Game Help

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17.22 Scavenger Hunt

A Scavenger Hunt is a game in which you are given clues to various items or creatures found throughout Aetherius that you must find.


See how much time remains in the game, a list of the clues, and a checkbox for all of the clues that you have already successfully solved.

See the full text of a clue.

Attempt to solve a clue with a current item. Note that depending on the clue, this may be a specific denizen (e.g. gnome1234) or any corresponding item (e.g. sword). 

Attempt to solve a clue this location. In particular, this is to be used if the clue represents a specific location.

Clues do not have to be solved in any particular order.

The game will run until all of the clues have been solved by one person, or until the time runs out. If the time runs out, the person who has solved the most clues will be the winner.