5.4.39 Profession Skill - Taekate (Monk)
Most of the Taekate abilities are affected by a variety of factors. First, being in a stance modifies the damage and speed of each Taekate attack. You will always want to be in some stance or another while using Taekate. Second, the higher your Taekate, the more likely you are to hit an opponent with a particular attack, and the more damage you will do with that attack.
Alongside choosing a stance, you will also have an ability to Specialize in Kickboxing or Pugilism.
While most of the abilities in this skilltree focus on damaging, or breaking, different body parts of your enemy, the Block abilities will help keep your foe in the room with you.
Though no longer necessary for advancing your Taekate rank, you are able to DEMONSTRATE a series of katas based on your skill level.
To see which katas you are capable of demonstrating, as well as which you have mastered, use KATAS.
Taekate is used by the Monk (HELP MONK) profession.