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24.5.4 Promotions Market
The promotions market is a marketplace (similar to the credit market, HELP CREDITS) within which you can sell most tradeable promotion items. You can view the items for sale using PROMO MARKET [list of filters] Any number of filters can be placed in any order to modify the results returned. Special filters --------------- The following special filters restrict the results returned: - POSTED will only return the items that you placed for sale. - LOWEST will only return the lowest-priced item of each type - These can be used together (along with any other filters) Other filters ------------- All other filters will ADD matching items to the list returned (increasing the number of items, not restricting them). Any word within the name of an item is a valid filter that will return items with that word. The item type for an item will return anything with that type (e.g. CHAIN) And the following filters will return special families of items - FAMILIAR will show familiars for sale - VANITYPET or VANITY_PET will show vanity pets for sale - SUMMONINGHORN will show all summoning horns for sale (HELP HORNS) - ETHEREALCHAIN will show all ethereal chains for sale - ASSEMBLYPIECE will show all artifact assembly pieces for sale - <SET NAME><PIECE NAME> will show pieces of that assembly vanity item for sale - e.g. SUNSCLOAK, MOONSANKLET, VOLCANOCHOKER, etc - <SETNAME>SET will show pieces of that assembly vanity item SET for sale - e.g. SUNSSET will return pieces of SUNSCLOAK, SUNSANKLET, SUNSHORN, SUNSCROWN and SUNSCHOKER - Valid sets: SUNS MOONS ICE FOREST GHOST VOLCANO CYCLONE MOUNTAIN WAVE LIGHTNING CONVERGENCE ETHEREAL ROTTEN DESERT - Valid piece names: CLOAK ANKLET HORN CROWN CHOKER - WATERWALK will show pieces of the waterwalking phial for sale - METEOR will show pieces of the Celestial Meteor for sale - BRUSH will show pieces of The Brush of the Creator for sale - STATUE will show pieces of the Broken Statue for sale - COMPASS will show pieces of the Pathfinder Compass for sale - DEVOURING will show pieces of the Bag of Devouring for sale - LASSO will show all pieces of the Hunter's Lasso for sale - ANCESTRAL will show all ancestral stones (those used for limited-availability races) To add an item to the market, simply use PROMO SELL <item> FOR <price> [CREDITS|GOLD]. This will list the item for sale. If you decide you wish to change the price or remove an item from the market, you can PROMO REMOVE <item>. To purchase an item, use PROMO BUY <item> <confirm> The list of items that can be sold on the market is extensive, and includes the following: - Assembly artifact pieces (but not the assembled artifacts) - Transformation wands - Vanity Pets and Familiars - Summoning horns - Idol pieces - Spheres of the Gods - Lucky clovers (that have not already been ripped) - Atlas pages - Unbound Tokens of the Creators - Giftbag soulstones - Ethereal Chains - Ancestral Stones - Racial Chips - Special Mounts and Pets - Entity Spheres - Dolls