10.6 Cityranks

Aside from the formal governmental positions (see HELP CITYSTRUCTURE), a
citizen in a city-state can have one of six general ranks within a city. These
ranks represent your general status within the city, and as you grow in rank,
you will have the ability to call upon minor city-related powers.

When you join a city, you will automatically be of the lowest rank. HELP
CITYRANKS will show you a list of the city ranks in your city. In order to move
up in rank, you must be cityfavoured by members of the ruling council of your
city. The favour of the head of the council is more valuable than the other
council members. However, if these same people find that your actions bring
shame to the city, they may disfavour you, which can potentially reduce your
city rank.

The abilities city rank confers are:

Rank #          Ability
4               The ability to PREFIX and SUFFIX lower-ranked citizens.
                The ability to use CTP or CTPRIVATE
5               The ability to CITIZEN people.
6               The ability to CITYFAVOUR and CITYDISFAVOUR people.

Additional powers are available to various ministries and their aides - refer to HELP CITYPOWERS for a list.