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Public News Post #3439

Jargon and vitriol.

Written by: Sir Justus Thorondor, Tempest's Fury
Date: Thursday, June 28th, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone

To the followers of the Sev..Six Suns.

There is no war. It was not declared. It is not acknowledged by your Lord Baar Himself, having had the pleasure to converse with Him just this month.

Water plays a simple, yet none the less vital role in the realm. It is a cycle, a natural part of life. Your Suns, diminishing in number though they are, do not vanquish Water but instead evaporate it. Given that you live in a desert, and water is quintessential to your survival, I'd have expected better.

If you come against the Lady Lianthe, that is your choice. I am not going to stand and posture or make an idle threat. Just accept the responsibility for your actions when the time comes for me to collect the debt.

You might evaporate us. We'll condense and return. I'll leave it to you to learn what comes next.

To the rest of Aetherius, I am sorry to waste your time. No doubt Kailynn has made your eyes bleed and I've only served to further that.


Justus Thorondor

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Solis, in the year 670 AD.

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