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Public News Post #3417

In Service

Written by: Neko Savann, the Blessed Guide
Date: Tuesday, November 8th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings, Aetherius.

Loathe am I to post in the public forum, and forgiveness is in order due the tardy nature of this posting, but it is necessary that I speak to you briefly.

In today's world, there are many vices and evils which might draw a mortal into their tightly wound coils. Corruption runs rampant, and threatens to take the pure, or even the mildly impure, and spread it awash with disease and ruin.

Of late, we have witnessed one very such instance. The Redwood has fallen further, from the simply misguided, to the deeply deceived. Many choose to remain and allow themselves to pursue this deception, and many flee, wishing no such part in it.

I stand here now to offer those of you who were once smudged by the mild taint of magick, and even those who were covered in the filth of demonology, a chance at a new and better life - one of virtue and service to others, of purity and clean spirit. Each and every one of the Khandavan refugees is welcome to join the order of Clerics.

While it is and has been my policy as the Blessed Guide to offer refuge to all wayward souls, no matter their circumstance, it holds even more true now that the whole world stands witness to the further degradation of a magickal land.

It is not my intention to cause harm, nor intend I to cause insult to any who do not wish to accept my welcome. I only hope that in time you will see my offer as a gift, rather than a threat to your individuality. Please, for the good of your own self, come home, and see what warmth our family might offer you.

In Service,
Neko Savann, Blessed Guide

Penned by my hand on the 11th of Letum, in the year 652 AD.

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