Game Help Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play. Help: [Return to Help Index]7 Items and Mobiles7.1 Mobiles General information about dealing with mobiles. 7.2 Money The basics of making money. 7.2.1 Gold The syntax for interacting with gold. 7.3 Loyalty Read about making mobiles loyal to you. 7.4 Loyal reactions Teach your loyal to be special. 7.5 Doors How to interact with doors. 7.6 Locks How to interact with locks. 7.7 Keys Keys and how to copy them. 7.8 Buckets Water or blood? Fill 'em up. 7.9 Quest Items Read how quest items differ from normal items. 7.10 Throwing Learn how to throw things at or to people. 7.11 Clothing Information about clothes in Imperian. 7.11.1 Outfits Group your clothing into quick change outfits. 7.11.2 Attires Set custom attires for your worn items. 7.12 The Rift A personal, trans-dimensional storage place. 7.12.1 Rift Capacity Information about the limits of rift storage. 7.13 Grouping Items Some items can be 'grouped' and treated as one. 7.14 Pocketbelts An outdated systems to store plants. 7.15 Inks Inks, Tattoos, Runelore, and Reverie. 7.15 Rythanis The friendly filler of vials and elixirs. 7.17 Vials and Flasks How to keep your elixirs, salves, and toxins. 7.18 Liquid Rifts How to keep large amounts of elixirs, salves, and toxins. 7.19 Pets Tame your own furry friends. 7.19.1 Pet reactions Teach your pet to react in a unique manner!