Imperian Game News

Public News Posts: 3461-3422

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3461Oct 19th, 2012Me
3460Oct 18th, 2012Threats
3459Oct 17th, 2012Marksman's Misguided Musings
3458Oct 17th, 2012My Gratitude
3457Oct 15th, 2012Death continues
3456Oct 8th, 2012Complying with the Accord
3455Oct 7th, 2012Contrevention of Accord...already
3454Oct 6th, 2012Unification
3453Oct 5th, 2012The Empire and the Demon Gods
3452Oct 5th, 2012The Deadwood
3451Oct 5th, 2012The Alliance
3450Sep 28th, 2012Tournament
3449Sep 1st, 2012Common Ground
3448Aug 29th, 2012The Temple
3447Aug 29th, 2012Tidings of War
3446Aug 25th, 2012Advisor Election
3445Aug 10th, 2012An invitation.
3444Jul 25th, 2012Corrections
3443Jul 25th, 2012On the Purity of Magick, and Wisdom
3442Jul 25th, 2012Unruly Children and Motherhood
3441Jul 1st, 2012Call to Arms!
3440Jun 29th, 2012---
3439Jun 28th, 2012Jargon and vitriol.
3438Jun 28th, 2012Down with Lianthe, it is Time for Change
3437Jun 26th, 2012Immigration
3436Jun 11th, 2012Kinsarmar's Open Hand to the Xiur
3435Jun 9th, 2012Name change
3434Jan 1st, 1970
3433Jun 2nd, 2012New Si'aetri
3432Mar 14th, 2012Your Followers and their Actions
3431Feb 14th, 2012Lunar Love Research
3430Feb 6th, 2012Bargain!
3429Feb 6th, 2012Free?
3428Feb 6th, 2012For those who don't wanna pay...
3427Feb 6th, 2012End of Open Amnesty
3426Feb 1st, 2012Songs of the World
3425Jan 23rd, 2012Truth
3424Jan 23rd, 2012Antioch Special
3423Jan 23rd, 2012Public Amnesty
3422Jan 23rd, 2012Redemption

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2021 and Beyond

Hello Imperian! Another year passes! A few months from now will mark my second year on Aetherius. Time sure flies! However, the vast majority of this wouldn’t happen without our wonderful team of volunteers. Kiandre and Valethar have been with me since last year, and are instrumental with the work they have done for the…
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Sep 2 2021

World Map by Eryx

Check out this world map created by Eryx. Click here for a full-size version.
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Dec 31 2020

Onward to 2021

Hi folks! This year has been a challenge on many of us, and I can only hope the next year goes by more smoothly. Having said that, we have reached the end of 2020, woo! This was my first not-quite-a-year on Imperian, and it has been a whole learning experience. It has been a bit…
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