106124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106125 You must regain balance first.
106126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106127 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
106128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106129 You must regain balance first.
106130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106131 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
106132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106133 You must regain balance first.
106134 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106135 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
106136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106137 You must regain balance first.
106138 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106139 naturebind choke dwenthall
106140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106141 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106142 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106143 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
106144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106145 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106146 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106147 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
106148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106149 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106151 ta dwenthall
106152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106153 Dwenthall's condition stands at 602/669 health and 763/700 mana.
106154 Mana Lost: 12
106155 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
106156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106157 ---------delayed wisp
106158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106159 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
106160 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
106161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106162 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
106163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106164 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
106165 mmand.
106166 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
106167 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106168 smoke pipe with linseed
106169 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106170 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
106171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106172 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
106173 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
106174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106175 H:533 M:700 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
106176 H:533 M:700 eb b You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
106177 H:533 M:700 eb b 
106178 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106179 ffs
106180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106181 You cannot move while being choked by an animated root.
106182 H:533 M:700 eb b An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the li
106183 fe out of you.
106184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106185 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
106186 her.
106187 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
106188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106189 H:484 M:700 eb b 
106190 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106191 clot
106192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106193 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
106194 H:484 M:686 eb b 
106195 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106196 sip health
106197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106198 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
106199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106200 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
106201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106202 The elixir heals your body.
106203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106204 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
106205 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106206 H:645 M:686 eb b A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
106207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106208 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
106209 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
106210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106211 H:636 M:686 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
106212 H:636 M:686 eb b 
106213 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106214 eat juniper
106215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106216 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1716.
106217 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
106218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106219 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
106220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106221 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
106222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106223 H:669 M:474 &lt;-- dbt; 
106224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106225 H:636 M:686 eb db 
106226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106227 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
106228 H:669 M:474 &lt;e- dbt; 
106229 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106230 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
106231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106232 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
106233 H:669 M:474 &lt;e- dbt; 
106234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106235 H:636 M:686 eb db 
106236 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106237 ffs
106238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106239 You flip away to the south, landing flat on your back.
106240 A rocky outcropping.
106241 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
106242 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
106243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106244 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
106245 An animated beech root ceases circling, its target gone.
106246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106247 Balance Taken: 3.20s
106248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106249 H:669 M:474 &lt;e- dbt; 
106250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106251 H:636 M:686 e- pdb 
106252 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106253 kipup
106254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106255 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
106256 H:636 M:686 e- db 
106257 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106258 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
106259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106260 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
106261 H:669 M:474 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
106262 H:669 M:474 &lt;eb dbt; 
106263 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106264 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
106265 H:636 M:670 e- db You may eat another herb or plant.
106266 H:636 M:670 e- db 
106267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106268 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
106269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106270 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
106271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106272 evoke tornado
106273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106274 A tornado is already raging here.
106275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106276 naturebind curse dwenthall
106277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106278 You detect nothing here by that name.
106279 H:669 M:474 &lt;eb dbt; 
106280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106281 You may eat another mushroom.
106282 H:636 M:670 e- db You have recovered balance.
106283 H:636 M:670 eb db 
106284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106285 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
106286 H:669 M:474 &lt;eb dbt; 
106287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106288 locate dwenthall
106289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106290 You sense that Reyvenyr is seeking your location.
106291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106292 You seek out the presence of Dwenthall and find her at A rocky outcropping.
106293 You also discern that this is how you can get there: s.
106294 Balance Taken: 1.10s
106295 H:669 M:474 &lt;e- dbt; 
106296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106297 H:636 M:670 eb db 
106298 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106299 dag
106300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106301 You are:
106302 blind.
106303 deaf.
106304 an insomniac.
106305 suffering from twitching muscles.
106306 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
106307 H:636 M:670 -b db 
106308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106309 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
106310 The tornado swirls rapidly.
106311 H:669 M:474 &lt;e- dbt; 
106312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106313 You may drink another healing elixir.
106314 H:636 M:670 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
106315 H:636 M:670 eb db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
106316 H:636 M:670 eb db 
106317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106318 You have recovered balance.
106319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106320 s
106321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106322 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
106323 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106324 Reyvenyr arrives from the north.
106325 He is followed by a mighty earth golem, an animated beech root, an animated blackthorn root, and an 
106326 animated hawthorn root.
106327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106328 H:669 M:474 &lt;eb dbt; 
106329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106330 H:636 M:670 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
106331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106332 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
106333 H:669 M:474 &lt;eb dbt; 
106334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106335 H:636 M:670 eb db 
106336 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106337 n
106338 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106339 A rocky outcropping.
106340 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
106341 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
106342 H:636 M:670 eb db 
106343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106344 order loyals kill dwenthall
106345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106346 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
106347 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
106348 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
106349 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
106350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106351 evoke empower rockfall
106352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106353 Mana Lost: 6
106355 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
106356 wer of Earth infuses it.
106358 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106359 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
106360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106361 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
106363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106364 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
106365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106366 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
106368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106369 evoke lightning dwenthall
106370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106371 I do not recognize anything called that here.
106373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106374 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
106375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106376 I do not recognize anything called that here.
106378 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106379 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
106380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106381 I do not recognize anything called that here.
106383 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106384 ta dwenthall
106385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106386 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
106388 H:669 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
106389 You cease attempting to overwhelm Dwenthall through the power of Nature.
106391 H:669 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
106392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106395 Your input, "OVERWHELM IS DOWN!!!!!", is not a valid command.
106397 H:669 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
106398 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106399 cnc
106400 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106401 You already possess mental equilibrium.
106403 H:636 M:654 eb db 
106404 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106405 pa
106406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106407 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
106409 H:636 M:654 eb db 
106410 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106411 ovt
106412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106413 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
106415 H:636 M:654 eb db 
106416 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106417 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
106418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106419 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
106421 You detect nothing here by that name.
106423 H:636 M:654 eb db 
106424 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106425 ta
106426 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106427 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
106429 H:636 M:654 eb db 
106430 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106431 smoke pipe with linseed
106432 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106433 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
106435 H:636 M:654 eb db 
106436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106437 leap str
106438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106439 There is no exit in that direction.
106441 H:669 M:468 &lt;eb dbt; 
106442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106443 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
106444 H:636 M:654 eb db 
106445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106446 Mana Gain: 32
106448 H:669 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
106449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106450 order loyals kill dwenthall
106451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106452 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
106454 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
106456 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
106458 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
106460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106461 evoke empower rockfall
106462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106463 Mana Lost: 6
106465 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
106466 wer of Earth infuses it.
106468 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106469 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
106470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106471 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
106473 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106474 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
106475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106476 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
106478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106479 evoke lightning dwenthall
106480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106481 Nothing can be seen here by that name.
106483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106484 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
106485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106486 I do not recognize anything called that here.
106487 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106488 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
106489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106490 You detect nothing here by that name.
106491 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106492 ta dwenthall
106493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106494 You do not see that individual here.
106495 H:669 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
106496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106497 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
106498 H:669 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
106499 H:669 M:700 eb db 
106500 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106501 probe crystal
106502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106503 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
106504 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
106505 It weighs 6 ounces.
106506 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
106507 The crystal can support 4 spells.
106508 H:669 M:700 eb db 
106509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106510 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
106511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106512 touch mkindseye
106513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106514 You have no mkindseye.
106515 H:669 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
106516 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106517 s
106518 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106519 A rocky outcropping.
106520 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled he
106521 re, swaying slightly. An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem 
106522 stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand
106523  and a lunar shield in his right. A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
106524 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
106525 H:669 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
106526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106527 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
106528 H:669 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
106529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106530 H:657 M:684 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
106531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106532 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
106533 H:669 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
106534 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106535 H:657 M:684 eb db 
106536 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106537 touch mindseye
106538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106539 Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
106540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106541 Reyvenyr touches a mindseye tattoo.
106542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106543 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
106544 H:669 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
106545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106546 H:657 M:684 eb db 
106547 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106548 cnc
106549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106550 You already possess mental equilibrium.
106551 H:657 M:684 eb db 
106552 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106553 pa
106554 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106555 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
106556 H:657 M:684 eb db 
106557 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106558 ovt
106559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106560 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
106561 H:657 M:684 eb db 
106562 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106563 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
106564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106565 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
106566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106567 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
106568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106569 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
106570 ewreathe effect.
106571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106572 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
106573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106574 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
106575 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
106576  twitching slightly under the cold.
106577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106578 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
106579 range burning sensation in your nerves.
106580 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
106581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106582 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
106583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106584 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
106585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106586 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
106587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106588 H:564 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
106589 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106590 H:657 M:666 -b db 
106591 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106592 ta
106593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106594 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 494/512 mana.
106595 H:657 M:654 -b db 
106596 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106597 order loyals kill dwenthall
106598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106599 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106600 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106601 evoke empower rockfall
106602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106603 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106604 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106605 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
106606 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106607 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106608 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106609 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
106610 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106611 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106612 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106613 evoke lightning dwenthall
106614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106615 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106616 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106617 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
106618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106619 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106621 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
106622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106623 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106624 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106625 ta dwenthall
106626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106627 Dwenthall's condition stands at 696/669 health and 654/700 mana.
106628 Mana Lost: 12
106629 H:564 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
106630 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106631 smoke pipe with linseed
106632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106633 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
106634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106635 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
106636 H:564 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
106637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106638 H:657 M:654 -b db 
106639 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106640 eat nightshade
106641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106642 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1946.
106643 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
106644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106645 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
106646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106647 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
106648 H:564 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
106649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106650 H:657 M:654 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
106651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106652 You may eat another herb or plant.
106653 H:564 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
106654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106655 H:657 M:654 -b db 
106656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106657 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
106658 H:564 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
106659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106660 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
106661 H:657 M:654 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
106662 H:657 M:638 eb db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
106663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106664 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
106665 H:564 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
106666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106667 H:648 M:638 eb db 
106668 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106669 ims
106670 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106671 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
106672 ewreathe effect.
106673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106674 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
106675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106676 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
106677 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
106678 y.
106679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106680 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
106681 hly.
106682 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
106683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106684 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
106685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106686 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
106687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106688 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
106689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106690 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
106691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106692 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
106693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106694 H:467 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
106695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106696 H:648 M:626 -b db 
106697 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106698 apply epidermal
106699 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106700 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
106701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106702 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
106703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106704 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
106705 H:467 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
106706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106707 H:648 M:626 -b db 
106708 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106709 sip health
106710 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106711 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
106712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106713 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
106714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106715 Health Gain: 129
106716 The elixir heals your body.
106717 H:597 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
106718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106719 H:648 M:626 -b db 
106720 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106721 eat toadstool
106722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106723 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1869.
106724 You quickly eat a toadstool.
106725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106726 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
106727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106728 Health Gain: 66
106729 Mana Gain: 29
106730 You feel your health and mana replenished.
106731 H:664 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
106732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106733 H:648 M:626 -b db 
106734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106735 Health Gain: 5
106736 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You may apply another salve.
106737 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
106738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106739 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
106740 H:669 M:667 eb db The hovering wisp flies off.
106741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106742 The wisp hovering around Dwenthall flies off.
106743 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
106744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106745 H:669 M:667 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
106746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106747 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
106748 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
106749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106750 H:669 M:667 eb db 
106751 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106752 cnc
106753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106754 You already possess mental equilibrium.
106755 H:669 M:667 eb db 
106756 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106757 pa
106758 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106759 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
106760 H:669 M:667 eb db 
106761 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106762 ovt
106763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106764 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
106765 H:669 M:667 eb db 
106766 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106767 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
106768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106769 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
106770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106771 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
106772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106773 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
106774 ewreathe effect.
106775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106776 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
106777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106778 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
106779 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
106780  twitching slightly under the cold.
106781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106782 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
106783 range burning sensation in your nerves.
106784 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
106785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106786 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
106787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106788 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
106789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106790 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
106791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106792 H:564 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
106793 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106794 H:669 M:649 -b db 
106795 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106796 ta
106797 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106798 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 564/669 health and 512/512 mana.
106799 H:669 M:637 -b db 
106800 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106801 eat nightshade
106802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106803 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1945.
106804 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
106805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106806 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
106807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106808 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
106809 H:564 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
106810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106811 H:669 M:637 -b db 
106812 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106813 smoke pipe with linseed
106814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106815 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
106816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106817 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
106818 H:564 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
106819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106820 H:669 M:637 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
106821 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106822 say I really hope you did not touch that starburst
106823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106824 You say, "I really hope you did not touch that starburst."
106825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106826 Reyvenyr says, "I really hope you did not touch that starburst."
106827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106828 H:564 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
106829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106830 H:669 M:665 -b db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
106831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106832 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
106833 H:564 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
106834 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106835 H:659 M:665 -b db 
106836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106837 ac on
106838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106839 Autocuring activated.
106840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106841 order loyals kill dwenthall
106842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106843 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
106844 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
106845 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
106846 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
106847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106848 TEAR MAP
106849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106850 Syntax: TEAR MAP
106851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106852 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
106853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106854 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
106855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106856 evoke empower rockfall
106857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106858 Mana Lost: 6
106859 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
106860 wer of Earth infuses it.
106861 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106862 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
106863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106864 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
106865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106866 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
106867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106868 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
106869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106870 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
106871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106872 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
106873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106874 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
106875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106876 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
106877 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106878 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
106879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106880 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
106881 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
106882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106883 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
106884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106885 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
106886 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
106887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106888 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
106889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106890 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
106891 Balance Taken: 3.01s
106892 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106893 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
106894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106895 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
106896 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
106897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106898 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
106899 you.
106900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106901 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
106902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106903 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
106904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106905 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106907 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
106908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106909 You must regain your equilibrium first.
106910 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
106911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106912 H:546 M:665 -b b 
106913 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106914 eat juniper
106915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106916 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1715.
106917 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
106918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106919 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
106920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106921 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
106922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106923 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
106924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106925 H:546 M:649 -b db 
106926 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106927 sip health
106928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106929 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
106930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106931 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
106932 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106933 The elixir heals your body.
106934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106935 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
106936 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106937 H:669 M:649 -b db 
106938 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106939 eat toadstool
106940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106941 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1813.
106942 You quickly eat a toadstool.
106943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106944 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
106945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106946 You feel your health and mana replenished.
106947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106948 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
106949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106950 H:669 M:700 -b db 
106951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106952 You may drink another healing elixir.
106953 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
106954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106955 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
106956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106957 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
106958 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
106959 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
106960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106961 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
106962 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
106963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106964 You may eat another mushroom.
106965 H:564 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
106966 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106967 H:669 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
106968 H:669 M:700 eb db 
106969 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106970 cnc
106971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106972 You already possess mental equilibrium.
106973 H:669 M:700 eb db 
106974 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106975 pa
106976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106977 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
106978 H:669 M:700 eb db 
106979 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106980 ovt
106981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106982 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
106983 H:669 M:700 eb db 
106984 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106985 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
106986 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106987 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
106988 ock effect.
106989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106990 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
106991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
106992 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
106993 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
106994  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
106995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
106996 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
106997 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
106998 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
106999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107000 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
107001 using him to lose his patience.
107002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107003 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
107004 ausing you to lose your patience.
107005 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
107006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107007 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
107008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107009 H:455 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107011 H:669 M:682 -b db 
107012 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107013 ta
107014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107015 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 455/669 health and 506/512 mana.
107016 H:669 M:670 -b db 
107017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107018 eat nightshade
107019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107020 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1944.
107021 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
107022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107023 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
107024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107025 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
107026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107027 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
107028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107029 H:455 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107031 H:669 M:670 -b db 
107032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107033 sip health
107034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107035 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
107036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107037 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
107038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107039 Health Gain: 127
107040 The elixir heals your body.
107041 H:583 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107043 H:669 M:670 -b db 
107044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107045 eat toadstool
107046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107047 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1868.
107048 You quickly eat a toadstool.
107049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107050 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
107051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107052 Health Gain: 66
107053 Mana Gain: 6
107054 You feel your health and mana replenished.
107055 H:650 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
107056 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107057 H:669 M:670 -b db 
107058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107059 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
107060 H:650 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
107061 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107062 purge blood
107063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107064 Mana Lost: 6
107065 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
107066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107067 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
107068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107069 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
107070 H:650 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
107071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107072 H:669 M:670 -b db 
107073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107074 You have recovered balance.
107075 H:650 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
107076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107077 touch tree
107078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107079 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
107080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107081 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
107082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107083 You are patient once again.
107084 H:650 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
107085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107086 H:669 M:670 -b db 
107087 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107088 order loyals kill dwenthall
107089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107090 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
107091 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
107092 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
107093 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
107094 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107095 evoke empower rockfall
107096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107097 Mana Lost: 6
107098 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
107099 wer of Earth infuses it.
107100 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107101 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
107102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107103 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
107104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107105 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
107106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107107 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
107108 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107109 evoke lightning dwenthall
107110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107111 Mana Lost: 12
107112 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
107113  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
107114 g her charred and drained.
107115 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107116 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
107117 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
107118 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
107119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107120 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
107121 Balance Taken: 3.80s
107122 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107123 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
107124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107125 You must regain balance first.
107126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107127 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
107128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107129 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
107130 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
107131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107132 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
107133 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
107134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107135 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
107136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107137 ta dwenthall
107138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107139 Dwenthall's condition stands at 666/669 health and 570/700 mana.
107140 Mana Lost: 12
107141 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107142 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107143 H:595 M:670 -b db 
107144 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107145 apply mass
107146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107147 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
107148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107149 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
107150 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107151 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
107152 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107153 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107154 H:595 M:670 -b db 
107155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107156 You are again able to overwhelm someone through the power of Nature.
107157 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107158 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107159 OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!
107160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107161 Your input, "OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
107162 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107163 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107164 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
107165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107166 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
107167 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107169 H:585 M:670 -b db 
107170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107171 You may eat another herb or plant.
107172 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107173 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107174 l
107175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107176 A rocky outcropping.
107177 ------ v37831 -------
107178   | \   /     |      
107179 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
107180 / | /   \   /   \ |  
107181 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
107182   | \     |          
107183  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
107184     \   / | \        
107185      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
107186                 \ |  
107187              [ ]-[ ] 
107188                     \
107189 ------- 1:1:0 -------
107190 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
107191 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
107192 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
107193 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. A pillar of flame is burning br
107194 ightly here. 
107195 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
107196 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
107197 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107199 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
107200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107201 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
107202 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
107203 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107204 You may drink another healing elixir.
107206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107207 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107209 H:585 M:670 -b db 
107210 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107211 sip health
107212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107213 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
107214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107215 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
107216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107217 The elixir heals your body.
107218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107219 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107221 H:669 M:670 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
107222 H:669 M:654 eb db 
107223 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107224 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
107225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107226 You must regain balance first.
107227 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107228 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
107229 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107230 You must regain balance first.
107231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107232 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
107233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107234 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107236 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
107237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107238 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107240 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
107241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107242 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107243 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107244 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107245 ac on
107246 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107247 Autocuring activated.
107248 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107249 order loyals kill dwenthall
107250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107251 You must regain balance first.
107252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107253 TEAR MAP
107254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107255 Syntax: TEAR MAP
107256 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107257 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
107258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107259 You must regain balance first.
107260 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107261 evoke empower rockfall
107262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107263 You must regain balance first.
107264 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107265 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
107266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107267 You must regain balance first.
107268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107269 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
107270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107271 You must regain balance first.
107272 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107273 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
107274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107275 You must regain balance first.
107276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107277 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
107278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107279 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107281 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
107282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107283 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107284 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107285 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
107286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107287 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107288 H:650 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107289 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107290 cnc
107291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107292 You already possess mental equilibrium.
107293 H:669 M:654 eb db 
107294 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107295 pa
107296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107297 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
107298 H:669 M:654 eb db 
107299 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107300 ovt
107301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107302 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
107303 H:669 M:654 eb db 
107304 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107305 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
107306 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107307 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
107308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107309 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
107310 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107311 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
107312 ock effect.
107313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107314 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
107315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107316 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
107317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107318 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
107319 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107320 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
107321 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
107322 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
107323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107324 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
107325 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
107326 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
107327 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
107328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107329 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
107330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107331 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
107332 athe.
107333 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107334 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
107335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107336 H:554 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107338 H:669 M:626 -b db 
107339 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107340 ta
107341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107342 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 554/669 health and 476/512 mana.
107343 H:669 M:614 -b db 
107344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107345 eat kelp
107346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107347 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1937.
107348 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
107349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107350 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
107351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107352 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
107353 H:554 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107355 H:669 M:614 -b db 
107356 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107357 smoke pipe with linseed
107358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107359 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
107360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107361 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
107362 H:554 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107364 H:669 M:614 -b db 
107365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107366 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
107367 H:554 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
107368 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107369 You may eat another mushroom.
107370 H:669 M:614 -b db 
107371 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107372 ac on
107373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107374 Autocuring activated.
107375 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107376 order loyals kill dwenthall
107377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107378 You must regain balance first.
107379 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107380 TEAR MAP
107381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107382 Syntax: TEAR MAP
107383 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107384 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
107385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107386 You must regain balance first.
107387 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107388 evoke empower rockfall
107389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107390 You must regain balance first.
107392 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107393 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
107394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107395 You must regain balance first.
107397 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107398 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
107399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107400 You must regain balance first.
107402 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107403 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
107404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107405 You must regain balance first.
107407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107408 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
107409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107410 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
107412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107413 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
107414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107415 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
107416 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
107418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107419 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
107420 d you.
107422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107423 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
107425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107426 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
107427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107428 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107430 H:554 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107431 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107432 H:669 M:614 -b db 
107433 Your muscles finally stop twitching.
107435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107436 Dwenthall's muscles cease their twitching.
107438 H:554 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107439 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107440 H:669 M:614 -b db 
107441 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107442 ------------SHOCK DOWN
107443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107444 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
107446 H:554 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107447 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107448 ------------SHOCK DOWN
107449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107450 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
107452 H:554 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
107453 Health Gain: 33
107455 Mana Gain: 32
107457 You have recovered balance.
107460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107461 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
107463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107464 H:587 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107466 H:669 M:656 -b db 
107467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107468 dg
107469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107470 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107472 H:587 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107473 You may drink another healing elixir.
107474 H:587 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107475 You may eat another herb or plant.
107476 H:587 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107478 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
107479 H:669 M:656 -b db 
107480 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
107483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107484 You may eat another mushroom.
107486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107487 eat maidenhair
107488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107489 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1974.
107491 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
107493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107494 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
107496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107497 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
107499 H:587 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107500 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107501 H:669 M:656 eb db 
107502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107503 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
107505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107506 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
107508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107509 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
107511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107512 dg
107513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107514 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107516 H:540 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107518 H:669 M:656 eb db 
107519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107520 dg
107521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107522 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107523 H:540 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107524 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107525 dg
107526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107527 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107528 H:540 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107529 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107530 dg
107531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107532 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107533 H:540 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107535 apply caloric
107536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107537 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
107538 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107539 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
107540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107541 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
107542 H:540 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107543 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107544 H:669 M:656 eb db 
107545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107546 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
107547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107548 dg
107549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107550 You are:
107551 poisoned by a freezing toxin.
107552 blind.
107553 deaf.
107554 an insomniac.
107555 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
107556 H:540 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107557 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107558 cnc
107559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107560 You already possess mental equilibrium.
107561 H:669 M:656 eb db 
107562 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107563 pa
107564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107565 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
107566 H:669 M:656 eb db 
107567 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107568 ovt
107569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107570 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
107571 H:669 M:656 eb db 
107572 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107573 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
107574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107575 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
107576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107577 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
107578 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107579 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
107580 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
107581 ock effect.
107582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107583 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
107584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107585 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
107586 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
107587  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
107588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107589 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
107590 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
107591 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
107592 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107593 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
107594 using him to lose his patience.
107595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107596 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
107597 ausing you to lose your patience.
107598 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
107599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107600 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
107601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107602 H:432 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107604 H:662 M:619 -b db 
107605 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107606 ta
107607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107608 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 432/669 health and 508/512 mana.
107609 H:662 M:607 -b db 
107610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107611 dg
107612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107613 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107614 H:432 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107616 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
107617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107618 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
107619 H:432 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107621 H:651 M:607 -b db 
107622 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107623 sip health
107624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107625 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
107626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107627 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
107628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107629 Health Gain: 167
107630 The elixir heals your body.
107631 H:599 M:508 &lt;-b dbt; 
107632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107633 H:651 M:607 -b db 
107634 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107635 eat toadstool
107636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107637 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1867.
107638 You quickly eat a toadstool.
107639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107640 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
107641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107642 Health Gain: 66
107643 Mana Gain: 3
107644 You feel your health and mana replenished.
107645 H:666 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
107646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107647 H:651 M:607 -b db 
107648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107649 dg
107650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107651 You must regain your equilibrium first.
107652 H:666 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
107653 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107654 You may drink another healing elixir.
107656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107657 H:666 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
107658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107659 H:651 M:607 -b db 
107660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107661 You may apply another salve.
107662 H:666 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; The icicles continue beating at your skin.
107663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107664 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
107665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107666 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
107667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107668 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
107669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107670 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
107671 H:587 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
107672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107673 H:651 M:591 -b db 
107674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107675 apply mass
107676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107677 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
107678 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107679 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
107680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107681 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
107682 H:587 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
107683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107684 H:651 M:591 -b db 
107685 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107686 ac on
107687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107688 Autocuring activated.
107689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107690 order loyals kill dwenthall
107691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107692 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
107693 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
107694 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
107695 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
107696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107697 TEAR MAP
107698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107699 Syntax: TEAR MAP
107700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107701 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
107702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107703 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
107704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107705 evoke empower rockfall
107706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107707 Mana Lost: 6
107708 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
107709 wer of Earth infuses it.
107710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107711 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
107712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107713 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
107714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107715 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
107716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107717 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
107718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107719 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
107720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107721 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
107722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107723 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
107724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107725 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
107726 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107727 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
107728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107729 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
107730 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
107731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107732 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
107733 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
107734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107735 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
107736 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
107737 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
107738 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
107739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107740 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
107741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107742 Balance Taken: 3.01s
107743 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107744 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
107745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107746 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
107747 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107748 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
107749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107750 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
107751 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107752 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
107753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107754 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
107755 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
107756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107757 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
107758 .
107759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107760 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
107761 H:587 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107763 H:472 M:591 -b b 
107764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107765 You may eat another herb or plant.
107766 H:587 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107768 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
107769 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107770 eat juniper
107771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107772 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1714.
107773 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
107774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107775 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
107776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107777 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
107778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107779 H:587 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107781 H:499 M:619 -b db 
107782 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107783 sip health
107784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107785 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
107786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107787 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
107788 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107789 The elixir heals your body.
107790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107791 H:587 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107793 H:654 M:619 -b db 
107794 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107795 eat toadstool
107796 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107797 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1812.
107798 You quickly eat a toadstool.
107799 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107800 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
107801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107802 You feel your health and mana replenished.
107803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107804 H:587 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107806 H:669 M:689 -b db 
107807 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107808 eat nightshade
107809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107810 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1943.
107811 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
107812 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107813 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
107814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107815 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
107816 H:587 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107817 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107818 H:669 M:689 -b db 
107819 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107820 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
107821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107822 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
107823 H:587 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107825 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
107826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107827 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
107828 H:587 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107830 H:669 M:689 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
107831 H:669 M:689 eb db 
107832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107833 You may apply another salve.
107834 H:587 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107836 dg
107837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107838 You must regain balance first.
107839 H:587 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107841 dg
107842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107843 You must regain balance first.
107844 H:587 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107845 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107846 cnc
107847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107848 You already possess mental equilibrium.
107849 H:669 M:689 eb db 
107850 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107851 pa
107852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107853 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
107854 H:669 M:689 eb db 
107855 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107856 ovt
107857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107858 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
107859 H:669 M:689 eb db 
107860 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107861 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
107862 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107863 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
107864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107865 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
107866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107867 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
107868 ranoia effect.
107869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107870 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
107871 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107872 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
107873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107874 You are now lightly attuned to the water element.
107875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107876 Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
107877 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
107878 seous.
107879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107880 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
107881 g you thoroughly.
107882 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
107883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107884 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
107885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107886 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
107887 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
107888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107889 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
107890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107891 H:490 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107893 H:669 M:674 -b db 
107894 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107895 ta
107896 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107897 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 490/669 health and 506/512 mana.
107898 H:669 M:662 -b db 
107899 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107900 smoke pipe with linseed
107901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107902 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
107903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107904 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
107905 H:490 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107907 H:669 M:662 -b db 
107908 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107909 dg
107910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107911 You must regain balance first.
107912 H:490 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107913 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107914 dg
107915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107916 You must regain balance first.
107917 H:490 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107919 You may eat another herb or plant.
107920 H:669 M:662 -b db 
107921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107922 You may eat another herb or plant.
107923 H:490 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107924 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107925 dg
107926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107927 You must regain balance first.
107928 H:490 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107929 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107930 eat nightshade
107931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107932 The thought of eating sickens you.
107934 H:490 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107936 dg
107937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107938 You must regain balance first.
107940 H:490 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107942 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
107944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107945 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
107947 H:490 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107948 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107949 H:655 M:662 -b db 
107950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107951 apply epidermal
107952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107953 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
107955 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107956 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
107958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107959 Food is no longer repulsive to you.
107961 H:490 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
107962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107963 H:655 M:662 -b db 
107964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107965 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
107968 H:490 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
107969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107970 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
107972 H:654 M:662 -b db 
107973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107974 eat nightshade
107975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107976 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1942.
107978 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
107980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107981 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
107983 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107984 Your stomach becalms itself.
107986 H:490 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
107987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107988 H:654 M:662 -b db 
107989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
107990 You have recovered balance.
107993 H:490 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
107994 The fierce sun ripples across your skin like the fury of a firestorm.
107996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
107997 Reyvenyr screams in agony, skin steaming in the sunlight.
107999 The presence of the pillar of flame increases the effect greatly.
108001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108002 The presence of the pillar of flame increases the effect greatly.
108004 Damage Taken: 52 fire (raw damage: 95)
108006 You may drink another healing elixir.
108007 H:438 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
108008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108009 H:654 M:662 -b db 
108010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108011 You may apply another salve.
108012 H:438 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
108013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108014 dg
108015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108016 You are:
108018 allergic to sunlight.
108020 impatient.
108022 has numb muscles.
108024 addicted to elixirs.
108026 paranoid.
108028 blind.
108030 deaf.
108032 an insomniac.
108034 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
108036 H:438 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
108037 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108038 touch shield
108039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108040 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108042 H:438 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
108043 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108044 The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
108046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108047 sip health
108048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108049 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
108051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108052 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
108054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108055 The elixir seems to have an unusual effect on your elixir-deprived body.
108057 Mana Gain: 6
108059 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
108061 H:438 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
108062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108063 H:654 M:662 -b db 
108064 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108065 touch shield
108066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108067 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108068 H:438 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
108069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108070 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
108071 H:654 M:662 -b db 
108072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108073 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
108074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108075 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
108076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108077 H:438 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
108078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108079 H:654 M:662 -b db 
108080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108081 Having been numb for too long, you feel your muscles lock up in paralysis.
108082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108083 Reyvenyr's muscles lock up in paralysis.
108084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108085 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
108086 H:438 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
108087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108088 H:654 M:662 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
108089 H:654 M:646 eb db 
108090 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108091 touch shield
108092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108093 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108094 H:438 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
108095 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
108096 H:438 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
108097 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108098 cnc
108099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108100 You already possess mental equilibrium.
108101 H:654 M:646 eb db 
108102 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108103 pa
108104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108105 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
108106 H:654 M:646 eb db 
108107 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108108 ovt
108109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108110 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
108111 H:654 M:646 eb db 
108112 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108113 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
108114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108115 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
108116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108117 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
108118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108119 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
108120 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
108121 ock effect.
108122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108123 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
108124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108125 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
108126 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
108127  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
108128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108129 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
108130 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
108131 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
108132 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108133 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
108134 using him to lose his patience.
108135 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108136 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
108137 ausing you to lose your patience.
108138 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
108139 The numbness fails to take effect, as your muscles are already locked in paralysis.
108140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108141 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
108142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108143 H:329 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
108144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108145 H:648 M:609 -b db 
108146 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108147 ta
108148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108149 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 329/669 health and 512/512 mana.
108150 H:648 M:597 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
108151 H:648 M:597 -b db 
108152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108153 apply mass
108154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108155 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
108156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108157 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
108158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108159 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
108160 H:329 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
108161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108162 H:648 M:597 -b db 
108163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108164 eat toadstool
108165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108166 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1866.
108167 You quickly eat a toadstool.
108168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108169 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
108170 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108171 Health Gain: 66
108172 You feel your health and mana replenished.
108173 H:396 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
108174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108175 H:648 M:597 -b db 
108176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108177 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
108178 H:396 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
108179 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108180 touch shield
108181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108182 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
108183 H:396 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
108184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108185 touch shield
108186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108187 The paralysis of your muscles prevents you from doing that.
108188 H:396 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
108189 H:396 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
108190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108191 eat maidenhair
108192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108193 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1973.
108194 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
108195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108196 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
108197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108198 Your paralysis fades and you can move once more.
108199 H:396 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
108200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108201 H:648 M:597 -b db 
108202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108203 touch shield
108204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108205 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
108206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108207 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
108208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108209 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
108210 H:396 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
108211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108212 H:648 M:597 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
108213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108214 You may apply another salve.
108215 H:396 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
108216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108217 H:648 M:597 -b db 
108218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108219 Health Gain: 33
108220 H:430 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
108221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108222 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
108223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108224 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
108225 H:430 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
108226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108227 H:655 M:639 -b db 
108228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108229 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
108230 H:430 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
108231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108232 purge blood
108233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108234 Mana Lost: 6
108235 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
108236 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108237 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
108238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108239 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
108240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108241 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
108242 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108243 H:430 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
108244 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108245 H:655 M:639 -b db 
108246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108247 dg
108248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108249 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108250 H:430 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; Your tree tattoo can be used again.
108251 H:430 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
108252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108253 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
108254 H:655 M:639 eb db 
108255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108256 dg
108257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108258 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108259 H:430 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
108260 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108261 touch tree
108262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108263 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
108264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108265 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
108266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108267 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
108268 H:430 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
108269 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108270 H:655 M:639 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
108271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108272 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
108273 You may eat another herb or plant.
108274 H:430 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
108275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108276 H:655 M:639 eb db 
108277 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108278 dg
108279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108280 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108281 H:430 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
108282 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108283 cnc
108284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108285 You already possess mental equilibrium.
108286 H:655 M:639 eb db 
108287 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108288 autocuring off
108289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108290 Autocuring disabled.
108291 H:655 M:639 eb db 
108292 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108293 autocuring rebounding off
108294 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108295 Automatic rebounding handling disabled.
108296 H:655 M:639 eb db 
108297 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108298 autocuring mass off
108299 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108300 Automatic mass handling disabled.
108301 H:655 M:639 eb db 
108302 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108303 eat mandrake
108304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108305 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1992.
108306 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
108307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108308 Reyvenyr quickly eats a mandrake root.
108309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108310 You are patient once again.
108311 H:430 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
108312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108313 H:655 M:639 eb db 
108314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108315 focus
108316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108317 Mana Lost: 15
108318 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
108319 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108320 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
108321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108322 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
108323 H:430 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
108324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108325 H:655 M:639 eb db 
108326 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108327 dg
108328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108329 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108330 H:430 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
108331 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108332 dg
108333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108334 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108335 H:430 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
108336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108337 dg
108338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108339 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108340 H:430 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
108341 You may drink another healing elixir.
108342 H:430 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
108343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108344 sip health
108345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108346 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
108347 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108348 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
108349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108350 Health Gain: 142
108351 The elixir heals your body.
108352 H:572 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
108353 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108354 H:655 M:639 eb db 
108355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108356 dg
108357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108358 You are:
108359 blind.
108360 deaf.
108361 an insomniac.
108362 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
108363 H:572 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
108364 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108365 sbm
108366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108367 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
108368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108369 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
108370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108371 Setting your gaze upon Reyvenyr, you start focusing intensely on your connection with the raw elemen
108372 t of water.
108373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108374 Dwenthall focuses her gaze upon you and a look of utmost concentration appears on her face. The soun
108375 d of rushing water echoes faintly in the distance.
108376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108377 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
108378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108379 H:572 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
108380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108381 H:655 M:593 -b db 
108382 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108383 dg
108384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108385 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108386 H:572 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
108387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108388 The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
108389 H:655 M:593 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
108390 H:655 M:593 -b db 
108391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108392 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
108393 You may eat another herb or plant.
108394 H:572 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
108395 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108396 touch shield
108397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108398 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
108399 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108400 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
108401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108402 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
108403 H:572 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
108404 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108405 H:655 M:593 -b db 
108406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108407 touch shield
108408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108409 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108410 H:572 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
108411 H:572 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
108412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108413 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
108414 H:669 M:621 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
108415 H:669 M:621 eb db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
108416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108417 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
108418 H:572 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
108419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108420 H:655 M:621 eb db 
108421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108422 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
108423 H:572 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; Your mind is able to focus once again.
108424 H:572 M:491 &lt;-b dbt; 
108425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108426 You can once again overtune your crystal.
108427 H:655 M:621 eb db 
108428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108429 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
108430 H:572 M:491 &lt;eb dbt; 
108431 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108432 evoke empower knockout
108433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108434 Mana Lost: 6
108435 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
108436 wer of Earth infuses it.
108437 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108438 evoke wisps poisonous dwenthall
108439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108440 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
108441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108442 The shimmering translucent shield around Reyvenyr fades away.
108443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108444 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
108445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108446 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
108447 .
108448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108449 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
108450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108451 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
108452 r veins.
108453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108454 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
108455 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108456 quarterstaff stab dwenthall opium
108457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108458 You rub some opium on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
108459 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
108460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108461 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
108462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108463 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Knockout empowerment remains dormant.
108464 Your opium toxin has affected Dwenthall.
108465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108466 Your insomnia has cleared up.
108467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108468 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
108469 Balance Taken: 3.01s
108470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108471 naturebind bewilder dwenthall
108472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108473 You wave your quarterstaff in front of Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a ten
108474 dril, bewildering her.
108475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108476 Reyvenyr waves his quarterstaff in front of you and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a tend
108477 ril, bewildering you.
108478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108479 The root afflicts Dwenthall with anorexia.
108480 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
108481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108482 ta dwenthall
108483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108484 Dwenthall's condition stands at 519/669 health and 553/700 mana.
108485 Mana Lost: 12
108486 H:572 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
108487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108488 H:583 M:621 eb db 
108489 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108490 order golem passive
108491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108492 You must regain balance first.
108493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108494 order loyals kill dwenthall
108495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108496 You must regain balance first.
108497 H:572 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
108498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108499 spam afflicted Dwenthall opium
108500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108501 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall opium", is not a valid command.
108502 H:572 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
108503 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108504 spam afflicted Dwenthall anorexia
108505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108506 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall anorexia", is not a valid command.
108507 H:572 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
108508 H:572 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
108509 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108510 As you maintain your focus upon Reyvenyr, the sound of rushing water fills the air, drawing nearer a
108511 nd nearer with every passing second.
108512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108513 As Dwenthall maintains her focus upon you, the sound of rushing water draws nearer and nearer with e
108514 very passing second.
108515 H:572 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
108516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108517 H:583 M:621 eb db 
108518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108521 Your input, "INSTANT KILL!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!!", is not a 
108522 valid command.
108523 H:572 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
108524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108525 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Khandava forest.
108527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108528 The Reaper bellows out its challenge from the Khandava forest.
108529 H:572 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
108530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108531 H:583 M:605 eb db 
108532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108533 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
108534 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108535 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
108536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108537 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
108538 H:572 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
108539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108540 H:569 M:605 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
108541 H:569 M:605 eb db 
108542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108543 You have recovered balance.
108544 H:572 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; Health Gain: 33
108545 Mana Gain: 32
108546 H:606 M:505 &lt;eb dbt; 
108547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108548 evoke empower knockout
108549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108550 Mana Lost: 6
108551 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
108552 wer of Earth infuses it.
108553 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108554 evoke wisps poisonous dwenthall
108555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108556 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
108557 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108558 quarterstaff stab dwenthall opium
108559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108560 You rub some opium on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
108561 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
108562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108563 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
108564 A rock falls from above, hitting you in the temple.
108565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108566 A rock falls from above, hitting Dwenthall in the temple.
108567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108568 You feel incredibly tired, and fall asleep immediately.
108569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108570 Dwenthall's eyes close suddenly as she falls asleep.
108571 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
108572 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
108573 Your opium toxin has affected Dwenthall.
108574 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108575 You feel yourself calm down as the quince nut wears off.
108576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108577 Balance Taken: 3.01s
108578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108579 naturebind bewilder dwenthall
108580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108581 You wave your quarterstaff in front of Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a ten
108582 dril, bewildering her.
108583 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108584 Reyvenyr waves his quarterstaff in front of you and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a tend
108585 ril, bewildering you.
108586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108587 The root afflicts Dwenthall with masochism.
108588 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
108589 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108590 ta dwenthall
108591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108592 Dwenthall's condition stands at 530/669 health and 635/700 mana.
108593 Mana Lost: 12
108594 H:606 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
108595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108596 H:530 M:647 eb pdb You cease your submersion attempt.
108597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108598 Dwenthall ceases her submersion attempt.
108599 H:606 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
108600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108601 H:530 M:647 eb pdb 
108602 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108603 evoke empower balance
108604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108605 You must regain balance first.
108606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108607 evoke delaying writhe
108608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108609 You must regain balance first.
108610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108611 quarterstaff impale dwenthall
108612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108613 You must regain balance first.
108614 H:606 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
108615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108616 rt dwenthall Prone!!!!!
108617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108618 You are not the member of any ring.
108619 H:606 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
108620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108621 spam afflicted Dwenthall opium
108622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108623 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall opium", is not a valid command.
108624 H:606 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
108625 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108626 spam afflicted Dwenthall masochism
108627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108628 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall masochism", is not a valid command.
108629 H:606 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
108630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108631 You quickly pull yourself out of sleep.
108632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108633 Dwenthall awakens with a start.
108634 H:606 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
108635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108636 H:563 M:647 eb pdb 
108637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108638 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
108639 H:606 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
108640 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108641 human
108642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108643 You are already in Sylayan form.
108644 H:563 M:647 eb pdb 
108645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108646 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
108647 H:606 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; 
108648 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108649 unwield bow
108650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108651 You aren't wielding that.
108652 H:563 M:647 eb pdb 
108653 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108654 unwield bow
108655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108656 You aren't wielding that.
108657 H:563 M:647 eb pdb 
108658 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108659 wield shield116306
108660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108661 You have no shield116306.
108662 H:563 M:647 eb pdb 
108663 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108664 wield shield116306
108665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108666 You have no shield116306.
108667 H:563 M:647 eb pdb 
108668 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108669 autocuring on
108670 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108671 Autocuring activated.
108672 H:563 M:647 eb pdb 
108673 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108674 autocuring rebounding on
108675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108676 Automatic rebounding handling activated.
108677 H:563 M:647 eb pdb 
108678 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108679 smoke pipe with linseed
108680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108681 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
108682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108683 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
108684 H:606 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; 
108685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108686 H:563 M:647 eb pdb 
108687 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108688 sip health
108689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108690 The thought of eating sickens you.
108691 H:563 M:647 eb pdb 
108692 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108693 apply epidermal
108694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108695 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
108696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108697 Dwenthall rubs some salve on her skin.
108698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108699 Food is no longer repulsive to you.
108700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108701 H:606 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; 
108702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108703 H:563 M:631 eb pdb 
108704 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108705 sip health
108706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108707 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
108708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108709 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
108710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108711 The elixir heals your body.
108712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108713 H:606 M:487 &lt;e- dbt; 
108714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108715 H:669 M:631 eb pdb 
108716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108717 You have recovered balance.
108718 H:606 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
108719 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108720 insomnia
108721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108722 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
108723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108724 Dwenthall clenches her fists and grits her teeth.
108725 H:606 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
108726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108727 H:669 M:625 eb pdb 
108728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108729 ac on
108730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108731 Autocuring activated.
108732 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108733 order loyals kill dwenthall
108734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108735 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
108736 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
108737 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
108738 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
108739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108740 TEAR MAP
108741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108742 Syntax: TEAR MAP
108743 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108744 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
108745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108746 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
108747 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108748 evoke empower rockfall
108749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108750 Mana Lost: 6
108751 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
108752 wer of Earth infuses it.
108753 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108754 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
108755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108756 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
108757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108758 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
108759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108760 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
108761 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108762 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
108763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108764 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
108765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108766 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
108767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108768 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
108769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108770 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
108771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108772 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
108773 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
108774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108775 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
108776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108777 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
108778 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
108779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108780 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
108781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108782 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
108783 Balance Taken: 3.01s
108784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108785 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
108786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108787 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
108788 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108789 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
108790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108791 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
108792 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108793 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
108794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108795 An animated beech root is already circling around Dwenthall.
108796 H:606 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
108797 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108798 H:501 M:625 eb pb 
108799 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108800 stand
108801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108802 You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
108803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108804 Dwenthall stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
108805 H:606 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
108806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108807 H:501 M:625 eb b 
108808 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108809 eat toadstool
108810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108811 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1811.
108812 You quickly eat a toadstool.
108813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108814 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
108815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108816 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
108817 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
108818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108819 H:606 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
108820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108821 H:501 M:625 eb b 
108822 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108823 eat juniper
108824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108825 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1713.
108826 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
108827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108828 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
108829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108830 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
108831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108832 H:606 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
108833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108834 H:501 M:625 eb db 
108835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108836 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
108837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108838 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
108839 H:606 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
108840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108841 ENEMY IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
108842 !!!!!
108843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108844 I don't recognize that name as one of an existing player.
108845 H:606 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
108846 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108847 eat quince
108848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108849 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1997.
108850 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
108851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108852 Dwenthall quickly eats a quince fruit.
108853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108854 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
108855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108856 H:606 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
108857 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108858 H:501 M:625 eb db 
108859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108860 ---ENEMY IS UP
108861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108862 Your input, "---ENEMY IS UP", is not a valid command.
