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Announce News Post #2514

New Death Timers

Written by: Jesse
Date: Saturday, December 28th, 2013
Addressed to: Everyone

Some of the timers related to death have been changed. Here's how it all works now.

When you die, you will immediately start a small script that will send you to Dis. That script takes 20 seconds and then you are placed in Charon's room.

As soon as you are sent to Charon's room, you are afflicted with a debuff that increases the amount of damage you take from other players. If you already have that debuff at the moment that it is applied again, the debuff's strength is increased. The debuff's timer is set to 160 seconds, or 115 seconds if you have the gossamer anchor.

In addition, a 70 second timer is started on your character during which Charon prepares your soul for the journey back to the world of the living. You can continue to act as normal in Charon's room while you wait for this timer, but you cannot request passage during this time.

After that timer finishes, you can request instant passage back to the Prime Material Plane.

The end result is that death will take at least 90 seconds before you come back to life, and at least 180 seconds before you are recovered to full combat effectiveness against other players (135 seconds if you have the anchor).

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Ferinus, in the year 36 AM.

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