Imperian Game News

Public News Posts: 3661-3622

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3661May 17th, 2024Opening Khandava
3660Apr 2nd, 2024Tints for Cosmetics
3659Jul 23rd, 2023Call to the Bards at Heart
3658Jul 7th, 2023Vandalism
3657Jan 22nd, 2023Peace
3656Jan 21st, 2023Celidon?
3655Jan 21st, 2023Bulwer's lies as a Kinsarmarian Representative.
3654Dec 20th, 2022Cancelation of IronBeardmas
3653Dec 11th, 2022Ironbeardmas gift exchange and contest!
3652Jul 3rd, 2022Behlonoch's movements.
3651May 13th, 2022A response to inquiry
3650Feb 22nd, 2022Correcting the correction
3649Feb 22nd, 2022False narrative corrected...
3648Feb 19th, 2022Kinsarmar
3647Feb 19th, 2022Celidon
3646Feb 17th, 2022To whom it may concern
3645Nov 30th, 2021Holiday Season Events - Jannette's Involvement
3644Oct 25th, 2021Lazides
3643Jan 1st, 1970
3642Sep 30th, 2021Ithaqua
3641Sep 11th, 2021Reparations and Blood Sacrifice
3640Sep 2nd, 2021Celidon and the world
3639Apr 28th, 2021Apologies
3638Apr 12th, 2021Ruga and his contest
3637Apr 11th, 2021Passion
3636Apr 11th, 2021*Claps Hands*
3635Apr 11th, 2021Recent News Post Regarding Guild Applications
3634Apr 11th, 2021You obviously dont know me, So dont even know why you are posting.
3633Apr 11th, 2021RE: The Contestation of Guildmaster
3632Apr 10th, 2021Contect of GuildMaster
3631Mar 18th, 2021RE: Snack Time.
3630Mar 16th, 2021RE: Nepotism
3629Mar 16th, 2021Nepotism
3628Mar 13th, 2021Re: The Ithaquan War
3627Mar 13th, 2021The Ithaquan war
3626Feb 26th, 2021Farewell Aetherius
3625Dec 25th, 2020I poke you with a sticky
3624Dec 25th, 2020Perhaps you wanted the other story..
3623Dec 25th, 2020Difference in views of how things went and SHALL go
3622Dec 24th, 2020You will know fear

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2021 and Beyond

Hello Imperian! Another year passes! A few months from now will mark my second year on Aetherius. Time sure flies! However, the vast majority of this wouldn’t happen without our wonderful team of volunteers. Kiandre and Valethar have been with me since last year, and are instrumental with the work they have done for the…
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Sep 2 2021

World Map by Eryx

Check out this world map created by Eryx. Click here for a full-size version.
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Dec 31 2020

Onward to 2021

Hi folks! This year has been a challenge on many of us, and I can only hope the next year goes by more smoothly. Having said that, we have reached the end of 2020, woo! This was my first not-quite-a-year on Imperian, and it has been a whole learning experience. It has been a bit…
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