108863 H:606 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
108864 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108865 l
108866 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108867 A rocky outcropping.
108868 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
108869 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
108870 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
108871 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. A pillar 
108872 of flame is burning brightly here. 
108873 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
108874 H:501 M:625 eb db You may apply another salve.
108875 H:501 M:625 eb db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
108876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108877 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
108878 H:606 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
108879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108880 H:491 M:625 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
108881 H:491 M:625 eb db 
108882 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108883 ts
108884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108885 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
108886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108887 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
108888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108889 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
108890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108891 H:606 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
108892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108893 H:491 M:625 -b db You drive a clenched fist into your gut.
108894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108895 Dwenthall drives a clenched fist into her gut.
108896 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108897 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
108898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108899 The shimmering translucent shield around Dwenthall fades away.
108900 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108901 l
108902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108903 A rocky outcropping.
108904 ------ v37831 -------
108905   | \   /     |      
108906 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
108907 / | /   \   /   \ |  
108908 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
108909   | \     |          
108910  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
108911     \   / | \        
108912      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
108913                 \ |  
108914              [ ]-[ ] 
108915                     \
108916 ------- 1:1:0 -------
108917 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
108918 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
108919 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
108920 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. A pillar of flame is burning br
108921 ightly here. 
108922 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
108923 H:606 M:481 &lt;e- dbt; 
108924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108925 H:465 M:625 -b db 
108926 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108927 naturebind breach dwenthall
108928 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108929 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around Dwenthall.
108930 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108931 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around you.
108932 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108933 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
108934 H:606 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
108935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108936 H:465 M:625 -b db 
108937 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108938 focus
108939 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108940 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
108941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108942 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dwenthall.
108943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108944 You no longer enjoy pain.
108945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108946 H:606 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
108947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108948 H:465 M:609 -b db 
108949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108950 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
108951 H:606 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
108952 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108955 You do not know how to perform such a shield skill.
108956 H:606 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; 
108957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108958 You may eat another herb or plant.
108959 H:465 M:609 -b db 
108960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108961 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
108962 H:606 M:481 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
108963 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
108964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108965 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
108966 H:465 M:609 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
108967 H:491 M:637 -b db 
108968 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108969 naturebind breach dwenthall
108970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108971 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108972 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
108973 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108974 naturebind breach dwenthall
108975 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108976 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108977 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
108978 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108979 naturebind breach dwenthall
108980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108981 You must regain your equilibrium first.
108982 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
108983 H:606 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
108984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108985 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
108986 H:491 M:637 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
108987 H:491 M:621 eb db 
108988 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108989 sip health
108990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108991 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
108992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108993 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
108994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108995 The elixir heals your body.
108996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
108997 H:606 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
108998 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
108999 H:607 M:621 eb db 
109000 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109001 naturebind breach dwenthall
109002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109003 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around Dwenthall.
109004 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109005 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the empty air around you.
109006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109007 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
109008 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
109009 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109010 H:607 M:621 eb db 
109011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109012 naturebind breach dwenthall
109013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109014 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109015 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
109016 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
109017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109020 You do not know how to perform such a shield skill.
109021 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
109022 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109023 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
109024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109025 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
109026 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
109027 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109028 H:595 M:621 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
109029 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109030 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
109031 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
109032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109033 H:595 M:621 eb db 
109034 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109035 ts
109036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109037 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
109038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109039 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
109040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109041 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
109042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109043 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
109044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109045 H:595 M:621 -b db 
109046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109047 naturebind breach dwenthall
109048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109049 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109050 H:606 M:481 &lt;-b dbt; 
109051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109052 Your mind is able to focus once again.
109053 H:595 M:621 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
109054 H:595 M:621 -b db 
109055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109056 Health Gain: 33
109057 Mana Gain: 30
109058 H:639 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
109059 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109060 naturebind breach dwenthall
109061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109062 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109063 H:639 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
109064 H:639 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
109065 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109066 naturebind breach dwenthall
109067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109068 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
109069 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
109070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109071 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
109072 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
109073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109074 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
109075 H:639 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
109076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109077 H:628 M:663 -b db 
109078 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109079 naturebind breach dwenthall
109080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109081 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109082 H:639 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
109083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109084 naturebind breach dwenthall
109085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109086 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109087 H:639 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
109088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109089 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
109090 H:628 M:663 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
109091 H:628 M:663 eb db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
109092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109093 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
109094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109095 You may drink another healing elixir.
109097 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109098 H:639 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
109099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109100 H:619 M:663 eb db 
109101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109102 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
109103 H:639 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
109104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109105 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
109106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109107 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
109108 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109109 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
109110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109111 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
109112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109113 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
109114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109115 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
109116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109117 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
109118 .
109119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109120 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
109121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109122 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
109123 r veins.
109124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109125 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
109126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109127 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
109128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109129 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109131 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109133 Balance Taken: 2.00s
109134 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109135 naturebinding shred dwenthall
109136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109137 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
109138 ing her skin mercilessly.
109139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109140 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
109141 ng your skin mercilessly.
109142 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
109143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109144 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
109145 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109146 ta dwenthall
109147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109148 Dwenthall's condition stands at 523/669 health and 729/700 mana.
109149 Mana Lost: 12
109150 H:639 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
109151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109152 H:574 M:663 eb b 
109153 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109154 ac on
109155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109156 Autocuring activated.
109157 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109158 order golem kill dwenthall
109159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109160 You must regain balance first.
109161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109162 evoke empower rockfall
109163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109164 You must regain balance first.
109165 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109166 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
109167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109168 You must regain balance first.
109169 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109170 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
109171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109172 You must regain balance first.
109173 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109174 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
109175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109176 You must regain balance first.
109177 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109178 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
109179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109180 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109181 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109182 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
109183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109184 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109185 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109186 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
109187 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109188 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109189 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109190 naturebind shred dwenthall
109191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109192 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109193 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109194 ta dwenthall
109195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109196 Dwenthall's condition stands at 494/669 health and 663/700 mana.
109197 Mana Lost: 12
109198 H:639 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
109199 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109200 smoke pipe with linseed
109201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109202 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
109203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109204 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
109205 H:639 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
109206 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109207 H:574 M:647 eb b 
109208 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109209 sip health
109210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109211 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
109212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109213 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
109214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109215 The elixir heals your body.
109216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109217 H:639 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
109218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109219 H:669 M:647 eb b 
109220 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109221 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
109222 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109223 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
109224 mmand.
109225 H:639 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
109226 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109227 eat juniper
109228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109229 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1712.
109230 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
109231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109232 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
109233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109234 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
109235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109236 H:639 M:488 &lt;-- dbt; 
109237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109238 H:669 M:647 eb db 
109239 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109240 cast erode at ruga
109241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109242 You do not see that individual here.
109243 H:669 M:647 eb db 
109244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109245 You have recovered balance.
109246 H:639 M:488 &lt;-b dbt; 
109247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109248 You may eat another herb or plant.
109249 H:669 M:647 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
109250 H:669 M:647 eb db 
109251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109252 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
109253 H:639 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
109254 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109255 ac on
109256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109257 Autocuring activated.
109258 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109259 evoke empower rockfall
109260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109261 Mana Lost: 6
109262 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
109263 wer of Earth infuses it.
109264 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109265 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
109266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109267 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
109268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109269 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
109270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109271 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
109272 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109273 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
109274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109275 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109276 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109278 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109279 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
109280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109281 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
109282 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
109283 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109284 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
109285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109286 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
109287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109288 Balance Taken: 3.01s
109289 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109290 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
109291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109292 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
109293  her skin mercilessly.
109294 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109295 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
109296 your skin mercilessly.
109297 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
109298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109299 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
109300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109301 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
109302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109303 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109304 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109305 ta dwenthall
109306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109307 Dwenthall's condition stands at 463/669 health and 653/700 mana.
109308 Mana Lost: 12
109309 H:639 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
109310 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109311 H:526 M:647 eb b 
109312 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109313 eat maidenhair
109314 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109315 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1951.
109316 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
109317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109318 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
109319 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109320 The stinging feeling fades.
109321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109322 H:639 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
109323 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109324 H:526 M:647 eb b 
109325 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109326 eat toadstool
109327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109328 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1810.
109329 You quickly eat a toadstool.
109330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109331 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
109332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109333 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
109334 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
109335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109336 H:639 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
109337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109338 H:526 M:647 eb b 
109339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109340 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
109341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109342 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
109343 H:639 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
109344 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109345 Lartus has been hacked to death by a crystal infused ogre.
109346 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
109347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109348 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
109349 H:639 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
109350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109351 H:514 M:647 eb b 
109352 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109353 clot
109354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109355 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
109356 H:514 M:633 eb b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
109357 H:541 M:661 eb b You may drink another healing elixir.
109358 H:541 M:661 eb b 
109359 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109360 sip health
109361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109362 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
109363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109364 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
109365 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109366 The elixir heals your body.
109367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109368 H:639 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
109369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109370 H:669 M:661 eb b 
109371 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109372 probe crystal
109373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109374 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
109375 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
109376 It weighs 6 ounces.
109377 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
109378 The crystal can support 3 spells.
109379 H:669 M:661 eb b 
109380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109381 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
109382 H:639 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
109383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109384 You may eat another herb or plant.
109385 H:669 M:645 eb b 
109386 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109387 eat juniper
109388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109389 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1711.
109390 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
109391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109392 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
109393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109394 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
109395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109396 H:639 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
109397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109398 H:669 M:645 eb db 
109399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109400 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
109401 H:639 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
109402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109403 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
109404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109405 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
109406 H:639 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
109407 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109408 H:669 M:645 eb db 
109409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109410 You have recovered balance.
109411 H:639 M:470 &lt;eb dbt; 
109412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109413 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
109414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109415 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
109416  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
109417 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109418 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
109419 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
109420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109421 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
109422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109423 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
109424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109425 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
109426 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109427 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
109428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109429 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
109430 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109431 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
109432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109433 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109435 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109437 Balance Taken: 2.00s
109438 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109439 naturebinding shred dwenthall
109440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109441 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
109442 ing her skin mercilessly.
109443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109444 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
109445 ng your skin mercilessly.
109446 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
109447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109448 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
109449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109450 ta dwenthall
109451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109452 Dwenthall's condition stands at 624/669 health and 696/700 mana.
109453 Mana Lost: 12
109454 H:639 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
109455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109456 H:624 M:645 eb b 
109457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109458 ac on
109459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109460 Autocuring activated.
109461 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109462 order golem kill dwenthall
109463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109464 You must regain balance first.
109465 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109466 evoke empower rockfall
109467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109468 You must regain balance first.
109469 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109470 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
109471 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109472 You must regain balance first.
109473 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109474 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
109475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109476 You must regain balance first.
109477 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109478 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
109479 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109480 You must regain balance first.
109481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109482 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
109483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109484 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109485 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109486 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
109487 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109488 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109489 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109490 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
109491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109492 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109494 naturebind shred dwenthall
109495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109496 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109497 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109498 ta dwenthall
109499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109500 Dwenthall's condition stands at 711/669 health and 562/700 mana.
109501 Mana Lost: 12
109502 H:639 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
109503 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109504 ---------delayed wisp
109505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109506 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
109507 H:639 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
109508 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109509 smoke pipe with linseed
109510 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109511 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
109512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109513 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
109514 H:639 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
109515 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109516 H:624 M:645 eb b 
109517 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109518 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
109519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109520 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
109521 mmand.
109522 H:639 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
109523 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109524 You may eat another herb or plant.
109525 H:624 M:645 eb b 
109526 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109527 eat juniper
109528 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109529 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1710.
109530 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
109531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109532 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
109533 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109534 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
109535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109536 H:639 M:445 &lt;-- dbt; 
109537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109538 H:624 M:645 eb db 
109539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109540 Health Gain: 29
109541 Mana Gain: 32
109542 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
109543 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109544 cast erode at rey
109545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109546 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
109547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109548 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
109549 Your curseward defence is eroded away.
109550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109551 His curseward defence is eroded away.
109552 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
109553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109554 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
109555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109556 H:657 M:683 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
109557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109558 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
109559 You have recovered balance.
109560 H:669 M:478 &lt;-b dbt; 
109561 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109562 H:646 M:683 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
109563 H:646 M:683 -b db 
109564 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109565 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
109566 H:669 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
109567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109568 You may eat another mushroom.
109569 H:646 M:683 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
109570 H:646 M:683 -b db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
109571 You may eat another herb or plant.
109572 H:646 M:683 -b db 
109573 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109574 ac on
109575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109576 Autocuring activated.
109577 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109578 evoke empower rockfall
109579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109580 Mana Lost: 6
109581 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
109582 wer of Earth infuses it.
109583 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109584 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
109585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109586 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
109587 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109588 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
109589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109590 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
109591 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109592 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
109593 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109594 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109595 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109597 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109599 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
109600 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
109601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109602 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
109603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109604 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
109605 Balance Taken: 3.01s
109606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109607 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
109608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109609 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
109610  her skin mercilessly.
109611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109612 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
109613 your skin mercilessly.
109614 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
109615 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109616 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
109617 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109618 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
109619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109620 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109621 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109622 ta dwenthall
109623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109624 Dwenthall's condition stands at 450/669 health and 667/700 mana.
109625 Mana Lost: 12
109626 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
109627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109628 H:529 M:667 -b b 
109629 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109630 eat maidenhair
109631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109632 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1950.
109633 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
109634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109635 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
109636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109637 The stinging feeling fades.
109638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109639 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
109640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109641 H:529 M:667 -b b 
109642 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109643 sip health
109644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109645 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
109646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109647 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
109648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109649 The elixir heals your body.
109650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109651 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
109652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109653 H:669 M:667 -b b 
109654 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109655 eat toadstool
109656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109657 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1809.
109658 You quickly eat a toadstool.
109659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109660 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
109661 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109662 You feel your health and mana replenished.
109663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109664 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
109665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109666 H:669 M:700 -b b 
109667 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109668 cast erode at rey
109669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109670 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109671 H:669 M:700 -b b 
109672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109673 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
109674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109675 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
109676 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
109677 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109678 clot
109679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109680 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
109681 H:669 M:686 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
109682 H:669 M:686 eb b 
109683 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109684 cast erode at rey
109685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109686 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
109687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109688 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
109689 Your barkskin defence is eroded away.
109690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109691 His barkskin defence is eroded away.
109692 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
109693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109694 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
109695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109696 H:669 M:682 -b b 
109697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109698 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
109699 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
109700 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109701 You may eat another herb or plant.
109702 H:669 M:682 -b b 
109703 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109704 eat juniper
109705 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109706 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1709.
109707 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
109708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109709 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
109710 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109711 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
109712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109713 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
109714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109715 H:669 M:682 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
109716 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
109717 H:667 M:682 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
109718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109719 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
109720 H:669 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
109721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109722 H:667 M:682 -b db 
109723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109724 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
109725 H:669 M:460 &lt;e- dbt; 
109726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109727 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
109728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109729 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
109730 H:669 M:460 &lt;e- dbt; 
109731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109732 H:655 M:682 -b db 
109733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109734 You have recovered balance.
109735 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109736 cast erode at rey
109737 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109738 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109740 H:669 M:460 &lt;eb dbt; 
109741 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109742 H:655 M:682 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
109743 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109744 ac on
109745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109746 Autocuring activated.
109747 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109748 order golem kill dwenthall
109749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109750 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
109751 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109752 evoke empower rockfall
109753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109754 Mana Lost: 6
109755 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
109756 wer of Earth infuses it.
109757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109758 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
109759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109760 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
109761 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109762 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
109763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109764 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
109765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109766 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
109767 ods your veins.
109768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109769 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
109770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109771 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
109772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109773 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
109774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109775 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
109776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109777 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
109778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109779 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
109780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109781 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109782 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109784 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109786 The attack rebounds back onto you!
109787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109788 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
109789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109790 Damage Taken: 79 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
109791 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
109792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109793 Several tiny rocks materialise above Reyvenyr and fall down, battering his body.
109794 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109795 Damage Taken: 29 blunt, mental (raw damage: 50)
109796 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
109797 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109798 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
109799 Balance Taken: 3.01s
109800 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109801 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
109802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109803 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
109804 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
109805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109806 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
109807 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
109808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109809 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
109810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109811 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
109812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109813 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109815 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
109816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109817 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109819 naturebind shred dwenthall
109820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109821 You must regain your equilibrium first.
109822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109823 ta dwenthall
109824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109825 Dwenthall's condition stands at 538/669 health and 642/700 mana.
109826 Mana Lost: 12
109827 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- bt; 
109828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109829 H:566 M:682 eb db 
109830 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109831 writhe root
109832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109833 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
109834 H:566 M:682 eb db 
109835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109836 eat juniper
109837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109838 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1974.
109839 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
109840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109841 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
109842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109843 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
109844 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
109845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109846 H:566 M:682 eb db 
109847 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109848 cast erode at rey
109849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109850 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
109851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109852 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
109853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109854 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
109855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109856 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
109857 Your levitating defence is eroded away.
109858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109859 His levitating defence is eroded away.
109860 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
109861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109862 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
109863 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109864 H:566 M:678 -b db 
109865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109866 sip levitation
109867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109868 You take a drink of an elixir of levitation from an onyx vial.
109869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109870 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
109871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109872 Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
109873 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
109874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109875 H:566 M:678 -b db 
109876 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109877 smoke pipe with linseed
109878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109879 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
109880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109881 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
109882 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
109883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109884 H:566 M:678 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
109885 H:566 M:678 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
109886 H:566 M:678 -b db 
109887 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109888 sip health
109889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109890 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
109891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109892 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
109893 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109894 The elixir heals your body.
109895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109896 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
109897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109898 H:669 M:678 -b db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
109899 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
109900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109901 You may eat another herb or plant.
109902 H:559 M:442 &lt;-- dbt; 
109903 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109904 H:669 M:662 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
109905 H:669 M:690 -b db 
109906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109907 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
109908 H:559 M:442 &lt;e- dbt; 
109909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109910 You may eat another mushroom.
109911 H:669 M:690 -b db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
109912 e out of you.
109913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109914 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
109915 r.
109916 You have recovered balance.
109917 H:559 M:442 &lt;eb dbt; 
109918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109919 H:620 M:690 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
109920 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109921 trueassess dwenthall
109922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109923 Dwenthall's condition stands at 620/669 health and 628/700 mana.
109924 Mana Lost: 12
109925 H:559 M:429 &lt;eb dbt; 
109926 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109927 H:620 M:690 eb db 
109928 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109929 ac on
109930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109931 Autocuring activated.
109932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109933 order loyals kill dwenthall
109934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109935 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
109936 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
109937 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
109938 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
109939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109940 TEAR MAP
109941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109942 Syntax: TEAR MAP
109943 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109944 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
109945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109946 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
109947 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109948 evoke empower rockfall
109949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109950 Mana Lost: 6
109951 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
109952 wer of Earth infuses it.
109953 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109954 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
109955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109956 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
109957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109958 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
109959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109960 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
109961 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109962 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
109963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109964 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109965 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109966 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109967 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
109968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109969 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
109970 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
109971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109972 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
109973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109974 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
109975 Balance Taken: 3.01s
109976 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109977 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
109978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109979 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
109980 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109981 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
109982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109983 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
109984 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109985 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
109986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109987 An animated beech root is already circling around Dwenthall.
109988 H:559 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
109989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109990 H:548 M:690 eb b 
109991 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109992 eat juniper
109993 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109994 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1708.
109995 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
109996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
109997 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
109998 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
109999 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
110000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110001 H:559 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
110002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110003 H:548 M:690 eb db 
110004 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110005 eat toadstool
110006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110007 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1808.
110008 You quickly eat a toadstool.
110009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110010 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
110011 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110012 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
110013 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
110014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110015 H:559 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
110016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110017 H:548 M:690 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
110018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110019 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
110020 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110021 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
110022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110023 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
110024 H:559 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
110025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110026 H:537 M:690 eb db 
110027 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110028 cnc
110029 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110030 You already possess mental equilibrium.
110031 H:537 M:690 eb db 
110032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110033 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
110034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110035 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
110036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110037 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
110038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110039 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
110040 dding her skin mercilessly.
110041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110042 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
110043 ding your skin mercilessly.
110044 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
110045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110046 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
110047 H:559 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
110048 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110049 H:493 M:690 eb b 
110050 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110051 pa
110052 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110053 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
110054 H:493 M:690 eb b 
110055 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110056 ovt
110057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110058 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
110059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110060 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
110061 H:559 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
110062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110063 H:493 M:672 eb b 
110064 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110065 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
110066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110067 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
110068 ewreathe effect.
110069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110070 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
110071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110072 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
110073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110074 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
110075 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110076 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
110077 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
110078  twitching slightly under the cold.
110079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110080 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
110081 range burning sensation in your nerves.
110082 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
110083 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110084 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
110085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110086 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
110087 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
110088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110089 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
110090 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
110091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110092 H:455 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
110093 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110094 H:493 M:654 -b b 
110095 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110096 ta
110097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110098 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 455/669 health and 423/512 mana.
110099 H:493 M:642 -b b 
110100 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110101 sip health
110102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110103 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
110104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110105 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
110106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110107 Health Gain: 139
110108 The elixir heals your body.
110109 H:594 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
110110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110111 H:493 M:642 -b b 
110112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110113 eat toadstool
110114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110115 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1865.
110116 You quickly eat a toadstool.
110117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110118 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
110119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110120 Health Gain: 66
110121 Mana Gain: 51
110122 You feel your health and mana replenished.
110123 H:661 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
110124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110125 H:493 M:642 -b b You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
110126 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
110127 H:493 M:642 -b b 
110128 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110129 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
110130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110131 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110133 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
110134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110135 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110136 H:661 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
110137 H:661 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
110138 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110139 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
110140 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110141 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
110142 H:661 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
110143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110144 H:493 M:642 -b b 
110145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110146 Health Gain: 7
110148 Mana Gain: 32
110150 H:669 M:507 &lt;-- dbt; 
110151 You are once again able to form a curseward.
110153 H:669 M:507 &lt;-- dbt; 
110154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110155 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
110157 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
110159 H:522 M:683 -b b 
110160 You may eat another herb or plant.
110161 H:522 M:683 -b b 
110162 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110163 ac on
110164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110165 Autocuring activated.
110167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110168 order loyals kill dwenthall
110169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110170 You must regain balance first.
110172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110173 TEAR MAP
110174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110175 Syntax: TEAR MAP
110177 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110178 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
110179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110180 You must regain balance first.
110182 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110183 evoke empower rockfall
110184 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110185 You must regain balance first.
110187 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110188 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
110189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110190 You must regain balance first.
110192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110193 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
110194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110195 You must regain balance first.
110197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110198 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
110199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110200 You must regain balance first.
110202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110203 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
110204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110205 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110207 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110208 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
110209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110210 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110212 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110213 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
110214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110215 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110217 H:669 M:507 &lt;-- dbt; 
110218 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110219 eat juniper
110220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110221 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1707.
110223 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
110225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110226 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
110228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110229 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
110231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110232 H:669 M:507 &lt;-- dbt; 
110233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110234 H:522 M:683 -b db 
110235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110236 You have recovered balance.
110239 H:669 M:507 &lt;-b dbt; 
110240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110241 You may drink another healing elixir.
110242 H:522 M:683 -b db 
110243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110244 ac on
110245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110246 Autocuring activated.
110248 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110249 order loyals kill dwenthall
110250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110251 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110253 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110254 TEAR MAP
110255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110256 Syntax: TEAR MAP
110258 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110259 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
110260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110261 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110264 evoke empower rockfall
110265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110266 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110268 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110269 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
110270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110271 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110272 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110273 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
110274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110275 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110277 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
110278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110279 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110280 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110281 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
110282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110283 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110284 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110285 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
110286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110287 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110288 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110289 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
110290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110291 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110292 H:669 M:507 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
110293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110294 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
110295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110296 H:669 M:507 &lt;eb dbt; 
110297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110298 H:522 M:683 eb db 
110299 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110300 sip health
110301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110302 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
110303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110304 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
110305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110306 The elixir heals your body.
110307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110308 H:669 M:507 &lt;eb dbt; 
110309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110310 H:669 M:683 eb db 
110311 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110312 curseward
110313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110314 Mana Lost: 21
110315 You concentrate briefly and a shimmering curseward appears around you.
110316 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110317 A shimmering curseward appears around Reyvenyr.
110318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110319 H:669 M:486 &lt;eb dbt; 
110320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110321 H:669 M:683 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
110322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110323 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
110324 H:669 M:486 &lt;eb dbt; 
110325 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110326 H:669 M:667 eb db 
110327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110328 ac on
110329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110330 Autocuring activated.
110331 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110332 order loyals kill dwenthall
110333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110334 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
110335 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
110336 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
110337 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
110338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110339 TEAR MAP
110340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110341 Syntax: TEAR MAP
110342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110343 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
110344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110345 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
110346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110347 evoke empower rockfall
110348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110349 Mana Lost: 6
110350 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
110351 wer of Earth infuses it.
110352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110353 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
110354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110355 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
110356 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110357 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
110358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110359 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
110360 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110361 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
110362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110363 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
110364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110365 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
110366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110367 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
110368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110369 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
110370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110371 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
110372 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
110373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110374 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
110375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110376 The attack rebounds back onto you!
110377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110378 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
110379 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110380 Damage Taken: 79 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
110381 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
110382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110383 Several tiny rocks materialise above Reyvenyr and fall down, battering his body.
110384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110385 Damage Taken: 29 blunt, mental (raw damage: 50)
110386 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
110387 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
110388 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
110389 Balance Taken: 3.01s
110390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110391 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
110392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110393 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
110394 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
110395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110396 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
110397 you.
110398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110399 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
110400 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110401 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
110402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110403 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110404 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110405 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
110406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110407 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110408 H:559 M:480 &lt;-- bt; 
110409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110410 H:620 M:667 eb db 
110411 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110412 cnc
110413 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110414 You already possess mental equilibrium.
110415 H:620 M:667 eb db 
110416 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110417 pa
110418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110419 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
110420 H:620 M:667 eb db 
110421 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110422 ovt
110423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110424 Your crystal is already overtuned.
110425 H:620 M:667 eb db 
110426 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110427 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
110428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110429 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
110430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110431 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
110432 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110433 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
110434 ewreathe effect.
110435 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110436 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
110437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110438 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
110439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110440 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
110441 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110442 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
110443 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
110444  twitching slightly under the cold.
110445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110446 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
110447 range burning sensation in your nerves.
110448 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
110449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110450 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
110451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110452 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
110453 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
110454 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110455 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
110456 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
110457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110458 H:455 M:480 &lt;-- bt; 
110459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110460 H:620 M:649 -b db 
110461 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110462 ta
110463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110464 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 455/669 health and 480/512 mana.
110465 H:620 M:637 -b db 
110466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110467 eat nightshade
110468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110469 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1941.
110470 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
110471 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110472 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
110473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110474 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
110475 H:455 M:480 &lt;-- bt; 
110476 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110477 H:620 M:637 -b db 
110478 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110479 smoke pipe with linseed
110480 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110481 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
110482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110483 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
110484 H:455 M:480 &lt;-- bt; 
110485 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110486 H:620 M:637 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
110487 H:620 M:637 -b db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
110488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110489 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
110490 H:455 M:480 &lt;-- bt; 
110491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110492 H:611 M:637 -b db 
110493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110494 dg
110495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110496 You must regain balance first.
110497 H:455 M:480 &lt;-- bt; You may drink another healing elixir.
110498 H:455 M:480 &lt;-- bt; 
110499 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110500 dg
110501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110502 You must regain balance first.
110503 H:455 M:480 &lt;-- bt; 
110504 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110505 sip health
110506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110507 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
110508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110509 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
110510 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110511 Health Gain: 147
110512 The elixir heals your body.
110513 H:602 M:480 &lt;-- bt; 
110514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110515 H:611 M:637 -b db 
110516 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110517 dg
110518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110519 You must regain balance first.
110520 H:602 M:480 &lt;-- bt; 
110521 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110522 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Adram Hills.
110523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110524 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Adram Hills.
110525 H:602 M:480 &lt;-- bt; 
110526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110527 H:611 M:637 -b db 
110528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110529 dg
110530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110531 You must regain balance first.
110532 H:602 M:480 &lt;-- bt; You may eat another herb or plant.
110533 H:602 M:480 &lt;-- bt; 
110534 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110535 eat juniper
110536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110537 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1973.
110538 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
110539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110540 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
110541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110542 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
110543 H:602 M:480 &lt;-- dbt; 
110544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110545 H:611 M:637 -b db 
110546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110547 dg
110548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110549 You must regain balance first.
110550 H:602 M:480 &lt;-- dbt; 
110551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110552 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
110553 H:611 M:637 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
110554 H:611 M:637 -b db 
110555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110556 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
110557 You may eat another mushroom.
110558 H:602 M:480 &lt;e- dbt; 
110559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110560 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
110561 H:611 M:637 eb db 
110562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110563 You have recovered balance.
110564 H:602 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
110565 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110566 dg
110567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110568 You are:
110569 blind.
110570 deaf.
110571 an insomniac.
110572 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
110573 H:602 M:480 &lt;-b dbt; 
110574 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110575 dg
110576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110577 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110578 H:602 M:480 &lt;-b dbt; 
110579 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110580 dg
110581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110582 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110583 H:602 M:480 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
110584 H:602 M:480 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
110585 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110586 dg
110587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110588 You are:
110589 blind.
110590 deaf.
110591 an insomniac.
110592 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
110593 H:602 M:480 &lt;-b dbt; 
110594 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110595 cnc
110596 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110597 You already possess mental equilibrium.
110598 H:611 M:637 eb db 
110599 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110600 pa
110601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110602 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
110603 H:611 M:637 eb db 
110604 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110605 ovt
110606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110607 Your crystal is already overtuned.
110608 H:611 M:637 eb db 
110609 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110610 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
110611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110612 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
110613 ock effect.
110614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110615 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
110616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110617 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
110618 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
110619  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
110620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110621 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
110622 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
110623 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
110624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110625 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
110626 using him to lose his patience.
110627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110628 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
110629 ausing you to lose your patience.
110630 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
110631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110632 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
110633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110634 H:493 M:480 &lt;-b dbt; 
110635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110636 H:611 M:619 -b db 
110637 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110638 ta
110639 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110640 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 493/669 health and 480/512 mana.
110641 H:611 M:607 -b db 
110642 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110643 eat nightshade
110644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110645 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1940.
110646 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
110647 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110648 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
110649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110650 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
110651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110652 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
110653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110654 H:493 M:480 &lt;-b dbt; 
110655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110656 H:611 M:607 -b db 
110657 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110658 eat toadstool
110659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110660 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1864.
110661 You quickly eat a toadstool.
110662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110663 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
110664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110665 Health Gain: 66
110666 Mana Gain: 32
110667 You feel your health and mana replenished.
110668 H:560 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
110669 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110670 H:611 M:607 -b db 
110671 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110672 purge blood
110673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110674 Mana Lost: 6
110675 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
110676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110677 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
110678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110679 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
110680 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110682 H:611 M:607 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
110683 H:611 M:607 -b db 
110684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110685 touch shield
110686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110687 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110688 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110690 touch tree
110691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110692 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
110693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110694 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
110695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110696 You are patient once again.
110697 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110699 H:611 M:607 -b db 
110700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110701 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
110702 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
110703 H:560 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
110704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110705 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
110706 Loaded with your blood, your bandages have become useless.
110707 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110708 touch shield
110709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110710 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
110711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110712 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
110713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110714 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
110715 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110717 H:611 M:591 -b db 
110718 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110719 apply mass
110720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110721 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
110722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110723 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
110724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110725 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
110726 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110728 H:611 M:591 -b db 
110729 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110730 touch shield
110731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110732 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110733 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110735 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
110736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110737 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
110738 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110739 touch shield
110740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110741 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110742 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110743 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110744 H:604 M:591 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
110745 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110746 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
110747 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110748 l
110749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110750 A rocky outcropping.
110751 ------ v37831 -------
110752   | \   /     |      
110753 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
110754 / | /   \   /   \ |  
110755 -[ ]     [ ]     [ ]-
110756   | \     |          
110757  [ ]-[ ] [+]         
110758     \   / | \        
110759      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
110760                 \ |  
110761              [ ]-[ ] 
110762                     \
110763 ------- 1:1:0 -------
110764 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
110765 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
110766 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
110767 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. A pillar of flame is burning br
110768 ightly here. 
110769 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
110770 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110772 H:604 M:591 -b db 
110773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110774 You may eat another herb or plant.
110775 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
110776 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; You may apply another salve.
110777 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110779 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
110780 H:631 M:619 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
110781 H:631 M:619 eb db 
110782 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110783 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
110784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110785 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110787 evoke wisp glowing me
110788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110789 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110790 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110791 evoke toxicrain strychnine
110792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110793 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110794 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110796 Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
110797 H:631 M:619 eb db 
110798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110799 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
110800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110801 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110803 evoke wisp glowing me
110804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110805 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110807 evoke toxicrain strychnine
110808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110809 You must regain your equilibrium first.
110810 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110811 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110812 cnc
110813 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110814 You already possess mental equilibrium.
110815 H:631 M:619 eb db 
110816 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110817 pa
110818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110819 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
110820 H:631 M:619 eb db 
110821 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110822 ovt
110823 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110824 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
110825 H:631 M:619 eb db 
110826 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110827 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
110828 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110829 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
110830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110831 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
110832 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110833 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Reyvenyr's shield.
110834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110835 Dwenthall's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
110836 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110837 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
110838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110839 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
110840 Health Gain: 20
110841 H:580 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
110842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110843 H:631 M:619 -b db 
110844 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110845 ta
110846 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110847 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 580/669 health and 506/512 mana.
110848 H:631 M:607 -b db 
110849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110850 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
110851 H:580 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
110852 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110853 smoke pipe with linseed
110854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110855 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
110856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110857 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
110858 H:580 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
110859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110860 H:631 M:607 -b db 
110861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110862 Health Gain: 33
110864 Mana Gain: 6
110866 H:614 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
110867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110868 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
110869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110870 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
110872 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110873 The shimmering translucent shield around Reyvenyr fades away.
110875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110876 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
110878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110879 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
110881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110882 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
110884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110885 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
110887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110888 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
110890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110891 evoke wisp glowing me
110892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110893 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
110895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110896 evoke toxicrain strychnine
110897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110898 No tornado is raging here.
110900 H:614 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
110901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110902 H:664 M:649 -b db 
110903 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110904 order golem passive
110905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110906 You order a mighty earth golem to assume a passive stance.
110907 With seeming reluctance, a mighty earth golem obeys your command.
110909 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110910 Reyvenyr whispers something to a mighty earth golem.
110911 A mighty earth golem seems to settle down.
110913 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110914 order loyals kill dwenthall
110915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110916 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
110918 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
110920 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
110922 You order a mighty earth golem to attack Dwenthall.
110924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110925 Reyvenyr barks at a mighty earth golem, ordering it to attack you.
110927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110928 A mighty earth golem obeys your command.
110930 H:614 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
110931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110932 H:664 M:649 -b db 
110933 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110934 cnc
110935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110936 You are already concentrating on regaining your equilibrium.
110938 H:664 M:649 -b db 
110939 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110940 autocuring off
110941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110942 Autocuring disabled.
110944 H:664 M:649 -b db 
110945 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110946 autocuring rebounding off
110947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110948 Automatic rebounding handling disabled.
110950 H:664 M:649 -b db 
110951 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110952 autocuring mass off
110953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110954 Automatic mass handling disabled.
110956 H:664 M:649 -b db 
110957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110958 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
110959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110960 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
110962 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110963 evoke wisp glowing me
110964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110965 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
110967 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110968 evoke toxicrain strychnine
110969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110970 No tornado is raging here.
110972 H:614 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
110973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110974 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
110977 H:664 M:649 eb db 
110978 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
110980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110981 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
110983 H:614 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
110984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
110985 H:652 M:649 eb db 
110986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110987 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
110988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110989 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
110991 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110992 evoke wisp glowing me
110993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110994 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
110995 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110996 evoke toxicrain strychnine
110997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
110998 No tornado is raging here.
110999 H:614 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
111000 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111001 sbm
111002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111003 Setting your gaze upon Reyvenyr, you start focusing intensely on your connection with the raw elemen
111004 t of water.
111005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111006 Dwenthall focuses her gaze upon you and a look of utmost concentration appears on her face. The soun
111007 d of rushing water echoes faintly in the distance.
111008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111009 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
111010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111011 H:614 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
111012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111013 H:652 M:602 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
111014 H:652 M:602 -b db 
111015 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111016 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
111017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111018 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
111019 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111020 evoke wisp glowing me
111021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111022 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
111023 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111024 evoke toxicrain strychnine
111025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111026 No tornado is raging here.
111027 H:614 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
111028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111029 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
111030 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111031 evoke empower knockout
111032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111033 Mana Lost: 6
111034 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
111035 wer of Earth infuses it.
111036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111037 evoke wisps poisonous dwenthall
111038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111039 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
111040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111041 quarterstaff stab dwenthall opium
111042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111043 You rub some opium on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111044 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111046 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111048 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Knockout empowerment remains dormant.
111049 Your opium toxin has affected Dwenthall.
111050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111051 Your insomnia has cleared up.
111052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111053 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
111054 Balance Taken: 3.01s
111055 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111056 naturebind bewilder dwenthall
111057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111058 You wave your quarterstaff in front of Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a ten
111059 dril, bewildering her.
111060 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111061 Reyvenyr waves his quarterstaff in front of you and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a tend
111062 ril, bewildering you.
111063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111064 The root afflicts Dwenthall with masochism.
111065 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
111066 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111067 ta dwenthall
111068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111069 Dwenthall's condition stands at 667/669 health and 602/700 mana.
111070 Mana Lost: 12
111071 H:614 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
111072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111073 H:580 M:602 eb db The pillar of flame suddenly goes out, briefly blanketing the location in smoke.
111074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111075 The pillar of flame suddenly goes out, briefly blanketing the location in smoke.
111076 H:614 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
111077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111078 H:580 M:602 eb db 
111079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111080 spam afflicted Dwenthall opium
111081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111082 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall opium", is not a valid command.
111083 H:614 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
111084 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111085 spam afflicted Dwenthall masochism
111086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111087 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall masochism", is not a valid command.
111088 H:614 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
111089 H:614 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
111090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111091 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
111092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111093 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
111094 H:614 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
111095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111096 H:571 M:602 eb db As you maintain your focus upon Reyvenyr, the sound of rushing water fills the air
111097 , drawing nearer and nearer with every passing second.
111098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111099 As Dwenthall maintains her focus upon you, the sound of rushing water draws nearer and nearer with e
111100 very passing second.
111101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111102 Your rebounding aura is prevented from coming up by your submersion attempt.
111103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111104 Dwenthall's rebounding aura is prevented from coming up by her submersion attempt.
111105 H:614 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
111106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111107 H:571 M:602 eb db 
111108 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111111 Your input, "INSTANT KILL!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!!", is not a 
111112 valid command.
111113 H:614 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
111114 H:614 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
111115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111116 evoke empower knockout
111117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111118 Mana Lost: 6
111119 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
111120 wer of Earth infuses it.
111121 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111122 evoke wisps poisonous dwenthall
111123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111124 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
111125 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111126 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
111127 .
111128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111129 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
111130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111131 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
111132 r veins.
111133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111134 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
111135 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111136 quarterstaff stab dwenthall opium
111137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111138 You rub some opium on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111139 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111141 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111142 A rock falls from above, hitting you in the temple.
111143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111144 A rock falls from above, hitting Dwenthall in the temple.
111145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111146 You feel incredibly tired, and fall asleep immediately.
111147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111148 Dwenthall's eyes close suddenly as she falls asleep.
111149 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
111150 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111151 Your opium toxin has affected Dwenthall.
111152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111153 You feel yourself calm down as the quince nut wears off.
111154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111155 Balance Taken: 3.01s
111156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111157 naturebind bewilder dwenthall
111158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111159 You wave your quarterstaff in front of Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a ten
111160 dril, bewildering her.
111161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111162 Reyvenyr waves his quarterstaff in front of you and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a tend
111163 ril, bewildering you.
111164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111165 The root afflicts Dwenthall with recklessness.
111166 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
111167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111168 ta dwenthall
111169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111170 Dwenthall's condition stands at 440/669 health and 638/700 mana.
111171 Mana Lost: 12
111172 H:614 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
111173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111174 H:669 M:700 eb pdb You cease your submersion attempt.
111175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111176 Dwenthall ceases her submersion attempt.
111177 H:614 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
111178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111179 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
111180 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111181 evoke empower balance
111182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111183 You must regain balance first.
111184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111185 evoke delaying writhe
111186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111187 You must regain balance first.
111188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111189 quarterstaff impale dwenthall
111190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111191 You must regain balance first.
111192 H:614 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
111193 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111194 rt dwenthall Prone!!!!!
111195 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111196 You are not the member of any ring.
111197 H:614 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
111198 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111199 spam afflicted Dwenthall opium
111200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111201 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall opium", is not a valid command.
111202 H:614 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
111203 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111204 spam afflicted Dwenthall recklessness
111205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111206 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall recklessness", is not a valid command.
111207 H:614 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
111208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111209 You quickly pull yourself out of sleep.
111210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111211 Dwenthall awakens with a start.
111212 H:614 M:476 &lt;-- dbt; 
111213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111214 H:669 M:700 eb pdb You must first raise yourself and stand up.
111215 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
111216 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
111217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111218 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
111219 H:614 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
111220 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111221 human
111222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111223 You are already in Sylayan form.
111224 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
111225 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111226 unwield bow
111227 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111228 You aren't wielding that.
111229 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
111230 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111231 unwield bow
111232 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111233 You aren't wielding that.
111234 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
111235 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111236 wield shield116306
111237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111238 You have no shield116306.
111239 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
111240 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111241 wield shield116306
111242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111243 You have no shield116306.
111244 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
111245 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111246 autocuring on
111247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111248 Autocuring activated.
111249 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
111250 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111251 autocuring rebounding on
111252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111253 Automatic rebounding handling activated.
111254 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
111255 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111256 smoke pipe with linseed
111257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111258 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
111259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111260 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
111261 H:614 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
111262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111263 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
111264 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111265 insomnia
111266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111267 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
111268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111269 Dwenthall clenches her fists and grits her teeth.
111270 H:614 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
111271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111272 H:669 M:700 eb pdb A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
111273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111274 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
111275 H:614 M:476 &lt;e- dbt; 
111276 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111277 H:669 M:700 eb pdb 
111278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111279 You have recovered balance.
111280 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111281 stand
111282 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111283 You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
111284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111285 Dwenthall stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
111286 H:614 M:476 &lt;eb dbt; 
111287 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111288 H:669 M:700 eb db 
111289 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111290 ac on
111291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111292 Autocuring activated.
111293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111294 order golem kill dwenthall
111295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111296 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
111297 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111298 evoke empower rockfall
111299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111300 Mana Lost: 6
111301 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
111302 wer of Earth infuses it.
111303 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111304 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
111305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111306 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
111307 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111308 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
111309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111310 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
111311 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111312 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
111313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111314 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111315 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111316 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111317 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111319 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
111320 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
111321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111322 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
111323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111324 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
111325 Balance Taken: 3.01s
111326 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111327 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
111328 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111329 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
111330 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
111331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111332 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
111333 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
111334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111335 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
111336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111337 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
111338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111339 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111341 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
111342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111343 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111344 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111345 naturebind shred dwenthall
111346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111347 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111349 ta dwenthall
111350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111351 Dwenthall's condition stands at 389/669 health and 584/700 mana.
111352 Mana Lost: 12
111353 H:614 M:458 &lt;-- dbt; 
111354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111355 H:669 M:700 eb b 
111356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111357 Health Gain: 33
111358 Mana Gain: 32
111359 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111360 writhe root
111361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111362 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
111363 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111364 H:647 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
111365 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111366 H:669 M:700 eb b 
111367 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111368 ENEMY IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
111369 !!!!!
111370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111371 I don't recognize that name as one of an existing player.
111372 H:647 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
111373 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111374 eat juniper
111375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111376 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1706.
111377 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
111378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111379 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
111380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111381 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
111382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111383 H:647 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
111384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111385 H:669 M:700 eb db 
111386 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111387 ---ENEMY IS UP
111388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111389 Your input, "---ENEMY IS UP", is not a valid command.
111390 H:647 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
111391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111392 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
111393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111394 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
111395 H:647 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
111396 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111397 eat quince
111398 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111399 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1996.
111400 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
111401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111402 Dwenthall quickly eats a quince fruit.
111403 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111404 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
111405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111406 H:647 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
111407 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111408 H:669 M:700 eb db 
111409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111410 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
111411 H:647 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
111412 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111413 dag
111414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111415 You are:
111416 masochistic.
111417 poisoned by a wisp.
111418 choked by an animated root.
111419 reckless.
111420 blind.
111421 deaf.
111422 an insomniac.
111423 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
111424 H:669 M:700 -b db 
111425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111426 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
111428 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111429 focus
111430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111431 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
111432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111433 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dwenthall.
111434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111435 You no longer enjoy pain.
111436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111437 H:647 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
111438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111439 H:669 M:700 -b db 
111440 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111441 sip health
111442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111443 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
111444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111445 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
111446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111447 The elixir heals your body.
111448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111449 H:647 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
111450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111451 H:669 M:700 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
111452 H:669 M:700 -b db 
111453 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111454 purge blood
111455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111456 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
111457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111458 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
111459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111460 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
111461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111462 H:647 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
111463 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111464 H:553 M:613 -b db 
111465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111466 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
111467 H:647 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
111468 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111469 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
111470 H:553 M:613 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
111471 H:553 M:613 eb db 
111472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111473 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
111474 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111475 You may eat another herb or plant.
111477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111478 H:647 M:490 &lt;e- dbt; 
111479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111480 H:553 M:613 eb db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
111481 e out of you.
111482 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111483 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
111484 r.
