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Public News Post #3384


Written by: Lady Sanai Vladin, Aryana's Judgement
Date: Monday, December 20th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

Due to his propensity for evading righteous judgement and being a repetitive thorn in our side, the Council of Khandava is offering a bounty of fifteen thousand gold for the head of Nearyku Il'andor for the crimes of murder and trespassing, until such a time as he refrains from accosting our citizenry and blighting our territories.

All claims and claimants will be verified for intent. Members of organizations unwelcome within Khandava's territories with an otherwise neutral record against the Council may make claims at a reduced bounty of ten thousand gold.

-- SV

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Tenebrae, in the year 626 AD.

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