17.9 Lotteries

In order to participate in an Imperian lottery, go to the lottery office.                                                                 
Once there, you may BUY TICKET IN <lottery #>.

When a lottery is over, the prize will be awarded, and all the land will know who won.                                                           


 - List all lotteries you can participate in. Also lists any tickets you 
   bought in that lottery. Tickets are non-transferrable.

BUY <#> TICKETS IN <lottery#> 
 - Buys tickets in the specified lottery number for yourself. If you want 
   to buy a ticket for a friend, append FOR <friend's name>. Your friend 
   will be notified of your generosity. Note that you can buy as many 
   tickets in a lottery as you can afford.        

LOTTERY INFO <lottery #> 
 - Get information on a lottery.

 - If a special lottery, converts physical tickets to tickets in the lottery. Must be done at the Lottery Office in Caanae.

From Aryana's Spring in Caanae, go N and IN to reach the Lottery Tent.