111485 You have recovered balance.
111486 H:647 M:490 &lt;eb dbt; 
111487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111488 H:505 M:613 eb db 
111489 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111490 trueassess dwenthall
111491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111492 Dwenthall's condition stands at 525/669 health and 643/700 mana.
111493 Mana Lost: 12
111494 H:647 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
111495 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111496 eat toadstool
111497 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111498 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1807.
111499 You quickly eat a toadstool.
111500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111501 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
111502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111503 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
111504 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
111505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111506 H:647 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
111507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111508 H:505 M:613 eb db 
111509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111510 ac on
111511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111512 Autocuring activated.
111513 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111514 evoke imbue
111515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111516 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
111517 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111518 evoke empower shock
111519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111520 Mana Lost: 6
111521 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
111522 wer of Earth infuses it.
111523 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111524 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
111525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111526 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
111527 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111528 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
111529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111530 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
111531 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111532 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
111533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111534 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
111535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111536 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
111537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111538 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
111539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111540 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
111541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111542 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111543 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111545 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111546 A brief shock tuns through your body and your muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
111547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111548 Dwenthall's muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
111549 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
111550 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111551 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
111552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111553 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
111554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111555 Balance Taken: 3.01s
111556 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111557 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
111558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111559 You concentrate on your bond with Nature and prepare to overwhelm Dwenthall with its raw power.
111560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111561 A look of utmost concentration appears on Reyvenyr's face, followed by a menacing look in your direc
111562 tion.
111563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111564 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
111565 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111566 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
111567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111568 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111569 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111570 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
111571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111572 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111573 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111574 ta dwenthall
111575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111576 Dwenthall's condition stands at 396/669 health and 631/700 mana.
111577 Mana Lost: 12
111578 H:647 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
111579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111580 H:351 M:613 eb b 
111581 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111582 ts
111583 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111584 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
111585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111586 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
111587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111588 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
111589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111590 H:647 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
111591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111592 H:351 M:613 -b b 
111593 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111594 eat juniper
111595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111596 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1705.
111597 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
111598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111599 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
111600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111601 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
111602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111603 H:647 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
111604 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111605 H:351 M:613 -b db 
111606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111607 ---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!
111608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111609 Your input, "---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!"
111610 , is not a valid command.
111611 H:647 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
111612 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111613 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
111614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111615 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
111616 H:647 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
111617 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111618 -------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!
111619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111620 Your input, "-------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
111621 H:647 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
111622 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111623 naturebind breach dwenthall
111624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111625 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111626 H:647 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
111627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111628 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
111629 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
111630 H:371 M:613 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
111631 H:371 M:613 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
111632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111633 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
111634 H:647 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
111635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111636 H:371 M:613 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
111637 H:371 M:613 -b db Your mind is able to focus once again.
111638 H:371 M:613 -b db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
111639 e out of you.
111640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111641 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
111642 r.
111643 H:647 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
111644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111645 H:322 M:613 -b db 
111646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111647 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
111648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111649 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
111650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111651 H:647 M:460 &lt;e- dbt; 
111652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111653 H:322 M:613 eb db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
111654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111655 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
111656 H:647 M:460 &lt;e- dbt; 
111657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111658 H:322 M:613 eb db 
111659 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111660 trueassess dwenthall
111661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111662 Dwenthall's condition stands at 277/669 health and 692/700 mana.
111663 Mana Lost: 12
111664 H:647 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
111665 H:647 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
111666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111667 You may drink another healing elixir.
111668 H:322 M:613 eb db 
111669 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111670 sip health
111671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111672 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
111673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111674 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
111675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111676 The elixir heals your body.
111677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111678 H:647 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
111679 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111680 H:438 M:613 eb db 
111681 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111682 ts
111683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111684 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
111685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111686 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
111687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111688 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
111689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111690 H:647 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
111691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111692 H:438 M:597 -b db 
111693 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111694 naturebind breach dwenthall
111695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111696 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
111697 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
111699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111700 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
111701 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
111703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111704 Equilibrium Taken: 1.26s
111706 H:647 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
111707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111708 H:438 M:597 -b db 
111709 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
111711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111712 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
111714 H:647 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
111715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111716 H:426 M:597 -b db 
111717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111718 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
111720 H:647 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
111721 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111722 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
111723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111724 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111726 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111727 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
111728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111729 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111731 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111732 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
111733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111734 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111736 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111737 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
111738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111739 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111742 naturebinding shred dwenthall
111743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111744 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111746 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111747 ta dwenthall
111748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111749 Dwenthall's condition stands at 455/669 health and 597/700 mana.
111751 Mana Lost: 12
111753 H:647 M:436 &lt;-b dbt; 
111754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111755 ac on
111756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111757 Autocuring activated.
111759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111760 evoke imbue
111761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111762 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111764 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111765 TEAR MAP
111766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111767 Syntax: TEAR MAP
111769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111770 evoke empower jolt
111771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111772 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111774 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111775 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
111776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111777 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111779 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111780 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
111781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111782 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111785 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
111786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111787 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111789 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111790 naturebind choke dwenthall
111791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111792 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111794 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111795 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
111796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111797 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111800 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
111801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111802 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111804 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111805 ta dwenthall
111806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111807 Dwenthall's condition stands at 460/669 health and 526/700 mana.
111809 Mana Lost: 12
111811 H:647 M:423 &lt;-b dbt; 
111812 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
111815 H:647 M:423 &lt;eb dbt; 
111816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111817 You may eat another mushroom.
111819 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111820 eat toadstool
111821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111822 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1806.
111823 You quickly eat a toadstool.
111824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111825 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
111826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111827 You feel your health and mana replenished.
111828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111829 H:647 M:423 &lt;eb dbt; 
111830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111831 H:493 M:667 -b db 
111832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111833 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
111834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111835 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
111836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111837 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
111838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111839 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
111840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111841 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
111842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111843 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
111844 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111845 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
111846 .
111847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111848 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
111849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111850 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
111851 r veins.
111852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111853 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
111854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111855 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
111856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111857 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111858 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111859 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
111860 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111861 Balance Taken: 2.00s
111862 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111863 naturebinding shred dwenthall
111864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111865 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
111866 ing her skin mercilessly.
111867 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111868 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
111869 ng your skin mercilessly.
111870 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
111871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111872 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
111873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111874 ta dwenthall
111875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111876 Dwenthall's condition stands at 417/669 health and 667/700 mana.
111877 Mana Lost: 12
111878 H:647 M:411 &lt;-- dbt; 
111879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111880 H:448 M:667 -b b 
111881 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111882 ac on
111883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111884 Autocuring activated.
111885 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111886 evoke imbue
111887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111888 You must regain balance first.
111889 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111890 TEAR MAP
111891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111892 Syntax: TEAR MAP
111893 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111894 evoke empower jolt
111895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111896 You must regain balance first.
111897 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111898 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
111899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111900 You must regain balance first.
111901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111902 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
111903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111904 You must regain balance first.
111905 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111906 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
111907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111908 You must regain balance first.
111909 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111910 naturebind choke dwenthall
111911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111912 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111913 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111914 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
111915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111916 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111917 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111918 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
111919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111920 You must regain your equilibrium first.
111921 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111922 ta dwenthall
111923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111924 Dwenthall's condition stands at 448/669 health and 667/700 mana.
111925 Mana Lost: 12
111926 H:647 M:399 &lt;-- dbt; 
111927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111928 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
111929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111930 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
111931 mmand.
111932 H:647 M:399 &lt;-- dbt; 
111933 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111934 smoke pipe with linseed
111935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111936 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
111937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111938 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
111939 H:647 M:399 &lt;-- dbt; 
111940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111941 H:448 M:667 -b b 
111942 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111943 eat toadstool
111944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111945 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1863.
111946 You quickly eat a toadstool.
111947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111948 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
111949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111950 Health Gain: 21
111951 Mana Gain: 51
111952 You feel your health and mana replenished.
111953 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
111954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111955 H:448 M:667 -b b 
111956 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111957 eat juniper
111958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111959 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1704.
111960 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
111961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111962 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
111963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111964 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
111965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111966 H:669 M:450 &lt;-- dbt; 
111967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111968 H:448 M:667 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
111969 H:448 M:667 eb db 
111970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111971 Mana Gain: 32
111972 H:669 M:483 &lt;-- dbt; 
111973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111974 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
111975 H:508 M:700 eb db 
111976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111977 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
111978 H:669 M:483 &lt;e- dbt; 
111979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111980 You may drink another healing elixir.
111981 H:508 M:700 eb db 
111982 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111983 sip health
111984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111985 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
111986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111987 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
111988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111989 The elixir heals your body.
111990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111991 H:669 M:483 &lt;e- dbt; 
111992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111993 H:662 M:700 eb db 
111994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
111995 You have recovered balance.
111996 H:669 M:483 &lt;eb dbt; 
111997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
111998 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
111999 H:662 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
112000 H:662 M:684 eb db 
112001 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112002 ac on
112003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112004 Autocuring activated.
112005 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112006 order golem kill dwenthall
112007 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112008 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
112009 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112010 evoke empower rockfall
112011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112012 Mana Lost: 6
112013 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
112014 wer of Earth infuses it.
112015 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112016 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
112017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112018 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
112019 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112020 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
112021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112022 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
112023 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112024 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
112025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112026 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
112027 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
112028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112029 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
112030 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
112031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112032 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
112033 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
112034 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
112035 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
112036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112037 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
112038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112039 Balance Taken: 3.01s
112040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112041 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
112042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112043 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
112044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112045 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
112046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112047 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
112048 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
112049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112050 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
112051 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
112052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112053 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
112054 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112055 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
112056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112057 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112059 naturebind shred dwenthall
112060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112061 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112062 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112063 ta dwenthall
112064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112065 Dwenthall's condition stands at 470/669 health and 684/700 mana.
112066 Mana Lost: 12
112067 H:669 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
112068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112069 H:489 M:684 eb b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
112070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112071 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
112072 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112073 writhe root
112074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112075 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
112076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112077 H:669 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
112078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112079 H:477 M:684 eb b 
112080 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112081 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
112082 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112083 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
112084 H:669 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
112085 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112086 eat juniper
112087 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112088 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1703.
112089 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
112090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112091 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
112092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112093 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
112094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112095 H:669 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
112096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112097 H:477 M:684 eb db 
112098 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112099 l
112100 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112101 A rocky outcropping.
112102 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
112103 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
112104 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
112105 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. 
112106 You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
112107 H:477 M:684 eb db 
112108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112109 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
112110 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; 
112111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112112 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
112113 H:477 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
112114 H:477 M:684 eb db 
112115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112116 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
112117 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; 
112118 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112119 ts
112120 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112121 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
112122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112123 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
112124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112125 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
112126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112127 H:669 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; 
112128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112129 H:477 M:684 -b db 
112130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112131 naturebind breach dwenthall
112132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112133 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
112134 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
112135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112136 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
112137 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
112138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112139 Equilibrium Taken: 1.26s
112140 H:669 M:465 &lt;-- dbt; 
112141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112142 H:477 M:684 -b db An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the l
112143 ife out of you.
112144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112145 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
112146 her.
112147 You have recovered balance.
112148 H:669 M:465 &lt;-b dbt; 
112149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112150 H:429 M:684 -b db 
112151 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112152 ac on
112153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112154 Autocuring activated.
112155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112156 evoke imbue
112157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112158 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112159 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112160 TEAR MAP
112161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112162 Syntax: TEAR MAP
112163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112164 evoke empower jolt
112165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112166 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112168 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
112169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112170 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112172 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
112173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112174 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112175 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112176 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
112177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112178 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112179 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112180 naturebind choke dwenthall
112181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112182 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112183 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112184 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
112185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112186 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112187 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112188 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
112189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112190 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112191 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112192 ta dwenthall
112193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112194 Dwenthall's condition stands at 429/669 health and 637/700 mana.
112195 Mana Lost: 12
112196 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
112197 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112198 You may eat another mushroom.
112199 H:429 M:684 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
112200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112201 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
112202 You may eat another mushroom.
112203 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
112204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112205 H:429 M:684 -b db 
112206 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112207 eat toadstool
112208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112209 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1805.
112210 You quickly eat a toadstool.
112211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112212 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
112213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112214 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
112215 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
112216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112217 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
112218 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112219 H:429 M:684 -b db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
112220 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112221 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
112222 H:669 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
112223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112224 H:429 M:684 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
112225 H:429 M:684 -b db 
112226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112227 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
112228 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
112229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112230 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
112231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112232 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
112233  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
112234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112235 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
112236 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
112237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112238 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
112239 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112240 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
112241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112242 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
112243 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112244 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
112245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112246 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
112247 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112248 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
112249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112250 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
112251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112252 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
112253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112254 Balance Taken: 2.00s
112255 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112256 naturebinding shred dwenthall
112257 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112258 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
112259 ing her skin mercilessly.
112260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112261 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
112262 ng your skin mercilessly.
112263 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
112264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112265 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
112266 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112267 ta dwenthall
112268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112269 Dwenthall's condition stands at 426/669 health and 602/700 mana.
112270 Mana Lost: 12
112271 H:669 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
112272 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112273 H:384 M:684 -b b 
112274 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112275 ac on
112276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112277 Autocuring activated.
112278 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112279 evoke imbue
112280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112281 You must regain balance first.
112282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112283 TEAR MAP
112284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112285 Syntax: TEAR MAP
112286 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112287 evoke empower jolt
112288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112289 You must regain balance first.
112290 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112291 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
112292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112293 You must regain balance first.
112294 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112295 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
112296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112297 You must regain balance first.
112298 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112299 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
112300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112301 You must regain balance first.
112302 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112303 naturebind choke dwenthall
112304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112305 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112307 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
112308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112309 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112311 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
112312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112313 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112315 ta dwenthall
112316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112317 Dwenthall's condition stands at 365/669 health and 684/700 mana.
112318 Mana Lost: 12
112319 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
112320 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112321 smoke pipe with linseed
112322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112323 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
112324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112325 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
112326 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
112327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112328 H:384 M:684 -b b 
112329 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112330 sip health
112331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112332 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
112333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112334 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
112335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112336 The elixir heals your body.
112337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112338 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
112339 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112340 H:508 M:684 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
112341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112342 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
112343 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
112344 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112345 H:495 M:668 -b b You have regained the ability to purge your body.
112347 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112348 ---------delayed wisp
112349 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112350 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
112351 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
112352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112353 H:495 M:668 -b b 
112354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112355 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
112356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112357 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
112358 mmand.
112359 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
112360 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112361 eat juniper
112362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112363 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1702.
112364 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
112365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112366 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
112367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112368 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
112369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112370 H:669 M:428 &lt;-- dbt; 
112371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112372 H:495 M:668 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
112373 H:495 M:668 eb db 
112374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112375 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
112376 H:669 M:428 &lt;e- dbt; 
112377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112378 Your wounds cause you to bleed 3 health.
112379 H:492 M:668 eb db 
112380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112381 You have recovered balance.
112382 H:669 M:428 &lt;eb dbt; 
112383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112384 You may eat another herb or plant.
112385 H:492 M:668 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
112386 H:492 M:668 eb db 
112387 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112388 ac on
112389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112390 Autocuring activated.
112391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112392 order golem kill dwenthall
112393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112394 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
112395 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112396 evoke empower rockfall
112397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112398 Mana Lost: 6
112399 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
112400 wer of Earth infuses it.
112401 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112402 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
112403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112404 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
112405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112406 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
112407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112408 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
112409 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112410 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
112411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112412 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
112413 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
112414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112415 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
112416 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112417 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
112418 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
112419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112420 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
112421 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112422 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
112423 Balance Taken: 3.01s
112424 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112425 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
112426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112427 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
112428 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112429 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
112430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112431 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
112432 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112433 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
112434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112435 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated beech root leaps at her throat and squeezes
112436  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
112437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112438 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated beech root leaps at your throat and squeezes
112439  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
112440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112441 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
112442 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112443 naturebind shred dwenthall
112444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112445 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112447 ta dwenthall
112448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112449 Dwenthall's condition stands at 372/669 health and 674/700 mana.
112450 Mana Lost: 12
112451 H:669 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
112452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112453 H:372 M:668 eb b 
112454 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112455 writhe root
112456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112457 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
112458 H:372 M:668 eb b 
112459 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112460 eat juniper
112461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112462 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1701.
112463 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
112464 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112465 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
112466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112467 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
112468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112469 H:669 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
112470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112471 H:372 M:668 eb db 
112472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112473 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
112474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112475 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
112476 H:669 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
112477 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112478 sqn
112479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112480 A rocky outcropping.
112481 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
112482 You can see no further.
112483 H:372 M:668 eb db 
112484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112485 Mana Gain: 32
112486 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
112487 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112488 abn
112489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112490 You take 2 cloth, bringing the total to 1998.
112491 You unroll two spools of cloth and tightly bandage them around yourself.
112492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112493 Dwenthall unrolls two spools of cloth and tightly bandages them around herself.
112494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112495 Balance Taken: 3.20s
112496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112497 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
112498 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112499 H:405 M:700 e- db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
112500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112501 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
112502 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
112503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112504 H:395 M:700 e- db 
112505 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112506 l
112507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112508 A rocky outcropping.
112509 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
112510 waying slightly. 
112511 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
112512 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
112513 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
112514 Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield
112515  in his right. 
112518 You see exits leading 
112519 north, southeast, south, and southwest
112520 .
112523 H:395 M:700 e- db 
112524 You may drink another healing elixir.
112525 H:395 M:700 e- db 
112526 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
112528 H:422 M:700 e- db 
112529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112530 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
112532 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
112533 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112534 sip health
112535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112536 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
112538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112539 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
112541 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112542 The elixir heals your body.
112544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112545 H:669 M:443 &lt;e- dbt; 
112546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112547 H:557 M:700 e- db 
112548 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
112550 H:557 M:684 e- db 
112551 You may eat another mushroom.
112553 You may eat another herb or plant.
112554 H:557 M:684 e- db 
112555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112556 ac on
112557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112558 Autocuring activated.
112560 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112561 evoke imbue
112562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112563 You must regain balance first.
112565 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112566 TEAR MAP
112567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112568 Syntax: TEAR MAP
112570 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112571 evoke empower jolt
112572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112573 You must regain balance first.
112575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112576 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
112577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112578 You must regain balance first.
112580 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112581 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
112582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112583 You must regain balance first.
112585 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112586 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
112587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112588 You must regain balance first.
112590 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112591 naturebind choke dwenthall
112592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112593 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
112595 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112596 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
112597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112598 An animated beech root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
112600 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112601 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
112602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112603 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
112604 dding her skin mercilessly.
112606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112607 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
112608 ding your skin mercilessly.
112610 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
112612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112613 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
112615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112616 ta dwenthall
112617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112618 Dwenthall's condition stands at 532/669 health and 759/700 mana.
112620 Mana Lost: 12
112622 H:669 M:431 &lt;-- dbt; 
112623 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112624 H:512 M:684 e- b 
112625 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112626 eat juniper
112627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112628 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1700.
112630 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
112632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112633 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
112635 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112636 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
112638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112639 H:669 M:431 &lt;-- dbt; 
112640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112641 H:512 M:684 e- db 
112642 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112643 eat toadstool
112644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112645 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1804.
112647 You quickly eat a toadstool.
112649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112650 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
112652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112653 You feel your health and mana replenished.
112655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112656 H:669 M:431 &lt;-- dbt; 
112657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112658 H:579 M:700 e- db 
112659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112660 You have recovered balance.
112663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112664 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
112666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112667 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of her.
112669 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112670 ffn
112671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112672 You must regain balance first.
112674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112675 H:669 M:431 &lt;-b dbt; 
112676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112677 H:531 M:700 e- db 
112678 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112679 clot
112680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112681 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
112683 H:531 M:686 e- db 
112684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112685 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
112686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112687 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112690 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
112691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112692 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112694 H:669 M:431 &lt;-b dbt; 
112695 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112696 trueassess dwenthall
112697 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112698 Dwenthall's condition stands at 531/669 health and 686/700 mana.
112700 Mana Lost: 12
112702 H:669 M:419 &lt;-b dbt; 
112703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112704 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
112706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112707 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
112709 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112710 ac on
112711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112712 Autocuring activated.
112714 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112715 evoke imbue
112716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112717 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112719 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112720 TEAR MAP
112721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112722 Syntax: TEAR MAP
112724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112725 evoke empower jolt
112726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112727 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112729 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112730 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
112731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112732 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112734 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112735 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
112736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112737 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112740 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
112741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112742 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112745 naturebind choke dwenthall
112746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112747 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112749 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112750 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
112751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112752 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112755 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
112756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112757 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112760 ta dwenthall
112761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112762 Dwenthall's condition stands at 462/669 health and 727/700 mana.
112764 Mana Lost: 12
112766 H:669 M:406 &lt;-b dbt; 
112767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112768 H:531 M:686 e- db 
112769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112770 eat toadstool
112771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112772 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1862.
112774 You quickly eat a toadstool.
112776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112777 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
112779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112780 Mana Gain: 51
112782 You feel your health and mana replenished.
112784 H:669 M:458 &lt;-b dbt; 
112785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112786 H:531 M:686 e- db 
112787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112788 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
112791 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112792 ffn
112793 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112794 You must regain balance first.
112796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112797 H:669 M:458 &lt;eb dbt; 
112798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112799 H:531 M:686 e- db 
112800 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112801 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
112802 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112803 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
112805 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112806 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
112807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112808 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
112810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112811 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
112812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112813 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
112815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112816 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
112817 ods your veins.
112819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112820 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
112822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112823 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
112824 .
112826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112827 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
112829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112830 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
112831 r veins.
112833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112834 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
112836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112837 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
112838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112839 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
112841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112842 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
112844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112845 Balance Taken: 2.00s
112847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112848 naturebinding shred dwenthall
112849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112850 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
112851 ing her skin mercilessly.
112853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112854 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
112855 ng your skin mercilessly.
112857 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
112859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112860 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
112862 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112863 ta dwenthall
112864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112865 Dwenthall's condition stands at 486/669 health and 666/700 mana.
112867 Mana Lost: 12
112869 H:669 M:446 &lt;-- dbt; 
112870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112871 H:486 M:686 e- b 
112872 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112873 ac on
112874 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112875 Autocuring activated.
112877 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112878 evoke imbue
112879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112880 You must regain balance first.
112882 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112883 TEAR MAP
112884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112885 Syntax: TEAR MAP
112887 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112888 evoke empower jolt
112889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112890 You must regain balance first.
112892 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112893 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
112894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112895 You must regain balance first.
112897 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112898 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
112899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112900 You must regain balance first.
112902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112903 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
112904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112905 You must regain balance first.
112907 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112908 naturebind choke dwenthall
112909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112910 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112911 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112912 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
112913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112914 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112915 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112916 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
112917 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112918 You must regain your equilibrium first.
112919 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112920 ta dwenthall
112921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112922 Dwenthall's condition stands at 486/669 health and 686/700 mana.
112923 Mana Lost: 12
112924 H:669 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
112925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112926 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
112927 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112928 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
112929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112930 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
112931 mmand.
112932 H:669 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
112933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112934 H:486 M:686 e- b You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
112935 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112936 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
112937 H:669 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
112938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112939 H:486 M:686 e- b 
112940 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112941 smoke pipe with linseed
112942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112943 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
112944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112945 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
112946 H:669 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
112947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112948 H:486 M:686 e- b You have recovered balance.
112949 H:486 M:686 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
112950 H:486 M:686 eb b 
112951 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112952 eat juniper
112953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112954 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1699.
112955 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
112956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112957 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
112958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112959 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
112960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112961 H:669 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
112962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112963 H:486 M:686 eb db 
112964 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112965 ffn
112966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112967 Somehow Dwenthall flips away to the north.
112969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112970 You flip away to the north, landing flat on your back.
112971 A rocky outcropping.
112972 A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
112973 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
112974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112975 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
112976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112977 Balance Taken: 3.20s
112978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112979 H:669 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
112980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112981 H:486 M:686 e- pdb 
112982 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112983 kipup
112984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112985 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
112986 H:486 M:686 e- db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
112987 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
112988 H:481 M:686 e- db 
112989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112990 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
112991 H:669 M:433 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
112992 H:669 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
112993 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112994 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
112995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
112996 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
112997 H:669 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; You cease attempting to overwhelm Dwenthall through the power of Nature.
112998 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
112999 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
113001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113002 H:669 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
113003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113004 H:481 M:686 e- db You may eat another herb or plant.
113005 H:481 M:686 e- db 
113006 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113007 n
113008 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113009 A rocky outcropping.
113010 ------ v37834 -------
113011   |                  
113012 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
113013   | \   /     |      
113014 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
113015 / | /   \   /   \ |  
113016 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
113017   | \     |          
113018  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
113019     \   / | \        
113020      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
113021                 \ |  
113022 ------- 1:2:0 -------
113023 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
113024 . She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. A pillar of flame is burning brightly here. 
113025 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
113026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113027 Reyvenyr arrives from the south.
113028 He is followed by a mighty earth golem, an animated beech root, an animated blackthorn root, and an 
113029 animated hawthorn root.
113030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113031 H:669 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
113032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113033 H:481 M:686 e- db You may drink another healing elixir.
113034 H:481 M:686 e- db 
113035 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113038 Your input, "OVERWHELM IS DOWN!!!!!", is not a valid command.
113039 H:669 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
113040 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113041 sip health
113042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113043 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
113044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113045 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
113046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113047 The elixir heals your body.
113048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113049 H:669 M:433 &lt;eb dbt; 
113050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113051 H:616 M:686 e- db 
113052 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113053 order loyals kill dwenthall
113054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113055 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
113056 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
113057 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
113058 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
113059 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113060 evoke empower rockfall
113061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113062 Mana Lost: 6
113063 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
113064 wer of Earth infuses it.
113065 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113066 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
113067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113068 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113069 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113070 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
113071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113072 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
113073 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113074 evoke lightning dwenthall
113075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113076 Mana Lost: 12
113077 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
113078  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
113079 g her charred and drained.
113080 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113081 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
113082 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
113083 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
113084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113085 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
113086 Balance Taken: 3.80s
113087 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113088 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
113089 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113090 You must regain balance first.
113091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113092 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
113093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113094 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
113095 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
113096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113097 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
113098 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
113099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113100 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
113101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113102 ta dwenthall
113103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113104 Dwenthall's condition stands at 542/669 health and 670/700 mana.
113105 Mana Lost: 12
113106 H:669 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; 
113107 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113108 H:542 M:670 e- db You have recovered balance.
113109 H:542 M:670 eb db You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
113110 H:542 M:670 eb db 
113111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113112 l
113113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113114 A rocky outcropping.
113115 ------ v37834 -------
113116   |                  
113117 -[ ]     [ ] [ ]-[ ] 
113118   | \   /     |      
113119 -[ ] [ ]     [ ]-[ ]-
113120 / | /   \   /   \ |  
113121 -[ ]     [+]     [ ]-
113122   | \     |          
113123  [ ]-[ ] [ ]         
113124     \   / | \        
113125      [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
113126                 \ |  
113127 ------- 1:2:0 -------
113128 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
113129 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
113130 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
113131 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. A pillar of flame is burning br
113132 ightly here. 
113133 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
113134 H:669 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; 
113135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113136 You may eat another mushroom.
113137 H:542 M:670 eb db 
113138 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113139 ts
113140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113141 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
113142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113143 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
113144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113145 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
113146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113147 H:669 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; 
113148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113149 H:542 M:670 -b db 
113150 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113151 eat toadstool
113152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113153 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1803.
113154 You quickly eat a toadstool.
113155 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113156 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
113157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113158 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
113159 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
113160 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113161 H:669 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; 
113162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113163 H:542 M:670 -b db 
113164 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113165 naturebind breach dwenthall
113166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113167 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113168 H:669 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
113169 H:669 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
113170 H:669 M:403 &lt;-- dbt; 
113171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113172 eat toadstool
113173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113174 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1861.
113175 You quickly eat a toadstool.
113176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113177 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
113178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113179 Mana Gain: 51
113180 You feel your health and mana replenished.
113181 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
113182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113183 H:542 M:670 -b db 
113184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113185 ac on
113186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113187 Autocuring activated.
113188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113189 order loyals kill dwenthall
113190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113191 You must regain balance first.
113192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113193 TEAR MAP
113194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113195 Syntax: TEAR MAP
113196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113197 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
113198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113199 You must regain balance first.
113201 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113202 evoke empower rockfall
113203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113204 You must regain balance first.
113206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113207 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
113208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113209 You must regain balance first.
113211 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113212 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
113213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113214 You must regain balance first.
113216 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113217 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
113218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113219 You must regain balance first.
113221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113222 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
113223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113224 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113226 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113227 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
113228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113229 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113231 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113232 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
113233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113234 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113236 H:669 M:454 &lt;-- dbt; 
113237 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
113240 H:669 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
113241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113242 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
113244 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
113246 H:562 M:670 -b db 
113247 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
113249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113250 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
113252 H:669 M:454 &lt;e- dbt; 
113253 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113254 H:562 M:670 -b db 
113255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113256 You have recovered balance.
113259 H:669 M:454 &lt;eb dbt; 
113260 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113261 naturebind breach dwenthall
113262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113263 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
113264 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
113266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113267 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
113268 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
113270 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113271 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
113273 H:669 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
113274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113275 H:562 M:670 -b db 
113276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113277 naturebind breach dwenthall
113278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113279 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113281 H:669 M:454 &lt;-b dbt; 
113282 Mana Gain: 32
113284 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
113285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113286 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
113289 H:595 M:700 eb db 
113290 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113291 naturebind breach dwenthall
113292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113293 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113295 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
113296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113297 You may drink another healing elixir.
113298 H:595 M:700 eb db 
113299 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113300 sip health
113301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113302 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
113304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113305 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
113307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113308 The elixir heals your body.
113310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113311 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
113312 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113313 H:669 M:700 eb db 
113314 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
113316 H:669 M:684 eb db 
113317 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113318 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
113319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113320 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113322 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113323 evoke tornado
113324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113325 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113328 naturebind curse dwenthall
113329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113330 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113331 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
113332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113333 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
113334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113335 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113337 evoke tornado
113338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113339 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113340 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113341 naturebind curse dwenthall
113342 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113343 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113344 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
113345 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113346 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
113347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113348 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113350 evoke tornado
113351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113352 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113354 naturebind curse dwenthall
113355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113356 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113357 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
113358 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113359 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
113360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113361 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113362 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113363 evoke tornado
113364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113365 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113366 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113367 naturebind curse dwenthall
113368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113369 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113370 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; 
113371 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113372 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
113373 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113374 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113375 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113376 evoke tornado
113377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113378 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113379 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113380 naturebind curse dwenthall
113381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113382 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113383 H:669 M:487 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
113384 H:669 M:487 &lt;eb dbt; 
113385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113386 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
113387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113388 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
113389 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113390 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
113391 .
113392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113393 Your poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
113394 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113395 Reyvenyr's poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation floods you
113396 r veins.
113397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113398 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
113399 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113400 evoke tornado
113401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113402 Mana Lost: 30
113403 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
113404  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
113405 ng in air.
113406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113407 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
113408 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
113409  sucking in air.
113410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113411 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
113412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113413 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
113414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113415 The tornado swirls rapidly.
113416 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
113417 Balance Taken: 3.80s
113418 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113419 naturebind curse dwenthall
113420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113421 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
113422 root shreds it viciously.
113423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113424 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
113425 root shreds it viciously.
113426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113427 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
113428 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
113429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113430 H:669 M:700 eb db 
113431 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113432 l
113433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113434 A rocky outcropping.
113435 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
113436 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
113437 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
113438 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. A pillar 
113439 of flame is burning brightly here. 
113440 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
113441 H:669 M:700 eb db 
113442 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113443 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
113444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113445 You must regain balance first.
113446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113447 evoke tornado
113448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113449 You must regain balance first.
113450 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113451 naturebind curse dwenthall
113452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113453 You must regain your equilibrium first.
113454 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
113455 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113456 rt Tornado Up!!
113457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113458 You are not the member of any ring.
113459 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
113460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113461 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
113462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113463 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
113464 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
113465 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113466 eat kelp
113467 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113468 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1971.
113469 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
113470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113471 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
113472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113473 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
113474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113475 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
113476 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113477 H:669 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
113478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113479 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
113480 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
113481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113482 H:657 M:700 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
113483 H:657 M:700 eb db 
113484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113485 You may eat another mushroom.
113486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113487 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113489 You must regain balance first.
113490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113491 evoke wisp glowing me
113492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113493 You must regain balance first.
113494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113495 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113497 You must regain balance first.
113498 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
113499 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113500 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113502 You must regain balance first.
113503 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113504 evoke wisp glowing me
113505 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113506 You must regain balance first.
113507 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113508 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113510 You must regain balance first.
113511 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
113512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113513 You may eat another herb or plant.
113514 H:657 M:700 eb db 
113515 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113516 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113517 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113518 You must regain balance first.
113519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113520 evoke wisp glowing me
113521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113522 You must regain balance first.
113523 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113524 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113526 You must regain balance first.
113528 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
113529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113530 You may drink another healing elixir.
113531 H:657 M:700 eb db 
113532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113533 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
113536 H:669 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
113537 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113538 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113540 You must regain balance first.
113542 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113543 evoke wisp glowing me
113544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113545 You must regain balance first.
113547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113548 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113550 You must regain balance first.
113552 H:669 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
113553 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113554 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113555 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113556 You must regain balance first.
113558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113559 evoke wisp glowing me
113560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113561 You must regain balance first.
113563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113564 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113566 You must regain balance first.
113568 H:669 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
113569 You have recovered balance.
113572 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
113573 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113574 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113576 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113579 evoke wisp glowing me
113580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113581 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113583 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113584 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113586 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
113588 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
113589 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113590 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
113592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113593 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113595 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113597 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113598 evoke wisp glowing me
113599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113600 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113602 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113603 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113605 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
113607 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
113608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113609 H:657 M:684 eb db 
113610 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113611 empty strychnine
113612 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113613 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
113615 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113616 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
113618 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113619 empty strychnine
113620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113621 I don't see that in your inventory.
113623 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113624 vbelt tap empty strychine
113625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113626 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
113628 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113629 vbelt tap empty strychnine
113630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113631 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
113632  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
113633  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
113635 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
113636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113637 H:657 M:684 eb db 
113638 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113639 empty strychnine
113640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113641 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
113643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113644 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
113646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113647 empty strychnine
113648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113649 I don't see that in your inventory.
113651 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113652 vbelt tap empty strychine
113653 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113654 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
113655 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113656 vbelt tap empty strychnine
113657 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113658 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
113659  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
113660  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
113661 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
113662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113663 H:657 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
113664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113665 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
113666 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
113667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113668 H:646 M:684 eb db 
113669 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113670 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113672 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113674 evoke wisp glowing me
113675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113676 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113677 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113678 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113680 Mana Lost: 12
113681 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
113682 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
113683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113684 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
113685 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
113686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113687 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
113688 Mana Lost: 12
113689 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
113690 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
113691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113692 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
113693  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
113694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113695 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
113696 Balance Taken: 2.00s
113697 H:669 M:432 &lt;e- dbt; 
113698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113699 H:646 M:684 eb db 
113700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113701 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
113702 H:669 M:432 &lt;e- dbt; 
113703 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113704 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113706 You must regain balance first.
113707 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113708 evoke wisp glowing me
113709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113710 You must regain balance first.
113711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113712 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113714 You must regain balance first.
113715 H:669 M:432 &lt;e- dbt; 
113716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113717 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113719 You must regain balance first.
113720 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113721 evoke wisp glowing me
113722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113723 You must regain balance first.
113724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113725 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113727 You must regain balance first.
113728 H:669 M:432 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
113729 H:669 M:432 &lt;eb dbt; 
113730 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113731 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113733 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
113734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113735 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
113736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113737 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
113738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113739 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
113740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113741 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
113742 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113743 evoke wisp glowing me
113744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113745 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113746 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113747 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113749 Mana Lost: 12
113750 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
113751 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
113752 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113753 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
113754 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
113755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113756 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
113757 Mana Lost: 12
113758 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
113759 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
113760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113761 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
113762  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
113763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113764 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
113765 Balance Taken: 2.00s
113766 H:669 M:408 &lt;e- dbt; 
113767 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113768 H:646 M:684 eb db 
113769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113770 eat toadstool
113771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113772 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1860.
113773 You quickly eat a toadstool.
113774 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113775 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
113776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113777 Mana Gain: 51
113778 You feel your health and mana replenished.
113779 H:669 M:459 &lt;e- dbt; 
113780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113781 H:646 M:684 eb db 
113782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113783 Mana Gain: 32
113784 H:669 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; 
113785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113786 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113788 You must regain balance first.
113789 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113790 evoke wisp glowing me
113791 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113792 You must regain balance first.
113793 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113794 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113796 You must regain balance first.
113797 H:669 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; 
113798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113799 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113801 You must regain balance first.
113802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113803 evoke wisp glowing me
113804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113805 You must regain balance first.
113806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113807 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113809 You must regain balance first.
113810 H:669 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; 
113811 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113812 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113814 You must regain balance first.
113815 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113816 evoke wisp glowing me
113817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113818 You must regain balance first.
113819 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113820 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113822 You must regain balance first.
113823 H:669 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; 
113824 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113825 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113826 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113827 You must regain balance first.
113828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113829 evoke wisp glowing me
113830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113831 You must regain balance first.
113832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113833 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113835 You must regain balance first.
113836 H:669 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; 
113837 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113838 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
113839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113840 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
113841 H:669 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; 
113842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113843 H:655 M:684 eb db 
113844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113845 You have recovered balance.
113846 H:669 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
113847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113848 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113850 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113852 evoke wisp glowing me
113853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113854 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113856 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113858 Mana Lost: 12
113859 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
113860 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
113861 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113862 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
113863 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
113864 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113865 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
113866 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of strychnine to empower the tornado.
113867 H:669 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
113868 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113869 H:655 M:684 eb db 
113870 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113871 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
113872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113873 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113874 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113875 evoke wisp glowing me
113876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113877 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113878 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113879 evoke toxicrain strychnine
113880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113881 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
113882 H:669 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
113883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113884 empty strychnine
113885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113886 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
113887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113888 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
113889 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113890 empty strychnine
113891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113892 I don't see that in your inventory.
113893 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113894 vbelt tap empty strychine
113895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113896 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
113897 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113898 vbelt tap empty strychnine
113899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113900 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
113901  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
113902  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
113903 H:669 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
113904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113905 H:655 M:684 eb db 
113906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113907 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
113908 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113909 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
113910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113911 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
113912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113913 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
113914 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113915 The tornado swirls rapidly.
113916 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113917 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
113918 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113919 eat juniper
113920 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113921 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1698.
113922 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
113923 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113924 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
113925 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113926 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
113927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113928 H:669 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
113929 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113930 H:669 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
113931 H:669 M:700 eb db 
113932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113933 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
113934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113935 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
113936 H:669 M:480 &lt;eb dbt; 
113937 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113938 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
113939 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113940 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113941 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113942 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
113943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113944 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113946 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
113947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113948 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
113949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113950 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
113951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113952 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
113953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113954 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
113955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113956 Balance Taken: 2.00s
113957 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113958 naturebinding shred dwenthall
113959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113960 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
113961 ing her skin mercilessly.
113962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113963 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
113964 ng your skin mercilessly.
113965 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
113966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113967 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
113968 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113969 ta dwenthall
113970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113971 Dwenthall's condition stands at 624/669 health and 700/700 mana.
113972 Mana Lost: 12
113973 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
113974 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113975 H:624 M:700 eb b 
113976 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113977 smoke pipe with linseed
113978 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113979 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
113980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113981 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
113982 H:669 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
113983 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
113984 H:624 M:700 eb b 
113985 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113986 ac on
113987 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113988 Autocuring activated.
113989 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113990 order golem kill dwenthall
113991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113992 You must regain balance first.
113993 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113994 evoke empower rockfall
113995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113996 You must regain balance first.
113997 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
113998 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
113999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114000 You must regain balance first.
114001 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114002 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
114003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114004 You must regain balance first.
114005 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114006 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
114007 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114008 You must regain balance first.
114009 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114010 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
114011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114012 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114013 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114014 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
114015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114016 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114017 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114018 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
114019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114020 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114021 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114022 naturebind shred dwenthall
114023 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114024 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114025 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114026 ta dwenthall
114027 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114028 Dwenthall's condition stands at 624/669 health and 595/700 mana.
114029 Mana Lost: 12
114030 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
114031 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114032 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
114033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114034 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
114035 mmand.
114036 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
114037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114038 Your muscles finally stop twitching.
114039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114040 Dwenthall's muscles cease their twitching.
114041 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
114042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114043 H:624 M:700 eb b 
114044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114045 ------------SHOCK DOWN
114046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114047 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
114048 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
114049 H:669 M:455 &lt;-- dbt; 
114050 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114051 You may eat another herb or plant.
114052 H:624 M:700 eb b 
114053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114054 You have recovered balance.
114055 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114056 ------------SHOCK DOWN
114057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114058 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
114059 H:669 M:455 &lt;-b dbt; 
114060 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114061 eat juniper
114062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114063 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1697.
114064 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
114065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114066 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
114067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114068 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
114069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114070 H:669 M:455 &lt;-b dbt; 
114071 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114072 H:624 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
114073 H:624 M:700 eb db 
114074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114075 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
114076 H:669 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
114077 H:669 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
114078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114079 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
114080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114081 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
114082 H:669 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
114083 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114084 H:611 M:684 eb db 
114085 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114086 ac on
114087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114088 Autocuring activated.
114089 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114090 order golem kill dwenthall
114091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114092 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
114093 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114094 evoke empower rockfall
114095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114096 Mana Lost: 6
114097 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
114098 wer of Earth infuses it.
114099 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114100 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
114101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114102 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
114103 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114104 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
114105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114106 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
114107 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114108 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
114109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114110 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
114111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114112 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
114113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114114 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
114115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114116 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
114117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114118 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114119 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114120 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114121 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114122 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
114123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114124 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
114125 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
114126 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114127 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
114128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114129 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
114130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114131 Balance Taken: 3.01s
114132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114133 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
114134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114135 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
114136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114137 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
114138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114139 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
114140 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114141 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
114142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114143 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
114144 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114145 naturebind shred dwenthall
114146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114147 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
114148 ing her skin mercilessly.
114149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114150 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
114151 ng your skin mercilessly.
114152 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
114153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114154 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
114155 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114156 ta dwenthall
114157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114158 Dwenthall's condition stands at 441/669 health and 711/700 mana.
114159 Mana Lost: 12
114160 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
114161 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114162 H:387 M:684 eb b 
114163 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114164 purge blood
114165 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114166 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
114167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114168 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
114169 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114170 The stinging feeling fades.
114171 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114172 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
114173 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114174 H:387 M:678 eb b 
114175 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114176 sip health
114177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114178 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
114179 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114180 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
114181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114182 The elixir heals your body.
114183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114184 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
114185 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114186 H:521 M:678 eb b 
114187 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114188 eat toadstool
114189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114190 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1802.
114191 You quickly eat a toadstool.
114192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114193 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
114194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114195 You feel your health and mana replenished.
114196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114197 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
114198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114199 H:588 M:700 eb b 
114200 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114201 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
114202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114203 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
114204 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
114205 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114206 cast erode at rey
114207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114208 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
114209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114210 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
114211 Your levitating defence is eroded away.
114212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114213 His levitating defence is eroded away.
114214 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
114215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114216 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
114217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114218 H:588 M:696 -b b 
114219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114220 You are again able to overwhelm someone through the power of Nature.
114221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114222 You may eat another herb or plant.
114224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114225 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
114226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114227 H:588 M:696 -b b 
114228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114229 sip levitation
114230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114231 You take a drink of an elixir of levitation from an onyx vial.
114232 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114233 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
114234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114235 Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
114236 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
114237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114238 H:588 M:696 -b b 
114239 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114240 eat juniper
114241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114242 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1696.
114243 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
114244 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114245 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
114246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114247 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
114248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114249 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
114250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114251 H:588 M:696 -b db 
114252 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114253 OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!
114254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114255 Your input, "OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
114256 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
114257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114258 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
114259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114260 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
114261 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
114262 H:669 M:437 &lt;e- dbt; 
114263 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114264 H:588 M:696 -b db 
114265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114266 You have recovered balance.
114269 H:669 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
114270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114271 You may eat another herb or plant.
114272 H:588 M:696 -b db 
114273 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
114276 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
114278 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
114280 H:584 M:696 eb db 
114281 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114282 cast erode at rey
114283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114284 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
114286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114287 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
114289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114290 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
114292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114293 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
114295 Your venom defence is eroded away.
114297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114298 His venom defence is eroded away.
114300 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
114302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114303 H:669 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
114304 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114305 H:584 M:692 -b db 
114306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114307 sip venom
114308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114309 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
114311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114312 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
114314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114315 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
114317 H:669 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
114318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114319 H:584 M:692 -b db 
114320 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114321 smoke pipe with linseed
114322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114323 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
114325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114326 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
114328 H:669 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
114329 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114330 H:584 M:692 -b db 
114331 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114332 ac on
114333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114334 Autocuring activated.
114336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114337 evoke imbue
114338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114339 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
114341 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114342 TEAR MAP
114343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114344 Syntax: TEAR MAP
114346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114347 evoke empower jolt
114348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114349 Mana Lost: 6
114351 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
114352 wer of Earth infuses it.
114354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114355 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
114356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114357 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
114359 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114360 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
114361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114362 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
114364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114365 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
114366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114367 I do not recognize that toxin.
114369 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114372 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114374 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
114376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114377 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
114379 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
114381 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114383 Balance Taken: 3.01s
114385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114386 naturebind choke dwenthall
114387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114388 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
114390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114391 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
114392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114393 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
114394  her skin mercilessly.
114396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114397 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
114398 your skin mercilessly.
114400 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
114402 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114403 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
114405 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114406 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
114407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114408 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114410 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114411 ta dwenthall
114412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114413 Dwenthall's condition stands at 432/669 health and 692/700 mana.
