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12.4.9 Gadan Hold
A long time ago, one of the most powerful xiurclans attempted to bring all of the xiur people beneath its rule. Defeated in its task, the clan was banished from the xiur homeland in the Gongen mountains to the highest peaks of the far-off Areish. The clan formed a new settlement there named after their rebellious leader - Gadan Stonefist.
To this day, Gadan Hold remains a strong settlement of the rock-like people, and is believed to be the only clan to have escaped the ravaging wars with the ryadai. Characterized by immense physical strength, the Gadan Hold xiur are ruled by a direct descendant of the legendary Gadan. However, since coming back in contact with the outside civilizations, the xiur have welcomed outsiders into their hold in hopes of encouraging trade and increasing the power of its people. Some believe that to this day the Gadan clan hopes to one day return to its former strength, although for now the settlement remains a small fortress of stone and ice in the far reaches of the Areish.
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