Game Help Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play. Help: [Return to Help Index]15 Policies15.1 Policysummary Summary of Imperian's policies. 15.2 Underage What we expect in the way of maturity. 15.3 Seconds The rules of second characters. 15.4 Multiplaying The rules for multiplaying. 15.5 Playerkilling Guidelines for killing other players. 15.6 Honour Guidelines for acceptable behavior. 15.7 Roleplaying Read about roleplaying in Imperian. 15.7.1 Channel Imperian's Roleplaying Request Channel. 15.8 Spamming Rules pertaining to spamming. 15.9 Charactersharing Sharing characters is strictly forbidden. 15.10 Triggers Our policy on triggers and automation. 15.11 Harassment Just say no! 15.12 AFK Going Away-From-Keyboard. 15.13 Languagerules Don't offend people with obnoxious language. 15.14 OOC The OOC disease.