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Public News Post #3389

Of interest to the Abhaen and Antioch

Written by: Cannibal Patek Qaqyesil
Date: Monday, January 24th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone

This is intended primarily for the peoples of Antioch, and the Abhaen.

A rumour has been spread by the current Grandmistress of Manoa, Broll, that I had intent to cease smithing and producing goods for the people of Antioch, and for the people of Manoa. Her words to Manoa were,

"Patek even went so far as to stop making leather armour for the city and guild."

At the time of her saying this, this was untrue - but now that she has slandered me, it is true regarding her guild. I offered her the opportunity to retract this slander, but her refusal requires consequence - and I can think of none better than making at least half her slander true. Manoa will not benefit from my work, henceforth.

She also stated that I had killed an Antiochan, an ironworker. I did kill an ironworker - and the ironworker is demonstrably, and as noted by the Mukhtahrs, not Antiochan. This slander, too, I gave her chance to retract.

So. The shop I smith for has been denuded of all leather goods of my crafting. It may be that other Justicars might produce goods of leather for the shop, I don't know - I would like to think they might object to the slander of one of their own, but I will bear them no ill should they do so.

However, this also affects the Abhaen, who wear leathers as well. To them, I can only offer that if you see me about, speak with me, and I will smith for you what you might need, at the cost of materials. My regrets for that inconvenience.

Cannibal Patek Qaqyesil

Postscript - how does anyone -mistakenly- post here? It costs gold to post here. I never knew that.

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Ultio, in the year 628 AD.

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