114415 Mana Lost: 12
114417 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
114418 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114419 H:432 M:692 -b b 
114420 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114421 eat juniper
114422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114423 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1695.
114425 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
114427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114428 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
114430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114431 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
114433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114434 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
114435 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114436 H:432 M:692 -b db 
114437 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
114439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114440 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
114442 H:669 M:419 &lt;-- dbt; 
114443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114444 H:423 M:692 -b db 
114445 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114446 clot
114447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114448 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
114450 H:423 M:678 -b db 
114451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114452 Mana Gain: 32
114454 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
114455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114456 You may drink another healing elixir.
114457 H:443 M:684 -b db 
114458 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114459 sip health
114460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114461 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
114463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114464 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
114466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114467 The elixir heals your body.
114469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114470 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
114471 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114472 H:569 M:684 -b db 
114473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114474 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
114476 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
114477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114478 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
114481 You may eat another mushroom.
114483 H:569 M:684 eb db 
114484 You may eat another herb or plant.
114485 H:569 M:684 eb db 
114486 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
114487 H:569 M:684 eb db 
114488 Edaiv has been slain by his own hand.
114490 H:569 M:684 eb db 
114491 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114492 cast erode at rey
114493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114494 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
114496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114497 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
114499 Your density defence is eroded away.
114501 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114502 His density defence is eroded away.
114504 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
114506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114507 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
114508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114509 H:569 M:680 -b db 
114510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114511 apply mass
114512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114513 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
114515 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114516 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
114518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114519 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
114521 H:669 M:452 &lt;-- dbt; 
114522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114523 H:569 M:680 -b db 
114524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114525 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
114528 H:669 M:452 &lt;e- dbt; 
114529 You have recovered balance.
114532 H:669 M:452 &lt;eb dbt; 
114533 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114534 ac on
114535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114536 Autocuring activated.
114538 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114539 evoke imbue
114540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114541 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
114543 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114544 evoke empower shock
114545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114546 Mana Lost: 6
114548 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
114549 wer of Earth infuses it.
114551 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114552 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
114553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114554 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
114556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114557 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
114559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114560 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
114562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114563 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
114565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114566 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
114568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114569 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
114570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114571 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
114573 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114574 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
114575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114576 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114578 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114580 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114581 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114583 A brief shock tuns through your body and your muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
114585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114586 Dwenthall's muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
114588 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
114590 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114592 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
114594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114595 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
114597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114598 Balance Taken: 3.01s
114600 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114601 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
114602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114603 You concentrate on your bond with Nature and prepare to overwhelm Dwenthall with its raw power.
114605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114606 A look of utmost concentration appears on Reyvenyr's face, followed by a menacing look in your direc
114607 tion.
114609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114610 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
114612 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114613 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
114614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114615 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114617 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114618 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
114619 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114620 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114622 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114623 ta dwenthall
114624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114625 Dwenthall's condition stands at 415/669 health and 680/700 mana.
114627 Mana Lost: 12
114629 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
114630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114631 H:415 M:680 -b b 
114632 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114633 ---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!
114634 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114635 Your input, "---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!"
114636 , is not a valid command.
114638 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
114639 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114640 eat juniper
114641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114642 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1694.
114644 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
114646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114647 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
114649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114650 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
114652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114653 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
114654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114655 H:442 M:700 -b db 
114656 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114657 eat toadstool
114658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114659 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1801.
114661 You quickly eat a toadstool.
114663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114664 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
114666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114667 You feel your health and mana replenished.
114669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114670 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
114671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114672 H:509 M:700 -b db 
114673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114674 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
114675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114676 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
114677 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
114678 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114679 -------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!
114680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114681 Your input, "-------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
114682 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
114683 ne.
114684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114685 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
114686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114687 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
114688 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114689 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
114690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114691 The tornado swirls rapidly.
114692 You may apply another salve.
114693 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
114694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114695 H:509 M:700 -b b A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
114696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114697 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
114698 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
114699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114700 H:499 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
114701 H:499 M:700 eb b 
114702 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114703 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
114704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114705 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
114706 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
114707 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114708 cast erode at rey
114709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114710 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
114711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114712 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
114713 Your mindseye defence is eroded away.
114714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114715 His mindseye defence is eroded away.
114716 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
114717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114718 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
114719 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114720 H:499 M:696 -b b You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
114721 You may eat another herb or plant.
114722 H:499 M:696 -b b 
114723 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114724 eat juniper
114725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114726 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1693.
114727 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
114728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114729 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
114730 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114731 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
114732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114733 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
114734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114735 H:499 M:696 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
114736 H:499 M:696 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
114737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114738 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
114739 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114740 sip health
114741 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114742 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
114743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114744 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
114745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114746 The elixir heals your body.
114747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114748 H:669 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
114749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114750 H:653 M:680 -b db 
114751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114752 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
114753 H:669 M:434 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
114754 H:669 M:434 &lt;eb dbt; 
114755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114756 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
114757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114758 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
114759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114760 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
114761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114762 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
114763 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114764 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
114765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114766 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
114767 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114768 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
114769 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114770 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114772 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114774 Balance Taken: 2.00s
114775 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114776 naturebinding shred dwenthall
114777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114778 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
114779 ing her skin mercilessly.
114780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114781 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
114782 ng your skin mercilessly.
114783 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
114784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114785 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
114786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114787 ta dwenthall
114788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114789 Dwenthall's condition stands at 529/669 health and 720/700 mana.
114790 Mana Lost: 12
114791 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
114792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114793 H:608 M:680 -b b 
114794 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114795 ac on
114796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114797 Autocuring activated.
114798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114799 order golem kill dwenthall
114800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114801 You must regain balance first.
114802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114803 evoke empower rockfall
114804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114805 You must regain balance first.
114806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114807 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
114808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114809 You must regain balance first.
114810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114811 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
114812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114813 You must regain balance first.
114814 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114815 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
114816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114817 You must regain balance first.
114818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114819 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
114820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114821 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114822 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114823 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
114824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114825 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114826 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114827 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
114828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114829 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114830 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114831 naturebind shred dwenthall
114832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114833 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114834 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114835 ta dwenthall
114836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114837 Dwenthall's condition stands at 608/669 health and 680/700 mana.
114838 Mana Lost: 12
114839 H:669 M:409 &lt;-- dbt; 
114840 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114841 smoke pipe with linseed
114842 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114843 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
114844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114845 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
114846 H:669 M:409 &lt;-- dbt; 
114847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114848 H:608 M:680 -b b 
114849 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114850 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
114851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114852 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
114853 mmand.
114854 H:669 M:409 &lt;-- dbt; 
114855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114856 You may eat another herb or plant.
114857 H:608 M:680 -b b 
114858 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114859 eat juniper
114860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114861 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1692.
114862 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
114863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114864 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
114865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114866 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
114867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114868 H:669 M:409 &lt;-- dbt; 
114869 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114870 H:608 M:680 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
114871 H:608 M:680 eb db 
114872 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114873 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
114874 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114875 cast erode at rey
114876 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114877 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
114878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114879 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
114880 Your insomnia defence is eroded away.
114881 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114882 His insomnia defence is eroded away.
114883 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
114884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114885 H:669 M:409 &lt;e- dbt; 
114886 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114887 H:608 M:676 -b db 
114888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114889 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
114890 H:669 M:409 &lt;e- dbt; 
114891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114892 insomnia
114893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114894 Mana Lost: 6
114895 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
114896 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114897 Reyvenyr clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
114898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114899 H:669 M:403 &lt;e- dbt; 
114900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114901 H:608 M:676 -b db 
114902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114903 eat toadstool
114904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114905 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1859.
114906 You quickly eat a toadstool.
114907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114908 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
114909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114910 Mana Gain: 51
114911 You feel your health and mana replenished.
114912 H:669 M:455 &lt;e- dbt; 
114913 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114914 H:608 M:676 -b db 
114915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114916 You have recovered balance.
114917 H:669 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
114918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114919 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
114920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114921 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
114922 H:669 M:455 &lt;eb dbt; 
114923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114924 H:595 M:676 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
114925 H:595 M:676 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
114926 You may eat another herb or plant.
114927 H:595 M:676 -b db 
114928 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114929 ac on
114930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114931 Autocuring activated.
114932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114933 evoke empower rockfall
114934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114935 Mana Lost: 6
114936 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
114937 wer of Earth infuses it.
114938 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114939 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
114940 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114941 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall, 
114942 where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
114943 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114944 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
114945  The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
114946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114947 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
114948 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114949 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
114950 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114951 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
114952 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114953 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
114954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114955 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114956 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114958 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
114959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114960 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
114961 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
114962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114963 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
114964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114965 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
114966 Balance Taken: 3.01s
114967 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114968 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
114969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114970 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
114971  her skin mercilessly.
114972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114973 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
114974 your skin mercilessly.
114975 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
114976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114977 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
114978 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114979 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
114980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114981 You must regain your equilibrium first.
114982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114983 ta dwenthall
114984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114985 Dwenthall's condition stands at 478/669 health and 750/700 mana.
114986 Mana Lost: 12
114987 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
114988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
114989 H:478 M:676 -b b 
114990 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114991 ---------delayed wisp
114992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114993 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
114994 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
114995 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114996 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
114997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
114998 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
114999 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
115000 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115001 eat maidenhair
115002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115003 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1949.
115004 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
115005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115006 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
115007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115008 The stinging feeling fades.
115009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115010 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
115011 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115012 H:478 M:676 -b b 
115013 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115014 eat toadstool
115015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115016 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1800.
115017 You quickly eat a toadstool.
115018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115019 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
115020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115021 You feel your health and mana replenished.
115022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115023 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
115024 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115025 H:545 M:700 -b b 
115026 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115027 clot
115028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115029 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
115030 H:545 M:686 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
115031 You may drink another healing elixir.
115032 H:545 M:686 eb b 
115033 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115034 cast erode at rey
115035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115036 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
115037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115038 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
115039 Your levitating defence is eroded away.
115040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115041 His levitating defence is eroded away.
115042 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
115043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115044 H:669 M:436 &lt;-- dbt; 
115045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115046 H:545 M:666 -b b 
115047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115048 Mana Gain: 32
115049 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115050 sip levitation
115051 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115052 You take a drink of an elixir of levitation from an onyx vial.
115053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115054 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
115055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115056 Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
115057 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
115058 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115059 H:565 M:694 -b b 
115060 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115061 sip health
115062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115063 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
115064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115065 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
115066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115067 The elixir heals your body.
115068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115069 H:669 M:469 &lt;-- dbt; 
115070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115071 H:669 M:694 -b b You have regained the ability to purge your body.
115072 H:669 M:694 -b b 
115073 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115074 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
115075 H:669 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
115076 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115077 You may eat another herb or plant.
115078 H:669 M:694 -b b 
115079 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115080 eat juniper
115081 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115082 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1691.
115083 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
115084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115085 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
115086 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115087 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
115088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115089 H:669 M:469 &lt;e- dbt; 
115090 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115091 H:669 M:694 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
115092 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
115093 H:667 M:694 -b db 
115094 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115095 ac on
115096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115097 Autocuring activated.
115098 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115099 order golem kill dwenthall
115100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115101 You must regain balance first.
115102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115103 evoke empower rockfall
115104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115105 You must regain balance first.
115106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115107 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
115108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115109 You must regain balance first.
115110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115111 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
115112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115113 You must regain balance first.
115114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115115 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
115116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115117 You must regain balance first.
115118 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115119 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
115120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115121 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
115122 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115123 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
115124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115125 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
115126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115127 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
115128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115129 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
115130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115131 naturebind shred dwenthall
115132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115133 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
115134 ing her skin mercilessly.
115135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115136 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
115137 ng your skin mercilessly.
115138 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
115139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115140 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
115141 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115142 ta dwenthall
115143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115144 Dwenthall's condition stands at 623/669 health and 798/700 mana.
115145 Mana Lost: 12
115146 H:669 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
115147 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115148 H:623 M:694 -b b 
115149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115150 You have recovered balance.
115151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115152 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
115153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115154 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
115155 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
115156 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115157 H:623 M:694 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
115158 H:623 M:694 eb b A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
115159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115160 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
115161 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
115162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115163 H:613 M:694 eb b 
115164 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115165 cast erode at rey
115166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115167 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
115169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115170 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
115172 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115173 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
115175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115176 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
115178 Your blind defence is eroded away.
115180 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115181 His blind defence is eroded away.
115183 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
115185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115186 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dt; 
115187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115188 H:613 M:690 -b b 
115189 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115190 eat hyssop
115191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115192 You take 1 hyssop stem, bringing the total to 1982.
115194 You quickly eat some hyssop stem.
115196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115197 Reyvenyr quickly eats some hyssop stem.
115199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115200 Your sight fades and you can see no more.
115202 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
115203 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115204 H:613 M:690 -b b 
115205 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115206 smoke pipe with linseed
115207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115208 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
115210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115211 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
115213 H:669 M:457 &lt;-b dbt; 
115214 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115215 H:613 M:690 -b b 
115216 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115217 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
115220 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
115221 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
115223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115224 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
115226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115227 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
115228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115229 H:613 M:690 -b b 
115230 You may eat another herb or plant.
115231 H:613 M:690 -b b 
115232 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115233 eat juniper
115234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115235 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1690.
115237 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
115239 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115240 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
115242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115243 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
115245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115246 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
115247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115248 H:613 M:690 -b db 
115249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115250 You may eat another mushroom.
115252 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
115253 The Cyclops bellows out its challenge from Ssar-ithra.
115254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115255 The Cyclops bellows out its challenge from Ssar-ithra.
115256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115257 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
115258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115259 H:613 M:690 -b db 
115260 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115261 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
115263 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
115264 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
115266 The tornado swirls rapidly.
115268 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115269 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
115271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115272 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
115274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115275 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
115277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115278 H:669 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
115279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115280 H:640 M:700 -b b 
115281 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115282 ac on
115283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115284 Autocuring activated.
115286 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115287 evoke imbue
115288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115289 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
115291 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115292 TEAR MAP
115293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115294 Syntax: TEAR MAP
115295 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115296 evoke empower jolt
115297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115298 Mana Lost: 6
115299 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
115300 wer of Earth infuses it.
115301 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115302 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
115303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115304 Your poised metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
115305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115306 Reyvenyr's poised metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
115307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115308 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
115309 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115310 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
115311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115312 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
115313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115314 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
115315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115316 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
115317 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115318 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
115319 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115320 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
115321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115322 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
115323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115324 I do not recognize that toxin.
115325 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115327 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115328 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
115329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115330 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
115331 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
115332 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115333 Balance Taken: 3.01s
115334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115335 naturebind choke dwenthall
115336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115337 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
115338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115339 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
115340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115341 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
115342  her skin mercilessly.
115343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115344 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
115345 your skin mercilessly.
115346 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
115347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115348 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
115349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115350 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
115351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115352 You must regain your equilibrium first.
115353 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115354 ta dwenthall
115355 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115356 Dwenthall's condition stands at 299/669 health and 714/700 mana.
115357 Mana Lost: 12
115358 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
115359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115360 H:324 M:700 -b b You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
115361 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115362 purge blood
115363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115364 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
115365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115366 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
115367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115368 The stinging feeling fades.
115369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115370 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
115371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115372 H:324 M:694 -b b 
115373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115374 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
115375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115376 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
115377 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
115378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115379 You may drink another healing elixir.
115380 H:324 M:678 -b b 
115381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115382 You may eat another herb or plant.
115383 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
115384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115385 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
115386 H:324 M:678 eb b You may eat another mushroom.
115387 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
115388 H:324 M:678 eb b 
115389 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115390 sip health
115391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115392 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
115394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115395 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
115397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115398 The elixir heals your body.
115400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115401 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
115402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115403 H:451 M:678 eb b 
115404 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115405 eat toadstool
115406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115407 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1799.
115409 You quickly eat a toadstool.
115411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115412 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
115414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115415 You feel your health and mana replenished.
115417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115418 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
115419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115420 H:518 M:700 eb b 
115421 The pillar of flame suddenly goes out, briefly blanketing the location in smoke.
115423 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115424 cast erode at rey
115425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115426 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
115428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115429 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
115431 Your quince defence is eroded away.
115433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115434 His quince defence is eroded away.
115436 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
115438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115439 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
115440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115441 H:518 M:696 -b b 
115442 You may eat another herb or plant.
115443 H:518 M:696 -b b 
115444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115445 eat quince
115446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115447 You take 1 quince fruit, bringing the total to 1985.
115449 You quickly eat a quince fruit.
115451 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115452 Reyvenyr quickly eats a quince fruit.
115454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115455 A feeling of energy and excitement overcomes you.
115457 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
115458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115459 H:518 M:696 -b b 
115460 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115461 eat juniper
115462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115463 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1689.
115465 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
115467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115468 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
115470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115471 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
115473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115474 H:669 M:439 &lt;-- dbt; 
115475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115476 H:518 M:696 -b db 
115477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115478 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
115481 H:669 M:439 &lt;e- dbt; 
115482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115483 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
115485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115486 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
115488 H:669 M:439 &lt;e- dbt; 
115489 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115490 H:506 M:696 -b db 
115491 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115492 clot
115493 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115494 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
115496 H:506 M:682 -b db 
115497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115498 You have recovered balance.
115501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115502 ac on
115503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115504 Autocuring activated.
115506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115507 evoke imbue
115508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115509 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
115511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115512 evoke empower shock
115513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115514 Mana Lost: 6
115516 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
115517 wer of Earth infuses it.
115519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115520 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
115521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115522 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
115524 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115525 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
115526 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115527 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
115528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115529 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
115530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115531 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115532 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115533 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115534 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115535 A brief shock runs through your body, only to dissipate harmlessly.
115536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115537 A brief shock runs through Dwenthall's body, but it dissipates harmlessly.
115538 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115539 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
115540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115541 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
115542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115543 Balance Taken: 3.01s
115544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115545 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
115546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115547 You are already focusing on overwhelming someone.
115548 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115549 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
115550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115551 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
115552  her skin mercilessly.
115553 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115554 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
115555 your skin mercilessly.
115556 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
115557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115558 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
115559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115560 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
115561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115562 You must regain your equilibrium first.
115563 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115564 ta dwenthall
115565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115566 Dwenthall's condition stands at 435/669 health and 642/700 mana.
115567 Mana Lost: 12
115568 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
115569 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115570 H:389 M:682 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
115571 H:389 M:682 -b b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
115572 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
115573 H:384 M:682 -b b 
115574 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115575 eat maidenhair
115576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115577 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1948.
115578 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
115579 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115580 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
115581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115582 The stinging feeling fades.
115583 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115584 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
115585 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115586 H:384 M:682 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
115587 H:384 M:682 eb b 
115588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115589 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
115590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115591 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
115592 H:669 M:421 &lt;-- dbt; 
115593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115594 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
115595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115596 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
115597 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
115598 H:669 M:421 &lt;e- dbt; 
115599 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115600 H:384 M:682 eb b 
115601 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115602 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
115603 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115604 cast erode at rey
115605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115606 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
115607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115608 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
115609 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115610 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
115611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115612 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
115613 Your venom defence is eroded away.
115614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115615 His venom defence is eroded away.
115616 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
115617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115618 H:669 M:421 &lt;e- dbt; 
115619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115620 H:384 M:678 -b b 
115621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115622 You cease attempting to overwhelm Dwenthall through the power of Nature.
115623 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115624 sip venom
115625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115626 You take a drink of an elixir of venom from an onyx vial.
115627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115628 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
115629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115630 You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison increases.
115631 H:669 M:421 &lt;e- dbt; 
115632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115633 H:384 M:678 -b b 
115634 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115635 smoke pipe with linseed
115636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115637 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
115638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115639 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
115640 H:669 M:421 &lt;e- dbt; 
115641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115642 H:384 M:678 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
115643 H:384 M:678 -b b 
115644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115647 Your input, "OVERWHELM IS DOWN!!!!!", is not a valid command.
115648 H:669 M:421 &lt;e- dbt; 
115649 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115650 eat juniper
115651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115652 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1688.
115653 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
115654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115655 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
115656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115657 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
115658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115659 H:669 M:421 &lt;e- dbt; 
115660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115661 H:384 M:662 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
115662 H:384 M:662 -b db 
115663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115664 Mana Gain: 32
115665 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115666 sip health
115667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115668 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
115669 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115670 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
115671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115672 The elixir heals your body.
115673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115674 H:669 M:453 &lt;e- dbt; 
115675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115676 H:560 M:690 -b db 
115677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115678 You have recovered balance.
115679 H:669 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
115680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115681 ac on
115682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115683 Autocuring activated.
115684 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115685 order golem kill dwenthall
115686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115687 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
115688 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115689 evoke empower rockfall
115690 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115691 Mana Lost: 6
115692 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
115693 wer of Earth infuses it.
115694 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115695 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
115696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115697 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
115698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115699 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
115700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115701 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
115702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115703 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
115704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115705 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
115706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115707 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
115708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115709 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
115710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115711 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
115712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115713 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115714 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115716 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115717 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
115718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115719 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
115720 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
115721 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115722 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
115723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115724 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
115725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115726 Balance Taken: 3.01s
115727 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115728 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
115729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115730 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
115731 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115732 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
115733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115734 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
115735 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115736 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
115737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115738 An animated beech root is not circling around Dwenthall.
115739 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115740 naturebind shred dwenthall
115741 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115742 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
115743 ing her skin mercilessly.
115744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115745 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
115746 ng your skin mercilessly.
115747 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
115748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115749 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
115750 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115751 ta dwenthall
115752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115753 Dwenthall's condition stands at 290/669 health and 690/700 mana.
115754 Mana Lost: 12
115755 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
115756 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115757 H:311 M:690 -b b 
115758 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115759 touch tree
115760 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115761 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
115762 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115763 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
115764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115765 The stinging feeling fades.
115766 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115767 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
115768 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115769 H:311 M:690 -b b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
115770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115771 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
115772 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
115773 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115774 H:300 M:690 -b b 
115775 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115776 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
115777 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115778 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
115779 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
115780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115781 You may eat another mushroom.
115782 H:300 M:690 -b b 
115783 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115784 eat toadstool
115785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115786 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1798.
115787 You quickly eat a toadstool.
115788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115789 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
115790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115791 You feel your health and mana replenished.
115792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115793 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
115794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115795 H:367 M:700 -b b You have regained your mental equilibrium.
115796 H:367 M:700 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
115797 H:367 M:700 eb b You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
115798 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115799 eat juniper
115800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115801 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1687.
115802 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
115803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115804 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
115805 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115806 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
115807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115808 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
115809 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115810 H:367 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
115811 H:367 M:700 eb db 
115812 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115813 clot
115814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115815 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
115816 H:367 M:686 eb db 
115817 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115818 cast erode at rey
115819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115820 You invoke your elemental powers and cast a spell of erosion at Reyvenyr.
115821 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115822 Dwenthall invokes her elemental powers and casts a spell of erosion at you.
115823 Your caloric salve defence is eroded away.
115824 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115825 His caloric salve defence is eroded away.
115826 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
115827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115828 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
115829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115830 H:367 M:682 -b db 
115831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115832 apply caloric
115833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115834 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
115835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115836 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
115837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115838 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
115839 H:669 M:435 &lt;-- dbt; 
115840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115841 H:367 M:682 -b db You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
115842 H:367 M:682 -b db 
115843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115844 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
115845 H:669 M:435 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
115846 H:669 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; You may apply another salve.
115847 H:669 M:435 &lt;eb dbt; 
115848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115849 You may eat another herb or plant.
115850 H:367 M:682 -b db 
115851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115852 ac on
115853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115854 Autocuring activated.
115855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115856 evoke imbue
115857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115858 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
115859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115860 TEAR MAP
115861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115862 Syntax: TEAR MAP
115863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115864 evoke empower jolt
115865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115866 Mana Lost: 6
115867 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
115868 wer of Earth infuses it.
115869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115870 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
115871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115872 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
115873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115874 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
115875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115876 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
115877 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115878 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
115879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115880 I do not recognize that toxin.
115881 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115883 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115884 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
115885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115886 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
115887 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
115888 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
115889 Balance Taken: 3.01s
115890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115891 naturebind choke dwenthall
115892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115893 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
115894 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115895 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
115896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115897 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
115898  her skin mercilessly.
115899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115900 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
115901 your skin mercilessly.
115902 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
115903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115904 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
115905 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115906 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
115907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115908 You must regain your equilibrium first.
115909 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115910 ta dwenthall
115911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115912 Dwenthall's condition stands at 158/669 health and 682/700 mana.
115913 Mana Lost: 12
115914 H:669 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
115915 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115916 H:158 M:682 -b b 
115917 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115918 eat juniper
115919 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115920 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1686.
115921 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
115922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115923 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
115924 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115925 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
115926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115927 H:669 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
115928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115929 H:158 M:682 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
115930 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
115931 Your wounds cause you to bleed 6 health.
115932 H:152 M:682 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
115933 H:152 M:666 eb db 
115934 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115935 sip health
115936 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115937 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
115938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115939 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
115940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115941 The elixir heals your body.
115942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115943 H:669 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
115944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115945 H:276 M:666 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
115946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115947 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
115948 H:669 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
115949 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115950 H:264 M:666 eb db 
115951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115952 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
115953 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115954 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
115955 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115956 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
115957 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115958 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
115959 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115960 The tornado swirls rapidly.
115961 H:669 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
115962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115963 H:291 M:694 eb b 
115964 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115965 ts
115966 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115967 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
115968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115969 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
115970 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115971 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
115972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115973 H:669 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
115974 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115975 H:291 M:694 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
115976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115977 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
115978 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
115979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115980 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
115981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115982 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
115983 H:669 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
115984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115985 H:291 M:694 -b b 
115986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115987 naturebind breach dwenthall
115988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
115989 You must regain your equilibrium first.
115990 H:669 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
115991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115992 You may eat another herb or plant.
115993 H:291 M:694 -b b 
115994 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115995 eat juniper
115996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
115997 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1685.
115998 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
115999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116000 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
116001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116002 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
116003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116004 H:669 M:417 &lt;-- dbt; 
116005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116006 H:291 M:694 -b db 
116007 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116008 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
116009 H:669 M:417 &lt;e- dbt; 
116010 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116011 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
116012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116013 You must regain balance first.
116014 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116015 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
116016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116017 You must regain balance first.
116018 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116019 evoke implosion
116020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116021 You must regain balance first.
116022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116023 naturebind shred dwenthall
116024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116025 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
116026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116027 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
116028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116029 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
116030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116031 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
116032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116033 ta dwenthall
116034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116035 Dwenthall's condition stands at 311/669 health and 590/700 mana.
116036 Mana Lost: 12
116037 H:669 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
116038 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116039 H:311 M:694 -b db 
116040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116041 eat toadstool
116042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116043 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1858.
116044 You quickly eat a toadstool.
116045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116046 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
116047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116048 Mana Gain: 51
116049 You feel your health and mana replenished.
116050 H:669 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
116051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116052 H:311 M:694 -b db 
116053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116054 You have recovered balance.
116055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116056 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
116057 You may eat another mushroom.
116058 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116059 eat toadstool
116060 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116061 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1797.
116062 You quickly eat a toadstool.
116063 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116064 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
116065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116066 You feel your health and mana replenished.
116067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116068 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
116069 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116070 H:378 M:700 -b db 
116071 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116072 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
116073 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
116074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116075 What do you wish to break?
116076 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
116077 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116078 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
116079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116080 What do you wish to break?
116081 H:669 M:456 &lt;-b dbt; 
116082 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116083 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
116084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116085 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116087 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
116088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116089 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116090 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116091 evoke implosion
116092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116093 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116094 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116095 naturebind shred dwenthall
116096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116097 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116098 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116099 ta dwenthall
116100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116101 Dwenthall's condition stands at 378/669 health and 700/700 mana.
116102 Mana Lost: 12
116103 H:669 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; Blood red and dangerously bright, Sukhder, moon of Terror, silently drifts a
116104 cross the firmament.
116105 H:669 M:444 &lt;-b dbt; 
116106 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116107 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
116109 H:378 M:700 eb db 
116110 You may eat another herb or plant.
116111 H:378 M:700 eb db 
116112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116113 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
116116 H:669 M:444 &lt;eb dbt; 
116117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116118 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
116119 H:378 M:700 eb db 
116120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116121 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
116122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116123 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
116125 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116126 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
116128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116129 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies into Dwenthall's shield, stripping it.
116131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116132 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies into your shield, stripping it.
116134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116135 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
116137 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116138 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
116139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116140 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
116142 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116143 evoke implosion
116144 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116145 Mana Lost: 30
116147 You focus intently on the swirling tornado here.
116149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116150 Reyvenyr turns towards the swirling tornado.
116152 The raging tornado begins spinning faster and faster, until it suddenly implodes into itself with an
116153  ear-splitting sound.
116155 You choke violently as the air is forced painfully out of your lungs.
116157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116158 You choke violently as the air is forced painfully out of your lungs.
116160 Damage Taken: 120 asphyxiation (raw damage: 179)
116162 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
116164 Balance Taken: 3.80s
116166 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116167 naturebind shred dwenthall
116168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116169 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
116170 ing her skin mercilessly.
116172 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116173 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
116174 ng your skin mercilessly.
116176 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
116178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116179 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
116181 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116182 ta dwenthall
116183 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116184 Dwenthall's condition stands at 243/669 health and 700/700 mana.
116186 Mana Lost: 12
116188 H:548 M:401 &lt;-- dbt; 
116189 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116190 H:212 M:700 eb b 
116191 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116192 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
116193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116194 You must regain balance first.
116196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116197 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
116198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116199 You must regain balance first.
116201 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116202 evoke implosion
116203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116204 You must regain balance first.
116206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116207 naturebind shred dwenthall
116208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116209 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116211 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116212 ta dwenthall
116213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116214 Dwenthall's condition stands at 212/669 health and 700/700 mana.
116216 Mana Lost: 12
116218 H:548 M:389 &lt;-- dbt; 
116219 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116220 eat juniper
116221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116222 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1684.
116224 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
116226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116227 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
116229 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116230 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
116232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116233 H:548 M:389 &lt;-- dbt; 
116234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116235 H:212 M:700 eb db 
116236 You may drink another healing elixir.
116237 H:212 M:684 eb db 
116238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116239 quarterstaff stab dwenthall
116240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116241 You must regain balance first.
116243 H:548 M:389 &lt;-- dbt; 
116244 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116245 sip health
116246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116247 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
116249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116250 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
116252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116253 The elixir heals your body.
116255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116256 H:548 M:389 &lt;-- dbt; 
116257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116258 H:376 M:684 eb db 
116259 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
116261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116262 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
116264 H:548 M:389 &lt;-- dbt; 
116265 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116266 H:362 M:684 eb db 
116267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116268 Health Gain: 33
116270 Mana Gain: 32
116272 H:581 M:422 &lt;-- dbt; 
116273 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116274 l
116275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116276 A rocky outcropping.
116279 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
116280 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
116281 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
116282 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
116283 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
116284 Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield
116285  in his right. 
116288 You see exits leading 
116289 northeast, south, and northwest
116290 .
116293 H:395 M:700 eb db 
116294 You may eat another herb or plant.
116295 H:395 M:700 eb db 
116296 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
116298 H:394 M:700 eb db 
116299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116300 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
116303 H:581 M:422 &lt;e- dbt; 
116304 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116305 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
116306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116307 You must regain balance first.
116309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116310 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
116311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116312 You must regain balance first.
116314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116315 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
116316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116317 You must regain balance first.
116319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116320 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
116321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116322 You must regain balance first.
116324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116325 naturebinding shred dwenthall
116326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116327 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
116328 ing her skin mercilessly.
116330 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116331 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
116332 ng your skin mercilessly.
116334 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
116336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116337 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
116339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116340 ta dwenthall
116341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116342 Dwenthall's condition stands at 343/669 health and 637/700 mana.
116344 Mana Lost: 12
116346 H:581 M:410 &lt;-- dbt; 
116347 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116348 H:349 M:700 eb b 
116349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116350 ac on
116351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116352 Autocuring activated.
116354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116355 evoke imbue
116356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116357 You must regain balance first.
116359 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116360 TEAR MAP
116361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116362 Syntax: TEAR MAP
116364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116365 evoke empower jolt
116366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116367 You must regain balance first.
116369 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116370 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
116371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116372 You must regain balance first.
116374 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116375 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
116376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116377 You must regain balance first.
116378 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116379 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
116380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116381 You must regain balance first.
116382 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116383 naturebind choke dwenthall
116384 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116385 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116386 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116387 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
116388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116389 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116391 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
116392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116393 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116394 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116395 ta dwenthall
116396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116397 Dwenthall's condition stands at 376/669 health and 672/700 mana.
116398 Mana Lost: 12
116399 H:581 M:397 &lt;-- dbt; 
116400 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116401 eat juniper
116402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116403 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1683.
116404 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
116405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116406 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
116407 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116408 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
116409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116410 H:581 M:397 &lt;-- dbt; 
116411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116412 H:349 M:700 eb db 
116413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116414 You may eat another mushroom.
116415 H:581 M:397 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
116416 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116417 eat toadstool
116418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116419 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1857.
116420 You quickly eat a toadstool.
116421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116422 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
116423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116424 Health Gain: 66
116425 Mana Gain: 51
116426 You feel your health and mana replenished.
116427 H:648 M:449 &lt;-b dbt; 
116428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116429 H:349 M:700 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
116430 H:349 M:700 eb db 
116431 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116432 eat toadstool
116433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116434 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1796.
116435 You quickly eat a toadstool.
116436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116437 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
116438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116439 You feel your health and mana replenished.
116440 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116441 H:648 M:449 &lt;-b dbt; 
116442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116443 H:416 M:700 eb db 
116444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116445 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
116446 H:648 M:449 &lt;-b dbt; 
116447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116448 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
116449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116450 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
116451 H:648 M:449 &lt;-b dbt; 
116452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116453 H:404 M:700 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
116454 H:404 M:700 eb db 
116455 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116456 sip health
116457 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116458 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
116459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116460 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
116461 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116462 The elixir heals your body.
116463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116464 H:648 M:449 &lt;-b dbt; 
116465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116466 H:525 M:684 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
116467 H:525 M:684 eb db 
116468 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116469 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
116470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116471 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116473 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116474 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
116475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116476 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116479 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
116480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116481 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116484 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
116485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116486 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116488 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116489 naturebinding shred dwenthall
116490 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116491 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116494 ta dwenthall
116495 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116496 Dwenthall's condition stands at 515/669 health and 657/700 mana.
116498 Mana Lost: 12
116500 H:648 M:437 &lt;-b dbt; 
116501 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116502 ac on
116503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116504 Autocuring activated.
116506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116507 evoke imbue
116508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116509 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116511 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116512 TEAR MAP
116513 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116514 Syntax: TEAR MAP
116516 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116517 evoke empower jolt
116518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116519 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116521 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116522 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
116523 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116524 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116527 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
116528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116529 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116532 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
116533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116534 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116536 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116537 naturebind choke dwenthall
116538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116539 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116541 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116542 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
116543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116544 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116547 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
116548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116549 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116551 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116552 ta dwenthall
116553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116554 Dwenthall's condition stands at 447/669 health and 602/700 mana.
116556 Mana Lost: 12
116558 H:648 M:424 &lt;-b dbt; 
116559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116560 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
116561 H:525 M:684 eb db 
116562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116563 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
116566 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116567 dag
116568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116569 You are:
116571 blind.
116573 deaf.
116575 an insomniac.
116577 suffering from twitching muscles.
116579 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
116581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116582 H:648 M:424 &lt;eb dbt; 
116583 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116584 H:525 M:684 -b db 
116585 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116586 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
116587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116588 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
116589  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
116591 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116592 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
116593 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
116595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116596 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
116598 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116599 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
116600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116601 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
116603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116604 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
116605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116606 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
116607 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116608 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
116609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116610 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
116611 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116612 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
116613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116614 Balance Taken: 2.00s
116615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116616 naturebinding shred dwenthall
116617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116618 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
116619 ing her skin mercilessly.
116620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116621 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
116622 ng your skin mercilessly.
116623 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
116624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116625 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
116626 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116627 ta dwenthall
116628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116629 Dwenthall's condition stands at 499/669 health and 684/700 mana.
116630 Mana Lost: 12
116631 H:648 M:412 &lt;-- dbt; 
116632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116633 H:480 M:684 -b b 
116634 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116635 ac on
116636 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116637 Autocuring activated.
116638 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116639 evoke imbue
116640 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116641 You must regain balance first.
116642 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116643 TEAR MAP
116644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116645 Syntax: TEAR MAP
116646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116647 evoke empower jolt
116648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116649 You must regain balance first.
116650 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116651 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
116652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116653 You must regain balance first.
116654 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116655 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
116656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116657 You must regain balance first.
116658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116659 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
116660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116661 You must regain balance first.
116662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116663 naturebind choke dwenthall
116664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116665 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116667 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
116668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116669 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116670 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116671 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
116672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116673 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116674 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116675 ta dwenthall
116676 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116677 Dwenthall's condition stands at 484/669 health and 684/700 mana.
116678 Mana Lost: 12
116679 H:648 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
116680 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116681 smoke pipe with linseed
116682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116683 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
116684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116685 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
116686 H:648 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
116687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116688 H:480 M:684 -b b 
116689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116690 ---------delayed wisp
116691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116692 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
116693 H:648 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
116694 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116695 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
116696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116697 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
116698 mmand.
116699 H:648 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
116700 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116701 eat juniper
116702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116703 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1682.
116704 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
116705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116706 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
116707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116708 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
116709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116710 H:648 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
116711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116712 H:480 M:684 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
116713 H:480 M:684 eb db 
116714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116715 You are again able to overwhelm someone through the power of Nature.
116716 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116717 clot
116718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116719 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
116720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116721 H:648 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
116722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116723 H:480 M:670 eb db 
116724 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116725 OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!
116726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116727 Your input, "OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
116728 H:648 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
116729 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116730 ts
116731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116732 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
116733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116734 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
116735 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116736 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
116737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116738 H:648 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
116739 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116740 H:480 M:670 -b db 
116741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116742 naturebind breach dwenthall
116743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116744 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116745 H:648 M:400 &lt;-- dbt; 
116746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116747 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
116748 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
116749 H:505 M:698 -b db 
116750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116751 You have recovered balance.
116752 H:648 M:400 &lt;-b dbt; 
116753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116754 You may eat another herb or plant.
116755 H:505 M:698 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
116756 H:505 M:698 -b db A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm 
116757 you.
116758 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
116759 H:525 M:698 -b db 
116760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116761 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
116762 H:648 M:400 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
116763 H:648 M:400 &lt;eb dbt; 
116764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116765 You may drink another healing elixir.
116766 H:525 M:698 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
116767 H:525 M:698 -b db 
116768 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116769 naturebind breach dwenthall
116770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116771 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
116772 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
116773 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116774 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
116775 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
116776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116777 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
116778 H:648 M:400 &lt;-b dbt; 
116779 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116780 H:525 M:698 -b db 
116781 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116782 naturebind breach dwenthall
116783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116784 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116785 H:648 M:400 &lt;-b dbt; 
116786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116787 naturebind breach dwenthall
116788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116789 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116790 H:648 M:400 &lt;-b dbt; 
116791 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116792 naturebind breach dwenthall
116793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116794 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116795 H:648 M:400 &lt;-b dbt; 
116796 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116797 sip health
116798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116799 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
116800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116801 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
116802 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116803 The elixir heals your body.
116804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116805 H:648 M:400 &lt;-b dbt; 
116806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116807 H:669 M:682 -b db 
116808 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116809 eat toadstool
116810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116811 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1795.
116812 You quickly eat a toadstool.
116813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116814 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
116815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116816 You feel your health and mana replenished.
116817 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116818 H:648 M:400 &lt;-b dbt; 
116819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116820 H:669 M:700 -b db 
116821 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116822 eat toadstool
116823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116824 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1856.
116825 You quickly eat a toadstool.
116826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116827 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
116828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116829 Health Gain: 20
116830 Mana Gain: 51
116831 You feel your health and mana replenished.
116832 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
116833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116834 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
116835 H:669 M:700 eb db 
116836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116837 naturebind breach dwenthall
116838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116839 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116840 H:669 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; Mana Gain: 32
116841 H:669 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
116842 H:669 M:484 &lt;-b dbt; 
116843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116844 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
116845 H:669 M:700 eb db 
116846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116847 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
116848 H:669 M:484 &lt;eb dbt; 
116849 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116850 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
116851 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116852 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
116853 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116854 ac on
116855 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116856 Autocuring activated.
116857 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116858 evoke imbue
116859 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116860 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
116861 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116862 TEAR MAP
116863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116864 Syntax: TEAR MAP
116865 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116866 evoke empower jolt
116867 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116868 Mana Lost: 6
116869 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
116870 wer of Earth infuses it.
116871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116872 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
116873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116874 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
116875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116876 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
116877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116878 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
116879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116880 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
116881 ods your veins.
116882 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116883 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
116884 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116885 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
116886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116887 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
116888 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116889 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
116890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116891 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
116892 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116893 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
116894 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116895 I do not recognize that toxin.
116896 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
116897 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116898 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
116899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116900 The attack rebounds back onto you!
116901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116902 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
116903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116904 Damage Taken: 79 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
116905 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
116906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116907 A small jolt of lightning zaps Reyvenyr.
116908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116909 Damage Taken: 28 electricity, mental (raw damage: 44)
116910 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
116911 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
116912 Balance Taken: 3.01s
116913 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116914 naturebind choke dwenthall
116915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116916 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
116917 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116918 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
116919 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116920 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
116921  her skin mercilessly.
116922 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116923 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
116924 your skin mercilessly.
116925 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
116926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116927 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
116928 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116929 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
116930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116931 You must regain your equilibrium first.
116932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116933 ta dwenthall
116934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116935 Dwenthall's condition stands at 537/669 health and 693/700 mana.
116936 Mana Lost: 12
116937 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
116938 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116939 H:583 M:700 eb b 
116940 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116941 eat juniper
116942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116943 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1681.
116944 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
116945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116946 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
116947 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116948 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
116949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116950 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
116951 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116952 H:583 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
116953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116954 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
116955 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
116956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116957 H:571 M:700 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
116958 H:571 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
116959 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
116960 You may eat another herb or plant.
116961 H:567 M:700 eb db 
116962 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116963 sip health
116964 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116965 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
116966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116967 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
116968 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116969 The elixir heals your body.
116970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116971 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
116972 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116973 H:669 M:700 eb db 
116974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116975 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
116976 H:560 M:466 &lt;e- dbt; You hear the distant sound of tumbling rocks.
116977 You have recovered balance.
116978 H:560 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
116979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116980 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
116981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116982 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
116983 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116984 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
116985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116986 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
116987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116988 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
116989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116990 Balance Taken: 2.00s
116991 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116992 naturebind hawthorn circle dwenthall
116993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
116994 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
116995 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
116996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
116997 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
116998 you.
116999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117000 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
117001 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117002 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
117003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117004 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117005 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117006 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
117007 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117008 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117009 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
117010 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117011 H:669 M:684 eb db 
117012 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117013 ac on
117014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117015 Autocuring activated.
117016 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117017 order loyals kill dwenthall
117018 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117019 You must regain balance first.
117020 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117021 TEAR MAP
117022 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117023 Syntax: TEAR MAP
117024 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117025 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
117026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117027 You must regain balance first.
117028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117029 evoke empower rockfall
117030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117031 You must regain balance first.
117032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117033 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
117034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117035 You must regain balance first.
117036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117037 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
117038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117039 You must regain balance first.
117040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117041 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
117042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117043 You must regain balance first.
117044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117045 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
117046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117047 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117049 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
117050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117051 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117052 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117053 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
117054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117055 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117056 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
117057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117058 You may eat another mushroom.
117059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117060 You may eat another mushroom.
117061 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
117062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117063 H:669 M:684 eb db You can once again overtune your crystal.
117064 H:669 M:684 eb db 
117065 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117066 smoke pipe with linseed
117067 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117068 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
117069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117070 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
117071 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
117072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117073 H:669 M:684 eb db Your muscles finally stop twitching.
117074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117075 Dwenthall's muscles cease their twitching.
117076 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
117077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117078 H:669 M:684 eb db 
117079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117080 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
117081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117082 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
117083 mmand.
117084 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
117085 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117086 ------------SHOCK DOWN
117087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117088 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
117089 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
117090 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117091 ------------SHOCK DOWN
117092 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117093 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
117094 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
117095 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; 
117096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117097 ac on
117098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117099 Autocuring activated.
117100 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117101 order loyals kill dwenthall
117102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117103 You must regain balance first.
117104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117105 TEAR MAP
117106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117107 Syntax: TEAR MAP
117108 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117109 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
117110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117111 You must regain balance first.
117112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117113 evoke empower rockfall
117114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117115 You must regain balance first.
117116 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117117 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
117118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117119 You must regain balance first.
117120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117121 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
117122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117123 You must regain balance first.
117124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117125 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
117126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117127 You must regain balance first.
117128 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117129 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
117130 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117131 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117132 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117133 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
117134 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117135 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117136 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117137 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
117138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117139 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117140 H:560 M:466 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
117141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117142 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
117143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117144 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
117145 H:560 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
117146 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117147 H:657 M:684 eb db 
117148 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117149 probe crystal
117150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117151 Reflecting all the light, this small crystal shimmers with a soft vibrancy that hints at a power vei
117152 led deep inside. Magick coalesces around the crystal, forming occasional sparks across its surface.
117153 It weighs 6 ounces.
117154 It bears the distinctive mark of Dwenthall.
117155 The crystal can support 5 spells.
117156 H:657 M:684 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
117157 H:657 M:684 eb db 
117158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117159 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
117160 H:560 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
117161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117162 ac on
117163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117164 Autocuring activated.
117165 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117166 order loyals kill dwenthall
117167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117168 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
117169 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
117170 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
117171 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
117172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117173 TEAR MAP
117174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117175 Syntax: TEAR MAP
117176 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117177 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
117178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117179 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
117180 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117181 evoke empower rockfall
117182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117183 Mana Lost: 6
117184 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
117185 wer of Earth infuses it.
