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Public News Post #3472

Cult of the Keh'ulani

Written by: Spirit Eyes, Xylia El'Zaahir the Lykaina Alpha
Date: Saturday, January 12th, 2013
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Public and Public alike.

I'm not one for public posts or advertising of any sort. So let's call this an informational read. Regardless if you know me for my charming disposition, horrid accent, old haggis yowl, or whatever tickles your fanny; I've got something that some of you may want to know. I will keep this brief.

Amazon women are still very much here and have been. This is not to be confused or identified with Ilaferi, An'sheri, or any tribe of sorts. Amazons walk this land as commonly as those who wear boots.

The cult of the Keh'ulani exists. Keh'ulani are the guardians of the Amazon race and have been so since the first organization of Amazons. These spirits speak different to all women who hold the Amazon fyre making every path unique.

Regardless if you are an Amazon who prefers the solitary life, the sisterhood, or find yourself being pulled towards this lifestyle; I will answer whatever questions you have.

The Cult will not recruit women for the sake of recruiting.

Unfortunately, restrictions apply to those of the male persuasion. My eye sight may be foggy, and my ears may be clogged, but I know a man in a dress any day. You can thank Jugs and his pink dress escapades.

Safe keepings Aetherius,

Spirit Eyes, Xylia El'Zaahir

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Ferinus, in the year 8 AM.

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