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Public News Post #3447

Tidings of War

Written by: Sir Bathan Zran, the Tsunami
Date: Wednesday, August 29th, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone

Empress Naelia,

The Empire has tried multiple times to speak with you, or any ranking official of your tribe able to pass along word of our intent. Polite communication has failed, and now I am forced to take more forward action.

The time for the division of the Kohdon tribes has ended. If you look around, you see that our numbers have dwindled. Of the tribes that once remained, two are left, yours, and the Kohdon of the towne of Blackthorne.

I, Bathan Zran, a Kohdon of pure blood, am offering you the chance to join with the others under my command in Blackthorne. Should you join of your own volition, you will be welcome to remain in the Acropolis, a sovereign nation, allied with the Empire, awaiting further orders. You will not be treated as slaves, but as equals, given the chance to obtain your own ranks and fortunes.

Should you choose to decline, or worse, offer no response, the Empire will bring war to your Acropolis until you submit. I have no desire to spill the blood of our people, but I will not hesitate to do what must be done, for the good of our people.

We must unite under one banner, that of the Empire. From there, we may discuss our fate.

You have one month from the time of this posting to decide how you will approach this. I am, of course, more than willing to meet at your behest.

Sir Bathan Zran

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Naturalis, in the year 675 AD.

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