117186 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117187 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
117188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117189 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
117190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117191 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
117192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117193 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
117194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117195 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
117196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117197 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
117199 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117200 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
117202 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117203 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
117205 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117206 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
117207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117208 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
117210 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
117212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117213 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
117215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117216 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
117218 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
117220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117221 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
117223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117224 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
117226 Balance Taken: 3.01s
117228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117229 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
117230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117231 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
117233 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117234 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
117235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117236 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
117237 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
117239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117240 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
117241 d you.
117243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117244 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
117246 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117247 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
117248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117249 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117251 H:560 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
117252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117253 H:544 M:684 eb b 
117254 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117255 dag
117256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117257 You are:
117259 poisoned by a wisp.
117261 blind.
117263 an insomniac.
117265 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
117267 H:544 M:684 -b b 
117268 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117269 eat juniper
117270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117271 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1680.
117273 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
117275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117276 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
117278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117279 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
117281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117282 H:560 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
117283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117284 H:544 M:684 -b db 
117285 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117286 eat toadstool
117287 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117288 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1794.
117290 You quickly eat a toadstool.
117292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117293 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
117295 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117296 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
117298 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
117300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117301 H:560 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
117302 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117303 H:544 M:684 -b db 
117304 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117305 ac on
117306 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117307 Autocuring activated.
117309 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117310 order loyals kill dwenthall
117311 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117312 You must regain balance first.
117314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117315 TEAR MAP
117316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117317 Syntax: TEAR MAP
117319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117320 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
117321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117322 You must regain balance first.
117324 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117325 evoke empower rockfall
117326 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117327 You must regain balance first.
117329 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117330 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
117331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117332 You must regain balance first.
117334 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117335 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
117336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117337 You must regain balance first.
117338 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117339 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
117340 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117341 You must regain balance first.
117342 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117343 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
117344 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117345 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117346 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117347 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
117348 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117349 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117351 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
117352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117353 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117354 H:560 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
117355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117356 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
117357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117358 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
117359 H:560 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
117360 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117361 You may drink another healing elixir.
117362 H:571 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
117363 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117364 sip health
117365 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117366 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
117367 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117368 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
117369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117370 The elixir heals your body.
117371 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117372 H:560 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
117373 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117374 H:669 M:700 eb db 
117375 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117376 ac on
117377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117378 Autocuring activated.
117379 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117380 order loyals kill dwenthall
117381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117382 You must regain balance first.
117383 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117384 TEAR MAP
117385 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117386 Syntax: TEAR MAP
117387 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117388 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
117389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117390 You must regain balance first.
117391 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117392 evoke empower rockfall
117393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117394 You must regain balance first.
117395 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117396 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
117397 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117398 You must regain balance first.
117399 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117400 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
117401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117402 You must regain balance first.
117403 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117404 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
117405 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117406 You must regain balance first.
117407 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117408 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
117409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117410 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117411 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117412 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
117413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117414 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117415 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117416 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
117417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117418 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117419 H:560 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
117420 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117421 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
117422 H:669 M:684 eb db 
117423 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117424 ac on
117425 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117426 Autocuring activated.
117427 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117428 order loyals kill dwenthall
117429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117430 You must regain balance first.
117431 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117432 TEAR MAP
117433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117434 Syntax: TEAR MAP
117436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117437 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
117438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117439 You must regain balance first.
117441 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117442 evoke empower rockfall
117443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117444 You must regain balance first.
117446 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117447 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
117448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117449 You must regain balance first.
117451 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117452 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
117453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117454 You must regain balance first.
117456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117457 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
117458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117459 You must regain balance first.
117461 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117462 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
117463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117464 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117467 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
117468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117469 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117471 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117472 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
117473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117474 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117476 H:560 M:460 &lt;-- dbt; 
117477 Health Gain: 33
117479 Mana Gain: 32
117481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117482 You may eat another herb or plant.
117483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117484 H:594 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
117485 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117486 H:669 M:700 eb db 
117487 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117488 ac on
117489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117490 Autocuring activated.
117492 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117493 order loyals kill dwenthall
117494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117495 You must regain balance first.
117497 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117498 TEAR MAP
117499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117500 Syntax: TEAR MAP
117502 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117503 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
117504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117505 You must regain balance first.
117507 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117508 evoke empower rockfall
117509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117510 You must regain balance first.
117512 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117513 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
117514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117515 You must regain balance first.
117517 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117518 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
117519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117520 You must regain balance first.
117522 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117523 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
117524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117525 You must regain balance first.
117527 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117528 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
117529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117530 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117532 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117533 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
117534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117535 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117537 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117538 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
117539 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117540 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117542 H:594 M:492 &lt;-- dbt; 
117543 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
117546 H:594 M:492 &lt;e- dbt; 
117547 You have recovered balance.
117550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117551 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
117553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117554 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
117556 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117557 ac on
117558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117559 Autocuring activated.
117561 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117562 order loyals kill dwenthall
117563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117564 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
117565 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
117566 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
117567 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
117568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117569 TEAR MAP
117570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117571 Syntax: TEAR MAP
117572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117573 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
117574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117575 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
117576 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117577 evoke empower rockfall
117578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117579 Mana Lost: 6
117580 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
117581 wer of Earth infuses it.
117582 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117583 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
117584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117585 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117586 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117587 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
117588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117589 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117590 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117591 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
117592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117593 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
117594 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
117595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117596 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
117597 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
117598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117599 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
117600 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
117601 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
117602 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
117603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117604 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
117605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117606 Balance Taken: 3.01s
117607 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117608 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
117609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117610 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
117611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117612 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
117613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117614 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
117615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117616 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
117617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117618 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
117619 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
117620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117621 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
117622 .
117623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117624 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
117625 H:594 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
117626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117627 H:561 M:700 eb b 
117628 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117629 cnc
117630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117631 You already possess mental equilibrium.
117632 H:561 M:700 eb b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
117633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117634 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
117635 H:594 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
117636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117637 H:561 M:700 eb b 
117638 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117639 pa
117640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117641 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
117642 H:561 M:700 eb b 
117643 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117644 ovt
117645 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117646 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
117647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117648 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
117649 H:594 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
117650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117651 H:561 M:682 eb b 
117652 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117653 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
117654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117655 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
117656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117657 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
117658 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117659 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
117660 ewreathe effect.
117661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117662 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
117663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117664 Your crystal can augment 4 more spells.
117665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117666 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
117667 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117668 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
117669 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
117670  twitching slightly under the cold.
117671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117672 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
117673 range burning sensation in your nerves.
117674 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
117675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117676 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
117677 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117678 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
117679 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
117680 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117681 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
117682 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
117683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117684 H:489 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
117685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117686 H:561 M:664 -b b 
117687 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117688 ta
117689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117690 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 489/669 health and 486/512 mana.
117691 H:561 M:652 -b b 
117692 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117693 sip health
117694 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117695 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
117696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117697 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
117698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117699 Health Gain: 125
117700 The elixir heals your body.
117701 H:614 M:486 &lt;-- dbt; 
117702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117703 H:561 M:652 -b b 
117704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117705 eat toadstool
117706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117707 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1855.
117708 You quickly eat a toadstool.
117709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117710 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
117711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117712 Health Gain: 54
117713 Mana Gain: 25
117714 You feel your health and mana replenished.
117715 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
117716 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117717 H:561 M:652 -b b 
117718 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117719 smoke pipe with linseed
117720 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117721 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
117722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117723 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
117724 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
117725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117726 H:561 M:652 -b b 
117727 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117728 eat juniper
117729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117730 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1679.
117731 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
117732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117733 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
117734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117735 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
117736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117737 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
117738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117739 H:561 M:652 -b db 
117740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117741 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
117742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117743 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
117744 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
117745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117746 ac on
117747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117748 Autocuring activated.
117749 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117750 order loyals kill dwenthall
117751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117752 You must regain balance first.
117753 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117754 TEAR MAP
117755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117756 Syntax: TEAR MAP
117757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117758 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
117759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117760 You must regain balance first.
117761 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117762 evoke empower rockfall
117763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117764 You must regain balance first.
117765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117766 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
117767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117768 You must regain balance first.
117769 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117770 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
117771 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117772 You must regain balance first.
117773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117774 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
117775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117776 You must regain balance first.
117777 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117778 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
117779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117780 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117781 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117782 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
117783 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117784 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117785 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117786 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
117787 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117788 You must regain your equilibrium first.
117789 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
117790 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
117791 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117792 You may drink another healing elixir.
117793 H:561 M:652 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
117794 H:561 M:652 -b db 
117795 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117796 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
117797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117798 You must regain balance first.
117799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117800 evoke wisp glowing me
117801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117802 You must regain balance first.
117803 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117804 evoke toxicrain strychnine
117805 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117806 You must regain balance first.
117807 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
117808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117809 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
117810 H:561 M:652 -b db 
117811 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117812 sip health
117813 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117814 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
117815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117816 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
117817 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117818 The elixir heals your body.
117819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117820 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
117821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117822 H:669 M:652 -b db 
117823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117824 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
117825 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
117826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117827 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
117828 H:669 M:636 eb db 
117829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117830 You have recovered balance.
117831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117832 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
117833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117834 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
117835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117836 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
117837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117838 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
117839 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117840 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
117841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117842 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
117843 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117844 evoke wisp glowing me
117845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117846 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117847 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117848 evoke toxicrain strychnine
117849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117850 No tornado is raging here.
117851 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
117852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117853 H:669 M:636 eb db You may eat another mushroom.
117854 H:669 M:636 eb db 
117855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117856 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
117857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117858 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117860 evoke wisp glowing me
117861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117862 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117864 evoke toxicrain strychnine
117865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117866 No tornado is raging here.
117867 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
117868 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117869 ims
117870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117871 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
117872 ewreathe effect.
117873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117874 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
117875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117876 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
117877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117878 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
117879 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117880 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
117881 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
117882 y.
117883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117884 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
117885 hly.
117886 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
117887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117888 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
117889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117890 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
117891 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117892 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
117893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117894 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
117895 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
117896 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117897 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
117898 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
117899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117900 H:572 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
117901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117902 H:669 M:623 -b db 
117903 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117904 apply epidermal
117905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117906 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
117907 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117908 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
117909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117910 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
117911 H:572 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
117912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117913 H:669 M:623 -b db 
117914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117915 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
117916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117917 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117919 evoke wisp glowing me
117920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117921 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117923 evoke toxicrain strychnine
117924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117925 No tornado is raging here.
117926 H:572 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
117927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117928 You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
117929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117930 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
117931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117932 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
117933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117934 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117936 evoke wisp glowing me
117937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117938 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117940 evoke toxicrain strychnine
117941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117942 No tornado is raging here.
117943 H:572 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
117944 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117945 H:660 M:623 -b db 
117946 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117947 You may apply another salve.
117948 H:572 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
117949 H:572 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
117950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117951 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
117952 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117953 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
117954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117955 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117956 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117957 evoke wisp glowing me
117958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117959 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117960 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117961 evoke toxicrain strychnine
117962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117963 No tornado is raging here.
117964 H:572 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
117965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117966 H:659 M:623 -b db 
117967 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117968 You may eat another mushroom.
117969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117970 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
117971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117972 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
117973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117974 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
117975 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117976 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
117977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117978 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
117979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117980 evoke tornado
117981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117982 Mana Lost: 30
117983 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above your head and begin to draw wide circles in the
117984  air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around you, loudly sucki
117985 ng in air.
117986 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117987 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds above his head and begins to draw wide circles 
117988 in the air. The staff glows dimly for a moment as a swirling tornado slowly forms around him, loudly
117989  sucking in air.
117990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117991 Your tornado continues swirling violently.
117992 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
117993 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
117994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117995 The tornado swirls rapidly.
117996 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 30%.
117997 Balance Taken: 3.80s
117998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
117999 naturebind curse dwenthall
118000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118001 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
118002 root shreds it viciously.
118003 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118004 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
118005 root shreds it viciously.
118006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118007 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
118008 H:572 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
118009 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118010 H:659 M:623 eb db 
118011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118012 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
118013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118014 You must regain balance first.
118015 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118016 evoke tornado
118017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118018 You must regain balance first.
118019 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118020 naturebind curse dwenthall
118021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118022 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118023 H:572 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
118024 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118025 rt Tornado Up!!
118026 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118027 You are not the member of any ring.
118028 H:572 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
118029 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118030 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
118031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118032 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
118033 H:572 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
118034 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118035 eat kelp
118036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118037 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1970.
118038 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
118039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118040 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
118041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118042 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
118043 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118044 H:572 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
118045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118046 H:659 M:623 eb db 
118047 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118048 cnc
118049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118050 You already possess mental equilibrium.
118051 H:659 M:623 eb db 
118052 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118053 pa
118054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118055 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
118056 H:659 M:623 eb db 
118057 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118058 ovt
118059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118060 Your crystal is already overtuned.
118061 H:659 M:623 eb db 
118062 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118063 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
118064 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118065 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
118066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118067 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
118068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118069 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
118070 ewreathe effect.
118071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118072 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
118073 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118074 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
118075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118076 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
118077 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118078 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
118079 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
118080  twitching slightly under the cold.
118081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118082 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
118083 range burning sensation in your nerves.
118084 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
118085 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118086 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
118087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118088 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
118089 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118090 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
118091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118092 H:467 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
118093 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118094 H:659 M:605 -b db 
118095 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118096 ta
118097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118098 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 467/669 health and 482/512 mana.
118099 H:659 M:593 -b db 
118100 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118101 eat nightshade
118102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118103 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1939.
118104 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
118105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118106 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
118107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118108 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
118109 H:467 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
118110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118111 H:659 M:593 -b db 
118112 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118113 sip health
118114 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118115 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
118116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118117 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
118118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118119 Health Gain: 163
118120 The elixir heals your body.
118121 H:631 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
118122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118123 H:659 M:593 -b db 
118124 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118125 eat toadstool
118126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118127 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1854.
118128 You quickly eat a toadstool.
118129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118130 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
118131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118132 Health Gain: 38
118133 Mana Gain: 30
118134 You feel your health and mana replenished.
118135 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
118136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118137 H:659 M:593 -b db 
118138 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118139 smoke pipe with linseed
118140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118141 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
118142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118143 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
118144 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
118145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118146 H:659 M:593 -b db 
118147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118148 l
118149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118150 You are unable to see anything as you are blind.
118151 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
118152 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118153 You may drink another healing elixir.
118154 H:659 M:593 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
118155 H:669 M:605 -b db 
118156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118157 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
118158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118159 You must regain balance first.
118160 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118161 evoke wisp glowing me
118162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118163 You must regain balance first.
118164 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118165 evoke toxicrain strychnine
118166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118167 You must regain balance first.
118168 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
118169 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
118170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118171 You may eat another herb or plant.
118172 H:669 M:605 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
118173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118174 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
118175 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
118176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118177 H:663 M:605 -b db 
118178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118179 You may eat another herb or plant.
118180 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
118181 H:669 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
118182 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118183 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
118184 H:663 M:605 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
118185 H:669 M:633 eb db 
118186 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118187 cnc
118188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118189 You already possess mental equilibrium.
118190 H:669 M:633 eb db 
118191 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118192 pa
118193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118194 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
118195 H:669 M:633 eb db 
118196 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118197 ovt
118198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118199 Your crystal is already overtuned.
118200 H:669 M:633 eb db 
118201 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118202 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
118203 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118204 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
118205 ock effect.
118206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118207 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
118208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118209 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
118210 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
118211  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
118212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118213 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
118214 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
118215 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
118216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118217 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
118218 using him to lose his patience.
118219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118220 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
118221 ausing you to lose your patience.
118222 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
118223 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118224 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
118225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118226 H:560 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
118227 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118228 H:669 M:615 -b db 
118229 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118230 ta
118231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118232 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 560/669 health and 512/512 mana.
118233 H:669 M:603 -b db 
118234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118235 You have recovered balance.
118236 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118237 touch mindseye
118238 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118239 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
118240 H:560 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
118241 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118242 eat nightshade
118243 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118244 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1938.
118245 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
118246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118247 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
118248 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118249 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
118250 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118251 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
118252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118253 H:560 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
118254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118255 H:669 M:603 -b db 
118256 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118257 touch mindseye
118258 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118259 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
118260 H:560 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
118261 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118262 purge blood
118263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118264 Mana Lost: 6
118265 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
118266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118267 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
118268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118269 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
118270 H:560 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
118271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118272 H:669 M:603 -b db Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
118273 H:669 M:603 -b db 
118274 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118275 touch mindseye
118276 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118277 Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
118278 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118279 Reyvenyr touches a mindseye tattoo.
118280 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118281 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
118282 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118283 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118284 H:669 M:603 -b db 
118285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118286 touch tree
118287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118288 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
118289 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118290 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
118291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118292 You are patient once again.
118293 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118294 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118295 H:669 M:603 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
118296 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118297 apply mass
118298 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118299 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
118300 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118301 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
118302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118303 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
118304 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118306 H:669 M:603 -b db 
118307 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118308 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
118309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118310 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118311 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118312 evoke wisp glowing me
118313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118314 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118316 evoke toxicrain strychnine
118317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118318 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118319 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
118320 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118321 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118322 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
118323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118324 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118325 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118326 evoke wisp glowing me
118327 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118328 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118329 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118330 evoke toxicrain strychnine
118331 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118332 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118333 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
118334 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118336 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
118337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118338 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118340 evoke wisp glowing me
118341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118342 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118344 evoke toxicrain strychnine
118345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118346 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118347 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; You may apply another salve.
118348 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118350 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
118351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118352 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
118353 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118355 H:656 M:603 -b db 
118356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118357 You may eat another mushroom.
118358 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118359 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
118360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118361 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
118362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118363 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
118364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118365 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118367 H:656 M:603 eb db 
118368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118369 bs
118370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118371 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118372 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118373 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118374 sip mana
118375 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118376 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
118377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118378 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
118379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118380 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
118381 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118382 H:560 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118384 H:656 M:700 eb db 
118385 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118386 cnc
118387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118388 You already possess mental equilibrium.
118389 H:656 M:700 eb db 
118390 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118391 pa
118392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118393 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
118394 H:656 M:700 eb db 
118395 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118396 ovt
118397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118398 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
118399 H:656 M:700 eb db 
118400 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118401 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
118402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118403 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
118404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118405 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
118406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118407 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
118408 ock effect.
118409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118410 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
118411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118412 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
118413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118414 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
118415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118416 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
118417 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
118418 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
118419 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118420 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
118421 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
118422 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
118423 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
118424 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118425 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
118426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118427 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
118428 athe.
118429 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118430 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
118431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118432 H:463 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118433 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118434 H:656 M:673 -b db 
118435 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118436 ta
118437 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118438 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 463/669 health and 506/512 mana.
118439 H:656 M:661 -b db 
118440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118441 bs
118442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118443 You must regain your equilibrium first.
118444 H:463 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118445 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118446 smoke pipe with linseed
118447 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118448 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
118449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118450 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
118451 H:463 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118452 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118453 H:656 M:661 -b db 
118454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118455 eat kelp
118456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118457 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1936.
118458 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
118459 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118460 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
118461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118462 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
118463 H:463 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118464 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118465 H:656 M:661 -b db 
118466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118467 sip health
118468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118469 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
118470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118471 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
118473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118474 Health Gain: 145
118476 The elixir heals your body.
118478 H:609 M:506 &lt;-b dbt; 
118479 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118480 H:656 M:661 -b db 
118481 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118482 eat toadstool
118483 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118484 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1853.
118486 You quickly eat a toadstool.
118488 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118489 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
118491 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118492 Health Gain: 59
118494 Mana Gain: 6
118496 You feel your health and mana replenished.
118498 H:669 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
118499 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118500 H:656 M:661 -b db 
118501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118502 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
118505 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
118506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118507 bs
118508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118509 Mana Lost: 9
118511 You hold a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds firmly and concentrate. Your skin gradually hardens an
118512 d toughens like the bark of a tree.
118514 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118515 Reyvenyr holds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds firmly and concentrates. His skin gradually hard
118516 ens and toughens like the bark of a tree.
118518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118519 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
118521 Balance Taken: 3.80s
118523 H:669 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
118524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118525 H:656 M:661 -b db 
118526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118527 bs
118528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118529 You must regain balance first.
118531 H:669 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
118532 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118533 bs
118534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118535 You must regain balance first.
118537 H:669 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
118538 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118539 bs
118540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118541 You must regain balance first.
118543 H:669 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
118544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118545 coir
118546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118547 Your input, "coir", is not a valid command.
118549 H:669 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
118550 You may eat another herb or plant.
118551 H:669 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
118552 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118553 eat maidenhair
118554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118555 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1972.
118557 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
118559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118560 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
118562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118563 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
118565 H:669 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
118566 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118567 H:656 M:661 -b db 
118568 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118569 ac on
118570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118571 Autocuring activated.
118573 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118574 order loyals kill dwenthall
118575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118576 You must regain balance first.
118578 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118579 TEAR MAP
118580 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118581 Syntax: TEAR MAP
118583 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118584 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
118585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118586 You must regain balance first.
118588 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118589 evoke empower rockfall
118590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118591 You must regain balance first.
118593 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118594 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
118595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118596 You must regain balance first.
118598 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118599 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
118600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118601 You must regain balance first.
118603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118604 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
118605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118606 You must regain balance first.
118607 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118608 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
118609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118610 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
118611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118612 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
118613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118614 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
118615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118616 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
118617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118618 An animated beech root is already circling around Dwenthall.
118619 H:669 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
118620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118621 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
118622 H:656 M:661 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
118623 H:656 M:661 eb db 
118624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118625 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
118626 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118627 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
118628 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118629 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
118630 H:622 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
118631 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118632 H:656 M:661 eb db 
118633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118634 apply caloric
118635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118636 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
118637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118638 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
118639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118640 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
118641 H:622 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; 
118642 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118643 H:656 M:661 eb db 
118644 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118645 You may eat another herb or plant.
118646 H:622 M:503 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
118647 H:622 M:503 &lt;eb dbt; 
118648 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118649 cnc
118650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118651 You already possess mental equilibrium.
118652 H:656 M:661 eb db 
118653 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118654 pa
118655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118656 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
118657 H:656 M:661 eb db 
118658 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118659 ovt
118660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118661 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
118662 H:656 M:661 eb db 
118663 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118664 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
118665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118666 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
118667 ranoia effect.
118668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118669 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
118670 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118671 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
118672 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118673 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
118674 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118675 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
118676 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
118677 seous.
118678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118679 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
118680 g you thoroughly.
118681 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
118682 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118683 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
118684 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118685 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
118686 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
118687 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118688 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
118689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118690 H:525 M:503 &lt;eb dbt; 
118691 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118692 H:656 M:646 -b db 
118693 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118694 ta
118695 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118696 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 525/669 health and 503/512 mana.
118697 H:656 M:633 -b db 
118698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118699 eat nightshade
118700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118701 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1937.
118702 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
118703 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118704 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
118705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118706 Your stomach becalms itself.
118707 H:525 M:503 &lt;eb dbt; 
118708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118709 H:656 M:633 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
118710 H:656 M:633 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
118711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118712 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
118713 H:525 M:503 &lt;eb dbt; 
118714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118715 H:644 M:617 -b db 
118716 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118717 focus
118718 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118719 Mana Lost: 15
118720 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
118721 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118722 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
118723 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118724 Ahh, you feel able to reason once more.
118725 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118726 Reyvenyr's expression no longer looks so vacant.
118727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118728 H:525 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
118729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118730 H:644 M:617 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
118731 H:643 M:617 -b db 
118732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118733 You may drink another healing elixir.
118734 H:525 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently.
118735 The tornado swirls rapidly.
118736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118737 The tornado swirls violently and you find it difficult to breathe.
118738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118739 H:525 M:488 &lt;eb dbt; 
118740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118741 H:643 M:617 -b db 
118742 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118743 sip health
118744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118745 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
118746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118747 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
118748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118749 The elixir seems to have an unusual effect on your elixir-deprived body.
118750 Mana Gain: 24
118751 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
118752 H:525 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
118753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118754 H:643 M:617 -b db 
118755 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118756 eat kelp
118757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118758 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1969.
118759 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
118760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118761 Dwenthall quickly eats a piece of kelp.
118762 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118763 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
118764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118765 H:525 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
118766 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118767 H:643 M:617 -b db 
118768 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118769 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
118770 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118771 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
118772 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118773 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
118774 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118775 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her.
118776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118777 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you.
118778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118779 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 40%.
118780 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118781 evoke wisp glowing me
118782 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118783 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
118784 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118785 evoke toxicrain strychnine
118786 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118787 Mana Lost: 12
118788 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
118789 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
118790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118791 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
118792 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
118793 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118794 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 50%.
118795 Mana Lost: 12
118796 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
118797 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
118798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118799 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
118800  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
118801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118802 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 60%.
118803 Balance Taken: 2.00s
118805 H:525 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
118806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118807 H:643 M:617 -b db 
118808 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118809 touch tree
118810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118811 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
118813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118814 Dwenthall touches a tree of life tattoo.
118816 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118817 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
118819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118820 H:525 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
118821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118822 H:643 M:617 -b db 
118823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118824 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
118825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118826 You must regain balance first.
118828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118829 evoke wisp glowing me
118830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118831 You must regain balance first.
118833 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118834 evoke toxicrain strychnine
118835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118836 You must regain balance first.
118838 H:525 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
118839 The icicles continue beating at your skin.
118841 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118842 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
118844 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118845 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
118847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118848 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
118850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118851 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
118853 H:446 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
118854 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118855 H:643 M:617 -b db 
118856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118857 You may apply another salve.
118858 H:446 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
118859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118860 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
118861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118862 You must regain balance first.
118864 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118865 evoke wisp glowing me
118866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118867 You must regain balance first.
118869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118870 evoke toxicrain strychnine
118871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118872 You must regain balance first.
118874 H:446 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
118875 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118876 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
118878 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118879 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
118881 You may eat another mushroom.
118883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118884 eat toadstool
118885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118886 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1852.
118888 You quickly eat a toadstool.
118890 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118891 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
118893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118894 Health Gain: 66
118896 Mana Gain: 24
118898 You feel your health and mana replenished.
118900 H:513 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
118901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118902 H:643 M:617 -b db 
118903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118904 Health Gain: 33
118906 You may eat another herb or plant.
118907 H:546 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
118908 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118909 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
118910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118911 You must regain balance first.
118913 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118914 evoke wisp glowing me
118915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118916 You must regain balance first.
118918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118919 evoke toxicrain strychnine
118920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118921 You must regain balance first.
118923 H:546 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
118924 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
118926 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118927 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
118929 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118930 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
118932 H:499 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
118933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118934 H:663 M:645 -b db 
118935 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118936 eat nightshade
118937 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118938 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1936.
118939 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
118940 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118941 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
118942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118943 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
118944 H:499 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
118945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118946 H:663 M:645 -b db 
118947 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118948 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
118949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118950 You must regain balance first.
118951 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118952 evoke wisp glowing me
118953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118954 You must regain balance first.
118955 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118956 evoke toxicrain strychnine
118957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118958 You must regain balance first.
118959 H:499 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
118960 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118961 You may eat another herb or plant.
118962 H:663 M:645 -b db 
118963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118964 You have recovered balance.
118965 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118966 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
118967 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118968 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
118969 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118970 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
118971 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118972 evoke wisp glowing me
118973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118974 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
118975 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118976 evoke toxicrain strychnine
118977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118978 Mana Lost: 12
118979 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
118980 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
118981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118982 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
118983 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
118984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118985 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
118986 Mana Lost: 12
118987 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
118988 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
118989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118990 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
118991  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
118992 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118993 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
118994 Balance Taken: 2.00s
118995 H:499 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
118996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
118997 H:669 M:673 -b db 
118998 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
118999 apply caloric
119000 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119001 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
119002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119003 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
119004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119005 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
119006 H:499 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119008 H:669 M:673 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
119009 H:669 M:673 eb db 
119010 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119011 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
119012 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119013 You must regain balance first.
119014 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119015 evoke wisp glowing me
119016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119017 You must regain balance first.
119018 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119019 evoke toxicrain strychnine
119020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119021 You must regain balance first.
119022 H:499 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119023 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119024 cnc
119025 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119026 You already possess mental equilibrium.
119027 H:669 M:673 eb db 
119028 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119029 pa
119030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119031 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
119032 H:669 M:673 eb db 
119033 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119034 ovt
119035 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119036 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
119037 H:669 M:673 eb db 
119038 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119039 abn
119040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119041 Your wounds are already bandaged.
119042 H:669 M:673 eb db 
119043 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119044 cast weariness dehydrate freeze at &tar
119045 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119046 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
119047 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119048 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
119049 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119050 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
119051 ariness effect.
119052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119053 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
119054 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119055 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
119056 You conjure a wave of heat and focus it towards Reyvenyr, draining moisture from his body. Reyvenyr'
119057 s skin glistens and he appears dizzy as the wave of heat passes through.
119058 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119059 Dwenthall conjures a wave of heat and focuses it towards you, draining moisture from your body, hamp
119060 ering your ability to process salves and causing you to feel dizzy.
119061 Damage Taken: 65 fire, mental (raw damage: 80)
119062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119063 You send a blast of cold air towards Reyvenyr, chilling him to the bone.
119064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119065 Dwenthall sends a blast of cold air towards you, chilling you to the bone.
119066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119067 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
119068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119069 H:434 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119071 H:669 M:661 -b db 
119072 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119073 ta
119074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119075 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 434/669 health and 488/512 mana.
119076 H:669 M:649 -b db 
119077 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119078 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
119079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119080 You must regain balance first.
119081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119082 evoke wisp glowing me
119083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119084 You must regain balance first.
119085 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119086 evoke toxicrain strychnine
119087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119088 You must regain balance first.
119089 H:434 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119090 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119091 smoke pipe with linseed
119092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119093 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
119094 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119095 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
119096 H:434 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119098 H:669 M:649 -b db 
119099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119100 You may apply another salve.
119101 H:434 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119102 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119103 touch shield
119104 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119105 You must regain balance first.
119106 H:434 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119107 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119108 apply caloric
119109 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119110 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
119111 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119112 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
119113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119114 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
119115 H:434 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119116 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119117 H:669 M:649 -b db 
119118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119119 Your mind is able to focus once again.
119120 H:434 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119121 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119122 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
119123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119124 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
119125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119126 touch shield
119127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119128 You must regain balance first.
119129 H:434 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119131 H:657 M:649 -b db 
119132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119133 You may eat another herb or plant.
119134 H:434 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119135 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119136 eat wormwood
119137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119138 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1994.
119139 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
119140 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119141 Reyvenyr quickly eats a wormwood root.
119142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119143 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
119144 H:434 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; 
119145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119146 H:657 M:649 -b db 
119147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119148 touch shield
119149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119150 You must regain balance first.
119151 H:434 M:488 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
119152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119153 focus
119154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119155 Mana Lost: 15
119156 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
119157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119158 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
119159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119160 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
119161 H:434 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
119162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119163 H:657 M:649 -b db 
119164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119165 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
119166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119167 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
119168 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119169 H:434 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
119170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119171 H:657 M:649 -b db 
119172 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119173 touch shield
119174 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119175 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
119176 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119177 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
119178 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119179 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
119180 H:434 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119182 H:657 M:649 -b db 
119183 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119184 touch shield
119185 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119186 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119187 H:434 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119189 touch shield
119190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119191 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119192 H:434 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
119193 H:434 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119194 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119195 sip health
119196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119197 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
119198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119199 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
119200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119201 Health Gain: 141
119202 The elixir heals your body.
119203 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119204 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119205 H:657 M:633 -b db 
119206 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119207 touch shield
119208 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119209 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119210 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
119211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119212 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
119214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119215 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119217 H:657 M:633 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
119218 H:657 M:633 eb db 
119219 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119220 dg
119221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119222 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119223 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119224 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119225 dg
119226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119227 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119228 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119230 dg
119231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119232 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119233 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
119234 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119235 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119236 eat kelp
119237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119238 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1935.
119240 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
119242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119243 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
119245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119246 You feel strength return to your limbs.
119248 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119249 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119250 H:657 M:633 eb db 
119251 The evening sun begins to cast long shadows across the darkening land. 
119253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119254 The evening sun begins to cast long shadows across the darkening land. 
119256 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119258 H:657 M:633 eb db 
119259 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119260 dg
119261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119262 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119264 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119265 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119266 dg
119267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119268 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119270 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119272 dg
119273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119274 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119276 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119277 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119278 ts
119279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119280 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
119282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119283 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
119285 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119286 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
119288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119289 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119290 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119291 H:657 M:633 -b db 
119292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119293 You may apply another salve.
119294 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119295 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119296 naturebind breach dwenthall
119297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119298 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119300 H:575 M:473 &lt;-b dbt; 
119301 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
119304 H:575 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
119305 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
119306 You may eat another mushroom.
119308 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119309 purge blood
119310 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119311 Mana Lost: 6
119313 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
119315 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119316 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
119318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119319 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
119321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119322 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
119324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119325 H:575 M:467 &lt;eb dbt; 
119326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119327 H:657 M:633 -b db 
119328 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119329 dg
119330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119331 You are:
119333 paranoid.
119335 blind.
119337 deaf.
119339 an insomniac.
119341 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
119343 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
119344 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
119345 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119346 touch tree
119347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119348 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
119350 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119351 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
119353 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119354 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
119356 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
119357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119358 H:657 M:633 -b db 
119359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119360 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
119363 H:575 M:467 &lt;eb dbt; 
119364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119365 dg
119366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119367 You are:
119368 blind.
119369 deaf.
119370 an insomniac.
119371 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
119372 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
119373 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
119374 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119375 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
119376 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
119377 H:669 M:633 -b db 
119378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119379 Your mind is able to focus once again.
119380 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
119381 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119382 naturebind breach dwenthall
119383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119384 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119385 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
119386 H:575 M:467 &lt;eb dbt; 
119387 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119388 naturebind breach dwenthall
119389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119390 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
119391 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119392 The shimmering translucent shield around Reyvenyr fades away.
119393 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119394 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
119395 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
119396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119397 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
119398 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
119399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119400 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
119401 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
119402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119403 H:669 M:633 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
119404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119405 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
119406 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
119407 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119408 H:669 M:633 -b db 
119409 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119410 order golem passive
119411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119412 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119413 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119414 order loyals kill dwenthall
119415 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119416 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119417 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
119418 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119419 naturebind breach dwenthall
119420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119421 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119422 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
119423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119424 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
119425 H:669 M:633 eb db 
119426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119427 You may drink another healing elixir.
119428 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychni
119429 ne.
119430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119431 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
119432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119433 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
119434 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119435 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
119436 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119437 The tornado swirls rapidly.
119438 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119439 eat juniper
119440 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119441 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1678.
119442 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
119443 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119444 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
119445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119446 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
119447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119448 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
119449 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119450 H:669 M:617 eb db 
119451 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119452 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
119453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119454 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
119455 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; 
119456 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119457 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
119458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119459 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119460 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119461 evoke wisp glowing me
119462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119463 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119464 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119465 evoke toxicrain strychnine
119466 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119467 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119468 H:575 M:467 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
119469 H:575 M:467 &lt;eb dbt; Health Gain: 33
119470 Mana Gain: 32
119471 H:609 M:499 &lt;eb dbt; 
119472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119473 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
119474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119475 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
119476  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
119477 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119478 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
119479 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
119480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119481 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
119482 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119483 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
119484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119485 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
119486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119487 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
119488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119489 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
119490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119491 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
119492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119493 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
119494 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119495 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
119496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119497 Balance Taken: 2.00s
119498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119499 naturebinding shred dwenthall
119500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119501 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
119502 ing her skin mercilessly.
119503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119504 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
119505 ng your skin mercilessly.
119506 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
119507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119508 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
119509 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119510 ta dwenthall
119511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119512 Dwenthall's condition stands at 717/669 health and 639/700 mana.
119513 Mana Lost: 12
119514 H:609 M:487 &lt;-- dbt; 
119515 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119516 H:624 M:645 eb b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
119517 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
119518 H:620 M:645 eb b 
119519 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119520 ac on
119521 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119522 Autocuring activated.
119523 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119524 evoke empower rockfall
119525 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119526 You must regain balance first.
119527 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119528 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
119529 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119530 You must regain balance first.
119531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119532 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
119533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119534 You must regain balance first.
119535 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119536 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
119537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119538 You must regain balance first.
119539 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119540 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
119541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119542 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119543 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119544 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
119545 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119546 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119547 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119548 ta dwenthall
119549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119550 Dwenthall's condition stands at 620/669 health and 645/700 mana.
119551 Mana Lost: 12
119552 H:609 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
119553 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119554 smoke pipe with linseed
119555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119556 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
119557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119558 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
119559 H:609 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
119560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119561 H:620 M:645 eb b A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
119562 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119563 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
119564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119565 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
119566 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119567 ---------delayed wisp
119568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119569 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
119570 H:609 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
119571 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119572 H:637 M:673 eb b 
119573 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119574 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
119575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119576 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
119577 mmand.
119578 H:609 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
119579 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119580 You may eat another herb or plant.
119581 H:637 M:673 eb b 
119582 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119583 eat juniper
119584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119585 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1677.
119586 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
119587 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119588 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
119589 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119590 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
119591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119592 H:609 M:475 &lt;-- dbt; 
119593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119594 H:637 M:673 eb db 
119595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119596 You have recovered balance.
119597 H:609 M:475 &lt;-b dbt; 
119598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119599 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
119600 H:637 M:673 eb db 
119601 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119602 dag
119603 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119604 You are:
119605 blind.
119606 deaf.
119607 an insomniac.
119608 cursed by Nature.
119609 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
119610 H:637 M:657 -b db 
119611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119612 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
119613 H:609 M:475 &lt;eb dbt; 
119614 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119615 You may eat another herb or plant.
119616 H:637 M:657 -b db Your tree tattoo can be used again.
119617 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
119618 H:637 M:657 eb db 
119619 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119620 ac on
119621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119622 Autocuring activated.
119623 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119624 order golem kill dwenthall
119625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119626 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
119627 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119628 evoke empower rockfall
119629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119630 Mana Lost: 6
119631 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
119632 wer of Earth infuses it.
119633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119634 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
119635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119636 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
119637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119638 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
119639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119640 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
119641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119642 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
119643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119644 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
119645 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
119646 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119647 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
119648 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
119649 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119650 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
119651 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
119652 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
119653 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
119654 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119655 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
119656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119657 Balance Taken: 3.01s
119658 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119659 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
119660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119661 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
119662 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
119663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119664 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
119665 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
119666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119667 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
119668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119669 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
119670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119671 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119672 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119673 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
119674 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119675 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119676 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119677 naturebind shred dwenthall
119678 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119679 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119681 ta dwenthall
119682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119683 Dwenthall's condition stands at 492/669 health and 598/700 mana.
119684 Mana Lost: 12
119685 H:609 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
119686 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119687 H:492 M:657 eb b 
119688 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119689 ts
119690 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119691 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
119692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119693 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
119694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119695 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
119696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119697 H:609 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
119698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119699 H:492 M:657 -b b 
119700 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119701 writhe root
119702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119703 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
119704 H:492 M:657 -b b 
119705 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119706 sip health
119707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119708 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
119709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119710 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
119711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119712 The elixir heals your body.
119713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119714 H:609 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
119715 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119716 H:640 M:657 -b b 
119717 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119718 eat toadstool
119719 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119720 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1793.
119721 You quickly eat a toadstool.
119722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119723 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
119724 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119725 You feel your health and mana replenished.
119726 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119727 H:609 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
119728 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119729 H:669 M:700 -b b 
119730 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119731 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
119732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119733 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
119734 H:609 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
119735 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119736 naturebind breach dwenthall
119737 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119738 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119739 H:609 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
119740 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119741 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
119742 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
119743 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119744 eat juniper
119745 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119746 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1676.
119747 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
119748 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119749 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
119750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119751 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
119752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119753 H:609 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
119754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119755 H:669 M:700 -b db 
119756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119757 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
119758 H:609 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
119759 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119760 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
119761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119762 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
119763 H:609 M:457 &lt;-- dbt; 
119764 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119765 H:669 M:700 -b db 
119766 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
119768 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
119770 H:669 M:700 -b db 
119771 You may eat another herb or plant.
119772 H:669 M:700 -b db 
119773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119774 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
119777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119778 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
119781 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119782 H:609 M:457 &lt;e- dbt; 
119783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119784 H:669 M:700 eb db 
119785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119786 You have recovered balance.
119789 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119790 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
119792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119793 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
119794 r.
119796 H:609 M:457 &lt;eb dbt; 
119797 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119798 H:620 M:700 eb db 
119799 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119800 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
119801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119802 Your poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack Dwenthall, but rebounds harmlessly off his shield.
119804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119805 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp attempts to attack you, but rebounds harmlessly off your shield.
119807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119808 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
119809  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
119811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119812 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
119813 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
119815 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119816 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
119818 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119819 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
119820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119821 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
119823 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119824 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
119825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119826 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
119828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119829 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
119830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119831 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
119833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119834 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
119836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119837 Balance Taken: 2.00s
119839 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119840 naturebinding shred dwenthall
119841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119842 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
119844 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119845 ta dwenthall
119846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119847 Dwenthall's condition stands at 651/669 health and 700/700 mana.
119849 Mana Lost: 12
119851 H:609 M:445 &lt;e- dbt; 
119852 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119853 H:620 M:700 eb db 
119854 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119855 ac on
119856 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119857 Autocuring activated.
119859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119860 evoke imbue
119861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119862 You must regain balance first.
119864 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119865 TEAR MAP
119866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119867 Syntax: TEAR MAP
119869 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119870 evoke empower jolt
119871 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119872 You must regain balance first.
119874 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119875 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
119876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119877 You must regain balance first.
119879 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119880 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
119881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119882 You must regain balance first.
119884 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119885 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
119886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119887 You must regain balance first.
119889 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119890 naturebind choke dwenthall
119891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119892 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
119894 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119895 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
119896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119897 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
119898 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119899 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
119900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119901 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
119902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119903 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
119904 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119905 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
119906 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119907 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119908 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119909 ta dwenthall
119910 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119911 Dwenthall's condition stands at 672/669 health and 686/700 mana.
119912 Mana Lost: 12
119913 H:609 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
119914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119915 H:640 M:700 eb db 
119916 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119917 smoke pipe with linseed
119918 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119919 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
119920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119921 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
119922 H:609 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
119923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119924 H:640 M:700 eb db 
119925 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119926 trueassess dwenthall
119927 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119928 Dwenthall's condition stands at 640/669 health and 658/700 mana.
119929 Mana Lost: 12
119930 H:609 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
119931 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119932 ---------delayed wisp
119933 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119934 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
119935 H:609 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
119936 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119937 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
119938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119939 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
119940 mmand.
119941 H:609 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
119942 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119943 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
119944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119945 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119947 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
119948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119949 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119950 H:609 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
119951 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119952 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
119953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119954 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119955 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119956 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
119957 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119958 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119959 H:609 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
119960 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119961 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
119962 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
119963 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119964 What do you wish to break?
119965 H:609 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
119966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119967 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
119968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119969 What do you wish to break?
119970 H:609 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
119971 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119972 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
119973 H:640 M:684 eb db 
119974 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119975 ts
119976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119977 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
119978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119979 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
119980 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119981 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
119982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119983 H:609 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
119984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119985 H:640 M:684 -b db 
119986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119987 naturebind breach dwenthall
119988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119989 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119990 H:609 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
119991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
119992 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
119993 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
119994 H:660 M:684 -b db 
119995 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119996 naturebind breach dwenthall
119997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
119998 You must regain your equilibrium first.
119999 H:609 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
120000 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120001 You may drink another healing elixir.
120002 H:660 M:684 -b db 
120003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120004 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
120005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120006 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
120007 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120008 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
120009 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120010 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
120011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120012 The tornado swirls rapidly.
120013 H:609 M:420 &lt;-- dbt; 
120014 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120015 H:660 M:684 -b b 
120016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120017 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
120018 You have recovered balance.
120019 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120020 eat juniper
120021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120022 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1675.
120023 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
120024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120025 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
120026 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120027 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
120028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120029 H:609 M:420 &lt;eb dbt; 
120030 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120031 H:660 M:684 -b db 
120032 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120033 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
120034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120035 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
120036 H:609 M:420 &lt;eb dbt; 
120037 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120038 naturebind breach dwenthall
120039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120040 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
120041 H:609 M:420 &lt;eb dbt; 
120042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120043 naturebind breach dwenthall
120044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120045 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
120046 H:609 M:420 &lt;eb dbt; 
120047 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120048 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
120049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120050 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
120051 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120052 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
120053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120054 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
120055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120056 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
120057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120058 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
120059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120060 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
120061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120062 H:609 M:420 &lt;-b dbt; 
120063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120064 H:669 M:684 -b db 
120065 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120066 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
120067 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120068 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120069 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120070 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
120071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120072 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120073 H:609 M:420 &lt;-b dbt; 
120074 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120075 naturebind breach dwenthall
120076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120077 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120078 H:609 M:420 &lt;-b dbt; 
120079 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120080 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
120081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120082 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120083 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120084 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
120085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120086 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120087 H:609 M:420 &lt;-b dbt; 
120088 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120089 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
120090 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
120091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120092 What do you wish to break?
120093 H:609 M:420 &lt;-b dbt; 
120094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120095 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
120096 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120097 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
120098 H:609 M:420 &lt;-b dbt; 
120099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120100 H:669 M:684 -b db 
120101 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120102 Health Gain: 33
120103 Mana Gain: 32
120104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120105 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
120106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120107 What do you wish to break?
120108 H:642 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120110 You may eat another mushroom.
120111 H:669 M:700 -b db 
120112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120113 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
120115 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120116 naturebind breach dwenthall
120117 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120118 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120119 H:642 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; Your tree tattoo can be used again.
