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Public News Post #3422


Written by: Neko Savann, the Blessed Guide
Date: Monday, January 23rd, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone

People of Aetherius,

The world is a treacherous and hurtful place.

Souls are wrenched and tormented by the strains of life, and darkened by the lies of power. Hearts are weakened by lies and anger and lead astray by the whims of the fickle.

If there be only hate and pain in this world, then so can mortals only be - evil and withered and decrepit.

That, fortunately, be not the case.

There is a place of peace and hope in this world, there is a place where the suffering and anguish of the soul can be assuaged.

This place is each of location, state of mind, and a state of heart.

Repent, you misled, tainted, and unholy.

Receive redemption and ultimate forgiveness by declaring yourself clean and misled no more.

Cleanse your spirit, for your own good, for the good of the world.

Find yourself.

Feel no more this pain, no more this misery, no more this darkness.

We who are pure welcome you to come home.


Penned by my hand on the 6th of Letum, in the year 658 AD.

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