First of all, for those who don't know me, my name is Faith, and I was
until a very short time ago the only rogue Ilaferi I knew of. Not that I
used the name - the quality of the tribe had long since gone downhill.
Several years ago, Phoen (still Narwa'inya at the time) announced that
she was stepping down. Several members of the guild decided that I was
the first choice to be Narwa'inya - but Phoen, Saiji, and Cedahlia,
disliking my attitude in general, quickly informed me that I did little
to no work, did nothing but form useless ideas which I did not act upon,
and that I wasn't even an option. And of course, at this point in time,
five whole guildmembers (despite our numbers then and their efforts to
progress) had the option to vote in an election - obviously not going in
my favour should I even attempt. I left, at which point I was hunted
down. I accepted this, and even let them slay me, as I knew this was
what leaving the guild would do - even though I intended to return when
things had improved.
Now, to cut the rest of the long story short, the pitiful remnants of a
too-proud, too-insistent, too-selective and all together too snobbishly
cliqued group are cast into the same situation I willingly entered. And
you know what? I laugh. It serves you right, Cedahlia, and whatever few
Ilaferi are left.
If there are any 'Ilaferi' left, or even those who lost what they had
but still call themselves such, you are more than welcome to speak to
me. I am not the person your 'leader' made me out to be. Do not let the
spirit of what was once (in ancient times) a wonderful thing, die.
Raerka - I do not fear you. I tried to aide you once, and I gladly would
have again. Do what you wish, I still call myself amazon, even if not in
the spirit that your followers are.
Any retaliation in attempt of mocking who and what I am now will be
summarily ignored.
Sorry to bore the ones who cared not to hear this.
Penned by my hand on the 15th of Naturalis, in the year 453 AD.