120120 H:642 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120121 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120122 naturebind breach dwenthall
120123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120124 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120125 H:642 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120126 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120127 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
120128 H:669 M:700 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
120129 H:669 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
120130 H:669 M:700 eb db 
120131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120132 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
120133 H:642 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
120134 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120135 naturebind breach dwenthall
120136 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120137 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
120138 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
120139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120140 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
120141 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
120142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120143 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
120144 H:642 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120146 H:669 M:700 eb db 
120147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120148 naturebind breach dwenthall
120149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120150 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120151 H:642 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120153 naturebind breach dwenthall
120154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120155 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120156 H:642 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120157 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120158 naturebind breach dwenthall
120159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120160 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120161 H:642 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120163 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
120164 H:669 M:700 eb db 
120165 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120166 naturebind breach dwenthall
120167 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120168 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120169 H:642 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120170 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120171 naturebind breach dwenthall
120172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120173 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120174 H:642 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
120175 H:642 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120176 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120177 cnc
120178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120179 You already possess mental equilibrium.
120180 H:669 M:684 eb db 
120181 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120182 pa
120183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120184 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
120185 H:669 M:684 eb db 
120186 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120187 ovt
120188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120189 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
120190 H:669 M:684 eb db 
120191 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120192 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
120193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120194 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
120195 ewreathe effect.
120196 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120197 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
120198 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120199 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
120200 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120201 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
120202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120203 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
120204 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
120205  twitching slightly under the cold.
120206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120207 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
120208 range burning sensation in your nerves.
120209 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
120210 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120211 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
120212 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120213 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
120214 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
120215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120216 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
120217 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
120218 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120219 H:537 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120220 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120221 H:669 M:666 -b db 
120222 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120223 ta
120224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120225 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 537/669 health and 453/512 mana.
120226 H:669 M:654 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
120227 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120228 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
120229 H:537 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120230 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120231 H:669 M:654 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
120232 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120233 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
120234 H:537 M:453 &lt;-b dbt; 
120235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120236 H:657 M:654 -b db 
120237 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120238 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
120239 H:537 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
120240 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120241 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
120242 H:657 M:654 eb db 
120243 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120244 ims
120245 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120246 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
120247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120248 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
120249 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120250 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
120251 ewreathe effect.
120252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120253 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
120254 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120255 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
120256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120257 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
120258 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120259 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
120260 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
120261 y.
120262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120263 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
120264 hly.
120265 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
120266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120267 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
120268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120269 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
120270 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120271 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
120272 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120273 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
120274 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
120275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120276 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
120277 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
120278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120279 H:441 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
120280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120281 H:657 M:642 -b db 
120282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120283 apply epidermal
120284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120285 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
120286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120287 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
120288 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120289 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
120290 H:441 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
120291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120292 H:657 M:642 -b db 
120293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120294 sip health
120295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120296 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
120297 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120298 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
120299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120300 Health Gain: 125
120301 The elixir heals your body.
120302 H:566 M:453 &lt;eb dbt; 
120303 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120304 H:657 M:642 -b db 
120305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120306 eat toadstool
120307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120308 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1851.
120309 You quickly eat a toadstool.
120310 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120311 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
120312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120313 Health Gain: 66
120314 Mana Gain: 51
120315 You feel your health and mana replenished.
120316 H:633 M:504 &lt;eb dbt; 
120317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120318 H:657 M:642 -b db 
120319 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120320 smoke pipe with linseed
120321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120322 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
120323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120324 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
120325 H:633 M:504 &lt;eb dbt; 
120326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120327 H:657 M:642 -b db 
120328 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120329 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
120330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120331 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
120332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120333 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
120334 ods your veins.
120335 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120336 You quickly summon a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
120337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120338 Reyvenyr quickly summons a glowing wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
120339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120340 Your glowing wisp lands on Dwenthall's exposed skin and stings her, but nothing happens.
120341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120342 Reyvenyr's glowing wisp lands on your exposed skin and stings you, but nothing happens.
120343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120344 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 70%.
120345 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120346 evoke wisp glowing me
120347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120348 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
120349 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120350 evoke toxicrain strychnine
120351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120352 Mana Lost: 12
120353 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
120354 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
120355 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120356 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
120357 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
120358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120359 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 80%.
120360 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of strychnine to empower the tornado.
120361 H:633 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
120362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120363 H:657 M:642 -b db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
120364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120365 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
120366 H:633 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
120367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120368 H:642 M:626 -b db 
120369 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120370 You may apply another salve.
120371 H:633 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
120372 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120373 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
120374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120375 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
120376 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120377 evoke wisp glowing me
120378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120379 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
120380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120381 evoke toxicrain strychnine
120382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120383 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
120384 H:633 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
120385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120386 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
120387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120388 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
120389 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120390 evoke wisp glowing me
120391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120392 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
120393 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120394 evoke toxicrain strychnine
120395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120396 You need a vial that has at least 20 applications of the toxin inside.
120397 H:633 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
120398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120399 empty strychnine
120400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120401 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
120402 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120403 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
120404 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120405 empty strychnine
120406 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120407 I don't see that in your inventory.
120408 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120409 vbelt tap empty strychine
120410 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120411 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
120412 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120413 vbelt tap empty strychnine
120414 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120415 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
120416  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
120417  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
120418 H:633 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
120419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120420 H:642 M:626 -b db 
120421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120422 empty strychnine
120423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120424 You pour out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
120425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120426 Reyvenyr pours out the contents of an emerald vial on the ground.
120427 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120428 empty strychnine
120429 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120430 I don't see that in your inventory.
120431 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120432 vbelt tap empty strychine
120433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120434 Strychine is not a valid fluid.
120435 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120436 vbelt tap empty strychnine
120437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120438 Finding an emerald vial empty of the toxin strychnine, you quickly roll the mouth of the vial across
120439  one of the many spouts on a vialbelt of truesilver kegs. In only an instant, the pressurized liquid
120440  sprays into the vial and it is once again full.
120441 H:633 M:492 &lt;eb dbt; 
120442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120443 H:642 M:626 -b db 
120444 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120445 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
120446 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120447 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
120448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120449 evoke wisp glowing me
120450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120451 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
120452 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120453 evoke toxicrain strychnine
120454 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120455 Mana Lost: 12
120456 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets rise slo
120457 wly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
120458 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120459 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado.  Toxic droplets r
120460 ise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
120461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120462 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 90%.
120463 Mana Lost: 12
120464 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of stryc
120465 hnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
120466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120467 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds towards the whirling tornado. Toxic droplets of
120468  strychnine rise slowly from an emerald vial and fly towards it, spinning rapidly.
120469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120470 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 100%.
120471 Balance Taken: 2.00s
120472 H:633 M:468 &lt;e- dbt; 
120473 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120474 H:642 M:626 -b db 
120475 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120476 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
120477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120478 You must regain balance first.
120479 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120480 evoke wisp glowing me
120481 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120482 You must regain balance first.
120483 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120484 evoke toxicrain strychnine
120485 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120486 You must regain balance first.
120487 H:633 M:468 &lt;e- dbt; 
120488 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120489 You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
120490 H:642 M:626 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
120491 H:642 M:626 -b db 
120492 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120493 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
120494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120495 You must regain balance first.
120496 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120497 evoke wisp glowing me
120498 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120499 You must regain balance first.
120500 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120501 evoke toxicrain strychnine
120502 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120503 You must regain balance first.
120504 H:633 M:468 &lt;e- dbt; 
120505 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120506 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
120509 H:642 M:626 eb db 
120510 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120511 cnc
120512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120513 You already possess mental equilibrium.
120515 H:642 M:626 eb db 
120516 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120517 pa
120518 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120519 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
120521 H:642 M:626 eb db 
120522 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120523 ovt
120524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120525 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
120527 H:642 M:626 eb db 
120528 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120529 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
120530 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120531 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
120533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120534 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
120536 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120537 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
120539 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
120540 ock effect.
120542 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120543 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
120545 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120546 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
120548 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
120549  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
120551 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120552 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
120553 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
120555 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
120557 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120558 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
120559 using him to lose his patience.
120561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120562 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
120563 ausing you to lose your patience.
120565 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
120567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120568 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
120570 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120571 H:524 M:468 &lt;e- dbt; 
120572 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120573 H:635 M:589 -b db 
120574 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120575 ta
120576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120577 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 524/669 health and 468/512 mana.
120579 H:635 M:577 -b db 
120580 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120581 eat nightshade
120582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120583 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1935.
120585 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
120587 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120588 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
120590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120591 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
120593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120594 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
120596 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120597 H:524 M:468 &lt;e- dbt; 
120598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120599 H:635 M:577 -b db 
120600 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120601 sip mana
120602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120603 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
120605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120606 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
120608 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120609 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
120611 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120612 H:524 M:468 &lt;e- dbt; 
120613 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120614 H:635 M:700 -b db 
120615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120616 ac on
120617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120618 Autocuring activated.
120620 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120621 order loyals kill dwenthall
120622 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120623 You must regain balance first.
120625 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120626 TEAR MAP
120627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120628 Syntax: TEAR MAP
120630 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120631 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
120632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120633 You must regain balance first.
120635 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120636 evoke empower rockfall
120637 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120638 You must regain balance first.
120640 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120641 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
120642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120643 You must regain balance first.
120644 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120645 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
120646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120647 You must regain balance first.
120648 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120649 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
120650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120651 You must regain balance first.
120652 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120653 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
120654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120655 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
120656 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
120657 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120658 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
120659 you.
120660 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120661 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
120662 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120663 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
120664 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120665 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120666 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120667 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
120668 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120669 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120670 H:524 M:468 &lt;-- dbt; 
120671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120672 H:635 M:700 -b db 
120673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120674 purge blood
120675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120676 Mana Lost: 6
120677 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
120678 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120679 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
120680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120681 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
120682 H:524 M:462 &lt;-- dbt; 
120683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120684 H:635 M:700 -b db 
120685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120686 You have recovered balance.
120687 Health Gain: 33
120688 Mana Gain: 32
120689 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120690 touch tree
120691 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120692 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
120693 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120694 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
120695 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120696 You are patient once again.
120697 H:557 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
120698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120699 H:669 M:700 -b db 
120700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120701 apply mass
120702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120703 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
120704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120705 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
120706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120707 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
120708 H:557 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
120709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120710 H:669 M:700 -b db 
120711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120712 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
120713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120714 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
120715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120716 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
120717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120718 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
120719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120720 The tornado swirls rapidly.
120721 H:557 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
120722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120723 H:669 M:700 -b b 
120724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120725 You may drink another healing elixir.
120726 H:557 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
120727 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120728 eat juniper
120729 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120730 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1674.
120731 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
120732 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120733 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
120734 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120735 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
120736 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120737 H:557 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
120738 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120739 H:669 M:700 -b db 
120740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120741 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
120742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120743 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
120745 H:557 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
120746 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120747 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
120749 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120750 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
120752 H:557 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
120753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120754 H:656 M:700 -b db 
120755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120756 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
120758 H:557 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
120759 You may eat another herb or plant.
120760 H:557 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
120761 You may apply another salve.
120762 H:557 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
120763 You may eat another mushroom.
120765 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120766 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
120768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120769 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
120771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120772 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
120775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120776 H:557 M:494 &lt;-b dbt; 
120777 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120778 H:656 M:684 eb db 
120779 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120780 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
120783 H:557 M:494 &lt;eb dbt; 
120784 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120785 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
120787 H:669 M:700 eb db 
120788 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120789 evoke wisp metallix dwenthall
120790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120791 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
120793 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120794 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
120795 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120796 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
120798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120799 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
120801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120802 Balance Taken: 2.00s
120804 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120805 naturebinding curse dwenthall
120806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120807 You point your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and her skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
120808 root shreds it viciously.
120810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120811 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff towards you and your skin blackens visibly as an animated hawthorn 
120812 root shreds it viciously.
120814 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120815 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
120817 H:557 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
120818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120819 H:669 M:700 eb db 
120820 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120821 smoke pipe with linseed
120822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120823 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
120825 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120826 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
120828 H:557 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
120829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120830 H:669 M:700 eb db 
120831 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120832 ac on
120833 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120834 Autocuring activated.
120836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120837 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
120838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120839 You must regain balance first.
120841 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120842 evoke imbue
120843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120844 You must regain balance first.
120846 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120847 evoke empower rockfall
120848 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120849 You must regain balance first.
120851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120852 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
120853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120854 You must regain balance first.
120856 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120857 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
120858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120859 You must regain balance first.
120861 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120862 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
120863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120864 You must regain balance first.
120866 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120867 naturebinding curse dwenthall
120868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120869 You must regain your equilibrium first.
120871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120872 ta dwenthall
120873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120874 Dwenthall's condition stands at 729/669 health and 756/700 mana.
120875 Mana Lost: 12
120876 H:557 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
120877 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120878 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
120879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120880 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
120881 mmand.
120882 H:557 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
120883 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120884 cnc
120885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120886 You already possess mental equilibrium.
120887 H:669 M:700 eb db 
120888 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120889 ---------------------------------------CURSED!----
120890 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120891 Your input, "---------------------------------------CURSED!----", is not a valid command.
120892 H:557 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
120893 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120894 pa
120895 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120896 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
120897 H:669 M:700 eb db 
120898 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120899 ovt
120900 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120901 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
120902 H:669 M:700 eb db 
120903 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120904 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
120905 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120906 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
120907 ock effect.
120908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120909 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
120910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120911 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
120912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120913 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
120914 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120915 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
120916 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
120917 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
120918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120919 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
120920 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
120921 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
120922 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
120923 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120924 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
120925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120926 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
120927 athe.
120928 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120929 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
120930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120931 H:461 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
120932 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120933 H:669 M:673 -b db 
120934 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120935 ta
120936 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120937 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 461/669 health and 482/512 mana.
120938 H:669 M:661 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
120939 H:669 M:661 -b db 
120940 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120941 eat kelp
120942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120943 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1934.
120944 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
120945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120946 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
120947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120948 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
120949 H:461 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
120950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120951 H:669 M:661 -b db 
120952 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120953 sip health
120954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120955 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
120956 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120957 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
120958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120959 Health Gain: 139
120960 The elixir heals your body.
120961 H:601 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
120962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120963 H:669 M:661 -b db 
120964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120965 eat toadstool
120966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120967 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1850.
120968 You quickly eat a toadstool.
120969 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120970 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
120971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120972 Health Gain: 66
120973 Mana Gain: 29
120974 You feel your health and mana replenished.
120975 H:667 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
120976 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120977 H:669 M:661 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
120978 H:669 M:661 -b db The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
120979 H:669 M:661 -b db 
120980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120981 You have recovered balance.
120982 H:667 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
120983 H:667 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
120984 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120985 eat maidenhair
120986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120987 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1971.
120988 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
120989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120990 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
120991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120992 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
120993 H:667 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
120994 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
120995 H:669 M:661 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
120996 H:669 M:661 -b db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
120997 H:669 M:661 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
120998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
120999 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
121000 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
121001 H:667 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
121002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121003 H:657 M:661 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
121004 H:657 M:661 eb db 
121005 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121006 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
121007 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121008 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
121009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121010 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
121011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121012 apply caloric
121013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121014 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
121015 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121016 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
121017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121018 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
121019 H:621 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
121020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121021 H:657 M:661 eb db 
121022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121023 ac on
121024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121025 Autocuring activated.
121026 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121027 order golem kill dwenthall
121028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121029 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
121030 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121031 evoke empower rockfall
121032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121033 Mana Lost: 6
121034 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
121035 wer of Earth infuses it.
121036 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121037 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
121038 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121039 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
121040 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121041 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
121042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121043 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
121044 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121045 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
121046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121047 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 90%.
121048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121049 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
121050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121051 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
121052 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121053 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
121054 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121055 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121056 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121058 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121060 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
121061 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
121062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121063 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
121064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121065 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
121066 Balance Taken: 3.01s
121067 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121068 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
121069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121070 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
121071 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
121072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121073 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
121074 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
121075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121076 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
121077 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121078 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
121079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121080 You must regain your equilibrium first.
121081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121082 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
121083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121084 You must regain your equilibrium first.
121085 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121086 naturebind shred dwenthall
121087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121088 You must regain your equilibrium first.
121089 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121090 ta dwenthall
121091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121092 Dwenthall's condition stands at 491/669 health and 687/700 mana.
121093 Mana Lost: 12
121094 H:621 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
121095 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121096 H:455 M:661 eb b 
121097 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121098 cnc
121099 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121100 You already possess mental equilibrium.
121101 H:455 M:661 eb b 
121102 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121103 pa
121104 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121105 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
121106 H:455 M:661 eb b 
121107 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121108 ovt
121109 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121110 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
121111 H:455 M:661 eb b 
121112 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121113 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
121114 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121115 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
121116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121117 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
121118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121119 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
121120 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
121121 ranoia effect.
121122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121123 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
121124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121125 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
121126 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121127 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
121128 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121129 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
121130 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
121131 seous.
121132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121133 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
121134 g you thoroughly.
121135 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
121136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121137 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
121138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121139 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
121140 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
121141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121142 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
121143 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121144 H:524 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
121145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121146 H:448 M:627 -b b 
121147 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121148 ta
121149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121150 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 524/669 health and 494/512 mana.
121151 H:448 M:615 -b b 
121152 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121153 focus
121154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121155 Mana Lost: 15
121156 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
121157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121158 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
121159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121160 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
121161 H:524 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121163 H:448 M:615 -b b 
121164 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121165 writhe root
121166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121167 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
121168 H:448 M:615 -b b 
121169 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121170 sip health
121171 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121172 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
121173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121174 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
121175 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121176 The elixir heals your body.
121177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121178 H:524 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121180 H:583 M:615 -b b 
121181 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121182 eat toadstool
121183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121184 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1792.
121185 You quickly eat a toadstool.
121186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121187 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
121188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121189 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
121190 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
121191 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121192 H:524 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121193 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121194 H:583 M:615 -b b 
121195 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121196 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
121197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121198 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
121199 H:524 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121200 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121201 eat juniper
121202 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121203 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1673.
121204 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
121205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121206 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
121207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121208 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
121209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121210 H:524 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121211 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121212 H:583 M:615 -b db 
121213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121214 The icicles continue beating at your skin.
121215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121216 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
121217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121218 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
121219 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121220 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
121221 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121222 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
121223 H:445 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121224 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121225 H:583 M:615 -b db 
121226 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121227 You may eat another herb or plant.
121228 H:445 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121229 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121230 eat nightshade
121231 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121232 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1934.
121233 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
121234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121235 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
121236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121237 Your stomach becalms itself.
121238 H:445 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121240 H:583 M:615 -b db 
121241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121242 You may apply another salve.
121243 H:445 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
121244 H:445 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121245 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121246 sip health
121247 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121248 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
121249 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121250 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
121251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121252 The elixir seems to have an unusual effect on your elixir-deprived body.
121253 Mana Gain: 33
121254 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
121255 H:445 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
121256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121257 H:583 M:599 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
121258 H:583 M:599 -b db Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Cuhpfehr hills.
121259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121260 Your keen senses notice a single shard flying towards the Cuhpfehr hills.
121261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121262 You may eat another herb or plant.
121264 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121265 H:445 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
121266 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121267 H:583 M:599 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
121268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121269 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
121270 H:445 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
121271 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121272 H:583 M:599 -b db 
121273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121274 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
121275 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121276 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
121277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121278 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
121279 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121280 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
121281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121282 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
121283 H:398 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
121284 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121285 H:583 M:599 eb db 
121286 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121287 You may eat another mushroom.
121288 H:398 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
121289 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121290 apply caloric
121291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121292 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
121293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121294 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
121295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121296 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
121297 H:398 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
121298 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121299 H:583 M:599 eb db 
121300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121301 eat toadstool
121302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121303 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1849.
121304 You quickly eat a toadstool.
121305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121306 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
121307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121308 Health Gain: 66
121309 You feel your health and mana replenished.
121310 H:465 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
121311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121312 H:583 M:599 eb db An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the lif
121313 e out of you.
121314 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121315 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
121316 r.
121317 You have recovered balance.
121318 You may eat another herb or plant.
121319 H:465 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
121320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121321 H:535 M:599 eb db 
121322 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121323 cnc
121324 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121325 You already possess mental equilibrium.
121326 H:535 M:599 eb db 
121327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121328 eat nightshade
121329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121330 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1933.
121331 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
121332 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121333 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
121334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121335 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
121336 H:465 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
121337 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121338 H:535 M:599 eb db 
121339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121340 trueassess dwenthall
121341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121342 Dwenthall's condition stands at 535/669 health and 599/700 mana.
121343 Mana Lost: 12
121344 H:465 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
121345 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121346 pa
121347 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121348 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
121349 H:535 M:599 eb db 
121350 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121351 ovt
121352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121353 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
121354 H:535 M:599 eb db 
121355 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121356 abn
121357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121358 Your wounds are already bandaged.
121359 H:535 M:599 eb db 
121360 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121361 cast weariness dehydrate freeze at &tar
121362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121363 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
121364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121365 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
121366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121367 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
121368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121369 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
121370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121371 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
121372 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the We
121373 ariness effect.
121374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121375 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts displaying a variety of soothing images.
121376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121377 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
121378 You conjure a wave of heat and focus it towards Reyvenyr, draining moisture from his body. Reyvenyr'
121379 s skin glistens and he appears dizzy as the wave of heat passes through.
121380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121381 Dwenthall conjures a wave of heat and focuses it towards you, draining moisture from your body, hamp
121382 ering your ability to process salves and causing you to feel dizzy.
121383 Damage Taken: 65 fire, mental (raw damage: 80)
121384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121385 You send a blast of cold air towards Reyvenyr, chilling him to the bone.
121386 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121387 Dwenthall sends a blast of cold air towards you, chilling you to the bone.
121388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121389 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
121390 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121391 H:399 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
121392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121393 H:522 M:568 -b db 
121394 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121395 ta
121396 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121397 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 399/669 health and 500/512 mana.
121398 H:522 M:556 -b db 
121399 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121400 smoke pipe with linseed
121401 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121402 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
121403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121404 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
121405 H:399 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
121406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121407 H:522 M:556 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
121408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121409 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
121410 H:399 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
121411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121412 H:508 M:556 -b db You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
121413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121414 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
121415 H:399 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
121416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121417 H:508 M:556 -b db 
121418 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121419 ac on
121420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121421 Autocuring activated.
121422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121423 evoke imbue
121424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121425 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
121426 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121427 evoke empower rockfall
121428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121429 Mana Lost: 6
121430 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
121431 wer of Earth infuses it.
121432 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121433 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
121434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121435 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
121436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121437 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
121438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121439 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
121440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121441 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
121442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121443 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121444 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121445 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121446 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121447 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
121448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121449 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
121450 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
121451 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121452 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
121453 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121454 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
121455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121456 Balance Taken: 3.01s
121457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121458 naturebinding choke dwenthall
121459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121460 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
121461 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121462 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
121463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121464 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
121465 dding her skin mercilessly.
121466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121467 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
121468 ding your skin mercilessly.
121469 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
121470 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121471 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
121472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121473 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
121474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121475 You must regain your equilibrium first.
121476 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121477 ta dwenthall
121478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121479 Dwenthall's condition stands at 409/669 health and 512/700 mana.
121480 Mana Lost: 12
121481 H:399 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
121482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121483 H:409 M:556 -b b 
121484 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121485 eat maidenhair
121486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121487 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1947.
121488 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
121489 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121490 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
121491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121492 The stinging feeling fades.
121493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121494 H:399 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
121495 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121496 H:409 M:556 -b b 
121497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121498 Your mind is able to focus once again.
121499 Health Gain: 33
121500 Mana Gain: 30
121501 H:433 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
121502 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121503 focus
121504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121505 Mana Lost: 15
121506 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
121507 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121508 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
121509 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121510 Stability returns and you are no longer dizzy.
121511 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121513 H:429 M:584 -b b 
121514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121515 You may apply another salve.
121516 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121517 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121518 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
121519 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121520 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
121521 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; The icicles cease beating at your skin.
121522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121523 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
121524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121525 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121526 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121527 H:429 M:584 -b b 
121528 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121529 apply caloric
121530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121531 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
121532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121533 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
121534 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121535 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
121536 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121537 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121538 H:429 M:584 -b b You may drink another healing elixir.
121539 H:429 M:584 -b b 
121540 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121541 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
121542 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121543 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
121544 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121545 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
121546 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121547 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
121548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121549 The tornado swirls rapidly.
121550 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121551 purge blood
121552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121553 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
121554 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121555 Dwenthall concentrates on purging toxins from her body.
121556 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121557 The stinging feeling fades.
121558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121559 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121560 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121561 H:429 M:578 -b b 
121562 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121563 sip mana
121564 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121565 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
121566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121567 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
121568 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121569 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
121571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121572 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121574 H:429 M:700 -b b 
121575 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121576 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
121578 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121579 You may eat another herb or plant.
121580 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121582 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
121584 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
121586 H:425 M:700 -b b 
121587 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121588 eat wormwood
121589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121590 You take 1 wormwood root, bringing the total to 1993.
121592 You quickly eat a wormwood root.
121594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121595 Reyvenyr quickly eats a wormwood root.
121597 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121598 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
121600 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121602 H:425 M:700 -b b 
121603 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121604 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
121605 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121606 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
121608 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121609 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121610 You may eat another herb or plant.
121611 H:425 M:700 -b b 
121612 You may eat another mushroom.
121614 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
121617 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121618 eat juniper
121619 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121620 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1672.
121622 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
121624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121625 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
121627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121628 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
121630 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121631 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121632 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121633 H:425 M:700 eb db 
121634 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121635 eat toadstool
121636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121637 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1791.
121639 You quickly eat a toadstool.
121641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121642 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
121644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121645 You feel your health and mana replenished.
121647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121648 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121649 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121650 H:492 M:700 eb db 
121651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121652 You may drink another healing elixir.
121653 H:433 M:497 &lt;-- dbt; 
121654 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
121657 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121658 sip health
121659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121660 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
121662 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121663 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
121665 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121666 Health Gain: 138
121668 The elixir heals your body.
121670 H:571 M:497 &lt;e- dbt; 
121671 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121672 H:492 M:684 eb db 
121673 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121674 You have recovered balance.
121677 H:571 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
121678 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121679 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
121680 H:492 M:684 eb db 
121681 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121682 ts
121683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121684 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
121686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121687 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
121689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121690 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
121692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121693 H:571 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
121694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121695 H:492 M:684 -b db 
121696 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121697 ac on
121698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121699 Autocuring activated.
121700 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121701 order golem kill dwenthall
121702 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121703 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
121704 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121705 evoke empower rockfall
121706 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121707 Mana Lost: 6
121708 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
121709 wer of Earth infuses it.
121710 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121711 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
121712 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121713 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
121714 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121715 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
121716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121717 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies into Dwenthall's shield, stripping it.
121718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121719 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies into your shield, stripping it.
121720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121721 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 80%.
121722 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121723 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
121724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121725 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
121726 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121727 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
121728 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121729 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121730 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121731 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121732 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121734 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
121735 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
121736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121737 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
121738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121739 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
121740 Balance Taken: 3.01s
121741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121742 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
121743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121744 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
121745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121746 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
121747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121748 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated blackthorn root leaps at her throat and squ
121749 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
121750 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121751 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated blackthorn root leaps at your throat and squ
121752 eezes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
121753 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121754 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
121755 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121756 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
121757 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121758 You must regain your equilibrium first.
121759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121760 naturebind shred dwenthall
121761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121762 You must regain your equilibrium first.
121763 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121764 ta dwenthall
121765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121766 Dwenthall's condition stands at 424/669 health and 664/700 mana.
121767 Mana Lost: 12
121768 H:571 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121769 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121770 H:393 M:684 -b b Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
121771 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121772 naturebind breach dwenthall
121773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121774 You must regain your equilibrium first.
121775 H:571 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121777 H:420 M:700 -b b 
121778 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121779 writhe root
121780 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121781 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
121782 H:420 M:700 -b b 
121783 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121784 quarterstaff stab dwenthall
121785 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121786 You must regain balance first.
121787 H:571 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121788 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121789 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
121790 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121791 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
121792 H:571 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
121793 H:571 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
121794 H:571 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121795 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121796 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
121797 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121798 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
121799 H:571 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121800 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121801 H:411 M:700 -b b 
121802 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121803 eat kelp
121804 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121805 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1933.
121806 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
121807 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121808 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
121809 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121810 Your sweating subsides and your skin temperature returns to normal.
121811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121812 Reyvenyr's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
121813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121814 H:571 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121816 H:411 M:700 -b b You may eat another herb or plant.
121817 H:411 M:700 -b b 
121818 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121819 eat juniper
121820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121821 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1671.
121822 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
121823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121824 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
121825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121826 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
121827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121828 H:571 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121829 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121830 H:411 M:700 -b db 
121831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121832 Your mind is able to focus once again.
121833 H:571 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
121834 H:571 M:479 &lt;-- dbt; 
121835 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121836 purge blood
121837 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121838 Mana Lost: 6
121839 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
121840 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121841 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
121842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121843 Your nerves suddenly calm down.
121844 H:571 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
121845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121846 H:411 M:700 -b db 
121847 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121848 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
121849 You may eat another mushroom.
121850 H:571 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
121851 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121852 touch tree
121853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121854 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
121855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121856 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
121857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121858 You feel strength return to your limbs.
121859 H:571 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
121860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121861 H:411 M:700 -b db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
121862 H:411 M:700 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
121863 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121864 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
121865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121866 You may drink another healing elixir.
121868 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121869 H:571 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
121870 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121871 H:411 M:700 -b db 
121872 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121873 sip health
121874 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121875 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
121876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121877 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
121878 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121879 The elixir heals your body.
121880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121881 H:571 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
121882 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121883 H:558 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
121884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121885 You may eat another herb or plant.
121886 H:571 M:473 &lt;-- dbt; 
121887 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121888 H:558 M:700 eb db 
121889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121890 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
121891 H:571 M:473 &lt;e- dbt; 
121892 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121893 You may eat another herb or plant.
121894 H:558 M:700 eb db 
121895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121896 You have recovered balance.
121899 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121900 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
121902 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121903 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
121904 her.
121906 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121907 The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
121909 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121910 H:571 M:473 &lt;eb dbt; 
121911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121912 H:510 M:700 eb db 
121913 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121914 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
121915 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121916 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
121918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121919 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
121920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121921 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
121923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121924 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
121925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121926 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
121928 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121929 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
121930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121931 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121933 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121934 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
121936 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121937 Balance Taken: 2.00s
121939 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121940 naturebinding shred dwenthall
121941 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121942 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
121943 ing her skin mercilessly.
121945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121946 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
121947 ng your skin mercilessly.
121949 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
121951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121952 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
121954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121955 ta dwenthall
121956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121957 Dwenthall's condition stands at 420/669 health and 684/700 mana.
121959 Mana Lost: 12
121961 H:571 M:461 &lt;-- dbt; 
121962 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
121963 H:466 M:684 eb b 
121964 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121965 ac on
121966 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121967 Autocuring activated.
121969 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121970 evoke imbue
121971 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121972 You must regain balance first.
121974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121975 evoke empower shock
121976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121977 You must regain balance first.
121979 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121980 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
121981 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121982 You must regain balance first.
121984 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121985 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
121986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121987 You must regain balance first.
121989 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121990 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
121991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121992 You must regain balance first.
121994 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121995 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
121996 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
121997 You must regain your equilibrium first.
121999 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122000 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
122001 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122002 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122004 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122005 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
122006 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122007 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122009 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122010 ta dwenthall
122011 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122012 Dwenthall's condition stands at 531/669 health and 684/700 mana.
122014 Mana Lost: 12
122016 H:571 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
122017 You may drink another healing elixir.
122018 H:571 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
122019 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122020 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
122022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122023 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
122024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122025 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
122026 mmand.
122027 H:571 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
122028 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122029 H:466 M:684 eb b 
122030 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122031 smoke pipe with linseed
122032 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122033 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
122034 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122035 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
122036 H:571 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
122037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122038 H:466 M:684 eb b Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
122039 Your wounds cause you to bleed 5 health.
122040 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122041 eat juniper
122042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122043 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1670.
122044 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
122045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122046 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
122047 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122048 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
122049 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122050 H:571 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
122051 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122052 H:461 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
122053 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122054 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
122055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122056 You may eat another mushroom.
122057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122058 H:571 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
122059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122060 H:452 M:684 eb db 
122061 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122062 eat toadstool
122063 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122064 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1790.
122065 You quickly eat a toadstool.
122066 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122067 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
122068 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122069 You feel your health and mana replenished.
122070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122071 H:571 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
122072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122073 H:519 M:700 eb db 
122074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122075 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
122076 H:571 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
122077 H:571 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
122078 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122079 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
122080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122081 An animated blackthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of 
122082 her.
122083 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122084 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
122085 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122086 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
122087 H:571 M:448 &lt;-b dbt; 
122088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122089 H:471 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
122090 H:471 M:700 eb db 
122091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122092 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
122093 H:571 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; Health Gain: 33
122094 Mana Gain: 32
122095 H:604 M:481 &lt;eb dbt; 
122096 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122097 You may drink another healing elixir.
122098 H:491 M:700 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
122099 H:491 M:700 eb db 
122100 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122101 ac on
122102 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122103 Autocuring activated.
122104 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122105 evoke imbue
122106 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122107 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
122108 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122109 evoke empower shock
122110 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122111 Mana Lost: 6
122112 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
122113 wer of Earth infuses it.
122114 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122115 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
122116 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122117 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
122118 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122119 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
122120 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122121 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
122122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122123 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
122124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122125 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 70%.
122126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122127 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
122128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122129 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
122130 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122131 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
122132 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122133 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122134 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122136 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122137 A brief shock tuns through your body and your muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
122138 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122139 Dwenthall's muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
122140 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 60%.
122141 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122142 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
122143 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122144 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
122145 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122146 Balance Taken: 3.01s
122147 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122148 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
122149 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122150 You concentrate on your bond with Nature and prepare to overwhelm Dwenthall with its raw power.
122151 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122152 A look of utmost concentration appears on Reyvenyr's face, followed by a menacing look in your direc
122153 tion.
122154 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122155 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
122156 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122157 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
122158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122159 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122160 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122161 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
122162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122163 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122164 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122165 ta dwenthall
122166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122167 Dwenthall's condition stands at 290/669 health and 630/700 mana.
122168 Mana Lost: 12
122169 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122171 H:337 M:700 eb b 
122172 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122173 eat juniper
122174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122175 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1669.
122176 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
122177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122178 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
122179 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122180 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
122181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122182 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122184 H:337 M:700 eb db 
122185 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122186 sip health
122187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122188 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
122189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122190 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
122191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122192 The elixir heals your body.
122193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122194 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122196 H:499 M:700 eb db 
122197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122198 ---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!
122199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122200 Your input, "---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!"
122201 , is not a valid command.
122202 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122203 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122204 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
122205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122206 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
122207 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122208 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122209 -------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!
122210 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122211 Your input, "-------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
122212 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122213 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122214 l
122215 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122216 A rocky outcropping.
122217 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
122218 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
122219 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
122220 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. 
122221 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
122222 H:499 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
122223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122224 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
122225 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122227 H:488 M:684 eb db 
122228 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122229 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
122230 The tornado swirls rapidly.
122231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122232 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
122233 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122234 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
122235 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122236 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
122237 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122238 ts
122239 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122240 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
122241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122242 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
122243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122244 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
122245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122246 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122248 H:488 M:684 -b b 
122249 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122250 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
122251 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122252 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
122253 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122254 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122255 naturebind breach dwenthall
122256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122257 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122258 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122259 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122260 ac on
122261 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122262 Autocuring activated.
122263 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122264 pt
122265 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122266 You must regain balance first.
122267 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122268 target nothing
122269 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122270 You must regain balance first.
122271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122272 evoke empower rockfall
122273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122274 You must regain balance first.
122275 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122276 lp
122277 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122278 You must regain balance first.
122279 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122280 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
122281 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122282 You must regain balance first.
122283 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122284 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
122285 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122286 You must regain balance first.
122287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122288 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
122289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122290 You must regain balance first.
122291 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122292 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
122293 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122294 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122295 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122296 naturebind choke dwenthall
122297 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122298 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122299 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122300 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
122301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122302 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122303 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122304 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
122305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122306 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122307 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122309 You may eat another herb or plant.
122310 H:488 M:684 -b b 
122311 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122312 eat juniper
122313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122314 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1668.
122316 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
122318 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122319 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
122321 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122322 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
122324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122325 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122327 H:488 M:684 -b db 
122328 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
122330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122331 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
122333 H:604 M:463 &lt;-- dbt; 
122334 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122335 H:488 M:684 -b db 
122336 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122337 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
122340 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122341 You may eat another mushroom.
122343 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122344 H:604 M:463 &lt;e- dbt; 
122345 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122346 H:488 M:684 -b db 
122347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122348 You have recovered balance.
122351 H:604 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
122352 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122353 eat toadstool
122354 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122355 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1789.
122357 You quickly eat a toadstool.
122359 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122360 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
122362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122363 You feel your health and mana replenished.
122365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122366 H:604 M:463 &lt;eb dbt; 
122367 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122368 H:555 M:700 -b db 
122369 Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
122371 H:582 M:700 -b db 
122372 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
122374 H:581 M:700 -b db 
122375 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122376 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
122377 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122378 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
122380 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122381 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
122382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122383 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
122385 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122386 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
122387 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122388 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
122390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122391 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
122392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122393 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122395 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122396 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122399 Balance Taken: 2.00s
122401 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122402 naturebinding shred dwenthall
122403 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122404 A numbing energy runs up your limbs as your attack rebounds off of Dwenthall's shield.
122406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122407 Reyvenyr's attack rebounds off your translucent shield.
122409 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122410 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
122412 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122413 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
122415 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122416 ta dwenthall
122417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122418 Dwenthall's condition stands at 577/669 health and 700/700 mana.
122420 Mana Lost: 12
122422 H:604 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
122423 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122424 H:601 M:700 -b db 
122425 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122426 ac on
122427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122428 Autocuring activated.
122430 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122431 pt
122432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122433 You must regain balance first.
122435 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122436 target nothing
122437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122438 You must regain balance first.
122440 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122441 evoke empower rockfall
122442 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122443 You must regain balance first.
122445 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122446 lp
122447 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122448 You must regain balance first.
122449 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122450 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
122451 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122452 You must regain balance first.
122453 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122454 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
122455 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122456 You must regain balance first.
122457 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122458 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
122459 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122460 You must regain balance first.
122461 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122462 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
122463 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122464 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122465 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122466 naturebind choke dwenthall
122467 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122468 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122469 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122470 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
122471 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122472 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122473 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122474 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
122475 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122476 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122477 H:604 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
122478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122479 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
122480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122481 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
122482 mmand.
122483 H:604 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
122484 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122485 smoke pipe with linseed
122486 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122487 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
122488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122489 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
122490 H:604 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
122491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122492 H:601 M:700 -b db 
122493 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122494 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------BREAK THE SHIELD******************************
122495 *********----BREACH HIS SHIELD
122496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122497 What do you wish to break?
122498 H:604 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
122499 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122500 BREAK THE SHIELD*****---------------------------------
122501 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122502 What do you wish to break?
122503 H:604 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
122504 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122505 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
122506 H:601 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
122507 H:601 M:700 eb db You have regained the ability to purge your body.
122508 H:601 M:700 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
122509 H:601 M:700 eb db 
122510 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122511 sip health
122512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122513 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
122514 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122515 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
122516 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122517 The elixir heals your body.
122518 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122519 H:604 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
122520 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122521 H:669 M:700 eb db 
122522 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122523 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
122524 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122525 A mighty earth golem hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
122526 A sanctified aegis glows warmly as it heals your body.
122527 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122528 H:604 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
122529 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122530 H:669 M:700 eb db 
122531 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122532 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
122533 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122534 naturebind breach dwenthall
122535 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122536 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
122537 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
122538 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122539 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
122540 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
122541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122542 Equilibrium Taken: 1.26s
122543 H:604 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
122544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122545 H:669 M:700 eb db 
122546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122547 naturebind breach dwenthall
122548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122549 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122550 H:604 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
122551 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122552 naturebind breach dwenthall
122553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122554 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122555 H:604 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
122556 H:604 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
122557 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122558 naturebind breach dwenthall
122559 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122560 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122561 H:604 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; 
122562 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122563 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
122564 H:669 M:684 eb db 
122565 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122566 naturebind breach dwenthall
122567 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122568 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122569 H:604 M:451 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
122570 H:604 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
122571 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122572 ac on
122573 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122574 Autocuring activated.
122575 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122576 evoke imbue
122577 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122578 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
122579 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122580 TEAR MAP
122581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122582 Syntax: TEAR MAP
122583 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122584 evoke empower jolt
122585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122586 Mana Lost: 6
122587 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
122588 wer of Earth infuses it.
122589 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122590 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
122591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122592 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
122593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122594 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
122595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122596 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
122597 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122598 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
122599 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122600 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 50%.
122601 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122602 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
122603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122604 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
122605 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122606 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
122607 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122608 I do not recognize that toxin.
122609 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122610 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122611 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122612 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
122613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122614 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
122615 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 40%.
122616 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122617 Balance Taken: 3.01s
122618 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122619 naturebind choke dwenthall
122620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122621 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
122622 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122623 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
122624 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122625 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
122626  her skin mercilessly.
122627 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122628 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
122629 your skin mercilessly.
122630 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
122631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122632 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
122633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122634 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
122635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122636 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122638 ta dwenthall
122639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122640 Dwenthall's condition stands at 461/669 health and 684/700 mana.
122641 Mana Lost: 12
122642 H:604 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
122643 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122644 H:401 M:684 eb b 
122645 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122646 eat juniper
122647 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122648 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1667.
122649 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
122650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122651 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
122652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122653 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
122654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122655 H:604 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
122656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122657 H:401 M:684 eb db 
122658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122659 You have regained the ability to purge your body.
122660 H:604 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; Your tree tattoo can be used again.
122661 H:604 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
122662 H:604 M:433 &lt;e- dbt; 
122663 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122664 You may eat another mushroom.
122665 H:401 M:684 eb db 
122666 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122667 eat toadstool
122668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122669 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1788.
122670 You quickly eat a toadstool.
122671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122672 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
122673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122674 You feel your health and mana replenished.
122675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122676 H:604 M:433 &lt;e- dbt; 
122677 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122678 H:468 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
122679 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
122680 H:464 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
122681 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122682 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
122683 H:604 M:433 &lt;e- dbt; 
122684 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122685 H:454 M:700 eb db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
122686 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122687 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
122688 H:604 M:433 &lt;e- dbt; 
122689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122690 H:454 M:700 eb db You may eat another herb or plant.
122691 H:454 M:700 eb db You may drink another healing elixir.
122692 H:454 M:700 eb db 
122693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122694 Health Gain: 33
122695 Mana Gain: 32
122696 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122697 sip health
122698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122699 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
122700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122701 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
122702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122703 The elixir heals your body.
122704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122705 H:638 M:465 &lt;e- dbt; 
122706 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122707 H:634 M:700 eb db 
122708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122709 You have recovered balance.
122710 H:638 M:465 &lt;eb dbt; 
122711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122712 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
122713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122714 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
122715 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122716 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
122717 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122718 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
122719 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122720 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
122721 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122722 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
122723 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122724 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
122725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122726 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122727 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122728 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122730 Balance Taken: 2.00s
122731 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122732 naturebinding shred dwenthall
122733 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122734 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
122735 ing her skin mercilessly.
122736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122737 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
122738 ng your skin mercilessly.
122739 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
122740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122741 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
122742 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122743 ta dwenthall
122744 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122745 Dwenthall's condition stands at 590/669 health and 735/700 mana.
122746 Mana Lost: 12
122747 H:638 M:453 &lt;-- dbt; 
122748 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122749 H:590 M:700 eb b 
122750 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122751 ac on
122752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122753 Autocuring activated.
122754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122755 order golem kill dwenthall
122756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122757 You must regain balance first.
122758 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122759 evoke empower rockfall
122760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122761 You must regain balance first.
122762 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122763 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
122764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122765 You must regain balance first.
122766 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122767 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
122768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122769 You must regain balance first.
122770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122771 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
122772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122773 You must regain balance first.
122774 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122775 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
122776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122777 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122779 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
122780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122781 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122782 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122783 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
122784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122785 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122787 naturebind shred dwenthall
122788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122789 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122790 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122791 ta dwenthall
122792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122793 Dwenthall's condition stands at 590/669 health and 700/700 mana.
122794 Mana Lost: 12
122795 H:638 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
122796 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122797 smoke pipe with linseed
122798 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122799 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
122800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122801 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
122802 H:638 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
122803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122804 H:590 M:700 eb b 
122805 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122806 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
122807 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122808 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
122809 mmand.
122810 H:638 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
122811 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122812 eat juniper
122813 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122814 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1666.
122815 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
122816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122817 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
122818 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122819 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
122820 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122821 H:638 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
122822 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122823 H:590 M:684 eb db 
122824 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122825 Your tornado continues swirling violently, infused with droplets of strychnine.
122826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122827 Toxic droplets swirl in the air and seep into your skin.
122828 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122829 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
122830 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122831 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
122832 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122833 The tornado swirls rapidly.
122834 H:638 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; 
122835 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122836 H:590 M:684 eb b 
122837 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122838 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
122839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122840 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
122841 H:638 M:441 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
122842 H:638 M:441 &lt;e- dbt; You are again able to evoke a wisp.
122843 H:638 M:441 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
122844 H:638 M:441 &lt;eb dbt; 
122845 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122846 You may eat another herb or plant.
122847 H:590 M:684 eb b 
122848 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122849 eat juniper
122850 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122851 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1665.
122852 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
122853 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122854 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
122855 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122856 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
122857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122858 H:638 M:441 &lt;eb dbt; 
122859 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122860 H:590 M:684 eb db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
122861 H:590 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
122862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122863 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
122864 H:638 M:441 &lt;eb dbt; 
122865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122866 H:577 M:684 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
122867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122868 ac on
122869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122870 Autocuring activated.
122871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122872 order golem kill dwenthall
122873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122874 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
122875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122876 evoke empower rockfall
122877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122878 Mana Lost: 6
122879 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
122880 wer of Earth infuses it.
