Game Help

Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play.

4.22 Rankings

Your rank in Imperian is solely a function of your experience level. The different ranking commands allow you to list the rankings of other players in the game. To see what a particular player is ranked, you may type HONOURS <player>. Your own ranking will show when you type SCORE.

This command will list the XP rankings for all players gaining experience this month. At the end of each real-life month, the top 10 ranked players will be awarded bound credits. 1st place will earn 100 credits, 2nd place wins 90 credits, 3rd wins 80, and so on.

This will list the all-time highest ranked characters in order.

RANKINGS <category>
There are several other categories that are ranked. You can review the following; Quest, Combat, PK, Fishing, and Achievements.