3.12 Projects

Sometimes it is difficult to organize the communication and activities
between different members of an organization, be it city, guild,
etc. People are often not in the realms at the same time or have a hard
time knowing what their fellow members are doing. The project system
attempts to alleviate some of this difficulty. It aims to provide a way
in which the members of an organization can communicate what is going on
and who is in charge of it (so people may contact them for more

Projects are created by leaders of an organization (or someone with
creation permissions) and each project is assigned a 'leader'. This
leader is then able to update information regarding the project (such as
its name or completion status) as well as add notes so that members know
what the project is about. Two people always have access to modify
and/or delete a project: The organization leader (can affect ANY
project), and the project's leader (can only affect his own project).

   *** The following commands are used to view projects

   PROJECTS [BY <person>] [IN <org pattern>]

      Display a list of projects that are visible to you. Eg. "PROJECTS BY
      BAAR" or "PROJECTS IN antioch" or "PROJECTS IN a*". PROJECTS by
      displays every project. (The BY and IN clauses are optional).

   PROJECT <id>

      Display detailed information on a specific project; including the
      name, status, and description.

   *** These are used by organization leaders and project leaders to
       create/modify/delete a project

   PROJECT NEW IN <org> NAMED <name>

      Create a new project in <org> (must be specified, because you can
      belong to more than one) with the given name. This can only be done
      by the organization leader or a person with the appropriate
      privilege. Once it is created, the project leader may be set.

   PROJECT <id> SET <property> <value>

      This is used to change information about the project. Available
      properties are: 'name', 'status', 'info', and 'leader'. Leader is
      only settable by the organization leader. Name is what is displayed
      in the project listing. Status is a short description of the current
      status of the project (such as "Planning", "80% Complete",
      "Finished", etc). Info is a long description of what the project is
      about. Basically any information that others need to know. Examples:
         PROJECT 1 SET status planning
         PROJECT 1 SET leader


      This will allow you to edit the 'info' property via the Imperian
      composer. Use this when you need some special formatting or are
      setting it to something quite lengthy.


      This will remove the project from all records. Only usable by an
      organization or individual project's leaders.