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Public News Post #3405


Written by: Shadow Hunter Kellin Iolar, Paladin of Vahin
Date: Saturday, July 9th, 2011
Addressed to: Lionas Sol'Anlumaire

Dear Sir, I feel the need to address certain things that might've been said.

First of all, no sane person should fault someone for defending their home. I wouldn't hold it against the meekest Kinsarmarian were he to tentacle me from the sky as I sought to deliver Justice. I am an enemy and Kinsarmar is his home. To fault someone for defending their home is questionable, at best.

Secondly, you know full well I will duel you, or anyone else who wants a go anytime they please. You answered my last request for a duel after ambushing me in an area where I was unable to lay traps. I respect that, nor did I fault you for fleeing when you realized you were missing some necessary toxins. However, to bring armed forces into our desert is *NOT* a duel. Given the current state of things, it is an act of war. You didn't seem to be too concerned with relative numbers of forces when you entered our city and slew our guards. It simply doesn't reflect well to complain about us having more than you the next time you try.

Thirdly, to make this clear, once I have delivered Justice to any one of those with blood on their hands, I will not hunt them down again. The incident with a certain Kinsarmarian dying twice was because the first death was clearly in error on my part and was not Just. I simply didn't want to be accused of needing siege weapons to do the job so I repeated it. However, that individual nor the lorekeeper who met a similar fate need worry about me again unless they choose to spill more Antiochian blood.

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Vita, in the year 642 AD.

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