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Public News Post #2021

Do as I say, not as I do!

Written by: Magnetic Mage, Pyrael Da'Saison
Date: Saturday, September 10th, 2005
Addressed to: Desert Angel, Song Ashtear Anar

Is there some template for replying that all Antiochans are bound to
when speaking to the masses?

-That made me laugh
-It is not my fault
-Its your fault
-You are blinded by bloodlust/magic/hate
-statement of pride

I would really have endured your writing and considered it meaningful
were it not for the lack of understanding on your part. The events in
which your Council so eloquently stated "My god, he broke the cease
fire!" occurred not in Caanae but in the northern wilderness, about the
forked intersection. As all of us were confused in the battle of Caanae,
there were five different sides to that battle, each with their own
purpose and focus, none of us really had any clue who was hitting who
and where. But, I can see how basing your responses on such a confusing
situation would allow you to save face, so I'll concede that I was
confused and had no idea what was going on in Caanae.

Song, as usual you are clueless and oblivious to the world around you.
You would think after fifty odd years of naivety you would outgrow some
of the childhood understandings of the world. First and foremost, you
dwell within one of the most blood soaked lands in all of Aetherius. How
many innocents have been unjustly, as defined by your Shah, sacrificed
to further the call of the Sun Lord? How many Sand-rats have led raids
into other cities, butchering all who stood remotely near their path? I
will admit I was hasty to cut down the Shah of Antioch, but I must
confess that I was not the one who landed the first blow. By the grace
of the Arcane, I was able to at least land the last.

I would really like to hear our definition of 'fairness' cleric. You
come to my city, you batter down our gates and slay our citizens and
politely ask that we remove the defenses that have stood for years and
give up the arts that have been passed down to us by our ancestors. You
ask us to forsake our faith and follow what you 'chosen' few have to
offer as truth? You must be outside your mind sand-rat. What would you,
in your self-righteous wisdom do if the tables were turned and it was
Kinsarmar or Stavenn that was battering down the gates of Antioch
declaring that the only choice you had, aside from destruction, was to
embrace the heresy of the magrek? I'll tell you what you'll do, as this
has already occurred, you will complain, you will snivel and you will
pray to your gods for the strength to smite the invaders upon your land,
just as those of Kinsarmar are doing. The end result of this is the
mythical double standard of lifestyle, "Do as I say, not as I do!"

So, now that we've established that you'll do near anything to defend
your beliefs, but assault and mar the names of those who do the same
against you and that you're quite confused as to the matters at hand, I
think I've pretty much limited your response to a couple of poorly tied
together semi-witty insults. Though, considering it took you a month or
two to get your story straight and you still got it wrong, I can
understand the frustration that led to such remarks. How about we just
agree that you stay in your little sand-box of preaching and overseeing
hospices and I'll stay within the Vardarian playing with my little
crystals and basking in the magrek that flows through my veins? Then, we
don't ever have a chance to indulge each others bloodlust.

Give my regards to you magrek loving husband and his magrek practicing
Pyrael Da'saison

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Naturalis, in the year 472 AD.

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