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8.12 Guildhalls
One of the benefits to being in a guild is access to its guildhall and its many amenities. The Guildmaster can use the following commands to build or modify their guildhalls. GUILDHALL SUMMARY This command can be used by any member of the guild. It will display any special information about your guildhall. GUILDHALL ROOMS List all the rooms in your guildhall, including the room names needed for attaching rooms with new exits. Any member of the guild can use this command. GUILDHALL BUILD ROOM <dir> Build a new room for your guildhall in the direction. A guildhall can have a maximum of 20 rooms. A new room will cost you 250,000 gold. GUILDHALL DEMOLISH ROOM <dir> This command will destroy a room. If other rooms are attached to this room you could end up orphaning them and creating problems for yourself, so be careful! GUILDHALL BUILD EXIT <dir> TO <room name> This command will allow you to attach rooms within your a guildhall. Building a new exit will cost 10,000 gold. GUILDHALL DEMOLISH EXIT <dir> Destroys an exit in the guildhall. You could end up orphaning a room this way and then you would have to create an exit to it to reach it. Be careful! GUILDHALL BUILD DOOR <dir> Use this command to attach a door to an existing exit. This command will cost 10,000 gold. GUILDHALL DEMOLISH DOOR <dir> Destroy a door in a direction. GUILDHALL HIDE EXIT <dir> This command will hide an existing exit from the view of mortals. This command will cost 100,000 gold. GUILDHALL REVEAL EXIT <dir> This command will reveal any hidden exits. GUILDHALL ADD LOCK <dir> This will add a lock to a door. This will cost 1,000 gold. GUILDHALL REMOVE LOCK <dir> Remove a lock from a door. GUILDHALL LOCKWORK <key> <dir> Using a blank key, you may fashion it to work on a lock in your guildhall. You can get a blank key from any locksmith with 1000 gold and the REQUEST KEY command. Keys purchased in this manner will be loyal to you. GUILDHALL SET ENVIRONMENT <type> You can change the environment of your room to one of 6 types. Urban, Garden, Path, Natural Underground, Constructed Underground, and Freshwater. Changing the environment of a room will cost 10,000 gold. GUILDHALL SET ROOM TITLE <description> This command changes the brief description of the room you are in. This command will cost 10,000 gold. GUILDHALL EDIT ROOM DESCRIPTION This command will take you to the Imperian editor where you can change the verbose description of the room you are in. This command will cost 50,000 gold. GUILDHALL SET <INDOORS|OUTDOORS> This command change your room to indoors or outdoors. This command will cost 10,000 gold. GUILDHALL PURCHASE <add on> There are several addons you can purchase. Gold will be removed directly from the guildmaster's inventory. Choose from the following list: - MERCENARY_BOARD - Cost: 100,000 gold - NEWSROOM - Cost: 500,000 gold - POSTOFFICE - Cost: 500,000 gold - KENNEL - Cost: 1,000,000 gold - STABLE - Cost: 1,000,000 gold - FORGE - Cost: 1,000,000 gold - TROPHYCASE - Cost: 1,000,000 gold - STOVE - Cost: 1,000,000 gold - RESERVE BONUS - Cost: 2,000,000 gold - PRIVACY - Cost: 5,000,000 gold - STOREROOM - Cost: 5,000,000 gold - EXPERIENCE BONUS - Cost: 10,000,000 gold The storeroom will decrease item decay by half. The trophycase is a very nice way to store the heads of your fallen foes. Use the commands PUT <head> IN CASE and GET <head name> FROM CASE to use it. PROBE CASE will allow you to view your glorious collection. The Reserve and Experience Bonuses will give a 10% increase. - Purchase these with GUILD PURCHASE <RESERVES|EXPERIENCE> BONUS Guilds can also purchase the following rooms, but they can only be purchased by guilds that specialise in certain professions. Each of these addons cost 100,000 gold. - PRESERVATION_ROOM - Assassin, Predator, Renegade - SUMMONING_ROOM - Summoner - PORTRAIT_ROOM - Bard - DRYING_ROOM - Predator - TRAINING_ROOM - Monk - HATCHERY - Templar, Deathknight, Runeguard - TREE_ROOM - Defiler, Druid - WORKSHOP - Bard - CONJURING_ROOM - Mage GUILDHALL REMOVE <add on> Use this command to remove an add on from a room. You will NOT get your money back.