122881 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122882 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
122883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122884 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
122885 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122886 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
122887 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122888 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
122889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122890 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
122891 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122892 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 30%.
122893 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122894 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
122895 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122896 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
122897 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122898 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
122899 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122900 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122901 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122902 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122903 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122904 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
122905 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122906 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
122907 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
122908 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
122909 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
122910 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122911 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
122912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122913 Balance Taken: 3.01s
122914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122915 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
122916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122917 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
122918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122919 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
122920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122921 An animated blackthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
122922 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122923 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
122924 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122925 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated beech root leaps at her throat and squeezes
122926  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
122927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122928 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated beech root leaps at your throat and squeezes
122929  tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
122930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122931 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
122932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122933 naturebind shred dwenthall
122934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122935 You must regain your equilibrium first.
122936 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122937 ta dwenthall
122938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122939 Dwenthall's condition stands at 351/669 health and 637/700 mana.
122940 Mana Lost: 12
122941 H:638 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
122942 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122943 H:351 M:700 eb b 
122944 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122945 writhe root
122946 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122947 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
122948 H:351 M:700 eb b 
122949 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122950 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
122951 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122952 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
122953 H:638 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
122954 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122955 You may drink another healing elixir.
122956 H:351 M:700 eb b 
122957 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122958 sip health
122959 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122960 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
122961 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122962 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
122963 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122964 The elixir heals your body.
122965 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122966 H:638 M:423 &lt;-- dbt; 
122967 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122968 H:472 M:700 eb b You may eat another herb or plant.
122969 H:472 M:700 eb b You may eat another mushroom.
122970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122971 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
122972 H:638 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
122973 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122974 H:472 M:700 eb b 
122975 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122976 eat juniper
122977 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122978 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1664.
122979 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
122980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122981 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
122982 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122983 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
122984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122985 H:638 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
122986 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122987 H:472 M:700 eb db 
122988 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122989 eat toadstool
122990 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122991 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1787.
122992 You quickly eat a toadstool.
122993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122994 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
122995 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
122996 You feel your health and mana replenished.
122997 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
122998 H:638 M:423 &lt;e- dbt; 
122999 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123000 H:539 M:700 eb db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
123001 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
123002 H:535 M:700 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
123003 H:535 M:684 eb db 
123004 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123005 l
123006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123007 A rocky outcropping.
123008 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
123009 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
123010 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Reyvenyr is here. He wie
123011 lds a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. 
123012 You see exits leading northeast, south, and northwest.
123013 H:535 M:684 eb db An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life o
123014 ut of you.
123015 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123016 An animated beech root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of her.
123017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123018 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
123019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123020 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
123021 You have recovered balance.
123022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123023 ac on
123024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123025 Autocuring activated.
123026 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123027 evoke imbue
123028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123029 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
123030 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123031 TEAR MAP
123032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123033 Syntax: TEAR MAP
123034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123035 evoke empower jolt
123036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123037 Mana Lost: 6
123038 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
123039 wer of Earth infuses it.
123040 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123041 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
123042 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123043 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
123044 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123045 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
123046 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123047 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
123048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123049 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
123050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123051 I do not recognize that toxin.
123052 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
123053 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123054 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
123055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123056 The attack rebounds back onto you!
123057 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123058 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
123059 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123060 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
123061 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
123062 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123063 A small jolt of lightning zaps Reyvenyr.
123064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123065 Damage Taken: 29 electricity, mental (raw damage: 45)
123066 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 20%.
123067 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
123068 Balance Taken: 3.01s
123069 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123070 naturebind choke dwenthall
123071 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123072 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
123073 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123074 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
123075 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123076 An animated beech root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
123077 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123078 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
123079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123080 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
123081 dding her skin mercilessly.
123082 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123083 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
123084 ding your skin mercilessly.
123085 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
123086 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123087 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
123088 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123089 ta dwenthall
123090 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123091 Dwenthall's condition stands at 472/669 health and 650/700 mana.
123092 Mana Lost: 12
123093 H:543 M:405 &lt;-- dbt; 
123094 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123095 H:442 M:684 eb b 
123096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123097 eat toadstool
123098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123099 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1848.
123100 You quickly eat a toadstool.
123101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123102 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
123103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123104 Health Gain: 66
123105 Mana Gain: 51
123106 You feel your health and mana replenished.
123107 H:610 M:456 &lt;-- dbt; 
123108 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123109 H:442 M:684 eb b 
123110 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123111 trueassess dwenthall
123112 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123113 Dwenthall's condition stands at 442/669 health and 684/700 mana.
123114 Mana Lost: 12
123115 H:610 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
123116 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123117 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
123118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123119 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123120 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123121 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
123122 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123123 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123124 H:610 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
123125 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123126 You may eat another herb or plant.
123127 H:442 M:684 eb b 
123128 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123129 eat juniper
123130 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123131 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1663.
123132 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
123133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123134 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
123135 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123136 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
123137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123138 H:610 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
123139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123140 H:442 M:684 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
123141 H:442 M:684 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
123142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123143 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
123144 H:610 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
123145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123146 H:430 M:684 eb db 
123147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123148 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
123149 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123150 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
123151 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123152 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
123153 H:610 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; 
123154 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123155 H:430 M:684 eb db 
123156 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123157 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
123158 H:610 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; H:610 M:444 &lt;e- dbt; 
123159 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123160 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
123161 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123162 You must regain balance first.
123163 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123164 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
123165 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123166 You must regain balance first.
123167 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123168 evoke lightning dwenthall
123169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123170 You must regain balance first.
123171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123172 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
123173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123174 You must regain balance first.
123175 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123176 naturebind choke dwenthall
123177 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123178 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
123179 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123180 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
123181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123182 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
123183 ing her skin mercilessly.
123184 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123185 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
123186 ng your skin mercilessly.
123187 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
123188 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123189 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
123190 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123191 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
123192 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123193 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123194 H:610 M:444 &lt;-- dbt; 
123195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123196 H:385 M:684 eb b 
123197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123198 ac on
123199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123200 Autocuring activated.
123201 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123202 evoke empower knockout
123203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123204 You must regain balance first.
123205 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123206 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
123207 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123208 You must regain balance first.
123209 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123210 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
123211 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123212 You must regain balance first.
123213 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123214 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
123215 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123216 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123217 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123218 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
123219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123220 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123221 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123222 ta dwenthall
123223 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123224 Dwenthall's condition stands at 400/669 health and 684/700 mana.
123225 Mana Lost: 12
123226 H:610 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
123227 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123228 clot
123229 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123230 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
123231 H:385 M:670 eb b 
123232 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123233 ffne
123234 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123235 Somehow Dwenthall flips away to the northeast.
123237 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123238 You flip away to the northeast, landing flat on your back.
123239 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
123240 You see exits leading north, east, southeast, and southwest.
123241 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123242 An animated hawthorn root ceases its entrapping attempts, its target gone.
123243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123244 Balance Taken: 3.20s
123245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123246 H:610 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
123247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123248 H:385 M:670 e- pb You may eat another herb or plant.
123249 H:385 M:670 e- pb 
123250 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123251 ----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!
123252 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123253 Your input, "----------------------------------------------ENEMY GONE!!", is not a valid command.
123254 H:610 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
123255 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123256 kipup
123257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123258 You spring up from the ground to your feet.
123259 H:385 M:670 e- b You may drink another healing elixir.
123260 H:385 M:670 e- b 
123261 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123262 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
123263 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123264 You must regain balance first.
123265 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123266 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
123267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123268 You must regain balance first.
123269 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123270 evoke lightning dwenthall
123271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123272 You must regain balance first.
123273 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123274 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
123275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123276 You must regain balance first.
123277 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123278 naturebind choke dwenthall
123279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123280 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123281 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123282 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
123283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123284 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123286 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
123287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123288 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123289 H:610 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
123290 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123291 ac on
123292 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123293 Autocuring activated.
123294 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123295 evoke empower knockout
123296 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123297 You must regain balance first.
123298 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123299 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
123300 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123301 You must regain balance first.
123302 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123303 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
123304 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123305 You must regain balance first.
123306 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123307 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
123308 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123309 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123311 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
123312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123313 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123314 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123315 ta dwenthall
123316 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123317 I do not recognize anything called that here.
123318 H:610 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
123319 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123320 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
123321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123322 You must regain balance first.
123323 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123324 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
123325 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123326 You must regain balance first.
123327 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123328 evoke lightning dwenthall
123329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123330 You must regain balance first.
123331 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123332 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
123333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123334 You must regain balance first.
123335 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123336 naturebind choke dwenthall
123337 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123338 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123339 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123340 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
123341 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123342 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123343 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123344 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
123345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123346 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123347 H:610 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; 
123348 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123349 ac on
123350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123351 Autocuring activated.
123352 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123353 evoke empower knockout
123354 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123355 You must regain balance first.
123356 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123357 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
123358 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123359 You must regain balance first.
123360 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123361 quarterstaff stab dwenthall oxalis
123362 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123363 You must regain balance first.
123364 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123365 naturebinding beech absorb dwenthall
123366 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123367 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123368 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123369 naturebind hawthorn absorb dwenthall
123370 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123371 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123372 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123373 ta dwenthall
123374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123375 I do not recognize anything called that here.
123376 H:610 M:432 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
123377 H:610 M:432 &lt;-b dbt; 
123378 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123379 eat juniper
123380 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123381 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1662.
123382 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
123383 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
123384 H:385 M:670 e- db 
123385 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123386 sip health
123387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123388 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
123389 The elixir heals your body.
123390 H:512 M:670 e- db 
123391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123392 Health Gain: 33
123393 Mana Gain: 32
123394 H:643 M:464 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
123395 H:643 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; You cease attempting to overwhelm Dwenthall through the power of Nature.
123396 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123397 ne
123398 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123399 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
123400 ------ v37838 -------
123404      [ ] [ ]-[ ]     
123405 \   /     |          
123406  [ ]     [+]-[ ]-[ ] 
123407 /   \   /   \ |      
123408      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
123409 \     |              
123410 -[ ] [ ]             
123411     / | \            
123412 ------- 2:3:0 -------
123413 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. Dwenthall is here, her skin grey like stone
123414 . She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
123415 You see exits leading north, east, southeast, and southwest.
123416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123417 Reyvenyr arrives from the southwest.
123418 He is followed by a mighty earth golem, an animated beech root, an animated blackthorn root, and an 
123419 animated hawthorn root.
123420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123421 H:643 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
123422 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123423 H:532 M:698 e- db 
123424 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123427 Your input, "OVERWHELM IS DOWN!!!!!", is not a valid command.
123428 H:643 M:464 &lt;eb dbt; 
123429 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123430 order loyals kill dwenthall
123431 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123432 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
123433 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
123434 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
123435 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
123436 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123437 evoke empower rockfall
123438 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123439 Mana Lost: 6
123440 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
123441 wer of Earth infuses it.
123442 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123443 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
123444 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123445 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
123446 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123447 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
123448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123449 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
123450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123451 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
123452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123453 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
123454 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123455 evoke wisp dwenthall metallic
123456 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123457 Which wisp are you seeking to call forth?
123458 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123459 evoke lightning dwenthall
123460 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123461 Mana Lost: 12
123462 You raise a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then point it towards Dwenthall. A
123463  bolt of lightning flashes across the sky, converging directly upon the form of Dwenthall and leavin
123464 g her charred and drained.
123465 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123466 Reyvenyr raises a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds high into the air, then points it towards you. 
123467 A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and you scream in pain as the bolt of electricity passes 
123468 through your body, leaving you charred and drained.
123469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123470 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 20%.
123471 Balance Taken: 3.80s
123472 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123473 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
123474 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123475 You must regain balance first.
123476 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123477 naturebinding entrap dwenthall
123478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123479 You direct your quarterstaff towards Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacing
123480 ly around her, attempting to thwart her escape.
123481 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123482 Reyvenyr directs his quarterstaff towards you and an animated hawthorn root starts swaying menacingl
123483 y around you, attempting to thwart your escape.
123484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123485 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
123486 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123487 ta dwenthall
123488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123489 Dwenthall's condition stands at 358/669 health and 682/700 mana.
123490 Mana Lost: 12
123491 H:643 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
123492 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123493 H:376 M:682 e- db You may eat another mushroom.
123494 H:376 M:682 e- db 
123495 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123496 eat toadstool
123497 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123498 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1786.
123499 You quickly eat a toadstool.
123500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123501 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
123502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123503 You feel your health and mana replenished.
123504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123505 H:643 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
123506 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123507 H:443 M:700 e- db You feel relieved as the curse of Nature is lifted from you.
123508 H:443 M:700 e- db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
123509 Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
123510 H:441 M:700 e- db You may eat another herb or plant.
123511 H:441 M:700 e- db You howl as a mighty earth golem hacks into you.
123512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123513 Dwenthall howls as a mighty earth golem hacks into her.
123514 H:643 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
123515 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123516 H:427 M:700 e- db You have recovered balance.
123517 H:427 M:700 eb db 
123518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123519 l
123520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123521 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
123522 ------ v37838 -------
123526      [ ] [ ]-[ ]     
123527 \   /     |          
123528  [ ]     [+]-[ ]-[ ] 
123529 /   \   /   \ |      
123530      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
123531 \     |              
123532 -[ ] [ ]             
123533     / | \            
123534 ------- 2:3:0 -------
123535 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
123536 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
123537 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
123538 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
123539 You see exits leading north, east, southeast, and southwest.
123540 H:643 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
123541 H:643 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
123542 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123543 ts
123544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123545 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
123546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123547 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Dwenthall.
123548 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123549 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
123550 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123551 H:643 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
123552 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123553 H:427 M:700 -b db 
123554 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123555 naturebind breach dwenthall
123556 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123557 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123558 H:643 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
123559 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123560 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
123561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123562 H:643 M:434 &lt;e- dbt; 
123563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123564 H:427 M:700 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
123565 H:454 M:700 -b db 
123566 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123567 naturebind breach dwenthall
123568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123569 You point your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield around Dw
123570 enthall, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
123571 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123572 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root pounds at the translucent shield arou
123573 nd you, shattering it to a myriad of multicolored fragments.
123574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123575 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
123576 H:643 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
123577 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123578 H:454 M:700 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
123579 H:454 M:700 -b db 
123580 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123581 sip health
123582 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123583 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
123584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123585 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
123586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123587 The elixir heals your body.
123588 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123589 H:643 M:434 &lt;-- dbt; 
123590 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123591 H:602 M:700 -b db 
123592 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123593 You have recovered balance.
123594 H:643 M:434 &lt;-b dbt; 
123595 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123596 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
123597 H:602 M:684 eb db 
123598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123599 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
123600 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123601 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
123602 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123603 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
123604 H:643 M:434 &lt;-b dbt; 
123605 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123606 H:590 M:684 eb db 
123607 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123608 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
123609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123610 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123612 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
123613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123614 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123616 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
123617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123618 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123619 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123620 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
123621 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123622 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123623 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123624 naturebinding shred dwenthall
123625 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123626 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123627 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123628 ta dwenthall
123629 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123630 Dwenthall's condition stands at 590/669 health and 671/700 mana.
123631 Mana Lost: 12
123632 H:643 M:422 &lt;-b dbt; 
123633 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123634 ac on
123635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123636 Autocuring activated.
123637 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123638 evoke imbue
123639 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123640 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123641 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123642 TEAR MAP
123643 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123644 Syntax: TEAR MAP
123645 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123646 evoke empower jolt
123647 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123648 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123649 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123650 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
123651 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123652 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123653 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123654 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
123655 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123656 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123657 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123658 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
123659 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123660 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123661 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123662 naturebind choke dwenthall
123663 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123664 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123665 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123666 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
123667 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123668 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123669 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123670 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
123671 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123672 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123673 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123674 ta dwenthall
123675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123676 Dwenthall's condition stands at 585/669 health and 745/700 mana.
123677 Mana Lost: 12
123678 H:643 M:410 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
123679 H:643 M:410 &lt;eb dbt; 
123680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123681 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
123682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123683 You quickly summon a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall,
123684  where it slows down and starts hovering above her, poised for action.
123685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123686 Reyvenyr quickly summons a poisonous wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you
123687 . The wisp stops moments before reaching your skin and flies above, hovering just out of your reach.
123688 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123689 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has decreased to 10%.
123690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123691 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
123692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123693 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
123694 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123695 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
123696 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123697 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
123698 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123699 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
123700 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123701 You raze Dwenthall's aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
123702 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123703 Reyvenyr razes your aura of rebounding with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
123704 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123705 Balance Taken: 2.00s
123706 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123707 naturebinding shred dwenthall
123708 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123709 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredd
123710 ing her skin mercilessly.
123711 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123712 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root spins around and batters you, shreddi
123713 ng your skin mercilessly.
123714 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
123715 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123716 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
123717 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123718 ta dwenthall
123719 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123720 Dwenthall's condition stands at 524/669 health and 684/700 mana.
123721 Mana Lost: 12
123722 H:643 M:397 &lt;-- dbt; 
123723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123724 H:545 M:684 eb b 
123725 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123726 ac on
123727 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123728 Autocuring activated.
123729 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123730 evoke imbue
123731 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123732 You must regain balance first.
123733 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123734 TEAR MAP
123735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123736 Syntax: TEAR MAP
123737 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123738 evoke empower jolt
123739 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123740 You must regain balance first.
123741 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123742 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
123743 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123744 You must regain balance first.
123745 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123746 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
123747 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123748 You must regain balance first.
123749 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123750 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
123751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123752 You must regain balance first.
123753 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123754 naturebind choke dwenthall
123755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123756 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123757 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123758 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
123759 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123760 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123761 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123762 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
123763 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123764 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123765 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123766 ta dwenthall
123767 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123768 Dwenthall's condition stands at 545/669 health and 684/700 mana.
123769 Mana Lost: 12
123770 H:643 M:385 &lt;-- dbt; 
123771 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123772 You may eat another mushroom.
123773 H:545 M:684 eb b 
123774 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123775 smoke pipe with linseed
123776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123777 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
123778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123779 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
123780 H:643 M:385 &lt;-- dbt; 
123781 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123782 H:545 M:684 eb b 
123783 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123784 eat toadstool
123785 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123786 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1785.
123787 You quickly eat a toadstool.
123788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123789 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
123790 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123791 You feel your health and mana replenished.
123792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123793 H:643 M:385 &lt;-- dbt; 
123794 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123795 H:612 M:700 eb b 
123796 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123797 eat toadstool
123798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123799 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1847.
123800 You quickly eat a toadstool.
123801 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123802 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
123803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123804 Health Gain: 25
123805 Mana Gain: 51
123806 You feel your health and mana replenished.
123807 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
123808 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123809 H:612 M:700 eb b 
123810 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123811 ---------delayed wisp
123812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123813 Your input, "---------delayed wisp", is not a valid command.
123815 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
123816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123817 REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!
123818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123819 Your input, "REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!REBOUNDING RAZED!!!!!!!-------------RAZED!!!!", is not a valid co
123820 mmand.
123822 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
123823 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123824 eat juniper
123825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123826 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1661.
123828 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
123830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123831 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
123833 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123834 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
123836 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123837 H:669 M:437 &lt;-- dbt; 
123838 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123839 H:612 M:700 eb db 
123840 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
123842 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
123844 H:608 M:700 eb db 
123845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123846 You have recovered balance.
123849 H:669 M:437 &lt;-b dbt; 
123850 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123851 You may drink another healing elixir.
123852 H:608 M:700 eb db 
123853 You may eat another herb or plant.
123854 H:608 M:700 eb db 
123855 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
123856 H:608 M:700 eb db 
123857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123858 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
123861 H:669 M:437 &lt;eb dbt; 
123862 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123863 l
123864 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123865 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
123868 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
123869 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
123870 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
123871 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
123872 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
123873 Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield
123874  in his right. 
123877 You see exits leading 
123878 north, east, southeast, and southwest
123879 .
123882 H:608 M:700 eb db 
123883 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123884 Mana Gain: 32
123886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123887 ac on
123888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123889 Autocuring activated.
123891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123892 evoke imbue
123893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123894 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
123896 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123897 TEAR MAP
123898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123899 Syntax: TEAR MAP
123901 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123902 evoke empower jolt
123903 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123904 Mana Lost: 6
123906 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
123907 wer of Earth infuses it.
123909 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123910 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
123911 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123912 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
123914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123915 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
123916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123917 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
123919 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123920 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychine
123921 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123922 I do not recognize that toxin.
123924 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
123926 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123927 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
123929 A small jolt of lightning zaps you suddenly.
123931 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123932 A small jolt of lightning zaps Dwenthall.
123934 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
123936 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
123938 Balance Taken: 3.01s
123940 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123941 naturebind choke dwenthall
123942 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123943 An animated hawthorn root is not circling around Dwenthall.
123945 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123946 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
123947 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123948 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
123949  her skin mercilessly.
123950 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123951 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
123952 your skin mercilessly.
123953 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
123954 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123955 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
123956 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123957 naturebinding blackthorn shred dwenthall
123958 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123959 You must regain your equilibrium first.
123960 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123961 ta dwenthall
123962 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123963 Dwenthall's condition stands at 461/669 health and 700/700 mana.
123964 Mana Lost: 12
123965 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
123966 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123967 H:461 M:700 eb b 
123968 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123969 eat juniper
123970 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123971 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1660.
123972 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
123973 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123974 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
123975 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123976 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
123977 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123978 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
123979 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123980 H:461 M:700 eb db 
123981 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123982 sip health
123983 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123984 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
123985 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123986 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
123987 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123988 The elixir heals your body.
123989 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123990 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
123991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123992 H:576 M:700 eb db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
123993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123994 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
123995 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
123996 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
123997 H:565 M:700 eb db 
123998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
123999 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
124000 H:669 M:451 &lt;-- dbt; 
124001 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124002 You may eat another herb or plant.
124003 H:565 M:684 eb db 
124004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124005 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
124006 H:669 M:451 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
124007 H:669 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
124008 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124009 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
124010 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124011 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
124012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124013 You may eat another mushroom.
124014 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124015 You may eat another mushroom.
124016 H:669 M:451 &lt;eb dbt; 
124017 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124018 H:565 M:684 eb db 
124019 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124020 ac on
124021 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124022 Autocuring activated.
124023 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124024 evoke empower rockfall
124025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124026 Mana Lost: 6
124027 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
124028 wer of Earth infuses it.
124029 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124030 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall delayed
124031 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124032 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
124033 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124034 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
124035 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124036 Your poised poisonous wisp flies at Dwenthall and stings her painfully.
124037 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124038 Reyvenyr's poised poisonous wisp flies at you and stings you painfully. An odd burning sensation flo
124039 ods your veins.
124040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124041 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
124042 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124043 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
124044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124045 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
124046 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124047 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
124048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124049 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
124050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124051 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
124052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124053 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124054 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124055 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124056 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124057 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124058 The attack rebounds back onto you!
124059 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124060 The attack rebounds off your rebounding aura!
124061 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124062 Damage Taken: 65 cutting, physical (raw damage: 149)
124063 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
124064 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
124065 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
124066 Balance Taken: 3.01s
124067 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124068 naturebinding beech shred dwenthall
124069 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124070 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
124071  her skin mercilessly.
124072 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124073 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
124074 your skin mercilessly.
124075 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
124076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124077 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
124078 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124079 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
124080 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124081 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124082 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124083 ta dwenthall
124084 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124085 Dwenthall's condition stands at 476/669 health and 650/700 mana.
124086 Mana Lost: 12
124087 H:603 M:433 &lt;-- bt; 
124088 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124089 H:480 M:684 eb b 
124090 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124091 eat juniper
124092 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124093 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1659.
124094 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
124095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124096 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
124097 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124098 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
124099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124100 H:603 M:433 &lt;-- bt; 
124101 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124102 H:480 M:684 eb db 
124103 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124104 eat toadstool
124105 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124106 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1784.
124107 You quickly eat a toadstool.
124108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124109 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
124110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124111 The toadstool cleanses the wisp poison from your body.
124112 The wisp poison has been cleared from your body.
124113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124114 H:603 M:433 &lt;-- bt; 
124115 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124116 H:480 M:684 eb db 
124117 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124118 eat juniper
124119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124120 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1972.
124121 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
124122 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124123 Reyvenyr quickly eats a juniper berry.
124124 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124125 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
124126 H:603 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
124127 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124128 H:480 M:684 eb db 
124129 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124130 cnc
124131 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124132 You already possess mental equilibrium.
124133 H:480 M:684 eb db 
124134 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124135 pa
124136 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124137 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
124138 H:480 M:684 eb db 
124139 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124140 ovt
124141 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124142 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
124143 H:480 M:684 eb db 
124144 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124145 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
124146 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124147 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
124148 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124149 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
124150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124151 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
124152 ewreathe effect.
124153 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124154 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
124155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124156 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
124157 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124158 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
124159 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124160 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
124161 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
124162  twitching slightly under the cold.
124163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124164 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
124165 range burning sensation in your nerves.
124166 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
124167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124168 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
124169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124170 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
124171 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
124172 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124173 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
124174 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
124175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124176 H:499 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
124177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124178 H:480 M:666 -b db 
124179 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124180 ta
124181 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124182 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 499/669 health and 433/512 mana.
124183 H:480 M:654 -b db 
124184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124185 sip health
124186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124187 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
124188 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124189 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
124190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124191 Health Gain: 119
124192 The elixir heals your body.
124193 H:618 M:433 &lt;-- dbt; 
124194 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124195 H:480 M:654 -b db 
124196 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124197 eat toadstool
124198 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124199 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1846.
124200 You quickly eat a toadstool.
124201 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124202 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
124203 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124204 Health Gain: 50
124205 Mana Gain: 51
124206 You feel your health and mana replenished.
124207 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
124208 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124209 H:480 M:654 -b db 
124210 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124211 smoke pipe with linseed
124212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124213 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
124214 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124215 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
124216 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
124217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124218 H:480 M:654 -b db 
124219 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124220 clot
124221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124222 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
124223 H:480 M:640 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
124224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124225 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
124226 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
124227 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124228 H:468 M:640 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
124229 Your wounds cause you to bleed 6 health.
124230 You may drink another healing elixir.
124231 H:462 M:640 -b db 
124232 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124233 sip health
124234 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124235 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
124236 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124237 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
124238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124239 The elixir heals your body.
124240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124241 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
124242 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124243 H:610 M:640 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
124244 H:637 M:652 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
124245 H:637 M:652 -b db 
124246 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124247 You may eat another herb or plant.
124248 H:669 M:484 &lt;-- dbt; 
124249 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
124252 H:669 M:484 &lt;e- dbt; 
124253 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124254 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
124255 H:637 M:652 -b db 
124256 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124257 You have recovered balance.
124260 H:669 M:484 &lt;eb dbt; 
124261 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124262 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
124265 H:637 M:652 eb db 
124266 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124267 ac on
124268 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124269 Autocuring activated.
124271 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124272 order loyals kill dwenthall
124273 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124274 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
124276 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
124278 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
124280 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
124282 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124283 TEAR MAP
124284 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124285 Syntax: TEAR MAP
124287 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124288 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
124289 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124290 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
124292 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124293 evoke empower rockfall
124294 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124295 Mana Lost: 6
124297 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
124298 wer of Earth infuses it.
124300 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124301 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
124302 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124303 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
124305 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124306 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
124307 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124308 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
124310 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124311 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
124312 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124313 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124315 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124317 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124318 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124320 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
124322 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124323 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
124325 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
124327 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124329 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
124331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124332 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
124334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124335 Balance Taken: 3.01s
124337 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124338 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
124339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124340 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins ci
124341 rcling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
124343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124344 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated hawthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly around 
124345 you.
124347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124348 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
124350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124351 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
124352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124353 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124356 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
124357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124358 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124360 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
124361 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124362 H:514 M:652 eb b 
124363 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124364 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
124365 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124366 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
124368 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
124369 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124370 eat juniper
124371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124372 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1658.
124374 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
124376 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124377 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
124379 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124380 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
124382 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124383 H:669 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
124384 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124385 H:514 M:652 eb db 
124386 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124387 ims
124388 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124389 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
124390 ewreathe effect.
124391 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124392 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
124393 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124394 Your crystal can augment 3 more spells.
124395 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124396 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
124397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124398 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
124399 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, drenching him thoroughl
124400 y.
124401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124402 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, drenching you thoroug
124403 hly.
124404 You cough violently as the relentless assault strikes you.
124405 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124406 Reyvenyr coughs violently as the relentless assault strikes him.
124407 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124408 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
124409 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124410 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
124411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124412 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
124413 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
124414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124415 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
124416 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
124417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124418 H:572 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
124419 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124420 H:514 M:640 -b db 
124421 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124422 apply epidermal
124423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124424 You quickly rub some epidermal salve on your skin.
124425 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124426 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
124427 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124428 Your ability to digest elixirs stabilizes.
124429 H:572 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
124430 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124431 H:514 M:640 -b db 
124432 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124433 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
124434 H:572 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
124435 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124436 ac on
124437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124438 Autocuring activated.
124439 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124440 order loyals kill dwenthall
124441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124442 You must regain balance first.
124443 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124444 TEAR MAP
124445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124446 Syntax: TEAR MAP
124447 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124448 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
124449 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124450 You must regain balance first.
124451 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124452 evoke empower rockfall
124453 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124454 You must regain balance first.
124455 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124456 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
124457 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124458 You must regain balance first.
124459 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124460 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
124461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124462 You must regain balance first.
124463 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124464 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
124465 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124466 You must regain balance first.
124467 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124468 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
124469 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124470 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124471 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124472 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
124473 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124474 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124475 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124476 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
124477 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124478 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124479 H:572 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
124480 H:572 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
124481 H:572 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
124482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124483 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
124484 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124485 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
124486 H:572 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; 
124487 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124488 H:502 M:640 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
124489 H:502 M:640 -b db 
124490 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124491 ac on
124492 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124493 Autocuring activated.
124494 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124495 order loyals kill dwenthall
124496 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124497 You must regain balance first.
124498 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124499 TEAR MAP
124500 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124501 Syntax: TEAR MAP
124502 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124503 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
124504 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124505 You must regain balance first.
124506 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124507 evoke empower rockfall
124508 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124509 You must regain balance first.
124510 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124511 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
124512 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124513 You must regain balance first.
124514 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124515 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
124516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124517 You must regain balance first.
124518 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124519 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
124520 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124521 You must regain balance first.
124522 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124523 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
124524 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124525 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124527 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
124528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124529 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124530 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124531 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
124532 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124533 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124534 H:572 M:478 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
124535 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124536 You are again able to clot your wounds properly.
124537 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124538 H:572 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; 
124539 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124540 H:502 M:640 -b db Your muscles finally stop twitching.
124541 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124542 Dwenthall's muscles cease their twitching.
124543 H:572 M:478 &lt;e- dbt; 
124544 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124545 H:502 M:640 -b db You may eat another mushroom.
124546 H:502 M:640 -b db 
124547 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124548 You have recovered balance.
124549 H:572 M:478 &lt;eb dbt; 
124550 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124551 You may drink another healing elixir.
124552 H:502 M:640 -b db 
124553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124554 You may eat another mushroom.
124555 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124556 ac on
124557 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124558 Autocuring activated.
124559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124560 order loyals kill dwenthall
124561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124562 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
124563 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
124564 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
124565 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
124566 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124567 TEAR MAP
124568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124569 Syntax: TEAR MAP
124570 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124571 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
124572 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124573 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
124574 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124575 evoke empower rockfall
124576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124577 Mana Lost: 6
124578 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
124579 wer of Earth infuses it.
124580 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124581 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
124582 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124583 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
124584 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124585 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
124586 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124587 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
124588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124589 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
124590 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124591 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
124592 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124593 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
124594 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124595 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
124596 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124597 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
124598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124599 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124600 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124601 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124602 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124604 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
124605 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
124606 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124607 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
124608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124609 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
124610 Balance Taken: 3.01s
124611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124612 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
124613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124614 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
124615 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124616 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
124617 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124618 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root slowly rises from the ground and begins 
124619 circling mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
124620 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124621 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root begins circling mesmerisingly aroun
124622 d you.
124623 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124624 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
124625 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124626 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
124627 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124628 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124629 H:572 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
124630 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124631 H:348 M:640 -b b You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
124632 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124633 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
124634 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124635 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
124636 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124637 ------------SHOCK DOWN
124638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124639 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
124640 H:572 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; 
124641 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124642 H:348 M:640 eb b 
124643 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124644 ------------SHOCK DOWN
124645 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124646 Your input, "------------SHOCK DOWN", is not a valid command.
124647 H:572 M:472 &lt;-- dbt; Health Gain: 33
124648 Mana Gain: 32
124649 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124650 eat juniper
124651 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124652 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1657.
124653 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
124654 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124655 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
124656 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124657 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
124658 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124659 H:606 M:504 &lt;-- dbt; 
124660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124661 H:381 M:681 eb db 
124662 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124663 sip health
124664 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124665 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
124666 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124667 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
124668 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124669 The elixir heals your body.
124670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124671 H:606 M:504 &lt;-- dbt; 
124672 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124673 H:522 M:681 eb db 
124674 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124675 eat toadstool
124676 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124677 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1783.
124678 You quickly eat a toadstool.
124679 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124680 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
124681 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124682 You feel your health and mana replenished.
124683 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124684 H:606 M:504 &lt;-- dbt; 
124685 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124686 H:589 M:700 eb db 
124687 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124688 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
124689 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124690 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
124691 H:606 M:504 &lt;-- dbt; 
124692 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124693 cnc
124694 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124695 You already possess mental equilibrium.
124696 H:589 M:684 eb db 
124697 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124698 pa
124699 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124700 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
124701 H:589 M:684 eb db 
124702 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124703 ovt
124704 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124705 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
124706 H:589 M:684 eb db 
124707 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124708 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
124709 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124710 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
124711 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124712 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
124713 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124714 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
124715 ock effect.
124716 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124717 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
124718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124719 Your crystal can augment 2 more spells.
124720 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
124721  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
124722 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124723 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
124724 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
124725 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
124726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124727 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
124728 using him to lose his patience.
124729 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124730 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
124731 ausing you to lose your patience.
124732 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
124733 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124734 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
124735 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124736 H:497 M:504 &lt;-- dbt; 
124737 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124738 H:589 M:666 -b db 
124739 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124740 ta
124741 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124742 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 497/669 health and 504/512 mana.
124743 H:589 M:654 -b db 
124744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124745 eat nightshade
124746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124747 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1932.
124748 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
124749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124750 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
124751 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124752 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
124753 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124754 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
124755 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124756 H:497 M:504 &lt;-- dbt; 
124757 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124758 H:589 M:654 -b db 
124759 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124760 sip health
124761 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124762 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
124763 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124764 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
124765 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124766 Health Gain: 163
124767 The elixir heals your body.
124768 H:660 M:504 &lt;-- dbt; 
124769 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124770 H:589 M:654 -b db 
124771 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124772 eat toadstool
124773 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124774 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1845.
124775 You quickly eat a toadstool.
124776 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124777 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
124778 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124779 Health Gain: 8
124780 Mana Gain: 7
124781 You feel your health and mana replenished.
124782 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
124783 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124784 H:589 M:654 -b db 
124785 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124786 smoke pipe with linseed
124787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124788 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
124789 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124790 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
124791 H:669 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
124792 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124793 H:589 M:654 -b db 
124794 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124795 purge blood
124796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124797 Mana Lost: 6
124798 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
124799 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124800 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
124801 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124802 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
124803 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
124804 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124805 H:589 M:654 -b db 
124806 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124807 touch tree
124808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124809 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
124810 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124811 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
124812 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124813 You are patient once again.
124814 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
124815 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124816 H:589 M:654 -b db 
124817 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124818 apply mass
124819 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124820 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
124821 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124822 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
124823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124824 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
124825 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
124826 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124827 H:589 M:654 -b db 
124828 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124829 ac on
124830 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124831 Autocuring activated.
124832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124833 order loyals kill dwenthall
124834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124835 You must regain balance first.
124836 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124837 TEAR MAP
124838 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124839 Syntax: TEAR MAP
124840 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124841 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
124842 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124843 You must regain balance first.
124844 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124845 evoke empower rockfall
124846 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124847 You must regain balance first.
124848 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124849 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
124850 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124851 You must regain balance first.
124852 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124853 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
124854 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124855 You must regain balance first.
124856 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124857 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
124858 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124859 You must regain balance first.
124860 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124861 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
124862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124863 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124864 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124865 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
124866 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124867 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124868 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124869 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
124870 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124871 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124872 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
124873 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124874 You may eat another herb or plant.
124875 H:589 M:654 -b db 
124876 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124877 You are again able to overwhelm someone through the power of Nature.
124878 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124879 ac on
124880 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124881 Autocuring activated.
124882 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124883 order loyals kill dwenthall
124884 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124885 You must regain balance first.
124886 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124887 TEAR MAP
124888 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124889 Syntax: TEAR MAP
124890 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124891 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
124892 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124893 You must regain balance first.
124894 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124895 evoke empower rockfall
124896 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124897 You must regain balance first.
124898 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124899 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
124900 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124901 You must regain balance first.
124902 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124903 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
124904 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124905 You must regain balance first.
124906 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124907 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
124908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124909 You must regain balance first.
124910 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124911 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
124912 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124913 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124914 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124915 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
124916 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124917 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124918 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124919 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
124920 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124921 You must regain your equilibrium first.
124922 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
124923 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124924 OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!
124925 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124926 Your input, "OVERWHELM HAS RESET!!!!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
124927 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
124928 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You may apply another salve.
124929 H:669 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
124930 H:669 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
124931 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124932 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
124934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124935 H:669 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
124936 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124937 H:589 M:654 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
124938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124939 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
124940 H:669 M:506 &lt;eb dbt; 
124941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124942 H:577 M:654 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
124943 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124944 ac on
124945 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124946 Autocuring activated.
124947 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124948 order loyals kill dwenthall
124949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124950 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
124951 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
124952 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
124953 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
124954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124955 TEAR MAP
124956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124957 Syntax: TEAR MAP
124958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124959 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
124960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124961 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
124962 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124963 evoke empower rockfall
124964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124965 Mana Lost: 6
124966 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
124967 wer of Earth infuses it.
124968 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124969 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
124970 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124971 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
124972 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124973 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
124974 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124975 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
124976 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124977 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
124978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124979 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124980 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124981 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124982 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124983 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
124984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124985 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
124986 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
124987 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
124988 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
124989 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
124990 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
124991 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124992 Balance Taken: 3.01s
124993 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124994 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
124995 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124996 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
124997 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
124998 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
124999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125000 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
125001 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125002 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
125003 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125004 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root slowly rises from the ground and begins circl
125005 ing mesmerisingly around Dwenthall.
125006 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125007 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root begins circling mesmerisingly around you
125008 .
125009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125010 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
125011 H:669 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
125012 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125013 H:479 M:654 eb b 
125014 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125015 ac on
125016 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125017 Autocuring activated.
125018 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125019 order loyals kill dwenthall
125020 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125021 You must regain balance first.
125022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125023 TEAR MAP
125024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125025 Syntax: TEAR MAP
125026 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125027 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
125028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125029 You must regain balance first.
125030 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125031 evoke empower rockfall
125032 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125033 You must regain balance first.
125034 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125035 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
125036 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125037 You must regain balance first.
125038 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125039 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
125040 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125041 You must regain balance first.
125042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125043 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
125044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125045 You must regain balance first.
125046 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125047 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
125048 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125049 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125050 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125051 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
125052 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125053 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125054 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125055 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
125056 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125057 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125058 H:669 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
125059 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125060 eat juniper
125061 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125062 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1656.
125063 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
125064 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125065 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
125066 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125067 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
125068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125069 H:669 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
125070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125071 H:479 M:654 eb db 
125072 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125073 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
125074 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125075 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
125076 H:669 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
125077 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125078 ac on
125079 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125080 Autocuring activated.
125081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125082 order loyals kill dwenthall
125083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125084 You must regain balance first.
125085 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125086 TEAR MAP
125087 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125088 Syntax: TEAR MAP
125089 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125090 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
125091 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125092 You must regain balance first.
125093 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125094 evoke empower rockfall
125095 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125096 You must regain balance first.
125097 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125098 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
125099 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125100 You must regain balance first.
125101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125102 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
125103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125104 You must regain balance first.
125105 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125106 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
125107 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125108 You must regain balance first.
125109 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125110 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
125111 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125112 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125113 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125114 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
125115 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125116 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125117 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125118 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
125119 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125120 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125121 H:669 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
125122 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125123 cnc
125124 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125125 You already possess mental equilibrium.
125126 H:479 M:654 eb db 
125127 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125128 pa
125129 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125130 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
125131 H:479 M:654 eb db 
125132 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125133 ovt
125134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125135 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
125136 H:479 M:654 eb db 
125137 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125138 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
125139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125140 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
125141 ock effect.
125142 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125143 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
125144 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125145 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
125146 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125147 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
125148 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125149 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
125150 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
125151 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
125152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125153 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
125154 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
125155 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
125156 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
125157 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125158 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
125159 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125160 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
125161 athe.
125162 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125163 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
125164 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125165 H:572 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
125166 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125167 H:479 M:626 -b db 
125168 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125169 ta
125170 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125171 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 572/669 health and 500/512 mana.
125172 H:479 M:614 -b db 
125173 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125174 eat kelp
125175 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125176 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1932.
125177 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
125178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125179 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
125180 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125181 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
125182 H:572 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
125183 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125184 H:479 M:614 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
125185 H:479 M:614 -b db 
125186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125187 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
125188 H:572 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
125189 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125190 sip health
125191 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125192 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
125193 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125194 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
125195 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125196 The elixir heals your body.
125197 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125198 H:572 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
125199 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125200 H:641 M:614 -b db 
125201 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125202 You may drink another healing elixir.
125203 H:572 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
125204 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125205 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
125206 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125207 You must regain balance first.
125208 H:572 M:500 &lt;-- dbt; 
125209 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125210 You may eat another herb or plant.
125211 H:641 M:598 -b db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
125212 H:668 M:626 -b db 
125213 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125214 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
125215 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125216 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
125217 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125218 You must regain balance first.
125219 H:572 M:500 &lt;e- dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
125220 H:572 M:500 &lt;e- dbt; 
125221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125222 You may eat another mushroom.
125223 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125224 eat maidenhair
125225 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125226 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1970.
125227 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
125228 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125229 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
125230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125231 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
125232 H:572 M:500 &lt;e- dbt; 
125233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125234 H:668 M:626 -b db 
125235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125236 You have recovered balance.
125237 H:572 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
125238 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125239 evoke toxicrain hemotoxin
125240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125241 No tornado is raging here.
125242 H:572 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
125243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125244 You can once again overtune your crystal.
125245 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125246 You may eat another mushroom.
125247 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125248 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
125249 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125250 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
125251 H:572 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
125252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125253 H:668 M:626 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
125254 H:668 M:626 eb db 
125255 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125256 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
125257 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125258 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
125259 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125260 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
125261 H:525 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
125262 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125263 H:668 M:626 eb db Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
125264 H:668 M:626 eb db 
125265 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125266 apply caloric
125267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125268 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
125269 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125270 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
125271 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125272 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
125273 H:525 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
125274 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125275 H:668 M:626 eb db 
125276 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125277 sip health
125278 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125279 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
125280 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125281 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
125282 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125283 Health Gain: 143
125284 The elixir heals your body.
125285 H:669 M:500 &lt;eb dbt; 
125286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125287 H:668 M:626 eb db 
125288 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125289 eat toadstool
125290 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125291 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1844.
125292 You quickly eat a toadstool.
125293 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125294 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
125295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125296 Mana Gain: 12
125297 You feel your health and mana replenished.
125298 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125299 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125300 H:668 M:626 eb db 
125301 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125302 cnc
125303 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125304 You already possess mental equilibrium.
125305 H:668 M:626 eb db 
125306 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125307 pa
125308 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125309 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
125310 H:668 M:626 eb db 
125311 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125312 ovt
125313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125314 You send a wave of magick into your crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
125315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125316 Dwenthall sends a wave of magick into her crystal, causing it to start spinning uncontrollably.
125317 H:669 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125319 H:668 M:608 eb db 
125320 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125321 cast paranoia suffuse toxicsplash at &tar
125322 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125323 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
125324 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125325 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
125326 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125327 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Pa
125328 ranoia effect.
125329 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125330 The crystal floating around Dwenthall turns sickly green.
125331 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125332 Your crystal can augment one more spell.
125333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125334 You are no longer attuned to the water element.
125335 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125336 Reyvenyr is no longer attuned to the water element.
125337 You send a wave of water washing over Reyvenyr, soaking him thoroughly and making him look quite nau
125338 seous.
125339 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125340 You feel nauseous and strangely addicted as Dwenthall sends a wave of water washing over you, soakin
125341 g you thoroughly.
125342 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
125343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125344 You snap your fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of Reyvenyr, seeping into his skin.
125345 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125346 Dwenthall snaps her fingers and toxic droplets materialise in front of you, seeping into your skin,
125347 You are confused as to the effects of the toxin.
125348 You cease to wield a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
125349 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125350 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
125351 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125352 H:572 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125353 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125354 H:668 M:593 -b db 
125355 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125356 ta
125357 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125358 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 572/669 health and 512/512 mana.
125359 H:668 M:581 -b db 
125360 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125361 The icicles continue beating at your skin.
125362 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125363 The icicles continue beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
125364 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125365 You feel yourself lightly attuned to the water element.
125366 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125367 You discern that Reyvenyr is now lightly attuned to the water element.
125368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125369 Damage Taken: 79 cold, mental (raw damage: 85)
125370 H:492 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125371 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125372 H:668 M:581 -b db 
125373 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125374 focus
125375 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125376 Mana Lost: 15
125377 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
125378 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125379 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Reyvenyr.
125380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125381 Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.
