Game Help
Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play.
2 Basic Commands
2.1 [0;36mMovement [0;33mHow to move around in Imperian. 2.1.1 [0;36mEndurance [0;33mWhat is endurance and how can you run out. 2.1.2 [0;36mPathFinding [0;33mFind the shortest path to a location. 2.1.3 [0;36mCoaches [0;33mLimited automated travel throughout Imperian. 2.1.4 [0;36mPortals [0;33mPortals available only to new players. 2.1.5 [0;36mDestinations [0;33mA list of places where the Portal exits lead. 2.2 [0;36mObstacles [0;33mObstacles that may impede your movement. 2.3 [0;36mInventory [0;33mLooking at things you are holding. 2.3.1 [0;36mCategories [0;33mCategorise your inventory. 2.4 [0;36mObjects [0;33mDealing with objects generally. 2.5 [0;36mLooking [0;33mLooking at your surroundings. 2.6 [0;36mBaseCommands [0;33mA list of some basic commands. 2.6.1 [0;36mAttacking [0;33mA list of the attacks used by the 'attack' command. 2.6.2 [0;36mNewbie [0;33mCheck the newbie commands here! 2.7 [0;36mAliases [0;33mAbout Imperian's internal alias system. 2.7.1 [0;36mAutotracking [0;33mInformation about Imperian's variable tracking. 2.8 [0;36mWholist [0;33mInformation on how to see who is online. 2.8.1 [0;36mWhoColour [0;33mSetting the colours you see on who. 2.9 [0;36mMarks [0;33mMark players for quick identification. 2.10 [0;36mLandmarks [0;33mTotally lost? Read this. 2.11 [0;36mLook [0;33mLooking at things in other's inventories. 2.12 [0;36mConfig [0;33mConfigurable options within Imperian. 2.13 [0;36mMaps [0;33mImperian's built-in map system. 2.14 [0;36mQuit [0;33mLogging out of Imperian. 2.15 [0;36mTasks [0;33mBasic tasks to familiarize yourself with Imperian. 2.16 [0;36mConsider [0;33mEstimate the strength of a mobile. 2.17 [0;36mQueueing [0;33mQueue commands for quick execution.