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Public News Post #3394

Caanae Combat Tournament

Written by: Lord Apoloc Farrell, of the Empire
Date: Sunday, May 8th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Aetherius,

It is with pleasure that I announce a revolution to the world of combat. A tournament for warriors, by warriors, for all to witness. I am hereby accepting applications for entry into the Caanae Combat Tourney.

Any and all warriors are able to join in this event, entries fees will be required, Opponents will be chosen at random and given a time for their match.

The matches will be one versus one, in a single room. All matches will be held at Aryana's Spring so that all may bear witness to the prowess of combat by the best of those who do it. Combat will be limited to the two fighters involved, the fights will be overseen by myself alongside other trusted individuals.

Entry fees will be assessed at 10,000 gold per competitor, with an overall grand prize of 300,000 gold to the victor, alongside bragging rights and the title of Aetherian Champion.

There are no divine involved, the blood is real, the skill is real, those interested must message me with their name, no gold is required until the tourney begins. The 300,000 reward is fronted by myself, if others wish to donate to the pot they may do so and be recognized or they may do so and remain anonymous. Organizations may also donate to the pot.

Champions may be appointed by Organizations to show their pride and respect for their nominated individual.

If for some reason you are not able to message me, i.e. I'm ignoring you because you're an idiot, please find someone else to message me so you may join. There is no favoritism involved her, idiots and geniuses may apply.

As of now there is no set date until I can determine how many individuals are interested, so please get to me quickly so we can assess the matches and come to a date to begin the first round of this Tourney.


Penned by my hand on the 4th of Fas, in the year 637 AD.

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