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Public News Post #3400

Kinsarmar's surrender

Written by: Ryax Lokrien, Devoted Disciple
Date: Thursday, June 23rd, 2011
Addressed to: Duke Mathiu Kislev, Quintessential Voice

Dear Dukie and Ereges of Kinsarmar,

I am prepared to offer you the following conditions on the surrender of Kinsarmar:

1. All magickal objects within the city shall be properly disposed of. This includes, but is not limited to, sigils, rune-etched weapons and armor, and any items with magickal effects. This includes instruments. While they are not magickal themselve, they do annoy me.

2. Ever Kinsarmar citizen shall leave the city and seek a new residence. Where they go, I do not care, as long as they leave.

3. Kinsarmar shall pay me one-half of its current treasury for decades of emotional distress and physical hardship in chasing down fleeing Kinsarmarians.

4. The other half of Kinsarmar's treasury shall be distributed to needy novices in Antioch and Ithaqua. Let it be known that Ryax Lokrien cares for the future development of those who reject magick.

5. The Council of Ereges and the Duke himself shall submit on bended knee to myself at Aryana's Spring and beg for forgiveness for decades of forcing me to kill your Lorekeeper knights and Braylith. It gets tiring after a while.

6. After the evacuation of Kinsarmar by its citizenry is complete, the townes currently held under Kinsarmarian banner shall be evacuated as well, with removal of magick following the preceding guidelines. I need estates in the countryside, afterall.

Upon completion of this surrender of Kinsarmar, the city shall henceforth be known as "Ryaxen". This new city, based upon the principles of whatever I feel like at the moment, shall be open for membership to those who cast magick and demonology aside. I shall maintain strict dictatorial powers within Ryaxen's sphere of influence. Current citizens of the city that will be formerly known as Kinsarmar will not be allowed to apply for citizenship.

Also, I want Mathiu's estate in the city leveled and a statue of myself, with the base encompassing the entire plot, erected in my honor. This is non-negotiable.

You have six months to comply, Duke. I suggest you start packing up.

Ryax Lokrien

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Ultio, in the year 640 AD.

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