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Public News Post #3407

Galt's posting

Written by: Knight Apprentice Elyssa Blackmoor
Date: Thursday, September 22nd, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone

I am writing in response to Galt's posting regarding the situation between Insinyan, my father, and I. I almost didn't reply but he's putting it all in such a bad light that I'd like my voice heard. Please bear with me as I am not a very talented public speaker, rather shy, and have never posted anything before. I'll try to make this short and sweet, you've had enough wordy posts lately. I also wanted to apologize because this has been given FAR too much attention over city channel and now over the news.
1. No one encouraged me to exaggerate what happened with Insinyan. It is foolish to assume that. 2. My father encouraged me NOT to press charges against Insinyan. 3. I was informed that I could press charges against someone if they comitted a crime against me and I did, just as Insinyan did.4. There is some perversion going on behind these city walls, but it's not being inflicted upon justice. 5. No one was trying to help me get 'my daddy' off the hook. The people I spoke with were trying to gather evidence and get to the bottom of a bad situation for all involved. They were fair, professional, and respectful of a delicate situation. I am proud of all who were involved in the investigation. It was a real learning experience to see how the legal system works (tho I do hope I don't see it again for a LONG while!).
I'd like to move on peacefully, quietly, and I wish everyone involved health, happiness, and prosperity. Even Galt. If anyone has anything else to say, I'd really appreciate it if it could be done in a less public forum. The situation is done and over with and both parties who've done wrong are dealing with the consequences.
Elyssa Blackmoor

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Vita, in the year 648 AD.

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