Lady Lucasta Alcine, the noble foreigner residing in Stavenn, has sought
a boon of the residents of the Empire. She asks for the return of her
daughter, who sacrificed herself to bring her brother untold power and
the rule of the Empire. Telorin Alcine was corrupted by the demon
Belial, who promised him riches beyond measure, and the position of the
crown of the Imperator. As demons are wont to do, Belial did not keep
his end of the bargain as Telorin expected. Instead of a crown, he
received a prison. Instead of realizing his political dreams, he learned
the citizens of the Empire would not tolerate a foreigner to rule them.
The Lady Lucasta sought out Lord Leisane Nessaja, her haughty demeanor
shattered by the humility of begging the Ephor for his favour in
returning her daughter. The Lord and other leaders of Stavenn came forth
and decided it would be prudent to speak to Belial, to see where the
truth lie. Belial was brought forth by the powers of the pentagram,
ancient words and blood. The demon laughed and provoked those gathered,
Esher, Kearalyse, Ren, Sagron, Xaarin, Marrvus, Elphie and Leisane. The
proud diavlous present, Elphie, Sagron and Xaarin served as guards for
the summoners. The winged creature vaguely answered the questions set
forth in the usual way of demons. It was finally agreed by Belial to
return Elisia in exchange for another. Just before the demon could speak
more, his time on the this plane was severed leaving more unanswered
questions. He left a parting gift to the Empire for disturbing him in
the way of various grimshroud demons and fires.
The Lord Nessaja sought out the Lady and told her of the proceedings. He
also informed the lady that this exchange for the return of her daughter
was not to be given freely. The once proud and prim lady humbled herself
before him and promised him anything for the return of her child. Lady
Lucasta agreed that Lord Leisane Nessaja should be given the position of
steward of her estates and worldly possession, in perpetuity for his
heirs. A further promise was extracted from the lady, and she agreed to
the betrothal of herself and Niccolo, to further bind her wealth and
prestige to the service of the Empire.
As the wedding is planned, and the rituals prepared, the Lady Lucasta
awaits the return of her daughter.
Penned by my hand on the 16th of Tenebrae, in the year 567 AD.