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Public News Post #3387

The Order of the Six Suns

Written by: Ryax Lokrien, Devoted Disciple
Date: Wednesday, January 19th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone


Since I have been approached concerning the Order of Lord Baar numerous times over the
past year, I am publicly clearing up any and all confusion concering the Suns and Lord
Baar. Aeorden has not tainted us with his presence for many months now, and does not speak
for the Lord on any matter. He is clearly a troubled demoner, and should not be trusted
with either his word or sanity.

The Lord stands behind Antioch, first and foremost. Being His chosen city, and His chosen
people for eons past, Antioch is His concern. Those who trifle with the Sands trifle with
His realm, and shall be dealt with accordingly. Though He does not speak for Antioch in an
official capacity, Lord Baar seeks to protect and guide His city. This includes, but is not
limited to, following Antioch's ancient tradition of rejection of Magick and Demonology.
These two traits are strictly forbidden within His Order, and as such, it is clean of
this taint.

The Order does welcome any who are pure that wish to follow the Suns' tenets. We are always
accepting new members to instruct in the ways of the Suns and those who wish to be allied
with the Order, if not officially a part of it. Currently I am His Voice, and any such queries
or other questions should be directed to me.


Ryax Lokrien

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Solis, in the year 628 AD.

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