125382 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
125383 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125384 H:668 M:581 -b db 
125385 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125386 smoke pipe with linseed
125387 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125388 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
125389 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125390 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
125391 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
125392 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125393 H:668 M:581 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
125394 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125395 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
125396 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
125397 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125398 H:661 M:581 -b db 
125399 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125400 toc
125401 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125402 Your input, "toc", is not a valid command.
125403 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
125404 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; You may apply another salve.
125405 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
125406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125407 eat nightshade
125408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125409 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1931.
125410 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
125411 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125412 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
125413 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125414 Your stomach becalms itself.
125415 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
125416 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125417 H:661 M:581 -b db 
125418 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125419 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
125420 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125421 You are not wielding a quarterstaff.
125422 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125423 evoke wisp glowing me
125424 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125425 You are not wielding a quarterstaff.
125426 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125427 evoke toxicrain strychnine
125428 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125429 You are not wielding a quarterstaff.
125430 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
125431 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125432 evoke wisp glowing dwenthall
125433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125434 You are not wielding a quarterstaff.
125435 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125436 evoke wisp glowing me
125437 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125438 You are not wielding a quarterstaff.
125439 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125440 evoke toxicrain strychnine
125441 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125442 You are not wielding a quarterstaff.
125443 H:492 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
125444 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125445 You may drink another healing elixir.
125446 H:661 M:581 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
125447 H:661 M:581 -b db 
125448 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125449 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
125450 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125451 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
125452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125453 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
125454 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125455 sip mana
125456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125457 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
125458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125459 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
125460 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125461 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
125462 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125463 H:446 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
125464 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125465 H:661 M:700 -b db 
125466 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125467 apply caloric
125468 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125469 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
125470 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125471 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
125472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125473 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
125474 H:446 M:497 &lt;eb dbt; 
125475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125476 H:661 M:700 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
125477 H:661 M:700 eb db 
125478 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125479 dg
125480 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125481 You are:
125482 poisoned by a freezing toxin.
125483 addicted to elixirs.
125484 afflicted by a crippled left arm.
125485 blind.
125486 deaf.
125487 an insomniac.
125488 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
125489 H:446 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
125490 H:446 M:497 &lt;-b dbt; Health Gain: 33
125491 Mana Gain: 15
125492 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125493 eat nightshade
125494 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125495 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1930.
125496 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
125497 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125498 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
125499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125500 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
125501 H:479 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125502 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125503 H:669 M:700 eb db 
125504 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125505 dg
125506 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125507 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125508 H:479 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
125509 H:479 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125510 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125511 cnc
125512 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125513 You already possess mental equilibrium.
125514 H:669 M:700 eb db 
125515 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125516 pa
125517 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125518 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
125519 H:669 M:700 eb db 
125520 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125521 ovt
125522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125523 Your crystal is already overtuned.
125524 H:669 M:700 eb db 
125525 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125526 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
125527 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125528 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
125529 ock effect.
125530 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125531 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
125532 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125533 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
125534 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
125535  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
125536 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125537 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
125538 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
125539 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
125540 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125541 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
125542 using him to lose his patience.
125543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125544 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
125545 ausing you to lose your patience.
125546 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
125547 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125548 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
125549 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125550 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125551 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125552 H:669 M:682 -b db 
125553 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125554 ta
125555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125556 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 371/669 health and 512/512 mana.
125557 H:669 M:670 -b db 
125558 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125559 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
125560 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125561 You cannot do that while your left arm is crippled.
125562 You secure your previously wielded item and instantly draw a lunar shield into your right hand.
125563 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125564 Reyvenyr secures his previously wielded item and instantly draws a lunar shield into his right hand.
125565 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125566 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125567 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125568 H:669 M:670 -b db 
125569 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125570 You may apply another salve.
125571 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125572 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125573 apply mending to arms
125574 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125575 You quickly rub some mending salve on your arms.
125576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125577 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his arms.
125578 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125579 Your left arm becomes functional as the bones quickly mend.
125580 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125582 H:669 M:670 -b db 
125583 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125584 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
125585 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125586 You secure your previously wielded items and instantly draw a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds int
125587 o your left hand, with a lunar shield flowing into your right hand.
125588 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125589 Reyvenyr secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a hardened quarterstaff of the Wil
125590 ds into his left hand, with a lunar shield flowing into the right.
125591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125592 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125593 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125594 H:669 M:670 -b db 
125595 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125596 Your mind is able to focus once again.
125597 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
125598 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125599 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
125600 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125601 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125602 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125603 H:669 M:670 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
125604 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125605 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
125606 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125607 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125608 H:661 M:670 -b db 
125609 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125610 You may drink another healing elixir.
125611 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125612 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125613 sip health
125614 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125615 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
125616 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125617 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
125618 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125619 The elixir seems to have an unusual effect on your elixir-deprived body.
125620 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
125621 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125622 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125623 H:661 M:670 -b db 
125624 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125625 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
125626 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125627 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
125628 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
125629 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; You may apply another salve.
125630 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125631 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125632 eat nightshade
125633 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125634 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1929.
125635 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
125636 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125637 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
125638 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125639 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
125640 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125641 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
125642 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125643 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125645 H:661 M:670 -b db 
125646 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125647 apply mass
125648 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125649 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
125650 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125651 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
125652 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125653 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
125654 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125655 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125656 H:661 M:670 -b db 
125657 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125658 You may eat another mushroom.
125659 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125660 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125661 You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
125662 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125663 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
125664 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125665 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125666 H:661 M:670 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
125667 H:661 M:670 eb db 
125668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125669 touch shield
125670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125671 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
125672 H:371 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125673 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125674 cnc
125675 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125676 You already possess mental equilibrium.
125677 H:661 M:670 eb db 
125678 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125679 eat toadstool
125680 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125681 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1843.
125682 You quickly eat a toadstool.
125683 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125684 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
125685 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125686 Health Gain: 66
125687 You feel your health and mana replenished.
125688 H:437 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125689 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125690 H:661 M:670 eb db 
125691 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125692 touch shield
125693 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125694 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
125695 H:437 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125696 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125697 pa
125698 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125699 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
125700 H:661 M:670 eb db 
125701 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125702 touch shield
125703 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125704 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
125705 H:437 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125706 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125707 ovt
125708 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125709 Your crystal is already overtuned.
125710 H:661 M:670 eb db 
125711 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125712 touch shield
125713 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125714 Your muscles are too numb for you to do that.
125715 H:437 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125716 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125717 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
125718 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125719 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
125720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125721 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
125722 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125723 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
125724 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125725 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
125726 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125727 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
125728 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
125729 ewreathe effect.
125730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125731 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
125732 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125733 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
125734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125735 You feel yourself moderately attuned to the water element.
125736 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125737 You discern that Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
125738 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
125739  twitching slightly under the cold.
125740 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125741 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
125742 range burning sensation in your nerves.
125743 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
125744 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125745 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
125746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125747 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
125748 You feel yourself significantly attuned to the water element.
125749 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125750 You discern that Reyvenyr is now significantly attuned to the water element.
125751 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
125752 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125753 H:333 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125754 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125755 H:654 M:633 -b db 
125756 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125757 dg
125758 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125759 You are:
125760 impatient.
125761 addicted to elixirs.
125762 has numb muscles.
125763 blind.
125764 deaf.
125765 an insomniac.
125766 Equilibrium Taken: 0.62s
125767 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125768 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125769 ta
125770 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125771 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 333/669 health and 512/512 mana.
125772 H:654 M:621 -b db 
125773 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125774 dg
125775 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125776 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125777 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125778 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125779 Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
125780 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125781 smoke pipe with linseed
125782 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125783 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
125784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125785 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
125786 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125787 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125788 H:653 M:621 -b db You may drink another healing elixir.
125789 H:653 M:621 -b db 
125790 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125791 dg
125792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125793 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125794 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
125795 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125796 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125797 dg
125798 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125799 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125800 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained your mental equilibrium.
125801 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125802 eat maidenhair
125803 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125804 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1969.
125805 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
125806 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125807 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
125808 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125809 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
125810 H:333 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125811 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125812 H:653 M:621 -b db 
125813 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125814 You may apply another salve.
125815 H:333 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125816 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125817 touch shield
125818 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125819 You touch the tattoo and a shimmering translucent shield forms around you.
125820 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125821 A shimmering translucent shield forms around Reyvenyr.
125822 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125823 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
125824 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125825 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125826 H:653 M:605 -b db 
125827 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125828 touch shield
125829 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125830 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125831 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125832 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125833 touch shield
125834 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125835 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125836 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You have regained the ability to purge your body.
125837 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; Your tree tattoo can be used again.
125839 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125840 touch tree
125841 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125842 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
125843 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125844 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
125845 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125846 Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane.
125847 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125848 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125849 H:653 M:605 -b db 
125850 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125851 dg
125852 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125853 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125854 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125856 dg
125857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125858 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125859 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125860 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125861 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
125862 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125863 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
125864 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125865 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125866 H:648 M:605 -b db 
125867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125868 dg
125869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125870 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125871 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
125872 H:333 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125873 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125874 sip health
125875 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125876 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
125877 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125878 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
125879 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125880 Health Gain: 130
125881 The elixir heals your body.
125882 H:463 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125883 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125884 H:648 M:605 -b db You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
125885 H:648 M:605 -b db You have regained your mental equilibrium.
125886 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125887 You may eat another herb or plant.
125888 H:463 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125889 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125890 H:648 M:605 eb db 
125891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125892 eat mandrake
125893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125894 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1991.
125895 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
125896 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125897 Reyvenyr quickly eats a mandrake root.
125898 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125899 You are patient once again.
125900 H:463 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125901 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125902 H:648 M:605 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
125903 H:669 M:633 eb db Your crystal stabilizes and its spinning slows down.
125904 H:669 M:633 eb db 
125905 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125906 dg
125907 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125908 You must regain your equilibrium first.
125909 H:463 M:512 &lt;-b dbt; 
125910 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125911 cnc
125912 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125913 You already possess mental equilibrium.
125914 H:669 M:633 eb db 
125915 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125916 autocuring off
125917 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125918 Autocuring disabled.
125919 H:669 M:633 eb db 
125920 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125921 autocuring rebounding off
125922 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125923 Automatic rebounding handling disabled.
125924 H:669 M:633 eb db 
125925 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125926 autocuring mass off
125927 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125928 Automatic mass handling disabled.
125929 H:669 M:633 eb db 
125930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125931 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
125932 H:463 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125933 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125934 sbm
125935 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125936 Setting your gaze upon Reyvenyr, you start focusing intensely on your connection with the raw elemen
125937 t of water.
125938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125939 Dwenthall focuses her gaze upon you and a look of utmost concentration appears on her face. The soun
125940 d of rushing water echoes faintly in the distance.
125941 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125942 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
125943 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125944 H:463 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
125945 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125946 H:669 M:603 -b db 
125947 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125948 ac on
125949 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125950 Autocuring activated.
125951 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125952 order loyals kill dwenthall
125953 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125954 You cannot order an animated hawthorn root to do that.
125955 You cannot order an animated blackthorn root to do that.
125956 You cannot order an animated beech root to do that.
125957 Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
125958 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125959 The shimmering translucent shield around Reyvenyr fades away.
125960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125961 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
125962 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125963 TEAR MAP
125964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125965 Syntax: TEAR MAP
125966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125967 quickdraw quarterstaff lunar
125968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125969 You are already wielding a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and a lunar shield.
125970 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125971 evoke empower rockfall
125972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125973 Mana Lost: 6
125974 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
125975 wer of Earth infuses it.
125976 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125977 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
125978 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125979 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
125980 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125981 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
125982 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125983 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
125984 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125985 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
125986 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125987 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
125988 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125989 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
125990 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125991 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
125992 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125993 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
125994 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
125995 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
125996 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
125997 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
125998 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
125999 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126000 Your staff is not filled with Earth power and the Rockfall empowerment remains dormant.
126001 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
126002 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126003 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
126004 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126005 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
126006 Balance Taken: 3.01s
126007 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126008 naturebinding hawthorn circle dwenthall
126009 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126010 An animated hawthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
126011 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126012 naturebind blackthorn circle dwenthall
126013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126014 An animated blackthorn root is already circling around Dwenthall.
126015 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126016 naturebind beech circle dwenthall
126017 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126018 An animated beech root is already circling around Dwenthall.
126019 H:463 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
126020 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126021 H:556 M:603 -b b 
126022 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126023 order golem passive
126024 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126025 You must regain balance first.
126026 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126027 order loyals kill dwenthall
126028 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126029 You must regain balance first.
126030 H:463 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
126031 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126032 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
126033 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126034 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
126035 H:463 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
126036 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126037 The fatigue from charging your crystal evaporates.
126038 H:556 M:603 -b b 
126039 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126040 You may eat another herb or plant.
126041 H:463 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
126042 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126043 l
126044 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126045 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
126046 ------ v37838 -------
126050      [ ] [ ]-[ ]     
126051 \   /     |          
126052  [ ]     [+]-[ ]-[ ] 
126053 /   \   /   \ |      
126054      [ ]     [ ]-[ ] 
126055 \     |              
126056 -[ ] [ ]             
126057     / | \            
126058 ------- 2:3:0 -------
126059 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. An animated hawthorn root is curled here, s
126060 waying slightly. An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. An animated beech roo
126061 t is curled here, swaying slightly. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Dwenthall is here, her s
126062 kin grey like stone. She is holding a lunar shield in her left hand. 
126063 You see exits leading north, east, southeast, and southwest.
126064 H:463 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
126065 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126066 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
126067 H:556 M:587 eb b 
126068 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126069 You may eat another mushroom.
126070 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126071 Your bandages staunch all of your bleeding.
126072 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126073 H:463 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
126074 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126075 H:556 M:587 eb b A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
126076 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126077 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
126078 H:463 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
126079 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126080 H:544 M:587 eb b Your rebounding aura is prevented from coming up by your submersion attempt.
126081 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126082 Dwenthall's rebounding aura is prevented from coming up by her submersion attempt.
126083 H:463 M:506 &lt;e- dbt; 
126084 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126085 H:544 M:587 eb b 
126086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126087 eat toadstool
126088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126089 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1842.
126090 You quickly eat a toadstool.
126091 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126092 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
126093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126094 Health Gain: 66
126095 Mana Gain: 6
126096 You feel your health and mana replenished.
126097 H:530 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
126098 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126099 H:544 M:587 eb b 
126100 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126101 Health Gain: 33
126102 H:564 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; 
126103 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126104 leap e
126105 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126106 You must regain balance first.
126107 H:564 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You may drink another healing elixir.
126108 H:564 M:512 &lt;e- dbt; You have recovered balance.
126109 H:564 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
126110 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126111 As you maintain your focus upon Reyvenyr, the sound of rushing water fills the air, drawing nearer a
126112 nd nearer with every passing second.
126113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126114 As Dwenthall maintains her focus upon you, the sound of rushing water draws nearer and nearer with e
126115 very passing second.
126116 H:564 M:512 &lt;eb dbt; 
126117 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126118 H:577 M:628 eb b 
126119 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126120 evoke empower knockout
126121 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126122 Mana Lost: 6
126123 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
126124 wer of Earth infuses it.
126125 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126126 evoke wisps poisonous dwenthall
126127 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126128 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
126129 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126130 quarterstaff stab dwenthall opium
126131 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126132 You rub some opium on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
126133 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
126134 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126135 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
126136 A rock falls from above, hitting you in the temple.
126137 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126138 A rock falls from above, hitting Dwenthall in the temple.
126139 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126140 Your insomnia has cleared up.
126141 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126142 The layer of rock imbued on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds cracks and falls off.
126143 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
126144 Your opium toxin has affected Dwenthall.
126145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126146 You feel incredibly tired, and fall asleep immediately.
126147 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126148 Dwenthall's eyes close suddenly as she falls asleep.
126149 Balance Taken: 3.01s
126150 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126151 naturebind bewilder dwenthall
126152 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126153 You wave your quarterstaff in front of Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a ten
126154 dril, bewildering her.
126155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126156 Reyvenyr waves his quarterstaff in front of you and an animated hawthorn root lashes out with a tend
126157 ril, bewildering you.
126158 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126159 The root afflicts Dwenthall with recklessness.
126160 Equilibrium Taken: 2.32s
126161 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126162 ta dwenthall
126163 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126164 Dwenthall's condition stands at 520/669 health and 715/700 mana.
126165 Mana Lost: 12
126166 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126167 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126168 H:669 M:700 eb pb You cease your submersion attempt.
126169 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126170 Dwenthall ceases her submersion attempt.
126171 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126173 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126174 Your input, "INSTANT KILL!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!! INSTANT KILL!!!!!!!", is not a 
126175 valid command.
126176 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126177 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126178 H:669 M:700 eb pb 
126179 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126180 spam afflicted Dwenthall opium
126181 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126182 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall opium", is not a valid command.
126183 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126184 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126185 evoke empower balance
126186 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126187 You must regain balance first.
126188 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126189 evoke delaying writhe
126190 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126191 You must regain balance first.
126192 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126193 quarterstaff impale dwenthall
126194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126195 You must regain balance first.
126196 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126197 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126198 rt dwenthall Prone!!!!!
126199 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126200 You are not the member of any ring.
126201 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126202 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126203 spam afflicted Dwenthall recklessness
126204 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126205 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall recklessness", is not a valid command.
126206 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126208 You quickly pull yourself out of sleep.
126209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126210 Dwenthall awakens with a start.
126211 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126212 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126213 H:669 M:700 eb pb 
126214 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126215 human
126216 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126217 You are already in Sylayan form.
126218 H:669 M:700 eb pb 
126219 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126220 unwield bow
126221 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126222 You aren't wielding that.
126223 H:669 M:700 eb pb 
126224 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126225 unwield bow
126226 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126227 You aren't wielding that.
126228 H:669 M:700 eb pb 
126229 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126230 wield shield116306
126231 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126232 You have no shield116306.
126233 H:669 M:700 eb pb 
126234 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126235 wield shield116306
126236 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126237 You have no shield116306.
126238 H:669 M:700 eb pb 
126239 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126240 autocuring on
126241 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126242 Autocuring activated.
126243 H:669 M:700 eb pb 
126244 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126245 autocuring rebounding on
126246 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126247 Automatic rebounding handling activated.
126248 H:669 M:700 eb pb 
126249 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126250 smoke pipe with linseed
126251 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126252 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
126253 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126254 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
126255 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126257 H:669 M:700 eb pb 
126258 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126259 insomnia
126260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126261 Focusing your mind you banish all possibility of sleep.
126262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126263 Dwenthall clenches her fists and grits her teeth.
126264 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126265 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126266 H:669 M:700 eb pb 
126267 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126268 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
126269 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126270 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126271 stand
126272 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126273 You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
126274 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126275 Dwenthall stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
126276 H:564 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126278 H:669 M:700 eb b 
126279 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126280 cnc
126281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126282 You already possess mental equilibrium.
126283 H:669 M:700 eb b 
126284 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126285 pa
126286 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126287 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
126288 H:669 M:700 eb b 
126289 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126290 ovt
126291 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126292 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
126293 H:669 M:700 eb b 
126294 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126295 cast icewreathe icebolt spray at &tar
126296 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126297 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Ic
126298 ewreathe effect.
126299 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126300 The crystal floating around Dwenthall briefly glows blue.
126301 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126302 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
126303 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126304 You feel yourself heavily attuned to the water element.
126305 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126306 You discern that Reyvenyr is now heavily attuned to the water element.
126307 You form a bolt of pure ice and send it racing towards Reyvenyr. As it reaches him, his nerves begin
126308  twitching slightly under the cold.
126309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126310 Dwenthall forms a bolt of pure ice and sends it racing towards you. As it reaches you, you feel a st
126311 range burning sensation in your nerves.
126312 Damage Taken: 104 cold, mental (raw damage: 111)
126313 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126314 You direct a spray of elemental water at Reyvenyr.
126315 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126316 Dwenthall directs a spray of elemental water at you.
126317 You feel yourself fully attuned to the water element.
126318 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126319 You discern that Reyvenyr is now fully attuned to the water element.
126320 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
126321 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126322 H:459 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126323 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126324 H:669 M:700 -b b 
126325 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126326 ta
126327 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126328 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 459/669 health and 494/512 mana.
126329 H:669 M:700 -b b 
126330 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126331 ENEMY IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
126332 !!!!!
126333 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126334 I don't recognize that name as one of an existing player.
126335 H:459 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126337 ---ENEMY IS UP
126338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126339 Your input, "---ENEMY IS UP", is not a valid command.
126340 H:459 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126341 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126342 eat juniper
126343 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126344 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1655.
126345 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
126346 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126347 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
126348 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126349 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
126350 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126351 H:459 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126352 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126353 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126354 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126355 eat nightshade
126356 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126357 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1928.
126358 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
126359 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126360 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
126361 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126362 Your nerves are no longer on fire.
126363 H:459 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126364 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126365 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126366 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126367 sip health
126368 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126369 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
126370 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126371 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
126372 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126373 Health Gain: 163
126374 The elixir heals your body.
126375 H:622 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126376 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126377 H:669 M:700 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
126378 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126379 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
126380 H:622 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126381 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126382 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126383 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126384 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
126385 H:622 M:494 &lt;e- dbt; 
126386 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126387 ac on
126388 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126389 Autocuring activated.
126390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126391 order golem kill dwenthall
126392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126393 You must regain balance first.
126394 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126395 evoke empower rockfall
126396 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126397 You must regain balance first.
126398 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126399 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
126400 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126401 You must regain balance first.
126402 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126403 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
126404 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126405 You must regain balance first.
126406 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126407 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
126408 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126409 You must regain balance first.
126410 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126411 naturebinding hawthorn choke dwenthall
126412 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126413 You point your quarterstaff at Dwenthall and an animated hawthorn root leaps at her throat and squee
126414 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of her.
126415 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126416 Reyvenyr points his quarterstaff at you and an animated hawthorn root leaps at your throat and squee
126417 zes tightly, attempting to choke the life out of you.
126418 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126419 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
126420 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126421 naturebind blackthorn choke dwenthall
126422 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126423 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126424 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126425 naturebind beech choke dwenthall
126426 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126427 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126428 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126429 naturebind shred dwenthall
126430 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126431 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126432 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126433 ta dwenthall
126434 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126435 Dwenthall's condition stands at 446/669 health and 592/700 mana.
126436 Mana Lost: 12
126437 H:622 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
126438 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126439 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126440 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126441 writhe root
126442 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126443 You struggle to free yourself from the grasp of the animated root.
126444 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126446 You have recovered balance.
126447 H:622 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
126448 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126449 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
126450 H:669 M:700 -b db You may eat another herb or plant.
126451 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126452 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126453 You may eat another herb or plant.
126454 H:622 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; You may eat another mushroom.
126455 H:622 M:482 &lt;-b dbt; 
126456 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126457 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
126458 H:669 M:700 eb db You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
126459 H:669 M:700 eb db Your crystal spins rapidly, absorbing the latent magick from its surroundings.
126460 H:669 M:700 eb db 
126461 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126462 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
126463 H:622 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
126464 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126465 cnc
126466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126467 You already possess mental equilibrium.
126469 H:669 M:700 eb db 
126470 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126471 pa
126472 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126473 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
126475 H:669 M:700 eb db 
126476 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126477 ovt
126478 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126479 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
126481 H:669 M:700 eb db 
126482 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126483 cast shock scorch hasten at &tar
126484 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126485 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
126486 ock effect.
126488 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126489 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
126491 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126492 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
126494 You form a wide arc of pure flame and send it to scorch Reyvenyr's flesh. Upon contact, the crescent
126495  burns his skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
126497 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126498 Dwenthall forms a wide arc of pure flame and sends it to scorch your flesh. Upon contact, the cresce
126499 nt burns your skin painfully, causing it to redden visibly.
126501 Damage Taken: 79 fire, mental (raw damage: 98)
126503 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126504 You spin your fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards Reyvenyr and ca
126505 using him to lose his patience.
126507 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126508 Dwenthall spins her fingers in a circle and a flaming bolt appears, racing swiftly towards you and c
126509 ausing you to lose your patience.
126511 Damage Taken: 28 fire, mental (raw damage: 35)
126513 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126514 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
126516 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126517 H:514 M:482 &lt;eb dbt; 
126518 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126519 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126520 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126521 ta
126522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126523 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 514/669 health and 482/512 mana.
126525 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126526 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126527 ac on
126528 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126529 Autocuring activated.
126531 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126532 evoke imbue
126533 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126534 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
126536 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126537 evoke empower shock
126538 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126539 Mana Lost: 6
126541 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
126542 wer of Earth infuses it.
126544 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126545 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
126546 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126547 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
126549 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126550 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
126552 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126553 Your reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
126555 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126556 Reyvenyr's reinforced metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
126558 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126559 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
126561 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126562 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
126563 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126564 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
126566 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126567 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
126568 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126569 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
126571 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
126573 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126574 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
126576 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126577 Your staff is not filled with Air power and the Shock empowerment remains dormant.
126579 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
126581 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126582 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
126584 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126585 The strength of the Earth imbuement in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
126587 Balance Taken: 3.01s
126589 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126590 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
126591 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126592 You concentrate on your bond with Nature and prepare to overwhelm Dwenthall with its raw power.
126594 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126595 A look of utmost concentration appears on Reyvenyr's face, followed by a menacing look in your direc
126596 tion.
126598 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126599 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
126601 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126602 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
126603 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126604 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126606 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126607 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
126608 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126609 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126611 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126612 ta dwenthall
126613 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126614 Dwenthall's condition stands at 328/669 health and 569/700 mana.
126615 Mana Lost: 12
126616 H:514 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
126617 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126618 H:669 M:700 -b b An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life
126619  out of you.
126620 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126621 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
126622 r.
126623 H:514 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
126624 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126625 H:669 M:700 -b b 
126626 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126627 eat juniper
126628 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126629 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1654.
126630 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
126631 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126632 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
126633 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126634 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
126635 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126636 H:514 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
126637 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126638 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126639 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126640 eat nightshade
126641 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126642 You take 1 nightshade root, bringing the total to 1927.
126643 You quickly eat a nightshade root.
126644 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126645 Reyvenyr quickly eats a nightshade root.
126646 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126647 No longer will the sunlight harm you.
126648 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126649 Reyvenyr looks relieved as his skin loses its reddish hue.
126650 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126651 H:514 M:464 &lt;-- dbt; 
126652 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126653 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126654 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126655 eat toadstool
126656 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126657 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1841.
126658 You quickly eat a toadstool.
126659 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126660 Reyvenyr quickly eats a toadstool.
126661 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126662 Health Gain: 66
126663 Mana Gain: 48
126664 You feel your health and mana replenished.
126665 H:581 M:512 &lt;-- dbt; 
126666 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126667 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126668 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126669 purge blood
126670 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126671 Mana Lost: 6
126672 You concentrate on purging your body of foreign toxins.
126673 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126674 Reyvenyr concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
126675 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126676 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
126677 H:581 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
126678 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126679 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126680 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126681 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
126682 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126683 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
126684 H:581 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
126685 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126686 -------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!
126687 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126688 Your input, "-------------------------------OVERWHELMED ENEMY!!!!!!", is not a valid command.
126689 H:581 M:506 &lt;-- dbt; 
126690 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126691 trueassess dwenthall
126692 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126693 Dwenthall's condition stands at 271/669 health and 596/700 mana.
126694 Mana Lost: 12
126695 H:581 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126696 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126697 A mighty earth golem slashes you viciously.
126698 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126699 A mighty earth golem slashes Dwenthall viciously.
126700 H:581 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126701 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126702 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126703 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126704 apply mass
126705 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126706 You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
126707 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126708 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
126709 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126710 Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
126711 H:581 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126712 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126713 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126714 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126715 You may drink another healing elixir.
126716 H:581 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126717 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126718 You continue wrestling with the root that is choking you.
126719 H:669 M:700 -b db You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
126720 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126721 You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Dwenthall.
126722 H:581 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126723 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126724 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126725 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126726 You may apply another salve.
126727 H:581 M:494 &lt;-- dbt; 
126728 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126729 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
126730 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126731 You must regain balance first.
126732 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126733 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
126734 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126735 You must regain balance first.
126736 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126737 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
126738 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126739 You must regain balance first.
126740 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126741 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
126742 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126743 You must regain balance first.
126744 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126745 naturebinding shred dwenthall
126746 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126747 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126748 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126749 ta dwenthall
126750 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126751 Dwenthall's condition stands at 222/669 health and 563/700 mana.
126752 Mana Lost: 12
126753 H:581 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
126754 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126755 ac on
126756 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126757 Autocuring activated.
126758 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126759 pt
126760 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126761 You must regain balance first.
126762 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126763 target nothing
126764 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126765 You must regain balance first.
126766 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126767 evoke empower rockfall
126768 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126769 You must regain balance first.
126770 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126771 lp
126772 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126773 You must regain balance first.
126774 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126775 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
126776 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126777 You must regain balance first.
126778 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126779 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
126780 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126781 You must regain balance first.
126782 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126783 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
126784 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126785 You must regain balance first.
126786 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126787 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
126788 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126789 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126790 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126791 naturebind choke dwenthall
126792 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126793 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126794 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126795 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
126796 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126797 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126798 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126799 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
126800 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126801 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126802 H:581 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
126803 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126804 You may eat another herb or plant.
126805 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126806 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126807 You may eat another herb or plant.
126808 H:581 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
126809 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126810 eat mandrake
126811 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126812 You take 1 mandrake root, bringing the total to 1990.
126813 You quickly eat a mandrake root.
126814 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126815 Reyvenyr quickly eats a mandrake root.
126816 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126817 You are patient once again.
126818 H:581 M:482 &lt;-- dbt; 
126819 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126820 H:669 M:700 -b db 
126821 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126822 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
126823 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126824 You must regain balance first.
126825 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126826 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
126827 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126828 You must regain balance first.
126829 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126830 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
126831 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126832 You must regain balance first.
126833 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126834 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
126835 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126836 You must regain balance first.
126837 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126838 naturebinding shred dwenthall
126839 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126840 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126841 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126842 ta dwenthall
126843 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126844 Dwenthall's condition stands at 261/669 health and 514/700 mana.
126845 Mana Lost: 12
126846 H:581 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
126847 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126848 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
126849 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126850 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
126851 Your tree tattoo can be used again.
126852 H:581 M:470 &lt;e- dbt; 
126853 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126854 H:669 M:700 eb db 
126855 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126856 ac on
126857 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126858 Autocuring activated.
126859 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126860 pt
126861 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126862 You must regain balance first.
126863 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126864 target nothing
126865 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126866 You must regain balance first.
126867 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126868 evoke empower rockfall
126869 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126870 You must regain balance first.
126871 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126872 lp
126873 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126874 You must regain balance first.
126875 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126876 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
126877 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126878 You must regain balance first.
126879 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126880 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
126881 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126882 You must regain balance first.
126883 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126884 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
126885 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126886 You must regain balance first.
126887 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126888 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
126889 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126890 You are already focusing on overwhelming someone.
126891 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126892 naturebind choke dwenthall
126893 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126894 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
126895 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126896 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
126897 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126898 An animated hawthorn root cannot do anything else while choking its victim.
126899 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126900 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
126901 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126902 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shre
126903 dding her skin mercilessly.
126904 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126905 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated blackthorn root spins around and batters you, shred
126906 ding your skin mercilessly.
126907 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
126908 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126909 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
126910 H:581 M:470 &lt;-- dbt; 
126911 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126912 H:669 M:700 eb b 
126913 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126914 Health Gain: 33
126915 Mana Gain: 32
126916 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126917 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
126918 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126919 You must regain balance first.
126920 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126921 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
126922 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126923 You must regain balance first.
126924 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126925 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
126926 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126927 You must regain balance first.
126928 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126929 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
126930 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126931 You must regain balance first.
126932 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126933 naturebinding shred dwenthall
126934 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126935 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126936 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126937 ta dwenthall
126938 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126939 Dwenthall's condition stands at 287/669 health and 678/700 mana.
126940 Mana Lost: 12
126941 H:614 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; 
126942 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126943 ac on
126944 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126945 Autocuring activated.
126946 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126947 pt
126948 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126949 You must regain balance first.
126950 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126951 target nothing
126952 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126953 You must regain balance first.
126954 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126955 evoke empower rockfall
126956 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126957 You must regain balance first.
126958 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126959 lp
126960 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126961 You must regain balance first.
126962 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126963 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
126964 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126965 You must regain balance first.
126966 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126967 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
126968 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126969 You must regain balance first.
126970 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126971 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
126972 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126973 You must regain balance first.
126974 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126975 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
126976 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126977 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126978 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126979 naturebind choke dwenthall
126980 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126981 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126982 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126983 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
126984 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126985 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126986 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126987 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
126988 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126989 You must regain your equilibrium first.
126990 H:614 M:490 &lt;-- dbt; You have recovered balance.
126991 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
126992 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around your neck, squeezing the life out of you.
126993 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126994 An animated hawthorn root wraps itself tightly around Dwenthall's neck, squeezing the life out of he
126995 r.
126996 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126997 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
126998 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
126999 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127000 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127001 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
127002 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127003 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127004 H:614 M:490 &lt;-b dbt; 
127005 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127006 H:669 M:700 eb b 
127007 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127008 eat juniper
127009 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127010 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1653.
127011 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
127013 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127014 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
127016 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127017 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
127019 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127020 H:614 M:490 &lt;-b dbt; 
127021 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127022 H:669 M:700 eb db 
127023 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127024 naturebind hawthorn shred dwenthall
127025 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127026 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127028 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127029 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
127030 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127031 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127033 H:614 M:490 &lt;-b dbt; 
127034 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127035 You have escaped from the choking grasp of the animated root.
127037 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127038 Dwenthall has escaped from the grasp of the animated root.
127040 H:614 M:490 &lt;-b dbt; 
127041 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127042 H:669 M:700 eb db 
127043 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127044 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall delayed
127045 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127046 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127048 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127049 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
127050 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127051 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127053 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127054 evoke wisp poisonous dwenthall
127055 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127056 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127058 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127059 quarterstaff raze dwenthall
127060 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127061 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127063 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127064 naturebinding shred dwenthall
127065 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127066 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127068 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127069 ta dwenthall
127070 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127071 Dwenthall's condition stands at 216/669 health and 630/700 mana.
127073 Mana Lost: 12
127075 H:614 M:478 &lt;-b dbt; 
127076 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127077 ac on
127078 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127079 Autocuring activated.
127081 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127082 pt
127083 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127084 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127086 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127087 target nothing
127088 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127089 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127091 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127092 evoke empower rockfall
127093 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127094 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127096 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127097 lp
127098 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127099 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127101 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127102 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
127103 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127104 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127106 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127107 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
127108 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127109 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127111 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127112 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
127113 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127114 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127116 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127117 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
127118 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127119 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127121 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127122 naturebind choke dwenthall
127123 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127124 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127126 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127127 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
127128 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127129 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127131 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127132 naturebind blackthorn shred dwenthall
127133 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127134 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127136 H:614 M:478 &lt;-b dbt; 
127137 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127138 trueassess dwenthall
127139 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127140 Dwenthall's condition stands at 190/669 health and 642/700 mana.
127141 Mana Lost: 12
127142 H:614 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
127143 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127144 cnc
127145 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127146 You already possess mental equilibrium.
127147 H:669 M:700 eb db 
127148 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127149 pa
127150 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127151 There is not an arrow in your body to remove.
127152 H:669 M:700 eb db 
127153 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127154 ovt
127155 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127156 You cannot overtune your crystal again so soon.
127157 H:669 M:700 eb db 
127158 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127159 cast shock icicles immerse at &tar freezing
127160 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127161 Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
127162 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127163 Dwenthall's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
127164 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127165 You focus on your crystal, sending your strength to augment its power.
127166 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127167 Dwenthall focuses on her crystal, sending her strength to augment its power.
127168 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127169 You feel weakened and drained from the attempt.
127170 You focus your spell through your crystal, which glows brightly as it enhances the spell with the Sh
127171 ock effect.
127172 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127173 The crystal floating around Dwenthall starts buzzing loudly.
127174 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127175 The magick of your crystal is fully depleted.
127176 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127177 You are now moderately attuned to the water element.
127178 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127179 Reyvenyr is now moderately attuned to the water element.
127180 You point an outstretched palm towards Reyvenyr and thousands of little icicles materialise, flying 
127181 rapidly towards him and afflicting him with recurring freezing.
127182 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127183 Dwenthall points an outstretched palm towards you and thousands of little icicles materialise, flyin
127184 g rapidly towards you and afflicting you with recurring freezing.
127185 The icicles beat relentlessly at your skin.
127186 Damage Taken: 96 cold, mental (raw damage: 102)
127187 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127188 You make a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes Reyvenyr, causing him to choke.
127189 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127190 Dwenthall makes a sweeping gesture and a spray of elemental water strikes you, making it hard to bre
127191 athe.
127192 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127193 Equilibrium Taken: 2.75s
127194 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127195 H:518 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
127196 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127197 H:669 M:700 -b db 
127198 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127199 ta
127200 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127201 Reyvenyr's condition stands at 518/669 health and 466/512 mana.
127202 H:669 M:700 -b db 
127203 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127204 sip health
127205 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127206 You take a drink of an elixir of health from an onyx vial.
127207 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127208 Reyvenyr takes a drink from an onyx vial.
127209 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127210 Health Gain: 151
127211 The elixir heals your body.
127212 H:669 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
127213 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127214 H:669 M:700 -b db 
127215 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127216 smoke pipe with linseed
127217 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127218 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.
127219 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127220 Dwenthall takes a long drag off her pipe, exhaling a thick, white haze.
127221 H:669 M:466 &lt;-b dbt; 
127222 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127223 H:669 M:700 -b db 
127224 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127225 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
127226 H:669 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; You may eat another herb or plant.
127227 H:669 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
127228 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127229 eat kelp
127230 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127231 You take 1 kelp, bringing the total to 1931.
127232 You quickly eat a piece of kelp.
127233 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127234 Reyvenyr quickly eats a piece of kelp.
127235 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127236 Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again.
127237 H:669 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
127238 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127239 H:669 M:700 -b db A mighty earth golem opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
127240 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127241 A mighty earth golem opens a gash in Dwenthall's arm with a skillful blow.
127242 H:669 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
127243 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127244 H:669 M:700 -b db Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
127245 Your wounds cause you to bleed 4 health.
127246 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127247 focus
127248 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127249 You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
127250 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127251 A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Dwenthall.
127252 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127253 Prudence rules your psyche once again.
127254 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127255 H:669 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
127256 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127257 H:178 M:527 -b db 
127258 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127259 sip mana
127260 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127261 You take a drink of an elixir of mana from an onyx vial.
127262 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127263 Dwenthall takes a drink from an onyx vial.
127264 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127265 Your mind feels rejuvenated.
127266 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127267 H:669 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
127268 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127269 H:178 M:657 -b db 
127270 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127271 eat toadstool
127272 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127273 You take 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1782.
127274 You quickly eat a toadstool.
127275 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127276 Dwenthall quickly eats a toadstool.
127277 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127278 You feel your health and mana replenished.
127279 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127280 H:669 M:466 &lt;eb dbt; 
127281 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127282 H:245 M:700 -b db 
127283 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127284 You are again able to evoke a wisp.
127285 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127286 ac on
127287 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127288 Autocuring activated.
127289 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127290 evoke imbue
127291 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127292 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds is not sufficiently imbued with the power of Earth.
127293 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127294 evoke empower shock
127295 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127296 Mana Lost: 6
127297 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
127298 wer of Earth infuses it.
127299 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127300 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
127301 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127302 Your staff needs to be filled with the power of Air to do that.
127303 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127304 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
127305 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127306 You quickly summon a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, send it flying towards Dwenthall.
127307 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127308 Reyvenyr quickly summons a metallic wisp and with a commanding gesture, sends it flying towards you.
127309 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127310 Your metallic wisp flies directly at Dwenthall, colliding painfully.
127311 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127312 Reyvenyr's metallic wisp flies directly at you, colliding painfully.
127313 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127314 The strength of the Air energy in a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds has increased to 10%.
127315 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127316 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine
127317 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127318 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
127319 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
127320 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127321 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
127322 A brief shock tuns through your body and your muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
127323 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127324 Dwenthall's muscles begin twitching on their own accord.
127325 A hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds becomes much heavier again.
127326 All empowerments have faded from a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
127327 Your strychnine toxin has affected Dwenthall.
127328 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127329 Your hearing is suddenly restored.
127330 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127331 Balance Taken: 3.01s
127332 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127333 naturebind overwhelm dwenthall
127334 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127335 You are already focusing on overwhelming someone.
127336 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127337 naturebind beech shred dwenthall
127338 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127339 You swing your quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters Dwenthall, shredding
127340  her skin mercilessly.
127341 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127342 Reyvenyr swings his quarterstaff and an animated beech root spins around and batters you, shredding 
127343 your skin mercilessly.
127345 A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
127347 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127348 Equilibrium Taken: 1.47s
127350 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127351 naturebinding hawthorn shred dwenthall
127352 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127353 You must regain your equilibrium first.
127355 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127356 ta dwenthall
127357 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127358 Dwenthall's condition stands at 100/669 health and 700/700 mana.
127360 Mana Lost: 12
127362 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
127363 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127364 H:87 M:700 -b b 
127365 You may eat another herb or plant.
127366 H:87 M:700 -b b 
127367 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127368 eat maidenhair
127369 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127370 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1946.
127372 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
127374 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127375 Dwenthall quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
127377 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127378 The stinging feeling fades.
127380 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127381 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
127382 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127383 H:87 M:700 -b b 
127384 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127385 clot
127386 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127387 You exert superior mental control and will your wounds to clot before your eyes.
127389 H:87 M:686 -b b 
127390 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127391 ---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!
127392 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127393 Your input, "---------------------------------------------SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!SHOCKED!!!!"
127394 , is not a valid command.
127396 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
127397 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127398 spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine
127399 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127400 Your input, "spam afflicted Dwenthall strychnine", is not a valid command.
127402 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
127403 You may eat another mushroom.
127405 H:669 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
127406 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127407 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
127410 H:87 M:686 eb b 
127411 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127412 Your legs buck and your knees clap together as your body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
127414 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127415 Reyvenyr's legs buck and his knees clap together as his body suffers the effects of crushing cold.
127417 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127418 Damage Taken: 46 cold (raw damage: 74)
127420 H:622 M:448 &lt;-- dbt; 
127421 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127422 H:87 M:686 eb b 
127423 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127424 You have regained your mental equilibrium.
127427 H:622 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
127428 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127429 You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
127430 H:87 M:686 eb b 
127431 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127432 apply caloric
127433 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127434 You quickly rub some caloric salve on your skin.
127436 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127437 Reyvenyr rubs some salve on his skin.
127439 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127440 A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
127442 H:622 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
127443 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127444 H:87 M:686 eb b 
127445 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127446 You may eat another herb or plant.
127447 H:622 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
127448 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127449 eat maidenhair
127450 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127451 You take 1 maidenhair leaf, bringing the total to 1968.
127453 You quickly eat a maidenhair leaf.
127455 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127456 Reyvenyr quickly eats a maidenhair leaf.
127458 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127459 Your muscles are no longer so numb.
127461 H:622 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
127462 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127463 H:87 M:686 eb b 
127464 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127465 ffs
127466 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127467 There is no exit in that direction.
127469 H:87 M:686 eb b 
127470 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127471 touch tree
127472 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127473 You touch the tree of life tattoo.
127475 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127476 Reyvenyr touches a tree of life tattoo.
127478 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127479 Your body warms, free of the chilling toxin.
127481 H:622 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
127482 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127483 H:87 M:670 eb b 
127484 You may eat another herb or plant.
127485 H:87 M:670 eb b 
127486 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127487 eat juniper
127488 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127489 You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1652.
127491 You quickly eat a juniper berry.
127493 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127494 Dwenthall quickly eats a juniper berry.
127496 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127497 Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
127499 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127500 H:622 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
127501 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127502 H:87 M:670 eb db 
127503 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127504 You may apply another salve.
127505 H:622 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
127506 The icicles cease beating at your skin.
127508 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127509 The icicles cease beating at Reyvenyr's skin.
127511 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127512 H:622 M:448 &lt;e- dbt; 
127513 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127514 H:87 M:670 eb db 
127515 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127516 You have recovered balance.
127519 H:622 M:448 &lt;eb dbt; 
127520 {<<<<Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127521 l
127522 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127523 Beside a trickling stream on a battlefield.
127526 A shimmering crystal is on the ground, reflecting light. 
127527 An animated hawthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
127528 An animated blackthorn root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
127529 An animated beech root is curled here, swaying slightly. 
127530 A mighty earth golem stands guard here. 
127531 Reyvenyr is here. He wields a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds in his left hand and a lunar shield
127532  in his right. 
127535 You see exits leading 
127536 north, east, southeast, and southwest
127537 .
127540 H:87 M:670 eb db 
127541 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127542 ac on
127543 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127544 Autocuring activated.
127546 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127547 order golem kill dwenthall
127548 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127549 A mighty earth golem is already hostile towards Dwenthall.
127551 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127552 evoke empower rockfall
127553 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127554 Mana Lost: 6
127556 You focus on empowering a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds and it turns momentarily grey as the po
127557 wer of Earth infuses it.
127559 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127560 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall reinforced
127561 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127562 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
127564 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127565 evoke wisp metallic dwenthall
127566 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127567 You are not yet able to evoke another wisp.
127569 {<<<<Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127570 quarterstaff stab dwenthall strychnine 
127571 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127572 You rub some strychnine on a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
127574 You stab Dwenthall viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
127576 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127577 Reyvenyr stabs you viciously with a hardened quarterstaff of the Wilds.
127579 Several tiny rocks materialise above you and fall down, battering your body.
127581 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127582 Several tiny rocks materialise above Dwenthall and fall down, battering her body.
127584 You have slain Dwenthall.
127586 {>>>>Dwenthall(Glijije)}
127587 You have been slain by Reyvenyr.
127589 {>>>>Reyvenyr(Ruga)}
127590 [ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'Blunt Trauma' Achievement! You have earned 50 Lessons.
127592 In a flash of green, you feel yourself moved to another plane of existance.