It is quite nice that time and your current state have enabled you to
reign in your eternally foul mouth and attempt to flower it with
insincere words dressed with the shawl of a humble individual attempting
to place blame elsewhere. Normally I would not get involved in this
affair, but as you have mentioned my name and the name of those I still
call friends and family (sans Aakrin and Sietta), then I seek to perhaps
point something out. I will not speak on the situation in Ithaqua, as
I've neither the knowledge, nor the care for what happens in the frozen
wastes any longer, but, with regards to Harker's person, and your
accusations against him, I am sure many of them are quite true. In fact,
I know many of them are, and those who believe otherwise are sorely
mistaken. But unfortunately for yourself, as true as your lift of
Harker's offenses, so are the lists of your own. Some may hail you as
being a great, if not cruel leader, but you are simply an individual
full of passion. Passion for himself. Which is not a crime, but tends to
cloud his own vision. You've a habit of running to those you pledged as
foes the moment you don't get your way, and you lash out at the only
individuals who see fit to tolerate you. Simply because those who
support you have not seen this yet, does not mean they will. Kabal, you
are every much the individual you are painting Harker to be, if not
more. You revel in the hypocrisy and the back stabbing and the back
biting self-serving nature. Which you've oft conveniently labeled as
tasks for your once Mistress.
While perhaps your words will touch the souls of some forgiving
innocents, or simply those who's heads are too deep in that which you
spiced your previous post with, as shown by the posts of others, most of
us have grown tired of yourself and your nature. If you wish to settle
your argument with Harker face to face, please use letters. They still
have a mail service in Antioch I believe. Good day, and good luck.
-Alakshmi S'Sylistha, Lady of the Damned
Penned by my hand on the 25th of Bellum, in the year 474 AD.